1 " a III MMM IIMII a I , . - - .,. , . ,., - -- ,. - - ,,, - - Ml , , MIMI SMI ITT ' Ml Ml - -- Ml W ' '.' 1 ; ' , Tl' . ., ' r -- r2; THE FACzrzo HE ? pifrcmi ;bcrta r 13 PUBLISHED Saturday Morning, Honolulu. Hawaiian leland. Lx -- ' - ' IT . . . . BY BLACK & AULD. .iggiSfm- WSiXse::-'H&. 44 N unto cia. 3 d. 3 m. 4 m. 12 m. . W-- -- ...-- ill a a V a aa' $ 10 ia h s n s a h S Lines (J Inch) 1 00 2 00 8 00, 4 00. 00 00 1 DO' 00 12 00 12 Lines (1 inch) , in 1 4 00. I 00 mm?m0&fsmm 00' fl 7 60-1- 00 16 00 24 Lines a 4 00 00 :a,n-por- lnehe).... 18 ts will charge I 81 Lines (3 inches) 8 00 fi 00 7 60 10 00 14 00 00 1K be ... 18 26 4S Lln-- 4 Inchet).... 4 00 00 10 00 ) 00! 00 00 14 00 18 00' 80 00 40 00 Column. 0 00 10 00 l i on 1(1 00; 86 00 60 00 . Oolm.f? c ix ! 00 22 t Column VI IK) IS K),U4 00 30 00 46 00 76 00 Whole Column...... J8 O0 CO 00 45 00 76 00 100 00 160 00 pi able. ' A.lvertisern iKsi.ln.K la the Eastern I nltrd Stntes, i of the United State. ean a .nv Dft rrior canls by enclosing Greenback! or Lnlte dues lni n Ameri- - j mr their ,A ..kbscnpiwn PP" Suites Pt.ee ttt.nini. for suoh amount as they wish to pay. and their cards will he Inserted ss per above table, lir the time or paid for. AND FANCY m year, are allowed ... PHI XT Business Cards, when reaid for W AND JOB PRINTING. NO- - 39. ! a discount from thew rates, which are for transient advertlss. ; XV I Z, VlMTINO.BrSIXESS AND ADDRESS VOL. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MARCH 25. 1S71. WHOLE NO. 774. me.its when aid or charged quarterly. .ct lb hlglxn atjr ft the art " 1 i Sttsiiuss- Claris.,-- justness CarD5;: j Carts.' igTtrta'nl. insurance Hi- ncth a Blessing Down. R. RYCROFT, THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN yot to the tnsn of dollar. ED. HOFTSOHLAEGEE & CO., . WEIiLlAU WEIGHT, WASHINGTON MARKET, jt 10 be auu of dela, ER-CHAN- TS, Practical Plumber,' Fort Street, next INSURANCE COMP'Y, AT LAW. OFFICE OVER AND COMMISSION' M MARINE ; As. - . : . -- - GENERAL ' - I" . I BO UN HOLT '. IMPORTERS - j . BLACKSMITH, MESSRS. , the mtn of canning, ATIORXET confer Flirt sad Wrrchint Streets. ; door to the Government Yard, . (UMIXKt),) Hm-I- frTT'T j la -- ' niT.VN, Butchers. Nuuauu -- llonoiula. Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets. bd18 jfc HAS REMOVED II IS SHOP ONE lti . to mmn of creed ; mil ly 'it. Orders for Hi use or Ship Work protnpSy attended to. RISKS AT THE LOWEST Tt to Steuni llnki-ry- are '.t the door nearer Nuuauu Street. fjvjr ACCEPTS m Policies Company are I next Lore's ,ti ila mil ly clauses the of this preimred to ,ipply M Veal and 10 one whose pJoD V.Oi . V 1 KS, Beef. niton. ge ot the : :; ' . - h V specially advantageous- - Ml II 1 A A of tal-rona- 4 Opposite the Station Ilonse. .' at all hour, on the moot reasonaMo terms. share V S. MAGlilN, EDWIN JONES,' Agent. ha;. the world', reoowo, ' sol kited. JaT 3iu (Mhton. CL.Afi:K, where he is prepared to receive orders for work in Blacksmith .A in the (una of AMlDRtLr R INGEXERAL. rtRUCER AND SHIP ( HANDLER, LA- - WILLIAM IMPORTER ANDIsJL JI , f II A IN A. MALI . , , ing, aud will THE NOSTHEEII ASSim AXCE COMP'Y a Mowing down. " Cometh Dry Goods, Clothing, Boot Shoes, Gent's Furnishing Motiey aadLBecruila fumjsliejl W Ships on Yaroratile Terms. DOOT AND SHOE MAKER, GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO tfORSE-ml- S and and - Isur8 Fire and Life Polities , NO. H'FORT ST LOWER pOO R) SHOEING.- 3m bnd" epn; 'O. " after Sot unta ; ALL The Undersigned hereby give notice that from and sail Xuaana PU. corner of Slar'inijUoDolulu, II. 1: 1 j rT- ; m4 Opposite Lewers ti Dickson's. THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Nut to the miser". ly ON .or Losses settled with promptitude, March 1st, 1871, they are prepared to rh' ! , ruthpWo'r-ui0- 0' ; THE0. H. DAVIES, ; 1 ; M. BEN FIELD, iili ly TUEO. H. DAVIES, Agent. , A. PIERCE ! anion, & Co.; Furnish their Customers and the TuMic Xot t'J t WMooed crMt &.C0., , (Late J Gren WM; ROSE, Wagon and Carriage Builder, 74 and 76 worldling, ' to - (JJ X. 5.Richards, & J Co,) MERC- generally with the the ."did (S'teceMors v ) AND COMMISSION . Ko t - r JKini; F. A. SCHAEFER, , clown, IMPORTERHANT. . 4UKNT FOB Copper, Tin & . Sheet Iron Worker, Street. HuoIuIh. HI j,-- i. the knaih CHANDLERS AM) G EX ERA L A CENTS MERCHANTS. Lloyds' and the Liverpool Underwriters,' Northern Assurance ' GENT Brtmrii Board of Uuderwrilera. CHOICEST MEATS at 8 hau-ht- y tyrant, SHIP Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. BUILT TO ORDER nt t the i Cvmiiany, aud fcnUfcb and suraiKO Marine insurance, ' QPJy CARRIAGES ' - Agral tVea-- (Jn4iy) I? B. and warranted. DmiltB Ilsatd sf Uarirrwrilrrs, PER POUND. CoitHrlh a nj down. AmHtii Pno.- PT8Kao. Company. OX BUILDINGS, GOTTERj A n,4 C. BfllNHOLT A CO. kCRrl I mil Fire Proof Baikiinss, iaaltumsnji and Queen Sts. ly WORK Roofing, or any tliiug in my line, will be Also, particular attention given to the (rat Vieaaa Beard ef l'silrrwrilrr' . Mty blioded, Claims against Insurance Compauies witbiu.the jurisdiction Not to the & Attruttcd to l'romplne... of Bonrds L'mlerwriters, to - M. PHILLIPS Co., with REPAir.iSG OF VEHICLES OF EVERY DESCRIP the abore of will hare le rertiB.d t tNe .l-f- " b,ne ' Not - ; ' ; to ly the Agcut to wake them valid. : , . - d28 ly mij.dl. , Hi 'A N'D LIT J. E. KINNEY, S3. TiOit. Nut I the carnal PORTERS WHOL.KS4 DEAL Bay, Hilo, X. Byron's Horse-SUooin- sj; 1 ers in Clothing. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Meu's t urniiliioj? and A ...... will be Claetsnilthlnp aud Carriage, Siga BiiW htoet ICaahumanirtit.-tioDotulu- . VALVTICAL CHEMIST. Orders from any pari of this Island attended . ancy Goods. (n3 6ni) No. 11 - - IIA JIBTJItOIliBREMEN No. Hotol Street. 8ot0 159 Naaanu Avenue. jal8 - to with promptaeas. . . , 3m and Ornamental Painting; Carriage Trinim'mir. Aic, will 4 tiot in ort 'Ct fJu,y' mon.irch' always be attended to in a manner to WAR- Not in Ift viwwu. ' ' ! FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROHERT LETT BEGS - . . DICKSON, CASTLE & COOKE, "J. T. CHAYTER, to inform the lullic that he has Not at lh anile of M. , RANT SATISFACTION.' UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN WTO ' parts THIE openetl the atovo market, ami that a nfc.i"S down. ARTIST. PICTURES Ship and General Blacksmith, "nr Orders front all of tJm I.lauds promptly executed. Agents of the above Coupany, are prepared procured tho services t'onie'h PUOTOGRAPIIIC 1 AND DEALERS IX lie luta if or : . . , f ly : to insure against Fire on Buildings, Ji all Bty'e. taken and work garauteed. IMPORTERS MfeHtUANLISK, . . . risks C:ne and linck bet'weeu'King Ty j Shop on Esplanade, the Cns-M- .,' on Merchandise thereiu, on t ihe one b"e ipirit Fort Street, fcitst side and Hotel. ' t29 MERCHANTS.'-'- the ufar and stored most favorable terms. But rSHlPPlNO AND COMMISSION ' " torn For particulars apply the office of Wlvst VUxss 1 House, Vi i at Itiilcfiicr! f the an-- Tod .. . C. E. VILLIAMS, ' Veanw r rr"l f ji28 ." No. 80 Honolulu, II. L ly T5--- '745 ly F. A. 8CHAEFKR 4r CO. ' by . . . ' KinftBireet. i Where he is prepared to execute all orders He trusts, that Tato the ooa who-- e at.jejouae . - ' i Hanafacturer, Importer and Dealer In Fnrnltire JrW. AUSTINr - 4n his line with promptness and in a workmuulike manner ! VWIdih Ihe hungry f.iod ; & Killing only llic Kvt Cattle AND AT BOLLES CO, HoTte-koein- g done with neatness and dispatch, jail ly Of Every Description. : NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE Ub-- r COUNSELLOR LAW. and paying every attention to the huriness to merit a share bf I'uto th-- oe ATTORXET Post-offic- e, Honolulu. o29 8m A Ware Room on Fort street; Workshop at the old CHANDLERS N'D COMMISSION' Furniture v ,i the public patrointge. Pearle of C or frown ; SHIP t MERCHANTS. R. WHITMAN, stand. Hotel street, near Fort. INSURANCE CO., Importers and Dealers in Seneral Merchandise. Queen Street, N. B. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 742-l-y ! Bfr&, Pork S.iiit?f, HuloraaK A, Elood Paddlopn, Uiilo tUrf Wicdly hearted , - - - AS OPENED A NEW ESTAB- - OF LONDON AND EDINUURCII. - ; HALT, & SON, , . . . Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands. II made to order. ' Cunthibiesio2d'iwtt.,- Srlrctrd E. 0. lUbment and will give bis attention to ' !Agerits for (he KuuiiSkakal, Muonalua amf Kakaako Palt ESTABLISHED, 1S09. ' A Nl DEALERS IX HARD. Ja.2 Works. ly JAS. L. LEWIS, jar TERM S- -C II EAI FQR CAN 111 XA IL IMPORTERS Paints. Oils, and General Merchandise. RE . oC . - Carriage Trimming, Saddle, and Harness Cooper Old Stand, Horn Doc. 31, J ... 47oruer Fort and K4x.3ta- ly and Gauger, at the CAPITA L... .i 2.000.000 lulu. 18.0. - - VA2I2TY. M. McINERNY, i MJKifi'G JXl) REPAlRiyd CORNER OP KING AND BETHEL ArcDunlaled and luicalcd FiiuJ, 2.6; 8,118 13IS6 AND CLOTII- - In all its branches. Every of Articles connected Streets. A large stock of OIL SllOoKi aud all tlXDERSIGNKD tlAVE IJEEN A. S. ' H, & ,- IMPORTER,, DEALER IX kiuJs of Coopering Materials constantly on hand. rflHE AI'. CLEGHORN, ...T HACKFELD Co.- JL- - ISM,-.Boots- Perfumery, with the Business constantly on hand, at 1. POINTED AGliiNTS tor Sandwirh Ula ids, are wait ; fc'.ie's used to it.' hoes, Hatv Caps. Jewelry, the and A rM truth can s Cnstom authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable ' GENT FOR THE IP COMMISSION AGENTS. Pocket Cutlery, and very descripiion of Suerior Also, Shop eu the Esplanade near the Iloase. terms. V, ' EXERAL Moderate Piices ive Him it Trial. : Risks taken in any port of the ou WAIMFA TANNER HONOLULU. Furnishing Gooils. Benkeri'a Calf Dress Boots, : Islands Wooden HulMings, - in Utah generally marry .08 ly XT fine - - . He hopes by attenliou to business to merit a continuance i 745 Jlawnii. jrefticst girls always on hand. y No. 83 King Street. dlO 6tn and Merchandise stored therein, Dwell) Houses, aud Furni- ly of patronage which lie lias hitherto enjoyed, and for which s the ture; I'lmlitr, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoi-- or i N. E. CoHSia or asp : ja7 ly pow , n flm Cori 'i Fort Wehoussi Ctbkkts.' he returns his thanks. - - THOS. G. THBUM'S, ni under repair. , EU. H . German ALi3X.u,c:iMPBEri.;, 7231- JFFaCUXAEOER It CO DUFFIN'S MARKET, mpoeed of t?e new Empire is " 1 C? CCTLKRV AND NEWS J. S. WitiER. ' ... i 1 8. C. Allbjs. ' " . guM. ' fc- M'ALLEK, hiie. red awl STATldXERT, 4.iirar (lalo UtadiC - Ali's TAILOR, J. H. THOMPSON, BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. iiuiid.' Kngraring, CaligtaSiby, Mencil lulling, aiul Copying, WALKER & Honolulu. KING STREET. HONOLULU. 10 ly r Coljuihud w:ts defeatetl for Coun-'i- a ALLEN, STREET, oponite C. E. Williams' Cabinet General Blacksmith, dueen St., :8taa;r her , ,- - FORT kUendod to... Ware-roo- f il- - - ' "v - Merchant Street. Honolulu. M CONST A XT OX HAND D HMHE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THE Cff - Saeb w fame. ol ly . AND COMMISSION. HAS LT A' I XL) SHIPPING " HONOLULU. H..L For Sale at the Lowest Market Prices., a i:oixl assort Ja Boston Board of Underwriters, notify Maxteis of Vcm-- ' : and nJiers that all bill, for Repairs uirVess.le, and all bids hj-icl- -t ron ment of :he Best Refined liar Iron, and the Best 1YIAKEE Bash Inicil j announces that thia globe aokxt BaUXA'KTT, A for General Average purposes, PLANTATION; V. must be approrrd by Agent ' " THEOD. C. HEUCK, Hawaiian PMCket I.ln", Spencer's Plantation. B.acksinith's Coal. i ff. 6 ly the hf.; 2,.;,iMK,IMJ0 of the Boston Cnderwriiers, who also port jrears longer. - , ; Klantatinu. must be represented on t'LUPALAI-UA- , MAUI. j Prtnceville Plantation. . - Nalelf all surveys, suoh. alluwi-d.- . i AND COMMISSION Onomea PlnnUtion. Coffee. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, or bills aill'iio be ., long-live- d IMPORTER "1 ly) Honolulu, Oahu. 1L, I, F. H. & C. SECELKEN, o3 ly. tTTt; ;frCTn w!:j farniers are bo id,. rml k'ire Insurance Company, London. . C. BREWER A CO., Agents. A. Joif Francisco. King Street, to Cfthrl Vestry. riROl' OP 1871 SUGAR MOLASSES. 4rv jear tiw'j renevr' tlie haj day of their Merchant's Mutual Marin" Imt.rance Co., San nt j Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron "Workers, wy d4 For Pale by C. IlKr.W Kit A Ce , Aifrnta. - . j ly ' Honolulu. H. I. , 727 ly CALIFORNIA, INSURANCE COMPANY, - W. L. GREEN, Sanaua Street, bet. Slerrhant aud Uncen, . 'I .: i ' F1B.E-PR0- 0F i WEST MAUI SUGAR ASSOCIATION I irCi'aro of Prttwia Araa born in 1797. fiOMMISIOK MERCHANT. IE j BuikiiDg, Queen E. P. ADAMS, HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND UNDERSIGNED, 1 was Street, 1' Pipe. Pine, Pl.-.i- u and nose AGENTS OP THE .'' 4 at (re battle of Waterloo, and then Honolulu, . - StoTes. Lead GhIt. Iron .fi. abore Company, have been to Insure on Lnhaimt, Mnui, Hawaiian Inlands. a AN"I COMMISSION ly authorized rink, ol ly . ( CCTI05EER- MER"' Uiobg, Cocks. Hose best in L lei - CHANT." ' " . BLACKSMITHS, f&'.Si nop India Rubber ; -- ' ' ' "' lengths of 25 and 60 feet, with Coupling and Pipe com- - Cargo, 'Freight' end Treasure, OF 1871. For Pale bv -- J CROP8m C. BIIKWK.R A Co., Agents. Iui.-Till- " a very lanre stock or every descrip- Irom! in e j -- ; : SHOP OX THE ESPLAVADE, )lele. Am,: otTmwsre Honolulu to all ports of Ike world, and 'Vice vena. ewallowed a draught of A. S. CLEGHORN, . - : Qr ; . f.j where all work from Ship or Shore will be atten led to tion. Jobbing and Repairing done to order prompily and War- - oS ly H. HACKFELD A Co. hair - d- ruTs dve, mistaking it for medicino. WHOLESALE AND In a manner to warrant satisfaction. -8 ly J ranted. Particular attention given to Ship Work. TMPORTKR and ; Honolulu, aj.d gen-- WAILUKU PLANTATION! near Thankful to ihe citiseiix of the Islands j -- .tie djein. RETAIL LKALKR IN . i..I 31 . . JUDD & LAYTON, er.illy, for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by su ict P E RIAL ...! LL WICKE, j same fur-th- future. MAUI. CROP OP 1871 Clearest or Laws. SclMefense U ' General Merchandise, AND PROV ISIOX DEALERS, J. H. attention to business to merit the WAILUKU, by UK KM EH Co., all . C. C j GROCERS Grocery Store, j XJ Orders from the other Inlands will be carefully attended FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, on, ol ail Liwi ; Corner nwn and Kaahuroaim and Fed ' ' : ' d24 3m frireot and fur this reason the ' IW , j . - ' ' Aients. ly and Ilotei SU. j - - ; dlO ly 12 IV A K E 3t to o8 ly " OF LONDON. - - , Nuuann St.. and irorner ' Fort Street, Honolulu. C A I E T .tt dwla't iu:tke it. - Frt 62 1 idS; ALAKCA STREKT BELOW TRS TBEATBB. '(iMtltated 1803.) - Eta I ' . 728 FOUNDRY. V. llra!d ha paid Out, since the Ka-- 1. JOHN RITSON, , NICHOLS, M. .D., ; . Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. ly PACIFIC BRASS Wui Plantation, .S. 0; F. ! iia A be-a- n, i AMI CAPITAL. 88 ,000,000 IN" GOLD j war for cable hows alone ; ALE RE-- . KALER IX WINES. SPIRITS. I PHTSICIAX. CORNER THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD II. Corn ell, Proprietor. -- HONOLULU. l" I ;uDirallelel in the of POKTKK, ol ly HOMEOPATHIC At Office, forenoon nfier 8 ; ' :v spectfully inform the public that he is prepared to cast bwtory D LBTT,:,.:v? kinds of anil composition work rviHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED 3 to P. M. House, 8 Beretonia Street. d!7 6m i:oi3i:e:t aud finish all brass with M to issue policies on Fire Kisks (with or without the aver SUGAR AND .tuU runken man : dispatch and at reasonable rates. age clause), on Plantation BuildiuKB aud Machinery, Private MOLASSES sprawling on the ground in i DOWSETT & CO., M - Boot and Slioe IVIalcer. XT All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short Dwelling, Brick. Ptone and Wooden Stores, Merchandise, Coals, THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE Vn o f7RO.l ouit niht anxiouely wanted to GEO. T. SHIPLEY, M. D. done-t- to ms Wlictber W UMBER MERCHANT. AND DEALERS a Workmanlike ?r coapi,BK, following Lumber, Ships in Port, Ac, on the most favorable terms. sv in lots suit purchasers. Apply to tut ADjbotlj tuul en M- ConBtantly on nBn(, hoge of the 74S struck by -d la Building Materials of all kinds. S. NAVY. CAN BE Manner. ly ur.o. v, tt LEAN. Agent. ATE SI'RISEOS V. sizes i 4, 1, 14, 2 and Also, oil cups and gauge cocks. XT All louses adjusted and paid tor Coraer Qdova and Streets, Honolaln. Ja7 ly M- ou lower corner of Port i, 2i. hrraXI i F.t -4 consulted at his residence, the I f tne Bell Tower JAMES A. HOPPER, . For particulars apply at the office of Chaplain Streets. dlO ly 723 Hotel st, opposite ly ... n a man d:es, the people ask, LEWERS At DICKSON".,, and 43 ly .,-..- . King street. WALKER A ALLEN, PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. What .5f " 743 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. i.C yy hia he loft behind him?" Hut the Dealers la Lnaibtr and Cuildlog Materials, AFONG & ACHUCK, O VP? DALTON, - ! -- ;;; ' m th"j bend over his 7S9 ly john Sugar and AIolarse Crop CO grate, inquire, Frt Street. AND neill, 1T0, gooUa naat pent WHOLESALE RETAIL mid Ilnrsifss linker, tLou Fire-pro- Saddle of Nuua-- u jwr ! Letre : ; . ; i: thee? . IMPORTERS, Merchandise. Store, ...... ' DOMING IN, FOR SALE IN Q.UANTI all I. II. E. McIXTVHE BROTHER HONOLULU. A.ca:iKrisT!' Canton Hotel and Restaurant TI K8 to suit purchasers, by Streets. . dl . KING STREET, U Grocery, l eed Store and Datery, NO. 40 FORT STREET, d28Cra WALKER A ALLEN, Arent. ' Xliimbus where he will attend to all orders Fl . jgrapher preeentei a King Fort Streets, Honolulu, U. 743 ly '4 all Its revolver Corner of and I. Carrlase Trimmine in : . in the 1 I lead of a p ienjan who wa sitting for A. F. JUDD, Br.ii.hfB. THOS. G. THRCM. LOCK, GO &GOEKAL REPAIR LIAE ONOMEA PLANTATION. Ji '.itojrraph, with the cheering remark : "3Iy A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Orders from the other Islands prompty attended to. 735 ly Stearll Catter, Copjit and Catigrapher. Fort street three doors belowJlerchaut St. . nl.ly: He will give special attention to cleanintr, repairing and reg- lion as an artibt in stake. Esrvfr, J STREET. BETWEEN.: ' FORT at If . . AND'MOLASSF.S tuu don't ' No. street. Honolulu. ly ulating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery HOTEL (streets, will be i SUGAR CHOP 1870, fuiliiig 111 blow your brains lie 740 UMetchant in, for sale In rnxntltles to milt pnrrlmaerk, out." A. BURDICK,; ,r and Metal Work of every description. ol 6m By WALKER Ik ALLEN, Agents. Ac K JOHN S. McGREW, M. D., J. Opened on Sunday Morning, March 19th. A. SCHAEFER CO. . ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP,. P. ALSO. " ' " 3 U. S. ARMY, CAN BE Cooper & Gauger, Cooperage on Esplanade. ''; TERMS i1'- - ':' ' t!o"t.m 11: -. Importers and tomciiiea merchant, SURGEON AU- 1871 I 871 stwt car ran over a kill- . on Street, between - p, girl, UONOLtLU, - 73J ly HAW. ISLANDS. 1ATE at his residence Hotel A Variety of Sewing. Machines, Board, per Week ...... $1.00 to $5 00 SNCER-- . ; itusUntly. IVjeton nl2 ly IS TO ATTEND A jury has juet brjught kea and Fort Streets. , , HE PREPARED on Espla- Shot, Auiraanitlon, Board, per Week, sent 00 to all work in his line t his oil stand the Gaus, PMols, Day out...... 39 rlict of JOHN" THOS. WATERIIOUSE. U business to tcerit a Board per 00 'murder" agaiint t:s ear ohd- - nade. He hones bv attention MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, Ac., Ate; Lodging per Week...... , but it is Importer and Dealer iu General DIerehaadi.se, s M." & CO., of the patronage which he hal heretofore enjnyed, .....,...... ,....$i.K uncertain whether the corporation S. GEINBAUM continuance. 1 ' - a a.:. aUnl. n'Xl V Sewing Machine Tuckers, Binders aud all other extra and 728 Queen Uouolula. rs ana lor whicu nc now returns ms iurtua,3. j All Board Bills inuat be Settled Weeltly.. "IT hung or iuij.iiboneii lor life. . Street, ly M PORTERS AXD WHOLESALE DEAL-e- duplicate parts of Machines supplied on short notice. . . - I q- -f II in Fashionable Clothinir, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Best Machine. Twist.