NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 33

want to lose,” says Singer. “Hehates ‘Let me show you losing,his No 1insult is ‘you’re a loser’. He caught himself by surprise, howlife works’ Ithink.The campaigntookonalifeof Trump and Ihad itself and his egoisinsatiable.” an appointment at Singer does not hold back on his as- Trump Tower.After I’d sessment of Trump’s character.“He’s waited 10 minutes, the apathological liar.Ithink he’s acom- concierge directed me pulsiveliar,” says the writer.“He’s a to the penthouse. When I bulls**tartist, he wasand always will emerged from the elevator, be,but he’s nowadangerous bulls**t there Donald stood, artist… His egobecame moreout of wearing ablack cashmere control,itbecamemegalomania. topcoat,navysuit,blue “He’ssick. He’s willing to inflict and white pin-striped pain on other people.He’smocked a shirt,and maroon tie. disabledreporter from TheNew York “I thought you might Times.Hetalks about torture–‘we’re like to see my apartment,” going to do it’–and we’re going to he said,and added: “I bomb the s**t out of Isis and we’re don’t reallydothis.” going to killtheir families, killinno- That we both knew cent people,waterboarding; all these this to be a fib–photo totally discredited thingsthatwere spreads of the 53-room used afterweinvaded Iraq. Trump triplex had appeared in talks about it because it’s like throw- several magazines -in ing redmeattothese people with no wayundermined my conservativevalues. To be able to enjoyment of the visual discuss torturing people with that assault that followed: the kind of enthusiasm tells us something 29ft-high living room with about aperson.” its fountainand vaulted He adds:“The question is: what’s ceiling decorated with really going on inside Donald neo-Romantic frescoes; Trump’s mind?Thatissomething the two-storey dining thatIhaven’tthought about much room with itscarved ivory lately because I’mmoreconcerned frieze (“I admit that the about what is going on in the mindsof ivory’s kind of ano-no”); thepeople voting forhim.” theonyx columns with To the outside world, Trump’s marble capitals that had popularity looks to be anationalem- come from “a castle in barrassment formanypeopleinthe Italy”; the chandelier that US.Does he make Singer ashamedto originallyhung in “a castle be American? Thejournalist is bull- in Austria”; the blue-onyx ish as he replies: “Donald Trump isn’t lavatory.Asweadmired representativeofAmerica, he’s not the view of Central emblematic of our country.Iwould Park, he said:“Thisisthe sayDonald Trumpisone of theleast greatest apartment ever AmericanthingsaboutAmerica.” built.There’s never been But isn’t he aproduct of American anything like it.There’s society’sobsession with celebrity, of no apartment like this deeply polarised and dysfunctional anywhere. It was harder to politics,of24-hour cable news, of build this apartment than fear of the outside world, of the in- the restofthe building.A sistence thatthe USA is the excep- lot of it Idid just to seeif tional?Singer accepts thereissome it could be done.All the truthinthis. very wealthypeople who “Americans aresome of themost think they know great ignorant people on the planet. The apartments comehereand lack of curiosityorknowledge about they say, ‘Donald,forget it. the rest of the world, on the part of This is thegreatest’.” the averageAmerican, is shame- Very few touches ful. It’s tragic... Trump is reflec- suggested that realpeople tiveofthatgeneralcondition. But actuallylived there – he didn’tinvent it.Heisjust part of where was it,exactly, that that phenomenon.” Trumpsat around in his So does he dareconsider what boxers, eating roast beef aTrump presidency would actu- sandwiches? Where was ally be like? “I’mprobably in denial,” it that Marlathrew her says Singer, suggesting the country jogging clothes? –but no could not accept the result if he wins. matter. “Come here,I’ll “Thereisanationalsecurityappa- showyou howlife works,” ratus, and thereisamilitary thatis he said,and we turned not going to let Trump driveusover acouple of corners and acliff.Heisthe commander in chief wound up in asitting of the military forces –but, youknow, room thathad aRenoir we have coups…” on onewall andaview At this point, Singer catches him- that extended beyondthe self,hearing what is comingout of his StatueofLiberty. ownmouth. “I’mnot saying there’s “Myapartments that Up close andpersonal: MarkSinger (inset) loved seeing thehow hisarticle gotunder DonaldTrump’sthinskin going to be acoupinthe US,Iwould face the park go fortwice neversay thatbecause Isound like an as much as the apartments he says: “I’mdoing this becauseI Trump University–arguing theory thatBoris Johnsonnever idiot. But…therewould be enormous that face south. But I understand the guy.” It’s aclaim few thatGonzalo Curielwould intended to actually win his resistancewithinthe intelligence consider this view to be peoplewould daretomake. be biasedagainst him campaign forBritain to communityand within the foreign more beautiful than that Thejournalist admits he was because of his policy of leave the EU,but instead serviceifTrump were elected.” view,especiallyatnight. scared acouple of months agothat building awallalong merelywantedtouse the Like many others, he As acityscape, itcan’t theRepublican upstartreally would the US border with media attentionaround it findshimself hoping be beat.” become President. But he believes Mexico. It sawhim suf- raise his ownprofile,many thatTrump says somee- thatallegations of racism against ferinthe polls. political experts think that thing moreoutrageous This is an edited extract Mexicans couldbehis undoing. Whether Trump re- what mayinitially have or politically unaccept- from ‘Trump and Me’ by Trump said thatajudgewith ally hopes to win is an- been apublicitystunt for able,tohelp ensurehee MarkSinger,published by “Mexican heritage” should notpre- otherquestion. “I don’t Trump hasnow becometoo does not win. “It is,”” Penguin, £9.99 sideoverlawsuitsagainst hisprop- think he wants to become popular forhis owngood,mean- Singer admits, “a per-- ertysales training organisation, President,”saysSinger.Likethe ing he couldn’t back out. “He doesn’t versesituation.” 34

Tuesday Fa shi on

Acomeback to dye for Eye-catching swirls of colour sees hippie cultureget ahigh-fashionmakeoveras tie-dyemakes acomeback, says SarahYoung

nera definedbyfree This moreconsidered approach love,music parents wasn’t foreveryone,withsome hated and an “ifitfeels designers sticking to tie-dye’s good,doit” attitude, roots, albeit with ahigh-fashion ASixties hippie counter twist. ForValentino,jacquard cultureisback. Sartorially,this coats, cargo jackets and flares wasamovement bound by self- were swathed in khaki and burnt expression,sowhatwas theNo1 rangetie-dye with acollection garb forelite nonconformists? stirred by the wild plains of Africa. Tie-dye,ofcourse. ForMax Azria,though,70s With its rootsinancient skateand surfculturetookthe formsof“resist-dyeing”,the reins with board shorts,tie-dye free-spiritedtinting technique knits and multicoloured bucket reached peak popularity in the hats oozing West Coast style. 70sfollowedbyashort stintinthe Tie-dye is agreat alternative 90s thanks to asurge in youthful to habitual summer printssuch rebellionand do-it-yourselfstyle. as florals but to avoid looking But, just howhas the capacityto likeyou’vejuststeppedout of a tie,twistand dyebecomeatrend timewarp,wear it sparingly, one front-runner in 2016? item at atime,aslikemanyother This season, tie-dye print gets patternedtrendsit’simportant ahigh-fashion makeoverwitha not to go overboard. Source one grown-up takeonpastel-hued keypiece, such as atop or skirt, swirlsand bursts of colour.One of and makesurethe rest of your the most elegant offeringscame outfitisneutral –alittlegoesa from Altuzarrawho worked with longway with this one. tonalgreens, rich oranges and Don’tbeafraidofcolour either yellows inspired by thedesigner’s and be suretoembrace tie-dye’s Spanish heritage. Tie-dyedin psychedelic heredities; for 1 Valentino spring/summer 2016 2 Monsoon £59, saturated colour, the silhouettes somethingalittle morechic opt 3 Ellen Tracy £65, retainedmaturitywithcrepe forpiecesthatcontain shades 4 Phase Eight £65, 5 Zara£39.99, skirts cut hightothe waist, midi- within the same colour family. 6 East £149, lengthdresses and theirsignature This season, it really is acase of thigh-baring split. do or dye. THE INDEPENDENT NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 35

The10Best... Best Electricbikes Buy Add some extrapedal power to your cycle ride with abattery-powered two-wheeler,chosenbyDavidPhelan

{1} RALEIGH MOTUSHUB {6} VOLTKENSINGTON LOWSTEP This bike from stylish, TheRaleigh uses batteries UK-based e-cycle brand Volt from Bosch which have arange is areal looker and comes in of up to 110 miles when in Eco pastel blue or white colours. mode, which is fine for flat The range is about 60 miles terrain, but it’s quite abit less from asingle charge of the in the more powerful Turbo Panasonic battery.Itiseasyto mode –you flick between ride, with five different levels modes with athumb press. of power,and athrottle for There’salso aWalk button travel without pedalling. which gives slower assistance £1,309, (3.8mph) forpushing the bike along.Choose from bronze {7} GOCYCLE G3 and cerise colour options. Thestunninglydesigned £2,000, Gocycle is an advanced electric bike that’s beautifully {2} SPECIALIZED TURBO detailed, even down to the LEVO HT 29 powerful daytime light across TheCalifornian bike company the handlebars. It’s also very Specialized has been making light (just over 16kg) thanks mountainbikes fordecades, to amagnesium frame. The though it’s newertothe wheels detach to make it electric bike industry.An stowable in asmall space. A electric mountainbike is throttle button lets you apply designed to make off-roading, power easily. It has arangeof as well as street cycling,more around 50 miles. Recharge fun(most electric bikes cope time is longer than some here best on roads). This bike builds at around five and ahalfhours. the battery and motor into Asmartphone app offers extra the frame, which looks pretty information about speed, spiffy.Thisisasolid bike, but battery life, calories burnt and still bouncy enough to feel fun. more. The app also has a“kill” £2,800, option so aGocycle can be immobilised if stolen. {3} COYOTE COMMUTE £3,299, FOLDING ELECTRIC BIKE This bike has the convenience {8} INFINEUM EXTREME of being foldable, so you’ll Infineum bikes use astackable be able to take it on the train battery system so you can if your commute involves add extrabatteries forgreater one, and store it indoors for range (an extra25-33 miles per extrasafety.The battery,with cell, each weighing 1.8kg). Each cells made by Panasonic, an sits above the back wheel in expert in rechargeable tech, the luggage rack. Athrottle lets has arange of 30 miles (and of you travel without pedalling. course, if it runs flat,you can There’sabacklit display on the still pedal). handlebars which shows speed £799.99, and battery strength. £1,199, {4} WOOSH KRIEGER The Krieger is acrank-drive {9} VOLTMETRO electric bike with athrottle The Metroislighter than forpowered cycling without some electric fold-ups (18.5kg pedalling but that also works plus 3.1kg battery). It has 20in as pedal-assist.You twist wheels, like the other folder the throttle to scoot along here –folding bikes can’t match effortlessly, even on hills. It’s full-sizemodels forstiffness powerful enough formost and stability but 20in wheels hills and has arange of up to are stabler and fasterthan the 70 miles, or 60 miles if you smaller 16in wheels on some take it easyonthe pedalling, rivals.Ithas arange of 40 and even more if you stick to miles, though you can opt fora pedal assist. bigger batteryoffering either £969, 45 or 60 milesrange. £1,149, {5} PINNACLE LITHIUM ION The battery on this bike takes {10} RALEIGH STRADA TSE you further than some –upto The Strada is unmissable in 60 miles on asingle charge; itsbrightgreen livery –there afew onlytake you half are even green stripes on the that distance. Pinnacle is an battery mounted towards the Evans Cycles brand, offering frontofthe frame. Its chunky decent build and good value. tyresmean it is suitablefor the It’s colourful, with matching trailaswell as the tarmac. The mudguards supplied and battery has arange of 75 miles reasonablynimble. £1,550, £1,800, THE INDEPENDENT e,” up sa idn’t e- ad wa anted dm ew titd hair and Bu –w they’ ve, .“ at es to put on, and ll dyed ’t do it sts ag the sa so being naked ldn nd loads of mak body e, wa hem ou win tumes th pecti sa os kt ennifer Binnie trem ce oo gc –wec ch sJ os fa ex No rything titt be call s. ea to suit us re eve amazin pale tha etr rth rious in ing heir brea ‘b ia ar to ll ht ictor bosom ti ight out it an ndon there binV Lo or es lu tf painted dah sw at sc ar ject of ow e’ epar sses turned back to ay. ell Ju all yof td re ame up to ing looking people with rs wo ay ub fi Ic displ rd Strang ists on hei ve amaz sto gw rt es ce ht Ste “When at wit front and apie were sister th inis made of crab br ea Hettie y, ik nn eing boys nd ki innie. od hb tell turists became no ay paintin ss gb eB e’ wit tg sa ense of not ha rmanc or yt as tie hey as to do wa fo sf ise earin ix ,t hnson and the Binnie ew ,itw er ik xplains Christin Neo Na y’ Jo tie rs ”e sl g, omen in among the scen dw wa ha ep ei oked gh ad tion to “the tw ov ag It tting af fi reac trea androgynous, beautiful people that pr th re an th cele The Ei Ab work ’s .” t, ’s ,” ’s ff it rt at re as t’s ,a oy ne hn ce, rk, ist it eir ta n’t nly hly sa ust nti- In a and Neo ekly we men ra .I la ab free- Jo ntral ce on ainst wifI some mo re nues. ether nnie, ort of s, the fB e. rmer antic eo ended dj hnson wa fo lved a nnifer hnson ondon Cerith ding w. quisite uld be urists, na lC fres ualities ce in their we eoro wo do that or ifferent y. ag g, ne th he trio to th ar ve og rieze of he nd ge oh “Sex fo –ato re st to ea obbing Jo oit Je vo g, llergic to do ea ex Jo ’s at ae om ou ca rr ag mprising eq wo ce ye an’t sing what st sho sented in paus re af ow ga ad ce bs” rl ec oi na prints be I’ 7t ma we td ld and Clapham, a ing iv eb ce yr he co Pe u’ ongside the ma eriod, during Ic re shion design lma yo .Y es ra oota einL ou!” On other ried oN 30 ro –n ay ’s turists their at tivities to the ally kno at wo co didn’t rt rD sses the Blitz Club ary ce jus al itled vey yo wR fa iv rma he audien shed el va ry ouse. hristine Binnie, re Wi nnifer Binnie ac fo son fe nf Ne urists presented sp ’d tC xford, Na heart, the me at tm mf Ja ete fo heir full-breasted, ge et Ne We s. om egion. During the at ar Je is wa ndon it of singin xpansiv s, appl on uch as sweeping oltair eC aH so eally re ray is wa urists ta uickly gt eo at disrobing qualms, .“ Christine Bi raw ce sP niser being th dtot he crabs ancer Mich oment cr ve Lo idn’t en 1981-8 oN ab sorI at appen on st ”c of arilyn, it of poetr sr he tc e- erek fe ks he audien oV ,d dG ga es ist r, hite “mermaid” he catering. spering “I’ sd einO “Sex et emer lls to create g, eN ich ssin eq nd often some ived in squats in ubi –m Ne sane ng th we th llotaped to the artists’ or rt oN ab ap wa rmanc ft hi sD ft their bodies under the tId yt re dM ph al Oper hnson yl ns and tor wa ea men y.” tudi gh 0s wh uit me turist bikini” rp ,a wa fo ll as the body painting – doi It hile sinc turist performan Se anging fr e“ Ne ew ag he or ha okin nging because ro rrulous trio of naked an iv –w le ep oy db member thinking the day ra Jo hought tha va ro lv so mi eir mostficp proli .“ ng th er he other d6 ’m Na sr put we Na co st ment, richly painted bodies the naw chapel in ga ar nstitutional sur ns et aw va wS re dq ge dy paint: “you enter the trio It vi rformed in part utrements and th eR vo ch tt –I vers nE ti ve eo rl turists also introduced rustic ich nt to do it, ich the king to th ve ndon, the plain it or intellectualise it. It tended to the pop aw llabo er thei llery ringed with the trio nue nnifer Binnie and tolling the transform ve rnacular of their urban art cabaret. Pe Her siste Ap “I In As No After calls call ally eas ally primal.” rm performan rs lm-maker sh charme queer smashed and canapés. Reactions performanc re membe canapé fi occasions the audien performanc re dismisses pr co establish ex Geor Na acco ve Crabs”, multiple permutations, in “Neo pr nipples and crabs similarlyov fixed but then the moment ex of bo wo core wh Country girls 50s an befor wa Binnie pain ex re wh Lo performances on an almost basis in nightclubs and art Ta duo BodyMap fi Maybury Wy then-boyfrien –N bit of kind of physical jerks, of hous up autumn lea re much si been Je brush. Bet ga and to in poly ha performed as the appearing naked andve painted in to th is gi fi ga made body prints, it bring photographs, fil archi fo prospect of baring themselves sub I mo ut ris ke ,b ad er li amily ve .B af ow re rother. eels eel asif at ng.Theway ab kf uf hi u’ ing ise 15, RAY allegorical things ha fein cottageinthe country - Yo inanoldfamily achcharacte and Theyall gather ofthreesisters wehave ntertaining ’s li ast en TE ’s -R se se yo ay BLU aw SSA HADLEY eP yinB D/ OKS Ballard TE ugeachievement. Her leabout st in... If

Arts happened. BO DV thestoryispoisedonthe edge ofsomet shedr Th BY Hadley isexpert at conveyingemotion. Here sogoodtheboo 114 MINS Tom Hiddleston istheeye cand ah bestso far. High CERTIFICA Wheatley adaptationof JG ta block. It’ goesnowhere. NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 37

Last nigght’s television HUGH MONTGOMERY Ashockingaccountof themigrant crisis puts ourfears in context

