Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Wanmi er al., Morphometric Study on Some Body Organs of the 2 1 Wild African Senegal Parrot ( senegalus versteri)

N. Wanmi*1, A. Mohammed2 and T. Nev1

Department Of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricul- ture, Makurdi, Benue State, . Department Of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, University Of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

With 2 tables & 2 figures Received August, accepted for publication August 2015

The mean length (whole body + tail) Abstract were observed to be 9.85 ± 1.20 cm. Parrot population in Africa is declining The mean lengths (GIT, liver tongue and the need for conservation actions and LRS) were 82.62 ± 2.36 cm, 4.33 Fig (6): A section of cauda epididymis. H & E stain (X 100). to address threats is increasingly rec- ± 1.82 cm, 2.04 ± 0.99 cm and 12.69 1. Connective tissue, 2. Lumen filled with spermatozoa. ognized. The situation is worst in Ni- ± 2.10 cm respectively with GIT and geria and if care is not taken, this LRS accounting for 76.93 % and of will soon go into in- 19.97 % of the body weight. The syr- stinct. The essence of this study was inx is very large suggesting pro- to obtain a database of some body nounced sound production and the 1 organs of the wild Senegal parrot, a large intestine is void of cecum. species of bird that is limited in its dis- 5 tribution in this part of the country. : body, organ system, 4 Documentation on this species of bird Keywords is rare despite they are being hunted wild, Senegal, parrot. for because of its demand as orna- mental bird. The mean weights (whole Introduction body, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), con- are gregarious and vocal 2 tent and GIT empty) were observed to creatures that communicate in ways be 120.50 ± 5.42 g, 18.01 ± 4.80 g we have to understand. It can be and 13.54 ± 5.51 respectively. The quite fun trying to figure out why they 3 liver had mean weight of 4.18 ± 1.82 do some of the things they do. Body language can reveal whether a pet while the tongue, lower respiratory system (LRS), heart and kidney were bird is calm, fearful, aggressive, hav- Fig (7): A section of cauda epididymis. H & E stain (X 400). observed to be, 2.76 ± 2.14 g, 5.83 ± ing fun, wanting attention or if it is 1 Connective tissue, 2 Lumen filled with spermatozoa, 3 Basal cell, 4 Princi- 1.65, 1.81 ± 0.65 and 0.41 ± 0.05 g. displaying mating behavior, Athan pal cell, 5Thick peritubular smooth muscle layer. and Deter (2000). In the wild, Sene- J. Vet. Anat. 81 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al., gal Parrots are shy and avoid being schools, institutes, zoos and some (SPSS) 17 was used in estimating to the esophagus through the cervical approached. This behaviour has a individual residential areas. values for weights and length. P ˂ region and bifurcates shortly into the tendency to remain, even in captivity, 0.05 was considered significant. thoracic inlet. The esophagus exits unless they are handled and social- between the points of bifurcation of Materials and Methods ized at an early age. Throughout their the bronchi. The syrinx is large and Three of these were caught Results lives, they need human interaction, prominent and the lung appearing around Shika village a small farm- Morphometric Features gentle handling, and stimulation to pink (Fig 1). The proventriculus is stead in Northern part of Kaduna The mean weights (whole body, GIT remain tame and gentle. dorsally covered by the lobes of the State, Nigeria. This species of bird is + content and GIT empty) were ob- Most parrots are quite entertaining