7, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5927 nearly 150 Bajrang Dal activists barged into Sherman pledged that if he was saved from According to the Day Foundation, the warehouse of U.S.-based PepsiCo in the that peril, he would commit himself to Juda- Siblings Day was recently marked in 22 states Surat, smashed bottles and set fire to the ism, his Synagogue, and to the Jewish com- (Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illi- place, said Dharmesh Joshi, a witness. The warehouse was partially burned. munity. nois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachu- A witness said about a dozen workers at Sherman made good on that promise, first setts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Ne- the warehouse fled during the attack and by becoming the youngest President of braska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New firefighters doused the flames. Kehilath Israel to ever hold that position in Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South The protesters also ransacked a nearby 1959 and 1960, and then being re-elected Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wis- PepsiCo office and demonstrated outside the President in 1978 for an additional term. He consin); the of each of these states American consulate in Mumbai. Some car- has worked for and led numerous organiza- proclaimed the 10th of April to be Siblings ried placards reading: ‘‘Down with the tions, reaching out to improve individual lives Day. ,’’ ‘‘Boycott the U.S. goods and the Americans.’’ in the Jewish community. Sherman’s dynamic I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- Up to 150 Bajrang Dal activists also tried work on behalf of Kehilath Israel, the Jewish nizing the importance of by saluting the to enter the U.S. visa application center in community and the overall Kansas City com- contributions of siblings. I applaud the work of Ahmedabad but were turned back by police. munity has created a new face for the entire Claudia Evart, who has created a loving trib- Modi called the U.S. decision ‘‘an insult to metropolitan landscape. ute to her deceased siblings through her work and its Constitution.’’ In a public ad- Sherman has been the backbone and the to establish Siblings Day. Her dedication dress in Ahmedabad, he lashed out at the lifeline for Kehilath Israel Synagogue. To show should serve as an inspiration to us all. United States. the respect that the congregation has for ‘‘A man from Gujarat was thrown out of a f train in South Africa. This led to a move- Sherman, he has been designated as Hon- orary President for Life. IN CELEBRATION OF NCAA DIVI- ment that overthrew the British Empire,’’ SION II MEN’S BASKETBALL NA- Modi thundered, in a reference to Mahatma On July 7, 1946, Sherman married Irene Gandhi. ‘‘Let us pledge to work for such a Friedman. Irene and Sherman will be cele- TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP day that an American would have to stand in brating their 59th wedding anniversary this line for entry into Gujarat,’’ he added. summer. Irene also will be celebrating her HON. ROBERT C. SCOTT ‘‘The United States can’t impose its laws 80th birthday on August 25, 2005. OF VIRGINIA on other countries. In the same way, India Irene and Sherman are the of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES should deny visas to U.S. officials as a pro- late Barbara Dreiseszun, the late Richard test against Washington’s policies in Iraq,’’ Wednesday, April 6, 2005 Modi said. Dreiseszun; -in-law Gail Dreiseszun ‘‘On what basis has the U.S. decided this?’’ of Shawnee Mission, Kansas; and of daughter Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, along Modi asked. ‘‘Where has the U.S. got its in- and -in-law Helone and Marshall Abrams with my colleague, Representative ERIC CAN- formation from? The American government of Denver, Colorado. Their grandchildren TOR, I rise with great pride to call attention to should know that every state in India is Brooke and James Levy and Erica and Evan a group of young students who have distin- ruled by the Constitution and no one can Fisher all reside in New York City. guished themselves, their school, their com- violate that. No court has indicted the Guja- Mr. Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity munity, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. rat government or the CM of complicity in to pay public tribute to Sherman W. The Virginia Union University Panthers the incidents that took place in the state.’’ men’s basketball team had a remarkable sea- If the Pakistani president and the Ban- Dreiseszun, who has been the backbone and gladesh prime minister could visit the U.S., the lifeline of both his Synagogue and his son and we believe the Panthers deserve for- two countries in which minorities have suf- community at large. I congratulate him on his mal recognition for their accomplishments. On fered, Modi said he could be admitted too. upcoming Second Bar Mitzvah and congratu- March 26, 2005, the Virginia Union University f late him and Irene on their upcoming 59th an- Panthers won the NCAA Division II Men’s niversary. Basketball National Championship. The Pan- TRIBUTE TO SHERMAN W. f thers completed their 2005 season with an im- DREISESZUN pressive 30–4 record. IN HONOR OF SIBLINGS DAY To quote from Virginia Union’s hometown HON. DENNIS MOORE newspaper, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, OF KANSAS HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ‘‘Those [Virginia Union’s] starters, none over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK 6–6 or heavier than 223 pounds, carried the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Panthers all year past bigger, stronger oppo- Wednesday, April 6, 2005 nents. . . . It is perhaps the most belabored Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Wednesday, April 6, 2005 sports cliche´, but when the Panthers looked at today to pay tribute to Sherman W. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today each other, they saw a whole greater than the Dreiseszun, of Leawood, Kansas, who on May to salute Siblings Day, a day to honor our sum of its parts.’’ 14, 2005, at Kehilath Israel Synagogue of and for the many ways in En route to their championship victory in Overland Park, Kansas, will celebrate his Sec- which they enhance our lives. This celebration Grand Forks, North Dakota, the Panthers won ond Bar Mitzvah. gives us the opportunity to show our apprecia- their second straight CIAA Championship on On May 25, 1935, at Voliner Synagogue of tion for our siblings, much like ’s Day Saturday, March 5, 2005. Their remarkable Overland Park, Sherman W. Dreiseszun, the and ’s Day are celebrated. Siblings Day season carries on the tradition of champion- son of Sam and Bertha Dreiseszun, was was founded by my constituent, Claudia Evart. ship basketball at Virginia Union, which now called to the Torah to celebrate his Bar Mitz- Ms. Evart has worked tirelessly to promote the has 15 CIAA Championships and three Na- vah and take his place as an adult in the Jew- observance of ’s Day on April 10th. tional Championships. ish Community. Siblings make important contributions to our Founded in 1865, Virginia Union University The Old Testament defines a person’s life lives, and often, when our parents have is an Historically Black University dedicated to as three score and ten (seventy years). Since passed away, siblings are our only remaining providing educational equity to African-Ameri- the age of Bar Mitzvah is thirteen, when a family. Siblings Day helps us remember the in- cans. Virginia Union welcomes diversity man has the good fortune to reach his eighty- tegral role brothers and sisters play in our among its faculty and staff as well as its stu- third birthday, he has earned the right to cele- lives, and it also provides an opportunity to re- dent body. In its founding days, Virginia brate his Second Bar Mitzvah. member siblings who we have lost at an early Union’s academic missions and social visions Sherman’s commitment to Judaism and to age. were ahead of their time. Now, more than a Kehilath Israel Synagogue was deeply rooted April 10th marks the birthday of Claudia’s century later, Virginia Union University is still in the promise he made during his service in , Lisette, who died tragically in 1972 at an innovating and inspiring place for college World War II. Sherman was a waist gunner in age 19 in a car accident that also killed their students and scholar athletes. the Air Force, and the plane to which he was father. An additional tragedy struck in 1987, My colleague ERIC CANTOR and I would like assigned was forced to ditch in the Atlantic. when Ms. Evart’s older , Alan, died in to extend our enthusiastic congratulations to While in the ocean, hoping to be rescued, an accident at his home. He was 36 years old. the Virginia Union University players and their

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