» Exodus: OurJourney to EuropeBBC2 9pm » Brief Encounters ITV, 9pm hen all is said and done, fear will surely be the defining word Wof 2016: aconcept that has inflamed our national mood, stokedfor politicalmomentum. Howeverthe fearswemay have on thisnow-farcical isleare rather put in contextbythe documentary three-parter Exodus,running overconsecutivenights this week. Charting the journeyofaselection of Syrian refugees across Europe, it mixes conventional documentary Marilyn with the Neo filmingwith–its USP –in-the-raw Naturists as mermaids footagerecordedoncamera at HenleyRegatta phones provided to the subjects. in 1984; (below) This firstepisode focused on the the Neo Naturists’ notorioussea crossing from the Swimming and Walking Turkishcoast to the Greek islands: Experiment, 1984 the samejourney, of course,that The Syrian refugees Isra’a and her three-year-old Aylan Kurdifailed father,Tareq ALEX HUDSON to makelast year,washing up dead on aTurkishbeach in an imagethat butcapsizing and losing allhis provokedsuddencompassionfor possessions in the process. the migrant crisis. Sadly,thatfell In fact, forall thatIsra’a, away as quickly as it had flaredup; Hassan and Anas hadtofear,their reactionagainst notbeing ableto were abeautiful expression of their here,almost ayearon, wasanother fearlessness wasbothremarkable do it.” time and place.The economic awfulreminder of theperils that andheartbreaking –born as it While their work chimes situation of London in the early thousandsface every day. wasofutter desperation. “Atleast strongly withthe unrehearsed, 1980s permitted young artists Among those we followed we sleepforeverinthe grave,” ritualistic and handicraft-tinged to liveand work in large,central, were Isra’a,anastonishingly self- said Isra’a,contemplatingdying tendency within thecurrent wave squatted spacesbut their output possessed 11-year-old making the at sea. “Doyou want to diebefore of performanceart –Marvin Gaye wasdisconnected from anyidea of crossing with herextended family; youleave?” Anaswas asked, as he Chetwynd being the primemover– artasacommodity. and 27-year-old Hassan, fleeing drovetothe border,laughing in the NeoNaturists’ contribution to The strong club scene and the after being jailed fordemonstrating the face of sniper fire.“Maybe,”he the 1980s art scene has gone largely self-transformation and personal against the government. responded,“whocan saywhatthe unheralded. displayofthe NewRomantic era Meanwhile,astage further futureholds?” In part, this springsfromthe provided an arenaand an open- back,wesaw 24-year-old Anas What greeted Isra’a and Hassan primacy liveperformance was mindedaudience. preparing to leave his bombed-out when theyreached Greek land was afforded in their work –this was By the end of the decade,an hometownofAleppo and cross administrativechaos andthe next not performancefor the camera, ambitiousart studentcalled of manychapters. “Our goal is to butfor themoment. Damien Hirst hadpresented a rest,”said the exhausted father of Some performances were three-part group exhibition called transformed, much else has not. Their fearlessness Isra’a,Tareq.“Ourgoalistobuild filmed, andphotosexist of specific “Freeze”inanemptybuilding in “One of the reasonswe’re doing it our life,”said Isra’a,indetermined works. We cansee ChristineBinnie London’sDocklands,ushering againisbecause we don’t feel the is both remarkable and correction. flashinginSohoand the British in an erainwhich young artists thingswewerereactingagainst heartbreaking –born Ionly hope audiences make Museum, her torso painted like might conceiveofactuallyselling have changed nearly enough,”says theeffort to watch thisthrough agiant face.Adults and children their works, and forgoodmoney. Johnson. “One of the main things as it was of desperation to the end; it’s the least such participate in aweeklong“Live- In afilm of one of the final Neo waswomen’s body image in the theSyrian-Turkish border.What preternatural stamina deserves. In”atthe B2 Gallery in Wapping Naturist performances, presented early1980s –anorexic models,size theprogramme does, of course,is Absolutely no effort, however, during which15Neo Naturists as part of Genesis POrridge’s zeromodels –you look around and humanise and individuate refugees is requiredtowatch Brief took to Thames Beach sporting “Cave of Desires” at theHeaven nothing has changed.” just as Cameron’s“swarm” Encounters,ITV’s jauntycomedy- body paint according to such daily nightclub in 1989 (Johnsonhad “Ifweweregoing to do acabaret and Farage’s “BreakingPoint” dramaaboutAnn Summers reps themes as “Macbeth”, “punk” and departed the group twoyears today, we’dprobably do something posters wouldencourage people findingsexual liberation in 1980s “the privateview”. earlier), the sea changewas to do with the beach-ready body to view themasone unfortunate Sheffield. Throwing in every period At the Fridge in Brixton they alreadyapparent.Anaudience thing,” suggests Christine Binnie. mass. Butmorethan that, it cultural referenceimaginableright present “PinkPunkYoga” linking member expresses disgust after Her sister Jennifer surveysthe gives them agency, their shaky from the opening credits(Murder the yuppies’ Lycrasportswear the performance, andthe Binnie friezeof“mermaid”body prints recordingsviscerallyconveying the SheWrote meets Dynasty meets with the hot pink and black garb sisterscan be seen discussing around thewalls of thegallery,and disorientation of their situation. Bread to,thisweek,the soundtrack favoured by the punks. the cultural conservatism of the her fellowNeo Naturists sitting Most horrifying,inthis opener, of Blondie), it hasalso thus far Grayson Perry appearsinthe newgeneration. naked beneathpaint-streaked wasHassan’s recording of his first succeeded in avoidedany plot photographs with abell tied to his While the art worldmay have faux-fur coatsastheytuck into attempt at the crossingonanover- or character development that penis. In oneoftheirfew public lunch: “These areour beach-ready stuffed dinghy containing 60 other couldn’tbespotted from across the performances, the “Swimmingand bodies!” she proclaims. people, whichstarted taking on othersideofthe Peak District. Walking Experiment”from1984, water.Thankfully, all were rescued Butit’swithoutsnideness thatI the NeoNaturists climbed into the ‘Sexist Crabs’ was The Neo Naturists, Studio Voltaire, and endedupbackatthe portof sayits complete predictability, in fountain outside the Centrepoint areaction to the London, to 28 August (0207 622 Izmir wheretheyhad come from: theseunpredictable times, is its towerinLondon as aliving waythat gayboys 1294;; ‘A Night not thatthatstoppedHassanfrom greatestasset. aquatic tableau. With The Neo Naturists’, ICA, tryingthe journeyagain afew In manyways, the NeoNaturists treat women London, 24 August ( days later,this timesuccessfully Twitter: @montyhugh 38

years in the planning.Insisting that they ditch digital in favour of film, Maxim makes outrageous Richard Pyros as Carl demands of hisdevoted producer First and Matt Smith as the Anastasia (Amanda Drew) and tormented film director Carl (RichardPyros), hisdirector Chance

Arts Maxim in ‘Unreachable’ of photography–who nurses Opening MATT HUMPHREY ambitions of replacing him. this week This pair are having asecret affair but evenduringone of their quickies the talk is allofMaxim. In the interestsofcapturing the indefinable,Maxim has to adopt COMEDY the strategyofprolonging the Knaresborough project by taking decisions that Comedy Festival will effectivelyundermineit. Part FRAZERTHEATRE, of the jokeinthisbroad comedy KNARESBOROUGH is the disjunction between the Tony Lawkicksthingsoff withA director’slofty musings and the LawUndoHis-elfWhatWelcome. lowslapstick to which hisattempts (knaresboroughcomedyfestival. at sabotage reducethings. opens Thur Jonjo O’Neill delivers ajoyously over-the-top performance as POP the violentlyunhingedactor Latitude Festival Ivan who fumes around the HENHAM PARK, SOUTHWOLD stage with an insult-spewing The Maccabees headline on demented swagger.But Maxim’s Friday. ( wrecking plan backfires when opens Fri Ivan falls in love with the movie’s deaf, watchfulmoney-woman JAZZ (attractivelyplayed by the deaf Edinburgh Jazz and Arts actress Genevieve Barr) and turns BluesFestival into acompliant pussycat. VARIOUS VENUES,EDINBURGH .The question of honesty about With Marcin WasilewskiTrio what one reallyfeels is tackled and John McLaughlin. reviews less farcicallybythe leading (0131 473 2000) opens Fri actress Natasha (Tamara Lawrence, excellent) who has the knack of summoning up deep THEATRE emotion at will. The play,though, trades too much in well-worn VISUALARTS Unreachable types and never achieves that ROYALCOURT THEATRE, LONODN self-reflexivity about its own Alex Katz processes that Neilson managed SERPENTINE GALLERY,LONDONW2 HHHHH As is hishabit,the dramatist Smith brings alow-key,brooding to establish in Narrative.It’sfunny; In the Fifties the NewYork If you’re drawntothe dark has devised the piece during the intensity to the egomania of it’s unbalancedbythe egregious artistAlexKatzwantedto and taboo-breaking side of rehearsal process with input Maxim, the brilliant but tormented Ivan; it has yet to come together; create anew kind of figurative Anthony Neilson’s imagination, from the cast,but what they’ve film director.Havingwon the and it feels oddlyinconsequential. painting in responsetoAbstract as exemplified by playssuch as produced comes across as Palme d’Or at Cannes, Maxim is THE INDEPENDENT Expressionism. The Serpentine’s The Censor and Relocated,then strangelyconventional. nowonaquest forthe right kind of To 6August(0207 5655000; show, among thebiggest the the chances are that you’ll feel In his first stage venture light for“Child of Ashes”, hispost- octogenarian has hadinLondon, disappointed by Unreachable. since AmericanPsycho,Matt apocalyptic epic that has been 10 PAUL TAYLOR is beautiful. The portraits and figurepaintings in the firstroom possessastriking luminosity –the extreme close-upsonfaces, partly JAZZ POP inspiredbyfilm andadvertising billboards, instantlygrabyou. Magdalena Take That (020 7402 6075) to 11 Sept HYDE PARK, LONDON Kožená Compass’dbythe WILTON’S MUSIC HALL, LONDON HHHHH InviolateSea:Marine Thereare onlythree of them PaintinginCornwall HHHHH now-Gary,ofcourse, Mark and from Turner to Wallis Untilnow,Magdalena Kožená Howard-soTake That brought PENLEE HOUSE GALLERY AND MUSEUM, has played her Wigmore agiant cast and atruckload of PENZANCE Hall residency very straight, effects with them to bolster their When JMW Turner’spaintings collaborating with Mitsuko Uchida sell-out Hyde Park gig.The band and engravingsfromhis visits to and Simon Rattle in thoughtful are introduced, inexplicably, by the Cornish coast in 1811 became programmes of chamber music. atenor singing “Nessun Dorma” widely known,leadingBritish But forthis final concert the -who needs Puccini when marineartists arrived in thecounty, Czech mezzo-soprano swapped you’ve got “Never Forget”? -and producingiconic imagesofLand’s Brahms forBroadwayand acarnival of characters in wigs, Gary Barlowand Mark End, St Michael’sMount,Kynance Wigmore forWilton’s,heading out antlers and glitter,wielding giant Owen performed a Cove,Gurnard’sHeadand Tintagel, East foranevening of Cole Porter. Glastonbury-style flags. They feelgoodgreatesthits and from the 1880s, artists settled Self-doubt and physical kick off with “Shine”(cue confetti setinHyde Park in Newlyn, St Ives and Falmouth awkwardness sit uncomfortably canons) and “The Greatest Day” DAVE JHOGAN anddepictedthe lives of the local in so extrovert an environment, (yellowconfetti and fireworks). It’s fishingcommunities.Around 80 and it took all the showmanship abig,feelgood production. oils, watercoloursand engravings and professional insouciance of Take That are nowinto their While songs from the comeback which is as political as it gets. tellthe story in thisexhibition. Ondřej Havelkaand hisband to thirdphase -havingtransitioned eralike“The Flood”and “Rule the Sigma joins in forthe new track (01736363625) to 3Sept counteract the tension radiating successfullyfromboy band to World”hold up, the old tunes are “Cry”which is high energy and from Kožená. man band to greatest hits trio. the highlights tonight,though funbut could be anyone, really. PicassoLinocuts from the Working her waythrough Their original comeback single, Robbie’sabrasively bigvocals It wraps up on “Rule the World” British Museum all the classics –“Night and “Patience”, is already10years old still leave ahole. “Pray”isadance (more fireworks) and “Never LADY LEVERART GALLERY, WIRRAL Day”, “Let’s Do It”, “Miss Otis and is greeted like an old friend track forthe ages, “Back forGood” Forget”: still epic but Iwould Linocutting wasatechnique that Regrets”–Koženáopted for by the crowd. It doesn’t, though, provokes aswoony singalong and happilyhaveswapped out afew Picasso explored in the late 1950s breezy,up-tempo arrangements, evince the rapture of “Pray”, the “Relight my Fire”with real live flag-wavers forareal choir on it. and early 1960s.The 17 largelinocut consistentlysacrificing the first real oldie of the set,which Lulu reprising her original role All in all, an efficient,crowd- printsinthis exhibition, displayed emotional sophistication of these brings with it the first dance steals the show. pleasing trip through the greatest forthe firsttimeoutside theBritish songs forsomething more sugary routine of the night.“Everything There’snot much chat beyond hits. And, as Barlowreminded Museum, were made in 1962 when –songs sung nicelyenough, but Changes”follows soon after - the usual platitudes -“This is us, next year is Take That’s 25th Picasso was80yearsold,and scrubbed clean of all darkness, proving that,when it comes to special”-and aweird bitwhere anniversary –sowecan expect include onesfromthe Jacqueline irony,wit or sex appeal. Gary’s dancing,nothing changes. Barlowsaysone of the band more of the same then. Reading andthe Still Lifeunder the ALEXANDRA COGHLAN But it’s good to seehim try. voted Remain and one Leave, ALICE JONES Lamp series. (0151478 4136)to8Jan NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 39

Dutch Flowers Jessie Burton NATIONALGALLERY,LONDONWC2 VARIOUS VENUES THEATRE Thisvignette of ashowisasgooda In The Muse,ayoung Caribbean guide to Dutch flowerpainting as Arts woman working as atypist in Macbeth you’llget.Fromthe firstpicture, aLondon art galleryinthe late SHAKESPEARE’S GLOBE, LONDON SE1 the National’s smallbut perfectly Sixtiesisembroiled in amystery In his absorbing andpowerful formed displayfromthe 17th when alostmasterpiecewith a production, Iqbal Khanhas an and 18th centuries bursts into agenda secrethistory is delivered to her unusually sexy pairoftyrants in luminous colour,but there’s much workplace.The writer,whose RayFearon’s Macbeth and Tara morethanprecious beauty, of THE CULTURALHIGHLIGHTS firstnovel, TheMiniaturist,was Fitzgerald’s Lady Macbeth. It’s course.The paintingsteemwith YOU HAVE TO SEE translated into 30 languages, athrilling,beautifullyspoken potential symbolism, and it’s the talks about her newbook here. production, with therichly extraordinary attention to detail Waterstones,Manchester (0161 evocative musicamemorable thatshines throughinthe 22 works. 837 3000) tonight7pm; Linghams, backdrop to two riveting (02077472885)to29Aug When MarnieWas There Wirral (0151 342 7290)Wed 1pm central performances. U, HIROMASA YONEBAYASHI AND Waterstones,HighSt, Birmingham (020 7401 9919) to 1Oct JacquelineDonachie: Deep JAMIESIMONE, 103MINS (0121 6334353)Wed 7pm in theHeart of Your Brain When tomboyish12-year-old Anna Our Ladies of GALLERY OF MODERN ART,GLASGOW is sent to thecountry to spend Buxton Festival Perpetual Succour Jacqueline Donachie, part of the holidays with relatives, she OPERA HOUSE, BUXTON THEATRE ROYAL, NEWCASTLE the generationofartists who becomes obsessedwithaderelict Speakingtoday in theliterary Directed by VickyFeatherstone, transformedthe Glasgow art scene marsh house that is eerily familiar events at the opera festival LeeHall’sadaptationofAlan in the 1990s,has arich andcomplex to her. She is befriendedbyMarnie, areTrevorRoyle (10am), Warner’s novel The Sopranos is a artistic practice. Thisisashow agirlher ownage whoseemsto Josephine Wilkinson (2pm) and clever, nuancedplayand agreat fun about family, aboutageing,about have come back from thepast. Thomas Pakenham(4.30pm). night out forall the family. Or those love and lineage,about thebest ThisStudio Ghibli animation (01298 72190) to 24 Jul whocan handlecopious amounts of of circumstances andsomeofthe has amournful delicacy that swearing, as itssextetofCatholic hardest. (0141 2873050) to 13 Nov counterbalances its sentimentality. schoolgirls travel to Edinburgh Limited release LISA MAREE WILLIAMS/GETTY IMAGES COMEDY from Oban on amissiontoattend COMEDY achoral contest,get drunk and, FILM NotesonBlindness Edinburgh Comedy TheMiller Comedy Festival hopefully,get off with some guyor U, PETEMIDDLETON AND JAMES PreviewSeason THE MILLER, LONDON SE1 other. (08448 11 21 21) to Sat TheNeonDemon SPINNEY, 90 MINS PLEASANCEISLINGTON, LONDON N7 Thisinaugural event boasts some 18, NICOLASWINDING REFN,117 MINS Thisisavery original film about AbustlingEdinburgh warm-up top stand-ups(Adam Hess andTom TheSpoils Thiscautionarytale is a adaunting subject–the shock of season at the Pleasancekeeps Rosenthal)overits run,but the TRAFALGAR STUDIOS, LONDON SW1 wonderfully stylish and stylised living withblindness–withthe going this week with faultlessly emphasis is on improv.Off-the-cuff Jesse Eisenberg’sthird play is a movie,anexerciseinnarcissism directorsblurringthe lines between honestAussie Felicity Ward rappersAbandoman,Grand Theft genuinelyfunny andintelligent andgrotesquerie in which the documentary,drama and film essay (above), last seen fillingusinon Impro, LarryDean and Musicbox study of the corrosive penalties directortakes amorbidpleasure astheytellthe story,inarigorous herirritable bowelsyndrome, appear tonight. AvaVidal, The of American privilege.Eisenberg in showingyoung and glamorous but lyrical and very movingfashion, alongside Johnny Cochrane Rh Experience, KittenKillers and playsBen, anarcissistic jerk, peoplebehaving in avery ugly and of John Hull,atheologianwho lost tonight.Tez Ilyas withhis latest Theatre Sportsare on Wednesday. wannabe film-maker and wastrel self-obsessed fashion. Elle Fanning his sight in theearly 1980s. thoughtsonbeingaMuslim ( to Sat whoismalingeringinthe snazzy stars as ayoung woman from out of Limited release in modern Britain appearson Manhattan apartment thathis town, drawntothe brightlights of Wednesday. ( father has boughtfor him. LosAngeles. Nationwide release Tale of Tales to 31 Jul OPERA (0844 8717632) to 13 Aug 15,MATTEOGARRONE, 134 MINS Weiner ThisFellini-esque fantasydrama Il Trovatore TheGo-Between 15, JOSH KRIEGMAN AND is distinguishedbyits lavish ROYALOPERA HOUSE,LONDON WC2 APOLLO THEATRE,LONDON W1 ELYSE STEINBERG, 96 MINS, production design andvery fluid TALKS &POETRY Gianandrea Nosedaconducts David MichaelCrawford returns to Forthisdocumentary, the film- camerawork. The filmisbased Bösch’s newproduction of Verdi’s the West End in apiecethat’s makersweregranted extraordinary on three fantasticalstories by the TracyBorman baby-burning melodrama, with appreciably different from the access to theimplosionofAnthony 16th-century Neapolitanwriter YORK EXPLORE twin castsfeaturing Anna Pirozzi, kind of shows thatrocketedhim Weiner’scampaign forNew York Giambattista Basile: in one,Salma The chief curator of Historic GregoryKunde and Christopher to stardom. The Go-Between is an Mayor, when the pugnacious and Hayekisaqueenwho huntsdowna RoyalPalacesdrawsonfirst- Maltman(tonight and Fri)and enthralling, beautifully textured charismatic seven-term Democrat sea monster;inanother, Toby Jones hand accounts of attendants and LiannaHaroutounian,Francesco chamber-musicalversionofthe LP congressman wasrevealed to be plays akingwho loses his daughter courtiers forher behind-the-scenes Meliand ZeljkoLucic(Thur and Hartleynovel about aboy’s lossof using socialmedia to sendstrangers to an ogre; and in the last, Vincent look at dailylifeinthe Tudor court, Sun) as the romantic love-triangle. innocenceduringacountry house intimatepicturesofhis anatomy. Cassel is ahedonistic monarch. ThePrivate Lives of the Tudors. (0207304 4000) tonight, Thur and visit in the scorchingly hot summer Limited release Nationwiderelease (01904 620784)tonight 7pm Fri 7.15pm, Sun 6.30pm of 1900. (0330333 4809) to 15 Oct

If youonlysee onethingtoday Last Chance DANCE Closing Paco Peña Flamenco this week DanceCompany SADLER’S WELLS, LONDON EC1 In Patrias,the flamenco guitarist and his company explorethe impact of theSpanish Civil War, inspired by thelifeand work WORLD MUSIC of poet FedericoGarcia Lorca. Lionel Loueke Trio (02078638000) to Sat PIZZA EXPRESS JAZZ, LONDONW1 The guitarist and singer from Benin ends his two-night residency in the West Endwiththe bassist MassimoBiolcati and drummer Ferenc Nemeth. (020 7439 4962) ends tonight

THEATRE Chitty Chitty BangBang LYCEUM THEATRE, SHEFFIELD JamesBrining’sfeelgood staging of Ian Fleming’sstory rarely

GERARD/GETTY IMAGES straysfar from awinning

YE blendoffun and peril.

