Loyola Lawyer Law School Publications

Spring 3-1-1993

Loyola Lawyer

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he English novelist G. K. Chesterton once STUDENTS - Th e median LSAT score for the 1992 passed judgment on his own work with th is admitted day class was roughly at the 90th percentile observation. "I have spoilt a number of jolly good ideas in natio nal ly- show in g how competitive admission to my time." Well , I hope that over the last academic year, we Loyo la Law School has become. At the same tim e, 30% have spo ilt a few lingering notions as well- particularly the of the 1992 ente rin g class came from underrepresented notion that Loyo la is just an "okay" law sc hool The group backgrounds. achievements of Loyola Law School faculty, students and 3. PUBLIC SERV ICE REQUIREMENT- In October, staff during the 1992-93 academic year have been truly 1992 , the faculty voted that, beginnin g with the 1994 extraordinary. A brief chronicle of some of those entering class, all Loyola graduates must complete either a achievements will show you what I mean. public service clinic or perform 40 hours of public service t. BAR PASSAGE RATE - On the July 1992 California in a legal capacity. I should note that Columbia, Tulane bar exam , 89.45% of Loyola's first-time and Pennsylvania Law Schools have adopted ''Nex'l' sen.es'l'er's takers passed. This percentage was higher similar requirements, along with eight other than , among others, USC , Berkeley, ABA reinspec'l'ion law schools throughout the country. To my Stanford, Hastings, Michigan and Harvard. gives Loyola 'l'he knowledge, no other ABA accredited This accomplishment is even more California law school has as of yet adopted a impressive when you realize that there were chance 'l'o mandatory public service requirement. 331 Loyola first -time takers. Although I do reexan.ine i'l'self, 4. INCREASED FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP - not have all relevant statistics, this is 'l'o look carefully a'l' Since the Law School fall semester began probably the largest number of first-time in August 1992, over 35 faculty books, articles takers who passed the bar from any ABA i'l's progran.s and and monographs have appeared in print. Two accredited law school in the country. goa I s ••• , .. other faculty endeavors bear comme nt: 2. QUALITY AND DIVERSITY OF OUR Professor Laurie Leve nson's wide ly seen (continued on page 10) FEATURES WHAT~s 2DEPARTMENTS 00 NOT ABLEAND NOTEWORTHY ...... 5 ..JEWISH LAW CHAIR CAN\PAIGN ------3 9~:~~~ ~:~TI~S · · ··· ~ ~ ETHICS PR~GRANl NEARS C~NlPLETI~N ------7 PEOPLE&EVENTS ...... 12 ALUMNI NEWS ...... 14 PR~FILE: ARN\AND F - AYAZI '92 ------4 ~ CALENDAR ...... BACK






rofessor Jacob Dolinger of Rio de janeiro, Rabbi Simcha Cohen of Congregation Shaari Tefila, Rabbi Mordecai Finley of Stephen S. Wise Temple, Rabbi Allan Schranz of Sinai Temple and Loyola Professor Laurie L. Levenso n were among the principal speakers at a rece nt luncheon seminar on "The Lawful Use of Force: Jewish Perspecti ves" attended by more than (1-r) Proftssor Dolingrr, Richard E. Troop '69, Exemtive Connnillte CIJair. 125 la wyers and Rabbi Schranz, Rabbi Finlry, members of the Los Rabbis and and Rabbi Cohen . Angeles community. acade ... ics consider The sem inar, he ld at the Law School , McLAUGHLIN ANNOUNCES was the first official of force fron'll eve nt of a recentl y announced campaign THR~~ CHAIR PROGRAM to raise funding for a perspec'lives With the goal of placing Loyola Law School in the forefront Chair in jewish Law of ethical and value-laden legal training, Dean Gerald T and Ethics at Loyola Law School Executive Committee Chair Mclaughlin has announced an ambitious program to obtain Richard E. Troop '69 officially kicked off the campaign for the funding for two Chairs in religious legal systems in addition to Chair. This Chair will be the first of its kind in the Western the recently announced Chair in jewish Law and Ethics. The United States. first of these Chairs will be in Canon Law/Natural Law and the In his remarks , Dean Gerald T Mclaughlin explained why Loyola Law School wishes to establish such a Chair. "Law school second will be in Islamic Law. According to Mclaughlin, these training should have a strong, value -laden component­ Chairs will allow the Law School to add visiting faculty and requiring students not only to weigh competing arguments for and promote ongoing scholarly programs in the three major Western against an issue, but also to consider questions of right or wrong," religious legal traditions. Loyola will be the only law school in said Mclaughlin 'There is also a need in a shrinking world to the nation with such a program. In addition to the recently expose our students to a comparativist approach to law. Courses announced campaign to fu nd the Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics, in Jewish Law will show that over thousands of yea rs, lega l the Dean said that an executive committee is curren tly being scholars deve loped answers to lega l issues othe tha n those provided by the common law." formed to organize a campaign for the Canon Law/Natural Law The seminar, moderated by Loyola Professor Victor]. Cold, Chair and that the organization of a committee for the Islamic examined the issue of the use of force from the secular and the Law Chair will follow. academic points of view as well as from the rabbinate.