- JOi ,. . ; ; ' , ml8 lm ACHONG A AKIM, Proprietors. HILO, 3 ia - Si. - a paper printe-- tLe I' Goods. JL in I Furnishing IS L Cherokee nation ' FISCHER ROTH; and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior a 13. Gi A DfI K Y, OL8 AGKNT IS THW KINODOM FOR It " " s v'i "native dialect." An Arkansas editor 31erthant Tailors. Store formerly occupied by W. A. Aldrlcb, wakee-- AND COMING i' Florence Sewing Machines. SUGAR MOLASSES.CItOP ,"It is the worst epeciujen of pickled Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow's Hall. Honolulu, H. I. tiU. Block, ftueen Street, , SADDLE At HARNESS MAKER, The Celebrated RETIOVAC sale In quantities to suit purchasers by w we ever ti ly n27 AUo, Ward's Gas Generating Lamps ol Ota WALKKH At ALLEN, Agents. saw. It nitro-li- 'I CORNER l,k as though a e OPENED A NEW ciploaion had occurred in a type foun-- ALEX. J. CARTWRIOHT. ; F.' HOEN, Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolaln.! HAVING GALLERY on Fort Rtreet, nearly opposite CaaiaiLvslon Merfhant and General Shipping Agent, N'O. 4 HOTEL STi, my old tnd, next door'to Groiiwald it- fchutte, 1 shall le SOLE AND SADDLE LEATHER. IE CONFECTIONER. Honolulu. d!7 ft PnrrifatTP Trim med with neatness tnd dispatch. Island hsppy to see my old patrons, and asy others who wish for . Loreiuw 7U9 , IlaavJlulis. Oaks. . ly lJ AN' SOAP WORKS first class picture. All styles npon most reasolthble .: Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins, Day, of Chickasnw county, " Orders attended to pioraptly. taken the ilies., Ai Hawaii terms. Having made arrangements with a good srtist in aq AND X luarricd 3Il Martha - - BARTOW, .. . C. BREWER CO. f ON HAND FOR MALE, Week, a local poet C.S. XSZixxs Francisco; I shall pay particular attention to copying and en CONSTANTLY' wn ..juts: i . . Auctioneer, Commlsslou and Shipping Jlerehants;- - GO Street. larslng pictures retouching or painting. ,1 I . By to the tastes of my customers, hope to receive H AIMEA TANNERY C. NOTLEY. A Day la attention ' I made, a Week ia Vmt, u .- ' Kale. R4kna on Q.nrea Street. door Iroui 743 Honolulu. On ha II. I. ly r a share of patronage: ' ' --4 By ' (722 ly) A. B. CLEQHORW, Agent. t"e .hoaid noi cooapUi 733 Caabumanu street. ' . Also for sals a variety of PbotogrApUic Views, Portraits, Ac., Thert'll m be Utile Days 'FRANK 10W.; rMPORTKB ASD UASnrACTtTIEB Or ' To eaoufh ' w. anntttT, and a make a e WM. XEWCOMB, &, HUMPHREYS BROWN, ! i HONOLULU STEAM B AKEItY ! Vn Shortguts ' w' Dentist, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE PANORAMIC VIEW OF HONOLULU, writw to the London Times .nd rhnlosaU In TTInss.' Snlrits., market. ,' , f' The only one ever City. ltfl.r . . Suitable to this taken of lh E. LOVE & Ufflce corner of Fort ard Uotol etreuts. TMIJ . ' - BE0THEKS, Proprietors, ming tut the Ileiald's j vu .d3 .,, 11. L. CHASE. College ' won't .Aie.ana rorter, etc.. etc., Mattrassea of all de-- t BIS Brourn II- - t. Old Furniture repaired and NLL ANU TRELT. naDie to . i E. HOFFMANN,. M?I. 729 MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU,: H. J. 21 rflmwa uns made lo order. bj fiicir schooluiates -- MEDlUJlTxi) and nol)ody will Pbysirian and Surgeon, HOON, Before buying elsewhere call nt 80 and 8 8 King afreet. SUGAR PLANTATION FOR SALE ! 1)1 LOT, NAVl' BREAD, Us daughters. An awful thing near Postoffice. 740 ly CHUNG no ly always on hand aud made to order. that name Ccrser Mercltant'and Caahumanu lUu, Commission Merchant and General Ipeat, 'ft f ii is rwponeible fur'alt the, . , Also, Water. Soda 'and Hotter Cratkers, uiieeries. M. A. BLCMB. j . Ira- & THIS CONSISTS OF M C. CB ALL AM KL t fo(, tne pmokaa auJ Ainauulu Sugar Plantations - , GREY CO. PROPERTY JENJCY LIND CAKEH. Ac. flSCHEIS,, 1 IS acres in Fee Simple, with Jbwelling liotibe, Ciergjmcn were recently Ac pOr ter Ol aliu UiUCI vniuni; in. i u f crorain a lake CI1ALLAMEL CO lea. Sugar House, Boiling and Outhouses thereon.' D REBA K oo the shortest notice. kr i, the West and wholesale dealer in Hawaiian Produce, Cabinet' Maker and French' Polisher Manufacturers dnd Dealers SHIP BREA ED Highlands; in company Importers and Dealers In Wines, Spirit?, Alfs, te., Store, NouanuSt., below King. The Fixtures are a Siasll Mill with horse power, 1 ClariB.r, FAMILY BREAD, made of the Boat Flour, baked daily awl number New Stone HOTEL STREET. 120 Yi boil-I- nr of per, when a storm catne on NUUANV STREET, .. 733 ly ALL KINDS OF 1 Cooler, Iron Dryers, 90 ood Dryers, foundation for always oh hand. .No.Ji -- Co. Ill SOAPS! prates, five frame sot smoke' stacks,' foundation for terrible force . One re I. 737 Near the Drnir Store of E. Stiehs tr ly and N. B. of t! passeri-e- Waa Opposite Merchant street. Honolulu, U. iy centrifugal to centrifugal, Iron for boiling pan BROWN BREAD OF THE BEST QUALITY wy Ai CHILLINGWORTH, !J 1 and tank sheet a --" 74J ly f " lbe two niinmtcrs should begin to ALLEN ' Leleo, King Street,' Ilonolnlit. with tools to make it. . f . ; Kawailiae, Hawaii, 03 acres of Cane that will yield two tons ttf scrs on 110 k d,r7"-- " R DA VIS,.. Coolainj? Stoves, r tie K X.. na," said the acres of the best of sugar land, Cano ready the mill Norera-be- r Attorney at Law, Will continue the General Merchandise and Shipping business ! for ; r:!cg-.in- t H he like. they prepared to furnish Beef; Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted next ; 'land leased for 10 years st (30 tier year, with prtvl-lleg- e . Sale, Two 'Kw,. VTilI Practice in art the Courts of the Kingdom, In LotH English at the aboe port, where are Ships' Cabin Stovei, For and ; ' I ' ' of extent ion. Also, horse wagoo, 1 4 I ' the justly celebrated Kawaihae Potatoes, . i , l.two horse, bar. Ill and Hawaiian languages. as are required j. ''. nesses, 27 head of choice Cattle, Blacksmith Tools, Shop Tools, ' I such other recruit Boot ROSEWOOD I ':'.; c. House, Cliarcoal Furnaces, Orders Left at Ira Ricbardaaa'a and 4-- . ; ( COTTAGE PIANOS V hM . n Queen Street, opposite the Court ly Plantation Tools. i.. ! In Vnl t : Put to a new 75 Oficr by whale ships, at the. .:; 3-P- LY dispose we to I ,,V Al I notice and on the most reasonable terms. RUBBERrHOSE. Shoe Store will meet with prompt . This property I wish to of, as are about leave Wiwuaki. viica the late - At shortest - " " ' MANUFACTURED COdbAX BROTHER, BEST Iron Washstands. Fanner,' Cauldrrtns,' .11 .t the Islands Meyer at Hamburg. 4 octave,HfT.N.C.of full I -- jail siriuvs. a H . tlej sent at onceto utroarcas or aso dsaleks is ;on I3.iacI. Cast Iron Sinks, j JoaglM Pomps, No. 0 to Altrndnnre. fjr .Terms Cash or approved paper. and brilliant tone.' J Pirowoodl Japanned Tin for Signs, 2larhle Wash Basins, Inquire of ttOBKRT BROWN.' or Goods and all kinds of ' China of all Descriptions, la Plate,- ' - Sheet Irmt, . ; J "WALKfcR A ALLEN, , hlle thc . Tin t 52'. there was at hia . . - Dry j D. N. FLITNER, , " oirator ... Goods, Polish, Honolulu, IjAIIGU -'nfe4. Dixou best Store or sapes, ; - at-onc- ! in the Breproof building, THE CONNECTICUT- '.;. j .; '..'?' i Iff. fT Vf A f.VT f -- iioiv.. . He sent to A Bice. Continues his old business An h. nfwnlHM i VirlT too, constantly on hand, a ajerlcr quality o' Hawaiian -- ii.''!,... 200 I . . Sheet Capper, 4x6 fi. 20 ta 60 ox. . i j fU 3m, Waiohlnu, Kau, Haw. Burglar and Fire Proof, for examination at the Flore of - hf- , further on, to ask if .. .NLUANU STREET, HONOLULU., ly Kaahamann Slrcel,, t , i X I feint. i by observations of the H0CSEK1-EPER- l 118 THEOD. O. IIEL'CK'a. FortHt. t Iliejfcudjurtt time tosaj "No !" ' Chronometers rated "n.nf ; iitrial ' accurately thw .f A ' f came up. J. M. WHITNEY. D. D. S' h'trith a transit Instrument adjud Will also And every deseriptioi of 3 PANNED WA&sL and o t Honolulu . Particular attention given to many things useful in the Kitcheu, at the Store of licadih'g' Robrii.' I ' meridian other , Device. devic fS&SV' Dentist, fine watch repairing. Sextant .and quadrant . Life Insurance Company GAS LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY! lf?'G The Tror06ed for ; i Orrtca Da. HorrjtASs's f allvered and adjusted i Charts and ; " OPEN TO ALL, EVER!" DA V ovbb Daco Ptos, ' glasses ,.. NOTT & CO., i i I constantly on J. IN THE WEEK.. - nautical Instruments ; ')-,- : . CORNER OF K . HARTFORD,' CONN. t AAHUSIAXU AND STS. for-sale- i.. ,rJin r-tp- MERCHANT ly ; rlrhTk to a Berlin er, - j 73J band and Braziers, Copper and Tinsmiths, ' . Coal Oil Lamps Changed to Gas , h Echt 747 Ufflce boars from 9 . u. till 1 p. m. - 1 Practical ,' Hoars from 9 A. JI. to 10 P. 21., La" P1'UK und RS., ' and others with every Tk " Uooest and Where they are ready to furnish Planters 0RGAMZED 1X1840.., t UARTEB PEEPL1TAL. a, T- Uf-tnlr- , atM,a,,-',,r- MAN-Ar7RoTHE- . -; - , , oi . . , . , la tlse Sailors Home. 1- Tb'cKin- however, 1 aescripiion -- , .ata" tl Ir 1 - Merchants. . . . -- . . , - CammlssIOB Friday tneet-ing- s utotaas A r A PURELY MUTUAL C03IPANY ! The last evening of each month reserved for the . by Merely I" i 'Copper and" Tin 'Work.' of Ihe Y. M. C. A. eg ly? Triflinr Coat Cbantln'i ' rT- Tent;" or, to keep the BK.1I Dealer, li Dry Geodaothlns, ' - Water-pipe- s, Roof-fini-f, A'ambcria's aver ' ' .. 60,000 ' I . ' i . ! . ! wjigh, HATS. i procuring of Freight (ET Work on Buildinss, Gutters. SpouU, Member. ' :,UI i .: FURNISHINO G(lir Mernhandise. and the - " llnrner, and nint:. D.fTerent Oil. " n- First-- I m. v- ! will be to with prompt- ."Panda-caw.- . . . S- : , Ladies' and Gents lioota and S1.m - n.ni n ufkuKXCES. or any thing in our line attended 187pTover ! k. t ' I'ihIu.ml.: -- I Janl .1, . $27,500,000 j Capt. Snow's Buiidina, J- -. Co.New BedJsrd Assets 1 A Measrs. Isaac . rmiH 8 VA LU B LE LI 'INVENTION Howm. ""k'a ly -- J.;. TT LE No. 20 MERCHANT ST 17A1 ly) HONOLULU. At No. 9 Kaskamsts Street. Surplus, over $9,600,000.; BLT-i V: Si can be attached to any Coal Oil Lamp, by an . tour J. C. Mcbaili. Co., half a minute. It makes Its o gsijtiat ss ss Is .ulred, M-o- e, Ai ' fst MeCOIAJAN w - - - v f ll033 th. Minister, .1 JOHNSON, 739 ljr . . and when the light is blown out, gas otaaes g bar j Total Claims by Death, (paid to date . Over Living' Yet, and has' been Living! the lo bs ler.Utl. J :ftl 'an.us Stuhlrichter rT Jlerfiant Tillers, .J, i ';. 'j,!, si . ' ! .it. ii.i iby A. - . - .- SPENCER, ,'r J fex BON-OLVCV- THOMAS Received CHIMNEY IS REQUIRED irvAinui.. R I- Sale, M ' - ' Just -- j f .4. ' ( For. J FORT ST ZET; B. -( i r-- i,'? . f 'I ,u I f iH ; wqueoce v aierthandlse,Isiaad Dividends,.paid date,) Over ,' jvj ..i t - to $8,000,000. Is v mn ir:ul t:ins. TI, rv,w r T2.1 ' ' Oppoaife Them. C Ueaete'a. ' ly Snip WandlerVDearerU General Total :' The flame as whlta aa ell ... .nit iirrwl n4x. nr : . addressed y Ilonolala the Last rritnoke. Frrrl' A uviez It has the arivantaee of eoal ras lo belne Miruble. LI VI- - - a BY THE Fourteen yexl:. nduA a v Merchant. vu.svt Awa.1 t tin Ii - Prodnef , and Commission : Oood Judges pmaounc t . 't L., . r tc, Current .Dividend from' J&ity' to' Seventy per THE OLD 'ESTABLISHED f', 7..' j" ,', H one of Uie safest Hrhts Iu uw, bat U'TDEBEIVT... ! t Dealer la all kinds of Baildliiz JIaterlals.1 Al .0-- 5 - 'V i Cent. - w r! Uiiff assurance of safety does sot .warrant careless psMte. As Brran's Bar, In the use of coal oil. ths lamp should be filled and tak'-- care we I enduwed . with - S,Wni keep constantly on hand extensl LONDON. soap J Oil, Woll Popors Window mni Picture Glass, a? KA HOI, FROM, Income, i In Is Oaaolipa PoUU ms i- - 'em9n' 'f- Current over 310,000,000' per 'Annum. ixoiof.ui.u woz:iis of the day time. The proper oil for this burner goods roquirexl by ship i.- blRMt Oak frora - Blind, Uoori,trclrt. jdetcnption jt aodothexf. of'T4 specta gravity, and ao grada sltoald the 5A. . i Ti nrir iven for Island Produce. Its' Income Interest alone, Moff than Pays other os !. LVt1' ' IsruAJABSV vrnwrr c hlihnt frbm tit t o7 HUo the flata-- Omca No.3P IJ ly; uovbt Hocaa .,.7,, r.., r at reasonable rates. V. . r- I inn. ,t. i i i . v. . rb frZ" r-- vr.. vH.n i Ii ...4 ii '.'Claims by Death. t :'. Ose fa Ecjaal ia Six Caadlea. - I & Bsrtfr aad II A M C 723 ly PORT- Rawlins Mitcheir' Manufacturers ' BILLING O., I ARRELS FRANCIS SUPERIOR - "e. 'Costa oaly sas Ceat per Hoar. besonws tit -- , . CEMENT, There beini; tio stockholders its gnrplas esc'uslvely 0F- j. us . . - , - .vtroavcM as pcALaaa t . . , . v . LAND .... oi loose wlie hate the " trr. B to the members, and' is e'quiiabljT divided among them in On exhibition and for sals at the Lock and Oun Sliop. Oil liht. ' ' "Dry ' Goods, " ! ! ! ptaJ DIVIDENDS, which may be Hard ware, Cutlery, Paiata'aad'ons, AIVOS AiVOS j Braufl Pale Ale, qfs. and ANNUAL applied in reduction - of approved, t - Oood - PI PI . C 5 ;Barrels Hamborg Star .. ,v fprnl'hed tb standard. IIa.. It is relate ..- General t" Hhds. Maixlan's tupnan raie aie. of preoiiaina, or may be aerurouiaUnl at iaterrs, lor tb benafit ALL KINDS ; OF SQAPS, I aod Jiercnanaise, -- . t . M KILL, ft.- OF THE BEST HALLET Sc Cases of Ar.axisiura BiUera, in whole and hf. bottles, of the ssure;or may be reeeired-h- tbewiuOash. '" -- AND- fUlm , J. Ne. 40 ft.rt Wh' 727 No. HONOLULU. TAVO Pre-min- ofJhl'rW? in every St KING STREET, ly Paid-c- p Policies .are franted "after two, or more years ' I " i eins Plan. Cases of Swedish Punch. . J - l .... , d2A i or Sale by C. BR EWER CO. Cock have been paidj tana praCically.maklDg - . Tail. Euy : ' i Case ers of - - : l ' . i . of . . Beet Mutton Goat ) - IRA B1CHARDSOAV- ' ii , . j . y German Whiskey,K and Tallow " lA: 'her -- ' Case of Bourbao and Non-Forfeilin- on idonebrh,7 waJ to Sabbath importer and Dealer Snoe Fta Clothing, of Life, v AH gvj , New Work la Boots k , Cases of Elixir Policies c A ad all kiads at SeasjGreasr. .llasonic Elotel, Street, ' 1 . Furnishing Goods, Perfumery, e. Kin? Cases of Cholera Bitter, issues Policies upon all desirable plans of Ynsuraneeanil fioiiimerctal-- Lav,r . . Casks of Boonekamp Bitters, It We havs received ox law arrivals from tlie United States erican noxotCLU, H, .. Cases and U working - sad Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, I. inrstotie glass bottles. has adopted in several SPACCA4L FJCTflES, , ; t - turope supplies . 923-- -. Cases Genuine Sheridan Gin, oi the - . HuNOLL LC. H L - rly S. A. - original with this Company and offered by no other. (.: t. -- ,9 WOOD. PROPRIETOR, LATE Cases Rhine Wine and Sparkling- Hock, COMPLETE AND SAFE GUIDE fOB. s0? cbolar iLlV.J sS; --- -- of Auckland, New - JBest Materials ;oar . Lin . ths correct Iransaciiou of every kind vf busiue.s t eo of the - : Zealand. , , . . la for f fnsisted . - ' ' . Casks of French Brandy in bulk, , . LAST YEAR'S PEOSPEROrS BrSIXESS. ; JlaanfattBrJng A and J JONES," - bracing plain and full iostroctioti with practical thT" w.'C. Apartments Cot- - Casta-o-f Superior Freoeh Claret. i. J -c- Arter'r"0"1131-0?011-- ! ''Mill Farabliedf aid Detached 11,960' Policies issued, insuring abootl. $39,000,000 00 Parpoara, to all the !Statea of the L tiloo. by FsiKtt-- l h', hurch. Attorney Land Agent. 1 ' adattrd at Law and " ' Sra Income received arid 9,064,064 S , ' is V- - !... i, trie tHreel 'tm Ltl . 4L30 . :; scented...... And will continue to be in receipt of fresh supplies by steam of the Lolled States Bar. This irirk 'consented WDI practice Ju all the Coorts of the Kincdou. He ii t. vessels, we desigjooi'l to sneet great and long felt want among al !IYl During its last fiscal year this Company paid in dividends to and satlmr are prepared to give satisfaction to all a :ii.e atteod the Circuit Coorts on Kauai, Maui and Hawaii, .iMiAT-nrrnrt!1ITrnl'i!- l.lLJwA- - . of people, in every occopation in life. The Bights, Duties, aad and Tiait JLdVXU ,1 the Uvine and oo be policies of its deceased members, Two either of those Islands on JkSD UEA1U " j Forty-Fiv- e Liabilities of every eitiften, In all Business MatUrs, are suwd ESTATE. - sVA' V- -" ' -llillions Two Hundred and Thouasnd Two Hundred Dealers and Coninmert of bur Speciality. m. special business. M Fifty-Tw- o - great practaioo.; forms sre tiva . ami Dollars, and the- came time added' mora ' - with rlearoeas and Ths giva the ; - ly st than WM win favor us wkh t Office I llui-lred- their' traded i: from varbUg useless repetlllon, plain and yx'erTV Til near Ihe Court House.. on Jli'UoBi Three ual Thoanaod Hollars all and prrreiUnc fj-- br' Five fifty Us ' - - - - - Several properticn these lo sub- go5?U tor By C. HECCK, s every legal oiily l y f i l dwLTt? isianaa sale, apply to TIIEOD. accumulated capital. , ., r.- - X.-B.A- conciasAodcia lot liutnuutut., t.'tl S-1 ' - Fort Street. Orders left aitl Store of St. Mclnerny, scription. O. WmOU, A rent. Wh'it the J. PERRY. J7 " V. L. GREEN. r 18 I 13-- The whole ream! of thii Cuipany has been one of prudent J. fhj' " ?' j, Importer and Dealer In Boots and Shoes, N. . Corner A peat tfce Ceearlly.Llfe 'i . . Dealer la General Merchandise, management and prosperous advancement. Among the older AIm for !a.srcs of the ' s of Fort and Merchant Streets, will thank-- . K '"Patience little fcHow Aiea- ... ! Leading Life Comprtnies-it- average of " be wied - . iTJta i and Insuradee ratio - FIRE-P- R ii u'a , ' : STORE, ? Tlie iTlerciia iit's MASONIC HOTEL, expemea to income has, through entire hisMry,-ee-n tha " fully received and promptly" ''' ?of iu to- ' . : s attended - t 11 lull of cards : Corner of Hotel and Xuv.ann Streets, Honolulu, H.L VtrNT I Nl NO Til E- - ITA AV A II AN TfARIF KING STREET, II. I. lowvst of anyj t ; .... Collccllou." aod Porti Regu'atiotta, foreipn powers, aod Further information concerning this old and reliable Com--, Pl5snouth ALSO treaties with RAW NS At .a,??.tP.?2,D.day School ,7A a hand other useful Information to foreign correspondents. Price 60 pany given by HEXRV M. W HIT NET, LI MITCHELL., N AND FOP 'n rr i Furnished Apartments To Let !MH - Retail Establishment on Ktrett. . Comfortable Soap . tub nnina cents each. For sale by - i Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. Prnctlcal Boilers. Il' .f " ' ' u'H4l "T Above fire-pro- nf .. j - "' iy). i--t 7 the Ptore. ' dlO ; " i. iLf ly l9. H. M. WHITNEY. 'to gentlemen or 'families: Honolulu .October, I860. J7 3ot 'jaWly," . J 'Leleo, King Sf:,' Honolulu. .. HIT ' er ''. j.ri ''.'. r ...t, i '.I i

e5w ;"" v,. .fiai 4FV v 5