in liver and caudally by the gizzard. The rare in this part of the country, as served to be 120.50 ± 5.42 g, 18.01 ± some of their more comical behav- intestines form a mass of spiral loops such the reason for using the few 4.80 g and 13.54 ± 5.51 respectively. iours, such as rolling up in a cloth, on the right abdominal region, cranial- number stated above. Birds were The GIT and its content accounted for lying on their back, or hanging and ly bordered by lobes of the liver, lat- transported in a standard laboratory 14.94 % of the total body weight. The swinging upside down for extended eral and medial by abdominal wall cage to the unit of the De- liver had mean weight of 4.18 ± 1.82 periods. Although not great talkers and gizzard respectively. The gizzard partment of Veterinary Anatomy, Fac- while the tongue, LRS, heart and kid- (comparatively), they can and will and the intestines are covered by thin ulty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu ney were observed to be, 2.76 ± 2.14 learn to mimic and have a relatively and transparent peritoneum (Fig 2). Bello University, Zaria. Grains, fried g, 5.83 ± 1.65, 1.81 ± 0.65 and 0.41 ± quiet voice. Their antics, size, and cake and water were given ad libitum 0.05 g. The kidneys had the lowest more reticent nature make the Sene- for two and half weeks. percentage of body weight of 0.34 % Discussion gal a good Parrot population in Africa against 1.50 % and 2.29 % for heart From this study, the mean body is declining and the need for conser- Birds were sacrificed, placed on dor- and LRS (Table 1) weight was observed to be lower than vation actions to address threats is sal recumbency and an incision was The mean length of the whole body that of the domestic pigeon and much increasingly recognized. The situation made from the level of the mandible, and tail of the bird was 9.85 ± 1.20 lower than those of the helmeted is worst in Nigeria and if care is not through the thorax to the anal region. cm. The mean lengths of the GIT, liv- fowl Ibe, et al. (2008) and taken, this species of bird will soon go The cervical, thoracic and abdominal er, tongue and LRS were 82.62 ± Wanmi, (2012). Abumandour (2013) into instinct, Wright (2002). portions of the esophagus were ex- 2.36 cm, 4.33 ± 1.82 cm, 2.04 ± 0.99 reported that an adult falcon captured Effective conservation need a well posed. Weight of the bird was taken cm and 12.69 ± 2.10 cm respectively, in the wild has a weight 150 g and the knowledge base on which decisions using Mettler balance of sensitivity of with the GIT and LRS accounting for weight of different species of birds over appropriate actions can be 0.001 g. Scissor for cutting through 76.93 % and 19.97 % of the total varies even within the same species. made, yet at present there is rare up thoraco-abdominal region, digital ver- body weight. The right kidney had a The mean weights of the GTI with its to date and readily accessible status nier caliper was used for measuring mean length of 0.61 ± 0.16 cm while content and GIT without its content of populations, the threats they face length of organs, digital camera, the mean length of the heart was 2.72 were observed to 18.01 ± 4.80g and and knowledge in this species of bird Sony, 12 mega Pixel, [AS1] was used ± 0.70 cm and the right ureter was 13.54 ± 5.51 g, accounted for 14.94 IUCN (2000). for macrograph. Measurements were observed to be longer than the % and 11.24 % of the total body The essence of this study was to ob- recorded in grams (weight) and cen- left (Table 2). weight respectively. The GIT in birds tain a baseline data of some body or- timeters (length). is consist of the