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2005 Vol. 56, No. 2, September 20, 2005 University of Michigan Law School

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Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 56, No. 2, September 20, 2005" (2005). Res Gestae. Paper 94.

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Septeunber20,2005 Vol. 56 No.2

New Kids on the Block: Read the Inside Scoop on the Class of 2008

By Shari Katz hurdles to getting women in law school make up for our lower representation by generally and UM specifically. First, men our invaluable contributions in class and hey're athletes, one a former on average do better than women on to the community). U-M football player, another a the LSAT. Secondly, the UM applicant W former captain of One distinguishing the U-M Men's Basketball feature of the 1L class team. They're global, is that its international hailing from 44 states and JD students come 12 countries. They're givers, from the largest seven of which are former number of countries peace corps volunteers, ever. This year, the and many others who also school welcomed come with extensive service students from Belarus backgrounds. They're super and Albania for the smart, setting the record for first time. "The the highest LSAT (168) and large international CPA (3.64) medians in the presence really adds history of UM law school to the diversity in the admissions. They are the class and I'm really 366 students of the Class excited about that," of 2008. said Zearfoss.

Ah, those were the days. Actually, no, they weren't. Almost 6,000 applicants Among the first competed for the 366 coveted spots, pool is disproportionately male, as our year class, 65% of the students took at and 19% were admitted. Despite the sports teams tend to entice more men least one year off after completing their fact that Ann Arbor is repeatedly to apply to Michigan. Finally, Zearfoss undergraduate work. Although some law considered one of the best cities in hypothesizes that women who have a schools are increasingly telling applicants which to live for women, the males in significant other are often socialized not that taking time offbetween college and the 1L class outnumber the females by to relocate without them--and for those law school is more or less an unofficial 57% to 43%. The gender disparity is who aren't familiar with the beauty of requirement for admissions, Zearfoss not unique to this particular year, said Ann Arbor, this town is not traditionally is wary of beginning such a practice Sarah Zearfoss, Assistant Dean and an ideal place to attract people who have here. "I don't like the idea of setting up Director of Admissions, as traditionally no affiliationto the 'U.' that kind of bright line rule. We value Michigan Law has had significantly work experience and the things people fewer women in each entering class. All of these reasons may affect the male do after they graduate, but someone

Zearfoss mentioned that there are many to female ratio. (Thankfully, we women CONTINUED on Page 19 - ����2�====��.=��· ����==��c=· 5=�= c=5=tu=c==·======�=£ �pU==nili=£=r=2=0=, =20=0=5�'�' ------�.es @.esta.e M-Law Opens Its Doors to 31'iv! 5£, �v. 1 ;lftnifl£rsi±];! vf #l{ic�isan 1fiafn�clr�vl New Orleans Students

Editor-in-Chief Mike Murphy By Anne Gordon then living in a cardboard box." Students were asked to report their grades and class Executive Editor: he beginning of September rankings, as well as their social security Afatt Nolan always brings a rush of numbers so the school could obtain students back to Hutchins LSDAS reports. This was often a harried Managing Editor: Halt some of whom would rather be process, as the students had to wait for Steven Boender anywhere else thanstarting another year confirmation from Tulane (to allow the of law school. But this year, one groupof students to take visitor-status elsewhere), Editors-At-Large: students is feeling lucky to have a school and UMLS staff had to scramble to findthe Anne Gordon, Karen Lockman to attend at all. right applicants.

Contributing Editors: This semester, the University of "My staff spent many hours and a Jvfegan Barnard, Dan Clark, Michigan Law Sschool welcomes nine couple of late nights [working for the Diana Geseking, Shari Katz, Nate Kurtis, 2Ls and 3Ls from Loyola and Tulane said Dean Zearfoss. Alexis Long, Heidi Manschreck, Bayrex displaced students]," lvfarti, Eunice Rho, BeverZv Schneider, who have taken refuge in the (soon to But it was worth it: "thestudents who have Jay Surdukowski, Kim Thompson be) frozen north in order to escape the joined us here this semester epitomized hurricane-ravaged south. the standard of grace under pressure." Photos (Pgs. 1, 16-17): Chris Zhen Soon after the destruction from Bromer has nothing but great things Hurricane Katrina became apparent, it to say about the process, despite the Special Thanks to Jack Atkinson was clear that students in New Orleans pressure. "I'm sure we were constantly were not going to have schools to attend bugging [the staff] to answer questions, Res Gestae is published biweekly during the this semester. "Then it was a mad and they did everything to facilitate our school year by students of the University of scramble, everyone just calling around coming here ...and once we were here, to Michigan Law School. Opinions expressed in trying to find a place to end up," said make the transition smooth," he said. bylined articles are those of the authors and do Zach Bromer, a 2L from Georgia who not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial staff Articles. with contactinformation was attending Tulane. "I'd only been in Current UMLS students have also in italics at the end of the article or "submitted Louisiana a little over a week [when the done their best to make the New Orleans by" inthe byline are opinion pieces, not factual hurricane hit], so I was still unpacking transfers feel welcome by donating their news stories, and the opinions contained therein boxes," he said. He immediately called are not necessarily reflectiveof the opinions of tickets to the Notre Dame game and the editorial staff Articles may be reprinted Michigan because his girlfriend, Alix coming out in droves for the welcome­ without permission, provided that the authorand Magill, is a 3L here. reception at Dominick's (where there Res Gestae are credited and notified.Res Gestae were eight current Michigan law students welcomes submissions. Submissions may be In fact, all ofthe students that received made via email (preferably as an MS Word at­ for each new Michigan law student). "I tachment). Res Gestae reserves the right to edit visitors' status at the Law School have definitely feel that Michigan's reputation all submissions in the interest of space. connections with Michigan or Ann as being a friendly place is deserved," Arbor-either through significantothers Bromer said. address: Mailing or families, or by having attended as Res Gestae University of Michigan Law School undergrads. Once the candidates had So, on behalf of the Res Gestae and 625 South State St. been selected, Dean Zearfoss' staff the rest of the Law School, I'd like to Ann Arbor, MI 48109 conducted an abbreviated admissions welcome Justin Alsterberg, Robert Brode, over the phone. Web Site Address: process, often Zach Bromer, Daniel Hirschman, Andrew http :1/ umich. edu/rg Locke, Neal Bakare, Sarah Czuprenski, Zach was in his car driving when Erin McEvoy, and Nicole Muendelein to Office: Dean Zearfoss called for his interview: the halls of Hutchins. Legal Research 116 "It sow1ded like she was emphasizing that we had a place to stay ...I think [email protected] they didn't want people showing up • here just because it's a good school, and ------111 2f\£s(!i;£sht£ • �.eptemher 20? 2005

