Parish Council Clerk, Tony Jay, 11 Wyvern Mews, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 3GZ. Email [email protected] Telephone 07859 911204

To: The Chairman and all members of Wraxall and Failand Parish Council.

You are summoned to virtually attend the Meeting of Wraxall and Failand Parish Council, to be held online via Zoom Pro on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7.30 p.m. when the following business will be transacted. Members of the public are welcome to view the meeting. Log in details can be found at the end of this agenda.

Councillors are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), crime and disorder, health and safety, and human rights.

Members of the public and press are entitled to be at the following meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1 unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. Such entitlement does not however include the right to speak on any matter except that parishioners of Wraxall and Failand and members of the press may speak at the commencement of the meeting given over specifically for that purpose however they may speak only once, and only in respect to items listed on the agenda, for a maximum of three minutes. Prior notice must have been given to the Parish Council Chairman or the Parish Clerk no later than 12:00 noon on the third working day prior to the scheduled start time of the Council meeting i.e. Friday 5th February 2021.

Instructions on how to join this meeting are included at the end of this agenda

Signed Tony Jay Parish Council Clerk 4th February 2021


25/21 To receive any apologies for absence.

26/21 To receive members declarations of interest on any agenda item.

27/21 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th January 2021.

28/21 To invite public speaking – to hear any person who wishes to address the council on any item listed on this agenda for a maximum of three minutes.



29/21 To consider whether the Parish Council should support a proposal from NSC for temporary double yellow lines to be installed outside some private properties in Flax Bourton Road, Failand.

30/21 To receive a report from the Long Ashton ward District Councillors.

31/21 To receive the Clerk’s report.

32/21 To receive reports following attendances at meetings.

33/21 To note and comment on planning applications.

20/P/2917/FUL. Falklands, Tower House Lane, Wraxall BS48 1JR. Demolition of existing store (Barn C), extension and conversion of main barn to create one dwelling (Barn A and B). (Cllrs Malpas and Wyatt).

20/P/3161/FUL. Gowan Croft, Church Lane, Lower Failand BS8 3SP. Demolition of existing dwelling and annexe and erection of a new dwelling with associated landscaping. (Cllrs Mrs Moon and Sheppard).

34/21 To note planning decisions made by North Council.

20/P/3024/FUL. Wraxall Village Club, Road, Wraxall BS48 1LE. Erection of a detached single storey workshop building. APPROVED.

35/21 To note the statutory payment invoices paid since the last Parish Council meeting (minute 185/20).

Payee Details Amount £ Kevin Weekes Dog bin emptying 125.00 In Touch Website hosting 55.79 Adroit Print A5 Parking Notices 18.00

36/21 To approve the non-statutory payment invoices.

Payee Details Amount £ Tony Jay Home working allowance £26.00; Mobile 60.33 phone £10; Zoom £7.20; 2 x USB memory sticks £7.18; Laminate pockets £9.95

A schedule of all invoices and payments made in the current financial year has been circulated to all members.

37/21 To consider changing the day of the monthly Parish Council meeting from the second Tuesday to the second Thursday.

38/21 To consider a parishioner’s concerns regarding road traffic noise and the planned resurfacing of the B3130.



39/21 To receive a report from Cllr Law listing hedges overgrowing pavements in the parish.

40/21 To receive an update regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.

41/21 To receive an update from Cllrs Malpas and the Chairman regarding the proposed highway improvement work in the Parish.

42/21 To receive a report from the Chairman regarding the possible installation of new bus shelters in the parish.

43/21 To consider the purchase and installation of bollards, or alternatively the purchase and placement of planters, to prevent vehicles parking on the grass verge in Lodge Lane near to the roundabout by Tout’s Budgens.

44/21 To consider whether a litter bin should be installed at Wraxall Junior School layby.

45/21 To receive an update regarding the new Parish Council website.

46/21 To consider and agree a statement of the impacts of the Bristol Airport Expansion proposals on the Parish.

47/21 To consider whether the Parish Council should organise any events to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.

48/21 To consider the date of the Annual Parish Meeting.

49/21 To receive any urgent business.

No decisions can be made under this agenda item.

50/21 To agree agenda items for the next meeting.

51/21 To agree actions to be carried out prior to the next meeting.

52/21 Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9th March 2021.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic Wraxall and Failand Parish Council is unable to hold public meetings in the normal way. On 4 April 2020, the Government introduced The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) () Regulations 2020, which allows Councils to conduct meetings remotely. Wraxall and Failand Parish Council will be conducting its meetings remotely using free Zoom software. To download software in advance of the meeting, go to: https://zoom.us

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87383736130?pwd=ZWx5TWpITFcxYTVBQWtHKzhYRVRQQT 09



Meeting ID: 873 8373 6130 Passcode: 100193

Dial by your location

0131 460 1196 0203 481 5237 United Kingdom 0203 481 5240 United Kingdom 0203 901 7895 United Kingdom

You will be prompted to provide the meeting ID and password. On joining the meeting, you will be held in the ‘Waiting Room’ until the Clerk invites you into the meeting. You will be asked to mute yourself when not speaking, as this will keep background noise to a minimum.

For those Councillors joining the meeting via video you will be asked to raise your hand to indicate your wish to speak. Councillors unable to join via video will be addressed alphabetically by the Chairman for their responses and again for their vote, if any.

Anyone found to be disrupting the meeting will be asked to stop. If the disruption continues that person will be removed from the meeting. The Parish Council will be following its Standing Orders and the Chairman of the Council will chair the meeting.

End of agenda