F Fium iume e Serravalle Po Po di Venezia Albersano Guarda Alberone Cologna Ferrarese Ponte VENEZIA Oasi Punzetti The Park and the Sea Mulino del Po Ariano nel Ariano Polesine - Lidi di - Comacchio Zerbinate Ferrarese Oasi Donzella

Bosco di

Stellata P

Pilastri Rivà Santa o

Malcantone Zocca Giustina d

Ro Massenzatica i

Contane 1 Ponti Coccanile G Oasi Isola n Spagna Bonello Pepoli Oasi Bosco Ravalle Monticelli o Mesola c di Porporana c Fossadalbero Cesta a

Mezzogoro o Ambrogio P Porporana Santa S. Biagio Ruina d

Salvatonica o Ponte S. Pietro Oasi Giustina e Dune Fossili di l

Sabbioni Gavello Burana Pescara Pineta di la Oasi Isola Massenzatica d Camatte Mesola D Bianca i o Casaglia n Francolino Zenzalino G ze ll Settepolesini Francolino Saletta Italba o a Oasi Isola r Ospitale Bianca o Corlo Bosco Diamantina Mesola Scortichino Pontelagoscuro Oasi Bacini Torbiera Correggio Tamara Zuccherificio Caprile Santa Gradizza Pontelangorino Goro Oasi Valle Boara Dindona Brazzolo Bianca Vigarano Gran Bosco Ponte Pieve Barco 1 Malborghetto Baura della Mesola S. Bianca Rodoni di Boara Fossalta Oasi Bacini Pomposa Oasi Vigarano Cassana Sabb. POMPOSA Zuccherificio Pontemaodino Boschetti Mizzana Sabb. Gherardi 6 di Valle S. Pietro S. Vittore Giralda Sacca oleonico Viconovo p Mainarda Porotto rese Albarea di Goro a Ferra Contrapò Pontegradella rovia o Id FE219 Casumaro N olan Villanova Denore Gorino Lidi di Comacchio o i V Focomorto Oasi v o d 5 a P Isola Tieni Oasi Canneviè Ferrarese C Ferrara FE301 Porticino FinaleReno Centese Cocomaro Codrea A journey of many destinations: art, woodlands, nature, seaside, which visits the most di Focomorto Vaccolino Volano Madonna Final Val S Alberone Boschi Cocomaro Quartesana Massa Cantone ca significant places in the Ferrarese part of the Po Delta Park. It leaves from Mesola Cas- Mirabello di Rero Roncodigà Valle Lido di Volano nn Oasi di Cona Nuova one di Gor Oasi Faro S. Carlo Boscona Aguscello Cona Rero Marozzo o Gorinotle, the Este country retreat, visiting the woodlands of the Gran Bosco della Mesola, Buonacompra Fossanova Parasacco Migliaro di Gorino Coronella Chiesuol San Marco Valle del Fosso Torre Fossa Ducentola Bivio Id Bertuzzi then , and going all the way to the coast with its seven seaside towns. Dodici ro Cornacervina Pilastrello Oasi Borgo S. Anna Correggi via Valcesura Morelli Fossanova Palmirano Fer From the canal port in Porto Garibaldi there is a cycle path to the lagoon town of San Biagio Gorgo Gualdo rarese Sant’Agostino Medelana Lago delle Oasi Bosco S. Martino Voghenza Masi S. Giacomo Rovereto Nazioni Comacchio, with its bridges and canals, the true capital of the Po Delta Park. della Panfilia Chiesa Gaibanella Migliarino Nuova Alberlungo S. Egidio S. Vito Renazzo Dosso Oasi Fium Corte Centrale e Re Campolungo Malpasso Lido delle Nazioni 10 Technical notes Mesola Bevilacqua no Dogato Poggio RenaticoMontalbano Gambulaga Libolla Ferrara Corporeno Gaibana Oasi Anse Vallive o Depart: Mesola, Castello della Mesola Comacchio di Ostellato S. Giovanni Volania

Runco c Ostellato S. Giuseppe S. Bartolomeo Monestirolo Arrive: Comacchio, Duomo di San Cassiano www.ferrarainfo.com di Comacchio Lido di Pomposa i Gallo in Bosco Montesanto Sandolo Marrara t Length: 55,870 km Mesola: • tel. 0533 993358 Marrara Maiero Lido degli Scacchi Codigoro: Abbazia di Pomposa • tel. 0533 719119 Comacchio a Difficulty level: suitable for everyone. Level Quartiere i Comacchio: Via Mazzini, 4 • tel. 0533 314154 S. Nicolò Oasi Anse di route mainly along minor roads. Some stretches r Spinazzino Valle Lepri along cycle paths on asphalt and some on dirt Parco Delta del Po Emilia Romagna: Portorotta Portoverrara Porto Garibaldi d track (FE219 and FE301). tel. 0533 314003 • www.parcodeltapo.it Ripapersico FE417 A Benvignante Oasi Valle Connections with other routes

