13207 September 11, 2018 BRIDGETON BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC ACTION MEETING September 11, 2018 The public action meeting of the Bridgeton Board of Education was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Ms. Albanese. Board Members present were David Gonzalez, Ashlee Todd, Albert Morgan, Dulce Gomez, Angelia Edwards, Erica Mosley, Tyrone Williams and Mary Peterson. Kenny SmithBey Jr. was absent Also in attendance were Dr. Thomasina Jones, Superintendent, Dr. Robin Harden Daniels, Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Nicole M. Albanese, School Business Administrator, Mr. Maurice Tyndell, Human Resources Director, and Mr. Paul Kalac, Board Solicitor. Prayer was offered by Mr. Gonzalez.

1. OPENING ACTIVITIES/Mission Statement


1.8 PRESENTATIONS - - Dr. Thomasina Jones provided the board with a presentation on the past and future initiatives of the that have occurred during her tenure as Superintendent; the Power Point presentation is attached as part of the official minutes. The slides and programs were discussed by Dr. Jones. Dr. Jones discussed the Shared Responsibility document. The board can review that document annually to determine the achievement of the goals. Dr. Jones told the board she would like the board to consider allowing 11th and 12th grade students who participate in the early college initiative to intermingle with the other college students when they are taking the college courses. Ms. Gomez asked about supervision of our students when interacting with older college students. A discussion over these concerns ensued. There was also a discussion of the availability and timing of the courses. Ms. Todd asked how we would assess kids are ready to participate in this program.

Action, Minutes: 1.9 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Public Action Meeting: August 2018 Regular & Executive Minutes Motion by Mr. Williams, second by Mr. Gonzalez approving August 2018 Regular Public Action & Executive Meeting Minutes. Motion carried, roll call vote was 7-1, with Ms. Edwards abstaining.

Information: 1.10 Committee Reports Facilities- The abatement of asbestos tiles have been completed. There is a walkthrough of the BHS HVAC project scheduled for this Thursday. The GOFECC playground resurfacing is complete.

Action (Consent): 1.11 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Resolution: Motion approved all consent agenda items. Motion by Mrs. Peterson, second by Mr. Gonzalez approving all consent agenda items. Motion carried, roll call vote was 6-2, with Ms. Edwards and Mr. Williams abstaining. 13208 September 11, 2018


2. APPROVAL OF TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS/CURRICULUM Action (Consent): 2.1 Board Curriculum and Instruction Committee Approved Items Resolution: Approved the following Board Curriculum and Instruction Committee items. These items were approved by the Committee on August 14, 2018. Revised Curriculum for Approval: Grade 5 - Language Arts Literacy (NJSLS – 2016) Apex English 9 (NJSLS – 2016) Apex English 10 (NJSLS – 2016) Apex Spanish I (NJSLS – 2016) Advanced Placement English Language and Composition 11 (NJSLS – ELA 2016) Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition 12 (NJSLS – ELA 2016) English 12 CP – (NJSLS – ELA 2016) ELA – Grade 6, 7 and 8 (NJSLS 2016) World History – Grade 6 – (NJSLS – 2014) Mathematics – Kindergarten – Grade 5 (NJSLS – 2014) Art I (NJVPA/SLS 2014) New Course for Approval: American History – Grade 7 (NJSLS – 2014) In this course, students will learn about: 1. The causes and outcome of the Revolutionary War and how and why the United Stated went from a Confederation to have a Constitution; 2. The growth of the new republic, Westward Expansion and its impact on native people 3. The Industrial Revolution and how the spread of slavery changed America 4. How the Civil War started, the turning points of the war, and how the union reconstructed the South after the war. New Program of Studies: Media Literacy/Journalism This one-semester course, delivered through a blended model consisting of both direct teacher instruction and online APEX coursework, teaches students how to build the critical thinking, writing, and reading skills required in a media-rich and increasingly techno-centric world. In a world saturated with media messages, digital environments, and social networking, concepts of literacy must expand to include all forms of media. Today’s students need to be able to read, comprehend, analyze, and respond to non-traditional media with the same skill level they engage with traditional print sources. Students will consider their own positions as consumers of media and explore ways to use media to become more active and thoughtful citizens. Students will learn how to ask critical questions about the intended audience and underlying purposes of media messages, and study factors which can contribute to bias and affect credibility. Students will ultimately put this learning into practice as they construct editions of the school newspaper. This course offers elective credit.

13209 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 2.2 After-School K-8 World Languages Curriculum Writing Resolution: Approved ten hours per teacher for after school curriculum writing, for the seven teachers who began updating the K-8 World Languages curriculum during the summer. The seven teachers will finish updating the curriculum to ensure its alignment to the Learning Standards. The estimated cost will be $1,990 ($31 per hour x 1 teacher x 10 hours = $310) + ($28 per hour x 6 teachers x 10 hours = $1,680). TOTAL NAME POSITION SALARY/HR HOURS TOTAL ACCT. # (PROGRAM) Isaias Garza World Languages Teacher $ 31 10 $ 310 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Ivelisse Cuevas World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $ 280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Fabiana Taberna World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $ 280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Gheorghe Dooley World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $ 280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Concepcion Santiago World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $ 280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Kohanna Borrero World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 Jaime Garcia World Languages Teacher $ 28 10 $ 280 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83

Action (Consent): 2.3 Bilingual/ESL/World Languages Curriculum Writing Initiatives Resolution: Approved the implementation of "Bilingual/ESL/World Languages Curriculum Writing Initiatives". The initiatives include updating the Bilingual/ESL handbook; Designing rigorous and engaging lessons and activities for three different clusters of World Languages students (K-2, 3-5 and 6-8); Designing specific lessons and activities for Bilingual classes based on the New Jersey Learning Standards; Designing lessons for English Learners in mainstream classes based on the New Jersey Learning Standard; Translating to Spanish the Language Arts Model Curriculum Assessments and/or Designing questions and activities specifically for Full- Time Bilingual students. The estimated cost for the program will be $5,115($31/$28 per hour X 3 lead teachers X 25.0 hours total = $2,325) + ($31/$28 per hour X 6 teachers X 15.0 hours total = $2,790). NAME POSITION SALARY/HR TOTAL HOURS (PROGRAM) TOTAL ACCT. #

TBD Lead Teacher $ 31 25 $ 775 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Lead Teacher $ 31 25 $ 775 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Lead Teacher $ 31 25 $ 775 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83 TBD Teacher $ 31 15 $ 465 Acc No. 11-000-221-110-00-83

Action (Consent): 2.4 Approval of Teacher Evaluation Manual Resolution: Approved the Teacher Evaluation Manual for 2018 as attached.

13210 September 11, 2018 3. APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Action (Consent): 3.1 Art Educators of New Jersey Conference Resolution: Approved Dr. Anne Marie Pai, Art Teacher at Broad Street School to attend the overnight Arts Education Conference as a presenter on September 30, 2018 - October 1, 2018 in Long Branch, NJ. Dr. Pai's proposal was accepted by AENJ and she will be presenting: Enhance your Arts Program with Grants (learn how to navigate the grant writing process to provide additional opportunities for your students in the arts Best Practice Lecture.) There is only a registration fee of $135.00. No cost to the Board for the overnight stay.

Action (Consent): 3.2 NJ Science Convention Resolution: Approved Shinese Harvey, Cherry Street School Teacher and Martina Morris, Quarter Mile Lane School Teacher, to attend the 2018 NJ Science Convention on October 23 - 24, 2018 in Princeton, NJ. Cost: Registration - $310 X 2 = $620.00

Action (Consent): 3.3 3-ACT Tasks Professional Development Resolution: Approved 3-ACT Tasks Professional Development by Dr. Eric Milou, a Mathematics Professor from Rowan University on October 5, 2018 and October 22, 2018. He will be providing teachers in grades 3 - 12, and Master Teachers, professional development on how to implement 3-ACT Math Tasks to increase students engagement, mathematical discourse, and connect mathematics to real world using phenomena. 3-ACT Math Tasks are new to the mathematics curriculum and will provide teachers with resources and training to successfully and effectively implement this strategy. 4 half-day sessions X $875.00) - Total Cost: $3,500.00

Action (Consent): 3.4 Wilmington University Graduate Student Seeking K-12 ESOL Certification Resolution: Approved Ms. Diana Rogan, Student in the ESOL Certification Program at Wilmington University, to do her fieldwork hours in a bilingual/ESL classroom at Indian Avenue School two days per week during the 2018-19 school year. Ms. Barbara Mezik, ESL Teacher at Indian Avenue School has agreed to be her mentor and Ms. Olga Rivera will be the administrator in charge.

