Presented as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Undergraduate Program








I would like to say thank you and praise Buddha who help me and give me the power and spirit to study in Buddhi Dharma University. It has been a long time until I can finish my thesis and learn many things in the college. I have a lot friends and many experiences also knowledge and faith. Because of that I can be a useful person from the other and reach my dreams to come true. I would like to say thank you to lecturers and staff in Buddhi Dharma university who helped me until now. I would like to express my gratitude to following persons:

1. Dr. Sofian Sugioko, MM, CPMA. Rector of Buddhi Dharma University, Tangerang. 2. Dr. Suryadi Winata, SE, MM, M.Si., Ak., CA. Vice Rector of Buddhi Dharma University, Tangerang. 3. Dr. Lilie Suratminto, M.A, Dean of the social Sciences and Humanities Faculty of Buddhi Dharma University, Tangerang. 4. Iwan, S.Pd., MM, M.Pd. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Buddhi Dharma University, Tangerang. 5. Riris M. Paulina Simamora, S.Pd., M.Hum. Head of English Literature, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Buddhi Dharma University, Tangerang. 6. Irpan Ali Rahman, S.S, M.Pd. Supervisor of my thesis and thank you so much from his guidence and advise or suggestion until I can finish my thesis. I‟am so lucky to have you as my supervisor. Thank you so much to Sir Irpan for the time and the knowledge I can using. Very proud of him because he is the only one supervisor who remember their student of keeping learning and studying. 7. Heni Susanti and Junaedi as my parent, thanks a lot being part of my life. You are so precious for me. And my only one sister Cyntia Febriana, thanks for the support and the motivation when I doing my thesis. I love you so much. 8. For my grandmother, my Ema, I love you so much, you are the best grandma I ever had. Keep healthy and eat a lot and always beside me. 9. David Yahya, S.E. Thank you for your support for me and never get tired to cheer up me unconditionally. Thank to changes me to be a better person and make me things about better future. It‟s mean a lot for me. Yours advises never forgetting.

10. For all of my friends, Cindy, Rosa Cecilia, Laurensia, Patricia Sujanta, Shintia Nathania, Maria T Suawa, thank you so much for be here when I need you. So luck to have you guys. I love you so much. 11. For all my aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, niece, nephew, thank you so much for your motivation and sporting to me. I love you so much. 12. For all my teachers when I was in my kinder garden until now. Thank you so much, your kindness and knowledge never forgetting and always useful to me. 13. For my friends in the office, fitness station, thank you so much for your motivation and advises for me. Keep counting and grow up together. 14. For my friends in the Buddhi Vocational High School, Dharma Putra, thank you so much for your spirit for me.

For everyone that I can‟t mention one by one, thank you so much and I hope this thesis can be useful in the future and can help anyone who need this. Your kindness, advises, knowledge never forgetting.

Tangerang, 20 Juni 2019

(Shella Aprilia)


The writer would like to analyzes and gave readers the evidence of the other side in the novel that make a big change or big deal in the someone is life. Other side, the writer interested in this topic because it is uniqe and very different from other novels. The writer made this analysis of Pauline, eventhough she was not the main character of this movie. The writer used the original novel book written by Nicola Yoon and explained about the good sides and bad sides of Pauline as the . She also explained about the good actions as the mother. The writer used existential feminism as theory and explained about the characteristic of Pauline and made summary through that theory. As the result the writer found the analaysis of Pauline and with some different point of view. Through the feminism theory for this research and theory.She made evidence or sourch relevant. In the future the writer thought this thesis can help everyone who need to research about characteristic with relevant information. The writer needed this thesis can helpful to help everyone who wants to make an analysis with feminism or actually existentialism theory.

Keywords: Character, Feminism,Feminist, Existentialism.








ABSTRACT ...... viii



1.1 Background of The Study ...... 1

1.2 Statement of The Problem ...... 3

1.3 Research Question ...... 4

1.4 Goal and Function ...... 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation ...... 5

1.6 Conceptual Framework ...... 5


2.1 Previous Study ...... 7

2.2 Theory of Literature ...... 7

2.3 Feminism ...... 8

2.3.1 ...... 10

2.3.2 The First Wave Feminism ...... 11

2.3.3 The Second Wave Feminism ...... 11

2.3.4 The Third Wave Feminism ...... 12

2.4 Conceptualization of Feminism ...... 13

2.4.1 Variation of Feminism ...... 14 Black Feminism ...... 14 ...... 15 ...... 15 ...... 16 ...... 16 ...... 16 Eco Feminism ...... 17 Visionary Feminism ...... 17

2.5 Existential Feminism ...... 18

2.6 Devision of Character ...... 22

2.6.1 Main Character ...... 22

2.6.2 Protagonist Character and Antagonist Character ...... 23

2.6.3 Simply Character and Complex Character ...... 24

2.6.4 Static Character and Developing Character ...... 24

2.6.5 Typical Character and Neutral Character ...... 24


3.1 Subject Matter ...... 25

3.2 Materail ...... 25

3.3 Approach ...... 26

3.4 Procedur...... 26


4.1 The Analaysis of Existential Feminism ...... 28

4.1.1 Evidence Existential Feminism of Pauline ...... 30

4.2 Characteristic of Pauline ...... 45

4.2.1 The Evidence Characteristic of Pauline ...... 45


5.1 Conclusion ...... 55

5.2 Suggestion ...... 56


CV ......




1.1 Background of The Study

Literature can be interpreted as the source of art. Literature can be in the form of things,

object, or various other writings that is aesthetical, creative, and important in giving

contribution to our life. Popular literary work is one of culture that wants to introduce literary

works and can spread throughout the world like the daily assumptions of society. Example

literary works is music, novel, film, song, painting, etc.

Literature is something that everyone can feel it and sometime some creation of

literature can be an idea or hobby. Many arts having seen is the one of literary works, and

realizes that have a meaning of literature and enjoy learn about it. As though by Joseph Heller

(1961) that everyone would knew about literature, but maybe they are did not know how to

enjoy it. Around us many literary work that everyone not realize it helps our daily activities.

Furthermore, the writer chooses one the popular literary work that is novel. Novel

contains of stories of someone‟s life with other around by the unique character and nature

each other. Novel is media for out the thought, feeling, and idea. As though from Daniel

Craig (2011) when you read a novel, your own imagery is the most important. It's what

makes reading such a wonderful thing. Reading novel make us know about anything and

learning something that never be expected. The writer chooses novel by Nicola Yoon and the

title is “Everything Everything” this is Nicola‟s first novel and famous in New York Times

Best Seller. A simple romantic movie but can change your life with the flashback moment

about the one character named Pauline.

To analyze this novel the writer‟s uses a feminism theory. Feminism literary

launching in the twentieth century with Virginia Woolf‟s A Room of One‟s Own (1929), the

author examines why there was no female Shakespeare. Many women in the world are lack

of support for fundamental function of human life. Feminism theory has many types and all

of them are about women issues such as , underestimated, underappreciated, etc. And

from this analysis the writer will use existential feminism, the theory about women struggle.

There are some cases of women around the world, for example is such as oppression

of women or underestimating women. Because of that, many women emancipation

movement. According to (1934) that feminism is anyone who recognizes the

equality and full humanity of women and men. Feminism is an idea and movement that break

the traditional role of women. In the past only men can do everything they need, like do a job,

does anything to women, a leader in organization, being president or anything they want.

The main problem in this novel is according to Pauline side that she is never trusted

anyone again actually to men. Pauline lost her husband and that was make her heart break.

Pauline want be happy with her daughter forever. Pauline thought her daughter isn‟t needed

to know the outside world, especially to know a man. Pauline doesn‟t need see her daughter

hurt from a man. So that Pauline thought her daughter will safe if she is stay at home a long

time. Without do activities in the outside. But Pauline is though was wrong.

The writers is interested in analyzed it because the point of view of Pauline is unique

and explain about the power of women. The power of women and the sincerity a woman are

to protect her daughter from anything that made her daughter hurt. Pauline was a strong

women and she was being brave life without her husband again for a long time. Pauline was

an independent woman that made the writer so proud of her. Without husband Pauline could

do anything like men to for her daughter.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The Object of this research is Pauline on “Everything Everything” novel. This novel released

in 2015 written by Nicola Yoon. This novel story about women struggle named Pauline that

she lived just with her daughter named Maddy. Pauline is a single mother for Maddy after her

husband died long time ago. The writer analyzed of Pauline with a feminism theory that had

been shown by women is character. Pauline is such woman that was ready to make her

decisions, to express her personal choice as well as dealing with the consequences.

