12 THE WASHINGTON HERALD, SUNDAY, 3fARCH 14, 1013. NEWS OF ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORP: How Submarine Is Revolutionizing Warfare and Rules of the Came Social Activities of Posts and Navy Yards Told in Dispatches

i iif development of the German sdbnia- - I ..-;-'i- . ov- - . I" .unwise, 1 t. is ml n l'ic(uk nnn itiL- - iT Mta iui ii:u iului.-- i. of Usr daughter. Mrs. McMilllan. wife of eapes of t!i "hc-a- i akc :u Tangier eally. a repioduetUn the design of inasmuch as manr recruits fin jl ! aij . .1..,-- ., ,, ,.t,-- , .ic .. ,;i,.u r,V,, Hi.ir a" we lehVi.. it is, that the present r.nsum .McMilllan. left recently lor An- - Sound. th rennsylvanla. are lost to the service by an interrun-- ( Washington Navy ,11 t;ou-gre- lias the Held of naval uUon or deadlock i at the Yard napollt." ieoompanie.1 by .Mr.' Mi.Milliati Tl.e w ill I at .V .,ik for slur-- . ... wic iiieinou 01 enlistment. low int.. , ikt con- - n.-- '"acal,!c to the ,i:.lit, .,f distribution and daughter. I.oulre. IT The new designs have taken into has authorize,; elasticity w.rlaio a factor n..t covered thus eic. from May to Mav and' . . . attain a certain ensin-eiin- means d far liy international law. Tin- hiwii of the faetilu and the On Monday. April ;. ,he Washington to Narragaiisetl liar ; e !?"',--" l "' Tela, in the enlisted force so that it is not" wc ilt "'" . '"': .A.ln- Dro-- for jjhiliir expression, have not i i ...... - obligatory upon place which th. submarine has taken in h jXaiy Vard. will be ffiven the annual hall iur liiu i;..in'-.-- ijri'in-i- lluy i. alio .:tty ..r", ... . the naval authorities something to come under-wal- . 10 the '.erman nay as an offensive here that in time for the hf Army N'avy ,. The v.s.-el-s or the lle.t will go to vision tor iiiiwubi keep tne aggregate strength within the and 1 will render impossible? If it ! or tnc in seems to have changed the conditions of warfare The .twenti -- seventh annual re- AriTlV anri MIiM. home jai.ls ror docking local.se the etlcct xpiu'"... " auinorize.i number, provided that at is not our armies our workshops NW .nfhruic v- ' the year attack upon enemy vhlps that perliap- -t but port has just beer, published, so J J """' ' "" -- - ls ". n' '""' " end of the an average has been really count, competi- the ' :"i " "Y'" late-- or naval "d"cjl t it- old justincatn.il for Hying th lias that international leacue h., .1,...... , .. ' in Hampton lt...id- - h June II. from met. The t phase ""T maintained. tion in time of peace will become the pre- er.fi....i T,1, opment in Kuropean waurs. the succesj.- - of a neutral to escape capture, or de- quarter or a century and has" ne off I XavY TVpanineni lus made an whleli the is scheduled to - server of peace. -cn ful su- struction may no longer exist. that nu.ro than conqueror. iiiuMli-.- c ct,n,ate' "rt fnr "" lias able I(,' start on the ciulse .0 the l'a.llle on June exteniiii.ation of the l.erman re- At each ..- -- . . For with equality of resources the th-- - so ' . - - .. UVn naval warfaic wa eon.luct.il following pmjer is use-l- : io uiiiier the existins cireunistaiices. -- Tlio aetue uotilla will oer- i:iane. ... sult of war. a deadlock such as now 11: re- - u autnoriiiej. itirely on the surface of the water th. "(I most powerful and glorious U.rd i or ," l'ost t,f establishiiiK :1 plar.t for haul from April II to .May the ill" naval mai. will known beforehand. Let no 11. !i ..1.-- -n expectea as Local Army and Navy Notes rj.r to hoard the suspected ship le Sod. the l.ord t.f me consiruction or Whil.. . serve iorp..io .una win o ei naiu iroi son" thlnij whi. w.is one, huinani-becaus- c Hosts that rulesl and aircrart. the howeter, al.ate an abstract naval or..,o-.- d ,, Ma 1 June W flotilla the inevitable consequence or tne acn and examine her papers with a certain commandesi nil things: voaehsafo we authorities are to such to :the submarine : of formality. Ad- of such an abstract humani- plant, yet If ("oncresa overhaul from until ily and effectU cness of the submarines. decree leisure and beseech Thee to bless the officers and requires it. it June B. Aleahire. 4uartermajter Sen-er- al in m tarian consideration as thl. It Is we men been r..r s. rvkc; the Arkansa-- . New Jersey. Gen. J. miral Stockton his latest woll: of our army and navy. (Jrant that recommended that the work be don oai- - of the army, left Washington re- fear, as yet but aji academic speculation. ' na is l possess a dirigtb.e int rnational law describes the ceremony in the midst or the danpers and tempta- - eithf r at the Philadelphia or NorrolU Minnesota, an.l Vermont will anive at The Ark., - - vflili possesses acceptable proposal n cently for Hot Sprinss. where ho or iKuitdiiii.