The Clinton Independent.


Ilave your Watches. Clock* and —A cornet band has been organised —Born to Mr. and Mrs. -Lew" Estes, «iry repaired at Alliaon ’a. the old reii. in Maple Rapids. May 22. 1894. a son. Black Dress Good* and .Silks Trimmed school hats for 10, 20 and $6 able jeweler. — Jack" Malthouse is doing a job of The King ’s Daughters contemplate At Kkndrick 's. cents Spectacle* and Eye r J. J. Tntvl. . parts of this village —A Dispatch from Maple Ilapids tells —All who have dowers for Decoration pretty paper on the walls. is a fact recognized by tbe whole com­ Has fresh Bovine vaccine virus on hand Smoke "Crown of Ht. Johns." 10cents its that the Fourth will be celebrated in Day, will please send to G. A. R. hall. —The M. E. society, of Olive town ­ munity, and the interest that is being aud will be supplied from day to day ship. are about to build a church bouse. with fresh vaccine virus. Vaccination proper style. Wednesday morning. May :iu. manifested this year assures us u glori ­ may lie had at hisoffice or at his home. 2d-hand Safety for sale. W. O smorm . —There are fourteen licensed liquor —-The Little Rebel.” announced to Mrs. Armina Wilsey has headed a sub­ ous day brimming with true American sellers in Clinton oounty. A few less Iiave beeu produced by members of the scription list w ith $300 for such a pur­ patriotism. It is intended, among other Latest in Wull Taper From $16 up. We iiave just received a complete line Call and see. than last Year high school, lias been indetinately post ­ pose. things, to offer special prizes to be com ­ A. B. Ualcom . —Will those who Iiave any summer ot wall papers of the latest and hand­ —Pure Paris Green. London Purple. poned. . peted for by slate military organizations, somest design*, whicii we are offering Before leaving your order elsewhere Insect Powder and White Hellebore st —Travis & Baker sold over »wo rolls clothing for the King ’s Daughters to bicycle and horse races, balloon ascen­ at prices which will ensure quick sale*. for your spring aud summer suits sas Travis A Maker *. of wall papet last Monday. They have dispose of. please leave it at Mias Zyl- sion, athletic sports, etc., etc. The Don ’t fail te see them before you buy. Judd , opposite the postofflee. —A silver eel was caught last Friday just received a big new invoice of neu plui Shaver's or notify any of the mem- whole arrangement of the program is C. E. V an Sickm ;. No 46 Clinton Ave. Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds in Grand river, that was four feet long patterns. liera of the society. left with the following well-selected constantly on hand at my store. Every and weighed 8 pounds. —Louis 8. Chapman, of Ht. Johns, —Commissioner Winston lias earnest­ committee, aud we can safely ssv it Eyes tested tree At Pouter s. peison buy ing a package will receive a $&U.oo reserve lias lieen granted and Miss Etta B. Johnson, of Tuscola ly invited and expects every teaciier in could lie iu no lietter hand* ticket entitling him to a chance in the ruii. Kleeh and Vawl. drawing for a handsome sewiug mach­ to the Maple Rapid* i>ost office owing to county, were married at the home of the County to make an exhibit of school Ex-President O. P. DeWitt. chairman; I have completed arrauiremeut* lor work at our next county fair. The ine. Call for particulars. the increase of business. the bride's parents May 17. 1894. and ; C. E. Ball. Warner Bunday. Fred A. the receipt of Chicago dressed beef. aud ______A. B. Balcom . patroua of our school should see to it on every Friday morning, tbe best of —A quarter million wall eyed pike Iiave already settled in our village. Travis, Thus. Bromley. Jr.. E. Krepps Tlie Mercantile Co. pay the tarmeev were planted in Grand and Maple river, —‘The village draymen are very in­ that their respective schools are repre­ and E. H. Wilson. Lake Michigan White Fish. W. N. Rkddout . more cash for Butter aud Eggs than by the Lyons fishing club. dignant over the fact of Marshal Brain- sented at least a little In tills commend ­ This committee will appoiut subordi ­ any three concerns in Clinton county. —What’s to be done Y Roth Detroit ard using his own horse and wagon to able work. nate committees, and arrangements will Am amount of guou butter anil fresh —As a result of liberal and judicious egg* wanted ov O. P. DeWitt. for Beautiful Black India Silks and Grand Rapids claim Gov. Rich as a do draying for the vtllagr and intend be made for excursion rates on the rail­ which the highest price will be paid. At Kendrick ’s. speaker on Decoration Day. making an organized -kick” unless it is advertising done by the Mercantile Co., roads. Prices always tlie lowest —Hnow Friday night and Saturday stopped. lately, and especially last week, their Judge Daboll has accepted the presi­ CM vour meals at The Hotel Ht. Johns . Walker street, west. 1401 Black Laces aud insertions, in all morning, make a note of this so you can —Charles E Grisson Post. G. A. R.. stores were packed from front to rear dency of the day. and all wilt agree that widths aud qualities tell the rising generation in years to and W. R. C. will attend divine service with eager bargain seekers yesterday, no lietter choice could have been made. The Srw Carpel Vou Meert ^ At Kendrick ’s. come. in St. Johns church next Sunday morn ­ it pays to advertise. Twelve extra W. A. Norton will deliver the oration Can be bought at a bargain Prices always the lowest. —Spring, summer, autumn and winter ing. at which time a sermon hetltting clerks were employed to serve the mul­ iu his accustomed acknowledged good ____ At John Hicks ’. Dnnt *antreo. H. Stephenson received a tele- dock in Chicago until 12:30 at night for dent pro tern: E. L. Dnoliug Secretary tauqua." For sale by the wind to go down. At this time the pro ten. It was decided to organize for Spaulpinq A Co. At IkiucHKit A Pktsch ’s, her and was only out of liarms way j «»m from Oscoda Saturday morning No. 1 Clinton Ave. when the crash came auuouuciug the dentil at ‘that place of captain signaled a tug to tow the craft the summer with dues for gentlemen at Heart rtefc ... . i__... R. B. Emmons, at 2o'clock a. m. Mr. outside to avoid the wrecks which lined $RJ*o ami ladies at SI .60. The President Showt. the largest aud finest assortment Bring vour repairing to G. II. Porter, —We an* lieginmng to realize me ,__..__ . , . .. each shore, and in the face of this great appointed A. K. Petrie. L. L. Conn, of Spring (’ape* and Jacket* in the city; tlie jeweler, in Putt’s store. tact_ _ that. we must, _..publishku «k some btx.ud.,.1 .ifor Emmons was a brother-in-law of Mr. prices aUvays the lowest. amount of death and destruction we Mrs. Etta Uubliard aud Miss X. Stout Fowlar'a> Coarty Kllrhon a coupon scheme. Nearl> even paper Steplieuson and will be reuieraliered by the older residents of St. Johns as a embalked for a return trip to Grand committee to solicit membership, and Carpet* anil Kup*. Has liecome the head center tor *weets in the country is running some sort of! __ . ,_, ... ^^.....^..-...iformerliusinessmanofthispaceliav- Ilaven. because we had implicit confi­ (). C. Hollister, committee to see that You know where to buy them. —fresh home made candies: delicious » coupon deal, and after careful thought,__,...... r . t dence iu the judgement and integrity of the grounds were put in shape at once. At John Hicks ’. fruits, ice cream* and fresh nuts, pop we have decided upon the following mg beeu engaged in the jewelry busi­ com in sacks and balls. ness here a numlier of years Since his l ’apt. Nicholson and the safe and per­ On motion the meeting adjourned to Try Millmau’s Pure Baking Powder. —The Supreme court has decided fect construction of the “Atlanta." mee; at The Steel. Tuesday evening. Cloth** ClMinvd. Ilp-I * to) Ka-paurad residence in Oscoda he held several sale nt Arr.iunn, By H, Ilickey. over Clark A llulae ’ that a bicycle has just as much right to terms as postmaster. (lis demise which rode the monstrous waves and May 20. 730, when it is hoped a full rep­ l will receive bids on the note* and the public highway as a buggy and in will is* regretted bv all. Mr. Emmons stemmed the heavy wind witli dimin ­ resentation of the club will be present. l*M»k accounts of the late firm ot (). G Wicke* A Sons —nearly $2,(M' worth i For the t>est watch repairing go to case the driver of a buggy , or wagon carried a life insurance of $4.00U. ished but certaiu force. We arrived in Krepps. DeWitt and Co. Every job doe* not give half the road and an ac- BUSINESS LOCALS all —will lie sold by mi' this month at —As usual. Travis A Baker received Grand Ilaven safe and sound at 2 o ’clock some {trice ('all ami leave your bid. warranted _ ___ cideut to the wheelman occurs, the ^ contract for painting and papering Saturday p. in. To Holrter* of vwm* Mertvtn* Tlrkel*, Fukd A. Travis . Receiver. IlHrgali)- In Itwlng Mnehtna*. owner of the rig is liable for all damages. ^ (>vid Free Methodist church. On Friday, .lime l.atJ o'clock p. m. Itrrnnulm Day. the Singer Sewing Mschine will lie Lemon Bitters is worth its weight in I Iiave a number of the liest makes, —All the Columbia n postage stamps The committee should lie congratulated gold. second hand Sewing Machines, in per­ Decoration Dav wilt be observed iu given away to the party holding the fect order, yvluch will be sold verv low. are gone except a few of the eight-cent f0r giving the jol> to this enterprising St. Johns next Thursday. Following greatest numiier of tickets. Count Curling Iron*, five-cent*. II. L. Kendrick ’s and fullv warranted. AU kinds of denomination* The entire issue of they may rest assured every - is ttie program: your tickets and bring them to John machine repairing promptly done. Columbian stamps distributed through- thing will be done satisfactorily. Travis Hicks' store, where the award will lie Price* always the lowest. MARSHAL; made. 1421tf Geo . I>. Cootrk . •iut the country whs u.OflO.OOn.ooO. £ Baker seem Lo have gained complete I- Cornet Hand; Canton Hope No. I*: C. B. V. K AI.HKICH SCO II P DsWITT. .Sweet baked goods always frest and Far flair About llT7.000.U0fi were sold through the confidence of the people by their gentle- KOWl.BR a BALL PLACB * ROBK.IITS palatable at o P. DeWitt. Oripoon Pnai O. a . U.; Decoration Com. FILDBW A MILLMAK. JOHN HICKS At Sprague a Squares elevator : stamp windows of the Chicago office man|y anti satisfactorily way of doing tali tee; at Johns Cadet* . Vln- Depart ­ ROCHESTER ruiTHIM. (X). Wall Paper. Window Shades and No. 1 shell com at 46 cents per bu. and the amount received for them was business. When vou want the iiest ment: St. John* Zouare* St.John* Lod«e mixed paints cheap Dent ear corn 25 cents tier bu. No S|, I 0.0 F.: St.John* *chco. depart ­ < >wing to the constant rapid turning At. Fildkw A Millman ». Corn meal oo cents per 100 lbs. about £1.330,000. goods at the lowest prices you cau al- over of our goods we are enabled to Ground feed (corn and oats) at tt) —It lias lieen recently decided by the ways get them at Travis A Baker's. ment. foLowed by Speaker. Mayor. Clergy. furnish tbe public with strictly freali The Greatest bargains in Ribbons on cents per 100 lbs. Male quartet and W. ft. C. Mo. 3D tn ear ­ articles. All wp ask is a trial. United State* government that letters —'The Epwortl. League observed the ns*** sale at II. L. Kendrick ’s. Middlings at 85 cents per 100 lbs. O. P. DeWitt. !*nees always the lowest. Hungarian aind Millet seed. Oats, shall tie held 30 days instead of 10 as fifth anniversary of their organization EXE It ISE* AT CEMETERY: Printed Dnrka. At raw karri*-. Rye. Beans. Buckwheat. Lmceed Meal. heretofore unless printed instructions last Sunday evening in u very appropri ­ I. Music br the Band. Oyster Shell. Hay. Straw aud Wood on Ever heard of them V We sell them— Leave youi udn t»*i freshest straw- the envelope instruct postmasters ate manner in the M. E. church. The - Memorial Service* by the O. A. K Poet at lierries. at reasonable prices, with Lower in prices than the lowest. tbe Soldier*' Monument <1 round* the latest and most stvlisli wash fabric. differently. Better have vour envelopes church was decorated with iieautifui At John H icks '. O. P. DeWitt. Mast Tim* printed ; it costs but very little and growing plants and dowers, while over Z Public Bxerclae* at the Stand In Cemetery. You come to town don ’t forget to see when you do so just remember that we the altar was the league motto : -Look 4. Music by Band, Th» stmvr berry *en«on Narklatmlin. Crich about those Eavetrougns. p, Prayer. Hev. C O Tbotnaa Has opened at DeWitt’*. Orders re­ Now is just the time for them, das are here for that purpose. up. Lift up.” Interesting {taper* were * situra*. Male quartet ceived and delivered at lowest rates. om line._____Jons Ilu k>. Pr —On Sunday last Bert Mcguiston and rwul on the - History of the League.” 7. Recitation. "You put no Flower* or. l’a- Ar* You (Ming tn Taint T good* fofor gent's spring and sui swivel silk*. Harry Squair* toox wiiat they are *<>ur Motto. ” - Sunshine and Shadow* pa'* Oravo." Ml** Hattie Vree.and If so call ami learn our prices and be­ suits—|>erfect fits At Judd ’s. pleased to call n “littlespin" around the of league Work, ” "Our Active and *. Oration. Hon Judge Moore. Lapeer Handsome new pattern* come acquainted yvtth our goods before 9 Singing. Male quartet. At John H icks '. Man'* Clathlns neighboringtowns on their wheels, visit- Associate Members. The Eye of vou buy. We sell the"Shaker ” Paints. Cleaned, altered and repaired in a 10. Benediction. Rev. H. B Rutter. We are now offering bargain* in a None better. mg DeWitt. thence to Lansing. Grand Faith, while the possibilities of young C. E. V an Sickle . prompt aud satisfactory tintuner at rea­ invitation is extended to all soldiers, complete line of liest brands of canned sonable prices. Alk.x DeClaike . Ledge. Portland and Ionia, from thence people was discussed by Ue\. W. Scott. sailors and citizens in preserving the goods. O. P. DeWitt. No 46 Clinton Ave. of Indiana. memory of the uation patriot dead. The Next to {Mas toft ice, up stairs. home, making a total run of 88 miles Don ’t buy Carpets without looking at Everything in the hue of Groceries It must be remetnliered that the weather —'There will bean excursion toGrand weathei being unfavorable that day ‘ML »TAT»: ft A VINlin HANK sneaking and oilier sen ices will be in our stock. !*rtees always the lowest. warranted pure and fresh and delivered OF KOWI.KK was had and the road* heavy on that Rapid* to Sells' Brothers united shows, the ball. All are invlled to contribute H I.. Kkniihick . on time. O. P. DeWitt. Mondav. May 3s. 1894. Cheap rates in- CAPITAL. 9I&000. •lay flowers and bring them lo the l*ost II.1A Huy- an I nlirelb. Iloarrtrr* YY'antod. -A abort time ago some flsh-heada! dudU«XMmt * Validgo- room onlthe morning of the day. Pa­ A good one. one worth more money- A couple of lioarders can be accommo­ NET AMEN OF «T(aCKHOLDERS. rade will form at 1:30 on Clintoi, ave­ dated with large (leasant rooms about were dumped at the edge of the village. ing only on special train of May At John IIicks '. FRANK ORULBR. Pmlkoi rates shown below . Leaving St. Johns nue and Railroad street five minute* walk from court liouzt. The neighbors complained to the board Post-hole Augers. Post-hole Diggers, For further information call at this FREDERICK SCHEMER. V of health, and they spoke to Mr. W. F. at 8:46 a. m. ami arriving at Grand Ilap I'lee—wt ami frafltobl* Event ard Post Mauls, all style* and sizes. office. W. H. SKELLIKU ids at *:40 a. m.; giving ample time In M. John . Church. Heed, the new tlsh man. Now he wish­ At Spaclp ino dc Co. ’s. see me. I want vour DIRECTORS for tbe big parade Fare. $2.(15. Return ­ The Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies. D. Come in and es to state that they were none ot his Now They On-C'«yv, enrt Jneket*. trade. E. L Hull . OoaatanttM (iralar. FroSartckScI Osh-heads for be dispose* of then; by ing. train will leave Grand Rapids at D.. L. L. D.. Bishop of Michigau. visit­ No. 16 ('Unton Ave. W H. Snalllof. John H. ( orbit. We must reduce our stick at once on Polar Thamr . Frmak orulrr carrying them four miles in the country*. 8 HD p. m.. running throng!) toHt. Johns. ed Ht. John's church last Sundav morn ­ Ladies Canes and Jacket* for summer Tickets w ill also lie accepted on train ing. as was previously announced Columbian .lafety Bicycle for sale Jttryk Cook. They have been buried since thecom ­ wear. Call and see wiiat we can do for cheap. Enquire of R. G. A llison . plaint . leaving Grand Rapids at 11:00 p.m. Se­ in these coiums. and ad min is you. John H icks . 0T Faar par coat, itltmi paid oa Uat cure vour tickets m advance as full fare tered tiie Rite of Confirmation to a class Tlie choicest of a great variety of Come and see our 91.60 Chenile Table —The circuit court room where Judge will lie charged on trains. Covers : greatest bargains vou ever saw . of 38. This is by far the largest class Pickle* in bulk and bottles, at tow If. L. Kendrick . J^TATE BANK OF *T. JOHNS. Daboll was holding court was made the —Mrs. Mary Batnhardt was bom in in the history of this parish, and as it is prices at O. I*. Wk Witts. ocenr of a very pleasant suprtse last Price* always tbe lowest. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINOS. (’anada in 1868 and died of consumption composed largely of men and women of I earn- tbe largest and finest stock of Saturday noon. The jury. bar. officers mature age aad judgement, will un- Undertaking goods tn tbe oounty. Smoke “ St. Johns Bouquet. ” A cents. at her home in Riley township, this doubtedlv great I v strengthen the soci ­ CAPITAL M.0S0 •f th- coairt uaal frtwxl. at Mr. U»boll j aftor ety. The Bishop preached a clear and E. I. Hull . Cndertaker. hsd prepared a surpnae for him in the . , . ,, . Spring and Summer ( nderwear. . ’ ...... ___ *bout five months. Nhe came with her lucid sermon on "The Scriptural Au AS Teal* • Yard At II. L. Kendrick 's. shape of a handsome gol ad caae. to Michigan and settled in Clln- thority for Confirmation." and after Ia a very unal I pnoe for tbe fine quali- Price* always the lowest. NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, IN rtchly and appropriately engraved, in | £ co| ,nt> „ If£“whw .he was unit ­ ward, assisted by the good rector, ad ties of ftndla Wash Silks we are now ministered the Holy Communion to selling ohn hicks Give us your order and we will de ­ ibranee of his fiftieth birthday about one hundred persons. J . PORTER K. PERRIN. which occurred the dav previous. The ed in marriage to Frank Harnhantt. of liver vou the liest family groeeries to OBO F. MARVIN. VI East Bingham about seven years ago. In the evening the Bishop preached Don ’t forget the new Fish market be found tn the market. presentation speech was made by Gen. another forcible sermon to a goodlv foot of Clinton avenue. 3. W. FITZOERALD. CmMm. Two children were boro to them. who. number. O. I*. DeWitt. H. H. reran ERA LD. A O. L. Hpaulding in his characteristic W T. Rkkii Proprietor. Newest styles in shirt waists. No old happy manner, and was one Ailed with with tier husband, survive her. Mary Till* unprecedented, great aad good was a good, kind-hearted mother, and work has been largely tbe results of our Chestnuts to work off on vou. DIRECTORS for his fellow towns- highly esteemed rector ’s earnest, plain We are now showing. H. L. Kendrick . to the her death is certainly a great lorn to ber and forcible teachings, and his consist John Hicks . Prices always the lowest. P K. Pom*. O. W. Maogar. Oa*. f, M*rria.J.B children, husband and many fnends. Op.Ml. 3. H. P* dio ». J. W. PI eyes of his listeners We. iu union with ant and exemplary life, well braced and Good goodf at the right priees at E. I. a _ia _i__ supported by a confiding, earnest, truth• A fine Une of parlor goods alwava tn •' B“i r pltnlo j , J all, wish the Judge continued health The funeral was bald from the Catholic stock At E. L Hull 's. Hull’s Furniture and l' ndertaking church on Monday last. Rev. Fr. Auer seeking people. Where there >* unity No. 16 Clinton Ave. C. S. Alltaoa. O. E. CavMa mid ambition for yean to noon This of purpose, peace and good will, there Tkey Are tke Ti* IUeel beautiful gift was purchased of the officiating Her remains were laid to must sooner or later come forth good Studs and Button Sals for shirt waists rest in the Catholic cemetery. Lace Curtains for the price ever shown Jewelry Ann of Krepps. DeWitt A Oo. spiritual results. in ttt. Johns. At John Hicks ’. At Allison ’s. 4 Par Coni CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY MAY 24. 1894.

