“We came away very impressed by how well our m-banking system has performed KEY HIGHLIGHTS on the Sun Enterprise™ 10000 server.” Martijn Gribnau Company Manager, Internet Competence Center Postbank Postbank

Industry/Market Retail Banking One of the biggest potential “killer apps” our e-business programming standard,” for mobile computing platforms is banking. said Postbank’s Martijn Gribnau, Internet Customer Environment As one of the largest retail banks in the Competence Center Manager, who was • Two Sun Enterprise™ 10000 servers • 10 Sun Enterprise 220R Netherlands, Postbank looked to mobile responsible for the m-banking channel. technology as a natural extension to its over rack-mounted servers On July 15, 2001, Postbank, in cooperation • Solaris™ operating environment 7 million account holders. “We were seeking with a large mobile communications carrier, • Sun™ Cluster software environment to maintain our image as banking innova- became the first Dutch bank to introduce • Oracle® database tors,” according to Geert van Spronsen, • iPlanet™ Directory Server m-banking services, and in the first three member of the board at Postbank. “This • J2EE™ technology-based months, has processed over 1.4 million application server would be a great way to retain and grow transactions at 99%+ service levels. The • IBM MQSeries messaging our customer base.” system, which also is used for “top-up” Key Business Challenges Postbank wanted to get its m-banking initia- prepayment of mobile calling time, was • Become the first Dutch bank to offer tive right the first time. And it aimed to completed thanks to the work of Sun, fully integrated mobile banking get its new m-banking program on line within Macalla, CMG Finance BV, PinkRoccade, and integrated call credit services to consumers a very strict six-month timeframe, structured ING-ITC (Information Technology Centre), • Design scalable application capable of on sound commercial principals. This was and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. “We had handling up to 500,000 customers from required in order to take advantage of a an unbeatable team that truly delivered,” day one at 99%+ service levels, and up to 7 million customers thereafter. summer savings campaign that would give said Gribnau. • Design first retail banking application away free mobile phones providing access to relying on real-time processing this new banking service. The goal was a huge Extending the Market challenge, given the scale of the deployment, As one of The Netherlands’ largest retail Key Business Solutions and the fact that this would be Postbank’s • Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform banks, Postbank does not have a huge • J2EE™ technology platform first true real-time banking application. brick and mortar branch network. Instead, • Sun multi-domain server architecture Postbank looked to Sun, its established Postbank has built its large market presence and clustering solutions e-business platform, and a team comprised through a huge telephone banking opera- tion, whose call centers are staffed by Key Business Benefits of CMG Finance BV, a systems integrator, and • Maintains reputation of innovation Macalla Software, whose Mobile Commerce over 1600 people. Furthermore, the bank • Maintains customer loyalty and builds Platform offered a scalable, ™ technology has also built up a large Internet banking platform for growth through transition presence and is continuing to explore to mobile banking based solution that was truly platform-inde- other communications channels. Therefore, • Provides platform for support of pendent. “Macalla was the only one to further innovative applications offer an off-the-shelf solution, and it was adding m-banking was highly consistent throughout the ING group the only one that supported Java technology, with Postbank’s multi-channel retail strategy. RETAIL BANKING

“We wanted to be the first mover among Dutch Choosing the Mobile Platform banks, since we were aware that our direct From the start, Postbank decided that the competitors were also thinking about mobile m-banking solution had to be off-the-shelf and banking,” according to van Spronsen. standards-based. “We did not want any solution Postbank planned to introduce the m-banking that would force us to maintain proprietary program in time for the 2001 summer holiday interfaces,” said Gribnau. Though the proposed season. Because most Dutch salaried workers system was complex, choosing the solution was are issued holiday bonuses in late spring, the surprisingly simple. According to Gribnau, Dublin, vacation season has always been prime time Ireland-based Macalla Software provided the only for the introduction of new retail banking open off-the-shelf alternative. promotions and products. Traditionally, most “Because of our extensive experience in deploying summer promotions are planned the previous mobile commerce platforms incorporating payments fall. For ambitious efforts like Postbank’s and alerts capabilities for banks and mobile opera- m-banking initiative, that left very little time. “By tors, we were able to understand and respond the time that we decided on the m-banking quickly to Postbank’s requirements,” noted Jerome program in late 2000, we knew that we didn’t O’Flaherty, Macalla’s Chief Technical Officer. have time to implement this project in a traditional way,” said Gribnau. The Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform provides a component-based application platform that delivers secure transactional and informational services to multiple devices across wireless, Sun Enterprise 10000 server provides scalable, mirrored platform Internet, voice and interactive digital TV channels. for Postbank’s first real-time consumer mobile banking Based on the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™), the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform and integrated pre-paid call credit application. provides a robust secure payments server, and personalized messaging server, plus other modules that handle communications to multiple end user devices. Integration with back end applications, and client-side message decryption Not only was project lead time short, but the and display are also provided. stakes were enormous. Because the bank served a huge customer base, the system had to be With the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform, designed for scalability. “While most banking Postbank could keep its options open regarding products can be gradually scaled up, in this case, which end user devices to target, while providing within the first couple of weeks, we expected to a component-based platform that supported get 500,000 customers,” said Gribnau, who added rapid development, ease of upgrade, massive that the system would likely encounter peak scalability, and open interfaces. loads from the start, as new customers signed “Java technology helps us construct an approach on, just for curiosity. “There would be no second that is as open as possible,” according to Karl chance. We had to get this right the first time.” Jordan, Director of Strategic Alliances for Macalla, There were other technical hurdles to manage who added, “Our mobile commerce platform takes besides scalability. For starters, said Gribnau, this full advantage of standard Java technologies. was one of the first Postbank retail banking For instance, client interactions within the plat- systems that would rely on real-time processing. form are handled through the use of Java servlets. Furthermore, Postbank was targeting a market Additionally, Java servlets and JavaServer P ages™ with a technology that was still evolving. (JSP™ pages) are used for rendering client displays “With the competition between WAP and future and specifying security protocols.” alternatives, like wireless PDAs and broadband According to Macalla’s O’Flaherty, this architecture technologies like GPRS, we had to make sure enables the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform that our m-banking system would be device-inde- to take advantage of J2EE’s scalability. “Because pendent,” noted Gribnau. servlets sit within the J2EE environment, our appli- cations can easily take advantage of appserver functions such as load balancing and failover by using industry-standard interfaces,” he said. POSTBANK ON SUN SUCCESS STORY

