COMMUNITY CALENDAR GET CONNECTED -- CHANGE THE WORLD! OCTOBER 2019 More Information About These and Other Events in Calendar, beginning p. 3: Oct 1 Indigenous Homeless in LA

Oct 5, 3p, Cuba Solidarity, Mercado La Paloma STOP THE WARS - PEACE, EQUALITY & JUSTICE FOR ALL! Oct 10-13, Many Winters Gathering of Elders, Angels Gate, San Pedro Left Coast Forum: Centrality of Race Left Coast Forum, Dates TBD Occidental College POSTPONED Oct 12, Close the Concentration Camps The third annual Left Coast Forum will be held this year at Occidental College instead of LA Trade Tech, on a date March & Rally, Grand Park to Detention Center to be announced as we go to press. Check for details. The keynote speakers include: Melina Abdullah – an outspoken, deeply passionate Black Lives Matter activist as well as the Chair of the Pan Oct 13, Uprooting African Department at the California State University National Anti-fascist Days of Unity Mario Solis-Marich – a seasoned political consultant, radio and tv host and producer Dominique DiPrima – host of KJLH Front Page Show with Dominique DiPrima on 102.3 KJLH Los Angeles. Oct 15, Voting Deadline, KPFK LSB Broadcaster, Activist, Producer Election Sonali Kolhatkar – Journalist, Artist, Activist, Rabble Rouser. Host and Executive Producer of Rising Up with Sonali Kolhatkar Oct 21-26 Pro Bono Week on Free Speech TV and KPFK Pacifica Radio LA Law Library, 301 W. 1st St., LA Lisa Bloom – Author and Civil Rights Trial lawyer fighting for Oct 23, Naomi Klein: On Fire victims of discrimination, harassment and abuse. UCLA Hammer Museum Dozens of panels are scheduled all three days, along with a major presentation by Sharon Kyle and Dick Price of the LA Progressive Oct 30, Neighborhood Sing and Eric Mann, Brigette Amaya and Channing Martinez of the Skid Row’s Community Jam Labor Community Strategy Center on “How the Racial, Social, and Climate Justice Movements Can Play an Oct 31, Change Links distro Peace Center Resistance and Decolonization in Puerto Independent Role in the 2020 Presidential Rico with Lawrence Reyes of the Puerto Election.” Other notable panels include a Rican Alliance, and several members of BIG PHARMA presentation on Cuba by recent visitors with the Puerto Ricans in Action, a group of younger Pastors for Peace Friendshipment and the 50th local Boricuas who have sparked great + BIG MONEY Venceremos Brigade; a panel on Uprooting activism in the diaspora. (For date info White Supremacy by Michael Novick of check 213.434.4643, visit their website Change Links, Candace Carnicelli, and Michele or email: = NO BLAME Dumont of White People for Black Lives; and [email protected] [col. Writ. 9/15/19 (c)2019 by Mumia Abu-Jamal a panel with Maureen Cruise and others from In recent days, we’ve heard of proposed Health Care for All about the impact of race on US health care.There is also a panel on Mass See: “Left Coast Forum,” p. 5 settlements in civil suits involving big pharmaceutical companies, the very sources of opioid products (like (c) OxyContin, for example), Echoes of that has left tens of thousands of people gripped in The Terror of the Unforeseen by Henry Giroux, reviewed by Stephen Rohde the hold of addiction. Excerpted with permission from the Los Angeles Review of Books. Similarly, these products have led to tens Full text at: of thousands of deaths, some 70,000 annually, Nine years before the Civil War, the former enslaved person, according to some reports. and ardent abolitionist, Frederick Douglass condemned a No man or woman on Death Row has come nation for stubbornly clinging to the abomination of slavery close to such a tally, and no corporate exec, no in his blistering speech What to the Slave Is Your Fourth of matter his legal liability, has come even close to July? such a fate. “We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. This is especially vexing when we consider the ravages The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the Drug War, which has fueled mass incarceration for decades. of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must Young men, wearing hoodies and baseball caps turned be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its backwards, engaged in retail sales of untaxed drugs in the Frederick Douglass, woodcut crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.” ghetto and tenement streets of America. For this they have In The Terror of the Unforeseen, a timely and he is the Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest. He begins audacious new book brimming with Douglass’s his new book by documenting ’s dangerous seething anger, Henry A. Giroux wants to rouse and language and actions, emphasizing that Trump’s rhetoric is startle the conscience of the nation and denounce the hardly new; it matches what many historians report in the crimes it is committing. “Echoes of the formative rise of Nazism and fascism. Giroux then traces the domestic stages of fascism are with us once again,” Giroux origins of Trump’s policies to the neo-liberalism of the 1970s. writes, “and provide just one of the historical signposts Next he focuses on the dismantling of public education of an American-style neo-fascism that appears to and more broadly on the rise of anti-intellectualism and be engulfing the US after simmering in the dark for muzzling of open debate. In the face of such a dire portrait, years.” He is calling down fire, thunder, storms, and Giroux concludes by calling for a deeper, more galvanized whirlwinds. and interrelated resistance, and a radical transformation of Giroux, a prolific scholar and cultural critic, author capitalism, in order to restore our democracy. of more than 68 books and over 400 articles, papers, been attacked by police and federal agents with all the and chapters, teaches at McMaster University, where See: “Echoes of Fascism,” p. 11 ferocity of war. In fact, it was a war, and people were treated like enemies of the state, and cast into prison for at least 15th Many Winters Gathering Of Elders Oct. 10-13, San Pedro decades — some for Life. The Many Winters Gathering The Gathering will host and welcome Enter Big Pharma, which launched drugs upon America Of Elders (MWGOE) Indigenous elders from across on an industrial scale, and made billions to boot! Committee, in partnership Turtle Island to share oral traditions, Consider this simple fact: in one year, more Americans with Angels Gate Cultural teachings, and medicine. have died from corporate opioid products, than the number of Americans who died in Vietnam, after 10 years of war! Center (AGCC), is excited to Over the course of four days, For retail sellers of drugs, decades in prison await; announce the 15th MWGOE at speakers gather and share around a fire for wholesale drug merchants, civil suits are the state’s AGCC on October 10th – 13th. under a traditional arbor. The vision of responses. Located on traditional Tongva the Gathering is to host a sacred space Since when is the killing of thousands of people a civil territories, the MWGOE plays in an urban setting for people to come tort? a vital role in the LA Native together, with the intention to learn, When we witness the parameters of the Drug War, we see community’s healing, with the pray, support Indigenous and non- it had nothing to do with drugs — and everything to do with participation and support of the Indigenous communities, and to state repression of the People, those from the ghettoes and original peoples of the land. barrios of America. See: “Many Winters,” p. 11 Letters to the Editor October 2019, Vol. 26 Number 4 IN MEMORY OF Dear friends and Bernie Sanders Supporters, What follows is my response to the Bernie campaign asking for financial support...which I have been giving...but will discontinue until he changes his rhetoric ( and hopefully his position) attacking Venezuela. We cannot afford another war mongering president ready to support destructive US policies and invasions. Repeating corporate media lies supporting the destabilization of another sovereign country is a very very disturbing thing for any candidate. Maybe it just goes with the Democrat label...the other war party of two war parties ever pitching for the weapons industry feeding on the environmental destruction and the human misery they cause? Call on Bernie Sanders to withdraw this demand he made a US sponsored coup. They used to strip the country of for international intervention in Venezuela’s sovereign resources...retained an elitist society with an enormous affairs: “Let me be very clear. Anyone who does what wealth gap...and they want that power back. Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. We need international and John Stockwell, former CIA Officer: “The point is to regional cooperation for free elections so the Venezuelan put pressure on the targeted government by ripping apart people can create their own future.”--Bernie Sanders, the social and economic fabric of the country. Now that’s Democratic Debate, Sept. 15. Call his campaign today, words, you know, social and economic fabric. That means Co-founder & Editor John Johnson, Bernie Sanders: 802-862-1505. making the people suffer as much as you can, until the b. July 4, 1944 - d. April 13, 2014 Greetings, country plunges into chaos – until at some point you can I sent a check to the Sanders campaign before I heard impose your choice of governments on that country.” Editorial Staff: Adolf Alzuphar, Terrie Brady, Donna Buell, Bernie repeating the corporate media’s absolutely false Under Chavez and Maduro the distribution of wealth Bella De Soto, Uncle Don B. Fanning, Greg Foisie, statements about Venezuela and its popularly elected became more equal, literacy skyrocketted, democracy Jeff Hirsch, Ray Jones, Rob Macon, Michael Novick, president Nicolas Maduro. I will not financially support institutions flourished ( they have more representative Sanders as long as he continues to slander President Maduro government thatn we do), elections became fair and Dean Ruby, David Troy & others. and endanger the Venezuelan democracy with lies poised transparent, local business and agriculture cooperatives to excuse the economic warfare now being waged against were financed, people got health care, better food, housing Deadline for articles and ads is the 15th, millions of Venezuelans. This verbal attack is used to and access to higher education which all used to be deadline for calendar items is the 20th promote invasion and bloodshed. Sanders needs to be better reserved exclusively for the wealthy. Racial equality was of the month before publication. than that. established. Their corporate owned “free press” is hurting Getting his information from the war machine and the country...just as ours is hurting us. The majority of Material in Change-Links is licensed under Creative the corporate media is terribly irresponsible and shows a Venezuelan news media is private and corporate owned Commons, unless copyright by the author, and may be lack of understanding of US interventionist policies (and and operated...the government has smaller media presence used with permission and attribution to Change-Links or the invasions) for decades. Surely Sanders cannot be ignorant than the corporatists. original author or source. of US history and policies which he has worked within Guaido is a US-puppet assembly member from a as a senator? We are back to the lies of Weapons of Mass small rural area with only a few percentage of population. Change-Links is a non-profit under the fiscal sponsorship Destruction with all the politicians jumping on board to a Most Venezuelans had never heard of him. Guiado has colossal and dangerous deception. Every thing Sanders said made hundreds of trips outside to the US and Europe... of the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ). Donations of $250 in the last “ debate” is factually wrong about Venezuela. US sponsored WHINSEC training camps for disrupting and above are tax deductible. Just send a check to It is shamefull spreading these corporate sponsored lies. governments and creating coups are in Eastern Europe. our P.O. Box made out to: Doesn’t US pattern of attacks on sovereign nations, the Sanders statements are shameful because they are AFGJ/Change-Links. historical and recent invasions, destabilizations, desructions military industrial complex lies. And they are ignorant. of economies, theft of resources, assasinations, coups and His words will do great damage to the people of Venezuela This is an independent collective activity. We welcome your brutal one sided wars against entire innocent populations who have a functioning democracy, a parliament with involvement to keep the paper and website alive. Views mean anything in assessing the current issue of Venezuela? opposition representation and clean elections. If Bernie is expressed in Change-Links are those of the authors, and Venezuela’s crime is to have oil, democratized the no better than that...he will continue to be easily swayed not necessarily those of Change-Links, its volunteers, or industry and to have spent the revenue on its population’s by the corporate class. That is very very depressing. needs, like housing, food, education, infrastructure. because that means we cannot depend on him either on the sponsors. Letters of comment are welcome! The opposition funded by the US under Guaido, a complete domestic front. WHAT YOU CAN DO: unknown with no electoral mandate, has been committing The last thing we need is another invasion-friendly violent crimes against the people. US sanctions have been POTUS relying on false news and creating more human If you can help sell ads, collect items for the depriving Venezuela of necessities, trying to create chaos. misery. monthly calendar, do print layout, handle a Plenty of Venezuelan capitalists are living here and still Be Well, wordpress website, or do copy editing and controlling businesses in Venezuela and working to foment Maureen Cruise proof-reading -- Change Links needs you! Please email [email protected] to No Poetry Corner This Month! volunteer and learn more. We hope you will step up if you value the paper! Please submit your poems to [email protected] with a photo (jpg) and bio (.doc file) On the 3rd Wed. each month we have a Better Late than Never: Impeachment Proceedings teleconference call to plan the next issue. As Change Links was going to press, news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had finally opened Email us at [email protected] for impeachment proceedings against pResident Trump, apparently finding that Trump’s overtures and threats to details. The last Thursday eve. each month, the Ukraine seeking dirt on Joe Biden and his son constituted the shit she could not eat. Presumably, naked we gather at the Peace Center at 7:30 racism, crimes against humanity and war crimes do not constitute “high crimes” in her estimation, only dirty PM for a mailing and bundle-distribution pool against a Democratic opponent. party and a discussion about the following FYI, here’s Trump’s latest planned atrocity, an act of war against Iran to “defend” Saudi Arabia: month’s issue. To get involved, call or email as below to make sure of the date & time. Trump weighs Cyber-Attack on Iran By Elias Groll and Lara Seligman [Excerpted from] We have poetry in each issue; send submissions to: Facing questions about whether the deployment of additional U.S. forces to Saudi Arabia to beef up the Kingdom’s [email protected]. Please include a bio & photo. defenses is enough of a show of force, Trump is reportedly weighing a second cyber-strike to punish Tehran for the attacks on Saudi’s oil infrastructure. Submit articles, preferably in .doc format, to: Cyber-attacks and other covert measures can be effective. The most famous, an attack by Obama’s administration [email protected]. using the “Stuxnet” virus, crippled Iran’s nuclear-enrichment centrifuges. They’re also flexible: They can be used on oil Calendar items to same address, (Change-Links calendar fields and refineries, or military installations. item in subject line); include title of event, day, date, time, The rules of engagement around cyber-strikes location, fee if any, a short description, contact information are a subject of debate. But the Pentagon held that for sponsors, and a small jpg graphic if you have one. a cyber-attack is an act of war that could require Please spell out all words and capitalize street names, etc. physical military response–and Tehran likely takes the same view. So the question for the White House and A $5 donation for calendar listings Pentagon is how to send a message without prompting is appreciated. a significant escalation. [Ed, Note: Iran has threatened to respond to attacks by the US as an act of war, and Payable to AFGJ/Change Links at the address has denied any responsibility for the drone attack on below: the Saudi oil facilities.] Change Links The UK joined the US in blaming Iran for the attacks, P. O. Box 34236 with PM Boris Johnson [Ed. note: politically wounded like Trump] saying he’d consider taking part in the effort Los Angeles, CA 90034-0236 to bolster Saudi’s defenses. But in a sign that Tehran may Phone: (951) 638-9259 be looking to ease tensions with London, Iran said that a E-mail: [email protected] British-flagged tanker it had seized in the Strait of Hormuz Web Site: in July, the Stena Impero, is free to go, ending a months-long p.2 standoff. Southern California Community Calendar OCTOBER 2019 Listings subject to change. Contact sponsor to verify date, time & venue. See for full late listings, recurring events, & resources.

