it r rtli ' The ConraalM in Fraaee.The Republic, face, who can nay how this French trouble Is The Qneei'i Cu* nnd the Co*lo*I Yaoht- our =«agoing vessels are to be kept moving The Cmapbrfla la Canada. NEW YORK HERALD the Bonaparte* and Che Benrboas. to end ? ins Hennon. and not laid up during the long, dreary months Sir John Young, It is reported, is about It The with the Due as of the comin the of BROADWAY AND ANN STRKKT. All our latest news from Europe relative to republic, d'Aumnlo In what manner the Queen's Cup shall be g winter. resign position of Governor General first is as the situation in France is of a It shows, President, just possible as the resto¬ sailed for haB become a serious matter. Canada, and bis successor is likely to be piece. ration of tho Many Tkfl Trial of Mrs. Fair.The Prinoner JAMES GORDON or seems to that Paris for at monarchy under the Count do one and have been either the Marquis of Lorn or the BENNETT, show, once, least, opinious, way another, Convicted of Murder la the Flnt De¬ young^ PROPRIETOR. be it one Clinmbord or the Count de Paris. The resto¬ Prince Arthur. We, as a people, are person-* is not France. It will not surprising expros?cd. Lawyers have been consulted and ars*. ration of the under or his familiar with both Britons day more makes an ond of all this French empire Napoleon editors oallod upon and several letters have ally these young son is as The trial of Mrs. Laura at San Fran¬ ?.lute XXXVI No. 117 trouble. The Communists, "reds," or what just possible as either. As we have appeared in various papers about it. Some Fair, the one from actual contact with his presencaf said the cisco, for tbe murder of A. P. the the reader feels disposed to call them, have before, provinces which control the. yachtsmen think one way and some the other, Crittenden, and other from the innumerable prints of1 national vote which has excited so muoh attention for some EVEHIJI3. done their but their best has proved wish order, strength, safety. If and runs In the his bead that have adorned our pictorial! A*USESEIITS_ni3 best; argument high. fact, time was lllBLO's GARDEN. nrut'iwtr thp Srv otaci.b or is sur¬ these seem to centre in a will past, concluded yesterday. The weeklies ever since his marriage with Princes* Tib Likb am. bit a tu or Rwjiabu III. weakness. Paris to-day virtually republio they subject has caused great excitement, and it is vote for a case was to the at -five rounded ; the blockade practically is complete, republic. For the same reason they about time the matter should be settled. We given jury twenty Louise. Either one of them would be highly*, LIMA EDWIN'h THEATRE. 720 Broartwar Comedy will vote for a or minutes to four in the and after to our as a or Plsol and the presumption is that Frenchmen them- monarchy an empire. The do not believe in having all the delights of the afternoon, acceptable snobocracy tangible most that we feel for the to deliberating for forty minutes a verdict of bit of stationed our own GRAND OPERA HOI SE, corner of Sih at. ana 23d A.. gel res may do to Paris what Von Moltke and present disposed season marred reason of royalty, upon Conti-^ La Pbbcholk. coming yachting by murder in the first Bismarck meant to but whioh fore- nay is that the failure of the republic and the an the degree was rendered. We nent and breathing our own air. It would bat do, they existing controversy regarding point most BOWKKV THEATRE. Bowerr SonMDCB Nbw Sonob bore at the of the so-called civ¬ divisions among the Bourbons give the House raised Mr. We do not wish it to heartily concur in the decision.a From pleasant sensation to the nobility worshipper^ AHJ> UAltCIii. doing request by Ashbury. tbe nature of the was of Bonaparte one more chance. It is not im¬ evidence it could not be to feel that a few hours' run rail would FIFTH AVRMUK *re«.. ilized world. Paris believed to bo the be possible for any unpleasant feeling to result by THR*TRK, Twenlr-fourtH that the otherwise. There did not one ex¬ Til Cmrric-A Thousand a Vkab. centre of civilization, the eye of the possible Due d'Aumale, who is on all from a mere difference of opinion. Yacht¬ appear bring them direotly under the influence of the hands tenuating circumstance. not one admitted to be . GLOBE THEATRE. 7J8 Broaiway Vabicty KhtEB- world; and because of her rich treasures a capablc man, may be ing is a pleasure a pastime.and it would be loophole deligliful aroma diffused by royalty itself, and tadiiiikt. 4c.- Piabl or Tokay. out of which the oounsel for of art, her model streets and her gorgeous the President of the Frenoh republic. But poor polioy to destroy the enjoyment of this the it would be a glowing satisfaction to our hard- in a defenoe could drag the miserable woman. OLYMPIC THEATRE. Broadway.