when he C O rT 1VI 33 K C IAI . THE PJICiriO office of Postmaetcr General until 1802, resigned. Hon. D. Kalakaua then held tbe posi j , :J j FRIDAT, MARCH 24, 1871. (jEflmmcrrinl tion, until March 18th, 18G5, at which date Mr. Will Keceive this Month per , a complete Assort Th arrivals btcn tbe steamer Cirjr p lr-.urn- e, trgn hare pbcrfacr. incumbent, COMPANY, to-d- ay Brickwood, the present IS days frnm Auckland, arrived also tbe Arthur P. MUTUAL LIFE IIISUBAICE ( ) A Ulricas kIwouy l. eeaf, 15 days from foa Fran- received liia appointment. During the six years, t :t kv IN 3 Ary SATURDAY. MARCH 25. cisco, bringing dates to March Stb passengers, Capt. Worth ending last Saturday, in which Mr. Brickwood IHC . Two-Ho- le im! tor PelropaulakL. IR, Cabooses. Shin's Cabin Stoves, Fum E. TiLUry. She sails again O t T and onerous duties of " JW The German Peace Festival. has discharged the peculiar OF NEW Y ...... rv v o mn-eiTi- . 1 March 8ili. Svaxu We note aaka of SCO ntrnnr nrinon Fascico, head of the Post-offic- e Department, he has suc- OF,ALL SIZli? AISV rmoiio tu oun civiiui ruuai, aru gcucery grade, private. W quote - Circle A - ke. Hawaiian, i On the receipt of the news yesterday of tbe Amomr Trhlnli 1 1 t.t diff- Crashed, 14ie ; Cranulat d, 14c ; Powdered. 14Je $ Yellow, ceeded in what must be acknowledged is a Ccff-i- ; Re Query's ratification of the preliminaries, peace by the Firsl-CIa- ami GoUca C, 12c California Cube, 15c, of icult task for one in that position giving general OVER 845,000,000- - Abcndrolli's ss Cookln.l Ha- CASH CAPITAL laie awl laic, fit bbla, hf bbta and bxa, respectively French Assembly, our German fellow citizens, satisfaction.' waiian grades, Sialic ? ft. ' THE " COTTON PLAN?) Stb, The price of Gutd in New York accepting the intelligence an conclusive, de- It was not until after the commencement of Has PaaaciHCO. Mar. ritln and Extension Top. Iron or il opened yesterday 111, closing at 11H at S P. M. ; Sterling, to-da- y, Mr. Brickwood's administration that anything tW, at cided to celebrate the advent of peace Reservoir, and Tin Warm t'io vi Si 104. i Legal Teodr here is 909L Tbe price of Cold in like adequate accommodation was provided for ISTet the past Year - Increased"- in : Assete 89.85- according to programme an- - New Vork bring HU make lie price of lgal Tender the previously - ' " SIX, SEVEN. EIGHT AND native correspondence. The euetoni formerly was - NINE LV RICB. Tfce market l exeeedi-i:ri- y qoieC &'es of 6?0 mats nounced. Divine service will be held at 11 over Very neat det-lgn- , Ho. 1 China. private. We quote China at 647e per pound; to dump the native letters into au open extra heavy castings, We note otfc00ke.-- 11a waiUo, sroo-r- y grade, t9t fCOa sain o'clock, in the Fort Street Church, and in the was free to the HT And pronounced by now private. At auction, about liOO kesa Hawaiian, ex Mrjrsr-- t box by themselves, which Za'Z O DOLLARS. ail who Lavs aoM Iota SEVEir in Crock r!. more or less damaiwl. in at a range of $7 evening, there will be a torchlight procession. public a somewhat similar accommodation MIL - A crashed, I41e; First-Clas- s l J100tt- Wequote: Circle Granala'ed, To bo a Cooking 5 Powdered. 1J; Yellow, Offe. ao.I Gcblen C. 1; California to that provided for foreigners previous to UeAuery'S Cuoe, 1 ia bblsj Uawaiiau grades, V lb. iPlll A-.Fe- 1850. The natives are industrious letter writers, INSURANCE i From tbe commercial article of the Daily Southern Cross, More.' Last Words." IS THE LARGEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL system has become thor- 9-i- n., March 6th. we eoiry he following s The Gazette has evidently got enough of the and since the postal " Magna Charta," 6, 7, 8, Scosa. Yellow Maaritioa crystals are very scarce, and are " Wood versus Stone " controversy, but lias not oughly organized, their correspondence has W orld., worth IM per loo. Other aogara are ia food sapptv, and Company in the " 7, 8, 9-i- n,. ales of one or two large parrel bare been effected. At the the grace or the courage to acknowledge tbe fact. greatly increased. A separate department for Civilian," bat aate of note, while Maoritiua crystals fit bed from 4d. to letters was inaugurated several years in any approved form, combining the A Hawaiian Furnishes Vi.-t-.ri- Insurance 4!d. ; Company's V, 3'J toCld.; Victoria Company' Like a scolding woman, it. insiets however upon 9-i- n, Company anow-whi- te 1 W, 4Jd Post-offi- ce 'a7, 8, 2VV and 1C, 4id ; Victoria having last word. The last word in this in- ago, and in the new there are eighty Companies, "Placer" to 4 Id. Theae figure, however, are scarcely equal to present the advantages of all other lock-box- es follow- ''' value. ImiI price are alow to advance with present stork. A stance is to apply the term 44 ridiculous " to our in the native department. The 8-in- ., sugar wa offered at auction on r'ebru-aj-- r 7 anil quantity of iiouolula inter-islan-d UITEQUAI-E- D SECXTRITIT. "Gray Jacket," 2sih. advocacy of wooden structures. This, though ing table will show the increase of WITH: FINANCIAL only 10 kegs The compelition waa stack, and were quilfd. correspondence during the six yeai's ending March 1-- 6-i- n. withdrawn, at tf' lb. ibr yellow, and 2$d hardly amounting to an argument, is probably ' " Shamrock," 5 2 and the balance beias 3d : to to-f- dark brown, in hood. A sale of 5A) kega ia reported 31st, 1870 Application for Insurance can be made V intended ks a cutting sarcasm on the understand- FOBEIOW. V bare taken place on February 25, but tbe price ohtaiiicd Native. . has nut been dcloed. Honolulu pUntera wooid And a much ings of a majority of the' community, whose Received Sent Received Sent 1 market in these coioaiea were they to establish a Apra 30,236 28,538 22,0291 25.84S HAND: more certain April l,1864to 1,1866. TVgerit 3-1, opinions on the'eontroversy are the eaine as our HJilLIEiSr, 1 l-- jj refinery, and ahip their gnoda in varied qualitir. Ebould the April 1866 April 1863. 49,155 35,620 43,815 J. R: Special TIII5Ei:-Pf-- Y klJnBEIt HOSE, mid flawaiiau laland continue to bold tbe portion of a port of call own. The lumber dealer, Who was accused of April 1868 April 1870. 64 976 39,53 51,153 5C.4S5 FOR TIIE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, OR TO BEST 1-- lc 1-- 3-- 4, 1 LNCh! fur the trans-l'acif- ateamera, ugarroser tbere will have Estim'd 1870 . April 1671. 30,000 21,000 26,000 25,000 r,AT.VANrEn IRON WATEK PIPE. 2. 1 AND 2 considerable advantage over all their competitors for supplyi- writing our articles, must feci particularly bad E. P. ADAMS, Local Agent, Queen St. only 124,511 149,489 ng1 New Zealand. They bare to study the requirements 44 - Total for seven years.... 170,367 of the market to obtain a monopoly of it. to find that ho ia Bimply ridiculous." The CORRUGATED ROOFING, GALVANIZED AND BLACK SHEET P: By toe courtesy of a yaiitomao in this city, we are permit- "We have not at band full statistics of the . - -- rs v St tS r editor could' scarcely have chosen a more em- ' ... . II , t - ? AUM V fi aaav.- ted to make tbe following extract from a letter dated Sydney, declaring his defeat, than by re- number of letters received from and forwarded to Jlefers by Permission, to 'f phatic. way of . Bankers, HonoUtu. Feb. 28th : Our augar market coutinue in an excited state, Ufa Ex. Henry A l'elrce, , , Messrs. C. R. Bishap Cs., I',, sorting to the style reply. foreign countries during tbe years above enumer- At No. 9 Kaahumanu ISlreet, fust above Ihe Bant11 and high prices will rule all this season. The new from the you're another" of America. Am JT. ., Ilonolnla. ' Resident Minister or United States of Cartwright, Mauritius ahowa increasing prices there, and while that con- Now that the discussion is concluded, we have ated, but an approximate idea of the increase of and others, Ilonoluln.' lin tinue prices must increase here, as we bare no other source of no desire to resurrect it, but there is one sugges- such correspondence during the past six years n,18 J. S. Walker, Esq., Any shipments from your quarter are bound to come LONDi" supply. tion that has been meB turned which we think is may be formed from the fact that in 1865, there ARRIVAL OF THE KA HOI FROFil to a good market this year, and we would strongly recommend FIHU BUILDING LOT FOE SALE. FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. . was ' received from foreign countries, 17,466 . ... . t yoa to ship all yon cau. We hare not had auch a chance for worth while remembering. It is to the eSect E. II. BOYD. ' and J" IN FORT STREET, OPPOSITE TIIE many year. that the proposed hotel being intended for the letters, 16,119 forwarded, while the numbers Government School House. Choicest Meats from finest herds. Poultry Fish, Vegetable af particulars apply to f COMMERCIAL ITEMS. accommodation of strangers coming here from for the year ending April 1, 1871, will amount For c., furnished to order. , . m'i&ly n,25 3t ' J. W. AUSTIN. TO YOUR The population of the large rities of the American Union ia to 27,161 letters received, and 23,905 sent. IS TIME; FIC1SE t given as ((.lows : . abroad, who are to lodge in the building during JOHN FREDERICK .KEN YON, 1 Ho." Citirt. 179. ' 1SW. Per cent. their stay, and not 6o much for the accommoda- Under the able .and efficient management of the 805,068 14 6 Ifiorsc Sliocr, ' Starrier, MILITARY, NAVAL AND CIVIL If York...., .. 02,531 l..New office AND ; ' Philadelphia...... 674,0-i-- i 19.2 tion of residents, the arguments against 6tone, present Postmaster General, tbe is a model A FIIVE ASSOBTMEIVT alUST OPENING! ,2.. -- - - 7 X Xj . FMU 3.". Brooklyn 220,661 receive of neatness, regularity and dispatch, and the T A. O K , 93.4 on earthquake principles, additional force. ; 4..riL Louis ...... 310,64 160,773 enteral Ulaeksmitli. King SL, next door to Bradley's Barber Shop, Uonolula. ol ' ' ! ..Chicago ...... 109,260 173.7 One might readily enter a house for a call, or to verdict 'of the public, which we are happy to V S0ITABLE FOR - 6 . . Baltimore ...... 267.354 212,418 25.9 Boston 250,&2a 177,840 40 9 dinner, and object to sleeping inside of repeat, is that in this department, at all events, THE DNDGRSIGNED BEGS TO 7.. ... eat yet notify his frieuds and the public freueraliy For Sale. . ...216,239 161.044 34 3 1- STC 8. Cincinnati .... the Government has got ' the right man in the himself in the above TANKS, -4 lis AND COUNTRY V.. New Orleans.., ,..131,32 1G1.675 1 3.5 stone walls. sZk that he has established riMIREK CYLINDRICAL PLANTATIONS, PLANTATION ' " business, at the well known stand, on JL. iuch plate. Capacity of each, 1,300 gallons. 10.. Ban Francisco ..149.41 ' 56,802 163 2 right place." A For sale by the : 0 11. .Buffalo ...117,71a 81,129 45.1 ' ' ' V Dlreftly Dpjioslte the Station House, m25 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. ! 204 61.122 HA Milk in ' KlngStreft, HOUSEHOLD FA.TIIIiYSlirrL.IES 12.. Washington ...... 109 The the Cocoanut. good work, hojies to merit 13. .Newark ...105,073 71,941 46.1 The New, Government. Building. where by prompt attention and he 63,033 We contemporary in and receive a share of public patronge. . 14. .Louisville ...... 100,753 48.1 perfectly agree with our i:i t 3 2,841 43,417 113.9 The building which has been erected by the m2S3m E. B. HARPER. Wanted. A-ir- T-- 2rtfXt 15.. Cleveland...... opinion 44 one easiest and surest 1 liON-l- Vt 14.. Pittsburg ...... ,..88.235 49,217 ' 75 6 the that of the LD CAST -2 TO t CEXT WILL r LOW Government on the site of the old " Polynesian " be giren, according to quality, by the Sold 17. .Jersey City..., ... 8I.744 29,220 179.7 o ways to wealth on these islands, is by means of WORKS 18.. Detroit 79.580 45,619 74 5 m26 1IONOLCLU IKON CO. . office, ia at length completed and in part occupied. lw-.- Milwaukee 71,499 45,2-- M.l the cocoanut treeV' . The only difficulty in tbe 20.. Albany 89,422 62,367 , 11.4 way to wealth " thus open to all, is how to get The new building is a handsome structure, a THE, WORKS CO. relative position of the cities credit to tbe architect and builder, and a fine nOHU IIM named above in I860 : the trees. To be sure, one can hardly go amies

PL. 15. Baa Francisco. ornament to the city. Built of the best materials ; 'MAKS ALL KINDS OF . ,& 1. New York. 8. Louis. as to locality on which to plant, but unfortunately EXPECTED ; COOK 3. Philadelpbia. 9. Chicago. 16. Pittsburg. CASTLE and in the most faithful manner, it is calculated " 3. Brooklyn. 10. Buffalo. 17. Detroit. those localities cannot be bought. But If STEAM ENGINES.' . Wc Don!t Ulcan to'l)c Beaten. 4. .Baltimore, 11. Newark. IS. Milwaukee. to to stand for an indefinite period, proof against JJACIIINERV, a. Itostun. IX Louisville. 19. Cleveland. any one should be fortunate enough secure a SUGAR MILLS, WIND MILLS, O OF . SO. CONSISTING - o. New Orleans. 13. Albany. Jersey City. fitting locality on which to make a cocoanut the gnawing tooth of time, or the wars' of the T AKEIVE J 7. Cincinnati. 14. Washington. , VACUUM PANS, CLARIFIERS, plantation, how long would he have to wait for elements everything in fact, except the uncer- POUT OP HOUOLULU, II. I. the milk in the cocoanut" otherwise the oil tain convulsions of mother earth, or the new J CENTRIFUGAL MACHINRS, Groceries. Hardware, Stationery. which is so handsomely to repay expense and necessities for improvement which may be evolved BOILERS. COOLERS, ARKIVALS. in the coming years. " Only from ten to twenty years, in . TANKS. SMOKE STACKS, : trouble? , Dry Goods, Cutlery, Cfroclicry 14 Mary Ellen, Davis, from MauL The now building has so far been commonly Mar. 8chr , which timo his trees, if no blight "came, or 19 Schr Isatx-lla- Peter, from Maui. And All Kinds Heavy Sheet Iron "Work. 21 chr Ka Moi, Powers, from MauL worms destroyed, would begin to bear. To be known as the New Post Office," and in the law 21 Schr Ilattie, Kale, from KauaL sure, they would continue to bear for a hundred appropriating the funds for its erection, it is so 21 dchr Warwick. Jottn Bull, from MolokaL CASTINGS IN IRON, BRASS AND LEAD 23 Kcbr Active, Kalauao, from Kanai. years and perhaps longer, which would be a con- termed. But this is a misnomer. It would be . ; ' Goc 23 8cus Jenny, Dudoit, from KauaL Fancy to to Steel, 2 Am wh bk Fanny, L W Williams, from cruise to siderable source of satisfaction to the descendants just about as appropriate to designate the Court Made Order, and particular attention paid Iron and Southward, cle.n. ' ' 23 A as wh bk Concordia, Rob't Jones, from cruise to of the planter, provided tliey retained possession, House building as the Marshal's Office,' or (Southward, 45 bbla sperm. and the demand for cocoanut oil continued so the " Office of the Police Magistrate," and the ! 24 Brit, stmr City of Melbourne, II Graiager, 18 days Ship S in itli in g frcm Auckland. long. But in this age of tbe world the inexor- Government House, i' Tho Home Office," as to ' : .24 Am acnr Mary A Reed, C H Hewitt, 15 days from -- PER- TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT OF t! PI CBS IN TIIK CJOtTNTBTii ' attention. . We cannot call this new structure the Post Office, Beeing Anthracite, & Soft Coal Ban Francisco. able low, demands our Cumberland -. Cassia, Pepper, Cloves, Allspice, Macs, tiauuem. Ginger, Martsrd, Cassia In mals.sivl rinfsKK 21 Schr Panabi, B Hastier, from MauL. , afford the time required to perfect a cocoanut that just one quarter of the building is occupied On Hand and for Sale. Also, Condensed Milk, Tslrie and Dairy Salt, Yesst frwilc-rs- Corn furch. 24 Schr llokulele. Booth, from KauaL FINEST 'tiAVORINQ KXTR ACTS. Ixnon, Vanilla, Pesch, Telrry, tin. . "service 24 Schr Prince, Howard, from Hawaii. plantation ; we must plant something that will for the purposes of the postal of the STMR MOSES TAYtO&t Valves, Cocks, and Brass Work of all kinds. Crnsee & Ulackweli's Finest Ptcklej. k'ie Fruits. Jnmi ami Jelln-s-. Pure Castile Snap. Toilet Hot p. 25 rtimr Kilauea, llsrrison, from Hawaii and MauL Pure Old Brown Wiudsor Chemical Boup. bago and Tapioca; Carb. Boda and Cream Tartar, 4-- , Ac, ke Ac, if 2j Bear Mary EUes, lavis, from Maui. ; realize at once. Let those and they are among country. A far more correct name would be the Centrifugal Wire Cloths, of various meshes. us who have the waste lands and (he capital to Government printing house, inasmuch as the Flax Packing, Rubber Packing and Belting. - T-e- Ac. ! DEPi RTOR.ES. whole the building and FROM EUROPE. rijilnjr. Elbows, Bends, Nipples, Y W D W spare, go on and plant cocoanut groves for pos- upper half of a portion Steam gauges. DR A FA CY COO DS wh brig Kohola. - and water Mar. 20 flaw Almy, to cruise. is to MiS 24 Husr Kilaaea, Harrison, for Mani and HawaiL terity, who will probably rise up and call them of the first story to be devoted the uses of Boiler tubing, various sises, THE BEST iUAL,ITr AND FINEST ASSORTMENT OF I'KIJVTS IN HIE 20 Srhr Nettie Merrill, Crane, for MauL blessed. Poor men must be content to raise the Ministerial printing establishment. In fact, 8h.afi.iiig, Bar, Plate and Angle Iron, ' Printed Msrseilles, Piquets, Brilliants, Casnmeres and Twnis, Prlnt-- d Linens, TJnen Pant BlalTs, Hol, ' 20 for FANCY " ' Schr Panahi, Ballastier, Maui. ENGLISH PRINTS, Pig iron for ballast, Scrap Iron, J . Robes and furnitures. Fancy Tweels, Liu. n Ducks and Drills. liulT Linen, Fine Broad Cloths, loskliis, 20 Xchr Manuokawai, Kaapnni, for Maul. something that will sell now. the design from the beginning was plainly enough " Corduroy and Bedford Cord, Fine Navy Itlue Twill FUtunel. sinirle and double , (T" Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Rlrets, 20 Schr Fairy Uueen, Kaaina, for Kauai. to build a Government printing house,' and the . Fancy Flaontla, new styles, Tor chiJdrtu'f wean UN KN OOOD8 Blieetiups, 00 to 100 Inches, Tlllow Lima, 21 Schr Mary Kllen. DavU, for MauL Wlikfce Cottons, Cotton BbeetinK, Dress Linens, Hollands, Mantle Linens, Homespun Linen, 21 Hchr Mary . Kanobo, for 8-- Damifk B" KauaL A Post Office was used as a convenient horse on SteeL RiMrhnl and Rnbleached Linen Dsmask. flnest nuNlitr 1 Turlccy lied and Blue Plaid Patnask, The Postal Service. Fire Clay, and a full Assortment of , 21 Ketch Lunalilo, Nika, fur MauL Fine Usraask Napkins, a large variety of patters. Linen and Cambric Handki-rchkfr- Hemstitched Ilssdkerti 22 Hchr ilattie, Ka!e. for Kanai. which to saddle of Blue Cottons and Mue Drills, Water-proo- AssorUxlT4 ... Previoas to the year 1850, there waa no Poet- - the large expenditure public ALSO Iiussia very cheap, Kussia Crash, lluckabuck. All wool and C. 4i W. f Cloth, 23 Schr Ka Moi, Powers, for Maui. 23 Warwick, John Bull, for Molokai. office Vessels froni funds necessary to carry out the unpopular pro i Coburgs debr in these lelanda. arriving i: Black and Alpaca. & ject. No one believes for a moment, that had NEW SECOND HAND HACHINERY, '. cign porta, bringing mail matter letters or MEMORANDA. undis-guiscd- 1 Tank Juice Pump . delivered the same the tho Ministry in the first place plainly and ly newspapers, at counting Colored IS!ael Perforated Brass Plates for Centrifugals, A One assortment of Gent's snd Boy's, Ls dies', Mles' and Children's Hose, bleached and unblnsched. fc and Tha C. N Z A mail steamship City of Melbourne, II 1868 fine Is, Shawls, very Silk. Net, Fancy Neck Ties, Collars, Bosoms, Wrist Bands, te asked the Legislature of for an H Black Lace thaw Square cheH. Bydney on 9 room of the consignee. There the bags were ': 1 Small siaed Sugar Mill, . ; Kyes, Silk Twist, Sbirla, Grainger, Esq, Commander, left the 1st inst at ; ' Pearl Buttons, nooks and Shetland appropriation fifteen twenty ; thousand dol- sized Sugar Mill for power, second hand, Poplin. (Urlped A H, arrived at Auckland on the 6lh at 0 P M, and left at 2 P opened, the contents tumbled out on a table, sur- of or fiffcrinoes 1 Small cattle A line unsortment of Trhnminir Braids. Ac. Alnacaa. CoburirS. Alpaca Orenadincs. lars for building new office, 1 Horizontal Steam Engine, 10x18, second hand, Black p ilk of the c?lebcat-- d Bonner make, ttraw Hals r Man and Boys. Assorted VttxA Hals, f M on the 7th for Ilonoluln ; experienced for the first part vari- rounded by a crowd of expectant and excited a printing they would Black Thibets and Cashmeres, Black Italians, White guilts, Heavy Blankets, Litfht and madiuni, unary A Onest BleaolHal unuiracm ' 2 Turbine Wheels for rauniug centrifugals with 60 feet Infant's Blankets, able winds and weather, latter part strong NE and ENE finds White Mol;skins, Victoria Lawns, a ffnM siunrtment of New Silk ltibbons. Elsslic Cords. Java Canvas. Ouera FImiiim;!. people, who shuffled and picked and assorted to have got it. They were too shrewd for that. ' head of water, 1 . . , , uutil her arrival in port at 3 P M on (be 24th. On the ,1211 a Plain and Ciiwked Nainsooks. Uilward's Needles, from 1 lo 12 In papers or canes, Orrs cNuught's fcpool Cottou froin 10 to 100, kC , ktJ suit ;themselves; Old residents will remember So the project of buildiDg a new Post Office, . 1 Boiling down apparatus for tallow, . delay of several hours took place, through an accident to the 1 Upright Boiler, 6 horae power, machinery. 