Valedictory ORGAN RECITAL Sunday 27 June, 3.00pm Luke Saint


Having begun music at Trinity School, Luke joined the Trinity Boys Choir in 2009, and has performed solos in Mahler’s ‘Das Klagende Lied’ at the , Peaseblossom in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ at the ENO, First Boy in ‘Magic ’ at Garsington, and Miles in Britten’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’ for the Grimeborn Opera Festival. As a tenor he has toured Germany and Poland, and in September 2017 was asked to Holland to perform in the Utrecht Early Music Festival; he also returned to Glyndebourne in 2015 to perform the part of Fleance in the Jerwood Young Artists’ production of Macbeth.

As Organ Scholar for the Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway, he accompanied weekly concerts and services, studying under Rupert Gough. He also directed the Royal Holloway Founder’s Choir in his final year, performing at venues across the UK, including St. George’s, Windsor Castle. He has had the opportunity to perform regularly as Organ Scholar at Guildford Cathedral, accompanying and directing services throughout the year, and has thoroughly enjoyed his time at the Cathedral. In September, Luke will begin work as a Teacher of Music at LVS Ascot.


Choral varié sur le Veni Creator (Op. 4) • Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) from Sonata No 3 • Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) Ach Gott, wem soll ich’s klagen from Messe pour les Paroisses • François Couperin (1668-1733) Tu Solus Altissimus from Les Corps Glorieux • Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) Joie et Clarté from 24 pieces de Fantasie • Louis Vierne (1870-1937) Andantino

Postlude on a theme of Orlando Gibbons • Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 659) • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Alle Menschen müssen sterben (BWV 643) • J. S. Bach

Alle Menschen müssen sterben • Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)

O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden • Max Reger (1873-1916)

Fantasia and Fugue in G minor (BWV 542) • J. S. Bach

THE ORGANS OF GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL There are two organs in the Cathedral, the main instrument (details below) which occupies two positions on the north side of the building with its console above the south choir stalls, and the instrument in the Musicians' Gallery of the Lady Chapel. Both instruments were installed by the Liverpool firm of Rushworth & Dreaper, the smaller organ originally being intended as a temporary instrument while the main organ was being constructed. Nearly sixty years on both instruments continue to do sterling service, the main organ the gift of the Coulthurst Trust and the small organ the gift of a private donor.

THE MAIN ORGAN The greater part of the Cathedral organ is, in fact, an instrument which started its life in Rosse Street Baptist Church, Shipley, Yorkshire. This instrument was most probably built around 1866 by Nicholson of Bradford, and was then enlarged by Messrs Harrison and Harrison of Durham in 1899; what was already a respectably substantial three-manual instrument had a fourth manual added, and it was this four-manual organ which was removed to Liverpool to become the backbone of the organ for Guildford's new Cathedral in 1960. As 17 May 1961 loomed, and with it the proposed Cathedral consecration, Rushworth & Dreaper skilfully constructed a remarkably complete piece of work (even though its façade in the north transept gallery was temporary). A year later Rushworth & Dreaper built a brand new Positive division above the north choir stalls in order to provide more immediate choral accompaniment.

The organ was overhauled in 1983, at which juncture a solid state combination system was installed. In 1990 a one-manual mobile console was created, to operate the Positive division remotely, whilst the Great and Swell mixtures were revised in 1993, at which point the Positive 4' Nason Flute was replaced with a 4' Principal, and the Positive 8' Rohr was made available on the Swell. In 1999 a was substituted for the 2' Piccolo in the Solo division.

From 2015 until March 2018, the organ fell silent, as the fabric of the Cathedral underwent extensive refurbishment. During this time, David Wells Organ Builders worked on the organ, restoring soundboards and remaking the reservoirs, cleaning individual flue pipes, making good the reed pipes, revoicing the Great and Swell chorus reeds, fitting all-electric slider solenoids to the drawstop machines, and replacing the Swell expression box. The present specification is detailed below.