-TilB D2AMA or palaces the merciless Germans, yielding to treachery royr\l house is dangerous, and year's season for a mere technicality or by a fisted Fenians to feel that the next Canadian Bobizu*. in Tbe plea of in our was not universal entreaty, against their better reason, treachery the House of Orleans revives the determination to hold on to one interpretation insanity, opinion, invasion might make a royal Guelph actually VKW TORE STAPT THEATRE. No. 46 Bowerr of well taken by the counsel of Mrs. Fair ; but Gnu AM Ol'.ttA La Jiivk. proved themselves merciful. The false senti¬ memory Philip Egalitt?. Wo wish Franco of a question and make no allowance for the tremble on his or her own personal branch of! well but wc he had no other chance wherewith to a the BOOTH'S THSATRK, S3 J it., oalween am am Stu tn,- ment of the world and the constrained mercy ; cannot see the end of her trouble. opinions of others. We all know that the cup gain imperial throne at Ottawa. Altogether, it A Wintib'h Talk. To S26 verdict. no other ground to stand is of Germany must be regarded as the parents the end is all tho mors difficult that was won by the against the entire upon. better for all of us than haying such a com¬ WOOD'S Ml'SSUM Broadway, r irnnr ."Uth it. -Perform- while France is herself nnd There was too much method in her madness. as Sir John on the vvmrr u.teruojn «oa evening of this fresh French sorrow. We do not thiuk wasting losing English yacht squadron, and it is natural to parative plebeian Young Her to out her Mr. . wo her chances Bismarck is and watch¬ plan carry designs upon provincial throne one in whose veins the K exaggerate when we say that the one mis¬ waiting supposo that it should be sailed for by a WALLAl'K'S THEATRK. ,)»aw»r ana Ctb «lree«. Crittenden were too well laid to be the work of Li A B.Til X NKUVOUd M AH. and not to the blood is blue to the blue Tu take which the Germans inadd in the conduct ing indisposed foreclose challenging in the same manner , but pale compared deep yacht a disordered mind. Her almost to of . up the and MRS. F. B. ONWAT'-I I* ARK THEATRE, Brooklyn.. of the war consists in this they did not oc¬ mortgage. many differently, and assert that Mr. sanity Guelphs the Campbells. Paiii. Pbv -Roast Claud at Cosby». the time of on board the steamboat As for cupy Paris. It is also oar conviction that the has the to challenge our cham¬ embarking Louise, all America will welcome Central and Booth American Affair*. Ashbury right was established. She was sano HAN rRVJ ISOO Ml JSTltKt, H\LU. S*J Hron cardinal blunder of M. Thiers and his friends and not the whole of our fleet. fully enough her with cordiality. She is too sound Batqijm a'h Royal JAPANrHK Tuoctr. Matinee at 2.1$. pion vessel, to desire a investment of consists in this.they did not insist that the By special telegram to tho Hebald from Herein is the point at issue. profitable forty a republican for any son of free BRYANTS NEW oP"R\ HOUSE, 2U it., between 61h Kingston, Jamaica, we have later advices thousand dollars, and wise enough to refuse America to snub. Iler of am: 7th Nkuxo, Ac. Gormans should, following the examples of Tbe sole survivor of the four donors who example marry- 1814 and Paris. from Panama, with fuller particulars regard¬ ten per cent when there was a prospect of ing a subject whom she loved when TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE. am Bowery Va- 1815, occupy placed the cup in the custody of the New York twelve for The R1I1Y tMF8TAl.NMT.NT. ing the recent interesting events transpiring in obtaining her capital. principal she might have married any one ot! Theso however, to his¬ Yacht Club has the that a things, belong past Central and South America. The revolution expressed opinion evidence favoring tho insane plea was regard¬ half a doz?n and Gerolsteina THEATRK COMIQUE, 514 Broadway..Co Mio Yooal- If there were and weakness on the can our Sigmaringens IHMfl, Nf'OVo A> 18 Ac. tory. folly in the Departments of and Los San¬ foreign yacht chUlen^e champion ing her conduct in jail ; but this was after the whom she contemned is one that needs to be one side and on the other let it be so. The Chiriqui and not be to vessel, compelled sail tbe fl.'et, . NEWCOMB fc ARLINGTON'S MINSTRELS, comer 28th tos, in the State of Panama, is more seiious crime was committed aftershe began to realize enforced upon our own young femi¬ at and Rro*>:wuy . .N t un > Minjtuklhy, do. facts of the hour are before and with these and that Mr. is in his under¬ strongly us, than at first reported. Tho President of the Ashbury right what she had done. If she had bitten a piece The for German barons and we must deal. cause ninity. rage DR. KaHN'8 ANATOMICAL MUSEUM. 