- th,- officers country initially th.-n- i avy muder-m.-infu- r..r on .May I. loon, provided an in which must '"r "e tions uhi.-- bset they may light lard, these jards havim; a ll hon.c var.ls weeks treat- . military advantage will alway, .Vine-layin- g pin- - in reply to an invitation for hid" will remain for several for .rrj and such arms. etc. In thns.. '",' ncr.inst the woId, the llcsii. ",e amount of space Tor testing work. A and swe. e.veiciis villi teeeived able more or less to choose the tune pl-.- c Ik. mad- - hy tha bureau or ment. IluritiK his absence Gen. II. G. tlK- ship was stopi'eo' by a shot tired and devil, leni.-tin-g considerable portion nri.-n- r th-- icserve flotilla will la1, at shortly to d.is the and all evil by .,( the aviation Sharp 1m quartermaster peneral and the place ror the position of the iK nsa-o- la Apiil t Apiil . supplie.i an.l accounts. The actlnK a ross hT bow, and either the vessel the .piKt of Th Ohostli streiiRth. may ! Plant already :iallable at these yards, i'. rroni t.. pre- - stalemate. We have not et leacheo oiil.-- "Xa . . Department has A concert wa held recentlj at th.j ua released, her passengers and crew acquire true courage in but b.- - of the . the hour of ceitain spe.lii uonlil rr c - . Myeit the limit of our destructive pow.-is- an.l t.;s by spr-cii- nam.- tor a uiu.iuu " ...c Administration Building at Fort leqng remove.l to a p.ae. of safety, or dancer and the day of pros- - , quired. Sonic Ih- - l'roi.ipt action has be. n taken Pared - evjH-c- t the battle: dela would epeii neces- until we do We cannot IH'.f-l- ll-'- t with the Sonie of movinR pictures taken, of lie was takm into port with a prize that wai 4t I limit 111 tllil n...! rxf .llir ..Aim. Itl l inili.r .. .11 t, ... the Navy Kepartmi-n- n. continuing tyr the will automatically laconic iiiiix.ssible." ki- -p ,1,e w,""': of ta-- pow.rf.ll radio sary power p.an the troops nt Kort Jlyer last samtflor crew. tri'.s honor; them safe from ene - ; ehanics. who would have to ' tollon-in- e - I baKooi, w were exhibited. After the concert H it in tin- attack of the submarine, mies. spiritual ,,,,1 temporal, that thev with the impo, tan.-- , perfect work,",! j "one. the interruption of which The fpt. of .llnien.--.-ii- ., o. . eet . a number invisibility and surprise ma glorify Thee upon the mip. was threatened at one time during len, th V ajie imii Duncan Klliot entertained at aie eartn. until iuart.-r- i succes-- . tiling I' t''.-- i "a- his as a s.irt of a farewe.l. 'i to There le no a shot aie alle.1 to rest in the triumph of The approxiiin..- ,u.l c-- t l"" ,a" - "l l" 'a' a,j pounds of . I.PNV " .Snpria .:i..i-v- .,....,. ... . whe-- i point was"""" - wil! haie a capacitj of havinrr since left for a month's v?it ross t..e bow to lorce a halt nor can Want: lilin ti .i,r,..,i. Jl.' a of order n.a.i oart in- - an.l with tuat lull to the exposition at San Francisco. ;m visit and s.arch in view 1...I.1 A nii'ii and cstablk-hlii-g nirnhiftl an ;.pproiH:itiun of S0iVH0 li.l .... ,. . .. or.hr. an aircraft facto'i. ..- -. ... . eun-.i.lr- - .. as'-eii- t of least uxJ . m- - i. ...i...... " of m at '"apt. G. S. Turner. Seventh tnited ti.01 :.'i.;:.i no vinall Iviats ti.. - ..!.... the the ot a capacity ' ' T",.. "v ""- de-- .amine su?p-.-tin- sib; hearts with of two or three machines t ballast and a To the Eilitui" This is a from .'"ir. '"r" '"""''Ki-l- i - i ...... om .Psim.s on of States Infantry, arrived in Washington ,.f ovmi. Also the ..f the w( I11F1I IT innnthli- ...-.- ..r m,....l. i, , . u. "'"' cv....,,VZl J us lem.nal niA..li.r ,.i.u...... pi.i.-e,- r.l "",,,r !,... i -- -- llAF- a -- ..ttl is Hl lie ll'" nriv-:,-! l l ! fei-p.-r- hor t., .lo n:.x lot,, the- in-- - ". ' elll IlmiuA 'itid Si'ellt at III ll,u " f.t I recently on leave of absence. Ho and crew to u plate of safety .. , .Navy to ihf. ll...-- - .. - An. t i I ili.n-.- - A .'""".irmy anil and iur mated eo.U of turning Mich 01 o.v- .t-.- unnili.-nt- liu lib. n li.i....,. wlir.tipir out machines eeioi-.- i i question. e attacking ; T i OI1 now il-- j : a 10 necessa f pio- - from the auiiu.ie slaying at tne i alter iteea v.enerai out of the sin. the 7 - ti.m lo ofTorfa in under the pi mitlees the ii bareiy accommoda- nun tut: prtrinL".""'aiiiiv rifle. lia- no .sent nay ar.l cott :,sten. vidlne; ieotiately for the completion The Mpecincation-ais- o cu.t o. ww ..