esophagus, crop, gans of the wild Senegal parrot, which Anatomical Features stomach and intestines Dyce et al. are scarcely found and documented. Statistical Analysis The esophagus and trachea are hol- (2010). In this study it was observed It is known that parrots are being Mean ± Standard Error of Mean low organs for conveying food and air that the wild Senegal parrot does not hunted for because of its demand as (Mean ± SEM) using Statistical Pack- into stomach, intestines and lungs have cecum as part of the large intes- ornamental bird kept in few private age for Social Science Version respectively. The trachea runs ventral tine. It has a colon, rectum and cloa- J. Vet. Anat. 82 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al., gal Parrots are shy and avoid being schools, institutes, zoos and some (SPSS) 17 was used in estimating to the esophagus through the cervical approached. This behaviour has a individual residential areas. values for weights and length. P ˂ region and bifurcates shortly into the tendency to remain, even in captivity, 0.05 was considered significant. thoracic inlet. The esophagus exits unless they are handled and social- between the points of bifurcation of Materials and Methods ized at an early age. Throughout their the bronchi. The syrinx is large and Three of these birds were caught Results lives, they need human interaction, prominent and the lung appearing around Shika village a small farm- Morphometric Features gentle handling, and stimulation to pink (Fig 1). The proventriculus is stead in Northern part of Kaduna The mean weights (whole body, GIT remain tame and gentle. dorsally covered by the lobes of the State, Nigeria. This species of bird is + content and GIT empty) were ob- Most parrots are quite entertaining in liver and caudally by the gizzard. The rare in this part of the country, as served to be 120.50 ± 5.42 g, 18.01 ± some of their more comical behav- intestines form a mass of spiral loops such the reason for using the few 4.80 g and 13.54 ± 5.51 respectively. iours, such as rolling up in a cloth, on the right abdominal region, cranial- number stated above. Birds were The GIT and its content accounted for lying on their back, or hanging and ly bordered by lobes of the liver, lat- transported in a standard laboratory 14.94 % of the total body weight. The swinging upside down for extended eral and medial by abdominal wall cage to the animal unit of the De- liver had mean weight of 4.18 ± 1.82 periods. Although not great talkers and gizzard respectively. The gizzard partment of Veterinary Anatomy, Fac- while the tongue, LRS, heart and kid- (comparatively), they can and will and the intestines are covered by thin ulty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu ney were observed to be, 2.76 ± 2.14 learn to mimic and have a relatively and transparent peritoneum (Fig 2). Bello University, Zaria. Grains, fried g, 5.83 ± 1.65, 1.81 ± 0.65 and 0.41 ± quiet voice. Their antics, size, and cake and water were given ad libitum 0.05 g. The kidneys had the lowest more reticent nature make the Sene- for two and half weeks. percentage of body weight of 0.34 % Discussion gal a good Parrot population in Africa against 1.50 % and 2.29 % for heart From this study, the mean body is declining and the need for conser- Birds were sacrificed, placed on dor- and LRS (Table 1) weight was observed to be lower than vation actions to address threats is sal recumbency and an incision was The mean length of the whole body that of the domestic pigeon and much increasingly recognized. The situation made from the level of the mandible, and tail of the bird was 9.85 ± 1.20 lower