746 Broadway.. That Franse, from some who was standing of the deed of trust under which the out of a before the murder was com¬ Foiekoe and art. State, making an official visit, nar¬ goblet Russian counts among our or is in a state of wild all the cup is held. do not concur in marriageable other, confusion, rowly avoided assassination : he to Although many mitted it would have had a better effect than females can be checked the world admits. Republicans, limited monarch¬ escaped his decision, and retain the opinion that it only by teachings the woods and only succeeded in reaching doing so after being locked up in prison. of a scion of a royal House, and she ha* TRIPLE SHEET. ists, imperialists in all lands, are all of one should be sailed for as won, Panama after a terrible journey of over originally against While we can fully understand tbe feeling cf a given them the first lesson. She has shown mind. To most men France, so long the squadron, still they think it would be New thinking twenty days, during which time he Buffered man upon learning that his wife or his sister ber democratic in her marriage. York, Tburadnj , April 27. 1S71. the of all those who looked forward best to the and principles hope many privations and was much of the time yield point agree has been the victim of the serpent-tongned Kind hearts are more than coronets. to the happy reconstruction of Europe, without food. In Panama great excitement that Mr. Ashbury's challenge shall be accepted, seducer, and believe that under tbe terrible And simple faith than Norman blood. COJTKATS OF TO-DAY'S HERALD. now an and that a be to If she can this idea our mar¬ is eyesore. We dislike an champion vessel named sail excitement reason would for a time become impress upon . ^ prevailed, fearing attack from the insur¬ Tagi. offensive but wo must reflect the the race that will afford him the riageable young women wo will hail ber estab¬ I.Adver'lprmcntM. expressions, gents. All the men over eighteen years of opportunity dethroned, we can see nothing in Mrs. it.Ailvci t Iseiiien!^*. dominant sentiment of the and the to of the much coveted lishment with Lorn upon the New Dominion hour; age have been called upon to arm and aid in pain possession prize. Fair's case of a like nature. No matter bow 3.News irom Washington.Important Decision of dominant sentiment of the hour is Good should exist between the throne as a boon. Young Lorn himself is an down . the Uni od Mutt s Supreme Court; Stale Sov- upon defending the city. The war between Salva¬ feeling always badly Crittenden had behaved to her no mat¬ eieigniy Vindicated.Tlie Joint Digit Commis¬ French civilization. In truth, France in all yachtsmen of England and the United States ; acceptable young Scottish gentleman, who is sion.settlement ol the tfonticello Case. dor and Honduras was ended by the complete ter how many promises he had broken, he did lands and all has a there Bhould bo no serious difference between so democratic ns to have one brother in the General Lawrence, th3 Missing Pension among peoples become defeat of the latter, its capital being occupied nothing in meeting his wife and family after a Agent. I'ealth Matters.Contracts by the and a If French them. controversies be carried wine business in Glasgow and another in mer¬ Board of Public Works.Demolishing the hissing byword. civilization, by the victorious army of Salvador. The gov¬ Friendly may long separation that would drive the woman "Dives"."Keys*' the Killer.A Hiatal As¬ which means that the individual do as he on. and intense be maintained ; these cantile pursuits in this city. The Lorn sault.Serenade to senator Fen lou.Miscel¬ may ernment of has demanded of Ecua¬ rivalry into a condition of lunacy. It was anger that and the world do as it is can do no harm on the will in¬ are more acceptable to u* laneous Te.egraras. likes, may pleases, dor an of the note writ¬ ; contrary they caused the crime ; it was tho fear that Mrs. fumily consequently . explanation 4"-Prooe?(Jinc8 in the Courts Bedford versus Bur¬ the and fruit of what some call crease the excitement in and fondness for than Prince Arthur, who has beyond glars. a Natl na! p. toon Association Organ¬ flowering ten by its president, Garcia Moreno, Crittenden would triumph at last and release nothing ized.Carpet Criobera. A Merited Reward . modern the nnivorsil is and gain tbe aimed at. We his blue blood to recommend him, and w* financial and Commercial civilization, opinion threatening the life of General yachting point her husband from tho toils by which he had Reports.Marriages that we must retrace our and seek Mosqucra wish to make our waters an attrac¬ believe Lorn could ''raise" him on that. ami Deaths. Advertisements- stjps by if he lauded in that republic. If the naturally so long been surrounded that