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I. d t National Institute of Justice I' . Department of Justice t . FBI Academy Libtary Washington, D. C. 20531 lJII ...' a. Quantico; Virginia 22135 ~'j ".'.

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u.s. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice HV Alexander, Yonah. International Terrorism. This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the 6431 New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976. pers?n or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated .157 In this documen~ ~re th~s.e of the authors and do not necessarily repr~sent the offiCial positron or policies of the National Institute of Justice. HV Alexander, Yonah, and Kilmarx, Robert A., eds. Permission to reproduce this ~ed material has been 6431 Political Terrorism and Business. granted by • P62 New York: Pra.eger publishers, m9 . Public Domain/FBI u.s. Department of Justice HV Berger, D. L. Industrial Securit*. Woodburn, to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). 8290 : Butterwort s, 1979. .B47 ~urther reproduction outside of the NCJRS system reqL:ires permis­ sion of the c9Pl'fi#h' owner. HV Clutterbuck, Richard. Kidnap and Ransom-The 6431 Response. Boston, MassaChusetts: .Cs48 Faber and Faber, 197& HV Demaris, Ovid. Brothers in Blood. New York: This bibliography is a representive selection of the 6431 Scribner-;- 1977. material held in the Learning Resource Center. The materials .D4s included are primarily concerned with the corporate response to terrorist attacks against the executive. Inclusion of an HV Elliot, item does not represent an endorsement by the FBI of the 6431 materials or their authors. .C6s

HV Evans, Ernest. Calling a Truce to Terror: The 6431 American Res onse to International .E9 error1sm. estport, onnect1cut; Greenwood Press, 1979. HV Flynn, J. B. Design of Executive Protection 8290 S*stems. Springfield, Illinois: ' • Fs8 Carles C. Thomas, 1979 • HV Fuqua, Paul Q., and Wilson, Jerry V. Terrorism: 6431 The Executives Guide to Survival. • F86 Houston, Texas: Gulf publishing, 1978 • HV ~~N 14 1983 6431 .K87 ACQUISITIONS HV Laqueur, Walter. Terrorism. Boston, Massachusetts: 6431 Little, Brown, 1977. .L36 -i- HV Laqueur, Walter. The Terrorism Reader. New York: 6431 New American Library, 1978. .T49

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HM McKnight, Gerald. The Terrorist Mind. 281 Periodicals • M22 Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs Merrill, 1974 • HV 6431 Parry, Albert. Terrorism from Robes~ierre to .. Arafat. New York: Vanguard ress, 1976. Adkins, Elmer H. "Protection of American Industrial Dignitaries .P37 and Facilities Overseas." Security Management, July, 1974, pp. 14-16. HV Reber, J., and Shaw, P. Executive Protection 8058 Manual. Schiller Park, Illinois: "An Anti-Terrorism Formula for International Business." • E94 Motorola Teleprograms, Inc., 1978. Security Management, July, 1978, pp. 31-32 • HV Shultz, Richard H. Jr., and Sloan, Stephen eds. 6431 Anderson, R.E. "Kidnap Extortion- A Bank Threat." The Magazine • R47 Responding to the Terrorist Threat~ Security anOiCrisis Management. New York: of Bank Administration, June, 1977, pp. 18-21 • Pergamon Press, 1980. HV Siljander, R. P. Terrorist Attacks: A Protective Arbrose, J. "Protecting the Executive." International Management, 6431 December, 1978, pp. 14-20. .S48 Service Guide for Executives, Bodyguards and Policeman. Springfield, Il1inois::­ Charles C. Thomas, 1980. Blanchard, Robert. "Protecting the Top Executive." International HV Management, October, 1980, pp. 43,45. 6931 Smith, Colon. Carlos-Portrait of a Terrorist New York: .C37 Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. . Brandman, Barry"and Thomson, Gerald. "Self-Defense Training D Sobel, Lester A. Political Terrorism. New York: for Security Personnel and Executives." Security 842 Facts on File, 1975 • Management, March, 1978, pp. 22-26. • P64 Burden, Ordway P. i'Terrorism in the United States: Who"8 Kidnapping Whom?" Law Enforcement News, December 22, 1980, p. 13. * "CIA Report Suggests that Business Ransom Policies Support Further Kidnapping Attempts." Security Letter, November 18, 1980, p. 3. Collins, Whit. " Counter-T'errorlS t Tec h no 1 ogy f or Everyday Use." ~curity World, October, 1978, pp. 18-20.