than those of the helmeted is worst in Nigeria and if care is not through the thorax to the anal region. cm. The mean lengths of the GIT, liv- guinea fowl Ibe, et al. (2008) and taken, this species of bird will soon go The cervical, thoracic and abdominal er, tongue and LRS were 82.62 ± Wanmi, (2012). Abumandour (2013) into instinct, Wright (2002). portions of the esophagus were ex- 2.36 cm, 4.33 ± 1.82 cm, 2.04 ± 0.99 reported that an adult falcon captured Effective conservation need a well posed. Weight of the bird was taken cm and 12.69 ± 2.10 cm respectively, in the wild has a weight 150 g and the knowledge base on which decisions using Mettler balance of sensitivity of with the GIT and LRS accounting for weight of different species of birds over appropriate actions can be 0.001 g. Scissor for cutting through 76.93 % and 19.97 % of the total varies even within the same species. made, yet at present there is rare up thoraco-abdominal region, digital ver- body weight. The right kidney had a The mean weights of the GTI with its to date and readily accessible status nier caliper was used for measuring mean length of 0.61 ± 0.16 cm while content and GIT without its content of populations, the threats they face length of organs, digital camera, the mean length of the heart was 2.72 were observed to 18.01 ± 4.80g and and knowledge in this species of bird Sony, 12 mega Pixel, [AS1] was used ± 0.70 cm and the right ureter was 13.54 ± 5.51 g, accounted for 14.94 IUCN (2000). for macrograph. Measurements were observed to be longer than the % and 11.24 % of the total body The essence of this study was to ob- recorded in grams (weight) and cen- left (Table 2). weight respectively. The GIT in birds tain a baseline data of some body or- timeters (length). is consist of the esophagus, crop, gans of the wild Senegal parrot, which Anatomical Features stomach and intestines Dyce et al. are scarcely found and documented. Statistical Analysis The esophagus and trachea are hol- (2010). In this study it was observed It is known that parrots are being Mean ± Standard Error of Mean low organs for conveying food and air that the wild Senegal parrot does not hunted for because of its demand as (Mean ± SEM) using Statistical Pack- into stomach, intestines and lungs have cecum as part of the large intes- ornamental bird kept in few private age for Social Science Version respectively. The trachea runs ventral tine. It has a colon, rectum and cloa- J. Vet. Anat. 83 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al., ca, the common opening to both GIT Grossly, the esophagus runs down on Baumel, J.J., Anthony, S., King, Juliana, R.R., Silvana, M. B.A., Dan- and urogenital systems. The mean the midventral aspect of the cervical J.E., Breazile, H.E.E and James, iela, O., Claudinei, da C., Vanessa, weight of the liver was higher of all region through the thorax into the ab- C.V.B. (1993): Handbook of avian S. F and Alex, S. (2005): Morphology other auxiliary digestive glands, high- dominal region. The digestive system anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium. of beak and tongue of partridge er than kidneys and tongue. This is in lies on the right abdominal region with 2nd ed. Cambridge: Nuttall Ornitholog- Rhynchotus rufescens, Ciência Rural, agreement with report on male Afri- the gizzard on the left abdominal re- ical Club, 779p. Santa Maria, v35, n.5, p.1098-1102, can grass cutter where the liver was gion. This agrees with the finding of set-out, ISSN 0103-8478 reported to have the highest mean Baumel et al. (1993) who reported Dyce, K. M and Sack, W.O. (2010): value (Itopa et al. 2012) and its value that the