Kalfhl T*«par« of Mkhlr*. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. Dr.RaiT THE STATE NEWS. The thirty-eighth annual conclave of RAMPANT RIVERS. LAKE DISASTERS. 1 TITIME TABLE. the grand eommandcry of Knighta SZ*4T*.--lta»h day. —Mr. Allan's resolution ujtyfe Templar of Michigan was held in the calling upon the secretary of the tresaurr for IN EFFECT PORTIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA Information as to Dm number of person* di­ MlWAUKEEj DOINGS AND HAPPBNINOri IN asylum of Peninsular Commandery No. BIGHT VESSELS WRECKED AT 6th, 1894. 8, at Kalamazoo, all the oommantleries rectly aflecied by protective dull*-, and by S a MICHIGAN. SUBMERGED competition with foreign laborer- in lb* CHICAGO in the state—forty-four —being repre­ t'nited Mates waa dlaewaaad until If o'clock, WKTTWABD sented. iHHoera elected: Grand com ­ when the tariff bill waa taken up. Mr. Ual- mander. Charles 11. Pomeroy, Saginaw; Basest)) Beiliss, seat bloc Water* Which llngrr nroae with a formidable appearing array ** *'9 i |ss4 Ska I on(N(altaMlUla Co«fr*:aU at of manus cript* and aaawmu-crt that be waa si Tea Men Known to Have Been hi deputy grand commander. M. E. Jewett, Bring Death and IMMtruriIon —Jutona- about to give a history of America!: Imnsial . ;u Sals. au:«miaoa M«rM of lata. Hall and Adrian; grand generalissimo, Edward oa the tariff atom the landing of the pUar. n Orotraed. -Two ftchi STATIONS D. Wheeler. Manistee; captain-general. tawa. William* port, Bradford asd fMfcera. From this be read uatll fu. a., when. Milwaukee With Hetow Injur* Crop*Md PralL-K. at P. Haying he hail brought the story down to ItHA. kl Albert Stiles. Jackson; grand prelate. Haar Other To waa Sugar. ha cave way to Mr DitboU. who delivered a Other Wrecks and Aecl a £ a ■ Francis A. lihules. Detroit; grand carefully prepared speech Amendment* wem •- r»» IL la. p.w. F- os- senior warden. Frauds M. Moore, then passed using the rates on liasead. das- DimtOIT...... Lf « M 10 40 4 <4*. • a IO «ft seed, poppyseed and ollvo oils, and upturn nz> 7«« 10 M Marquette: grand junior warden, Johnstown. Pa.: Thu awful Cone- tracts. Then the rate on crude opium created Milwaukee JM.„ 4 25 • M U 14 storm. la Oar Mala. Robert II. MoK night, Saginaw; considers M* discussion. The compromise The fete storm which swept Lake p IS. s. m. inaugh disaster of 188V. haa been vivid ­ Michigan waa thu moat iliaaatrous oi 1‘oBtlac ...... 744 II 45 5 07 • M IS M A »fry Hfrrp storm of rain and hall. grand treasurer, C. A. Warren, ly recalled by the cloudburst and heavy order was to place It on the free Hat: Mr. Pal ­ Detroit; grand recorder. John A. mer. of niiaols. said he weald like to see Up: recent years. Eijfht vuaaela were Holly ------■ m 13 » A SI 10 so 1 14 intonniiiKlml wilh vitid lighting and rain fall which lasted in this section damnable drug excluded altogether ; Mr. driven ashore within the city limits oi Duraad ...... 35 1 X2 4 50 It 10 t U thunder paaawi over the lierow. Detroit: grand standard-bearer. for three days and caused thu Cone- Sherman. of Ohio, and Mr. Mltehoil. of Oregon, i lvow< Jrl...... 10 1* 3 1* 7 4 44 Eugene P. Robertson. Albion; grand •greed with him The compromise* was agre ed ('hitagn. Out of their orawi tin men 10 V4 8 04 state. At Hnrrfevillc the data above maugh river to Hood thu city and sur­ to. (>plum for smoking reduced from f 1- to fft are known to be drowned, and in Ht Jours...... * 47 • M town broke. Hooding the street* and sword-bearer, Philip T. Van Zile, De­ rounding country. It is an assured Hot-ax. The bid pa**e -l fot validation of a ai ­ luata...... 11 47 S 31 4 55 0 01 dant* made tieforc Patted state* commission ­ every instance Ivoat and car^o are ut­ p.u. uarrying away outhemaea and about troit; grand warder. C. R. Hawley, fact that the damage done in the city 13 S 44 9 10 Hay City, ami grand sentinel, Alex­ er* la all land entries. The total resolution terly lost. One schooner, thu Myrtle, • r 80,000 fret of logs; crops and garden* and within five miles of it will amount authorizing an investigation of the industrial waa wreekud just <»uUide tne jfovern- l)uweil...... 13 17 4 00 9 24 • «4 along the atreain were washed out. ander McGregor, Detroit. After the to from 980.000 to 9* 0.000. The Penn ­ depression was reported from the committee Ada ...... 11 S3 4 17 9 40 4 10 on labor. Mr Springer gave notice that be tnunt pier within a half mile of Michi­ Grsad lUpidt...... 1 oo 4 fA to )*) 6 33 Port Huron was pelted with hailstones election Hugh McCurdy, grand master sylvania Railroad company is the heav­ a «, JO 10 of the grand encampment of the United will soon call up the bill to remit the 10 per gan boulevard, and six men of her G.ILA I. Jet____ 1 M 7 44 four inches in circumference, breaking iest loser. A house, owned hy cent tax on state hank circulation Then the crew went down to death in plain view KTryabtiffg, ...... u5 11 ««l 0 S3 States, installed the new officers. Sag ­ House went into committee of the whole on liraod ilaveu----- 3 10 « o,( 11 in • *» man y windows and skylights anti Seymour, was caught and swept to of the hundreds of people who lined a 1 causing icreral runaways. Au Train inaw waa given the next meeting. destruction. A three-story building of the agricultural appropriation bUl. An amend ­ P- b. m ment was adopted Including the -sheep scab ' the boulevard walks, or watched thu Milwaukee mtr, a oi 0 «• report- many dangerous washouts Phillip lirown was torn from its foun ­ wtth pleuro pneumonia, tuberculosis aad other awful storm from the windows of the Cblca*o I4lrj..„ • OI along the I).. K. S. A A. railroad, caus­ Clark Polity of Cooaplrsey. dation and greatly damaged. The iron disease* of animal* which the secretary' is biff hotels which overlook thu harbor. KAH rWAKI) ing at least onr wreck. Kalamazoo James G. Clark, charged with con ­ bridge was badly wrecked. The store authorized to investigate. An amendment was agreed to dlrooting the pmvideal to eater Into Thu vessel* were the schooners Lin­ 2^- loniicr yards and trees suffered from spiracy in altering the olectiou returns of Anthony George wan submerged, correspondence with the authorities of Unit coln Dali: of Manistee, seaman. Anton the wind. Mason. Traverse City and of Wayne county on the salaries and although anchored with ropes, the Britain for the aL>rotation or modideatlon of Gunderson drowned; Mvrtle, every STATIONS. Ei if} £*$ other points report damage to crops, amendment, was found guilty at De­ water swupt it away with all its con ­ the law which roiuire* cattle Imported Into Great Britain from this country to be slaught ­ man of the crew lost, nix in all. names n* Ute £ £ etc. Lightning killed a nephew of troit. The jury hsd been out 25 hours tents. The residences of Emanuel ered at the port of entry and prevents them unknown: Jack Thompson, from Gar­ t Zt2-S X George Pope well and severely injured and the defendant had begun to feel James and Charles Htatlcr also went from being carried to other part* of the king ­ den liny. Midi., crew rescued by llfe- p. III. a. n». p at. R. H. a man by the name of Potter at the that the long discussion meant either down stream. The swift water under ­ dom All amendment Increasing the appropria ­ Milwaukee (Stn h a* tion for the purchase propagation and dis­ naving crew: Evening Star, of Milwau­ ChtoagtCHtr/ ...... 73 U farm of Popewell at Greenville. A his acquittal or a disagreement and mined an embankment, which gave tribution of seed from fiot.uuo to fKKMJOt) was kee. crew rescued: , of Grand i a. in borne was also killed. tlie announcement of a verdict of way, carrying down into the river agreed to. Haven, the vessel was ^rindinff to Grand Usvsa.-Lv 5 *■) 9 00 3 It 9 0.3 eiryniHi r ae ■....«•••« U t> guilt}' came like a thunderclap, ('lark about 200 feet of track and five cars. Hexatz .™ISCth day —Mr. Morgan opened the pieces when three men jumped onto site 5 44 9 05 2 14 was a member of the footings commit ­ In one of the cars were five tramps. O.R A I. Jet...... 5 pi 0 37 to 04 1 IS 10 45 Hielstitar la May. proceedings by offering for reference a resolu ­ aome floating lumber and reached tee, with George Huasev and W. H. Three of them succeeded in getting tion which aft?r reciting the existence of the shore, a line wane then made fast and Grsad Ilapid* ...... fi 44 10 JO 3 15 11 00 II *8 A wild an m storm raged at Alpena Green. Jr., all of whum were charged away, but two were drowned. About Sherman anti-trust law of June 3. IMS. aad the the remaining three crawled ashore; Isvfll______7 15 to 55 4 1* on tlie l‘.itli and eight inches of snow with altering the returns relative to 815.000 worth of timber lielonging to aUggaO «glal«am of u .Huger trust, called upon luata...... —...... 7 40 II 25 4 2* li 35 the attorney-general for information as to J. Loomis Mcl*aren. of Chicago, crew »T. Jouss...... 4 23 12 17 3 20 1 45 fell on the level. Several sleighs and the increase of salaries of state offi ­ the Conomaugh Lumber com pan}' went whether any proceedings were pending again*t R. IU. p. m naved excepting the mate who waa Ovotei Jd..... cutters were out. All vegetation was cials. At an examination Is?fore the out, tearing two bridges away. Fifty such corporation: If no. what -lage they had killed hy the breaking of a tow-pout; A 37 1 14 6 «) S 40 completely covered, trees were borne prosecuting attorney Hark had con ­ feet of atone wail was washed away. reached: if not. whether in his opinion, there Oeaam ...... 9 00 1 20 4 06 3 10 was any defect in the anti-trust law. The Rainbow, of Milwaukee, the crew down to the ground under the weight fessed. but at his trial denied the Throughout this county and Somerset Lodge tariff bribery nnd sugar investigation was rescued in the most heroic manner, Durand ...... 5 10 9 35 1 47 A .V 3 48 of the henry snow. Fruit blossoms charge and fought hard against con ­ the damage to bridges and crops is re­ resolution was presented and discussed, and the life-saving apparatus wot. aboard a Holly ______5 M 10 It X 28 7 44 4 47 wen* knocked off. viction. Hussey is the next to be ported to lie very heavy. Tom Me- after tming amende)! was adopted as follows: Pontiac — 8 It 10 AS 3 04 n 35 r, 37 Wkkhbas . It has boon stated In the Sun.aaows- flat-car on the Illinois Central railroad, Vlwauke- Jet..« 7 ») II 33 4 44 9 *1 «:*) Marshall: There was a change of tried. Festers, a lad 13 years old. was per published tn New York City, that bribes which runs close to the water's edge, DETROIT.... .Ar. 7 40 It -V> 4 on 9 » 7 oo 00 degrees in temperature in 24 hours, drowned iu^the Conemaugh river while vc lieen offered to certain Senators to Induce two lines had been fired at the drift ­ 4B»Ch*ir Car. H*r«l Car •tv«1 Marolns r*r Service followed by a heavy snow storm until Women's Foreign SIIm onary Society. trying to ride on a log. At South Fork Kthem to vote against the ponding tariff bill: nnd. the ground was completely covered WUZHZAs. It has also been staled in a signed ing vessel, but both fell Hhort, then Isstwsrd. No. II !>■■ Man Hire per )'htr*«» to The regular annual session of the numerous small buildings were swept article in the Fresa. a newspaper published in the tug Spenocr managed to get along ­ Detroit. No 14 Mi Parlor Buffet 3»r allocked with the "beautiful.” The heavy rains Women ’s Foreign Missionary society, away. Philadelphia that the sugar schedule lias side for n moment and four men were ttrstkl Haven io Dstroll. (rxtrs cbir**. 23 rents.j have swell' u the Kalamazoo river to cf the Methodist Episcopal church of Williamsport: The Susquehanna been mack- ua its It T"w tmnoa l- the proposed No. 14 bos Chair Car,Grand liapidt to Detroit. an unusuul dentk for thiaseaaou of thu amendment In co.tsldcration of a It. ire sum taken off. the three others cut loose on No. Si has .Sleeper to Detroit. the United States, held u four days ’ reached a point .75 feet ubovo low water of money paid for cam pal ,-n purposes of a small raft they had made, and Win. year convention at Adrian. A large amount mark, the highest ever known, and the Democratic party In HMt: therefore be It llitvill, u young electrical engineer, Westward, No. II hs* Chair Csr. Detroit lot,rood Cadillac reported three inches of of detail work was done. The election flooded every portion of this city to a Kzmoi.vzd . That it ,-ortmtttcc of five Senators Rapid*. No. IS has Parlor Huffrt Car attached anow. as did East Tanas, Cedar ho appointed to Investigate these charges aad placed a line about his waist and swam Detroit to Grand llsvsn tsxtrs rharrv. 24 cento. of officers resulted; For president. Mrs. depth of from two to twenty feet. to inquire further wtHtbar any contrlt utlcm No. 17 has Pullman Steeper. Isorolt to Chicago Springs ansi several other localities. to the raft and called to one man to F. A. llrowa; vice-president, Mrs. I). S. The city was cut off from thu outside hare Iwen made by th- sugar trust or any per­ jump. ('apt. Pew did »>o. llitvill No. 41 has Kirener to Graml Hspids. ____ Many correspondent* fear that great Stephens; treasurer. Mrs. J. I). Ander ­ world by a stoppage of all railway and son connected therewith t-> any political party I NO. W. Lol'p, IIEN KI.ETT1IER, damage hus li.-cn done to fruits, especi­ for campairn or election purposes or to secure grahlied him and Itoth were pulled Traffic Mausper Trsv. I*sss. Affent. son; editor of the Missionary Record, telegraph communication, und only u or defeat legislation or whether any Senator ashore: then E. J. Willis, a colored Tnos. BkoitLkr Local Apeat. ally the early varieties. Mrs. Miller, of Pittsburg: recording single telephone wire was left to send has been or s spet u alina In what arc known man. performed the same feat, and secretary. Miss Jennie White; corre ­ thu notes of distress to neigh lairing as sugar stocks, during the con*Ideralion r.f the tariff bill now before the Senate, aad with llavill again went out and brought the ■ Fin- llarrsn. no Hood for Farmlnv. sponding secretary, Mrs. I). S. Ste­ places. The second night of ti e flood power to send for jersons and paper* and to last poor fellow off: the rescuers und For the past Hvc years the state phens; auditor. Mr?- J. E. 1'nlmer. the water reached its highest point. administer oaths. .-'khu Lyki ). further, that rescued were then taken to a hospital, leveland There was very little sleep for the ter­ said cnmmitUni lie authorized to investigate and C board of agriculture has been spend ­ report upon anv charge or charges which may ,tll lieing thoroughly exhausted; C. G. ing money received from the United MINOR MICHIGAN NEWS. rorized citizens, and when at midnight be tiled before it alleging that the action of any Mixer, of Chicago, crew rescued; un ­ TO it was known that the water was sule Senator has lwcn corruptly or Imnroiwrly $2.50 State* government for an experiment Influenced in the consideration of said bill or known schooner, crew saved. Thomas BUFFALO station ut Grayiing. A determined John Newdnge, of Garfield, died from siding there was a feeling of relief in that any ntiempt has been made to Influence Kelso, a fisherman, was washed off the endeavor lias been made to render an the effects of a kick from a vicious every heart. At midnight thu big log legtslat.on. The committee appointed was: government pier ami drowned. Via “C. & D. LINE.” 80-acrc tract of tmrren pine lands pro ­ horse. Imkiiii containing 175,>pcn and 875 in cash gas and electric light plants Wing ship canal from the Great takes to the Hudson L’veCPvfisod. CIS r.S. | Leave Iluffslo. 81* r. a. ling decide,i to aliamlon the experi­ the Cummings, hut they were nearly Ar Duffslo, Tffnx. M. | Ar. rievrlsud, TXl4.ll. ment. and to let the eighty acres lie and some checks taken submerged there was no light on the river, in committee of the whole the agricul ­ drowned in the attempt, the life-boat rushing waters for three nights. The tural appropriation bill was taken up. Amend­ (Central Standard Time.) idle for the purpose of demonstrating Nathaniel Flint, of Flint, aged 70 ments were adopted authorizing the secretary being overturned, the crew escaping whether or not nature will do any ­ years, was arrested, charged with tak­ only mode of tramqiurtation uhuut the of ogrtculture to investigate tn<- r.utr.tivr \ ibn- almost miraculously. The crew of the Tnke th- "C Jk R. Lino * steamer* and enjoy thing toward increasing its fertility city wus by boat. The bias to corps of foot! pirwlmlv providing for the tnt DMlurtion Harm* > escaped, and the vesael can lie a rofroshinx nljrhf* rest when wrwttto Buf­ ing liberties with Tcranna Foale, the und farms cannot now be told. Four of ramie, a Chinese plant rvscntbUng silk: pro ­ falo, l*l*xsr» P'ulls, Toroot)#. New York, lifter having l>cen given a boost. u-ycar-old daughter of William Foale. viding thu; persons who should knowingly released, as she is light and on sandy Boston. Albany, Islands, or nay East ­ miles of railroad track was swept IHiblish any false weather forecast or warning liottom. The life-saving eretv managed ern or Canadian point The l»ody of Jack Kinney, a well- away. Over 25,000.000 feet of logs should b* tlnrd in u sum not exceeding -kn or to reach shore safely by clinging to MlrlilEtn K. f*. 1 IfUcrr* Klerted. known character who mysteriously imprivinment not exceeding Ml days or both; Cheap Excursions Weekly to Nlaaarn I'slla wore swept away at Lock Haven. authorizing the .secretary of agriculture to In­ the boat, which was washed high and - The grand lodge of Knights of disappeared from Evart about two Hradfonl: Twenty streets were quire as to the feasibility of displaying weather drv. Writs tor our tourist pamphlet. Pythias of Michigan was held at lien- months ago. was found in the river at under water to a depth of four feet. signals from postal car* The bill was then T. F. NEWMAN. H. R. ROGERS. | Hissed. Six thousand people were anxiously ton Harbor. The reports showed a Hersoy. There are indications of foul Over 40 families in tnc river district watching when the tug Knight Temp­ Usa ’l Mac ’gr Gen‘I Pass. Aft. play. Mexate .—noth day. —The tariff bill wo* con ­ full attendance of representatives of were taken from their homes in Ikiats. lar. towing a how bearing the life- Cleveland, Ohio, the Hi« lodges, net increase of nine Miss Hclla Walsh was found dead by A large numlier of business houses sidered for live straight hour*. The -ehrmi- savers. left the pier to make a second lodge.-, during the your. The member­ were flooded on the ground floors. cal" schedule was omplcled and --earth, her mother on the second floor of their eart haa ware and glass were partially com- attempt to rescue the crew, line hun ship has increased 975. The Itafenc; home at Mason. The coroner's inves ­ Isms over 850,000. pieted wbao "metz-s and manufacturers of iron dred feet of line sepuratctl the tug in the treasury is 99,3111.90, a decrease tigation disclosed the fact that tlie Pittsburg: Two lives were lost in and steel" wasn 't i.iordir altborgh It *a* from the scour, nnd hark of the scow of 9870.20 duriug the year. ’Eleven the flood. Adrian Weichul. aged 35 not touched. Mr. Morgan's resolution calling \ lady had suicided with mor ­ on the attorney-general for inforamtioa as to was towed the empty surf lmat. With lodges have applied for charters. phine. years, was trying to rescue a team of the existence of a sugar trust in violation of bow to the waves, the Knight Templar Election of officers: G. 1*. C.. George Ross West, ulmut 20 years old. while horse* near Etna, about 1 o ’clock, law was adopted. Horsr.. Tlw uglslativv. |iennitte«l the scow to drop down to ­ A. Reynolds. Saginaw; E. C. G. C.. F. when his feet caught in the harness oxeeutlve and judicial appioprlat'on* bill wan bathing in Lake Michigan, near South taken up. but the day was nearly spent In :U1- ward the wreck. Hefore the surf lioat M. Douglas... Lmia; V. G. C.. W. D. llnven was taken with cramps, and and he was drowned. A few minutes buvering. was in position three men were seen to Clizbe. Ilirmingham: G. K. of U. and S„ .atcr an unknown boy about 15 years liefare his companion, young McGre­ Skxatc .