orm er Lo yola Mary mou nt Uni ve rsity Mechani cal Engineering in 1987. At UCLA, Ayazi was a Ass istant Professor Arm and Farad Aya zi Teaching Assoc iate and won a Graduate Study Award . A '92, in beco ming th e first perso n to gradu ate srm11rw CH ill fi ve and one- half year member of the LMU fac ul ty, he la ude from Loyo la Law School since 1988 and onl y the tau ght und ergradua te and gradu ate co urses in 17th sin ce the rankin g system bega n in the 1960s , mech ani cal engin ee rin g and produ ce d sub stanti al turn ed in one of the outstandin g academic scholarship in the fi eld of energy sciences. performances in th e hi story of th e Law Scho ol. Currentl y compl etin g a Cl erkship with th e Hon. Durin g his La w Sch ool ca ree r, Ayaz i ac hieved a Willi am D. Kell er of th e United States Di stri ct Cour t cumul ative gradepoint ave rage of 92.54; he was named a for th_e Ce ntral Di stri ct of Ca li fo rni a, Aya zi has Fritz B. Burns Scholar; he was awa rd ed II American acce pted an offer from the law firm of Lyo n & Lyo n, Juri sprudence Awards for earning the highest grade in II where he will begi n in the fa ll , in part because of what of his courses during Law School; he was named to the he desc rib es as a "natural in terest in litigation and Order of the Coif; and he earned both the J Rex Di bbl e pate nt law. " With a strong interest in politics, and the Wi lli am Tell Aggeler Awards at gradua ti on. Constitutional Law and th e fe dera l cou rt system , In 1977, Ayazi emigrated with his fam il y to the United States Ayazi inte nds to become po lit ica ll y active in the Persian ­ fro m Iran after having comp leted all of his pri mary and secondary America n comm uni ty. educa ti on in that country. He enro ll ed at UCLA and earned a B.S. Ayaz i and hi s wife, Sayeh Kh oei '90 rece ntly celebrated the in Enginee rin g su111111a CHill laude in 1982 fo ll owed by an M.S. in birth of their first chi ld, daughter Dariya nne Nica.

WESTLAW ART EXHIBIT AT LOYOLA A West Coast Exclusive A reception at Loyola Law Sc hool on Friday evening, October 22 , 1993 will mark the exclusive West Coast opening of the West Pub lishing Company's 18th Annual Exhibition "Art and the Law. " This important exhibition will be shown at the Law School through December 17, 1993. Prior to coming to Loyola- the only law school to host the exhibition- it will be shown in Boston and New York City. It will also travel to Chicago and St. Paul , Minnesota. West Publishing has sponsored many interesting and important exhibitions of contemporary American art. An earlier exhibition was shown at Loyola in 1986. The current exhibition will feature the work of forty award-winning American artists who deal with the idea of the law and its relationship to the social and political issues of the day. Shown here from the exhibition is "Delicate Balance" by HA Fadhli , a reminder of the need for laws to protect natural resources and of the fra gility of the world's ecosystems.

"Ddicalt Balauct"-H.A Fadh/i.


Dean Gerold T. Mcloughlin announced the resignation of Professor Daniel P. Selmi, left, as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in a letter to the Low School community. "The Scriptures soy that there is a time to sow and a time to reap; a time to go forward and a time to toke stock. For · me~ this is a time to soy 'thank you .' During the three years Don has served, l.could not hove asked for a more trustworthy and hard working Associate Dean. I'm sure that it was not easy for Don to teach a new Dean the ropes and restrain him from making a host of ill-considered decisions. Don not only did this admirably; he did much more. He worked hard to provide on enlarged curriculum for our students and to forge a faculty consensus on the key issues that faced the Low School. In the process, he created a model of integrity, balance, and good judgment that future Associate Deans will find hard to emulate. Ishall miss Don and his good humor very, very much." Professor Lawrence B. Solum, right, on outstanding teacher and prolific scholar, will succeed Don as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Amember of the Low School faculty since 1985, Lorry is notionally known in the fields of jurisprudence and legal philosophy. He recently was a Visiting Scholar in the deportment of Philosophy at UCLA and spent lost fall as a Visiting Professor at USC School of Low. Lorry is Choir Elect of the Section on Jurisprudence of the American Association of Low Schools (AALS). Dean Mcloughlin said, "with his knowledge and breadth of experience, I om certain Lorry will do the some excellent job that Don has."

~ Hon. Patti S. Kitching '74 has been named by Governor Pete Wilson to the California ~ State Court of Appeal. Previously, Judge ~ Kitching was with the Los Angeles Superior ~ Court where she presided over a large ~ criminal case load in Night Court. Before ~ being appointed to the bench, Judge ~ Kitching served as a Deputy Attorney ~ General and argued several cases before ~ the United States Supreme Court.

~ ~----- Hon. Stephen R. Reinhardt of the United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, was presented with the St. Thomas More Medallion Award by the Loyola Law School St. Thomas More Law Honor Society at its recent ~ annual luncheon. Judge Reinhardt received the award from Libby Schaaf '93, who stated that Judge Reinhardt had been selected by the ~ student members because of "his dedication to the legal system and community and his passion for individual rights." Among the more ~ than 150 guests present to honor Judge Reinhardt were his fellow jurists and colleagues on the Ninth Circuit, shown above from left to ~ right, Hon. William A. Norris, Judge Reinhardt, Hon. Harry Pregerson and Hon. Arthur L. Alarcon. ~