8he brings a fair amount of passengers cn route that the store of Brewer & Co., (which then stood which was a popular one because the necessity Fine ISrondcloths and 1 Small Tubular Boiler, 2 horse power. Ai X X . lo San Francisco, vis s 33 cabin and 51 steerage. Dr Piuoell, now-- was apparent,' was held out to the Legislature, H K Wa. bile American Consul at Melbourne, together with Mrs Pinnell on Fort street, on the spot occupied as a and the money was voted for N. B. Sawing and Wood Work RTKRf. Aau'R. Itiin.t Kinninir w fMnms linu-hrr'- Cirealar and Tit. and Mr Pinnell, Jr, are passngere by her for New York. . was that object cheerfully. j 'Buckskins. vtkkst nST ti, grocery by Henry May) generally place . the . i EXECUTED TO ORDER, lrawinr, Butcher, Cane, Fish and labia Knivss. f wkshaves. Plane Irons. Pq.urs, IIamnen,Ck,. to which the mails were taken on their airival They were sufficiently .modest too, in their re- White Msrteiles and Pateens, Oauei, Bitv, Aaers, Klvetting 1J am trier, Stub's Files, tpcnr and Jauksous flies, riui.t nMinn, jiann, Cotoreil Camlirios, fine Spot Net, - , , , Hasps. Mom Hamutors, Sledgs iiaoiaitn ' PiSSEXOEilS. quests, asking for only nine thousand dollars in White and For which, the Works hare unusual facilities. y Mill, BasUrd Files. Hasps, Horse Uaps, Csbiuet Co.K!r l ack, " from home' and there the whole foreign popu- . Pilk Ulosion. Pa-- Crape. Fsow Btdskv amd Avcklasd Per City of Melbourne-Ma-rch lation tho village " was wont to assemble the outset, well knowing that twice that sum Blue and While FiannH, Wool Barege. Ju7 ALEXANDER YOUNG, Manager. : O VV Mitchell. In transitu San Frnnciteo of " AGR-CULTURA- irvflPLE-V-EftlT- for L S. E Treneny, Rev W K Plelroer, 6 M Pinnell, Mis Martin, J far-betwe-en would be required in the end. And when that when the few and letter bags were 1 ' Carbide, E Miller, J E Davidson, Mr and Mr Pinnell, Mr and was again came forward Xjs-3E-3 Mr Burnley, A Seddon, Lieut O Verney, A Archer, B Lane, known to have been received. In the scramble, expended, they in 1870, Umbrellas, Plows, Spades of rtl kinds and price. Shovels of all kirds and prices. -- V Taylor, M gamut-t- , II E Kaler, Mr McOillicuddy, Mrs with the request for an additional trifle of five Cotton, Italian Cloth and Silk. PER- : Forks, Kafcas, Seoops, Uua, Alatuwks, Piuks, Hatchets, Meat-knivr- s, Planters Hoes, Ac Ac. Ac. As. Marsh. H Barclay, V C Shaw, A B Kitchener, Rev P Byrne, many a letter got into the wrong .hands, and as Jol ti H Whitmore, J Z Preddey, A Sterenson, Mrs Selifrman, for newspapers; they were almost looked upon as thousand, " to complete the new Post Office." Kntoutcaa, Supeotlers, . STEAMER MOSES TAYLOR. Mis E Wilson, C II Sunnaoer, A Ewin, F Gillies, and 41 in r 4h steerage 84.: public property, it was quite legitimate to carry and of course got it. Was it not cleverly engi- . Genuine Lubin's Extracts. ; ; STATIONERY. EM-J- L neered? The Government house was mpiG OLDEST AND TIIE NEWEST Bilk tx-s- t off as many as yoa could lay your hands on, with printing Hilr Neto in great variety. pire, r China ami the United States, by Rer. Win. r?pesr ' Cap and Letter Paper. cheap and the best quality. Note and Paper, cheap snd quality, DIED, Knvelops, all and prion. Overland Psper, LelUT ami WrsypiiiK BlntunK Paper, beat. prop- there all the while, but the guileless representa- "" The Illustrated Library of Wonders, 15 rols. v l'aier. the understanding however, that as public : : Books, Copying 4r0. Ac As. M. A Fine Assortment of Paris in America. The B. O. W. C. . . Memorandum Bristol Board, Letter Clips, Ink, lnkslaiul, Pens and iiolders, - ? of see In Honolulu, on Monday evening, March. 28th, erty they were tobc passed around." tives the people could'nt it. And when 1J Capt. Mayne Keid's Illustrated Jureniles, f'looKB . Cookk. arrd 61 years. " RAIDS & TRIMMINGS. Averbach's German Tales, intor-islan- the Legislative Assembly for 1872 comes together In the matter of d correspondence, a The Boys of Grand Here School, Obituary. BLACK AKD COLORED SILK RIBBONS. A D D L E R Y. to good the. in George Elliot's Movels, S . 1 existed. deliberate .for tho of nation, addi : Amos S. Cooke, just deccaaed, was born in I) anbury, Con still more delightful etate of uncertainty Warren's Household Physician, .. ' - ' tion to .the fourteen . thousand dollars already & Seat of Empire, ' 'i necticut, in 1810, the son of pious jwrenta of the highest re There was no law on the subject of carrying LADIES' FINE COLLARS. CUFFS, Carlton's 1 Bugify Brsaat1 . Collars aod'Hamcs. Buckles, HiOKS, Turret, bwiveeL Post Hooks. 8ut Due sumle ilarnsst, ! Emerson's Society and Solici'ude, spectability. His ancestors were among tbe settler ol the "expended Kthey will course be asked for VEU-S- - 1 . . . mails by the coasters, but the practice was for the of a bill . ,' MM. Grey's Vixit to Egypt. place. When young he entered a store in hi native town, and Wells' Every Man his Own Lawyer, book-keep- at Honolulu; to leave all of. indemnity for 'probably Jour thousand more, Copings, India Rubber Chairs, Ear Kings. er masters on arrival Insertions and a ter a season went to New Vork, where h was a their Standard Series of Temperance Tales. l.i TI1V ALVI IVAHE. in dol India Rubber Blts, Bed Fringes. Bongs Ories Horns,' HOIitOW in tbe large commissi oo. house of Tonilinson 6c. Booth, in Front letters previously uncalled (or at the Custom making all the sum of eighteen thousand fr Little t ' Fortunes for Working men, . Milk Pans, all stylsssl street, tor several year. Ilia employers were both pious, ex- ex-offi- Pots, KoUles, Suee Pans, Fry Pahs, Palls, Caddies, Pans, Dippers, Funnels. Broilers, House, and the Collector thus became lars, thus skillfully drawn out of the public Master and Pupil, a $500 prize story. MraliH-r- , Coffin PoU, Oil Cans. Cullenders, Slop Palis, Dish Pans. Sieves, r and Pl uio Matifre Uolda. cellent aoen, and here he first found that Saviour of whom he ". Moth and Dust, a foot) prize story, " the post-maste-r. But tho custom was often un- money to build a handsome cage for that Minis ' ' ; Camp Kettles, Funnels. Nora Lupps, Soup Tarreeua, Dust Pans, Caks Boxes, Pur Flsfs, PosT Pans, CsksDis hod in hi childhood, immediately Both Sirtes of the Street, a $500 prize story, ben taught and united with 1), SHOT, ' : Biscuit Pans, Sfionge Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. ,. .. .. ' observed through carelessness of skippers, and tcrial toy, the Government newspaper, under the SHEET LEA LEAD PIPE. Pimm's Border Tsles, 5 v.la. Cake Pans, 11m rtesbyterlan church Under tha care of Rev: II. G. Ladlow, Percussion Capi, Ganpowder, Grindstones, Jewsharps, btory of a Workman's Life. Uxa which he and a number of other subsequently colonised punctuality in correspondence was difficult to agreeable disguise of a Post Office. Let us see Kobinson Crusoe, unabridged and illustrated. to furu another Church, to which 'fhey called that eloquent Letters were sometimes hidden away in DEST ENGLISH HOOP IRON, Argyll's Reign of Law. ' ' ' K E R Y. obtain. how this Government press account will stand : ...'..." . fancy Fern's Ginger Snaps. v y -- CROC and devoted man. Rev. Dr. I arising with whk'h he maintained 3-- 7- -8 purpose for 4 iuch and inch. Mountfoni's Miracles, past and present. m s - , lookers until the, perhaps important when presented to the next Legislature , . A few superior superior to any In tha Medium Set so. Nappi, r bis connection till he came to the Hawaiian Island. He was 11 .f Dinoer Sets, warranted market. Murruy's Music nil Sermons. Plates, Pitchers, twers and Buslns, Cups and Sauc!a, Ae. c. Ac. one of the lew who, from a sense ol duty, remained at his post which they were .written was forgotten. We Cost of New Build injr...... 18,000 Iron Wire of all slses. Fencing Wire, Copper, Life and Letters of P. W. Robertson. f For Director's Salary, pa of printers, purchase...... $new - Galvanised Iron Pipes and Fittings. ' when New York was first visited by that terror and scourge in which a gentleman em- . . Sermons and Lectures of do., do., FOOT recollect an instance material, incidentals, and interest, ior two years.... 39,000 Dr. Hall on Sleep and Diet. PAINT OIL, BOILED AND EAW, CASTOR OIL, NEATS 1832. finally left position New York, Camphor, the cholera, In He his in barking at Kona for Honolulu in 1853, chancing Candles, Salad Oil, Mustard, A great variety of Bibles, large and small. Brlcht Varnish jt Tarnish In one rsllon cans, ffnar, Cnpal, Coach and Furnlturs Vsrni. which be was well adapted, and where he wa highly ap- Making the snug sura ol...... 57,030 WWiTu.4 not the good or m.fl.. qnKy tmt the be Jld . mu,m 1 e 1 fat tliO tulrlo drawer in schooner's .....$ bbnek No. 1 Md esteemed, to study for the ministry i but befire to look into the Wo inny add bere that Ihe ANCHORS, Over 200 Jarenilea and nil the Lal Pubis- - Chrome Yellow. Koain. Umber, Drop Blsck, Sienna, Ao. Ae. Ac. preciated and Ibreoiog estimate STOCK ; .IROIV i - - - ! -- w 1 i i , , , , i iua ssuuies, an argent cau iron the A. B. C. cabin, found there a letter on business matters cntloH. together with :" 7-- 16 K of the' cwt to the country does" not include tbe CHAINS, 3-- 8 Inch. S l N K I S. r. 3, for teacher for these islands, lad him to finally sebct that 'had been addressed to him from Ililo, bear-in- " .and. Toy Books. Pictures, Albums, Etc., Etc., , loss to the revenue in tbo shape BBCSHKS T- this calling and field of labor as his work. lie sailed from of Custom House . Best English R. Belting, 4 ply, 4 and 8 inch wide, of all kinds, Vtab. nW.h;Cr-b- Carbon Charcoal - date of 1845. That letter had been on its I. r Filters. Boston December 14th, 1S36, and reached here AprS 9th, 1S37. the duties, and taxes .; ; Vials, 3 os, 0 c. and 8 oa...... In Endless Variety. inX remitted. ' Paper. was from port to port, for it waa Copy Books, Letter Paper. Wrapping ni4 lm . For Sale by II. M. WHrTNET. No man waa ever more in earnest la his railing than Mr. travels eight years, Over fifty thousand dollars,; to be balanced by Cooke, and none more instrumental than he during the voynge deati-natio- n. SYf, nobody's business to see that it reached its twelve to nueen thousand dollars EXPECTED BY THE MOSES TAYLOR AND ia bringing about that change hi the captain, second mate and worth of annual GENUINE RHINE WINES, ALSO, olQcers subscriptions, to tbe " ALAR0EASSOETMENTOF . i - . - I which led those and several of the men on their Gaztlle. advertisements, . T: . .. I rrew, job . ' RE ; Deidesheimer, JUS CEIVED' to enterprise andenergy that we as Rudtshebner, Xiersteiner. - arival her to unite themservea with the Mission Church, na- It is private work and new appropriations of the people's . JBX ' Post-offic- iler the pastoral care of tbe Rev. Hiram Bingham. establishment , of a e at Hono- ware, Agricultural Iniplciad owe tbe money. A cheap plaything-i- s not ? Gov- American Ifsird General Meeting and him execlknt it the V. When the assembled, ho consequence, organized postal New 1 lulu, and as a the ernment press,. : ; ,'v IVabob,- A' FINE ASSORTMENT" KEROSENE LAMPS, 8tjlc au Durnerf. . ami Wines, . wife were selected to take charge of the Royal School, then FrencliIlaat Sauternes, Chateau d' Yqoem, . .. we &.O. boot, to b established, and the subsequent experience of system throughout the Islands which now Pontet Canet, Et. Jnlicn. CUANDELIERS. LANTERNS. BRACKET LAMPS. Haut Barsac, ' I , i ' ' 'i .... ; twelve years proved ,lh.t& no hver selection could have been enjoy. In the year' 1850','Mr. H. M. "WTiitney LOiNDON LETT'S DUttlES 1S7I. 1 aisde. Ia this. Christian family, the present and late King, from Government - obtained permission the to part- " DSraiiclies,-- superior English- prints,' Tf BIOS ENE OIL. Boston; nobles of realm, found Ax Cap Bal.es latest Style.- ' OWiVEirSKE irom ud nearly all tbe the a Christian home IVeitTARTo form." Fine & Co. -- ' 'room a-- and Martell's, and Otard Dupuis Amoskeag Denims, , . : ' . ition1 'off a portion of the publication of the rf &1.UO each Bale heavy, s . w m . Jt s through the period of their youth, which horse . .' .rff aal Instruction n26 2t yortjaleby , - H. M. WHITJfBY.' Cases White Cotton Sewing Cotton, 'and instruction I behere to be remembered with gratitude by Polynesian newspaper, to bo used aa a place &c. - Cases Hunt's three feet Handled Axes. Port Wine, Madeira, &c, - . . . ''- - foreign tSewalL 4n 'which io receive and distribute the r .FUENISHED HOUSE TO , . ' &c '.-- LET. yoR SALE AT ' ! Tho Celebrated Paris Plotvfl and Extra Points &c.f j In 1840, Mr. llatt, one of tbe agents of the Mission, having mails. A few boxes "were put up, lettered and FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS, IE0M Cs. McM array's Clysters For v 1 been appointed director of. the Government press, Mr. Cooke, MKOR further particulars, inquire of Case Mason's Blacking, r c,i public, who of course .were . . .. H. M. & iVv 13 C O iV H 12 who had received a mercantile education suitable fur tbe posi- -; speedily leaped bythe WHITNEY. ED. I10FFSCIILAEGER Cos Charcoal Irons with shields, V E I T I N S P E T I OP T It E ; ' was called for Mission. 1851, and avail themselves of the 't .t;.: : - m2S 3t ; A ' i .' , s liufe, to act as agent the . In in not slow to appreciate ' it Calf Boots ATTENdED Consequence of tbe transition state of the Board's work at the improvement.., Tbe difficulties met in tho Leg in -- f STONE vs. 'WOOD. Cases Eden's superior ORDERS FROM OTHER ISLANDS PROMPTLV Mauds, and at Its request, he took hi dismission from the 1 nifig ;of tho 'enterprise were many, and the "HAWAII FOR HAWAIIANS." , Cases Men's Superior Congress Gaiters,. , - Beard's service and aided ia establishing the mercantile boose FIRE-PROO- F 7 " Br'ogans, FOR BUILD! N C S . ANY OTHER MAN," '. ' " Cases Men's Superior f Ca i Jc Cooke, with which he remained connected till the progress was slow, "but perseverance and constant "OB 1 time t f 1 death, ttmogh the state of his health for a few years application soon made tbe 1 ofit-oi- uc so necessary FOIt SALE ! CS LADIES' BL1CK. SEEGE C0.GUESS GAITEHS t r tt disabled him from active business. I-iv- : ?- 11 wondered how they Qft-'STETT- e - 'v Colored Serge C Gaiters -. wjanisatfria" Fort an institution ' that people OF IRON DOOR AND WIN. " ancl Xiet liive," Cases Ladies ingress , ia S.rl,ea the of the Street Chorea, be AU lOW KUUriKEo, wiU ,. Cases Men's Glove Slippers, was clt .sen its first deacon, ia which capacity he cootmued to had managed to get along without. Mr. Whitney Kegs Sal Nitre, ' . 'S-r- -4 s long as his buling heaAk itttuwe- d- ' is unquestionably entitled to the honor of being Frames, Anchors, aid Superior Locks. The Coming Man, or any Other .Man." S-- 4 S e SIX SETS, 60 FKET, WHITB INCH PLT K. r and earnestness, and stability ol his -. t-- - warmth seal, remembered as the father of the Hawaiian Po6t- p je g;;:w r Uh lie few equal. As a merchant and as a Christian, he es avA hv ' Vealllatajra. '- nl Cellar Grnliag, Iran A Class Photograph for $2,50 icxniff-- re office. Yens. First RUDDER HOSE, 'if;. ' t,u.t ' - n vtt and highly esteemed here for many years, as well , : INDIA WITH b" '.run' wi Couplings complete. - - - cstoury tcaclier'and principal of the Royal School. , March,' 1S54, the office, the buHinesa of PER DOZEN, OR TWO DOZEN FOR S4.00, ..- '1:- 1 TlT--s- At saBasl' sfS In AU carefully made to order. Enquire - i ft" AA . of ;...- k.-- .A"V 3k) VFa iU a wide circle of friends who will bear testimony jto removed to t ' -- " " which had rapidly; increased, .waa tn25 Sm' V . CAStLE & COOKeI simple-mi&Udoes,- upright honorable char-- fVorri I oty, i Momtli Ia.te '. -y. House, where has remained up to tiie For '.diflferqpt . (CO.VWF (tlCATKD J Honolulu it ;. i.C.l.Cr A'R.S9 qualities, STONE MASON, BRICKLAYER, Previous to cloning my Gallery for vacation from business. present week, a period of seventeen years. lftcr , Copying Presses, with stands. . ' l! fur5 X years Slater . II ISS'JLUTIOH OF, filling tbe position of.Poetmaeter and Plasterer. No Pliotograph on exhibition but what were taken in AND : Carls BEST CBNTUttY FOR 1ST ROSE H I K pa ItT X K R 1 1 1 - II K from the conimcnccment'of the 'service,' Mr Whit- THE UNDERSJUXKD my Gallery. As much pains will be taken to produce as good ); 1.: - P RKTOPO RE MAT at t iistiba- between At A i: V Kl.T, in tho Iwi.i- - be found place HlktliN nf - at his sf business on King charged, . , sjODt.R AMD HARiVVSB MAKIJIU, King ney resigned in 185G, on- the occasion of his street work as when full prices were y ! -- . o, - tlmL urxl (a lirNtirli. Cnewing , .! .!. vi, by cooaent r . (hop; ' lie is to execute work )U line ' Twacca" J",.v4 Mtal abfr pnarc(lilr all in ': :: ;: ; .r': rn- - us- i- the Commercial Vdtertiser', '';'euj., ; . r, , establishing satinf.ctory-manner- . k Etc, Zu 4 ' v. ed at the old stand by the uw Pacc with tirnrni tuts and in a from L,:CHASE, ' i - . I A. Orders ;. )....,,, H. 5. v .. : .wrr,- , loaxinu due and pay all dtrUu buocecded 'Jackson, who died tin other Islands attended to with flisMt ' ...... and was by Mr.' J. Ciestupelitaa Gallery, , . CO KKOHOKJI, otherwise called Joe Baker. l'faetasraplilc , ,,,, For Site by THEOD. C. DECCK,, iiooci,i.u, 2, jtt Alvah' J. & l:.. Mirrh tn4 3t in IS59. Mr. K. Clarke followed in the Honolulu, March 18, 13T1. ml8 4t mil St Fort Street. f 18 Fort Street. H2 DILLIHCHAM - Pccrctury of tbo j nttcm t lliajc iy M. Conte. formerly .Written for the Tacific Commercial Advertiser. Tire-- Tt.-.- c sv. TT.r,.n Rm.Dl-- n A Iiatl VC WUS I' . . . I'll., lull,lie. Slicing. TEE PACIFIC - j Emperor, lo siieali iu jusuuunii"" y Loat'crlsm. ti. Ktt;..nliouse right n'. a" w. rh.iMHticftllv and unanimously offered Tbe present age Las not&lone been remarkable in iu front of the lion's den in a perfectly loose and voted by acclamation a resolution freeing Cflifflttcrrial and stigmatizing BY C. S. BARTOW. SYDNEY discoveries .and in tbe development of the physical gfoftttfiscr. demonstrative intoxication, of which fact the fill of the Empire, For MItECT state of misfortunes of Franco. ' quite the author of the prelimi- TUE BRITISH BAEQTJK sciences, but in the' matter of language and tbe the policemen standing by appeared to be Assembly voted tbe ratification of tbe ! 0U WEDNESDAY, - - - MARCH 29th, :: ' Y, R The 107 JR adaptation of words to ideas and subjects, it has .SATURDA 'MA CH 25. oblivious. "Why don't tbey arrest that chap?" nary conditions of peace by 616 ayes against is; I SALE : AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. iL. AT SALES BOOM,' ! ; "7r also made rapid advances. Without expatiating on Phases or the Mook ro the Month of March, 1ST1 inquired Quirk. "Oh, he has shipped," replied nays. William, in u W;U 1 A 1 at Lloyds, 14 - 1. Emperor MAECH 28th, b Sold Castlelacyears, Mean Tike. March Tbe , , the two expressive verbs recently introduced into IIuholclo Gammon, and ain't spent his advance yet." peace u CAMPBELL March 6th Full Moon 6 7 7 M to the Czar, after stating the I.. AT SALES ROOM. OF DRY GOODS, ....MASTER, our language, to gobble np " and to " skedaddle," Marcit 134 h Last QuaMer..... 43 am Mvs? arrived at the end of ASSORTMENT Is now loading for the above port, ...... 11 i A Suggestion. Now that our worthy Postmaster We have and will be dispatched we are inclined to believe that the verb to " loaf " March 20th New Moon ... 4S1 bloody v,r, piecipi.ated b, Uj. A VARIETV OF PRIXTS, March 2Slh First Quarter. . ... S 13 2 FX has moved into the new building, we would suggest yo prevtoltd On or ahont Saturday, ! is more abundantly comprehensive than either when French. Prussia remembers k rtmont of Bleached and Brown Cottons, - the 11th March TIME OF KVS EIS1NO AND SETTING. ou. . and Blue Cottons. applied to the genus iaziun cutsium. The meaning to him the propriety of hanging up a board outside, spread of tbe war. and Uod bless Ass' Denims For freight or passage, to March 1st Bun Rmk-- s 0 21 am ; Sun Sets 01 p. the " aply ' tbe present tiuue, however, is the very reverse of ..0 he shared tie d3tf DA at March 8th Suu Bines. 19 am 6 04 pm on which may be displayed, for tbe information of The Czar replied that fPV TnKO. n. TIES. tiotho-Crerinaii- ...6. i Sua ScU.. . its root in tbe old ic, from March durable peace laufen, 15ih Sun Rises. ..B 12 AM ; Sun Rets ...0 06r.M strangers and people generally, the rates of postage joy. and hoped for of the ! (feLtf cr.oTUiivo. 4ofeny (open, to run. Tbe genu loafer, or laziutn March 22d Suu Rises.... 6 7 am ; Sua Sets 6 07 P.M that Russia wns the devoted friend CndersnirU and Drawers. ILiiie cuaium, never runs. The more respectable species March 2dth Sun Hie....6 1 am ; Sun Sets...... 6 00.ru on letters and newspapers to tbe United States, Great . 