Advanced Review Developmental regulation of RNA processing by Rbfox John G. Conboy*

The Rbfox encode an ancient family of sequence-specific RNA binding proteins (RBPs) that are critical developmental regulators in multiple tissues including skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and brain. The hallmark of Rbfox pro- teins is a single high-affinity RRM domain, highly conserved from insects to humans, that binds preferentially to UGCAUG motifs at diverse regulatory sites in pre-mRNA , mRNA 3’UTRs, and pre-miRNAs hairpin structures. Ver- satile regulatory circuits operate on Rbfox pre-mRNA and mRNA to ensure proper expression of Rbfox1 isoforms, which then act on the broader transcriptome to regulate networks, mRNA stability and translation, and microRNA processing. Complex Rbfox expression is encoded in large genes encompassing multiple promoters and alternative splicing options that govern spatiotemporal expression of structurally distinct and tissue-specific protein isoforms with different classes of RNA targets. Nuclear Rbfox1 is a candi- date master regulator that binds intronic UGCAUG elements to impact splicing efficiency of target alternative exons, many in transcripts for other splicing regu- lators. Tissue-specificity of Rbfox-mediated alternative splicing is executed by combinatorial regulation through the integrated activity of Rbfox proteins and synergistic or antagonistic splicing factors. Studies in animal models show that Rbfox1-related genes are critical for diverse developmental processes including germ cell differentiation and memory in Drosophila, neuronal migration and function in mouse brain, myoblast fusion and skeletal muscle function, and nor- mal heart function. Finally, genetic and biochemical evidence suggest that aber- rations in Rbfox-regulated circuitry are risk factors for multiple human disorders, especially neurodevelopmental disorders including epilepsy and autism, and cardiac hypertrophy. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article: WIREs RNA 2017, 8:e1398. doi: 10.1002/wrna.1398

INTRODUCTION differentiation or respond to signals in the environ- ment. Much has been learned about the trans-acting fi issue-speci c regulation of alternative pre-mRNA RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and the cis-acting regu- fi ’ Tsplicing diversi es a s functional output by latory motifs that govern RNA splicing events, leading facilitating expression of distinct protein isoforms in to improved models of the splicing regulatory code.1,2 fi cell type- and developmental-speci c patterns. Tran- Based on these foundational studies of basic RBP scriptome characterization via RNA-seq analysis has mechanisms, current efforts focus on exploring the revealed an enormous capacity for cells to alter splicing physiological function of RBP-regulated splicing net- patterns as they specialize through normal works during normal differentiation and development. Correlating specific physiological deficits that occur *Correspondence to: [email protected] upon RBP knockdown or knockout, with specific alter- Biological Systems and Engineering Division Lawrence Berkeley native splicing defects induced in the relevant tissue, National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720, USA provides new insights into normal developmental pro- Conflict of interest: The author has declared no conflicts of interest cesses. Moreover, since aberrant splicing networks are for this article. increasingly appreciated as major contributors to

Volume8,March/April2017 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 1of17 Advanced Review human disease, mechanistic studies may ultimately extremely large gene of ~1.7 mb having multiple provide therapeutic avenues for new classes of disease. transcription start sites at alternative first exons span- The Rbfox protein family represents an ancient ning ~1.3 mb4 (Figure 1(a)). Even this representation group of RBPs that exert a powerful impact on a may understate the transcription potential, because it variety of RNA metabolic processes. Rbfox1 encodes does not include a few ‘singleton’ genome browser highly versatile RBPs that play integral roles in RNA annotations representing additional candidate start metabolism during development of organisms from sites. This long expanse of sequence is often nematodes and insects to mammals. In humans, described as the ‘50UTR’; however, it contains exons Rbfox1 and the closely related Rbfox2 and Rbfox3 of 63, 48, and 42 nt that are highly conserved from genes specify proteins that bind with high affinity reptiles to man, and which maintain an open reading and specificity to (U)GCAUG motifs located at strate- frame that can in principle be translated to generate gic regulatory points in the transcriptome: introns Rbfox1 proteins with alternative N-terminal domains that flank tissue-specific alternative exons, 30 untrans- (transcript classes Ia and II). In the downstream cod- lated region (UTR) sequences in mRNAs, pre- ing region of the gene, alternative splicing produces microRNA hairpins, and likely others. Moreover, diversity by modulating inclusion of exons that gen- their function can be expanded by participation in a erate active vs inactive RRM (RNA recognition larger assemblage of splicing regulators (LASR) that motif ) domains, exons that encode brain- and can bind at additional sites.3 Versatility is encoded in muscle-specific protein isoforms that may have differ- 5 the Rbfox gene architecture: via alternative promoter ent target specificities, and exons that change the C- choice and alternative pre-mRNA splicing, the genes terminal reading frame to control expression of a 8 encode multiple protein isoforms with differential nuclear localization signal. Finally, a little-noticed 0 subcellular localization and differential interaction alternative 3 end, also highly conserved among with regulatory co-factors. New data support the mammals, can encode two additional C-termini. hypothesis that Rbfox1 functions in a complex cellu- Notably, Rbfox gene structure in Drosophila already lar circuitry that (1) integrates inputs from multiple possessed two important features of the mammalian physiological and developmental cues to modulate genes: an RRM coding domain, the core of which is the output of structurally and functionally distinct contained within two exons identical in size and simi- protein Rbfox1 isoforms in the appropriate spatio- lar in sequence to human Rbfox genes; and the capa- temporal patterns; and (2) utilizes this complement bility to generate cytoplasmic and nuclear isoforms 0 9 of Rbfox1 isoforms to execute powerful controls on via alternative splicing of 3 exons. RNA processing events that specify the cell-type spe- Together these transcriptional and post- cific proteome. The latter includes not only regula- transcriptional processes specify a family of Rbfox1 tion of alternative splicing, its most well studied protein isoforms summarized in Figure 1(a). The sin- function, but also mRNA stability and translation gle RRM has been highly conserved through evolu- efficiency, and microRNA processing. This review tion, being identical in human Rbfox1 and Rbfox2, will focus on the complex expression of Rbfox genes almost identical (97%) in Rbfox3 and only slightly themselves, and summarize recent studies investigat- diverged from the evolutionarily distant Drosophila ing the importance of Rbfox-regulated networks to (94% identity) and Caenorhabditis elegans (77% normal development. These principles will be exam- identity) proteins. In binary binding assays Rbfox ined mainly in regard to Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 func- proteins exhibit remarkable binding specificity and 10–13 tion in brain and muscle, due to increasing evidence high affinity for the (U)GCAUG motif, proper- for their developmental functions in these tissues in ties conferred by extensive RNA-protein contacts evi- animal models and human disease states. Functions dent in the solution structure of UGCAUGU-bound 14 of Rbfox2 in other tissues, and functions of Rbfox3 human Rbfox1. Even Drosophila and C. elegans in brain, are considered briefly where relevant; future Rbfox1 orthologs associate with UGCAUG ele- 9,15 studies will surely provide new insights into these ments. Regarding other domains, at least some of functions for reporting at a later date. the alternative N- and C-terminal domains are required for splicing activity,5,10,16 and may facilitate interactions with other RBPs16,17 and assembly into 3 RBFOX1 GENES AND PROTEINS the LASR complex. Analogous to Rbfox1, the Rbfox2 and Rbfox3 Understanding the range of Rbfox1 developmental genes exhibit features that facilitate expression of functions requires appreciation of its complex gene diverse isoforms (Figure 1(b)), including: multiple structure and regulation. Rbfox1 is encoded by an transcriptional promoters distributed over hundreds

