Vol 5; Issue 8 August 2015

TheThe CabrinianCabrinian

Newsletter of the St. Frances Cabrini Fraternity of the OFS Gatherings are at 1:30 PM on 3rd Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted. St. Nicholas Byzantine Church, in St. George Hall (back building) 1051 Robinson Ave., Barberton, OH August gathering 16 is a Picnic!

It is summer time, and time for our Annual Summer Picnic that will be held in lieu of a “regular” monthly fraternity gathering. Members of the other fraternities in our Regional Cluster are being invited to attend. Kenny was able to make arrangements for us to use, once again, the wonderful picnic pavilion at St. Frances de Sales Parish on Manchester Rd. We will begin at our regular starting time of 1:30 PM. Sign-up sheets were present at the July gathering so members could indicate what food and/or nec- essary items they will bring. Thank you for volunteering. If you are able to arrive a bit early to help set-up your help would be appreciated. Help will also be needed for clean-up after the picnic.

Fair Share Information

There is a bit of confusion about the Fair Share. It is to paid for every active & active-excused professed member, and for every candidate in the OFS in a fraternity at the end of the calendar year. This supports the Regional, National and International Fraternities of the Secular Franciscan Order. The Fair Share is “properly” taken from the Common Fund for each member of a fraternity. How- ever, in actual practice members of the fraternity who are able pay their Fair Share to the Fraternity Treasurer; the Fair Share for those unable to pay it is taken from the fraternity treasury. The entire amount is sent to the Regional Treasurer who retains what has been allotted for the Region and sends the amount due to NAFRA. NAFRA in turn sends in their responsibility to the International Fraternity. The requested amount for the Fair Share from NAFRA and the financial needs of the Region determines how much money is requested. The St. Regional council is very frugal with the monies it receives. The per capi- ta for this Region is lower than most other regions because our travel expenses are low ( geographically we are a small region). It also covers the costs of items such as Executive Council Meeting , General Re- gional Council Meetings, visitations, papers, mailings, newsletter, needed supplies. Everyone gives a great deal of time and work, at all the levels, without payment for time and work, but their expenses are to be reimbursed.

To view back issues of this publication, or to learn about the Secular Franciscan Order please go to our website www.franciscansakron.com August 2015 Pg. 2

EucharisticEucharistic AdorationAdoration

Saturday Susan Kramer Tuesday Mary Cate Roberts Maria Elena Meza Thursday

Roberto Meza Joanne Angeletti Sunday Larry McNutt Dc. Fred Browne Pepe Ventosa Eileen Dunlap Joyce Browne Betty DeMarco Debbie Ventosa Sandy Pollino Mary Tag Paul Tag Wednesday Friday Elizabeth Francis Bob Burtscher Monday Bill Marshall Rick Dunlap Rose Akin Ruth Older Lee Gaydos Judith Hoyt Dorothy Takacs Dave Gaydos Richard Russelo Sandy Pollino

If you need prayers call Rose Zaratsian and/or someone scheduled for Eucharistic Adoration. Some members are unable commit to a specific time for Eucharistic Adoration, but are in Eucharistic Adoration when possible, and they also pray for those with special needs. Eucharistic Adoration is a beautiful, peaceful time spent with our Savior. Let us avail ourselves of this very precious gift by spending some quiet and holy time with our Lord.

On page 2 of this publication there is an abbreviated list of Franciscan that is, for the most part, limited to those who were called by Sister Death in the 20th & 21st centuries. If you wish to see a more complete list (there are quite a few for each month), please talk with Elizabeth. As Secular Franciscans we have a number of feast days when we may obtain a plenary indulgence. Let us avail ourselves of the won- derful and bountiful blessings that are available to us. Two of these days are the anniversaries of the date of admission to the Order and the day of Profession to the Order. It may also be obtain at the end of an official visitation as well as a number of other days. A copy of the paper on indulgences that was passed out during the July gathering can be found on page 3 of this publication. Vol 5; Issue 8 Pg. 3

Pg 4 August 2015

Franciscan Feast Days in September

A paper on indulgences was also passed out during the July gathering.