Action (Consent): 3.5 PSJA College for All Conference Resolution: Approved Dr. Abdul-Azeem Ahmad, to attend the PSJA College for All Conference on October 10 - 12, 2018 at McAllen Convention Center in McAllen, Texas. This conference will provide learning opportunities that include ECHS implementation and lessons in scaling the early college model and systemically working to have all students college ready. Cost: Registration - $525.00; - Transportation - $804.00; - Meals - $204.00; - Lodging - $340.00; Other Expenses - $50.00; - Total: $1,923.00

Action (Consent): 3.6 PSJA College for All Conference Resolution: Approved Dr. Thomasina Jones, Superintendent, to attend and present on Early College High School at the PSJA Conference for All on November 11-12, 2018 in McAllen, Texas.

13211 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 3.7 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership Resolution: Approved Dr. Christopher Tavani, Director of Planning, Research & Evaluation, to attend the ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership on November 2 - November 4, 2018 in Nashville, TN. Cost: Registration - $599.99; - Travel - $500.00; - Meals - $350.00; - Lodging - $900.00; Other Expenses - $50.00 (Total: $2,399.00)

Action (Consent): 3.8 Professional Development Training 2018-2019 Resolution: Approved professional development training for BEA members. These training's will be coordinated by the Office of Curriculum & Instruction and will take place between July 2, 2018 and June 28, 2019. All training's will be held outside of the participants' contractual work day. Workshop development will focus on foundational practices that form the core of effective instruction. These trainings include: differentiated instruction, Guided Reading and Writing, Guided Math and math fluency strategies, the Orton Gillingham approach, Understanding by Design, classroom management, Socratic Seminar, strategies for culturally responsive instruction and strategies to support English Language Learners. This item was previously approved on the June 12, 2018 agenda. (This is a revision in the amount and the account number from Grants & Funded Programs.)

Action (Consent): 3.9 District Three-Year Mentoring Plan 2017-2020 Resolution: Approved the Annual Approval (State Required) of the Three-year District Mentoring Plan 2017-2020 as attached.

Action (Consent): 3.10 Approval of Master's Program Research Resolution: Approved Ms. Michele Evans, Pre-school Teacher at Quarter Mile Lane, to participate in a Senior Research Seminar through Rowan University as her last step in completing her Master's Degree in the Reading and Writing Specialist Program. She will be using Rosenblatt's Reader Response Theory to study and research the participants and how they interact with books and authentic texts.

Action (Consent): 3.11 Approval of Dissertation Research Resolution: Approved Mrs. Darlyne de Haan, Director of Mathematics and Science, to conduct her dissertation research in the district. The research explores the relationship between language acquisition training and the ability of ELL teachers to differentiate math instruction. This research is contingent upon Board of Education approval and the approval of the Instructional Review Board (IRB) at Stockton University.

13212 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 3.12 Approval of Administrative Internship Resolution: Approved Kathleen Tiver, First Grade Inclusion Teacher at Quarter Mile Lane School and a student in Rowan University's M.A. in School Administration Program, to complete her Administrative internship in Administration and Supervision during the 2018-19 school year. An intern is responsible for becoming and remaining fully informed of the departmental and university requirements that they must meet to successfully complete their internship. The Bridgeton School District assumes no responsibility or obligation to provide for released time or financial consideration for services performed by the intern. The intern is expected to perform such tasks as required by the school district and university as part of the program in addition to their regular contracted obligations. Ms. Tiver would be mentored by Ms. Barbara Wilchensky, Director of Curriculum Language Arts.

4. APPROVAL OF STUDENT PROGRAMS Action (Consent): 4.1 BHS Air Force JROTC Annual Coffee House-Open Mic Night Resolution: Approved BHS Air Force JROTC to host an "Annual Coffee House-Open Mic Night" on Friday, November 2, 2018. The coffee house open mic night gives the students and staff a chance to display their ability to sing, dance, Karaoke, recite poetry and comedy. The donation per guest not performing will be $5.00. Each guest will receive unlimited hot coffee and tea. Food and other beverages will be available to purchase. The event is open to the district and will be held in the East Cafeteria.

Action (Consent): 4.2 BHS Girls Basketball Feeder Program Resolution: Approved BHS Girls Basketball Feeder Program for Bridgeton middle school girls to develop future basketball ability. Girls Head Basketball coach George Linen Sr. will run the program. The season begins March 13-June 20, 2019. The BHS gym will be used two nights a week Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

Action (Consent): 4.3 BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Competition Resolution: Approved BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Team to host their annual JROTC Drill Competition at BHS. The school will host 20 different units from New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Requesting (2) custodians, (1) EEO, (1) Security Monitor and (1) nurse or medical support training staff member. 2 Custodians - $306.60 each - not to exceed and pending negotiations. 1 EEO - $408.00 - not to exceed and pending negotiations.

Action (Consent): 4.4 BHS Homecoming Dance Resolution: Approved Homecoming Dance 2018 to be held at BHS gym from 6:00-9:00 PM on Saturday, October 27, 2018. Tickets will be sold for $5.00.

Action (Consent): 4.5 BHS Financial Services Talent Network Partnership Resolution: Approved BHS to partner with Financial Services Talent Network (FSTN) by the African American Chamber of Commerce for NJ (AACCNJ) to give presentations to BHS students in the Financial Career Field. It is our intention to build upon these partnerships to eventually include job shadowing and internship opportunities.

13213 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 4.6 BHS PSAT Testing Date Resolution: Approved BHS PSAT Testing Date on October 24, 2018 for Grades 9-11. BHS will have an 11:40 AM student dismissal time.

Action (Consent): 4.7 Broad Street School Fundraiser Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Fundraiser - Pine River Healthy Snacks and Popcorn Brochure sales September 24, 2018 - October 10, 2018. Proceeds will go into our Student Activities Account.

Action (Consent): 4.8 Broad Street School T-shirt Sale Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Cheetah T-shirt sale for students and staff. Profits will be deposited to Student Activities Account. There is no cost to the Board.

Action (Consent): 4.9 Broad Street School Black History Month Event Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Black History Month Event Performance by the Bantingua Arts from New York on February 7, 2019 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Bantigua Arts is an organization that promotes, preserves and represents the performing arts, literary arts, visual and creative arts, history and culture. The program will build character, artistic skills and improve their academic and life skills. The students and parents will experience the performing arts through developmental, discipline, educational and recreational programs. This corresponds to NJASP Goal 3.

Action (Consent): 4.10 Broad Street School Hispanic Cultural Family Day Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Hispanic Cultural Family Day on May 2, 2019 from 5:30-7:30 PM. There will be arts and crafts, dance, food, and games to celebrate the Hispanic Culture.

Action (Consent): 4.11 Broad Street School Kindergarten Lead Awareness Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Kindergarten Lead Awareness Assembly on October 18, 2018 at 9:00 AM. A representative from the Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative will present a Lead Awareness Assembly to parents and students.

Action (Consent): 4.12 Broad Street School The Magic of Recycling Presentation Resolution: Approved Broad Street School The Magic of Recycling Presentation on September 19, 2018. This assembly is sponsored by the Cumberland County Improvement Authority for Grades 3 & 4. There is no cost to the Board.

Action (Consent): 4.13 Broad Street School Social Issues Assembly Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Social Issues Assembly on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 from 2:00-3:00 PM in the auditorium. Blue Sky Puppets will present a Social Issues performance about Rufus the dog who is constantly being rejected for how he looks. This performance will show Grades K-2 that being different is what makes you special and that you should not make fun of someone because they are different from you.

13214 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 4.14 Broad Street School Grade 3 Community Project Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Grade 3 Annual Community Projects/Events as listed below. 1. Clean and plant at the World War II Memorial Monument located on the school property twice a year. ( Fall and Spring) Plant donations and supplies will be donated. 2. Speakers (veterans) will come in and talk to the class two times during the school year. (Veteran’s Day and prior to Memorial Day) Veterans Names: Steve Osborn, Jim Bergmann, Whitey Ruperts, or Robert Sharp. 3. Memorial Day Program- To be held the Friday prior to Memorial Day or on May 30 each year outside or in the auditorium if weather permits. All students will participate. 4. Community Field Trip- Students will visit key historical places on a walking trip to enforce our city’s history and how citizens changed the community through inventions and ideas.

Action (Consent): 4.15 Broad Street School 3rd Grade Class Monthly Program Resolution: Approved Broad Street School 3rd grade class monthly program. Students and parents will meet monthly to discuss events and places in their communities they would like to know more about. Visitors from local community organizations will be invited to attend.

Action (Consent): 4.16 Broad Street School Samba to Salsa Assembly Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Samba to Salsa Young Audiences Assembly on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 from 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM in the auditorium for grades K-8. It is in celebration of National Heritage Month presenting a display of syncopated sounds and powerful rhthyms. The audience will engage in collaborative ensamble exercises to explore community based traditions, history, and classic rythms over a course of three preformances.

Action (Consent): 4.17 Broad Street Family Winter Activity Night Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Family Winter Activity Night on December 6, 2018 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. At this event, parents will rotate with their children in Math and Art Activities. Kids Corner will be participating with this event. Security is requested.