Pauline was Maddy‟s mother. Pauline could be father, a mother, a sister, a friend of

Maddy. Pauline made the biggest lie to her daughter because Pauline wanted to save her from

anything. She always carried her daughter and always controlled the health of her daughter.

1.3 Research Question

Based on statement of the problem above, the research question will be formulated as


1. How does the feminism value reveal in Pauline‟s character?

2. How does the character of Pauline in the novel?

1.4 Goal and Function

1.4.1 The Goal of this Research

The goal of the study of the analysis is to obtain information or the purposes of

conducting research about feminism values depicted in the novel “Everything Everything”

also about real characteristic of Pauline‟s as single mother and braved to carried about her

daughter alone. And then talk about the struggle of Pauline that she is hiding all secret from

her daughter for over years. And to provide general information related to feminism values

and also deal with the benefit of the following research for readers.

1.4.2 The Function of this Research

The function of this research is explain as below:

- Explained the positively characteristic of women with the evidences

- Explained the negatively of women as mother. Because being a mother is cannot

be easy.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is a character in novel Everything Everything. The author of this

novel is Nicola Yoon. This novel release in 2015 and got many awards from New York Time

Best Seller. This research has been analyses and focusing on characteristic of Pauline in

“Everything Everything” novel. That is Maddy is mother. The writer uses feminism theory to

prove it and representing feminism values depicted in the novel..

The limit on this research is obtains information about women power and women

struggle. Not only to provide readers with the information about that, but also give the other

side of women struggle and the motivation can you take from Pauline‟s. The writer uses the

kind of feminism theory that is existential feminism.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

In this point the writer would like to explain how she did this research. The writer uses

Feminism theory to find the power and struggle of women in this novel. Also explain the

emancipation of Pauline through all of this without her husband and just with her daughter.

For this framework the writers would like to explain clearly from the introduction until conclusion for this research. From statement of the problem, the writers want to explain about the object of this research and any more about the problem for this. The writer also can explain about theory the writer using.

After that the writer found the research question and how to get the answer for this question, next is the goal and the function of this research, how many goals and function that the writers find, and next is scope limitation. The writer will explain the analysis use graphic




7. Literature 8. Research 9. Findings and 10. Conclusion Review Methodology Discussions

Picture Graphic 1.1

As the conceptual framework above can be explained as follow:

1. Is the title that the writer uses from this thesis. The writer taken it from Everything

Everything novel by Nicola Yoon and interesting to analysis that novel.

2. The writer will explain about background of study and introduction from the material

that the writer would to analysis.

3. In this part the writer would like to explain about statement of the problem and the

object of this research.

4. This part about the question that the writer choose to analysis this research and have

connected with the material.

5. This part the writer would like to explain about the goal and the function of this

research, this part the writer will explain about the purpose of this research.

6. This part the writer explain about the scope and limitation about this research.

7. This part the writer would like to explain about theory of literature and explain about

the theory and definition that the writer using for this research

8. For this analysis the writer would like to explain about the method that the writer uses

from this research.

9. This part the writer would like to explain about the analysis the writer got and

explained with the evidence.

10. After all the writer analysis, the writer will made the conclusion for all of this




2.1 Previous Study

Besides learning from the sources, during the research the writer also searched for research

who using feminism theory or. The first is thesis by Meigan Gates Goodyer (2018) her thesis

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in 2018. She wrote about

Literature Theory, The Novel and Science Media in Montana State University. She told about

the theory of novel so that the writer learned about the novel and how about the history about

the novel. The writer also learning from Martina Halirova (2016) bachelor thesis with the title

The Development of Feminism in English Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries at Palacky

University in 2016. From her thesis the writer knew about kind of feminism and the

definition. Feminism have long story about historical and variant about women. How women

can survive and how women could made a group to struggle or fight to equality.

2.2 Theory of Literature

Literature is art and any written works that is in human life. Everyone nowadays love

anything related to literature. Such as novel, drama, song, film. As C.S Lewis (2013) though,

literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies

that daily life requires and provides and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives

have already become. Literature has a become part of our lives and reflects society, makes us

think about ourselves and our society. Literature also makes us enjoy languages and culture.

Novel is like the author is story and put writing. In the novel have many topic that the

writer wrote with different style. According to Meigan Gates (2008) through history, the term

„novel‟ has been applied to writings that cover a plethora of topics, that employ numerous

and varied styles, and that have achieved divergent results - critically, publicly, aesthetically,

and economically. Every author has different style to make novel interesting to read and get

achievement. To write novel, without author realized had a meaning and can be include in

kind of literature. And can be analysis with theory of literature.

2.3 Feminism

Feminism is a theory about men and woman, should be equal politically, economically and

socially. This is the core of all feminism theories. Sometimes this definition is also referred

to as emancipation or the struggle women. While feminist is the person who believes in that

women and man must be equal in economically, socially, politically like the statement above.

Feminism theory has developed from year to year, for example striving to

challenge traditions, methodologies, and priorities in all aspects of life. In this era it called


Feminism also is movement of women who fight against discrimination, or

stereotypes that describe women as a strong individual. Feminism is a discourse that involves

various movements, theories, philosophies, which are concerned with the issue of gender

equality and campaign for women rights and interest. As though by Cheris Kramarae (1986)

Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings. In addition, feminism is as a

movement ideology that is focused with women status among society for reaching equality of

rights between women and men.

Many of the human behavior review of feminism theory that comprehensive

understanding and many perspectives. According to Andermahr, Lovell, & Wolkowitz (1997)

Feminism theory is most often associated with the rights of women. This is both simplistic

and comprehensive. There are encompassing concerns inclusive of the discipline‟s particular

epistemological, ontological, and methodological assumptions, however, there is no one

monolithic feminism perspective, there are many perspectives, with various theoretical

groundings. As the oppressions of women is not simply related to some other social

relationship such as a class system. Oppression is seen as a part of the way the world is

structured and not looked like a traditional culture

The main purpose of feminism theory is a commitment to change oppression and

make connected abstract ideas with problems for political action. Women will get to choice

what she need every day like human experiences. This is reason that some women do not

name oppression as a concern or identify as feminists. Also associated specific goals with

feminism theory. These goals include understanding power different between men and

women and power in relationship to the evolution of oppression as well as to bring about

social change to end oppression.

Another purpose is to improve seat feminism and women to the same status with men.

Including struggle feminism efforts to gone this goal with her. Feminist literary criticism

looked at women, understanding women. Which became the center of attention is the image

of women readers and stereotype women in literature.

2.3.1 History of Feminism

Feminism born early in 20th century, pioneer by Virginia Woolf in her book A Room of

One's Own (1929). Etymologically derived from the word feminist femme (woman),

means that women who have to fight for the rights of women as a social class. The

purpose is included feminist, gender interesting. In a popular sense, is the feminist

movement of women to reject everything that is dissociated, get hurt by the dominant

culture, both in politics and economics as well as social life in general.

The historical development of the feminist movement is also identification in "waves"

that have priority specific social demands in different historical periods. There is three

temporal waves. As cited by Hewitt (2010) this concept originated with the Irish activist

Frances Power Cobbe in 1884 who shared that movements “resemble the tides of the ocean,

where each wave obeys one more uniform impetus, and carries the waters onward and

upward along the shore”.

2.3.2 The First Wave Feminism

The First Wave happen during the nineteenth and early twentieth century in the United

Kingdom and in the United States, focusing on women gaining the right to vote. In the

beginning the first wave focused on the equality and rights for women and the opposition to

marriage and ownership of married women and their children by their husbands. Also in the

first stage the first wave feminism involved with other reform movements, such as

temperance, and initially closely involved women of the working classes. According to

Krolokke, Charlotte and Anne Scott Sorenson "Three Waves of Feminism: From

to ” book (2005) the first wave feminists pursued the argument of women‟s innate moral

superiority, so embracing what might be called “difference first wave feminism.”

This argument was part of a equity, and the developed together in Europe and in the

United States, that share the structure work and liberal politism. From this point of view,

was understood as a failed non rational and non profitable and not valid, but

nevertheless reinforced women‟s status and domination and made women a cultural symbol

of deficiency.

2.3.3 The Second Wave Feminism

The Second Wave happened during the 1960‟s and 1990‟s. It improved the context of the

antiwar and civil rights movements and the growing self-consciousness of a variety of

marginalized groups around the world. According to Rampton (2008) the second wave

differed from the First Wave in that it “drew in women of color and developing nations,

seeking sisterhood and solidarity and claiming women‟s struggle as class struggle”. In this

second wave, wars and everything related to violence began to be replaced by brotherhood

and high solidarity.