induced her to 5.Advenueui-nts. some means other flowerj and other fruit. tive resort for we desire However, whether Lorn or Arthur is to suo- 6.Etiiionais : Leading Article, "The Confusion in explanation is not satisfactory another war foreign yachtsmen ; fire tbe fatal shot. France.The BepuoUc, the Bouptrtn and tlu It is not necessary for us to go into details that the numbir of their vessels among us will ceed Sir John Young, the United States will Bourbons".Amusement Announcements. may be the result. The coming election for It is most singular the Influence that Mrs. to convince our readers that the condition of increase with future season and this be contented, feeling secure in her strength y.The Rovge Wevoit: Hrrald Sp»citil Deports President of Peru was causing some excite¬ every ; Fair had over Mr. Crittandm. We are at a Irom Pons and Versailles.News from ( enfal France is chaotic. No such confusion ever result can be obtained the against tho insidious influences of foreign aud South America: IIbsai.h Special Deport ment. In Chile a very violent earthquake had only by cultivating loss to understand how a man of bis great at¬ irom Panama-News lroin Mexico: Hriiai.d existed in any nation at any former period. most kindly feeling and avoiding royalty and confident of shining lustrously in lrmii Matatnoros. occurred, the strongest sinco 1857. everything tainments, possessing a mind so comprehen¬ special Report Important In a letler addressed to the London Times lasting that lead to dissension. It will all her republican simplicity beside tho most from china: imperial Manifesto Airaltist Chris¬ over a minute. It on the of a may possibly sive, so grasping in everything appertaining to tian Education and Missionary Teaching.The the venerable statesman, historian and happened day be remembered that when the visited gorgeous monarchical bauble that England Crittenden Tragedy: Mrs. Fair Convicted of by religious festival, at eleven o'clock in the morn¬ the legal profession, should have been so en¬ Murder In the First Degree. M. Guizot . a man who has waters last her Mr. can display in Canadi. Miscellaneous philosopher, when the churches were filled. The English year owner, led away by the machinations of this Telegrams.Duslness Notices. studied the revolutions of the and de¬ ing, conceded demanded tirely A.Advertisements. past, buildings commenced swaying about, and ail Douglas, everything by bold, bad woman. He appears to have been Thr Income Tax. ®.Advertisements. scribed them, and whoso public life covers a Mr. Aslibnry in the races with the ; 10.Yachting : Brooklyn and New York Yacht the congregations rushed wildly into the completely fascinated by her, to have been Wo publish to-diy a communication with Clubs ; The Yacht Wanderer.Methodist Mili¬ large portion of this . an is and will find tbat the con¬ century attempt streets. No lives are reported to have been English yachtsmen her very slave, ever ready to do her will reference to this odious law, taking us somo- tants- Shipping Intelligence.Advertisements. made to the of his duct of tbe will not 1 1.Advertisements. explain folly country¬ lost : but serious damage to buildings and, and obey her mandates even to the sacrifice what to task for "foein? a little rough on ths 12.Advertisements. but the letter of M. sen¬ be different from that of its men; Guizot, other property had occurrcd in both Valpa¬ gallant member, of all honor and dccency. He gave up assistant assessors." We know nothing, of sible as it is, has not in the slightest raiso and The the owner of the Sappho. fime and to fall the about thcs? officials in thoir at Five-Twenties Par in Gold. . Santiago. Darien surveying name, everything only by course, person Yesterday affected public opinion. From his own Of course, if this point is conceded, it will the six cent expedition is progressing favorably, and satis¬ hand of her upon whom lie hud showered relations, and deal only with what they do IK five-twenty per bonds of tlie point of view it may be a fair statement of prevent a repetition of the magnificent at factory results may be anticipated. spec¬ every favor. For having apparently s^en an apparency official capacity. They worry United States sold par in sold. the case as between Paris and France tacle of last The race will fall to ; but, year. great tho error of his ways, for wishing to undo tbe pub.ic by serving papers at their houses in that there was a cause for divided the affair of a trial of and The Joint Hion Englishmen decline to admitting Important from Cbina.The Demand* of insignificant speed some of tho great wrong he had done, without any show of law. What we mean to action inside of he admits that French¬ between two vessels in¬ visit Boston. That presumptuous city muat