Action (Consent): 4.18 Broad Street School Anti-Bullying Assemblies Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Anti-Bullying Assemblies on Monday, October 15th, 2018 from 9:00-10:00 AM and 12:30-1:30 PM in the auditorium. The Bright Star Children's Theatre will present two assemblies, one for Cyber Bullying (Gr. 4-8) and one for Anti-Bullying and Friendship (Gr. K-3), to give students knowledge about cyber safety and the consequences of cyber bullying. They also will give knowledge to students on standing up to bullies and how kindness is the ultimate super power.

Action (Consent): 4.19 Broad Street School Character Education Parent Night Resolution: Approved Broad Street School Character Education Parent Night on March 14, 2019 from 4pm to 6pm. This event will focus on character education with a Parent/child activity where the parent and their child will engage in positivity and respect through art. There will also be a movie on bullying to help parents and children have a better understanding of bullying. Refreshments and supplies for the activity will be provided and security is requested for this event. To be paid for through NJASP SMART GOAL 3. 13215 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 4.20 Buckshutem Road School Parents as Teachers Resolution: Approved the Buckshutem Road School Parents as Teachers Night Event on November 28, 2018 from 5:30-7:30pm at Buckshutem Road School. During this event, parents, teachers and students will synergize, through teamwork and collaboration, to demonstrate best practices to support student learning in math and language arts using simple and realistic skills and techniques. Program costs include light refreshments and materials.

Action (Consent): 4.21 Buckshutem Road School Family Science Night Resolution: Approved the Buckshutem Road School Family Science Night on December 12, 2018 from 5:30-7:30pm. This night will engage the entire family in science fun. Activities for the evening include the display of science Fair Projects from students in grades 6-8, live experiments conducted by scientist from Mad Science of West Jersey and some of our super student scientists, a family CSI Crime Science Investigation Station, and a Scientist selfie station. Program cost include the demonstration from Mad Science of West Jersey, light refreshments, program materials, and incentives for participating families.

Action (Consent): 4.22 Buckshutem Road School Literacy and Math Enrichment Program (K-4) Resolution: Approved the Buckshutem Road School Literacy and Math Enrichment Program that focuses on PARCC preparation from October 15, 2018 - May 8, 2019 from 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM, two days per week to a maximum of 120 students in grades K -4 and staffed by 8 certified teachers for 27 weeks. Its objective is to increase student achievement, remediate deficient skill areas in language arts literacy and math, specifically in decoding, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and basic math facts, through the use of small group instruction and technology iRead/IXL/Fasttmath/PARCC preparation). Students will utilize their current iRead licenses and IXL logins. The program's impact will be measured by students' performance on all assessments used. Progress monitoring will also be tracked through the iRead program. This program was developed as part of our 2018-2019 Title I NJ Annual School Plan (NJASP) Total cost - 8 teachers x $28/hr x 1 hr x 27 weeks = $6.048 - supplies = $200 - total for program = $6,248.00

Action (Consent): 4.23 Buckshutem Road School Literacy and Math Enrichment Program (5-8) Resolution: Approved the Buckshutem Road School Literacy and Math Enrichment Program that focuses on PARCC preparation from October 15, 2018 - May 8, 2019 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, two days per week to a maximum of 60 students in grades 5-8 and staffed by 8 certified teachers for 27 weeks. Its objective is to increase student achievement, remediate deficient skill areas in language arts literacy and math, specifically in decoding, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and basic math facts, through the use of small group instruction and technology iRead/IXL/Fasttmath/PARCC preparation). Students will utilize their current iRead licenses and IXL logins. The program's impact will be measured by students' performance on all assessments used. Progress monitoring will also be tracked through the iRead program. This program was developed as part of our 2018-2019 Title I NJ Annual School Plan (NJASP) Total cost - 6 teachers x $28/hr x 2 hr x 27 weeks = $9,072 - supplies = $200 - total for program = $9,272 13216 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 4.24 District-Provided Student Mobile Device Policy, Procedures and Information Handbook Resolution: Approved the updated District-Provided Student Mobile Device Policy, Procedures and Information Handbook (previously BOE approved). A paragraph for Damaged Device was added on page 15 and a Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement form was added on page 17.

Action (Consent): 4.25 District-Wide Debate Team Resolution: Approved the District Debate Team after school program for all interested grade 5-8 students. The program will begin on October 9, 2018 until April 30, 2019. The club will meet 2 times per week as well as attend The Garden State Debate League debate matches held on October 20, 2018, December 8, 2018, February 9, 2019, March 30, 2019 and April 13, 2019. Approval is requested to host the debate league on December 8, 2018. The dates and locations of the debates are: October 20, 2018 at Stone Bridge Middle School, Upper Freehold, NJ December 8, 2018 at Bridgeton Public Schools (HomeTournament) February 9, 2019 at Cedar Hill Preparatory School, Franklin Township, March 30, 2019 at William Annin Middle School, Bernards Township, NJ April 13, 2019: East Coast National Championship Tournament at Stone Bridge Middle School, Upper Freehold, NJ

Action (Consent): 4.26 Indian Avenue School Fall into Math and Reading Resolution: Approved Indian Avenue School Fall into Math and Reading night on October 18, 2018 from 5:00-7:00 pm. Parents and students will engage in Math and Literacy activities. Each family will receive a book to enhance their home library. Refreshments will be provided.

Action (Consent): 4.27 Quarter Mile Lane School Medley O' Math Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School's Medley O' Math event on Thursday, November 29th from 5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m. in the cafeteria. Guests will be encouraged to participate in various math games and activities. Parents will have a chance to experience their child’s math curriculum through math facts and tips, interactive games and workshops. Light refreshments will be provided.

Action (Consent): 4.28 Quarter Mile Lane School Fall In Love with Literacy Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School's Fall In Love with Literacy event on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 from 5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m. in the cafeteria. Guests will be encouraged to share QML's love for reading and writing through various interactive activities. Assigned stations will allow parents and students to enjoy books read aloud, literacy games and activities, book giveaways and literacy tips. Light refreshments will be provided.

13217 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 4.29 Quarter Mile Lane School Holiday Crafting Night Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School's Holiday Crafting event on December 13, 2018 from 5:30-7:00 PM in the cafeteria. In celebration of the holiday season, a family craft night will be provided for students, parents and staff. Decorative items will be available for guests to design a holiday themed craft of their choice. The movie Frosty the Snowman or Happy Feet will be shown, and holiday music will be available as crafts are made. Light refreshments will be provided.

Action (Consent): 4.30 Quarter Mile Lane School WOW Mobile Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School WOW Mobile during the 2018-2019 school year. The WOW Mobile will provide professional dental services to students with completed applications. Services consist of cleanings, small fillings, screenings, fluoride treatments and more. Mrs. Silva will collect all applications and schedule students to attend. The Wow Mobile will be stationed daily outside of the school. There is no cost to the Board.

Action (Consent): 4.31 State Seal of Biliteracy Program Resolution: Approved the District's participation in the NJDOE State Seal of Biliteracy Program. In order to obtain the Seal of Biliteracy High School students need to demonstrate proficiency in English through PARCC, ACCESS, SAT or ACCUPLACER Assessments. In order to demonstrate proficiency in another language, the district is recommending to use Avant 's STAMP 4S Assessment. STAMP is a web-based and computer-adaptive Test. The STAMP 4S assessments will be completed between November 1, 2018 and March 4, 2018. The estimated cost for this assessment is $2,625 ($17.50 X 150 students = $2,625).

Action (Consent): 4.32 West Avenue School Munch and Mingle Parent Involvement Sessions Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Munch and Mingle Parent Involvement Sessions. These sessions will bring together specific grade parents/guardians to discuss on-going academic and parenting issues. Our goal is to engage parents in a smaller setting to learn how West Avenue School can offer support to ensure our students' success. The sessions will be from 1:00 - 2:30 PM in the library on the following dates: October 30, 2018 - Kindergarten through Second grade only November 2, 2018 - Third through Fifth grade only November 20, 2018 - Sixth through Eighth grade only Each session will have a budget of $125 to purchase refreshments.

Action (Consent): 4.33 West Avenue School Grandparents Day *Revised Date* Resolution: Approved a revised date for West Avenue School, Grandparents Day. The new event date will take place on September 27, 2018 from 6:00-7:30 PM. The purpose of this event is for grandparents and students to create family albums and write short memorable stories about their family. Healthy refreshments will be served.

13218 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 4.34 West Avenue School Parent Open House Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Parent Open House events on October 12th, December 14th, February 22nd, April 5th, June 7th from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The purpose of these events are to invite parents to observe their child during instructional time. This event will allow parents to see what their child is currently working on and gather ideas on how to implement that learning at home.

