Price: 2890 euros Single Supplement: 390 euros

Distance : 64 km Walking : moderate +


This week continues from the historic path and trail of Godescalc, Bishop of Puy en Velay, the GR65, which we cover on our St James’s Way Part 1 week (happening immediately before this week). Godescalc in 951AD decided to walk with his retinue to see the newly found relics of St James at in Galicia, Spain. This week diverts half way to the GR65A which is a variation of the original path. This adds a valuable contrast to the scrubland plateaux of the region as the GR65A descends the dramatic beauty of the Célé river valley. You will also visit the important pre-historic cave of before staying in Saint Cirq Lapopie voted as the prettiest of all villages in in 2016.

The Walking Party was founded by James Tamlyn in 1998. James moved to his eighteenth century farmhouse nearly thirty years ago enthused by the romance and beauty of the area. His love of flora and fauna combined with his fascination for the food, wine and local traditions and the personal contacts he has accumulated since his arrival in France, from local producer to small production wine maker making world class wine, make this a special experience that you could not enjoy as an individual traveller. James will be walking with you every day through the week.

« I don’t usually write thank-you letters after paid-for holidays but you both have the ability, and it must be a natural talent as well as something you work at, to make your guests feel utterly at home. Like spending a holiday with close friends» H.B.

Day 1 Arrival. You will be met at Blagnac airport by James and driven to Figeac, stopping for a light lunch on the way in to see the Pierre Soulages museum. Pierre Soulages is an immensely important French contemporary artist who paints in black but talks of light. I find this an appropriate place to start talking of the St James Way! You will stay your first night at Figeac. It is a very beautiful medieval town and there will be time to relax and wander before dinner. You will stay in the three star Hotel Le Pont d’Or overlooking the river Célé. All bedrooms have bathrooms en suite and look over the river towards the town. Dinner in Figeac.

Day 2 Walk from Béduer to . You are driven out of Figeac in the vehicles after breakfast to Béduer to start the walk towards Cajarc on the famous pilgrimage route now named the GR65. This is the original route taken by Bishop Godescalc in 951AD. Cajarc is where the Vikings would sail as far as down to on the river in days of yore. The walking is along the plateau with drystone walls and scrub oaks and junipers. You will stay in a beautiful fortified house on the outskirts of Cajarc, Mas de Garrigues. All bedrooms are spacious and have bathrooms en suite. There is a swimming pool. Walk: 12km

Day 3 Walking to Limogne. After breakfast, we leave again in the vehicles to walk to the heart of the causses. This is characteristic scrubland with oak woods and dotted with ancient dolmens and drystone shepherd huts. Picnic lunch on the way. You arrive in Limogne for cold beers and other drinks before driving back to your fortified house near Cajarc for your third night. Dinner at the house. Walk: 12km

Saint Cirq Lapopie

Day 4 Start walking in the Célé valley to Saint Sulpice. We drive north to a little village on the river Célé. You are leaving the GR65 to move to the GR65a. This is what makes the week so interesting as we are using two well-known tracks of the pilgrimage to give you the contrast of the causses with the dramatic cliff lined valley of

the Célé river. We walk along the Célé river and along the cliffs stopping for a riverside picnic at Espagnac. An afternoon walk takes you up and over the causses plateaux to Saint Sulpice. You will stay in one of the prettiest villages of France overlooking the river Lot at St Cirq Lapopie. You stay in a charming hotel in the centre of this beautiful village. All bedrooms have bathrooms en suite. Dinner in St Cirq. Walk: 15km

Day 5 Walking to pre-historic caves. Walking the tow path to St Cirq Lapopie. We leave St Cirq to drive to Cazals and walk to . Again this is stunning scenery. We will lunch in Cabrerets before we go to visit the outstanding original pre-historic cave of Pech Merle. This is not only important for its pre-historic paintings but also as an exciting cave geologically. We then walk in to St Cirq Lapopie along the tow path on a very scenic path along the river Lot. Drinks in St Cirq after the hill before dinner in the village. Walk: 15km

Day 6 Limogne and a river walk to Cahors. We drive out of St Cirq to regain our pilgrimage at the small town of Limogne. We walk through the causses to a beautiful chateau set in the middle of its large estate in the middle of nowhere. We have lunch in a very popular local auberge nearby before rejoining the river Lot for a beautiful river walk into Cahors. You will stay at the beautiful Chateau Mercues with its outstanding position and wonderful Michelin starred restaurant. It is the most prestigious place to end your week, especially for those who have managed my St James Way week from Puy en Velay the week before!! All bedrooms have bathrooms en suite and stunning views. Dinner at the hotel. Walk: 10km

Chateau Mercues

Day 7 Au revoir. We drive to Toulouse from Cahors after breakfast to get to Toulouse airport by 10.30am.

NOTE: This tour starts and ends at Toulouse airport. The itinerary is subject to change according to local conditions. All mileages shown are approximate.