1 f I'rlTtCl 1. Otrer ShirU. Drill Pants. Hawaiian Xaclcci Msrcb 3 lot Sau Uie...a & am ) Sua Sets fl 19 Pm troops entered I urls. are Micawbers, silting und waitiug for something to Capt. Smith. Britain and Australia. This would be a great ad- fiVarch 1st. The German Jackets and Coats, Daniel demonstrations uy tuv i- -- ! turn up ; while the common species or tuiid geuus. vantage to the traveling public, and save our Post- Avithou molesution or cskoceuies. Boots aixl 8hoe, Hosiery, in a fog of dreamy nothingness, sit, lounge, Liis.and SAN A Disputed master answering innumerable questions. We give LaoKi"r:AVx. Asnembly to-d- a. j -- AhiO Saddles, FRANCISCO. idle away their time, without a thought, aim, object Assessment Case. ' March R- -In the Black Enameled Spring Stirrups, THE FINE BAKESTINE this A3 a suggestion. of all laws restrictliiff American or wish, while tbe more degraded crawl forth like An important case is before the Supreme Court Favra proposed abrogation Saddle Cloths, Saddles, foul birds of night, on to hold meetings and form iIaBCEiCO,Cf;I'OTOt, sit tbe verandahs or on tbe in banco, the hearing of the argument in which A Royal. Birthday. Wednesday last, 22d insL, the right of the people t. A OF CALABASHES, - side-wal- ks, with just energy enough to make. night NUMBER Grrace is was tbe 74tb birth-da- y of King William' of Prussia, Flowering Shrubs of rarhMU sites, b.xAnE., Roberts,aias:er. hideous with a screeching and booting effort at a set for Monday next, j, The title of.tbjf cassis aTbieinipiff lo qli0" offG1T'm,01" and broken-wind- ed although not of war outside ttiu, U MAXL'FACTURED OF ISLAND WOOD. Is ready to receive Cargo for the above port, and will song, and sometimes with a accordeon The Minister of Finance vs. II. llackfeld & Co., now however Emperor of Germany, said the expens!H tbo Alanfiivlra, Hoses, they make a noise between the shrill squeak of the yet formally crowned. The Sags on tbe govern- 100.000.000 fruncs. . 1 and the of the as- J, In . AT 12 O'CLOCK, KOOX, . matter in diepute grows out it report sailon Saturday, the in. instant. bag-pip- e, the squealing of a stuck pig or tbe agonized A of the Awembly made For Freight or passage. Laving fine accommodations for a ment bouse, tbe battery, consulates, shipping in commits members to the ' caterwauling of some houseless torn." The most sessment of. .taxes. . The case comes before the favor of annulling the electiou of I tew passengers, Apply to " port, and from many private residences, were dis- to this dirosfe. Variety Valuable persistent orgau-griude- rs with the dirtiest weazen-face- d Assembly from Algeria. . iJpttl of Plants to WALKER & ALLEN, Agents. Court in tbe nature of a submission! and the warmly hcr'aMM R- monkeys, a whole school of boys with tiu played in honor of tbe day, and most of onr Ger- Victor Htto proeveded to make a speech, M ,y A - ALE AXD PORTER. principal points claimed by the. parties are enu- was interrupted by trumpets, cheap drums and penny, whistles, would man fellow-citizen- s closed their places of business defending Garibaldi, but he merated below. ' CasilxH be like " the voice of tbe dulcimer sweet," in com- The mere amount of money in -- his great tumult in the Chamber. or "Rum. in. I FOR VICTORIA, 15. C. for a holiday. Dr. E. Strehz gave a hinch'at . Tbe Assem- I Bond parison. May tbe police preserve us from this low dispute is 'unimportant, in comparison with the Paris, March 8. World sprcial.) ecte. vcv Steamer C. 8. BARTOW, Auctioneer. "drug store, corner of Fort aud Hotel atreetVwboro bly will taturduy and meet at V THE BRITISH est species of the genus, lie bears tbe same relation principles of law involved, ., leave Bordeaux oil. to tbe Micawber of the species as the Australian and , the health of the Emperor and other appropriate Versailles on Monday. " few days 'OTATOES. liushmun to the higher races of maukind. ' Submission. toasts were duly honored by a large assemblage" of Tb didder and ?xcitemrti4 of tbe last Abstract of continue, no outrage have occurred. coay. Brig, Byzantiuni, There is a larger proportion of this lower class of That the personal property of said firm of II. guests.. A well-know- n geutleman of our acquaint- but other 1 sacks FOR SV. ... CALUOCN, Master. . Detachments from tbe Cbanzy a.'roy are arriving. genus loafer in Honolulu than any other place out- llackfeld Co. was assessed for taxation at the K P. A DA SIS, Auctioned. QjoIWm Cane Knives,' Will Follow the Robert Cowan for the above port, ance, with whom the diabolical practice of punning London, March 8 It is said by tue Junes, In an 1 side, except it be in barbarian lands, where all the sum of $600,000 for the year 1870. - to- has become one ol bis daily customs, being called on Anglo-America- n Cdflimission, Double Harrtl Miot Quia, V. SAILING OX lords of creation are loafers. Let auy person dis- That a considerable portion of said sum of article on the PisUis, THE 18th INST Ihe opinion of the Govern- fflisi-ATOR- SALE! For Freight or Passage, apply to guise himself like the Caliph Haroun Alnschid, and $600,000 was not at the time when the assessors for a sentiment, silently drew forth bis watch, and day, that it represents 'S Target Sharp Shooters, m ment, and tbht instructions in harmony With Tlews WALKER A ALLEN. go forth in search of adventure, from tJ till 12 called upon them within the confines of this King- placing it on a bottle of Jlhein tctin. remarked 4 nay on any bright night, will dom, and that said firm render return of 3375,485.21 therein expressed on the AlaOanKt claims Silver Plated o'clock, and he verify the sententiously "gentleman, there's my sentiment." of tbe Louimis-sio- n Harnesses! assertion. need not go to the alley as of tbe 1st of September. 1870. been sent to the British members DRY GOODS, FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHARTER. lie of the shadow The Teutons at once appreciated and rapturously Washington. OCK of Linen Horse Covers and SJieets, . Kaumakapili, re- That by reason of delays ia the assessment at of perdition, near nor tbe many applauded " The Watch ou the Rhine." The English that there Is fcfry ceptacles of vice about the Chinese coffee houses, llackfeld & Co's. remedy under the tax law was papers talo Etc- - Spurs and Bltts. etc., etc. THE AMERICAN prospect tbat !be Uigb Commiasiou will bo abU' to Etc rendered futile by lapse of time. , . ? but; let him pass' on the main thoroughfare, down The DorJ Days. Since tbe '20th Instant, every amicably settle the questions which are now In toward bridge, there find '' That 'the tax books were "not completed' and all King street the and he will day in Honolulu has , been a' day of grief and country and Great' Britain. COOPER, TE5IPO-- s lower species of the genus delivered to the Tax Collector until January 2d, dispute between tbh iRDFR OF O. TAB AND PITCH ! w, a place where the loafer was Of course Xhcy do not profesrt t Jpek forftsy 1 Brig Curle mostly do congregate. Many of these are the most 1871. doom to the dogs. Saturday tbe last day of more the High Commission than their part of It. . That appeal is waived by tbe Minister of Finance; grace for canines, and on Monday of AMERICAN' AXD STOCKHOLM, IX 180 Tons Register, able bodied young men iu the country, such as are Tbey oan have no knowledge whatever of what barrels. For sale by appeal Board not . appointed under the statute, . . In good order and ready for sea. Apply to needed on our sugar plantations so sadly in want of the 'work of slaughter commenced and J24 BOLLE3 k CO. ; morning our Commissioners are likely to do, or under what 30th, gangrenes on body saute bein impracticable but both parties agree iillUauajt Hatch' mil St H. HACKFELD & Co.,' Agents. help, ibese the politic mostly to submit, the case to tbe Supreme Court. has been carried on through the week, only about Instructions tbey oro acting. Tbe statement may SALK3 KOOM, associate with tbe feminino genus whistler, the most simply as an Indication that O'CLOCK A. M, AT SPERM OIL! That llackfeld & Co. have money and goods in sixty however having been bagged by . the police. therefore be taken !1 14 " degraded of the loafer kind. Tbe bridge is anything itettlemeut. the United-State- s & Europe, the property of the Great Britain is sincerely desirous of a Will be olJ : THE PURE ARTICLE, RREITIEiV,y, a Bridge of Sighs." For there are borne on This is owing to the fact that many are concealed WARRANTED sale by BOLLKa CO. FOR but firm, which money goods form a ' There can be only two issues to tbo coutrovery said and portion In ad- i - ; the startled air loud bursts of rude laughter, fierce, or taken out of town. While tbe law is force in i to l no war, ao t STOCK- THE A 1 HAWAIIAN of tbe SG00.000, the same being subject to tbe settlement or war. If there IE ENTIRE POLAR. OIL!' boisterous and obscene talk, and aa occasional horri- order and disposal of II. llackfeld, senior partner, every district, it is doubtful whether It will be as justment might as well be effected as speedily as VE bly discordant bleating and tooting upon some cussed now and for a long time past residing in Europe. strictly carried out in tbe remote districts as iu tbe possible. There certainly can be no advantage In :w UATI- - o instrument, with the piping treble of some squeak- keeping opeu.a source of mutual . irritation. .No 1 ia i. That llackfeld & Co. claim that tbey should not - 8. k BarGEERKEN,KaMaster. female, once metropolis.- After tbe work of death commenced Is-t- o -- 0,000 For sale BOLLES Ac ing and shrieking heard tbe cry of great benefit be derived from two nations (GOODS, CLOTHING, &c, Js'iS by CO. i pay taxes on property thus situated. . Will Jiave Immediate Dispatch for Uie Above Port, murder ring out on that bridge,' on the midnight the Minister claims on Monday, and it was ascertained that tags could constantly biting their thumbs at each other. .That of Finance that said ' cossuTiya ix pjrt of BEST ENGLISH PORTLAND CEMENT ! For Freight or Passage, Apply to blast, aud there was no policeman visible nearer property and moneys are part of tbe ussets of tbe be purchased, the Station-hous- e was fairly be- Enongh of Ink and eloquence has already been m4 HACKFELD A Co. Agents. station house. Probably tbe genus alluded questions. R SALE Br I. than the firm and form a part of tbe common wealth of this sieged with applicants, anxious to procure, at al- on tbe Alabama and kindred PI Pink Prints, .28 BOLLES k. CO. to is privileged a sort of lazaroni, like that of Na- ;hteen ices country, and that every citizen is bound to pay most any price, tbe magje piece of copper that ST E A M ples, only of a more degraded type. I do not pre- taxes according to bis ability, and therefore, ibat From the Alta of the 4th Instant, we copy the fol- As.sortnl Putterns Prinis, CALIFORNIA LIME! to be a politician, und it may be policy to suffer would ensure tbe safety of their pets. And it is a .."." tend tbe same should be returned as part, of the prop- lowing : .tf Anumlt't'J Drnims, HAVE A REGULAR SUPPLY FROM To and New that species of loafer to increase in the community erty of said firm, und is liable to taxation. matter of curious remark to observe what num- eelefcratrd Pant Lime Inch Australia Zealand. PEACE : v,.m TisL-inn- . WE Cms Kilns, enables they may eventually be a power they may produce Drill--. - us to sell at the lowest .That llackfeld & Co. had considerable consign- bers, of curs and veritable t'yaller A signed Thiers Bismtrck, JllW rales. a Massauiello. But I have nothing to do with treaty has been by and Cotjanjt. Broad Cloth, J28 BOLLaACO. The Cnlirornin, Xcvr Zcnland ments of merchandise at the time of the assess- dorgs " ate now parading about with "braw brass and we are justified in expecting ratification and 1 ' nnd Au.tralian Mail Liuw of police regulations, and. I have no right to suggest ment at San Francisco and elsewhere, without the Blue Flannel. '.' oue two ought to be stationed, collars," conspicuously displaying the tag. Tbe peace. The signers are not ordinary diplomats; each VICTORIA AND CALIFORNIA RED Slestus Paekels, where or or at least jurisdiction of this Kingdom, the property of H. the leading statesman his country, with the con fc is of J?eJ Flannel, BY- - occasionally to perambulate. Co. cr of their constituents. , .,- - canines themselves appeared to be quite aware tf - FOR SALE - fidence and political favor of Jiis nation. Though the BRICKS, -- - - BOLLES THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIPS ,. musi-cu- ss is a biped of an A CO. The loafer entirely That llackfeld & Co. claim that the same ia not the state of affairs. A tagless individual could be terms may not satisfactory In every they different kind from those described above. He stands liable to taxation here. be reaped, JtV Shirts. Cotton S7tirf , RED SALMON, known by his uneasy, suspicious look, as he hur- should be and probably will be regarded as tbe best IN BARRELS. upon bis privileges, and when he belongs to a band . That the Minister of Finance claims that the I Umlershirls, White Shirts, to escapo tbat each could get, and far better for both than a 7W, SMALL LOT OF XOT VERY GOOD (?) he dresseth in an equivocal white uniform, and same is bound to contribute Tor the support of ried along apparently anxious observa- " - I Blwe llannA. Blankets, t,450 Twisa ....J. Stewart, Coni'r, continuation of hostilities.' Panis, A quality, but as good as the average that is for sale about parudeth the streets, main-tainanc- e. strutteth aliout and like those Government, and liable to taxation for its tion, never venturing within a hundred yards of Al- Ci.-iuer- town. (J"--) Call at BQLLK3 A CO. AND tThe most important condition is the cession of Pants. . . ( defenders of the country, we see march- e, brave that tbe Station-hous- and breaking into a dead run , ing in all tbe pomp, pride and circumstance of That llackfeld & Co. are agents for sugar plant- sace and Lorraine. Tbe conquests which have coat PAINTS AND PAINT OIL, ilIEIdBOURjVE, whenever be caught sight of a policeman. And France nearly a hundred years of fighting are to be ) and Co on Pant3 and Coats, CITY of ge-lori- war, to tbe tap of the drum, bent on the ers in this Kingdom, and at the time of the assess- igno-miniou- sly given up, and with them the hope of the Rhine BEST BOILED OIL, Grainger, lofty deed of relieving tbe guard fit the hale paahao. ment werein possession of considerable amounts of then, when lassoed at Inst and dragged Baiim. . HUBBARD'S Zinc, 1.200Tor...... T. Cmr, go Jackets. Skirt, Vest. musi-cu- boundary. And with them the prestige and the Hubbard's W Mte Lead, Will run reKutsrly between Honolulu and the above ports, That is an institution, but the loafer ss eth sugar which had been shipped to foreign, markets to lie shot, with bis last breath be sends ' rrge. Linen Handkerchiefs, power. . The cession is not like,thoso which France jllaaUkrrehieb. .' J.T. W., White Lead, connecting at Honolulu with the North Pacific Transportation himself a greater. Every evening he marcb-et-h for sale and return for account of producers thereof. s. eespeoders, Cmbrellas, Fancy general assortment. ' Company's Steamers. forth his protest of mingled despair and indigna- was compelled to make at the end of the reigns of f'j, rkforia U faints, a ' up to a kind of sombre, barn-lik- e structure on That llackfeld & Co. claim that the same is not "i A AGENTS AT ! Uts. Bridies, Girth . ; Ja28 For sale by BOLLES CO. tion at unequal laws. verse from poet of Louis XIV. and Napoleon I., when provinces con- .if Cars. v v' GREEN, Ewa road, where he dealeth out crack-winde- d liable to taxation to tbem as agents, nor to their A tbe HosoLruj...; .'. WILLIAM L. the quered only a few years before, and not yet assimi . Giilrrv Bro i Cotton, Moleskin, AMERICAN MESS BEEF, ADOSLAND... CUUICKSHANK, SMART CO notes in every key from the hoarse roar of a. bull principals, because tbe same is without the King- the late Punchbowl reads well here': ' : -- were back. Alsace Lorraine have 4 Spde Jatchets. Combs, Sydskt...... II. 11. HALL, U. 8.. Consul, dom. . Hear the lean and homeless dogs, 3 - - ' lated, taken and frog, to the finest treble squeak of a famished prairie so So- . . MESS PORK IX BOXD, ol 3m Wretched dogs I been identified with France long that a large part ,Bir 00. - , Caapoor, Brushes, ,r . and with a finale diaOolum, That the Minister of Finance claims that it is ' AMERICAN dog, then grand ad dogs ! Forks, part wealth of country to Thievish ' of the population are thoroughly French In feeling; r of. Knirr s l j23 BOLLES k. CO. about 8 P. M., he breaketh up and mnrcheth toward of. the the and liable Banged and baltered. " and their surrender not to united Europe but to , .tin( Glasses. Matches, Lsirtrmi and Tin Ware, North Pacific Transportation Company. town, not as he went a loafer revived, ex- taxation in tbe hands of said agents, or should be What a tale of misery their turbulency tells ! forth, but - Germany alone is a standing noticfl to alt tb1 woi hi ras.Tea KrU r, S.idUle Tree, Pails, Tea, OARS, cited, animated and generally accompanied by soue returned as a part of tbe property of the princi. In ineatartled air of night, it - How they yell out their aflright I that the French military power is no longer the firct. j:ag Stuff, Brtad, etc, etc EST NEW BEDFORD ASH OARS..ALL half dozen wahines of tbe genu whistler, who hang pals and the taxes assessed upon it as against tbem- ( ja23) For sale by BOLLES A CO. San Francisco and Honolulu Route Huckfeld & Co. the Too much horrified to growl, Besides giving up some of her most valuable ' on bis skirts like the stragglers of an army, and aver that mm of S375.485.21, They can only howl, howl ;. J ALSO by them returned to the assessors, ns the amount territory, including the gate to Germany, France J 1 A 1 Stestmaliip singing in the most boisterous fashion, jarring, dis- At the moon. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF . The Csoipaaf't Splendid ' ' ' agrees to pay 320,000,000 Prussian thaleri; equal BAGS COFFEE, 2 BAGS RICES cordant and out of tune. lie generally pauseth near upon which they ought to pay taxes, is tbe actual ' What a tale their terror tells ' average of the amount of capital used by them in Of despair ! ' ' to about $225,000,000 gold. This would b a trifle, its KEttOSKSE OIL. OXB 8HOW CASK. Etc. GROCERIES & SHIP STORES tbe bridge and clenreth his throat or exchangeth a TTow they snarl and yell and roar. if she were still as rich as she was a year ago, but tbe transaction of their business in this country for out-po- few obscene compliments with the sitting loafer de What a horror they or - each every ear, for years past, ! '' her National debt has been greatly increased, bet musi-cus- s, and several and On the bosom of the palpitating air Always v ... He stoopelh to the and un- her-citie- E. P. ADAMS. on Hand! graded.' this, - s Auct'r. that they have not occasion to use any more capital What a world nf loathing tho't their howling dirge compels ! fields hafe been laid waste, plundered, . beudeth from the noisy world of uncouth sounds in . . - - ' A XD WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST rior tueii transaction 10 use any. more capital ior uie In the silence of the night ber factories closed, her commerce thrown Into Prices, by which he revelleth. Where musi-cu- ss or his feminine How we shiver with affright s - TAYLOR! transaction of their business. disorder, more than one hundred thousand men Borxk-- no.- MOSES nwmrmniment clinnerseth after that, or whether he At ihe weird and fiendish malice of their tone I . UNISTRATOiP'S SALE lUKiCliUIII, Uitlll AIUCi (V. J Tlw nhnv. ommm h tht Ministpr nf Finnnr rlA havo been killed, twice as many havo beon'ririven vauisbcth like a note of his cracketr tromoonc, mis " " vV from -- not wish to controvert, but for the purposes of this From the parched skin of their throats,-- peaceful employment ana demoralized, ami i OF- Satis FrnnciM-e- , deponent saitb not ; but he knows well that a most Will Leave submission admits to be true. ' , Is a groan." over largo districts the farmers bare neither seed, H. HAGKFELD On or about...... March 16ib unmusical and unearthly noise is heard around until That the Minister of Finance claims that each shelter, agricultural implements nor draft animals. 