Community Councils of North Carrick Community-led Action Planning Survey Analysis Full Report SCDC 16.03.2018


Contents Summary and recommendations...... 4 1. Introduction ...... 7 2. Method ...... 7 2.1 Response ...... 8 2.3 Analysis ...... 9 3 All North Carrick ...... 10 3.1 Communities from which responses came ...... 10 3.2 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 12 3.3 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 14 3.4 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 16 3.5 Please suggest any ideas you have on how the communities of North Carrick could work together more effectively and any ideas for projects that might improve North Carrick as a whole...... 17 4. ...... 20 4.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 20 4.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 21 4.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 22 4.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? ...... 22 5. ...... 23 5.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 23 5.2. Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 24 5.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 25 5.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? ...... 26 6. Crosshill, and ...... 27 6.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 27 6.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 28 6.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 29 6.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? ...... 30 7. ...... 31 7.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 31 7.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 32


7.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 34 7.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? ...... 35 8. Kirkoswald, and ...... 36 8.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community ...... 36 8.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community ...... 37 8.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance ...... 38 8.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? ...... 39 Appendix 1 ...... 40


Summary and recommendations Between February and March 2018 the five Community Councils of North Carrick (Dunure; Minishant; Maybole; Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton; Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry), with the support of Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)1, carried out a community survey. The objective of the survey was to identify likes, dislikes and community priorities for all communities in North Carrick. It is intended that this will be the basis of future community-led action planning activity. 432 people who live and work in North Carrick completed the survey which was circulated as follows: three paper copies to every village address in the area (which included an online link); the online link was circulated on Facebook via community pages; targeted Facebook adverts for North Carrick; and through some schools. Community likes, dislikes and priorities have been compiled for each Community Council area and for the whole of North Carrick. The priorities for the whole North Carrick area were as follows:



North Carrick Priorities - top 15

Address potholes/road condition


Proactive traffic management

Improvements to highstreet

Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities More activities for young people and places to spend time Improve availability of shops

Address litter

Greater community engagement and participation

Better public transport

Improve pavements

Improvements to play-parks and skate parks

Improved/better use made of community facilities

Support for and maintenance of local amenities

Better broadband and mobile signal

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Next steps - The output of this survey should be circulated as widely as possible to all communities in North Carrick. - The output of this survey should be circulated to all relevant stakeholders, including public, third and private sector organisations who have a role in positively developing North Carrick and its communities. - Building on this survey, the Community Councils of North Carrick should seek an independent consultant to deliver community consultation activity in each community to: further explore priorities; allow communities to re-engage with these issues; and identify responsibilities and possibilities. - Create new community-led action plans for each community council area, and use these to: influence funding and decision making around community-identified strategic priorities; lobby for items beyond the scope of communities (e.g. road conditions); work with partners to build trust in community-led processes.


- With partner agencies, consider appointing a North Carrick development officer to work on delivering community priorities and building community capacity in the area.


1. Introduction The Community Councils of North Carrick applied to SCDC’s ‘Supporting Communities’2 programme in summer 2017. The Community Councils wished to update their existing ‘Community Action Plans’ as they were felt to be out of date and – for the most part – poorly utilised34567 SCDC’s available support spanned August 2017 – March 2018. It was felt that the most effective use of the SCDC’s time would be to support the delivery of a community survey which would be the first step in creating new community-led action plans8 for the communities of North Carrick.

2. Method The survey was designed by North Carrick Community Council representatives with the support of SCDC. Open qualitative questions were used in favour of closed ‘tick-box’ type responses - there was a strong feeling that these would ‘lead’ respondent answers. The survey was aimed at individuals rather than households (see appendix 1). There was a contact email address supplied and the offer to contact a local community councillor. Awareness of the survey was raised with the and South Carrick villages locality planning group regarding accessibility of the survey. The survey was live between the 20th February and 9th March 2018. Responses were sought as follows:

• Three paper copies of the survey were distributed to each household within the boundaries of the North Carrick Villages – the surveys could be returned to ‘drop off points’ as described on the survey (see appendix 1). • Paper copies were available at these drop-off points, and the survey was advertised with promotional posters. • The paper surveys also contained an option to complete the survey online. • The survey was promoted on Facebook through existing channels and through target adverts. • The survey was tribute in some local schools to encourage young people to complete the survey.