Women will continue to improve their high social position and be equal to men and

be better. In this period women will continue to develop and be equal to the intended men in

terms of education, politics, etc. According to Martina Halirova (2016) the distinction from

the first wave movement was that the groups were now much smaller, and the women were

focusing on discussing particular issues, sharing their experiences and discovering what they

have in common as women. Not only the things listed above were topics of discussion, rape

played also significant role in the second wave feminism, and even today.

Simone de Beauvoir is a popular author with the title of his book . In his book Simone explain about existential feminism that one kind of conceptual feminism.

2.3.4 The Third Wave Feminism

The Third Wave is considered as the time machine from 1990‟s to present day. It is informed

by postcolonial and postmodern thinking. For this part it has changed very rapidly compared

to before, women experienced many changes and added certain accessories. Starting at this

time women and men began to be equalized and women can do things that men usually do,

for example like in economic, political, and social terms. Certainly no more gender problem‟s

and matter.

Third-wave feminists are motivated by the need to develop a feminist theory

and politics that honor contradictory experiences and deconstruct categorical thinking.

Younger feminists honor the work of earlier feminists while criticizing earlier

, and they strive to bridge contradictions that they experience in their own lives.

They embrace ambiguity rather than certainty, engage in multiple positions, and practice a

strategy of inclusion and exploration.

2.4 Conceptualizations of Feminism

There are several concepts or variations of feminism. Some of feminism has they own

perspectives and that related or bound and build on each other. Feminism has developed

every area. Feminism is no longer a concept that can be put together. Variants from each area

are different. According to Valerie Miller on the official website We Rise Toolkit (2002) the

most commonly used are eight separate feminist theories there is: , radical

feminism, liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, cultural Feminism, and eco Feminism, also

global Feminism and Visionary Feminism. As though by Andermahr, Lovell, & Wolkowitz

(1997) and Evans (1995) Some theories can be grouped due to similarities, but distinctions

offer a broader critical lens of a myriad of political, social, economic, ethnic, and culture.

2.4.1 Variations of Feminism

In this part the writer want explain one by one about variant of feminism. Feminism has many variation and conceptualization. Furthermore the writer would like to explain the variant of feminism and give the theory and definition. Black Woman Feminism

For the first is, The Black Woman feminism (or Black Feminist Thought). According to

ACPA College Student (2011) movement comes out of the feminist movement of the 1970‟s and is a direct interface with the civil rights movement, as it recognizes that women of

African descent in the U.S. faced a unique set of issues that were not being addressed by the predominantly white feminist movement. Social status in black feminism is a very important form of well-being. The existence of actions against racism strongly supports welfare in social life. According to Collin (2000) saw the concern of black feminism as resisting oppression through empowerment, which entail understanding the intersection of racism.

Black feminist thought “that both the changed consciousness of individuals and the social transformation of political and economic institutions constitute essential ingredients for social change”.

Changing our perspective and don't judgment, it is very effective in social life, even the level of racism and increase the sense of socialism towards humans. Differences because of race, culture, religion, ethnicity, etc. are clearly seen in every country. Therefore every country has a social role to eradicate racism in life. Knowledge of race, gender, class, etc. is

interrelated. This knowledge requires special awareness and understanding and is not present in other theories of feminism. Radical Feminism

Radical feminism connects the oppression of women with men. The strength of men must be analyzed and understood and not reduced to other explanations. This radical feminism is the second most popular feminism. Radical feminism has two types, that is: Libertarian radical feminism, this type focuses on personal freedom that does not care about the environment.

Then there is the Cultural radical feminism, about the society doing gender oppression and the values given to the small community about the feminism side. Liberal Feminism

Next is Liberal Feminism, This feminism about women's rights such as education, the economy, the right to vote, politics. In this theory feminism is very high in the role of women such as the emancipation of women. Not only men can do the things they want, but women too. According to Saulnier (1996) prescribed roles are challenged in that prescriptions lead to inequality. Many women benefit from the strategies of liberal feminism and its focus on the public lives of women; however, it has been critiqued for this very reason, in that it does not adequately address private issues, such as child care and poverty. Marxist Feminism

Next is Marxist Feminism, this variant is an example of a very high emancipation of women, that caring for others, family, friends, relatives and this variant explains what is valuable in

life and what is valuable in life. As though by Andermahr, Lovell, & Wolkowitz, 1997

Marxist feminism is focused on the emancipation of women via a concern for the production of labor in family life, as it is concerned with capitalism. Marxist theory sees work as creating our social lives and creating what is of value: work creates who we are. Theory by Marxist is get popularity in the social life. Cultural Feminism

Next is Cultural Feminism, this variant have essential different between men and women in case of personality, behavior, attitude, etc. In this variant women also have a vision about the wisdom that helping everyone to more feeling sisterhood and make grow the solidarity.

Cultural feminism also made the differences between men and women in biology. Next is

Eco Feminism, this is variant feminism that not only focused to women but all of human or all living creatures and the earth. In Eco Feminism also focus about women‟s rights and the factors like politics, social, economic, cultural, and all of them that made the benefit for all human or all of the things in this worlds. Global Feminism

Next is Transnational or Global Feminism, this approach is focus about globalization can give the impact people about gender, races, class, sexualities. It realize about different equality in women group. This variant also focused on the factor that made transformation in the long time. Next is Visionary Feminism, the visionary is about the need to challenge the factor about races, class and other revolt. This theory‟s believe that love can‟t exist with the force. And believe that men if have the think about feminism will make the feel to love each other and reduce the bad emotional. Eco Feminism

This is variants of feminism that focused on control and focus of feminism. According to

Valerie Miller on We rise Toolkit (2002) only as a source of women‟s oppression but as being harmful to humanity as well as destructive of all living creatures and the earth itself.

Combining a more comprehensive analysis of power often with a greater spiritual vision, eco- feminists see women‟s rights and empowerment linked to political, economic, social and cultural factors that benefit all living creatures and Mother Nature. Visionary Feminism

This variant is from the Africa-America writing that mix the class, race or other oppression of women. This variants also about the love and men characteristic. Love cannot be exist if in there have many conflict and compulsion. Man cannot love his self. According to Valerie

Miller in We rise toolkit (2002) Males cannot love themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies on submission to patriarchal rules. When men embrace feminist thinking and practice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage to freedom, from loveless-ness to loving.

Furthermore variant of feminism not only that, the writer find out the source from

Penny and Brenton in ACPA Commission (2011) that feminism also have other variants that is Existential Feminism, this theory about a woman nor born to be a woman but becomes a woman. According by (1952) developed another conceptualization of feminism, existentialist feminism. In this theory a woman must free from politic, economic, personal, and social. Women must be free to do whatever she wanted and many dedicated that woman do to sharing this part and not giving up towards something. Existential

Feminism also can be explain like a woman that makes considered choice about her life ,her way, and suffers the anxiety associated with that isolation, or freedom, yet remains free,

demonstrates the tenets of existentialism. This theory is the material that the writer would like

to analysis to research the object and the problem that the writer found in the Chapter I. This

theory would like the writer found and give the evidence.

2.5. Existential Feminism

For this research the writer would like to use Existential Feminism and she choose the theory

by Hiatt Mary. P. She was born 16 Nov 1920 to 13 Nov 2005. She was very humane and has

a kind-hearted. Hiatt Mary selected being a professor Emerita and pension in 1988. Hiatt

Mary moved to teach at the Fieldston School in Riverdale New York, and started graduating

her studies in English at Columbia University. In 1960, she was an Instructor branch of

Rutgers University and completed her doctorate at Columbia University in 1971. According

to Hiatt, Marry P (1978 : 12) the theory of existential that the writer use is a woman who

makes a choice in her life, and considers her lifestyle, experiences anxiety, such as freedom,

isolation, inequality, but still free to demonstrate the tenets of existentialism.

According to Hiatt Mary P in ERIC publisher in 1978 existentialism is a broader term

that characterizes an individual's awareness of life's choices and an eventual definition of

one's life according to a meaningful context. Therefore, the female writer or the female

fictional character who chooses her way of life, who suffers the anxiety associated with

freedom, isolation, and nonconformity and still remains free, demonstrates the tenets of

existentialism. A woman‟s who has a priority to her life or consider to make a choice in life is

typical of existentialism. She is would like to be exist and not under estimate of man.

Hiatt Mary P is theory have connected with the Simone de Beauvoir, an important

existentialist who spent much of her life as Sartre's partner, wrote about feminist and

existentialist ethics in her works, including The Second Sex and The Ethics of Ambiguity.