1 AL 6 00. a late hour in the night. The howling of the poor person in .this Kingdom should make his returns The devastation has been frightful. ESTATE! Will Leave Honolnla. canines, against which law and police have leveled for tbe purpose of taxation of all bis property in Tbe peace ought to bo welcome to both Franco i On or about.. .March 28th their vengeance, was harmony in comparison. . his possession on tbe 1st of July of each year. Later & Important, aud Germany. The latter have gained almost n A shards' Street, Honolulu.. Oiler For Sale, At tbe risk of being accused of not having a finer llackfeld & Co. claim that they should not make much as any nation ever gained in so short a con- I Cargo for San Francisco will be received at all times in the ear for music than a donkey, 1 would respectfully The gain is Union,' Warehouse receipts given return of their propcrty as of the 1st of July, but test. national elevation from -- BY Till Steamer's and for the same by the suggest that all such bands would add more to the - f RSrAXCE OF AX ORDER ISSUED undersigned. Nn charge for Storage or Cartage. as of the day when tbe assessors call upon tbem to Ratification of the Prelimina- no inferior position to the first military place iu f by t the Soormv Court of tb Hawaiian Iaiaivls, Fire risks in Warehouse not taken by the Company. productive wealth and prosperity of the country, by make their return, or as of the 1st of September of " Europe, an increase in territory, and a gn-a- stim- Utriveil, Vice Chancellor, on I be lTik day of dis-band- ed - - '' being and employed around sugar kettles . commerce, Ea-t- Insurance guaranteed at lower rates than by sailing vessels. each year.- ries Peace! ulus to manufactures, nationnl pride, D. 1ST I, tlie a.Kirru.'O'nl, Admiitbtrator of the and of 1J. K. KAFAKL:UAILI,thr Ule Quern Particular care taken of shipments of Fruit. centrifugals, than on base drims, trombones and intellectual activity. The prico of peace m Hawaiian Bark Ka Moi! from Europe United and brazen startling instruments. Let "i ieciai, will eti e la b aoki at public aociiua oo 37 Shipments and the States, intended other and air very costly to France, but, after all, much cheap r Fran-Cisc- o, NOTES OF THE for these Islands, will be received by the Company in San it not be understood that the writer reflects on the WEEK. Entry the Germans into Paris. than war, especially disastrous war. The soilfs Uj, the 13 li Day of April Next, if consigned to them, and be forwarded by their Steamers of teacher of such musicians : he is no doubt competent 39-- to ln- - still fertile, tbe skies are still bright, tbe land still i the praai Richanls Street, IJoaolala. to UonolulUjree of charge, except actual outlay. Owing the press of matter, several . and efficient, and cannot be considered responsible occupies a central position ; . lio'ewr ao J lb right, title ami interest Pasnengers are reqaested to lake their before 12 terestlng articles are crowded out. tbe people are still ET Tickets The New Zealand and disposition, i:e hrir of a In aiij tu all that o'clock oo the date of sailing, and to procure their Passports. , for bis charges, after they have left nis immediate Australian happy jn their industrious and skillful I. iitoat'ii nr. street, Honololu, which U Ail Bills against the Steamer must be presented before 2 supervision., Stcii is Fame. From tbe Gazelle we learn that ..Steamship Contract Signed in in the useful and ornamental arts. Such a count 7 .omner tK , and ia known as the J'n o'clock on the day of sailing, or they will have to lay over till must prosper. Christendom, generally, will rejol mia, 'and la, neribol ia Royal I'aleut No. Thir--4 the return of the Steamer for settlement. Boat Race. The yachting season will, be inau Capt. Crane of tbe Xeltie has discovered that fine Washington. enouiiis tfir Ilamlr'd and Kortytren square that peace that commerce at.d - , turnips grow iu Labaina. ' The loc nn rra Ouo Hundred ami Twenty-lhre- e (8 3m U. HACKFELD A CO., Agents. gurated on Tuesday the 28th, by a trial between By the arrival yesterday P. M. of the schooner M. manufactures will soon resume their Interrupted Im 1 Uixtr-eiR- haola'etra One IJuo.ire-- and course, . the policy war conquest has - for tbat of and T!erv ia Urxe Dwvll.na- the Fearless and King Philip, a purse of $100. A. re-ce- ipt fill. House on the premises, , Acknowledgments. Ours are due to Capt C. II. Reed, 15 days from San Francisco, we are in again baU-.fu- l S & been made by tbo misery it has t mou, ' other ncceHary bUikliua. CHAS. BREWER CO'S LINE. The Fearless is owned by J. I. Dowsett and will be M. A. &t fanVr a HicuUri app! to Ilewett, of the Reed, and Mr. Newman, Purser of dailies to March 9. The news is important caused, and that the, organization of .the Gtrrnan sailed Thos. . The is f ' 4 J. W. At'STUf, by Clark. King Philip the of the City of Melbourne, for files of papers. and we compile a summary below. , Empire has been accompanied by a solemn and j Or C. KANAINA, ! .: promise that means no aggression SEASON 1871 property of the Love Brothers, and will be man -' public it abroad, 1 AJmimstralnrs of the Kstate of Her H- The- steamship Tennessee, about whose safety " Majesty - K. Tbe services;of but merely order and borne. KapkuitaUi, jeen aged by Mr. Chas. Long. As there has been con- Installation. installation the progress at H lowaser. there bad been much anxiety expressed, had arrived - There are some indications tbat civil war may T, March 20, 1U. siderable rivalry between these boats, we expect Rev. W. Frear, as pastor of Fort Street Church, E. P. ADA3, Auct'r." FOR E DFORD ! will - safely at San Domingo, and the Commissioners (were now be added to the other misfortunes which have H WBE to see some sport. This will be the first chance the take place evening. busy at their work: . .., befallen France. Tbe extreme Radicals manifest a JUST ARRIVED FR0?h LONDOH ! King Philip has had te show herself; while tbe disposition not only, not to recognize the peace, , Pastor Lauaina. We learn that the Rev. Fearless has won at Tbe D. C. Murray was to sail March 14. but to bring to punishment even those who have HIP A PJD B O WE! already quite h repttittion. The Mr. Kuaea, who is one most CHANDLERY THE FOLLOW1XG OIL boats will start from Brewer's wharf, and following of the eloquent of The bark J. A. Falkinburg, was to leave Port been iitstrnrnental in obtaining It. The work THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP. the course of the channel, out to leeward of tbe Hawaiian clergymen, has been chosen as pastor of land, O., for Honolulu, March 8, with flour, grain which tbey .propose to themselves at this juncture the Congregational Church in Luhaina. ; to 1' spar and bell buoy, 'round a stake boat about a and salmon. is merely divido ranee inp. two hostile camps mile to leeward of the bell buoy, and back the charge upon and destroy one of these cam pi. ; Mil STORES! D. C. San 16 LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON HAND ASSORTMENT OF BOOBS JOHNSON, Moater. same route, to windward of the buoy iu the harbor. Ronawat Coxvicts. Marshal Parke offers a The Murray arrived at Francisco,' likewise serve the Germans with the same sauce. I by any loose oo these islands, and Dne at thi Port. March 15th. 1871, will load for New Bedford reward of $50 for Keawe and $29 for Kalama, the days hence'; the Maggie Johnson, 1SJ ; the IT. S. S. In the present condition of their country, bleeding Has a part of her cargo engaged. Thb Sailobs' Home This favorite resort of the seafaring at every pore, trampled under foot, desolated, iu at the lowest ! direct. two prisoners who escaped a short time ago, and Nyack, 22 days. Possible Prices portion of the community, under the nianafcnient of Mrs. financial straights, disarmed and prostrate, thin Selected Will Rail about May 10th, 1871. TJ. S. ? By BOLLKS At CO. with Great Care Whitcus, continues to sustain its old repainting of being one of who are now supposed to be concealed somewhere Horace Houghton, late Consul at Labaina, course looks like nothing so much ss down-righ- t Shippers of 01!, Bone, Wool, and other merchandise, the most comfortable and homelike boarding and lodging in the neighborhood of Moanalua...... has been confirmed Consul at Pernambaco. madness.. The result is not at all 'difficult to fore-Cas- t. ' I HEMP ! . ' CORDAGE Will find this a desirable opportunity. houses,' for masters, officers and seamen, in the city.' As a ', says : ; I j Impuotements. We new The Alta of the 8th t; J fRAXU.BKST VIL A LIT V RUSSIAN FOR THIS MARKET Cnah Advaucen wis Shipment. quiet boarding house for residents, its attractions are unrivaled. notice a wooden build- The Germans, if tbey should find civil war Im- fcanicture. eaes, iron 1 to 8J inches, ia boud or . By reference to our local columns it will be seen - C. A Co., agents. &, minent, refuse to positions COXSISTINQ OF d2t 3m BREWER ing by Dowsett Co., corner of Queen and Fort contract between Messrs. Webb and Hol- - will evacuate the wblch ' ' ' Rembbandt Pictcbes. We call attention to tbe new and that the they now occupy. Tbey have an In X . ' interest Franc For tafa by BOLLE3 A CO. - . :' '.' streets. On the corner of Merchant and Nuuanu part, tbe Gov- beautiful style of remhrandt pictures 'taken by Mr. A. W. Iiday on the one and New,Zealand to tbe extent of tbe payment PACKET FOR UIIA1NA. Postmaster-Genera- l of four milliards of AXD REGULAR . ernment,' as represented by the HAWAIIAJS" EXGLISH PRINTS. FAXCY LILAC. Osborne, on King street. His pictures are na fine and perfect streets, A. S. Cleghorn is refitting for a store in the space of years. HESS BEEF, Saining Prints, Twilled Chints Prints, Fancy beneath ' Hon. Vogel, on the other, has been francs three If the French Mnsliiw, Victoria Mosquito Netting, as any from New York or Paris. We are glad lo be able to and a daguerreotype establishment up the Julius people will not establish a stable JJL-U"- Um. , t the whole frorernment. 5 XD OF KAUAI, Superior Black Cobour, Black Alpat-ca- stairs. The old restaurant building adjoining is to signed at Washsngton, and matter BuW, and warranted as good as HEEEILL, inform our friends that Mr. Osborne will open in May a beauti- conclusion, which will meet their demands, they may be forced fpot op on . French Merino and Crape, W'mlen SCHR. 1TETTIE be torn a new one brought to a satisfactory ihe contract these IsUmls. Dress Goods, THE ful buMiness place on Fort street, that will excel anything in down and erected in its place. to perform tbat function for them. Tbr, raeaps, ... blsck and Blue Kroad CkMh, four-week- ly San le by A E. D. CRANE, Master. , is for service between Francisco, hand-f-mere- BOLLE3 CO. Cloths, White Moleskins, the photographic line ever attempted in these islands. His too. are at ly to furnish arms, to Uie lUlian 1 A on Ocean Wave. During New Zealand. Sydney and Melbourne; the speed White Drills, White Duck, TTiH Em Kegilarly between This Port and Lahtlna, success has been all owing to his superior style of work. Birth tub the last Imperial army, now prisoners of war in Germany, Black Haircb4h, Shirting to be such that the mails shall bo delivered at White and Longcloth, . , LEAVING , been out less trip of the KUaued to Hilo, she carried into port and, put Louis Napoleon at their head. The pros- Turkey Ked Brown Three thousand card pictures have sent by hint in end in forty-eig- ht days. Tbe pioneer steam- V1VDRY Clo'h, and Bine Cotton Drills, passenger either pect of a to their old positions would LISTS. lieary Brown and Blue Cotton, Ticking, Bon oi Rl every Monday an d Lahalna every Thursday. than three months. We wish we had plenty of just such busi- one more than she. bod . on her list from ship of the new line i to sail oo the 8th of April. restoration . Blue ery heary. e--f be a sufficient motive for Imperialists everywhere f Denims, ' ; H. HACKFELD A Co., Agents. ness men in town as Mr. Osborne. More than twenty years Honolulu. A baby was born, and although that- - tbe Xevada, Nebraska and iTallace's Blankets, large sise assorted colors, dlO it It is understood' to accept mission from Alta, Patent Laiiudry List! experience entitles him to rank as one of the first photographic evidently came coder tbe category of " stowaways," probably the Dacotah. will be tbe first Teasels em such a the Germans 7 f artists in this or any other country. yet Captain Harrison is said to have performed tbe ployed in this new service, wlicd, we ar continent. J seenred 0015 KOHALA. r y ...... ha inrpniii.. .i.r. ... rn Australia and New V FOR duties of midwife and nurse with care and skill. .. . . Zealand. .. "eeo BLEACHED LINEN " and Orrtrrs ana SHEETING! Y tne.worfd. constantly alluded to the left at H. M. Whitney's NEW POST OFFICE Webave "'By tbe arrival yesterday p. m. 01 inc orn. Blue Alhamhr Red Qailts, Concrete. Tbe use of concrete in building is not subject before, and can only repeat our previously WWM, CbiUrei's-A-Bi 4mMA Schooner Active, nave neen and A. Mall, 8. S. CUy of Melbourne, II. Grainger, ranilly tlsta White Bed Quits, Fine Linen Imperials. . CHECKS OR TAGS FOR THE NEW new in these islands, as has been asserted by some. expressed regret, mat vjongrets rnouia ; ', .MELLISH. Manlrr. ICE BOXES furnished to orcer at 60 cents White Linen and Cotton Torkey Towels, : I J ' port. For Freight KEY Or so slow to appreciate tbe merits of the scheme, and commander, and tbo favor of Mr. Newman, purser, Superior Linen Hantikerchieh, Will run as a Regal' Packet to the above each, by (mil 3t) THUS. 3. 1HRUM. In 1863 or 18C4, the sugar house on the Waihee proposed subsidies of a Cotton or Passage apply should have suffered other we have received files of Sydney papers to March Fifty CEXTS. tf Faney lianalktrchiefs, Aj ALLEN, Agents. WALKER : Plantation, on Maui, was built of stone, and a fine more or questionable nature to become mixed !!!E Tarkey Ked and Yellow Handkerchiefs, ' ; al2 6m , - less 1st, and Auckland to the 7th. Tbe papers contain T WANTED. edifice it is, but the corners nnd lintels of the win- and engrafted with it. - Sooner or later we must Plain White FUnnel, but little of interest Tbe steamer brings 32 cabin i Sale, Caa . Blue TwiWd Saxony Flannel. Kauai. PLACE ASBOOKKEEPER OR CLERK dows were made ofconcrete, in the same manner that believe that the necessary aid 'will be granted. jor , . . for Hanalei. by Gentleman of b years ex- 1 0f . White Merino Socks, Regular Packet in the City or Country a Post-offi- the Celebrated " A the new ce bnilding has been constructed, j Tbe New Zealand Government aas, by its liberal and 51 steerage passengers for San J'rancisco and Grey Mixed Socks, Ladies' While Hose, perience in and tliorougly acquainted with the Honolulu Australian line 'S Fancy Damask Table Corers, CLIPPER SCHOONER business. Best reference can be friven. - action, virtually inaugurated tbe a small freight list for this place. Among tbo MALT. ! THE Address Post Ogee, Box 21. will be a disgrace to EXTltACT Black Silk Neckties, Fancy Alpaeca Blouses, mil H B Wanted a Bath. On Thursday noon, a prisoner, on a substantial basis, and it latter we notice a box of plants for Jit Agricultural CfcUEElV, a native, employed in the gang at work on the tha United Steles if it does not carry on tbe work JFAIRY COTTAGE ON TI1E so commenced. -.- Onr State alone could bet- Garden. :: AND VIGOR TO yt. FOR SALE THE Mout- - nobly TntlKFE Fine 'Linen Bosom : V. : Besch at Waikiki, formerly occupied ty Miss Esplanade,. quietly took water" by swimming errant a subsidy than can New Zealand, Tbe supposition;.!.: telegrams Shirts. KAA1XA. MASTER. ; ter afford to thai later wonld bo goinery. APPF o THEOD. C. as above. W. L. GREEN. over to f isherman aj Jfoint, wnere ne was suose-- and the action of Congress, so far, would seem to received by the Suez route than via San Francisco, HirCK, Jort Et. White Cotton Shirts, , IFiS Sail as a Pegtdar Packet o29 tf ' qnently found by a policeman, comfortably stowed our Senators and members care very Fancy Clico Shirts, Hickory Shir's, Por Freight or passage apply to indicate tbat appears to' have been, erroneous. Th houllmrn fc'ALLEN. AT away in a house. Of course, be only went into the commerce. . v Heavy Merino Undershirts, ol 3m WALKER FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET little for American I Silk Imitation Undershirts. WAIKIKI. The Cottage recently eeanied by W. L. water for a bath, and afterwards was. resting .in the Cross of the 6th says : .. - Cotton Oreen. at the Beach. Waikiki-.- ' Rent, 40 per month. Brown Undershirts. house that was all. . Tbe 61w of Mtfljourne. with the inward mall I n Pty SCHAEFER & CO.. Turkey Red Suspenders, Black Silk Umbrellas, ' Teksatixes. Feb. 27. The following despatch P-- W. L, San FrancIscO. arrived On tbe 13th 'February. Black Silk Elastics, Blue Cotton Thread 2IAUILA COEDAGE, to GREEN. from Emperor William to Augusta: Her has been sent 1 1 I Offer Wsoleo and Cotton Girths, 1- -2 IN Grapes Cautornia. At the last State Fair aates, telegrams, were u January tin. he cues to the Trade, . Feather Outers, A SIZES, FROM TO 5 INCH in With deeply moved heart, and 'with', a gra itude .. : ! : CX. bond or duty paid. OR LEASE - telegrams to January Zlthi arrive!' ia the South. - CO. : FOE RENT held in California, some clusters of Muscat grapes 1 yon tne- preiiminarH's oi . For sale by " BOLLES to God, lnronn that on 27tb ultimo. .Tbey ir&e and Won J23 - tbe coutai'.ied notblnz but a JSoilctI ffinsccd , 8 EVE RA L COTTAGES, PLEASANTLY were on weighing twenty pounds, and peace have been signed. Tb Bordeaux Assembly 1 Oil! exhibition : we bad , ' . i located, suitable r large auu nuui umuuio. '" rechauffe of what bad ia Kan Francisco. c. f ' and l - -- ; '. finished, and supplied must yet ratify." White?."7Jao Paint, 3rwBnd White Lead, . f ETJSSIA E0PE, are enUrely NEW, handsomely Mr. Nicholson, of Marysville, had some clusters of BOLT iui)iu.-urc..- i. L-a- Tbe issue of the following day, containing tbo Ked Ocbrejind Venetian Red, the necessary outnnuses ami mmcra varieties .weighing fifty pounds, and not an Veksailles, r eb zs. .wgni,. at a oanqnet. - Sail Twine, Scotch Hemp SSORTED SIZES. to HCGQ SIANUEN WALD, M. IX other his guests .the preliminaries Burlap. Canvas, dVtf Apply . ? J tbe Emperor showed of latest telegrams via Suez, Is simply a reprint of Kussia. Duck, light and heavy, ' ' for sale by imterfeot berry ; thy were masses rather than EAL MERCHANDISE! jm28''' BOLLES k CO. the Treaty of I'cace signea an Hour before, lie what was known here n ago. Bright Fencing Wire, TO, JLIiT. clusters. Can yoa approach that, Labaina? Let us of august personages month limp Iron, from 14 1 ' accepted the felicitations the inch inch. H0USELITJE, hear from Marshal Oudinot. embraced. Von Moltke The Caledonian Mine tm'the Thames River, was Lato a Tinned Saucepans with Covers, Babbits Metal. SPUNYARN, OUCUPIKI) W present. The Emperor and Galvanized Gas Pipes, I to 4 S, THE HOUSE LATELY his yielding immensely. "The yield of irold for loch. II a WiJemAnn. on jnaa oiree. Yqn iloon. and expreserd deep gratitude for total Galvanised Iroa Buckets nd Tabs, WORML1NE.MARLIX.SE1Z06.RAT-U- LaijsUCHARDSON. Tub Dredging Machixe. This public institu- - January from this claim was "2,44 from 330 1 J,a80nab, Rates Lib-- Lamps i. invaluable services of these omcers.' ' and on Cabin and Lanterns. .ia'Jg BOLLES A OO. ; in operation tons ; Quantity C. C. Iroa with brass guards. tion, we learn, will be again put His Majesty's health will probably, prevent his of stone lor February fror.i a like dredging troops on horseback, but-h- e cerfciin- - of stone tbe yield, l"ias" been. J9,S35oz. ' Times:- - IN BONO OR DUTV PA ID ! TO EENT. during the coming week, in about the reviewing the f j tt",ltno Fine Pocket Knives and Steel. Scissors ! AND PREMISES NO. hands who formerly worked it, lv will review tbtm on the Champs de Mara, at is Tbe Australians had not rect i vod thelnteHfgcsoe " THE HOUSE wharves. The old - . . 1 " . a u nttiiaNC AVENLE. at present occupied by IT. intention of nis Majesty to witness the entry of ' ' 'l - . A are again to be employed John Mitchell as engin- the of tbe capitulation .,' Crashed Sugar, French Chocolata, I'll' t.- nouemion eiveo April 1st. ceomnMKlaUons, Corps Wednesday of Parii or i.-- :.-- -r. Store-roo- the Eleventh at tbe Eneiente, French Pease no nature! ,A XDM-i- ,. itu.k lto'iri9. eer nnd George Carsly to turn tbe long ladle that I - GENERAL. ASSORTMENT OF ""-.T'T- arvuiits , MAtnrrirH-.