stomach of chicken lie on the Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Naik, D.R. (1962): A study of the in- is higher than other accessory organs left mid line of the abdomen In the Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Com- testinal ceca of some Indian birds. of the body. The mean length of the wild Senegal parrot, the cecum is ab- pany, Philadelphia, London and To- M.Sc. Thesis, Banaras Hindu Univer- whole body and tail were observed to sent and it has been reported by other ronto. sity, Varanasi, India. be 9.85 ± 1.20 cm and the GIT to be researchers in other birds (Naik, 82. 64 ± 2.36 cm. 1962). Hena, S.A., Sonfadaa, M.L., Belloa, Ojo, S.A., Adogwa, A.O and Ham- A., Danmaigoroa, A and Tanimo- bolu, J.O. (1987): The Digestive sys- Nasrin et al. (2012) in their findings on Conclusion mob, B.K. (2012): Comparative Mor- tem, In: Essentials of Veterinary the GIT of broilers postnatal, at day This study was based on providing phologic and Morphometric Studies Gross Anatomy, Aahmadu Bello Uni- 28, reported a higher value for jeju- some basic morphologic data on the on the Lower Respiratory Tract of versity Press, Zaria. pp. 138–183. num to be 123.50±3.663 cm, far much wild Senegal parrot, which its docu- Adult Japanese Quail (coturnix japon- higher than adult wild Senegal parrot. mentation is scanty in this part of the ica) and Pigeon (columbia livia). Sci- Onyeanusi1, B.I., Adeniyi, O.O., The lengths of various segment of the country. The large syrinx and ab- entific Journal of Biological Sciences Ayo, J.O., Ibe, S.C and Onyeanusi, intestine depend on the species of sence of the cecum may suggest that 1(2) 37-42 C.G. (2009): A Comparative Study bird and their feeding habits Ojo et al. the bird may not be a strict on the Urinary System of the African (1987). The mean length of the LRS grainivores. Ibe, C.S., Onyeanusi, B.I., Salami, Giant Rat (Cricetomys Gambianus was observed to be 12.69 ± 2.10 cm S.O., Umosen, A.D and Maidawa, Waterhouse) and the Wistar Rat Pa- which was higher than those values References S.M. (2008): Studies of the Major kistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (7): 1043- Respiratory Pathways of the West reported by Juliana et al. (2005) in Abumandour, M.M. (2013): Morpho- 1047,ISSN 1680-5194 African Guinea Fowl (Numida melea- partridge Rhenchotus rufescens. He- logical Studies of the Stomach of Fal- gris galeata): the Morphometric and Wanmi, N. (2012): Anatomical stud- na et al. (2012) reported higher mean con. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Macroscopic Aspect, International ies of the forebrain and cerebellum of length values of 13.07±0.72 cm and Advances, ISSN 2322-1879 2(3) 30- Journal of Poultry Science 7 (10): the domestic pigeon (Columba livia 16.47±1.02 cm in the lower respirato- 40 997-1000,ISSN 1682-8356. domestica). M.Sc. Thesis. Ahmadu ry tract of the Japanese quail and pi- Bello University, Zaria. geon respectively. There is slight var- Athan, M and Deter, D. (2000): The Itopa E. A., James, C. S and Wes- iation in the length of both ureters in African Handbook. ley, D.N (2012): Organ Body Weight Wright, M. (2002): "Understanding the wild Senegal parrot. This agrees Hauppauge New York: Barron’s Edu- Relationship of Some Organs in the the Wild Nature of our Dreys" (On- with the finding on the Wister where cational series. Accessed March 20, Male African Grasscutter (Thryono- line). Accessed April 10, 2008 at slight variations were described by 2008 at mys swinderianus). Journal of Ad- Oyeanusi et al. (2009) books?id=qqrxmrS2bXQC. vanced Veterinary Research, Volume Library/Articles/wright/wildnature.asp. 2: 86-90

