Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar

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Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar ANATOMIC THERAPY (TREATMENT THROUGH THE EARS) BY HEALER BASKAR Page 1 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar DEDICATION I thank God Almighty for motivating me to write this book. I humbly dedicate this book to my dear mother Thirumathi KUMUDAVALLI AMMAL and my dear father Thiru SELVARAJ AIYA. All the fame belongs to God! Page 2 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar THANKS I thank all my Gurus who taught me. I thank all the kind-hearted people who helped in bringing out this book. All the fame belongs to God! Page 3 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar CONTENTS Serial Page Topic Number Number 1 WHAT IS ANATOMIC THERAPY (TREATMENT THROUGH EARS)? -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2 DISEASES THAT CAN BE CURED BY THIS TREATMENT AND THOSE THAT CANNOT BE CURED ---------------------------------- 13 3 HOW TO GET ANATOMIC THERAPY TREATMENT ------------- 17 4 HOW TO READ THIS BOOK ------------------------------------------ 19 5 HOW TO GET YOUR DOUBTS CLEARED AFTER READING THIS BOOK --------------------------------------------------------------- 19 6 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ---------------------------------- 20 7 HOW TO CURE SNEEZING -------------------------------------------- 22 8 HOW TO CURE RUNNING NOSE ------------------------------------ 24 9 HOW TO CURE COMMON COLD ----------------------------------- 25 10 CHEST COLD (BRONCHITIS) ------------------------------------------ 26 11 COUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 12 ASTHMA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 13 WHEEZING/NOSE BLOCKING --------------------------------------- 26 14 TB (PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS) -------------------------------- 26 15 WHAT CAUSES CANCER? --------------------------------------------- 27 16 HOW TO CURE VOMITING ------------------------------------------- 28 17 HOW TO CURE DYSENTERY ----------------------------------------- 31 18 HOW TO CURE FEVER ------------------------------------------------ 33 19 HOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES ------------------------------------- 39 20 LIFE-THREATENING DISEASES: CANCER AND AIDS ----------- 40 21 VACCINATION: IS IT GOOD OR BAD? ---------------------------- 43 22 HOW TO CURE RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS ------------------------- 51 23 OUR BODY IS THE BEST DOCTOR ---------------------------------- 51 24 WHY IS A CHILD BORN WITH DEFICIENCY ----------------------- 54 25 HOW TO HAVE A NORMAL DELIVERY ---------------------------- 57 26 HOW TO FILL A HOLE IN THE HEART ------------------------------ 58 27 HOW TO CURE THE DISEASES IN THE EYE ----------------------- 62 Page 4 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar Serial Page Number Topic Number 28 HOW TO CURE THE DISEASES IN THE KIDNEY ------------------ 63 29 ALL BODY PARTS RENEW THEMSELVES PERIODICALLY ------ 65 30 CELLS AND BLOOD ----------------------------------------------------- 69 31 HOW DO THE CELLS FUNCTION? ---------------------------------- 75 32 HOW TO CURE BP (BLOOD PRESSURE) --------------------------- 78 33 HOW TO CURE THE DISEASES IN THE LIVER -------------------- 89 34 HOW TO CURE THE DISEASES IN THE LUNGS ------------------- 90 35 HOW TO CURE KIDNEY FAILURE ----------------------------------- 92 36 NO PART OF THE BODY EVER GETS ANY DISEASE ------------- 93 37 HOW TO CURE SUGAR DISEASE (DIABETES) -------------------- 94 38 HIGH SUGAR AND LOW SUGAR ------------------------------------ 104 39 STONE IN THE GALL BLADDER -------------------------------------- 111 40 TUMOR IN THE UTERUS (FIBROID) -------------------------------- 112 41 APPENDICITIS ----------------------------------------------------------- 112 42 WHY DO THE DIABETIC PATIENTS GET THEIR LEG CUT OFF? 113 43 CAN WE EAT SUGAR-FREE PRODUCTS? -------------------------- 117 44 HOW TO CURE THYROID-RELATED DISEASES ------------------ 119 45 THREE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANATOMIC THERAPY AND OTHER TREATMENTS ------------------------------------------------- 123 46 FAT, HDL, LDL AND FATTY TUMOR (LIPOMA) ------------------ 125 47 SESAME OIL ------------------------------------------------------------- 130 48 WHY DOES THE QUALITY OF AN ITEM IN THE BLOOD GO BAD? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 49 WHY DOES THE QUANTITY OF AN ITEM IN THE BLOOD REDUCE? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 135 50 WHY DOES THE QUANTITY OF BLOOD REDUCE? (ANAEMIA, SHORTAGE OF HAEMOGLOBIN) -------------------- 137 51 WHEN THE MIND GETS AFFECTED, THE BODY WILL GET DISEASE ------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 52 WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY THAT THE CELLS HAVE LOST THEIR INTELLIGENCE? --------------------------------- 140 53 AIDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 54 CANCER ------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 55 THE REASONS FOR ALL DISEASES ARE FIVE --------------------- 147 Page 5 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar Serial Page Number Topic Number 56 THE REASON FOR ALL THE DISEASES IS JUST ONE --------------- 155 57 HOW TO PURIFY THE BLOOD ------------------------------------------ 158 58 TASTE TREATMENT ------------------------------------------------------ 162 59 SOUR TASTE TREATMENT ---------------------------------------------- 164 60 SALT TASTE TREATMENT ----------------------------------------------- 166 61 BP CAN BE CURED JUST BY EATING SALT -------------------------- 168 62 SWEET TASTE TREATMENT -------------------------------------------- 170 63 DIABETES CAN BE CURED JUST BY EATING SWEETS ------------- 171 64 HOT, PUNGENT AND SPICY TASTE TREATMENT ------------------ 175 65 BITTER AND ASTRINGENT TASTE TREATMENT ------------------- 177 66 TONGUE IS THE DOCTOR; TASTE IS THE MEDICINE ------------- 181 67 HOW TO DIGEST THE FOOD WELL ----------------------------------- 184 68 WE SHOULD EAT ONLY WHEN WE ARE HUNGRY ---------------- 184 69 SALIVA SHOULD MIX WITH THE FOOD ----------------------------- 187 70 WHEN WE EAT, OUR ATTENTION SHOULD BE ON THE FOOD 189 71 WE HAVE TO EAT THE FOOD BY GRINDING IT INTO A PASTE USING OUR TEETH ------------------------------------------------------- 191 72 WATER IS THE ENEMY OF DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH ------ 195 73 WE SHOULD NOT WATCH TELEVISION WHILE EATING --------- 200 74 WE SHOULD NOT READ ANY BOOK WHILE EATING ------------- 201 75 WE SHOULD NOT TALK WHILE EATING ----------------------------- 201 76 WE SHOULD NOT TALK ON CELL PHONE WHEN WE EAT ------- 203 77 WE SHOULD NOT DO ANYTHING THAT DISTRACTS OUR ATTENTION WHEN WE EAT -------------------------------------------- 204 78 WHAT SHOULD WE EAT AND WHAT SHOULD WE AVOID? ---- 204 79 FIVE TYPES OF FOOD ---------------------------------------------------- 208 80 FRUITS AND NATURAL FOODS ---------------------------------------- 208 81 SPROUTED GRAINS ------------------------------------------------------ 209 82 COOKED FOODS ----------------------------------------------------------- 209 83 NON-VEGETARIAN FOODS --------------------------------------------- 209 84 INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS --------------------------------------- 210 85 HOW MUCH FOOD SHOULD WE EAT? ------------------------------ 213 86 WE SHOULD NOT KEEP OUR LEGS HANGING DOWN WHEN WE ARE SEATED ----------------------------------------------------------- 216 Page 6 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar Serial Page Number Topic Number 87 WE SHOULD NOT EAT FOR 45 MINUTES AFTER TAKING SHOWER; WE SHOULD NOT BATHE FOR TWO AND HALF HOURS AFTER EATING --------------------------------------------------- 218 88 WHAT SHOULD WE DO IF WE GET BELCH? ------------------------ 221 89 MOTHER SHOULD NOT EAT ALONG WITH HER CHILDREN ---- 224 90 THE FOOD WE EAT SHOULD CONTAIN ALL THE SIX TASTES --- 225 91 WE SHOULD ENJOY, RELISH AND EAT ALL THE SIX TASTES --- 229 92 HOW MUCH QUANTITY OF EACH TASTE SHOULD WE EAT? -- 230 93 WHEN WE EAT FOOD, WE SHOULD START WITH THE SWEET 231 94 HOW CAN THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR TEETH CHEW THEIR FOOD? -------------------------------------------------------------- 232 95 HOW CAN THOSE ADDICTED TO A PARTICULAR TASTE COME OUT OF IT? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 233 96 FOOD COOKED AT HOME WITH LOVE AND AFFECTION IS GOOD; HOTEL FOOD IS BAD ------------------------------------------- 234 97 DRINKING WATER SHOULD NOT BE BOILED ---------------------- 235 98 DRINKING WATER SHOULD NOT BE FILTERED -------------------- 238 99 CAN WE DRINK BOTTLED MINERAL WATER? --------------------- 239 100 WHAT IS THE NATURAL WAY TO PURIFY THE DRINKING WATER? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 239 101 EARTHEN POT IS A VERY GOOD TOOL TO PURIFY THE WATER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 240 102 WE CAN FILTER THE WATER USING WHITE COTTON CLOTH -- 241 103 WE CAN CLEAN THE WATER USING A BANANA SKIN ----------- 241 104 WE CAN CLEAN THE WATER USING A COPPER COIN OR A COPPER VESSEL ----------------------------------------------------------- 241 105 WHY DO WE CATCH COLD WHEN WE CHANGE THE DRINKING WATER? ------------------------------------------------------- 242 106 HOW MANY LITRES OF WATER SHOULD A PERSON DRINK DAILY? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 244 107 WE SHOULD HOLD THE WATER IN OUR LEFT HAND WHILE WE DRINK ------------------------------------------------------------------ 247 Page 7 Anatomic Therapy Healer Baskar Serial Page
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