—I*l»; ilmy But little prog ress was fall one at u time from the mizzen ­ James W. Ilopkius. Lansing G. M. ex­ gor. could get to him. sank for the old was drowned in Allegheny while mast. and when the ik«t had swung PALAOa GTBAMINa. LOW RATaa. catching driftwood. Hoth Inxlien were made on the tariff bill. That portbwi of the chequer. Henry 0. Hall. Hudson: G. last time. glass, etc., schotule which was left from the alongside two men leaped into it. but swept down the stream. CLEVELAND, late. James Gray. Detroit; G. M. A., Miss Nellie Hunt 'ey. aged 20 years, day before was agreed to. Mr. Gallingrr gave a man und a womun would not try it F. Woodcock, ^ilra; G. I. (».. O. D. These are but a few of thu many an installment of bl« laagthy speach. aa>l after and wen* afterwards lost. Slowly the prrTSBURa, . Jones. Marquette; G. O. G., Dan P.committed suicide at Holland by shoot ­ towns und cities practically flooded an executive sens to.: the Senate adK'urnexl. r ing herself with a shotgun. She left u HOW -Mo session lung line that held the surf boat was BUFFALO and McMullen Cheboygan. 8. T. Gage was and drowned out. At Huntingdon the paid out. nnd the two renewed men ALL POINT* HAST re-elected trustee. note to tier parents and one to her Juniata raised 23 hour.- and surround ­ Sbnatb .—ISSil itay — Dull describes It best. lover, with whom she had lieen quar­ The -metal" schedule was taken tzp half ­ were permitted to drift toward the TO ing towns suffered severely. At shore. Along the hoach at the foot of reling. which is the cause of the Hud Stoverstown Mrs. Jacob Miller was heartedly. The tlrai amemlrrenl was that re­ ron;ri'j»llnnsllU» CiinTr»c#lf, deed. ported from the ffnanc* commute): piecing a Jones island a crowd ran to meat the drowned while trying to save her duty of to cent- per ton on iron ore. including rescued men: willing hands were Henry Fisher, sent to Jackson prison mangaetferous Iron ore. also the gross or re«l- DETROIT J0 CLEVELAND The annual meeting of the Congre ­ household goods. The Susquehunua stretched out to reach them, and they gational association of Michigan con ­ from Oakland county for two years for Hooded at least a hundred towns and )tum from burnt pyrites. Debate followed, Connecting with earliest trains at Cleveland participated In by Messrs. Aldrich. Mill*. ; were drugged front the boat to a place for ail potats East, south aad vened at Knlnmazoo. Officers elected: breaking and entering an office in the an estimate by Pennsylvania railroad Chandler. Shermiu LmI(c Vest. Butler. Hoar. of safety. Southwest. Moderator. Ur. .lames Gallup. Grand night time, completed his sentence, officials of the damage to towns along Gatltnger and lmlpb. of Kansas Mr. Fnffer. anti as he left the prison doors Nergt. nl Kansas, offer, si on amendment to trai<-r<-r The dead are: .lortn M’CuUaugh. Soaday Trips Jan*. Jab. Au;nzt and Septemfear Oab Rapids; assistant moderator. Honor- their lines places the lemurs at not less iron ore to th - free list. Mr. I’effer s amend- captain. Marine City: Timothy lloaour. uhle C. A. Gower. I-ansing: scribe. Rev. Tobin arrested him for personating a titan 32.000,000. Fire new county meat waa last, l to M. Hom Tiki legtslativ)- mute. HutTulo. N. V: Thomas Tuscott. WffiR Wtffff E. S. Shaw. Hcnzonia: assistant sari be. pension officer. The arrest was made bridges in Huntingdon county have approprtalio:i bill in cotnnnUoe of toe w lioie. at the request of United States Mar­ Mr. HLayea < llem. la. > offered an amendment sailor. Murine City; unknown sailor. lev. It. F. Aldrich. Pontiac. The Iteen destroyed, making an aggregate which )loctarrst that the section which allowed Marine City; Sailor named "Jim.” shal Winney. and Deputy Large tool; total number of churches in the Mich­ loss of nlmtil 880 .000. At Everett, the docking of member^ salaries had lieen Marine City: cook (woman), unknown TOLEDO, DETROIT crahip now being ids. lias a fully developed case of small­ Nunticokc. aged respectively ten and order. Mr. Hayes appealed from the decision Casey. Browne and Jane* <•>• up *40 Days. Two new steel psa*ea*er steamers hwe lost about 40.900. The treasurers report pox. He urrived from Chicago an,', eight, fell into u swollen creek and of the chair, aad the dcoieioe of the chair «•»* been built for oar Upper Lakr Route. , ostia* overriiled by a vote of Ml to IIS. The question Judge Miller in the police coart at •)oo.aoo ouch. Send for illustrated pamphlet. ahowi-d n balance on hand March til, was sick then, but wasahlc to bo about. were drowned. Warren used boats was then put on Mr. Hayea amendment de­ 1801. of 811.033.) 4. The report of the Washington sentenced Coxuy, llnnvne Address, He lodged with a family of 12 per­ for street cars. claring the statutes repealed which authorized anti Christopher Columbus Jones to A. A. SOMAMT2. s. s.*v.«. brnic missionery society showed that sons named Robinson, and visited the the servcaai-at-ann* to deduct from aatartr.s during the pant year nine churches of nwaab) rs tor atf < liina.v officers elected: L. over to the Federation of I at bor. j which he gives a highly colored ac­ ing at Hattie Creak: President. Oscar The charges were sustained and Pow ­ Mocks . Over fTOu.OOO damage was Is Neure. Detroit: lirst vice-president, I Moderator. Rev. A. II. Jessup. South count of the arrest and conviction of derly oxpeileti hy the votes of McGuire. done. Fifty Itoram were burned to Profeancr D. A. Maclaschlan. Ann Haven; clerk. Rev. Eugene Haines. the loaders in Washington. The bal­ French and Martin, who constituted, death and a number of persons, in ­ lot! n concludes with an appeal for Arlmr: second vice-president N. H. Allegan; treasurer, I*. Iloffmaster, jured. The buildings fell so rapidly Hhcrman. Kalamazoo; general secre­ Hattie Creek; reading clerks, llcv. D. a majority of the lioard. With Pow ­ monoy and supplies and urges hia fol ­ derly. A. W. Wright, of Toronto and around an engine that the Hrvmwti lowers to hold more meetings and in tary. It. H. Copeland. Hay City: corres ­ T. Magill, l«awton; A. J. Hutchins. were com pel I oi to desert it. aad it ponding secretary. W. 51 Hailey. De­ Paw l*aw. Sunday school superinten ­ Master Workman (Juinn of D. A. W every wav urge senaters anil von g rnaa- were also expelled. waa buriot beneath the ruin* aad l men to vote for the Caxev bilk troit; treasurer, C. H. Mack. Ann Ar- } dent., W. A. Powell. Marshall. crushed and twisted out of shape bor; necrologist. J. S. Ayres. Kuiatna- Yoon? Par <• Fonml. Tenant* of the buildings burned were ••Oliver" Ilian,l for ProsMssl. mu. W. M. Hailey was elected a mem­ Coal Miner* Still striking. James II. Pnrke. the 28-year-old son unable to nave any of their lioti«okt»ld At the Democratic state convention Boarding Stable ber of the boat'd of control, vice The three days ’ conference at Cleve­ of llcrvay C. Parke, of Parke. Davis A effects As many as 150 truck* stand ­ "Porter, whose term expired. at Kansas City. Mo.. Gov. Stone land between striking enal miners and Co., manufacturing druggists of Du- ing in the street*, and which were the launched it presidential lmom for Con ­ fine Tuaxorrs or all kind ? operators to settle the huge strike in troit, who mysteriously disappeared property of men living in tiie houses gressman llland. He said that the Hpsetsl sttrattaa ftvsa 4s Rsartti| Nsnn.f Sk Tlir I loll or RorttMl the coal districts of Ohio. Pennsylva ­ from New York City, was found at thereaisont. were burned. Mr*. Mary people oouhl not nominate a more con ­ rtassnutAt ■ Isratshod for Cewsrttsl I4sa, Tlie boiler in Mooes llown ’s planing nia, Illinois anti Indiana resulted in u Cmling. u small station about 40 miles Reilly, a widow, bail her leg broken scientious. faithful anti devoted ser­ KunvrsU Ftsasurv PsiUss, Ut. 11) at West Hay City exploded killing first-class fizzle, as neither side would south of Hirminghani. Ala., on the Aln- in jumping from a window of her vant. Congressman Tbrsney came tePwtku ha visa Jam sad Disables llwwt Hrrg ; L. Simmon. engineer: fatally make concessions on the wage scale. liama. Great Southern Railway. Young home. Fireman Richard T. Moore next ami confined himself to t ho tariff, will Aad ths host of fori Ht is* for irrstasoat at aw £injuring John T. Hearth. wm»rl turner. Thu operators wanted to make the Parke was demented when found and was thrown from hi* truck, the wheels ■tshfo C. i.lVESAY. Vrtsrasry Xurxtss, iaafo incidentally eulogizing President tsadaass. Wtehfos 94 door West of The Ms* And severely wounding John Gregg. scale 04 cents for Pennsylvania. 58 had l«en wandering aimlessly over of which passed over and fatally in ­ Cleveland, whom he called the apostle North aid*. (IMffi Mfccphen Aiyen anti Foreman Henry cents for Ilocking Valley ami other the country for weeks. Detective jured him. Hattalion Chief John of tariff reform and giving Senator PRANK MIHOPIRL9 Pro* >. Neal. The mill was demolished. districts in proportion. Thu miners I., on hard. of Detroit, was the officer Fisher waa also thrown from life wagon lilll n side thrust, clasning him with Isms over 98,000. stood firm for 70 and 79 cents. who tracked him down. and aeverely bruiaed. Henedict Arnold. The development of the coal fields RICHMOND & OSBORN. Cincinnati Carpenter* Strike. izMHni*' battery held its annual Senator l*atton was the guest of Ur. Merer* Gnlltr, •round Saginaw will tie resumed at ; honor at the dinner given by Senator once, under the auspices of publie- All the carpenters and millhands in reunimi In Cold water. Thirty of the The jury in the eaae of Dr. Henry Cincinnati.Covington and Newport have tdtl comrades ivere preaant. MeMIlian at Washington. The entire Meyers, charged with the murder of General Insurance Agents •pirited citizens. The amount of money Michigan congressional delegation was appropriated by the board of trade for been ordered on a strike by a mass Ludwig Itrandl and attempting tn de­ Over Allison * Juttirr Store. meeting attended by over I.non men. The ftah tug Sterling, of Sand lieaeh. present, with the exception of Mr. I fraud insurance companies, found him tats purpose lias been exhausted, lint has lifted it* nets for the feat time. Whiting, .who was ill. and Mr. Stephen­ NT. JOHN*. MICH. the good work will go on. Only forty rotes opposed the strike. guilty of murder in the second degree It i» ordered because the boss asrprli­ She landed alkiut3.000pounds >if trout. son, who was absent from thu city. at New York City. itia* t ho foBowln* < Clara Schumnn. age*I nine years, The Hah market in no dull at thu pres­ ters have refused to agree to pay 9S.5D TheCanadian government has hacked Northwestern Natioaal. of Milwaukee, daughter of Adam Schumau, u farmer for eight hours or 83 for nine hours, ent time that there la no money in iL The San Fire, of L— 9«at _ near Saginaw, found a dynamite cart­ down and I to* instructed the collector* Anarchist Henry, the author of the with an hour lens on Saturdays. The I nauraare Ca., #f North AMeriea, ridge. ami began picking It when it The Cincinnati hoard of trade de ­ not to impoae duty on booms brought > explosion in th- cafe at the Hotel Ter­ Nearly A.non men are affected. sires to promote trad* lietwwii that into Canada hy American lumbermen minus. was guillotined at Paris. An The Rtaa, of Hartford, expiodrti. mangling her left hand no * Springfield, of Springfield. that amputation was necessary at the city anti the Central and Month Amer­ for towing logs acmes to the United he emerged from the prison gates he ican re pub lies Tn that end a move ­ States. The lumbermen threatened to shouted "Vive la Anarehy.” which he ■OOfcfard, of Raekford. Ill wrist, and taking off the thnmh amt After a financial settlement with (•eramaia, of Now York, tips of the fingers of the right hand all creditors, the Hrookivn Taber­ ment waa started to cstahliah a school fey the matter before the authorities repeated just before he waa neizari and for inatruction in the Spanish and at Waahiagt m. and henee the back thrown on the guillotine. There Wootehooter, of Now York •mi cutting her face and both nacle people will realise 980.000 from Boylitoa, of *Bdl.\ the insurance money. Portugese langna^Nt. down. no disorder. CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY MAY 24, 1894.

yoae ’ve gotabont enoegh of t lieservio to last you for life Oh. dear Tom. (T won't you come back? I would love you just a* much If both yottr legs LCsfe were gone. Have you received the box of necktie*, etc., yet? "With undying, uualtering love. I t m am roura only, bttoona" 1 knew before Tom hsd finished per­ using his letter by the joyful ex­ T5 \>f »—• pression on his face that brooms had out consented to the iliscoutlnuauce of B'St-l >sv«_-= HORSES! rr their relations lie sprang up. grasped MM wmf - hiscrutch, bade me follow him. aud FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE CHEAP. fAJ& hobbled into a corner, where ho read i me brooms ’ letter. vm "Hain't site a darlin'?" he asked, >lt HALE for cash of on Haw with ip- IMry. Lijjic Perst proved noln or tu cirlitlife for carefully placing the message in his rCiMlvorotbw property. « ltn« number of pocket. If. T. t-IMT-OLAMi IIOHM Our vessel was a government cruiser, Doll) Nttlr* and Western. vrlfklni from 14)00 and had put into this port for repairs 10 1.7m* |M»uud». Iirukan or unbroken, U M- Sick Headaches •re me if low pnoes. When site was dually released from Wh the dry d« ck the Natalie set out for , ", P- New York, where in due course we Life*Long Trouble Cured by Hood's Jot 1| \ arrived. Tom and myself were honor ­ Sarsaparilla. Wflstara Iloncw offprpd are all “I have been troubled with sick hradaebet \ijt V ably discharged from thi* service und Full Blood American Horses. since I was a child. Doctor* and mediae m parted, be going to J'hiladclphiu and 1 nil did rat no good, until 1 n ad about Hucd'e No Jlustutigs or Uninchos, to boston. Sarsaparilla sod ikouxht l would etvuile 14 A few weeks later I received an in ­ trial. Five bottles perfectly cuicd me Inspection of Stork nnd Corros* vitation to Tom's wedding, and decid ­ • •etefbi.'i* ed to attend it The occasion was al­ Sarsa­ pumlcnco Solicited. rinj IszJtl most pathetic The nt brooms. parilla ui*on which I hod heard Tom dilate so Hood ’s Li. often, was undeniable. As she stood R. M. STEEL up with him, her beryl-tinted eye* St. Johns. October U. I'-VJ :*e NO -V CUN TON AVK. in the engine room wherehe met with tially. us It cutnc from his lipv ! should be willing to spun* one of iny age* ate potatoes. In reply to wome an accident that nearly cost him his "Mr Da hi.(No Uimkiui : l address : legs for such a wife and such u father- indignant questions the manager said! BV I.PON UKAD. AN HONEST MAN life. At nearly the foot of the iron you thus for the last time. I have met in-law. "Hut. gentlemen, dou't you see t Li six ^S’lDSE FOLKS hatchway he slipped and fell, ao that with an accident, und only have one diet is evidence of my skill? I bavo Worn* —to sell our HTa NDAHD Tea*. Cof- Tom is at irCsont a slap-up official fee*. Kpioes. etc.. to consumers. t hree rndi think 1 ain a-goin* his left foot caught in a rapidly re­ leg left to meet another of like nature. in the 1'hilndelpliia navy yard. He converted them into vegetarian*." t I nm very sorry for both our sakes tin. * fell Ihvniwlfe* *IU nnr trial. Itiar |>rotli In for her money. volving crank, llefore he could throw don't half earn his handsome salary, The eminent surgeon. Kir Aatley •n-nli. Write for rlrrnlar IMI’KKIa L TLA all this has happened because throng i 1-1». * CSdtlli • Hquart* Detroit. Mich. Well. I don't care his arms over his shoulders and grasp t :.e rnseaL Th- re is scarcely anything Cooper, was fond of a practical joke. the loss of inv limb 1 must los* if they do. You un iron rod to extricate himself, his for him to do. TVm is lazy. I fear; but On one occasion lie utcendod tha you, for 1 know you have enough tec, George, it leg was horribly inangled just below then, be can uiTord to be: und brooms, church tower of s village in Norfolk, GIVEN AWAY the knee by unother revolution of the sense not to care for only half .wasn't altogether 1 who is sole heir to her recently de ­ taking with him one of hia mother*a A to HI tiger Hewing Machine to the per­ tny fault. She ia '( crank. He fainted away before help a man. burn up my letters and ceased father's estate, is constantly pillows, anil the wind blow son holdinv the inosl tickets from the follow- could be summoned. picture. The latter. I believe, is full one of them girls tensing him to resign, and let the old directly to tho next town, ho lot off Ins Imsliiess houses: Jno. lilt ks. Itoeheslrr After Tom had been carried, uncon ­ length, nnd no longer a correct like- clot hunt L'o.. Fowler A Hall, o I*. DeWItt. (£ that in a stalwart unvy yard goto grass handfuls of feather* until be had Mice Ac Koberts Kil.low A Mtlltnau nnd K K. scious. to tne deck. 1 set about in the nesv Keep the parrot I brought you in her like* and dts- emptied the pillow. The local paper* Aldrich. A ticket imwi with every Sic pur­ ubience of tho surgeou. who was from the >outh seas by which to re­ chase ______likes. She couldn't reported this “remarkable shuwsr” ashore,to check the (low of blood from member me as I once v as when I couid have been inorv than 1? years old when of feathers and offered various -oq - the wound by twisting a handkerchief climb to the main top quicker than she first said that she liketl me. and jocture* to account for it, and the ao- around the upper part of his limb with any jolly tar alioard the Natalie. 1 she stuck to it up to the minute I bid count was copied into other papers, For Sale, u tourniquet When the surgeon ap- hope by the time I get lutck you'll be her goodby ami started for Japan. and was probably received as u per* | ten red on the scene lie assured me that married nnd settled down, with a baby What's u feller to do when a girl keeps feclly natural occurrence WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, tell in ’ him she’* in love with him? Of 1 nad saved ray friend ’s life, though the name I would insist u)>on you splitting course. I hod to (jive in after awhile. log must be mnnutated at once, he de ­ it in two, just because—but never Small Hoy —flow much will yon givn me if I hit you. pa? Fond I’areot — Outs. Com, I trail. ',1 id tilings. 1 knew her father would fume over It clared os he gazed ou the poor man mind why. brooms, you'll make some ^ ~ iff vC Corn Meal, 4«ronnd Feetl, Hay, and call me a rascal; hut to tell the groaning with agony. solid man the sweetest little wife on What do you mean, my son? Small Straw and the elevator. truth, I couldn ’t help likin' her, ntid I Aud ngainst all of Tom's protesta ­ earth. Tiiere. good* by, brooms! I WSTP- Hoy —I heard ma tell sister that tha tions he was borne into a cock-pit anil V* * / ilm* Sb !NO NO l'OBKS FOB struck you for 310 this morning. thought to myaclf If she liked me well could add In the brine of the old sea e;. tl HPRAtiUE A St^L’AIIt, A r3w-_ thatgrave. enough to marry me it would not laid on a table. The surgeon insisted if I were leaning over the deck rail. "or bnt-buase blossoms A man mat have a good aeii o: rtltflos acts yet not Sate Const make ao much difference what her that there was not even time to admin ­ As it is I*m wetting a handkerchief, j gar! pi vernor said, anyway.” ister other. I have forgotten how many und my friend wiio writes this for mo No other (lowers he cared These remarks were made by Tom men were required to hold him. It was is n witness, broom*. I’ll never for ­ for. »ave OR. KILMEP'S THE Ahercorn ou the deck of un American beyond my courage to stand by and get you, aud am your friend always. The gentle wild on***, did tny brave— man-of-war anchored in an eastern Tom .” My boy who marched away, port We spent many nfternouns, os Tom managed to »cmtch down liis 1 A hrtak from hour h> boa. ’— he began to mend after n few weeks, dances, and you did used to en ­ HT. JOHNS, MICII. though his convalescence worn slow, 1‘eriiaps. tn place of Nature « shower, •7b fl Vi Is s *onrre of ranch joy waltzing so much; but I don't It drao* too hitter dew BC ■■ Mitfrri.iL- * t rvstcra Larin* carnage lloor. roomy, clean and airy lie grew nervously morbid, aud fre­ care if you wilt uuly cornu home ■■BffiBB should (»» * kveaghly falls, and clean food, ami all at rcasonabir quently when reading to him I would fine Utile starving bloom it bore, flesoM- I of .ii, lirnor- itMS. sr.d tlie Jlfood look from my book ami find him sob ­ Hat timely did its part: IIkept in a con- hysterically. 