Access Granted: Follow TheseTi ps to Keep Your Computer Alive and Processing

By Jason Jude Keep a Clean Machine transmitting data back to their masters. Pay close attention to the company that hese days it seems like a full­ Be sure to keep your laptop free of provides the plug-in, and if you haven't time job just to maintain a unnecessary junk. Uninstall programs heard of them, investigate fu rther before Wcomputer, especially if you that you never use, like demos and "try accepting! Do research on the plug-in own a copy of the most popular operating me free" programs that usually come name. Who knows, you may find out system, Microsoft Windows. So many evil bundled with other software. Make sure that that toolbar is a known spyware entities lurk on the Internet program that would have tried in so many of the most to mutate your computer into innocent places that it's hard a robot spy if you had clicked to know for certain whether "Install." your computer is protected from spyware, viruses, and hackers. I've been asked Stay In School (and sometimes begged) to fix quite a few computer Try to use your laptop for problems, and what always essential tasks related to the amazes me is the number of Law School: word processing, odd things that can happen Electronic Bluebook (EBB), to Windows without users basic Internet browsing to having any knowledge of allow access to Law School why their computers aren't sites, and so on. If you working properly. start loading anything and everything onto your laptop Here are a few steps you you will probably notice can take to protect your decreased performance; laptop from causing you unlimited that you have an anti-spyware program essential programs may take much longer amounts of stress and grief. such as Ad-Aware or Spybot Search and to open and can sometimes freeze. If Destroy, and that you scan often. I have you're going to install a program to try it Back It Up been utterly amazed many times at how out, and then take it off later, pieces can quickly a brand new computer that be left behind. Even afterremoving some Make sure you don't keep your life on ventures onto the Internet for the first programs you may not see any speed or your laptop! If you keep all of your Law time will get bombarded with unwanted performance improvements. School papers, family pictures, and 7000 tracking cookies, data miners and other mp3s stored only on your laptop, stop potentially harmful digital rubbish. Create an Immune System reading this right now and consider your options for backing up your important Be Careful What You Plug In How could I write an article on files. I'm serious, stop reading now! Your laptop health without mentioning anti­ precious files are stored on a very sensitive While you're on the Internet, look virus protection or Windows updates? little contraption called a hard drive. If out for browser plug-ins that pop up Connecting your computer to anynetwork you carry around a laptop computer and ask you "nicely" to install. Some without up-to-date virus protection and which occasionally gets banged around, safe examples of browser plug-ins are critical Windows updates is like walking your chances for losing everything rise Macromedia Flash and Adobe Acrobat slowly through a stampede of angry considerably. There are many options for Reader. You should avoid companies buffalo. Why are those buffalo so angry, backing up your data including burning such as GAIN (the makers of Gator) you ask? Maybe some of them have CDs, copying files to removable disks, or WeatherBug, since they have been nothing better to do than sit in dark flashdrives, removable hard drives, and known to contain spyware. Also watch basements and write viruses. Some may uploading your files to your personal IFS out for toolbar plug-ins that add flashy have been laid off from their corporate space provided to you by the University buttons or search bars to your internet CONTINUED on Page 19 (http://mfile . umich. edu). browser. Many have bad reputations for ------�� �======4 =�=·=·=·· ·�=· �= · =· ==�2R==cs==�=c=s=ta=c==·======�== £p=t£=mh==£r==20==' 2=0=0=5���� 3LS: Take the Nannes Challenge and Pump Up Your Student Organization's Budget

By Matt Nolan and currently we just do not have them. Quick facts: Nannes believes strongly that one of ever in the history of student Michigan Law's greatest strengths is the Pledge Drive dates: September 21st organization funding has richness of student activity life, and he through October 13th there been "too much" wants that to continue and improve. Dollars available to student org of your fu g, because student organizations choice in exchange for pledge: $250 can always do more. The Michigan Pledges from the Nannes Challenge Your pledge: $50 in May '07, $75 in May Student Assembly annually gets requests go to the Law School Fund, a fund that '08, and $100 in May '09, a total of $225 for over five times as much money as it has allowed the law school to create the (or less if you choose.) can allocate, and Law School Student legal practice program with full-time Senate statistics show four times more professors, add new business courses over A committee of a dozen or so 3Ls demand than supply as well. the past few years, bring in prominent has been comprised to lead this ye ar's speakers and visiting professors, and challenge, and has high expectations At least one alumnus has taken this other unseen but essential actions for the for their peers' participation. Let's problem into his own hands. John law school community. show our alumni and the rest of the Nannes (class of '73) started the Nannes nation's law schools that Michigan Law 3L Challenge ten years ago, and this year Taking part in the Nannes Challenge is students are willing to give back, while he's doubling the commitment. Here's something that Michigan Law 3Ls should simultaneously doubling the funding for how it works: feel obligated to do as soon-to-be alumni. student organizations in the law school- I Despite paying larger sums for a legal don't see how we can afford not to. In exchange for your pledge to the law education than previous generations, I school fund to donate $50 in May of 2007, would doubt there are many of us who John Nannes is a 1973 graduate of $75 in May of 2008, and $100 in May of could say at the end of our three years Michigan Law School. After law school 2009*, John Nannes will give $250 to the that we'd rather have gone somewhere he clerked firstfor Judge Roger Robb on student organization of your choice. THIS else or that we don't feel we're better off the United States Court of Appeals for the SEMESTER. That's right, folks-$225 over for our time spent here. The Challenge District of Columbia Circuit in 1973-1974 the next four years gets student orgs of is the perfect way to begin our careers and then for Justice William H. Rehnquist your choice on campus $250 now. of giving back- and we actually receive on the Supreme Court of the United States more in return than we give! in 1974-1975. He then served as a special The total sum available for the Nannes assistantto the Assistant AttorneyGeneral 3L Challenge is now $50,000, which is *The pledge amounts to approximately in charge of the Antitrust Division before more than LSSS allocates annually. Now one dollar per week upon graduation. joining Skadden, Arps in 1977. Nannes that your self-interest instincts should be One dollar. Nannes cares much more left the firm to work as Deputy Assistant sufficiently alerted, let me explain a bit about us donating than the amount-even AttorneyGeneral in the AntitrustDivision more what the Nannes 3L challenge is if these very low amounts seem too much ofthe U.S. Department ofJustice between and is about. for you, theimportant message is that you 1998 and 2001 and as Acting Assistant give something, and that will be sufficient AttorneyGeneral in the Division during Nannes created the Challenge to take for the Challenge. the firstfive months of the current Bush on insufficient student organization Administration. After this, he returned funding and less than stellar alumni to the firm where he is currently a partner donation rates to the Law School Fund. Res Gestae in the antitrust group. Because Michigan is a public law school, So Totally Wants You. many alums reason that much of the Matt Nolan is the executive editor of law school's budget comes from the We need writers, photographers Res Gestae and co-chair of the Nannes 3L state of Michigan. In fact, state funding and editors. Challenge Committee. He and RG Editor-in­ will account for only 2.5% of this year's Chief Mike Murphy have already made their budget. The law school thus needs E-mail [email protected], pledges, and lookfo rward to seeing yours, too. to have donation rates rivaling if not and all your wildest dreams will Matt can be reached at [email protected]. surpassing our peer schools in order to come hue. maintain our standing as one of the best, • ------111 Jl\cs (!i}cshtc • j&£ptemb£r 20, 2005 sll ThisAgressio n Will Not Stand: Policy Implications of Deafening Construction By Mike Murphy beeping. Stark terror swept through me as Day. "Winger" is a seminal rock band I thought for a moment that Godzilla was from the 80s also known for the hit single L ye ar is supposed to be a seminar- destroying Dominick's. You'll be happy to "Headed For A Heartbreak." "80s" refers esque experience in intellectual know that I immediately checked on the to the decade in which many of you 3 curiosity; the functional equivalent welfare of Dominick's, and received my were born, a thought I find personally of house arrest before the glamorous usual warm welcome from the doorman, horrifying. "Seventeen" is a song that party-all-the-time lifestyle of a first-year who usually reacts to my approach as if I subtly addresses the inherent injustice associate. Lately I've been feeling like The were coming over to his house to defecate of strict liability in statutory rape case Dude from "The Big Lebowski." I show on his sofa. All is well across the street. law, asserting that a lack of mens rea up in class -late- haven't shaved, and on the part of the perpetrator results in don't know what's going on. I hope that in the interest of inter-school unjust punishment but concedes that collegiality the school of public policy actual or constructive notice of an alleged The thing is, not knowing what's will take the law school out to dinner or victim's age provides for the requisite going on in class bothers me a whole lot something for its trouble. Otherwise I mental state. Winger also suggests less than it used to. I remember as a 1L I recommend two courses of action: that that committing statutory rape may be didn't know what was going on because Dean Caminker and the administration something one "needs" to do, in order the material was hard and because I was enlist the loudest possible contractor for to feed one's family or something, citing messing around on the internet. Now I'm the construction of the law school's new Immanuel Kant who wrote that such not sure what's going on because when building (I mean seriously, like, AC/DC crimes of necessity are "totally okay in I sit in class it sounds like I'm attending loud); and that we as law students repay my book." Go ahead and tell your Crim school in the middle of a bizarre fusion the public policy school for a year (and Law professor all that. Please.) of "Stomp" with the Socratic Method a half) of distracting construction noise as audience participation. And what by,well, being really loud next year. Pots, We can't let the public policy school with actually paying attention in class pans, beatboxing, the whole works. get away with turning our Socratic legal being so hot since Dad took away our education experience into an episode of internet privileges, we can't even block Now I can't do this myself. That Extreme Makeover: Law School Edition out the noise of the construction with would be very un-Dude. Besides, by the on full volume. This aggression will not sports scores, Strongbad, and (of course) time that building is operational, I will stand. But don't look for me on the front pornography. have graduated and denied all personal lines: I am waking up at 10 a.m. most days responsibility for any disruption of public of the week for a 10:10 class. I have not The school of public policy is erecting policy classes up to, and including ever done the reading for my afternoonclass what appears to be a skyscraper next door, having written this column. (And I'll today because I do not own the textbook. where a perfectly good parking lot used make it stick. Heard of a guy named (Backorder, not laziness. Promise.) I am to be. This makes sense for many policy Novak? Apparently it's not that hard.) barely capable of paying my rent on reasons - less sun shining into Hutchins time or distinguishing whether today makes for lower air conditioning bills in The Headnotes, I might add, were is Thursday, Friday, or a weekend day. the classrooms, and less parking for the made for this. I will personally pay $300 I am pretty sure I put on deodorant this faculty and staff increases the value of next year to send the school of Public morning.Actually, I didn't. I furthermore rented parking spots, which translates Policy 30 consecutive Val-0-Grams of cannottell you when or if my classes offer into much needed extra revenue for many "Seventeen" by Winger. (I think they finals, or what my professor just said, but impoverished Ann Arbor landlords. would do an outstanding job with the I know that the law school bowling league split backing vocals in the chorus.) just started back up. The construction has reached a critical mass (ahem) of background noise into (Note to 1Ls: Hello! And welcome to The Dude abides. classrooms that the loudest "Hey Ya" from Michigan Law School. "The Headnotes" frat houses across State Street could never are a law school A Capella group, which Mike Murphy is Editor-in-Chief of Res touch. At one point during Jurisdiction you should join if you like singing. "Val- Gestae. E-mail Mike at murphym®umich. last week, a plane flew overhead and an 0-Grams" are songs that the Headnotes edu. ambulance raced by, which you could sing to embarrassed students and hear over the hammering, drilling and professors during classes on Valentine's • I�l =o======�=-�� ·���· ==±?R==e5==®=e=5=t&=e==·======�=£= p=u=nili==£r=z=o= ,=z =o=o =s �l� l ------