2of17 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume8,March/April2017 WIREs RNA Rbfox regulation of RNA processing

(a) 1.5mb 195kb

M43 RRM B40 A53alt3′ FAPY Rbfox1 gene 63 48 42 243 93

Tissue restricted promoters Brain isoform Nuclear isoform FAPY Ia B40 Rbfox1 Ib transcripts alt II  5′ss 93M43 A53 RNA binding Muscle isoform Cytoplasmic isoform III defective

IV location n.d. V


Mutually RNA exclusive Multiple Multiple binding tissue- C-termini N-termini domain specific +/- NLS Rbfox1 B40 protein(s) 93 M43 A53

(b) M43 alt3′ ends RRM B40 A53 Stop (if 53) Rbfox1 63 48 42 243 144 93 54 81133 65 76 54 61 FAPY

Rbfox2 TEVT (if 32) 51 225 93145 32 89 73 alt3′ss FTPY Rbfox3

145 101 40 255 138 133 181/40 62 79 alt3′ ends

FIGURE 1 | Rbfox1 gene architecture encodes diverse protein isoforms. (a) In the long 50 region, multiple promoters operating at distinct first exons provide potential for independent regulation by various physiological signals. In the RRM region, exons of 54 and 93 nucleotide are conserved from Drosophila to humans; the 93 nt exon is deleted in some isoforms to generate isoforms with non-functional RRMs. Mutually exclusive exons B40 (brain-expressed 40 nt exon) and M43 (muscle-expressed 43 nt exon) are differentially spliced to generate tissue-specific protein isoforms.5 In the 30 region, inclusion of exon A53 (alternative 53 nt exon),5 also designated as exon 19,6 shifts the translational reading frame of the downstream exons and results in loss of the NLS. White box, untranslated sequence; black boxes, translated sequence; gray boxes, alternative N-terminal sequences predicted by reading frame analysis. Alternative C-terminal reading frames are generated by inclusion or exclusion of A53 (Rbfox1) or 32 nt exon (Rbfox2). n.d., not determined. (b) Organization of Rbfox family genes. Rbfox2 and Rbfox3 are also encoded by large complex genes with many of the same features as Rbfox1.4,7 Excluding genome browser annotations only represented once in the database, Rbfox2 and Rbfox3 have 5 and 3 promoters, respectively, spanning ~200–300 kb of 50 sequence. In the core coding region between alternative N- and C-terminal domains, paralogous exons of the three genes are aligned ( lengths not to scale). Highly conserved RRM domains and RF(A/T)PY nuclear localization signals are indicated by shaded regions.