Daly, L.N. "Terrorism- What Can the Psychiatrist Do?" Journal of Forensic Sciences, January, 1981, pp. 116-122.

Darling~ Don D. "Executive Grabbers." Security World, February, 1975, pp. 27-65.

Daughters, David L. "The Basic Goal of Emergency Planning­ Avoidance." Security Management, May, 1978, pp.14-16.

* Item-not on Library Holding List

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Lamborn, Robert. "Is Executive Protection Psycho-Therapy?" ~Eight Important Issues for Security Administration in the Eighties." • Security Management, January, 1978, p.54. Security Letter, January, 1980, pp.1-3. "Memo: How to Impress Terrorists. H Security Management.:, "Executive Protection Services Are Expanded." Law Enforcement September, 1977, p. 25. Journal, January, 1980, pp. 1-3. "Multinational Corporations are Prime Targets for Terrorists "Executive Security." Security World, October, 1979, p. 15. Because They Cave in to Demands." Security Systems Digest, November 21, 1979, p.1. "MVR Security: Protecting the Wealthy, Powerful, Influential." Gellner, J. "Terror in the Executive Suite." Executive, Security Systems Digest, August, 29, 1979, po 6. March, 1980, pp.43-46. Newcomer, H.A., and Adkins, J.W. "Terrorism and the Business Godfrey, David. "Plan to Beat the Terrorists." Security Executive." Personnel Journal, November, 1980, pp.913-917. * Gazette, June, 1981, pp. 17-19. * "New Thinking About Two Vulnerabi1;ities: The Workplace and Hernon, Frederick, K .. : "Executive Terrorism- Guidelines for While Traveling." Security Letter, February 15, 1977, Avoiding Kidnapping for Ransom~ The Ma~azine of Bank Part 1, p. 20 Adminstration, January, 1977, pp. 18-2 . Parry, James. "The Frightening Boom in Corporate Kidnaps." "How to Provide Your OWn Defensive Driving Course Program for Canadian Business, November, 1977, pp. 66,110-114. Employees." Security Letter, April 15, 1980, Part 1 p.4.

"The Path of Terrorl" sm. II S ecurl. t y Managemen, t 0 ctob er, 1981 , Jenkins, Brian M. "Terrorism Outlook for the Eighties." p.63. Security Management, January, 1981, pp. 14-21.

"Plan for Terrorism~ Security Chiefs Told." Business Insurance, Jerome, E.A. "Corporate Aviation Security." Security Management, November 14, 1977, p. 34. October, 1978, p. 48,50. "Prevention of Terroristic Crimes for Organizations." Security Keller, E.J. "Executive Protection." Law and Order, June, 1974, Letter, Feb~uary 15, 1977, Part 2, pp'1-4. pp. 76-77. "Ransoming the Kidnapped Executive: Should You Pay the $ Million?" Kmet, M.A. "How to Choose and Use Consultants." Security Corporate Security, April, 1981, p.lo Management, September, 1980, pp. 150-153. Rayne, Fred. "Doing Business in a Terrorist World." Security Kuehme, Robert J., and Schmitt, Robert F. "The Terrorist World, November, 1972, pp. 22-23, 50. Threat to Corporate Executives." Business Horizons, December, 1979, pp. 77-82. Rayne, Fred. "Executive Protection and Terrorism." Top Kupperman, Robert H. "Industry, Terrorism and the Bottom Line." Security, October, 1975, pp. 220-225. Security Management, August, 1978, ppv 14,17.

* Item not on Library Holding List. ,~ Item not on Library Holding List.

