FUTURES 1 evolution. Mexborough Futures ispartofthisprocess. and principlesfor itsfuture change, growth and the town hasaclearplanwhichestablishes priorities In atimeofsignificant uncertainty, itisimportant that investment andlasting improvements for thetown centre. Vision andStrategy, that aimsto deliver regeneration, Mexborough Futures isaninitiative, supported by a What istheprocess? Futures? What isMexborough public transport isencouraged over private place where pedestrian, cycle mobilityand future. Mexborough town centre willbea centres across theUKnow andinthe take onchallengesthat are affecting town quality place that isbetter equippedto town centre into asustainable andhigh Mexborough Futures willtransform the encourage future investment inMexborough. and shapepotential improvements and design andqualityprinciplesto guide comprehensive documentswillestablish a Vision, astrategy andaMasterplan, these change for thetown centre. Comprised of will bringaboutsignificantpositive Mexborough Futures isaninitiative that MEXBOROUGH FUTURES:VISION PAST that exist. as theopportunitiesfor changeandimprovement issues affecting Mexborough town centre, as well During 2019, we builtupan understanding ofthe employment opportunitiesincludingshop business premises to supportarange of There willalsobeawidevariety of under-utilised spaces above shops. for redevelopment andconversion of provided by capitalisingonopportunities a diversity of needs,withnew homes which vary inprice andtenure to suit variety of choices for town centre living Proposals includeoffering awider and theattractiveness of thetowns streets. including street trees, willimprove airquality to use;andincreased town centre planting, to bebetter connected andmore convenient vehicles. Transport Public systems willneed Who isproducing it? investment strategy for Council. masterplans, andrecently completed amasterplan and in developing town centre regeneration and investment Masterplan. DLA have extensive experience across theUK Doncaster Council to supporttheminproducing the David Lock Associates (DLA) have beenappointed by Passenger Transport Executive and Ward Councillors. including; Elected Mayor Ros Jones,SouthYorkshire the masterplan, working withawiderange ofpartners Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council isproducing any suggestions andprioritiesyou may alsohave. on theseproposals –positive ornegative –alongwith for thetown centre. We now want to hearyour views which we thinkcould bringaboutlasting improvements identified, we have prepared a series ofproposals In response to the issue andopportunitieswe NOW live, work, shopandvisit. a place where peoplewant to Mexborough Futures willcreate sense of place, community andidentity. centre, contributing to Mexborough’s strong integral role inthevibrancy of thetown Leisure andculture facilities willplay an hopefully improve patronage of themarket. the surrounding streets andspaces and Way willgreatly improve connections to appearance whenviewed from Greens particularly interms of access anditsoverall Opportunities to improve theMarket Hall, units, workshops andsmalloffice spaces. future for Mexborough. is working towards thesamegoalsfor avibrant andsuccessful This coordinated, policy-based approach willensure everyone happens to Mexborough town centre inthefuture. future planningapplications thusproviding context say onwhat complete, becomes amaterial consideration whenconsidering will become partofDoncaster Council planning policy, andonce secure fundingto helpimplement the proposals. The Masterplan locations andwillsupporttheCouncil withsubmitting bidsto The overall Masterplan willidentify priority projects inkey plan for how thisvisioncould come about. long-term vision,aset ofobjectives andprinciples,aguiding opportunities arise. This willbeachieved by establishing aclear is capableofresponding andadaptingto changeasandwhen of thetown centre over thecoming years, to ensure thetown The masterplan willbeusedto guidetheevolution andgrowth What isitusedfor? early 2021. and thefinal reworked document publishedin engagement withtheCouncil andstakeholders, where practical. This willberefined through update ourproposed masterplan for thetown that from otherstakeholders, anduseitto We willlisten to your feedback, alongwith FUTURE 2 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES TOWN CENTREANALYSIS MEXBOROUGH TODAY sets outourassessment ofthetown centre asitstands today. Weaknesses, OpportunitiesandThreats (SWOT) inaplace. This board The first step inproducing amasterplan is to understand Strengths, 3 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES Existing Access +Circulation ACCESS +CIRCULATION /PUBLICREALM MEXBOROUGH TODAY Pedestrianised HighStreet Footpath/pedestrian onlyroutes Route through carpark On-street footway Bus Stops Eastbound /Westbound Westbound BusRoutes Eastbound Bus Routes One Way Night Deliveries Only One Way Route Two Way Access 200m BusStop RadiusWestbound 200m BusStop RadiusEastbound conflict Major points ofvehicle-pedestrian Courtesy crossings e.g. at roundabouts Controlled crossing prioritisation of vehicular access vehicular of prioritisation car parks and the bus and railway stations due to including at each end of the High Street, some pedestrians and vehicles at key locations • There is potential for conflict between safe convenient and pedestrian movement Roundabout Greens Way and present barriers to routes but the presence of the