Volume8,March/April2017 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 3of17 Advanced Review of kilobases of 50 sequence; a highly conserved RRM splicing. Rbfox1 transcripts lacking A53 encode domain that can be spliced to generate active or inac- nuclear isoforms of the protein, effectively increasing tive forms through alternative splicing of a 93 nt nuclear Rbfox1 and rescuing some depolarization- exon; and alternative splicing events that generate induced splicing changes as part of an adaptive alternative C-terminal domains. All three genes response. express isoforms that either contain or lack the Rbfox1 mRNA stability and/or translation rep- RF(A/T)PY nuclear localization signal.8 All of these resent additional ‘post-splicing’ steps at which the features likely contribute to the increasingly wide cellular content of available Rbfox protein can be array of RNA metabolism functions associated with modulated, e.g., by interaction with other RBPs21 or various Rbfox proteins. with microRNAs.22 In humans, FRG1 is an RBP that binds Rbfox1 mRNA, decreasing its half-life, redu- cing expression of Rbfox1 protein, and disturbing 21 REGULATION OF RBFOX EXPRESSION Rbfox1 splicing networks. In Drosophila, A2bp1/ Rbfox1 acts as a memory-promoting gene of poten- Precise control of splicing factor expression is critical tial relevance to human patients with autism. Behav- for normal cell identity, and conversely, aberrant ioral, molecular, cellular, and genetic data suggest expression is a frequent cause of disease including that miR-980 represses Rbfox1 expression via inter- cancer. Increasing evidence suggests that proper spa- action with 30UTR motifs, and may trigger down- tiotemporal expression of Rbfox proteins is dictated stream changes in Rbfox1-regulated splicing by continuous integration of inputs from various networks to impact specific memory phenotypes.22 developmental and environmental signals that con- Additional regulatory effects on Rbfox1 mRNA trol Rbfox transcription, alternative splicing, and stability and translation, on protein activity or availa- mRNA stability. bility, almost certainly remain to be discovered. Rbfox1 transcription is regulated during devel- Unexplained discordance between changes in Rbfox1 opment and differentiation of skeletal and cardiac mRNA levels and protein levels have been observed muscle, as well as being differentially regulated in during skeletal muscle differentiation in vitro,23 sug- various neuronal regions. Some of the promoters are gesting the possibility of translational regulation. tissue-specific,4,5 but little is known concerning their Finally, the availability of Rbfox proteins for splicing regulation. Presumably the long 50 region is also regulation may also be regulated by expression of populated with multiple enhancers sensitive to devel- nuclear lncRNAs that harbor multiple Rbfox binding opmental and environmental input. motifs and are proposed to function as molecular Alternative splicing decisions within Rbfox pre- sinks for Rbfox proteins.24 mRNAs are in some cases subject to auto-regulation and/or cross-regulation. In Rbfox1 and Rbfox2, a 93 nt coding exon in the RRM domain possesses Distribution of Rbfox Binding Sites in the UGCAUG motifs in the immediate flanking introns, Genome two of which are conserved to Drosophila.4,5,18 All Genome-wide surveys of conserved UGCAUG motifs three mammalian Rbfox paralogs can bind to these and unbiased CLIP-seq analyses of actual Rbfox bind- sites19 and induce exon skipping, which leads to syn- ing sites indicate that major sites for Rbfox proteins thesis of a dominant negative isoform that cannot bind include introns in pre-mRNA, 30UTRs in mRNA, and RNAbutantagonizessplicingenhanceractivityofthe intergenic sites (Figure 2). In mouse brain most of the full length protein.4,5,18 In the Rbfox2 gene, inclusion Rbfox CLIP tags (~70%) reside in introns, with ~15% of two poison exons that induce nonsense mediated located in 30UTRs19,26 and ~13% in intergenic decay (NMD)20 can be regulated via Rbfox binding to regions;19 fewer sites map to coding exons and 50UTRs. highly conserved UGCAUG motifs in the flanking Subcellular fractionation studies show that chromatin- introns. Finally, the alternative 30 terminal exon in associated nascent transcripts are enriched for intronic Rbfox1 possesses a highly conserved upstream CLIP tags, while cytoplasmic RNA primarily binds UGCAUG and thus is a candidate for auto-regulation. Rbfox at 30UTRs.27 Rbfox binding has also been docu- Interestingly, an environmentally-responsive mented in hairpins of pre-miRNAs,28,29 in a subset of splicing switch involving the A53 exon can modulate sno-lncRNAs,24 and at promoter-proximal sequences the relative output of nuclear vs cytoplasmic isoforms in nascent RNAs that can influence transcription.25 of Rbfox1 to alter splicing outcomes.6 Neuronal Rbfox binding can positively or negatively impact depolarization induces numerous splicing switches, RNA processing activities as indicated in the figure. among which is repression of Rbfox1 exon A53 The obvious implication is that Rbfox plays major

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(a) indirectly, e.g., through the binding of other compo- nents including hnRNP M protein, allowing it to cross- link to RNA and exhibit splicing enhancer activity in Rbfox1 Rbfox1 Alternative 3 Pre-mRNA the absence of UGCAUG motifs. Upstream Downstream splicing intron intron (b) ALTERNATIVE SPLICING REGULATION BY RBFOX1

Rbfox1 Stability; UGCAUG motifs are greatly enriched and evolution- mRNA translation 3’ UTR arily conserved in proximal introns within 200–300 nt of tissue-specific alternative exons, but (c) are less common and less conserved near non-tissue- specific alternative exons30 and constitutive exons. Rbfox2 Rbfox2 Rbfox2 Rbfox2 Rbfox2 Rbfox2 sequestration Sno-lncRNA The degree of exon inclusion correlates with the SNORD116 number of UGCAUG motifs, at least for muscle- specific exons.31 UGCAUG motifs are enriched (d) fi Rbfox3 adjacent to tissue-speci c alternative exons in brain, Hairpin muscle, selected epithelial and mesenchymal cells, and MicroRNA 31–38 39,40 Pre-miRNA processing certain breast cancers; microexons in brain; near alternative ‘poison’ exons in mouse embryonic stem cells that contain premature termination 41 Pre-miR-20b codons; and are even enriched and conserved in more distal intronic regions >500 nt from neighboring (e) alternative exons.26,42,43 Genome-wide mapping of Rbfox binding sites in the brain transcriptome have Transcriptional Nascent RNA H3K27me repression revealed ~1059 direct Rbfox target alternative RNA 19 Rbfox2 splicing events. Over half of these targets show PRC2 dynamic changes during brain development, suggest- ing a major role for the Rbfox splicing program. FIGURE 2 | Sites of Rbfox function in the transcriptome. Rbfox motifs in the downstream intron gener- (a) Binding of Rbfox proteins upstream inhibits, while binding ally function to enhance splicing, while upstream downstream enhances, inclusion of the adjacent alternative exon. motifs tend to inhibit splicing, of a neighboring alter- (b) Binding of Rbfox proteins to 30UTR elements can enhance or fi native exon. This conclusion is supported by bioin- inhibit RNA stability and/or translation. (c) Binding to a speci c subset 1,19,26,32,33,44,45 of sno-lncRNAs can reduce the amount of Rbfox2 protein available for formatic and experimental analyses other nuclear functions. (d) Binding of Rbfox3 to the hairpin loop of (Ref 10 and others) that correlate splicing behavior pre-miRNAs can promote or repress processing. (e) Binding of Rbfox2 and motif location. The molecular mechanisms for to nascent promoter-proximal transcripts can recruit PRC2 complexes position-dependent effects on exon splicing are not that repress transcription.25 Black arrow indicates transcription start well understood. In some cases, Rbfox binding may site; curved green arrow indicates enhancer activity; curved red arrow inhibit splicing by competing with constitutive spli- represents silencer activity. (Adapted from Ref. 25). cing machinery at the branchpoint and/or 30 splice site.46,47 Alternatively, Rbfox binding might posi- tively influence splicing by recruiting U1 snRNP to regulatory roles in pre-mRNA alternative splicing, the 50 splice site via interaction with the U1-C potentially alternative polyadenylation, mRNA stabil- polypeptide.48,49 ity and translation, miRNA processing, and even transcription. Many Rbfox CLIP-seq tags lack the prototypical Cooperative Regulation of Splicing UGCAUG motif, due in part to direct binding with Networks by Rbfox1 and Other RBPs fi 12 reduced af nity at related motifs such as GCACG, or Given that 105 to 106 UGCAUG hexamers likely by virtue of RNA secondary structure that juxtaposes reside in the human transcriptome, what distin- 26 distal UGCAUG motifs with other sequences. Addi- guishes functional vs non-functional sites, and what tionally, Rbfox proteins can reside in a bigger complex determines tissue-specificity of functional sites? Func- 3 termed LASR (large assembly of splicing regulators). tional sites tend to reside in highly conserved In this complex Rbfox can be recruited to RNA regions26,30,32 having specific sequence3 and