P Fattibello Railways o Lido degli Estensi 1 Ferrara - Gorino Ferrarese d Oasi e i Ferrara/Codigoro

P Ospital Anse Vallive di Porto r r i Monacale Oasi 8 Ostellato - Pomposa m Bacino di Bando Valle Bicycle transport available. Please check timetables S. M. Codifiume a Lido di Spina r Zavelea a o 9 Oasi Salina di and availability. Info: 800 91 50 30 • www.fer.it 9 Argenta - Comacchio Consandolo Comacchio M Boccaleone Bando Places of Interest Oasi Oasi Vene di TraghettoTraghetto Oasi Valle Ussarola Bellocchio Mesola Castle, Pomposa Abbey. Comacchio: the Trepponti Bridge, the Roman Ship Museum, the Old 4 La Fiorana Valle Fossa 1:200.000 di Porto COMACCHIO Valli di 5 km Hospital, the Cathedral of San Cassiano, the Eel-Works, the Loggiato dei Cappuccini, the Church of ARGENTA RAVENNA Comacchio Santa Maria in Aula Regia, the trails in the Comacchio lagoons.

Val 70 71 Campotto Argenta Oasi Longastrino Valle Vacca Oasi Valli Filo di Argenta e S. Biagio Marmorta Oasi Bosco del Boscoforte Traversante Fiume R Anita Valle eno Campotto Santa

BOLOGNA RAVENNA 10 Mesola - Lidi di Comacchio - Comacchio Mesola - Lidi di Comacchio - Comacchio 10

The Canneviè-Porticino-Foce Volano Nature Reserve

magical place loaded with atmosphere from of the canal we finish the list of the coastal its religious role (but also economic and so- resorts with Lido degli Estensi and Lido di cial) from the 9th to the 15th Century. Visit the Spina, reached by a cycle/pedestrian ferry. church, the Chapter House, the Refectory and the Museum. Follow the cycle track from the fishing cen- On the FE301 cycle track alongside the Po di tre of Porto Garibaldi and in time you arrive Volano, we pass by the Cannevié-Porticino- at the beautiful lagoon city of Comacchio, a Foce Volano nature reserves and the Torre precious jewel softly set among the warm della Finanza tower, to arrive at last at Lido red of its bricks and the and the sparkling di Volano; from here we take the Acciaioli green of its canals. Of ancient origin, it was Gran Bosco della Mesola woodlands panoramic road which gives a view over the a ‘floating town’ (unconnected by road) until This route starts from the Destra Po cycle tour- Pedalling along through agricultural land beautiful Valle Bertuzzi and then Lago delle 1821. Even today it seems designed by the ism route at Mesola Castle, an Este country reclaimed from the sea with inter-linked Nazioni. Here we get close to the sea, visit- water, with a network of canals instead of house built for Duke Alfonso II d’Este at the drainage canals, pumping stations, and tree- ing in order the beach resorts of Lido delle streets, bridges linking up quarters of ter- end of the 1500s on the edge of a large game lined roads with typical vegetation, we ar- Nazioni, Lido di Pomposa, Lido degli Scac- raced houses with their hidden androni pas- reserve. At the castle visit the Environmental rive at the magnificent Pomposa Abbey, a chi, and Porto Garibaldi. On the other side sages leading to interior courtyards. Education Centre and the Deer Museum. Af- ter passing Bosco di Santa Giustina and the interesting Torre Abate tower, we reach the Discover Gran Bosco della Mesola woodlands, the last the flavours remaining example of the ancient forests Comacchio gastronomy achieves its fullest that were found until a few centuries ago all expression in fish dishes from both salt and along the Adriatic Coast. fresh water. The eel is king of the table, cooked in a thousand ways: grilled, in brodetto soup, For a pleasant excursion to the with Savoyy cabbage, or marinated. The anti- interior, the Gran Bosco has pasti of mussels, scallops or clams, lobsters, been equipped with a large area at canocchie (the mantis shrimp), small mixed the entrance laid out for cars and seafood, or prawns are all delicious; among camper vans (with services), a green first courses the same goes for risottos like field to picnic in, and cycle hire. Time the di mare or alla pescatora, spaghetti with to walk though: at least one hour. clams, fish soup, everything washed down with DOC wines from the Bosco Eliceo.

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