Although often overlooked due to her relationship with Sartre, de Beauvoir integrated

existentialism with other forms of thinking such as feminism, unheard of at the time, resulting in alienation from fellow writers such as Camus.

According to Emmy van Deurzen (1982) Therapists often offer existentialist philosophy as an explanation for anxiety. The assertion is that anxiety is manifested of an individual's complete freedom to decide, and complete responsibility for the outcome of such decisions. Psychotherapists using an existentialist approach believe that a patient can harness his anxiety and use it constructively. Instead of suppressing anxiety, patients are advised to use it as grounds for change.

According to Luis David in his Journal of Ideas and Culture vol. 1 “Feminism and

Michel Foucault” in Philippines: Ateneo De Manila University (1997) Simone De Beauvoir said about feminism, There are a certain number of women who exalt menstruation, maternity, etc. and who believe that one can find a basis there for a different sort of writing. I am absolutely against all this, since in my opinion, it means to fall once more into a masculine trap, there is no reason to fall into some wild narcissism and build on the basis of these given a system which would be the culture and life of women.

Feminism is an existential perspective we must realize how feminism is important in life and the society. According to Arun Prakash in his paper on snphilosopher community

(2005) The path of feminism has not been smooth, but rough and stormy. The journey has revealed that feminism influences every sphere of human existence. This detailed study is conducive in understanding the feminist process in the world in a deeper way, with an emphasis on Simone de Beauvoir‟s existential feminism and a special reference to Indian feminism, which is generally identified as women‟s movement.

Existentialism signifies a person being her own subject to see how important she is.

Also knew about someone does an action and controls her feeling to understand others and

overcome differences. This is the most popular existentialism. It also is a way to resolve a

concrete individual action and mood.

The theory of existential that the writer use is according to Hiatt, Marry P (1978 : 12)

is a woman who makes a choice in her life, and considers her lifestyle, experiences anxiety,

such as freedom, isolation, inequality, but still free to demonstrate the tenets of

existentialism. The writer would like to explain about the meaning of a freedom as existential

feminism, the world cannot provide rules of moral. Moral is made by human activity and

responsible for their action and another person actions. The people have a power to freedom

and the people can make a choice for itself. Beauvoir in her analysis of the oppression of

woman makes use of these existentialist perspectives.

According to Karen Dale, Kristin L. Sommer, and Baumeister (1998) by minimizing

associative connections with other thoughts, the threatening cognition is remembered less

often and is less likely to affect self-esteem or the self concept. The writers get the conclusion

that isolation is a condition of being separated from other people. As though from Soren

Kierkegaard in Denmark (1813) The major existential thinkers defined their concept in

different ways.

2.6 Division of Character

Character is the part of novel. Character is very important to show the vision and the role of

novel. Without character everyone will confused to make conclusion the content of this

novel. Character also the part of intrinsic element. In the novel maybe have a lot character to

build up the emotion or story. Character also have the variant starts from the main character,

protagonist and many more. According to Perrine (1985) though they touch life at only

one or two points, may be made memorable in the hands of an expert author through

some individualizing detail of appearance, gesture, or speech. Character have a important

part to make the novel interesting and worth it to buy.

2.6.1 Main Character

Main character is important and must keep in the story to dominate the plot in the novel. The

main character must show in all part or chapter in the novel. Some novels can have two or

more main character to build up the story and have connected. The main character also can

bear the problem and accept the problem in the novel. According to Perrin (1985) The Static

Character is the same sort of person at the end of the story as at the beginning. Main character

must ready in the beginning and the end of story because all problem in the novel is about

that main character. The main character in the novel or film or drama is very important to

build and key of the success. If the main character success figure or play that role, it means

the success of this novel or film around half percent.

2.6.2 Protagonist Character and Antagonist Character

The protagonist character can be identified with her behavior, attitude or manner. The best

behavior and maybe the reader will support, it called protagonist character. Like the character

be a hero in the story or helping anyone who need the help. Always do right things. Giving

empathy and make the readers like that character. In the other side, the novel also have the

negative side, the novel will story about the character that made the problem is starting. The

character made conflict everywhere and complicated. This character has a different vision

with protagonist character. It called Antagonist Character.

2.6.3 Simply Character and Complex Character

Simply character not giving the important things in the story. Just have individual quality and

his life or her life can‟t be reveal. This character not gives the impact to main character and

not made the readers surprised when read the novel. This characteristic just flat and look like

characteristic other person. Different with complex character, Complex character can show

the problem and the effect of the problem. This character will have the other characteristic to

improve characteristic. Compare with simple character, this type look like a human being and

look like human behavior in real life. Complex character more complicated to understanding

and maybe a little bit less popularity.

Complex character is a role that can play a variety of roles, responsible for many

things, whether it's a strength or weakness. Complex character formed because they are

motivated in something whether good or bad. Complex character is also called dynamic

character because the character experiences the most visible changes when the initial plot

begins, this character also has a different side and personality.

2.6.4 Static Character and Developing Character

Static character does not giving characteristic and impact. This character have less involved

because this character not really helping the main character. Static character in the beginning

until the end does not giving important things and not giving improvisation. Different with

develop character, this character important and always improving each chapter at the novel.

The characterization will improve and changing. Start from beginning until the end this

character will improving and made connected with people around and give impact.

2.6.5 Typical Character and Neutral Character

The typical character is example from kind of people in real life. Like group people, or

institute. In the novel typical character not really need but in real life kind of this character is

available. Neutral character is by the imagination the author to make the story will improving

and not really exist in the world. The neutral character can‟t do anything and actually just

help a little thing like a storyteller or reading narration.



In this chapter, the writer discusses the subject matter, the material, the approach and the

procedure of the research.

3.1 Subject Matter

The writer analyzed the character of Pauline in Everything, Everything novel written by

Nicola Yoon. This novel told story about the main character. But Pauline‟s character is the

source problem of this story. Without Pauline‟s this story is just a normal romance story

between two persons. Pauline was changed everything about her daughter because the

traumatic about her husband. Pauline was the strong woman, she kept it the secret for a long

time from everyone. Pauline a single mother, she lived just with her daughter without any

help from anyone. The writers applied existential feminism theory because the story and

theory has connected. This research is from the dialogue and content story from Everything,

Everything novel.

3.2 Material

In this section, the research material are from Everything, Everything novel by Nicola The

writer also used the electronic book (e-book), also some article from internet, magazine and

the official website of Nicola Yoon. This story is unique because the main character never

went out of home. This novel got instant #1 New York Times Best Seller. For more

information the writer also learned feminism from the slide by Penny A. Pasque, PhD -

Associate Professor, Adult & Higher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies,

Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, Women‟s & / Center for Social

Justice University of Oklahoma and Brenton Wimmer, MEd – PhD Graduate Student

Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education University

of Oklahoma from their slide, the writer get more information about history of feminism and

the explanation.

3.3 Approach

In this research, the writer applies qualitative method of research. According to Fraenkel and

Wallen (1993), the qualitative is referred to research studies that investigate the quality of

relationship, situation, activities, or material. Based on the said definition, the writer applies

qualitative approach in analyzing the character of Pauline as Maddy is mother, to answers the

research question formulated in Chapter I. The writer also takes relevant information from

internet, e-book, magazine, official website by author.

3.4 Procedure

The writer selected some novels that are interesting and easy to understand. In addition have

a unique character. Everything, Everything novel a novel that the writer interested in. The

writer read and researched the official website or fan pages of the novel. Not only did go to

library to find sources, but she also did internet browsing or read e-book, to find other

relevant sources. Finally the writer chose Pauline is character because she was trough that the

problem. After the writer having had enough data of theory and the information needed, the

writer applied the feminism theory and existentialism theory to make the analysis.



In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze Pauline‟s character as the Maddy‟s mother.

The writer would like to analyze character of Pauline‟s using feminism theory. In this novel,

Pauline‟s a single mother and just living with her daughter. Pauline‟s never get married again after her husband died. Pauline just focused to taken care her daughter with the wrong way.

Until her daughters grow up be adult , the secret Pauline‟s keep is revealed. Pauline did anything to make her daughter always inside her, until her daughter start to falling in love with someone and doing desperate things. Pauline‟s never gave up and trying to explain what already happened. The writer uses feminist theory and some related theories in analyzing.