Don't Fall in the Law School Trap: Lifestyle Advice to 1 Ls

By Matt Nolan you got here by doing just that, but some pay off in keeping your sanity, for one of you got here by missing every other thing, and will come up in job interviews. decent number of you class and cramming at the end for finals. Remember you'll be interviewing heavily presumably enrolled in law Remain open to tweaking and improving with Michigan alums. school specifically because your strategy, but remember that what yo d to be lawyers. Law School got you here will probably get you out of Don't treat law school as a job. A lot of could be viewed as a prerequisite to here just fine. Somestudents will study my don'ts are admittedly sounding very practicing law: a three year commitment less and do better just like always, and similar, but this should summarize them. followed by life's final standardized test. others will need to bust butt if they had If you go to class, prepare diligently, go Don't treat it that way. I'd like to ask you to in the past. home, and do nothing else, you will have not to approach law school as merely the wasted law school, bottom line. gateway to a legal career. Do get a sense of what your professor is expecting out of you. Expectations Do get involved with multiple student Many of you won't be lawyers. Some of vary quite a bit. Some professors will organizations, read the RG, and donate to the most famous and successful Michigan want you to have complete mastery SFF and other causes. The ideal Michigan Law alums are congressmen, senators, of the readings and skim little from lawyer is not only one who excels in VPs and chairs of major corporations, conversations in class, and others will practice, but who is involved in their heads of public interest firms, and the provide readings only as "backdrop" community and works to make it and like. While these alumni don't practice and really hammer home on what's the world a better place. It is in fostering law, they use what they learned at important in the course discussion. While these aspirational goals and opportunities Michigan law every day of their careers. both reading and paying rapt attention that we can set ourselves apart as more I'd be willing to bet that few of them, if in class is obviously the best strategy, if than lawyers, which to me is extremely any, graduated with the top GPA in their you're choosing between one or the other, comforting. class. With that in mind, let me offer some figure out which is most economical for "dos" and don'ts" for approaching your the particular class. Choosing wrong or Law School is a unique period of three three years in Hutchins. not figuring this out can reap poor results. years in which you get to develop your (I base this observation on personal mental capacity and evolve your view Don't stay in the library past midnight. experience.) of the world, but your interaction with We've all done it. But if you become the your peers and involvement in student person who's racing against the lights in Don't ever, ever, ever turn down an organizations is just as much (if not Sub-2 to finish those extra few pages of opportunity to have fun/get to know ultimately more) a component of that J.J.'s (unassigned) treatise, then you've your classmates in favor of re-reading a development. Interpersonal skills and lost it. You're spending too much time case. Do your prep, then get out and live. connections will always distinguish studying. Law school likely represents the lastthree between the good lawyers and the great years with your schedule being as flexible lawyers. Michigan Law provides a great Do set aside time each week for as it is. Here and now you have vacation culture for increasing your capacity and something other than law school. time, few financial worries (besides breadth of interaction in these areas, Working out is good and fine, but make mounting loans), and huge numbers of one of its great strengths. You're paying your regular activity fun, like watching your peers in close proximity. If you for the full experience. Don't accept the football or a movie night. Guaranteeing miss out on that part of your law school nutshell version. yourself time to not work will make the experience, you will regret it. hours you do spend studying seem less Matt Nolan is the executive editor of Res cumbersome. You'll have something Do go to LSSS bar night, hang out Gestae, and has attended the University of concrete to look forward to. Balance will at bowling league, take advantage of Michigan since To m Brady quarterbacked help you work harder when you really Mitch's $1.00 pitchers once they come thefo otball team. Brady has three Super Bowl need to. back, go to home football games and get rings and two MVPs. Nolan knows this and together to watch away games. Learn is still here. He can be reached at mjnolan@ Don't think you have to study as hard who the players are and keep up on . as everyone else in your class. Some of how the team's doing. Seriously. It will • ------111 21\esQi)estae • �eptcrnber 20, 2005

Open Your Ears to a Cross-Continental Summer Music Recap

By Heidi Manschreck Wolf Parade -Apologies to the Queen Mary why not listen to Wilco? "Feel" sounds like an * * * * (Montreal, Canada) (Preview!) annoying Allman Brothers tribute to CSNY, et out your Transnational outline but with worse lyrics, imploring the listener -these reviews go globaL yo. OK, Among hipster crowds the naysayers to "feel the sunshine." The Allman-esque fine - maybe just North America are massing their troops, perhaps both dueling guitars make an admittedly catchy and the UK - but still, the Coalition of the to out-hip and to prevent the absolute return on "Fallen Leaves," and after a repeated Willing-To -Produce-Hot-Tracks was in full devastation of another Arcade Fire (never single note on "Born Under a Good Sign" that force this summer: dropping bombs filled with again will they attach themselves so recalls Manu Chao, they do hook up a pretty serious aural pleasure. deeply to a groundbreaking, infectious and sweet guitar solo. But "Nowhere" provides a overwhelmingly emotional Canadian album brilliant summation of the album in its final If you were too busy smooching the south - extended exposure to that level of soul­ lyrics: "vacant ditties/nowhere gain/daydream side of your firm's hierarchy to notice these bearing eventually numbs the listener to its sowin/senses slowin" -call it indie, it's still releases, now's the time to donate some of beauty). Although this is Wolf Parade's big Huxley's soma. that blood money to these starving-and-not­ label debut, virtually all of these tracks were so-starving artists. And if you were saving available on the band's self-titled EPs of2003 Spoon - * * * * (Texas the world this summer, give an IP/Copyright and 2004. might as well be another country) Nutshell a glance, rearrange the pebble in thy shoe, and do what feels right. Isaac Brock (of Modest Mouse fame)'s With this gem, Spoon solidifies itself as production has substantially altered some of a unique and highly consistent rock band. MaximoPark- A Certain Trigger * * * Y2 the best tracks, and not always for the better. Its opener "The Beast and Dragon, Adored" (New Castle, UK) While Apologies' "Modern World" and compels with its authentic scratchy vocals that "It's A Curse" benefit from cleaner mixes, climb to falsetto, a dark piano note, a catchy In "Apply Some Pressure," lead singer "Grounds for Divorce" and "Dear Sons and refrain, and jittery up-the-fret guitar work. Paul Smith confesses: "''d love to be caught Daughters of Hungry Ghosts" lack some of "I Turn My Camera On" goes full falsetto stealing." Cynics would say he got his the raw, distorted energy that made the band and delivers an instantly catchy tune (though wish; superficially, Maximo Park appears so compelling on their 2004 EP. While the not likely to survive through multiple album to be nothing more than an amalgamation original "Dinner Bells" may surpass every plays), while "My Mathematical Mind" recalls of its numerous post-punk and new wave Death Cab track on the Best Depressing the band's pre-Killthe Moonlight sound with influences.But A Certain Trigger showcases Makeout Music charts, this one will leave you its emphatic piano and see-saw guitar. Listen the band's amazing range between ultra­ too spaced out to sit up, let alone plant one. to "Was It You?" as you walk through the Law dance-able (especially the hot opener "Signal Quad the morning after Bar Night - you 'II feel & Sign" and aforementioned "Apply Some While this album may lack the cohesion of like you're in a movie montage. Pressure") and beautifullysad rock (see, e.g., music written and produced within a limited the aching love songs "Graffiti" and "Postcard time frame, it showcases Wolf Parade's many Kanye West- Late Registration * * * * of a Painting"). strengths -emotive throaty vocals wrapped (Chi-Town) around cogent lyrics and accompanied The album's masterpiece, "The Coast Is by killah geetah- and is well worth the The reigning king of self-awareness has Always Changing," combines the band's purchase. produced an album that surpasses College spectral limits with fist-pumping moments Dropout on nearly all counts. "Heard 'Em ("I am young and I am lost!"), melancholy Teenage Fanclub -Man-Made * * Y2 Say" is a perfect opener (if we're discounting verses, and a gorgeous bridge. Only the (Glasgow) the standard skit intro) followed by track after largely spoken-word "Acrobat" pushes the track of perfect sampling, hot hooks, and even envelope, successfully employing white These Scottish lads have produced an a little social commentary. "Crack Music" is a noise reminiscent of My Bloody Valentine accessible album and not much else. "Save" particularly brilliant example, as is Common's with more contemporary electronic sound­ and "Only With You," the catchiest and lyrical contribution to "My Way Home" ("The making. For the most part, Maximo Park is prettiest songs on the album -with lush young smoke grass in grassless jungles/ not breaking new ground. But who cares, if harmonies, well-placed string arrangements, Rubber-band together in cashless bundles"), they do it well? If you like the Strokes, you 'II and an extended piano outro, reveal TFC's probably like this album. greatest assets but ultimately beg the question: CONTINUED on Page 19 II8 c..�--4 �Res®.esbt.e • ,;§£ptemher 20, 2005 II Settle Down, Poindexter, They'reJust Numbers: It's the Winter 2005 Grade Curves