ELLEN P. APRILL spoke on "Enterprise CHARLOTTE K. GOLDBERG spoke at Dean Mc Laughlin 's "Thoughts on Justice "Copyright Renewal after the 1992 Zones" to the Low-Income Taxpayers the California Confere nce on Jewis h and Marshall" appeared in the New York Lnrv Jo11nral Ame ndments: The Strategic Choices to be Committee of the ABA Taxation Section at its Contemporary Law on the topic "From in February 1993. His article "How the Made Between Automatic and Applied-For mid-year meeting in February . Professor Cradle to Grave: Jewish and Contempo rary Marketplace Can Help in International Crises" Renewals" was publ ished in the E11tertaiumnrl Lnrv Aprill was appointed Chair of the Board and Family Law." was published in the Los A11geles Daily Jo11nral in Reporter in 1992 . He was appointed to be an President of Seed, Inc., a revolving loan fund RANDY F. KANDEL contributed the December 1992. The ABA named him as arbitrator by the American Film Marketing and technical assistance corporation that grew following articles to the NAPA B11lleti11 Series in Advisor to a meeting of the ational Association. out of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles' 1992 : the "Preface," "Six Differences in Conference of Commissioners on Uniform LAWRENCE B. SOLUM spoke on 'The economic development project. Her article Assumptions and Outlook Between State Laws' Drafting Committee regarding Bou~daries of Legal Discourse and the Debate entitled "Excluding the Income of State and Anthropologists and Attorneys," and "A Legal UCC Article 5 Revision . The Los Angeles Tim es over Default Rules in Contract" at the Local Governments: The Need for Guide for the Expert Anthropologist." printed Dean McLaughlin's op-ed articles "Of Symposium on Default Rules in Contract Law Congressional Action ," published in He DANIEL E. LAZAROFF recently Kings , Candidates and Crazy Wheat" and held at the University of Southern California Exempt Orgmrizatio11 Ta x Review , was reprinted authored "Rule I I and Federal Antitrust "S tarting the Healing" in October and Law Center. He is Chair Elect of the in the Georgia Lnw Revierv. Litigation" which has been pub lished in the ovember 1992, respectively . A recently Jurisprudence Section of the AALS. In ROBERT W. BENSON was a panelist for Tula11e Lnrv Revierv. published article authored by Dean December 1992, Professor Solum made a and wrote the Introduction to "Symposium: DAVID P. LEONARD's article "A ppe ll ate McLaughl in, "Unconscionability and presentation entitled "Alternative Court Free Trade and the Environment in Latin Review of Evidentiary Rulings" was reprinted in Impracticabi lity: Reflections on Two LI .C.C. Structu res and the Future of the California America" which was published in the Loyola of the Defme Lnrv Jollr11nl in 1993. He Indeterminacy Princip les," appeared in the judiciary" at a symposium sponsored by the Los A11gdcs brtmratio11al mrd Comparative Lnrv ]ollrrral. participated in the 1993 Cumu lative Loyola of Los A11geles fntenratio11al a11d Comparative Commission on the Future of the California He also co-sponsored a semi nar on "Mexican Supp lement to the book Exculpatory Evide11ce LnmJormral. Judiciary Elections, Human Rights and International Law: with Edward lmwinkel ri ed, the author of the SAMUEL H. PILLSBURY spoke at the DANIEL L. STEWART served as a Opposition Views ." He was a speaker on 'The book. Leonard is the Chair-Elect of the Rutgers Criminal Justice Assembly on the topic panelist on the topic of "Government Power North American Free Trade Agreement" to the AALS Section on Evidence. "Heard But Not Heeded: Why No One Really and Property Rights" sponsored by the Superior Convention of the Green Party for the Western LAURIE L. LEVENSON provided Cares What The People Who Should Know Court Civil Education Committee. United States. commentary to a variety of news media Think About Criminal justice Policy." JON H. SYLVE STER 's article JA N C. COSTELLO , in addition to her throughout the Federal trial of the officers SANDE BUHAI PO ND spoke at a "Impracticability, Mutual Mistake and Related Loyola faculty activities, is a member of the accused of violating Rodney King's rights. She program presented by the Legal Services Contractual Bases for Equitably Adjusting the fanrlty of UCLA 's Forensic Psychiatry is Co-editor of the Criminal Lnw Nnvs , a quarterly Section of the California State Bar on 'The External Debt of Sub-Saharan Africa" was Fellowship Program. She is also on the Fellow publication of the California Criminal Law Americans with Di sa bilities Act and the published in the NortlJU>esterrr Jourual of Selection Subcommittee of the Board of Section of the California State Bar Association. Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profes ion '' lutenrational Lnrv mrd B11siness in 1992. Directors of the Earl Johnson Community Professor Levenson has been named to the She participated in an ABC Television PETER TIERSMA is a pro bono consultam Lawyers' Fellowship. Judicial Appointments Committee of the Los interview on the topic of "Parents With for the Frisian- English Dictionary Project of the RO GE R W. FI NDLEY authored a Angeles County Bar Association. Her article Disabilities and Their Rights to Custody." Frisian Academy in Ljouwerr, The Netherlands. Consultant's Report to the United ations "Good Faith Defenses : Reshaping Strict DA N SCHECHTER 's article "The His article "Reassess ing Unilateral Contracts: Centre on Transnational Corporations "One­ Liability Crimes" appeared in the Conrell Law Legislature Hasn't Rolled Over for Bankers" was The Role of Offer, Acceptance and Promise" Week Mission to the Colombian lnstituto Review in 199 3. published in the Sa11 Francisco Daily Jormral in has been published in the Lhriversity of Califonria Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables KARL M. MANHEIM keeps actively March 1993. He is an Editorial Board member at Davis Lnrv Revierv. y del Ambiente (INDERENA )." He also involved as pro b01ro counsel for Voter Revolt, a of the Califonria Bmrkrrrptcy Jo11nral as well as the DAVID C. TUNI CK's recent article , lectured at the annual ERASM US semi nar on group which sponsored Proposition I 03, in the Cha ir for both the Joseph Bernfeld Memorial "International Shoe Should Get the Boot: An "European Environmental Law" at Cambridge Proposition I 03 enforcement cases as well as Scholarship Committee of the Los Angeles Essay on Suggested Changes to the Law of University in England. for environmental groups opposing the Bankru ptcy Forum and the Leg islative Personal Jurisd iction," has been published in CATHERINE FISK chai red a panel at licensing of a nuclear waste dump near the Monitoring Committee of the Commercial and the U11iversity of Detroit Mercy Larl! Review. He is the Annual Meeting of the Western Colorado River. Bankruptcy Section of LACBA. a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Political Science Association in Pasadena. CHRISTOPHER N. MAY, in add ition to DANIEL P. SELMI, who recently ended the Co111p11tcr Law Jonnral. Tunick continues to The panel was entitled "Women's Labor and his teaching duties at Loyola, is a pro bo11o his tenure as Associate Dean for Academic serve on the Executive Committee of the Liberal Theory." consultant for the Institute for Legal Studies in Affairs will be on sabbatical leave in 1993-94 Computer Law Division of the Intellectual JENNIFER FRIESEN spoke during the San Salvador which is attempting to amend the as a Visiting Scholar at the Environmental Property Section of the California State Bar. California Trial Lawyers Association Annual constitution of El Salvador. He is also on the Law Institute in Washington , D.C. He is also assisting th e Hun garian Tahoe Conference on "State Constitution as a Board of Directors of the California Rural Legal THEODORE P. SETO presented a paper government in drafting computer crime Source ofTorr Remedies." Assistance Foundation. entitled "The Function of the Discharge of legislation through the Working Group of the EDITH Z. FRIEDLER authored a paper THERESE H. MAYNARD's article 'What Indebtedness Doctrine: Complete Accounting Central and East European Law Initiative of entitled "Revolucion y Contra Revolucion en el is an 'Exchange ?' · Proprietary Electronic in the Federal income Tax System" to the 1993 the American Bar Association. Derecho lnternacional Privado de Estados Securities Trading Systems and the Statutory \'V'estern Law Teachers of Color Conference in GARY CARLETON WILLIAM S was Unidos ," to be published in Chile by the Definition of an Exchange" was published in •lonterey, California. appointed to Sen. Barbara Bo xe r's Central Editorial J11ridica de C/Jile. She also spoke at the Wasbi11gtOJr & Lee Lnrv Revierv in 1992. LIONEL S. SOBEL spoke about District judicial Appointment Advisory LACBA to members of the Barristers Homeless GERALD T. McLAUGHLIN is a member "Developments in Copyright Law" to the Committee. He also spoke on "Race and Shelter Program on "Immigrat ion Issues of the Screening Panel for Federal Bankmptcy Californ ia Copyright Conference and the Los Gender Bias In the Legal Profession" at Affecting the Homeless." judges fo r the Ce ntral District of Ca lifornia. Angeles Copyright Society. His article entitled LACBA'S second annua l CLE Convention.