GA (0114249 6000) ends Sun is ly ill in ee er gs ts. by he for ing uld the and will a10 new was who gh aled ge ears. rrest tw ell rk th. at 3p their 5m to boost y, hi wo us due e, d” ar ooking by brin his pay om 7. sf ytot obbetti overs eve wo elighted wy on or EO berry as row by ional an hino and ill fe co aw elin stoa de decision yr m£ ec ur nd skills in at ab obbetti. sc porting gg he changes md ve ys ro beensidelined rs. oins fr lans to re ea dIaml dC on pt ea ositivel fB kr tMrG rG Ia st of our Mo loping brands tf ehew arfits. pro ider pl mo ea as sC ubled oj ra ut an le of president. mpan of Mr Baile ac ly. rp sts to help offset re dp er eo ye y, en ve efor ro ment team are to turn around the eep his title of chief lothing sale hM yh ny aw ro l- al, oper to he chief oper co te wh co mith, said he co Ju ve ce it he wh aid: “Mar bbetti has been rc lk meeting. ul sb at ge .” orking closely with ec ,t he tailer il tail with him tha eve r, perienc and slowin ge ’s en tr ts sli et so cutiv pe ”w ing after ay nS lik ys re Go re ms ce art of nd de rs he los ts ex ay linf the group said it Siobhain McDonagh is neta. yw r- ov ods fi ad nt in the three months to lements of the business”. fi 75 oh rs reac fi ea uxury bran ile 0d al dtot exe bbetti, mmerci er fo y, nd ek, the ve Rowe Ve esult, Mr Baile pr le ro ce ga tod luable to us. dtow rberry co tf ft MP Wo ve ,J e- dt eof t6 an sto co hl arrest Go shion in ya we ga lcome Mar ar .Itisp at Ma va er gp en eginning of a“ lik ing afte fa ma d“ Ben leas we pected to be grilled ow rc The mana Mr Ba Last month Mar Mr Baile Mr The firm said tha Inve As In nt to 1,212p. at eb rwar .9 llin 9p av nancia RETAIL has mo sales shareholder ex th 8. Last th business after luxur be in boss Ste incredible to at “partnership fo made “brand and design”, and him alongsid Labour le calling for M&S to sc Bu ch By as chief the fa talente officer pro ChristopherBaile to appointed in pla creativ has gr such as Givench fi £1 to Burberry missing itsfitt pro Botte Frenc hea plummet news, with shares jumpingce 4. difficult tr slash £100m in pe ill of es es ed 00 ay, for ges pril. at ag ,0 at rs yw otal, he fM te yr on and esult of istening .T ra ke on do .Int nd el ar ising from ta .” ear mpens embe isappointed ude the review ve new ar red trategic Lo e? ore than ck ase co ay Fi perational, hi hest pa al as aid ost of its 69 we ing its media tm ndon, with pay the en ut as oncl sisr rm st year ig tsfi ene pack film producers. rs lbed ollowing in A ars. The chan eb wo understand that ys la ut fo Lo ow at tm tb sf eo eh eedba ye ,b uld be Th uld c ly because the es er ale os er tf up fo We inewood ll ge ag wo e. ss eb ha two ut il ded tha ,P ch co reat an es ot 8.50 outside tail. ne of th ad hi wag es will be better off. ow firm’ lleagues wil 10.9 per cent to £83.2m. yt re rm ,w eo insisted tha ye announced co pokesman said: “The proposals ne of th wh fo hang y, ow he next 5inG 1to£ the proposals .6 do .4 This is lar As M&S ec cusing on expansion. rt eo helped annual revenue at Pinewood to gr is “ongoing”. In the meantime, it is fo sound stages are no with the £250m. Buckinghamshire-based Pinewood yesterda meaning it has capacity to two more blockbusters company is also gr Rothschild to conduct review investment arm, where it lends to independent TV and Isn’t Pinewood In February grossing movies of it hosted seven blockbusters. This emplo benefit from an increasehourly to their customer assistant £7 rises were and discussions with staff will last its annual shareholdertoda meeting £9 includ fo an in UK some carefull staff th by tructure . or he tif test aj 6am onth most for air?”, ar la os ose up ’s dint at St wakens tf sked to I’ll lose sm ol am ur he onth. ess it would ertime ut tha is hosting ys eA fo te. st e, rt lers, yl id oa ov rc fo 350 least £2,000. vo ai ell as rgest taff member do is tha sam Fo etir wh la fits be? tand at hich ke dl ls ay he drop in the he lr of M&S’ e, ow ,asw or ,w –t he changes. This is mt —or£ oya ye thes .H pa ne Sund ro &S gularly starts he Brexit ew al ill I’l ha mous. the bene ear products. The pound ef toft ’v re ul wo Spectre dt ny mt ’s her major ret et rM ay .I om rino st ro er od was the base Ot including B&Q and Tesco, esul been rs dde hose will lose rk head of increases to the film, ke yc he emplo were two of the ea sa ,200 yh ve or rs: Episode VII ya wo newo dt re ta £4 0oft “I’ Howeve main ano ry also announced cuts to pa national minimum wage months ago. co March. The studio also sa benefitf What would The boost to the business will mainl value of the pound. Pinewood significant customers are US-based, which means they will pa Pinewood has dropped more than 10 per cent against the dollar since the EU referendum almost three weeks ago. What has Pinewood develope past year? Pi Bond Wa Both out on £58,000 —asar because he and fo Is sai re to 70 Aw sto es ile ff for gh, me ich tail few ank am, ye a57 ain wh re So vised es say OD wh IOS ona ffected udget eb r, e6 wood? ng cable to ye il he ea cD nti-social gb ine emplo UD also being WO bi e30 fi efor wh rt he next ay 718 ra obea film. Brit Elizabeth Anderson mplo nM fo cond 00 y, re ST re sta ent 7am. kb ,7 NE 15 ntributions. tonP ie ee son tish or sa dint t2 ay fo co Th PI itor: ill als urr ri er unda Se om nt ncer has defended nly be appli Ed he year to the end of tter are celebrating a ap ove ec gw nd rB sw Br ear. ts aS rt me pe Po fo er ial changes to its pay OR do ha least £1,000 hA hy er fo ay +4420 736 [email protected] crap the changes, he spotligh rk et ampaigning ac at et oul st d. Extr wo ab yp se s&S overs yi Business ing on ft sw ce ttos lose rk ida oisc INESS EDIT rk Eliz eks, argues tha cuts to pension ur ntr uld see them lose thousands of Wh great year is continuing to attract film investment as it reported per cent increase in pre-taxfits pro to £7.8m The studios that are home to franchises including James Bond and Harry uld be appr ll du Labour MP Siobhai M&S plans to stop premiums ther than th RETAIL BUS ho co we wi re those startin ra 11,000 by gian M&S hol a Ma co structur co pound wo wh By he ke ngs. li Citroën hi eof ttot st maker ench are tish boss of the Fr ri theday ike to ge eB ench car Quot creative and to discus Il The point Linda Jackson Th Business Fr on differing management styles NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 41

PROPERTY EUROZONE From the Risingtide of business Landlordsunfazed by poll Euroscepticism pages threatens the as rentscontinue to rise region,saysIMF By ElizabethAnderson BUSINESS EDITOR By RussellLynch Chinesecontrol The majority of eightfootballclubs Despiteexpectations thatproperty landlordssay they Europeanleaders needtowork priceswillfalloverthe next two years have no plans to harder to restore“flagging faith”in as aresult of Brexit, two thirds of reduce rents GETTY monetary union as aUKBrexit vote Global Times landlords arenot planning to reduce threatens therecoveryofthe region, rent prices,according to apoll. the International Monetary Fund Chinesecompanies nowhave The survey of almost 2,000 warnedyesterday. controlling stakes in eight landlords by the online property In its starkest comments yet overseasfootballclubs, as services companyRentify suggested on theimpact of the crucial vote, sports-relatedinvestments thatthe UK’s1.75million landlords the organisationsaidthatthe become moreattractiveto arefeelingresilientabout the eurozone’s “subdued”economic them.Lastmonth, the appliance strength of their property portfolios. outlook wasexacerbated by a retailer Suning agreed to paya Less than 15 per cent of landlords risingtideofEuroscepticisminthe reported €270m (£230m)for a said theyplan on selling anyorall region, “hindering acollectivewillto 70 per cent stakeinthe Italian of their rental properties overthe take crucial decisions fora club Inter Milan. Overseas next two to five years. However strongerunion”. football clubs couldhelp firms to this rose to 20 percent in London, The Leavevote –which prompted grow theirbusinesses overseas, whereproperty prices aremorethan calls forsimilar referendums by right- analysts said. double the UK averageof£225,000 at wingersinFranceandtheNetherlands £470,000,according to official data. –islikely to leadto“persistent Rushal Ahmed, an analyst at uncertainty” Protestscost farms Rentify,said: “Brexit has forced across the UK,excluding London, rents, wheremonthly prices in the UK’s manylandlords whowerefocused were up 3.5per cent year-on-year.In average£612. relationship billionsofpesos on capital appreciationtorethink the capital,rents were 3.9per cent “The slowdowninrental growth with its £68bn their strategy. We forecast reduced higher.Thiscompared with growth rates maysuggest an affordability biggest The ECB’smonthly Mexico News Daily liquidityinthe marketinthe near of 4.4per cent and 6.2per cent ceiling is being approached,”said trade money-printing term as buyerswaitfor pricestodrop respectively in the year to May. Martin TottyofHomeLet. partner programme, which Agriculturalproducers in beforepurchasing.” Theauthors of the indexsaid that againstthe the IMF feels may Oaxaca, southernMexico, say Separately,the latest rental index while landlordsare conscious of backdrop of need to be raised their losses have totalled 1bn from thelettings insurancecompany tenant affordability,demand from Therewere 1.75 million slowing global pesos (£42m), since HomeLet showedthatrent continued potentialtenants is strong. landlords in the UK last growth, which theCNTE teachers’ union to rise over thethree monthstoJune, Theaverage rent in the UK, year.Thiswas a7per cent rise on “raises the likelihood of stagnation,” beganerecting highway althoughataslowerpace thanthe excludingLondon, is £773 amonth. 2014.They have benefited from the IMF said. blockades in thestate as a previousmonth. In the capital, this rises to £1,575. cheap mortgages and rising rents. TheIMF added that theEuropean protest.Among losses were Rents agreed on newtenancies Northern Ireland has the cheapest Central Bank(ECB) should stand 250tonnesofavocados.Some readytoaccelerateits €80bn (£68bn) 60 per cent of thestate amonth money-printing programme economyisdependent upon to ward offthe threatofpersistent farm production. FINANCE “stubbornly low” inflation. The comments came as the ratingsagency Moody’sslashed its Dublin airport in IoDsupports May’splans forexecutive pay growth forecasts forthe eurozone and the UK, claimingthat“political noise blight offer By Ravender Sembhy proposals, whichinclude binding to be representedonboards, make contagion” across the region wasthe votes on executivepay,having shareholder votes on paybinding,not biggest Brexit risk. TheIrishTimes Theresa May’sproposals to shake up employees on boardsand aligning advisory,and maketransparent the The eurozone economyisnow executivepay and governancehave executivepay closer to staffpay. ratio between chief executivepay and expected to grow at just 1.3per cent Dublin Airport Authoritywill been given the seal of approvalbya The Home Secretary,who will the averagecompanyworker’spay. next year.The UK is set forexpansion this monthrenew its offer to buy leadingbusinessgroup. shortly become Prime Minister, “It is not anti-business to suggest of just1.2 per cent next year,down 40 housesinthe path of noise TheInstitute of Directors(IoD) pledged yesterday thatshe will thatbig business needstochange,” from Moody’searlier estimate of 2.1 generated by asecond planned said it is “broadly supportive” of her push forconsumersand employees she said. percent. EVENING STANDARD runway.Manyresidents living near theairport aresaid to have been angry at the decision to proceed withthe runway, grab acatalogue forthis week’s rare the deepest resourcesoffinancial It’s good stuff,atatime when it’s postponed in the aftermath jewelleryauction whileyou’rethere. services expertise and trading vital to keep telling our concerned of the economic collapse. It is Outlook Now, what’s on in Frankfurt, liquidityinthe world. friends in theUS, Asiaand elsewhere hopedanextensionwillextend wheretop officials from the central As acounterweight to the that, despite the referendum, DublinasaEuropean gateway. bank, financial firms and university Frankfurt summit, Chancellor-for- we remain an outward-looking, JIM aremeeting todaytolaunch their nowGeorgeOsborne is banging the internationalist, trading nation. The ARMITAGE campaign to lureLondon financiers drum forBritain to strengthen ties FarnboroughAir Show, whereDavid Dairy farms ‘must away from theUK? with the US. Cameron wasyesterday echoing Well,according to the city’s In The Wall Street Journal, Osborne’s Openfor Business mantra, be more flexible’ website, thereisone English coinciding with his visit to New is adecentsymbol of this, with its language theatre,currently showing York,hewrites thatweneed acloser bonanzaofglobal deals. Otago Times London stillhas something called Living With Lady relationshipwiththeUS,notaretreat London is the best cityinthe world, much to offer Macbeth.Alternatively,um, the beatingfadedParisanddullFrankfurt Dairy farmers in New botanic gardens arenice… Capitals decline if they handsdown. But it would be naïveto Zealand need to strengthen aheadofits rivals Frankfurt, or Berlin, Amsterdam are not nurtured. They’re think Brexit does not threaten its their business structures by and Paris can try all theyliketo excellence must be regularly allure. Capitals decline if they’re not developing flexibleproduction lure banks from London, with their emphasised by their leaders nurtured. Their excellence must systems that caneasily reduce herewould your City promises of lowofficerents, fewer be regularly emphasised by their costs when prices fall, areport banker be taking his crowds and EU status. into LittleEnglander isolationism. leaderstoattractthe world’sbest. from Rabobanksays. The clientsthis week? But theycan’t escape the basic He highlights forhis US audience It’s asales job. Andthe best salesmen country’sdairy industry hada Fancy alaugh? The truth that they’re cheap and half- our commitment to our military and arethe most experienced, wise greater needtobuild resilience W emptyfor areason: forfinancial Book of Mormon’s Nato,acornerstone of our political andrespected. comparedwithother milk- still runningatthe PrinceofWales. services folks, London is better.It’s engagement with Washington. He Little wonder then thatthe producing countries, due to its Something moreclassic,perhaps? Il betterfor social life, offers better references spending on international Citywanted Theresa May, not significant exposuretoglobal Trovatore’s on at the OperaHouse. privateschools, has better shops development, and our leading status her lightweight rival, to be Prime markets and the resulting price Dinner?Bonhams in Mayfair is good: and amenities and, of course,boasts in the G7,G20 and Commonwealth. Minister. EVENINGSTANDARD volatility, the report said. 42 BUSINESS

MONEY JOBS Bestfor quality of Lloyds setfor life–andlow taxes more cost cuts Hong Kong,Luxembourgand Analysts expect Lloyds to Sydneyhavebeen named the announce biggercostsavings most favourabletax-friendly when the taxpayer-backed bank locationsfor quality of life, said reveals half-yearresultsatthe Knight Frank, which ranked end of this month.The bank’s 26 countries. Countries were original targetwas to cut 9,000 judged on personal safety, jobsand close 200 branches. quality of life, educationand But afurther 1,800 jobcuts and cost of healthcare.Luxembourg an extra40branchclosures wasnamed the bestplace for couldbeplanned by the end of expats withchildren. 2017, sayCitywatchers.

INVESTMENT FINANCE Confidenceslips Brexit marathon to four-yearlow forCreditSuisse Investorconfidencehas sunk to Tidjane Thiam, the boss of afour-year low, according to the Zurich-based finance firm investmentgroup Hargreaves Credit Suisse,said theEU Lansdown. The company, referendum wasa“real test” which surveyed investors a to thecompanyand that some week after the EU referendum, staff worked 36 hoursstraight The said confidencehas fallen to to cope withmarketactivity lows lastseeninMay 2012. around the vote.Trading Business “Investorsare twitchyabout volumes were 27 timeshigher what Brexit means forthe stock thanusual,hetold theSwiss Matrix market,”saidthe company. newspaper NZZamSonntag. The dayat aglance BANKING RECRUITMENT StanChart opens SThree in plea for newdeskinJapan return to certainty FTSE 100up92.2at6682.9 StandardCharteredisopening The recruitment firm SThree

CompanyPriceChg High Low CompanyPriceChg High Low CompanyPrice ChgHigh Low its firstinvestment banking urgedthe Government to “get operationinJapan,redeploying on with”arranging Britain’s 3i Group 571.5 +15.5 583.8 389.1 Hammerson 538.0+20.5 689.5 400.0 Shell A 2101.0 -1.0 2116.0 1256.0 Admiral 2004.0 +22.0 2067.0 1404.0 HargrveLans 1242.0 +48.0 1533.0 1024.0 Shell B 2135.0 +8.0 2144.0 1261.0 around 100 people whoalready departure from theEUand Anglo Amer 808.9 +63.9 896.9 215.6 HikmaPharms 2600.0 —2613.0 1575.0 RSAInsur 491.6 +5.5 528.0 371.0 work in its corporatebanking restorecertainty foremployers. Antofagasta 479.5 +22.8 668.0 340.6 HSBC Hldgs 478.9 +8.1 595.6 392.4 SABMiller 4398.0 -1.0 4590.8 2773.0 outfitthere. The newbusiness Itschief executive, Gary ARM Holdings 1189.0+22.0 1332.5 811.5 IAG 390.2 +15.2619.0 336.1 Sage 655.0 +15.0 655.5 482.9 AB Foods 2844.0 +18.0 3606.0 1910.0 ImperialBrands 4057.0 +21.54146.0 2926.0 Sainsbury(J) 227.3+3.4 294.4 211.5 will sell shares and bonds from Elden,saidthe firm’s banking AshteadGroup 1121.0 +35.0 1155.0 749.0 Informa 739.0+3.0 743.0 533.5 Schroders 2501.0 +108.0 3222.0 1960.0 emerging markets in Asia, and financearm hadbeen hit AstraZeneca 4556.0 -18.0 4634.0 3680.0 IntCont Htls 2875.0+40.0 3528.0 2504.0 Severn Trent 2457.0 -6.0 2517.0 2008.4 Aviva 366.3 +3.3 537.5 290.0 Intertek 3579.0 +43.0 3590.0 2296.0 Shire 4818.0 -23.0 5870.0 3423.0 theMiddle East and Africa to particularlyhardinthe months Babcock Intl 949.0 +28.0 1115.0 780.0 Intu Props 280.5 +9.6 355.7254.7 Sky 872.0 +7.5 1180.0 560.0 institutions. leading up to thereferendum. BAESystems 545.5 +8.0 548.0 419.3 ITV 185.7 +4.9 281.9141.0 Smith&Neph 1304.0 -6.0 1324.0 1006.2 Barclays 145.4 +6.2 289.9 121.1 Johnson Matth 3074.0 +98.0 3251.6 2215.0 SmithsGp 1185.0+38.0 1243.0 858.0 BarrattDev 402.0 +28.8 673.5 326.0 Kingfisher 320.7 +11.0 382.7 300.1 SSE 1594.0+34.0 1633.0 1317.0 BerkeleyGroup 2664.0+173.0 3788.0 2015.0 Land Secs 1057.0+48.0 1355.0 810.0 Stan Chart 592.4 +5.6 985.2 373.4 BHP Billiton 992.4 +31.0 1259.5 571.6 Legal &Gen 183.6 +6.6 277.5 160.5 StandardLife 276.3+6.3 468.7 248.2 BP 459.0 +2.0 460.0 249.4 LloydsBkGp 54.9 +2.2 88.1 47.1 St James Place 789.5 +18.0 1031.0 521.0 MERGERS PRIVATEEQUITY BAT 4919.5+21.5 5135.0 3231.5 Lon Stock Ex 2635.0 +64.02960.0 2083.0 Taylor Wimpey 140.8+9.3 211.9 109.4 BritishLand 615.0 +28.0 879.0 500.0 Marks&Spen 329.4 +12.1 554.5 255.1 Tesco 165.3+2.1 222.3 137.0 BT 397.6 +0.6 502.6 359.6 Mediclinic Intl 1116.0 +7.0 1219.0 794.5 Travis Perkins 1464.0 +106.0 2270.0 1090.0 Bunzl 2377.0+38.0 2379.0 1665.0 MerlinEnt 470.4 +10.9 472.4 316.8 TUI AG 994.5 +40.0 1287.0 813.0 Börsedealneeds ThomsonReuters Burberry 1211.0 +49.0 1629.0 1039.0 Mondi 1406.0 +35.0 1614.4 1108.0 Unilever 3656.0 +4.5 3716.0 2450.0 Capita 958.0 +33.5 1336.0 839.0 Morrison (Wm) 179.7 +1.3 210.2 138.6 United Utilities 1032.0+6.0 1065.5 816.5 lowerthreshold in $3.55bn sell-off Carnival 3528.0 +56.0 3955.3 2917.0 National Grid 1117.5 +7.5 1148.0 806.4 Vodafone 230.0 +2.0 247.2197.7 Centrica 231.9 +6.6 284.2 182.5 Next 5090.0 +147.0 8175.0 3550.0 Whitbread 3688.0 +80.0 5315.0 3283.0 Coca-Cola HBC 1548.0+12.0 1638.0 1236.0 Old Mutual 201.4+5.5 230.0 148.1 Wolseley 4075.0 +121.0 4398.0 3214.0 DeutscheBörse has lowered ThomsonReutershas inked Compass 1458.0 +17.0 1466.0 963.0 PaddyPowerBetfair8460.0 +235.0 9094.9 5455.4 WorldpayGroup 279.7 +11.7320.3 240.0 the minimum threshold needed adealtosell its intellectual CRH 2205.0 +57.02231.0 1581.0 Pearson 964.5 +20.0 1299.0 644.5 WPP 1674.0 +18.0 1690.0 1204.0 DCC 6745.0 +130.0 6780.0 4522.7 Persimmon 1521.0 +101.0 2255.0 1170.0 forinvestorstorubber-stamp propertyand sciencebusiness Diageo 2161.5 +18.0 2185.5 1592.5 Provident Fin 2551.0 +58.03654.0 2125.0 its proposed £21bn mergerwith to theprivateequitycompanies DirectLine Ins 341.9 +2.7 418.9 323.0 Prudential 1242.0 +22.0 1641.0 1046.0 Dixons Carph 319.2 +3.9 506.5 242.0 Randgold Res 9525.0 +260.0 9820.0 3546.0 the London Stock Exchange. Onexand Baring PrivateEquity Easyjet 1095.0 +25.0 1846.3 990.0 ReckittBen 7692.0 +56.0 7786.0 5403.0 It saidthatjust60per cent of Asia for$3.55bn(£2.73bn). Experian 1485.0 +36.0 1485.0 1017.0 RELX 1425.0 +13.0 1435.0 631.0 Fresnillo 1984.0 +114.0 2057.2 569.6 RioTinto 2445.0 +77.0 2646.0 1557.0 shareholderswillneedtotender Some will be used by Thomson GKN 279.4+7.4 327.8 245.8 Rolls-Royce 724.0 -11.0 849.0 497.0 their holdings by todayinorder Reuterstobuy back shares and Glencore 177.8 +10.5 253.2 66.7 RoyalMail 499.1 +12.8549.0 412.8 GSK 1662.5 +10.0 1690.3 1227.5 RBS 179.3 +10.5370.0 148.4 Forenquiries call +44 (0)20 7825 8300 forthe deal to be approved. paydebt.

TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY Markets FTSE 100 6682.9+92.2 Heathrow could Japanesemessage FTSE 250 16706.4 +528.6 FTSE All Share 3611.0 +60.9 handlemorecargo service settofloat

FTSE Eurofirst300 1315.5+19.5 99 54.1 .64 76 DowJones * 18279.7 +132.9 Heathrow coulddouble its The Japanese equivalent S&P 500 * 2142.4 +12.5 cargo capacitywithathird of Whatsapp and Facebook .2 ,3 8c 7c Nasdaq * 5000.6 +43.9 76 runway thatwould giveavital Messenger has set aprice of 86 .0 .0 0. boost to Britishexporters, said $1.3bn (£1bn)for its flotation DAX 9833.4 +203.8 6.

+0 the airport’sboss, John Holland- later thisweek.The messaging –$ +0

CAC40 4264.5 +73.8 $1 €1.1 $46 $1 –$ Hang Seng 20880.5 +316.3 Kaye.The comments cameas appLinewillstartselling shares Nikkei 15708.8 +601.8 Heathrow posted a2.1 per cent on Thursdayand FridayinNew EURO/ DOLLAR/ GOLD OIL rise in cargo volumes in June. York and Tokyo. POUND POUND Pertroyounce, Brentcrude, London pm fix perbarrel NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 43

SPENDING subsequentlyfell to recordlows,”said daily Charlotte Nelson of Moneyfacts. *** Shoppersappear‘more Some major banks are charging money customers several times the fees of paydaylenders to borrow money,says cautious’after Brexit vote Which?. ELIZABETH The consumer group found that ANDERSON people borrowing £100 from an By VickyShaw themonth when many people get sales appeared to slowtowards unplanned overdraftwere being theirpay packets, fell back by 0.44 theend of this month, although it charged as much as £90 by some Consumers’ spending increasedin percent and 0.46per cent respec- addeditistoo early to attributethis Savers face an “uphill battle”when high-street banks. This is 12 times the week afterthe EU referendum, tively in the sevendaysstarting on to theBrexit vote. searching foragoodinterest rate and more than the amount the Financial but data suggest thereweresigns June 24. The reportisbased “The slowdownwas pre- must brace themselves formore cuts Conduct Authority (FCA) allows of shoppersadoptingamorecau- on transactions on Bar- dominantly driven by a ahead, says the financial information paydaylenders to charge over the tious mindset. claycardcreditcards declineinsales in the website Moneyfacts. same borrowingperiod. Between June 24 and June 30, as well as spending on fashion categories The company says the Bank of RBS was the worst offender, therewas a2.1 percent increase Barclays debit cards. and isn’t asurprise is almost certaintocut rates charging costs of £90, while in consumer spending compared Barclaycardproc- given thatJune 2015 shortly. Meanwhile the average easy- customers at Lloyds, HSBC and TSB with the previous week, suggest- esses nearly half of all sawrecordgrowth access Isa interest rate has fallen faced up to £80 in costs. ing thatmanyconsumersavoided card transactionsin in clothing and foot- from 0.64 per cent in January to aknee-jerk reaction to theBrexit theUK. wear,” said Helen Dick- 0.56 per cent today, it added. Overall, *** vote,areport by Barclaycardsaid. Aseparatereport inson, of the BRC. there have been more than 900 cuts It is nowharder to make money from However,analystspointedout from Visa earlier this Food anddrink sales to savings rates since the start of Bitcoin, as the financial rewards that spending oftentendstogo week found thatinthe run- were boosted last month as the year,comparedwith 111 rate involved with the virtual currency up towardsthe endofany month, up to the referendum, consumers’ people prepared formajor sport- increases. halved over the weekend.Regular as it coincideswith payday for spending grew at theweakest rate ing eventssuch as Wimbledon and “The positive competition kick- rewards of 25 coins to Bitcoin miners manypeople.There wasalso some seeninmorethan twoyears. the Euro 2016 football tournament. started last year by the challenger have nowbeen cut to 12.5 bitcoins. mixed underlying news, as people Meanwhile,separate figures re- banks sadlyprovedtobeshort-lived. The halving of the rewardhappens appeared to have reined in their leased by the British Retail Con- Four in 10 consumers The harsh reality kicked in during around every four years and is spending in pubs and restaurants sortium (BRC) todaysuggest that expect their household the earlymonths of 2016 and rates intended to control inflation. afterthe Brexit vote. UK retail sales fell by 0.5per cent finances to deteriorate as a Spending in pubsand restau- last month, compared to a1.8 per result of the UK’sdecisionto rants,which traditionally see cent increase in June 2015. leave the EU, added Barclaycard double-digit growth at the end of The organisationadded that DON’T JUST DREAM BIG. MAKE IT BIG.

ur new Yo ng Hong Ko office?

FarnboroughAir Show takesoffwithdeals Rolls-Roycemarked theopening Bilbao-based Industria de Turbo controlled by Sir Richard of the Farnborough Air Show Propulsores(ITP), paying £555m Branson, said it will buy 12 of yesterday by taking full control of for the 53.1 per cent it did not own. Airbus’sA350-1000 aircraftina one of itsaerospace partners, the MeanwhileVirgin Atlantic, deal worth£3.4bn. PA

dropped out of the leadership 10.5p to 179.3p and 6.2p to 145.4p race. The FTSE100 Index soared respectively. the 92.2 points to 6682.9 –hitting an Shares in luxury fashion retailer 11-month high –amidaflurry of Burberry surged 4per cent to political announcements during 1211p after the firm sidelined chief markets the session. The FTSE 250Index – executive Christopher Bailey in deemed abetterbarometer forthe order to arrest falling profits and BEN WOODS health of the UK economy –closed slowing growth. No big business started out big. It’sall about finding up 3.27 per cent to 16,706.4. *** the people you need to take you higher. London’s top-flightindex rallied *** AngloAmericanwas the biggest towards the closing bell as it Banking stocks, which have riser on the FTSE 100, up more was confirmed that Theresa suffered atorrid time since the than 8per cent or 63.9p to 808.9p, Call 0207 855 7577 Maywould be in post as Prime Brexit vote, were enjoying arally as the lowvalue of the pound Minister by Wednesday, after on thetop-flight,with Royal continues to strengthen firms who Email [email protected] rival candidate Andrea Leadsom Bank of Scotland and Barclays up sell their products in dollars. Visit TheDaily Recipe Games&Puzzles

Kakuro Bridges Bubbledogs –Horny Devils HowtoplayFill the white squares so that the total in each HowtoplayConnect all the circles (which represent islands) into asingle across or down run of cells matches the total at the start interconnected group. The number in acirclerepresents the number of bridges of that run. Youmust use the numbers from 1-9 onlyand that connect that island to other islands. Bridges can be created horizontallyand cannot repeat anumber in arun. Solution: vertically, with no more than two bridges between any pair of islands. Bridges cannot cross the path of any other bridges. Solution:

96 911 3 3 4 4 4 3 11 10 1 1 2 15 8 66 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 919 3 5 4 4 4 16 93 22 10 3 2 2 2 3 1 614 2 4 3 1 1 2

34 4 4 2 2 2 5 17 12 3 2 2 4 2 30 20 10 2 3 1 3 14 16 2 3 16 16 8 24 13 3 3 2 3 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 16 16 The idea forthe Horny Devils came about 2 2 1 2 2 3 from adream Ihad about the Horny dog (a Bubbledogs favourite) having alove child with ajalapeño, and voilà –Horny Devils were born (yes, really!). These little ABC Logic Futoshiki Jigsawdoku devils are salty,spicy,and great with a glass of champagne. HowtoplayPlace the letters A, HowtoplayPlace the numbers from 1-5 exactlyonce HowtoplayPlace the numbers 1-9 once in each Band Cexactlyonce in each in each rowand column. The greater than and less than row, column and bold-lined jigsawregion. INGREDIENTS rowand column. Each rowand signs (‘>’ and ‘<’) indicate where one cell is greater/less 120gflour column has two blank cells. than the adjacent cellindicated. Solution: 5 140gcornmeal The letters at the edge of arow/ 50gsugar column indicate which of the < < < 0.75gbakingpowder letters is the first/last to appear 6 0.75gsalt in that row/column. ∨∨ Pinchofbakingsoda 4 228gbuttermilk < < 2eggs CA BA 3 180gsweetcornkernels,eitherfresh ortinned.Stay away fromfrozen as C 6 5 7 theycontaintoomuchexcesswater 100gcheddarcheese,grated A B 3 75gpickledjalapeños,finely diced 3 C ∧ < 8 4 1 METHOD A C Starting with the dry ingredients, ∨∨ 4 5 2 combine flour,cornmeal, sugar,baking B powder,salt and baking soda in alarge >2< 2 7 6 mixing bowl. Add the eggs and buttermilk C and mix well. Leave the mixture to rest for30 minutes before roughlygrating in the Killer Sudoku No 714 Minesweeper cheddar and adding the sweetcorn and jalapeños. HowtoplayEach row, column and 3by3box must contain HowtoplayFind all the mines in the grid.Numbers in certainsquares indicate how Nowit’stime to fry.Spoon heaped each number (1 to 9) onlyonce. The sum of all numbers many mines there are in the neighbouring squares, including diagonallytouching teaspoons of the mixture into pre-heated contained in adotted area must match the number printed squares. Mines cannot be placed in squares with numbers. Solution: vegetable oil (around 190C) and fry until in its top-leftcorner.Nonumber can appear more than golden brown. once in adotted area. 1 1 0 Once they’re looking tanned, remove from the pan and drainthe excess oil on 9141310113 15 some kitchen paper before seasoning 3 3 4 0 1 1 2 with salt to taste. 99 0 2 3 1 Chefs fromthe Bubbledogs restaurant in central London will be at the Citadel 21 15 91217 4 1 1 1 Festival, which takes place in Victoria Park in east London on Sunday 0 1 1 2 5 3 1 18 14 ( 2 1 2 2 8913 3 3 4 52010817 12 0 3 4 2 1 2 1 0

13 12 2 2 0 0 3 2 2 2 0 1 12 8713 4 3 3 1 2 16 19 3 1 3 2 1 ✂ NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 45

MathsPuzzle Codeword No 1434 Word idoku Exclusivetoi

HowtoplayFill the empty squares with HowtoplayThe numbers in the grid correspond to the letters of the alphabet. Ladder HowtoplayEach numeral from 1to9must numbers that will make the across and Solve the puzzle and fill in the lettersinthe key as you discover them. Howtoplay appear (once only) in the squares forming the down calculations produce the results Three letters are provided to give you astart.The solution will be printed in Convert the word red letter i. Solution: shown in the grey squares. Each numeral tomorrow’s paper,the solution to yesterday’scodewordisonpage 49. at the top of the from 1to9must onlyappear once. The ladder into the 1 4 6 calculations should be performed from 19 22426249wordatthe bottom lefttoright and top to bottom, rather than of it,using only 6 8 7 9 in strict mathematical order. 14 8109 23 26 10 1124 25 26 the four rungs in between. On 3 5 Easier 4626 18 42525each rung,you must put avalid 8 7 8211613262526151018156 four-letter word - - 6 -9 that is identical 4 8 4101517 41523to the wordabove 2 4 x + + it,apart from a one-letter change. 814232311105 21 21 7 9 There maybemore 4 + - -2 thanone wayof 5 4 3 6 26 11 24 25 82513achieving this. 2 5 9 - - + 323211011 12 26 12 21 BEEF x x 54 10 31015181814 Sudoku 91025218 26 71725261818 Easier 11 6 15 13 14 8184 25 4 3 2 7 Harder 21 21 123261817252120268 1 2 7 9 5 8 HOAX 5 7 x - 31 25 26 23 26 26 22 7 6 3 - x - 123456789101112 13 BLUR 1 9 Z 1 8 2 x - 69 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 T V 1 - x + ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3 9 6 2 8 5

x ÷ 3 Needalittle help gettingstarted? Then call foruptofourextraclueletters on 0901292 5 8 6 5204. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s networkaccess charge. Or text THEI CLUE to 85100 to receive your clues. Texts cost £1 plus your standardnetwork SCAN -7 45 3 charge. Clues change each dayatmidnight. Phoneline and Text Help: 020 3615 0014. Harder 6 8 ConciseCrossword No 1756 7 2 5 8 ACROSS DOWN 12 345 8 3 1Underwater ridge 1Rolled slice of Maths Puzzle, Word (4) meat (7) 6 Ladder, Word Wheel, 1 3 9 6 Kakuro, Bridges, 3Liftup(5) 2Distinctive spirit (5) Minesweeper, ABC 6 4 78 Logic, Killer Sudoku, 7Cry of pain (4) 3Sportsground part Futoshiki, Codeword, (7,5) Jigsawduko and 4 9 1 3 8Imagine (8) Wijuko created by 9Ridiculous things 4List (7) Clarity Media. 2 4 For morepuzzles, (11) 5Fairylike creatures 9 see www.clarity- 6 8 7 9 10 Place of worship (6) (5) Informal 6Acute disease (7,5) 12 Man ( )(6) Terms &Conditions 2 5 14 Verbatim (4-3-4) 11 Dried-up (7) By using i’s text 10 11 12 13 services, you are 16 Give asignal for 13 Give sanction to (7) agreeing to receive occasional SMS pillage (3,5) 14 Not so good (5) messages from Word Wheel 17 Planet (4) 15 Vigour (5) Johnston Press PLC. Youwillnot be This is an open-ended puzzle. Howmany 18 Sea duck (5) 14 15 charged forreceiving words of three or more letters, each these messages and 19 Item of footwear (4) mayopt out at any including the letter at centre of the wheel, time by texting STOP can you make from this diagram? We’ve to the originating found 39, including one nine-letter word. number.SMS services 16 17 on this page are Can you do better? provided by BBA Digital Ltd, KT18 5AD, helpline: 0333 335 Stuck on aword? 3351. Phone services Useyourmobile phone to find possible on this page are solutions. Just replace unknown letters with a 18 19 provided by Spoke N L full stop, start the message with THEI SOLVE AL10 9NA, helpline: and send it to 85100.E.g.THEI SOLVE pu..le. Texts cost 0333 202 3390, and 50p plus your standardnetwork charge. If no suggestions by Advanced Telecom Solution to yesterday’sConcise Crossword Services, EC1M 4BH. are found, you won’t be charged. Formulti-wordanswers, Y I ACROSS 1Leash, 4Awe (Lee shore), 7Cask, 8Diamanté, 9Fit as a fiddle, 10 Agadir,12Go Helpline: 0330 333 leaveaspace between the words. If you are having down, 14 Ironing board, 17 Rhinitis, 18 Odds, 19 Par, 20 Satay. 6946. trouble using this service, please call our helpdesk R DOWN 1Leading light,2Awkward, 3Hydra, 4Amazing,5Eland, 6Otherworldly, 11 on 020 36150014. Roister,13Dropout,15Own up, 16 GCSEs. H T Stuck on theconcise crossword? Fortoday’ssolutions, call 0905 789 3590.Calls cost 80p Today’sother puzzles CrypticCrossword,page24; per minute plus your network access charge. If you are Five-Clue Cryptic, page 11; One-MinuteWijuko, page 23 AB having trouble accessing this number,pleasecallour Puzzle solutions Seepage49and London’s Leading helpdesk on 0333 202 3390. Independent Hotel Group:; @grangehotels 46

Today’sWeather Today’shighToday’slow Moon Phase Sunrise Sunset Showery rain forsouth Walesand centraland southern England. Sunnyspells elsewherewithjustisolatedshowers.Stayingcoolfor July. 20º 7º 04:58 21:13

AroundBritain Five-day

We outlook City Temp Rain Sun (Middayyesterday) (mm) (hrs) Aberdeen 17 SH 2.6 1.9 Aberporth 15 DR 1.0 1.1 15 10 Aberystwyth 15 C5.0 3.0 Aviemore 15 DR 2.1 0.7 at Belfast 16 C2.6 2.8 15 18 25 Birmingham 16 SH 0.9 5.2 25 Bournemouth 17 SH 0.5 6.0 15 13 17