4.1 The Analysis of Existential Feminism

Before the writer explained the dialog that shows Pauline‟s is feminism, the writer would like to show about feminism theory that connected about Pauline‟s characterization. The writer uses Existential theory. For this research the writer would like to use Existential Feminism and the writer choose the theory by Hiatt Mary. P. According to Hiatt, Marry P (1978 : 12) is a woman who makes a choice in her life, and considers her lifestyle, experiences anxiety, such as freedom, isolation, inequality, but still free to demonstrate the tenets of existentialism. It focused to who suffers the anxiety associated with freedom, isolation, and

nonconformity and still remains free, demonstrates the tenets of existentialism. From that theory the writer found the story about Pauline‟s that she is work hard to be a single mother for her daughter and struggle to get whatever she want. Pauline will do anything to get whatever she wants. Even though Pauline‟s had lie to her daughter.

Before talk about the evidence, the writer would like to show the summary of this novel. This novel has a simple plot but because one person that is Pauline, the story line is become complicated and confusing. Maddy is the healthy daughter and never get serious dieses until her father and her brother passed away. Pauline never wanted to lose her family again and so that she was lied to her daughter. Until Maddy falling in love with someone else and changes everything. Maddy falling in love with her neighbor named Olly. There is character in the novel the main character is Maddy Whittier, and then the boy that Maddy loves is Olly Bright, and then Dr. Pauline Whittier as Maddy is mother, next has Carla as a nurse for Maddy from child. Also have many more protagonist characters. From this story maybe the story about Pauline a little bit complicated to explain, but from her daughter story the writer try to find what already Pauline did. This is the kind of evidence:

4.1.1 Evidences Existential Feminism of Pauline

This part the writer would like to explain the beginning part of Maddy point of view, she is talking about her dieses and has connected with her mother, Pauline. Cause all of the problem that Maddy got is because her mother.

My disease is as rare as it is famous. It’s a form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, but you know it as “bubble baby disease.” Basically, I’m allergic to the world. Anything can trigger a bout of sickness. It could be the chemicals in the cleaner used to wipe the table that I just touched. It could be someone’s perfume. It could be the exotic spice in the food I just ate. It could be one, or all, or none of these things, or something else entirely. No one knows the triggers, but everyone knows the consequences. According to my mom I almost died as an infant. And so I stay on SCID row. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. (Page: 3)

From that paragraph, the writer found the key of lie that Pauline did. “I’m allergic to the world. Anything can trigger a bout of sickness. It could be the chemicals in the cleaner used to wipe the table that I just touched.” If Maddy found out the official letter that explained she is get dieses SCID, she doesn‟t need at home for seventeen years to make her mom feel comfortable. Pauline do this to make her daughter safe from anything can hurt her.

Like the definition of feminism that the writer explain in Chapter II, more responsive to individual women‟s right, but does not directly challenge the system itself or ideology behind women‟s oppression. Pauline against the rights of women individually and unconsciously what Pauline do can be in the form of oppression. As though from Existential definition, it

Pauline choice to overcome anxiety.

From this paragraph it really clearly that Maddy is the clean person, never get dirty or touch disgusting things. This part will explain with Maddy point of view.

The air lock is a small sealed room surrounding the front door. It’s airtight so that no potential hazards can leak into the main house when the front door is open. I press my ear against it. At first I can’t hear anything over the air filters, but then I hear a voice. (Page: 28)

From this paragraph it really clearly that Maddy is the clean person, never get dirty or touch disgusting things. This is because Pauline‟s, her mother that want her daughter always clean and free from bacteria. One of the principles of Pauline applied to her daughter. This is

a consideration from Pauline so that she is anxious or worried that her daughter will fall ill.

Pauline does this so he doesn't need to worry about his daughter.

This paragraph from Maddy, wrote about her existential but online in the cyberspace.

She is active as a blogger or critical.

My heart speeds up and I can feel the pulse of it against my ribs. Did he just ask about me? No stranger has just dropped by to visit me before. Aside from my mom, Carla, and my tutors, the world barely knows I exist. I mean, I exist online. I have online friends and my Tumblr book reviews, but that’s not the same as being a real person who can be visited by strange boys bearing Bundt cakes. (Page: 29)

That paragraph from Maddy, write about her existential but online in the cyberspace.

In the media social, not face to face for other people. It also because Pauline. Pauline prohibit

Maddy to go outside house, because she wants Maddy be a healthy girls that never get ill or dieses. This is also the way to make Pauline don‟t get worried about his daughter.

For this part, Pauline was willing to abandon her old habits to accompany her daughter, to make sure her daughter healthy and never get sick.

For the thousandth time I realize anew how hard my disease in on her. It’s the only world I’ve known, but before me she had my brother and my dad. She traveled and played soccer. She had a normal life that did not include being cloistered in a bubble for fourteen hours a day with her sick teenage daughter. I hold her and let her hold me for a few more minutes. She’s taking this disappointment much harder that I am.

Pauline : “I’ll make it up to you” she says.

Maddy : “There’s nothing to make up for”

Pauline : “I love you, sweetie”

We drift back into the dining room and finish dinner quickly and for the most part, silently. Carla leaves and my mom asks if I want to beat her at a game of Honor Pictionary, but I ask for a rain check. I’m not really in the mood. Instead, I head upstairs imagining what a Bundt cake tastes like. (Page: 30)

For this part, Pauline was willing to abandon her old habits to accompany her daughter, to make sure her daughter healthy and never get sick. This is one of the struggles of a mother for her child. With the wrong way Pauline save her daughter to make herself calm and don‟t get worried to lose her family again. This part also explained about evidence that

Pauline leaved her old habit for her daughter.

For this part Carla explained about the routine activities that Pauline and her

Daughter always do before Olly changes everything.

Carla : “That’s OK, I can be sure for both of us. We’ve been together in this house for fifteen years, so I know what I’m talking about. When I first started with you I thought it was only matter of time before depression would take you over. And there was that one summer when it came close, but it didn’t happen. Every day you get up and learn something new. Every day you find something to be happy about. Every single day you have a smile for me. You worry more about your mother than you do about yourself.”

I don’t think Carla has ever said this many words all at once. (Page: 33)

For this part Carla explain about the routine activities that Pauline and her Daughter always do before Olly changes everything. Maddy start to revolt and know who really she is?

Olly made everything changes and Pauline too late to realize that Olly is to danger for her daughter. In this story the reader will know about the activities that Pauline and Maddy did.

Pauline did everything for her daughter. Because for Pauline‟s, her daughter is everything.

This is kind of emancipation woman.

This part explains the condition of Maddy is house that Pauline made. Maddy‟s home is décor like a beautiful garden but not real.

The sunroom is my favorite room in the house. It’s almost all glass- glass roof and floor to-ceiling glass windows that look out onto our perfectly manicured back lawn.

The room’s décor is like a movie set of a tropical rain forest. It’s filled with realistic and lush-looking fake fruit and hibiscus plants with fake flowers are everywhere. There’s even a babbling stream that snakes its way through the room, but there are no fish-at least no real ones. The furniture is aged white wicker that looks like it’s been sitting in the sun. Because it’s meant to be tropical, my mom keeps a heated fan running and slightly too-warm breeze fills the room.

Most days I love it because I can imagine that the glass has fallen away and I’m outside. Other days I feel like a fish in an aquarium.

Olly : “It’s not real” he says to me.

Olly : “It’s not real” I say at the same time. (Page: 71)

This part explains the condition of Maddy is house that Pauline made. Maddy‟s home is décor like a beautiful garden but it‟s all not real. Pauline wants to make Maddy like in the outside without having to leave this house. This is kind of selfishness that Pauline is made.

Pauline though Maddy is her daughter and free to do anything as good as to her daughter.

This part also prove that Pauline never think about her economic status as long her daughter feel comfort and healthy. From her house we can think that is not cheap. Start from the furniture and the air filter. It‟s kind of expensive thing. Also the décor looks like real view, as a single mother who work alone to live in this era it‟s not easy.

Olly : “This is some crazy room,” he says, looking around.

Maddy : “Yeah, my mom built it so I could feel like I was


Olly : “Does it work?”

Maddy : “Most days, I have a really excellent imagination.”

Olly : “You really are a fairy tale. Princess Madeline and the

Glass Castle” He’s quite again, like he’s trying to build

up to something.

Maddy : “It’s OK to ask me,” I say.

He is wearing a single black rubber band around his wrist and he pulls at it a few times before continuing.

Olly : “How long have you been sick?”

Maddy : “My whole life”

Olly :“What would happen if you went outside?”

Maddy : “My head would explode. Or my lungs, or my heart”

Olly : “How can you joke…?” I shrug.