1 did not interrupt And while to-day tbs rose* poor. dtrlon G g. My boy shall have hi< own onre ruore- BLOODtnoves all‘taint of his grief, thinking that it was but the The Livery Department T&stdii A daisy on hit heart! wlMtscevor origin , asd bauds an ths rsn- natural rcault of physical weak lira-* rrsl health. Is well equipped with good Vehicles and Hors Hut one day when I was about to read t'nlforw) of Nags. F«* three rean t » treuMot «*tS tesUHW «. Call and see me. r ->«■« thtl lit# teat sll tl* • hat*. . I tne4 uinmk to him his favorite poem. "The Lady At the outbreak of the war between ut |- • .* It ut aal 4 get a. S isutf II F. Mil.Mill rmr’r. of the Lake." he begged me to defer ^rVSk-V^N the statea Capt. Ileynolda raised a com raiW it. He was unusually pale ami w \i l pany of MUninaippians. and in the en ­ thoughtful on this occasion On the thusiasm of the occasion made some J. A. HICT. Oltsva.Ksu. previous night he had been in (treat 17 ‘r'H €h f Htol f»» llua MADE rat-li promises to the parents of the UiiHto matixj (oy*. Among these was one to keep 1 hhM sjr/rr irtdfic co. * iieorgv," »aid lie, in a serious tone. hia compauy well uniformey. Years AiUntJi, iN». PURE "I am going to write llroom* that our passed, ami one of the anxious fathers engagement is oft. und tell her why. 1 visiting the Army of Northern Virginia am only half a man now." and he made was mortified to see his Imy in rag*. I Ic Unlike t!)B Dutch Process a droll feint of taking off his shoe from upbraided the coptain for not keeping have bad nssrir aftr yan 1 1 was to insist on inarryin' her she esssrimes tn the res—< hosiosas. Onarnnirv for a moment was stunned, but recov turn Mftrtif neMaMaL A Maad hseh of Is- THU A conic NT. would be dreadfully* disappointed, be­ ered himself nnd cried out: "Atten ­ Othor Chemicals fannaua mwimiM I’nirsl* sad lew to «k- arc used Is the tain th<*n sent free. A Iso a catalogue of mechan ­ •Tint Mr. Hrnyllng knows all about cause Urootns is the proudest woman 1 tion, company! About face’” And at ise! and sc. at tea uonka mat flea ever did see. It would ent her to tho l>r*:*arstios of t*Mcr.t> iu« ihmash Mann A Oo. resstvs it now." continned Tom. after a pause, the uncontined rags fluttered like me snactat notice m the hrtsslltr America a. amt '•llrimms told him. I fancy he would quick to know that sh<* had to be the If. BAKER i CO.’S tt.KB am artepM SNHf tihr. the paMWSltk- mr.nv banners of poverty f. nm each net enst to Uw i renter. Ttrta sOfSMrtld barer, have been pretty mulish if he hadn’t wife of a one-legged utan. I'm sure 'Tapes scad quarters" Captain li MaMdweeatr.rhaamtr lUnstrat,-d.has by terfbe 1arrest rtr-otstieu of say arteettge war* In the seen It was no nae; ao he says: ‘I)o she would be too much ashamed to as site stood rr wrrtt him. pointed to the company and said: SUM. Alt a veer. Siiifaiaensmmet rrm. you lave himT ami IIrooms replied: walk out with a husband who always anti marry me. If yon write sueh a *-■' treakiastCocoB ftmidlag K-ittina, ssootbty, fkfd s mar. hart* ‘They .ire uniformed sir.' —Con. Wat 'What do you take me for. papa—a hsd to carry a crutch. Yea. Fin going letter as your last after you get this «ohirA i» nAonlmMp copses. liA tsets. over r nueSit nnessms bean. Journal. ______pure nnd teluMr. tUW Jdatet. bi cetera, amt dnlwnili Of m* to give lirooms her freedom. '* one I shall go stark mn*l nml not try heases, trtth pitas, m»hhi bwiMet* to show the bypoerlteT Then the old man says: Mr. Thompson —I tell ye, dat LI* llthassscrcfSttn tArtoOmsss* ‘All right, marry him.’" An interval of silence followed, and to reco ver I thinly I shall Ire able to TWhrr&rw^iSllF Flickers Is a lazy nigger. IfSsirrrrtof* «*f <•*"<** tutsed Any further conversation was cut off then I commenced to reason with him bring yon nmter the domestic yoke, UsMS ••arcs. Arrowrnet e* Mr. Ftiaa -Tone* —la dat so? ■—'Boost. »od Is (sr ssore see. by the gruff voice of the executive but lie shook ills bead stubbornly, and because you ean not ntn away from j / Everywhere. Competent Mr. Thompson —Ynn Why. he's toe Ilsy Isas Dsn ms seat n rep. officer The veaoel was trespassing would not listen He requested me to me. 1 nm going to let mv linger nails it i* ous, worn.. I ng , sod CSSUV | ; a-nS+W S^UrfC: lazy to abase when he' t got do fever upon the channel, ami the harbor mas­ get pen sad paper ami write dcum his grow, ami get in tmining. os pugilis ­ sst*for sack pnsitfoa* at the Uraad Itap d» lias 'li-ager. — J udgv Sold Of Srnrars rosifwhsrs. ism «V*lle*s, NkorthsD i. and Ntpol Krk«*>l. ter bad sent an order for It to anchor dictation It was useless putting him tic oar lance has it. for you. I tlo hope i*si'.Ul«i*», *ddrts* A* ». l'sstsh, 'Topr W BAKER * CO.. DorchMUr. ] CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 24. 18»4. 8

( uwnuii Council. Nettle Bugnoe. lot 1, Block lit. W V. ------j H M Mni. lot 7, Mock X LEGAL NOTlcm Mr. * of the (Hrralt lonrtT The Independent K M IMbsI, lot «. Mask 4. « r. Attjocaese ttasti.u Mkktimu - G ulbha. .ut* U and M, out lot A. W F. HTATE OF MICHIGAN. ■ St. Jonas. May 14. list. 1 luui' Morton. *H lot 4, In oak 1. Lynda add. Isaac Hewitt, iota 17. out lot A W V. 2Mi) JudkBa) ( iretdt 1 Do You! The meeting wa* railed to order b> l»ra ald*at ir. If J Gibbs, ot l. Gibbs add. E F. I do fie 1 eby fig and appo:ut the timra of RffDBGh 8 .('ORBIT, Editor Ud Proprietor. pro (etc Paiuser, W p Scfta nek. lot ft. Nook l. Lynda odd- 8 T. U J Gibbs, lot Si. Gibbs add. E F. Holding the several terms of court within said circuit for the years DAM and ISBft. as follow* £ Present Tsimcm Kenyon. Murdock. KnHBn. Austin F Hmltb.oH of w*i lot*A.and «. block. T H Harheck. lots A and S, out lot A. W F. eLi won OBSWf. ST. JOHN*. THURSDAY. MAY M. IM. Krndru-k. Wolcott and President pro tern 7. Lynd’Bodd. SB. U J Gibbs. 4 acre*. Gibbs add E F. Ftrat Monday In February. Use Salt? Palmer Walk*/ Sin* C Buck. ;ot X Vauooosant's add. B F. Fourth Monday in April. Last Monday In June, Tiie vote on tbe xftlAriea amendment The minute* of May 7, John liloks, lot u. block A 8 F. second Monday In November D. H. Mosier. Ion II, IX Jnie Wise. «• H of all of out lot B lying n of OMATIOT trOURTY. it will pay von in nameroui trays of Ml is to be recounted, end Uratiot to uae tb* mU ibai ’a dll sail. Thl* lag W6 feet w of n a conwr uf lot I* ruuui n O.UHAMHU. EF. Hecood Monday in Harvh county vote to be included, which Tb* following claim* wera presented and to* First Mondayr- - In- Jana- la os penally tra# as to the batter furred to the committee on ciaimg : c> feat, thence, s easterly to a point 7J feet W T and M R Davies, lou 47. IS and out lot A lid liosoay in September. maker. Yon recognise a difference in mean* that the amendment tea dead No. Wl—lokn McNaugtatou...... B u » and 7 feet n of s e coroe r uf lot 11 a, 7 feet e 7S R F. First Monday In! Deeembri UuUer. We can point you out ■ dif­ Robert M Steel------IIfeet e«>|arer i-rtnial aad rlrrnUlsd la DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT C0„ width of out lot ii 8 of Cass street. N F. ud eoaste of (ilntoa. ffar thraa MMtsitt weak* Ohio District, a few days ago. contained the village attorney. lot ». 8 F. M. Clair. Mich. K Wilson, the e luu feet In width of the ii ipu l>revio;i* to ud day of hrannr. two principal planks: First, that the Sealed bids for the purchase of «|0,fJ*( '» per Lnu*-; . Imt. • HARLES M. MERRILL. feet in wtdUi of out ioi D lying sof Cass street. cent newer bonds were pr—tented I rum Lynn, Louiaa rt. Tubbs, lot Perrin's 2 ad-1. E F. A true copy. .Indgo of Probate. country needed nothing so much as it N F. fiary k Co.. W. J. Hayes A Son*. St. John- Na­ //IgA.- — stmt. | ADMINl«T!tATOK’s •AALK.-NoUcc needed tarilT reform ; and second, that K Drown, lot 11, w M lot IB. block IX W F. hereby given that in pursuance and by tional Hank; Mason. U-wl* 4e Co., am) Arthur Molly A Cook w lots '• and X Inuck 7. Lynd's A it was the duty of the senate to (uuis the .VeOmm*lt .rrmt. add 8 . F. virtue of llt-enoe aud nutboritv granted to me How That Pooiilf D. Gilmore, ami were opened and read a* fol ­ the umteratgn —1. by the Probate Court for the Wilson bill at once. The issue seems Louisa Young, lot «, and *H lot X block 11*. /mm stmt. county of l linton. State of Michigan, on the lows; 8 F. Agnes Keeney, 4 rods in width of west -Pie, XI day of May A. D. IMM. to aeil real i-etate tie- to have been very clearly defined. And. Lyon tiary A Co., eondil lonal on coin- 8 J vvright, iota X IV. II. IX bluok IS. N F. lot 4, block X Lynd's add. 8 . F. lougtng to John M. McFnrlan. deceased. I will on that issue, the district which gave a mission of IH per rent...... Alo.uiu «• xowmrl Mml. sell at public auction. In the highest bidder, on Sira Hire W. J. Hayes A Sons, conditional on 8 W Ingraham, lots 7 and t>. block Ik 8 F. the S.Mh day of June. IMS4. at one o'clock r majority to McKinley in the preceediug county JalL MM* 1.2 and X block 20. M . ai the Pro!HU- • 81 —• in Mt. Johns, in sold i-oniniasion of SUM...... l(i.i»0 00 J W ballsy, a e )« of out lot D lying between McConnell amt Hold win streets. Trustees M E church all property comer county ol Clinton, the following deacrlbed election, elected the Democrat who St. John* National Hank...... M/MS uo premlsra via: Lot number one (1) In Mask N V Harris, e I ft) feet in width, led* I ami X State street and Lyndon street tieionglng to stood ou tliat platform. —raw/ Hajntl* Mason. Lewis A Co , ooudtttooad on number tot: < IB) In the village of Emmonavtlle. It JJftmomU. block 4. Kinuionsvllk- N F. M ■. hureh. block li. W ami N P Clinton county. Htate of Michigan - Dated May legality of proceedings ___ MVAS7 AS Trusteescongrugatlonalchureh.all property X A. D. IBSi OMIIIN f. MILUfiR, Arthur D. tiUmore, conditioned on le­ HA Rose. Iou X 9 and IB. bioak 4. NF Administrator of the estate of John Mr Far ­ UrreUmridf* .SnS. be longing to ('orgregcrional church facing for inferior pictures In 1867, when wool was placed on the gality of proceedings —------9.H0I 10 lo I A D Lance, lot H.h and 10. block IX Emmoos- Htate street, hinck 13. N F. ------IMMIlMiill— MUL-Ketia. la They wen- referred to I he unnuulttec on free list, the prices ranged from 47 to vlllc. N F. P VValswnrth and A Hunt, lot I, biock IX hereby given that by virtue aed la pur­ When tfae Finest Work* claims. 7ft cents a pound. 'Then, in 1HR7. aduty Wm Kerrter. iou 1.2, MX block 12. N F. E P. suance at license aad *uibertly graated of Art can be obtain —J at Trustee Woleoit gave notice that at the next to me. the underUfa-l. by tb* Probate Court A Bingham. XlOamin Mlots, block II. N F. Stmt* S rsef. ranging from ftO to MU per cent was placed regular meeting he would Introduce an ordi ­ of ('batea •ouaty, Mich . am tfaa |»tb day ol April, HAMILTON’S ART GALLERY. J Malt bouse Iou 1. X except w .’at feet In J K Abbott, lot* X X cm! 4, sub 13 u*it lot C A. D.. list, to pell real Mil* (flouslog le BEN NO X CLINTON AVE. upon it which prevailed until iw«. Du­ J AMIN If. BRFNDIGK, .laceaaad. I will nance entitled **An ordinance to provide for width, block II. If and B F. ring this period the highest price was the appointment of street commissioner in the /solar JVrrcf. —II at pcblh auction to the B Mchoui district. No 4. entire lilook. VV F. bidder, therefor oa tbo fttli day ol .Inar. AT I).. AO cents and gradually worked down un ­ village of St. Johns and to designate his duties. P Makar, * SI. It In width of n H In width WkUtmtur* Stmt. IfHM, at oae •t’rlock p. a. at tb* dw*lllag house ou til in 'Nti and *h8 the wool brought bat The committee on claims reported I be Holms out lot F. W F. M Hamilton lot to block 37. E F. 1 ho premia ■ to bo *oid. the toilouiag etitlon» reported on the A Dunn, lot J*. block X E F. add. iheface north iwsely-tbree rod* 10 tbo [ilsre pound —and there is where the McKin­ treasurer * bond of Peter E Wale worth ami F Hum. lot 4, biock 2. E F. cut— At>, piaying ihai the last will and II M Darting, w Iftt feel or lots 7, * ami 9, low —I and orders drawn on the proper funda • —•ameat of paid 4w<*pmI may be |>rovep| ealsad TIOIl HALE for cash or on time wttu ap- MUMI.KV wool.. !V-ter K Walsworth as principal ami John I dock 4. W. F. for the amount*. uni in! lo probate sad that »fae or m«k oibrr suit- A proved nuBSS of >11 exchange for Hksep Hicks and Gaiusha Pennell us sureties, dated Jacob Mhlndorr. Iou It and IX leaa at s. around the fact that wool is lower now April 2Mb, A. !>.. IK!if, Ik- and the same I* here­ width. W F. adopt —1. Tbereii|M»ti It i« ordered Ikat-Tltiireday, the KIRftT-CLAUM HIIMftRN, by approved by this board. I Thompson's estate. Iou h and Iv, less one Trust—* Wolcott mov — I that the proflic. No. 7th day of June. A. D. 1W4. at »a* oVIerk both Native and Western, weighing from IMo than ever before in the history’ of this Tin-resolution prevailed Y«s*. .'•; nay*, u. It In width of s side of lot V, I dock IX W F. ia 'Imp afleroauu or assigned tor the hearing of **k! to I.Tu* |K*unds. broken or unbroken, at ox- IV. of the grade of McConm-tl street I rum the pvtbloo, aed lhat I he betr* at law aud legate — of tremety low prteww. country. Republican papers are citing The committee on streets ami sewers report- C Merrill. Iou 1. 2, X block IX E F. cast line of Meml sir—-t to th<* west line of said decraa —1 and all other per**** ialvresird in this fact and ask “Need we tell the ml recommending that the tietIUon lor turn- Augusta Wright, sc1* of all out lot I) lying Whltrtnore street Ik- ami Is hereby approved •aid will, are required to a|K**ar at a p—hn of sakl o piking Stewart street from Clark -in-vi to Ik-1 we* n Me-'onin-ll ami Cass street. E F. —Utri liieo lo be faelden SI Ibe Prol-Hlr olhrt- lb tbr causey" No. you need not. It is. or by thl* Immi-L ivlllagi' of 8 t. John*, aud show raunr. If any tberv ought to be. kuowu to every wool- < >ak street In - granted Nancy Bill*, s its) tret in width of s e L of The motion catrled. Yea*. 6; nays.O. Imp, why the will should not to- approval WmIsii llortiFs olTcml an* all On motion the rr-|«ort was accept*-! out lot D, la-tween McOxineiJ and Hahiwin Thi- (iresideni ap|*outt<-1 Trustee* Kendrick. And it u (linker ordered, that notice be givtii tr grower in the I'niled States. The Re­ Trustee Kniflln moved that t•«•- committee street. K F the |er*Ma interested in raid estate of the pen Full Hlooil AniFi icaii Hon*** Munha-k and Wolcott as u special oomrnltl —■ dearv of the heating thereof l»y easting ■ ivfj of on streets and-ewers Ik- l»#( ructi-l to tiim- publican wool-grower will sometimes I .VqW* .(hurt. on securing option* I hi* order lo Imp published in I he Clinton Inde­ No HiiNtauffN or HroucliOR. deny tile jnets; whether out of shame or J plk«-stewari -tr<-«-t from i'lark street t<> oak M Hrown. lot X block IX E K. Trust—- Kendrick offered the following reso ­ pendent. « newspaper printed aud unuliln1 lu street. »I X r**l. said couaty of Clinton, for thre. puccemlve from an insane iden tliat it is all right. I lution : week* previousu> tsid day of hearing. Ins|icHi«n of* StiH'k and Cormt- We wisli to ask every farmer who lias l Tin- motion carried. H W Davie*, lot* • ami X block ic. W F. Rmtrrd. First, that a sept-ratc i>ay-roil be ('IIAKI.K- M. 111 LI. The committeean Bmmee reported on the HI Vance, :oi I ami «• ** .>>»* j ami *1. biock *o. (A irneounv.) Judgeof Prnhnit pondfiin* SoliHtFfl. wld wool (luring the past J) or » years J proposals mr purchase of ||d,ai*i sewer Uuids mails of the w«»rk done on tbc main sewer, K F. sewerage farm and large ditch north of tbc vil­ ttr-t. « • ( oitiii it recoin mending that the proposal ot the Si ■(Canty ot Clinton,**. Ai s * —*ton ol the if their wuui lias not brought inurli J Halite*. loU '• ami 0. except w V» f*-et In lage. that 11 separate account Ik- kept of all John* National Hank l>- accepteISI«-I Mny 12th, C M Johnson, lot *.>, it l* lot \ block MS. E F. rate account In - made thereof by tb*- treasurer. LI IN.B free list, the price runifetl from 17 to 7.7 I-»f. Ik- «i-fpn-l ami the Slo.'WU w-wi-r l>omt* Lyman Re—1. lots lu, II ami 12. block ns. E F. The resolution prevail —I. (>n reading and tiling the f—llloo duly veriBnl. LIVER Ih-colil to thi- Ml. John* National lUnk for of Anna M. Dunnehocke, praying that the lac will —AND- cenlH a pound. Where is it now with a Win VV brown, lot block 21. E F. Y'ca*,.i; nays, ami ir—tament ol said dercawd may (>e »nuol aud protection (Y) of 11 cents on it? 9l)i,in.'i. tlm Imnd* to lK-ar iate>l Isr letter date.I April 1*th, 1*1 ami **-i forth G VV 8 t*-phen*on. ;ot* 1, 2 ami X block U. administrator of said estair million wool growers, who are selling l*m . Theieu|»n It U ordere. 1, tbat Thursplay. the tieinw ami to l«- math- payable at the Mt. John* W l\ on motion tbc Imard mlj*»;irm-I legatee* of tition with one another. They cannot G II Him. lots 1 and X block 21. N ami VV DEWITT H. HI NT. •aid deceased, and all other peracba lalrrrstnl In combine to keep the prices up and an­ Yea*. A: nays, <». Front. Village Clerk. said will, are required to appear at a •e—ion of The motion carried that when the Imard ad ­ II McFarlan. lot* 12 ami IX block It. E F. ■aM court then to lw mdden at the Probate otte< , al the mercy of the uu>uo|>olislic |mmi1 In ibe • iUage of 8 . John*, ao-l »h»w nn*r| journ It adjourn to tnrei ai 7:"*■» p. m.. May U*, F VVaisworth. lots ; ami s less w :•> lect In AI)J«M ItWKIi KUil'I.AII MkKTIMO. I It any there W, wr y the will *houkl not lw ay- of wool buyers ami manufacturers. 1MM. width, block K F. Si. John*. Mich.. Ma$ 21. Dam ( iprorod. Wool gnnvern were promised a regular Tr«*l«- Kendrick :uov*-l that the eoinmitte*- I* vvhitm y. lot n I*ol * 4of ti ami In. block Call —1 to onler by Pn-sldent pro ten: l*almer Aud it It farther ordered. 1 bat notice le- glvenl to th# persoa* laiervsted in paid rUtli- ol the pen! on street* ami sewers In - aiithnriard lo pro ­ ax W F. Frescnt Trustees Kendrick,Kenyon, Kniflln, Boarding* Stable gold mine for liieir crop under the ad deary wl the bearing 1 hereof by causing s VMham. Murdock ami VVokott ami President pro tem ditioual protection (Y) of the McKinley cure option Hoarding II— . • • • — u» great hill ever lieen kept Y What more It M Hteel. lots II ami 12 less w nn feet in —I that a tabulat —I list ol propnaais for sewer rlsa* (pstfit* furnUhed for fointuerrialM i. tion*. riJAULRs M MFKRIL. Funeral*. Fhaeurr Parties, Ku do wool growers want than the lesson The motion carried. width, block :a K F. supplies.ami that the lowest prnpnaal on sewer A 1 rue copy. 1______Judge ol Probate they have had for the (last forty years. Yeas, A: nays, 0 Mary Gllmon* lots T and *, block :g>. E F pipe was from John Hick*. *2 per cent from obtoau k mala :. Oo-IVrsoup having Lsmr aad Disable 1 Hero- iiiaalr* in 1 be payment of u certain mod will bud tb* i-est nf isrllllles ter trealtor- • at my Trustee Kendriok moved that ail onler Ih- ; Fred Erwin, lots in and II, block 3X N ami list prl—-. Dn drain tile. John Hicks. Stl.90 per Kvery single advance in the duty has E Krom. Miragv dat —I the J*th dag nf May. A. I).. I«7V. r«»- stables. M.C. LIVRSAY', Veteroary Murgeea . ia at ­ been followed by a decrease in tlie price. drawn |iayabh-tn M. A. KnlSIn. chalmuui of j lonii leet. On laniisvllh- cetaent. L. G. Me- ccut—11>> Ink - J. Knapp and Helen 8 . Knapp of tendance. Mtabiea 2d -loot West ol Tbe Moo the committee on streets and sewers for the , U M Hire;, lot 7, I dock 27. E F. Knight. HO cents |»r barrel. - in German ce­ the township of bath. Clinton county. Michi­ North •ide. (IM) Mr* Ida V vvalbridge. inUAaml H. liloek -T7. gan, to Edwin c Inal —- of Hamlninr. Living- This none can deny. Did wool not ct|>en*c of obtaining option* on the right of ’ ment, John llicks. BX2u per laurel On Kug- lif .Wk MIHOFIEI.O rrsp'r. KF. alon county. Michigan: whh-li iiKtrtgagr- bring a higher price under a three-cent way ami land for the sewer ami sewer farm. | cement. Johc Hicks. S3 do per barrel. On r—. N ami ou l«ag»- 311, mi the 2lat day of May. A. I). 