PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting of the Council Date: Thursday 6th April 2017 Time: 7.30pm Place: Mortimer West End Village Hall Present: Cllr Robertson (Chair) Cllr Thurlow (Vice Chair) Cllr Andrew Arthur Cllr Jonathon Bray

In Attendance: Christine McGarvie (Clerk) Cllr Roger Gardiner Cllr Marilyn Tucker

Apologies: Cllr Keith Chapman

Action 13/17 Apologies for Absence Cllr Keith Chapman 14/17 Declarations of Interest None. 15/17 Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting 15.1 It was unanimously agreed that the minutes of the meeting held 19th January 2017 and the minutes of the APM held on 16th March 2017 were a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by the Chairman. 15.2 Matters arising – none 16/17 Open Forum 0 members of public attended the meeting.

17/17 Planning & Development 17.1 New Applications - see appendix A below Danesford – reviewed and no comments. 17/00662/HSE – Minton House,Chapel Lane, Common No objections. 17/00654/HSE – Holmwood, Welshmans Road No objections. 17/00859/HSE – Dilkusha, Soke Road No objections.

17.2 Approvals/Refusals None. Cllr Robertson Cllr Robertson to circulate to all councillors guidelines when looking at Clerk planning applications. Clerk to see if can find something for all councillors. Chairman requested that councillors review plans before the meeting. 18 Highways & Footpaths issues 18.1 New highways issues Resurfacing work is scheduled for Church road Clerk

18.2 Outstanding issues Clerk Stone Hill – Clerk contacted HCC to see if we could proceed with get an extinguishment order but they are not keen to do this because of the cost and risk of the order being stopped if member of public comes forward to say that 2017-4-06_Mortimer_WE_PC_minutes Page 1 of 10 6th April 2017

Action they need vehicular access. They are recommending pursuing a TRO (traffic restriction order) Clerk to find out how this can be done and what it would mean in practice. Cllr Bray reported that there is more rubbish in the lane. Clerk to take pictures and raise a case with B&D to request removal. Cllr Robertson to speak to Englefield Estate about the issue.

6.3 Lengthsman scheme - funding available in 2017/18 budget for the council to join the scheme. Pamber are willing for the council to join their cluster. Clerk Lengthsman, Dave Saunders, has quoted £580 for Bus shelter refurbishment. Cllr Robertson recommended that the council go ahead and sign up to the lengthsmans scheme and all agreed. It was agreed to wait for confirmation of Lengthsman funding before making a decision on the bus shelter work. 19/17 Reports 19.1 Clerk’s Report

a. Procedures We now have draft documents for approval at the annual meeting which Cllr Robertson has reviewed and will be sent out to all councillors for review. Clerk Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Freedom of Information Act, Publication Schedule, Grievance and disciplinary procedure, Health and safety, Equality, Complaints and a Risk Management schedule. Clerk to send risk management schedule to everyone for approval. Councillors all signed a form agreeing to receive meeting summons by email. b. Training CilCA training continues. One more day of formal training then a year to Clerk submit documents. Passed unit 1 c. Workplace pension/auto enrolment – Councillors approved way forward as outlined in report (appendix C) Staging date 1st May 19.2 Reports from PC representatives Cllr Thurlow attended clerk’s charity meeting on 20th March. It was confirmed that bursaries could not be given to children in private schools. Village Hall committee – Cllr Arthur attended meeting on 5th April. Issues were raised about security and they are looking at getting quotes for improvements. Footpath officer – Cllr Bray has started reviewing the paths in the parish.

19.3 Borough Councillor report Cllr Gardiner – New parking fees in Basingstoke town come into effect on 10th April. There are going to be changes to ward sizes in the future, boundary commission will be deciding on changes in November. This could lead to reduction in the number of borough councillors. Neighbourhood plan for Bramley has been approved and Sherborne St. John’s plan is at the referendum stage. Cllr Tucker gave an update on the Basingstoke night shelter. The police enquiry desk by civic offices has been closed down so a new public access office has been opened at Viables. AA are moving into a new building development built by borough in Basingstoke. The existing AA building is to be demolished. 20/17 Parish Environment 20.1 Playground project Due to the confidential nature of the tendering process this item was moved to the end of the meeting and was held in private session. 20.2 Update on broadband – Presentation from BT and HCC at APM indicating that surveying will start in June/July and their preferred solution at this time is FTTP 2017-4-06_Mortimer_WE_PC_minutes Page 2 of 10 6th April 2017

Action with aim to implement before end of year. Cllr Robertson reported that Openreach have started surveying the area. 21/17 Consultation Documents requiring consideration Clerk a) NDP progress to referendum – views by 18th April

Clerk to resend email to all councillors. PC have also started work on their neighbourhood plan.

b) B&D planning survey – clerk to complete online by 7th April 2017 with councillors comments

