Saint Anthony's High School Franciscan Brothers Clubs And

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Saint Anthony's High School Franciscan Brothers Clubs And Saint Anthony’s High School Franciscan Brothers Clubs and Activities Guide Academic Team Altar Servers Altar Servers provide an im- If you love trivia compe- portant service to the school titions, then Quiz Bowl community by serving Mass, the center of our Catholic is the activity to join. Se- lives. lect students prepare for Masses are celebrated each months in order to com- day in the Chapel for Fac- pete in local academ- Aerospace and Aviation Club ulty and Students: Monday, ic competitions on Long The Aerospace and Aviation Club Wednesday and Friday at Island (often televised!), has blasted off into another school 7:50 and at 2:45 on Tuesday year. Students participate in build- with questions covering ing rockets and traveling to com- and Thursday. In addition, everything from math to petitions to launch their new de- Altar Servers assist at spe- literature to signs. cial school-wide Masses and The Aerospace and Aviation Club American history. other special Masses during is always keeping its student mem- the year. bers on the edges of their seats. Whether it’s from lectures from Jones Beach Airshow daredevil stunt pilot, David Windmiller, a tour of one of New York’s busiest air traffic control towers, or from building TARC and NASA rock- ets, students are having fun while learning. Anthonian The Anthonian is the year- book of Saint Anthony’s. This is a year-round extracurricu- lar activity, spearheaded by the advisor, Dr. Christina Buehler, and several student editors. The club offers fun opportu- American Red Cross Club nities to promote the school Art Club The St. Anthony’s American and potential leadership po- Art Club is where there is Red Cross Club provides op- sitions for those students who always a seasonal art project portunities to make a mean- wish to become editors. The available or where individu- ingful impact by addressing Anthonian welcomes students als can practice or gain new our community’s greatest who are interested in writing, skills depending on their needs. It empowers students typing, photography, and any- artistic interests. Art Club with knowledge and life-sav- one who wishes to help in the is available to all students ing skills to help prepare the publication of a lasting piece interested in art. It is also school and community to available time for any art respond to emergencies. The of Saint Anthony’s history. lines of service the club par- student in any studio, draw- ticipates in are Disaster Ser- ing and painting, or port- vices, Safety Services, Service folio class to get extra help to the Armed Forces, and or extra time on their class International Services. projects. The Book Club Chess and Rubiks Club The Book Club was creat- Students who join Chess ed for students who love Club are not required to to read. Students wish- have prior knowledge ing to participate in the of the game, as there club choose a novel and are always experienced meet to discuss the liter- students to teach them. ary work in a friendly and C.A.R.E. Once students have open atmosphere. C.A.R.E. (Caring Adolescents learned the basics, they The Book Club meets Reaching the Elderly) is a ser- play against students of once a month and all stu- vice organization in which club a similar skill set and dents are welcome to par- members visit with residents of Our Lady of Consolation Nurs- continue to develop new ticipate. ing Home in West Islip. Through- techniques each week. out the school year, seasonally themed parties provide CARE members and residents with the opportunity to participate in ac- tivities like “Name That Tune”, BINGO, and other party games. Most importantly, there is great conversation shared across gen- erations during the visits. Creative Writing Club Many students enjoy expressing themselves through original writ- ing. Whether that writing takes the shape of poet- ry, prose, or short stories, Comic & Cartooning Club students’ creativity in en- DIY Club Comic & Cartooning couraged in this club, and Our club meets together Club is open to all stu- once the pieces are com- with the goal of work- dents who want to learn to pleted, the authors are in- ing on creative, inspir- vited to share their work make their own webcom- ing, and fun art projects with other members. ics, comic books, com- and gifts for your home, ic strips, and/or original family, & friends! Small characters. Learn all about supply fee may apply. plotting, scripting, page and panel layouts, draw- ing, inking, and more! No previous experience with comics? No problem -- all are welcome! Drone Club Environmental Club This club will introduce, Understanding the need instruct, and develop par- to save our planet, stu- ticipants into responsible dents work on projects and educated drone pilots. throughout the year with We will