He Loyola.. L awyer he filming of "Professional Responsibility in of brief scenes, featuring interactions Practice," a videotape project designed to teach between lawyers and lawyers and ethics in an applied manner simulating the actual lawyers and clients which carry the environment of law practice, has been completed and the stories forw?rd to their conclusions. project will be ready for distribution to interested law The situations relate the client schools later this summer, according to Professor Michael problems examined to areas of law Wolfson, Project Director. typically studied by first-year law Funded by the WM. Keck Foundation, the project is students. The tapes were designed for design ed to assist law schools in teaching ethics more use in first-year substantive classes as well effectively The project is modeled after the very as for the teaching of the lawyering skills successful Ethics, Counseling and egotiation (ECN) Helping Ia"" of cl ient interviewing, counseling and negotiation . course required for all Loyola Law School students. schools l'each Professional actors , tec hnicians and the finest According to Wolfson, the set is comprised of two methods and equipment were used to produce the videotapes, each of which is 30 to 40 minutes in length. el'hics in a vignettes into which actual and potential ethical Each depicts a client's problem fro m the moment a n11anner ""hich issues are woven into the fabric of each scene. lawyer is retained until the problem is resolved One sin11ulal'es l'he Wolfson says the videotape sets with teachers tape depicts a client with a criminal problem and the manua l are available to all qualified la w schools second is concerned with a civil problem. Ia"" pracl'ice through the generosity of the W.M. Keck Wo lfson described the tapes as consisting of a series environn11enl' . Foundation.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

~~lli~A~, WO~~MA~ &~~~ M~M~~~~ fij~D ~Ill Of ~IG~l~ ~~lA A luncheon held Thursday, April 8 in the Bannan Room of the Law School celebrated the establishment and dedication of the Bill of Rights Plaza at Loyola Law School. A ge nerous gift from members of the Los Angeles law firm of Sullivan, Workman & Dee helped with the refurbishment of the lower patio in front of the Casassa Building and the Hall of the 70's. The occasion was commemorated by a bronze plaque of the Bill of Rights, (lefiio rig hi Jolm J Dff, Roger AI commissioned by the Judicial Conference of the United States Committee on the Bicentennial of the Constitution, wh ich has been Sullmau 'so, Prof William G. hung on the Plaza. Similar plaques have been install ed at a number of law schools throughout the nation. According to Hon . Coskrau 's6, Jolm E. A1ackcl, Ill 'as, Charles D. Cummiugs '71, Damon J Keith , Chairman of the Comm iss ion, "the Judicial Co nference established this program during the Bicentennial of the Garles F. Callmw11, JosephS. Constitution as a way to encourage law schools to be particularly mindful of the Bill of Ri ghts and its importance to both the past Dzida '76, Robtrl A. Cooury, and the future of our country." Assocraie Dea11 for Busmess aud Drvrlopmmi, aud Dean Gerald T. McLaughlin expressed his gratitute for this gift which provided for Loyola's participation in this significant Deau Gerald T Mcl.aughli11. program. Attending the dedication were Roger M. Sullivan '50, John J. Dee, Charles F. Callanan , Charles D. Cumm in gs '71, Joseph S. Dzida '76 and John E. Mackel, 111 '8 5.