9/1 Bld. Joachim de Albocacer, OFM Cap, Martyr 1936 9/3 St. Pius X, OFS, 1914 9/4 St. Rose of Viterbo, OFS 1252 9/7 Bl Eugenie Picco, , TOR 1921 9/8 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9/12 Feast of Name of Holy Mary 9/14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross 9/15 Feast of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows 9/17 Feast of of St. Francis 9/23 St. Padre Pio of Peitrelcina

There are more Franciscan saints in the month of September than are listed. Due to space limitations, only those called by Sister Death in the 20th and 21st centuries are listed. The year listed to the right of some feast days indicates the year the person was called by Sister Death.

Immaculate Heart of Mary

On 31 October1942 Pope Pius XII made a solemn Act of Consecration of the whole human race (not just Catholics or Christians) to the Blessed Mother. This was just before a major turning point for the allies in World War II “Peace in truth, justice and the charity of Christ give them peace of the arms and the mind.” Pope Pius XII Pope Pius XII Month of the Holy Cross

How splendid the cross of Christ! It bring life, not death; light, not darkness, Paradise, not its loss. It is the wood on which the Lord, like a great warrior, was wounded in hands and feet and side, but thereby healed our wounds. A tree has not destroyed us, a tree now brought us life. St. Theodore Studite

Vol 5; Issue 8 Pg. 5

July Gathering

What a delightful gathering. The turnout was excellent, the fellowship, sharing and ongoing for- mation presented by Fr. Vit was great. We gathered in the kitchen area of the church hall; it had air conditioning . Roberto did a beautiful of leading Lectio Divina. Thank you. Two of our members traveled a quite a distance to be with us: Richard Russelo from Steubenville and Mary Cate Roberts from Sugar Creek. We had guests: Rose Monnot (now living this area) and Christine Davis. It was very nice to have them present at the gathering.

Rhoda Wise Home Pilgrimage

Please mark your calendar now. On Saturday 10 October 2015 there will be a fraternity day of prayer, penance and pilgrimage. The day will begin with Mass at 9 AM at the Sancta Clara Monastery in Canton, followed by a visit to the Rhoda Wise House. After lunch there will be time to pray in the Mary, Ark of the Covenant Chapel. Next will be a visit to the Living Bread radio station, and of course, time to browse in the St. Bookstore, all of which are located in the St. Raphael Center. The day will end at the Sancta Clara Monastery with time for Eucharistic Adoration, and the Sac- rament of Reconciliation. You will also be able to stroll the gardens at the Monastery during that time. You may RSVP at the Fraternity Picnic or call: Eileen Dunlap at 330-806-2680 or Betty DeMarco at 330-492-7449. They need to know how many people will be attending so they can make all the neces- sary arrangements. Consider inviting a teen or young adult to join in this pilgrimage to inspire our conversation on the New Evangelization.

St Maximilian Kolbe Ministry to the Incarcerated

Please bring your change for this ministry to the August gathering. The monies will be used to purchase Bibles and possibly other suitable reading materials for our prison ministry. Debbie and Pepe will be able to purchase suitable Bibles (meeting prison standards) for a very reasonable price. Thank you for caring for those who are often forgotten in our society today. They are, regardless of who they are, or why they are there, they are still our brothers and sisters. This is one way we can reach out to them, and encourage them. Pg 6 Vol 5; Issue 8

J Peace P

I and the Justice C Integrity of Creation Carol Perrine, OFS, JPIC Chair USCCB on the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage The United States Conferences of Catholic ' (USCCB) President, archbishop Kurtz, declared that Supreme Court decision on marriage on June 26, “ . . .is a tragic error that harms the com- mon good and the most vulnerable among us. … Obergfell V. Hodges is immoral and unjust saying that saying that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage.” Now all states have to comply with the law. However, USCCB wants to . . .”encourage Catholics to move forward with faith hope and love faith—-marriage is between one man and one woman; hope—these truths will prevail again; and love— all our neighbors.”