2 3 4 5

6 7 8 The ‘community-led action planning’ approach has been jointly developed by Argyll and Bute Council and SCDC


2.1 Response Method Number of responses Paper returns 121 Schools 61 Via Facebook adverts 167 Other online 83 Total 432

Respondents: Female and Male (n=426)




Female Male Prefer not to say

Proportionally more females than males responded.


Age distribution of respondents (n=428) 25%





0% Under 10 11 - 15 16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 or over Prefer not to say

Overall, there was a reasonable age-distribution of respondents, however older adults were over-represented. 2.3 Analysis The surveys were analysed by SCDC. Responses were coded and categorised into larger themes to produce coherent data for analysis. These codes and categories were derived from the responses themselves. In other words, they were ‘grounded’ in the responses from the community (rather than from a pre-set list). For example, where one respondent described what they liked in their community as “the friendliness of the people” and another described “good community spirit” they would both be coded ‘Community spirit, friendliness and warmth’ (e.g. see section 3.2). ‘Other’ is a significant category, but it in encompasses a range of suggestions which did not fit elsewhere (e.g. restrictions on agricultural machinery) and specific ideas (e.g. for streetlighting on specific streets) and where there were multiple entries for the same category (e.g. listed priorities were: 1st better sports facilities; 2nd a football pitch; and 3rd a tennis court; 4th dog fouling – this would be recorded as 1st priority ‘Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities; 4th priory ‘address dog fouling’).


3 All North Carrick 3.1 Communities from which responses came Respondents by Community (n=432)

Turnberry 3.01%

Maidens 6.48%

Kirkoswald 4.86%

Straiton 8.10%

Crosshill 7.87%

Community Kirkmichael 14.81%

Maybole 46.76%

Dunure 2.55%

Minishant 5.56%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Percentage of respondents

Responses were generally well spread across the communities. Being the largest settlement, Maybole received the largest number of responses. However, considering the size of the populations, the villages of Crosshill, Kirkmichael, Straiton, are especially well represented.


Respondents by Community Council (n=432)

Kikoswald, Maidens, Turnberry 14.35%

Maybole 46.76%

Crosshill, Kirkmichael, Straiton 30.78%

Community council Dunure 2.50%

Minishant 5.56%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Percentage of respondents

The pattern is repeated when considering the community council groupings.


3.2 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community

North Carrick Community Likes (n=410)

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth


Being close to the countryside and associated scenery

Peace and quiet

Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and…


Access to amenities and services e.g. health services,…

Community facilities and halls

Being close to beaches and the sea and associated…

Swimming pool

Bars, restaurants and cafes

Transport links (e.g. A77)

Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality…

Public transport (bus)

History and heritage and historical buildings in the area

Community likes Feeling of safety

Sports facilities


Public transport (rail)

Play-parks and skate-parks

Parks and green spaces

Other personal factors (e.g. close to family)


Location (not specific)

Activities for young people

Accessibility and livability (e.g. easy to walk around)

Quality of public services

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Perecent of responses

The strength of community spirit, warmth and friendliness was identified as the most prominent positive feature of North Carrick. Related to this, community events, organisations, halls and facilities were also noted. The environment was a key factor – the

12 rural and seaside locations of North Carrick villages was particularly important as well as adjunct factors such as the quality of village life, and peace and quiet.


3.3 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community

All North Carrick - Community Dislikes (n=413)

Potholes/condition of roads Speed and volume of traffic Litter Dog fouling Experience of the highstreet Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP,… Lack of youth activities Quality of built environment (e.g. appearance of… Lack of shops Availability of public transport (bus) Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Condition of pavements Speed of broadband and mobile signal Parking issues Anti-social behaviour and crime Drugs use Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls,… Lack of community spirit Quality and availability of sports and recreational… Lack of community involvement, events, engagement…

Community dislikes Flooding and drainage problems Condition of play-parks Quality/availability of public toilets Housing issues Quality of parks and green spaces Issues with council services Environmental concerns e.g. wasteland, derelict… Lack of bypass Condition of beaches Lack of gritting Unemployment and lack of job opportunities Presence of windfarms Existing community structures Poor mobile signal Availability of public transport (train) Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Percentage of respondents


The condition of the roads, in particular the existence of potholes was cited as a major community issue. Speed and volume of traffic, litter and dog fouling were ranked 2nd 3rd and 4th respectively – all of which are ‘behavioural’ issues. The rest identified issues were concerns linked to lack of investment in infrastructure and declines or lack of availability of commercial services. Housing issues, where identified tended to focus on the need for more social and affordable housing whilst a few wished for no more new developments and a reduction in holiday home ownership. As we will see, some issues are acute in certain communities – for example the high street in Maybole and the beaches in Maidens and Turnberry.