- pita;. underwater craft ha , is about tir-- a iioiibt there a hnmlr. d t $;,.. This not include the loonettt The dirislb'e will nave twin Mis. Thurber. mother of tion lor its ,mn crew. ' of this project, oricinall; estimated - I eon or the 01' th--- Is a s Tn twelve liavu coiii!ii.s.sionil roniiel. 1 1.(10.1. (Ml... no'-- ftcrcws r.. ftquiremenf . If th. ..f the submarine, ar riTn. . to eoet but which will Th.rd Field entartalr.c.I I siltril eniplojr-.- leave, holiday d's- - trip ot niieen to be ict.fi m war to .ion a ood nmnj uieli" .uid anioin: and cost, it is found, l.".00,ni, a;, au ,.ci i'ui nmnce on tne trial at .uncaeon recently at Fort Jlyc- Ma r.t Norfolk Navy Yard al.tliti, apd other heail In puffy without itoppimr. . j - n.tioq with -- iirfae it naj be thni sonit r pood nvi by Coiii. miles a ilcfioske-- His. l'utnam. and MrtA i" ..liars, s not at present In thorized possess a spee.1 of . . .. tt.mc-- cj- Now am t.ia!l thr Included th. j fir-- t The rilrizibl. must of W'prliliiston Barrack., whet ih old rule as to the icuoi.nt tl-- At the ime the estimate w;? I aftr COrt Ol' Work i.ml doeu Inclorln .i tv.cnt-.-1'.-.- e mil.-.- - - s inakinp .1 it' Ikii t would itnt P' hour nnd mutt 01 a ral nop s whoi'y applicable Itore-- of Xoi-r..ll- Vi... May made (on1p;ir.ilti.,li lutle was known wiiici al! attended the drill and tea licit -- Margaret (question of patent speed continuously - 1 - m l r!Kht! of thes . - m-- abb- to make t! ri.il Adtrili-istratio- n ih- . as.-- tt iii.t. ans- in'tbi-- war. ttiat a rifle ton.d mol lor a 1111 j ti- : - dane.- At tea dance the in fatten Ins etui .i of he cot. of ructtoi. and . I.- sppropria-il.-- n trie at d red fioiu a Msit iprobabiv would run the l.-.- Thete an t.i- ot .ubinarine t.. joint .sho i. th I'Olt a.t'.al coit much it was realized th:--t for Buil.hnar Mrs. Kdtvln I'arke-wa- To limit vois 'lf.!ip in Wnsh.iiRton and New Voil. III- s ligur.-..- . ' siallaiion. and ff- - In the ,,iili .,!-- . would fnm thr- ti tlie , ft. Of ' aboe Imposed was ! Sl.."i.i." .md Mrs. Menoher served or"itioiis daft tt AlKs .Mnrsaiet iir.ind of Iti.itt.iore, .he limit of ii"T then compJied with 53no.'KO whl.-- hotei ' M) it Id t ' ;i ;or navy, as ,fa- - ior- - th.- roll thr inattaal - - . :o prove With " were yellow to t.ik. iroi.i the B'lest of and A 'desiined inndeiUi.te. 1m for aviation ' u'corations - v.iJu.-- . 115 ery handily, tentative foi tiie woik of e- - Coiicre.-- s aitroi'.iaicd .' t'leir pc- ultr.i nTid el to permit ar that i: nt the sir-- . the JiOO.OO" i.o-- availabb until j quils r sister, an.l William Ilalaey. 111 - -- . .b-- in-- 01 11 tb- as rroni the puposc riMf If a man en AT.ij. S. the eesels of the Atlantic :Wt ir beinp - pio.-e.-- the .im': It is. I S r.nr tiee ' tlf v ho has the jrur-n-t . perilled, it to al ( i.teit. e:ai Coffman. V. s hi- - 'ireuier. b"n " at-." ltp.-r- :i gnu t nftM -. i -- f and k'tp 'aril I.- .Hid Alt.- - left rect.iitly rur worked out et the Navj Iiepartment. In oticr with otistiti'-tio- of the ' and Mrs. "ofinian are now stopping at .111,1 sAutt 1 l;.d. - t.. l.ltlO-bK- .1 ItalUle o" Sl.altll he has a alnntae. Hut Ins borne ,n ;len. M.l. sieel towers tor the stain mi' :.t Sati. Tiie Army jrdr.ai.ee Ucpkrtmeiit is 'tthe AvomUle, 173-- P .street northwest - i.tJ tli- forest 'accordance therewith, the llucidiin and in modem waifar.- that e;4imot do ll. and lIk-- majority Imc-- o. r.o HtepE o. UeR A. I". P. A., re re na..l S. Lonu. 1". s. X. is . Honolulu, and Maml... nnd bids lue taken iur acnuirenm xel..n Jliles. fred. - - 'art four d! bnttlesliip-.- Ih- ik.- An wbnor- I of n he.l l.. in it ln.m.u iol imv. mnot. ,. v . .1.1.. m W luliln-.nn ls.n. eicept those opened week and .ortr..ets Htinoivi! motor cars under tne iiem in iur advocated le'fo. e the Xew Hamphtro i'Keii lonp-aum- vere last .. - t d mnn nnsht cr lfta-he- .l avproprlatlns Vf- - e "A t .i in utral nation.- lo the mallr ol. I.ej-"u- n. r. s. M "'., spent sr;V6ral for servi.e in Jtexican waters awarded for this iork army cot leglslatu.-- on edpesday the to - p th.- tne ra-- the i,olt , . purp-jse- . thru il.ics for ptotoction of Run atid without iuinr .lays al the marine barracks recentlv on and those who:-.- lesulur overhattl per'rsls for that ontempIatcd tests erect a of j'aee" at ,, HlKClc-iit.- - dernngin In- - but 11101 of u li;v c .r b ain Tiie enter- - navy yards occur cov- - Ti.e - fo r the new ..f r.ctor-Iriv- vehicles to determine.,., Ohio. : P" earsVif tli- - huii!