explore the various a focus on sustainability aspects of drone piloting and environmental stew- including equipment, safe- English Honor Society ardship. The activities ty, building, piloting skills, Pax et Bonum is our school’s chapter include gardening, recy- site/field evaluation, con- of the National English Honors So- cling, sustainable energy, tent editing, and explore ciety dedicated to praise, promote, and practice the English Language and experiencing nature. industry entrepreneurial/ Arts throughout our community. professional opportunities Students at the end of their Sopho- more year who receive a total aver- after graduation. age of 90 or above in their English course are nominated at the begin- ning of their Junior year. Prospec- tive members undergo an intense in- duction process that evaluates their commitment to our mission. Once initiated, students have the opportu- nity to attend related field trips, con- tests, and events. In addition, some esteemed members will have the ability to issue research-backed pro- posals about amending the English curriculum. Equity Team The Equity Team is dedicated to promote and sustain a cul- turally inclusive environment at St. Anthony’s High School under the tenets of Francis- canism. Operating under the principle of recognizing the dignity, value, and worth of Fall Musical Concert the human person, we seek to Equestrian Club Theatre Program raise awareness on all forms Each year, the St. Anthony’s Equestrian Club is open of oppression and discrimina- High School Theatre Company to all boys and girls in tion based on race, sex, sexu- produces a Fall Musical Con- both the Fall and the al orientation, or religion that cert. This production focuses Spring Seasons. The club are affecting our fellow stu- on the music involved in the se- dents, faculty, and staff. lected show and features mini- is set up into semi-pri- mal choreography and staging. vate lessons. We offer It auditions in the first weeks of three levels: beginner, September and is performed in mid November. The show pro- intermediate, and ad- vides an opportunity for stu- vanced. At the end of the dents to perform numbers from Spring Season, those in musicals that would not typical- ly be selected for a spring musi- the advanced group may cal and focus primarily on vocal participate in a Show. talents. Fall Play Foreign Language Honor Society Theatre Program The Foreign Language Nation- Each year, the St. Antho- al Honor Society is open to all ny’s High School Theatre Juniors and exceptional Sopho- Company produces a Fall mores who qualify. In order to qualify, students must have an Play. This production is average of 90% or above in two typically a non-musical and a half years of either Span- drama or comedy show Fishing Club ish or French at Saint Antho- that auditions in the first ny’s. Their responsibilities are weeks of September and is Fishing Club is a new ad- carried out during their Senior performed in mid Novem- dition to the club roster Year. They tutor other students ber. The show provides an at Saint Anthony’s and al- in their specific language. At the opportunity for students to ready has a dedicated fol- time induction in early Spring, showcase their acting tal- lowing. Trips depart from inductees receive a certificate and are registered nationally. ents. Port Jefferson, Captree, and Blue Point, and stu- dents and faculty members spend their day on the wa- ter enjoying the beauty of the Long Island Coast and hopefully catching some fish for dinner! Friar Faithful Members of Friar Faithful are devoted to the mission of Franciscan education and are always looking to spread the “good news” of Saint Anthony’s High School. Friar Faithful Friar Media members are dedicated to Go behind the scenes and get Franciscan Youth Ministry the school they love; they hands-on experience working Franciscan Youth Ministry promote and show kind- with digital photography and vid- (FYM) is the student arm of eo! Go behind the camera and ness to others and contin- learn to cover live events with our Franciscan Mission. We ually seek opportunities are teens alive in the spir- both still and moving photog- raphy, and learn the best way to it of St. Francis putting our to serve. edit your work with post-produc- Franciscan values into prac- tion professional editing software. tice and inviting other teens Have your work published online to join us. We bond in com- and in print, build up a portfolio, munity through our projects and meet other ambitious digital serving the poor, elderly , en- media enthusiasts like yourself! vironmental and peace mak- No previous experience required, ing activities. We strive to be but reliability and a strong work living instruments of peace. ethic a “must.” Friar Scoreboard Future Medical Professionals The Friar Scoreboard is well-loved publication that has entertained read- ers for many decades.
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