In Formation

One of our current candidates is Mary Elizabeth “Betty” De Marco. Betty is originally from Omaha, Nebraska. Her parents immigrated to America from the northeastern area of Italy. She has two sisters and four brothers. A cradle Catholic, Betty has been a member of St. Peter Church in Canton for the past three and a half years. You will find Betty helping at prolife events., although most of her time is spent with the St. Raphael Bookstore and the Living Bread Radio Network. A retired Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, she enjoys read-

ing, exploring nature, hiking, music, and playing the piano Betty desires to grow in holiness, to become more Christ-like. She is striving to live the mantra: “What would do?” After attending the Permanent Profession of Mary & Paul Tag to the Secular Franciscan Order, she made inquiries about the Order. She wanted to have models like St. Francis and St. Clare to help her learn how to love the Lord more, and to have Franciscans brothers and sisters to help her to grow to be more like Jesus. .She said she felt God’s nudge and sensed the Holy Spirit “telling” her to explore this way of knowing, loving and serving the Lord through the OFS. She is very grateful to the Lord that He has guided her to find us. “I want to thank all of you, too”.

In July fraternity members held a Franciscan Wake Service for Catherine Caprez , OFS, who was a Secular Franciscan . Members present were Joanne Angeletti, Rick Dunlap, Elizabeth Francis, Deanna & Pat Hurley, Susan Kramer, Bill Marshall and Rose Zaratsian.

Pg. 7

Blessed Junipero Serra, OFM Apostolate to Missions

Our Fraternity continues to sponsor a poor family in India through the Franciscan Family Apostolate. The Franciscan Family Apostolate was founded as a response of the Secular Franciscan Order to the plight of the poor in the Third World.

Our donations are used for basic necessities such as food, clothing and medicines for our family in India. For more information about the Franciscan Family Apostolate please visit their website at franciscanfamilyapostolate.org

Pg 8 Vol 5; Issue 8

August Birthday August Profession Anniversaries

Dorothy Takacs 8/2 Bob Burtscher, OFS 1996 Deanna Hurley, OFS 1996 Debbie Ventosa 8/6 Betty Smith, OFS 1996 Ben Rusinko, OFS 1996 Carol Perrine, OFS 1997 Pat Hurley, OFS 2001 Ruth Older, OFS 2005 Helping Hands Needed

A “Donut Sale” is being held by the fraternity to help raise funds for the upcoming 2016 St. Frances X. Cabrini Fraternity Annual Retreat. Proceeds from this effort help finance the Retreat. This sale will be held at St. Parish after each of the Masses on both Saturday the 8th and on Sunday the 9th of August. This has been done in the past and has been very successful. FYI, we give a percentage of the proceeds to the par- ish for their kindness in allowing us to have the sale there. Thank you to Susan Kramer who kindly volunteered to be the chairperson of this great fundraiser. She is making all the necessary arrangements. Help is needed after each of the Masses. Please talk with her ASAP if you are able to help. Her phone # is 330-864-3558.

September Gathering

On Sunday the 20th of September we will gather at the Shrine of Our Lady Comforter in Youngstown. This will be a regular fraternity gathering, beginning at our usual time of 1:30 PM. This will give Father a break from traveling to us for a monthly gathering. It is always a blessing to have a gather- ing at the Shrine with Fr. Vit. If you need a ride, please contact one of the members of the fraternity council. Perhaps arrangements can be made to find a ride for those who are unable to drive to Youngstown. Fr. Vit standing by one of the Stations of the Iron Cross at the Shrine. Cancelled Postage Stamps Yes, this ministry continues. Elizabeth is taking care of the stamps and sends them Sisters of the Holy Cross in Notre Dame, Indiana. Please save, and trim, postage stamps for this apostolate. It doesn’t cost you anything except a bit of time (she will cover the postage costs). Another organization also saves them for us, but all of those stamps need to be trimmed, and it is quite time consuming. Every month, when The Cabrinian is sent, there is some sort of a special stamp on the envelope for the purpose of having the cancelled stamp returned. Trips are made to the post office to get these stamps in the hope that at least a few fraternity members will save them for this apostolate. In the past it has been noted that very few of those stamps come back for the mission. Take a few seconds to save, and trim,

stamps for this apostolate—-that is all it costs you.