Grade Summary - Part Winter 2005 Number receiving each grade

Course/ 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2. 7 2.3 2.0 1.7 l.3 1.0 0.0 Class Section Professor Course Name I p Size A+ A A- 8+ 8 8- C+ c C- D+ D E 510/001 Cooper,Edward H Civil Procedure 1 14 28 24 8 7 2 1 94 5201001 Krier,JarnesE Contracts 15 27 23 9 1 92 530/001 Thomas,Kimberly A CriminalLaw 10 16 28 27 9 95 5301002 Shachar,Yoram Criminal Law 7 15 30 26 9 95 540/001 Caminker,Evan H, !ntro to Constitutional Law 8 19 27 26 8 96 540/002 Larsen, Joan L Intro to Constitutional Law 9 15 32 24 10 4 96 560/001 Simpson,AlfredW 8 Properly 10 15 33 21 11 4 96 560/002 Schneider, CarlE Properly 8 17 22 25 9 3 92 580/001 Herzog,DonaldJay Torts 12 16 29 15 11 96 580/002 Horwitz,JillR Torts 7 14 29 26 8 95 601/001,002 Payton,Sallyanne Administrative Law 3 4 3 2 2 23 41 602/001,002 Howse,Robert L Inrl Investment Law 2 6 6 3 1 24 605/001 Ratner,Steven Richard Adv Transnational Law 8 2 3 4 7 27 606/001 Howse,Robert L Transnational Law 2 4 15 9 10 47 606/002 Reimann,Mathias W TransnationalLaw 4 12 24 15 32 103 606/003 Ratner,StevenRichard Transnational Law 9 21 11 13 72 606/004 Dickinson, TimothyL TransnationalLaw 3 4 5 18 608/001 Leary,Margaret A Advanced Legal Research 4 13 4 3 37 616/001 Miller,William I Bloodfeuds 6 20 18 18 11 19 99 622/001 Kritsiotis,Constantine Internafl HlllTlanitarianLaw 1 5 1 5 20 625/001 Schneider,Car1 E Law andBioethics 3 7 8 4 7 32 633/001 Komfie1d,SusanM Copyright 3 3 5 5 1 1 21 637/001 Pottow,John AE Bankruptcy 5 9 16 8 4 12 56 640/001 Jones,MarthaS CriticalRace Theory 3 8 11 11 3 7 45 641/001 Brensike,Eve Lynn Crim Just:Adm of Police Prac 6 5 14 3 3 42 645/001 Gross,Samue1 R Criminal Procedure Survey 10 26 10 3 14 75 651/001 Ben-Shal1ar,Onui Economic Analysis of Law 10 8 7 11 52 656/001 Simpson,AlfredW 8 English Legal History 7 18 7 4 20 70 657/001 Vining,Joseph Enterprise Organization 5 6 8 11 3 17 56 657/002 Beny,Laura Nyantnng EnterpriseOrganization 6 15 20 14 8 10 79 664/001,002 Halberstam,Danie1 H European Legal Order 3 8 12 4 1 15 61 669/001 Friedman,RichardD Evidence 8 12 28 14 7 12 88 669/002 Cooper,Jessica R Evidence 5 6 10 16 I 7 46 676/001 Moscow,Cyril Bus Ping for Pub Held Corps 4 4 19 4 I 2 35 677/001 Whitrnan,Cluistina LB Federal Courts 5 8 11 6 43 79 679/001 Mendelson, Nina A Environmental Law 5 17 14 23 74 680/001 Govender,Karthigasen Constitutionshsm inS Africa 6 5 15 16 9 58 683/001 Rosenbaurn,MarkD Fourteenth Amendment 4 8 18 II 33 82 6881001 ,002 Halberstam,DanielH Fedenalism 5 7 13 8 14 58 689/001,002 Simma,BmnoEckard LeadingCases in Infl Law 2 7 3 4 29 691/001 Avi-Yonah,ReuvenS International Tax 11 6 4 2 25 693/001,002 Reimann,Mathias W Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law 17 29 50 43 18 2 54 225 695/001 Regan,Donald H International Trade Law 5 6 10 I 30 699/001 Winograd,B arry Labor Law 5 12 23 14 24 91 7031001,002 Katz,EllenD Local Government Law 10 21 12 5 10 79 705/001 Evans,AliciaDavis Mergers and Acquisitions 10 14 17 12 25 88 711/001 Radin,Margaret Jane E-Cornmerce 3 8 5 7 10 38 712/001 Parson,Edward A Negotiation 3 14 6 8 3 2 37 714/001 Soper,E Philip The Nature ofLaw I 3 6 13 6 1 8 41 719/001 Kamir,Orit Creating the American Lawyer 3 12 21 17 II 13 99 725/001 Novak,Barbara Griffin SecwitiesReg Practictun 1 6 I 17 726/001 Kahn,Douglas A PartnershipTax 1 I 2 5 1 2 18 731/001 Niehoff,LeonardMarvin LegalEthics & ProfResp 2 14 26 20 12 33 122 737/001 Bemard,Jack HigherEducation Law 8 6 3 2 2 27 739/001 Ellsworth,Phoebe C, Gross,SarnuelR UsingSocial Science in Law 6 3 9 2 3 24 7411001 White,JamesBoyd Rhetoric, Law and Culture 2 10 11 10 3 39 743/001 Pritchard,AdarnC SecuritiesRegulation 9 17 30 27 12 105 747/001 Hasen,DavidMilton Taxation of Individual Income 7 3 13 2 6 62 101 749/001 Hasen,David Milton Corporate Taxation 1 2 3 5 20 754/001 Lutz,KarlE Business Trans Practicwn I 6 13 6 25 755/001 Waggoner,Lawrence W Trusts andEstates I 7 12 16 10 28 79 758/001 Schneider, CarlE Law, Medicine andSociety 6 3 1 II 759/001 Lutz,KarlE Business Trans Practicurn II 2 5 6 1 I 1 16 The following classes are not Totals 68 394 658 984 701 278 110 38 16 62 696 4149 Seminars and Research classes Clinical Classes Classes in which no student received a regular grade (A+ through 9/12/2005 E) Jf\es