-d- r .Pit. enlisted men at durini; the time ' t.n...i.ve .:, - I to take the nlle partial;, from tau-e- hi-- , - four-roun- bo-v- - arm , peace .etw.-e-- i fihnuirin I nfur.'ern. pi hoiioi- with d ere.l by the schedule will operate as fob battleships, authorized at the recent their suitability...... tor arawinu neiu ,n. t'ie cart it tn :h left in order to - and Is. pic- - Gusn-l-ii- " nave oeen com- - ueav, .uou. ,.,...... - t - - iur uts. s.iiciur and dancinc lows The fleet will remain at sessii.n ol t onKrcss. urv ni oiner Lnueu i ih revolutionary j - ae-f.- .t inarm'' 0jpct anj 0ad throwin- ju.4 eon- -. occ.-isio- 0 film". ..lid a magician. tanam" and continue pr.irtice until April l TiieeM Ii.oveier. no purposes in thld country ha'. Deen The lust kii; iril. ar Fort Jive- - w' . tor of iin upon waifar -- ' - miliunr. Pletely oif youi taiqet 1" plan- by Isj-- rf of the vehicles at - na.-hin- - pt. IVIan... s. .. 'i. when it will sell (or Hampton lionds. imme.liaie action on the - by nondellve be held next Fridaj. On the fnllowirs t tu tnc ilu'i1-- most riot-- . obje i wlic- ly-i- n j. hss r.port.i ' likr.il The tion i"ot dm- - will '.as- on .Vif. It is .xpecle.!. Kock IsUnd , In the vicinity of Fridi-- y .. ex- - r va-- .ai . teintiriiy fiorn three months The i'eet Hampton Rn:ob t'ie Itcpni'ircnt and Satur.la there wil: k.n.N Thicii hnvo dow 11. tin you seti-ral- lake ' l ieaAe. from pr.l .May n wil". ' iint.-tl..- whic.i place the tests will be he.d hibition drills, .,t " - cIock. 1.. ,t "f-- not Mionch; Vi.-- tick I' until and eptan't however, there beslnn'tic t'at in th" Iit. nrin er.urse. w iU- - -. - . - - l : ! - - J Mrs. Pa tn- in practi-- np, It. n. pit t. One vehicle-- four wheel fo, rm- - . - i - ilett ho has e'een suest target othri work off the ch.inee tht desii of the tne benefit of the ...id Navi t i :n ih'r- - jf or the empties fro-i- v.. tf- rifle most of them :o.ti. M. C. A. an.l the polo fin ,1 Presi un-- in rtsi-r- you 111 lie ,:.'. i'rs 7r''d!.i fae. List ;.ar at jli'. also In connection with experiments to dent Wilson Is expected to oe present rpp'nlof it in i am for one ramje 1 was twice on the the city last Fridai. President Drinker. . schools Mls Mat? instruct, nofe y, -- - ' sp ascertain tiie best method of protectlnir at the drill on March and the Seer. ;mrl 1 , tii- nl mar" an-- oner over tiu eye ijy eiclit shells of the same Institution, told what moJ - in the Nw Vork Fnlversit.i. .1, j - NOTES OF THE SCHOOLS. by shields the men and machine tary of on . way now .ilc-. wtA Xf,w- se- ern unlversltie- - help nunll- -. i H. R Bennett directoi metal War March Tne adles a t., to thrown from the chamlei. This is a ;tie dolnr to cial schools. thereby. Probably the mill Myer - ct'T.j approach - left- Atlantic 'lt w.is.feun. carried at Fort will serv. tea in tin. hov a uoarcl to su'- rious handicap in shooting for the i nhvlcal culture in i: -- ' ,,.-., - ta J" will require . room on both days. i. i of i'istraction vI:Ioh ha U be metin2 of Teachers' Aid and ti.ilmnc work in W"a'i 'rvtce ai i iTitimls hander. t nh.hl. ,. - Teams, repiesentlns '"entrai High A arirtarinti . 'nn I?winl--. ., n 1. . .. t iitmored motor vehicles Olirj a .,, scope oT prrviou- Why t rifles manufac- Inn.iltv l..lrt it i!trie. - tu couldn "ome le - .Ii.m-.u-. fA(- nii..n Ual-Il- u iur,... f ...... I.Ilthll-3C- ea w. 3."--- School in its annual dehate with Thu's.iay i.llljWiai.- eij tt. .a, .iiitti: .is mnt51 bas reen that tured say -- or with the bolt Eulldlntr afternoon it wa i, .6.. . i:m-i.j- . purposes, - -- ea--- ' m,w .r-- . ieoor.nalssar.ee a. d raiding cat at' lite iMT'Ji-ifi- l f'vmi ti.e f on the left ."Ice Issue to regiment timore Ci'y I'ollege, have been se- deckied to Klve a benefit at the I'olum ?i Heo.Ile-- ..n.i .Ils "'e -- wce'k-n- o;, d X- - w two machine cans and ammunition jni m . .. y veM- - of the other ltr?. then a man could so t ola. the eenlnc of Maya, when Th Jacobs spent tne it. Ynrk'Oinj saj lected, and March designated cs , I Annapolis Notes -- - . and the other a heavier anil r"! t, p i i'tiiukIi floatin? contact to his company officer and eet a rifle tile the Chocolate Soldier." musical corned;-- will vMtlnc and trad-.- school-- theieior. - date for oratorical contest b'-- slow i. Ie, carryitis irhaps. two - .: automatical or uthr- which he could us for other rurpose double-tea- slven. ei r tptratl By a arrangement, the -- i NVrr-t-n- l: tnc-5- attacks were than Saturday Inspection. I have been a will occur simultaneously in radet Night" will bf- ...serc.