This was a huge plus, according to Gribnau. “The Ten rack-mountable Sun Enterprise 220R servers fact that the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform were used as web servers and for functions such was based on J2EE standards was important to as encryption. us,” he said, noting that Postbank already had “We used the Sun web server machines because a strong Java technology knowledge base within they provided just the right power and memory its IT organization. Furthermore, the fact that requirements that we needed,” explained Gribnau. the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform ran on Sun platforms was another key advantage. “We For this project, 12 additional CPUs configured have been using Sun Enterprise™ 4500 servers for as two new processing domains on each Sun our Girotel Internet banking application for Enterprise 10000 server, were added to host the several years, and have been very happy with components of the Macalla Mobile Commerce the reliability and performance,” said Gribnau. Platform, the IBM WebSphere application server, and the Postbank m-banking applications. The Heavy Lifting “We placed a lot of resources to develop the Postbank worked closely with CMG and Macalla necessary load balancing, clustering, and failover to develop a scalable application that would work to support this system,” said Gribnau. There right the first time. A core infrastructure was were other hurdles. For instance, although the already in place to provide reliable service for new Solaris™ operating environment could handle Postbank’s existing Internet banking projects, advanced 64-bit processing, the project team which included: decided to implement 32-bit to ensure that • Two Sun Enterprise 10000 servers, with 36 and back end components, including WebSphere and 32 CPUs respectively, deployed in a mirrored MQSeries, could function properly. Furthermore, configuration with 5 processing domains apiece, although the system had ample capacity to for handling the Oracle® transaction database; handle anticipated loads, the Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform server was configured to • An iPlanet™ LDAP Directory Server and other avoid network overload. application-level processes for handling authen- tication and business logic access; Through stress testing, the project team grew assured that their part of the system could easily • Sun Cluster software for providing availability handle the load. “Our questions were over the and reliability to the existing services; mobile networks, because WAP gateways were not the most stable part of the infrastructure,” noted Gribnau.

Postbank Postbank Legacy Systems Mobile mBanking and Mobile Carrier Environment Carrier Systems

Top-Up Postbank Payment SMS/UCP Systems Mobile SMSC Phones GSM WML Sun Cluster Failover WAP GW Mobile Carrier Pre-pay mBanking Authorization

Sun Enterprise 220R Servers (Web Servers)

Clustered Sun Enterprise 10000 Servers (7 mirrored Solaris domains)

Postbank iPlanet LDAP Server Internet Banking Apps Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform mBanking/Top-Up Apps Mobile Carrier WebSphere J2EE Server System Maintenance Oracle Database

Postbank m-banking system architecture POSTBANK ON SUN SUCCESS STORY

Overwhelming Demand Platform launches a series of secure instructions between Postbank’s and the mobile carrier’s The new service was designed to offer mobile enterprise systems, authenticating the customer, access to Postbank’s retail banking services, verifying the customer has sufficient funds, and the mobile operator’s pre-paid call credit facili- then completes the transaction. ties, along with mobile services from Genie, BT’s mobile Internet portal. To start the service, Aside from a few minor opening day disruptions, Postbank and the mobile carrier offered their the system has delivered the promised service customers a free, specially preconfigured Siemens levels since going live in mid summer. “We came M35i Internet enabled phone. away very impressed by how well our m-banking system has performed on the Sun Enterprise 10000 server,” said Gribnau. The Macalla architec- “This project was an excellent example of a collaborative approach ture turned out to be the right solution for the between a financial institution and a mobile operator. The Macalla problem, according to Macalla’s O’Flaherty. “This project validated our distributed architecture, Mobile Commerce Platform, based on Java™ technology and and proved the scalability of Java technology,” open interfaces, provided the essential infrastructure for such a he said. Macalla’s Jordan added, “The Macalla Mobile Commerce Platform provided the essential business model.” infrastructure that enabled a financial institution Karl Jordan, and mobile operator to undertake a real collabora- Director of Strategic Alliances tive business approach.” Since going live, the m-banking system has With Postbank scheduled to go live in mid-July, processed over 1.4 million transactions. For the it began promoting the system in late May to bank, the system delivers valuable new services build up public interest in the new technology. that could reduce customer churn, and in the The country showed great enthusiasm for mobile long run, add a new low-cost channel for serving banking, with demand for the service proving customers. For the mobile network operator, much stronger than expected. “Although we the venture increased its Dutch subscriber base planned for 500,000 handsets, we received by 50%. over 640,000 requests to our initial offer,” Mobile banking provided “tremendous improve- recalled Gribnau. ment in cost effectiveness,” said van Spronsen, The service combines encrypted SMS messaging who added, “By offering m-banking, we will be and WAP, which is used for delivering secure able to add and consolidate our banking channels. banking services, including bill payment, funds This was the toughest project in my life. There was transfers, account balances, and stock prices. In a lot at stake and very high security issues,” he the near future, Postbank plans to add new noted, concluding, “We have made a revolution services such as securities trading. At the heart in banking services.” of the system, the Macalla Mobile Commerce

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