Change Links cannot publish without faith gifts to the larger social justice Blvd., LA 90018, w. of Arlington Ave. your support. Send events, articles movement. Learn how we can set Free street parking. 323-723-6416 or poetry to changelinks2@gmail. 3rd Sunday, SoCal350 monthly goals through the eyes of faith and endhomelessnessnowla@gmail. com or via meeting, St. Athanasius at the do deeper analysis to get at the roots com submit/ Please subscribe, as well. Cathedral Center, 840 Echo of the problem offering effective endhomelessnessnowla/ Subscriptions to the print edition are Park Ave., LA 90026, solutions. $12/25/50 a year, low income, regular SoCal350Updates; .com/ Every 2nd Sat of the month: or sustainer (sliding scale), PAYABLE SoCal350 climate action. Fridays, Interfaith Communities Welcome Home LA, resources for TO “AFGJ,” our fiscal sponsor, with United for Justice & Peace those returning from jail, prison and All “Change Links” in the memo. Mondays, Support Honduran breakfast forum, 7-9a, Immanuel juvenile detention, Chuco’s Justice events announced are encouraged Refugees, 6-8p, Central American Presbyterian, 3300 Wilshire Blvd., Center of Youth Justice Coalition. to donate $5 (per event), payable to Resource Center (CARECEN-LA), LA 90010. For donation, bring 7625 S. Central Ave, LA 90001. 323- AFGJ, mail to Change Links, PO Box 2845 W 7th St, LA. Respond to packaged non-perishable food for the 235-4243 34236, Los Angeles 90034. It helps Trump’s zero tolerance policies on church food pantry. Guest speakers, keep this publication solvent. Thanks Refugees and Asylum and to prepare reflections, coffee and bagels to start in advance. to receive the Refugee Caravan from your morning! Every 2nd & 4th Sat, SOLA Food Honduras and other immigrants from Co-Op at Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Peace vigils: Central America. Come organize with Fridays, 5-6p, a lively Vigil for Peace Farmers Market. This co-op is ongoing-peace-vigils-and-community- Central Americans, bring a friend or & Justice, sponsored by KPFK unique, because it’s planning to open programs/ two, and get ready to roll up your 90.7 FM - LSB Outreach Committee the 1st-ever organic grocery in Leimert sleeves. & friends. Join us for a fun time Park community. You can become a outreaching & making noise at Sunset member. Tuesdays, Join Black Lives Matter, Blvd & Echo Park Ave. Bring your Stop LAPD Spying and allies at signs... Every Sat, JVP-Code Pink Vigil for LA Police Commission meeting Palestine and Migrant Rights, 2-4p, at LAPD HQ, 9:30a, 100 W. 1st St 1st & 3rd Fri, LA Poverty Third St. Promenade at Arizona Ave., to speak out against racist police Department Movie Nights, 7p, Skid Santa Monica. murders with impunity. See agenda, Row History Museum & Archive, schedule here: http://www.lapdonline. 250 S. Broadway, LA 90012. Last Saturday, Move to Amend org/police_commission,, [email protected]. Free Local Meeting, 1-3p, Holy Grounds screenings, & conversation about Coffee & Tea, 5371 Alhambra Ave, LA issues that are important to Skid Row 90032, 323-255-1279 Tuesday evenings, Stop LAPD and downtown with generous support Other Calendars: http:// Spying Coalition meets weekly at LA of Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Regional Justice UU Trainings, http:// CAN, 838 E. 6th St. LA, CA 90021. Arts. in Southern CA 2019: In October, - see website at different locations, visit their for meeting topics. https://www. 3rd Fri: Lawyers in the Library, website for registration: Unitarian ieprogressivealliance/events/, http:// 1-4p,, Universalist Church Ventura Oct, 213-785-2516, 301 W. 1st, LA 90012. 4-5, UU Congregation Fullerton, Oct 11-12, https:// Wednesdays, 4-6p, Black Lives Register on-line, check-in 12:45. Reg o/51510/c/292/p/salsa/event/common/ Matter-led vigil outside DA Jackie doesn’t guarantee consultation of public/?event_KEY=11544 Lacey’s office with families who approx. 20 minutes. KPFK 90.7 FM Non-Commercial have lost loved ones to police & Training for Trainers, Sunrise Listener-Sponsored Pacifica sheriff’s deputies. DA Lacey has 1st & Last Fri, Voter registration, Movement LA: Oct 4–6. For more Community Radio Local Station Board indicted only a single law enforcer for 10a-2p, lobby of Zev Yaroslavsky info: [email protected] (LSB) election process is underway. over 445 murders by local police & Family Support Center, 7555 Van In the current “LSB” Election, Nuys Blvd, Many Winters Gathering of Elders, balloting continues until Oct 15 Van Nuys, until Oct. 10-13, Angels Gate Cultural for KPFK Local Station Board the Nov. 2020 Center. See story, p. 1 and calendar delegates. You must request a paper election. 16 for listings. ballot if you wish one (and you must 2020 volunteers have already become a member of will assist with KPFK). See timeline at http://elections. voter reg and Left Coast Forum, dates TBA, or check at explain LA Occidental College. See Story, p. 1, Schedule, pp. 5-6. Tickets: https:// County’s new On - Going & Continuing Events Vote Centers which let you vote forum-2019-the-centrality-of-race- at any vote center tickets-65192233726 3rd Sunday, KPFK Local Station over an 11-day Board meeting, 10:30a-1:30p, period. Glendale International Film Peace Center, 3916 S. Sepulveda Festival Oct. 10-17 https://www. Blvd, Culver City 90230. Open to the public with 3 opportunities for short Saturdays, public comments. Check www.kpfk. Crenshaw Pro Bono week LA Law Library org for other meetings, including LSB Farmers Market, Oct. 21-26, 2019 http://probonoweek. committees. 10a-3p, deputies. 211 W. Temple, DTLA. 3650 Martin Luther King Blvd. offers Sundays, RAC-LA Food Program fresh produce and artisan goods. Ties (El Programa Comida) Revolutionary into the mall’s health initiative promoting TUE – 1