3.4 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance All North Carrick Priorities (n=403)

Address potholes/road condition Bypass Proactive traffic management Improvements to highstreet Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities More activities for young people and places to spend… Improve availability of shops Address litter Greater community engagement and participation Better public transport Improve pavements Improvements to play-parks and skate parks Improved/better use made of community facilities Support for and maintenance of local amenities Better broadband and mobile signal School improvements Improved walking and cycling ameneties Improvements to built environment Improve availability of bars, restaurants, cafes Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc. Deal with issues of drugs, crime and ASB Address dog fouling Better coordinated investment in services and general… Parking issues resolved Improve housing More public toilets Jobs, employment and economic development Improved tourist offer More community events (e.g. Gala) Flood control Improve condition of beaches Improved gritting Address environmental issues including pollution,… Other

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 1: Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point


The priorities identified across North Carrick are not entirely dissimilar from the identified dislikes. However, they differ importantly in emphasis. Litter and dog fouling in particular drop down the ranking significantly to be replaced by an improvement to sports and recreation amenities and more activities for young people. There was also an interest in developing community structures, representation and participation.

3.5 Please suggest any ideas you have on how the communities of North Carrick could work together more effectively and any ideas for projects that might improve North Carrick as a whole. Ideas for Coordinated North Carrick Activity (n=224)

Walking and cycling routes

General tourism across the area

Better coordination and communication between villages

More local control and area-wide plans

Address litter/dog fouling/cleanliness/improve attractiveness

Potholes and road improvements

Promote history and heritage more

Improve toilet facilities

Investment in local assets, buildings and community resources

Address cross-cutting social issues

Improved transport in the area

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Improved walking and cycling routes and better coordinated tourism activities were highlighted as most useful. However, it should be noted that these were included as prompts to help respondents consider the idea of cross-North Carrick community action. On the other hand, because they were chosen as accessible ideas, it is possible that these reflect longer-standing ideas (e.g a ‘Carrick Way’ walking route was proposed in 2006 and area-wide tourism strategies are common).


Respondents illustrated some of these themes as follows: Walking and Cycling: “I would love better signposted and more walking routes for me to take both my family and my dog. I head to Culzean all the time but to be able to walk around the town would be perfect. I love to run and cycle in and around Maybole but sometimes the traffic is too fast on the surrounding roads and I feel unsafe.” Coordinated tourism activity, building especially on history and heritage: “We need someone to develop a strategic vision for this area as has been done in other areas of the UK and to use this to create an area of special interest around a story of North Carrick. Tourism, investment and prosperity for all would flow from this.” “Would like to see a concerted effort to publicise local attractions, history, family history, scenery, countryside etc. There's a lot more accommodation available now, but people often don't realise how beautiful and interesting this place is.” Successful tourism related was seen by many as being dependent on improving the condition of roads and litter: “At present high-quality tourist attractions and wonderful scenery are diminished by the poor condition of many if not all roads and the scourge of litter. Action/resources to address these issues would be beneficial […].” “The town has become so run down and unattractive within the last few years that the empty buildings , historical sites, sports facilities and shops need to be dealt with firstly before any thoughts of organising tourist activities can even be ventured.” More local control and area wide planning: “[…] We should hold Council to account for meeting minimum standards of services within town areas and rural areas. To sustain the rural communities there are some minimum requirements which would allow the development of tourist opportunities. Pubs, shops, and community halls are essential to attract visitors; Schools, shops, pubs/ restaurants, community centres, transport links are essential to sustaining a vibrant rural community . Priorities should reflect this. However, working together as an extended community can only improve the outcome.” “1. analyse the responses from this survey. 2. choose the ten most common 'gripes' and serious safety hazards. 3. all agree to implement an action plan on each of these, all meetings to discuss this areas should last no longer than an hour to stop waffle. 4. construct and keep to a sensible and manageable