Action (Consent): 4.35 West Avenue School Holiday Shop Fundraiser Resolution: Approved West Avenue School to host a Funds for Kids Holiday Shop Fundraiser starting on December 10th - December 14th. The purpose of this fundraiser is to allow students to purchase inexpensive gifts for family and friends during the holiday season. West Avenue will receive 20% of the proceeds. All proceeds will go towards PBSIS and parent incentives.

Action (Consent): 4.36 West Avenue School Attendance Awareness Kick Off 2018-19 Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Attendance Awareness Kick Off event for Attendance Awareness Month on September 19, 2018 from 9:30-11:30 AM. The purpose of the event is to encourage students to attend school everyday, be on time and remain in school for the entire day. This is an opportunity to involve our families, staff and community advocates around the importance of attendance and its role in academic achievement.

Action (Consent): 4.37 West Avenue School Most Improved Attendance Celebration Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Most Improved Attendance Celebration on January 29, 2019 from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM. The purpose of this event is to celebrate students who have demonstrated significant improvement in attendance. Ms. Karen Barnett will be the guest speaker. Students who have increased by 10% will participate in the celebration.

Action (Consent): 4.38 West Avenue School Attendance Philly Pretzel Fundraiser Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Philly Pretzel Fundraiser on October 12, 2018 and December 11, 2018. The purpose of the fundraiser is to raise money for t-shirts for students that have achieved perfect, good and most improved attendance.

5. APPROVAL OF FIELD TRIPS Action (Consent): 5.1 BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Team Cadet Leadership Camp Resolution: Approved BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Team Cadet Leadership Course Camp 2019. Forty-five cadets will attend the camp located at the Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. The dates are tentatively June 22-29, 2019 (cannot interfere with activities for students or staff on the last day of school). In addition to the JROTC instructors, four chaperones have been requested. Due to the uniform requirements for Airman Battle Uniform (ABU), assistance in purchasing items may be required, not to exceed $41 per cadet.

Action (Consent): 5.2 BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Team Virginia Trip Resolution: Approved BHS Air Force JROTC Drill Team to travel to Langley Air Force Base for a Guided tour then to the Marine Corp Museum, Virginia Air and Space Museum and Arlington National Cemetery. The trip will be May 1-3, 2019. The team will be staying at The Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia. Transportation will be a coach bus. This is the annual Curriculum in Action trip which provides cadet leadership and citizenship development. 13219 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 5.3 CEZ 21st Century Program Philadelphia 76ers Game Resolution: Approved the CEZ 21st Century Program at Cherry Street School to attend the Philadelphia 76ers basketball game on March 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM. The students and staff will leave Cherry Street at 5:00 PM and return to school at 11:00 PM. All costs are funded through the CEZ 21st Century Program grant. There is no cost to the board.

6. PERSONNEL ITEMS-Retirements, Resignations; Rescissions and Leaves of Absence Action (Consent): 6.1 Ratification of Resignations Resolution: Ratified the following resignations for the 2018-2019 school year. a. Ratified Ms. Grisela Feliciano from the position of Security Monitor at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center, effective August 13, 2018. b. Ratified Mr. Frederick Bornhardt from the position of School Safety Officer at Cherry Street School, effective September 4, 2018.

Action (Consent): 6.2 Approval of Resignations Resolution: Approved the following resignations for the 2018-2019 school year. a. Approved the resignation of Ms. Issa Marquina-Jacobo from the position of Community Parental Involvement Specialist at Bridgeton High School, effective September 14, 2018 or sooner if a replacement is found. b. Approved the resignation of Ms. Dinesha Simpson from the position of Dance Teacher at Bridgeton High School, effective October 25, 2018 or sooner if a replacement is found.

Action (Consent): 6.3 Approval of Leaves of Absences Resolution: Approved Leaves of Absences for the 2018-2019 school year as follows: a. Approved request of Ms. Brenda Pfaff, Teacher at Broad Street School, for FMLA leave of absence, from October 4, 2018 until June 30, 2019, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. b. Approved request of Ms. Elia Figueroa, Aide at Indian Avenue School, for FMLA leave of absence, from September 30, 2018 until June 30, 2019, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. c. Approved request of Mr. James Peterson, Maintenance at Bank Street Annex, for FMLA leave of absence, with pay from October 15, 2018 until January 1, 2019. Ms. Peterson abstained. d. Approved request of Ms. Jeanine Ramsey, Teacher at Cherry Street School, for FMLA/NJFLA leave of absence, with pay from November 5, 2018 until December 30, 2018 and without pay from January 1, 2019 until March 24, 2019. This leave is subject to change. e. Approved request of Mr. Jordan Wolcott, Teacher at Cherry Street School, for FMLA/NJFLA leave of absence, without pay from September 17, 2018 until October 26, 2018. This leave is subject to change. f. Approved request of Ms. Jessica Grieff, Aide at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center, for FMLA/NJFLA leave of absence, without pay from November 24, 2018 until January 4, 2019. This leave is subject to change. 13220 September 11, 2018 g. Approved request of Ms. Tracy Soman, Aide at Buckshutem Road School, for FMLA/NJFLA leave of absence, without pay from October 1, 2018 until November 25, 2018. This leave is subject to change.

Action (Consent): 6.4 Ratification of Leaves of Absences Resolution: Ratified Leaves of Absences for the 2018-2019 school year as follows: a. Ratified request of Mr. James Backman, Supervisor at Thomas C. Lane IV Administration Building, for FMLA leave of absence, from September 8, 2018 until November 30, 2018, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. b. Ratified request of Ms. Kristi Birtch, Teacher at Broad Street School, for FMLA leave of absence, from September 1, 2018 until June 30, 2018, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. c. Ratified request of Ms. Megan Donaghy, Teacher at BHS, for FMLA leave of absence, from September 1, 2018 until June 30, 2018, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. d. Ratified request of Ms. Taja Board, Teacher at Indian Avenue School, for FMLA leave of absence, from September 1, 2018 until October 16, 2018, not to exceed 12 weeks, to be used on an intermittent basis. e. Ratified request of Ms. Helen Redrow, Bus Driver at Bank Street Annex, for FMLA leave of absence, with pay from September 1, 2018 until October 20, 2018 and without pay from October 21, 2018 until October 26, 2018. f. Ratified request of Ms. Heather Zoyac, Inspira Hospital, for FMLA leave of absence, with pay from September 1, 2018 until September 20, 2018.

7. CERTIFICATED STAFF Action (Consent): 7.1 Approval of Certificated Staff Resolution: Approved the following Certificated Staff for the 2018-2019 school year. a. Approved the appointment of Ms. Megan Hoyt to the position of Grade 5 Teacher at Indian Avenue School, on Step 13 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $68,357.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account#151201001010005. PCN#3065. b. Approved the appointment of Mr. Kiriakos Frangakis to the position of Mathematics Teacher at ECHS/Carver located at Cumberland County College, on Step 15 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $74,357.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account# 151401001018802. PCN#3066. c. Approved the appointment of Ms. Teana Kelley to the position of Master Teacher at West Avenue School, on Step 12 of the 2017-2018 BEA MA Salary Guide, $66,812.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account#202372001760540. PCN#2381. d. Approved the appointment of Ms. Jessica Schwartzer to the position of Master Teacher at Indian Avenue School, on Step 10 of the 2017-2018 BEA MA Salary Guide, $61,957.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account#202372001760540. PCN#2431.

13221 September 11, 2018 e. Approved the appointment of Ms. Jennifer Machinsky to the position of School Psychologist District-Wide, on Step 13 of the 2017-2018 BEA MA+30 Salary Guide, $77,331.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account#110002191040018. PCN#3062. f. Approved the appointment of Ms. Joanne Martin to the position of Art Teacher at Cherry Street School, on Step 12 of the 2017-2018 BEA MA Salary Guide, $66,812.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account# 151201001010004 and 151301001010004. PCN# 315.

Action (Consent): 7.2 Ratification of Certificated Staff Resolution: Ratified the following certificated staff for the 2018-2019 school year. a. Ratified the appointment of Ms. Lesley Hall to the position of Biology Teacher at Bridgeton High School, on Step 6 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $54,827.00 pending negotiations, effective on September 1, 2018. Account#151401001010002. PCN#130. b. Ratified the appointment of Ms. Sandra Sanderlin to the position of Grade 6 Language Arts Teacher at West Avenue School, on Step 15 of the 2017-2018 BEA MA Salary Guide,$75,857.00pending negotiations, effective on September 1, 2018. Account#151301001010007. PCN# 3067. c. Ratified the appointment of Ms. Nicole Gilson to the position of Pre-School Teacher at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center, on Step 0 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $49,300.00 pending negotiations, effective September 1, 2018. Account# 202181001010001. PCN#309. d. Ratified the appointment of Ms. Brooke Bayzick to the position of Special Education Pre- School Teacher at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center, on Step 0 of the 2017- 2018 BEA MA Salary Guide, $50,800.00 pending negotiations, effective September 1, 2018. Account#202181001010001. PCN#3058. e. Ratified the appointment of Mr. Jake Barnes to the position of Middle School Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher at Buckshutem Road School, on Step 0 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $49,300.00 pending negotiations, effective September 1, 2018. Account# 151201001010006. PCN#3050. f. Ratified the appointment of Mr. Kevin Quirk to the position of Special Education Social Studies Teacher at Bridgeton High School, on Step 0 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $49,300.00 pending negotiations, effective September 1, 2018. Account# 152131001010002. PCN#332. g. Ratified the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Lewis to the position of Health and Physical Education Teacher at Cherry Street School, on Step 11 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $62,912.00 pending negotiations effective September 1, 2018. Account# 151201001010004 and 151301001010004. PCN# 3068. h. Approved the appointment of Ms. Kristen Figueroa to the position of Grade 3 Teacher at West Avenue School, on Step 0 of the 2017-2018 BEA BA Salary Guide, $49,300.00 pending negotiations, effective on September 1, 2018. Account#151201001010006. PCN#597.