J. Vet. Anat. 84 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al., ca, the common opening to both GIT Grossly, the esophagus runs down on Baumel, J.J., Anthony, S., King, Juliana, R.R., Silvana, M. B.A., Dan- and urogenital systems. The mean the midventral aspect of the cervical J.E., Breazile, H.E.E and James, iela, O., Claudinei, da C., Vanessa, weight of the liver was higher of all region through the thorax into the ab- C.V.B. (1993): Handbook of avian S. F and Alex, S. (2005): Morphology other auxiliary digestive glands, high- dominal region. The digestive system anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium. of beak and tongue of partridge er than kidneys and tongue. This is in lies on the right abdominal region with 2nd ed. Cambridge: Nuttall Ornitholog- Rhynchotus rufescens, Ciência Rural, agreement with report on male Afri- the gizzard on the left abdominal re- ical Club, 779p. Santa Maria, v35, n.5, p.1098-1102, can grass cutter where the liver was gion. This agrees with the finding of set-out, ISSN 0103-8478 reported to have the highest mean Baumel et al. (1993) who reported Dyce, K. M and Sack, W.O. (2010): value (Itopa et al. 2012) and its value that the stomach of chicken lie on the Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Naik, D.R. (1962): A study of the in- is higher than other accessory organs left mid line of the abdomen In the Fourth Edition, W.B. Saunders Com- testinal ceca of some Indian birds. of the body. The mean length of the wild Senegal parrot, the cecum is ab- pany, Philadelphia, London and To- M.Sc. Thesis, Banaras Hindu Univer- whole body and tail were observed to sent and it has been reported by other ronto. sity, Varanasi, India. be 9.85 ± 1.20 cm and the GIT to be researchers in other birds (Naik, 82. 64 ± 2.36 cm. 1962). Hena, S.A., Sonfadaa, M.L., Belloa, Ojo, S.A., Adogwa, A.O and Ham- A., Danmaigoroa, A and Tanimo- bolu, J.O. (1987): The Digestive sys- Nasrin et al. (2012) in their findings on Conclusion mob, B.K. (2012): Comparative Mor- tem, In: Essentials of Veterinary the GIT of broilers postnatal, at day This study was based on providing phologic and Morphometric Studies Gross Anatomy, Aahmadu Bello Uni- 28, reported a higher value for jeju- some basic morphologic data on the on the Lower Respiratory Tract of versity Press, Zaria. pp. 138–183. num to be 123.50±3.663 cm, far much wild Senegal parrot, which its docu- Adult Japanese Quail (coturnix japon- higher than adult wild Senegal parrot. mentation is scanty in this part of the ica) and Pigeon (columbia livia). Sci- Onyeanusi1, B.I., Adeniyi, O.O., The lengths of various segment of the country. The large syrinx and ab- entific Journal of Biological Sciences Ayo, J.O., Ibe, S.C and Onyeanusi, intestine depend on the species of sence of the cecum may suggest that 1(2) 37-42 C.G. (2009): A Comparative Study bird and their feeding habits Ojo et al. the bird may not be a strict on the Urinary System of the African (1987). The mean length of the LRS grainivores. Ibe, C.S., Onyeanusi, B.I., Salami, Giant Rat (Cricetomys Gambianus was observed to be 12.69 ± 2.10 cm S.O., Umosen, A.D and Maidawa, Waterhouse) and the Wistar Rat Pa- which was higher than those values References S.M. (2008): Studies of the Major kistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (7): 1043- Respiratory Pathways of the West reported by Juliana et al. (2005) in Abumandour, M.M. (2013): Morpho- 1047,ISSN 1680-5194 African Guinea Fowl (Numida melea- partridge Rhenchotus rufescens. He- logical Studies of the Stomach of Fal- gris galeata): the Morphometric and Wanmi, N. (2012): Anatomical stud- na et al. (2012) reported higher mean con. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Macroscopic Aspect, International ies of the forebrain and cerebellum of length values of 13.07±0.72 cm and Advances, ISSN 2322-1879 2(3) 30- Journal of Poultry Science 7 (10): the domestic pigeon (Columba livia 16.47±1.02 cm in the lower respirato- 40 997-1000,ISSN 1682-8356. domestica). M.Sc. Thesis. Ahmadu ry tract of the Japanese quail and pi- Bello University, Zaria. geon respectively. There is slight var- Athan, M and Deter, D. (2000): The Itopa E. A., James, C. S and Wes- iation in the length of both ureters in African Grey Parrot Handbook. ley, D.N (2012): Organ Body Weight Wright, M. (2002): "Understanding the wild Senegal parrot. This agrees Hauppauge New York: Barron’s Edu- Relationship of Some Organs in the the Wild Nature of our Dreys" (On- with the finding on the Wister where cational series. Accessed March 20, Male African Grasscutter (Thryono- line). Accessed April 10, 2008 at slight variations were described by 2008 at mys swinderianus). Journal of Ad- Oyeanusi et al. (2009) books?id=qqrxmrS2bXQC. vanced Veterinary Research, Volume Library/Articles/wright/wildnature.asp. 2: 86-90