Paris, the Imperial Government. weatherly qualities for seeking tho companionship once more of say is, that if tho assistant assessors know men as Frenchmen have no united and stead of a score or more bnt it is expect nothing better than Fisk and his Ninth policy, We have a despatch from Shanghae dated ; perhaps bis deeply injured wife, tho woman who had their duty they mu3t be aware that Commis¬ are as better that it should be so in this regiment this summer. that, therefore, though they strong the 12th Inst., which states that by advices particular remained faithful to him through evil and good sioner Plousonton has decided that persons individuals, they are weak as a nation. from Pekin it is learned that the case. We would suggest, boWever, that, in report, in preference to tbe criminal society of whose income dops not exceed two thousand' A Burglar, can.'ht in the act, was sen¬ The real How and in what Impe¬ order to be for the loss of question is, rial has made a demand compensated a woman who had succeeded in dragging him dollars are not required to pay any; tenced by Judge Bedford iy to seven- is France to from this government upon for the the yesterd shape emerge present the foreign ambassadors that schools for regatta Q.ieen's Cup, citizens of down from man's high estate and plunging birn attention to their blank forms. They must teen years in tbe State Prison. Ilis plen in chaos? This would be an¬ New York should offer a for a race question easily the education of females shall ba abol¬ grand prizs into an abyss of infamy. This was the crime know that these papers, as they are defence was that be could get no work at his swered if we had to decide between the that will be to the of all nations. only that the to male open yachts for which he paid the penalty with his life. A served . without tho name of the to trade of stone cutting and was driven to bur¬ Paris Communists and the Versailles ished; teaching subjects Let the bo of the Urst in i>arty Assembly. of the empire of all doctrines opposed to prize clasi, worthy crime only in her eyes, but one sufficient, in whom they are addressed appenring anywhere glary by necessity ; but the discovery of a The National has most all of the wealth of our Assembly unquestion¬ Confucius shall be forbidden; that mission¬ respects great city. her opinion, to justify her act. It is not our upon tbe documant, nor even tbe name of the fall and finished set of been be a as artis'icaiiy burglars timid and cautious in the Let it made of such character will . ably slow, aries shall be considered as Chinese subjects, intention to defend Crittenden's conduct that city, town or State in which they are issued. tools and acids in his possession convinced extreme but it is backed ths common induce the owners of foreign yachts to ; by and that women shall not be permitted access is impossible. Nor can wo censure tbe dead. are utterly worthless documents, of which the Judge that lie was goinj more deeply into sense of the best of the French consider it worth and portions to the empire in that capacity. The ambas¬ competing for, His follies and his wrongdoing were buried nobody can take any notice. For example, a business than the present necessity seemed to and there are few who then the season will moat bril¬ people, persons to-day sadors are also notified that the attendance of prove with him, and there let them rest. We cannot, paper is left at the house of a citizen of Brook¬ require. will that, with all it? liant and attractive. of our coun¬ say slowness, timidity women upon religious service is one of the worthy however, pass over Mrs. Fair so lightly. She lyn, in which neither the name of the party . and it is not to and our We still claim Where the Money Goes. The steamship caution, marching victory. occasions for the recent massacres of foreign¬ try people. is one who should bs held up as an example, nor the name of Brooklyn appears. A citiua That the Communists of Paris must care In to our and Wisconsin to >k from thi* port on her last trip in, ers, and that those events cannot but be de¬ superiority respect yachts, in order to exhibit to the whole world how of Michigan would be just as muoh bound to that the of the must in a few believe that has been con¬ to Liverpool over sixty-five tans, or about two troops Assembly plored by the imperial government. Com¬ nothing yet utterly bad, how deceitful above all things respond to this demand as a citizia of Brook¬ if not in a few hours, structed that can surpass them but we million dollars, ii silver coin, principally days, occupy Paris, pensation for their commission is abso¬ ; may and desperately wicked an artful and design¬ lyn ; but this docs not render tho annoyance must be taken for After the be in error. at