Association of El Paso JKA/WF Western Region Spring Camp 2012

Spring in El Paso, TX

Arrangements have been made for a special rate at the Confort Inn Hotel, located at 900 N. Yarbroug Dr. Exit 28 B from the I-10. The hotel is about two miles from the Dojo. Please use the reservation Code “JKA” for the rate of $55 + Tax for a standar room (two double beds).

Dojo Address: JKA El Paso Lodging: Comfort Inn 1530 Lomaland Drive 900 N. Yarbrough Dr. El Paso, TX 79935 El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 591-5008 (915) 594-9111

*RSVP no later than March 15; by mail at our Dojo’s address, or through our e-mail [email protected]. Your answer is very important to Order the T shirts, and calculate the Dinner plates. El Paso, Texas - Spring Camp 2012 Spring Camp Training Schedule - Friday April 13 - 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Spring is already here. It’s the season of blossom for Mother - Saturday April 14 - 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Nature, and it’s the time to release all of our internal energy 4:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (physical and spiritual) during the spring Camp. - Sunday April 15 - 6:00a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Persistence, Perseverance and Continuity must be inheriting characteristics of the Karate-Do practitioner. The practitioner must Other Activities Schedule have Persistence with the Dojo training, Perseverance in the desire - Instructor Training Class. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Only to learn and grow and Continuity in the participation of for students registered on the Instructor Training Program. If not extracurricular activities such as: Training Camps, seminars and register yet and want to participate Must be Ni Dan and above, have clinics that are the complement of our training program. the forms ready and cover the training Fee. )

During the camps the group spirit becomes stronger through the - Dinner. Saturday at 7:00 p.m. All Spring Camp participants intensive and exhausting training that creates a respectful are invited at no cost. environment where the friendship and the human interrelations don’t have any boundaries. - Kyu Exam. Sunday 15. 11:00 12::00 p.m. ______Spring season must be a very important time for all karate Camp Registration practitioners because it was in the spring of 1922 when Master Funakoshi traveled from Okinawa to to present his art at the Name: ______First National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo, organized by the Ministry Dojo: ______of Education. After that event, Master Funakoshi and his Karate remained in Japan, and years later spread out to the rest of the ____ One Session $50 world. ____ Two sessions or more $80. Last year with the help of Koyama Sensei, and the Arizona Karate Association, JKA of El Paso did the first step to begin a tradition “El ____ Mexican Dojos $50 for all Camp sessions, in appreciation Paso Spring Camp”. This is our second year and it is our honor to of your support and effort to participate in our event. invite all of you to participate and share the experience with us. Camp T-shirt - $20. Circle your Size S M L XL

We are very fortunate because this year as well as last year Koyama You can Pay at the Dojo in April, but please confirm your Sensei will conduct the training. His high level of karate knowledge participation by mailing your Registration form before March 15. and his philosophy of life, makes this camp a unique opportunity.