Grade Summary - Part 2 Winter 2005 Course/ No. Mean Within Deviation fr om Grade Guidelines Section Professor Course Name Graded Grade Range? A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ c C- 510/001 Cooper,Edward H Civil Procedure 94 3.19 520/001 Krier,James E Contracts 92 3.22 530/001 Thomas,Kimberly A Criminal Law 95 3.25 530/002 Shachar, Yoram Criminal Law 94 3.24 540/001 Carninker.Evan H, !ntro to Constitutional Law 96 3.23 -1 540/002 LarsertJoan L !ntroto Constitutional Law 96 3.22 -1 560/001 Simpson,Alfred w B Property 95 3.25 I -I 560/002 Sclmeider,Carl E Property 90 3.19 -I -I 580/001 Herzog,Donald Jay Torts 95 3.23 -5 580/002 Horwitz.Jill R Torts 94 3.20 -I

601/001 ,002 Payton,Sallyanne Administrative Law 15 3.36 high -I - I 602/00I ,002 Howse,Robert L lnt'l Investment Law 17 3.47 high -I -I -I 605/001 Ratner,Steven Richard Adv Transnational Law 19 3.49 high -2 -I 606/001 Howse,Robert L Trarumational Law 35 3.22 -I 1 -2 606/002 Reimann,Mathias W Transnational Law 69 3.23 -1 606/003 Ratner.Steven Richard Transnational Law 59 3.21 -I -I 606/004 Dickinson,Timothy L Transnational Law 13 3.36 high -I -I 6081001 Leary,Margaret A Advanced Legal Research 34 3.57 high -3 -2 -2 616/001 Miller,William I B1oodfeuds 78 3.25 -2 -2 622/001 Kritsiotis,Constantine Intemarl Humanitarian Law 13 3.38 high -3 625/001 Schneider,Car1 E Law and Bioethics 24 3.47 high -1 -1 -1 633/001 Komfie1d,Susan M Copyright 20 3.40 high -I -1 637/001 Pottow,John A E Bankruptcy 43 3.33 high -1 -1 640/001 Jones,Martha S CriticalRace Theory 36 3.31 high 1 -2 641/001 Brensike,Eve Lynn Crim Just:Adm of Police Prac 38 3.27 high -5 3 -I 645/001 Gross.Samuel R Criminal Procedure Smvey 60 3.25 6 -3 -2 -2 651/001 Ben-Shahar,Omri Economic Analysis of Law 41 3.26 high -I -I 656/001 Simpson,i\lfred W B EnglishLegal History 48 3.24 2 -3 657/001 Vining,Joseph Enterprise Organization 37 3.29 high -2 -2 657/002 Beny,Laura Nyantung Enterprise Organization 65 3.30 high -3 664/001,002 Halberstam.Danie1 H European Legal Order 31 3.44 high -3 -I -2 669/001 Friedman,Richard D Evidence 74 3.27 high -2 -2 669/002 Cooper,Jessica R Evidence 39 3.34 high 5 -2 -2 676/001 Moscow,Cyril Bus Ping for Pub Held Corps 32 3.38 high -3 -2 -2 677/001 Whitman,Chnstina L B Federal Courts 35 3.54 high -1 -2 679/001 Mendelson.Nina A Envirorunental Law 50 3.25 -I 680/001 Govender,Karthigasen Constitutionalism in S Africa 49 3.23 -1 683/001 Rosenbaurn,Mark D Fotuteenth Amendment 46 3.28 high -I 688/001,002 Halberstam,Daniel H Federalism 35 3.40 high -3 -2 689/001,002 Simma,Bruno Eckard Leading Cases in lnt'l Law 16 3.47 high -1 -I 6911001 Avi-Yonah,Reuven S International Tax 22 3.80 high -2 -5 -2 -I 693/001,002 Reimann,.Mathias W Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law 168 3.22 -I 695/001 Regan, Donald H International Trade Law 18 3.59 high -1 -4 699/001 Winograd, Barry Labor Law 67 3.26 high I 703/001 ,002 Katz,Ellen D Local Government Law 53 3.52 high 12 -2 -6 -1 -3 705/001 Evans,Alicia Davis Mergers and Acquisitions 59 3.45 high -1 -3 71 1/001 Radin,Margaret Jane E�Corrunerce 27 3.36 high -2 -1 712/001 Parson,Edward A Negotiation 34 3.40 high -3 -2 714/001 Soper,E Philip The Nature of Law 30 3.40 high 3 -1 -2 719/001 Kantir,Orit Creating the American Lawyer 78 3.26 high 2 -1 725/001 Novak,Barhara Griffin Securities Reg Practicurn 16 3.86 high 3 -3 -3 -I -1 726/001 Kahn,Douglas A Partnership Tax 16 3.31 high -1 -2 I 731/001 Niehoff, Leonard Marvin Legal Ethics & Prof Resp 86 3.20 -I 737/001 Bemard,Jack Higher Education Law 25 3.54 high I -2 -I 739/001 Ellsworth,Phoebe C, Using Social Science in Law 21 3.58 high 4 -2 -2 -I 7411001 White,James Boyd Rhetoric, Law and Culture 39 3.34 high -1 -I 743/001 Pritchard,Adam C Securities Regulation 103 3.21 -1 747/001 Hasen,David Milton Taxation of lndividual lncome 35 3.35 high -2 -5 749/001 Hasen,David Milton Corporate Taxation 15 3.30 high 754/001 Lutz,Karl E Business Trans Practicurn I 25 3.68 high -5 -2 -1 755/001 Waggoner,Lawrence W Trusts and Estates I 48 3.41 high -3 -2 7581001 Schneider, Carl E Law, Medicine andSociety 10 3.81 high -3 -I -I 759/001 Lutz,Kar! E Business Trans Practicum II 15 3.81 high -3 -2 -I -1

Key: No. Graded - The number of students in the class receiving grades A+ through E Mean Grade - Based on the No. Graded (rather than the Class Size) Within range? - Based on the guidelines for Mean Grade: 3.13 minimum; 3.19 target; 3.25 maximum Deviationfrom Grade Guidelines 9/12/2005 : thenwnber of students receiving that grade within the target range

Mean Class 1st Year Upperclass Seminars:

Winter 2005 3.22 3.42 3.79

Targets fo r class mean: mtmmum: 3.13

target: 3.19

maxtmum: 3.25 '�'==lD======�=· =�=· ·�···:�: ·===±�==cs==®=c=s=t&=e==· ======�= £=p =u =l nb==£r=z=o=,=z =o=o =s �l� l ------Federalist Society Kicks OffYear with Discussion of Eminent Domain Decision

By Jeffrey M. Schwab O'Connor noted: "Nothing is to prevent legislation that would effectively overrule ® the State from replacing any Motel 6 with Kelo. Alabama and Texas have both n Thursday, September 15, a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping passed legislation that will prevent the University of Michigan mall, or any farm with a factory." Mr. Kelo-type takings. Bullock also cited the Federalist Society kicked Bullock dispelled any notion that these Michigan Supreme Court's 2004 decision offthe school year with a overruling the Poletown discussion of this summer's case as evidence of hope. most controversial Supreme Court opinion, Kelo v. New Professor Krier followed London. Scott Bullock, Bullock, stating that Bullock who litigated the case and "didn't say anything is a senior attorneywith the I disagree with." He Institute for Justice, talked claimed Kelo was "utterly about the implications of predictable." Professor the Court's opinion, while Krier disagreed with the Professor James Krier of entire approach of the the University of Michigan Supreme Court regarding Law School followed with eminent domain. He commentary, to a crowd of claimed thatthe problem lies 165 students. inthe area of compensating owners for the use of Bullock deemed the eminent domain. He said Kelo case one of the "most that paying fair market despised in recent memory," value under-compensates citing polls showing that property owners. over 90% were opposed to the decision. Krier claimed that the are exaggerations. He provided evidence "line-drawing approach" whereby In Kelo, the Court said that it was of governmentabuse of eminent domain eminent domain is either allowed as a acceptable for a government to use the after the Kelo decision: Hours after the public use or not allowed as a private use power of eminent domain to take a home decision, officials in Freeport, Texas transaction has high error costs. Instead, for "private economic development." began filings to seize two family-owned Krier suggested a liability rule that would Essentially, the government now can businesses on the waterfront to make way compensate property owners more for use eminent domain to transfer private for an $8 million private boat marina. On takings that move toward the private property from one private party to July 12, Sunset Hills, Missouri, voted to property side of the spectrum. Professor another. allow the condemnation of 85 homes and Krier would rely on common law to set small businesses. This is the firststep in rules of thumb, which should reduce the This decision can be seen as a departure allowing the private Novus Development high error costs. from the language of the Fifth Amendment Corp. to use eminent domain to build a which states that private property shall planned $165 million shopping mall. We at the Michigan Federalist Society not be taken for "public use" without hope that this case sparks a range just compensation. The Supreme Court Despite all of this, Bullock said there is of debate on campus and across the has altered the language of the Fifth good news. The best part of the majority country regarding the use of eminent Amendment from"public use" to "public opinion, he said, was that it allows states domain and private property rights. The benefit." to provide more protection against Federalist Society's next meeting will be eminent domain abuse. our membership meeting on Tuesday, Bullock applauded retiring Justice September 20 at 12:20 in Room 150. Sandra Day O'Connor's dissent as "the Thirty states and the federal government crowning achievement of her career." have proposed or are considering • ------111 �es