her 16 Bridlington 20 F0.6 4.5 19 Bristol 18 C5.4 4.1 Cardiff 17 DR 2.0 4.8 Cromer 20 C3.6 8.2 19 Durham 18 SH 3.2 5.2 10 17 Eastbourne 18 F0.0 8.3 WEDNESDAY Breezy and Edinburgh 17 F0.6 1.9 unsettled withsunny spellsbut also scattered Eskdalemuir 15 DR 6.9 1.1 17 showers, heaviest in Glasgow16C 0.4 1.9 Northern Ireland and Holyhead 15 SH 1.4 1.2 north-western areas. Hove 18 F0.0 8.3 Hull 17 SH 1.6 2.9 Huntingdon 21 C0.0 7.4 Ipswich 19 SH 0.1 4.9 15 Isle of Man 14 R3.3 1.3 16 Isle of Wight 16 C0.2 8.3 19 Kinlochewe 13 R8.0 1.3 18 16 Kirkwall 14 C0.7 0.9 20 Leeds 17 C0.8 4.3 10 Lerwick 14 C0.4 0.5 Leuchars 18 SH 2.3 3.2 20 Lincoln 18 C0.3 2.9 16 19 Liverpool 16 R8.5 2.5 THURSDAY Mainlydry 17 London 22 C1.6 3.4 across the country with the best sunshine early Manchester 16 R9.6 1.0 18 and late. Aslimchance of Margate20C 0.0 7.8 16 showers developing in MilfordHaven 17 F0.6 4.0 eastern areas. Morecambe 16 C21.61.5 17 Newcastle 18 SH 3.4 5.9 Norwich 20 C0.1 8.2 19 Nottingham 15 SH 8.6 2.2 Okehampton 17 SH 1.4 3.0 Oxford20SH3.7 4.4 16 Plymouth 18 SH 0.2 4.9 19 16 19 Portland 17 F0.4 7.6 22 Portsmouth 18 C0.0 8.3 Prestwick 14 C2.2 0.6 15 Rhyl 15 C6.2 2.8 20 15 Sheffield 18 C1.8 4.3 Shrewsbury 16 SH 0.6 2.3 FRIDAY Aband of rain will 18 Skegness 18 C0.9 5.4 move eastwards with the 10 heaviest rain in the north Southend 20 C5.3 7.0 and west.However,the Stoke 16 C0.3 3.4 south-east and East Anglia Stornoway13DR1.4 0.8 GENERALSITUATION An area of and southern areas this afternoon. Tonight,showers in the west.Min parts of Scotland. There will be a will stay dry. lowpressurelocated initiallyover Some heavy bursts of rain are temp: 7C. slim chance of afew isolated Swansea 16 C1.4 5.6 the south of Norwayand ahigh possible and accompanied by NW Scotland, NW Eng,NWales, showers but most areas will stay Tiree 14 C0.0 4.2 pressure centred to the some thunder in places. This rain SW England, WIsles: It is going to dry.Any afternoon showers will north-west of Iberia will bring a maylingerinthe south-east until be cloudywithjust afew sunny fizzle out in the evening to leave it Global cool north-westerlyairflowover the end of the day. Gentlewinds. intervals and showers. These dry.Staying cool forJuly. Light the UK. Atrough will move east Max temp: 20C. Tonight,rain showers will be mostlylight and winds. Max temp: 19C. Tonight, City Temp Cond City Temp Cond across southern Britain, giving clearing.Min temp: 8C. most frequent in the morning.The clear spells. Mintemp: 8C. (in C) (in C) showery rain over southWales Republic of Ireland, NIreland: afternoon and evening will be NIsles: It is goingtoberather Abu Dhabi38S Miami 34 C and the Midlands at first, Some sunny spells initiallybut largelydry and bright formost cloudyorovercast throughout the 17 Abuja 26 F Milan32S spreading into central southern cloudwillbuild up during the areas but one or two showers will day. It is goingtobedamp during 17 23 Alicante 29 S Moscow19F and south-east England this morning with showers developing. be still possible in Scotland. the morningand afternoon with afternoon. Sunny spells The showers will be mainlylight in Gentle winds. Max temp: 17C. some lightrainordrizzle.The Amsterdam 19 C Mumbai28R elsewhere with just afew showers. nature but become most frequent Tonight,showers. Mintemp: 8C. evening will become much drier Athens 31 S Munich 30 F SWales, Midlands, Cen SEngland, in the afternoon, especiallyinthe IoM, ChannelIs, NE Eng,EEng,NE but it will remain quite cloudyand 21 Bangkok 33 F New York 26 C SE Eng,London,East Anglia: west.Showery conditions will Scotland, SW Scotland, SE misty.Abreezy daywithmoderate Cloudand showery rain initially become confined to the far Scotland: It looks set to be largely north-westerlywinds.Feeling Barcelona 29 S Nice 27 S over southWales and west south-west during the evening. dry with sunny spells formost cool. Max temp: 14C. Tonight,rain SATURDAY Rain in the Beijing 33 F Palma 30 S Midlands will spread into eastern Gentle winds. Max temp: 18C. areas, albeit it will be cloudyin returning.Min temp: 11C. southand east will clear. Berlin 29 F Paris 21 C Showery rain forwestern Scotland, Northern Ireland Brussels 20 F Prague 31 F SYNOPTIC PRESSURE Overthe next 24 hours, LowY,initially HIGH and north-west England. Budapest 31 S Reykjavik 14 F LOW located to the south of Norway, will track north-eastwards Mostlydry elsewhere. 1024 and deepen slightly. The extensive area of high pressure U, Chicago 27 F Rio27S 1016 will ridge eastwards and approach the British Isles while Delhi29SHRome 30 S 1000 retaining its central pressure. LowZwillmovenorth- Dubai41S Stockholm 22 SH 1008 eastwards with afall in its central pressure. Dublin 16 C Strasbourg 27 C LOW Z OW Y Frankfurt 26 F Sydney 18 R 1000 HIGHS &LOWS HOURS OF DARKNESS Geneva 28 SH Tenerife 26 S 10 1016 24hr to 2PM yesterday Aberdeen 21.58-04.32 HIGH Helsinki19F Tokyo33F Birmingham 21.25-05.01 17 Warmest: Heathrow, Hong Kong 28 F Toronto 26 C Bristol 21.23-05.09 17 Greater London,22C 22 Istanbul 27 F Vancouver 20 F HIGH U LOW Coldest: Aboyne, Cardiff 21.25-05.11 LOW Aberdeenshire,8C Glasgow21.55-04.50 Johannesburg 15 S Vienna 33 S 1024 Wettest: CapelCurig, Hull 21.26-04.47 21 Lisbon 25 S Warsaw30F 101 Conwy,49.0mm HIGH Inverness 22.08-04.35 Los Angeles 24 S Washington 28 F Sunniest: Wittering, Liverpool 21.35-05.00 Madrid 35 S Wellington 11 F LOW Cambridgeshire,8.3hrs London 21.13-04.59 SUNDAY Cloudywith Manchester 21.32-04.56 showery outbreaks of rain Key: C=Cloudy, DR=Drizzle, Stornoway22.22-04.41 forthe north-west.Sunny F=Fair, FG=Fog,H=Hail, M=Mist,R=Rain, spells elsewhere, but also S=Sunny,SH=Showers, SL=Sleet,SN=Snow, Key: 1024 Isobars: airpressure Swansea 21.29-05.13 some showers, mainlyin SS=Sandstorm, TH=Thunderstorm in millibars Warm front Cold front Occluded front York 21.30-04.49 western fringes. NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 47 Sp

ATHLETICS Report criticalof Ohuruoguhopes 400m UKAD over dope case handling

ort ticket to Riowill be hers By Sports Staff By Matt Majendie UK Anti-Dopinghas been heavily Christine Ohuruogu has earned criticised forfailing to tellthe areputation as achampionship GeneralMedical Council thata performer, to which an Olympic gold doctorwas allegedlysupplying andtwo worldtitles attest. Whether athletes with performance- she gets the chance to prove that enhancing drugs. oncemoreisinthe balance with The verdict comes after an her fate forthe Rio Games set to be independent reviewinto UKAD’s decided by selectorsatUKAthletics handling of theintelligence it was tomorrow. given about Dr MarkBonarby HadOhuruogu managed to edge amateur cyclist Dan Stevens. AnyikaOnuorainthe dip to the line The agency wasalsocensured in the 400metres at the European fornot giving Stevens, who Championships, it would have been refused to takeatargeted drug aforegone conclusion but the less test in 2014, amore lenient well-known athletewas aheadbya sentence after his co-operation. Up mere0.08sectotakebronzeonthe The review’sreportpraised continent and leave UKA with ase- UKAD stafffor their honestyand Agoodday for... lection headache. commitment to cleansport –and Ohuruogu believesshe deserves admitted this wasa“difficult and the chanceand, at 32, knows real- complex” case –but wasscathing istically this will be her Olympic about aspects of its investigation. swansong. “I’ve shownIcandoit,” “Itisdifficult to understand she said.“Ihaveamonthtoprepare whynocontact wasmadewith forRio and I’moverthe slump Ihad theGMC when thatcourse earlierinthe season. of action wassuggested on at USAINBOLT “The 400m is ahardrace to judge least sevenoccasionseitherby Sprinter named in and peaking is alwaysadelicate members of UKAD or [Stevens] Jamaica’sOlympic balance.I’m relying on the selectors Christine Ohuruogu (above) was pipped by her rival for an Olympic place, and his legal representatives,” squad. Apparently and their understanding.” AnyikaOnuora, at the weekend, but still believes she deserves achance GETTY said the review’s chairman, they couldn’t find She argued thatshe wastired formerMerseyside assistant anyone faster having missed the Olympic trials, berth. Pavey hadlooked an unlikely aGBvest has everrun. She added: chief constable AndyWard. with only 10 days to prepareand protagonist forRio struggling “It would be specialtogoto Stevens eventuallytook his PIERRE-EMILE running in the qualifyinground throughout the early part of Rio but Ihaven’t been story to TheSundayTimes,which HOJBJERG while Onuorawas givenabye to the the outdoor season with selectedyet.” then filmed the London-based Midfielder joins semi-final so hadone less 400m in achest infection but Theremaining privatedoctor claiming he had Southampton her legs. Onuora, though, can argue pulled off the qualifying 7 note of discussion at supplied prohibited drugsto from Bayern thatshe is the form athlete–albeit time to finish fifth in tomorrow’s selec- more than 150elite athletes. Munich by aslender margin –and wasthe Amsterdam and give Jo Pavey is seven tion meeting is the Those claims, whichwere one thatadded to Britain’s16-medal her the best possible seconds faster than final200m berth. published by the newspaper in CARLO tally in Amsterdam thatleft them chanceofrunning at a her nearest rival ZharnelHughes April, have nowbeeninvestigated ANCELOTTI thirdinthe final tablebehind Poland fifth Olympics. for the 10,000m has given up on his by UKAD,and theagency did Olympic berth Italian ‘excited’ and Germany. The42-year-old Olympic dream after eventuallyshareits findingswith to start work as “I’d like to thinkI’vegot my place mother of two will surely adismal qualifying race the GMC.Bonarhas since denied Bayern’s new but let’s see what happens,” said getthe nod, with her time showedhehas still not re- anywrongdoing. manager the 31-year-old.“Icame heretodo at the Europeans –where she covered from his knee knock. The report does not blameany ajob andI’vedone it. Cominghere admitted she wasstill shyofher That means NethaneelMitchell- UKAD staffbyname butitwillbe and knowing it’s paid off makes me peak–sevenseconds faster than Blake,who in Maybecame only uncomfortable reading forchief so happy.Ikept fighting and driving anythingher 24-year-old rival for the thirdBriton under 20 seconds executiveNicole Sapsteadand and diving throughthe line and it forthe distanceinhistory,looks in legal directorGraham Arthur, paid off.” pole position forthatplace despite with the latter singled out by Theotherselection dilemma for Peaking in the 400m is adisappointing fifth place in a final Stevens during an appearance UKA is one of experienceagainst the always adelicate balance. in which DannyTalbot, whohad al- before the Culture, Media and future with Jo Pavey and Kate Avery I’m relying on the selectors readysealed selection, finishedwith Sport(CMS) Committee in ISOBEL vying forthe remaining 10,000m and their understanding thebronze. EVENINGSTANDARD Westminsterlastmonth. POOLEY British high jumper to miss Olympics with a GOLF foot injury

NICO ROSBERG Zika fearsnow prompt Spieth’s Olympicwithdrawal German’s lead in F1 title race cut to By Phil Casey he looks to claim asecondmajor title apoint after team in the 145th Open Championship. Whogoeswhen? Selectedtee-off times abandons appeal Jordan Spieth will not compete at Day (below) finished ashot outside against radio the Olympics, International Golf the three-man play-off wonbyZach 06.35am CMontgomerie (Sco), M JDay (Aus) penalty Federation president Peter Daw- Johnson at St Andrewslast year, Leishman (Aus), LDonald (Eng) 09.36 RMcIlroy (Nirl), HMatsuyama sonannounced yesterday. sparking arun which saw 07.41 DClarke (Nirl), TOlesen (Den), (Japan), BWatson (US) TIM DUNCAN Spieth’s decision means himwin sevenofhis next JFuryk (US) 13.26pm PMickelson (US), LWest- San Antonio the world’stop four play- 17 events. Thatincluded 08.25 PHarrington (Rep of Ire), L wood (Eng), EEls (SA) Spurs forward ershaveall withdrawn amaidenmajor titleand Oosthuizen (SA), JDonaldson (Wal) 14.04 DJohnson (US), MKaymer retires from NBA citing concernsover record 20-underpar in 09.03 JSpieth (US), JRose (Eng), S (Ger), RKnox (Sco) after 19 seasons the Zikavirus. IGFvice- the US PGAChampion- Lowry (Rep of Ire) 14.15 ZJohnson (US), AScott (Aus), H president Ty Votawsaid ship at WhistlingStraits, 09.25 DWillett (Eng), RFowler (US), Stenson (Swe) Spieth’s decision“was as well as victories in two Down outofconcern forthe FedEx Cup events which of adisappointing performancein “I would love to one dayholdthe health issues that we’ve been took himtop of theworld the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational, ClaretJug and be able to put my ...A bad talking about.” rankingsfor the firsttime. when he led by onewith four holes to name down in history with the best dayfor Theworld No 1Jason Daywill be However, the28-year-old Austral- playbut bogeyed the15th and double thathaveeverlived andplayedthe motivated by failuresold andnew as ian arrived in Scotland on the back bogeyedthe 16th. game,” Daysaid. 48 SPORT

Opinion Matrix Amir’sreturn is COMMENT FROM THEWORLD OF SPORT huge butweall TENNIS WinNo22was have to move Serena at herbest on says Broad Whenyou read that Serena Williams won her 22nd major it By DavidClough ably –depending on selection –Ste- understated the point.She didn’t venFinn will remaintoface Pakistan merelywin it.She grabbed it, Stuart Broadbelievesa“very new” this time at Lord’s.Broad sensesthat seized it and detained it.After England teamwillbeable to banish willease thetension,and will prevent losing aset to ChristinaMcHale the ghosts of 2010,onMohammad England spending time theycan ill in round two, Serenaplayed some Amir’sreturntoLord’sthis week. affordonfactorswhich couldmake of the most elevated tennisof He warnstoo,however,that them vulnerable to aresurgent Amir. her career,culminating withthat ’shosts mustmove on The brilliant left-armer is back at damn-near-perfect final. And how to ensureAmir does notmarkhis the ageof24, and all the evidence symbolic was it that she won the comeback with match-winning deeds against Somerset in Pakistan’stour final point at the net?. forPakistan in the firstTest. opener last week wasthathestill has Jon Wertheim(Sports Illustrated) Broad’ssoleTest century,ina10- the potential to be aworld-beater. year internationalcareer, came in “I think what will help the team the match whichwillinevitably be re- move on is thatthereisonly me, FOOTBALL membered forevernot forhis 169 in Cookyand Finnywho playedinthat atriple-century stand withJonathan Test ... it is avery newteam,”Broad Euro 2016lacked Trott. Norwillthe widerworld easily said. “Having seen theway Amirhas attackingplans recallevenAmir’s own6for 84 –dur- bowledatTaunton, we need to getin ing whichhereduced England to 102 the right frame of mind –because he for7six yearsago –orafive- can do us some damage.Let’s start The defining feature of this tour- haulfromGraeme Swann as the looking at himasacricketer and a nament has been the number hosts wonbyaninnings. bowler, and howwecan negatethat.” of teams lackingadiscernible Instead it is thespot-fixingcri- England, Broadreasons,willbe attacking plan and it seemed sis perpetrated by Amir,his fellow very unwisetodoanythingelse. “Itis appropriate that Portugal won seamer MohammadAsif and then ahugestory,backfor his firstTest at the [final]inthismanner.Before Pakistan captainSalman Buttwhich Lord’s sincethe controversy six years the tournamentthey eschewed a still reverberates. Consequent prison ago–amassivestory.But as ateam, centre-forwardinfavour of playing sentences andbans have been served it is adangerous place to getwaylaid hand the numberoftimes in his94- two wingers, Cristiano Ronaldo –but Amir’sreturntothe scene of by that– because we could find our- Theabsence of James Test careerhehas nothad Anderson and Nani, up front–yet played his crime willdominatemuchofthis selvesinalot of trouble.” Anderson through injury forcompany. Hisexperiences of the their best football here after intro- week’sagenda, as Broadisonly too Broadisabout to step back into means there is bound to be one past year,however,suggest he will be ducing Éder, an old-school No 9. painfully aware. “Swannygotafive-for what he still sees as “the unknown”, Testdebutant bowling in the first up to thetask. MichaelCox (The Guardian) thatIdon’t think anyone can remem- without James Anderson in aTest Test: either Nottinghamshire’s Anderson is hoping to be fitfor the ber now,”hesaid. “Thatwas thesad match –ararechallengewhich has Jake Ball or Toby Roland-Jones of secondTest, but hasbeen forcedout thing forme”. previously brought the bestout of Middlesex. of theopener as he recovers from a MOTOR RACING Only he,AlastairCookand prob- him.Broadcan count almost on one stress fracture of the shoulder blade. Oneofgreatest ever laps from Hamilton ResultsService