Volume8,March/April2017 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 5of17 Advanced Review secondary structure biases,50 indicating that the In fact, several co-regulatory networks invol- neighborhood matters. Presumably adjacent ving Rbfox proteins have been at least partially char- sequences are relatively deficient in splicing silencer acterized in mammalian tissues, likely providing elements, except when required for regulated antago- considerable flexibility in regulating sub-networks of nism, and enriched in motifs that favor binding of tissue-restricted Rbfox target exons (Figure 3). In co-regulatory factors that confer tissue-specificity. mouse brain, about 15% of the exons in the NOVA- A well documented example of coordinate regulated splicing network have UGCAUG motifs in Rbfox splicing regulation occurs in the fibroblast the flanking intron,52 and experimental analysis con- growth factor receptor pre-mRNA in C. elegans mus- firmed that NOVA and Rbfox synergistically regulate cle.15 Genetic and biochemical evidence show that Gabgr2 exon 9. In the human embryonic muscle cell SUP-12 and the Rbfox-related protein ASD-1 bind line HFN, a co-regulatory network of splicing events cooperatively and stably to adjacent motifs upstream under combinatorial control by Rbfox1 and Mbnl1 of exon 5B to inhibit its splicing and allow activation was demonstrated.51 In embryonic stem cells, Rbfox2 of the downstream exon 5A in muscle. Loss of either and MBNL1 cooperate in regulating exons important interaction results in weaker binding in vitro and for pluripotent stem cell differentiation,53 and similar weaker repression of exon 5B in vivo. This study cooperation between Rbfox2 and Mbnl1 can occur concluded that co-regulation of tissue-specific spli- in mesenchymal cells.54 In epithelial cells coordinated cing, through cooperative binding of multiple factors networks of Rbfox2/ESRP-regulated exons have been having partially overlapping expression patterns, reported.55,56 Finally, co-regulation of splicing events provides greater regulatory flexibility than would a has also been reported between Rbfox and PTBP simple binary interaction of Rbfox with its motifs.15 proteins38,39 and between Rbfox and HNRNPH

(a) (e) Rbfox1 Rbfox1 Muscle- MBNL1 Antagonistic NOVA1 specific effects

(b) (f)

Muscle- ASD-1 Rbfox1 SUP12 Brain- NOVA1 specific specific skipping

(c) (g)

Brain- and Antagonistic PTBP1 Rbfox1 Rbfox1 muscle- NOVA1 MBNL1 effects specific (d) (h)

Stronger Brain- Rbfox1 muscle- specific NOVA1 Rbfox1 Rbfox1 MBNL1 specific looping

FIGURE 3 | Coordinate determination of lineage-specific alternative splicing by Rbfox and other RBPs. (a) Model based on co-regulation by Rbfox1 and Mbnl1 in a muscle cell line.51 (b) Model based on the common overlap between Rbfox- and Nova-regulated exons in brain.52 (c) Model of dual specificity by intersection of muscle- and brain-specific regulatory patterns. (d) Model based on co-regulation by Rbfox1 and Mbnl1 in a muscle cell line51 and correlation of exon inclusion with number of UGCAUG motifs.31 (e) Demonstrated antagonistic effects on splicing for an alternative exon in Arhgef12.32 (f ) Coordinated repression by SUP12 and the Rbfox-related gene ASD-1 of exon 5B in the egl-15 gene in C. elegans.15 (g) Antagonistic effects on splicing of brain microexons H. Brain-specific enhancer activity by looping across the intron, proposed for Gabrg2 exon 9.52 Green arrows indicate enhancer activity; red arrows indicate silencer activity.

6of17 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume8,March/April2017 WIREs RNA Rbfox regulation of RNA processing proteins,16,17 as well as Rbfox3 and PSF.57 For most One study used a CLIP-seq approach to identify pri- of these examples, it appears that Rbfox can either miRNAs that bind Rbfox3 both in neuronally- synergize with or antagonize activity of the co-regula- differentiated P19 cells and in the mouse central tors, providing considerable flexibility to the networks. nervous system (CNS). Rbfox3 was shown to posi- tively regulate processing of individual pri-miRNAs to pre-miRNAs (e.g., pre-miR-15a), while negatively Regulating Alternative Splicing of regulating other pre-miRNA processing events Noncoding Exons Down-regulates Gene (e.g., pre-miR-485).28 Selected isoforms of Rbfox1 Expression via AS-NMD and Rbfox2 exhibited similar regulation of these two Rbfox proteins can indirectly effect changes in gene representative pre-miRNAs when exogenously expression, when they mediate alternative splicing expressed in P19 cells, albeit with weaker activity than Rbfox3. Surprisingly, most of the miRNAs coupled to nonsense-mediated decay (AS-NMD), due regulated by Rbfox3 in this system do not contain to the introduction of premature termination codons the typical (U)GCAUG sequence motif, suggesting in specific transcript isoforms. This mechanism was that Rbfox functions in combination with other fac- demonstrated for Rbfox2-mediated regulation of tors to mediate recruitment of the microprocessor numerous AS-NMD events in embryonic stem cells,41 complex to pri-miRNAs. The second study focused but similar outcomes likely could be effected by on two miRNAs (miR-20b and miR-107) that do Rbfox1 or Rbfox3 in other tissues. Changes in contain essential GCAUG motifs in the terminal expression of Rbfox that increase or decrease relative loops of their primary transcripts.29 Binding of these expression of exons containing premature termina- transcripts to Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 inhibits processing tion codons will modulate the proportion of tran- of the pri-microRNAs to pre-microRNAs, reduces scripts subject to nonsense-mediated decay, thus expression of the mature microRNAs, and increases altering . Some of the affected tran- expression of targets normally downregulated by scripts encode splicing factors, and could provide a these microRNAs. Together these studies show that mechanism for escaping the self-limiting window of Rbfox family members can exert physiological effects expression enforced by negative auto-regulation of in yet another aspect of RNA metabolism, such transcripts.41 i.e., regulation of miRNA biogenesis.