Pauline : “How can I not? Besides, I try not to want thing I can’t have.”

Olly : “You’re like a Zen master. You should teach a class.”

Maddy : “It takes a long time to learn.” I smile back at him.

(Page : 74)

This is the proving that the writer is writes before. Pauline though her way to décor beauty home to make Maddy feel comfortable is success, but Maddy is feel like happy because her mother. Maddy want to be a good daughter to her mother. This is also explain that Pauline did because to make her daughter safe in home and never go out. And this is kind of Pauline‟s choice for her life.

Carla : “Your mother wants to know if I’ve noticed anything different about you lately”

Says Carla from across the living room. I’m watching the first Mission: Impossible movie with Tom Cruise. He plays a superspy, Ethan Hunt, who leads a double, sometimes triple, and sometimes quadruple life. It’s toward the end and Ethan has just unmasked himself, literally, to catch the bad guys.

Carla repeats herself, louder this time.

Carla : “And have you?”

I ask as Ethan is pulling off his incredibly realistic mask to reveal his true face. I let my head to one side for a better perspective.

Carla grabs the remote from my hand and hits pause. She tosses the remote into the corner of the couch.

Maddy : “What’s wrong?” I ask, feeling guilty for ignoring her.

Carla : “It’s you. And that boy”

Maddy : “What do you mean?”

She sighs and sits.

Carla : “I knew it was a mistake letting you two see each other”

She has my full attention now.

Maddy : “What did my mom say?”

Carla : “Did you cancel a movie night with her?”

I knew I shouldn’t have done it. She looked so hurt and disappointed, but I didn’t want to wait until after nine with Olly. I can’t get enough of talking to him. I’m overflowing with words. I’ll never come to the end of all the things I want to say to him.

Carla : “And she says you’re distracted all the time. And you ordered a lot of clothes and shoes and she almost beat you at some game that you always win.”

Maddy : “does she suspect?”

Carla : “That’s all you’re worrying about? Listen to what I’m telling you. Your mother is missing you. She is lonely without you. You should’ve seen her face when she was asking me”

Maddy : “I just-“(Page: 112-113)

This part explain that Pauline success to make people around her believe that Maddy is sick and make sure people around her save her daughter. Pauline will do anything to make her daughter save. Even though Pauline is a single mother but she is hard worker and thrusting Carla to take her daughter.

Next part is the evidence Pauline did that she is anxious or worried that her daughter will fall ill, but everything is okay.

Pauline : “STOP”

They both freeze momentarily in place and look at me, shocked. His dad’s drunkenness catches up to him. He stumbles back up the steps and into the house. His mom follows. Olly bends over, holding his stomach.

Maddy : “Are you alright?” I ask. (To Olly)

He looks up at me, his face morphing from pain to confusion to fear.

Olly : “Go. Go back” he says.

My mom’s grabs my arm and tries to pull me away. I’m vaguely aware that she’s hysterical. She’s stronger than I would’ve thought, but my need to see Olly is stronger.

Maddy : “Are you alright?” I cry out again, unmoving.

He straightens up slowly, gingerly, like something hurts, but the pain doesn’t show on his face.

Olly : “Mads, I’m OK. Go back please” The full weight of our feeling for each other hangs between us.

Olly : “I’m promise I’m OK” He says again, and I let myself be pulled away. (Page: 136)

This is expression of Pauline that her daughter for the first time go out from outside because of man. This part explains character of Pauline is strong and selfish. Pauline out all the power she has to make her daughter come back in the inside.

Pauline : “I had to trash your clothes” she says after I’ve taken the shower that she insisted I take. She doesn’t look at me as she says it.

Pauline : “And we’re going to have to be extra careful for the next few days to make sure nothing’s-“

She breaks off, unable to say the words.

Maddy : “It was less than a minute” I say, for both our benefit.

Pauline : “Sometimes a minute is all it takes” her voice is almost not there at all.

Maddy : “Mom, I’m sorry”

She holds up a hand and shakes her head. “How could you?” she ask, finally meeting my eyes.

I’m not sure if she asking about mu going outside or lying to her. I don’t have an answer for either question. (Page: 137)

This explains about Pauline get angry to Maddy because Maddy is went outside.

Pauline get immediately clean up Maddy is clothes and get shower. This is the kind of evidence that Pauline is really loves her daughter and never her daughter get ill, but with the wrong ways.

This explains from Maddy point of view about her mother. Pauline really a strong women that Maddy know.

Olly : “What about you, Madeline? What’s wrong with your parents?”

Maddy : “It’s just me and my mom”

Olly : “Still. There must be something wrong with her”

My mom, my mom. I’ve barely given her any thought. She must be crippled with worry.

Maddy : “Well, I think there’s something wrong with everyone, don’t you? But my mom smart, she’s strong, and she’s always puts me first” (Page: 214)

This explains from Maddy point of view about her mother. Pauline was strong woman that Maddy known. Pauline work hard to make her daughter life enough and never get trouble or worry about economic or education. As the writer says before, it‟s not cheap to make it alone, but Pauline did.

This part is explains about how Pauline worried her daughter in the outside and her daughter try to make a choice for her life by self.

(The email that Pauline write to Olly using Maddy’s email)

From: Madeline F Whittier

To: [email protected]

Subject: (no subject)

Do you have mu daughter? Is she OK?

From: Madeline F Whittier

To: [email protected]

Subject: (no subject)

I know she’s with you. You don’t understand how sick she is. Bring her home.

From: Madeline F Whittier

To: [email protected]

Subject: (no subject)

Please tell me where are you are. She could get severely ill at any minute.

From: Madeline F Whittier

To: [email protected]

Subject: (no subject)

I know where you are and I’m on the next flight. I’ll be there first thing in the morning. Please keep her safe.

From: [email protected]

To: Madeline F Whittier

Subject: (no subject)

Please don’t worry, mom. And please don’t come here. I’m really OK and it’s my life too. I love you. I’ll see you soon. (Page: 215-217)

In this part Pauline tried anything way to get her daughter back and go back to stay at home again. Pauline was angry with Olly but tried to persuade Olly to take her daughter back home and here Pauline looked frustrated because her choice was violated by her daughter.

Pauline : “You’re OK. You’re going to be OK” she says. Her voice trembles until it breaks.

I pull myself to seated and look at her. Her skin is pale, almost translucent, and it’s stretched too tight across her face painful- looking blue vein starches down from her hairline to her eyelid. I can see other blue veins just under the skin of her forearms and wrist. She has the frightened, disbelieving eyes of someone who witnessed something horrible and is waiting for more horrors to come. (Page: 241-242)

In this part is explained about Pauline is imagery when she was look her daughter that get ill.

With this letter from doctor who saved Maddy in Hawaii all of the lie that Pauline‟s did is out and Maddy very shock to read this letter

From: Dr. Melissa Francis To: [email protected] Subject: Test Result – FOR YOUR EYES ONLY Sent: Desember 29, 8:30 AM

Ms. Whittier,

You probably don’t remember me. My name is Dr Melissa Francis. You were under my care at Maui Memorial in Hawaii for a few hours two months ago.

I felt it was important to contact you directly. You need to know that I’ve studied your case very closely. I don’t believe you have, or have ever had, SCID.

I know this must be a shock. I’ve attached quite a few test result here and I recommend that you get a second (and a third) opinion.

I believe that you should get another physician besides your mother to verify ny findings. Physicians should never practice on their families.

It’s my medical opinion that in Hawaii you had an episode of myocarditis triggered by a viral infection. I believe that your immune system is especially fragile given what I could surmise about the nature of your upbringing.

Please feel free to contact me with any question you may have. Good luck.

Best regards,

Dr. Melissa Francis

This is the part that everything Pauline did is out. Maddy already know all of the lie that Pauline‟s did., Maddy go out to Pauline‟s room and search the data that prove the truth. When Pauline come in the same room, she is shocked that Maddy already in there.

Pauline trying to get the condition and stay calm and try to explain to Maddy‟s

Pauline : She strokes my hair. “I’m sorry you had to see this. It’s so irresponsible”

Maddy : “It’s OK” I say against her shoulder.

Maddy : “I knew it was a mistake. I didn’t get my hopes up”

She pulls away to look into my eyes.

Pauline : “Of course it’s a mistake”

Her eyes fill with tears and she pulls me back into her arms.

Pauline : “SCID is so rare and so complicated, honey. Not

everyone understand it. There are just so many version

and every person react a little differently”

She pulls away again and meets my eyes to make sure I’m listening and understanding.

This part when Maddy still heard about her ill from her mother, but she is believe that she is not sick and her mother get mistake.