timeline. 5. give named individuals direct responsibility for implementation to ensure compliance and accountability.” One respondent highlighted the importance of having a common community identity for any such approach to work: “Interesting question. Why should the communities work together? To a certain extent the definition of a community must be either geographical, focussed in a locality; or be a community of interest. So for the communities to work together more closely there must be a common interest.” Ideas to promote regeneration, investment in community assets and to address cross- cutting social issues: “Spend the income from the wind farms better […] the money should be getting invested in bricks and mortar and in trying to help new businesses and tourism.” “Communities to get together to plan an integrated public transport system.” Finally, inter-community events and completions were suggested: “Events with all communities” “Inter-community challenges”


4. Dunure 4.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community Dunure Community Likes (n=11)

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth Being close to beaches and the sea and associated… Peace and quiet Schools History and heritage and historical buildings in the area Other (please specify) Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality… Public transport (bus) Feeling of safety

Being close to the countryside and associated scenery Community likes Other personal factors (e.g. close to family) Parks and green spaces Activities for young people Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and… Sports facilities Bars and restaurants

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of responses

Like the rest of North Carrick, community spirit, warmth and friendliness were the most commonly cited positive factor. Owing to its costal location, proximity to beach and sea was also important.


4.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community Dunure Community Dislikes (n=11)

Potholes/condition of roads Housing issues Litter Lack of gritting Flooding and drainage problems Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP,… Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls,… Lack of community involvement, events, engagement… Issues with council services Lack of community spirit Anti-social behaviour and crime Drugs use

Community dislikes Quality of built environment (e.g. appearance of… Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Lack of shops Availability of public transport (bus) Speed of broadband and mobile signal Speed and volume of traffic Condition of pavements Other (please specify)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of responses

Potholes and road surfaces were a noted problem. Housing issues were cited with respondents highlighting the quality and availability of social housing. Overall, the issues identified are similar to those elsewhere in the area, although drawing clear conclusions is difficult due to the low response rate.


4.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance Dunure Priorities (n=9)

Address potholes/road condition

Address litter

Better broadband and mobile signal

Improved/better use made of community facilities

Greater community engagement and participation

Deal with issues of drugs, crime and ASB

Improve housing

Improvements to built environment

Better public transport

Improve availability of shops

Public toilets

Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc.

More community events (e.g. Gala)

Improve condition of beaches

Improved gritting

Flood control


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 2 Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point

Dunure respondents identified priorities around the condition of roads, litter, and better broadband signal. A low level of responses mean that these priorities should be seen as seen as a basis for further exploration.

4.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? Additional comments included parking improvements, the formation of a business-led tourism association and electric car charging points.


5. Minishant

5.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community Minishant Community Likes (n=23)

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth

Peace and quiet


Feeling of safety

Transport links (e.g. A77)

Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality of housing, cleanliness

Being close to the countryside and associated scenery

Public transport (bus)

Bars and restaurants Community likes

Other personal factors (e.g. close to family)

Activities for young people

Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and organisations


Play-parks and skate-parks

Other (please specify)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Numbe of responses


Community spirit, friendliness and warmth were key, peace and quiet, quality of schooling and a feeling of safety made Minishant a good place to live.


5.2. Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community Minishant Dislikes (n=23)

Speed of broadband and mobile signal

Speed and volume of traffic

Potholes/condition of roads Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls, meeting spaces) Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Lack of community involvement, events, engagement and participation Lack of community spirit

Poor mobile signal

Condition of play-parks Quality and availability of sports and recreational amenities/activities Litter

Dog fouling Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP, Post

Community dislikes Office, recycling Parking issues

Lack of youth activities

Lack of shops

Lack of gritting

Flooding and drainage problems

Issues with council services

Anti-social behaviour and crime

Quality/availability of public toilets

Other (please specify)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of responses

Whilst potholes and road conditions were of third most importance to Minishant residents, speed of broadband was a particular issue. The speed and volume of traffic on the A77 was also noted, as was the lack of community facilities. It is perhaps likely that the felt lack of community activity and engagement was linked to the lack of community facility.