- barque M dny has made good CM. BERS. . sis i ,7 or morninir. .Tbe reasons for his doing this are ob The a Malaga and Sultana Raisins, sale kw,e, I. May be had furuished mud. And so the Esplanade will ' lv " Carriaee-bous- siaoie, bails up the passage of thirty-eigh- t from Mauritius, with a Currants ia Jars, Salad Oil, ' . BOLLES ft CO. avpliCHtion as nwu, to all who are acquainted with the state of days otherwise by to j. h. begin to grow again. . . : vious I V - . cargo We from CodTiver Oil, Curry Powder, . j March 4, IMTi. y-- C lm) Nuuanu Plantation. .c public feeling in Pans and tbe vicinity. I be" spot of STigar. learn Capt. Peters that COAiL tUserjeesof fchelld Almonds. ; crop 4 IEY SOFT J . HEKP AND CANVAS! for tbe purpose is kept a secret. the last year is a short one. and hat there Liverpool Salt, Sausages in Tins, FLAX Cruelty fellow was arrested selected " NOTICE. to Animals.A to-d-ay, tons less In ; W Bordeaux, Feb. 28. In the.Assembly, the willibe '45,000 than. the av crage of rHf"EORIlp,,Csfc hiltahire Loaf Cheese, MANUFACTURE, - ' -' ,' ':,- ". ARBROATH. otb.ee. beating a doff- - . H seasons,- ..'i. Dutca Loaf Cueese, M alt Vinegar in tesaijohns And bbls. BEST Numbers, in twwut r.r rim. .bt. TTviTRiXG MY TEMPORARY ABSENCE the. night for brutally Committee of Consaltation,which accompanied Thiers '.' Honolulu, Sir. CI1ARLKS will have Station- j per Ton Craam nf Tartar, Sted Biscuits. For sale by . BOLLES :CO. Jtr Fmm ROH was'admi'tted to bail i4 the snm of $10 at the mode report unanimously recom- The. Americtm whaling barque-- p bfaaw Pounds', j8 rhnnre or my business, and will attend to any .irders lor to .Versailles, a Jloiiift Sears, Gin in Baskets and Boxes. Hum in Barrels, . . . : M. T. DONNELL. -house, to in ap- ratincatioQ by" the Assembly of the pre- five month out from Hobart Town, off the Cotpe A Co, Ale, Boxes, . . bnt forfeited it. failing put an mending the called Iixle Claret in : ' '' Rhine Wine, Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, IE0N STOCK AUCH0ES, Honolulu, Feb. 24th. 1871- - tjh 4t pearance next mornins. He was a Chinaman. It liminaries of peace agreed to and submitted by the Heads, Dunedin. on February 17, with 900 barrels Dunville Irish Whiskey. Manila Horse Hope, FROM lOO L.BS must consolinjr to the dogs, in these times when of sperm und 150 barrels of other whale, oil. and I SIZES, LBS. TO4,000 ; i be Stockholm Tar, Pitch o half Barrels, , or duty paid. For tale by -- NOTICE. every manV hand appears to' be against them, to Bam bersrer. deouty from the Department of the bone, for tbo purpose of transhipping her cargo tu rortland Cement, Fire Bricks square sod arch . j23 BOLLES ft CO. RETAIL. If BARRELS t INTEREST INT HE SMALL srot rights. Officer Thomas, Moselle, adiared the Assembly to reject any terms in a vessel at that port bound for tbo United Slates. ,j ANDSHOOKSI MY on Neman o Street, Uomjlulu, eeased on Wednesday, know; that they have - Mania Yellow Metal and Composition Nails, will hereafter be carried on by who made the arrest, deserves credit, inasnanch as volvinff the cession of French territory. He strongly No vessel, being thero loading let the Mates, the 1st. and the business ( . HEMP AND. COTTON il.rrh - .l I l Best nine rowaer in in Tins, SAIL TWINE! AVON, under his own name and style. Ail outstanding bills- the first time be has arrested brutea ucnounccq... barque .priceed'-i- oil . towards Aht Bay of lahtwds Mew Oil this is not thai rapoieon tne iniru..i .Ij0l0 barrel Ebooks, QR be by tne - r - . - I for surplus stores. 2u4 Tens West Hartley Steam CoaL SALE Br- will settled io human form for cruelty to animals. A moment of agitation arose in the Chamber in the Ji2S F J28 , B0l.LE3 ft CO. Honolulu, March 4th, 1871. m4 4i An Astronomical Legend. PACKS OR JACKS. J'amgn 3totrtt5tnunts. I A Csm-ic- al Wbal Had Ab-S- in in HIn Slcrre m u a - I Translated from the Hawaiian by Iter. A. O. Forbes. Diacaulsn. wr w w SEETHE ia to of the7acquisi- - GEO. IOTTD & CO., TOBI.Y, This legend a sequel that the maker of a nation's pongs is' a great A. : If FOU SALE Shipping and Commission Merchants, DAVISSOIV, ! i tion of fire, and runs thus Maui, iiaving at benefactor, surely the man who disturbs or alters OFFER hi ri. - STDSZT. NEW SOCTH WALES. New York Photographer last obtained the secret of fire from the alae, them assumes a very grave responsibility. AND CO., national songs. - llail AzenU far the CtrawiM Fire k Barlne Iisiraaee Ce. ' (mud hen,) returned and told his mother, America has several " ' ' " ' fctar-spangi- ea Rtfertnce : I3JP0RTEBS OF ! Columbia," " Shoo Fly," Ihe E ? OPENED TO - JUST (Hum.)' Yankee Doodle," ABBIT .Honojala RE T. A. Schmefcr k Co.. Banner," "John Brown,"" '' JUST c;VFt.' Maeocwtray Co MB Francisco YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, And she answered and said, "Where is thyJ jjgatjjen Chinee," constitute hb chief L - -- -- nd The - R Bank T Aastra.aai. - vj&a'J ! P E - ' ON KING OPPOSITE THE BETHEL nothing lor me to are universally B. a. Lloyd 4- Col. ...3 Geor ard, Lombard 8. loodon MILLIN'GRT GOODS. . ST., fire? Didst thou think it va8 lyrics of this Republic. They be beating kapa for you all this while? Beating, accepted, recited, quoted, sung, and the people White Goods, Perfumery, in compari- Pocket Cutlery, -- : care very little who make their laws, . . . . . beater has once gone the fir CO., ...... am I, and before the EDWASD A. PEIECE 1 concern the preservation of HOSIEItT, ZEPIITR WOOL, Ac, e. goes sun. son with their about Hawaiian Forwarding &Conmision Merchants XKW iXB BEAOT1FCL width of the kapa, down the ...So.it their songs. t r. goes on till a week is past, and a whole moon is celebrated and popular of our na- 33 WALL ST., NEW YORK. The most SO. RESIDENT BITTERS IV THE - past before one single kapa can be finished; Then tional songs is "The Heathen Chinee." In that HAVING io Europe, and luring in direct commOnicatioo REMBRANDT PICTURES- FROHJ 1KX IX OIRKCT COMMCX1C4TIOX with the we on is to goes the sun remarkable lyric, America pours out her ridicule BEING And hano uoeqoalol. facilities for manufacture, are euabied to get Uuods the when it spread out dry, down brt terms tbd to aetl accordingly. V upon the' narrow" bigotry that would drive the Ja21 . ALBERT W. OiBOKNE, Artist. before it has time to dry. So it is .all the time. Vie pensive' and child-lik-e ' ' Oriental from our H prepared to fill Orders Goods on ithe - - " r for Our Stock is Largest on the. Pacific r The only way to dry the kJpa will be by the Ehores. It grasps the mighty subject of "Chinese hotX-a- vosilAe notice, om the nort favorable terms, ' . ,. ... . " : . ;V: . masterful hand, and scoffs FINE. ; . Coast, and we invite the fire." . .7 cheap labor " with a A5SOllTitj mi 3a , ... ." that General Thomas and Judge Especial And Maui answered and said, " Better were it at the " ruin . , oi V. K. LKTaBIDGK. attention ofllonolala Merchants ! Kelly to dread as the consequence of the ,.;. a. P. STEAEV3 IN THE PACIFIC off the feet, he profess W.. XoatOS, ircirrr, to an examination of the name. then that I go and cut sun's that Ah-Si- n Portland, SIS tmat 8t-- Ban Francisco. introduction of and his unsophisticated move so , fellow-countrym- en . Particular aUeutioo siren to Orders. ., not quickly." . into the workshops of. the CLC'j WADHAUS & CO.. ' DRY GOODS, LEVEEIDGE, ; tboi able to do " said she. The Heathen Chinee " . has TOBHT,' DIXOX DATIS30N, Art it? United States. " TO H. O. SXEATIL) k '" ' V become household god. With sudden bound, SUCCESSORS ' am able." a "' '' '" Comer Sutter Sanamue Ptreets, "I " k Commercial Ah-Si-n has . seated himself, with " his sleeves CLIPPER SHIP SYEEN r--o The DLANKETS.TrLA.'Jr ' to Gr ' C9 " ' , AVhat are thy weapons with which .over- ' Sam FrauciM-.- Cala. which were long," upon the throne of American cerH AXD ! ! ' PERIODICAL JEWS AGLVfl ' VholeHale - come the gun?!' ' - ;. AND , popularity, and he grasps in his taper fingers the 9? ; a V ' course ! 'IIow can lie poet. Longfellow, Bryant, : Why! myrowess, of scepter of the national Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ! JFor. tho North cific. ' " ENGLISH GO OD' S help himself when am after him? Ilopkinson, Key, Drake, Julia Ward Howe, PORTLAND, OREGON. .. (PEtt' MAIL 8TEAMi;R)i ' . ". the fall back respectfully, BF,E FOR TW'ENTr YEARS assented to his jrrojHjsition, and said, Whittier and all rest HAVING If thia City aa Agent for fhe leadiug Ameri- lima as the Heathen Chinee comes. across the Sierra 'aft -- ' ABOUT, ) Particalar Ittfutlo"- - t CotIgnats f AyJieapest A. can and European "Go! and; moreover, here are the' implements "Nevada, with his '"'ways that are dark and his DUE MARCH, 15th. rll JAt aie. GROCERIES, AV by whoBe aid thou mayest bind thelsun." ', tricks that are vain," ana " plays it upon tuat Jl D. NICHOLSON & CO., Iflagazines & Newspapers. .. ; ' And she gave him fifteen cords, saying, " These typical American; William Nye, " in a way wo .. - n. W. SEVERANCE & CO., Silk, Woolen & Manchester Warehousemen And enjoying. the best facilities for supplying Subscribe despise,''. but-whic- h we can got but "admire " era at the Lowest Possible Cost, are not all, Go to tby grandmother for the rest, EW. BEDFORD CENTRE BOARD '" (Wholesale Retail likewise." - ., and The Undersigned solicits the continuance of tha patronage of ... Shipping & Commission bis friends and patrons, who will be served with promptness and she will instruct thee how to proceed for 'And now, into this song of the times comes an General even smslleBttpatters. India, Colonial and Foreign Outfitters, and entire satisfaction, in Ibe care ; im- . Whale Boats, . . 6'T-'A- she has the of the sun." audacious interpolator. Onerise up and " WlMEi 31 E It U A N PAUL'S CHCB.CH VARD. As the f LINK is now established, connecting Ho- LIQUORS, iLEU! II T8, SO TO ST. Wili-wili-puh- a 52 nolulu with San Francisco and the Coionies monthly .... ' J NOw the name of this grandmother was a, proves " 'upon? the Heathen Chinee. A new 405 Front Street, corner of City St Han Francisco. (Corner o' CJiMtpside.) . - London. York, London and Pajilleatiois ' reading of one of the most touching passages id New Bedford Oil Casks, ; - Xw ' icstraliaa (the hollow wiliwili tree). mr 74 ly . E.tablUJssVd r ' 1843. Will be furnished to Subscribers. . put forth, and it . remains to be seen whether a further instructed him, go- Samples at not '; Jiott &. THE ATTENTION OF FA All LIES Wllblat Ten to Twenty Dnya rrotn'ibe Day And Ilina " In thy great people will tamely permit its national lyrics in whalemen's casks, INVITEabroad, to their llluatrau-- lift) page catalogue, Z "'New Bedford Bread JANION, RHODES & CO., Hk of Publication ing, when thou' comest to where a large wiliwili to r tampered with. The author of this containing full particulars as to Woofen, and Cotton Goods . prices barely cover the eost-o- f subscription be" ' And nt that ' and v- - I . of every description.; : . - . postages t emendation " is known, but we shall not now , thereon. tree is standing, there dwelleth tby grandmother, " Cumberland Coal, Commission Iflercliants, Landles, Clofbiuz, Liuer-a- Hosiery, Clove, ; expose him. Ho ia already paying some portion Papers delivered free of 'Postage or other Charges and the name of the house where she feedetb the t Ribbwsia, &e. '. - is f Victoria, VsaeaBter'. Island. Haberdashery Jewellery, n ar.y part of tne woiip. i4'w il ' ; of the penalty of his rashness, and shut .up in ' '" ' Contractors fur Military and Police Accoutrements. sun is' Ilaleakala." v " ; :;v ;'J ! ' f . Bl Particular attention paid to consignments ofSaodwick Back numbers of the leading Monthlies and Weeklies always his house, partly in.conscqusMico of a fall on the ' Manila Cordage, Cotton Duck, 1' Household Furniture, Musical lonruuierit.y Ironmongery, .. i A IV. L I A aTl Island Prod ace. Fire arms. Agricultural Implements, Cutlery, Carriages, on band. Files made np at short notice for H halemen and .She also further instructed him thus, "Abide ice, but principally on account of the febrile . 0 ' ' y . ! ' .' Victoria. V.L, January I.1S93. 733 I ' .Travelers. cock-crowin- An-oi- n. ' Saddlery and Harness, Boots and fcboe, Wine.. the g, and the second excitement ioliowirg his treatment ot . there until first Card i" Babacriptions Payable Always in.Adranoe.. " Cutting Falls, Matches,, . u eW Ales, Beers, ProTUione, ttatkery. Ah-Si- n: " t ' ' i t .' ' r cock-crowin- g, cock-crowin- g, Truthful James sang of . . "" of i . Books, Toys, c. and" the third . then . sic, ! ' ' AMERICAxTeWSPsPERS LI DY & C Ol, - Ehipped at Lowest Export Priced.-- ' ',': " In his sleeves, which were long. F NT, PEABO Agents u u Britannia," Sewing "New" York Weekly Herald i ...... $5 00 watch,. for the coming forth of a big old woman. There were twenty-fou- r packs." Oak Plank, White Ash, Sole for the Wanzer" and the - Machines or the City of London. N. Y. Weekly Tribune;. 5 00 N. V. Weekly Times 6 00 - - That is tby grandmother. When thou seeBt her this, bold emcridator thus prints the passage AND ,. cat Weekly story . But - - ..'... SHIPPING Foreign Produce disposed of for a Cummitfion Si per cent. Ledger, (a paper) 600 . ' , 't. " t i r ' The New York Weekly, (a story paper) 5 00 ' In his sleeves, which were long, niaU Price List post free. . kindle a firp and place bananas thereon, do thou Cedar Boards, Rope,. ' D. NIC1I0L?0X ft Co , ' . The New York Irish American ...... 6 00 There were twenty -- four jacks Commission 5 00 Boston Weekly 5 00 the site begins to Iflerclmiits ' The Home Advertiser snatch away bananas. And s 5 1 and Bt. Paul's Churchyard, London. ; Journal...... if ' J - 60, 62 CO and the worst 6f it is that this gloss has just A rAJiD AOESTS OF accompany Scientific Amvrican..;... 4 00 Boston Weekly True Flag 5 TERMS : Not less than 60 per cent, to Indents 6 New York snuff around on that side and on this, and to to to WD II B.I Lading, o29 6m Boston Weekly Journal;. 00 The Nation... 600 enough virtue in it eo'mmendjt a considerable I and Balance against s of 'MRt 6 00 PA C1FICBA RREL AND KEG COMPANY The Citisen and Uouud Table....'...... 'Bnoff (4 Whose class and there must ine- 8 upward, and inquire,' art thou, 0 of American people, - New York Courier des Lists L'nis (French)...... 00 Are prepared to furnish Krg- and Sbskain New York Weekly Zcituug (German) 8 00 4 vitably spring up a bitter. party division in the Canal Barrows, Barrel I mischief?' then answer .thou, Thine.' Arfd if qaaatixy required, and respectfully solicit cvnaignments of O Novo Montio 00 sij ! New York (Portuguese, illustrated) '8 world of song and letteYs, between the Packites r 'j rs and Island Pr duce. , ; ; 'I "'"l she shall inquire again, Mine? mine through i - -- SHIPPING CD l.oCf.i REQUIRE! ILLUSTRATED PAPERS : and Jack tea.; For there is 'niueh to say in -- ' ' aaria to IlanWs Illustrated Wekly 6 00 whom? say thou, Tliibe through Ilina.' " defense ""of Jacks. LIkcAh-Siri- 7 we 'do"4 not UOSIiV, '. ' Bazar...... 6 00 TAK,!. PITCH' .:pr.'w Sui VWS3. Bishop kCo'..'f.i..;.., ...... Honolulu. :,..: ., "having .finished understand, are certain t .Weekly 6 00 Ilina thus her instructions, "..euchre but jacks" ' .. H. UacLfrld 4r . ;. LesUe's ...... " Co...., 6 00 -- exercise controlling influence ": - 4. 4) ". ' cards which such a. ' V. ; sstlc CoWe - - ' Maui left bis 'home at Kipahulu, and went to CABIN STOVES, IS!) It ... CKLEBRBTED . ; " Chimney Corner...... 6 0o over the destines. of, that '. small game." that QOTTOJ l ' . ' Budget of Fun. ,6 00 Kaupo, to the district of Nuu. Thence he com- it Appleton's Illustrated Journal (monthly parts) .v.. 6 00 there would have been nothing improbable in Francisco, WORCESTSRSHmE SAUCE Boston Every Saturday (monthly parts).. 6 00 menced .to ascend the mountain, until lie arrived statement twenty-fou- r been ! Hemp and Uf i il -- b' , ill No 408 California' Street. San 1 ...... the that of them had - - - - Ittoseiiclalo' Ccmciit . .7 6ra " ' , DECLARED Br 1TONXOISSEURS Hearth and Home (for the family and farm) ...... 6 00 at the great wiliwili tree, as directed. lie set discovered in the flowing sleeves of the deceased. ' ; C London. Illustrated News 14 00 IltMi rn rwii:. ... TO BR THE Ah 3Hn f Thoughtless desir-4n-g Pembroke-Salt,- ' ' Graphic. $14 Loudon Weekly Punch.. 8 00 down at the foot of the tree, and waited tintil Athenians, always . liear-Bom- . 1 : Spuovam, Marl i'i . . to e new thing, will plunge " .. i, if MISCEI.L.ANEOUS PAPERS cock-crowin- g, int this - re at U 'IT, Cutt.ng , each 8 00 .the'first and the second, and the t i News of the World, 12 numbers, 2i cents new theory, regardless of. history, deaf to the & Commission 3 Kaao-helemo- a. Corn Starch, Mackerel, Merchants General Agents, Bteamer Bulletin, " " .... 00 third. And thef name of that cock wa voice ol Truthful who ot" a sjzf.s;' j The American Agriculturalist (monthly)...... 2 60 that James gives us his uiirH4 i.i. cock-crowin- g, -- : - ; that-be Ah-Sin Iri9-r'irvp- I ; , -- J- - . - : j Budget 2 60 At the third he was on pledge only fiiets. - - PafcenU . I, to .. .;..' x!-- I Leslie's of Fun (monthly)...... states ' o ... ,! .c auJ, I it J j 3 00 . 44 a x i . A general assortment or Ship Chandlery, Ships' Stores I The Country Gentleman (weekly) .... watch, and behold the old woman crept forth might have . had twenty-fou- r . jacks ," jn, his ri. 'rcatt uniicij, )r . Koral Mew Worker (weekly) 00 the ' .1 it Jib Ilauki and f la s. sm all kinds o'. Whaling Oear on fond.. ,f ....4 oo olecvcs, bad be been so minded.. muBt be Ml Orders supplied at ibortest notice lowest rates. Army and JSavy Journal...... s to roast the bananas for the sun's repast. Kin But it . fcluaV.i, hul..;' !' t ' . i XT the and FRAUD. ' ' -- CAUTION AGAINST i-s . . remembered Truthful , James was eye-witne- Ketchup Hooka a, t'onnartlftj S3 Whalers Bills of naxhauge negoUiitcd on the mortfarbr-- The success of .this most delicious anil unrivalled Cori'Ument t JfJV EXILE PKRlOI)lCALS that an !! lor ' " dling fire, she placed a cluster of bariatias on ' We - ' ' : 733 Young 3 00 the the whole a terms. ' ly" j bkTing caused e rtain dealers to apply the name of " Worces--I Our Folks (monthly) ...... of scene. Although not a Lemon Syrup, tcrsbire Sauce', to their own inferior compounds, the Public Is The Youth's Companion (weekly)..... 2 60 it, when Maui slyly snatched them away for him- participant in the. combat between Mr. Nye and Boat Timboi stcr ; nd si M.- - hereby Informed that the only war to secure genuine, is to IemorrSt's Youn g A merica (monthly)...... 3 00 T. K LKVKBIDtiE, . M WADnAMS, the Ah-Si- n, he was present and r f The Chicago Little Corporal (weekly). 2 60 self. AYben the old woman turned to see how assisted at tlie post - - r-- ss WJt. JIOKTON. . ' i ' (J reen Peas, A M i, jr : ASK FOR LEA a PERKINS' SAUCE, The Boston Nursery (monthly)...... 2 60 mortem examination, which-reveale- the Eaa Francisco, j . , oniana. u. bananas wero coming on, behold they were prosciice ...... if, f and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, labels. Meiry'a Huseum, (monthly)...... 2 60 her mm ' of wax on the taper nails of the deceased, lie fKT m T . c g t V-hw- ' ! ' ix ; stopper and bottle. Children's Hour (monthly) 260 hu O LEVEEIDGE, EVERETT & CO...... not. And she exclaimed " f where" can - Green Cnrn, . O nil Some of foreign having been snpplicd with a ! was evidently a cairn, dispassionate witness, and the maakets . CALIFORNIA PERIODICALS KowVrkfT tuih(nr fft rln(r Tte, ! San Francisco Weekly Bulletin.,. I...: . 600 those, banana 8 be; the bananas of my sun?" his testimony can not be successfully impeached. Wroagit N4ti( Cut Js !, iUvriiw.' rlujMM, rorwardin& Commission Merchants i . . 600 ' a " " Alta.... has- - given - S? .....i.. Now the'old woman was blind, and tberefore He that testimony, not only through - , .Lobsters ' ' P. gire notice that they bare farnished their icorrespondents Sacramento . Union...... 6 00 it ' j 31 S. FB0XT STREET, CORNER COMMERCIAL, attorney proceedings medium of the Octrland !Monthfy but in an with powfr of to take instant against san rrancisco wouMnerciai neraiu...... 