WARWICKSHIREVHAMPSHIRE First Innings Contd To Bat: Hasan Ali, AAzizullah, Mir Hamza. Lewis Hamilton had effectively SPECSAVERS COUNTY Runs 6s 4s Bls Min Bowling:MVTFernando 24-5-73-2, AMFernando 21-2- won the British Grand Prix by the CHAMPIONSHIP FIRST DIVISION EDGBASTON (Day2of4): Warwickshireare trailing AMRossington cCox bHenry 55 0878 117 62-1, PLSGamage 24-5-91-1, SSPathirana 20.2-1-71-1, Hampshireby400 runs withseven first-innings RELevicCox bHenry 27 0445 58 DMdeSilva 10-1-28-2, SMAPriyanjan 5-1-17-0, MDU time therace was six corners old. SURREY vYORKSHIRE in hand SPCrook cMitchell bLeach 0 0045 SJayasundera 1-0-9-0. Hampshire won toss †D MurphycD’Oliveira bLeach 23 0366 88 Umpires: BJDebenham and GDLloyd. When the cars wereunleashed THEKIA OVAL (First dayoffour):Surreyhavescored95 SPrasanna cMitchellbHenry 4 0149 HAMPSHIRE—First Innings 304-4(Dawson116,Alsop after five laps behind the safety for2wicketsagainst Yorkshire MAzharullah lbw bD’Oliveira 7 0123 24 GOLF Surrey won toss 50) BWSanderson lbw bD’Oliveira 4 0166 U.S. WOMEN’S OPEN, CORDEVALLE, CALIFORNIA: car,onawet track theworld SURREY—First Innings FirstInningsContd MSPanesar 1 00813 Runs 6s 4s Bls Min Runs 6s 4s Bls Min Extras (b1 lb1 nb2) 4 FINAL ROUND (US unless stated, par 72): 282 BLang champion produced what was RJBurns lbw bWilley 8 0121 29 †A JWheaternot out 204 327234 373 Total(45.1 overs) 148 (US) 68 75 68 71 (Won 3hole aggregate play-off); A surely oneofthe great opening DPSibleycHodd bPatterson 17 0369 87 MSCrane bTrott 22 0473 97 Fall: 1-4, 2-18,3-35, 4-96, 5-96, 6-114, 7-118,8-130, 9-136. Nordqvist (Swe) 68 74 73 67; 284 E-H Ji (S Kor) 69 71 70 Z S Ansari not out 35 0 6 77 98 SMErvine cHainbPatel 75 2794 107 Bowling:MJHenry 17-4-52-3, JLeach 18.1-3-70-5, EBar- 74; AYang (S Kor) 67 71 73 73; LKo(NZ) 73 66 70 75; SH laps of all time. By the time the AJFinch not out 34 0731 37 LDMcManuscClarke bPatel 0 0024 nard 6-1-18-0, GHRhodes 1-0-3-0,BLD’Oliveira3-1-3-2. Park (S Kor) 70 66 74 74. field reachedLuffield, Hamilton Extras (lb1) 1 GKBerg lbw bPoysden 4 0137 WORCESTERSHIRE—SecondInnings Total(for 2, 33 overs) 95 GMAndrew bPoysden 2 0099 Runs 6s 4s Bls Min TENNIS was alreadyanastonishing three Fall: 1-13, 2-36. BWheal lbw bPoysden 0 0011 *D KHMitchell lbw bPrasanna 47 0279 117 ATPGERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, HAMBURG: First seconds in the lead. To bat: JJRoy, SMDavies, BTFoakes, SMCurran, TK Extras (b2 lb9 nb12) 23 BLD’OliveirastMurphybKeogh 81 05163 194 round: NKicker (Arg) bt TFabbiano (It) 6-3 5-7 6-1; M Curran, *G JBatty, SCMeaker. Total(140.4 overs) 531 TCFell not out 36 0395 103 Gonzalez (Arg) bt (5) JCHARDY (Fr) 6-2 2-6 7-6 (7-4); Andrew Benson (BBC) Bowling: TTBresnan 5-3-2-0, DJWilley 8-2-31-1, LE Fall: 1-35,2-63, 3-144, 4-299, 5-378, 6-522, 7-522, 8-527, JClarke bKeogh 0 0013 (3) PCUEVAS (Uru) bt FMayer (Ger) 6-4 6-3; TMoura Plunkett 4-2-5-0,SAPatterson7-3-19-1, AURashid 3-0- 9-531. TKohler-Cadmore lbw bPrasanna 0 0013 17 Monteiro (Br) bt MZverev (Ger) 7-6 (7-5) 6-4; PMath- 12-0, Azeem Rafiq 6-1-25-0. Bowling: KHDBarker29-8-92-2, RClarke30-7-97-0, J EBarnardnot out 0 0068 ieu (Fr) bt GMelzer (Aut) 6-4 7-6 (7-5); (6) NALMAGRO Yorkshire:ALyth, AZLees, JALeaning, *A WGale, Azeem SPatel48-12-160-3, WBRankin 1-0-5-0,JEPoysden Extras (b4 lb5 w2 nb6) 17 (Sp) bt JSatral (Cz Rep) 6-3 3-6 6-2; GZemlja(Sloven) Rafiq, TTBresnan, AURashid, LEPlunkett, DJWilley, †A 15.4-1-85-4, IJLTrott 17-1-81-1. Total(for 4, 59 overs) 181 bt MMoeller (Ger) 6-1 6-2. TENNIS JHodd, SAPatterson. Fall: 1-104, 2-177, 3-177, 4-180. WARWICKSHIRE—FirstInnings ATPSWEDISH OPEN, BASTAD: First round: (6) A Umpires: NLBainton and MJSaggers. To bat: RAWhiteley, †O BCox, JLeach,MJHenry,GH Runs 6s 4s Bls Min BEDENE (GB) bt IArvidsson (Swe) 6-4 7-6 (7-4). SOMERSET vMIDDLESEX VChoprabAndrew 39 0784 106 Rhodes. Outburstsvital in Bowling:MohammadAzharullah8-0-36-0, BWSander- WTALADIES CHAMPIONSHIP GSTAAD, SWITZER- ARIUmeed bAndrew 0 0054 TAUNTON (Seconddayoffour): Middlesexareleading son11-3-18-0,SPCrook8-0-38-0,MSPanesar10-2-30-0, LAND: First round: IKhromacheva (Rus) bt LHradecka helpingMurray win Somersetby125 runs withtwofirst-inningswickets *I RBell bBerg 5 0112 12 SPrasanna 8-4-14-2, RIKeogh 14-2-36-2. (Cz Rep) 6-2 7-5; ERodina (Rus) bt BHaas (Aut) 6-3 7-6 inhand IJLTrott not out 59 07116 147 Umpires: AGWharf and VKSharma. (10-8); AKontaveit (Est) bt MSakkari (Gr) 7-5 6-1. Middlesex elected to bowl SRHain not out 20 0337 58 SOMERSET—FirstInnings236(Rogers57, Podmore4-54) Extras (b6 lb2) 8 Total(for 3, 42.2 overs) 131 TOUR MATCH FIXTURES Iwant to call timeonthisunnec- MIDDLESEX —FirstInnings51-1 Fall: 1-4, 2-11, 3-78. PAKISTAN AVSRILANKAA essary AndyMurray-bashing FirstInningsContd To bat: †T RAmbrose, RClarke, KHDBarker, JSPatel, W FOOTBALL Runs 6s 4s Bls Min BRankin, JEPoysden. NEWROAD(Day2of4): PakistanAare leadingSriLanka UEFACHAMPIONSLEAGUESECONDQUALIFYING before it becomes anational sport. NRTGubbins cTrescothick bAllenby 67 19110 140 Bowling: GKBerg 9.2-1-34-1, GMAndrew 12-2-35-2, B Aby120runs withthree first-inningswickets inhand ROUNDFIRSTLEG SSEskinazi cHildreth bCOverton 7 0052 60 Wheal 10-3-29-0, LADawson 6-1-12-0, SMErvine1-0- SriLankaAwon toss TheNew Saints FC vApoel Nicosia (7.0)...... Becausewhat thosewho criticise DJMalan bTrego 10 0211 23 2-0, MSCrane 4-0-11-0. SRILANKAA—First Innings 250(Silva57) Lincoln Red Imps vCeltic (7.0)...... the British No 1havefailedto GJBailey cCOverton bAllenby 71 08151 187 Umpires: RJBailey and PKBaldwin. FRIENDLIES: Bromley vCharlton, Guiseley vBarnsley PAKISTAN A—First Innings47-1 understand is that hison-court †J ASimpson cBarrow bAllenby 0 0026 (7.0), Lowestoft Tn vNorwich (7.30), Solihull Moors v *J ECFranklin bAllenby 5 0119 25 SECOND DIVISION FirstInnings Contd Birmingham. outbursts are preciselywhat help OPRayner cAllenby bCOverton 12 0233 56 Runs 6s 4s Bls Min JARHarris not out 69 15175 188 JAli cDickwellabAMFernando 43 05107150 CRICKET propel Murray to scenes like the JKFullernot out 84 26117 142 NORTHANTS vWORCESTERSHIRE SShakeel cSilva bMVTFernando 86 011162 250 Extras (b13lb22w1) 36 *Babar Azam lbw bGamage 31 0563 79 SECOND ONE DAYINTERNATIONAL: Ireland v one Iwitnessedyesterday–when (Secondday of four):Worcestershire Afghanistan (Belfast, 10.45am). Total(for 8, 112 overs) 361 areleading Northamptonshireby310runs withsix ARMuzammil cUdawattebdeSilva 14 0154 83 Fall: 1-0, 2-51,3-74, 4-115, 5-117, 6-133, 7-177, 8-212. Mohammad Nawaz bdeSilva 52 0686 127 NATWEST T20 BLAST -NORTH DIVISION: he held the Wimbledon trophy second-inningswickets inhand Leicestershire vNottinghamshire (, 6.30pm). To bat: HWPodmore. Worcestershire won toss †Mohammad Hasan not out 57 0596 147 aloftinfront of an ecstatic Centre Bowling:COverton26-7-78-3, TDGroenewald27-2-85-0, Shadab Khan cUdawattebPathirana 48 0768 78 JOverton3.3-1-8-0, JAllenby 26-5-67-4, PDTrego 15.3-3- WORCESTERSHIRE—First Innings277(Cox74,White- Extras (b8 lb11 w7 nb9) 35 CYCLING Courtcrowd. 41-1, MJLeach 12-2-38-0,JGMyburgh 2-0-9-0. ley66,Leach51no,Azharullah 4-68) Total(for 7, 105.2 overs) 370 TOUR DE FRANCE STAGE 10: Escaldes-Engordany - ClaireCohen (Daily Telegraph) Umpires: SAGarratt and DJMillns. —First Innings 64-3 Fall: 1-4, 2-107, 3-168, 4-180, 5-222, 6-287, 7-370. Revel –198km. NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 49

ROUND-UP RUGBYLEAGUE Wheaterwondersputs WorldCup will mean11-month Hampshireonahigh seasonin2017

By Sports Staff on 51 for1inreplyto236 and By Ian Laybourn struggled to 212 for8before Fuller Adam Wheater strucka (84 not out, below)joinedHarris Super League’s England interna- magnificent unbeatendouble (69 not out) in the middle and tionals will be facing their longest century as bottom side changed the game. season yetafter organiserscon- Hampshirecontinued to boss JimAllenby(4for 67)was the firmedthe 2017 WorldCup will proceedingsonday two of their topwicket-taker forSomerset, runintoDecember. Division whotrail by 125. The tournament, taking place One clash with Warwickshire at Meanwhile, the first day in Australia, NewZealand and Edgbaston. of Surrey’smatch against Papua NewGuinea, is expected Wheater’scareer-best champions Yo rkshire to kick off in Melbourne on 27 204 not outoff 234balls at the KiaOvalwas October andculminate in the final steered the visitors – significantlyhampered in Brisbaneon2December,by 304for 4onSunday by the weather, with which time Super League clubs after winningthe the hosts gettingto arenormallybackinpre-season toss –to531 all out, to 95 for2before rain training. whichtherewas also a prevented anyfurther Super League kicked off on 4 contribution of 75 from play.Zafar Ansari and February this year and is unlikely Sean Ervine. AaronFinchwere on to start anylater in 2017 because Warwickshire, for 35 not outand 34 not out of the WorldCup at the end of it. whom Josh Poysden took respectively. The draw forthe tournament will four wickets, including In the SecondDivision, be made simultaneouslyatevents two in two ballsas Worcestershire in Brisbane and Auckland on 19 Hampshire’sinnings were in complete July.RLWC2017chief executive came to an abrupt 149 control at the end Michael Brownand chairman end, thenmadea of the second dayof George Peponiswillbejoined by poor start to their Middlesex’sJames their meeting with coaches Mal Meninga(Australia), reply, with captain Fullerand James Northamptonshire Stephen Kearney(NewZealand) IanBell’sremoval Harris turned the at Wantage Road and Michael Marum (PNG) and (centre) willlead game in theirteam’s England’s attack leaving them on 11 favour with a149- thankstoJoe Leach’s captains Cameron Smith, Jesse against Pakistan for2. run stand five-wicket haul and 81 Bromwichand David Mead at this week AFP/GETTY By the close of play, from BrettD’Oliveira. the Australia launch at Suncorp they were trailing by The visitors secured Stadium. 400 having reached131 for3, a first-innings lead of 129 as Rugby League International with Jonathan Trott(59 not out) Northants were bundled outfor Federation chief executiveDavid Injuries have twiceruled Anderson memorable spells in Ashes history. havingfashioned an unbeaten 148, with onlyAdamRossington Collier and RLWC2017general out of Tests in the past 12 months, “I wasnervousatTrent Bridge,”he half-century. (55) putting up anyrealresistance managerAndrea Nelson will be andeachtime Broadhaveresponded said. At Taunton, JamesHarris and Leachendingwith figuresof joined at the Auckland event by impressively. “It wasthe firsttime Ihad bowled andJamesFuller producedan 5for 70. Kiwi internationals RogerTuiv- Broadrecalls having to takethe the firstoverofaTest match ever– unbroken ninth-wicket stand of D’Oliveirawas then asa-Sheck and Dean Whare and newball in aTest forthe firsttime, at 29 yearsold.Trev [Bayliss] had 149astable-toppers Middlesex Worcestershire’s mainman with formerKangaroo Steve Price. at TrentBridgelast year –when said all week: ‘The opening ball will gained theupper hand on the the batbefore they closed on 181 The 15th WorldCup will see14 he delivered with an astonishing set the tone and win the Test match.’ secondday againstSomerset. for4intheir second innings, a nations play28games over five career-best 8for 15 in one of themost So Ithought everything wasonme.” Theawaysidehad resumed leadof310. weeks in threecountries.

PICKOFTHE DAY’S RACING 4 1/76-999 HOMELAND (20) 49-9 BrianRothwell...... James Sullivan 4 BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:11-2Benzel,7-1 For‘n’ Against,10-1Love TheLeader, Puzzle solutions BATH 5 45222-1 BILLY BOND (180) 49-9 RichardFahey...... Tony Hamilton v 7 ForeverMyFriend,11-1 Butlergrove King,12-1Velator, 14-1 Ladfromhighworth,16-1 Pure 6 5-85861 JANAAB (12) 69-5 TimEasterby...... Rachel Richardson (3) es+t 3 Poteen,KilbreeKid,Bincombe, Mr Mafia, Moorlands George,18-1Dusk Till Dawn DRIBUILDLTD HANDICAP(3) 3yo (0-95) 7 2-36121 PLANETARIA (27) 39-2 GarryMoss...... David Allan 5 5 - 8 - 6 -9 BEEF 3.05 £13,000 5f 161y -7DECLARED - PP ELECTRICALSYSTEMS INTERACTIVE HANDICAP HURDLE (3) TIMEFORM VIEW 7.00 3yo+ (0-130) £10,000 2m 7f x + + BEER Timeform 1-2-3: 1. PLANETARIA2.JANAAB3.FINAL | PAPA LUIGI| isthrivingonracing,completingaquick-firehat-trickatKemptonlastmonth, TIMEFORM VIEW sohegetsthenodto continuethegoodworkdespite an8lbriseintheweights. BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:7-2 Planetaria, 4-1Final,5-1 Janaab, 11-2 DutchArtist, | Dark Shot| is likelybestcaughtfresh,soa2-month absencefollowinghis |BALLYKNOCK LAD| BEAR cangivehim most to do. 6-1BillyBond,8-1 Rocket Ronnie, 25-1 Homeland 4 + 1 - 7 -2 and |Silken Skies| successoverfencesisprobablyagoodthing,andfromthesamemarkwiththeseobstacles expected to suit, he looksthe onetosidewith. is aC&D winner whoremains 1 24-3111 PAPA LUIGI (34) 39-7 RichardHannon...... Gary Mahon (5) 7 | Hold Court | BOAR well weighted,with Moss On The Mill completing theshortlist. - - + 2 5601-61 KASSIA (20) 39-7 Mick Channon...... George Baker 2 WORCESTER | | HOAR 3 2317- SOUTHERN BELLE (277) 39-3 Robert Cowell...... Fergus Sweeney 3 1 P86-324 VOLCANIC (20) 711-12 Donald McCain...... Will Kennedy t 4 361-51 OLYMPIC RUNNER (18) 39-2 WilliamHaggas...... NON RUNNER MAZAK&POWERPANELSTOGETHERSUCCESS NOVICES’ 2 1421P-6 HIGHPOWER (33) 711-11 Jonjo O’Neill...... Richard Johnson v 9 x 3 x 2 54 6.00 HANDICAPCHASE (4) 4yo+ (0-120) £6,000 2m 110y HOAX 5 151-177 FLORENCIO (68) 39-2 WilliamMuir...... Martin Dwyer 4 3 451-212 MOSS ON THE MILL (20) 811-11 Tom George...... Ciaran Gethings (5) s 6 5-24221 DARK SHOT (17) 39-1 Andrew Balding...... David Probert 1 TIMEFORM VIEW 4 2P0-PP0 HENLLAN HARRI (11) 811-7 Peter Bowen...... Mr James King (7) 11 6 15 7 318-223 SILKEN SKIES (16) 39-1 CliveCox...... Adam Kirby 6 shaped well on his belatedreturnwhen runner-upoverhurdles here 3weeks 5 61/2P9-1 BALLYKNOCK LAD (63) 711-5 KimBailey...... David Bass t TRICKY| | -7DECLARED - agoand he canmakeawinning startinthis sphere.Hat-trickseeking Myroundorurs 6 32/P-F4 TAIGAN (13) 911-2 Giles Smyly...... David England t | | Timeform 1-2-3: 1. PAPA LUIGI 2. DARK SHOT3.SILKENSKIES is theobvious threat,while Boss des Mottes wasbetterthanthe bareresultonhis 7 00-2134 HOLD COURT (26) 911-2 Evan Williams...... Paul Moloney 7 x 5 - 4 31 BLUR BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:2-1 Papa Luigi,9-2 DarkShot, 11-2 Silken Skies, chase debut. 8 745P1-U WEYBURN (20) 511-2 Martin Keighley...... Andrew Tinkler 6-1Kassia, 7-1SouthernBelle,10-1Florencio 1 311345- CLASSIC PALACE (226) 711-12 Patrick Griffin ...... Brian Hughes t -8DECLARED - - x - SLUR 2 553-234 CAPE CASTER (26) 511-12 Evan Williams...... Paul Moloney Timeform 1-2-3: 1. BALLYKNOCK LAD2.HOLDCOURT 3.MOSSONTHEMILL 3 7/434-64 BOSS DES MOTTES (25) 511-10 Dan Skelton...... Harry Skelton h+t BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:10-3 Ballyknock Lad,7-2 Moss On TheMill,11-2Hold 8 x 9 - 3 69 SPUR BEVERLEY 4 95P0-11 MYROUNDORURS (38) 611-4 Robin Dickin...... Charlie Poste h Court,6-1 Volcanic, 12-1Highpower, Weyburn, 14-1 Taigan,16-1Henllan Harri WATT MEMORIAL HANDICAP (4) 3yo+ (0-85) 5 2/5554-2 TRICKY (20) 711-2 Philip Hobbs...... Richard Johnson SPAR 4.00 £10,000 2m 35y 6 33-U83 GO ON HENRY (14) 811-1 Matt Sheppard...... Mr Ed Bailey (7) s+t COTSWOLD SCAFFOLDINGHANDICAPHURDLE(4) - x + 7 9/P2F-P4 OFICIAL BEN (22) 711-1 Jonjo O’Neill...... Jack Savage (10) t 8.30 3yo+ (0-120) £5,600 2m SPAN TIMEFORM VIEW is going theright wayinhandicaps,finding onlyabig improver toogoodat -7DECLARED - TIMEFORM VIEW | ST MICHEL| 6 x 1 ÷ 2 3 SAMTU arrivesonthe back of agoodrun over C&Dlastweek andisprobably themost lookstobecoming Timeform 1-2-3: 1. TRICKY2.MYROUNDORURS3.BOSSDES MOTTES | | Bath last time, andhecan prove himself still on agoodmark. | Daghash| SCAN solidoption in aracewhere afew of his rivals have abit to proveatpresent. In On The to theboil and is feared,while should find this easier than thebig-field | | Gabrial’s Star| BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:10-3Myroundorurs,4-1 Boss desMottes, Tricky, -7 45 3 Act hastaken steps back in theright directiononhis last 2startsand shouldgowell again, handicap he contestedatNewcastlelasttime. 15-2 Oficial Ben, 8-1ClassicPalace,17-2CapeCaster, 16-1 Go On Henry | while returnedfromanabsenceto winatasimilartimelast yearandalsomerits | Little Pop | 1 551538- AWAYWITHTHEGREYS(311) 910-0 Peter Bowen...JoshuaBryan(7) s1 respect on his reappearance. 5-CLUE CROSSWORD 2 6/11-238 STREET ARTIST (17) 610-0 DavidNicholls...... Joe Fanning 6 6.30 MAZAK&POWERPANELSGOING FORWARDTOGETHER 3 9P-9540 GABRIAL’S STAR (17) 710-0 Richard Fahey....Adam McNamara (5) b 7 HANDICAPCHASE (4) 4yo+ (0-120) £6,400 2m 7f 1 225-182 SAMTU (8) 511-12 Dan Skelton...... Harry Skelton t Across: 4 009-031 TAPIS LIBRE (5) 810-0 Jacqueline Coward...... James Sullivan 3 TIMEFORM VIEW 2 32/5-63 DOVILS DATE (26) 711-11 Tim Vaughan...... Richard Johnson 1Afre*-sh, 3‘Ealing,4St-eaM<-y 5 35-3905 FULL DAY (16) 59-6 BrianEllison...... B. A. Curtis s 5 BENZEL 3 1439-43 IN ON THE ACT (21) 611-8 Evan Williams...... Paul Moloney | | is alreadyamuch better chaserthanhurdler andistaken to followuphis Down: 6 424-083 DAGHASH (36) 79-5 Stuart Kittow ...... Barry McHugh 8 Uttoxeter win. Love The Leader remains open to progressbackoverfences, whilethe 4 66F237- SAILORS WARN (148) 911-5 Daniel Loughnane...... Alain Cawley 1An-gel-s., 2Hung(a)ry | | 7 484-632 ARROWTOWN (11) 49-2 Michael Easterby...... Graham Gibbons h 4 in-form should be on thepremises again. 5 246-8P6 ISTIMRAAR (16) 511-3 Nicky Henderson...... Nico de Boinville s | Butlergrove King | WORD WHEEL 8 74-4212 ST MICHEL (13) 38-0 Sir Mark Prescott Bt...... Ryan Powell 2 6 6/1544- LITTLE POP (293) 811-3 Nigel Twiston-Davies...Sam Twiston-Davies -8DECLARED - 1 22/44-52 VELATOR (47) 911-12 Neil Mulholland...... Noel Fehily s 7 3P1-43P TRAPPER PEAK (22) 711-0 Alexandra Dunn...... Rhys Flint b 2 5223-21 FOR ‘N’ AGAINST (25) 711-11 David Pipe...... Tom Scudamore h+t 8 46/6P-P5 NECK OR NOTHING (20) 710-13 Neil Mulholland...... Noel Fehily s+t NINE-LETTER WORD labyrinth Timeform 1-2-3: 1. ST MICHEL2.DAGHASH 3.GABRIAL’S STAR 3 14222-3 LADFROMHIGHWORTH (21) 11 11-11 Jeremy Scott...... Nick Scholfield 9 2494-27 OUR THREE SONS (25) 510-11 Jamie Snowden...... Micheal Nolan OTHER WORDS air, airy,art,bar,barn, binary,birth,bra,brain, BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST: 9-4 St Michel, 13-2 Daghash, 7-1TapisLibre, 8-1 4 67-21 BENZEL (27) 811-9 Jonjo O’Neill ...... Aidan Coleman 10 66/418-3 NO CEILING (28) 610-9 IanWilliams...... Tom O’Brien h Arrowtown, 17-2 Street Artist,9-1Gabrial’s Star,10-1Awaywiththegreys, 16-1 Full Day brainy,bran, brat,bray,briny,hair, hairy, hart, lair,liar,lira, rail, 5 33545-4 BINCOMBE (21) 811-9 Philip Hobbs...... Richard Johnson 11 0127-95 GOAL (26) 810-8 Sally Randell...... Miss B. Hampson (7) t 6 4342-22 BUTLERGROVE KING (33) 711-7 DaiBurchell...... Freddie Mitchell (5) rain,rainy,ran, rant,rat,ray,rib, tar, tarn,trail,train, tray,trial, IRISHBIGRACETRENDS.COMHANDICAP(4) 3yo+ (0-80) -11DECLARED- 5.05 7 8P53-2P KILBREE KID (27) 911-7 Tom George...... Sam Twiston-Davies b+t Timeform 1-2-3: 1. SAMTU2.INONTHEACT3.LITTLEPOP tribal, trilby, try,yarn £8,000 1m 100y 8 1435-23 FOREVER MY FRIEND (13) 911-6 Peter Bowen...... Jamie Moore s TIMEFORM VIEW 9 45-U13P DUSK TILL DAWN (11) 711-1 DavidPipe...... David Noonan (3) s BETFAIRBETTING FORECAST:7-2 Samtu, 6-1Little Pop, 15-2 In On TheAct,9-1 Neck YESTERDAY’S CODEWORD1433 getting thevote to 10 111F-72 LOVE THE LEADER (22) 811-0 Johnny Farrelly...... Alain Cawley b OrNothing,11-1Istimraar,12-1SailorsWarn,NoCeiling,14-1 DovilsDate,16-1OurThree Ahot handicapwithmostholding claims,the 3-y-o |PLANETARIA | make it 3wins in 4starts. 11 133P-12 MOORLANDS GEORGE (27) 810-13 Jeremy Scott....Nico de Boinville t Sons, 18-1 Trapper Peak,22-1Goal and | | both scored last time also andhaveplenty |Janaab | Final 12345678910111213 D I KFWVGXHBOUR going forthem. 12 P12FP3- PURE POTEEN (111) 810-13 Neil Mulholland...... Wayne Hutchinson t 1 6/104 DUTCH ARTIST (34) 410-0 DavidO’Meara...... Daniel Tudhope 6 13 2223-02 MR MAFIA (38) 710-8 Tony Carroll...... Lee Edwards t 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A J L P S N E M Q C T Z Y 2 377451 FINAL (21) 49-12 Mark Johnston...... Joe Fanning 1 -13DECLARED - 3 1844-26 ROCKET RONNIE (18) 69-9 Ed McMahon ...... Dale Swift 2 Timeform 1-2-3: 1. BENZEL 2. LOVE THELEADER3.BUTLERGROVE KING 50 SPORT