5.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance Minishant Priorities n=23

Improved/better use made of community facilities

Better broadband and mobile signal

Address potholes/road condition

Proactive traffic management

Greater community engagement and participation

Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities

School improvements

More community events (e.g. Gala)

Improvements to play-parks and skate parks

Improve availability of bars, restaurants, cafes

Improvements to built environment

Parking issues resolved

Priorities Priorities More public toilets

Improved tourist offer

Improve availability of shops

More activities for young people and places to spend time

Address litter

Improved gritting

Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc.

Better coordinated investment in services and general…

Improve pavements

Address dog fouling


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Priority Score

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 3 Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point In Minshant, community issues map closely onto the identified priorities. The need for a community facility was identified as a key community priority, followed by the speed and quality of the broadband service.


5.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? Comments added some colour to the above priorities and added some ideas and suggestions: “In this day and age everybody uses internet at home a very not having this is so inconvenient” “Speeding is a problem in Minishant, especially with the lorries at night and early evening, the lack of functioning grit bins on and up to school, and lack of litter bins.”


6. Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton 6.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community

Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton Community Likes (n=129)

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth


Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and…

Peace and quiet

Being close to the countryside and associated scenery


Bars and restaurants

Play-parks and skate-parks

Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality…


Community facilities and halls

Feeling of safety

Access to amenities and services e.g. health services,…

Parks and green spaces

Community likes Public transport (bus)

Transport links (e.g. A77)

Sports facilities

Being close to beaches and the sea and associated…

Other personal factors (e.g. close to family)

Quality of public services

Accessibility and livability (e.g. easy to walk around)

Public transport (rail)

Swimming pool

History and heritage and historical buildings in the area

Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Percentage of respondents

Like most of North Carrick community spirit was strongly emphasised. The shops in Kirkmichael and Straiton were praised. Location, walks, feelings of safety and the peace and quiet were greatly appreciated.


6.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton Dislikes (n=122)

Potholes/condition of roads Availability of public transport (bus) Speed and volume of traffic Dog fouling Lack of youth activities Litter Condition of pavements Flooding and drainage problems Speed of broadband and mobile signal Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Lack of shops Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP,… Lack of gritting Lack of community involvement, events, engagement… Presence of windfarms Condition of play-parks

Housing issues Community dislikes Parking issues Quality of parks and green spaces Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls,… Anti-social behaviour and crime Quality and availability of sports and recreational… Environmental concerns e.g. wasteland, derelict… Poor mobile signal Lack of community spirit Quality/availability of public toilets Issues with council services Availability of public transport (train) Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Percentage of respondents

Road conditions were a prominent issue. Lack of public transport was a frequently cited issue – seemingly more so than other areas in North Carrick. For many, speed and volume of traffic was related to logging lorries. ‘Lack of shops’ was an issue across the communities – however it should be noted that in Kirkmichael this concern was focused on ensuring the long term sustainability of the community shop.


6.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton Priorities (n=119)

Address potholes/road condition Improve availability of shops Proactive traffic management Better public transport Improvements to play-parks and skate parks Improve pavements Improved walking and cycling ameneties Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities Greater community engagement and participation More activities for young people and places to spend… Flood control Better broadband and mobile signal Improve availability of bars, restaurants, cafes Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc. Support for and maintenance of local amenities Address dog fouling Improve housing Improved/better use made of community facilities More community events (e.g. Gala) Better coordinated investment in services and general… More public toilets Improved gritting School improvements Bypass Deal with issues of drugs, crime and ASB Jobs, employment and economic development Improved tourist offer Improvements to highstreet Address litter Parking issues resolved Improvements to built environment Other

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 4 Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point Whilst there were similarities between community dislikes and priorities there is noted divergence too. Roads, availability of shops, and traffic management were seen as priorities. In the case of Kirkmichael, concerns around shopping focused on the need to maintain and support the community shop. Relative to ‘community dislikes’ playpark improvement,

29 better walking and cycling amenities and greater community participation were seen as greater priorities. Flooding, and the need to deal with it, is a larger concern in this area than elsewhere in North Carrick. 6.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? Additional comments described in detail the experience of using the roads: “State of the B7045 and b741 of huge concern. The road from to Straiton is full of potholes and there have been more cars off the road in the last 12 months than I can remember in the last 2 decades. The flood on the corner at Aitkenhead has been constantly present for months, meaning there is only one lane of road on a blind corner . When that then freezes, the danger factor is considerably worse” Others provided ideas for greater community involvement and communication: “Provide an integrated website (complemented by Facebook, etc.) for all Community Councils to act as a reference point of policy, plans and services provided by the CCs. Report business minutes through this and improve engagement with general community. More topic based community consultations (within local area and extended across multiple areas)” And one young person suggested a bracing idea for making the most of the local environment: “We should go swimming in lochs together and do more water sports”