have Spanish and Mexican dollars. This hard cash granted. collapse lutely refused. From the nature of this England may, list, pro¬ ing woman can become. any the less, when a man's household is in¬ of the after the of duced to our best efforts. Is probably intended for the Chinese market, Communists, occupation despatch it is evident that the Chinese govern¬ something superior It is rarely a case like that of Crittenden fested daily by these pestilent tax officials, Paris the of the what is The be all her owner cl iims . the the merchants there requiring silver in all by troops Assembly, ment is unable to live up to the treaties it has may and Mrs. Fair is made public, and we are who torment the ladies of the family in ths to follow ? Is it to be a a limited of the world . and this should their commercial transactions, believing all republic, made. Tbo pressure of the people will not champion yacht charitable enough to Ihink that but few occur. absence of tbo head of tho household. or the All the facts of the be determined. The inducement should be foreign gold bojjus. What a fine harvest tbe monarchy empire? permit it ; they do not desire and will not We have a better opinion of our morality in Now, we think, under thesa circumstances, moment lend to this The offered for more than one t) Wisconsin, similarly frighted, would have importance question. submit to any closer alliance with the "out¬ foreign yacht general than to sapposs that many such seeing that internal revenue assessors and has been without much diffi¬ our waters. It can be done in the been in the days of the Alabama and Shenan¬ Assembly able, side barbarian." It is not their wish to have visit flagrant instances exist; and for this reason their assistants appear to bo invested with to preserve order in all the manner we venture to a doah ! culty, large cities, other religioui ideas than their own instilled suggest, by offering we have deemed it b.^st to give it publicity in a certain power to mike trouble with Paris L?t it not be that will be worlh and one General Ruoer has been only excepted. forgotten into the minds of their race, and above all prize coming for, order that it may serve as a warning to others. who havo no taxable income, that appointed Super¬ t'.iat at least two-thirds of the as that can bo carried back with Wo trust people intendent of the Military Academy at West Assembly, they do not wish their females to be educated pride. Wc place it as a beacon light to prevent those General Pleasonton s'.iould make some expla¬ the elections save it &hap3, were that our future intercourse with Point in place of General Pitcher. The seri¬ non-republi¬ for a higher position in life than they now foreign yachts¬ who may bo drifting that way from running nation to the public of the precise character of can. The conservative vote . which means the men will be as in the of the most ous of n the occupy. The action of the Chinese govern¬ past, agree¬ on tho great danger. They can seo what folly tho law upon this matter, so that people maj degeneracy soldierly discipline vote of the provinces is not wise and able character, and that visits had demanded some always ment will doubtless cause a serious outbreak. interchanging and madness will accomplish, and learn n understand how far they are in the power of Academy long change, consistent. It is sometimes some¬ will become heraafter a common occurronce. and Congress has republican, The great Powers will not listen to any such lesson from which much bsneflt may be tho assessors or how far the law protects them heretofore, by resolution, times monarchical, sometimes in favor of the We have now one called upoa the President to make such demands; they will insist upon their rights representative yac'it derived. The re.iult of the trial has not sur¬ in their right to peace and comfort. It is well It is, however, consistent. It in waters. the Enchantr owned chansres as lip deemed in the mat¬ empire. always and privileges, even if force has to be used. European ess, prised us. We have always had full faith in that the Commissioner should instruct his necessary goes in for order, for strength, for safety. The Mr. Lorillard. She has visited Madeira ter. General Pi:cbcr has been a faithful and A combined movement to this end will have by the impartiality nnd fairness of the court and subordinates upon their duty, but the publio vote which made the was and and after a cruiso in the industrious for present Assembly to be made, for the Chinese must be given to Gibraltar, jury that wore trying thj casa. The prisoner mind should bo set at rest upon this vexatious Superintendent many years, given after the war, when the BO-calied repub¬ Med.terranean will proceed to Cowes, where bnt tbe kindn -ss of his