1* 79 ; RICHMOND A 0BB0RN On mm Inn the Imartl adjourned. work. ('ms* X Weber. 91 B0 per C. a six-cent duty than under a ten-cent VV F. which mortgage was on the :tth . iut; which said mortgage was after ­ Aiuontxr.u Kcnn.fii Mkktim*., « It VI Hteel, lots .'! ami 4.1 dock m. N F. HT. JOHNH. MICH. We doubt if tlie fanners ran lie hiNgl- Hi. Johns. Mich.. May is. isst % , accept —I as loii**ws; For sewer pip*- ami con ­ wards. 1 hi the 21 *t day of July. A. I). do « duly John lUuisev , lot 4. block 2D. N assign —1 liy the said Daniel Holer to Nolu-rt Tb*- UM-ctlng was call *-1 to «»rder by 1‘resMeni nections ami Portland *-etn**ni ami drain tih-. Representing tbe following Compairs: winked much louger. The facts are lie- * ('harlot! Trtpp, lot X block 2X -N F. * M. Iwigart liy assignment duly re—ml—I In the pro tem I‘aimer. lhat of John llleks; for lamlavtlie — ment. that •ameofll —-in ljiter *0 ot Mortgages, on |aur<- Mori lineal cm \ntlonal, or Mllwnnkce, coming too apparenl to lie longer de ­ Ht. John* Gas Co, lot *1 ami e H lot .V block I. Prcsrni Trnslees Kendrick. Kenyon, Kniflln. otL.G McKntght: lor hard burn—I brick as w. on tin-1st day ol Augriat. A. I) !*«X and l it. hup l ire, or Loudon. N F. there living now due and nupaid upon said nied. l-ook it up for > ourselves ami Mtird**-k. Wolcott, ami l*resl«leni pro lent per sample. J. A II. Frtraekie t—maan: east The lti*nranrc4'o.. or North America, It M hi— t. iots 1. X a. I ami 1/ ami w 14 lot ’• mortgage lor principal ami interest, ihr—- hun­ yon will see who gets tlie benefit of the Palmer Iron work 1 manhole rim* and cover* ami 1 bug ­ dred and seventy-live dollars, and mi proceed ­ The Htua, of llartfonl. ami it if lot II, block I. N F. Tb«- minute* of May M. i*i, wer*- read ami , ger* , I'mso A VVeiler: provhl —L that each l>hl- ing* having l sen instil tit—l. at law or in equi­ HsrllfltMp or Nfiringtlelil. Naim., McKinley “protection." // <*4rtM Strrrt. ty, to r—-over the san**- or any part thereof, approved. •ler who**- 14*1 Is accept —i. shall enter into a UorkfonS. of Koekrord. III.. J M Dodge, <• b'fl *4 reel of lot* II ami 12. , whereby Ibe |«ower of safe i-ohtain — I In said The following claim* were presented ami re- satisfactory contract in acoontaii —■ with mortgage 1* now operative. Noil —-is hereby Lcniiiiitiu. of Nett York, - PICOTKCTKIf GERMANY. Mock 7. N F. tcrroal In the coiamiltre on claim* sample* furnish— I. ami also that cacti and given tbat the said mortgage will lie ton-cioe —I U estrhester. of New York. It M 8 teei, w ;v 1—1 in width of lot -4 1 ami - | itisl Uh* premise* therein descrlli— I will be sold ill last week's issue of Tin; Indk - No. ys'. -Ia-wl* C. M.-itd ...... $ & -o < every order shall he ileltvrrrd as per contract, IlovIdlou. of Hoston. Xi<» ami w 2T> feet of «• M f« H H F. provhl —I that «-ach 11>ntractor shall ftirntsii court house. In the village of St. John*. Htate THE l\-a MUsrmi. the laughter of Henry It M Steel, lot b. block X H F. of Michigan. Ghat Iwing tin- Inuidittg wherein imnds who —- amount shall lie at tbc option of is held the circuit court for the county nf .1. Fattermui. of this village, and hut 14 Total amounl allowe |ier month, etc. Things Vv, - , A Wnghi. Chicago < Vnu-m. and wen- opened Fanny Gay. Iou I ami 7. Mock ii. N F. Inurn II adjourn le meet 'me week from to ­ down in the record —I plat nf the village of re- •¥ ot »• •--*. *5.,, A toentnre way (Hit of proportion, lint- night Hath. —Minty of Clinton. *tan of Michigan, and read and referred in the i-cmimlttc*- on Stmtr Shrrrt. which *n Id premise* will be sold towel her a* •AV j jTj*- -aa- " ter. Si cent* a pound ; luun. 4U cents a streets and newer*. itichanl A Moore. MM 14. block U. N F. On motion the Imard adjourned. one 1 Parcel ami to satisfy tbc amount due and linWITT H Ml'NT. • ost* of riPteelomiM- a* provhl —I hy law. Dal- at ; ‘ft ‘ fHMiud. St» much for protection This The committee on grades and walk* report ­ I* K Chapin, e K «*f kH X lot »lea* the II leet I ■■■ village Clerk cl May 2. A. D. IBM. letter. It will lie rememlieml. comes ed a profti* No. 1*. of street gr a de ini Met'on K In width S F. m INERT M. swig ART. ’ Anna M Petseh w lu feet in width of Iou 4. I ■■■ — • —- ■ — ■■■) from a comparatively young girl, who neb street. I KM ween ike east llse ol M«w*l filsd riding*. FArncasog x Fi.yrn . AsMgn —- •! if V street sod west tine of Whltemnrv street. 1st ami t . block H HF. Attorneys for Assign —-. ______r&irr Iumi no interest in politics but whncmild ed Mar t». i an Tlie grand sperlllc for tbr pret siling otice of ciiANcicRA ua —, -Tbetir- R II Lyon, lot I ami X Mask SX N F. malady of the age ll.rspepsia. Liver Com- rab Ceart fer Ihe < 4 lot 2. tdock M. N F. ldirge 1 tack ages MV. Sold only hr C. K. John*, in said county of CIlMau snd Mate of Mteh cents a day. It lias done much for front the date of serving noUee. and lhat If Gen Prtrte. MMc :t ami IX block 24. NF (gar. Ghat twiag the piare for huidiag tberirrall VanHiekle. 41 Cllntoo Ave 8 . roar* ffar mid—maty , on Main —lay. the Sri day ItennaiiY indeed, lowered wages aiwl they are MM repaired or rebuilt within the st •Ian*'. A. I)., IBM. at throe '•'clerk ia the made the coat of livitig so great tliat a spectSml Him- lhat the marshal he inatruetcd F Hyatt. •• H of lou 11 and IX tdock a. N F ttarkirn'p Araina fluiv*. afternoo n ot -aid day. th* following dear Mb—I Noiir Brttrr. Now Lower Pricr to repair or rebuild the sasae. tie ■ xpenae to The Heal Halve m the world for Cats, Itodanr *» murh therv-uf a* mag be aueeumry 10 whole family must live on soup ami raise the aaaauat doe la the wn-1 rowplaiasai fur be a sm-sard aa-ainat the said property o wners, J I :'haver, lota II and 12, biock 9X N F Hrntoea, Horae, Uleers, Halt lUteum. Fever art net pel ■ late —at aud rust* la this raass. t—wlt 1 For quality anti variety of work. then all eat It out of the same dleii. A and that the list he publish ud In the p wared- Frank TcrrtU. lot I and X Monk BS. S F ! Horae. Tetter. Chopped Hands. Chi I Manes. The *aa< half uf the aertb-wwst quarter ef section A. n. BA LOOM. Asa. lag* number aiuetees. lu lew uehlp number See uurt I. few rears of the .McKinley MB Im rtttm Arums. Corns aud all Hkln Kmptlous, and posi ­ • ft. John*. Mich. On morion the report was som-pra d and t range aamher one rat, .state at Mtahigan. ran- greatly lowered the wages of mir lalmr- K M Steel, iota I. X X i and b, hlnek ttl. W F. tively curse I Mias, or no pay required. It laluing etgfal reeve ip aero* uf land — Hatsri April W, W Kepatra funUahsd for all machines adopted. sre and created universal hard times. II (town, let 7. Monk ILV W r. la gnrsnteed to Rive perlket salialartion lIBi MYRON 1. Fit Rt Mepurt of committee on g ra des and walk* of IIF Karst end. iotas, sand 10. hlnek IIX WF- or money refunded, f'riee 36 cools per t irroli court Cemmiuoessr. t baton ttsuaty, An addition in tbe above may be found n A few years more of It ami we would, MtuRugn. my plo-' a complete line of Farm Itaplemaom dafec rive s*de walks and owners of sdJafrMag lews I'rtwoefc. Mh IS and it. tdosh 117. box. For sole by I-MIdow h Millman, HI fl. L. Kiispcm. ItXAwT Wupoua. (arrUmeo. ' >rgan*. etc AI warrant* perhaps, be working for IN cents a day. property. May IV l*M. RF Johns and Fowler MkMif eri flrar-eiaao and nt bottom prteea. CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, MAY 24, 18»4

IlM fiawaU** •( Wsslhfsa. Goodrich Line for Chicago. The independent 7b (be HtalUt Ofittxr — Small-pox is Fred Ball suudayml in Maple Itapsia. usually must prmaieul in the winter HTKAM PRINTIN'* HOtlMfc. Charles liurriaou viaitml Ovid friends ami spnug tuonths imichiug the high- Sunday. «st point in May), and it tends to rs- Hutoltshud «v«rv Thursday morn- Mrs. S. J. Wilson is visiting relativre appsar after some'*list regular intervals ln| from thu Indtpendant Block. of time. MimeUmes five or tan years; No. I 7. Clinton Awnut. in Flint. thus tlie maximum deaths from small­ URO H. ( ORBIT. Propriuor. W. A. Norton and wife visited Grand pox in Michigan liave been reported in Ledge friends last week. lHTJ. 1KT sJu\mL Since INC it bus TEKMH : not earned many deaths in Michigan. •Mtiljr la Aaraac*, ... ai.oo C. C. Yaugluui ia expected home the The rare tv of small-pox in Michigan latter part of tlie preeent month. for several years has led to a feeling of AU ■MltoaMl* ul Put Dm SilurtUlwn •111 It* WUM at III* rata uf tl.M Frank Sot Bn. of Owoaao. was a St. security, arid it is feared to neglect vac­ You can Fool all of the I*eople Some or tlie Time. Par Yaar Johns visitor Sunday and Monday. cination. resulting iu an increased pro ­ Tk* MscalSceut Met Fast *ua ■■>!*» portion of inhabitants, who are uot prn- Yon can Fool Some of the l'eopie All of theTime. Otrtlitnuili run At* nw par uotaaao |me Mr*. Kmnia liullanl. of Ovid, spent Utia . r.iittu*** Mittn |tt CNU par IlM lar tected by recent vaccinatimi. This 1IUT—Y ou Can't Fool All of the IVopie All of tlie 'rime. •arn tatmwt Editorial not lent, tan caau. Saturday with friends in St. Johns. might make possible a widespread epi­ ATLANTA Bust no** card*. f! par liar par jraar Mr. simI Mrs. E. (I. Lyon went to demic. if small pox should enter the -----AND------We liave tlie Goods and the I»rlcre which Fool Nobodv None of the 'Time. Maxiuit* Mr»b tad death not!to. larrrtad frra. State iu such a manner that exposure to (Vane to usfor your Shore and Oxfords. We sell HONEST SHOES at HON EKT Obttuai. . uuitutni.. reealuuaua, cards of Hull, ecial Sales they hold. Oarratpoodaara containing lot*I aaw. U aaDclud guest iu the family of A. O. Hunt Sun* travel through and about tlie State. I Built aaenealy far tk»« rouu. ) trout ad part* of the coast?. day. The proper preventive of such a cal­ KKMEMUER Our Special Hales are « Days in the Week, and alike tea everybo dy. /ac l liTiaa roa eoiw amity is general vaccination, and re- These Mcsmsktpe h*v»- liuswsi- reserve Rich anil Boor. JOB f»R.X2STTI3SrO Ttie Steel landlord, J. M. Dodge, vaccination of all persons not recently power, wntcb ensoiea tbetu to make their me- visited in Coninua Wednesday of last uisr sektidtilcs In the most linfarormbH- We do bustneuN on small margins at all times, amt give you tlie Rest Footwear OuiirMMol for »tyl# aad < hoapet-t* thus protected. There is no better-set- wsstber. for tlie Money that can be prodneod. week. tied fact than tlutl vaccination doen pre­ Each 1S0U toms i.urthsu with sisvpitur aoootu- F. W. Smith and wiieof Owoeeo, are lect agamst small-iiox. But afteru time iimmUIIoim for:n> iMMwnsrr*. will lssve«iMAKl. Drop in awl see our goods and prices and you will lie our customers thereafter. CHURCH IHRK4TORY. the protection is weakened, therefore Havms for (Sicaini . except Saturday, visiting relatives and friends in St. at 9SJM p. ui. BT. JOHN'S CHI’HUH-BPIHCOPAL after the lapse of five years, there shoultl Extra Hatuntay trips to ('hica*o. ■-ommeiK- Oor a w of Walker and Meatl Street*. Johns. be re-vacciuatiou. inx Mu> 3S ant! i-rwlirtjr ScpleuilMT «. hotb days Morning service. lOflB; 8. H., IS M.: evenlna E. E. Whipple, of the Whipple Har­ The law under which general vacci­ inclusive. BUTCHERS aervlce. 7:4b: Holy < <>tuinunton. Brat Sunday Arrlt1o«rin Uhlos«o Um- foilowins inorniny Iu In ouch month, after morning aervlce. row works, transacted business in Cor­ nation may be tutored by local iHmrds FHBDKKMK HALL. Hector. of health. la as follows : H um - for the ouUroinr tnUna. unna Thursday last. Act No. I4S. Laws of 187b. “An act to) Fare, berth InrludiHl, ... 03.00 CASH BAPTIST cHuaca. MDmm Mattel Trask and Anna Mead, Trowbridge Street. authorize l start Is of health of cities, vil-j Bound Trip, good for season, - '*.00 Morning aervlce. n»:Jk»: Sunday School. ISMS; of Ovid, spent Sunday with Miss Mead s luges, iiixl townships to furnish vacci-| Hot ii mins, issri* t It leas'* daily, except Bun- evening irnrice. 7 :4U; Mimtuunion. tirat Suu- parents in this village. nation to tlie inhabitants thereof." •lay at 7:SU p. in., arrlvlns at tlraiMl llavcn SHOE day In each month, after morning aervlce. Section 1. TV IJcoplt nf thr Stair of early next taornlns in tine for the dally i:S* R. M. BLANCH A HD. Pastor. Mrs. J. D. Wilkin, of Burton, has a. in. Ualteil Kxpreen train imiji . U. H A M. Midtiuuu emmet. That the Imant of health K'y for all polnia East and North. M. E. CHURCH. moved to St. Johns to live with her of each city, village and township may. RxtraSunday tripe to Grand Hsrsn. eoui- state Street daughter. Mrs. Lillie Knapp. at auv time, direct its health otlicei or tnencins May tS. and endins Hept. r, both day* HOUSE. .. Morning Ciasa meeting. V:.V»; preaching. health physicuui to offer vaccinatum, ioduii 1 i 10:JU; Sunday achool. IhU X. Evening —Ju­ Mrs. Martha Strickland, of Chicago, ThU la the abort line to CHICAUO. IWasen- venile League :i:W; Kp worth league, .'ifll; with bovine vaccine virus, to every child eera ahouUiae that tbstr Ueket* read via Grand ciaaa meeting, dsiu: preaching. 7:*> Hegular accompanied by tier sou. were guests not previously vaccinated, and to all Haven and this popular line. prayer ■ maetTng. Thuraday evening. other persons who tiave not been vacci­ Through ticket* to all polnu via- Cbloaoo 0. G. THOMAS Pastor of St. Johns friends this week. can be had of ail railroad ticket agent*. Misses Ethel ami Alta Williams left nated within tlie proceeding live years, A. W. GOODKIUH. o. HtnmoN. FIKsT CONGREGATIONAL OHURTH. without coat to tlie persons [person j vac­ Prea't. CMaago. 'ian'l TraOle M's r. Head of Brush St. last week for Chicago wiiere they expect cinated. but at the expense of sucli city, JOHN W. (ill.LMAN. Milwaukee.- Morning service at It:*; evening service at Ui spend the summer with a sister. viliag*' <>• township, as the case may be. Hup t. t'hicain* JNO. .SINGLETON. T;*; Sunday i>chool at noon; Y. P. S. C. L Gen 1 Fasa. As*t. Ckiemgv. meeting at 4i:lS; Junior S C. K. Thuraday at 4 Mrs. F. E. Griaeon was summoned to —1IHB6 Howell's Statutes. p. in.; prayer meeting Thursday* at 7:1ft P. m.: Hamburg, tills state, last Tuesday, on At a special meeting of the State Woman * *»,»ti«>n Tuaad a y. t p m Mlsa C. Board of health. Lansing. May 3. 1NM, A. Heaver. *ec ’y: Mis* Anna Treadwell, chair ­ account of tlie serious ilinees of Mother preambles and resolutions were adopted, Tom Fadley, man of reitel com. of V. P. B. C. B.; Mr* H. K. Itaidwln. chairman of relief com of woman'* Griaaon. as follows : &MC>o!4!ion. N. A. Oleson, after an absence of ten Wherras. Small-pox is widespread in H. K. IIUTLKU. Pastor. the United States, prevalent in Chicago, Tne Pioneer Manufacturer and years spent in thesouthern and south­ and present in four places in Michigan, FKEE METHODIST. western states, returned to Ids family and. Dealer In Morning service: — Sabbath *t-hool. in this village on Monday last. B’Vmut, By imsou of the recent THE CUTTING Preaching. 10:U; Evening service. ; :to; Young Peop.e* meeting. J:*l p. in.: lias* meeting Mrs. Walter Carney, of Kirksville. neglect of vaccination and revaccina- j Tuesday* at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, tton it rnav tie still more prevalent. Thursday*, at 7:40. F. A. PEMKIN8, Pastor. Yuan county. Mo., is spending a vaca­ lUmirrd. That the State Board of j Light and Heavy Harness tion with tier brothers. .1. II. and (*. 8 . Health recommends to each and every BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Corbit anil families, in this village. local board of health in Mlchigau. that IN 8 T. JOHNS. Mrs. 8. J. Brown and Mias Louise it oiler tree vacciualion with bovine Barters. virus, under Act 14(>. laws of 187b ; also Lee. of (ic'?sburK, Midi., s|ienl Satur­ tlial each local board should recommend Has a Fine outfit for the lJKHATI: II t khi; K SMOP-WILsoN a day. Sunday and Monday in the home general vaccination, and re-vaccination i O ‘’ABU*-.hW, Proprietor*.Proprietor*, WalksrWalker St.. W*at.IVtd Er- rrr-.i ll | in our Tin* done promptly and with mi- uf Mr. and Mrs. IMiilip Aldrich, this of all iarsons not successfully vacci­ Mac ilofj. Ladle*' *aer before ralltio. Louisiana: Sinall-pox atXtef YON A IMIOLINO, Attorney* at Lae. Si the Sunday school convention in Elsie TUFA AUK HA BE UPON HONOR i John*. Mich. '!*«. «»fr XriMlrltlt'< u«rr. Orleans. Maine : One case at Bangor. ! on Tuesday of tirat week. Michigan: ^1 cases, including five A Ml FULLY WARRANTER. ORTON a - WKIUER. Attorney. at Law. F. F. Murdock and wife were visiting deaths, iu eight localities. Massachu­ N < Ukce !n ProMcultag Attorney'. •<*« r at Ik/ setts: 47 cases since Scpteuit ter 21. 1HB. aaurt houae liltfriends in Ithaca two tlays last week, M ary land : Five cases now at Baltimore. II.I. II. MttUMnON, Alternry at La* »nl within which time Mr. Murdock con­ Minnesota: Six cases in two localities. Wf Solicitor in Chaacery. idk/ n*/r Phii'a tracted with Win. K. Wintou to erect on New Hampshire: One one at Ports- All Goods and Work War­ And making has more to gsseary >tor/ ISIS his cemetery lot a s-4(4* monument, also mouth. New York : LSI cases. New York City 43. Brooklyn no. and Jll cases ranted as Represented. do with the Style and Ap- M. H. HANTbK. Attorn** at Lae. with other |iarties one valued at 3100. throughout the Stale. North Carolina : Wf ircuit i oiiim ...... Money toUtau. )&<;• over Mia* Hurae ’« Millinery Mur< . 1143 Mr. O. C. Clark, of St. Johns, ami One caseat Waiiesitoro. Ohio: lbcases; A prill. IMSt.______pearance, the Stability and George Curtis, of Elsie, went to Old ill nine localities. Pennsylvania: 7!lj' iOH.t It. IMitWt. HKSat ».. «Al.uaiDKK. Wearing <|unlity of Clothes, Mission. Traverse county. Monday cases in 23 localities, 71b cases at Ueail- t.lM.Vt t A tV AI.UIII 044 K, Attorney. ing since outbreak in Februaij, I8M. at Law, at the old .land, over the “corner morning. They expect to work there FOR SALE. than the material. Our drugF now. ” St. Johu*. llltli. 1**7 Bhotle Island: One case at Providence. ! part of the season and tlie other part in ; (in.- .iseat Nan Antonio. (Vest j t l.ttltl IM.I. it «ratio Its. Att.rnrr. at \’ii-ginm: Three cases at Lewislmrg. clothing is made by the Best W !jtw. I tSice over AlHeeti'* J/welrr Store Bay View In urtler to ciuw an •■♦tan- I want u ••ash Wiseonsin j: cases in 12 htcallties. anti ptirvliaacr for Iho following lands Iu the town* Manufacturing Estalil i sli - siuall-pox at eight other localities. of Victor an2b rases (a few were in (7); Ih«-North-w««t iiuartfr of the !*outh-we#t incuts in the country —lirms a H. kCMUt. Denim Ka»: Walker IHK(), iu liti bicalities (liesides those iu { •luartcr of iwctlon clsht lei. *11 In Town An- .Tl . i in St. John's church Guild will meet with New York and Massachusetts in eight­ t<4i north of It*iig. - on.- ill west Alan liw- that employ the Rest Help Mi as H. L. Hicks this evening. een States and two Provinces. Soiil)i-«'**t •tuartcrof thoSouth-we* • quarterof Ph Ysiciniis. M/'t Ion ihlrtv-iwo (£!>; the South halt of the and pay the Best Prices. Yet The lathes' societvof St. John's church Because of the .occurrence of srnall- .-touth-weat quarter of th. BoutleeMt quarter Jll, UOUIlli, M. II.. -uri-eon and lln im>x as above mentiinied, and tlie pusst-1 ot ihvi Iou thirty-two tt'. ail In town tlx («) will meet with Mrs. Ball this utterroou. uly increasing proportion of unprotected I north<>f Hang.- one (b weal. we can sell von Men's Suits over Spaulding A «'«»■’» hardware, «»;>p. The Srrl. Members of tlie W. It. (!, will meet at For price* and other partieuiMS appiy to mi nal watchfulness j FKANK B RoBstiN. at .SID, S12 and $15 that j. Tit t t is. B. 0.. siiouid lie inuiutaiiusl. and suspicious ; J• A Millutan',. Di»ea»e«of women and rhil. tlie Kpiscopstl church house at 10 a. m., If uu Haimnonil Building. Detroit. drew a ifUhlty.______Saturday, May 'll. cases caret ally isolated, that all persons 1 re]iresent from to S5 more exposed directly or indirectly be R.t NK t . Ill' N N. II. D.. Tlie Womans Asm>riation of the Con ­ promptly vaccinated, ami all infected j value. Compare. -.