On June 6, 1993, on a bright sunny afternoon on the Loyola Marymount University campus, the Class of 1993, 393 strong, received their diplomas from Rev. Thomas P. O'Malley, S.]. , LMU President. The processional began at I :00 p.m., with Charles R. Redmond '7 4, a Trustee of the University, as the Grand Marshal. The graduating class, faculty and administration followed in academic procession. Dean Gerald T. McLaughlin exhorted the class of 199 3 to remember the human side of practicing law. "You are about to become counsellors of real, live people with real, live concerns," the Dean said . "Each and every person who comes to you will be different. Some will be frightened; others will be desperate . Some will place their financial livelihood in your hands. Others will not be able to afford your help but will need it desperatel y. In all these situations remember the human element. In all that you do, be a good lawyer but also be a compassionate and fair lawyer. " The commencement speaker was the Honorable Arthur L. Alarcon, of the U.S . Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. The 1993 Richard A. Vachon, S.]. Distinguished Service Award was presented to AI Jenkins of the Class of 1976 for his untiring efforts in assisting African­ American law school graduates to pass the California bar exam. Associate Dean Michiko Yamamoto read the names of the graduates who were to receive awards. After the graduation ceremonies were concluded, there was a champagne reception on the Alumni Mall.















Spring 1993 television commentaries on the Rodney King trial scholarly interchange with other law schools. school has decreased this year, and the 1993-94 were well received nationwide and brought great These achievements, while impressive , are academ ic year may show a further decline. As a notoriety to the law school. Professor Michael hopefu lly only a prelude to an even more law school , we must ensure that a downturn in successful year in 1993-94. Let me say a few applications does not affect the quality of our Wolfson received a $250 ,000 Keck Foundation words by way of preview about a year that will programs. Finally, the poor economy - particularly grant to produce a series of video tapes on ethical present the Law School with both great here in Southern California - has affected the dilemmas facing lawyers Th e project will be opportunities and great challenges morale of the profession. We must try harder to completed in July 1993. Loyola Law School moves into .the next help our alumni/ae who are out of work or who are 5. FRITZ B. BURNS FOUNDATION DEBATE academic year with many new faces in its looking for new employment opportunities. ON THE "TAKINGS CLAUSE" - Professor Administration. Professor Dan Selmi recently Loyola will weather these challenges with the Richard Epstein (University of Chicago Law stepped down after serving three years as same hard work and determination that it has School ) and Professor Joseph Sax (Boalt Hall , Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In those always shown. Despi.te the short term problems, Berkeley) debated the most recent Supreme Court years, Dan set a standard of good judgment, hard l see a wonderful future for the School. Let me decisions dealing with the "takings clause" of the work and integrity that will be hard to equal. The just mentio)l a few of the programs we are Fifth Amendment. The debate produced academic Law School owes Dan a special vote of thanks for working to establish. sparks and was applauded by those who attended. his dedicated service in a very tough job 6. SYMPOSIUM ON THE CALIFORNIA CHAIRS IN VALUE-LADEN COURSES Professor Lany Solum succeeds Dan as Associate Given its Jesuit traditions, Loyola should always JUDICIARY - Professor Karl Manheim organized Dean for Academic Affairs. If anyone is up to ensure that its curriculum offers a wide range of a superb symposium on the California Judiciary equaling Dan in good judgment, hard work and value-laden courses - courses that challenge that included on its panels such notables as Justice integrity, it is Larry Recently joining us from the students to grapple with important moral and Stanley Mask (California Supreme Court), Judge Cal State system is Chris Butzen , our new ethical issues. To strengthen this aspect of its Alex Kozinski (Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals), Registrar. John Hoyt joins us from the UC system curriculum , Loyola Law School has embarked upon Dean Gerald Uelman (Santa Clara School of as Director of Student Financial Services. Finally, a unique program to establish three Chairs in Law), and Professor Stephen Barnett (Boalt Hall ) Anton Mack is our new Director of Admissions, Canon/Natural Law, Islamic Law and Jewish Law. Loyola alumni/ae Sheila Sonenshine (California coming from the University of Baltimore School Our hope is that when these Chairs are fully Court of Appeal ), Fred Lower (Superior Court) of Law funded , outstanding scholars in these three fields and Loyola Emeritus Professor Gideon Kanner will come to Loyola and strengthen our also participated in the program. 11 commitment to produce not only excellent lawyers 7. INCREASED ELECTIVE COURSE ••• 1 have every but also caring and ethically sensitive lawyers OFFERINGS IN THE CURRICULUM - During con'fidence l'hal' the 1992-93 academic year, Loyola offered 147 FACULTY RESEARCH SABBATICALS elective courses ranging from Accounting for ""hal' l'he••• In addition to standard one-semester faculty Lawyers to Workers' Compensation Law. Just five sabbaticals, we are working to reduce faculty years ago , the number of elective courses inspecl'ors 'find ••• teaching loads to support special faculty research numbered only 111 , a 32% increase. projects. Although we do not have a "one-size­ ""ill in111press l'hen111 8. NEW FULL-TIME FACULTY - Loyola has fits -all " definition of scholarship , it is important added two new professors to its pem1anent faculty l'ren111endou sly-11 that the Law School Administration strongly beginning in the 1993-94 academic year. Kurt encourage faculty productivity. Lash , who graduated from Yale Law School and is BILINGUAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION CLINIC presently clerking for Judge Beezer on the Ninth Perhaps the greatest opportunity for the Law Presently there are few English-Spanish Circuit, will teach law and Religion and School in the next academic year, of course, is our dispute resolution clinics in Los Angeles. Constitutional Law Lisa lkemoto, who graduated septennial reinspection by the American Bar Loyola is seeking funding from several from Columbia University School of Law and is Association and the Association of American Law foundations to establish such a clinic. It will fill presently a professor at Indiana University School Schools. The reinspection provides Loyola with a great need in the Pica-Union community that of Law, will teach in the family law area. Professor the chance to examine itself, to look carefully at is adjacent to our campus. John Martinez , a real property expert from the its courses, its programs and its goals. Professor In the end, of course, all of us here at Loyola University of Utah College of Law, will join us as Kay Tate is in charge of producing our all­ Law School are working to create an environment a visiting professor for the 1993-94 academic year. important self-study report that will be presented in which our students can expand their minds, Professor Charles Wilson from Ohio State to the reinspection team . I have every confidence refine their analyses, and prepare themselves to be University College of Law will also join us in the that what the ABA and AALS inspectors find at counsellors. Loyola is strongly committed to Fall 1993 semester. Loyola will impress them tremendously. graduating lawyers who will help correct the 9. VISITING FACULTY- A large number of Now for the challenges facing the Law School. inequities and injustices in our society. faculty from other law schools, both here and They are by and large the same challenges faced Yale Law School Professor Charles Black once abroad , paid short-term visits to Loyola during by most law schools - decreased job opportunities, summarized a law school's mission by comparing this past academic year. We had visitors from as a shrinking applicant pool, increased student debt, it to learning to sing. 'The aim of all training in far away as Chile , China, Ireland , Israel and and low morale among many of our alumni/ae. As singing is that the student at last learns to sing Uzbekistan. Professors from US law schools, you realize, the job market for our students is the naturally. I profoundly believe that the final result including New York University School of Law worst it has been in decades. We must work of training in law is that one may come close to and the Indiana University School of Law also harder as a law school to help our students find thinking naturally about problems of justice." JOined us. It should be obvious that Loyola Law employment. As one would expect in the present As Dean of Loyola Law School , l strongly School is involving itself much more deeply in job market, the number of students applying to law second Professor Black's comments. 1.0 The Loyola Lawyer CAMPUS NEWS