13222 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 7.3 Afterschool Programs Substitute Coordinators Resolution: Approved the following staff members as Substitute Coordinators for Afterschool Programs for the 2018-2019 School Year. Name Title Pay Rate Tara Allen-Butler Substitute Site Coordinator $35/hr Paul Decker Substitute Site Coordinator $35/hr Olga Rivera Substitute Site Coordinator $35/hr

Action (Consent): 7.4 After School Programs Substitute Teaching Staff Resolution: Approved the following individuals as substitute teachers for after school programs for the 2018-2019 school year Name Title Pay Rate Gheorghe Dooley Substitute Teacher $28/hr Andrea Davy-Bradnock Substitute Teacher $28/hr Adrian Garret Substitute Teacher $31/hr

Action (Consent): 7.5 BHS After School Tutoring Support Program Staff Resolution: Approved the following staff members for the BHS After School Tutoring Support Program: Erin Gibbs, Austin Carr, and Maria Amendt-Smith. The program will run 2 days a week starting September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, from 2:30 pm to 4: 30 pm for approximately 29 weeks. The objective of the program is to increase student performance on benchmark assessments. Computer and media center services will be accessible for students who may not have those services available. 3 Teachers x $28.00 x 4 hours x 29 weeks =$9,744

Action (Consent): 7.6 BHS After School Detention Staff Resolution: Approved Elizabeth O'Brien and Jacqueline Gentry as the BHS After School Detention Program Staff for the 2018-2019 school year. The program will run 4 days a week from September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM for approximately 29 weeks. 2 teachers and 1 substitute teacher (as needed) x $28.00 x 4 hours x 29 weeks = $6496.00. Acct.#15-421-100-101-01-02 Action (Consent): 7.7 BHS Bilingual/ESL After School Support Program Resolution: Approved Dolores Diaz for the BHS Bilingual/ESL After School Support Program for the 2018-2019 school year. The program will run 2 days a week, September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM for approximately 29 weeks. 1 teacher and 1 substitute teacher (as needed) x $31.00 x 4 hours x 29 weeks = $3,596. Acct.#15-421-100-101-01-02

Action (Consent): 7.8 BHS After School Student Support Staff Resolution: Approved Megan Donaghy for the BHS After School Student Support Program Staff for 2018-2019 for the 2018-2019 school year. The program will run 2 days a week from September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM for approximately 29 weeks. 1 teacher and 1 substitute teacher (as needed) x $31.00 x 4 hours x 29 weeks = $3,596. Acct.#15-421-100-101-01-02

13223 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 7.9 BHS Online Remediation and Mentoring Program Staff Resolution: Approved the following staff members for the BHS After School Online Remediation and Mentoring Programs for students who are identified as at risk for the 2018- 2019 school year. The program will run from October 9, 2018 - June 11, 2019, Mondays- Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Administrator = Jennifer DeShields- Monday /Wednesday and Daniel Simmons - Tuesday/Thursday Substitute Administrator Steve DiPatri Teachers = Kevin Nash, Marie Keith and Cynthia O'Boyle (Alternate/substitute) Technology = Jeffrey Meeks Smart Goal 4 (Graduation)

GOAL 4.2.1 Offer after school online # of staff Hours Hourly Rate Total FICA Total remediation and mentoring programs for all students who are identified as at risk. 1 Admin. 250 $35.00 $8,750.00 $669.38 $9,419.38 (Monday-Thursday) 4 Teachers 114 $31.00 $14,136.00 $1,081.40 $15,217.40

2 Teachers Monday and Wednesday 1 Technology/Teacher 250 $31.00 $7,750.00 $592.88 $8,342.88 2 Teachers Tuesday and Thursday TOTAL 32,979.65

Action (Consent): 7.10 Gifted & Talented Program Coordinators 2018-2019 Resolution: Approved Shinese Harvey and Mary Anne Keyes, for BEA extra contract position of G&T Program Coordinators at the contractual rate for 2018-2019 school year.

Action (Consent): 7.11 Pathways 21st CCLC Site Coordinators 2018-2019 School Year Resolution: Approved Pathways 21st CCLC Site Coordinators 2018-2019 School Year as follows. Chantel Frazier Site Coordinator 11.25 hours x 36 weeks Tania Trethan Site Coordinator/ Indian 15 hours x 36 weeks Approved Pathways 21st CCLC Site Coordinators 2018-2019 School Year as follows. Pay Hours Total Number Name Title Account rate Per Week of Weeks Site Chantel Frazier $35/hr 11.25 36 20-460-200-103-01-40 Coordinator Site Tania Trethan $35/hr 15 36 20-460-200-103-01-40 Coordinator

Action (Consent): 7.12 Pathways 21st CCLC Staff Adjusted Hours Resolution: Approved Pathways 21st CCLC Staff Adjusted Hours in order to provide coverage for students at dismissal. These staff members are released from their contractual day at 3:15 (per building principals) since they come in early for morning duty as well as coverage until program teachers arrive. This is over the 36 weeks of programming. Hourly Previously Adjusted Name Title Adjusted Total Pay Rate Approved Hours Hours TOTAL Sally Teacher $28/hr 8.25 15 15,120 Pierce

13224 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 7.13 Quarter Mile Lane School Extended Day Staff Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School Extended Day Staff as listed below. CLUB NAME TEACHER TIME PAY RATE AFTERSCHOOL M - TH 3:30 - 4:45 PFEFFER $28.00 DETENTION AS NEEDED MATH FACT Gr. 1-2 K. MORALES T & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

MATH FACT Gr. 3-4 BROBST M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00 FITNESS & DOUGLAS M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $31.00 WELLNESS GIFT & TALENTED GINESI T & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $31.00


SIGN LANGUAGE M. CAMPBELL M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

I READ Gr. 2 NARDELLI M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

I READ Gr. 1 DOUGHTY T & TH 3:30 4:45 $28.00

Action (Consent): 7.14 Quarter Mile Lane School Title I Extended Day staff Resolution: Approved Quarter Mile Lane School Extended Day Title I Programs as listed below. The Art club will be funded through the QML afterschool budget. CLUB NAME TEACHER TIME PAY RATE

PEACEMAKERS SILVA M & W 3:30 - 6:00 $28.00

MINECRAFT/LEGO THOMAS M & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

ART BENNER T & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

LITERACY 5 - 8 BOKER M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $31.00

LITERACY 3 -4 BRUNARSKI M & W 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00 N. WRIGHT/A. MENTORING 5 - 8 T & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00 STAY STEM SHARP T & TH 3:30 - 4:45 $28.00

13225 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 7.15 West Avenue School 2018-2019 Title I Extended Day Program Staff Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Title I Extended Day Programs Staff for the 2018- 2019 school year. West Avenue Extended Day Program 3:30 PM - 5:00PM ACCT. COORDINATOR SALARY/HR HOU DAYS TOTAL # RS

Amanda McCloskey $28.00 1.75 66 $2772.00 20-237-100-100-07-40 Minecraft Club 3:30 PM - 5:00PM TEACHER SALARY/HR HOU DAYS TOTAL ACCT.# RS 20-237-100-100-07- Erin Meeks $28.00 1.5 50 $2100.00 40 Extra Support Club December 2018 - May 2019 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM TEACHER SALARY/HR DAYS HOURS TOTAL ACCT. #

$28.00 20-237-100- Lindsey Willett 1.5 50 $2100.00 100-07-40 20-237-100- Elouise Williams $28.00 1.5 50 $2,100.00 100-07-40 ACCT. AIDE SALARY/HR HOURS DAYS TOTAL #

20-237-100- Beverly Heath $20.77 1.5 50 $1558.00 100-07-40 20-237-100- Barbara Wilson $21.30 1.5 50 $1597.50 100-07-40

13226 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 7.16 West Avenue School 2018-19 Extended Day Program Staff Resolution: Approved West Avenue School Extended Day Programs Staff for the 2018-19 school year as listed below: Detention Club 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ACCT. TEACHER SALARY/HR HOU DAYS TOTAL # RS

