Volume 161 • Part 1 • January 2004 • ISSN 0016-7649 Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY AUR 2004 JANUARY Volume 161, Part 1, January 2004

Kyrkjebø, R. Gabrielsen, R. H. & Faleide, J. I. Unconformities related to the Jurassic–Cretaceous syn- http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/ rift–post-rift transition of the northern 1 Bott, M. H. P. & Bott, J. D. J. The Cenozoic uplift and earthquake belt of mainland Britain as a response to an underlying hot, low-density upper mantle 19 Miliorizos, M., Ruffell, A. & Brooks, M. Variscan structure of the inner Bristol Channel, UK 31 Mason, A. J., Parrish, R. R. & Brewer, T. S. U–Pb geochronology of Lewisian orthogneiss in the Outer

Hebrides, Scotland: implications for the tectonic setting and correlation of the South Harris Complex 45 SOCIETY GEOLOGICAL THE OF JOURNAL JOURNAL OF THE Gibson, G. M. & Nutman, A. P. Detachment faulting and bimodal magmatism in the Palaeoproterozoic

Willyama Supergroup, south-central Australia: keys to recognition of a multiply deformed Precambrian byguestonSeptember26,2021 metamorphic core complex 55 Ferna´ndez, F. J., Brown, D., A´ lvarez-Marro´n, J., Prior, D. J. & Pe´rez-Estau´ n, A. Microstructure and lattice preferred orientation of calcite mylonites at the base of the southern Urals accretionary prism 67 GEOLOGICAL McNeill, L. C. & Collier, R. E. Ll. Uplift and slip rates of the Eastern Eliki Fault segment, Gulf of Corinth, Greece, inferred from and Pleistocene terraces 81 Gessner, K., Collins, A. S., Ring, U. & Gu¨ ngo¨r, T. Structural and thermal history of poly-orogenic basement: U–Pb geochronology of granitoid rocks in the southern Menderes Massif, Western Turkey 93 Boulter, C. A., Hopkinson, L. J., Ineson, M. G. & Brockwell, J. S. Provenance and geochemistry of SOCIETY sedimentary components in the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, Iberian Pyrite Belt: discimination between the sill–sediment-complex and volcanic-pile models 103 Ghosh, S. K., Chakraborty, C. & Chakraborty, T. Combined tide and wave influence on sedimentation of Lower Gondwana coal measures of central India: Barakar Formation (Permian), Satpura basin 117 Robinson, S. A. & Hesselbo, S. P. Fossil-wood carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the non-marine Wealden Group (Lower Cretaceous, southern England) 133 Le Friant, A., Harford, C. L., Deplus, C., Boudon, G., Sparks, R. S. J., Herd, R. A. & Komorowski, J. C. Geomorphological evolution of Montserrat (West Indies): importance of flank collapse and erosional processes 147 o.161 Vol. . t1 Pt . p 1–160 pp.

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Published by the Geological Society of

Cover image: close up of vein structure, Arasaki, Miura Pen, Japan. Photo: Alex Maltman Published by The Geological Society Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY AUR 2004 JANUARY http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/


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