<1 rgeon. 11*I* • n. It.. in and ascMeken-pox. All cases of eruptive' GRANITE p s-rgaaa. urgron May llti. Refreshments will lie served. pox. prompt action should he taken : WILSON & SON tj» aad DruatM. east ode o: .‘Jan. orevt Ea> raka.MIch. <*®r/ at Jrug aiorr Ait call* pro«|4. All are invited. Telegraph the facts to the Secretary of ivauead*! PraacrlaUaaa osrat illy roaipoaaded. The St. Johns ('oriels will give an the state Board of Health at 1/unsing. Cemetery Work of any description as ______IU« _ Isolate the patient. All who hn\e l»een lzow in l*rice as any place in Mich­ n. MAVkCSM, n. Ik. Ilututropalhlt entertainment at Newton Hall. Friday exposetl. or liellevetl to have lieen ex- j igan. I liave a Fine Display of NEW r Phyairian aad Surgeon «IAre over H. J. W evening. May ’St. Admission. l.r» cents. posed to tlie dis4*a*e. should be isolated DESIGNS in Scotch. Swedish and Woodruff '• ahoe alore. ______III* Give the hoys a benefit. until their clothing, hair and ueartl have American Granites. M. A. J. WI444HN**, Phyalrtaii and stir- lieen disinfected, and their iiersons j gv4iti . over Sulllvatta clothing . The W. It. C. will decorate the graves tmthed. Persons exposed to tlie dis ­ After getting prices elsewhere call nntl Wore.D Ht. John*. Mleli. IS44U , of deceased members. Saturday evening. ease should lie kept under servei!lance examine. You will decide to ^ H. 4411.1.AW, n. II., I'D rail tan and May ai. All members are mpiented to at least fourteen days. Vaccinate all buy of ine. Jj, 'urgaon. oiBn- at BaaMaate,oppoalt*rnuH meet IN WtlO have been exposetl. anil es- houao, areal yiag aad enlarging. Work g-uamutev/l hnt-elaaa. tliseasetl {teiAtin ortuiecttsl article lieiug I.ITUItAltV NOTIOKM. brought into or taken out of" tlie town ­ UP . ' CC| *ry. _ i ship. ettv or village ot which you are Tin- WorUI'a Fair will not In - |ivautn*t to 1 lie health otiicer. FROM n. 4,41 II N . f . S. But the proper preventive should be HARDWARE. • Ike ilBUra Veterinary t ollege. Olhre, lln* only m the tnr-morie *nf thoae who saw u. C MdfonaM'edrug atare. Ntghti. I'tim/t- llrt/l and In thr (Ilea of newapapora. Tlw Bam-rot! i entered upon now without waitiug for THE n t'otnpant . AudltoHntn HuiMlnv, t htoago. havi- the occurrence of a case. You and your htcal Hoard shoultl publicly recommend UEST Painting. ______Itt prrparallon wbat they nail Tag Hook or general vaccinatum and re-vaccination Tar. Fa in. which will lw N lurtMiwni and II- J. Hl.l IWATKAU. fAirTKX. Orff. of all persons who liave not lieen suc­ AND K• *va hy stall promptly Mteaded to. <|ualHr I lttatnuert chmntele of Oh- ••xklMu. The text cessfully vaccinated or luid small-pox aad egeettaorr , the aem/ of aa«eaaa." la oar nm HIa . la by Hubert Howe llanemf t. ami the Illustra ­ •live aaa irtei. issstf within tlie past live years. MOST tion* profuse. As pointed out la the preface, Any aid which tlie state Board mav Agricultural ImpleuiciitN. Con%i*titu: of Plows. Harrows, anil CiilH- the exhibition of ISM wa« rontalne*! In a single I inlertakiiiu. be able If* give von will lie cheerfully DEHIKAHliE vgforH of IHfTemit Kinds: Fuiriiios and Threshers. edifice of one million atiuare feel, while the rendered. W. IHAS. INDKIMAKI.ll- apace oecuptetl at the World - Fair of ro^tay By direction of tlie State Board of PATTEHNH Alan lliifprics and Farm Wagon*. Shelf Hardware. Nulls. Plain OptMalteOowrt llaaae Hgaarn. S4. TahaaMIch. I* eight or nine time* aa great Health. Verv Respectfully, Twisted and Raring Wire, ('hunts. Tinwnro, Slnves. and (Irniiv II. Bakkh . IN HI I.I.. DNDKRTAKU4-N.. It., nin-l specimen ram*. Secretary. lUiutfs. E “ Ave IteolAanee 4«*4 II ittltai.i hi . haat 0857 S. 11. 1. liflonl. Naw (Jaaaal, Wia^ was lainsiiig. Midi.. Mav 1MH. A imuldcei with Neuralgia and Uhentualtatu his Stomach waa dt aortic red. his Liver was A N**»«*li*lff Tr«Mar«, STYLISH aftretsd to an alarmitgc .legrec, appatite r«ll away, and he wae terribly reduced in I). W. Fuller, of CM^joharit, N. Y., AND d*ah and Mrengtli Three hotlim of - nays that he .vlwsy* kaepa l>r. King 1* trit Bitter* cnrtd him. New Diamvcry in the house amt his fami­ PERFECT IMwsrri Sbeponl. Ilsrrislraig. III., bad a ly ba* nlwuy* found the very tret remits running "are oa hu lag of eight yanr* fellow its nee ; that he would not he with­ FITTING We are Agents for the ‘OLD RELIABLE” Gasoline Stove. standing. Iwd three hot ties ol Electric out it, if procurable. (j. A. Djkcman Hitter* ami seven boxes of Bncklen ’s Druggist. Catakill. N. Y., soy* that Dr. MANNER, Arnica Naive, ami hi* leg ia eon ad ami King ’s New IHeoovery 1* tiudonbtodly the well. John Speaker. Catawba, O., had Iwut Cough remedy ; that he ha* nuri it AT live large Fever aeren on bia lag. doctor* , in hi* family for eight yean, and It has ('all and 8ee Us at the Old Stand. Walker Street Wret. wud be was inewrahle. One bottle Elec­ never toiled to do all that Is daisied (hr tric Hitter* and one box Back Ian V Arnica lU Why not try a remedy en long tried JJLCESOIT'S Akin** Tba Wwod Ohemlaal Osw. Halve entred him oaitirvly. Hold at KIWow i and tasted. Trial tmttlee Dee si Fildew THE TAILOR. 1SI Wuadw ae d ausm Dasr att. Mlsk A MillmanV drag store. Si. John* am! A HlllmanA Drug "(tare. Regular! I0T WA LKKR ITT. BAST. NT. JORMN CORBIT A VALENTINE. Raid In nI. J«ha* sad * ha whir* Hy ail d raggt et. Fowlev. ^ VI and 91.00. 3 INIM IMI» t. CLINTON INDJSPERDisNT THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1894.

for the waated trumpeter. I really (^ icy U ed a religious life: we j TABEKN.4CLE PULPIT. think that tbs se men who faint- 1 * religious life. They were ed by the brook Uoeor may I things like ourselves. I j iw that they are gusM, OR. TALMACE will continue have endured aa much as those men i halo around their namu HI8 SERMONS. who went into the battle. Home mean fellows objected to the sick ones hav­ had their faults. They DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY ing any of the spoils The objectors I Id things they ought never b* Hamlai of U»< WIU said. "These meu dkl not tight.” l mhl or dona They were Not iBtorltN With HU Laa« David, with a magnanimous heart, re­ rebellions, sometimes oast The Great English Physician and Surgeon, UUU ll»toll —i WIU IU plies. “As his part is that goeth down ley wars far from being per- —UM kaaiUr't UUmrw to the battle, so shall his part bs that I suppose that whan we have Known to almost every Uouneliolcl in Michigan ah the Doctor that Curbh after all tarrieth by the staff." I r things in us that nr* now O thers have Failed . Examination of Patients at H otblb . This subject is practically suggestive tide may be almost rusplend The chronic afflicted. In order to hare tbe test skill of tbe Noted Menrlaiist. must either #• to mmA //wn MM, or tbe Dr. Talmas will continue hla w- to me. Thank Hod, in these times a i as they were ’Ike us in de ­ .VweWbf mu/jw to !k»m. Maltatlc* show that, among all cbroulc sufferers, MA mote than uae in ttvv hundred ever so to th* iamr clues to receive treatment; tills (act Is owing mainly to two reas o ns: First, the terrible dread tha took have roous through the preen until eueh man can go off on a Journey, and be ws ought to be like them in of I earls* home and mluK Into the turmoil, noise and confusion of s great city, sod the worry sad --xhaasSlee Incident time ea a new tabernacle will hare re* gone weeks and months, and come mpernal Christ to make up to travel. Heroad, the great expense of tlie trip aad the unr—uwaMc prices chargwd for examination and treatment hr placed the one destroyed bj fire Sun* boon and see his house untouched of tlclta Had it not been for the city specialist*. It Is a notorious fact that chronic disease* are mo distinct from acute ones that the regular prnctl- * loner, as a rule, wants nothing to do with them, awl If satis Sad with bis Income. will frankly say so. hence the nerea- day. Mav 13. ineendisry, and have his family on the m f would have all perished; *ity uf the specialist;_ . awl that___ he. ____sl. tU „pul himself wlw-n- those ______patients ______ssrsiW by_ tbnr____ Family___ Ttoelor may see him Map to greet him if by telegram He confronted them, end said, aud receive ttrsi-ctasedm irsaimeet,treatment, althoughaltltouirh unable to visit the city to aseatesecure au like quality of skiskid. The fact that u ■ I * y The text choaen for this week was specialist visits your countMinty seat, and receive* -and prescribes for patients at your lest hole! docs not In the least detract L Samuel 30: «. Itt. ’Then David and has foretold the moment of his com ­ way,** and they took it from his skill. Iioncsty,, IntegrityIni, or respectability. For If a man Is a gentleman at home tie Is s gentleman every- ing. lint there are Amalekitiah disas ­ iso to say to you that the where, although occasionally>nally a■> Mutisryhungry doctorlautuir willwin muuuiicaution a so many wrinkles on their T form or of some part. Is the foundation of bis men soou gel through with their wl 'tiled of energy uiid Hindi lion, but are you go about, sometimes weeping and s did not know that what ffm four-lift hs of ail chronic ailments and !■!! .l'lruo sdnas of wliere the true cause of 1 campaign and start homeward. Every T the failure to ns-ognitr and cure this. Is their trouble lies. Seeking relief from sometimes enraged, wanting to get ed "crow's feet” on their flt the reason for mo much disappointment night on their way home, no sooner the family doctor, they an- treated for ‘ back your loved ones as much as David e the marks of the block r on the pstrt of sufferers with long v. ml- •I.i-s. ItysjM-tist-i III , 11 Troubles i >r does the soldier put his head on the Slntulfieilons fully explains why m> few iuM-umatlsu nnd Kidney Disease, but to: and his men wanted to reconstruct rouble. Did you never beer are cured of their dlscum--. knapsack tlian in hh dream he hears to purpose. They try indented nostrums, their despoiled households. Ziklag in opie, seated by the evening The Doctor Is surrounded with the fin­ but these disappoint them. Tiles,- suffer- ' the welcome of the wife and the shout ashes! Some of yon went off from cover their early trials, their est und most extensive collect Ion of In- ere may Is- of all uges, from men- l»y* to of the child. Oh. what long stories y-twamt* over Imported to this country iidran«*od life, bat the majority are mid- 1 home. You counted the days of your the accidents, the burials, .s. fur examining and treating all form , of die lived married men w 1st have worked they will have to tell their families of absence. Every day seemed as long ointments, the empty flour chronic ailments of the head, face. eye. day nnd night, as you might say. for years how they dodged the battleax! and .a ear, nose, cheat,! lungs, heart, sto- and years If such will come to me. ;,mi as s week. Oh! how glad you were en there were so many hun- mach. liver, spleen, kidneys, luwn, n— Itrlnga laittie of their urine. I will show 1 then will roll up their aieevos and when the time came for you to go o feed, the sickness almost productive organs, urinary organs, brain them tho cause of their trouble. show the half*healed wound With mff and nervous spstera, puralynis, rhutna- uboard tbe steamboat or rail car and S, when- the next dose of sL. tlsm. sick headache, backache, tumors, TIIOt’HANDM OF WOMEN glad, quick step they march on. David start for home! Yon arrived You decided between ghastly be- 3)7 growths, Joint diseases, idle*, hip disease, Suffer the disappointments of a lirokcn ' and his men, for they are marching m, rtctatlfii. skill diseases, ulcere and every down. Is-tiunihrd. nervou- system In tb-lr went up the street where your L end sn unbroken home form of weokneMsof ell In r male or female home. Now they cmne up to the last marital relations who can be perfectly ' dwelling was, and in the night ti. yes! it was trouble that A The doctor's specific medicines go straight cored. hill which overlooks Ziklag, and they OP" to tho discs,seccsalty for their journey, which ham lieen ueglts-ted or unskilfully Ziklag? Where are our homes’.’'’ they ! ly dying, knowing themselves III, yet de­ treated. No experiment*or failures. I•:»- tion of your onoe happy home, think­ sver remember seeing your ceived Into u false security, they pix.-rn — Dr. uGLliiRN S. HUMPHREY cry. Alas! the curling smoke above ■ tlnste and nut off tho matter until tin ttents treated by mall and medicines sect ing of the bright eyes closed, and the r sitting, on some rainy day, cane is rendered Incurable. Tin- doctor lus-torNs-tors for the purpose of determining until tbev had no more power to weep ” lint this scene of weeping o'er. J the kind ami character of disease '!.;t___ _nffll-t______the______human family. family. Dr.Dr. Ilolman Holman t 5.r. Humphrey Ilutnphrx hie, long since passed the point away, sir. I can ’t stand it in this Fast this scene of toll end pain, Hut soon their sorrow turns into rage, where he iu-.s to undn-s- tie- -lek nnd ihntnp. and stretch, pull twist, nnd torment them until they arc completely exhausted country any longer." Ziklag in ashes! They shall feel distress no more, In order to lint! n name to -ult th«ur condition, i.ut with a power of penetrutloi. of years of s'udy and experience, lie In­ and David, swinging his sword high in Never, never weep again. stantly recognize- every phuze of dls«.:«-o severe enough to -tamp Its Impress upon the face or form. **ald ;i gentlemen re­ air, cries, "I’ursuc. for thou shalt W’hy these long shadows of bereave­ cently "A lady called .i|*»n Dr. Humphrey who only six month- Is-fore sa- a js-rfect picture of health. The doctor lookisl up ment across this audience? Why is it "Who are these under the altar?'' kindly as the liwly entered and said. '( am sorry to tell you I do wit want you for a tntleat.' ’Why.’said the , "Tliere is overtake them, and without fall re­ the question was asked, and the re­ not mu, h the matter with me.* All.’ says the lW»etor. *1 -re- nn enemy In possession of the premise- which I ennuot dl-haige. ’ cover all" Now the roach becomes a that in almost every assemblage black After —-me g««s| »atur*-d leincering on tin part of tin- lady al««ut her trll Ing disability she took her leave. 1 went the is the predominant color of the ap­ sponse came. “These arc they which next week with her to the city wliere -heconsulted an eminent pmfi-wor In n nottsl tr.iob-al college. Tills doctor h:id the "double-quick. ” Two hundred of came out of great tribulation,ami have lady tin-ln-ssed to her wui-t anil v.lib n wonderful array of instrument* ilium;**! every Ili’-b of her chest, front and renr nnd David ’s men stop by the brook llesor. parel? Is it because you do not like then with a «>>-tly -tctlwecop* be lUtemd ox-vr e«ery |mrt of the upper Issiy: l«*ik |m ii u.»d Ink and mupissl out the region saffron or brown or violet? Oh no! washed their robes, and made them «•! the iM-nrt uno located Hs valve*: tall-sl lcunc-dly of tin- lobes of the lur.g-: rhaiOier- of tho heart and all sort-of ’rale*' and faint with fatigue and grief. Tlioy white in the blood of the Eutnb. ” Our #VreuUnthins.' anil when tlie examination wa- over the lady wn- so cnmoh-tely exiiamdrd she could scarcely stand alone to can not go a step farther. They are You say, "The world is not so bright ’»• drewco d. She paid tlie 410examination fee, took Iter pn--criptloti for nvl llv, r *11 anil liypophospbltes, and returned to her to us as once it was:” aud there is a friends went by a path of tears into i home. I*<->r child! In four months she wus mouldering in tier shroud. I»r. Hui q lirer-uv. alt this at it glance many month* left there. Hut the other 400 men glory. He not surprised if wc have to (icfore. H-aitli has II* features. . hath ill.ease Une mny Im- known a* rend! v n* tin- other. The natural physician know- under David, with a sort of panther story of silent voices, and of still feet, [vdh at sight. In all their grade* x:i l appearances. DU. HOLMAN Ill MFIIRKY possesset this peculiar power more and of loved ones gone, and when you travel the same pathway. highly developed than any iloctor we lisre ever known. step, march on in sorrow and in rage. 1 remark, again, if we want to win They lind by the side of the road a look over the hills, expecting only I’lnle It Is always preferable to my patients, where in in­ beauty and loveliness, you And only the society of our friends in heaven, to longdistance-. .xtrx-tr-e wenkne—.or where the expenses of travel added ^ half-dead Egyptian, and they resusci­ we will not only have to travel a path Tresimem By mail or Express." mill ii -tump dK tate him. and compel him to teli the devastation and woe. Ziklag in ashes! - enclose)! for reply,-end n prinlex) qn«-tlon list concerning exrery condition and l lnd of disease whe li. If faithfully and correctly J One day, in Ulster county. New of faith and a path of tribulation, Imt answered, will enable me to cure nil curable dl-ease-. Terms of treatment mad*- known whet; ui»e«t Ion list Is returned. Tli«-*e whole story. He says, "Yonder tftev we will also have to positively battle # list* must is- -icned, dated, post office and express office rl v *n. plainly t r It t, • Win re parth-- t ,• i.. >x 1» - > far dI-tunt. -1 \ ounce- went, the captors and the captives,” York, the village church was deco ­ ^Kof urine In a clean Isittle slrnild In - Mf-nt by e,pr<-*, provided It can reach ne within itorns niter l for - ■ , ; i » 11,- ' ir I:.- . I v« the Ii iurly |d«y- - i JflL ye 400 brave men of fire! Very soon flowers was almost bewildering. The vwluaMe Information. Male urln is worthless, pt to frighten the Ignorant. The urine for analys s should lie saved during T maidens of the village had emptied and invulnerable skidds and thick the after pnrt of the night and Hr*. I.i tin* morning. Th- Iswtle slwuild U* ul—-lut« lv clean, well corktd. -ts-urely packed, and sent 4K David and his enraged company come breastplates so much as they wanted at Uw earliest pusslhle moment by < xprx — • to tie. Express charge- must always be ; repaid by lbe sender. upon the Amalekitiah host. Yonder tiie place of flowers upon one marriage altar. One of their them on the day when they came they see their own wives and children down upon the Amalekitos. If they and* mothers, and under Amalekitiah own number was uftianoed to a Address Dr. HDLRiRN 8 . HUMPHREY. 528 Grand Slice!. 8 .. Lansing, mien, '“yssas®. * minister of Christ, who had coon ­ had lost that battle, they never would guard. Here are the oflieera of have got their fumilies back. 1 sup­ the Amalekitiah army holding a to take her to bis own home With hands joined, amidst a congratulatory pose that one glance of their loved banquet The cupe are full, the ones in aaptivity hurled them into music is mused, the dance begins audience, the vows were taken. In three days from that time one of those battle with tenfold courage and W. L. DOUGLAS DOLLARS The Amalekitiah host cheer and cheer energy. They said. "We mnst win it. RIGHT'S and cheer over their victory. Hut, who stood at the altar oxchanged earth for heaven. The wedding march let each one take a man on point of S3 SHOE m^'Ws. TO without note of bugle or warning of Os |W wear ffwm? Vfhsn la iwsd try s pair. PER DAY broke t"*n the funeral dirge. spear or sword. We must win DISEASE trumpet David and his four hundred it" And I have to tell yon Seat in ttii »rtd. men burst upon the scene. David and There were not euough flowers now for the coffin lid, because they hail all that tietween us and coming into « AMO OTHER OISOROIRS OF THE KIORETff 20 Easily Made. his men look up and one glance at 43.00 the companionship of our loved their loved ones in captivity and under been taken for the bridal hour. The CAN BS PtRRIAHCHTLV CURED BY 'JliN Wc want rmrny men. womor. bov*. af.,1 girl* to ones who are departed, there is an $4.00, work fur u* a b-w hour* iUly, right In and utotad Amalekitiah guard throw* them into a dead minister of Christ is brought to Auaterlitz, there is a Gettysburg, there #3.50 their own homo*. TIs- Iwulnc** 1* rare . |genianL very fury of determination; for you another village. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S is a Waterloo, War with the world, •trietlv honorable, aud |ari l>dter that, any other know how men will light when they He had gone out from them less #2.50 on war witli tbe flesh, war with the deviL offkrel agent*. Yon Iiave a clear tehi ami no fight for their wives and children. Ah! than a week before in his strength: comprHtloa. Expert-ore and *pecial ability SB- We iiaveeither tocon«|ueronr troubles, #2.25 $1.75 LIVER AND KIDNEY there are lightning* in their eye. and now he comes home lifeless The ron BOYS neevoasry. No capital required. W> eqalp yon or our troubles will conquer tie David #2.00 every finger is a spear, and their voice whole church bewailed him. The ♦1.75 with everythin* that voa need, treat yoa well, will cither slay the Amalekites, or tho and help yon to ear;, ’m time* onflnar- wage*. is like the shout of the whirlwind! solemn proeesaion moved around to BALM. Amalekitos will slay David. And yet IVonrn do ax well ax men, ami boy* ami gtrio Amidst the upset tankards and the look upon the still face that onou had is not the fort to be taken worth all It Is s safe and nntSUIaic remedy tor all mi *- good par. Aav on*, cnywhere. ran d« tho costly viands crushed underfoot, the beamed the messages of salvation. the pain, all the peril, all tho besiege- work All *ucose,| who follow onr plain ami rim- wounded Ainalekiles lie (their blood Little children were lifted up to look Kidney Troubles Liver Disorders ole direction*. Earned work will rarely firing ment? Look! Who are they on the If yn wast a toe DRESS SHOE, mato (stlw Istoel mingling with their winei shriek­ at him. And some of those whom he yon a great deal of taonev Kvrrvthlng 1* now bright hills of heaven yonder? There ttyW*, dos't pay $6 to $8, try my S3, $3.50, $4.00or and Female Irregularities. ing for mercy. No sooner do had comforted la the days of sorrow, and In great demand. Write fee onr i-amphlet they are, those who sat at your own $5 Shoe. They It aqaal to esatom mads sad losk aad Prim Osv Dollar For Bottle clrenlar, ami rsrelxe full Informafloo. No harm David and his men win the when they passed that silent form, wsaraawoB, tfyas wltlitoscosomljslayosrfjct#sifi table, the chair now vacant. There done If yon conclude rot to go oo xrith tho vietory than »bey throw their swords made tbe place dreadful with their do as by parchaalaf W. L DouyUt Stoat. Naan sad Be **r. J. H. Mr Lean Medicine 0b*. they are, those whom you rocked in down into the dust —what do they weepiag. Auothsr Tillage emptied of price tlamtsd so the bottom, look for It wbos yos boy. ST. LOLIS, MO., infancy in the cradle, or hushed to want with swords now? —and the its flowers —some of them pat in the W.L DOUGLAS, DmdUoo, ffam. Sold by SOLE PROPRIETORS. George St:nsok &Co .* sleep in yonr arms. There they are, broken families come together amidst shape of a cross to symbolize his hope, Box 488 , those in whose life your life was a great shout of joy that makes the others put in the shape of a crown to PORTLAND, MAINE. bound np There they are. their parting scene in Ziklag seem very in- symbolise his triumpiu A hundred brow more radiaut than ever before Nerve Blood siped in the comparison. The rough lights blown ont in one strong gnat yon saw it. their lips waiting for the old warrior has to uer some )iersuasion from the open door of a sepulchre Tonic iBuilder kiss of heavenly greeting, their before be can get his child to come to Ziklag in ashes! check roseate with the Health of eter­ him now after so loag an absence; but 1 preach this sermon to-day. lie cause nal summer, their hands lieekoning soon the little fingers tree* Un­ 1 want to rally you. as David rallied [! ( xrvstx. and Trado-Mxrki ob»xtn*d. and all Pat -1 you up the steep, the feet bounding #o*t coodoctrel tor M—uurt tin I familiar wrinkle aeroea the scarred his meu, for the recovery of the loved with the mirth of heaven. The pallor * Owe Omit is Oseoorrt U. VOi rtirr omci ( faee. And then the empty taakanln and the loci. 1 want not only to win Ssadwwcsn aocs. o psioot la Isas Hare Uisnteooof of their last nicUueas gone out of their Snvtwlrwnf irr’oiw .«'’ni, #I are set up and they are Ailed wiUi the heaven, bat I want all this congrega ­ face, never more tobeslek. nevermore , frn if* hoedbond modal, drawky or photo., xrit'xwlt'a doscrlp-JootrJp v«’ licet wine from the hills, and David tion to go along with me. 1 feel that Ks>xl,mre» Jlloa. Wo odrioo. If pstcniahlo or not. iroo ofj to cough, never more to limp, never - cSargt. Oar loo not dao till potent i* soewrod. » and his men. the husbands, the wives, -omehow I hare a responsibility in psuilhb. mor> to be old. never more to weep | A PstaowLCT, “How to Obtain Patceu,' ’ xrith * the brothers, the sisters, drink *n the your arriving at that great city. Do rcM of ium In th* U. 8. aad locoogn cesnuui J They are watching from those heights ' . WILLIAMS I overthrow of the Amalekitos and to you really want to join the compan ­ ♦ soot 're*. Address, r to see if through Christ yon can take MEDICINI C0., the rebuilding of Ziklag. Ho, O Lord, ionship of yonr loved ones who have tiiat fort, and whether you shall rush Scbenccudy, N.\. :C. A.SNOW dLCO.i let thine enemies per.ah! gone? Are you as anxious to join sad Brockvlllc, Onb ^ Ore. pxrvnrr Omtt, Wkmihitos. * them ae l>avid and his men were to in upon them—victors. They know Now they are coming home. David that upon this battle depend* whether and his men and their fatniliee — a join their families? Then I am here, in the name of (iod. to say that you you will over join their society. I’p! ' toLss Wda atom* lv fVU MIT DIRMMTTQfl AI00T long procession. Men. women, and sir ke harder! Charge more bravely! > children, loaded with jewels ami mlies may. and to tell yon how. U. menibor that every inch you gain , and with all kinds of trophies that tlie I remark, in the Aral place, if you Every Month CURE! puts you so much farther on toward I many woman r -ffor Lorn Sicmlv* Amalekitos had gathered up in years want to join yonr loved ones in glory, tiiat heavenly reunion. Leant Monxtt .attoa; thoy dos ’t know of conqnest —everything now in the yon must travel the same way they RHEUMATISM. who to coo fits la to gat prop*' sdvUk, W sn* hsOtt* don* vsn nneand. don't Nr mite. hands of David and his men. When went No sooner had the half-dead Rare#*** t'MlanH la lh« Orient. Don ’t coe ftdo ia anybody hot try PifSali hr - I—in or ooni re—smd i* they come by the brook Honor. the Egyptian been resuscitated than he Central Asian potentates are grow ­ Bradfield ’s rseetpl uf *r<«s. SI uo. ______place where clayed the men sick and pointed the way the eaptom and cap­ ing very European in their ways Nineo ! PENSIONSAddrw s letter nrrestel aumot2z. M£.,e' « *»*■!» «WT. incompetent to travel, the jewels and tives had gone, and iMvid and his men the Emir of Hokhara visited KL I’stera- I [• - IHAliin' pTo r J wa shi x ftTOyTi^1 c*" the robs* and all ktada of treasure un ­ followed after. Ho our Christian burg he has quite adopted western ' Female Regulator divided among the sick as well as friends have gone into another conn- habits, throwing open hla pelsee to ! among the well. Hardy, the lame aad try. and if we want to reach their com Uuseian ladies, and giving regular ' hr* exhausted ought to have some of the panionship we must take the Mtroe balls After European comforts he MENSTRUATION. Booh to " WOMAN " moltod too# road. They repented; we mast repent ft nils hi* pal see very bars, so has in- J treasure* Here is a robe for a pale RA0F1EL0 raeUUTOR 00.. Al loots. facet! warrior. Here la a p


First off Ut* lUMIsbta I'lssst THEIR FIR8T BROTHER. lowed ample standing room for u> when ho was no longer visible to our Tn Iluffon'a speculations on ths three. Isn't to a wonder, eyes. origin and age of the solar system Un't to u pet* ••The greaser Dover got no furder This reflection struck mo as. torch Now we're not a brother. he gives some curious opinions and Who sever had one jet! down than this; but it wereu't fur in hand. I sprung upon the rope figures concerning the gradual cool ­ enough for me.” said Draco “I had bridgo to crows to my fallen partner. Look at hU fat cheeks. clrU! -• - ing down of tho various planets. Ac­ Look at hU t rest eye.; my idea of gottin ’ right down to the “Back, pardner, hack.” groaned cording to thesa. the fifth satellite You want the Best Wide aa can be open. bottom of this bole, where those | Brace: “he’s got tbo Hesper, and KtarUur with surprise of Saturn was tho flrst of the bodies waters must have oarriod tons o' he’ll have your life—back!” which eooled down to a temperature Wtot a pretty mouth, too: gold. ” I raised my torch, und looking What a rtuflv head: which made its inhabitation by Isn't to a beauty. “But the ledge ends here.” toward the ledgo. I saw a man kneel ­ organized beings possible. This Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; Thouth be a rather red* “It do; but.” he added, lifting his ing over Brace. prooass began 4.949 years sfter the never makes sour, soggy, or husky food; Would't he took char mint torch, “it goes on again over there. ” Ho raised his arm tosllenoe Draco, origin of the planotary system, and la a velvet hat! The light fell on a jutting projec ­ and the light fell on the bright blado oontlnued for upwards of 44,1)00 J declare he's laurhtag — tion of quartz upon the opposite wide of the knife in his hand. 1 shouted. never spoils good materials; never leaves only think of that: yeara Dut as the system is now of the chasm, distant at least twenty Turning, he saw me midway across almost 73,000 years old. the flrst of Won t we love aad pat him! feet the chasm, and sprung to his feet. lumps of alkali in thebisruit dr cake; while >oan ho I) try to talk. the habitable planetx long sinee be­ Then, a little after. “But you can not leap that” Then I recognized him. It was Van came too cold for tho existence of He'll begin to walk. all these things do happen with the best “Correct, end I ain ’t goin ’ to try.’ Hoeok. organized being of any sort, ana is . Wen t he to a measure. He laid himself upon his faoe. and It was ho. but could I beltovo my now a dead world. of cooks who ding to the old-fashioned Won't to bn a joy ’ senses? llis eyes were not tho same. Here were we, slaters three— stretched his arm down the chasm. i Now we've got a bar when ho arose, bo had a cord in his At that distance his sightless eyes UrRalOljr Hettlcd. methods, or who use other baking powders. A alley H- Baldwin band. Pulling this in he drew up should have been indistinguishable Mrs. Rusher—Has .Mr. Goldcoin, t two coils of stout rope. As be drew from his cadaverous faoo. but now with whom you havo been dancing The Great Hesper. them in. I saw that their other ends they shone out black and lustrous. all the evening, at last declared his were attacboJ to rooks upon tho op ­ Yet in that instant, as he looked to ­ intentions, Mabel? If you want the best food, ROYAL IIV FUANK ItAHUKrr. posite ledge, ono above tbo other, ward ine. they seemed to fade away Mabel—Yes. aunt Baking with-about four foot between. in tho light of my torch. And this •*1 am so glad! And what did he Powder is indispensable. CHAPTER XVII—CoHTiNirr.a “Wo must hiteh ’em tight—give was no deception of my sight say *" “I think wo may us troll got o!T it, us a hand, sir,” ho said. With a savage cry of rago he held “He declared that he would never up his arms to shield his oyes from in that ease. ” I helped him to make tho ropes marry. ”—Vogue. I CO., m Will CT.. MW-VOCR. “W«l, yon. It nin ’t more risky taut, and fasten thei.* loose ends up­ the light, and grasoing his knifo, he standin' on it than standin' under it; on the projecting eraga that he had mado his way quickly toward the ( omrElInf Hmallpos. but as wo ve got to go under it, and long ompioyed for that purpose. rock to which tho rope on which I A Brooklyn judge has subjected a MEANT TO AMUSE. down tho holo. wo may ns well giL" • ' sir.” he said, taking his stood was attached. practising physician to the heavy ODDS AND ENDS. In a moment tbo wholo mystery tine of floO for neglecting to rnport He lod tho way along the treat* torch from Lola, and holding it over Astronomers catalogue 7,000 double Botanist —This. Miss Little, is the was revealed. He was a Nyctalops. a case of smallpox upon which ho bling rock a dozen yards maybe—tbo the black gulf, “there’s as pretty a Stars. tobacco plant. Miss Little—Bow in ­ and his oyes. blind in tho light wore was in attendance. The father of rushing water sounding upon tbo left bridge and hand-rail as the heart of The United States is the richest na ­ teresting! And whan does it begin to gifted with tho extraordinary powor tho afflicted child was also lined for of us. and thou stretched out his left man could reasonably desire. ” tion on earth. bear cigarettes? of seeing in tho dark —a powor by his failure to send word of tho case arm to stop us lie advanced cau­ For ail that. I held my breath os I Judge —Well, doctor, whst is the which was oxplainod all that had to the healtn board. Among flowers chrysanthemums tiously. and holdin ; out the toroh at saw him step out on tho lower rope, condition of the burglar's victim? hitherto been inscrutablo in the ­ live the longest after being cut. arm's-length, tho light fell upon the and mako his way holding by the Doctor —One of his wounds is abso ­ bery of the Groat Hesper and tho at­ Snre Sign. The meat of unimals which havo yellow water as It poured down into upper one. across that black abyss. lutely fatal, but the other two are not tendants oven at Monken Abbey. Watts—To boon must be awfully been bled to death keeps the beat. the black gulf upon which our stand- Mv turn came and with the blood dangerous and can be healed. ing-placo abutted. 1'ho flame of tho With a perception that he intended afraid of his wifo. Ho is always Delaware is the lowest state and humming in my cars, 1 stepped Editor —What cau Ido for you, Misaf torch was drawn down by the current to cut tho rope which sustained me. tolling us how she will give him tits, Colorado the highest ubovo the soa out upon the rope. It swung to and “Oh. please inay I examine your waste of air as if it had been at tbo blast- I hastened to reach tho ledge on if he don ’t hurry home. level. fro in tho middle, and 1 basket? I know a man who sends you holo of a furnace, liaising his voioo which ho stood. Dut ray progress Dotts —That's the best sign in the Ilorsee arc so plentiful in Chili sod was seized with that irresistible poems, and whose feelings towards to overcome tho noiBO of the wator, suggestion of self-destruction which was necessarily slow, for tho lower world that he is not afraid of her at Tluenos Ayres that it is not uncommon me 1 should like to ascertain.” Draco called out — affects the imagination of most peo- cord, stretchod with tho weight upon all. The man who is bossed by his for beggars to nde. “Wo ’vo got to go down thoro! ” pie in looking down from anextraor- formed a deep fiend, and my damp wifo never say a word about it Some deep-sea flsh have luminous J xhilnti** ( umumpllon Car* “You arc not ”I asked. dinary height boots slipped upon its wot surface. organs and light their own way f* •*** n*i a ruaraalv*. li rum ltx-ip*>r.t i o o wim*. iiEBCfi am 's 1*11.1. a arc » wonderful motile lac Uue. UatlwIauuattOin. Zb»l a . 3U. u. a » She shook her head, and gavo mv Lola began to cross before I was Which would he cut first? If it for snv billon* or nervon* disomer, such a* through the darkness. hand another fittlo squeozo. worn tho upper ono. 1 must trust to sick headache. etc Price, ir roils a bos well off, anil when wo stood all three ; Among recent inventions is an op ­ Iluve tsith in Uotl. and you will ue—- reed Brace lod us off tho rock, keeping in safetv on tho ledge, a fervent ' catching tho lower as I fell. With era glass which can lie instantly con ­ anything else. this view, I kept myself as per­ The wisdom God uive* lakes with II all other tho water still on our left, and there ••Thunk God! ” rose from ray heart tilts. verted into a photographic camera. was some more downward clamber­ pendicular as circumstances per­ •• llanum'a NsRlr Corn Halve.** “Wa>. wo ve got to git back ag'in, ” Since the beginning of the oentury Wwraoiisl loraraur rnuiwy rtluaiMil. am iw ing tor u few minutes. Then we mitted: at tho same tiino grasoing CONDUCTOR K D. LOOMIS Detroit Mich . druszul (ur it. hmllieta. observed Draco, as if my thankful- j Sir* "The of foci ol Hall s Csiarrh Cure Is j the English tongue has risen from cainc to a stand, and ho showed mo a ness were a littlo pmraaturo: “hows- ; the upper ono with all my force, in wonderlul. " Write him shout H Soul by , fifth place in thu world ’s use tot first case he cut the lower one. Druggists TVs The Ulble offer* no premium ea laziness or lateral opening about four feet in over, ’taint bad to think of provi- | place. Improvidence I was within a yard of tho rock height. deneo when you ’re in danger: now, The home of tho Hebrews wsaabout when I folt the ropo undor my foot A worldly woman would rsthcr be JTxIsedfor ••Wo goes through thoro, ” ho said, my gol. it's for you to lead on. ” her beauty than her wit the size of New Hampshire, that of llri-rmnn'O'implinr Ire will* (lljnerlsa. jork as Van Hoeek cut througn tho Tfc<- original annual) ,«nuin,. 