Autonomous Communities, 1-5p, SE wellness in Crenshaw community. The Wednesdays, 6-7:30p, LA CAN Our Community Our Voice: corner of Wilshire Bl & Parkview St, B Fit program includes weekly Zumba, Legal Clinic, LA CAN, 838 E. 6th St. Homelessness in Los Angeles, LA 90057, free produce distribution. cardio kick and yoga classes, blood LA, CA 90021. Free Legal Clinic for LA City/County Native American pressure screening and annual health Low-Income Residents. Must sign- Indian Commission and United raclosangeles/ & wellness fair. Contact Sustainable in before 6:15p. For more info, call American Indian Involvement, Inc., Economic Enterprises for info: 213.228.0024 4–5:30p, United American Indian Sundays, Serve the People LA, Involvement, Inc., 1125 W 6th St, Ste

4-6p, Mariachi Plaza, 1817 E 1st 103, LA 90017 Every First Thursday, 6-8p, St, LA 90033. STPLA free food & Every 1st and 3rd Sat: End events/694140711051848/ Justice Not Jails, Lincoln Memorial clothing distributions (along with Homelessness Now-LA, 2-4pm, Congregational Church, 4126 books, shoes, etc). We also engage a grassroots campaign to pressure McLuhan-Finnegans Wake Reading Arlington Ave, LA. RSVP to Larry the community on happenings around LA city and county officials to use Club, 6p, Marina Del Rey Library, 4533 Foy at: Lfoy@im4humanintegrity. the neighborhood and city, learn vacant public properties for large, Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, free. org. Oct 3. Prophetic Imagination - about grievances and provide legal permanent, supportive public housing Without Vision the People Perish: services with help from the LA Ctr for to end the homelessness catastrophe. html & An introduction to the faith rooted Community Law & Action. Solidarity Hall, 2122 W. Jefferson playground-article.html p.3 organizing model, bringing our unique Southern California Community Calendar continued...

Tue - Oct 1, continued: refused to step down from overseeing their outcomes be fair and just? The state. 2nd Wed. every month at 7p. elections while he was a candidate October 6th meeting of the Committee Professional childcare provided. CONVERSATIONS: Part of the for Governor. The race became a For Racial Justice will feature housing Agents of the state including Santa series 400 Years of Inequality- Race neck and neck battle against Stacey expert Attorney Navneet Grewal, who Ana PD and ICE are NOT welcome. and the Memory of Evil, 7:30p, Abrams, who would have been the will speak about strategies to combat free, UCLA Hammer Museum, 10899 first female black Governor. Robert gentrification, the use of racial equity Wilshire Blvd., LA 90024, (310) 443- Greenwald (director of Outfoxed, impact assessment tools, and other Laughtears Salon (RSVP 310 7000, [email protected] Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, ways to help communities counter 306 7330 for location & time) free - Moral philosopher Susan Neiman’s and Making A Killing: Guns, Greed, & the forces that are bringing about a politics, art, culture discussion: “How new book Learning from the Germans the NRA) weaves together personal reduction of the numbers of Black and about technologies as the collective combines philosophical reflection, stories to paint an undeniable picture Brown people in our neighborhoods. unconscious and art as the collective personal stories, and interviews with of voter suppression. 2020 is coming Learn about strategies and tools that unconsciousness?” Americans and Germans grappling and we must fight to protect this we can employ to keep the diversity fundamental right – #FightToVote! of our communities. Sponsored by with their respective national histories. THU – 10 She’s joined by UCLA history and Sign up to host a screening with your the Committee for Racial Justice. Co- African American studies Prof. Brenda group, faith community or school to sponsored by Virginia Ave Park; the Gender Violence Behind Bars: Stevenson, author of What is Slavery? educate others, spark discussion and, African American Parent, Student, Tactics of Resistance, 7p, Women’s among other books. most importantly, take action. Brave Staff Support Group; and Church in Center for Creative Work, 2425 Glover New Films will provide hosts with a Ocean Park. For more information, Pl, LA 90031. California Coalition of free copy of the film and a discussion call Joanne at 310-422-5431. Women Prisoners presents Taylor WED – 2 and action guide to help you structure Lytle and Stacy Rojas speaking Mobile Workers Alliance Unions your screening. MON – 7 about their experiences of gendered For All Rally, 9a–2p, 6101 W Century violence while incarcerated, followed Blvd, LA 90045, free. AB5 has passed FRI – 4 International Rebellion: Rock n’ by a discussion with organizers from and Uber and Lyft are on the ropes. Roll Carnival hosted by Extinction CCWP and audience members on It’s time to show our strength with the Topanga Peace Alliance Film 7:30p, Rebellion LA, 2–7p. Location, band how to fight for women and gender- biggest rideshare driver rally in history. Topanga County Library, Meeting TBA morning of event. Multiple non-conforming individuals behind We’re through taking crumbs from Room, 2nd floor, 122 N. Topanga Grammy Award-winning rock band bars.Taylor Lytle is an organizer with billion dollar companies, join hundreds Canyon Blvd, 90290. Discussion after joins Extinction Rebellion for a the California Coalition for Women of drivers and LA union members to the film. free show! Tickets: actionnetwork. Prisoners (CCWP) and a national Peer demand a union! groups/53323228710/ org 2 Peer Fellow. Taylor is a former foster events/322011241874490/ care youth and formerly incarcerated, having been caged as a youth and TUE – 8 later at the California Institution for Women (CIW). Upon her release, Disabilities Awareness Week, Taylor has dedicated herself to ending UCLA Disabilities and Computing the prison industrial complex. She’s Program. 405 Hilgard Ave, LA a talented poet and uses her craft to 90095. UCLA Disability Awareness advocate for women still behind bars. Week (DAW) celebrates people Rojas, an organizer with the California of all abilities across our campus. Coalition for Women Prisoners and DAW seeks to educate the UCLA the Young Women’s Freedom Center, community about disability culture was incarcerated for 15 years at the and accessibility while encouraging Central California Women’s Facility. and facilitating a supportive and inclusive environment. Campus units will be putting on a variety of open, Many Winters Gathering Of Elders free events involving many different (MWGOE) at Angels Gate Cultural aspects of disability awareness. FREE Center, opening day, 3601 South Gaffey Street , San Pedro, CA Council District 8 Candidate Town FOOD, swag, gift card giveaways, and SAT – 5 90731. The Gathering hosts and Hall, Gramercy Park Neighborhood live music! Check out our calendar welcomes Indigenous elders from Assoc and The Proud Crowd, Inc., and visit one or all of this week’s Rare Books, Oct. 5-6, across Turtle Island to share oral free, 5:30–7:30p, 8701 S St Andrews events! Follow us on Instagram: @ traditions, teachings, and medicine. Pl, LA 90047. Free community ucladcp Ceremonial and moon time protocol gathering to promote conversation events/2118655651771002/ 50th Venceremos Brigade with candidates running to represent Commemoration & Report Back, Council District 8, in the upcoming 3-5p, donation requested. Mercado election. Confirmed to attend: La Paloma, 3655 S. Grand Ave, LA. Denise Francis Woods and Cliff Report with slides and music on the Smith. Invited but not confirmed: recent 50th anniversary Brigade to Khansa Jones-Muhammad Clark, Cuba, and discussion of how to act declined due to being out of town: in solidarity against the US blockade/ Councilmember Marqueece Harris- embargo and to return the illegal Dawson. US military base at Guantanamo events/618867635310017/ to Cuba. Socialize after and eat at one of Mercado’s great restaurants. THU – 3 events/492961484831119/ or call 323- Film Premiere: Suppressed: The 636-7388 for more info. Fight to Vote, 6p, First AME Church, 2270 S Harvard Blvd, LA 90018, SUN – 6 free. Voter suppression is one of the biggest dangers to US elections. Orange County Children’s During 2018, millions experienced Book Festival, Oct. 6, http:// suppression due to voter roll purges, poll closures, long lines, missing