heart for the understand that, no matter how much they had most able counsel, who worked faithfully question. boys lican leaders, even more than the men of the she may be expected in about a month or under his charge has led him into & may be prejudiced, they will not be permitted for her and did the best they could with a Cimmk that has probably empire, had failed. The vote was, therefore, six weeks more. On her arrival there her Thr Most Rkvoi.tinu little iax:ty of discipline. to seriously oppose the onwurd march of civili¬ very bad case. While we thought it possi¬ in America is non-republican. If M. Thiers and the Assem¬ owner may feel disposed to offer a chal¬ probably ever been committed zation. ble that consideration for her sex might induce in the Litchfield The President is at where should go in strongly for a it is lenge to Mr. Ashbury to race the Livonia now under investigation Lafayette, Ind., bly republic, the jury to bring in a verdict of murder who to Hon. G. S. Ortli acts as his and not that the next elections should "Time Works Wonders." to Hook, or he may throw down the (Conn.) courts. A father, appears guest probably impossible Sandy in the second degree, still we are not disap* has bis lie to be careful endorse their believe It is not many years since the had to some other bavo boen tolerably well educated, spokesman ought very policy. Few, however, English gauntlet English yachtsmen, pointed. We are satisfied now that law and of in the that M. Thiers cares for aB the chief of such a for Americans and American if this should be the the ocean races been making bis daughters the victims selection of his mouthpieces, for every¬ power contempt and, case, justice reign supreme in San Francisco ; that a the French nation. Fewer still believe and as to lead their will be before we There his incestuous desires for flftjen years, and now thatM. . is taken for genius papers inaugurated expect . thing they say republican person woman though it be cannot escapo the unnatural gospel. What Blow said In St. Louis is con¬ Thiers favors a republic. The triumph of the to ask derisively, "Who reads an American can be no doubt that the presence of the En¬ deliberately murdering offitpring punishment, when guilty, as Mrs. Fair has * a What a contrast with the the of his lust. sidered undeniable proof that the highest figure Assembly means fresh national vote; but book?" condition of chantress among English yachts will have been. The result of this remarkable case will Is to be afforded to native and what Orth the vote will he taken in circumstanccs which at the The a have beneficial effect, and, whether a race is iron, things present day. English be a very severo blow to free-lovism. Those Personal Intelligence. wil! be leave us lit tie room to doubt not learned that Americans are or she be the means of may fay equally entitled to bs con¬ that the only capable agreed upon not, may who are devoted to tho doctrine will And that

. are but an with some sidered author-.taUv So if the President chances rather against than in favor of of writing books, that American can bringing her of the vessels of tho they cannot dispose of each other with impu¬ United Stales Indian Commissioner J. D. Lone, of mix h on his route and has a new a is not all. The invent a of international communication Yacht that otherwise would Maine, is a at tlic Fifth Avenue. stops republic. This, however, sytoin Royal Squadron . sojourner spokes¬ nity that killing, under circumstances like Is man at every place be is to Bonapartists are busily One of which can furnish opportunities for trans¬ have remained at home. The aug¬ Colonel II. W. Frcldley, United States Army, slopping likely iutriguing. largely those attending the murder of Mr. Crittenden, at tbe St. James Uotel. And tbe saddled with a our latest is to the efTect that all over like the : . mented fleet of our will this summer stopping republican party parti- reports mitting despatches following yachts cannot go Women who, like Mrs. HhUu/./.I Eirendi, Charg.1 d'AlTalres or Tarkey, u the a unpunished. oolored platform. the provinces feeling grows in favor of TIIK CHANCELLOR OP THE KXCII RyiKR AT LONDON present most attractive spectacle. No less Bhoot a at the Albemarle House. TO W Fair, entice husbands from wives, and truest the restoration of the IIKVRM'E COMMIHSIONKK AT ASUIMJTON. than or nine new schooners will make of Is sojourning at Lawrence Sullivan, the Convicted Mub- Napsleon. Then, again, I'Ic.isb entile Immediately how tax on inction eight them down because they deaire to return to James Terwilliger, Syracuse, Bourbons arc their best ; as is mat die* works. IMd inii>o*liinti derange tnannfa<- their for tho first to toe Fifth Avenno. DERER. . The late refusal of the doing