FORMULA ONE CYCLING Hamilton now‘firing on all cylinders’in pursuitoffourth title

By PhilipDuncan Hamilton’s early defenceofhis titlehad been hit by technical trou- Lewis Hamilton insists he is now bles, but the Briton has nowtaken “firingonall cylinders” in his quest 42 points out of Rosberg’sleadinthe forafourthworld championship five racessincetheybothcrashed afterhis BritishGrand Prixvictory out of theSpanishGrand Prix. completed what he described as the And Hamilton will nowheadto “bestweek of theyear”. Budapestfor the HungarianGrand Hamilton(below) is nowonepoint Prix –arace he,alongwithMichael behindhis Mercedes team- Schumacher,has wonmore mate Nico Rosbergafter a timesthan anyother driver superblights-to-flag vic- in the sport’s history – tory in front of arecord with the title momen- Silverstone crowd.The tum firmly in his favour. 31-year-old’sbuild-up “I would definitely to hishome race had saythattheroughpatch been overshadowed Iwas going through, in by his crash with team- terms of reliability, was mate RosberginAustria. hard to handle when you It wasalso suggested that want to win the worldcham- Hamilton hurled anumber of pionship as much as Ido,”Hamil- items aroundhis Mercedes dress- tonadded. “Butsincethatlow after ing room when he crashed out in Barcelona Ifeel likeIwas able to qualifying at lastmonth’sEuropean cultivateavery strong and positive Grand Prix. But following ashort mentalattitude, and that’swhy I’ve Chris Froome sports break in Montenegro,Hamilton wonhowever manyraces since then the yellowofTour topped allthree practice sessions andIplantocontinue.” leader,Mark Cavendish at Silverstone beforestorming to After winning the opening four is in thegreenpoints pole,and then led every lap of Sun- rounds, Rosbergisenduring a jersey andAdam Yates day’srain-hitgrand prix. comparativeslump.Ateam radio wears the white of best “I’mreally happy becauseitis infringement as he battled agearbox young rider AFP/GETTY so easy to come intothis weekend issue in the closing stagesled to him with the wrongenergy, whether it is being demotedtothird–his Mer- nerves, or if youlistentoall the neg- cedes team withdrew their intention ativity thatsurroundedme,”Hamil- to appeal yesterday–while he was ton said. “But to arrivefeeling fresh, harshly booed on the podium by the feelingpowerful,feeling strongand partisan British crowd. confident,and then to deliver, is “I tried to calm them down what Iplantodoevery weekend. becauseit’sbeensuch agreat day “Onthe Mondayand TuesdayI thatIfeel like we’re betterthan HowBritain conquered wasinabeautiful place.Iwas by the that,”Hamilton, whowas subjected beach, by the sea, and Ifelt fresh, to boos at the Austria race,said. [I had] plentyofsleep,good vibes, “You have to understand that good food and good people and that they’re mad, passionate fans, and GB riders have won five of ninestages, started me out on the best week I theyfeel like something wasn’t Alasdair Fotheringham have hadall year,without adoubt. right in the last race.Iimagine fter Andy Murray’s CHRIS FROOME bunchsprint winsand is now, with “With the last race andnow this maybe when we gettoGermany andLewis Hamilton’s Leading the Tour overall after a 29,the second most prolificstage race,the fire is fully lit,soI’m firing we will have the same thing,but I triumphsatthe stunning downhill attack in the winnerinTour history afterEddy on all cylinders and hopefullythis hope notbecause in sport it is not weekend, the unspoken PyreneesonSaturday, if Froome Merckx’s34. will continue.” the done thing.” Aquestion was: can it get captures the Tour in two weeks’ Cavendish calculates thereare anybetter forBritishsport? time, the Kenya-born Briton will be two or threebunch sprint stagesleft The answer is thatincycling, the firstback-to-backwinner since in this year’sTour,but is pessimistic whereBritainisenjoyingits best Miguel Indurain in 1995. about his chances of taking the green MIXED MARTIAL ARTS everopening week of theTour de So far, theTeam Skyleader jerseyofpointsleader outright. But France, it alreadyhas. has not put afootwrong,strongly when it comes to bunch sprints, As theTour reached its firstrest defending his narrow overall lead Cavendish remains the man to beat. UFC’sriseacceleratesas dayinAndorrayesterday,British of 16 seconds on Sunday’s first riderswereleadingthree of the big summit finish in Andorrain ADAM YATES companyissold for£3bn four main classifications, with atrocious weather conditions. Second overallinthe Tour and Chris Froome in theleader’s jersey, Speakingyesterday, he described leadingthe Best Young Riders By Olawale Kuponipe years to representUFC and up-and-coming Lancashirerider hisposition as “a reallygood place competitiondespitebeing caught anumber of itsremarkable Adam Yates lyingsecondoverall to be tactically.Other teams have to up in afreak accident on stage seven The Ultimate Fighting athletes.It’sbeenexciting andleading the Best Yo ungRider go out thereand attack to gain the when apublicityarchcollapsed Championship,UFC,has been to watch the organisation’s classificationand sprintstar Mark timethey’ve lost.”Asfor thelatest and fell on topofhim.And no lessa soldtotalentand sports agency incredible growthoverthe last Cavendish wearing thegreen jersey wave of GB cyclingsuccess, Froome figurethan Froome has tipped the WME-IMGfor $4 billion(£3bn). decade under theleadership of thepointscompetition. argued, succinctly, “it’s not a fluke.” 23-year-old from Buryasapossible TheWME-IMGconfirmedthe of theFertitta brothers,Dana On topofthat, Britishridershave podium finisherinParis. deal, which equates to justover White and their dedicated team. won five stagesout of apossiblenine MARKCAVENDISH However, as agifted, out-and-out £3bn, to purchase the mixed “We’re nowcommitted to in the firstthird of theTour, three The race’sgreatest-eversprinter climber, Yatesrather gloomily martial arts organisation. pursuing newopportunities for bunch sprints from Cavendish,and finally led the Tour forthe firsttime predicted yesterdayhe’dlosefour UFCchairmanand co-owner UFCand itsathletes to ensure one each forFroome andWirral in his 10-year career lastweekend minutes in next Friday’scrucial LorenzoFertittawillstepdown thesport’s continued growthand veteranSteve Cummings. after he blastedtovictory in the medium-length time trial against from hisposition butbothhe successonaglobalscale.” The previous best forBritainat opening stage at Utah Beach. Since Froome. and fellow co-ownerand brother Thesale sees the end of a thispoint in the113-year-old Tour then, Cavendish has addedtwo more Frank will retain aminority successful eraand 15-year wasin2012,whenGBriders were STEVECUMMINGS interest in theorganisation. ownership under theFertitta lying first(SirBradley Wiggins) and Ahugelygifted breakaway WME-IMG co-chief executives brothers,alongside friend third overall (Froome) and hadwon ChrisFroome succinctly specialist, Cummings’ lonevictory Ariel Emanuel and Patrick andUFC president White, three stages. But 2016 has raised the describes the latest wave at LacdePayolle on Fridaycame Whitesell saidinastatement: whowill continue hisrole bar evenhigher. Here, i reports on of British cycling success after he rode solo up the firstmajor “We’ve been fortunate overthe following the deal. howthe Brits have done it. as ‘not a fluke’ mountain climbofthe Tour,fending NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 51

FOOTBALL NEWCASTLE UNITED Pogba deal showshow Benitezsets Sissoko price much haschanged tagat£35m

since Ferguson’sday By Ian Herbert Newcastle have no intention of By Ian Herbert sellingFrance’sEuropeanChampi- onship star Moussa Sissokounless No imaginationisrequired to thepriceisright,andwouldwantto sensehow Sir AlexFerguson beginnegotiating at around £35m might feel about Paul Pogba’s forthe player. agent MinoRaiola potentially Sissoko began Euro2016as emerging£30m richer from his someone not expected to playa cut of adeal returning theFrench huge role forDidier Deschamps’ playertoOld Trafford from teambut emerged as akey player, Juventus,four yearsafter he left. prompting links with Liverpool, “Thereare oneortwo football Everton and Tottenham Hotspur agents Idonot likeand Mino during the tournament. But the Raiola is oneofthem,”Ferguson 26-year-old has three yearsleft said lastyear.“Idistrustedhim on his Newcastle contractand the from the momentImet him.” clubfeelnoneedtoget involved in Pogbawas 18 when Unitedfound discussionswith him nowthatthe thatRaiola hadappeared on the tournament is finished. sceneand, as Fergusonviewedit, Unless avery substantial offer “been abletoingratiate himself comes in, the club would see him as withPauland hisfamily.” The club avaluable part of the team thatwill hadthe playerunderathree-year Paul Pogba’s agent Mino Raiolamay be competing to win immediate contractwith aone-yearrenewal make £30mifhejoins United promotion back to the top flight. option theywere keen to signbut ManagerRafaelBenitez’s the firstmeetingafterhechanged when Ferguson left. In his day, relationship withSissokoisagood representatives was“afiasco”, the transfer targets were agreed and one.The Spaniardspottedimme- then managersaid.“From then concluded on the basisofamutual diatelythatthe French midfielder our goose wascooked.He[Raiola] understandingwithone of the hadthe potential to playabigger and Iwere like oiland water.” loosenetwork of scouts Ferguson role than he hadbeen at Newcas- United have agreed to hadbuilt up andfelt he tle,droppingthe £12m£80,000-a- pay34-year-old Zlatan could trust. Those leftto week signing Jonjo Shelvey and Ibrahimovich, another of There are pick up the piecesfound selecting Sissokowho washand- Raiola’s clients,upwards the lack of astructure ed the captain’sarmband. of £200,000 aweek to one or two difficult. His performanceinthe draw sign. And then thereis football agents Paying £30mtoan against Manchester CityasNew- Henrikh Mkhitaryan Idonot like agentiswhathappens castle fought forsurvival was –another of Raiola’s and Mino when youare not particularlymemorable,coming clients, signed by United Raiolaisone equipped withthe on thenight which cemented the foraround £30m. It of them... He modern apparatus of sense among Newcastle fans that onlygoes to showhow and Iwere like themarket: five-year Benitez wasthe man to resurrect Tour de France Ferguson’s influence has advanceplanning, the club.His contribution at the receded as United accede oil and water with due diligence back end of theseason wasmixed, to the wishes of Jose undertaken andupdated thoughinthe final game of thesea- Mourinho. on emerging talents;aswell as the son–the 5-1win againstSpurs–he explains howtheir domination came about Thatone club mayend the resources to move fast when anew playedakey role,providinganas- summer with such avastvolumeof name materialisesfromoutside of sistand winning apenalty. offrivals as toughasVincenzo Concept team,it’snothing short their business put into the hands theradar.Whenthese do not exist, Newcastle announced yester- Nibali, one of the most formidable of exceptional. “He’s good,he’sa of asingle agent is disquieting – agents –whoseroleinthe market daythatIsaac Hayden has joined stageracers in the modern peloton. good ladaswell,”Cavendish said and it also shows howinadequate is actuallyinvaluable– holdso from Arsenal on a five-yeardeal. Riding forthe DimensionData yesterday.“It’s nicetosee him an infrastructure theywere left manycardsthatitfeels like an The 21-year-old joins primarily as squadwithCavendish,the Wirral mixing it in his firstTour.” withfor transfer marketbusiness annexation. THE INDEPENDENT adefensive midfielder but he can veteran’s hot streak stretches TodayinRavel,therecould alsocover at centre-back. back to March, with a be another opportunityfor Hayden becomes the fifth sum- breakaway stage win in New-Zealand-bornMcLayto TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR mer signingfor Benitez, whose Italy’ssecond biggest shine. leading central defensivetarget stagerace,Tirreno- is Blackburn’s Scotland inter- Adriatico. Since GERAINTTHOMAS Spursplayers risk burn-out nationaldefender Grant Hanley. then the 35-year-old A first-week rib injury THE INDEPENDENT formerOlympic after he fell on the after Euro2016exertions medallist (right) has firststage hasput a taken prestigious brakeonThomas’s By Ben Mayhew aChampions League campaign to breakaway wins in the pre-Tour aspirations negotiate as well as domestic games. Tour of theBasque to turn in astrong Tottenham Hotspur playersracked Six Arsenal players racked up a Country in Spain general classification up more minutesatEuro2016 than combined 28 starts and 2,625 min- andthe Critérium du performanceand act anyother Premier League club. utes of playing time.Manchester City Dauphiné in France. as Sky’s“plan B” behind The English top flight wasby hadthe same number of startersas His non-selection for Froome. farthe most heavily represented Arsenal but accumulated aslightly theOlympic Games Currently lying 16th domestic division at the tournament, lower2,499 minutes on the pitch. road-race hasbaffled overall at 3min 20sec providing 106 of the 552players who Liverpool were the only club to manycycling fans. back, this year’sParis-Nice travelled to France. match Tottenham in having 11 dif- winner only lost time on AndaPress Associationsurvey ferent players featureatthe tourna- DANIELMcLAY SaturdaywhenFroome found thatMauricio Pochettino’s ment but the Reds’ representatives Four top-10placesout tookthe yellowjerseyas Spursplayers clocked up atotal of clocked up amuch lower1,774 min- of apossiblefourwould part of astrategic decision 3,544 minutes, over900 morethan utes between them. be asolidhit-ratefor any not to help the Skyleader’s the side withthe second most minutes Vincent Janssen appears finally to bunch sprinter.But in the rivals limit their ownlosses. played–north London rivals Arsenal. be on theverge of making his move case of McLay,ayoung This year maynot producethe ElevenTottenham playerssaw ac- to Tottenham, with the AZ Alkmaar Britishsprinter taking breakthroughresult Thomas tionat Euro2016withninenamedinat forwardunderstood to be having a part in his firstTour de has been aimingfor,but he could least three starting line-ups in atotal medical in London yesterday.The France foralow-profile well be keyinhelping Froome win of 38 startsoverall,meaning Pochet- 22-year-old has been atargetfor Sissoko’s displaysatEuro16have FrenchFortuneo-Vital the Tour. tino mayneed to rotate carefully with Spursall summer. made himatransfer target 52 SPORT EURO 2016

CHAMPIONSHIP REVIEW Portugalwerethe fitting winnersofatournament fundamentally flawed

By JamesOlley Anyknockout competition inher- consequently sufferedasaspectacle. IN PARIS ently contains adegree of unpredict- Inevitably,Uefadeclaredthe 24- abilitybut this24-team set-up –from teamformatasuccess at apress In theend,Uefagot thechampions qualification throughtothe finals – conferencelast Fridaybut the reality theydeserved.MichelPlatini was seemsfundamentallyflawed. Thefull is Platini’sdecisiontoexpandwas at banned from attendingthe final here list of teamsPortugal were required leastinpart motivated by adesireto at the Stade de France as aconse- to face from start to finish over the garner votesfromsmallernations to quenceofhis post-playing career past two yearswereasfollowed: cement his position as Uefa chief and ending in abject disgrace,but this Albania, Denmark, Armenia, Serbia, in his proposed bid to succeed Sepp washis legacy. Iceland, Austria, Hungary,Croatia, Blatter as Fifa president. The 24-team formatwas Platini’s Poland,Walesand France. Thatambitionisintatters but the brainchild and it has delivered a expanded formatappeals to spon- champion in Portugal who finished sorsand television companiesalike, third in theirgroup and wonone Themargin of error was evenifthe matches have not consist- match in 90 minutes. Portugal played widened from the outset –it ently entertained. Football, it seems, 720minutesatthese finals and were can neverreach asaturation point. ahead in agame forjust 73 of them. took more than two weeks Similarly,whoeverwants to be This wasatournament which to eliminate just eight sides Uefa president in the futurewill rewarded caution morethan any attractsupportbyexpanding the beforeit. Of course,Greecewon a ’ run to the semi-final was tournamentstill further.A32-team 16-team version in Euro2004with proof ateamlacking the pedigree European Championship is surely afar morenegativeapproach than at this levelcould showalevelof inescapable.Itisalso sadtothink Portugal adopted thissummerbut attacking intent and prove suc- thiswill be the last Euros forsome the margin forerror waswidened cessful butthe tournament’sother timetobring ahost nation together, this time from the outset. surprise package, Iceland, were as Didier Deschamps’ teamman- It took morethan afortnight to more representativeofamindset aged hereevenindefeat; Euro2020 eliminatejust eight sides. Teams thatsaw smaller nations bunker will be spreadover13hostcities. knewthree points could easily be down in an effort to compete. Securitywill be acomplicated enough to reachthe last 16 and the Thatapproachisperfectly issue then as it washereand Uefa, insertion of thatadditional round fur- understandable given the resources in conjunction with the French ther diluted the prospect of facing an at their disposal but it is hardtoes- authorities, deservegreat credit for elite side in the firstknockout round. capethe conclusionthe tournament ensuring this lastmonthhas passed off without the kindofincident many feared washighly likely beforethe tournament. Damningstats Howthenumberstell thetale And Portugal should be duly celebrated,too.Itisnot their fault It was the sixth European Percentage of goalsscored in the the competition is structured as 10 minutes followingEder’s109th- watch him barking ordersstanding 1Championship final to go to extra 5whole tournamentbetween the it is and while theywereregularly minutestrike–aflash of brilliance in front of managerFernando Santos time but the first toend goalless after 42nd and 62nd minute of Portugal’s accused of beingalittle morethan from aplayerwho failed to scorein as his team-mates desperately tried 90 minutes 3-3 draw against Hungary 10 players throwntogether be- 15 gamesfor Swansealast season – to seethe game out. Somehow, it was The averagenumber of Thenumberofwins Portugal hind CristianoRonaldo,theywere wasmemorablefor Ronaldo’s furi- stillall abouthim. 2.12goals per game –which 0recorded in the group stages organised, resilient and found away ous gesticulations on the sidelines. Ronaldo playedavital role in is lower than Euro 2012 and the last The number of games Portugal to win the finalwithout him after he Anyone in doubtastowho calls the gettingPortugaltothe final andhe World Cup, buthigher than Euro 96 1won in 90 minutes at Euro2016 limped off 25 minutesin. The final shots in this side needed only to hobbleduptolift thetrophy, hobbled Ronaldo adds therole of father figuretohis glitteringcareer