Tools For Racial Equity In Housing, WED – 9 will be observed at all times during 6–8:30p, Potluck supper at 6p; the Gathering; no alcohol or drugs program starts at 6:30p, Thelma Change Links monthly planning - cameras, video or other recording Terry Center in Virginia Avenue conference call, 7:30p, email equipment will not be allowed. For Park, 2200 Virginia Ave. Santa [email protected] for details. more information please phone: Monica, 90404. Child care provided. Get involved in planning the October 310-519-0936 Website: http:// Policies that are neutral in language, issue of Change Links! contact can produce disparate outcomes. Stephanie Mushrush at (562) 265- Significant changes are coming to the CopWatch Santa Ana Meeting/ 8423, or visit Volunteer absentee ballots, and voter ID laws Pico neighborhood in Santa Monica Community Forum, 7-10p, Centro information is available online. See that disproportionately prevented with respect to business zoning Cultural de México, 837 N. Ross story on p. 1. Brown and Black citizens from voting. and affordable housing. No doubt St. Santa Ana (new address) the new policies will be expressed Georgia was ground zero in 2018. Participate in direct-action based – in racially neutral language, but will FRI 11 GA Secretary of State Brian Kemp p.4 barrio organizing against the police 3rd Annual LEFT COAST FORUM: The Centrality of Race has been postponed ...Continued from p. 1 The Left Coast Forum’s mission is multifaceted.: To create a space where progressive thought leaders come to share ideas The Left Coast Forum is a collaborative effort between New York’s Left Forum and the LA Progressive in Los Angeles. KPFK is the media sponsor. To intentionally address existing divisions that weaken the progressive The LA Progressive was founded in Los Angeles in 2008 by husband/wife movement. Understanding that the strongest social movements are made of team Dick Price and Sharon Kyle who, after years of volunteering and providing a network, we recognize that racial and ethnic divisions deeply rooted in our other forms of support to failed progressive causes and campaigns, came to the society also divide the progressive movement and will not disappear without realization that the progressive movement will never be a force to reckon with being addressed. until it breaks down the walls within. The LA Progressive intentionally prioritizes its efforts to serve the needs of a multiracial, intergenerational, multigendered and To provide a space in Southern California where all components of the multiethnic population. progressive movement come together to forge stronger alliances. The Left Forum was founded in the 1960s as the Socialist Scholars Conference (SSC) by Bogdan Denitch, Stanley Aronowitz, and others. The Socialist Scholars Admission to all three days is pegged at $75, but other opportunities are Conference was re-founded in 1981 and was meant to be a broad effort by new available. left academics to create a forum in which to present theoretical and historical See: work in a mostly scholarly format, but for an audience reaching far beyond race-tickets-65192233726 academic circles. Dates TBA, Occidental College 1600 Campus Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90041 Opening Night 6:00p to 7:00p Check-In / Entertainment / Opening Remarks 7:00p to 8:00p Keynote Speaker to be Determined, Thorne Hall The first workshop or panel listing in each time period will be in Choi Hall; the others in rooms to be determined and posted at the Forum and in the program. The last item on each time period is usually a film showing, and its timing may be different from a regular panel because of the length of the film (times are noted in parenthesis after the film). Panels and workshops are generally about 75 minutes in length, with several scheduled breaks and passing periods for refreshments and to visit the vendors’ tables. 8:00p to 9:00p Because of the postponement of the Left Coast Forum, this panel We Need to Hear from the Sistas! will take place at the Peace Center, Fighting Rampant Gentrification 3916 S. Sepulveda @7:30pm Road to Sex Trade Decriminalization: Bella Bethory Black Panther Party and United Muslims in America: Malek Mouzzam Panther Movement: Continuity & Constitution Day: Jim Nasella Renewal: Shaka Zulu and George “The Corporate Coup D’Etat” (film) Katsiaficas First Full Day

9:30a to 10:45a “Paying the Price for Peace” (film on Brian Willson) The Syrian Conflict:Johnny Achi 10a-12:30p Assassination of Leon Trotsky: Dan Conway Repression & Resistance: Aaron Leonard 10:45a- 11:00a Crouching Ancien Regime, Hidden New Order: Entertainment – Visit the The US and China: Gary Hicks and others Vendors – Grab a Snack

11:00a to 12:15p

Mario Solis-Marich, Keynote speaker Why Care About Veterans: Suzanne Gordon Puerto Rico Today - Mass Resistance, Recovery & Decolonization: Lawrence Reyes, Nicole Hernandez Mendez and others Movement and Memory: The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies in California Free Julian Assange & : Norisa Diaz Independent Left Politics: Howie Hawkins “Paying the Price for Peace” (Movie, Q&A) continues from 10a-12:30p

12:15p to 1:00p Sonali Kolhatkar, Keynote — Choi Auditorium 2:15p to 3:30p 1:00p to 2:15p How the Racial, Social, and Climate Justice Movements Can Play an Independent Role in the 2020 Presidential Corporate-free Progressive Unity: Yosh Yamanaka Election — Eric Mann, Channing Martinez, Brigette Amaya, What is “Political Party” for the Left? Ben Tippin Dick Price & Sharon Kyle — Choi Auditorium Police Accountability and Transparency: Uncle Bobby Election Protection: Mimi Kennedy Yellow Vests: Marcus Lissey Advocacy & Organizing Beyond Borders: Catherine Kennedy “Suppressed: The Fight To Vote” (film) 12:30 – 1:40p (Film: “At War” begins at 1:40p-4:10) p.5 3rd Annual LEFT COAST FORUM: First full day, continued from previous page:

3:30p to 3:45p Entertainment – Visit the Vendors – Grab a Snack

3:45p to 5:00p

Sluggo Explains US History: Harvey Wasserman “United Front” to Save Humanity! Jim Lafferty No More Stolen Lives: Uncle Bobby Separation of Families: Angelica Salas Socialist Humanism as the Answer: Kevin Anderson Proportional Representation Elections: Michael Feinstein “At War” (film) 1:40p – 4:10p No-Nuke Should Be Part of GND Agenda: Tsukuru Fors 5:00p to 6:15p Which Green New Deal? Howie Hawkins Organizing for Police accountability — Nissa Tzun Surveillance: Policing Race, Land, and Poverty: Hamid Khan “The Advocates” (film) 4:10pm-6:10pm The Place of Race in U.S. Healthcare: Maureen Cruise, Erika Feresten, and others 6:15p to 9:00p Fighting for Democracy, Impeaching the President: Rich Socially Conscious Entertainment Procida Network — Enjoy Music — Food — Beer — Wine

Second Full Day

9:30a to 10:45a 10:45a to 11:00a 50 Years After Stonewall: Where Are We? Don Kilhefner Sluggo’s Environment Congress: Entertainment – Visit the Vendors – A New Kerner Report: Bob Farrell & Lance Harvey Wasserman Grab a Snack Simmens Someday a World Republic Will Abolish How Progressives Can Help Veterans: Sam War: Tad Daley 11:00a to 12:15p Coleman Let’s Kill Facebook Together: George No. 1 Chung Ying Street: Film Screening Polisner Effective Leadership Training:Kate and Discussion (continues) Legal Observer Training: Kath Rogers Katz Cold War Truth Commission: Rachel Sluggo’s Environment Congress: Bruhnke Harvey Wasserman No. 1 Chung Ying Street: Film Screening Palestine-Israel Justice and Peace: and Discussion (9:30a-12:15p) Rick Chertoff

12:15p to 1:00p

Melina Abdullah, Black Lives Matter: Keynote Speaker — Choi Auditorium Dr. Melina Abdullah at protest over Police Commission arrest. 1:00p to 2:15p 3:00 to 3:15p Stopping Fascism Globally: Javier Sethness Entertainment – Visit the Vendors – Grab a Snack Palestine: An Indigenous Movement: Lulu Hammad Building a Progressive Movement for Housing Justice: Peter 3:15p to 4:30p Dreier Lisa Bloom, Keynote speaker ​“Enter Stage Left”: Ed Rampell Thandiwe Abdullah, Youth Panel The Most Powerful Player: Why You Should Pay Attention to End the US Blockade of Cuba: DAs — Jess Faris Carolfrances Likins, Sylvester (Sly) Rivers and others Genetically Modified Children(film)

2:15p to 3:30p KPFK UTLA and the Green New Deal: Wade Kyle Palestine: A US Racial Justice Issue: Estee Chandler Socialist Feminism, Me Too: Emma Wilde-Botha Uprooting White Supremacy: Michael Novick, Candace Carnicelli, and Michele Dumont

Divisions in the American Jewish Community: Dick Platkin Understanding Progressive Christianity: Rich Procida Resistance & Radio: Daniel Diaz Imprisoned (Movie with Lawrence Fishburne)

4:30 to 4:45p Visit the Vendors – Enjoy Entertainment

4:45 to 6:00 Climate Emergency: Kathleen Carson Moving Forward (Film) Theatrical Performance: “Bombing the LA Times”: p.6 — Greg Palast & Company 3rd Annual Left Coast Forum Ongoing Events for details. Party, Pilipino American LA Democracy and Socialism: In Occidental College. 1600 Campus Democratic Club, 5–8p, The Noypitz Marx and in Today’s “Democratic Road, LA 90041, free-$125. Indigenous Pride L.A. 2019, 11a–6p, Bar & Grill DTLA, 333 S Alameda Socialism”, 6-9p, Poetic Research POSTPONED! Dates TBD as we Autry Museum of the American West, St Suite 115, LA 90013. https://www. Bureau, 951 Chung King Rd, print. For details, see Griffith Park, LA 90027. Indigenous Pride Chinatown, LA 90012 (By Chinatown . is the only local Pride event that honors stop on Gold Line, parking on street and celebrates Two Spirit, Indigenous WED – 16 or paid lot next to the gas station LGBTQPAI, Indigiqueer, Third Gender, Many Winters Gathering Of Elders at College and Hill St.) Speakers: Fourth Gender, and other sacred genders MOM - MEDIA DISCUSSION free, (MWGOE) at Angels Gate Cultural Ali Kiani, Iranian Marxist writer and and gender roles of various indigenous 6-9p, Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Center, continues, see Thu 10 and translator; Sam S., Iranian-American peoples, nations, and tribes from around Blvd, Venice 90291. http://venicewake. Ongoing Events for details. reader in Marx and Marxism. the world. Relatives and allies are welcome, org/Events/current.html being mindful this is centered around When our loved ones suffer from recessions, war, bosses, and all the Monthly Youth Climate Strike, 10a, indigenous people by indigenous people. Location:TBA, LA 90012. Free. With Also be mindful of any traditional and THU – 17 cultural protocols. https://www.facebook. the consequences of climate change com/events/2143799065917179/ Whittier Peace Film Night, 7p, St. Matthias Episcopal Church (Chase Room), 7056 Washington Ave., Whittier 90602, N/E corner of Wardman St. Washington Ave (not Blvd) runs north south two blocks east of Greenleaf Park (there is additional parking in the back of the church). Walk through the 2nd gate north of Wardman. The Chase Room is just to the left. Film will be chosen from DVDs brought that night. http://