Hartley Street • There is agood network of pedestrian in or around the town centre • There is almost no dedicated cycling provision Pedestrian Cycle and Movement need forneed some complex one-way requirements town centre resulting in limited access and the pedestrian) movement south and north into the • Greens Way is abarrier to vehicular and accessed from Station Road • There is asignificant amount of surface parking the busiest times of use Street has created atraffic-free environment for • The day-time pedestrianisation of the High Vehicle Access access convenient services have two providing more even and within the town centre whereas westbound • Eastbound bus services have only one stop minutes walk of the railway station • Eastbound bus services have no stop within 5 services can be accessed from • There is no single location where all bus confusing and westbound which can be inconvenient and services Bus take• different routes eastbound Buses analysis ofthecurrent access andcirculation situation inMexborough. bus aswell ascarsisimportantto itssuccess. This board setsout movement to, from andaround thetown centre by walking, cycling, Town centres are themost connected partsofaplace. Easeof Public Realm centre are unwelcoming: parks car surrounding neighbourhoods town and Walking cycling and routes to the centre vehicles would provide substantial benefits to the town and the prioritisation of walking and cycling over • Improvements to the quality and width of footways exist which buildings and as well as blocking views of the high quality historic • On-street parking further reduces pedestrian access experience of the town centre Station Road, reducing the quality of the pedestrians’ • Footways are narrow in places, such as along parking over people walking cycling: and often prioritise vehicles movements and The wider streets beyond High the Street throughoutpast the town centre. strengthenfurther Mexborough’s identity, industrial and improvements (ie. planting, public street art, furniture) to • There is potential for further public realm and town centre the square and create acentral focus for the High Street • Market Hall and market stalls provide activity within create more a attractive environment • Provide additional planting across the town centre to planting in the ground to reduce maintenance needs • Opportunity to replace free-standing planters with town centre: High Street islimited but elsewhere in the plantingSome ispresent at each of end the town centre • There is very little planting or public within art the • Blank walls along some paths further deter use attractiveness for use after dark • Some pathways are poorly lit, reducing their planting street and furniture such seating. as townthe centre which considers paving, Review of existing the public realm within High Street in central the and Market Square: existing public realm befound on the can The higher elements quality of Mexborough’s P 4 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES and places -soitremains an • Improve the quality ofthetown centre streets, spaces more pleasant andsafer to move around thetown centre • To create a THE KEYAIMSOFSTRATEGY ARE: • Identify opportunitiesfor people acessing services andshopping and respond to changes inmarket demand workspace –so thetown canadaptto new requirements redevelopment STRATEGY MEXBOROUGH FUTURES P P P Car park Key town centre arrival Focus for new planting Primary access routes Recreational paths well-connected town centre for usessuch asnew housingor new development and attractive destination P 4 enhancement to building Opportunity for Pedestrianised HighStreet and spaces Improvements to streets Development opportunity Point ofinterest -soitis 1 for • Key buildingsandpoints ofinterest improvements • Publicrealm (streets, spaces andplaces) cycling, public transport anddriving • Access, movement andconnectivity by walking, • Gateways andarrival points into the town centre FOLLOWING ISSUES: THE STRATEGY FOCUSSES ONTHE P RIVER DON sustainable town centre. interventions andprinciplesto create avibrant and the Vision, thisStrategy Plansetsoutaseriesof and overcoming constraints andweaknesses to achieve Building onMexborough’s strengths andopportunities, P P P P boards. The 4Project Zones are: and illustrated inmore detail onthefollowing overall town centre Strategy whichare described We have identified within thetown centre (Green Infrastructure) • Opportunitiesfor more planting includingtrees improvement opportunities • Redevelopment, investment andbuilding P 2 P P 4‘Project Zones’ P P P P P P proposals withintheMasterplan. This Strategy willthenbedeveloped into more detailed P GREENS WAY P P GROUND ATHLETICS MEXBOROUGH P within the P P P P 4 enhancements and SportsGround Focus Lane Development Opportunities 3 2 1 railway station improvements and improved connections to the improvements and Market Hallwestern access P P Public realm +active travel Greens Way New Oxford Road +Pinfold Eastern Area Station Road enhancements Central Area High Street, BusStation Western Area P 3 5 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES MASTERPLAN STRATEGY MEXBOROUGH FUTURES Development opportunity Streets & spaces related improvements Building-related improvements General note with potential to beimproved within centre ofroundabout Existing landscape area bus stops Existing redevelopment of use development 4. to create mixed- existing building of carparking&