GREAT Double Diapason 16 SWELL (ENCLOSED) (Choir) 16† Contra Salicional 16 Open Diapason I 8 Geigen Diapason 8 Open Diapason II 8 Rohrflöte 8 Open Diapason III 8 Salicional 8 Waldflöte 8 Vox Angelica 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Principal 4 Octave Diapason 4 Koppelflöte 4 Principal 4 Fifteenth 2 Stopped Flute 4 ( IV Twelfth 2 ⅔ Oboe 8 Fifteenth 2 Vox humana 8 Mixture ( IV Trombone 16 Contra Fagotto 16 Trumpet 8 Cornopean 8 Clarion 4 Clarion 4 Swell to Great; Choir to Great Rohr Gedackt (Positive) 8 Solo to Great; Positive to Great Swell Octave; Swell Unison Off Swell Sub Octave SOLO (ENCLOSED) Solo to Swell; Positive to Swell Hohlflöte 8 Viole d'Orchestre 8 POSITIVE (FLOATING) Violes Celestes 8 Gemshorn 8 Concert Flute 4 Rohr Gedackt 8 Piccolo 2 Principal 4 Clarinet 8 Spitzflöte 4 Orchestral Oboe 8 Nazard 2 ⅔ Tremulant Blockflöte 2 Tuba (unenclosed) 8 Tierce 1 ⅗ Solo Octave; Solo Unison Off Larigot 1 ⅓ Solo Sub Octave Fourniture (22.26.29) III Positive to Solo Tremulant

CHOIR (UNENCLOSED) Contra Trombone 32 Bourdon 16† 16 Open Diapason 8 Trombone (Great) 16 Stopped Diapason 8 Trumpet 8 Salicional 8* Clarion 4 Principal 4* Great to Pedal; Swell to Pedal Suabe Flute 4 Choir to Pedal; Solo to Pedal Nazard 2 ⅔ Positive to Pedal Flageolet 2 Tierce 1 ⅗ ACCESSORIES Larigot 1 ⅓ Great and Pedal Combinations Tremulant 8 thumb pistons each Trombone (Great) 16 to Great, Swell, Solo, Choir Trumpet (Great) 8 4 thumb pistons to Positive Clarion (Great) 4 8 general thumb pistons Swell to Choir; Solo to Choir 8 toe pistons to Pedal Positive to Choir 8 toe pistons to Swell Generals on Swell toe pistons PEDAL 11 reversible thumb pistons Sub Bass 32 5 reversible toe pistons Open Wood 16 Setter piston Open Metal 16 Cancel piston Violone 16 96 levels of memory Major Bourdon 16 for general pistons Minor Bourdon (Choir) 16† 16 levels of memory Salicional (Swell) 16 for divisional pistons Quintaton (Positive) 16 Manual compass: Octave Wood 8 CC - c (61 notes) Principal 8 Pedal compass: Bass Flute 8 CCC - G (32 notes) Fifteenth 4 † On a separate chest Octave Flute 4 * new (2015-18) Mixture ( IV


THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT We rely heavily on the generous support of our congregations, both on-line and in person. Financial giving is not only essential to fund our work, but is also an expression of our thanksgiving to God. If you are a member of one of our congregations, and have not already done so, please consider joining our Planned Giving Scheme via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) and set up a regular donation by direct debit. This is very easy to do over the phone (03330 021 271), using our unique identifier, 170617001. Or via this link: giving You can also use the contactless donation points or our QR code. Thank you for your generosity.

SUMMER ORGAN FESTIVAL 2021 Five recitals starting at 7.30pm, featuring the Organ and another instrument – save the dates! Thursday 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August, 26 August 19.30 Booking via the Cathedral Box Office opens soon! THANK YOU We are very grateful to the individuals and organisations whose generous sponsorship has made possible Luke’s year with us, amongst them: The Golsoncott Foundation

The Atlas Fund

Williams Church Music

The Peter Harrison Foundation

The Wates Foundation