CROSS TALK – the Benefice Magazine

Dear friends Jesus said, ‘I have come that you shall have life, and have it in all its fullness,’ (John’s Gospel, chapter 10, verse 10) and his whole life and ministry was about enabling us to have that fullness of life. But the more you think about it, and the more you reflect on life’s experiences – Jesus’, your own and other’s – the more you come to the realisation that this is so often only achieved by letting go of the ‘old’ and the ‘familiar’ and being prepared to take risks and to cross boundaries. It’s scary … and it’s exciting. It’s exciting … and it’s scary. And so our thoughts go out to our children and young people (and their parents, and teachers) at this time of year, as they step out into the unfamiliarity of a new school year. We pray that it may be a time of new life and growth for them. We pray too for the members of our farming community, that, after all the anxiety and frustration of the last few weeks, they may be able to rest easy with the fullness of all that the harvest has offered this year, as they prepare the land for the next phase of life. We look forward to sharing in Harvest Thanksgivings shortly. Finally, a reminder to all members of each of the Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) that we have a united meeting with Sammi Tooze, one of the Diocesan Generous Giving Advisors, on Wednesday 11th September. More details to come separately. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are not able to make the meeting.

With all good wishes and every blessing, Susanne The Rev’d Susanne Jukes, Vicar (contact details on back page)

All is safely gathered in

Come and join us for our Harvest Thanksgiving as we give thanks to God for all his goodness and remember the needs of the world

Dalton Friday 27th September 7.00pm Harvest Thanksgiving and Supper Dalton Sunday 29th September 11.00am Benefice Harvest Communion and Bring-your-own Lunch Skipton on Swale Friday 4th October 7.00pm Harvest Thanksgiving and Supper Baldersby St James Sunday 6th October 10.45am Harvest Communion Topcliffe Sunday 7th October 6.30pm Harvest Thanksgiving and Supper

Services during September 2019 Churches: Topcliffe – St Columba’s Church, Church Street, Topcliffe YO7 3PA BSJ – St James’ Church, Wide Howe Lane, Baldersby St James YO7 4PU Rainton – Mission Room, Sleights Lane, Rainton YO7 3PH Dalton – St John the Evangelist Church, Dalton YO7 3JA (follow signs to Sessay) Skipton – St John’s Church, just off the A61 by the post-box, Skipton-on-Swale (Skipton Bridge) YO7 4SB

Page numbers refer to the blue Common Worship Lectionary; we are now in Year C of the three-year cycle of readings and in the long season of Ordinary Time, when green altar frontals, hangings, collection bags, vestments, and the green Service Booklets (Celebrating the Eucharist during Ordinary Time) are used.

Mid-week Communion resumes after the August break

1st September Trinity 11 9.15am Dalton Holy Communion 10.45am BSJ Holy Communion 6.30pm Topcliffe Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)

Readings: Proper 17(continuous) Page 1023 Green Jeremiah 2:4-13 Psalm 81:1-11 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1,7-14

5th September Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

8th September Trinity 12 9.15am Skipton Holy Communion 10.45am Topcliffe Holy Communion

Readings: Proper 18 (continuous) Page 1029 Green Jeremiah 18:1-11 Psalm 139:1-7 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33

12th September Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

15th September Trinity 13 9.15am BSJ Prayer Breakfast, Rainton 10.45am Topcliffe Holy Communion 6.30pm Dalton Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)

Readings: Proper 19 (continuous) Page 1035 Green Jeremiah 4:11-12,22-28 Psalm 14 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10

19th September Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

22nd September Trinity 14 9.15am Skipton Holy Communion 10.45am BSJ Holy Communion 10.45am Topcliffe Matins (Book of Common Prayer)

Readings: Proper 20 (continuous) Page 1040 Green Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Psalm 79:1-9 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13

26th September Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

27th September Friday 11.30am Topcliffe Cundall Manor School Harvest 7.00pm Dalton Harvest Thanksgiving

29th September Harvest 10.00am Dalton Harvest Holy Communion 5th Sunday United Benefice Service Readings: for Harvest Communion Page 1089 Green Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 100 Philippians 4:4-9 John 6:25-35

Services during October 2019 Churches: Topcliffe – St Columba’s Church, Church Street, Topcliffe YO7 3PA BSJ – St James’ Church, Wide Howe Lane, Baldersby St James YO7 4PU Rainton – Mission Room, Sleights Lane, Rainton YO7 3PH Dalton – St John the Evangelist Church, Dalton YO7 3JA (follow signs to Sessay) Skipton – St John’s Church, just off the A61 by the post-box, Skipton-on-Swale (Skipton Bridge) YO7 4SB

3rd October Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

4th October Friday 7.00pm Skipton Harvest Thanksgiving

6th October Harvest 9.15am Dalton Holy Communion 10.45am BSJ Harvest Thanksgiving with Holy Communion 6.30pm Topcliffe Harvest Thanksgiving