Harttey Street Rationalisation opportunity Factory Shop The Original Lidl

1. Main Street Main way alongside Greens Way New Cycle residential infill opportunity at Garden Street tie together existing streets and improve pedestrian movement Public Realm enhancement to small scale To BusStation Improvements Potential Potential Facilities Office Post

West Street New Bus Stop Centre car

for Mexborough Library John Street John New enhanced setting parking Town & Resource Centre paving, planting Environmental improvements and publicart including development opportunity Potential and entrance andto its Enhancements to the Market Hallbuilding think thetown centre could beimproved in the future. This planillustrates ourcurrent proposals for how we shaped by theStrategy andtheVision. The Masterplan identifiesaseriesofpotential projects, to beinstalled new planting surroundings Potential for High Street within the

Market Square

Greens Way Greens HIGH STREET HIGH

New improvements to thematerials, planting andstreet furniture to help Garden Street Garden celebrate thehistoric buildings allotments Existing Railway Station Mexborough Improvements to enhance walking Station Road to the RailStation

and cycling to Station Road Station Railway Station with cyclists over Greens New andimproved crossing pointfor Way connecting pedestrians and Town Centre Improvements to the to includeimproved drop off andsecure Rail Station setting

cycle parking Potential to improve St. Market Station carparking Stop New Bus efficiency ofRail the qualityand The Montagu New development

& potential residential Bank Street Bank

Montagu Chambers Arms pub Dolcliffe Road Dolcliffe 2. off Dolcliffe Road Refurbishment of opportunity development opportunity Weatherspoons Pub The OldMarket Hall Development Opportunity Mexborough Community Partnership

Mexborough Business Greens Way Greens Hampden Road Hampden & Training Centre opportunity to Development provide new town centre housing

College Road

into anupdated Masterplan inearly2021. feelings towards themsowe canintegrate your feedback and we are therefore keen to receive your thoughtsand These proposals are in-progress andby nomeansfixed Bank Street Bank New cycle Refurbishment Red Lionpub way of listed

Wharf Embankment Existing Scholeys Fenwood Estates

development by RIVER DON RIVER Development Opportunity Mexborough MinersWelfare Potential for improvements to thesettingof & Athletic Club