By Jack Pitt-Brooke one of the lads, entirelyatodds So stay togetherand fightfor it.’ team-mates to giveeverything Championshipalsocame in IN PARIS withhis reputationasaselfish He wasfantastic, his attitudewas he can forthe group.Thatis aFranceteampackedwith individualist. unbelievable.” what Fernando Santos toldhim talent. Ronaldo’s achievementof It was2.20amonSundaynight EverythingRonaldodid on During the second half when he took overasmanager dragging an averageside up to his when CristianoRonaldo finally Sunday nightwas forthe good andextratime, we sawanew two yearsago,and Ronaldo levelismore impressive.Itgives emerged through the mixed of the team,asheovercame the Ronaldo,coaching his team- immediatelyagreed. himaclaim to be Europe’s finest zone deepunderneaththe Stade endingofhis owndreams by mates, running up anddownthe Whatitshows is that at 31 ever footballer. He has beenat de France. He wasarm-in-arm urginghis compatriots on to touchline, kickingand heading years old,Ronaldohas grown up. thetop for10years andnow has with Ricardo Carvalho, part of a fulfiltheirs.Cedric every ball. “Alwayshehelped Hispeakyears, his first five or international honours to show conga line which includedNani, Soares, the Portugal ourteam-mates, healways so seasons at Real Madrid,were forit. Jose Fonte, BrunoAlves and and Southampton hadalot of motivational spent scoring stacks of goals but The next question,then, as Eder.Theywere singing asong to defender,revealed words,”Soares said. “He foradysfunctional team.This Ronaldotakes afew weeks off the old Portuguese tune“pouco howimportant hadfantasticwords year,though,evenifheisnot before returning to Real Madrid importa, pouco importa”asthey their captainwas foreachplayerineach quite the playerhewas,Ronaldo pre-season, is what next?He dancedthroughthe room, onto to that win. momentofthe game.” has been rewarded forhis years feelssuchasense of dutytothis thecoach,and their next party. “For me andthe This was final of brilliance. young Portugal teamthathewill Twothings were immediately team,everybody proof of what had Thereare onlysomanyplayers trytoleadthem to the World apparentabout Ronaldo,beyond wasalittle bit in been apparent all whohavetriumphed in the Cup in Russia. He knows Renato the factthathis damaged left shock,”Soares tournament,that club and internationalgame, Sanches,William Carvalho,Joao kneewas so heavilystrappedthat revealed. “Butat Ronaldo relishes butRonaldo cannow claim to Marioand BernardoSilva,who hisdancing wasuneven. The first half-time, Cristiano hisrole as afather- have done so.And whileAndres wasinjured forthe Euros,willall wasthatthis wasthe happiest hadfantastic figure forthis Iniestahas wonmorethan him be better players then. Ronaldo momentofhis career,evenafter words forus. He young team. He has –four Champions Leagues, and will be 33 butwillnot give up one three Champions Leagues and gave us alot of embraced the fact threeinternationaltrophies–he more chancetowin the World three Ballons d’Or.The second confidence.Hesaid that,astheir best wonthoseaspartofabrilliant Cup.Portugal’s firstqualifier, wasthatthis wasaRonaldo ‘listenpeople, Iam player and captain, Spainteam. Zinedine Zidane’s against Switzerland in Basel, is subsumed within thegroup, surewewillwin. he has adutytohis WorldCup andEuropean eight weeksaway. THE INDEPENDENT NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 53


The Portugal CHIEF SPORTS CORRESPONDENT players pose on the plane back home after their victory in Parison Sunday night AFP Super Sundaysuccess stories builtonstealth andsimplicity

imple as adoves, wise as Milos Raonic he set the agenda, of talent and belief aligned to serpents’, the elemental leaning into his shots from the intelligent planning.Hamilton ‘Spoetry of Portugal back of the court, seeking the heads forback-to-backrounds coach Fernando Santos corners rather than relying in Hungary and Germanyin analysing his team’s qualities on the sliced defensivestrokes afortnight poised to takea after winning the European designed to induce an error championship leadinto Formula Championship.You wonder rather than win the pointonhis One’s summerrecess. if something similarmight ownracket. Murray boards aplane for fall from the lips of Big Sam Hamilton’s success is built over Brazil to defend his Olympic when he is interviewedfor the a21-raceseason. In the first four, crown before assembling in New post of England manager this he needed the patience of Job Yo rk forthe final grand slam of week. In defence of Allardyce as his team-mate Nico Rosberg the season. He might even start ,the messageisprobablynot mopped up successivevictories favouritefor the US Openin serviceable in his beloved whileheendured the gremlin this second Lendl phase after powerpoint. invasion. Thoughdenied ashot at NovakDjokovic finallyproved Portugal’sascent to maximum points he did what he to be human at Wimbledon, tournament winners after could, posting two second places, unable to summon thatfreakish qualifying third and winless from athird and aseventh. intensitythattook him to afourth arguablythe weakest groupat The win at Silverstone was consecutivegrand slam title in France 2016 is atriumph that his third in five races.Adeficit Paris. ranks alongside Greece and thatstood at 43 after four grands In themeantime, we all need a Denmarkfor stealth. Though prix is nowdowntoone. And breather.Super Sundays likethe Cristiano Ronaldo wasanobvious on SundayatSilverstone he last should come with ahealth focal point, there wasprecious demonstrated the qualitythat warning. Ronaldo wasnot the little else to compel the eye,and marks him out as special, leaving onlyone in need of astretcher. in the endtheywereforcedacross Rosbergfor deadinadevastating Mercifully,the scene shifts the line without him. opening lap in the wet. to the longer rhythms of Test Indeed, youmight argue In each example, Portugal, match cricket and major golf his removalthroughinjury Murray and Hamilton,any with England kicking offthe strengthened the offering since weaknesses are worked series against Pakistan at Lord’s it brought others morereadily to around, strengths backed, on Thursday, afew hours after the piece. As much as anything, and opportunity pursued Colin Montgomerie gets the Portugal’swin wasavictory of aggressively,aconsummate meld Open Championship under way readiness, acoalition of doves at Troon. The same rules apply down again to celebratewiththe ing.Moments earlier,apictureof and serpents, of simplicityand but in different settings. The squadbeforethrowing himself to Platini appeared on the big screen cunning. Portugal were organised spoils will go to those whobanish the turf in front of the trophyand alongside the words“Mercipour Portugal were organised to fear anddoubt, whoembrace photographers. tout, Michel”, after his countrymen within an inch of their lives, and to within an inch of their thechallenge, whosee the shot Finals areoften cageybut this hadlosttoateam whowould not have in aconstantstate of awareness lives –topull it off every man and commit. Yo uknowthe drill, one encapsulated the tournament – gotthis farhad he not meddled with of the half chance.Topull it off jack had to buy into the plan simpleasdoves, wise as serpents. safety-first, punctuatedbyflashes of the tournament. French fans jeered. every man jack hadtobuy into the brilliancebut generallyunderwhelm- Thanksindeed. EVENING STANDARD plan and knowhis role. If we transfer this principle to the individual successes of thatincredible Sunday, Lewis Two-minuteoverview ByMarkOgden Hamilton winning the British Grand Prix and AndyMurray Team of the tournament: Northern Mostamusing moment RoyHodgson claiming his second Wimbledon Ireland Wales achieved aminormira- saying ‘I don’t know what I’m doing title, we canspotthe similarities. cle, butthey had Gareth Bale. North- here’ at hispost-resignationpress Hamilton is not just quick,he ern Ireland were the real surprise–a conference. is adept at delivering aplanand team without stars, but moulded by a Best match: Wales 3Belgium 1 nimble enoughtoadapt when bright managerinMichaelO’Neill. Belgium dominated for 20 minutes, the random variable is in play. Coach of thetournament:Ferndando but Wales’team ethic swamped their His brilliance in the wettook him Santos Portugalwere dour and de- opponents and led to the greatest clear of the field and then it was fensiveattimes,but Santos devised a victoryinWelshfootballhistory. aquestionofmanaging the race plan whichgot the best from Ronaldo Naughtyboy of the toumament: from thefront, looking after an and made histeam hardtobeat. Michel Platini He was persona non engine thatmust servehim in ItwasactuallyagoodthingthatEnland grataatthe tournament, but 24 races to come. wentoutbecause...Ithighlighted fault- teams was hisidea, so he deserves the Murray,under the influence lineswhichcontinue tocompromise: naughtystepjust for that. of coach Ivan Lendl, wasalso uncertaintyfrom themanager,square rigorouslyprepared and pegsinround holesand theFA and Teamofthetournament executing accordingtoastrategy squadtakingthemselvestooseriously. developed to disarm the most Did 24 teamswork? No. The tourna- fearsome serveintennis. menthad toomany tediousgames Lloris Knowing what to expect is only marked by adesperation to avoid de- part of it. To take the bacon, both feat and in the huntfor third.Sixteen Kimmich Chester Williams Guerreiro Murray and Hamilton hadto (Ger) (Por) teams should be the maximum. (Wal) (Wal) intuit when to turn defence into What Iwillmostmiss about France Dier attack. The weatherinNice (Eng) The difference in Murray What Iwillnot miss about France when in tandem with Lendl is Sanches Kroos Bale The failure of anationtoembrace the (Por) (Ger) (Wal) most clearly markedinthis area. tournament.Even on finalday,the Ronaldo Griezmann Historicallyhehas been fartoo apathyoutweighedanticipation. (Por) (Fr) passiveonthe big points. Against Lewis Hamilton celebrates hisweekendvictory at Silverstone GETTY IMAGES 54 SPORT

WIMBLEDON Hangoverthat provesMurray enjoyedthis titlemorethan the firstone

By Paul Newman that. The nicething about winning AT WIMBLEDON hereisthateveryoneisaround.For example MarkBender,myphysio, When Andy Murray said he wanted whocomes to alot of tournaments to enjoyhis second Wimbledon but wasn’t [working with me at title morethan his first he was Wimbledon] wasable to join us. A notkidding.The 29-year-old Scot bunch of my family were theretoo. hardly everdrinks alcohol but was “Tonightwillbeabitcalmer.Itwill nursing aserious hangover when he just be nicetobearoundthe team. returned to the All England Club on We’ll probably chatmoreabout last Monday less than 18 hoursafter his night thanthe match, Iwould have victory overMilos Raonic in thought. Thereweresome the final. amusing scenes.” “It wasbrutal,”Mur- Hangoversmay fade, ray said when asked but Murray senses whether he might 4 thatitwillbedays have changed his and weeks beforehe opinion about the Years since Andy fullyrecoversfrom taste of alcohol after Murray reached the his exertionsofthe spending Sunday US Opensemi-finals last three months. night outonthe town. He has been on the “I didn’t enjoythe taste tennis treadmill al- thatmuch.” most non-stop since After attending the the start of the clay-court official Champions’Din- season three months ago. ner at the Guildhall in His run sincereaching London, Murray and the semi-finals of the companyheaded for 2 MonteCarlo Masters anightclub,where in April has been the worldNo2set Times Murray has remarkable:hehas about contradicting reached the US Open reached the final of the wordsofhis au- final: winning it in all five tournaments tobiography, Hitting 2012and losingitin he has playedand Back,inwhich he had 2008 wonthree of them. written: “I hate the taste “I coulddowithafew of alcohol. Iabsolutely hate days off,” he said. “The last it. Idon’t evenlikecham- fewmonths have been really pagne.Idon’t like wine. long,the longest of my ca- Ithink beerisdisgust- reer.Ihaveplayedmore ing and Ihaven’t matches than Iever tried whisky.” 15,040 have done.Imaybe In the cold lightof messedupalittle bit daybackatthe All Novak Djokovic’s last year beforethe Champion reachesthe peak of his ranking points as England Club Mur- world No 1. Murray, US Open.Iplayed ray said he could world No 2, has alittle bit too much remember the whole 10,195 and by the time the US powers thankstoLittleassistance evening,except thathe Open came around Iwas could notrecallexactly potentially abit flat anda what he hadbeen drinking. little bit fatigued.Idon’t want By Paul Newman so I’ve set levels and standards Andylifting the trophyhimself.” Whenwasthelasttimehehaddrunk thattobethe case this time around.” where he needs to achieve those Murray hadbacksurgery at likethat? “Never,”hereplied.“Never Asked if he thought he could em- Andy Murray’s powerand speed standards and once he has the endof2013,havingsuffered in celebration, that’sfor sure.” ulate AndreAgassi, whowon five have helped to make him adouble achievedthem,webackoff that repeated problems,especially Despitehis sore head, Murray Grand Slam titles after passing his Wimbledon champion,which is area. Iknowhow strongheneeds when playingonclay, due to the said thenight hadbeen “good fun” 29th birthday, Murray said it was whyhis strengthand conditioning to be. Iknowhow fast he needs to needtorotatehis bodymore to and would certainly provide atopic possible but stressedthatNovak coachisdetermined to keep him be. Iknowhow fitheneedstobe.” generatepoweronthe slower of conversation at the dinner he was Djokovicwas “stillclearly No 1”. at aphysical peak forthe rest of Littleworks with fitness surface. “Itwas tough,” said planning to have with his entourage Murray added: “Novak is not just his career.Murray is one of the trainer Steve Kotzeaswell as Little.“It took us probablythe on Mondayevening.“Lasttime I going to go away just because he strongestand fittest players in Murray’s regular physios, Mark bestpartofayeartoreally get wonWimbledonIsaid Ididn’tenjoy has hadone badtournament. Yo u tennis and Matt Little, whohas Benderand Shane Annun, his him back on trackand feeling it as much,soIjust wanted to make can’t forget what he has done in been workingwith the worldNo nutritionist GlennKearneyand good and we stillworktirelessly sureIenjoyed last night,” he said. the last18monthsorso. It has been 2for nine years, wantstokeep it Teresina Goheen, whooversees to keep him feelingthatway.It’s “It wasnice. Thatwas the thing. incredible.Thishas been agreat that way. his Gyrotonicsprogramme. been along road.” Little described Yo uget agoodgroup of your tournamentfor me,but if Iwantto “One of thethings we are Little said: “Tothinkthat friends, work colleagues,family win afew Slams over the next few workingonishis speedand power Andywouldget throughthis around and youcan relax. Youfeel yearsIamgoing to have to getbet- and I’mreally determined thathe tournament offthe back of that I knowhow strong he alot morecomfortable in those sur- ter.Iknow that he willcomeback doesn’tlosethatinthis finalthird French Open and thatclay-court needs to be,Iknowhow fast roundings. It wasjust anicething to strong from this because of the of hiscareer,”Little said. “But I season without anyniggles at he needs to be, Iknowhow fit do.Ivery rarely getthe chancetodo playerheis.” THEINDEPENDENT also don’t want to just kill him, all is, forus, as bigasuccess as he needstobe NEWS VOICES TV IQ BUSINESSSPORT TUESDAY 2-29 16-20 30-31 32-39 40-43 47-56 i 12 JULY2016 55

The GOLF CYCLING Davis Cup Montgomerieto Yatesjusttaking Sport hit firsttee shot things ‘day by day’ defenceis Colin Montgomerie admits it Adam Yates says he is feeling no willbeanemotionaloccasion pressuredespite lyingsecond when he hitsthe firstshotofthe overall afternine stagesofthe unlikelydue Matrix 145th Open at his home course of Tour de France. The 23-year-old RoyalTroon on Thursday. After Orica-BikeExchangerider had to clay court claiming the lastofthree places targeted individual stages, but he The storiesyou available in the 36-hole qualifier is only 16 seconds behind Team at Glasgow Gailes at the end of Sky’sChris Froome in yellow. “We By Paul Newman need to know June,the 53-year-old accepted just takeitday by dayand if we the invitationtohit the opening have the legswekeep rolling with Andy Murray says it is “unlikely” tee shot at 6.35am. it. That’sall thereistoit,”hesaid. thathewillplayinBritain’s Davis »JasonDay,page47 »TourdeFrance,pages50-51 Cup quarter-finalawaytoSerbiathis weekend, especiallyasthe tie will be playedonclay, asurface whichhas contributed to his back problemsin the past. He has beendiscussinghis par- ticipation with Leon Smith,Britain’s Ahigherstandard captain, whosaysheiswillingtokeep all options open until he has to make a finaldecision on his line-up the day Congratulations Andy before the quarter-finalstartsonFri- day. With DanEvans sufferingwith ashoulder problem, it is likely that WimbledonChampion2016 Kyle Edmund and James Ward will be Britain’stwo singles players. “Ifitwas on grass likewehad at Queen’s lastyear [in the quarter- finals against France] then that’sa bit easier,” Murray said.“Idid have a greatclay-courtseason thisyear and my body has been muchbetteronthe clay, butIalso need to respect that thatisasurfacethatIhave hadreal trouble with my back on in the past. “Every timeIcome back on to clay Ineed to respectthat. Even before the final last year in Belgium Ispent aweek training on claybefore[the WorldTour Finals] at the O2 to try and givemybacktime to adjust to Andy Murraygot it. The surfaceisreallythe main awarm reception obstacle.” on yesterday’s Nevertheless, Murray maywell fly returntoCentre outtoBelgradetosupportthe team. Court GETTY “I do think we couldwin theDavis Cup again thisyear,” he said. “That would be an amazing achievement foreveryone.Iampart of the team and Ifeel aresponsibility there to the team and to Leon. My brother is part of theteam as well, which all adds to it. It’s difficult. On the other hand, if therewas another tournament this weekend,unlessitwas maybeaSlam or theOlympics, there’snoway I would play.” THE INDEPENDENT thethree yearsbetween Murray’s benefited fromthe “intensity” of two Wimbledon titlesas“along hisentourageduring matchesand journey”. He explained: “Andy theireye contactwith him. has put alot of hardworkinand “I feel likeitreally helps him,” dedicatedhimself completely, as he said. “Itisalso good to have always.Ithink it’s very special thatbalanced with someone like becauseIthink he has hadquite a Ivan,who is very calm andvery fewtough times since hislastone, assured. ButAndyfeeds offthat includingthe surgeryand lots of energy.Heneeds it. I’ve hadnine changesintheteam. Ithinkheis years of screaming at him but he’s very relieved, butIthinkthistime returned the favour.” reallyecstatic as well.” THE INDEPENDENT Little wasone of thepeople Lendl consulted after Murray asked him if he wouldcoach him again. Little recalled: “He said:‘OK, right, updatemewith what’s been happening.Where is he at physically? Canweget more outofhim physically?’I said:‘Actually Ithinkheispretty close to his max really.Wecan keep pushing him,but Ithinkhe is pretty good. Idon’t think he is losing these thingsbecause of Proudsponsors of Andy Murray physicalreasons.’”Little saidhe Matt Little offersencouragement to hadcometoappreciateMurray Murrayduring Sunday’s final Sp

ort Look who’sback Murray returnsto CentreCourt day after triumph,p54


Football InPortugal, Euro2016got thewinnersit deserved Pages 52-53

Athletics Goldmedallist Ohuruogu’s seat ontheplaneto Rioinjeopardy Page 47


Cycling Brexit threatens to scupper HowBritaincame todominatethe TourdeFrance England sponsorshipdeal Pages 50-51 Exclusive slump by 30 percent and it is un- principletoa£4millionannual part- EU and the financial shock brought by Chris Stocks derstood the climate of uncertainty nership with the ECB overseveral on by the Brexit vote,theremay be could scupper anypotentialdeal. yearsasitlooked to promote its Nat- lessurgency to enact thatpolicy and TheEngland cricket team’s TheECB is looking foranew West brand in England and Wales. asponsorship deal withthe Eng- proposed sponsorship deal with the mainsponsorofthe England team NatWest is already heavily land cricket team could be amonga RoyalBankofScotlandisindanger to succeed Waitroseafterthe super- involved with English cricket, spon- number of expenses the bank might of collapsefollowing the European marketchain decided nottorenew soring the national team’s home see nowassuperfluous. referendumresult. its three-yeardealearlierthisyear. international one-day series and the RBS is still around 73 percent Negotiations between the Eng- Waitrose became involved with domestic competition. owned by thetaxpayer and chief land &Wales Cricket Boardand Englandin2014and its sponsorship, The drivetoincrease the visibility executiveRossMcEwan last week RBS were understoodtobeatan which sees the company’slogoon of NatWest wasbeing imposed on admittedplans to return the bank advanced stagebeforethe EU poll the team’s shirts and training kit, RBS by the European Union under to the privatesector via ashare on 23 June.However,instability in will end following the conclusion of the terms of its £45bn taxpayer sell-off would be delayedby“at least the financial sector sincethe Brexit this winter’s tour of India. bailout in 2008. acoupleofyears” followingthe vote hasseenthe bank’sshareprice It is understood RBS hadagreedin But with the UK set to leave the “setback”ofthe Brexit vote.