Readings: for Harvest Communion Page 1089 Green Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 100 Philippians 4:4-9 John 6:25-35

10th October Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

13th October Trinity 17 9.15am Skipton Holy Communion 10.45am Topcliffe Holy Communion

Readings: Proper 23 (continuous) Page 1056 Green Jeremiah 29:1,4-7 Psalm 66:1-11 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19

17th October Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

20th October Trinity 18 9.15am Rainton Prayer Breakfast 10.45am Topcliffe Holy Communion 6.30pm Dalton Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)

Readings: Proper 24 (continuous) Page 1061 Green Jeremiah 31:27-34 Psalm 119:97-104 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8

24th October Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

27th October Last after Trinity/ Bible Sunday clocks go back 9.15am Skipton Holy Communion 10.45am BSJ Holy Communion 10.45am Topcliffe Matins (Book of Common Prayer)

Readings: for Bible Sunday Page 1092 Green Isaiah 45:22-25 Psalm 119:129-136 Romans 15:1-6 Luke 4:16-24

31st October Thursday 11.00am Topcliffe Mid-week Communion

From the Parish Registers

Baptism 28th July Baldersby St James Polly Rose Sousa Broxton 28th July Baldersby St James Richard Thomas Broxton 18th August Topcliffe Heidi Grace Forth We are children of the same heavenly Father: we welcome you.

Weddings Those whom God has joined together, let no-one put asunder.

Funeral 22nd July Harrogate Crematorium Clifford Hudson of Topcliffe aged 93 6th August Harrogate Crematorium June Mary Boardall of Baldersby St James aged 84

Interment of Ashes 10th August Topcliffe, Winn Lane James Harry Burns 12th August Topcliffe, Winn Lane Charles Frederick Staniforth

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Sculpt is a New Kind of Art Experience

Art in the Churches has commissioned seven of the world's most interesting and inspiring artists to create a new sculpture especially for each of the seven churches on our trail.

The brief is simply 'a response to space' and our artists have been asked to deliver drama, to work on a large scale and to install captivating sculptures that everyone can understand. Get ready to expect the unexpected.

Follow the route map to travel between venues. Off-the-beaten track, you will discover long views across the Vale of York, winding roads through rolling countryside and the rugged landscape of Swinton Park.

Visit historic churches, from the intimate chapel in Snape Castle where Catherine Parr grew up (6th wife of Henry VIII) to early medieval churches with the tombs of crusaders.

th th Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September

Baldersby St James’


Donations of books can be left at the back of church at any time before the event.

Church open all day, every day.

Thank you

'Come and See' Mission The Northern ' Mission to the , 12-15 March 2020

Just a reminder to put the date in your diary, if you haven’t already done so. Planning is well underway. More details next month Susanne

Schools Topcliffe Academy Baldersby St James Church of England Academy Dishforth Church of England Primary Queen Mary’s School

Welcome back to all the pupils, parents, teachers, staff, and Governors. An especially warm welcome to those who are arriving for the first time. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing all the joys of the year ahead. May God bless you all.

Wednesday Lunches at Topcliffe Village Hall

First Wednesday of every month 12.00noon until 1.00pm soup and cake

Donations will go towards the installation of a new accessible path to St Columba’s and for other improvements.

All Welcome

An enormous

Thank You to the Parish Council and all those in Topcliffe Village who took part in the Village Tidy-Up in July. What a difference it’s made!

The next Tidy-Up is on Sunday 13th October

from 10.00am with a focus on Winn Lane cemetery

Please help if you can – Many hands make light work!

# C of E Digital Charter

This is a voluntary pledge that the Church of England are encouraging individual Christians as well as churches to sign to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversations to happen.

The digital landscape has changed so much in the last few years and will continue to do so as technology develops. It’s important to think about how the conversations we’re having can help change someone’s newsfeed for the better. What does it look like to be a Christian online? Everyone’s engagement is different. Whether you’re a member of clergy using Twitter or a churchgoer replying to the comments on a blog, we all have different views, histories and areas of interest that will affect how we perceive things, and our responses to those events.

The comments we make can reach thousands and even millions of people both in this country and around the world very quickly. However, there are a number of ways we can make the digital world as loving and generous as we would when speaking face to face:

• Truth - we should hold ourselves to high ideals of checking that what we post online is fair and factual. • Kindness - we are all different and that makes the world an interesting place – and at times a challenging one. Think the best of people, whether they share our views or are speaking against them and aim to be constructive in the way we engage.