FRI – 18

Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region Grassroots Conference, 7p– Oct 19 at 10p. Pasadena Convention Center, 300 E Green St, Pasadena 91101. General Admission $20, students $10. Socialist Democracy vs. Social Democracy: The Armenian National Committee In what way is democracy the road to socialism? Global Youth Climate Strike, El Salvador, Friday Sept. 20, 2019 of America-Western Region is the dehumanizing prejudice felt in the largest, most influential Armenian workplace and beyond, we have to becoming ever more clear and dire Practicing Abolition 1: Thoughts = grassroots advocacy organization: wonder, is this all there is to life? with each passing day, a new powerful , 2–4p, Conversations = Knowledge When well meaning people like Bernie wave of the climate movement has Navel, 1611 S Hope St, LA 90015. events/476257853168223/ Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn speak been swelling up over the last couple Panel and discussion organized by of Democratic Socialism, does this of years. Young people around the Gloria Galvez, with Micah Bournes, go far enough in restoring our full world have been rising up to defend Jasmine Nyende, Shabina Toorawa, SAT - 19 humanity? Here we will explore how our future, and have been going on Elli Virrueta, and performances by Karl Marx speaks to what a true and strike – every week, all over the planet Edxi, and Ra Avis. Supported by Report-back from the Campaign to , 1–3p, beautiful democracy looks like, the – for months. Critical Resistance LA. Stop LA Jail Construction Southern California Library, 6120 S democracy beyond slogans that we events/youth-climate-strike-la-october-strike Vermont Ave, LA 90044. Since 2004, CRLA deserve. What humanity has come MON – 14 Indigenous People’s Day has been organizing with communities to need is a future worlds away SAT – 12 across Los Angeles and California to stop from the liberalism and pessimism Indigenous Los Angeles 101, 10- jail expansion and build a movement to we have grown accustomed to in March to Close the Camps and 11a, Antioch University Los Angeles, abolish imprisonment. Following years of modern politics. Together let’s learn Abolish ICE on National Day of 400 Corporate Pointe, Culver City dedicated and creative organizing in Los about Marxist-Humanism and defeat Action to Close the Concentration Camps. Angeles with LA No More Jails (2004- 90230. One-hour presentation and capitalism! Suggested Reading: Assemble 11a, Grand Park @ Broadway. Q&A facilitated by Dr. Adonia Lugo; 2016) coalition and recently with JusticeLA March to Sheriff Station, 211 W. Temple, Peter Hudis “What is democratic against their complicity with ICE, and socialism? What is socialist then to Federal Building/ Metropolitan democracy?” Detention Center on Alameda at Aliso. For articles/what-is-democratic-socialism-what-is- Information go to: https://www.facebook. socialist-democracy/ Sponsored by West com/events/659811617840434/ Sponsored Coast Chapter, International Marxist- by a broad coalition that as of press time Humanist Organization. Association, Los Angeles E-Board, Democratic Socialists of America-LA, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, March and Rally LA, Marx 21, National MON – 21 Coalition to Close the Concentration Camps, National Lawyers Guild-LA, So Cal 11th Annual San Gabriel Valley HIV American Indian Movement, Stop LAPD / AIDS Summit hosted by state Sen. Spying Coalition, and more joining every Anthony Portantino, 9a–12n, USC day. Verdugo Hills Hospital 1812 Verdugo Blvd. Glendale 91208. RSVP: Kristi. Many Winters Gathering Of Elders [email protected], (909) 599- (MWGOE) at Angels Gate Cultural 7351, Center, continues, see Thu 10 and events/2494695747257692/ Ongoing Events for details.

the AULA community will learn about coalition (2017-present), together we TUE – 22 527 años de Resistencia Indigena the history of tribes in what became defeated the two huge proposed plans for en Abya Yala (America), Centro LA County and today’s diverse $3 billion jail construction this year! The Cultural Techantit, Tonatierra, y LA Law Library Pro Bono Week, landscape of Indigenous communities task in front of us now is to ensure that Maya Vision, 4–10p, UCLA Labor LA County follows through on resourcing 12n-1p: Access to Police Personnel in the region. On campus, Room Center, 675 S Park View St, LA decentralized, community-based care – Files under SB 1421. 5;30-8p: Free A1001-A1002. For info or to RSVP, 90057. Representante del Consejo de and that those resources truly reflect the Help with Clearing Criminal Records [email protected] Pueblos Originarios Nahuat-Pipil de communities who are directly impacted by (appt needed, call 800-399-4529). 301 Idealist Grad School Fair hosted by Nahuizalco Sensunat, El Salvador. the prison industrial complex. Learn about W. First St., LA 90012, 213-784-7372, Idealist Careers, 5–8p, Kentia Hall, what’s next in the campaign and how to get, LA Convention Center, LA 90015. involved. [email protected]. High Desert Book Fair, Oct. 12, Find the perfect grad school to pursue a social justice career. For full list of LA County Sheriff’s Community schools in attendance and information SUN – 20 Oversight Commission, 9a-1p, MTA, SUN – 13 on parking, please visit: One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA KPFK Local Station Board monthly meeting, 10:30a-2p, Peace Center, 90012, 3rd Floor, Metro Board Room. Many Winters Gathering Of Elders 3916 S. Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City Public comment welcome. See https:// (MWGOE) at Angels Gate Cultural TUE – 15 90230. Opportunity for brief public for agenda Center, continues, see Thu 10 and 4th Presidential Debate Watch p.7 comments. HAMMER FORUM: Impeachment TUE – 29 Report, 7:30p, UCLA Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., Día de los Muertos Community LA 90024, (310) 443-7000, info@ Procession hosted by Mujeres de for the la Tierra, 6–8p, free, Cypress Park impeachment of Donald Trump— Branch Library, 1150 Cypress Ave, and debates over the impeachment LA 90065. process itself—began the day he took events/509258836314192/ office. When Democrats took back the House in 2018, impeachment became a real possibility. As House Democrats WED – 30 move closer to impeachment, it begs the question of whether Trump has Neighborhood Sing: Skid Row’s committed any impeachable offenses. Community Jam! Urban Voices Shaniqua McClendon, political director Project, Wednesdays, 4–6p, free.Our for Crooked Media, moderates a panel workshops are open to ALL the public on the latest developments. on a drop-in basis. Neighborhood Sing meets every Wednesday 4:00pm- 5:15pm. You are also welcome to presentation by the Chinese American join our group dinner from 5:15-5:45. WED – 23 SUN – 27 Museum and El Pueblo de Los (be sure to RSVP to this to ensure we have enough for all). We meet Angeles Historical Monument in 7 Dudley Cinema at Beyond Naomi Klein in conversation collaboration with Scripps College. in the conference room of Wesley with Special Guest, 7:30p, UCLA Baroque 681 Venice Blvd, free 7pm: An encore performance will be held Pig Blood Vampire (67 minutes, 2019) Health center at 522 S San Pedro, Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire on October 25, 2019 at Boone Recital LA 90013. Blvd., LA 90024, (310) 443-7000, Nick Josephs’ (in person) absurd events/1208174632673474/ [email protected]. One of the Hall at Scripps College allegory on America evoking “the foremost chroniclers of the economic French New Wave meets Troma,” and war waged on both people and planet, FRI – 25 Jean Cocteau’s Blood of the Poet. THU – 31 Naomi Klein champions a sweeping Nick Josephs is an actor, musician and filmmaker whose unprocessed environmental agenda with justice LA Law Library Pro Bono Week, Change Links monthly distribution aesthetic and irreverent undertones at its center. Her new collection, On 10:30-11:30a: Know Your Rights meeting, 7:30p, Peace Center, 3916 are influenced by 1960’s counter Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green Interacting with the Police. 12n-1p: S. Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City culture. Driven by his psychedelic New Deal, pairs over a decade of Civil Rights Violations: how, when and 90230, free parking in rear, dial 22 for folk rock, his films inevitably hop the rails in pursuit of a more natural, entry. free thinking utopia. World Premiere 8:30: GHOSTLY RIA LIVE CINEMA (Recondite Illusionary Apparitions) Live music (with Nick Josephs & BSP) merges with experimental films, poetry and Alita Arose’s Dark Goddess Shadow Dancers to celebrate the Phantasmagoria of Halloween Goblins. html events/444699989687874/ Upcoming Events