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Rayne, Fred. "International Business Beware! You Are Terrorist's Target." Security Systems Digest, November 24, 1976, p. 5. "Terrorist Targets: American Corporations on the Hit List." Security Systems Digest, April 23, 1980, p. 5. Reber, J~, and Singer, Lloyd W., ~nd Watson, Frank M. "Hostage Survival." Secur~ty Management, August, 1978, p. 46. "Terrorizing American Executives." Security Management, September, 1980, p. 124. Scotti, Anthony J. "Buying an Executive Car in the Eighties." Security Management, September, 1979, pp.136-l37. "Threat Assessment and Risk Taking against Terrorists." Security Letter, May 16, 1978, Part 2, pp. 1-4. Shaw, P.D. "Terrorism and Executive Protection." Management Review, November, 1976, pp.4l-44. * Unger, Harlow. "American Report-Need a Corporat~ Bodyguard? About 70 of the T02 500 Firms Have Them. n Canadian Business, October, 1979, p. 53. Singer, Lloyd W., and Rebe~, Jan. ::A New Way to Face Terrorists­ A Crisis Management System. Security Management, Wechsler, Jill. "Terrorism: Business Learns to Cope with September, 1977, pp. 6-9. Growing Threat." Association Management, September, 1978, pp.96-l00. "Some Detail'.s on Moro' s Kidnapping. How It Could Have Been Made More Difficult." Security Lette"-E" i'1arch~ 21 j . 1978, p.2. Williams, H.E. "Handling Vehicle Attacks." Security World, October, 1978, p. 22. Stencel, S. "How to Protect Yourself from Terrorism." Skeptic, January/February, 1976, pp. 37-42. * Item not on Library Holding List. Strobl, Walter M. "Round the Clock Executive Protection." ~curity World, January, 1979, p.24.

-k "Surviving a Terrorist Kidnap Situation." Security Letter, August 15, 1978, Part 1, p.4.

* "Terrorism and the Traveler: What to Advise Your Executives, Managers Going Abroad." Security Letter, August 17, 1981~ Part 1, p.3. * "Terrorism: Can it Touch You?" Duns Review, January, 1980, p.llO,113.

,', "Terrorism: New Issues Faced by Organizational Executives and Society at Large." Security Letter November 2, 1977, Part 2, P.l. L "Terrorist Incidents up Sharply, Americans the Primary Targets." Security Systems Digest, June 24, 1981, pe 2.

* Item not on Library Holding List.

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V-F Glendron, Robert R. "Terrorism and the Business V-F Anderson, Susan Heller. "An Agent 007 for the ML Community." Commerce, August, 1978, p.56,70. ML Businessman Abroad." New York Times, October 23, 1977, sect. 3, p.3. (fiche 296-02-87) , V-F Hayes, Thomas C. "Ransom Cost Rise for U.S. V-F Allen, Frank. "Safety Doesn r t Worry Most Bosses: ML Business." New York Times, November 19, 1979, ML At Least When They're in the U.S." pol. (fiche: 323-79-16) Wall .Street Journal,October 27, 1981., p. 6.