Carla’s barely in the door before I’m on her with the letter. She reads it and her eyes widen with each sentence.

She grips my forearm.

Carla : “Where did you get this?”

Pauline : “Keep reading” I say.

The charts and measurements will mean more to her than they did to me.

I watch her face and try to understand what is happening in my world. I’d expected her to dismiss the letter out of hand just as mom did, but her reaction is…different.

Carla : “Have you shown this to your mother?” I nod, mute.

Carla : “What did she say?”

Pauline : “That it was a mistake” I’m whispering, hiding from the sound of my own voice.

She search my face for a long time. “We need to find out” she says.

Carla : “Find out what?”

Maddy : “If it’s true or not”

Carla : “How could it be true? That would mean-“

Maddy : “Shh, shh. We don’t know anything yet”. (Page: 269)

Maddy„s try to find Carla and explain about this and want to ask what really happen. Carla shocked after read the letter she read and try to find other doctor and ask them about SCID or the dieses that Maddy‟s get. This is what Pauline‟s really doing start to out.

What‟s everything Pauline did is disclosed and Maddy start to find another source.

“Carla-Nurse Flores-filled me in on your background” He studiously flips through a few more pages, trying to avoid saying what he says next. “As a doctor, your mother would’ve known this. Granted, SCID is a very rare disease and it comes in many forms, but you have none, absolutely none, of the telltale of the disease. If she did any research, any tests at all, she would’ve known that”

This is the final that Maddy‟s do to prove that she is never get sick and all of them that Pauline‟s do just because make her safe and make her mom that is Pauline calm and don‟t get worry about her only one daughter. This part is has connected to definition about one of type feminism, that is existential feminism. Pauline include to the woman who makes a choice in her life, and considers her lifestyle, experiences anxiety, such as freedom, isolation, inequality, but still free to demonstrate the tenets of existentialism. And the important things Pauline want her daughter safe from anything.

4.2 Characteristic of Pauline

The characteristic of Pauline from this research analysis from the writer is Complex

Character. As theory from complex character in the Chapter II, the writer is get the result that is Pauline sometimes can be a good mother for Maddy‟s and sometimes the characteristic of

Pauline make the story line complicated. And the characters of Pauline make the effect for other people. And the effect that Pauline made is very big and make other people can‟t realize. There for the writer is made the evidence of this research about characteristic of


4.2.1 The Evidences Characteristic of Pauline

From this part the writer get summary that Pauline loves her daughter so much and make her daughter feel comfort with her.

Pauline : “Perfect”

My mom peers over my shoulders as I finish up.

Maddy : “Just like you”

I turn to face her. She’s smiling a wide, proud smile at me, but her eyes are bright with tears. (Page: 9)

Like Maddy explain in this part, Pauline smile to her, and Pauline eyes look like an angel that shares the love to everyone. In this part the character of Pauline can‟t look like a bad or worst characteristic. In this part Pauline‟s character make the story line improving.

My mom waves her off. “Stay here” she says to me.

Carla moved to stand behind me, her hands pressing down lightly on my shoulders. I know I should stay here. I know I’m expected to. Certainly I expect me to, but somehow, today, I just can’t. I need to know who it is, even if it’s just a wayward traveler.

Carla touch my upper arm “Your mother said to stay here”. (Page: 28)

In this part Pauline characters is like a man who would to save her girl. Pauline never excuses Maddy to go out or meet anyone. Pauline character in this part is a little bit assertive and ambitious. Pauline can change her character in the same time. Sometimes look like an angel, and sometimes look like officer who want save her country.

She has my full attention now.

Maddy : “What did my mom say?”

Carla : “Did you cancel a movie night with her?”

I knew I shouldn’t have done it. She looked so hurt and disappointed, but I didn’t want to wait until after nine to IM with Olly. (Page: 112)

In this part the writer got the conclusion about Pauline is situation. From this story that Carla and Maddy discuss, the writer get the conclusion that Pauline feel lonely and sad when her daughter doesn‟t need watch a movie with her. Just watching movie but very important from Pauline. In this part character Pauline very emotional.

My mom grabs my arms and tries to pull me away. I’m vaguely aware that she’s hysterical. She’s stronger than I would’ve thought, but my need to see Olly is stronger. (Page: 136)

Pauline : “I don’t understand” she says, her voice shrill and


Pauline : “Why you do that?”

Maddy : “I’m OK” I say, answering the question she doesn’t ask.

Maddy : “It was only a minute. Less than a minute”

She relinquishes my arm and lifts my chin. (Page: 137)

This part explains that Pauline can be an angry person. And this types like a human being. It connected with the definition Complex Character. Sometimes Pauline could be an angel, and sometimes Pauline could be an evil if she is look her daughter in danger. Also give effect from this accident. After that Carla get fired and Maddy feel regret and sad because her only friend is lost.

This is Maddy point of view and can the writer feel this is very complicated.

I’m almost asleep that night when my door opens. My mom hovers in the doorway and I keep my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Still, she comes in and sits on the bed next to me.

For a long time she doesn’t move. Then she leans over and I’m sure she’s going to kiss my forehead like she used to when I was a little girl, but I roll away from her, still feigning sleep. I don’t know why I do it. Who is this new Maddy that is cruel for no reason? She gets up, and I wait to hear the door close before opening my eyes.

A single black rubber band sits on my nightstand.

She knows. (Page: 139)

This is Maddy point of view and can the writer felt this is very complicated. The other side Maddy confused with her feeling and what must Maddy do for her mother. The other side Pauline still love Maddy, she always did routine activities before sleep to her daughter, even thought her daughter look like give a space between us.

Pauline : “What are you thinking?” She asks.

Maddy : “I miss Carla”

Pauline : “I do, too, but I’d be a bad mother if I let her stay. Do you understand? She put your life in danger”

Maddy : “She was my friend” I say quietly.

The anger that I’d been expecting from her all week finally sparks. (Page: 147)

This part explained about Pauline really care about her nurse, Carla. But rather than let her daughter with Carla again Pauline choosing to find another nurse. This part explains

Pauline character, she is never trusted anyone after get disappointed.

Pauline : “How do you could do this to yourself? You could’ve died” She whispers.

She steps closer, hugs a clipboard to her chest.

Maddy : “How could you do this to me? After everything?”

I want to say something. I open my mouth to say it, but nothing comes out.

My guilt is an ocean for me to drown in. (Page: 242)

This normally reaction if someone saw the loves one in danger and dying at the same times. Pauline in this part really looked like human being.

Pauline : “I’ve asked Carla to come back” she says one night after dinner.

Maddy : “I thought you didn’t trust her anymore”

Pauline : “But I trust you. You learned your lesson the hard way. Some things you just have to experience for yourself.” (Page: 253)

This part show very clear how Pauline try to forgive someone and give advice for her daughter about the experiences in the past. Pauline confidence her daughter never do bad

things again after that accident. Sometimes Pauline character very strong to keep her daughter safe and sometimes Pauline also can be a good friend for her daughter.

I answer my own question by crying some more.

Carla : “How’s your mama?” she asks when I finally stop.

Maddy : “She doesn’t hate me”

Carla : “Mama doesn’t know how to hate their babies. They love them too much”

Maddy : “But she should. I’m terrible daughter. I did a terrible thing”. (Page: 254)

This part explained that Pauline actually loves their daughter so much. But every people have their own way to show up their action. Even though Pauline have the bad character or do something can hurt feeling the other, Pauline still care about them and still loves her daughter or son.

Maddy : “Am I sick?” I ask. My blood beats too loudly in my ears.

Pauline : “What did you say?”

Maddy : “Am I sick?” I say it louder this time.

Her burgeoning anger dissipates, replaced by concern.

Pauline : “Do you feel sick?”

She reaches out a hand to touch me, but I push it away.

The hurt on her face makes me slightly ill, but I press.

Maddy : “No, that’s not what I mean. Do I have SCID?”

Her concern morphs into exasperation and a little pity.

Pauline : “Is this still about that letter?”

(Page: 274)

This part explain that Pauline try to make calm situation and make it clear but Maddy push it away and talk with louder. Pauline try to keep calm talking with Maddy and try to keep calm her daughter. She is trying to touch her daughter with the meaning make her calm.

This parts show that Pauline has the patient character.

She takes a deep breath to steady herself.

Pauline : “Madeline Whittier, what are you talking about?”

Maddy : “You have records for everything, but there’s nothing about SCID here. Why can’t I find anything?”

I grab the red folder from the ground and shove it at her.

Maddy : “You have everything else.”