NON-SPLICING FUNCTIONS OF RBFOX1 Cytoplasmic Rbfox1 Regulatory Networks Pre-mRNA splicing is but one of many RNA meta- Impact mRNA Stability of Developmentally bolic processes that are regulated by RBPs in the Important Genes from Drosophila to Man nucleus, and in the cytoplasm, of higher eukaryotes. The Drosophila A2BP1/Rbfox1 gene encodes a cyto- This section briefly reviews evidence of Rbfox regula- plasmic isoform that affects development through its tion of microRNA processing in the nucleus, and of effects on mRNA stability and translation during mRNA stability and translation efficiency in the cyto- germ cell differentiation.9 In this context, cytoplasmic plasm. The discovery of cytoplasmic Rbfox1 Rbfox1 represses expression of target transcript(s). isoforms,5,20 and the strong enrichment of UGCAUG Isoform-specific knockdown and rescue experiments 0 motifs in 30UTRs,13,32 clearly indicate that this versa- show that mRNAs with 3 UTR GCAUG motifs, tile RBP must have non-splicing functions. Interest- including transcripts encoding the RBP Pumilio, are ingly, both negative and positive effects on mRNA targets of repression by cytoplasmic but not nuclear abundance have been demonstrated experimentally Rbfox1 protein. Here Rbfox1 functions in circuitry in contexts as diverse such as mouse hippocampal that titrates Pumilio as needed for germ line mainte- neurons27 and Drosophila germline,9 suggesting that nance: knockdown of cytoplasmic Rbfox increases the direction and degree of cytoplasmic Rbfox- Pumilio expression and inhibits germ cell differentia- dependent gene regulation might depend on combi- tion, while over-expression represses Pumilio to cause natorial interactions with other regulators. precocious germ cell differentiation. Of note, the authors point out that Rbfox1, Rbfox2, and Rbfox3 physically associate with Pumilio1 and Pumilio2 Rbfox Regulation of microRNA Processing mRNA in the mouse nervous system,9 raising the Two groups have reported that Rbfox proteins can possibility that critical functions for cytoplasmic regulate processing of microRNA precursors.28,29 Rbfox have been conserved to man.

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In fact, functional studies of individual Rbfox1 RNA abundance-dependent manner to increase or isoforms in mouse hippocampal neurons had already decrease PRC2 recruitment.25 This activity might be implicated cytoplasmic Rbfox1 in regulating expres- restricted to Rbfox2, since it depends on a unique C- sion of synaptic and autism-related genes through terminal domain not found in other Rbfox paralogs. effects on mRNA abundance.27 Primary hippocam- pal neurons express abundant cytoplasmic Rbfox that can be depleted by knockdown of Rbfox1 and DEVELOPMENTAL FUNCTIONS Rbfox3 transcripts, the two paralogs known to OF RBFOX PROTEINS IN encode cytoplasmic isoforms. Transcriptome analyses ANIMAL MODELS of these cells, along with binding assays and genetic rescue experiments, all support the hypothesis that Rbox Function in Brain cytoplasmic Rbfox binds to, and positively regulates A brain function for human Rbfox1 was initially abundance of, cytoplasmic mRNAs naturally tagged proposed on the basis of its interaction with ataxin2, with the UGCAUG motif. Cytoplasmic Rbfox1- the gene affected in patients with spinocerebellar regulated transcripts are enriched for genes involved ataxia type 2,58 and on the abundance of UGCAUG in cortical development and autism, implying that motifs near brain-specific alternative exons. Subse- cytoplasmic Rbfox impacts an essential component quent exploration of Rbfox protein expression and of the neural development program with disease rele- function in the brain has focused on the mouse cere- vance.27 In the same cells, Rbfox knockdown elicited bellum utilizing Rbfox1loxP/loxP and Rbfox2loxP/loxP changes in alternative splicing that could be rescued strains generated in the Black lab to engineer condi- by expression of nuclear Rbfox1, independent of the tional knockouts.59,60 Mice with CNS knockout of abundance effects of cytoplasmic Rbfox. either Rbfox1 or Rbfox2 have distinct neurological That Rbfox1-mediated effects on mRNA stabil- phenotypes, consistent with their different pattern of ity are relevant to human disease is further suggested expression in the normal cerebellum.59,60 Rbfox1 by bioinformatics analyses that correlate 30UTR knockout mice experience spontaneous seizures and motifs with RBP expression.13 Abundance of tran- greatly exaggerated responses to systemic administra- scripts with UGCAUG motifs in the 30UTR correlates tion of kainic acid, a neuroexcitatory agent used in positively with Rbfox1 expression across many tis- epilepsy studies. Rbfox2 knockout mice have small sues, and knockdown of Rbfox1 decreases their cerebellums, exhibit progressive difficulty in move- abundance, supporting the hypothesis that Rbfox1 ment, abnormalities in Purkinje cell function, and not enhances mRNA stability. As predicted by this infrequently develop hydrocephalus at a young age. model, Rbfox1-deficient autistic brains exhibit In the search for Rbfox-mediated splicing switches reduced abundance of mRNAs having 30 Rbfox that might explain these phenotypes, normal − − − − motifs.13 Since these transcripts are enriched for Rbfox1 / , and Rbfox2 / brains were compared voltage-gated ion channels, Rbfox1-mediated regula- using Affymetrix exon-junction (MJAY) microarrays. tion of transcript stability may affect nervous-system- Modest numbers of significant splicing differences specific processes. were detected for alternative exons in the knockout brains, most of which had adjacent intronic UGCAUG motifs and are likely to be direct targets. Rbfox2 Interaction with PRC2 can Impact Correlating specific splicing changes with specific Transcription Networks defects in these pleiotropic phenotypes is challenging, Finally, Rbfox2 can impact transcript abundance via probably due to compensatory changes in Rbfox a novel mechanism involving interaction with Poly- expression when one of the genes is inactivated. Nev- comb repressive complex 2 (PRC2),25 which methy- ertheless, splicing changes in the Rbfox1 knockout lates H3K27 and is associated with gene silencing were observed in a few ion channels and neurotrans- activity. Rbfox2 was shown to interact with mitters that are involved in synaptic transmission chromatin-associated RNA, often near gene promo- and membrane excitation, and might contribute to ters, and also to bind directly to purified PRC2 com- the seizure phenotype. The authors cite previous plex. An array of bioinformatics and biochemical reports showing that two genes with disturbed spli- studies was employed to develop an intriguing model cing previously have been implicated in patients with that Rbfox2 interacts with nascent RNA and recruits epilepsy (Gabrg2a), or have been shown to alter sei- PRC2 to target genes so as to repress expression. zure susceptibility in mice (Grin1). Functional interplay between Rbfox2 and PRC2 may Knockout of Rbfox gene(s) specifically in post- regulate homeostatic gene expression in a nascent natal Purkinje cells resulted in aberrant alternative