22/17 Finance 22.1 Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix B below. It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments for February and March – Clerk to process. Clerk 22.2 Acknowledgement of Receipts –see appendix B 22.3 Grant requests We have received a grant request from Tadley Citizens Advice . Clerk has an interest in this as volunteers there. Letter sent to councillors for consideration. We can do this under our power to assist voluntary organisations to provide information and advice to individuals LGA 1972 ( S142 2A (added by Local Government and Housing Act 1989). Councillors agreed to give £200 through the good exchange from reserves as no budget was allocated for grants in 2017/18. Clerk to advertise the service on facebook and put posters in noticeboards. We also received a grant request from Mortons Travel for funding support for the bus from Tadley to Reading which goes through MWE. However, council do not have the power to fund them as it is a commercial venture. Clerk to email Mortons to explain the situation. 22.4 Appointment of Auditor - Council agreed to engage Eleanor Green of Do the Numbers Ltd as our internal auditor – cost will be £155. Letter of engagement was signed by chair. Accounts and supporting documents to go to auditor on 19th April 23/17 Date of Next Meeting Thursday 25th May AGM and general meeting

24/17 Resolution – To exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings i.a.w Public Meetings – Admission to Public Meetings Act 1960 Discussion of playground quotations was held in private session due to confidential nature. Public meeting finished at 9.35pm

Signed: …………………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………………… (Chairman)

20.1 Discussion of Playground project in private session

Councillors considered report prepared by clerk to compare the quotes received by 3 suppliers, Playdale , Playforce and Wicksteed.

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It was felt that we should go for the surfacing offered by Playdale as this requires the least amount of maintenance and the longest guarantee. It was also agreed that we should not attempt to refurbish the swing set as there is a long list of faults that have been identified in the weekly playground inspection.

It was noted that the match funding grant from Common expires at the end of June unless we ask for a further extension.

It was agreed that reserves could be used to pay the 20% deposit requested by Playdale as long as we have received reassurances from B&D that they are happy to support the quote that the council have opted for. Reserves will also need to be used to cover the VAT in the short term.

It was unanimously agreed to go forward with Option 2 from Playdale. Clerk to finalise the justification document and sent to B&D along with the quotes for their approval as soon as possible.

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Appendix A November 2016

Planning Applications for Consideration

1. 17/00662/HSE – Minton House,Chapel Lane, Padworth Common Deadline for Conversion of existing detached store to annexe. Erection of single storey comments rear extension with glazed link to proposed annexe, erection of garage extended with gym/store over including glazed link to house and formation of new until 25th April vehicular access and hardstanding 2. 17/00654/HSE – Holmwood, Welshmans Road Deadline extended to Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension th 7 April 3. 17/00859/HSE – Dilkusha, Soke Road Deadline for Erection of single storey rear/side extension comments th 12 April

Planning Application Decisions

1 None

Planning Applications Awaiting Decisions

1. 17/00236/HSE - Danesforde Pamber Road Silchester RG7 2NU Double storey side and rear extension, including new front porch, garage conversion, two skylight windows and three rooflights.

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Appendix B

Statement No:86 (11/1/2017) Balance after reconciliation - Balance 03/03/2017 Statement : 88 13,323.55 12,286.26 Payments since last meeting date : Cheque TOTAL Payee Details No COST 953 Vision ICT Ltd Website fees 150.00 954 B&DBC SLR sign fees 480.00 955 MWE Village Hall Hall hire 30.00 956 Mr. J. Robertson Poppy wreath 17.00 957 Mrs C McGarvie Clerk Salary December 171.83 958 Mrs C McGarvie Clerk Salary January 171.83 959 Mrs C McGarvie Postage 16.63 TOTAL 1,037.29

New Items for payment Cheque TOTAL Payee Details No COST 960 HALC Training 240.00 961 R.C.Saunders playground fence repairs 252.00 962 Mrs C McGarvie clerk salary February 171.83 963 MWE Village Hall Hall hire 18.75 964 Mrs C McGarvie Projector screen 62.97 965 HALC Cilca training 360.00 966 Mrs C McGarvie Clerk Salary March 171.83 967 HALC Affiliation and NALC levy 189.00 TOTAL 1,277.38

Receipts since last meeting date : Receipt TOTAL Payer Details Date AMOUNT

TOTAL 0.00

Payments not yet presented Cheque TOTAL Payee Details No COST

TOTAL 0.00

Cashbook balance £11,008.88

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Financial statement : Mortimer West End Parish Council Meeting date : 06/04/2017

Business 30 day Account: account

Statement No: 44 Balance after reconciliation - (11/01/2017) Balance 03/03/2017 (statement 46) £16,578.20 16,579.60