Pauline : “What are you talking about?” she asks.

Pauline : “Of course it’s in here”

I’m not sure what I was expecting her to say, but that was not it. Does she really believe it’s all here?

She clutches the folder to her chest like she’s trying to make it a part of herself.

Pauline : “Did you look carefully? I keep everything”

She walks over to her desk and clears a space. I watch her as she examines the files, rearranging them, smoothing her hands over pages that don’t need smoothing.

After a while she looks up at me.

Pauline : “Did you take them? I know they were here.”

Her voice is thick with confusion and, also, fear.

And that’s when I know for sure.

I’m not sick and I never have been. (Page: 275)

This part really like human always do, that Pauline‟s get nervous when her secret finally come out. Her body language never lies. Her voice is the proved that everything she

doing is a lie and her daughter never get sick. Pauline‟s characters very stronger, she is keep the secret for a long time and never get suspicious. Pauline character very confident, but in the end after her daughter try to find alone her medical letter, Pauline‟s get stuck.

My mom catches up to me. Her face is ruin of fear. Pauline : “What are you doing? What are you doing? You have to get inside.” My vision tunnels and I hold her in my sights. Maddy : “Why, mom? Why do I have to go inside?” Pauline : “Because you’re sick. Bad things could happen to you out here” She reaches out to me to pull me toward her, but I jerk away from her. Maddy : “No. I’m not going back in” Pauiline : “Please,” she begs. “I can’t lose you, too. Not after everything” Her eyes are on me, but I know without a doubt that she’s not sewing me at all. Pauline : “I lost them. I lost you, dad and I lost your brother. I Couldn’t lose you, too. I just couldn’t” Her face crumbles, falls completely apart. Whatever structures were holding it up give way in a sudden and catastrophic failure. She is broken. She’s been broken for a long time. Carla was right. She never recovered from their deaths. (Page: 276-277)

This part is the key that whatever Pauline‟s do is because she never got lost her family again. Pauline just has Maddy, no other one. This part explain the emotional Pauline because

Maddy run to outside. Pauline begs to her daughter and angry with the same time to make her needed is get. Pauline is selfish woman.

She nods her head.

Pauline : “I knew it was more than that. I had to protect you.

Anything can happen to you out here”

She looks around.

Pauline : “Anything can happen to you out here. In the worlds”

I should feel compassion. But that’s not what I feel. Anger rises in me and crowds everything else out.

Maddy : “I’m not sick”, I scream.

Maddy : “I’ve never been sick. You are the one” I stab the air in front

of her face. I watch as she shrinks into herself and disappears.

Pauline : “Come inside” She whisper.

Pauline : “I’ll protect you. Stay with me. You are all I have”

Her pain is endless. It falls off the ends of the world.

Her pain is a dead sea.

Her pain is for me, but I cannot bear it anymore. (Page: 277-278)

Even thought Pauline got angry with her daughter, Pauline still care about her.

Pauline will do anything to keep her safe. Pauline gave up to made her daughter beside her again. Pauline is broke. Pauline just begging to her daughter‟s, never got angry again but just begging. Pauline cry, broken, angry with the same time. It complicated.

Although this evidence story about Maddy all the time, but Pauline‟s character be the central problem of this novel. Without Pauline‟s, Maddy is just young women who falling in love with someone at the first time. This evidence almost taken from dialog between Maddy and the other but the conclusion of this dialog is about Pauline and the writers got the conclusion from that dialog. Even if Pauline not at all page of this novel, but Pauline‟s character is so important to make this novel look like complicated.



In this chapter the writer would like to explain the conclusion as the result of the study. The conclusion was made based on the theory the writer using and the content. This conclusion also explains about the answer of question of the problem statement which becomes the objective of this study.

5.1 Conclusion

The writer using existential feminism and discuss about Pauline‟s character as the complex character on Everything Everything novel. Nicola Yoon as the author of this novel feel so proud because her novel would become a movie adaptation. This novel also got best seller in New York Time Best Seller Books. Not only because of that, the writer using this novel as the source because this novel has the good story line and illustration.

Based on the analysis, the writer concluded that Pauline the complex character in the novel have existential feminism based on the evidence the writer found in Chapter IV. Pauline‟s character shows many evidence to prove her existential. From the dialog or the story line the writer already made it conclude and take it on paragraph in Chapter IV. Pauline has the complex character and explained that she was needed to exist with her own, and her daughter is the victim. Pauline does anything she want to protect her daughter. According to Hiatt, Marry P (1978: 12) is a woman who makes a choice in her life, and considers her lifestyle, experiences anxiety, such as freedom, isolation, inequality, but still free to demonstrate the tenets of existentialism. From this theory the writer concluded that character

of Pauline is everyone must consider to her life and her choice. Pauline also the person who feeling anxiety for outside situation. Her daughter is the one of victim.

In the novel Pauline‟s character is nice person until the accident comes to her. Her husband and son are die in the road and make her personality get changes. Pauline character is considered to existential because she is makes a choice in her life by herself and feeling anxiety over to her daughter. Pauline‟s character also showing the demonstrate in around that show she is exist. Pauline also feel freedom does anything routine like working as doctor and cooking some food for her daughter but never go outside with her daughter. Pauline does freedom things with her own and her rules. She is never thing that rules is wrong or right, the important thing for her is her only one daughter safe from everything in this world.

In other side character of Pauline also has inequality person, she is make her daughter can‟t receive the same treatment likes other young adult in other side. The writer already writes the example of Pauline‟s character that showed the inequality the Pauline did to her daughter. According to Hiatt, Marry P (1978) is a woman who make inequality is existentialism, so the writer conclude that Pauline included existentialism.

5.2 Suggestion

The writer suggests to the English Literature student who wants to learn more about Everything Everything novel by Nicola Yoon, and can using this for research and guide to review or reference. The reader can use other topic like characterization, point of view or other evidence, plot, theme, or character development. The reader also can get other relevant information from the expert. Also for all women in this world who wanted to know about being a mother cannot easy.


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Pauline, the single mother and has the only and one daughter. Her name is Madeline. Pauline lost her husband and her son in the same time, because the accident, and Pauline think that accident is because of her. After that accident, Pauline take care her daughter like she can died anytime. So much protective. And Pauline can not realized that her behaviour, make her daughter like a sicks person. Pauline make a rules and her statment by herself, Pauline never think about her daughter will get inequality or changes to be anormal person. In Madeline life, she just know that her mother is the only one person in her life.

Pauline‟s can not handle her daughter everytime, she must be a normal person like working, to keep and support her life in the future with her daughter, so that Pauline hiring Carla as a nurse‟s to take care her daughter a while when she is working. Pauline working as a doctor in the hospital. Sometimes she must working in the other city to observation. Carla‟s can handle anything about Madeline like her daily helath log,breaths per minute,temperature,air filter status, her blood pressure, clothes, some healty food. Anything Madeline use or touch it must be a higienic and clean from anything like a virus or microbes.

Until oneday, the distrubber is coming, his name is Olly. The new neightboor hood of Madeline. The young man and wearing all black, black T-shirt, black sneakers, black knit cap, and he is Tall. Olly no longer crouched to Madeline. His eyes staring up at me. Olly trying to grins to Madeline but she just frown at him instead. Madeline write all the activites the new neightboor hood is doing.

Carla make an offer to Madeline if she needed to meet Olly. With the many rules. Madeline never touce anything and never get closed to Olly. After several times both of them is falling in love. Love can changes everything. Madeline starting to againts her mother. And in this part, the lier that Pauline made is uncovered. Pauline trying to make sure her daughter

to thrust her but vain. Madeline found the evidence by herself and the some help from Carla. Pauline give up. She never make her daughter lik e the past. Everyone can not predict the future.

The character :

1. Madeline as the main chararcter 2. Olly as the protagonis chararcter 3. Pauline as the complex character 4. Carla as the protagonis character


Name : Shella Aprilia

Student Number : 20150600003

Place and date of the birth : Tangerang, April 3, 1997

Religion : Buddhist

Nationality : Indonesia

Address : Gama street No: 80 Cimone Permai Tangerang

Education Bacground

- (2001) TK Dharma Putra - (2009) SD Dharma Putra - (2012) SMP Dharma Putra - (2015) SMK Buddhi - (2015-Now) Buddhi Dharma University

Working Experiences

- (2013) Training in Astra International Daihatsu Karawaci - (2015) Training in Matahari Club Card - (2015) Working in PT. Jasa Laksa Utama - (2019) Working in PT SML Indonesia Private

The Writer,

Shella Aprilia 20150600003