J. Vet. Anat. 85 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al.,

------Corresponding Author: Wanmi, N; Department of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. e-mail: [email protected]

Table (1): Morphometric features of the digestive system of the wild Senegal parrot. (n= 3) Weight; (g) Min. Value Max. Value Mean ± SEM % Body Weight Weight of whole body 110.89 129.65 120.50 ± 5.42 -- Weight of GIT + Content 11.60 27.41 18.01 ± 4.80 14.94 Weight of GIT empty 5.51 24.08 13.54 ± 5.51 11.24 Weight of liver 1.38 7.60 4.18 ± 1.82 3.47 Weight of tongue 0.48 1.93 2.76 ± 2.14 2.29 Weight of the LRS 3.68 8.69 5.83 ± 1.65 4.94 Weight of heart 1.01 3.10 1.81 ± 0.65 1.50 Weight of kidneys 0.18 0.68 0.41 ± 0.05 0.34 g: gram, Mean ± SEM; Standard Error of Mean

Table (2): Morphometric features of the digestive system of the wild Senegal parrot. (n= 3) Length (cm) Min. Value Max. Value Mean ± SEM % Body Weight Length of whole body 12.53 17.02 9.85 ± 1.20 -- Length of GIT 76.13 95.01 82.62 ± 2.36 76.93 Length of liver 1.93 7.91 4.33 ± 1.82 -- Length of tongue 0.81 4.02 2.04 ± 0.99 3.27 Length of LRS 8.86 17.13 12.69 ± 2.10 19.97 Length of the heart 1.86 4.11 2.72 ± 0.70 4.28 Length of left kidney 0.36 0.90 0.60 ± 0.16 -- Length of right kidney 0.37 0.91 0.61 ± 0.16 --

Length of left ureter 1.91 5.81 3.79 ± 1.13 -- Ventral view of the respiratory system of the African Senegal parrot, show- Length of right ureter 1.97 6.01 3.89 ± 1.17 -- Fig (1): cm; centimeter, Mean ± SEM; Standard Error of Mean ing: TR; Trachea, 1 Bronchus, 2 Left lung, 3 Right lung, 4 Syrinx, 6 Carina. CR Crop, 5 Esophagus

J. Vet. Anat. 86 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al., ------Corresponding Author: Wanmi, N; Department of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. e-mail: [email protected]

Table (1): Morphometric features of the digestive system of the wild Senegal parrot. (n= 3) Weight; (g) Min. Value Max. Value Mean ± SEM % Body Weight Weight of whole body 110.89 129.65 120.50 ± 5.42 -- Weight of GIT + Content 11.60 27.41 18.01 ± 4.80 14.94 Weight of GIT empty 5.51 24.08 13.54 ± 5.51 11.24 Weight of liver 1.38 7.60 4.18 ± 1.82 3.47 Weight of tongue 0.48 1.93 2.76 ± 2.14 2.29 Weight of the LRS 3.68 8.69 5.83 ± 1.65 4.94 Weight of heart 1.01 3.10 1.81 ± 0.65 1.50 Weight of kidneys 0.18 0.68 0.41 ± 0.05 0.34 g: gram, Mean ± SEM; Standard Error of Mean

Table (2): Morphometric features of the digestive system of the wild Senegal parrot. (n= 3) Length (cm) Min. Value Max. Value Mean ± SEM % Body Weight Length of whole body 12.53 17.02 9.85 ± 1.20 -- Length of GIT 76.13 95.01 82.62 ± 2.36 76.93 Length of liver 1.93 7.91 4.33 ± 1.82 -- Length of tongue 0.81 4.02 2.04 ± 0.99 3.27 Length of LRS 8.86 17.13 12.69 ± 2.10 19.97 Length of the heart 1.86 4.11 2.72 ± 0.70 4.28 Length of left kidney 0.36 0.90 0.60 ± 0.16 -- Length of right kidney 0.37 0.91 0.61 ± 0.16 --

Length of left ureter 1.91 5.81 3.79 ± 1.13 -- Ventral view of the respiratory system of the African Senegal parrot, show- Length of right ureter 1.97 6.01 3.89 ± 1.17 -- Fig (1): cm; centimeter, Mean ± SEM; Standard Error of Mean ing: TR; Trachea, 1 Bronchus, 2 Left lung, 3 Right lung, 4 Syrinx, 6 Carina. CR Crop, 5 Esophagus

J. Vet. Anat. 87 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88 Body Organs of the Wild African Senegal Parrot Wanmi er al.,

Fig (2): Ventral view of the digestive system of the African Senegal parrot, showing: CR Crop, INT Intestines, 1 Esophagus, 2 Liver, 3 Gizzard, 4 Small Intestine.

J. Vet. Anat. 88 Vol. 8, No. 2, (2015) 81 - 88