More than I00 lawyers and judges attended a Symposium on the Planting Trees. In California Judiciary at the Law School in March. Jurists late Marc h, the Loyola Law School participating in the program included Hon . Stanley Mosk of the Environmental Law California Supreme Court; Hon. Alex Kozin ski of the U.S. Court Society along with of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; Hon . Sheila Prell Sonenshine '70 of the the Tenth Street California Court of Appeal; and Hon. Frederick J Lower, Jr '56 Elementary School and Hon. Ronald Sohigian , both of the Los Ange les Superior Fourth Grade Class; Court. The Symposium explored the ro le and effectiveness of L.A Councilman Mike Hernandez; the California courts, principally in the areas of appellate review and Pico Uni on Neighborhood Association ; and the Los Angeles doctrinal development. Conservation Corps planted trees along Connecticut Avenue a few blocks from the Law School campus. Conservation Corps members Both Loyola 's Moot Court Team and Byrne Trial Ad Team placed in showed the chidren the correct way to plant a tree and exp lained how national competitions. The National Moot Court Team of Paul trees help the environment by providing oxygen. The children were Beach and Deborah Flaster placed among the top nine teams in asked to name each tree in order to register the trees with the City of the nation at the National Finals held in Januaty in New York . After Los Angeles. Law School student Kelly Sakir '93 was the guiding sprit winning the regional competition , The Byrne Trial Advocacy behind this project. Both the Law School and the community will Team of Tom Carter, Jonathan Fairtlough, and Nicole Flood benefit from the project. advanced to the National Finals in Texas where they placed th ird in the nation. Public Interest Pledge Drive. The 1993 Pledge Drive in April raised approximately $13 ,600 to help provide funding for five students to work in public interest jobs this summer. A Public Interest Law Day was attended by representatives from 12 public interest and legal servkes organizations offeri ng information on clinical , volunteer and employment opportunities for summer and fall. All of he money raised is used in the student support program.


Roberto Zahler, President of the Central Bank of Chile, came to the Law School in Apri l as a Distinguished Visitor. At the helm of the most vibrant economy in Latin America, he is a keen observer of developing Latin American - North American A join t Orange County Alumni Reception trade policy Mr. Zahler, the brother of Loyola La w and CLE Program was held in April at the Professor Edith Z Fried ler spoke to the Law Schoo l Robert Mandavi Center in Costa Mesa. The event was the fulfillment of Dean Gerald T community on "The Background, Rationale and Success McLaughlin 's promise to bring Loyola of Chilean Economic Policy." An economist, Mr. Zahler MCLE to Orange County Alumni selected is known as a member of the "Chicago School" of one of two classes taught by Professor Bill economic philosophy and as an advocate of free- market Coskran (Commercial Leas ing) and Dean McLaughlin (Letter of Credit Law) A wine economic po li cy. Mr. Za hler, a prolific writer, speaks and cheese reception followed the MCLE freq uentl y throughout the world on finance and classes. international trade issues .

Spri11g... 1993 PEOPLE & EVENTS

Dean Mclaughlin (left) with Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynolds (center) and M. Finbar Hill, father of Michael Hill '95. Mr Hill is the L.A. Irish Times' "Irishman of the Year."

The Annual Swearing-In Ceremony reception for Loyola's new members of the Bar.

aHI The Loyola Lawyer PEOPLE & EVENTS

Dean Mclaughlin with students at the Scholarship Luncheon in March.

Professor Frederica M. Sedgwick '70 has retired after twenty-seven years with Loyola.