Nov 3 -1st Sunday in November, MON – 28 Daylight Saving Time ends, Pacific Standard Time resumes (push the The 28ERS Present: The Student clock back one hour when you go to Debt Bomb Only Grows, 7–9 p, bed Sat. night - you regain the hour of UC Riverside, 900 University Ave, sleep you lost when DST started in the Riverside 92521. We’ll discuss spring) --Spring forward, Fall back. the origins of this debtor’s prison, assess its damage and discontent, Nov. 11 (Armistice Day) Veterans Klein’s impassioned writing with new where to file a civil rights claim. 301 and provide a two-pronged solution, Day Veterans Day is usually with a special mystery guest. This material on our immediate political W. First St., LA 90012, 213-784-7372, observed on November 11. However, ‘Money in Politics’ discussion will and economic choices. Klein argues, if it occurs on a Sunday then the focus on the origins, costs and that we will rise to the existential [email protected] following Monday is designated for solutions of the debt bomb. The challenge of climate change only if we holiday leave, and if it occurs Saturday are willing to transform the systems bomb will eventually go off, but who SAT – 26 then either Saturday or Friday may be that produced the crisis. will light its fuse? Will it explode from direct action and student activism? so designated. 13th Annual Native American Or from bank malfeasance and loan THU – 24 Heritage month community defaults? Nov. 16 2nd Annual Community Pow Wow, Oct. 26, 10a-9p. events/1911530579092638/. Policing Conference - Redefining Commemoration of the Chinese Public Safety in L.A. County - Join Massacre of 1871, hosted by events/302635130668598/ community members, academics, Chinese American Museum, 6:30–9p, law enforcement professionals and Pico House, 424 N. Main St, LA. elected officials for a day of discussion October 24, 1871, 17 Chinese men on community policing and redefining including a 15-year-old boy were public safety. This free public event killed by a mob in LA. Known as will be held Saturday, November the Chinese Massacre of 1871, 16 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at St. it was the culmination of growing Anne’s Conference Center in Los anti-Chinese sentiment leading to Angeles. Registration is required. racially motivated violence. The Chinese American Museum will host community-policing-conference- a vigil concert to commemorate redefining-public-safety-in-la-county- the lives lost on that day. This registration-63815861961 multimedia program will feature a pre-performance talk, a musical Nov. 23 California Community performance, reading of the names of Colleges LGBTQ summit, UC those who passed that day, candlelit Riverside vigil and a wreath-laying procession to the commemorative plaque. Visit for event updates and educational resources. Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving This program is free and open to the public; however, RSVPs are kindly Nov. 29 Friday after Thanksgiving - requested. To RSVP, email rsvp@ Buy Nothing Day Check our website for other public programs and events. October 24, 1871, a white race riot against Chinese people in L.A. killed Nov. 30 CSUN Pow Wow This program is part of a two-part p.8 17 Chinese people including a 15-year-old boy. Indonesia Kills 20 in West Papua Protests by Febriana Firdaus At least 20 people have been killed, including three shot by police, and Monday in Jayapura, the provincial capital, Aloysius Giyai, head of Papua dozens injured following a new wave of clashes between demonstrators province’s health office, told the news website, Jubi. and government forces in Indonesia’s West Papua region on Monday, Dedi Prasetyo, a spokesman of Indonesia’s national police, also prompting President Joko Widodo to call a security meeting. confirmed to Al Jazeera that one police officer was killed. He could not Sixteen people were killed in Wamena city where hundreds demonstrated confirm the number of fatalities among the demonstrators. Lt Col Eko and burned down a government office and other buildings, authorities Daryanto, a military spokesman in Papua province, said members of the said. Four of the other fatalities were from the clashes that took place on Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) gathered at the Cenderawasih University. Authorities later ordered the protesters to move the demonstration outside of the campus, which resulted in deadly clashes. Albertho Rumsaur, a resident of Jayapura, said he witnessed the clashes between the joint police-military forces and the students. “The students threw rocks and the police fired tear gas,” he told Al Jazeera. Siska Manam, a student, said she also saw civilian militia, who support the military, carrying wood and machetes, giving a chase to the students. The AMP student alliance, however, denied that they have members in Jayapura, adding that they only have a local group in the restive region. The AMP is a leading organization of Papua students that has called for more freedom in the region. Jhon Gobai, chairman of the alliance, told Al Jazeera that the government should “stop scape-goating” the student group for Monday’s protests. Indonesia’s West Papua region is divided into two provinces: West Papua and Papua. Jayapura is the biggest city in Papua province, with a population of some 500,000 people. Several people were killed during protests in Jayapura last month when the unrest erupted. Since then, the government has deployed thousands of troops to the region and arrested activists to quell the protests. West Papua was a Dutch colony until the early 1960s when Indonesia took control, cementing its rule with a controversial referendum. The government in Jakarta maintains the West Papua region, which occupies the western half of the island of Papua New Guinea, is Indonesia’s because it was part of the Dutch East Indies that forms the basis of the country’s modern-day borders. A low- level armed rebellion by indigenous Papuans, who now make up about half the population after years of migration by people from other parts of Indonesia, has been rumbling ever since. West Papua is the poorest region in the country and there have been allegations of human rights violations. At least 17 people were killed after violence erupted in December, which a military crackdown. Some 35,000 civilians have West Papuan protester demonstrates against Indonesian occupation and been forced from their homes as security forces attempt to flush out the rebels repression. Papuans are Melanesian (Black) people, ethnically distinct from from the forested mountains. [Ed. note: Papuans are Melanesians (Black people), culturally distinct from Indonesia, and charge racial discrimination as well as Indonesians, who occupy, racially discriminate against and repress Papua violation of their sovereignty.] and its inhabitants. Stop Blaming Cows and Start Targeting the Corporations that are Destroying the Amazon by Anthony Pahnke Destroying-the-Amazon-20190827-0025.html Most of the reporting on the fires raging in the Amazon try to identify the guilty parties. Some of those that have been identified include ranchers and loggers, as well as the rightwing government of Jair Bolsonaro for its lack of enforcing environmental regulations. Yet, what we need to consider is that no single actor is responsible for destroying the rainforest, but instead corporate supply chains that crisscross our planet. To truly effect change, we need to target companies within these networks, which can occur if we restore Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) in agriculture and boycott firms that have been linked to deforestation. While promoting the return of COOL would take time, now, we know of actual cases As the Amazon burns, with the number of fires increasing more than 80 percent this of corporations that have been connected to deforestation. For instance, many ranchers year when compared to the last, many have proposed solutions to the crisis. Leonardo burning the rainforest sell to the Brazilian firm JBS, which is the largest meat processor DiCaprio has advised us to stop eating meat, while others encourage consumers to recycle, in the world. If you are not familiar with JBS, then you may know its U.S. subsidiary become educated, and contact their representatives. There are also calls to privatize the – Swift & Company. Meats with the Swift label are regularly available in most grocery rainforest to save it, with individuals such as Jeff Bezos – who is already the owner of one stores. Amazon – implored to invest. For public sector workers, namely, teachers and professors with pensions, the Teachers These supposed solutions have serious shortcomings. For instance, what specifically Insurance and Annuity Association of America (or TIAA, formerly known as TIAA- will you demand from your representative? Is the ask that they just ‘do something?’ The CREFF) through its subsidiaries in Brazil has been involved in large-scale land deals that problem with eliminating meat from your diet is that you do not know if you are affecting have been linked to deforestation and land grabbing. Farmer and consumer rights groups the large-scale Brazilian rancher or the struggling family farmer who lives down the have called out TIAA on this point for years. Along with these organizations, TIAA road. Moreover, studies have shown that some forms of ranching – on well-maintained beneficiaries could rethink how their retirement funds are invested. pastures with rotational grazing and the limited of fertilizers – can sequester carbon and Similarly, in a report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, Pizza Hut, Kroger, help us face climate change. And if the Amazon were privatized, then what if it is later Subway, Wendy’s, Hormel, and Nestlé, were found to source beef in ways that contributed partitioned and sold, again to ranchers and loggers, or perhaps to the tourist industry? to rainforest destruction. We also cannot ignore the mining industry, which is responsible The point is this - if we do not know how to put pressure on the right actors who have for upwards of 10 percent of deforestation in the Amazon. Vale SA is the world’s largest been connected to destroying the Amazon, then our efforts will be for naught. producer of iron ore, with operations in the Amazon. Last year, the company entered into So, what can be done? First, we need to know which farmers and ranchers are involved discussions with the Brazilian state to enlarge the world’s already largest open-pit mine, in deforestation. While identifying individuals is difficult, we can make a push for the the Carajás mine, which is located in the Amazon. While most iron ore exports move to U.S. government to bring back the Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) in agriculture. China, in the U.S., people can demand an end to the U.S.-China trade dispute, which has This policy became law with the 2002 Farm Bill, which required that retailors provide led Brazil to increase its iron ore exports significantly. information on the sources of their food. The Obama administration later repealed Leonardo DiCaprio can tell us to stop eating meat, but unless we know where the cow COOL for beef and pork products, but not for lamb, chicken, and goat meat, perishable is from, then the protest could prove ineffective. To confront the causes of deforestation, agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng. we need to target specific companies within global supply chains. Now, with the right If COOL were brought back and consumers saw that Brazilian beef was in their stores, information of particular firms, the question is if we have the time to take on corporate then they could choose not to purchase it. Some farmer and rancher groups have been power and the Bolsonaro regime to stop the decimation of our world’s lungs. pushing for this policy’s return, as others see this as a way to assist struggling farmers in Anthony Pahnke is the vice president of Family Farm Defenders and Asst Prof of International Relations at State University. He can be reached at the . p.9 [email protected] KPFK and Pacifica: Homes Not Hotels: Standoff in Hollywood At a Crossroads, On the Brink “It’s my building. I can do whatever I want.” by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action LA That’s how the owner of 1719-1731 Whitley Ave in Hollywood Listener-sponsored KPFK and its parent Pacifica Foundation are facing responded when a LA Tenants Union member informed him that he critical choices and existential threats. Several stations, including KPFK couldn’t barge into his tenants’ units and remove their ovens without and WBAI in NYC, as well as the foundation as a whole, have been kept their permission. It was rude and aggressive and entitled, and not at all afloat financially only by substantial one-time bequests from supporters surprising. Landlords are accustomed to being in total control and often who have passed away. Meanwhile, membership and listener donations react badly when challenged or told “no.” during on-air fund drives continue to decline; KPFK has about 1000 fewer This particular landlord has been trying to evict the tenants from their rent-stabilized eligible voting members for this year’s Local Station Board election than apartments and convert their building into a hotel (which is legal under the Ellis Act). for last year’s. Now that the tenants are fighting back, he’s angry and doing everything he can to make That election is still in progress -- voting continues through 9 PM local time on October their lives and struggle even more difficult, including removing their ovens. In addition 15, and as of this writing, vote totals were only a little over halfway towards reaching to being disruptive and inconvenient, removing tenants’ four-burner ovens and replacing a required quorum of 10% of listener-sponsors. This is probably due to the violation of them with table-top burners would allow him to exploit another legal loophole in his quest to evict everyone and demolish the building. Pacifica bylaws, particularly the failure to broadcast required on-air candidate forums If you aren’t familiar with an opportunity for live listener call-ins. There have been numerous reports of failure with the laws and statutes to receive ballots, even by current LSB members and candidates for the LSB. And the governing eviction in the station will be in fund drive again as of October. case of four-burner ovens The Pacifica National Board recently passed a motion freezing the previously versus two-burner stoves, unacknowledged practice of obtaining underwriting from various sources without you’re not alone. There are meeting FCC requirements for informing listeners and without adequately accounting so many laws like this on the for the funds in its budget process. A consequence of the motion as interpreted by former books, all incredibly arcane PNB chair Grace Aaron has been to prevent programmers from announcing community and stupid, and all designed events at which the station can table and seek new members. Meanwhile, the larger to benefit the ruling class. issue around underwriting, which is that the PNB apparently agreed to grant authority to People like this landlord creditor that financed a $3.2 million loan to Pacifica to mandate and control underwriting know that these laws are to recoup its loan. Pacifica is required to come up with $30,000 plus a month just to designed to work in their keep paying the interest on this loan, with a balloon payment looming next year for the favor, and demoralize and entire principle. The national Finance Committee has mandated that each of the 5 Pacifica confuse anyone who doesn’t stations start paying a share of the interest in November, pro-rated according to their have as much money or number of listeners (KPFK responsible for close to 30%), but the financially-strapped power as they do. stations, in some cases already unable to meet their required “central service” payments Time is also an operative resource here. The landlord gave the tenants (inadequate to the Foundation, may not be able to do so. and illegal) notice of his intention to remove their ovens…between the hours of 10am In this context, the Grassroots Community Radio Coalition (GCRC) is pushing to take and 4pm. But instead of backing down, the Whitley tenants banded together and had a money out of Pacifica politics so that the elections results are not determined by who can standoff. As a result, their landlord wasn’t able to carry out his plan, but it’s important pay for glossy mailers and propaganda. GCRC is also working for off-air fundraising and to recognize the sacrifices they all made to be there, for themselves and each other. And new listener promotion through off-air community events, and urging management to not just on this one day but every day that they spend defending their homes and fighting drastically review and revise the programming grid to add the voices of engaged, enraged these bullshit evictions. Every minute that tenants have to spend decoding these laws and and creative community voices of resistance, solidarity and liberation. Almost the entire fending off sneaky, predatory tactics is time they could be spending at work, with their morning block of programming on KPFK, for example, is now nationally-syndicated, not families, taking care of their health – literally anything else. locally produced or focused. The evening news has been reduced to a half-hour and most This isn’t to paint the Whitley tenants as victims but rather to acknowledge their of it is piped in from KPFA in Berkeley. KPFK and Pacifica have almost none of the most incredible strength and solidarity. Seeing them show up for each other is a reminder that popular formats for public radio, such as co-hosted magazine style shows that incorporate when tenants fight evictions collectively, they’re not just defending their homes but their news, public affairs and cultural coverage of music, arts and literature; or story-telling communities. And witnessing these tenants fight tooth and nail, while elected officials hours. Between these factors and the almost endless, repetitive and product-oriented claim to be “stunned” by the rise in homelessness and bureaucrats shrug their shoulders fund-drives, the station has been losing listeners and listener-sponsors for over a decade. ineffectually, makes it clear which side is poised to win. To learn more about how you can help reverse these trends, and which For more information on the Homes Not Hotels campaign, including specific demands candidates will fight hard to do so, see in Hollywood: Update on Lung Illnesses and Deaths Close the Camps! Stop the Raids! No More Associated with E-cigarettes Deportations! End Sheriff Complicity with ICE! The LA County Dept of Public Health warns residents about the use From the day he took office, Donald Trump has escalated a failed and of vaping and e-cigarette devices as potentially harmful to proper lung cruel immigration policy into an all-out white supremacist imperialist war function, and urges residents to STOP VAPING NOW! As of September 19, against immigrants and indigenous peoples, banning Muslims, slamming 2019, there have been 16 reports of serious vaping- associated pulmonary the door on refugees, tearing children from their parents’ arms, targeting injury and one death associated with e-cigarettes in Los Angeles County. black and brown bodies for violence and abuse. This policy has a name: Nationally, there continue to be reports of people showing up in emergency Genocide. Each new affront has been met with outrage and protest but even when hehas departments with similar symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, retreated, Trump has sought new lines of attack: new bars to green cards and citizenship, fever, and may have vomiting and diarrhea. Locally and nationally, the workplace raids, deportations of people with cancer and other life threatening illnesses cause for this threat remains unknown. during their medical treatment, concentration camps. many of these measures have been eventually approved by his compliant courts. Meanwhile, immigrants of color are being terrorized in our own communities, afraid to answer the door, take children to school, or go to work. Our communities need to see and feel the solidarity of the majority that stands with us. We call on all those who oppose the raids, family separation, deportations and incarceration to unite against this reign of racist persecution. It is time to say, “¡Basta Ya!” Enough is enough!

