
12 THE JEWISH LEADER, MARCH 13, 2015 Herzogs: ’s answer to the Kennedys From to and Oliver - Sacks, Labor leader ’s family is lanthropy sector in Canada. She was also often called the closest thing Israel has to firms, Herzog Fox & Neeman mittee (CIC) before working in the phi- Camelot. How many of these names do – which Isaac Herzog would you recognize? later join – and was an author a columnist, writing regularly for publica and businessman. His wife, tions such as Canadian Jewish News and By Alona Ferber, HaganahEgypt-born (the Aura underground, Herzog theAnd Globe then and there Mail, but Isaac’s died other of cancer uncle last – f any of the candidates running in Israel’s pre-independence(née Ambache), was army in the of noneSeptember. other than the legendary diplomat, upcoming election was destined for politics was married to Isaac’s aunt on his moth- CorpsPalestine’s during ) the and 1948 served War orator and statesman Abba Eban. Eban Iand, perhaps, glory, then it’s Labor leader ofas Independence. an officer in the An Science author the Israel Cancer Association. Isaac “Bougie” Herzog. and art critic, she initiated er’s side, Suzy, who, incidentally, founded Herzog,on who his may shoulders. just become The Israel’s scion ofnext a familyprime and my father were always full of in-depth minister, carries the heavy burden of family legacy Contest in 1959, and found- “Friday night dinners with Abba Eban edIsrael’s the Council International for a Beautiful Bible - described as the closest Israel comes to Israel in 1968. discussions about politics around the aristocracy or a royal family, the Labor- Chaim and Aura’s four children followed in world,” Herzog told Haaretz in an inter leader’s father was the country’s sixth view in 2003, adding that his childhood imbued- president, Chaim Herzog, and his grand sive,him with if more “the distant,right political relatives: spirit.” , the fatherBut was that’s Ashkenazi not all. Hischief family tree when is their footsteps. Isaac’s older brother, Michael, had- Through Eban, there are some other impres comprisedthe state was of established a long line in of 1948. impressive tionsa high-flying under four military defense career, ministers retiring and with had the played rank relatives. aof key brigadier role in Israel’sgeneral negotiations in 2010. He withheld thesenior Palestin posi- wasrenowned one of neurologist the creators and and author, writers is Abba of the Eban’s clas- cousin. Meanwhile, Eban’s nephew, , he is an International Fellow at the Washington Herzog’s Polish-born grandfather, Instituteians, Syrians for Nearand Jordanians East Policy, since and 1993.a Senior Currently, Fellow sic BBC political sitcoms “” and “Yes, Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog, was actually PrimeUnity Minister.” govt. might be statethe first Israel chief in 1936. rabbi He of was Ireland, awarded before the - becoming Ashkenazi of pre- at BICOM and the Jewish People Policy Institute. outcome of tie Joel, the eldest of the Herzog brood, is a business Rivlin reportedly wants two major parties to part- for rabbinical literature in- inman clinical living psychology. in Geneva. Their sister, Ronit Herzog ner, advance legislation on 1958, and was chief rabbi till his death Bronsky, is a psychologist in , specializing electoral reform, if there is no clear in 1959. His wife, Sarah Herzog, was vol winner on March 17 Hospitalunteer head in her of ’s honor. She Ezratalso founded Nashim Their uncle, (Chaim’s brother), By Avi Lewis, Times of Israel Hospital, today named the Sarah Herzog also went into politics. A former member of the- , a rabbi and Torah scholar, and doctor of- - the World Emunah religious-Zionist er,international he was a diplomat, law, he became serving political in Canada adviser and to the Is dentWith Reuven nine Rivlindays left reportedly before the said elections, Sunday and that the he Isaacwomen’s Hillman, organization. was himself a renowned rael’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. Lat two major parties neck and neck in the polls, Presi- talmudicSarah Herzog’sscholar and father, dayan Rabbi of the Samuel Lon- tional unity government in the event of a result which - . Notably, he was director general of will call on and the to form a na Editorials • Cartoons Letters rusalem, he cofounded the yeshiva Ohel He would ask the dual-party government to then the Prime Minister’s Office under and push through legislation on electoral reform, Rivlin Torahdon Beth with Din. his Later, son-in-law, having and settled served in Je as leaves neither capable of forming a stable coalition. , but died at age 50 in 1972. His wife, reportedly told a group who visited his residence, to - TheyPnina hadHerzog, three a pharmacist, children, Elinora, represented Isaac Shai, Israel and at Shira,the World who was Health director Organization of the Canada-Israel for several years.Com- where larger parties have to court smaller parties in the Amalgamatedits head. His Clothing first cousin Workers was Sidney Union Hill and amend the instability inherent in the current system, wasman, adviserthe U.S. labor to President movement Franklin leader, D.who Roosevelt. founded ordersides cannotto cobble come together to an aagreement rickety ruling regarding coalition. social - lETTERS TO THE EDITOR According to Rivlin, as quoted by Channel 2, if the ureSidney’s in the wife, union Bessie after Abramowitz his death, and Hillman, was herself was a labor activist in her own right. She was a key fig Supporting Netanyahu andwhere political elections issues, are very then frequent. at least The legislation TV report can had be passed to prevent Israel from “turning into Italy,”- Dear Editor ofclose stained to Eleanor glass windowsRoosevelt. for Sarah synagogues. Herzog’s Anotherbrother, - Rabbi David Hillman, was a painter and designer- no direct confirmation of the report from the presi - dent’sed that office. he will not sit in a unity government with the Former U.S. Diplomat Stuart J.D. Schwartzstein’s Prime Minister has reiterat notable Hillman was David’s son Ellis Simon Hill snark against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne man, a Labour councillor in London and former tanyahu and his appearance before a joint session of ZionistLikud sources Union’s have Isaac indicated Herzog otherwise.and , due to illustriousCommunist careerParty member. included 10 years as Israel’s Congress reveals Mr. Schwartzstein as a minion of the “deep ideological differences,” although anonymous- president,Back on fromthe Herzog 1983-1993. side, -born He was also Chaim’s Israel’s “chickenshits” and “Aspergery’s” above him. most even with Netanyahu’s Likud, in what analysts - Except for the petulant few who “did not have a Current election polls show the Zionist Union al chance to watch it,” the rest of humanity witnessed possibly the most wrenchingly inspirational and UN ambassador from 1975 to 1978; head of Is predictFollowing will be the a tight elections, race. the president taps the compelling oration in the English language by a head head to the ballot boxes on March 17. rael’s Military Intelligence division; and served as of state since Churchill’s “we will never surrender” military governor of Jerusalem and the andgreat Roosevelt’s man - and “daywho isof theinfamy”. midget. after the Six-Day War. He first joined the in party of his choosing to try to assemble a coalition, Neither friend nor foe can now doubtSteven who Edelman is the based on the recommendations of the heads of the 1981He asalso a memberfounded ofone of the country’s – the precursor largest law of Windham Center, CT ELECTION CONT. ON PG 13 today’s Labor Party.