The Fritz B. Burns Lecture featured debaters Joseph Sax of Boalt Hall (left} and Richard Epstein of the University of Chicago (right} with Dean Mclaughlin.

Golf Tournament Winners! (l·r} Ann Potter, Ami Silverman '87, Sr. Linda Cahill, and Irene Ziebarth '84.

LMU President Thomas P. O'Malley, S.J., with Ricardo Torres Ill '93 (center} at the Red Mass reception.

1111 Spring J 993 19 50 Quentin Ogren is a health-care ombudsman in nursing homes. California Board of Legal Specialization as a Criminal Law Specialist. Susan The former professor joined the doss of 1972 at its recent reunion. Spitzer has begun a law firm specializing in bankruptcy and creditor's rights. 1961 Lawrence W. Crispo has become a Fellow of the American 1983 Cheryl L. McDermott has joined Saban International as College ofT rial Lawyers. Vice-President, International Legal Affairs. 1962 Hon. Robert R. Campagna was recently profiled in the 1984 Scott A. Meyerhoff and Patricia A. Schmiege were Orange County Reporter. Campagna has been a judge in the Kerman Justice recently named partners of O'Melveny & Myers. Randolph M. Sharon Court, Fresno County, since June 1985. has opened a law office in Santa Monica. l~ene E. Ziebarth has been 19 6 7 Janet L. Chubb was one of only 150 attorneys certified for both named of counsel to Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton. consumer and business law by the American Bankruptcy Board of Certification. 1985 Jayne Taylor Kacer has been named a partner at Rutan & 1968 Steven A. Schwaber recently was certified as a specialist in Tucker in Costa Mesa. commercial bankruptcy law by the American Bankruptcy Board of Certification. 1986 Jill Mazirow Eshman is proud to announce the birth of her Robert L. Shapiro has been included in the 1993-94 edition of The Best second daughter, Erica Leigh. Linda M. Blank has opened an office Lawyers in America. Dale S. Gribow was the recipient of the "Spirit of specializing in bankruptcy and commercial litigation. Life" award, the most prestigious award given by the City of Hope. 1988 Fredrica S. "Ricky" Maveety has joined Gray, Cary, 19 71 William Hickman, managing partner of Arnelle & Hastie, the Ames & Frye, San Diego, as an associate. nation's largest African-American owned law firm, was featured in a recent article 19 8 9 Robert L. Aldisert is an associate with Ire II & Manella. on his firm in the New Yorker Magazine (May 10, 1993). The article says the Arpie Balekjian is an associate with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Oliver. firm is "calling the bluff on the legal status quo." Hon. Anthony Laura K. Legge is an associate with Robie & Matthai. Anthony Rackauckas, formerly of the Orange County Municipal Court, has been Patrick Munoz is an associate with Rutan & Tucker. Karen M. appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson to the bench of the Orange County Superior Court. Nielsen is an associate with Loeb & Loeb. Patricia Ostiller is an 19 7 2 Glenn S. Jones, Commissioner, Desert Municipal Court, associate with Sheppard, Mullin, Richter &Hampton. Karen L. Palladino, Riverside County, was profiled in a recent edition of the Los Angeles Daily an associate with Hill Wynne Troop & Meisinger, is the co-author of "Innovations Journal. Spencer Proffer has joined Cherry Lane Music Publishing Co., Inc. and Considerations in Settling Toxic Tort Litigation" published in the May issue of as Executive Vice President. the Chemical Waste Litigation Reporter. Barbara G. Zelkind is an 19 7 4 Patrick J. Sullivan was honored as a new Life Fellow of the associate with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. American Bar Foundation at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Fellows. 1990 Susan Ames is an associate with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher 19 7 6 Robert J. Bell has been appointed Vice-Chair of the Executive & Flam. Lee L. Auerbach is an associate with Sidley &Austin. Steve Committee for the Real Property Law Section of the California State Bar. M. Callaway is an associate with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flam. Andrew B. Cohn is an associate with Chapman & Glucksman. Paul S. 1977 Patricia Mary Schnegg, President of the Women Lawyers' Association of Los Angeles, was profiled in a recent edition of the Orange County Cfoley~ is or assaeiolewit1 ~odkin, McCarthy, Sargent & Smith. Jeremy J.F. Gray is an associate wit lrell &Manella. Tqbin, D. LipRert is an Reporter. She is a partner at Knapp, Marsh, Jones & Doran. associate with Shearman & Ste ling. Moni a L. McC, rthy is an associate 1978 Andrew Jacobs has become a shareholder in the Los An eles with Smitli & Smith. Henry J. \Moravec Ill is o associate with Latham & office of Spray, Gould & Bowers. Hon. Randall D. White of the desert 1 Watkins. Kurt T. Mulville ·s on associate with ~yo &Lyon . Juliette Municipal Court, Riverside County, was profiled in recent editions of bot~ the \·1Youngb lood is on associate with l~e I &M llnello. Orange County News and the Los Angles Daily Journal. ·'091 leslie Abb9t is an ossoc•ole wilh Pou!, Hastings, Jonofsky & 19 79 Thomas J. Borris was recently appointed to the Or nge wafker. Hillrry Bilticoff is a· osso~iote witb Coo ~er, Epstein & Hurewitz. County Municipal Court. Marnie~ Carlin is an associate . ith Tuttle & f.oylor. Sue Dpy.le is on 1980 Scott Bovitz, recently certified as a specialist by the American associate ith Sheppor~,~llin, Richter & Hpm~ton. Eva Elfelbaum Bankruptcy Board of Certification, has begun a firm specializing in bankruptcy wors~y i on associate with O'Melveny &Myers . Dav·d Evans is on 1 and creditor's rights. associate ~ ith ~usick, Peeler~ Gorre . Tal inney was recent! elected as 1981 Seth A. Aronson was named a partner of O'Melveny & Corurolrer of the Colifomjo Stole Democratic Party. tleJ an as ociote with Myers. Robert Hubbell was named a partner of Heller, Ehrman, White & Radcliff, Rose & Frandsen. Joshua Grode is an associate with Christensen, McAuliffe. Alan V. Thaler, was named "Lawyer of the Year" by the White, Miller, Fink & Jacobs. Stephen Hammers is an associate with Constitutional Rights Foundation of Orange County. Epport & Richman. Robert Hess is on associate with Sheppard, Mullin, 1982 Ralph J. Novotney, Jr. was certified by the State Bar of Richter & Hampton. Ranlyn Tilky Hill, founder and event chairperson of