-- at Te. h i .'"h AnnapoIiB. Md., March U. Tr.s batKe-shl- ps debate - I t sharpshooter for elcht years honestly Dr William Woodward, health ofTl- Anril W. It wil W tally of Missouri, Ohio, warnli.. and Vashlnston and Hallimore. the af- a,. e., ... . . - Vrl.la...... i ..., ...... e...... 1,.. and Wisconsin i.ave Tim convtntit.it ..' th eeond HaTJC believe I should have had the wreath ftrmatlvo in case - l e spoice oerore tne...former rucce ana men witn tiiu .ni...i.' i lie ueimai ui " -- "".j been designated to compose the squad- side each rema'n- I in- - on lui-- i uujer-- i aroe froni tf the bolt had ben on the left side in home 'The Ifilrmatlve tesm Wallach .Mothers''"'.Olub last Monday aft- - Itattalioii. has ;sed a circular letter for the ron which will carry the midshipmen at nc ofti- - t Ituso-Japane- ot" richt. Wa'shinBton-inclu- his subject formation and suidance of disburslnB perint.'- tnc instead the which Slavs" in des """ "Tonsils and, on their annual trulae next summer Thte ! I.F.FT-HAXDE- A ' prop.-am-s con.- - j cavy pay corpd. . Wluabl of T;ir and grmt Oerald Wcikert John Oambs John nold" mulraI proBram was Riven oiflcial of tne annua! cro of the charted with squadron will utart from Annapolis Juno - JifK oce.nirj fro mthf lit"1 o it.-c.,.-- .., ..i.h' "t. rr,..l- - - and refreshments scried durinu the so- - netittvr. drill will be made at Tech. In-- ! withholding the normal income tax and 0 or T, and tha itinerary will be through -- - o amount so . e nins on ii"15. Thf Haii- alternate the relative team which clal hour t,,at followed. eluded in this thirty-tw- pafie souveni. the iccountabilhy for the the Panama Canal and to 6an Francisco, nhnution relating to them hvl to do goes to Baltimore is composed or ""Ill be a brief history of the cadet regl-- 1 withheld. Hereatter no ulsburslnK omcer according the present orderb. l t i lajincr or iinip of inchor-- White, Reed, Representatnes from the schools, the! ment. photographs of all res.mental and ; will withhold at the source airy tax until Mrs. William Spencer of te Fort Bliss Notes Frank Karl and Frank in- Murra. Si miinciKrl .vutomatio eontaci inin- Myers, with Paul Fr'zzell as alter- - citizens associations, and the churches. battalion officers and photographs of the the amount actually paid by htm to an Haven. Conn., is visiting her aunt. Mrs. - t iiedop? unl enn$.tfUitetl as nate. met President HerbMt and several pro-- j captains and lieutenants of each of the (dividual during the calendar rear is in John Schouler. wifo of Rear Admiral ft- - the;. I $3.w or Jl.iW. according to the 'onie haiinlei haTe Fort Bliw. Tv . March 13. ArraiiBre-mrn- ts prltors of movInK picture shows at a existing twelve companies. excess of fc'chouler. U. S. N. - - fia-v- ' -- are . : b.olieii .ilrift .. t .eir tar- bave been otTmpIt1 for th mHpi Mis. Otosver...- . is a conferelnce. held Thursday nisht. In St - exemption "lairn. Inasmuch as there Mrs. Edward Augustus Weeks, of Eliz I I: is prouable r ot .:rmj ton nanif-tir- to b held sprlnc entertainment to "x the Stephens" Parish Hall. Tho "movie" Pians are ue.nt made tor establishing immv trat.srers of olficers. abeth, N. J., was the suets for the wart-en- d ' at tnin slven at ' mn I i " oflt-cc- Ka-t- eases accounts will i.ot .ijjht ..: rsa- :nfrn.i. lndt duniiff th immT saon. The r- Arcade .luring tne ec itolldas. the a des!r: to in an an "Orthopedic School" at th Children' that r manj the of iter sister. Airs. Raymond Hton, U(l"esl Ins jl : ot'-:"- in con- - in rhar.ffe f the affa.rr are Maji. proceeds o: which be expended 'nor: to put on wholesome, entertaining Hospital, wnie cmtrtren convalescent be cai mu Dy tne same pay onicei mr in-- and her husband, I.ietit. Stone. V. 8. N. - air t. ovr- Johncn-Powe- ll may and this would affect I ;i a with in' rril:oVf"v t J '. flint'F. and Scru; . Oapt. on tl.e playjrrounds. snows. front operations be entertained and lull calendar jear. Mrs. James G. Field, wife of Medics - A a of- - .n.' or ariilfiital dfM ruction f nu- i:jrnstadt its Gordon and KdmunU. wheic i.r.M children attend school. in'tructed. the individual also whenever ;"' IMreetor Field. V. S. N . entertained oit ' 'lip!