1 umi Ham)* then he produced a flask, pourod out ••You can stay here: you ’re too the Groeks was not as large as Maine, flrst strands; the next instant it wont S*>U race. Cofcl Sum, Sc. C.U. Clark CujUUtaWC a dram, anil handed It to me. I ot ­ heavy for whore I’m going, ” said The World's Columbian Ksposltlon and that of the Komuns was smaller tered it to Lola. Another shako of all togothor. and I was loft swinging she. taking tho torch from his hand. Will be of value to the world by (lluttrattn; the than Montana No life esn be s failure when Uod reign* la the head, ami unothor little tqueozc. by my hands to the upper rope over the heart. With u swiftness that terrified mo. It is staled that 8 per cent of the 1 emptied thoeup.and Draco helped the chasm. improvement* to the mechanical arts ami emi­ Every line u profane man blames u thief he sho wont down tho side of tho proci- worldT population are Protestant condemns himself. himself. [to nr. oojrrrxrrKDi ] nent physicians will tell >ou that Ibc progress pice, finding foothold where we. ■n medicinal agents, hss been of equal Import ­ Christian; 'It) per cent are non-Protes ­ ••There ain't no need to get our ­ looking down from tho projection, When Answering AdvertIwmtuti Kindly selves in a muck over this job We’ll BUSINESS-LIKE BRIGANDS. ance. and as a strengthenim* laxative that tant Christian und 73 per cent arc could see uone- Mohanimeduns and 1'agans. Mention Mats l*S|ter. put our rubbers on." he said, "the ••They don ’t know danger —kids The Humana of tli<> ('4u««tu« IlolOI* Syrup of Fig* is far in advance ol all olheva. wet drips through.” don't. ” xaiu Draco, in a low tone. ut no Crime fnr .Money. Itomer mentions locks and keys. I tool* out tho overcoats from tho “End, ” ho added, looking into tho Ilrigands still appear to maintain CURES PROMPTLY bundle of rugs, and wo put thorn on. depths about him uneasily, “I a froo hand in the Caucasus The A dog s tailor flourishes In Part* SWELLINGS, Then I strapped tho roll of rugs on wouldn't mind fooling tho same my­ other day twenty-four of them armed Jesus Christ nsver sought bis own popularity my shoulders again. self. First time I over foil skoery, to the teeth, issued from a village Some preachers do. * * BACK-ACHE, Draco touched my shoulder and An unmerciful mm ts the only ktedof a sin- ! down this hole, and I'm durn> p.State the man I old toenj'y risky work ” othor munition, brought up tho rear, who Is well pleased with himself SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES. ••Wnat is it”’ I asked. I could not tako my oyes from tho lluforo reaching Zaturoff. ono of tho “'Dio sun ket -bln ’ tho top of tho light below, us it passed in jerks industrial villages within the Rakhu ELYS CREa M BALM cures - peaks.” ho replied. from point to point At last it naphtha region, tho party mot four He to k a couple of torehos from stopped, aad after a minute's pause, ;>caxants. whom they interrogated as tho bundlo ho carried, and began to to iny grout relief, it began to ro- to tno dwelling of tho richest man in PRICE 50CEUTS. ALL ORCCCISTSj light them at tho ond of the one ho turn. tho settlement. had last used Quicker and quiekor the light Tho tlrst peasant rofused to say ‘^/AUTPIJ SALESMEN on a salary, sum “Won't you wait a little—it will to H | ;,ii per month, to nell danced along until I folt sick and and wax immediately cut down. A be light in half an hour?” I said. California Wines. Send nn<- |xwiwr stamp for giddy with feat for tho girl ’s safety; second, also declining, was stubbed. full particulam Ut. J. ULAN IN, No. ililo ••Not down thoro, ” ho replied: “it’s I-mi iihmi Hired, Oiuihu, Nrli. and then, with ono last bound, Tho othor two lod tho brigands to pitch dark ut noon in that almighty stood upon our shelf of rook, holding ttio house of u benevolent and hole. Now. ” ho added, when tho tho Great Hesper in her hand. wealthy compatriot. Hadshi-Hussoin. torches were well lit, “tako ono of “Am I good?” she asked earnestly, in tho villago o! IiobL Hadshi- Patents.P.xsmlaatloa and Trade-Marks.Advtre aa lo PatentaMUtv off these, kick the snow well off your Husscin hesitated to state whero his lnr-mimi Hand far *• itonian' '.nUa or llnw to Use nestling up to my aide. a fair at - ?A72^X TTAXZZLL TA22nWT2f. & & feet, koop one eye on ino und t'other money was kopt, but a dagger on tho rocks, and leave tho rest to driven through the muscles of his providence. ” CHAPTER XVIII. FREE! Ruppert'a FACE BLEACH “It’s tho very same.’’ said Draco, right arm and loft there induced him to esnaata,IMUaiWIIaaiaitlaaiM With this Inst injunction he to lead tho robbers to his safo. -fa* ------■ far, ti .M, taking tho stono in his hand. —Wire., Mkr, I* S, stooped down, und passed through Here thoy found 10,000 rubles in la wSw taal ,u aw, rS— It a tel, trial, | the opening. Wo followed, but sin ­ “Do you take caro of it.’’ said I. a41l mm4 a Sa.aU *a«M. ad “for I find enough to do to take caro gold and paper monoy and 10,0)0 rewia. — «■>*,« «f s^ TUCK. gly, for wo needed both hands to rubies' worth of valuables. Hadshl- f U.ZACH MMaal «*rw D..I—ilrail make tho perilous doxeent. of myself.” | tfwkta*, siifla. an). Ua«*aaaa*. nba. “Wall. I reckon it won ’t he long liustcin was afterward cut down and Tho first thing I noticed in passing decapitated. The housekeeiier wore i*in. ,»< tPMMi*,*iti ii»,iian . Mao undor tho groat block that bridged afore wo'ro on tho bost side o' this Mm«.A.RUPI*tRT,OI.I4th 8 t..H.Y.Ottv hole,” lie ropliod, putting tho stono gold car-rings, tho glint of which the awful chasm was the compara ­ attracted tho attention of tho AND DAY. tive silence. Wo could no longer I in his poeko\ II M* the «*nt rap- Hu was certainly ill at case and murderers. In a moment her car ton* *W rsa hear the rushing of tho stream on isubb Uim loss confident than usual, for he took was slit from tho side of her head. the other side, only the dull roar of Sho sprang to the door, but was j the water as it struck tho bottom of I his torch, and examined tho fasten ­ ings of tho roros. and then from an stabbed. Hor cries had. howevor, the canyon some thousands of feet alarmed tho villagers, who opened below. ad aeont cavity ho brought out an ­ other coil of cord, in which cross a fusillade on the mbbera The MSI OX, tu Braail- Draco ’s voice was startlingly dis ­ wajr. tow tod OUj. pieces of stout hickory were knotted latter mado a desperate sortie, re­ tinct when ho xpoko. gained their horses and mado good ••You toll me the thing is on the ut intervals of a foot. He unfustenod >WIZZ CANNOT SEE HOW YOU 00 it and laid it loose upon the rook thoir retreat, leaving four of thoir ^vrirc it AND PAY FNilCHT. other side of tho ropes, mv gel? ” ho number ucad. All efforts havo so said. with the looped end free. “Tho ropes has been years ex­ far failed to unoarth this band from She answered vos. and wo wont their fastnussea slowly forward and downward along posed to tho damp, and they are tho narrow and jagged ledge, our bound to go one day. Hof they t'llllmtn? Moth*. I- • •• U*t* TvSal. N* ■ should happon to go this day. this ' ll.WSaia ma.'lvl'ilinlxin. faces toward the glittering quartz, . - Fow persons suspect that tho com- I MM* tolnalHWT MSnNU hero knotted ropo may come in par- _ ‘ .. _ ._ . rnrf I'M TUa OM »»4 —4 hr mmIMi «r Mff|« frm seeking interstices and projections .. ,. . . I, .J . 1 mon moth may be utilizod as a doc- . r ntt setaU*vs teettmea a.s e»4 u Immmnnm I AM# W«rl4*fl Fa». tic’lar 118047 . You know how to use for hold to our hands. orativo artist, but ho may bo. if only OXFORD MFfl. CO. MlWtkiikAsa.DNICAflO.Ill, 1 it. my gol. Hero ’s for u start ” We wore getting away from tho ono be watchful, patient, and ac­ The subject of the above portrait ts np both solid flesh and strength after grip, fall, hut at a certain point tho path With tho torch in hts hand he be­ quainted with the creature's habits. Rev Chas Pm assy, a much beloved and mtmt pneumonia, ferets and other prostrating gan the return along the rope. layout minister of the gospel at Mount Car ­ diseases "Golden Medical returned toward it *tn a zig-zag The larva ot the moth has a habit of Discovery ” has ORTHERN PACIFIC Hu got to tho middio whon hr mel, Northumberland Co., Pa. Mr Prasasr'i no equal It doss not make fat people mom along a lower projection. At an spinning above itsolf a sort of sac usefolneas. was. for a long time, greatly im corpulent, but builds up solid,o4m£ low# angle which offered n littlo wider stopped. paired by a 'Ustresetng, obstinate FREE “m,"”"1 from the material upon which it 1 Do you fsel doll, languid, lew spirt tad. Al UK- > i. M • iH standing space, wo stopped. ••What’s that?” lie asked sharply, foods. As tho worm grows it en ­ How hts malady was Anally conqu spirited. ■ North Dakota. will let him teU in hts own tangoage Its bare fulinsaser Moating after eating, . tongue PILANDS holding the upper ropo with ono tans. IS** W

THE FOREMOST BARGAIN. -HSt. Johns Mercantile Company.Ef Of this Progressive Time and Age. Bargains! Value*! Value* that tower Head ami Shoulder* above any­ thing this market has ever known, or ever offered.

REMEMBER ! OUR MOTTO. Price*. Quality for (duality, Guaranteed Against the World. Remember Saturday, the 26th day of May. IS ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY. That is the day this Special Sale takes place. We pay the HIGHEST MARKET Come in and see us. PRICE in CASH for BUTTER AND EGGS, and if anyone pays you more Is a Genuine Reduction Sale, the reductions be­ than we do, WATCH THEIR PRICES, for MW 11! SATURDAY, tks 25tL jm$ mirk W ing exactly as we've stated, and they've been what they lose on your Butter and made from our already close prices. Eggs they make back on what they We have Cut Prices in all De­ sell yyou partments. Our aim is to make Saturday the Come to our Store Saturday. Buy or Not as you pl< but the Prices and (duality at all events . BIGGEST BARGAIN DAY MERCANTILE CO. SHOE IEPT. ‘If you intend buying any Tan Shoes this summer, look at our line . Elver Known in. Clinton County for Ladies", Gentlemen, Bovs . Misses and Children. We have just Below find a few Price* to show you how we have slashed everything tor Saturdnv. the 26th: received a new line of Ladies' High Tan Blucherstts. You will find these Reliable Goods at Popular Prices. JJrown ...... vli i1 Koyal Baking Powder ...... Uargaiu Price. 46c 5c Paciiic Challles •!£ li 1 lb Gion Coffee.^^^* . 6c New Dress I’rinta...... 8? S 1 »h XXXX Coffee ...... 60 pcs Indigo ...... *...... 1 lb Arbuckle’s Coffee ...... 16c Curling Irons ...... U5c ea « lbs Seele's Wheat Flake*. jum yds 15c and 30c lluching. . 07c yd i bbl of Flour ...... AGAIN Him* 10c Fans...... (Me ea 1 lb Fmmte...... 100 d 07. Ladies' Ilk* lUo Vests . 06c ea H lbs Good Cracker* ...... * H6c White Bed Spreads ...... U2c ea 10c l*lug Tobacco ...... iOc All Linen lied Table Linen :n*c yd AT 1 O’CLOCK SHARP

The Farmers' Votes will be Counted be 3 Disinterested Parties. Be on Hand to Hear the Result

Charley Turner lias returned from Another >M He.|•*•!. there secure a job to his liking. Joseph Haefner. one of the early set­ Of MU* Katie .Srhomuti. who died Mar 1.18*4. tlers of Dallas township, this county, at her home In Weatpbalia. 4T.JOHNS. THURSDAY. MAY 51. IW4 Mrs. Dr. Post is able to lie about the house and it is thought the operation died at his home, of old age. on Mon It aecma but yesterday when KaUe and I were for hernia will be entirely successful. day. May 21.1MU. in his H6th year. lie •trolling long A " Punch and Judy' show was hail was a native ofGermanv. and came to O’er this grnaar plain *o gay, without one m tbought, that aoon ahe ’d leave me forlorn. at Dennis' liall. Wednesday evening last.1 thiscountry about years ago. He While ahe bad gone, the dearer oaee to Join. The audience was in keeping with the had been a resident of Dallas about 41 show—both thiu. years, during ttie whole of which time and Us but a few short weeks since ST. JOHNS. MICH. Her hand with mine did ciaep. Will Dalcom rejoices oud is exceed ­ he had resided upon the very farm And our usual aood-bye was said. ingly glad, cause a tine ten pound son which he cleared of the dense forest O not In the least considerate, that Pays 4 Per Oat. Interest on Wep*»*lt*. was added to his pleasant household on trees, and on which lie closed hi» well- Twill prove to be the last the 1st instant. He has now four spent life. A wife and six children— In her home below, she's left a vacant place: Loans Honor on Approved Bonds and daughters and one sou. three sons and three daughters —sur­ llut In her home above, ahe baa tilled one Beal Estate Security. The memorial sermon will be preached vive him. all of whom are married and time nor tide can not deface. at the Kvangelical ehurch by Rev. Fred comfortably situated. The funeral Woep not dear parents, sister or brother: orncxjts: Koehler. Suuday. May 27. Decoiation took place from the Catholic ehurch of Though our lose to us seems great. ‘GAIN we remind our friende and services at the same church. Rev. P. L. Westphalia, (of which he was a con ­ We wtli share It with one another. 4. J. HsLDWtS. Pres I*. E. Waumtomm , Trs*. TUI we meet her at the gate patrons of the important fact that a. PwnLk Vf.Pre R.c Pkxtxb Ami Tm Ryker will speak. Program : G. A. sultant member), to-day.and was largely attended by relatives and friends. LOLTBB KCL'SCH rllt LOCAL MAKKETS. Rs. and W. II. C. will meet at theirtiall Eases. Mich. we represent one of the Largest Manufac ­ at •> o'clock an«l go to the west cemetery Ornca or Twal soaeasoatrr. I Lltamry Olnte. turing Establishments of Men's and Boy ’s St. Johns. Mich.. May. S3. HIM. f at 10 a. iu . to decorate. At 1 p. m. will THE FLOATERS. Tae to.i.iw inr an- the prices paid in cash lor decorate graves at the Eureka cemetery, A meeting of the Ladies Literary Clothing to he found in the East, and for produce In this market : after which they will return to the Kv. Club will lie held Wednesday afternoon Wheat, white.—...... —9 WS<*0 Should not that Klrmont in the Comnsrr. Wheat, red. —...... — -4SfcJ0 church and listen loan address by Rev. «-lal Field who are “Herr lo-day and Mav 23. Program : quality, style and low price we defy suc­ oau. .... -...... aan ^ M The Dorman Army...... Mrs. Faxon iic.tioaal>l« Th<- Seven Year War...... Mrs E. Fennel Aisikt-...... un’hi cessful competition. If yon are about to Hsrlsv |»r 'MU...... —. .TStJ.AA MAI'LK HA 1* IDS stocks, to the Detriment ol Legitimate Martin Luther...... Mrs. Hughs ...... — SM» ' ana Hell bole Trade, tee Compelled to Hsviow...... Mrs. M. Weller purchase Clothing for yourself and boys, Mav 53. 18 * 4. l‘ay Tribute • Kendln* ...... Mrs. Vansickle Kga...... ——— i*mi -U Several young |ieopie from Eureka at­ you will find it grentlv to vour advantage TWllow...... *M tended the M. E. Church here on Sun ­ Wo can see no good reason why our Circuit Court. Hay. per ton...... ——-. H.0SWM.W* permanently located dealers, who (my The following cases have l>een dis ­ Potatnee ------—...... — *•' day night laet. to see us before vou buy. Pop-corn, per ISO pounds ...... I.3MH» taxes ami assist in iHiilding and main­ posed of up to this date: Pork ...... Eugine Graham, of Reed City, son of pm...... Daniel Graham, lately deceased, is taining good mads and walks, and main­ Darid and Samuel Kosenbiatt vs D M Estey Corn ...... — sMi® taining a well organized lire depart ­ et al. Replevin Verdict of Scents for plain ­ Lap* , ■ -- .8 I spending a few days iu town with the tiff. Wood...... I.QMIJ" ment for the protection of property and Jos H McGough vs s*m i M Keaby and Oen Hides ------—...... ■ latter. Ml ...... - -Wjb-j Tlie family of Cyrus Lyon started on for the many other improvements found weiier. Assumpsit By i-ontent or panic* Chickens. ilve...~~-.....-...... — in a well-kept village like St. Johns, the Court directed is. Jury to Bts! verdict for s* dressed ...... Bgdl I Tuesday of last week to join the luis- should not he protected against a lot of plaintiff of 9313.'*’. Turkeys, litre...... —----- Imuh I and father at (Georgetown. Col- dressed...... — «• I pirates who are running about the; Ueeer. “ ...... —■ MI orada. where he went a year ago to seek Ouehs. .... ------•• I a home for them. countrv under the guise of ’Bankrupt Rev. P. L. Ryker, who closed (us Stocks, ahd who pay no part of the i—uili public expenses above referred to. If I May SI. 18*4. labors here as pastor of the Christian church on Nuuday last, luw been en­ theseconcerns are not regularly taxed I JOB PRINTING Isaac Jones is dangerously sick with gaged as u supply until another minis­ with those permanent! > located, in the typhoid fever. regular way. should they not tie made The water is verv high, in many place* ter can be obtained. AT THE INDEPENDENT OFFICE. Mrs. R. W. Hewitt and R. H. Hewitt to pay a license for enjoying these privi­ overflowing the land, and some of the leges which our local dealers have lieen bridges are nearly afloat. attended the state Lodge of D. of H. held at Albion, last week, as delegates assessed to help pay for ? If there is, Charley Ilalsey and Frank Slater took any way by which these temporary visit­ AN HONEST MAN a mud bath Saturday evening by the from the Lodge here. Roth also hold YOURS RESPECTFULLY. an oflice in the Grand Lodge. , ors____ can be ■made . to„ contribute . ._ to __these Wasted —to soil our STANDARD Teas. Cof ­ breaking down of tlieir road cart. 0j expenses, it should he done. Those fees. Spices, ilc.. to consumers These roods A large number of the friends of M is* O. M. Snyder a former resident •ell themssIvM after one trial. Ala proflt to this village hut who for the put two or who are permanently located here, or a«rnts. Write for circular. IMPERIAL TEA Etta Sutton gave her a surprise a few in any other town, are subjected to all CO.. 1’Adllls .-Square. Detroit. Mich evenings ago to celebrate her birthday, three years has been in business at Fenton. Mich., has sold out there and the taxes and money extracting schemes leaving with her a substantial present. in vogue, while these floaters avoid, and It is feared the snow storm of Friday will return to Maple Rapids for n time. Frances ('alien, a weak minded refuse them all. All manner of regu ­ For Sale, Rochester Clothing and Saturday . to-gether with the cold larly established business is effected by wind which accompanied the storm, will young man who lives live miles north west of this place, went tishing about a this uDjust and unequal privilege. prove detrimental to the fruit crop, l’ardon us, local dealers, you whom WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, which promised so much. week ago and nothing has lieen seen or we have ever labored to protect, if we Oats. Com, Bran. Middlings. heard of him since, although parties .losenh Lake, jr.. and brother, in com ­ i speak_____ a______word in this connection in our Cora Meal. Ground Feed. Hay, GEO. A. WELLS, ing out of 8t. Johns Saturday, met a havedailv searched for him. own interest and that of our brethren : Straw and W ond. at the elevator, Frank Roberts, a fanner residing two w heel barrow . at which their horse took of the local press. It is of frequent oc- N PR ACUTE A S4|I AIR. fright, capsizing them in the ditch and miles south of here, while breaking a cunence that some glibjindi virtual drops colt dislooated hts shoulder. The frac­ breaking loose from the oart and left for ! in here with some advertising scheme ture was reduced by Drs. Gillani of Bt. Health home. Saturday seems to have been a .u|(| i or to solicit job printing, and a goodly Has opened the store formerly occupied day of accidents to Bengal it «** Johns and Hlias of Maple Rapids by O . G. Wiclres A Sons with a complete at present writing tm patient is im­ number of these business men. wbo are - RESORTS Mrs. Kirhani Smith met with a asking us to exercise ourselves in their Can be Comfortably and Economically | line of strange accident. Saturday last while proving nicely, Daniel Graham, for many years a : interests, will “bite" like suckers after a reached via the driving, her horse slipped and fell, roll ­ thunder storm, unmindful of on? inter- ing over in the ditch at the roadside, resident of this place, and an old soldier SANTA FE ROI TK, was buried last week under the au­ ; oat. But when their interestsarejeffected from which position it required the 1 their cries are long and loud It makes spices and ceremonies of the G. A. R. From Chicago. St. Louis or Kansas City, j i™™ csomr. 3UOTAEE. Etc. efforts of Hoy Pope and Arthur N. Stew­ some difference whose ox la gored. We, Round-Trip Tourist Tickets at Great­ ard to extricate It. The damage was a Boat here, of which he was a member. While in the service he belonged to the as local publishers, are working daily ly Reduced Rates, and with dnal limit broken thill. for the heat interests of our village and of October SI. 1804. will be on sale Which will be sold at the lowest poe- Fourth Michigan Cavalry and assisted its people, and we ask that you do unto sible prices. ■mm in the capture of Jeff. Davis. daily from June 1.1«M. to September us as you would that we do unto you. ». I MM. Write C. A. Hinuixt. As- May at net Tell those floaters, wbo apply to you sistantGan'l Passenger Ag ’t. Chicago, Frank Young!ove n parents are here Final Rums for vour printing that you patronise for information regarding the trip. visiting him. your home Institutions, and can be as YOUR TRAK IS SULICITEB "Grandma ’ lngemoll is able to he Final examination for County Di­ well pleased in doing so. ploma at Diitnet No. 6. the Btarr. about the house as usual and be out of Mrrai TrlaaipS. CLIFTON HOOSE, doors. Watertown. Saturday, June 2, IW4. Instant ratio I ex port sat ad aad a porma- WABASH AVE and MADISON NT Oat Sherman. the wagomnaker. turned All pupils who have flniabed eighth neat care by the toast speedy sad greatest his back on this town Hatuaday and has grand work are invited to attend. remedy in the world —Otto's care far CHICAGO. R. M. Winston . Long and Throat diseases. Why will yea gone to pastures new. AMERICAN PLAN Uev Prod Koehler and l*imidmg ('rsnmusisnsr of Hcboois. ceatiaae to irritate year tbtoot sod lungs with that tetribe hacking coogfa when C Elder Frye held a quarterly meeting at E VanHickle. 41 Clinton Ave.. sole agent, Rates: t*e*. 9BJ0 and IS00 per Day. For which the highest market price will the oounty line church on Saturday last. will taretail yon a free sample bottle of be paid The Odd Fellows have moved Into Mar *k 18*4. this great gaarantoed remedy » Its sac- This la one of the most convenient, ent ts simply wonderful, sa roar druggt*4 their new quarters over the hardware Houston Elvira Hktrassn Mrs. a i mods safest, pleasantest and homelike hotels tnirsan itao> asoT a will tell yea. Otto ’eCnre to now sold in store, where July and August will make Orton a. M. WUeox Bart every town and village on this continent. in the city.. If you atop there once you ORDERS PROMPTLY It red hoi for them. V. A. CHAPIN. P. M. Ham pIsa (yen. Large bettiee, Wc 6. are sure to do so again. I440tf J^JbTTD DELIVERED