I Know What You Watched Last Summer By Bayrex Marti and Eunice Rho '�'=1==2=====�==�=·�·---���- ·=· ==�2R�e s�®�e�s�t a�e�·====��;� c�p�u�nm�c r�20��, 2�0�0�5:dl�l ------Attractive Nuisance Introducing the Poetry of Louise Gluck

By Jay Surdukowski Then theydisappeared. And I thought: one shadow. Like the one we made, aw school can be an emotional you holding me. 7� hit and run. In this column rJJ 1 entitiled "Attractive Nuisance," Louis Gluck, 62, Pulitzer, our immediate I w t oduce mostly poems--bright and past Poet Laureate, is afraid. Her poems shiny and calm like good firefighters, are so simple, almost written with ready to save you. You'll read something air. Always there is a disappointment humane, something moving, sometimes at work. We are told she is famously something shocking. Other times you'll withdrawing. We are told, do not be read something of longing, and always, fooled by her magnum .45 lipstick and I hope, something different. You will not bullet-proof hair in her well-known find an Anatomy of a Callback, the latest publicity photo; the real woman is pink Bayrex and Eunice masterwork of pop faced with sadness, quiet, terror. This cultural prose, or a workable review of is what we are told about Gluck in the the latest pickup truck. But you will find papers and rare snips of biography. I breath, touch, scent, life. disagree. Her photo is accurate, painfully I confess that I'm giving you some of so. Gliick is renowned for an honesty in the stronger proof stuff, the Everclear in A poem will never save a child from a American letters that is heartrending and the back of the liquor cabinet fit only for burning building. But it can sometimes the total opposite of unassuming. Her eighth graders with a death wish. Much save by saying in polite company what voice is devastating. of GlUck is whispered and watercolory we can not. It can save by giving meaning. . and soft. I figured I'd first try to startle Like law, it can order chaos. A poem, too, The poem of the lover as predator you into looking up some more of her can be as tangle-twisted as a freeway connects with other quietly violent love stuff, that I'd try and hook you on a accident, like today's little number. Andy poems written within the arc of her hawk's talon. Warhol with his Death and Disasters career. "Mock Orange," perhaps her most series knew that if you give them an famous poem, contains the opening: But I can't resist bringing in some of accident, they'll always look. Shakespeare the gentler, sadder, and somehow more hit it on the head too. And the Greeks of It is not the moon, I tell you. hopeful stuff. Since it is September, when course. Tragedy is like sniffinggas at the It is these flowers hope quickens around every comer with station. So bad, but oh so good. Catharsis. lighting the yard. the heart thump of a new law school Recognition. A warning. It clarifies I hate them. facebook, here is a bonus poem from her matters. A truth. I hate them as I hate sex, Pulitzer collection Wild Iris: the man's mouth The debut poem of this column, a sealing my mouth, the man's White Lilies little tragedy by New Englander Louise paralyzing body - GlUck: And this is how she kicked off the As a man and woman make a garden between them like Hawk's Shadow whole book. In another early sleepy book of poems she knocks us out of our a bed of stars, here thet;linger in the summer evening Embracing in the road own sleepy beds with the lines: "Last and the evening turns fo r some reason I no longer remember night was different/Someone fucked cold with their terror: it and then drawing apart, seeing me awake." This is from her poem "The could all end, it is capable that shape ahead-how close was it? Dream of Mourning." Again, the famous of devastation. All, all We looked up to where the hawk mouse is not so terrified. The speakers can be lost, through scented air hovered with its kill; I watched them of her poems are rather brave. And the the narrow columns veering toward Wes t Hill, casting poet who sat down to write these words uselessly rising, and beyond, their one shadow in the dirt, the all­ is even braver. Are you? a churning sea ofp opp ies-- inclusive shape of the predator- CONTINUED on Page 19 ------111 2£\rs

By John Fedynsky to get research published. In general, can leave Ann Arbor with at least one whatever the writing sample, it should good lifelong friend. He or she should he third year of law school has be reasonably digestible in format and be the kind of person with whom you its charms. A 3Ltypically has a length (a good rule of thumb is fifteen have regular or at least periodic contact. Wplum academic schedule filled pages) and solely the work of one person We can be valuable sounding boards with interesting (or at least not terribly (so forget about that Campbell moot for each other, for we share a common challenging) elective courses and plenty court brief, though that competition in cultural understanding and set of values of free time. Looking back through the my experience is still valuable and worth inherent in studying at the Law School. prism of the bar exam and work, the last the effort.) To gether we can lean on one another in year of law school is an opportunity many times of need. students squander. Every graduate should have at least one or two, but preferably more, faculty Think connection. What will bind The phenomenon has an air of recommenders who will remember the you to the Law School, the place that inevitability. Students typically know student and keep an appropriate letter empowered you to practice law: the where they will live and work. They on file. Target faculty of your choice by place where the architecture never fails are keenly aware of the impending enrolling in their offerings and getting to inspire and speak to a higher purpose unpleasantness and hard work preparing to know them at officehours, after class, for us lawyers, guardians of all the lofty for and passing the bar exam will entail. and otherwise. The best candidates are ideals inscribed in the Quadrangle? The They sense mounting debt accruing tenured (other professors, particularly place where, for what will increasingly during a widely-viewed throwaway visiting ones, may not be at the Law feel like a brief and fleeting series of year that is the final hoop in acquiring School down the road and for simple moments, you and a few hundred other one expensive piece of parchment to logistical reasons will be difficult to hotshots came together to learn,live, and, frame and hang conspicuously at work engage for career help) faculty working in if you are lucky, love the law for all that or home. your desired area of the law, and faculty it can and should be. Graduation will who generally like you as a person. change your relationship with the Law Herein lies the fallacy: thatthe diploma Reach out to their support staff too. School, but it cannot end it unless you is the sole or even principal good to These persons are usually kind, provide choose it. achieve in the third year. Notable and access to the recommender, and end up necessary as that paper is practically and doing the bulk of the heavy lifting for you Bask in the light moments, from the symbolically,there is so much more for a anyhow. And hope that when you need Student Funded Fellowship Auction, 3L to achieve at the Law School. a letter your favorite professor is not on to bar nights, to the football games. sabbatical. Every now and then I pop in the DVD Consider another paper: the oft­ from the Law Revue my 3L year and overlooked academic writing sample. Your future colleagues are another marvel as I fondly recall the collective One of the few tangible products of a resource. Talk to people and get to know talent of those who graciously shared successful law school experience is a them. Network. Help each other. You a part of themselves that night. It is polished writing sample that a graduate never know when a section-mate in a city in these moments that law school can can use for years. Future employers, to which you have no connection can help be downright idyllic. As foreign and from law firms, to judges, to law schools, a friend or you for that matter. Remember preposterous as it might sound now, want a paper trail beyond a diploma and where friends and acquaintances are you might just miss law school and feel a transcript. Shrewd 3Ls pick a seminarof headed and follow their career moves. nostalgia for it. interest in which the paper requirement At first you might trade help landing a serves the added function of providing a clerkship or an associateship at a firm. If not, then maybe you have some representative example of that student's Years later you might refer paying clients, real regret post-3L. Avoid regret. Do best academic writing. Those on a law pro bono projects, and other goodies that 3L right. journal should complete and publish a advance each other's careers and the note, particularly if they contemplate reputation of the Law School. John Fedynsky ('04) lives in Detroit and an academic career. It is never too early works fo r the Michigan Court of Appeals. Apart from networking, see if you • ------���=1��4 ==��=-�«t�·�···���==�2R�c�s==�=c=s =i &=c==·======�=-e±p=te=mh==er=2=D=,=2=D=D=5���� lLs: Are You Geographically Confused? Commonly Asked Questions At Michigan Law