-- . Formerly "ish. of uraiy Sirmal forp.e. Assistant fupcrintenuent S. E. Kramer er im detached within the ejlendar year. Washington's birthday fourteen yovinrt th' a, 1 belliffei- - Ir- - .'s making the officer who has id .o Jo with tb of fr. and Joeeph K. Thomas, of Ir Piulander P. Clapton. I'liiteil a thorough Inspection of high POLO ON PACIFIC COAST. In such instances people at luncheon in honor of hr araest. - vl n u-- J. bv forct: it rit'esary New York U: n ?Rn - State- - "ommissior.er of will school equipment. j taxable income must make his own re Miss Morrtarrue. ionte to Kducation. . Janet of Richmond. Vc. ril ve..-vl-.- orcw.- - ci - co. r- - - fn- - i cdt re cnue otu.-iais- .tt .iierch.iiil .tid tnoir n the dinnt- &urt3 rerentlv at address the High School Teachers' Asso- - turn to mc Ueut. M. n. Stanly, t". S. N , aid tn f ; - I'rr-j.inc- "' OpenInK f.ame nf Toiirnniiif- lit Is . ; pnrprft ;rai trooi.- the Ir.so del N"rrl. Iml of Geu. r. ciation rft the New Willard Thursday Nxt Thursday will be "Gins' l)a at th superintendent of the Naval Acad- - - S v-- iiuiiitior.s, 'V Nor . Stock- evening. Mar. li ll, at oilock. Business Iligli School, whe-- the ex. rhelaleil for starch Iti, T.,c special Lommittee, con.-.itin- -- f the eme. the hoat recently at a aw - -- t :bi- .tnc'nt it n.15 f.illcn nt" uses ot ir.f. nioriiing win tie under the s,c M..--U ." rhr jtn- - of chairmen of the House and Senate Naval and supper at th Bag Inn.. - inmc .ul is .t roTTin xti-n- anv- prizes of .30 and Jl ha. been direction of the Girls' Council, Mlssltl,-- umrs.lini.ir.U vsLn.jme-- .t tnl! lie MirM en Committee and tne naval chief of ord a mo.isi rp"it und- - tre nrr-e- d by Charles F. Nesbit. supetin- - Josephine Bfdlnger, president. How girls Eeitlon ni.; Tutds ttensn. Mawli If.. nance, to investigate the cost of an ar - r ui- - nail- n hich ompri--- j thn ri"?nt tennent or insurance, in tne city, ror tne stufli. physical training for girls, in.ie- - "--' "in Be tcr tne r--n crt,inr.-- and t , plnnl Irmde its report to Con-tw- o - Army and Navy Exempted Ccop" llor ha, to mak- 1 of oi o best e.says on "The Prevention of pendence in dress and fashion, the In-- 1 VT" '.n accordance with Icgislatnc de-n- re . - .r ,:'w West , Ttere-.?.- V Notes t.o th n;irs- of of Waste." wr.t.e,, by flunce of the gir. of today and other i It will be necessary to have the Point th- - a- - 111 na" nrutvjJ ttj nit.i I Co. - pIp"" e will I ;.ricrty State. inly, and munic- nucstions be discussed. , M..irlcr n TorV. -- nd tl. .miy aid of engineers and metallurgists to ImUjs rrnk." oth.-er-- . - TZJn.L tej, ol Ithei j ipal lawfulli engaged in pur-- tenin tr.sn Ton sm llftustim aiwl Tei.s No attempt nt, . roniet formulate plans in detnill. West Point. N. T.. March IS-.- Mac. Th odt I.asu.g anti-n.tr- - 'On Frisco."' is the ..f - tn- - -- . JIr. T'mtrd tuti naval war .f .lrus spviiicd in the lo tub the mui- Rhetorlcals at nci.i last j itr. im-i t ine nrention Knsir.a? IS giie the cost of buildings - . central. . made to Millan left recently for Washington. ; "I; military itrct-sit- bouid ..f..- law f.ji departments li coineuj in o i.reseuiRti oy me i ecu i.. a j. i.n-in- the ur,o'. Wednesday morning, included a cleverly1 sunai mo. equipment The estimates ar made for where she will bo guest pat- . foun-- 25. n- - MiI:'- - cf n the of her ti '.fiitral lesfflr with. n, of the arm; and na . Uu Public Health Plaievs on the evenings of .March S. iendere.1 scene from "Henry Esmond." rinb""' ""J1 1ilI-- pn,i 2uo.jft.ton re- - v "r."1" r'" w.ton a Plant. Tl.e ents. Col. and Mrs. Ladd, fort- I. nit- - f b. li jrerent a",tli..-lt- Ssn 1st. f. i - and 27 The scene open, In young w .T. for a 'nr. and State", ter- a Ith Stephen Baldwin. C. Hardy. Ger- -' KT. Jd T--n ton, .V1 and maintenance of the rormer night. - . "'gfi vw Trt , - iz1 :..,l d.troye.1 ottcrwtse riional. nitrt-1- count", municipal, or Indies' seminary m Washington, hut the tiudc Watlv. Elizabeth Harris, and ...... ",.... X I ;...... ,.. wi:,- ..., ... r.n.t ...t fh .. .. -- 1...... 1 ...... I111J LI.I J .1 u. u...u. .., ...i. Mrs. E. A. f- sn-- ...... e .1 r. n,iu,, Sturs's. of Fort Myer. w Ttiilit:ir purpc,rs. bin m iiospltats or trisonj are not i.--- me .ni. i.i.-- in inc. uorotny nmweii taking tno pnncipa. $l,ffjl.l-'c- . is o. , .'.... .aitci 't estimated that the a recent guest Mrs. tl-- ..rt.ie-- s vessel- - uir-- to i ..f the Panama-Pacifi-iw.c Expos-;-- B. of I.ieut. and Ho; t. of tli neutral relst.-- nav .nccml parts. C. Gleuck gave a scholarly probable in a lO.oon-to-n . PREPARES FOR FIGxIT. cost of armor who entertained at tea for Tuesdai - full'. o.upfli-. d Tne will. j i.n.ler the law. nor the reatiiclions re- - ti..ii at San Franicsca. interpretation her . of "Sohrab and Uustum." t pin when operatin :n full capacity t.