New Oxford Road Adwick Road Adwick Mexborough Navigation NC 3. New walking and Existing trees to cycling path be retained 6 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES welcoming experience uponarrival to the town centre Street Make improvements to thestreets to encourage more walking andcycling and shelter for birds andinsects town centre, provide sustainable drainage opportunities andprovide food New street trees andplanting to improve theappearance ofthispartthe standard Ensure facilities for walking, cycling andpublictransport are ofahigh KEY AIMSANDOBJECTIVES 2 3 the experience andfunctionofthearea. on publictransport. This board outlines opportunitiesto improve for many peopleitisthepointofarrival, particularlyiftravelling The Western Area isanimportantlocation inthetown centre, as 1 WESTERN AREA PROJECT ZONE 1 Improvements to theMarket HallandLibrary access and appearance Improved busstation andsurrounding area to create anattractive and Defined arrival point into the town center and western endofthe High 1 2 3 3 2 1 environment more attractive andwelcoming. function ofthewestern entrance, makingthe opportunity to improve theappearance and are tired and ofpoorquality. There isan and library, theappearance andaccess but whenapproaching from theBusStation important offer for Mexborough town centre, The Market Hallis adistinctive feature and Market Hall&Library connections to theHighStreet. opportunities to improve also publicrealm improvement and Resource Centre. There are Hall andMexborough Library entrance into Mexborough Market linked to anenhanced western station that serves bothdirections, a reconfigured andimproved bus (eastbound). There ispotential for serves busesfrom asingledirection Currently, thebusstation only Bus Station inviting peopleinto theHighStreet. people-friendly andattractive environment, materials andplanting to create amore masterplan proposes improvements to makes itanunwelcoming place. The by traffic engineering features, which at eachendtheenvironment isdominated The HighStreet istheheartoftown, but Western HighStreet Carriageway Carriageway narrowing narrowing to 6.5m to 6.5m access andsignageto theHighStreet improvements to thestreet includingnew paved road surface, planting, better pedestrian View lookingnorthalongSwinton Road towards theHighStreet showing potential with seating andpublicart. potential new paving to thestreet, planting includingtrees, creation ofanew public space enhancements to thebuildings including better access andsignage. The view alsoillustrates View lookingeast alongJohnStreet towards theLibrary andMarket Hallshowing potential for View 2 View 1 stop andbus Potential 5th Potential 5th extents stop filter laneforbuses filter laneforbuses

New rightturn New rightturn

BUSES BUSES green landscaping

Pocket parkor



CAR CAR and canopyoverstops Bus stationbuilding and pedestrian and pedestrian New busgate New busgate crossing crossing

Library Library


CAR CAR to MarketHall New frontage and entrance Market Hall Market Hall opportunities (indicative) of busstationandpublicrealm Showing potentialreconfiguration 1:1000 Bus StationInset-Option2 configuration only Showing highwayspacefeasibility 1:1000 7 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES and provide sustainable drainage andopportunities for nature safety andtheexperience ofmoving aboutthetown centre to make themmore attractive for investment andre-use Connect thetown centre withthecanalandriver centre Create anattractive andwelcoming experience uponarrival to thetown through improvements to Station Road Improve theconnection between theHighStreet andtheRailway Station KEY AIMSANDOBJECTIVES 2 3 present inthearea. Greens Way isdifficult. Thisboard illustrates theopportunities of thetown centre. At present, footways are narrow andcrossing improvements between Mexborough Railway Station andtherest The focus intheCentral Gateway area isonproviding 1 CENTRAL AREA PROJECT ZONE 2 Make space for planting and street trees to improve thestreet environment, Make space for pedestrians andcyclists onconstrained streets to improve Improve theenvironment around currently empty orunderusedbuildings, 2 3 1 2 3 1 parking withvery narrow footways Two way traffic flow withon-street Existing street profile improvements. art andsignage, bicycle parkingandshopfront Street showing potential for new planting, seating, View lookingwest alongtheHighStreet from Bank contribute to anenhanced HighStreet. improve shopfronts could also seating andpublicart.Works to improvements through new planting, and presents theopportunity for is abusy partofthetown centre The eastern endoftheHighStreet StreetBank andHighStreet junction to paved surfacing, planting andstreet trees Natwest buildingshowing Bank potential improvements View lookingeast Street alongBank towards the and usesinto them. adjacent buildingsto bringnew life for regeneration ofsomethe centre. There isalsotheopportunity could enhance thispartofthetown and theintroduction ofnew planting buildings, improvements to thepaving interesting andhighquality heritage from therail station. Fronted by the town centre from theeast and This area isabusy arrival point into StreetBank and Station Road junction DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR PLANTING PEDESTRIAN