He Loyola Lawyer This Little Light, along with Carol A. McDermott, organized a black-tie Goldberger is an associate with Coudert Brothers, NYC. Jerome fundraiser which raised more than $15,000 to benefit Children's Hospital in los Jauffret is an associate with Mayer, Brown & Platt. Melissa Kenin is Angeles. Carolyn Johnson is an associate with Kutten, Muchin, Zavis & an associate with Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom. Leigh Kirmsse is Weitzman. Julie Kaufer is an associate with Hill Wynne Troop & Meisinger. an associate with Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe, San Francisco. John Jeffrey Kaufman is an associate with Snell & Wilmer, Irvine. Mark Kittleson is an associate with Morrison & Foerster. Frederick Kelson is an associate with O'Melveny & Myers. David Kitchen is an Kuhlman is on associate with Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon. associate with O'Melveny & Myers. Terri Law is serving as Clerk for the Hon. Stacy Kreisberg is an associate with O'Melveny & Myers, Century City. Robert M. Takasugi of the U.S. District Court. Matthew Lewis is an associate John Laco is an associate with O'Melveny & Myers. Linda Mosley· with White & Case. William MacArthur is an associate with Gibson, Dunn & Whitfield is an associate with Perkins Coie. Sally Patrone and Joe Crutcher. Ann Menard is an associate with O'Melveny & Myers. John Braievich recently married in . Jenny Schneider is an O'Connor is an associate with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Paul associate with Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker. Tali Shaddow is an Sievers is an associate with Rutan & Tucker. Jennifer Sokol is an associate associate with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flam. Priscilla F. Slocum & Michael Udovic & is with Rogers Wells. is an associate with Gibson, Dunn is on associate with Greines, Martin, Stein & Richland. Eric Sohlgren is an Crutcher. Ann Wells is an associate with Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. associate with Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, Costa Mesa. Robert Meg han White is an associate with White & Case. Stone is an associate with Shearman & Sterling. Paul Tauger is an 1992 Armand Farad Ayazi is serving as Clerk for the Hon. associate with Hill Wynne Troop & Meisinger. Christine Torre is serving os William D. Keller of the U.S. District Court. David Burse is an associate with Clerk for Hon. Ronald S. W. lew of the U.S . District Court. David J. lyon &lyon . Michael J. Carrozzo and Mark A. Abbattista are Kaloyanides is an associate with Boker, Hostetler, McCutchen & Black. partners in the Century City law firm of Gorman, Abbattista & Carrozza . Ralph Semien is an associate with Tuttle &Taylor. Kimberly Wong Bernice Conn is an associate with Simke, Chodos, Silberfeld & Anteau. Jill is an associate with Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon. WYOLA LAW SCHOOL DEGD AWARDED BY YEAR

Year Number of Cumulative Year Number of Cumulative Year Number of Cumulative Year Number of Cumulative Graduates Total Graduates Total Graduates Total Graduates Total

1925 17 1942 19 428 1959 52 1,143 1976 355 3,952

1926 24 41 1943 15 443 1960 46 1,189 1977 351 4,303

1927 33 74 1944 11 454 1961 58 1,247 1978 398 4,701

1928 29 . 103 1945 6 460 1962 64 1,311 1979 375 5,076

1929 32 135 1946 5 465 1963 41 1,352 1980 333 5,409

1930 30 165 1947 6 471 1964 84 1,436 1981 308 5,717

1931 31 196 1948 36 507 1965 68 1,504 1982 373 6,090

1932 27 223 1949 64 571 1966 73 1.577 1983 394 6,484

1933 26 249 1950 77 648 1967 89 1,666 1984 366 6,850

1934 16 265 1951 62 710 1968 131 1,797 1985 352 7,202

1935 19 284 1952 57 767 1969 155 1,952 1986 336 7,538

1936 19 303 1953 55 822 1970 171 2, 123 1987 381 7,919

1937 18 321 1954 62 884 1971 202 2,325 1988 339 8,258

1938 15 336 1955 57 941 1972 258 2,583 1989 371 8,629

1939 22 358 1956 43 984 1973 335 2,918 1990 366 8,995

1940 23 381 1957 57 1,041 1974 335 3,253 1991 346 9,341

1941 28 409 1958 50 1,091 1975 344 3,597 1992 373 9,714

1993 393 10,107

•1925-1950: 648 6% •1951-1979: 4,428 44% •1980-1993: 5,031 SO% TOTAL 1o, 107

Spri119 1993 Dill JULY 11 Hollywood Bowl SEPIEIIIER 16 The Uoyd Tt~ls ...oriaiMass OCTOBER • Til Fall Colltlnuhag Legal Education Begins OCTOBER 22 Opening of ART AND THE LAW Exhibit OCTOBER 24·27 01 Relnspection NOVEMER 4 llu•nllwards Dinner ftLEPHONI (213) 736·1096