8of17 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume8,March/April2017 WIREs RNA Rbfox regulation of RNA processing splicing in the Scn8a gene for sodium channel Rbfox-deficient zebrafish exhibit severe functional Nav1.6, likely relevant to the observed electrophysio- defects in both cardiac and skeletal muscle, including logical abnormalities in firing of pacemaking action reduced heart rate and disorganized skeletal muscle potentials.60 Importantly, Purkinje cell-specific myofibrils leading to loss of embryo motility. Because knockout of the same sodium channel gene was muscle-specific splicing events are often highly con- shown by others to generate a pacemaking defect served from zebrafish and chickens to similar to the Rbfox deficiency. mammals,34,63,65 it is not surprising that Rbfox Together these studies have begun to reveal knockdowns described in the next section were critical functions for both Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 not shown to disturb myoblast differentiation, mature only during brain development, but also for mainte- skeletal muscle function, and cardiac function in nance of functioning circuits in the adult brain. How- mice. Importantly, the latter have potential relevance ever, there are inherent difficulties in trying to to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in humans. deconvolute relevant splicing targets and physiologi- cal functions across complex brain regions for indi- vidual Rbfox proteins, especially in the face of Conditional Knockout in Skeletal Muscle compensatory regulation by other Rbfox paralogs In the C2C12 mouse myoblast differentiation model, when one is knocked out. This might explain why siRNA-mediated Rbfox1 knockdown had only mod- the number of observed splicing changes is much est effects, which was unexpected because substantial fewer than expected given the large number of targets upregulation of Rbfox1 accompanies induction of predicted by CLIP-seq experiments,19 and why differentiation in these cells. Instead, it was knock- changes in gene expression expected due to loss of down of Rbfox2 that strongly impaired myoblast cytoplasmic Rbfox127 were not observed. fusion.66 Two Rbfox2-regulated alternative exons Interestingly, Hamada et al. employed in utero were identified as critical splicing targets: one that electroporation of RNAi vectors to knock down generates an alternative isoform of Mef2d transcrip- expression of cytoplasmic61 or nuclear62 isoforms of tion factor, and another that ultimately reduces Rbfox1 in ventricular zone progenitor cells of D14.5 ROCK2 kinase expression by introducing a prema- mouse embryos. Using a co-transfected GFP expres- ture stop codon that induces NMD. Remarkably, the sion vector to facilitate imaging of newly generated fusion defect in Rbfox2-deficient myoblasts could be excitatory neurons during corticogenesis, they substantially rescued by forced expression of the demonstrated similar but not identical phenotypes, Rbfox-dependent Mef2d isoform and knockdown of with defects in neuronal migration and axon growth ROCK2 expression. being more severe under conditions of nuclear In normally-developed mature skeletal muscle, Rbfox1 deficiency. Importantly, developmental Rbfox1-deficiency was engineered in adult mice by defects could be rescued by expression of the relevant doxycycline-induced expression of muscle actin RNAi-resistant Rbfox1 isoforms. These studies con- promoter-driven Cre recombinase23 using the cluded that both cytoplasmic and nuclear isoforms of Rbfox1loxP/loxP model. Phenotypic effects included Rbfox1 are critical for establishing the architecture progressive loss of performance in force generation of the developing cerebral cortex, but detailed tran- assays, structural irregularities in sarcomeres, and scriptome analyses to identify alterations in splicing functionally aberrant calcium handling. RNA-seq or transcript stability have not yet been reported. analysis detected many changes in alternative spli- cing, enriched in genes functioning in calcium signal- ing, cytoskeleton organization, and myofibrillar Rbfox Function in Muscle structure. The authors concluded that the phenotype An important role for Rbfox proteins in vertebrate of Rbfox1-deficient muscle probably results from muscle was suggested by the abundance of intronic combinatorial effects on splicing of multiple genes UGCAUG motifs flanking muscle-specific alternative necessary for maintenance of muscle structural and exons,31,32,34 especially those undergoing functional integrity. developmentally-regulated splicing transitions during These studies show that Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 maturation of embryonic to adult heart.63 Mutation regulate distinct sets of splicing events in proliferating of the fox-1 and asd-1 paralogs in C. elegans caused myoblasts and differentiated myotubes. To what aberrant splicing in body wall muscles,64 and knock- extent Rbfox effects on mRNA stability and transla- down of two muscle-expressed Rbfox genes in zebra- tion, or on miRNA processing might contribute to fish resulted in abnormal splicing of muscle-specific the phenotype is unknown. Future studies will be alternative exons having intronic UGCAUG motifs.65 needed to integrate the Rbfox-dependent component