0% 67% 0% 33% no planting ispossible Cons: Vehiculs remain dominant and and cycle path Pros: Creation ofawidershared foot narrowing parking permitted to enable road Two way traffic butnoon-street Potential profile -Option1 DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR PLANTING PEDESTRIAN

0% 54% 0% 46% traffic flow forthe one-way system Cons: Somepotential re-routing of and cycle path withnew planting Pros: Creation ofawidershared foot road narrowing One way traffic northwards due to Potential profile -Option2 DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR PLANTING PEDESTRIAN

0% 29% 25% 46% 8 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES - narrowed- vehicular - widened foot &cycle prioritisation pedestrian - Road Improvements to Station - potential new bus stops - anew improved crossing Crossing point - narrowing of vehicular widened- paths for improvements- through prioritisation pedestrian - Street Improvements improvements to achieve thisasfollows: connectivity. We propose aseriesof Mexborough butalsohelpimprove wider transform theimmediate town centre of can offer enormouspotential to as partofapackage ofimprovements from Street Bank down to theRailStation Improvements to Station Road leading Rail Station Accessibility carriageway path for pedestrians cyclists & carriageway cycling & walking furniture art public & new planting, street vehicles over CENTRAL GATEWAY PROJECT ZONE 2 - secure &covered bicycle - potential for abike hire facilities improved - - more efficient car Station parking - improve the quality of more- efficient vehicular - full or partial - anew station square Rail Station Forecourt - introduction of soft parking facility points charging including access & parking arrival to Mexborough access pedestrianisation landscape 3 Mexborough historical walk Don Valley Way 1 2 2 3 1 travel. promotes walking andcycling over vehicular become asustainable development which Direct connections at street level canhelpthis free communal garden. parking to beprovided beneath anew vehicle- town centre housing.There ispotential for car on avacant piece ofland,delivering new Potential development adjacent to thecanal Road West The existing profile of Station residential buildings,to amaximumof8storeys inheight Concept layout to show development potential of development Potential canalside cycling environment Cons: Poor quality walking and and provides someparking Pros: Familiar for existing users and noplanting street parking,narrow footpath Existing profile contains on- southern partofStation Road The existing profile ofthe DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR 0% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 18% VEHICULAR VEHICULAR 0% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 20% 24% 58% 80% space for planting and cycling andno little space for walking vehicular traffic with space dominated by Cons: Majority of and west servicing from east surface parkingand vehicular access to Pros: Provides traffic flow allows for two way Existing street profile quality ofpedestrian experience Cons: Noplanting possible andpoor routed down to rail station inthefuture provision whilst allowing busesto be Pros: Goodshared cycle andfootpath narrowing to 6.1m Removal ofon-street parkingandroad Potential profile -Option1 VEHICULAR VEHICULAR 0% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 39% 61% Potential profile DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR 0% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 47% space for two-way busmovement Cons: Likely to betoo narrow to provide route withnew planting Pros: Improved pedestrian andcycling narrowing to 5.5m Removal ofon-street parkingandroad Potential profile -Option2 24% 29% VEHICULAR VEHICULAR 15% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 30% traffic flow requried Cons: Re-routing of benefits visual appearance as cleanerair)and environmental (such planting providing cyclists with new for pedestrians and improved provision Pros: Significantly vehicular access through one-way carriageway width Reduction in 55% 9 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES Encourage more active lifestyles andadoptionofsportleisure Mexborough Improve theconnection between