15-421-100-100- WARREN BUIRCH $28.00 1.5 50 $2100.00 07 Music & Theater Club 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM TEACHER SALARY/HR HOURS DAYS TOTAL ACCT. # Adrian 15-421-100-100- $28.00 1.5 50 $2,100 Garrett 07


15-421-100-100- Corey Petit $28.00 1.5 50 $2100.00 07 Gifted & Talented 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ACCT. TEACHER SALARY/HR HOURS DAYS TOTAL #

15-421-100-100- Casandra Brodhecker $28.00 1.5 50 $2,100.00 07

8. NON-CERTIFICATED STAFF Action (Consent): 8.1 Approval of Non-Certificated Staff Resolution: Approved the following Non-Certificated Staff for the 2018-2019 school year. a. Approved the appointment of Ms. Tiffany Romano to the position of Custodian at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center for the 2018-2019 school year, on Step 5 of the Custodians' 2017-2018 Salary Guide, $26,562.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account# 110002621100023. PCN# 828. b. Approved the appointment of Ms. Mirella Avila to the position of 10-Month Secretary at Bridgeton High School for the 2018-2019 school year, on Step 3 of the Secretaries' 2017-2018 Salary Guide, $25,094.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account# 150002181050002. PCN# 833. 13227 September 11, 2018 c. Approved the appointment of Mr. Javier Felix-Colon to the position of Custodian at Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster Early Childhood Center for the 2018-2019 school year, on Step 1 of the Custodians' 2017-2018 Salary Guide, $24,898.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective on a date to be determined. Account# 110002621100023. PCN# 924. d. Approved the appointment of Ms. Erica Shaffer to the position of Assistant Food Service Manager at Indian Avenue School for the 2018-2019 school year, at a salary of $29,500.00 prorated and pending negotiations to be effective on September 17, 2018. Account# 600000000000001. PCN#3070. e. Approved the appointment of Ms. Tanya Bard to the position of Assistant Food Service Manager at Cherry Street School for the 2018-2019 school year, at a salary of $29,500.00 prorated and pending negotiations to be effective on September 17, 2018. Account 600000000000001. PCN#3071. f. Approved the appointment of Ms. Barbara Thompson to the position of Assistant Food Service Manager at West Avenue School for the 2018-2019 school year, at a salary of $29,500.00 prorated and pending negotiations to be effective on September 17, 2018. Account 600000000000001. PCN#3069.

Action (Consent): 8.2 BHS After School Security Support Staff Resolution: Approved Paul Hoffman, Sizemore Morrissey, and Mark Johnson (substitute) for the BHS After School Security Support Staff for the 2018-2019 after-school programs. Various after-school programs will be held Monday thru Thursday, (4) days a week starting September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, from 2:30 - 4:30 PM for approximately 29 weeks. Approved Paul Hoffman, Sizemore Morrissey, and Mark Johnson (substitute) for the BHS After School Security Support Staff for the 2018-2019 after-school programs. Various after-school programs will be held Monday thru Thursday, (4) days a week starting September 17, 2018 - June 7, 2019, from 2:30 - 4:30 PM for approximately 29 weeks. 1 SSO and 1 substitute SSO (as needed) x $27.20 x 8 hours x 29 weeks = $6,310. Acct.#15-421-100-101-01-02

Action (Consent): 8.3 Bridgeton Christian School Nonpublic Teacher's Aide approval Resolution: Approved Sharon Ryman as the teacher's aide located at Bridgeton Christian School for the 2018-2019 school year funded through the IDEA- Nonpublic allocation not to exceed $11,700.

Action (Consent): 8.4 Approval of Pathways 21st CCLC Secretary Resolution: Approved Ms. Laurie Buirch as the Pathways 21st CCLC Secretary for the 2018- 2019 School Year. Approved Ms. Laurie Buirch as the Pathways 21st CCLC Secretary for the 2018-2019 School Year. Ms. Buirch will work from the end of her contractual day until 6pm or later when the program has later activities. Not to exceed 9 hours per week. Pay rate is bending negotiations Total Hours Name Title Payrate Total Number of Weeks Per Week Laurie Pathways $25.68/hr 9 36 Buirch Secretary

13228 September 11, 2018

9. MISCELLANEOUS STAFF ITEMS Action (Consent): 9.1 Ratification of Staff Transfer Resolution: Ratified the staff transfers for the 2018-2019 school year, effective September 1, 2018. Name Current Title/Location Maria Jimenez Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher - Buck - PCN#2492 New Title/Location Account# Bilingual 1st Grade Teacher - Buck - PCN#2492 152401001010006 Name Current Title/Location Maryann Hoffner Grade 2 Teacher - Broad - PCN#523 New Title/Location Account# Grade 1 Teacher - Broad - PCN# 523 151201001010003 Name Current Title/Location Lula Holbrook Food Service Worker-Broad - PCN# 644 New Title/Location Account# Food Service Worker - QML - PCN#2619 600000000000001

Action (Consent): 9.2 Approval of Staff Transfers Resolution: Approved the staff transfers for the 2018-2019 school year, effective September 12, 2018. Name Current Title/Location Darnell Lawrence Custodian - BHS - PCN# 76 New Title/Location Account# Custodian -Broad - PCN#915 110002621100023 Name Current Title/Location Clarence Clark Custodian - Broad - PCN# 2455 New Title/Location Account# Custodian - Bank - PCN#2330 110002621100023 Name Current Title/Location Frank Murphine Custodian - Bank - PCN# 2330 New Title/Location Account# Custodian - Indian - PCN# 2535 110002621100023 Name Current Title/Location Dominick Mendoza Custodian - Indian - PCN# 2535 New Title/Location Account# Custodian - Cherry - PCN# 2455 110002621100023

Action (Consent): 9.3 Approval of Boiler Operators Resolution: Approved the following custodians as Boiler Operators for the 2018-2019 school year, effective September 12, 2018. Name Location Stipend Darnell Lawrence Broad $750 James Martin BHS $750 Kevin Chappius QML $750 13229 September 11, 2018

Action (Consent): 9.4 Approval of Change of Salary Resolution: Approved the change of salary for the following staff to be effective, October 1, 2018. Approved the change of salary for Ms. Diana Sandoval, Special Education Instructional Aide at Quarter Mile Lane School from Step 1 of the Aides' Salary Guide, $21,155.00 to Step 1 of the Aides' Salary Guide with a Bachelor's Degree, $21,955.00 prorated and pending negotiations, effective October 1, 2018. Account# 152121001060008. PCN# 421.

Action (Consent): 9.5 Approval of Correction of Hours and Rates of Non-Certificated Staff Resolution: Approved the correction of hours and rates for the following Cafeteria Staff for 2018-2019 school year. Name Position New Position Location Jeri Hudson Cafeteria Worker Cafeteria Worker BHS Previous Hours New Hours Current Rate New Rate 6.75 5.75 $20.34/hr $20.34/hr Name Position New Position Location Griselda Ortiz Breakfast Aide Breakfast Worker QML Previous Hours New Hours Current Rate New Rate 1.25 1.25 $8.60/hr $20.34 hr Name Position New Position Location Kathleen Hammer Breakfast Aide Breakfast Worker QML Previous Hours New Hours Current Rate New Rate 1.75 1.75 $8.60/hr $21.54/hr Name Position New Position Location Lena Hornes Matthew Breakfast Worker ---- Broad Previous Hours New Hours Current Rate New Rate 1.50 0 $20.34/hr 0

Action (Consent): 9.6 Approval of Breakfast Staff for the 2018-2019 Resolution: Approved the following staff to work as Breakfast Staff for the 2018-2019 school year: Account# 600000000000002 Name Position Rate Hours Days Total Griselda Ortiz Breakfast Worker $20.34 1.25 per day up to 180 up to $4576.50 Jacqueline Russell Breakfast Worker $20.94 2.00 per day up to 180 up to $7538.40 Lula Holbrook Breakfast Worker $21.14 1.50 per day up to 180 up to $5707.80 Kathleen Hammer Breakfast Worker $21.54 1.75 per day up to 180 up to $6785.10

Action (Consent): 9.7 Ratification of Rescission of Extra Contracts Resolution: Ratified the rescission from the following Extra Contracts, effective September 1, 2018. a. Rescinded Mr. Camilo Serrano from the position of Head Coach Middle School Soccer, effective September 1, 2018. b. Rescinded Mr. Stephen Tucker from the position of Assistant Coach Middle School Soccer, effective September 1, 2018.

13230 September 11, 2018 c. Rescinded Ms. Kathleen Tiver from the position of Head Teacher at Quarter Mile Lane School, effective September 1, 2018. d. Rescinded Ms. Peris Oribabor from the position of Teacher with Pathways 21st CCLC After School program, effective September 1, 2018.