Volume8,March/April2017 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 9of17 Advanced Review of muscle differentiation with the overall splicing promoters to drive expression of Cre recombinase, program, since differentiating muscle expresses many but both models clearly generate serious cardiac Rbfox-independent splicing transitions. defects, and both exhibit aberrant splicing in genes implicated in heart function and disease. Conditional Knockouts in Heart Rbfox1 protein levels increase post-natally while DISRUPTION OF RBFOX FUNCTION IS Rbfox2 expression is higher in the neonatal heart but ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN DISEASE reduced in the mature adult mouse heart,63,67 sug- Based on the multi-faceted functions of Rbfox pro- gesting both overlapping and unique functions dur- teins in regulating gene expression, and given the ing cardiac maturation. Many splicing transitions are phenotypes observed in animal models, one might dynamically regulated during normal heart develop- expect defects in Rbfox networks to be associated ment, and the strong enrichment of UGCAUG flank- with human disease. Indeed, genome-wide studies ing many of the switched exons further supports a have repeatedly identified large deletions and translo- critical role for Rbfox splicing networks.63 cations in the Rbfox1 gene for small percentages of Two recent papers explored the biomedical patients with neurodevelopmental diseases such as importance of cardiac Rbfox regulation, using autism and epilepsy (summarized in Ref 69). How- mechanical and genetic models of heart failure in the ever, evidence implicating Rbfox networks in human mouse.67,68 Both Rbfox1 and Rbfox2 were specifi- disease continues to expand, as defects in Rbfox1 are cally down-regulated in response to pressure-overload associated with heart disease and other disorders, induced heart failure, in contrast to most other spli- and Rbfox2 mutations have now been associated cing factors, leading to reversion of many develop- with heart disease.70 In a few cases, reduced Rbfox1 mentally regulated Rbfox target exons to a more mRNA expression has been confirmed in autistic fetal-like splicing pattern. Importantly, re-expression brains, where Rbfox1 behaves as a ‘hub’ in the ASD of an Rbfox1 transgene not only ameliorates the gene transcriptome network.71 Reduced Rbfox1 pathological hypertrophy in these animals, but also expression has also been reported in failing hearts of rescues some of the aberrant splicing events. In the patients with DCM.67 genetic model, mice with conditional knockout of car- So far, mechanistic relationships between diac Rbfox1 were engineered using the Rbfox1loxP/loxP Rbfox1 gene deletions, aberrant Rbfox1 protein system. These mice exhibit decreased cardiac function expression, and neurodevelopmental disorders are at 6 months, greatly accelerated adverse reactions to not well understood. Nor has the incomplete pene- pressure overload induced by transaortic constriction, trance of neurodevelopmental disorders sometimes and substantial overlap in aberrant splicing events observed in families with Rbfox1 deletions been compared with mechanical heart failure. explained.72 A further confounding factor is that An important Rbfox1 regulatory target that Rbfox1 splicing networks can be perturbed not only likely contributes to the aberrant phenotype in failing by direct mutation, but also by defects in Rbfox1- hearts is the MEF2 family of transcription factors. regulatory factors that secondarily disturb Splicing of a key Rbfox- and UGCAUG-regulated splicing.21,24 alternative exon in MEF2a is perturbed in both heart failure models, but rescued by expression of trans- genic Rbfox1 in mice, or by expression of the correct Mutations in the Rbfox1 Gene MEF2a isoform in zebrafish. Remarkably, relevance Rbfox1 gene aberrations associated with neurodeve- of the RBFox1/Mef2 regulatory circuit to human dis- lopmental disorders were discovered by virtue of ease is supported by the finding of decreased Rbfox1 substantial translocations or intragenic deletions expression and the same aberrant splicing event in mapping to the extraordinarily long 50 region of the DCM human heart samples.67 gene. A few of the informative deletions reported in – Mice with conditional knockout of cardiac the literature73 78 are shown in Figure 4. Most dele- Rbfox2 at the start of cardiogenesis are born nor- tions remove a first exon (shaded green) or poten- mally, with hearts of grossly normal morphology, tially coding internal exons (shaded blue), but a few but they experience progressive heart failure invol- deletions (depicted in red) apparently encompass ving a progressive DCM phenotype with severe con- only intronic sequence. Not shown here, the farthest traction defects.68 Precise comparison with the upstream promoter region is also disrupted in at Rbfox1 knockout is challenging because the two least two translocations.80,81 Mechanistically, these models were generated using different transcriptional deletions might disrupt Rbfox1 expression by

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Scale 500 kb hg19 chr16: 6,500,000 7,000,000 7,500,000

1 2 3






FIGURE 4 | Rbfox1 deletions associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in humans. Below are Rbfox1 annotations with arrows depicting presumed promoter locations as described in Figure 1. Green bars, deletions that span promoters; blue bars, deletions that span internal exons likely translated in some contexts as shown in Figure 1. Red lines indicate deletions apparently in introns only. Other Rbfox1 deletions have also been reported.73,75 Numbers at the right margin indicate the relevant citations for deletions as follows: group 1;78 group 2;74 group 3;73 group 4;75 group 5;72 group 6;76 group 7.77 eliminating promoters, disrupting transcriptional visual refractive errors,82,83 and pediatric food enhancers, or affecting mRNA stability and transla- allergy.84 Moreover, small mutations within the tra- tion efficiency. Alternatively, given the likelihood ditional downstream Rbfox1 coding exons have been that the internal 50 exons are translated in some reported,72,85 and exome sequencing studies have brain regions in a promoter-dependent manner suggested that a small proportion of patients with (Figure 1), it is possible that functionally important congenital heart disease (CHD) have damaging Rbfox1 domains are lost in selected neurons that Rbfox2 mutations.86 In particular, hypoplastic left express extended N-termini. heart syndrome (HLHS) patients with a truncating Taken together, other recent observations indi- nonsense mutation express a shorter Rbfox2 protein cate that the contribution of Rbfox1 (and Rbfox2) that is associated with reduced nuclear localization, mutations to human disease could be far greater than reduced expression of transcripts with 30UTR currently appreciated. Intragenic deletions of Rbfox1 Rbfox2 binding sites, and reduced activity in have been found in patients with heart disease,70 splicing.87