7. Maybole 7.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community Maybole Community Likes (n=191)

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth

Access to amenities and services e.g. health services,…

Swimming pool

Being close to the countryside and associated scenery

Community facilities and halls


Sports facilities

Public transport (rail)

History and heritage and historical buildings in the area

Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and…

Transport links (e.g. A77)

Public transport (bus)


Being close to beaches and the sea and associated…

Bars and restaurants

Other personal factors (e.g. close to family) Community likes Walks

Peace and quiet


Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality…

Feeling of safety

Activities for young people

Play-parks and skate-parks

Location (general)

Accessibility and livability (e.g. easy to walk around)

Parks and green spaces

Quality of public services

Other (please specify)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Percent of respondents


Like North Carrick, community spirit came to the fore. But, unlike North Carrick, access to amenities and availability of shops was highlighted as a key positive factor. The swimming pool was greatly appreciated, as were the community facilities and the railway station. 7.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community Maybole Community Dislikes (n=195)

Potholes/condition of roads Speed and volume of traffic Experience of the highstreet Litter Dog fouling Quality of built environment (e.g. appearance of… Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP,… Lack of shops Parking issues Drugs use Anti-social behaviour and crime Lack of youth activities Quality and availability of sports and recreational… Lack of community spirit Condition of pavements Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Condition of play-parks Lack of bypass Lack of community involvement, events, engagement…

Community dislikes Quality of parks and green spaces Unemployment and lack of job opportunities Environmental concerns e.g. wasteland, derelict… Housing issues Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls,… Availability of public transport (bus) Existing community structures Issues with council services Availability of public transport (train) Presence of windfarms Speed of broadband and mobile signal Lack of gritting Flooding and drainage problems Poor livability and difficult/dangerous to get around Other (please specify)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Percentage of respondents

Road conditions were the most prominent community dislike. Speed and volume of traffic and the negative experience of the high street (in terms of walking, shopping and

32 aesthetics) were at times linked together. The condition of the built environment – the condition and look of buildings – was also an issue. Drugs, anti-social behaviour and crime were cited as bigger issues in Maybole vis a vis the rest of North Carrick.


7.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance Maybole Community Priorities (n=193)

Bypass Improvements to highstreet Address potholes/road condition Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities Address litter More activities for young people and places to spend… Proactive traffic management Improve availability of shops School improvements Improvements to built environment Deal with issues of drugs, crime and ASB Support for and maintenance of local amenities Greater community engagement and participation Jobs, employment and economic development Parking issues resolved Improve pavements Better coordinated investment in services and general… Address dog fouling Improvements to play-parks and skate parks Improved tourist offer Improve housing Improve availability of bars, restaurants, cafes Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc. Better public transport Improved walking and cycling ameneties Improved/better use made of community facilities Address environmental issues including pollution,… More community events (e.g. Gala) Improve livability Flood control More public toilets Improved gritting Improve condition of beaches Better broadband and mobile signal Other

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 5 Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point


The building of the bypass was the highest scoring community priority. Improvements to the high street and built environment were also prominent. Better public transport was less of a priority for Maybole residents. On the other hand, the need to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime was relatively a higher priority. 7.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? Comments addressed what might happen after the bypass is built: “Make Maybole High Street safe for pedestrians. Perhaps create a pedestrian precinct where small businesses could thrive and a greater community spirit could be encouraged.” “Concerning the Main Street, I strongly feel that the building need to be repair/ redecoration. Once the bypass is in place the Main Street needs to be pleasant and inviting. I believe that creating a theme for all Main Street businesses to have “standard signage”, perhaps a colour scheme so that there is a consistency throughout the Main Street. This would go a long way to achieving a revamp which is badly needed.” Ideas for bringing the community together: “There needs to be more emphasis on citizenship and encouraging citizens to be proud of the area's heritage. The area itself could offer so much for aspects of inward investment. We should be inclusive and do more for senior citizens and the youth of the area. Organise a calendar of events each year to help us engage and celebrate.” And developing a stronger sense of history to develop tourism: “Advertise Maybole as the place to visit [for] history scenic beauty”


8. Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry 8.1 Please list up to 5 things you really like about your community Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry Likes (n=56)

Being close to beaches and the sea and associated…

Community spirit, friendliness and warmth

Bars and restaurants


Peace and quiet

Being close to the countryside and associated scenery

Parks and green spaces

Village environments e.g. buildings, small size, quality…

Communtiy events, clubs, groups, activities and…



Feeling of safety


Public transport (bus)

Community likes Transport links (e.g. A77)

History and heritage and historical buildings in the area

Local businesses

Community facilities and halls

Swimming pool

Other personal factors (e.g. close to family)

Accessibility and livability (e.g. easy to walk around)

Access to amenities and services e.g. health services,…

Sports facilities

Quality of public services

Public transport (rail)

Other (please specify)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Percentage of respondents


Closeness to the sea was the most recorded community like, closely followed by community spirit. Like many of the villages in North Carrick peace and quiet, and village environments were valued. 8.2 Please list up to 5 things you dislike about your community

Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry Community Dislikes (n=62)

Potholes/condition of roads Speed and volume of traffic Litter Availability of public transport (bus) Quality/availability of public toilets Condition of pavements Speed of broadband and mobile signal Lack of youth activities Lack of pubs, restaurants and cafes Lack/quality of community facilities (e.g. halls,… Dog fouling Lack of and/or decline in amenities e.g. banks, GP,… Lack of community involvement, events, engagement… Issues with council services Quality of built environment (e.g. appearance of… Environmental concerns e.g. wasteland, derelict… Parking issues

Lack of shops Community dislikes Condition of beaches Flooding and drainage problems Lack of community spirit Unemployment and lack of job opportunities Quality and availability of sports and recreational… Lack of bypass Quality of parks and green spaces Presence of windfarms Housing issues Anti-social behaviour and crime Drugs use Availability of public transport (train) Other (please specify)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Percentage of respondents


Potholes and then speed and volume of traffic were the most disliked aspects of life in Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry. Poor public transport, lack of public toilets and litter/litter on the beach were frequently highlighted. 8.3 Please tell us 5 things you would like to see changed in your community in the next five years. Please rank them from 1st to 5th in terms of importance Kikoswald, Maidens and Turnberry Priorities (n=59)

Address potholes/road condition Proactive traffic management More activities for young people and places to spend… More public toilets Address litter Improved/better use made of community facilities Improve condition of beaches Better public transport Better broadband and mobile signal Improved walking and cycling ameneties Bypass Improvements to green spaces, flowerbeds etc. Improve pavements Support for and maintenance of local amenities Improve availability of shops Parking issues resolved Improve availability of bars, restaurants, cafes Improved tourist offer Improvements to built environment Improve sports and recreation activities and amenities Address dog fouling Better coordinated investment in services and general… Greater community engagement and participation School improvements Improvements to play-parks and skate parks More community events (e.g. Gala) Jobs, employment and economic development Improve housing Flood control Address environmental issues including pollution,… Other

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

1st Priority Score 2nd Priority Score 3rd Priority Score 4th Priority Score 5th Priority Score

Figure 6 Rankings derived as follows: 1st priority scores 5 points, 2nd priority scores 4 points [...] 5th priority scores 1 point Road surface and conditions were the top community priority – improved traffic management was some distance behind. Kirkoswald, Maidens and Turnberry differed from other areas by placing a clearer emphasis on public toilets. In addition, improvements to the condition of beaches was specific to the area. Many remarks

38 in terms of pavements focused on improving access to the beach as much as residential areas. 8.4 Any other comments, ideas, or information you would like to add? Respondents used the comments session to highlight traffic issues: “A77 is not fit for purpose through Kirkoswald Village” “Speed activated traffic lights and crossing in village” (Kirkoswald) Ideas for new toilets: “Automatic public toilets in every village” And ways to develop community capacity: “Development officer would help” “Although it may appear that there is a low level of community activity there is great opportunity to build this up by greater cooperation and collaboration between existing groups - "making the sum greater than the whole of the parts".


Appendix 1