Action (Consent): 9.8 Approval of Extra Contract Resolution: Approved the following staff for Extra Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year. Approved the following staff for Extra Contracts for the 2018-2019 school year with the 2017- 2018 school year Rates. Name Position Rate Isaias Garza Head Teacher - ExCEL $1401 Stephen Tucker Head Coach Middle School Soccer $3401 Amanda McCaffrey Assistant Coach Middle School Soccer $2803

Action (Consent): 9.9 Approval of Job Description Resolution: Approved the following job description to be effective, September 12, 2018. (attached)

Action (Consent): 9.10 Approval of Substitutes Resolution: Approved substitutes for the 2018-2019 school year. Name Position Rate Josslyn Manning Instructional Aide w/Sub. County Certificate $45.00 per day Angela Ogden Substitute School Nurse RN w/County Certificate $200.00 per day

Action (Consent): 9.11 Approval of District Double Dutch Advisor 2018-2019 Resolution: Approved Chardae Ingram as the District Double Dutch Advisor 2018-2019 for Gr. 5-12 to be held at BHS at a rate of $535.

Action (Consent): 9.12 Approval of Staff for District Afterschool In-school Suspension Program Resolution: Approved Justin Howell and Victoria Reigart to work as In-School Suspension Teachers for the District Afterschool In-School Suspension Program at Broad Street School at a rate of $31 per hour, starting September 11, 2018 through June 14, 2019 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Lori Merritt will work as a substitute at a rate of $20.77 per hour. Motion

13231 September 11, 2018

10. FINANCIAL ITEMS Action (Consent): 10.1 Approval of Bill List Resolution: Approved the August bills to be paid as follows: 10-$ 292,658.00 11-$1,517,926.01 12-$ 559,470.46 13 – 15-$ 540,255.74 20-$ 681,094.99 30-$ 34,836.19 40 - 60-$ 70,174.46 70 – Subtotal $3,696,169.44 HEALTH $1,539,696.42 PAYROLL $1,689,038.55 Total $6,925,150.82

Action (Consent): 10.2 Approval Board Secretary's Certification Resolution: Approved the Board Secretary’s Monthly Certification of Budgetary Status for August. I certify that as of August 31, 2018, no major budgetary account or fund has been over- expended.

Nicole M. Albanese, Board Secretary Date:

Action (Consent): 10.3 Approval of Tuition Resolution: Approved the tuition list for out of district placements. Yearly tuition amounts, tuition payments prorated. Commercial Twp. School – Port Norris Middle School Start Date # Tuition Account# 9/5/2018 2 $21,000.00 11-000-100-562-00-01 Creative Achievement Academy Start Date # Tuition Account# 9/6/2018 7 $58,485.00 11-000-100-566-00-01 Start Date # Tuition Account# 9/6/2018 13 $28,000.00 11-000-100-562-00-01 9/6/2018 14 $28,000.00 11-000-100-562-00-01 9/6/2018 15 $28,000.00 11-000-100-562-00-01

13232 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 10.4 Approval of Certification of Major Account/Fund Status Resolution: Approved the Board of Education’s Monthly Certification of Major Account/Fund Status. We certify that as of August 31, 2018 after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Action (Consent): 10.5 Approval of Financial Reports Resolution: Approved the following Financial Reports. a. Approved August Treasurer’s Reports for the 2018-2019 school year. b. Approved the August Board Secretary’s Report for the 2018-2019 school year.

Action (Consent): 10.6 Approval of Bids Resolution: Approved the following bids: 1. Approved acceptance of Food Service Equipment bids: BHS Food Service Solutions, LLC - $18,499.00 Don J. Urie Associates, Inc. - $16,797.00 Chef’s Depot, Inc. - $16,365.35 And Approved the recommendation to award to Chef’s Depot, $16,365.35, low bidder. 2. Approved acceptance of Food Service Furniture and Equipment bids: Sam Tell & Son, Inc.: Furniture $55,467.50, Equipment $139,338.62 BHS Food Service Solutions: Furniture $46,247.75, Equipment $147,585.10 Don J. Urie Associates, Inc: Furniture $39,979.00, Equipment $134,500 Chef’s Depot: Furniture $49,394.96, Equipment $144,070.33 And pursuant to NJSA 18A:18A-22b to reject all bids for Furniture and the two (2) Display Cases, due to the lowest bids exceeding the Board’s appropriation for these goods, And Approved the recommendation to award to Don Urie Associates, Inc. Three Compartment Sink $3,898.00 & Reach in Freezer $4,378.00; Sam Tell & Son, Inc , Combi Gas Oven $33,525.63 & Convection Steamer, Gas $26,693.90; Chef’s Depot Tilting Skillet Braising Pan, electric, $11,410.80 low bidders. 3. Approved acceptance of Request for Proposals for Social , Emotional Events at Bridgeton High School: No Proposals Received for the second time. 4. Approved acceptance of Request for Proposals for Elementary Web Based Differentiated Literacy Program from Think CERCA, Renaissance, McGraw Hill Education. And to reject all proposals pursuant to NJSA 18A:18A-22d, “the Board wants to substantially revise the specifications for the goods or service s”. 5. Approved acceptance of Request for Proposals for Orton-Gillingham Training: Institute for Multi-Sensory Education, only proposal, Training - based upon number of participants, tiered pricing scale, IMSE Refresher and Classroom Consultations each $250 per hour plus $100 travel expenses per day, score - 295 points out of possible 300 points, And Approved the recommendation to award to Institute for Multi-Sensory Education, most advantageous to the district, cost and other factors considered. Account number 11-000-221- 320-00-17. 6. Approved acceptance of Request for Proposals for Youth Development Activities: Bridgeton Municipal Alliance, only proposal $18, 500.00. And to reject all proposals pursuant to NJSA 18A:18A-22b, the lowest bid substantially exceeds the board of education's appropriation for the goods or services.

13233 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 10.7 Approval of Contracts Resolution: Approved the Lead Testing Program Statement of Assurance implementing N.J.A.C. 6A:26-12.4 regulations.

Action (Consent): 10.8 Approval of Transfer Resolution: Approved the PEA transfer in the amount of $19,125 to regrade and repair the surface of one of the playgrounds at GOFECC. The Existing surface has several areas that are cracked and present safety hazards tot he students.

Action (Consent): 10.9 Approval of Change Orders Resolution: a. Approved change order #1 for BPS District Wide Floor Replacements in the amount of $5,408.70. b. Approved change order #1 for West Ave Roof Replacement in the amount of $4048.00. c. Approved change order #1 for BHS floor replacement in the amount of -$224.50. d. Approved change order #2 for Broad Street School Generator in the amount of -$6003.28. e. Approved change order #GC-21 SDA for the BHS HVAC upgrades in the amount of $174,277.20.

Action (Consent): 10.10 Approval of FSA card Resolution: Approved the addition of a reimbursement card to the Flexible Spending Account.

Action (Consent): 10.11 Approval of Breakfast After the Bell Resolution: Approved breakfast in grade K-1 classrooms as part of the Breakfast after the Bell plan. Breakfast after the Bell was a law passed in May 2018

Action (Consent): 10.12 Approval of School Safety Specialist Resolution: Approved Gary Denby as the School Safety Specialist for the Bridgeton Board of Education for the 2018-2019 school year as per P.L.2018, c. 100.

Action (Consent): 10.13 Approval of Settlement Agreement Resolution: Approved the settlement agreement and mutual release between with Bridgeton Board of Education and Source4Teachers.

Action (Consent): 10.14 Approval of Additional Polling Place Resolution: Approved Indian Ave. School to be used as a polling place for elections in addition to Thomas C. Lane Administration Building, Quarter Mile Lane School and Bridgeton High School already approved.

13234 September 11, 2018 Action (Consent): 10.15 Special Education - Independent Educational Evaluations Resolution: Approved an Independent Educational Evaluation upon receipt of a parental request for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) as part of an initial or continuing eligibility for Special Education and Related Services. Criteria for Independent Evaluations at District Expense: 1. Any IEE paid for with public funds shall: a. Be conducted according to the provision of N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.4 and b. be obtained from another public school district, educational services commission, jointure commission, a clinic or agency approved under N.J.A.C. 6A:14-5, through one of these agencies, Salem County Special Services School District, or any other appropriate Agency agreed upon by the District.

Action (Consent): 10.16 Approval of the submission of NJDOE Title I STEM and Arts Integration Grant application Resolution: Approved the submission of the NJDOE Title I STEM and Arts Integration grant application due September 20, 2018. If awarded the grant will begin December 1, 2018 to July 15, 2019 to include programming working with a NJDOE approved instructional coach and external evaluator. The program must also include a mandatory summer component of no more than 40 hours. As the grant must be school specific, West Avenue School will continue their work as the grant lead. If approved, the award is up to $200,000.