V-F Baker, Robert V. Anticipated Response: A Ke~ to V-F McGuire, E.P. "International Terrorism and Business NA Understanding Terrorism. Quantico,irginia; ML Security." Conference Board Information 515 FB"'r'National Acaaemy, 127th Session. Servic~ New York, 1979. V-F Bensimon, Simon. "Firms and Terrorism: Suit May Set ML the Rules." Crains Chicago Business, V-F Kandel, Myron~ and Greer, Philip. "U.S. Firms January 1, 19791/ p. 25. MIl. Are Terrorist Targets." Chicago Tribune, December 16, 1979. V-F "Bombs in Books: Security for Executives." Time, ML July 21, 1980, p.60. V-F Karkashian, John E. "Terrorism and the Overseas ML Executive." New York Times, May 18, 1980. V-F "Confidential Guidelines for Corporate Prevention (fiche: 138-06-76) ML Techniques Against Terrorism, Kidnapping, Extortion, Bomb Threats." Fred Rayne Intern~tional, 1976. V-F Kramer, Larry. "Anti-Kidnapping Business Thriving." ML Washington Post, April 1, 1979. V-F "Doing Business in Unstable Countries." Dun's ML Review~ , p.48. V-F McGuire, E. Patrick. "Safe Guarding Executives ML Against Kidnapping and Extortion." V-F Dole, Charles E. "Out drive a Terrorist: Rule No.1 The Conference Board Record, JUiHi 1974. ML is Beware of Vans." Christian Science Monitor, December 22, 1981, sec.2. p.6. V-F Miller, Judith. "Washington and Business: A Seminar ML on the Threat of Terrorism." New York Times, V-F Dunlop~ Beth. "Terrorism: How to Minimize Risks." January 5, 1978~ p.l. (fiche: 5-78-10) ML Herald, March 12, 1977. V-F Mirabelli, Marilyn. "Insuring Against Terrorism." ML Financial Times of , July 2, 1979, p.28. V-F "Executives Crime Fears Studied." New York Times, ML February 11, 1981v .\ p.16. (fiche: 42-81-12) V-F Mullany, Patrick, J. "Executive Preparedeness For ML International Terrorism~ U.S. Department V .. ,F Fowler, Elizabeth M. "A Top Officer to Handle Risks." of State Forei~n Service Institute. ML New York Times, April 7, 1978 9 po7. 24th Session, 981-1982. (fiche: 97-78-21) V-F "Freed Kidnapping Victim Reflects on Others Careers." r1L New York Times z October 31, 1980, p.6. (fiche: 302-80-50) -9-

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V-F Ochberg, Frank. The Victim of Terrorism: Ps chiatric ML Considerat~ons. uant~co, ~rg~nla; FILMS FBI Academy, Terrorism Symposium, July 1978. V-F "Protecting Industrial/Business Facilities and ML Personnel From Terrorist Activities." ainst Terrorism. 25 min., color, Reymond Associates, 1977. soun , e eprograms, nco 1976. V-F Shaffer, Daniel E. "Crisis Management: The Challenge ML of Executive Kidnapping and Extortion Kidnap-Executive St~le! 25 min., color, l6rnrn.; North Hollywood Against Corporations. FBI Law Enforcement .- Federal Sav~ngs and Loan association/William Brose Bulletin, May,1979. Productions, 1975. V-F Sheppard 1. Thomas. "If Kidnappers Strike." Personal and Famil ML Harvard Business Review, January 1982, p.52. m~n. , e eprograms, Inc., 1975.

V-F "A Special Background Report on Trends in Industry ML and Finance." Wall Street Journal, May 4, 1978.

V-F Sulzberger, A.O. Jr. "Data on Terrorism is New ML Venture.s Product." New York Times, , 1979. p.l. (fiche: 15-79-11) V-F "Top Targets of Terrorists: U.S. Businessmen." ML U.S. News and World Report, November 26, 1979, p.6!. V-F Williams, Roger M. "Executive Kidnapping." ML Saturday Review, Janu~ry S? 1980, p.13.

-10- -12- £ P

Government Documents

D 101. 22 190-52 u.s. Department of the Army. Securit Precautions o errorl.sm. u: s. Army Adjutant Center, June 1978.

J 1. 14/16: T 47 u.s. Department of Justice. Guide to F~dera1 Programs to Combat Terrorism. ~ashington, D.C.: u.s. Government Printing Office, 1980.

J1. 2; T27 u.s. Department of Justice. Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Prevention of Te.t'roristic Crimes­ Security Guidelines for Business, Indu~try and Other Organizations. Wasfil.ngton, D.C.: u.. Government Printing Office, 1976.

D 101. 2: T 978/supp. 1 u.s. Department of Justice. Terrorism: A Selective Bibliography. Washington D.C.: O.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. (NCJ 39646).

Y 4.J 89/1:96/87 u.s. House of Representatives.Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights. Federal Ca abilities in Crisis . anagement an errorl.sm. as ington, IT:C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980.

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