-;- .t afternoon. Amonsr those present wera i inxoUcii in "inilii huiuuih i..ii.iidse an sucn irugs, nor to .,. ... , ...... KI Wlllliim Mtnrtii Training for'wotld be aboui t22 a tong and that in Mrs. Willcox. MaJ. and Mrs. Timbering-Cap- t. t'ni-- sod . keep records of or ....r v-..r- sihiices.use... ,, ..v in distribution drugs...... ,..n.. vit h.i uma oi iei.il nave uzi.aiiie.i a iracK f OvOn-tor. plant J2a.. . ob.-ere-,i ,a and Mrs. Estes, Cap and Mrs. """I" offlcert. howevc.-- rnsracd in pn-vn- t. hy Central Dramatic Society. team and probably will be given the use Klllmnc Dnttle March 17. .t Carter, Mrs. Coleman. I.ieut and Mrs. mu.t pa special glui.g ten scenes rom the plays of, of the lot at Ninth street and Rhode riiiljJeliiiiii. Man-- a -- Ki-i itix-- . tax, keep '! u WilUm. tl.e There has not been In many years so Crlssy, Capt. Lindcj. and I.iet t and the records and comply the great dramatist, on the afternoon of j Island avenue for outdoor practice. clumpon. l.o ir.wti Jolinny Kil-- fo- - - miIC, in recruiting the G. with th-- i.quirem- ! ";" Mrs. E. F. HorrUon. of Washington, r:s of the law anu il" military-nav- establishment.' How Engineers Affect War AV.rMJ: . , ., . Snf' ,,hM"'h.,!".'51:i '."' "ilU.rch In' the and Miss Tlol-- n legulations T i is tl.e substance or ,. L Adams, of New Toik...... I - - mm-- . .11 .. . .. f .:ivv iKn:ii- rniiir rnnsinfraiion a i,j . l.jmm on rojy. " were the guests of Col. and Mrs Wlllcox the Int. rnal Keventie win ou uu was mu was .M. j-J" -- iif mniorrnw ,i.scue.i ine wwk .Mtss Tucker, a, ,,' -.-i "..t,i,r ..,- - i.. ,.1 ha aivrn to ciosin(r rcrtaln r- - for over Sunday. 1. Bureau governing tiie opfratlons i in- - ., tin '.rgsti of tlK of iippiMrar hl wcauny or SpnnKS. -- .. w n.... -- .. .1 r.nt,. t - proresion t.f vaiirr. resident Hot t.,... , orndint. i. . ...-- -- . .. n if-ot- .- 1" va,.,.i "rmt mr" " .....r .. - Col. . Hainson atm-- liw. vf . hig Afltrts,, I,- -- .1.. : -j -- r.. TT .""." "' '" v.. w... i,. and Mrs. Wilicox s nt din I'ocl.iii.l. th.- London Itnguif.-r- .hums rslt before the vhrtl K...'D vi. " .u t,i f,i imcrvsivj in iiiuuiiitLiii kh is in nn siiai". uucl thin ! not neressary and Is prolcssion ,ns i" that ner recently were Mrs. Harrison. Miss its the re.i.t. ot the Adams, Miss Kalph . nt. ror the present ...nmiion of things' Webb. Harrison, and Cadets Ray Harris. .1 and Parker Kuhn. it the held of war. sn ing: Miss 'TI..- dewiopment th- - Pauline 3Ioore. of Washington, of mtlitar flier was the guest .kiiinated, on all a of Eieut. and Mrs. Delano '.s but iniuoi scale, for over Sunday. On Sunday net I. .ri.ici-l- :i GERMANS evening u.ik most poweiflll COMMANDEERING HORSES FROM RUSSIAN PEASANTS Lieut, Mrs. ' -- nnd Delano had a supper i t' st of the or Ti".t.-gist party for .Miss Moore Mis t - 11 pi .s- - :.!' oi tliol etriei t Ratke't. I odfre nnd Morrissei i.. .., ha- - aviation, mo.lilit.i w a I.iuts. After , supper I.ieut. and Tlstrd. Miss Mo I. to.,-- be cr.-aii- r Mr. hinni.it. ns the e'f "m r,TrtOT2Si STMSEt joined -- Nair. and I.ieut. 'hase the i.i ..' iirpnse. Acam. the de- - elopu i,t ':Er&SSSsWJ'&lfJfii. other guests, and an evening of was n- - rn b. ;ii ;'ini has driven both! music Ie- - 1,. .il-- Jojed. t,,ris lroni ther Htmbst.l -- .jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjL)jjHliiiiiiBi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiW i S3. - heme- - p,.o m m tif aJ.. ..:, Two hops this week were attended by nnd t.. e jriiicipal t. Ith , ??: rJM-- V r, mKMvim J iZKrmXZ mA .4 a goodly number. In atomr-weathe- l li '!-- . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiV'.a' JrtiTBV B j)i;er,is'''' ir spite of tha w.itfat"-- w.th II meoii. ti disagreeable e i it- -. ' a combination of now and rain liming paid Went Point a. T e ...Ii.i.r ..I tb. mot.. i n.i ...r itt. week-en- d visit At the cadete hop MY. ! ..nimbus has lot.b.-.- l eith- -r -- idc win, b cat.- - .ugh Crlssy received with "a.let I'rochard. ilu. n opponent s hue of tln President Richmond, of b ce - Union Collage, of .naming :m thing but a 1 '.- Schenectady. "i ..v.i! success, tor N. T., ind Mr. Rlchmorsd reserves can oe were the guest Col. Towtio-le- y iiisi.ed up n 1 of and Mr. in urv httb- time from .'r-- M I - l0Hflli:;liiPI).iiiiiiiiH.v--jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjF?BrrK I . IiiiiiiSE!IiiiiiiiiiiiS - over Sunday. disia-- , 4 I At dinner on Eatnrdsy s on either side and to rKSSn evening Col. t'ownstey'B. Pi and Mrs. gusat t' rem. .still more, however, can wo I - a were Dr. th- Ljjjjji9el'fLKBKBfl and Mrs. Richmond. Capt. and tt ce engineer-- KflHHKfl lesponsibillty for the Mn. Baer. Mr. Undl-- y, pit.