10 00 wis that she had not perceived Maui sitting at the PAINTS CF ALL LKIN SfX FRANCISCO. Manufacturers and Vendors of such, or any other imitations Weekly Pacific . 6 00 authorized edition of his work, just published by which their maybe infringed. . I irticslar attention paid to Consignments of Island Produce. rltfht San Francisco News Letter 8 00 Daily Alta California ....20 00 the foot of. the tree. She went and got another & A FINE ASST. OF FURNITURE ... tiajaccd OH, Aak for LUA ft PiCaKlZSS' tiAUCs; and see Name on Wrap- 5 by that most reliable house, Fields, Osgood Co., . t2i ly Overland Monthly.;..... 00; Daily Bulletin.. .10 00 per, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. : cluster of bananas and 'placed them on the fire, Boston, and he emphatically declares that Oi RELIGIOU8 PAPERS j f - ... Kerosene, Whale &nd Sperm mnolesale and for export ty the Profinetors, Worcester 44 C- - COXSISTIXQ IN PART OF J New York Independent (Congregational organ) . 4 00 . The floor It vtaa strewed. j Crosse and Black well, London, Ao. ami by .Grocers and again tbey disappeared by Maui's hands. Ac, and U UeecherTs Like the leaves on the strand, Varoinb, IV at.d Klr(iD Oilmen nnirersally. . . Christian nion (H. W. paper) .400 Tar, BrlKBt t U(lir, Ah-rji- n , Chicago Advance (Uongregationai).. . 4 00 So on and until soon all the old woman's bananas With the cards that had beeu hiding 323 I ( IiM-ai- j n Jy - TIIEO. U. DA VIES. Agent, Honolulu. 1VC 33 33 XI r3 . . ' O did , T Boston Congie'galionalist ...... 4 00 were gone ; when 6h6 exclaimed, " This beats nil In the game he not understand." S JOSEPH GILLOTTS New otk Ohserver (Presbyterian).. 00 ' " .4 Here is the general statement of very large , P0Br,.PiS Kvangelist, - u . the Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, BREID, FIOUR, 400 mischief!" . Then she snuffed around on this STEEL PKNS. r a Pf, , V. Tatt-- fdalhnluit nn m oV. Vr mil Mfatf. I ro' ii C..rn, iww. ,,.mrt .431 O- - Boston Pilot (Catholic) ...... r. . 400 side and on that, and snuffed upward, and said, how carefully Truthful James collected Preserved Pir f BREWER & the Peas, huict, and v , . Mliar Uron'tf Oak Dining Chairs, . , Urea LOXDOX PAPERS tLou. O mischief?" ; '; material of the aggregate ' "Whose art contents of the sleeves, ; ." v JQMM London Illustrated News. 14 00! London Kxaminer .13 00 ' i.'r . v . o. tsaau.u X CBSCKSS . FOR-9AL- E so rudely scattered by the oiiflaught LaJ - Life.. .13 00 said '.. , , Pall Mall Gaxette.13 00 Bell's Thine," Maui. .t' of the manly L " OFFER r " t ' ' ' " " jAIso, Brand'3 .Iiomb Rvening y Times) .80 00 - Rosewood Dining Chairs, V- - " Hail i ! , defender of high American wages J. GV MERRILL & Co.;; - Despatch 13 00! London Weekly Times.. .10 00 " Mine mine through whom ?" j.- ' There were twenty-fop- r JIQCkf" n lVirec'. Whallug Cws. fciturday Review.. 13 00 " .JCature.. 8 00 ' v; ' BARK NABOB Thine through Ilina.' ' Ccmmisaion XXerchants and Auctioneers, " Lloyd's Weekly Times. 10 00 Truthful James anticipates the doubts of the Office Chairs' TXBLE, DA A M C OiKli; which, Maui came forth and sat IRr . , , , : Saying in the ' and 206 California Street, . . DITIECT . LONDON MONTHLIES incredulous. lie admits that it seems coming rroan 204 London Art Journal 14 OCT Magazine.'.!.. 7 00 ' tbe faulualHll for Bolivia old woman's, lap. And the old woman said, he boldly r: - oe " Society Ma?SKlne..-- oojremple Bar Blagasine.... 7 00 it strong," but asserts that he states Kocking Chairs, ' - h. .kt a oo. jP .11 IV " Cornhill Maguine. 7 00Kuglish Society 7 00 What is the object of tby coming?" ;. : only facts," and these fancy commentators are PKlUtY DAVU ; WNj rAl KIU s." O O S O " r.uisr ALSO, AGENTS OF THB R B T Magazine) 6 00 . i All the Year Bound, (Dickens' silenced, plausible aa their case. appears first .... 001 Westminster-Quarterly.- . . have at ; Blackwood's Monthly.... 6 4 00 , "I coise after the sun, to kill him for his Nurse Chairs!' , , Izjx' Francisco and Honolulu Packets. Chambers' Journal. 6 00, Edinburgh Qurterly . ... 400 eight, by the ofifeial: statement ot" the affair. ;aL And Various other Mcrcti! COAL, HIDE POISOX., going so rapidly, the kapa which Ilina has made euchre-player- s; QCMBERLASD Good Words.'...... , 4 CO North British Quarterly. . 4 00 He would have ; pleased better, ...... attention given to the sale and pure has of aaer ; London Quarterly... . 400 ' ' 0M Tl rticular ' has not time to dry.' .had,, lie,- - spoken Children's Chairs, . ,: CAREFULLY BELKT, HP, it disc, ships' business, snpplfing whalesaips, negotiating Rosin, Robber Hose,' of jacks," but he preferred ! AMERICA X MONTHLIES old 103'alty to ni story aoove tlie ...' e ange. Jte. Littcll's Living Age, (wetkly) 00 Then, the woman gave hi:n a stone and a allurements of lame. C - All arriving at Fan Francisco, by or to the Ho r ; ...... 10 ack8 ' would California, Eastern & i opean frelht Sail Twine, Sprnce Plank,' Hunt's Blerchant's Magazine...... 6 00 cord, which, with the other fifteen cords madn ! " have preserved the unities, but Hair Mat trasses, Bureau Marbles, . a Lioe of Packets, will be forwar Jed race or ' ' ooaaissioa. Boston Waverly Magazine 8 00' DemoreBt's Monthly ..... 6 00 i " pays honors to the Ilonolalw bought . - . " racks verities. Truthful XT Exchange ea and sold. XI 3 Hoop Electie Magazine 6 001 The tiaiaxy 6 00 sixteen, and the etone was the seventeenth, oT may be Orders the Other JUir, wilfully rsascs-- . . i Paneled Pails, Harper's Msgaziue 6 00 Overland Monthly 6 00 James tampered, with. '.Ho may be from . - ; tho he rs. C. Co...... Honolulu i. .:', Atlantic 6 00' Peterson's Magazine 3 00 weapons with which should conquer the persuaded or bribed to declare that he wrote Minnon piate3 ' Monthly...... H. UackfeidA: Co - Pnre Vinegar. Monthly 6 Ool Lady's Magaaine 9 00 .. i :" -- 44 - Cider Scrihiier's Arthur's 6Un.- "" . Jacks." But it will be a base subterfuge and C.BrewerCo Leslie's Magazine 6 CO Our Young Folks 3 CO i and Mcsnrs. J." R. & bnhopCo u. Lady's 6 00i , And now the . day was breaking, and the sun afterthought,' Osgord Co. ONE SUNSHADE CARRIAGE - Uodey'a Book.... ( "7 t. W. Wood....! " Sabbath at Borne (Tract Society's Monthly)...... 4 00 - ' niustt.tand.by their owp and noV r. - bananas.-- And reed, ficrnik ,loo. Ht U. A liea " ;'C.Xl' ' : ' was hungry after his the old THEI ' J" the nation's songs to. be. thus trifled with. Phil- Side-Spri- ng ifii I' Lso ' " AUSTRALIAN PAPERS 44 One Top Wagon ! Waterman...... t Natis, - r - ...t.... 10 woman instructed .Maui, Station yourself . . AuEtrnlast&n,(week 00! Melbourne lJlua'Ud at , - a- a-.- - ry)... News.00 Bulletin. ;v- J . . . It Weekly Sydiwy 6 00 adelphia. ,Pine & Cypress Barrel Town t Country Journal. 10 001 Herald.. the foot of this tree, and 'when the first' ray of f Shocks; DEVOTED EXCLI'SIVELV TO xMUSIC ONE TOP ' up, lasso it with one oF 7 Kark, T on. SHIFTING WAGON! r 1 CRACKEN, MERRILL. 5t Co., .' FOR MOLASSES.. .. Uitchcock'l Magazine... 4 00 Peter's Musical Monthly.. 4 00 the sun conies the cords, wain Juvenile Pugilists. FORWARDING' AND ' XT Any Periodicals, not in this list, will be ordered at any and fasten it to the foot of'the tree. So ou with U ! time, and supplied at cost and' charges. "" the nest,' and the next,' all Ye 'find in"the TJulTalo Express "of tbe 28th r -- One tmcrlcaa Caryall, FOR SALE Tl! i) E S R S until the cords arc , 1'J PIN CA HOOKS Address II. M. WHlTJiKY. inst.-- the following paternal objurgations by Jlark o.u.iiissio.v iWE itciiArv 3m . - .used. Then use the stone that is for v '' ' - S: --' i the body i .. 'i . ....ts,i Twain 'J ' - SETS SIL VER-PL- TED AND CO VERED ' V ! " 44 I'ortlinirt, Oregon. I JXcAtiTrry's Oysters of the sun.'! Yes I've had a good many fights in ray time." .:! '' - old tenderly IVIJrO BEEN ENGAGED IX OUR PRE and 2 lb. 8piced, 1 and 2 lb Fresh. ' ' 2ra " These instructions ended, Maui dug a hole at said John Parky, manipulating his 3 J V, seven Ill l ' ' sent bnsiness upwards of years, and being I ! the foot of toe tree, and hid himself aismantiea nose, una ii s Kina ot Queer too. for i; :- - I !'.. I in a fire proof brick building, we are prepared to receive HEUOsC therein. In 1 HARNESSES . THEOH. when was a hoyj the old man was always telling '; . 0. . . spose of Rice, i Island suplea, such as Sugar, 8yraps,Pnln, v . , . . a little while the sun put forth his first foot. ,'k.: P a- - , c, to alvanuge. Consignments especially solicited 'FAIiET. SEASON me better. He was a good man and hated fight flti:,' , 1S70. r Expressly for Oregon market, to which personal attention will be paid, .Maui lassoed it with the. cord, and made it fast ing. When' I would conic home-- . with my. nose itade this market - too which cash advances will be mtoe when required. 1;K? I -- 1 ) OFF EOIt SA to the foot of tbe tree. So on with the next, and bleedpg or with my face scratched jUp, be. used to ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Baa YBxH30oKKrEBKSc3: . call mo 'in tho woodshed, in A , the next, until fifteen feet were Bnared. Yet ono out and a sorrowful gor Lindeubergt-r- Jas. Patrick k Co.', diBConraged way, Ho; 1 " Liken, Coleman It and sayi Johnny, you 've W.T. Co.,' foot remained knocking about below. Patiently : ens. Baker Co. . had another fight, bey1 llow many times have I ! 1 ' 1 Wheelwrights, Findings ' PoBTLane RsreaKXcM: ' BEST A HAWAIIAN J1ESS JJEEF! he waited uatil at last the sixteenth Toot also ap- got to tell ye how disgraceful and wicked it is for en Lewis. AiTilton. P K R was lassoed i Ladd Leonard k Green ll : ' . PACKED BY.' peared, and with the remaining cord. boys to fight?. .'"It was only yesterday that I IIimriLO.tr RkfnsKXcu: ' ' an. siij Buggy and Wagon Spokes, asst'd Sizes, " : And when the .sun perceived jthat talked, to you liour about the of. fighting, : . . N X', A U A all his feet . - - Walker Allen. ly, C II E R T LGMA K t ,'.' rnd ". i "4l r : 0 Tim rjyx- K he - hert you've leen5at ii again. Who' was it .,', .', : ECA were fast, attempted to go- down f . again , but 'i'l ASD WAItRANTKD. '". HAW. BARIC WlOl, with this time? With Tommy Kelly, hey? Ilubbs, Hims, Shafts and Poles, I CROSSE & DLACR . ' Maui took a turn with . the cords tree1. . ; , " WELL'S above Beef is packed by an experienced Batcher ' around the Don't-yo- u . .. , - . . . X7'The ' j i ...... know any .better tbun to boy ' DEL I ..I .: I.J :J II - . . . ' fight a BARK cured in Liverpool Salt, and facked in Turk's Island Salt. and he tound it impossible to go back.. Gradu- that1 weighs' twenty pounds more than you do, ''' CLIPPER - Bows, The best reference can- be given. For sale iir'quanlitles to besides two years oldef?' Express and Buggy ; ally he rose until his body being Ain't yo got a !ebrated Oilmen's Stores - . '. ' 'v appeared. Tlien I saitbv- ': the-ston- e eparK of sense about ye? I ean see 'plainly that : JaT 8m i.tU OF NEW GOODS! Maui seized to knock the life Kl 1 1 i.r.ovn THEOD. C. HEUCK.' ASST. "but of you are determined to break your poor father's r: ' Charcoal Iron,' a at LL OF SUPERIOK QUALITY. 44 v 1 him." But the sun spake and ine 5 said, Let heart by you reckloHS. ooatluct. iVhat ails your selected With live.V. .' ' h - .('- finger? Tommy bit iDrat the little . , Ut riCKIJtS,,' BACCE8 SYRUPS,. it! tool! , , Aae Collars. This Vessel will tc M Let live; ! ye know enough to keep yer finger 1 . r I :. you forsooth You are a traitor, Didn't out of JAMS, IN TI2I3 AND JARS, Special Care for this ISIarket Ins Was to yeric Lis I mouth tiying cheek off, . 1 andj guess you will not live at my hands." .J'jJ ..," AM II " OKANOB MARMALADK. hey? Wont ye learn to quit fool i a 'round a - ooMtniolwl Xy, but . let me live, and I will agree to Plows- Assorted Styles, ,.t.vw,,'.i.'wwiii jBouthrwith yer fingers? . .You're CA'l .rawia ;' " boy's bound to MCfiTARb.YISEGAR ;. ; ' your conditions.' ' ASSORTED !; I . disgrace" us afyby sec h'w retched, bclwvior. You're FULLY v ' '. : .dctcriniqednever.'to ,' . So . POTTED MEATS AND H.5IL . . m froth they entered into a treaty, and it was agreed be ,nob:iyl Did jou .ever Hay Cutters, J . UJJlliliail ..jJiilll. . lUUxMlf. 4 PKKSEBVID fSESU: giUION. that the eun should be allowed to quicken" bis hear of Isaac Watts that w rote Let dogs delight to batk and bite sticknig his fingers in a boy's KJPPEUKD iSALMON AND UBRRINOS. pace for six months, and should go slowly the Road Scrapers, . bRyrcpbbs,;:';;;.;; mouth to get 'em bit, like a fool ? I'm clean ed ...... ,1 r FOR ' . PICKLED BALMOX. Mi ( SELECTED TIJrj other six months. Whence comes pass, g&'for-bi- f. it to that .witb'ye Why didn't ye i presu and ienrrNS HERRINGS. .during the summer months the j&aja are. long, nose, the way Jonathan Edwards, and George Mule Harnesses Complete. ' FANCY GOODS. ' 1rikd soles. .' and dirring the winter months,' short. And Jhus Washington, and Dan 'I (Webster used to. when ' tbey Was 'boys! Couldn't, 'eaotift he , INVOICE ,0X1 fresh asd tindoJj haddocks: Maui became the benefactor of mankind. " bad yo All PARK DRESS GOODS, I t p'urty story' to tell TWO ELEGAliT PURS SALAD OIL. down Hiat's'a hie. it does brat all tbat-yo- xstn't learn how Socrates ' PINT' AND ; ; and CimiJAILSpflSSORTEDiSIZES SOUPS, IN QUART TIX5. CLOTH INC, Opposition or ths Ioxopolists. The import- William Fenn.ueed to : gouge when tliey was I tRK3ERTED ' MKAT3 Hi TIN8": ers of sugar and syrup from other countries into under, "after the hours and. . - ; hours. I've spent i . in Wash Boards. , , ;,v;,,.V :? vw 3 p" - ' P&E3ERYED IIAM3 AND CIIKKSE. California,, along rwith the refiners and. middle ; telling you about those great men ! It seems to liansomc, mbs 1 . TL.J men who have had to deal with tnose. commodi- mo Bomctimes as I flhontd havrrto PRESERVED BACON.. . j 7 if give yOu dp rRENCII CASHMERE MERINOS," ties, hav6 for many years reaped the profits from uL Axe Pails, V," : v uuulB oararneaa, - in despair. Its an awf trial to me to have a Handle, pno Trash Tucr, ,AND'CAMaWGE SACSAQB. Italian Cloth; - 0rORp -- Blue. Brown and White Cotton Lonrcloth, a wonderfully good thing in connection with the boy pay anynttention to good vOO - . - thatrdon't example ,f,; BOUXi.NA aAUSAOB., . I , Heavy .Denims, Superior White Llueru, , t A A; monopoly they enjoyed. As long as California nor 'Co say. ,'Yoo pulled" . i . ' Bleached foleskin, u.... what I Whatt out Buckets, Tubs. YORKSHIRB HlkiW PATES.' Wbite-Muelin- s necessary artiejee bus- - ' and- - Jaconets, . . .. .f did not produceJhese their bandfuls of bis hair ! Il-- m ! Elc i. . I: ';'' j,. three or foar Did Etc.. - PORK .. Black and Mixed Broad Clothe iness, was a mine of untold ;wcaltht wbiob only vo YORKSHIRB PATES. ' ' ' he squirm any ? Now if you'd him one or .I'l i ' Victoria Lawns. White and Bine PTahnelS. T ' r r a rT ma needed tapping to turn put the most fabulous jeyet-b- ut" rinAHDsf ... s . sJav Hock Towels, , m !, .... ,. ; two in the Afl I've told ye,juany a time, FINEST . , .remember Beelng 'announced - TONGUES, BRAWN. POULTRY. treasures. We it fighting is poor business. . Won't. yoo for- your 1 iu 1869 that S. - Sprecklesi the head of one of ' .1 lather's sake won't "you promise to try and PLUM PUDDINGS. ... vITIeriiiou Cotton Twine, i":'".' :" IcnV S Ii i ii the'eugar refineries, in San Francisco, returned ! m ! bow " ' t remember II Johnny did f ' ' r that PEBRINS' it 1 LEA WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. White Linen year of any man in T ' ; and Mourning Handkerchiefs,. tbe largest income for that tbe ahem which licked ? . ; ' j Apples, Linen Sheetinr. Coatinsa Waildinv . . Dried ; WRITING INKS and State of California.: His monopoly has made him . 44 You, him .Sbo I Really ?, Well now, ,t: . White Sewing Cotton, assorted, j licked I supplies mf above asajr always had " Croesus in wealth, with comparatively ' 1 Cel Frttk ths ts from txtrf -' Col's Linen Thread, ;... a veritable I hadn't any idea you conld lick tliat. Tommy ; ' ' Slortitfptr throughout the World. OnHand Salet ?' Clear'Pork, c,: Dovcnish's '' andFor Hn and PPr Collars, Cotton Cane Umbrellas. meaner efforts on his part. It is but natural that Kellcy f 1 don't believe John Bunyan, at ten W "'' " c INK, White Quilts, Dutch Tape. - . : - AT.VARD orES BEST BLACK ' .t such men should do. all in their power to oppose CAUTION. lyjLf quarts, pints and cones. ! ' Crochet Cotton and Patent Etceoyarn, '. years old, could have done.it. Johnny my boy, ACNE ; A MP ' - i from. ICH X. prevent the fraud ot refiliina; tbe bottles or jars with native Intvids best iack Ink. quarts, pints and con49. ''.' i i'.-, Ladies' White Cotton Hose, the manufacture: 'of sugar, anyi product you can't think how I bate to have you fighting ' 1 , ; Brown ' . . v - productions, they shoald invariably be destroyed UaVKta' best Copying Ink, quarts and pints. . Gent's Cotton 12 hose, whatever, in pur midst. ; It is but natural that every day or two I wouldn't have badluiri-iio- KEROSEni A FEW OF - OIL! .. wlren empty. ilaynard Noyes' best Copying Ink, quarts and pints., . i' Button Rinps, ... J if ' ' conserve own ' j i tbey should seek to their interests fbr teu dollars I . Now? sonny, anon delivery, Hank of Ixindon best Copying Ink, quarts and pints. Brown snd Whke Cotton Underslitrta. you for live, no, not fioods shoald alsmjs be examined to detect any ' Highland .',) by throwing cold water on the Alvarado and ot articles of brands. - Arnold's Wrltiog Fluid in quarts and pints, received di :.tW Patent Playing Cards, ,, all go right in and wash' up, and tell yer mother to ;;:":;' atto.pl St auic.luiiia inreiar ' rect from London. '; Eastern Pine ' other schemes for the manu facture of sugar from on finger. - And Johnny, don't let. . - yer Arnold's Copying fluid. . . j i put a rag Philocome, Pomade and Macassar beets, as now projected.- - They see - -- Davnl's best 3Iue Ink, in cones; . , . Oil! in beet sugar me hear fighting again ; .... ' ' : oyoair I ""-- ' "'- ' t CROSSE & D LACK WELL, , , Dr.vid's best Cannine Iuk, in glass stands; "'.''"' ' ,r..-. a menacing phantom winch haunts the source of . see ,bo bp Bghting as S U GAR SH O O ICS . ; also-- r I neyer anybody down IndeliMs Ink, . ; PUBVCY0R8 TO the quken, the kmperor op the for marliinp Hnen. thcir.wealth and. threatens to. destroy it.. If our fbe old nian was,' bat, somehow. he' never coujd t si - ' fRJiNCII AND THK KINt OP TUK BKLOIAN8,. ' J'om but the Best of WrMnq Ink kept for sale bcet.iugar manufacturers "arc "wise, and men of BE CIjARIFI-- ' By H. BdU WHITNEY LOT, OP AiVcr ARTICLES, break ni from it.' ALL OP WHICH WILL rtXE MeONIES - , ; . . , . . . . . ordinary resolution,- they will not in the leatt Solxo,. Squaro,". Uonclon.- ... t r.i .. . ,i .::':;:.. '( THE0D. O. HEUCKv Port St--. . , ; , tu heed the tifforts these refineries and nionop- - - xap 6ugar young- Cross?, Vls.llbked through . At thV Paris Kxhihttloa 1887, TT7 or Tills ' I II. :; i A niafr at , ; of TORES Prise Medats srere ; TV : nliEts are'making to destroy confidence in tbe en key-bo-le - bed-rooi- u, S O awarded UtCROSSKai BLAOKWELL, for the marked Hawaiian Islands ,tbe oi a Rirls.- apt) ever.y.ivneo L B - -- and North Pacific. sr.awriDrity ot their prodactions. . : .72S ly V terprise in which, .they; propose to engage. doctors nave been- - trying; to get, a knitting neeale Cliurt ofthc World, Nothing but should prove charac-tf- r' BY, RECEIVED, A MAP OP THE actual trial the out of the jlace where Lis eye used to be. IWo TQI. BALE JCST a?j.l tj VCB- and7 Lowest Pdss Eates. ! ! HiTiili Is:ail9 Nrr!.hent Grenji as MER GATOR'S PLAN. KD - of the enterprw ; evry actual trial . Shinfrlcs Oats tt's tx :L.;i in fiikthik. of he&t. &mI l: "l. - '! ,'r. 5iVJ:JJlt' v- as with stl Jurned tl Om th mnt rttrrTt rnHf - Indiscriminate-eulogy- - ; 5"dwv I!aui. the Cfa, Ac by -- will Jcniiutntratc t'unt it will be uitended witV- and' indiscriminate-in-- i f,, - I ...-- m tST REOKIVEO l'KR "COMET," Ilydrozraphic Borran, Waahintrton, Tor fcy to I hiwl. rvio;r all the reeent discoverieau Price $10. en roll- - f r and saie 1 42 For Sale by C. BREWER CO. - i H- - ; repults. Joxv . ,j vectives good 14 ia73n i...... h. m wiirrxxr. era. lor sale br (jal 3m) M. WlUKKl". reiuunerative Irtdrmndent px equally botkoodi'ornotli"r.! 1m C BREWER k CO.