but, usual, ture or check r What ihl» T appearance time, say the cannot escape on t'ae plea of at thesw Supreme it badly. The Count dc Paris is the conxumpUoa yield year of the smaller craft, and the right path, Judge Lowell, of Boston, has apartments Court General Terra Jud/es to grant a new doing General Pleasoutou marie the nothing proba¬ and so it will be with the opposite Nicholas. chief of the House of Orleans. The Count de following bilities are that or will at insanity, . thirty . has trial to Lawrence Sullivan, convictcd in the reply : forty yachts sex they will meet the same fate. Tho vcr- G. Cedorstrable. of the Swedish mission, Chambord is the chief of the or one tim'e be cruising in the waters so much House. Court of General Sessions of the murder of legitimists Right Hon. Robert I.owk, Chancellor of the Ex¬ dict in the case of Mrs. Fair will aid tho arrived at the Hrevoort the old Bourbons. The Count de Paris has chequer, London:. frequented by our pleasure vessels. It is and for Congressman J. II. Kctcham Is among tho sojourn, James O'Brien about a year ago iu Whitehall Tax on friction tnatrjiM work* well. Mnrufac- cause of morality in a groat degree, Avenue. children ; the Count de Chambord has none. tnre not deranged nor consumption checked. Yield the opinion that fewer pennants will ersat I he Fifth .treet, and sentenced to be hanged, does not general this reason, if no other, it may bo looked upon General (I. M. Podge, member of Congreis, from a which cannot be iv,000,000 per annum. be hauled down at the close of the season this teem have a on the case in the By special arrangement, A. PLEASONTON. Commissioner. in the of a fortunate circumstance to Council MuflVj, lovra, is slopping at the Grand to put quietus called the chief of the than The visit of the light unwise, . oourts. As men clutch at straws so wholly younger From the above it will be seen that if tho year formerly. yacht society in goneral a blessing not In disguise. Central. drowning while his own and to the waters of the West Indies Jnd-um Kitpatrtck Is quartered at tlia convicted murderers catci at branch, conserving rights question was a*ked in former years in Eng¬ Josephine General any jiossible set an to ba recon¬ Asior House, the rights of his offspring, waives his personal "Who reads an American book '(" there during the past winter has example that Tnic Carinkt is positively obanceto save themselves from the gallows. An land, out in I'rolessor K. E. Salisbury, of Yale College, aad claim iu favor of the chief of all the Bour¬ no will be followed this year by other structed. Mr., Fish is certainly going was made from the decision is difficulty about finding out who rends an probably family, are at the Ilrevoort House, having Just ro- appeal yesterday The I)iic the No more beautiful June and cx-Govornor of New the bons. d'Aumale, uncle of the American telegram per cable, on a matter of yacht owners. cruising next, Morgan, tu rued lroin a European tour. of the Supreme Court Judgea, carrying the islands is named as his successor. of is at the Count de Paris, is opposed to the arrange¬ in the even if ground can be found than among York, probable John A. King, Jamaica, L. I., Alba- ease to tbe Court of Appeals. political economy, present day, but he denies ment, and, insisting on the rights of the House of so a of the West Indies. The climate, of course, in William M. Evarts was spoken of, marie. they inquire high functionary as Eng¬ Neal tho temperance is of offers himself as a season Is the of having been offered the and slates that I»ow, reformer, quartered Senator Sumner has again banqueted the Orleans, possible king land's Kiglit Honorable Grand Chancellor of the winter delightful, points position, at tho Astor House. who visit them in be would decline if it w.-ro offered. Sonator Bnglisb members of the Joint High Commis¬ or a willing president. The republican cause the Exchequer. Tho friction in England, how¬ interest many, and those General i. F. Kamaworth, of Illinois, Is a reoent cause be sure of cour¬ Morion is considered of more use in the Senate St. Nicholas. sion. He evidently wants to make them fat is, therefore, not strong ; the Bonaparte ever, at this time, is not con¬ their elegant crafts may every arrival at the , probably entirely lio bo In the and he is do K. C. UnlteJ sums Arm*, nu to case be should have to them iu ia in disgrace ; the Bourbon cause ia in confu¬ fined to friction matches. lime works tesy and attention from the authorities and the than would Cabinet, Major MuCounoli, slaughter Verily, succession. quartors si the Grand Control. tke extra session of the Senate. sion. Looking all the facts of the hour Iq the ironHera inhabitant*. We shall be triad to hoar that longer counted upon for tbo