--nt w- - 111 Miss Farmatu ' situation if look back n He. -- 1 m & ? Chiplaln It th. BfBBfBBfBBfBHiMsBfi fBBfBuBBfBw BfBBfBSlHv&BfHffl.tji.-- Sliver. Jlrs. R. C. Robinson, and is engineer nlon- - who has mad. a ":'' v9iillllllllllliliillV Lieut, and Mrs. Householder. tl 1'iodeni armies. several million iVbHIbbV zKNUnBkBKlm stt.-i.g- . iHBB'rB' possible Napoleon could have ' C ' BBBfllHB$''4?'!-'fl- I lu an arn.y of two or three million men BH t th.- 1.1 lb ;it .me time so far as the l-fli- :' .it his disposal was concerned. BbV l Fort Monroe Notes II BBB;' lia.i not. be. a use. having them, he ''jBVBBlBBB:lV'V-t.:i!:'-.:jh''VliBVBBVBBVBB- would not ;ib! K -- ' BVB)VjjjjjjjjjjB-rvV;K-;- li.ne BbT'bjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjb been to equip then . 1BVBB SIbbbb ".''":: -- x" SIbbbI BBBBBwXaBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ''; to move th-- or to supply tin-i- with Fort Monroe. Va.. March 11 Mrs. the warlike stores. Thomas Knox has lert for Washington to visit her daughter. Mrs. Dudley Knox. A lVop of Mrs. Je&sle Xlcholls, vis- I'liKllieers. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB IbbYbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKI who has been J1 'v4Ctlt)': .BfeB A V Ti.- cnRincer. by ?"V iting her sister, Mrs. J. K. Crain, has larirelv means or ''"- . automatic lua.liiues. such em- - ' left. as are 4 Miss ployed, ror in .artiiilKr makinc. HBBHb r 'ys: sbSbSbIvbI Rovena Abbott left Sunday for J In. fTected Fort Leavenworth. the alteration, and has Capt. e.l in the hands r politici.ips and Totten. who spent a few days la - Washington recently, ls home again. niilitari commanders ihe j.owei- or c MmKKMKBffB'IBii larKc armies, while the develop- Mrs. Brlgham entertained nt bridge re- ment or railways, ships, and motor cars cently for Mmes. Jessie Nlcholls. Mas-telle- r. has provided the means or moving them Chapman. "W. R. Nichols. Craln n pl.lli and feedinc them better than and Jennlson. Miss Holt and Miss Ab- were ever fed bott. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mastcllcr armies befoie. And the ps '- Very larjtcncss of the forcej, emratteil Zf&h Vb'b.b.HbVk' and Miss Abbott. is one potent reason for position Capt. and Mrs. Masteller entertained the or Informally deadlock at present existing. Manj-otne- r at a dance at the recently instances. 1.0th on land and sea, for Miss Abbott. Among- those present micht be quoted lo illustrate ojir con- were Col. and Mrs. Haynes. Ueut. anil tention. Mrs. W. R. Xlcholl. Capt. and Mrs. Oray. Everywhere wc sJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI-'V- Mrs. Ire, Lieut, and Mrs. Chapman. Miss, see the enjrineer at K '' mff iK " , work rather than the soldier. Analyzed 'RAV"' ""1 Anne Holt. Miss Helen Olmstad. Miss A.-- yiy'sAS B. "Wing, VXt Klmberly, Miss IJeuts.1 down, the encinecrs of the Germanic and powers are llKhtlnjr the engineers of the 'Ifcis Tst Stuart. Wilson, Wing, Balrd. Larabee. allies, and as cnclnecrliifr skill, knowl- and Hannan. edge and resources are today pretty 'gsrJF Capt. and Mrs. Coward entertained at Tuesday uniformly distributed throughout the nt t jm&r-&v- a progressive dinner evening Mim&mmismMmw&:ir-fBiifiMM- . for MaJ. an.l Mrs. Callan. Maj. Mrs. nations or are available to them ' and from tho outside, is to be dondereu" Poland, tlic cockpit of Europe' has been by Germans, to- "Williams. Capt. and Mrs. Masteller. it devastated advancing retreating Russians, advancing Russians, and retreating Germans half a dozen times, so that Capt. Brlgham, at that a etase of apparent deadlock lias day a crow would have to carry his own and Mrs. Capt. and Mra. arisen? provisions" if he flew over that country. The photograph shows a detachment of German troops commandeering a rig from a Polish Craln. Capt. Baker. Mrs. Mcllenry, Mrs. "And yet. having said all this, wo may peasant. The horses and wagons are taken, and the persons owning them receive neatly made out receipts for the property. There is also a note indicating the German government Jessie Nlcholla. Mrs. Perman. Miss Ab- ftc! a philosophic doubt, cot for the will pay the bott, and Lleuts. Kingman and Harri ior property at the end ot the war. son.

ij&AMAillA.wi&.Z. "ta&jSsfe