thetown centre andtheeastern partsof centre Create anattractive andwelcoming experience uponarrival to thetown recreation facilities Make astronger linkbetween thetown centre andtheAthletics fieldand Provide space for new affordable homesanddevelopment investment KEY AIMSANDOBJECTIVES Ground andthesurrounding neighbourhoods. to theconnections to andfrom thetown centre, theAthletics The focus intheEastern Area isonproviding improvements EASTERN GATEWAY PROJECT ZONE 3 communities. activity ineveryday life to create healthy andstronger provides advice onhow town centre designcanencourage Produced by SportEnglandwithDLA, thedocument ’s 10‘Active Design’ principles. zone to theHighStreet andtown centre, inlinewithSport focus ofthisproject zone isto better connect thiseastern As thekey recreational space for thetown centre, the Mexborough Athletics Ground –Recreation Focus: Photograph lookingwest towards theexisting tennis courts and town centre. within easy access oftheHighStreet for Mexborough anditsresidents, facilities provide avaluable resource The existing sportsandrecreation The SportsCampus Town Centre 4 2 1 pitches Photograph lookingnorthtowards theexisting carparkandsports and thequality ofthepedestrian experience. planting andnew paving willpresent benefits to businesses Improvements to Street Bank includingpotential signage, Street to theAthletics Ground, new planting andtrees. housing, improved walking andcycling access from Bank and benefitsincludingtheprovision ofnew town centre There ispotential to bringaboutsignificant improvements 1 3 4 2 3 1 Athletics Ground Improvements to Street Bank Athletics Ground Landscape improvements surrounding Improved walking /cycling path &landscape Potential location for new housing Mexborough 10 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES barrier to north-southmovements. carriageway, presenting asignificant the town centre, widensto dual Greens Way, whichrunscloseto single carriageway roads. However, Doncaster Road to theeast are both Swinton Road to thewest and which Greens Way isapartof. east-west route through Mexborough, The adjacent planshows theprimary The existing profile ofGreens Way a new green corridor andreduce thedominance ofvehicles. pedestrians andcyclists, provide oportunitiesfor new planting aspartof stouh movements, improve thequalityofenvironment andaccess for The focus for Greens Way isto reduce itsimpactasabarrierto north- 40 GREENS WAY PROJECT ZONE 4 limit Current speed 3 2 A6022 Swinton Road 1 (Single Carriageway) (Dual Carriageway)(Dual Greens Way Greens little planting present and cycling andvery given for peoplewalking corridor. Little space is dual carriageway A vehicle-dominated DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR 11% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 16% A6022 Doncaster Road (Single Carriageway) 7% 66% 2 3 1 Potential new profile for Greens Way Mexborough town centre. help increase awareness of The useofsupergraphics can Greens Way. buildings whichface towards appearance to thebacksof potential improvements to the An artist’s view showing rail station andthetown centre better walking andcycling access between the bus stop andanew super-crossing providing with increased planting, new tree planting, new Greens Way showing thepotential improvements An artist’s view (above) lookingwest along Improvements Potential Building Pedestrian Connectivity Across Greens Way 30 limit Potential new speed Photograph ofGreens Way asitexists today www.mexboroughfutures.co.uk Cons: Vehicles still occupy majority ofspace for walking and cycling andnew planting Pros: Provision ofbetter andwiderpaths and areduced speedlimit Narrowed dualcarriageway DEAD ZONE VEHICULAR 27% PLANTING PEDESTRIAN 21% 0% 52% P 11 MEXBOROUGH FUTURES the Council and stakeholders, andthefinal reworked document publishedinearly2021. proposed masterplan for thetown where practical. This willberefined through engagement with We willlisten to your feedback, alongwiththat from otherstakeholders, anduseitto update our Feedback Opportunities FEEDBACK +NEXT STEPS MEXBOROUGH FUTURES [email protected] Send usanEmail surveymonkey.co.uk/r/mexborough-futures Questionnaire www.mexboroughfutures.com Visit ourWebsite SCAN ME! P P P P P