• Welcome - in the language we use and the way we interact. It’s easy for Christians to speak in another language using words that those outside the Church might not relate to. • Inspiration - we are called to be witnesses of our faith and to use social media in a way that genuinely engages others. • Togetherness - we are one Church and other members of this Church are our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is crucial we treat those around us in this way. • Safeguarding - if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults, please contact the relevant diocesan safeguarding adviser. • Agree to the Church’s and Archbishops’ social media guidelines. • Further information: :s/our-digital-charter Please see the back page of Cross Talk or the front page of A Church Near You for details of the Parish Safeguarding representative. Jill Bailey

An Appeal from Herriot Hospice Homecare

Many of you will have heard of Herriot Hospice Homecare and be grateful for the support that its volunteers have given to family and friends. Can you help support them?

Herriot Flowers

Herriot Hospice Homecare have had beautiful bespoke in memory flowers created in their iconic charity colours, orange and green. The flowers have been hand crafted in iron wrought metal and are a special keepsake for supporters to treasure in their own home or garden. Herriot are asking for a donation of £20 for a flower, the funds raised from the sale of the flowers will go towards funding end of life care across Hambleton and Richmondshire, ensuring patients can spend their last days in their own home, surrounded by the people and the things they love most. Herriot Hospice Homecare also supports our community through providing bereavement support to adults and children, along with their amazing team of community volunteers who offer a befriending, respite sitting and driving service to help ensure our rural community have access to medical care along with companionship and emotional support. All these services are provided free or charge across Hambleton and Richmondshire and the charity relies on the generosity of their community to continue delivering their care. If you would like to purchase a Herriot flower please call: 01609 777 413 and Herriot can organise for your flower to be posted out to you or collected from their Northallerton office. Alternatively, visit their website: or email them on: [email protected] for more information.

Caring for our World As Christians, we are called to have a care and concern for the world in which we live, and to do our best in ensuring that it is well looked-after during the time that we are custodians. But what does that mean in practical terms? St Mary’s, Thirsk have recently formed an Ecology Group, and send the following invitation:

St.Mary’s, Thirsk Ecology Group is holding a meeting to follow up the splendid talk last May given by James Jones on ‘Jesus and the Earth’, under our banner ‘Pleading for the Planet’. Those who registered an interest in meeting to take matters further have been invited to St. James Green Methodist Church, Thirsk on Monday, September 23 at 7.30 pm. This is an open meeting, and everyone is invited to attend if they wish to. The purpose of the meeting is to encourage those present to share and explore ideas that might be appropriate a) for individual Christians, b) for individual churches, c) for groups of churches working together. Paul Rathbone

The Archdeacon moves on

The following press announcement was made on Monday 12th August:

The has today announced the appointment of the Venerable Sam Rushton as the new .

The Archbishop said: “It is with joy and gladness that I can announce the translation of Archdeacon Sam to be Archdeacon of York. It seemed good to us and to the Holy Spirit that Sam’s translation was the right thing to do. Please pray for her, and for the appointment of her successor to the Cleveland Archdeaconry.”

Archdeacon Sam said: ‘It will be really sad to leave Cleveland Archdeaconry where I’ve enjoyed four great years getting to know people and parishes, but I’m looking forward to getting to know the landscape and people of the Vale of York. As a result of my time in Cleveland, I will carry into my new role a much better understanding of the joys and challenges of places of urban and coastal deprivation and deep rural contexts which I hope will help me in furthering our diocesan vision of generosity and mutual resourcing.’

Paul Ferguson, commented: “Sam has brought energy, enthusiasm and a passion for people to flourish as disciples of Christ, as well as perceptive insights on practical and financial matters. We shall miss her from this Archdeaconry, but it is so good that she will still be a close colleague within our one diocese. I am enormously grateful for the four years we have spent ministering together in Cleveland. Please join in praying for her and her husband Peter, as they settle into their new home and pattern of work and ministry.”

Bishop of Selby, Dr. , said: "I am delighted that the Venerable Sam Rushton is to be the next Archdeacon of York. Sam brings a sharp mind, a pastoral heart, financial intelligence and a passion for the Gospel. I look forward to working with her."

Archdeacon Sam will be collated as Archdeacon of York in on Wednesday 9 October. She succeeds the Venerable Sarah Bullock, who became the Area Bishop of Shrewsbury in July this year. The Revd Canon John Weetman has been the Acting Archdeacon of York since June and will continue in this role until October.

Sam Rushton first came to York Diocese in 2015 when she took on the role of Archdeacon for Cleveland. Prior to that she was in the Diocese of Bristol where she was the Diocesan Adviser for Licensed Ministry, Warden of Readers, Area Dean of Chippenham and Associate Minister of the North Chippenham Group of Churches.

We thank Archdeacon Sam for her help and support over the last four years and send our prayers and good wishes for this next phase of ministry. No doubt there will be a gap (maybe an Acting Archdeacon?) before her successor is appointed.