Action (Consent): 10.17 Acceptance of Grants Resolution: Approved the acceptance of the 2018-2019 CEZ 21st Century Community Learning Grant and United Way Grant for Cherry Street School. Bridgeton Public Schools has been awarded $59,134 through the CEZ 21st Century Community Learning grant funds and $7,500 through the United Way grant funds. All funds will be allocated to both after school and summer programming at Cherry Street School along with teachers, site coordinator and required supplies and materials. The grant period is September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019.

Action (Consent): 10.18 Approval of Grant Applications Resolution: Approved the following Grant Applications: a. Approved the submission of the IDEA Supplemental Funding Solicitation - Supporting Students with Disabilities in 21st CCLC Programs due by 9/27/18. This is an opportunity to secure up to $35,000 in additional federal funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), Part B. b. Approved the submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) Expansion Supplemental Solicitation Funds. This is an opportunity to secure up to $75,000 in additional federal funds under the ESSA and Title IV Part B of the 21st CCLC.

13235 September 11, 2018

11. FACILITIES Action (Consent): 11.1 Approval of Facility Usage Resolution: a. Approved the request of Bridgeton Exchange Club to use the Bridgeton High School Media Center on one Tuesday of every month (September-May) from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm for business meetings. An appropriate insurance certificate is on file. Approval is granted contingent on the understanding that school activities take precedence. If a school facility is required for a school activity, board approval is revoked. b. Approved Mount Hill Missionary Church to use Buckshutem Rd. School on October 27, 2018 from 2:00pm to 8:00pm for gospel concert. Rental, Custodial, Security, Kitchen Staff and Sound Fees will be charged. An appropriate insurance certificate is on file. Approval is granted contingent on the understanding that school activities take precedence. If a school facility is required for a school activity, board approval is revoked. c. Approved Mount Hill Missionary Church to use Bridgeton High School auditorium, cafeteria, kitchen and dressing rooms on June 8, 2019 from 1:00pm to 8:00pm for gospel concert. Rental, Custodial, Security, Kitchen Staff and Sound Fees will be charged. An appropriate insurance certificate is on file. Approval is granted contingent on the understanding that school activities take precedence. If a school facility is required for a school activity, board approval is revoked. d. Approved Bridgeton Assembly of God to use Indian Ave. School gym on Weds. October 10, November 28, February 6 and April 17 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm for youth recreation. $25 rental fee will be charged. An appropriate insurance certificate is on file. Approval is granted contingent on the understanding that school activities take precedence. If a school facility is required for a school activity, board approval is revoked. e. Approved Good News Club to use West Ave., Quarter Mile Lane, Buckshutem Road and Broad Street Schools for Good News Club after school. An appropriate insurance certificate is on file. Approval is granted contingent on the understanding that school activities take precedence. If a school facility is required for a school activity, board approval is revoked.

Action (Consent): 11.2 BHS Fall Basketball Season Resolution: Approved Girls Head Basketball coach George Linen Sr. to use the Bridgeton High School gym from September 13, 2018, to November 8, 2018, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM for preseason games. The purpose is to develop a creative avenue for the girls’ basketball team. The BHS gym will be used on Thursday evenings. Each night teams from Cumberland and Salem County Police Athletic League teams will play round tournament games.

END OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Mrs. Peterson, second by Mr. Gonzalez approving all consent agenda items. Motion carried, roll call vote was 6-2, with Ms. Edwards and Mr. Williams abstaining.

13236 September 11, 2018 12. NON-CONSENT AGENDA Action: 12.1 ExCEL Program Expansion Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Ms. Mosley approving Bridgeton Board of Education authorizing the Superintendent to proceed with expanding the ExCEL Program at Buckshutem Road School during the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried, roll call vote was 7-1, with Mrs. Peterson voting no.

Action: 12.2 Ratification of Board Approved Leave a. Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Ms. Mosley approving request of Mr. Leston Hall, Security Monitor at West Avenue School, for Board Approved Leave, with pay from September 1, 2018 until September 4, 2018 and without pay from September 5, 2018 until October 1, 2018. Motion carried, roll call vote was 8-0.

Action: 12.3 Memorandum of Agreement Motion by Mrs. Peterson, second by Mr. Gonzalez approving the Memorandum of Agreement between the Bridgeton Board of Education and the Teamsters Local 676 as attached. Motion carried, roll call vote was 7-0-1, with Ms. Edwards abstaining.

13. OTHER BOARD ACTION ITEMS Action: 13.1 Approval of Other Board Action Item As Needed Approved other Board Action Item as needed. Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Mrs. Peterson approving any board members interested to attend daily workshops at the NJSBA workshop in Atlantic City, NJ, October 25-29, 2018. Group Registration fee is $1600. Motion carried, roll call vote was 8-0. b. Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Mrs. Peterson approving December 31, 2018 as a day off for the custodial/maintenance staff due to January 1st being on a Tuesday. Motion carried, roll call vote was 8-0.

Information: 13.2 First Reading Revised Policies 5131.2 Physical Restraint – updated to reflect the Fifteen Principles established by the United States Department of Education. 5114 Hearing Procedure – updated the Hearing Panel. 4121 Pay for Substitutes – updated hourly rates, see highlights. 5132 High School Uniform and PK-8 Uniform Program - added Business Attire Day - one Friday a month.

13237 September 11, 2018 Action: 13.3 Second Reading Revised Policies Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Ms. Mosley approving Second Reading and approval of Revised Policies listed below. 6153 (R) Field Trips – The Field Trip Committee reviewed and revised the Field Trip Policy. All items added are highlighted. 4111 Recruitment, Hiring and Selection and 4211 Recruitment, Hiring and Selection – These policies were both updated to reflect new requirements that resulted from P.L. 2018, c.5 the Pass the Trash law that amended N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.6 through N.J.S.A 18A:6-7.13. The new law requires the district to conduct an employment history check on applicants that are applying for positions in the district that involve regular contact with students. Information must be requested from the applicant and verified with current or former employers of the applicant regarding any child abuse or sexual misconduct investigations involving the applicant; if the applicant was disciplined, discharged or separated from employment for child abuse or sexual misconduct; and/or if the applicant had a license, professional license, or certificate suspended, surrendered, or revoked while allegations of child abuse or sexual misconduct were pending or under investigation, or due to an adjudication or finding of child abuse or sexual misconduct. The applicant must provide written authorization that consents to and authorizes disclosure of the information and records and that releases those employers from liability that may arise from the disclosure or release of records. This does not apply if, after investigation, the allegations are found to be false or the alleged incident of child abuse or sexual misconduct has not been substantiated. The following new sections were added to policies 4111 and 4211: Employment History - Definitions

 Required Disclosure of Employment History  Review of the Employment History  Review of Out-of-State Employment History  Nondisclosure Agreements

5141.3 HEALTH EXAMINATIONS AND IMMUNIZATIONS PROCEDURES Revised Remove section E. 1-5 Pediculosis (Head Lice) - New Policy 5141.9 Pediculosis (Head Lice) on August agenda for First Reading. Motion carried, roll call vote 8-0.

Action: 13.4 Second Reading NEW Policy Motion by Ms. Peterson, second by Mr. Gonzalez approving Second Reading and approval of New Policy 5141.9 Pediculosis (Head Lice) attached. Motion carried, roll call vote was 8-0.

13238 September 11, 2018 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION Action: 14.1 Approved Executive Session-6:54 pm Motion to approve the following Resolution for Executive Session: Whereas, Section 8 of the Open Public Meeting Act, Chapter 231 PL 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances: and Whereas, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the City of Bridgeton, County of Cumberland, State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon hereinafter specified subject matters. The nature of the subject matters to be discussed is: a. Update on BEA negotiations b. Update on ABA negotiations c. Update on Maintenance/Custodians negotiations d. Update on Arbitration regarding termination of non-certificated employee PCN 533 e. Status of employment for non-certificated employee who reported a disqualifying offense PCN 2456 f. Status of employment on non-certificated employee charged with multiple criminal offenses PCN 1063 g. Discussion of non-certificated staff member PCN 2226 h. School Ethics Commission litigation update i. Superintendent’s employment 2. It is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matters will be made public when appropriate. 3. This Resolution will take effect immediately. RETURN TO PUBLIC Motion by Ms. Mosley, second by Mrs. Peterson, approving the return to the public portion of the meeting at 8: 26 pm. Motion carried, roll call was 8-0.

Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Ms. Mosley approving Resolution for non-certificated staff member PCN 2226 requesting a fitness for duty examination. Motion carried, roll call vote 6-2, with Ms. Edward and Mr. Williams voting no. Dr. Jones informed the board that she was nominated to be recognized by the Hispanic Heritage and Multicultural Celebration 15. ADJOURNMENT Action: 15.1 Motion to Adjourn the Meeting Motion by Mr. Gonzalez, second by Mr. Williams adjourning the meeting at 8:51pm. Motion carried, roll call vote was 8-0. Respectfully Submitted,

Nicole M. Albanese School Business Administrator