Volume8,March/April2017 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 11 of 17 Advanced Review

Defects in Rbfox Expression Secondary A second candidate Rbfox1-related disease is to Aberrations in Other Metabolic Pathways Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a neurogenetic disor- – Besides direct mutations in the Rbfox1 gene, distur- der typically associated with deletion of a 5 6Mb bance in homeostatic mechanisms that maintain region on the paternally derived 15. normal activity levels of Rbfox1 protein can also This region encodes a class of nuclear sno-lncRNAs cause human disease. Facioscapulohumeral muscular (SNORD116) that harbor multiple Rbfox binding dystrophy (FSHD) is a common neuromuscular dis- motifs and can indirectly modulate splicing of Rbfox2 target exons by functioning as molecular order associated with myogenic defects and progres- 24 sive wasting of specific skeletal muscles. sinks for Rbfox proteins. By inference, Rbfox1 Contributing to the pathogenesis in FSHD patients and/or Rbfox3 could be partially sequestered by a is reduced Rbfox1 mRNA expression that appears similar mechanism in the brain, but this has not been to be secondary to over-expression of FRG1, an demonstrated directly. RBP that binds Rbfox1 mRNA and reduces its half- Finally, aberrant expression of Rbfox2 or life.21 Over-expression of FRG1 in mouse muscle Rbfox1 has been described in diverse disease con- texts including diabetic heart and Parkinson’s disease and in C2C12 cells reduces Rbfox1 mRNA and 88,89 induces aberrant splicing of exons that do not inter- (PD) neurons, respectively. In the diabetic heart, act with FRG1 directly, but rather are Rbfox target upregulation of Rbfox2 has been proposed to auto- exons. Interestingly, mental retardation and autism regulate its own splicing, promoting an exon skip- sometimes occur in severely affected FSHD ping event that generates a dominant negative pro- infants.21 tein isoform with an aberrant RRM having reduced

Rbfox1 gene

Alternative transcription Tissue-specific promoters Regulatory inputs Tissue-specific enhancers (?)

Multiple pre-mRNAs

Rbfox auto-regulation Alternative splicing Other RBPs Depolarization signal Multiple miRNA spliced RBP mRNAs mRNA stability miRNA RBP

Translation efficiency RBP Multiple B40 M43 B40 M43 Rbfox1 NLS NLS RRM- +/-NLS proteins

Nucleus Nucleus Cytoplasm or Functional outputs cytoplasm

Binding Pre-mRNA 3′UTR Pre-miRNA Sno-lncRNAsNascent mRNA 3′UTR targets intron RNA All targets (?)

Dominant Regulated Alternative Poly- MiRNA Rbfox Transcription mRNA mRNA negative processes splicing ** adenylation processing sequestration stability translation inhibitor

FIGURE 5 | Rbfox1 regulatory circuitry. The top half of the figure indicates multiple steps of gene expression at which the expression of Rbfox1 proteins is regulated, while the lower half depicts some of the functional outputs manifested by these proteins. ** Alternative splicing regulates coding exons in many target transcripts, but also noncoding exons in others that can induce NMD and reduced transcript levels.

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Rbfox2 activity.88 In dopaminergic neurons differen- Rbfox isoform production, and functional outputs tiated from iPS cells of PD patients, Rbfox1 tran- executed by these isoforms. Very little is known scripts are substantially over-expressed in about transcriptional controls that activate expres- conjunction with aberrant splicing of Rbfox- sion developmentally, at different promoter sites and regulated exons. Whether this effect also involves in different populations of skeletal and cardiac mus- dominant negative Rbfox isoforms was not reported. cle cells, and especially in various neuronal popula- Notably, elevated neuronal Rbfox1 has been seen in tions in the brain. The functions of N-terminal patients with primary mutations in three different variants predicted to be encoded by some of the alter- genes (LRRK2, SNCA, and PARKIN).89 It will be native first exons (Figure 1) is unknown. Presumably, interesting and important to elucidate the metabolic tissue- and development-specific transcriptional pathways by which Rbfox1 upregulation in PD neu- enhancers play important roles in determining spatio- rons and Rbfox2 upregulation in diabetic hearts is temporal expression patterns, and these might even mediated. be the affected elements in some patients with Rbfox1 gene deletions. Exciting advances have been made in charac- CONCLUSIONS terizing developmental processes that are strongly Rbfox proteins represent a versatile, multifunctional influenced by Rbfox-regulated networks in both group of RBPs encoded by large and complex genes. cytoplasm and nucleus and, in a few cases, identify- Differentiating and mature cells of muscle and neu- ing key transcript targets. However, complete ronal lineages each express a particular complement of Rbfox knockouts in complex tissues remain difficult Rbfox isoforms that can be regulated by numerous to interpret. Better understanding of Rbfox regula- inputs at major transcriptional and post-transcriptional tion might enable more surgical strikes to knock steps (shown for Rbfox1 in Figure 5). The resulting down selected Rbfox isoforms or to limit knock- pools of nuclear and cytoplasmic Rbfox1 proteins, down to specific neuronal regions relevant to often co-expressed in the same cells, then bind to spe- human disorders. Together, hopefully, new studies cific target sequences at key regulatory sites in the tran- will provide new insights into normal development, scriptome to control downstream gene networks. that will also inform therapeutic efforts to treat There are many unanswered questions on both human disorders that arise from perturbations in sides of the ledger, regarding inputs that regulate Rbfox1 networks.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by National Institutes of Health [DK094699] and Director, Office of Science and Office of Biological & Environmental Research of the US Department of Energy [DE-AC02-05CH1123].

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