This Indigenous People’s Day weekend let us act together --whether with a march, vigil, rally or direct action-- in solidarity to build a better world and against those who would give us a future of division and white supremacist hate. Let us unite in broad regional coalitions drawing together people of faith, unions, anti-nativist fighters and other progressives to target camps, jails, shelters or other parts of Trump’s anti-immigrant, deportation machinery, including corporations profiting from the dehumanization of our communities. Let us act in the knowledge that no human being is illegal anywhere, not least in a Approximately 2 out of 3 cases reported are in individuals age 25 and younger. Both country formed through violent colonialism that continues policies that create poverty, males and female cases have been reported. war, climate destruction, displacement and refugees. It is the artificial colonial borders All but one reported using both an e-cigarette and a cannabis-type product, not that are illegitimate, not our people. necessarily at the same time. One reported using flavored liquids only (no nicotine, THC, Let us open our arms to immigrants and indigenous peoples in our country and at our or CBD). Various devices and products were reported and remain under investigation. No borders with a greeting of friendship: specific vendor, product or substance has been identified as the cause. Mi casa es tu casa. My home is also your home. Public Health continues to urge healthcare providers to be on the alert for signs of NO DEPORTATIONS---DECOLONIZE THIS NATION! severe respiratory illness among patients who recently used vaping products including e-cigarettes and report cases by phone to Los Angeles County Department of Public In response to this national call, a local action has been planned for Saturday, Health at 626-299-3504. October 12. Assemble at 11 am at Grand Park. March to Downtown Sheriff For information about the dangers of vaping, see: http://publichealth. Station (211 W.Temple) and the DTLA Federal Building/Metropolitan Detention p. 10 Center (300 N. Los Angeles St - 535 N Alameda St). GLOBAL CLIMATE Many Winters Gathering of STRIKE 2019: Elders, San Pedro, Oct. 10 -14 Youth Lead the Way! ...Continued from p. 1 inspire a healthier future for Native people. The MWGOE is free and open to the public event. The MWGOE was created on October 12, 1992 - in opposition to the quincentennial celebrations of Columbus Day - to reclaim traditional spaces and dismantle the myth of Manifest Destiny to heal from historical and intergenerational trauma. Indigenous elders were central in sharing their living knowledge, daily and generational struggles while participating at the annual Gatherings over the years. In accordance with the seventh generation philosophy, the decisions made today will impact future generations. MWGOE acknowledges that with the rapid destruction and deterioration of the Earth through global warming, the contamination of water and air - the return of spiritual connection to the land and Native teachings is necessary for the survival of all living beings. The MWGOE Committee is comprised of community members representing various tribes including the local Tongva, Chumash, Ajachemen, as well as organizations: Red Earth Defense, Xican@ Records & Film, and Angels Gate Cultural Center. Ceremonial and moon time protocol will be observed at all times during the Gathering; no alcohol or drugs; Cameras, video or other recording equipment will not be allowed. For more information:, Angels Gate Cultural Center, 3601 South Gaffey Street , San Pedro, CA 90731, 310-519-0936, A few images from the Climate Strike actions last month, as kids from LA & the Bay joined 1000s in streets across the US and around the ECHOES OF FASCISM globe demanding action on greenhouse gases amendments, a mixed record of court and global warming before its too late. decisions, and the fits and starts of various administrations have failed to eradicate. Freeway 9 Expose LAPD Spying In developing his themes, Giroux is not selfish or vain. He readily shares his space from Refuse Fascism L.A. with other writers, historians, and scholars Monday, Sept. 16, Chantelle Hershberger and Miguel “Alex” Hernandez whose distinct expression of key ideas he of the LA Freeway 9 returned to court. Despite 9 jurors voting to acquit welcomes, including Tom Engelhardt, Chris them of all 12 charges in July, the City Attorney is proceeding with a Hedges, Roger Cohen, Masha Gessen, Juan Cole, Michael Tomasky, Timothy Snyder, Ruth second trial, after the hung-jury mistrial. Ben-Ghiat, Richard J. Evans, Ariel Dorfman, The hearing came days after the announcement by LAPD Chief Michel Hannah Arendt, Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt, Moore of the results of a promised “top to bottom investigation” of spying Naomi Klein, Wendy Brown, Peter Dreier, J. M. Coetzee, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Susan Sontag, by the Major Crimes Division (Anti-Terrorism Division) that was exposed Theodor W. Adorno, Stanley Aronowitz, and during the discovery proceeding in the first trial. An undercover informant many others. was sent on four occasions to infiltrate and record private conversations and The presence of these authorities strengthens Giroux’s argument. The book and its 488 Records Act, we demand the release of this footnotes serve as a valuable resource for investigation, and all associated interviews further reading and study, which is, after all, and documents. ...Continued from p. 1 one of Giroux’s essential prescriptions for “The LAPD is criminalizing anti-fascist overcoming the “knownothingness” of our protest, justifying repression and spying In the age of Trump, Giroux sees the time. It is a public service to have marshaled so at a time when the Trump/Pence fascist re-emergence of fascism in “an unceasing much evidence, statistics, and source material regime is moving rapidly to gut the rule of stream of racism, demonizing insults, within 245 pages to document the treachery not law, terrorize immigrants and foreclose the lies, and militarized rhetoric, serving only of the Trump years but of the decades that preceded them. right to protest and dissent. as emotional appeals that are endlessly Giroux considers it indispensable “for “Moore claimed that the activity of circulated and reproduced at the highest individuals, institutions, labor unions, Refuse Fascism is “criminal activity,” levels of government and the media.” educators, young people, and others not to be open to surveillance of the LAPD at any He is precise that what Trump is doing silent in the face of the current fascist turn in time anywhere. There is a pile of evidence is not simply “updated” Nazism. Instead, the United States and elsewhere.” He insists showing this is about the suppression he claims that there is a “real and present that “no one can afford to look away, fail to of political speech and protest that danger” that many of the same seeds speak out, and risk silence” in the face of meetings of Refuse Fascism held at Echo steps outside the confines of relying on that grew into fascism in the 1920s and “hatred, racism, misogyny, and deceit.” It is Park United Methodist Church. time “to build community led broad based the Democratic Party and engaging in 1930s have been planted and cultivated Chief Moore’s claims of reforms can be social movements from the bottom up” starting symbolic protest-as-usual. The problem is in American soil for years. He gathers in local communities and expanding to the state seen to be completely baseless. not alleged criminal activity on the part of the evidence in an extended and alarming and national levels. Chantelle Hershberger issued this Refuse Fascism or the Revolution Club – compendium: According to Reverend William J. Barber II, response to the LAPD findings at a press the problem is fascism. People in power have turned their founder of the New Poor People’s Campaign, conference on Friday morning: “At “In a mistrial in June, a hung jury (with backs on the cautionary histories of the such movements must be “deeply moral, deeply Tuesday’s Police Commission meeting, 9 voting for acquittal) failed to conclude fascist and Nazi regimes and, in doing constitutional, anti-racist, anti-poverty, pro- Chief Moore announced the completion the Refuse Fascism and Revolution Club so, willingly embrace a number of justice, [and] pro-labor.” of the LAPD’s review of their spying on defendants were guilty of a crime (for authoritarian messages and tropes: the cult Giroux has no time for “banal resistance.” Refuse Fascism. Moore announced that He takes the Democratic Party to task for the unfurling a banner on the 101 freeway of the leader, the discourse of the savior, they found no wrongdoing in their spying role the presidencies of Bill Clinton and Barack reading “Trump/Pence Regime Must white nationalism, a narrative of decline, Obama played “in creating the economic, and no violation of protocols, despite the Go!”). But the Chief comes out and says unchecked casino capitalism, systemic political, and social conditions for Trump’s fact that an infiltrator was sent into a church that sounding the alarm about fascism racism, silence in the face of a growing election in 2016,” although he does not identify to record meetings and conversations with – at great personal risk – is not only police state, the encouragement of state those conditions or elaborate on how they are activists. criminal, but the basis for surveillance endorsed violence, the hollowing out of to blame for Trump’s election. While he does “In keeping with the long, bloody history and political repression. These defendants democracy by corporate power, a grotesque not disavow resistance, he demands that it be of LAPD spying and political repression, should be celebrated – not harassed and celebration of greed, a massive growth redefined “as inseparable from fundamental Moore’s comments amount to saying: “it’s criminalized.” in the inequality of wealth, power and change that calls for the overthrow of capitalism fine because we say so.” The allegedly itself.” City Attorney Mike Feuer brought resources, a brutal politics of disposability, independent Police Commission gives Inspired by the courage and vision of 57 misdemeanor charges against 11 an expanding culture of cruelty, and a Frederick Douglass and so many others, this a rubber stamp – with no evidence, no defendants, members of Refuse Fascism disdain for public virtues, all wrapped up Giroux’s commanding and profound book transparency, inconsistencies in Moore’s and the Revolution Club, for taking actions in an authoritarian populism. demands much from all of us in this ominous comments and nothing in place to stop calling for massive non-violent sustained Here, Giroux names most of the essential and threatening period in U.S. history. “Now is them in the future except an empty promise political protest to drive the fascist Trump/ targets that he unpacks. This is his bill the time to talk back,” he writes, “embrace the of reforms... promises the LAPD has made Pence regime from power in the Fall of of particulars, his indictment of both the radical imagination in private and public, and and broken again and again. 2017 and Spring of 2018. Trump administration and the conditions work until radical democracy becomes a reality. “Refuse Fascism demands to know Refuse Fascism is currently calling for that the far-right has been engineering There is no other choice.” the evidence for why they are saying we national meetings “to consider and plan for decades. These conditions are based Stephen Rohde is a retired were involved in “criminal activity,” for sustained non-violent mass protest to on principles of white supremacy baked constitutional lawyer, lecturer, the extent of the spying operation, who begin this October .” More information at into the founding of our country that writer, and political activist. approved it, who was involved and how even a civil war, several Constitutional p. 11 high it went. In addition to filing a Public Change-Links Community Calendar & News PO Box 34236 , (we

