NEWSLETTER 14th May 2021 Expressing our talents

Enrichment and enjoyment

The last two weeks has seen the gradual easing of some of the restrictions we have had in place this year. One of these has been the re-introduction of trips to our local environment, enjoyed by Year 5 this week with their trip to Thames Young Mariners! They had 3 fun-filled days of paddle boarding, sailing, orienteering and kayaking! What a well-deserved adventure and one that will have no doubt created many lasting memories. Thank you to all the Year 5 staff for organising such a memorable experience for the children.

Expressing our talents has always been one of the many things that makes Chase Bridge special, and it’s brought an abundance of smiles to the children - and staff! - to have begun to open up some of our before/after school clubs once again. The hallways have been full of the joyful sounds of singing at our after school choir, and the playground has been buzzing with children raring to get active at our cricket, football and multi-sports clubs!

Here are a few reflections from across the school: “I love having the choir reopened: I can interact with others doing something we all enjoy together.” “Having the chance to join a club again feels amazing! The coaches make everything so fun and are always thinking of great activity ideas to improve our skills at the same time.” “I’m so glad that I can express my talents in a school club again! I’m happier than ever and I’m sure many other children are too. Thank you.”

Excel at Learning - Express your Talents - Care for Others 1 A real sense of teamwork, engagement, excitement and joy has been ringing throughout the school and we hope this will only continue as the term progresses and more restrictions can relax in line with national and local direction from the government.

In this week’s edition … click on the links below

● Celebrations and achievements! ● Governor news ● Year 5 - Thames Young Mariners ● Year 2 meet author Emily Haworth Booth ● Pyjamarama day ● 6C Bikeability ● Friends of Chase Bridge Prize Draw! ● No dogs on site please! ● Stadium - car park ● Home-Start support for families ● Families Upon Thames magazine for parents ● Vacancy at Bishop Perrin Primary School ● Dates for your diary - all year groups

Celebrations and achievements!

Some pictures below from Thames Young Mariners and our multi-sports club.

Chase Bridge Primary School, 14th May 2021 2 RSE Governors

At our meeting this week Governors were briefed on the rollout of RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) at Chase Bridge by Claire Dight, PSHE Lead, and Ailish McCormack. Governors welcomed the care that has been taken with introducing this statutory programme to the school curriculum. By providing our children with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships we will be helping ensure that they can confidently navigate the complex society we now live in.

Helen Box has joined the Governing Body, as well as having two children at Chase Bridge she is also Deputy head of a similar sized Primary school in North West London. Our new Clerk to the Governors, Julie-Anne Fox, was also at the meeting as an observer. Julie will be taking over from our current Clerk, Beryl Hawkins, at the next Governing Body meeting.

A reminder that we are also about to begin the process of electing a new Parent Governor. If you are thinking of standing do not hesitate to contact our Chair of Governors, Mike Dormer, if you have any questions.

Year 5 - Thames Young Mariners

This week, Year 5 visited Thames Young Mariners for three days of adventure, skills building and fun! The days were full of a range of water and land-based activities, which allowed the children to develop their team building skills and use their resilience to try new sports. Raft building was a highlight, as each team had to build a raft together ensuring that it would float and carry ten of them across the water! We are pleased to report they all did!

Learning to light a fire and build woodland dens was also enjoyed by the children, who were very pleased with the dens they built. The children also learnt to paddle board with many standing up and gliding across the water. Overall, it was a fantastic three days and the Year 5 team are very proud of the children’s teamwork and determination across all the activities. “I was a bit nervous to start with, but I had a great time!” (Sophie, 5N)

Spark Book awards - Year 2 meet Emily Haworth Booth

Year 2, along with other schools from the borough, were lucky enough to (google) meet with author Emily Haworth Booth as part of the Spark Book Awards. Emily spoke to the children about how she wrote the book 'The Last Tree' and told them about life as an author. Ganeeve (Acacia), Radhika and Hayley (Birch) were chosen to ask Emily questions. They asked Emily ‘What her favourite tree was?” and “What it takes to be an author?”

Chase Bridge Primary School, 14th May 2021 3 Pyjamarama Day

The children have loved wearing their pyjamas to school today, whilst raising money for The Book Trust. Many of the staff got involved too and have had a very comfortable day. At 9.30am the whole school fell silent, whilst we all stopped to read - even Mr King was still for a while! Please keep an eye on our facebook page for our ‘highlights of the day’ video. Thank you all for your efforts and we will let you know how much we have raised in the coming weeks.

6C Bikeability

Just a reminder that 6C will be having their Bikeability training next week in school. This will be run by the Road Safety team at Richmond. It will take place every day and children will need their bicycle and cycling helmet in school.

Message from Friends of Chase Bridge - Prize Draw!!

A fantastic glamping trip this summer is up for grabs in our Prize Draw. For every ticket purchased in the Get Lucky Local lottery between now and Friday 21st May (with FOCB as your chosen charity), you will get an entry into our Prize Draw to win an incredible 4 night stay at one of the amazing Cloud Nine glamping sites worth £800.

To enter, visit Best of luck to everyone who takes part!

No dogs on site please!

Just a polite reminder that dogs are not allowed on site and should remain outside on the main road away from our main gates. Thank you for your cooperation.

Chase Bridge Primary School, 14th May 2021 4 - car park

Please be advised that due to the upcoming fixtures at Twickenham Stadium, ALL car parks will be closed on Friday 21st May so parents will be unable to park for this day only.

Home-Start support

It's been a challenging time for many families, especially during the pandemic. If you are a family with a child under the age of five and are finding things difficult then we are here to help. Home-Start is a registered charity that provides compassionate and confidential emotional support, practical help and friendship to families through their challenging times across Richmond Borough. If you are feeling lonely or isolated, or struggling with no one to talk to, please reach out to us. For an initial confidential chat and to find out if our service is right for you contact us on 0208 487 8500 or email: [email protected]. Or if you would like to ask for support visit:, submit your details and we will be in touch.

Families Upon Thames magazine for parents

Unfortunately we are unable to give out the above magazine to you in print at the moment so please click here for our May/June edition. The magazine provides endless ideas, help and advice for families trying to successfully navigate through the term.

Part-time Sports Coach Vacancy at Bishop Perrin CE Primary School

Bishop Perrin School in Whitton are looking to recruit a Sports Coach to teach PE from September 2021. If you are interested, or know of anyone who might be interested, please click on the following link to take you to the advert and further details.

Times, dates and places for your diary

● 6C Bikeability - Monday 17th - 21st May ● No parking available at Twickenham Stadium car park - Friday 21st May

Holiday dates for the academic year 2020-2021

● Monday 31st May - Friday 4th June - HALF TERM ● Term ends - Friday 23rd July

Chase Bridge Primary School, 14th May 2021 5