By The RG Staff A: They put you in the "Giant Fresh Vegetable Drawer." Q: I thought I was in the Reading Room, but I'm surrounded byundergrads Q: Are there any other places talking on cell phones trying to put I can go if I want to be really cold? the moves on each other. Where am I? A: Try the basement Snack Lounge A: You are actually in the Reading where your body temperature will drop Room which, in addition to being the several degrees upon entry or stand pick-up place for course packets and outside virtually anywhere during the examination numbers, is another sort of winter. pick-up place entirely if you're into that kind of undergraduate extracurricular Q: What is "Legal Research?" activity A: Legal Re search is the building where Q: Okay. I don't getit. Ifl'm inside the law the law school stores some of its oldest school, standing in front of 100 Hutchins, library materials and professors. Watch how do I get to the Reading Room? out for the tricky floor numbering; the Reading Room is located on the third A: 1) It's complicated. 2) Go outside, floor (not the first), and all even floor and feel your way back in. Use the numbers are seemingly inaccessible force, which is with you always. unless you never want to see the light of 3) Go down the stairs and wander day again. (Ever). Legal Research rivals

through the entrails of the basement until And you may ask yourself: where does that the "Giant Fresh Vegetable Drawer" you happen upon the stairs leading up highway go to? as the proverbial law school Bermuda to the Reading Room or the glass doors Triangle. leading to the underground library It's a brilliant administrator figured out that that simple! denying simple access to law students Q: What happens if I find myself in a would be a great way to trick them into dark void where nothing makes sense? Q: Why isthe elevatorinHutchins so slow? thinking they actually wanted to be inside all the time. When you get that itch to A: Most likely, you have fallen asleep A: Digestion in the stomach takes check your pendaflex at 1:32 AM, try for the first time inclass. Carl Jung would 5-6 hours. Also, the gestation period going in through the Reading Room. The say that your subconscious is taking this for humans is 9 months. Besides, door is located ... oh, forget it. time during your Torts class to express Michaelangelo once said that "Genius is collective racial unconscious memories eternal patience." So there. Q: Why does sub-2 seem like sub-zero? and instincts shared by all people. Which means you're not alone in this. Now wake Q: Does Hutchins Hall have anything to A: The underground library is where up - they're calling you name. Just say do with the word, "hutch?" Like, will I see the law school refrigerates its students to "respondeat superior" like you know any giant bunny rabbits running around? keep us crispy,fresh and alert - a process what the hell it means. originally developed to preserve our A: No. It does, however, have a lot to professors. Don't ask about the "Giant A version ofthis article originally ran in the do with the 70's cop series "Starsky and Fresh Vegetable Drawer." Some things September 2000 issue of Res Gestae. Hutch." are better left unknown. Just realize it has a lot to do with "tenure." Q: Why is it so hard to find an unlocked door to Hutchins after school hours? Q: What happens if I don't have my • ID verifying my law student status A: Reverse psychology. Some years ago, when I reach the Sub-1 checkpoint? ------111 �cs ®cshtc • �cptcmher 20, 2005


l. S i fling lllcnsil 6. Ty pe 9. TV or tour 14. 1L zip6141 1 15. Nothing 16. Decided 17. Sensitive subject 18. Dairymaid 19. Actor Martin 20. Lusttill 22. People 23. Time to Live 2-1. Russian ruler 26. Bratty kids' complaint 30. Most brown 34. Helped 35. Frog noise 36. By way of :. n. Booger 38. Cut of meat 39. Closely contined 40. Distance 41 . Pray over 42. 1/12 pound 43. People who write �ssays 45. Forcing out 12. God 46. Metallic ore residue 13. Eve's home 47. Ultimate, fo r shon 21. It is (con't) 48. Indian sage 25. Get really wet 51 . Three fo ot rukr 26. Garbage 57. Ring or grass 27. Fatha 58. Root beer brand 28. False gods 59. Bert'> frknd 29. Nothin' out. 60. Focus on intently 30. Copper. zinc al loy 61. Already eaten 31. Occurrence 62. Singer Kravitz 32. Between then and now 63. Colloidal solution 33. tot 64. Head shake 35. Priest 65. Lysis (plural) 38. Dog's nuisance 3(). Hindu tenth month DOWN 41 . Carry writer's name 42. Sell more I. African Bushman 44. On land 2. Thought 45. Not new J. Duke of 47. Impelled 4. Live! 48. Rachel's baby 's daddy 5. Built 49. Opposite of "out of' 6. C8117N 50. Upper layer of earth 's crust 7. Place 52. Car 8. Electron tube 53. Three pips

(), Large hawk 54. Hotels 10. Upset 55. Cinematograph 11. Couple 56. Door openers Everybody Comes to Rick's: M-Law Represents at Bar Night, Sept. 15, 2005 Jars®rsht£ • � 20, 2005 ______,,, �� �=1�8 �==�����· ·�··�· �� �· �2R�e s�®=e=s�t a�e==·====��=e�p=u=lu==eb r=·2=D=,=2=0=D=5���� ------LSSS Gets Down to Business in 2005

By Brad Wilson affectedareas over Winter Break to assist transportation, drinks, and food will be in va rious capacities, from contributing to provided, as will a larger stage for the nd we're off! Any semblance the more labor-intensive reconstruction costume competition (for those of you of a rested and relaxed frame efforts to providing legal services for who remember, last year's stage was way of mind vanished within the many who are now in need. I would too small). This event sells out every year, m of the first day of classes. It's like to thank every individual student so get your tickets. The Senate will be as if we never left: Notre Dame beat us and organization for taking part in all selling them soon. this year in week two just like last year, these noble causes. It should make us and despite no wireless access during all proud to be part of a thoughtful and For those students withspouses and/or class time, students are still not paying caring community. children, the Senate will be planning a attention due to the likes of Solitaire, family-friendly event this Fall- please FreeCell, and Hearts. 1 Ls are busy I want to also extend a warm welcome keep an eye outfor more details soon. integrating, 2Ls are stressing over their to the nine law students from Tu lane and interviews or lack thereof, and 3Ls are Loyola Universities to which our School We are also looking to put on a series of wasting no time skipping class. has opened its arms. I know our School is Blue Jean Lectures in thenear future where happy and proud to have you herein this a selected professor from our faculty will But of course, we did leave and so trying time- I am confidentwe will make come and speak to students about any much has happened, both inside and you feel welcome and at home here. topic he or she wishes over coffee and outside thelegal arena. The mostobvious snacks. As you might imagine, the subject event in the law world was the recent In addition to culminating the Katrina matters for these talks vary widely, change in makeup of the Supreme Court. Relief Competition, the year's first Bar from current research the professor is There is·no doubt this will occupy much Night at Rick's on September 15th was a conducting, to their interesting past work discussion in the coming semesters. huge success. From the rookie 1Ls to the experiences. We hope to replicate the Rehnquist's passing and O'Connor's seasoned 3Ls, more than 350 people came great turnoutsin years' past these events retirement mark a very exciting time out and had a great time. Stay tuned for have had. to be a law student. We will have the news on the next Bar Night in the middle fortunate ability to clearly compare how of October. I know, I know- it can't come There are also some new additions to the Roberts Court handles itself relative soon enough. the Law School facilities this year. For to the Rehnquist Court, an ability most those of you who have not noticed, the students are not privileged to have. I'm excited to announce that the School has installed several information Nannes Third-Year Challenge kicks off kiosks throughout Hutchins for students' The most noteworthy happening on September 21st. We as students are convenience- one outside Room 100, outside the law is the devastating impact fortunate to have this opportunity to one outside the student lounge near the of Hurricane Katrina. But arising from this dedicate $250 now to the Law School pendaflexes, and one in the Reading tragedy, just like with last year's Tsunami, Fund or student organization of our Room. Students are now able to access Michigan Law School students teamed choice in exchange for our pledge to much of the information available on up with one another to raise $2,300 in contribute $225 to the Law School Fund the School's website, including a listing the Hurricane Relief Competition, where over the first three yearsafter graduation. of the day's events. There's also nice individual students made a contribution John Nannes ('73) is the current donor new furniture in the student lounge, to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief for the program, and has graciously and new lockers have been installed Fund on behalf of a student organization increased his commitment to $50,000 this near the pendaflexes for those student of their choice. The Competition lasted year. Likewise, the ExecutiveCommittee's organizations currently without office for the firsttwo weeks of the school year, goal for this year is increasing to 200 space. Therewill be more improvements ending at the year's first Bar Night. I am participants. This is a great, simple to our facilities throughout the year. proud to announce that the J. Reuben way to dedicate $50,000 to our student Clark Law Society raised the most money organizations! The Challenge lasts from So welcome to Michigan Law School in this great endeavor with contributions September 21st to October 13th, so 3Ls, 2005-2006. It's going to be a fun and totaling $500- APALSA was a close runner please make sure to sign up. exciting year! up with $332, as was LLSA with $300 and BLSA with $255. I am happy to announce the Halloween Brad Wilson, 2L, is the LSSS President. Party is set for Friday, October 28th. Send comments about this article to rg® Additionally, there are a number of Like last year's smashing success, it will . students looking to travel down to the be held at the Links at Whitmore Lake- • ------111 �cs ®cshtc • �eptemher 20, 2005 NEW KIDS, from Page 1 ACCESS, from Page 3 NUISANCE, from Page 12