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You can help revive and rebuild KPFK and Pacifica KPFK and rebuild can help revive You Grassroots Staff Candidates: Polina Vasiliev & Jeanette Charles Staff & Jeanette Charles Grassroots Vasiliev Polina Candidates: Restore Pacifica’s Commitment to Peace & Justice Commitment to Peace Pacifica’s Restore Support Financial Transparency & Listener Engagement Transparency Support Financial Israel May Face First Arab to Lead Face Israel May Defend Spanish Language & Other Community Programming & Other Community Spanish Language Defend Vote for Grassroots Community Radio Coalition Radio Community Grassroots for Vote Former political prisoner Oscar López Rivera was the keynote speaker at prisoner Oscar López Former political HUNDREDS MARCH ON U.N. ON MARCH HUNDREDS FOR Former political prisoners Jimenez, Lopez Cortes Rivera, and Jimenez, political marched. prisoners Former INDEPENDENCE OF PUERTOINDEPENDENCE RICO Lawrence Lydia Matt Rick Jeff Jeff Rick Matt Lydia Lawrence Sedillo Macias Silberman Ponce Reyes

The Boricua Independentist Front is a coalition of Puerto Rican organizations organizations Rican of Puerto coalition a is Front Independentist Boricua The the for movement mass a building of goal their in united individuals and the United States and Puerto Rico. independence of Puerto Rico throughout than for more has worked diligently The Front City, York New Based in colonial state of Puerto Rico and its a year to raise awareness about the abominable results. a colony of the United States and, For 120 years, Puerto Rico has been Ana M. López, spokesperson for El Frente, “the UN according to Professor demanding has passed 35 resolutions, on Decolonization Committee Special that the United States transfer all powers to Puerto Ricans so that they can law clearly International and independence. exercise their self-determination against humanity and must be eradicated is a crime states that colonialism immediately.” the activity scheduled at Dag Hammarskjold Park Plaza on 47th Street and Park Plaza on scheduled at Dag Hammarskjold the activity at the event and at the Also present in front of the United Nations. Avenue First Alicia and Lucy Rodríguez, prisoners, Press Conference, were former political and Norberto Jiménez Adolfo Matos, Edwin Cortés, Ricardo Luis Rosa, González Claudio. Odeh blasted Gantz, as lacking courage and being against true equality for all citizens of Israel, for all citizens Odeh blasted Gantz, as lacking courage and being against true equality after the head of Blue & White seemingly rejected an historic offer by Hadash and the Joint List, coalition Ahronoth, to join a government Yedioth newspaper in the Israeli published a day earlier led by Gantz, if the latter met a number of demands. 12 Channel told Odeh hand. of out offer Odeh’s dismissed party White & Blue the of Members court, but he has not returned it — he is the intransigent news on Saturday: “The ball is in Gantz’s one,” and continued: “I don’t know why he rejects my offer; ifhe is against these.”Odeh also apparently it. However, social justice – he should accept hedemocracy, really is for peace, equality, attacked Gantz for his ambiguity regarding peace efforts with the Palestinians. “I’ve never heard it is so we can move He should say what him speak of two-states,” Odeh said. “He has no platform. 1990s, the in Rabin Yitzhak] Minister Prime [former like be to courage the has Gantz ...If forward. referring said, Odeh Ziad,” Tawfik like be to world, the in respect the all and courage the have will I of establishment who voted to support the to the late Communist leader and Hadash chairman negotiations the Oslo peace to enter Party head the Labor in 1992, allowing government Rabin’s occur. may and a 3rd election however, Netanyahu, has refused to join Gantz months later. several Joint List chair, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash), was interviewed by Israel’s Reshet Bet by Israel’s Odeh (Hadash), was interviewed Ayman MK Joint List chair, general 17 September the of outcomes discuss possible August, to in radio B) (Network Party forms a White Blue & elections. Odeh told his audience that if Benny Gantz’s to 13 bloc of 11 a projected Likud, Odeh, leading with Netanyahu’s unity government parties. opposition Knesset the of head Arab first the as emerge will Knesset, the in seats Odeh said, adding that if Gantz ripe,” or intellectually “Gantz is neither politically courage – I would have had the courage to join a blocking bloc.” “had Rabin’s in opposition of the leader the invite must minister prime the law, Israeli to According update and with confer to month, a once than no less often but as needed, Knesset, the opposition, Knesset the of leader the becomes indeed Odeh if Thus, affairs. state on him and affairs foreign on him with meet regularly to minister prime the obligate would this state security. The Front also marched for the immediate abolition of the Fiscal of the Fiscal abolition Front also marched for the immediate The for colonialism, fair compensation after 121 years of US Control Board, for debt and for the of the illegal for the cancellation protection, environmental government. corrupt government and the U.S. federal end of the puppet local They also marched in observation and reflection of the second anniversary for our children and to future They marched for a better of Hurricane Maria. honor our former political prisoners. by Jaine Torres Torres, Uncensored Press Torres, Torres by Jaine a out carried Front) (The Front Independentist Boricua The 151st Nations on the United the towards mobilization massive invoking United They marched Grito de Lares. anniversary of El Nations Resolution 1514 (XV) to finallybegin thein the colony oldest for the and independence decolonization process of Rico. “new world,” Puerto