Payments since last meeting date : TOTAL Cheque No Payee Details COST

TOTAL 0.00

New Items for payment TOTAL Cheque No Payee Details COST

TOTAL 0.00

Receipts since last meeting date : TOTAL Receipt Date Payer Details AMOUNT 09/01/2017 Lloyds Bank Interest £0.70 09/02/2017 Lloyds Bank Interest £0.70 TOTAL 1.40

Payments not yet presented TOTAL Cheque No Payee Details COST

TOTAL 0.00

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Appendix C

Workplace pensions and automatic enrolment - Report for councillors

Mortimer West End Parish Council

Date of meeting : 6th April 2017

Report written by Christine McGarvie – Parish Clerk


The Pensions Act 2008 requires every employer in the UK to put certain eligible staff into a pension scheme and contribute towards it. This is called 'automatic enrolment' as staff who meet the eligibility requirements should be automatically put into a pension scheme. The council is an employer even though there is only 1 part time member of staff so it has a duty to assess its staff and decide whether they need to be put into a pension scheme or not.

When assessing staff the employer has to look at their age, state pension age and salary.

The table below is based on information from the pensions regulator web page and explains the assessment criteria and in which cases staff will be required to be put in a pension scheme. SPA = State Pension Age which can vary based on age and gender.

Gross Age 16-21 Age 22 – Age SPA – Earnings SPA 74

Over £833 a No Required No month requirement Requirement

(over £192 a week)

£833 a month No No No or less requirement Requirement Requirement

(£192 a week or less)

As you can see from the table above, at the present time and for the foreseeable future there will be no requirement for the council’s staff to be automatically enrolled in a workplace pension as the gross earnings of the clerk are less than £833 a month. However, the council as an employer does still have duties.

Key dates and duties

• The council must inform the pensions regulator who the main contact is for all correspondence. This clerk’s name has already been registered as the main contact. • The council has been given a staging date 1st May 2017. On that date the council must assess whether they have any employees who are eligible for auto enrolment. The council can choose to bring its staging date forward and complete the declaration of compliance early. The council has 5 months after the staging date to complete the declaration.

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• By 12th June 2017 the council has to write to staff and tell them they haven’t been put into a pension scheme but they can ask to join one if they want to. There is a template letter provided by the pensions regulator which the clerk will use to draft a letter (see appendix A) • By 2nd October 2017 the council must complete a declaration of compliance which is an online form stating how many employees have been automatically enrolled and other details. This will be straightforward as the councils only employee does not require auto- enrolment. Clerk will arrange for completion of this declaration. • The council also have an ongoing duty to assess whether its staff are eligible for auto- enrolment on an ongoing basis. i.e. every pay period. If a member of staff becomes eligible then they must enrol this member of staff into a qualifying scheme at that time. Pension Scheme options

The council do not have to set up a pension scheme at this time as there are no eligible employees for auto-enrolment. However, an employee could still ask to join a pension scheme in the future and the council would need to provide this. There is no time limit for establishing a scheme however all contributions must be effective from the 1st day of the month following the request. If the employee earns less than £112 a week the council are not obliged to contribute to the scheme.

The recommendation from HALC is that councils at least have a process in place for implementing a workplace pension in a timely manner if required.

There are many options if a pension scheme did need to be set up in the future as outlined below :-

NEST – National Employment Savings Trust

The government have set up their own workplace pension called NEST specifically for auto enrolment. Other parish councils have decided to take this option. The advantage of this scheme is that charges are low and all setup is done online meaning it could be done quite quickly. It is a defined contribution scheme which means that contributions are paid in by the employer and the employee then invested to build a pension pot which are then used to provide an income in retirement.

LGPS – Local Government Pension Scheme

Previously this is the scheme that local councils would have offered their employees however, the new legislation for auto-enrolment means that any qualifying pension scheme can be chosen. The LGPS would be a costly option as the average employer contributions is 14% and can be higher. Employees pay 5-6% depending on their salary.

Other Pension providers

There are many other qualifying pensions available with different benefits and costs to the employer and employee. At this stage, it is unnecessary to go into this further but there is a lot of advice available on the pensions regulator website if this was ever needed including a list of pension providers who have schemes for small employers.


My recommendation would be to not set up a pension scheme at this stage as there are no qualifying staff. However, I would suggest that the council offers the NEST pension scheme if an employee ever requests a pension as this could be set up quite quickly, is administered online and has low charges. 2017-4-06_Mortimer_WE_PC_minutes Page 9 of 10 6th April 2017

The next step is to complete the ‘declaration of compliance’ and I would propose for this to be done as soon as possible rather than waiting for our staging date on 1st May 2017. This then needs to be followed by a letter to the sole employee as per the appendix A.

Sources of information used in compiling this report

The essential guide to automatic enrolment (guide for employers) by The Pensions Regulator

HALC Pension Workshop presentation

Local Council People & Development – HALC – A practical guide to pensions for local councils

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