who has taken time off isn't the only herd-control jobs and want to get back at Hush, beloved. It doesn't matter to me kind of person who is valuable in the their employers. They make a vims for lzow many summers I live to return: class. If I can get a mature student right their former company computers and it this on; summer we have entered out of undergrad, why wouldn't I want gets out into the rest of the world. All I eternity. him/her?" know for sure is that you want to avoid I fe lt your two hands the plots of the evil buffalo and keep bury me to release its splendor. As the median LSATS and GPAs of your computer's anti-vims and Windows this year's class are the highest in law updates up to date! If you don't have an This poem is hopeful because even the school history, Zearfoss said that she is anti-vims program on your computer one summer, the Clarisa Dalloway kiss, often asked if she is unlikely to admit now, download McAfee VirusScan from the brief merciless and merciful passion, someone if their numbers are too high. the University (http://virusbu sters.itcs. the love that all love after is an echo of, "The answer is, 'not at all.' I don't care It's free, so there's even this can be enough for a life. The about yield. I admit who I want to admit. no excuse for not being protected! white lily of our affair may die after so I know perfectly well that the people I'm many summers, but "this one summer admitting are going to be admitted by Hopefully I've given you enough we have entered eternity." many great schools, but I don't worry basic information that will keep your about it. Plus, I'm sickeningly full of computer alive and processing long Sum up this introduction to Louise confidence. I really believe it's rational to after its warranty ends. If you have any Gluck? Since poetry is vitality -essence ­ choose Michigan over any other school in questions or comments, please come by blood-life- distilled into a few lines­ the country, and I proceed accordingly." the 200HH computer lab help desk and I'll leave you with my favorite glancing ask. All of us at Law IT wish you a good, stanza from all of GlUck's works, taken In addition to the new faces of the safe computing year! from her poem "From the Japanese." 1 L class, UM welcomed 22 transfer The lines may serve as a poetic credo, students and two visitors (these figures Jason Jude works fo r the Law School explaining why she keeps up with such are not counting the students from Tulane Computer Lab Help Desk Support. E-mail bittersweet work, and why we continue and Loyola- see article on page two.) comments about this article to rg®umich. to love our lovers in spite of everything­ Around 120 applied for these spaces. edu. hawk shadows and all. "The transfers are a really terrific group ­ they are all very smart--but then again, • Why love wlzat you will lose? transfers invariably are," said Zearfoss. There is nothing else to love. Kristen Klanow is a transfer who attended EARS, from Page 7 Wayne State Law last year. "So far, the while "Diamonds From Sierra Leone" sends Jay Surdukowski is thefo rmer President of transition is going great. The entire legal a rather convoluted message about the bling. the LSSS. E-mail comments about this article community, from the administration to But the mixed message is part of what makes to rg® students, has been very welcoming and Kanye so good: on "Touch the Sky" he notes: I think that speaks to the type of person "''m trying to right my wrongs/But it's funny Michigan attracts," she said. these same wrongs helped me write this song" -who doesn't love this level of reflection? • As all who've come before them (and all who hopefully will follow), the class Roisin Murphy - Ruby Blue * * * of 2008 is a bunch of superstars. One (Dublin) student was an Air Force member in Kosovo. One worked as a speech writer Joni Mitchell at times, Ella at others, R6isin for the Department of State. A few of them molds a variety of influences into a truly novel are Fulbright scholars. One received his and contemporary sound. Trip hop (or is this Ph.D from MIT in molecular biology. post-trip-hop?) is an easy genre to imitate, but Another received her Masters in Physics difficult to master (see, e.g.,Supreme Beings and worked for NASA. Says Zearfoss, of Leisure), and R6isin falters at times. But "The beauty of this class is that you can't some of these tracks (especially "Night ofthe generalize. There is an incredibly wide Dancing Flame"), with their electronic synth range of interesting experiences. We're bursts and rare percussive sanies, will make so lucky. " hot remixes fo r shoppers at The Gap. • • llzo �epunmer 20, 2005 llr------

Jessup International Atte,ntion 2L s: Going on a Callback? Applythe .for I>ean 's Public Moot Court Law Firms JS-er.vir:efFellowsh,ip Info rmational Meeting • rw�ts>' ·>·,�:\. Love L-Star Each year the Dean·s 1!Ubl ie Service Tu es., Sept. 20 "' Feill'owship prognunwiU recpgmze up The Law Student Travel and Accom­ totweJ.1-�Y seeortd•;year Michigan Law 5 p.m., 150 HH modations Reimbursement Program students who have a demonstrated service 1Ls Welcome (L-STAR) is a national fundraising commitmentto pUblic and who initiative that runs in conjunction with law school on-campus interviewing during (OCI) programs. tihe summer aftertheir second ye ar public If a law student stays with family or , receive friends instead of in a hotel during a a: $5, award. " ··'l . ·». -�' 0 callback interview, the interviewing I1 1ish heritage not necessary, but law firm(s) agrees to donate $165 to To�p!y, for •s lfublic Serviee Eai'Wa}IS� a plus. Meetings soon (we that student's public interest funding Fellowship, complete ana stibuiit the w pl'Q11l�se). organization. t= application FPDF], Yeu oan lllso obtain 'S a eopy ..W

Interested in a Public Interest Career? The Native American Law Go to a PI Caree-rFair Students Association The Office of Public Service OPS willpay tire r0;1gistr.ation foo and · 850 towards transportation to­ (NALSA) ward any of1he public interest career fairs listed below. Pleasecheck with Barb Summers (ops@ would like to invite you to our umielLedu) for details. first general meeting of the year. EJW CareerFa ir Fw those of you interested in pursuing summer jobs in public intere$, the Equal Justice Works Thurs., Sept. 22 Career Fair is going to be held on October 27and 28 in W41Shington IDC. We will have a sign up 12:15 p.m. sheet on the OPS bUlletin board for people willing tosh are a ride to DC. 138 HH http://

Thll uP blic Interest Environmental Law Cooference For the http:l/www.pielc.otg/ Thursday, Mareh 3rd - Sunday, March 6th, 2005 LLSA Fall Scramble Golf T:heUniversity of Oregon S.ehool of Law inEu.g ene, Oregon will host. the PU�LC. Tournament

Midwest Publie Interest Law .Career Conference Sat., Sept. 24th The Mi dwest Public .Interest Law CareerConference, sponsored by the Chicago Area Law Stonebridge Golf Club Schoolo Consortium, is a job fairfo r students interested in employment in the public sector. The ( Conference is usually held in Februaryand attracts over 50 emple:yers fo r on-site interviews, Students $70/person informal discussions and for resume collections. The registrationwebsite wiU not be up until Non-Law-Students $85/person December, but the site is (includes faculty and staff). Dinner tickets available for $25/person