388 Persoonia – Volume 42, 2019

Botryotrichum foricae Fungal Planet description sheets 389

Fungal Planet 910 – 19 July 2019

Botryotrichum foricae Jurjević & Hubka, sp. nov.

Etymology. Refers to the restroom (forica) from where the sample was floccose, mycelium white, exudate absent; reverse uncoloured isolated. to cream colour (R16). Colonies on modified cellulose agar Classification — Chaetomiaceae, , Sordariomy­ (MCA) 47–49 mm diam, subsurface or submerged, sporula- cetes. tion not observed. Colonies on oatmeal agar (OA) 45–47 mm diam, floccose to funiculose, mycelium white, exudate absent, Micromorphology (on malt extract agar; MEA): Hyphae hyaline reverse faint brown. Colony diam (in mm after 7 d) at 30 °C: to lightly pigmented, 1.5–4.5 µm diam. Conidiophores hyaline to MEA 18–20, MEA with chloramphenicol 30–32, CYA 51–54, pale yellowish brown, produced laterally from hyphae, common- PCA 29–31, CMA 29–31, MCA 48–50. No growth on MEA, ly sympodially branched, up to 35 µm long, 2–5 µm diam near CYA, PCA, CMA and MCA at 37 °C. the base. Conidiogenous cells terminal or intercalary, mono- Typus. USA, New Jersey, Glenwood, restroom air, Feb. 2015, isol. blastic or sympodially polyblastic, commonly cylindrical, occa­ Ž. Jurjević (holotype BPI 910933, culture ex-type CCF 5752 = EMSL 2683; sionally with a broad denticle, 0–13 × 2–4 µm, occasionally ITS, LSU, SSU and β-tubulin sequences GenBank LR584032, LR584033, swollen beneath the conidium. Sterile setae present only on LR584031 and LR584034, MycoBank MB830668). potato carrot agar (PCA) after prolonged cultivation, absent on other media. Conidia single, rarely in chains of a few spores, Notes — BLAST analysis with the ITS and β-tubulin sequen­ globose to subglobose, occasionally pyriform, hyaline, with ces of Botryotrichum foricae with the reference sequences pu­ age becoming pale brown, smooth, rarely slightly roughened, blished by Wang et al. (2016, 2019) showed greatest similarity (7–)8–13(–14.5) µm diam. Sexual morph unknown. with B. atrogriseum (99.2 % and 95.4 %), B. piluliferum (99.2 % Culture characteristics — (in darkness, 25 °C after 7 d): and 92.9 %) and B. peruvianum (99.4 % and 92.3 %). Colonies on MEA (Oxoid) 22–23 mm diam, floccose, moderate Botryotrichum foricae produces on average smaller conidia, deep sulcate, mycelium white to pinkish buff, good sporulation, (7–)8–13(–14.5) µm diam, compared to B. piluliferum, (9–)11– (R29; Ridgway 1912), exudate absent; reverse warm buff to 17.5(–18.5) µm diam, B. peruvianum, (10–)12–16(–17.5) µm light ochraceous-buff (R15). Colonies on MEA supplemented diam and B. atrogriseum 10–25 µm diam. with 0.01 % chloramphenicol (Healthlink®, Jacksonville, FL) 44–47 mm diam, floccose, mycelium white, good sporulation, [KX976939] B. piluliferum CBS 654.79 exudate absent; warm buff to ochraceous-orange (R15). Colo- nies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA) 58–61 mm diam, 100 [KX976942] B. piluliferum DTO 254-B9 floccose, moderate deep to deep sulcate, mycelium white, 88 [KX976940] B. piluliferum CBS 105.14 exudate absent; reverse light orange-yellow to orange-buff [KX976932] B. atrogriseum CBS 604.69 (R3). Colonies on PCA 42–50 mm diam, floccose to lightly 85 funiculose, mycelium white, good sporulation, exudate absent; [KX976931] B. atrogriseum CBS 130.28T reverse pale yellow-orange to light orange-yellow (R3). Colo- - T nies on corn meal agar (CMA) 30–32 mm diam, funiculose to [LR584034] Botriotrichum foricae sp. nov. CCF 5752 [KX976938] B. peruvianum CBS 421.93 70 100 [KX976937] B. peruvianum CBS 460.90 - [LT993648] B. verrucosum CBS 116.64T

[KX976944] B. spirotrichum CBS 828.71 100 [KX976943] B. spirotrichum CBS 211.55T

[KX976934] B. murorum CBS 173.68

100 [KX976935] B. murorum DTO 324-G9

[KX976933] B. murorum CBS 163.52

[KP900708] Subramaniula thielavioides CBS 122.78T 0.05 A best scoring maximum likelihood tree based on β-tubulin gene sequences shows the relationships of taxa within the Botryotrichum. The dataset contained 15 taxa and a total of 416 characters of which 131 were variable and 83 parsimony-informative. Partitioning scheme and substitution models for analyses were selected using PartitionFinder 2 (Lanfear et al. 2017): the TrNef+I model was proposed for 1st codon positions, JC model for the 2nd codon positions, TrN for the 3rd codon positions and K80+G for introns. The tree was constructed with IQ-TREE v. 1.4.4 (Nguyen et al. 2015). Support values at branches were obtained from 1 000 bootstrap replicates. Only bootstrap support values ≥ 70 % are shown; ex-type strains are indicated by Colour illustrations. Air, restroom. 7-d-old cultures at 25 °C of Botryo­ superscript T and the novel species in bold. The tree is rooted with Subra­ trichum foricae (from left to right on MEA, CYA, PCA and OA); conidia and maniula thielavioides CBS 122.78T. conidiophores on MEA. Scale bars = 10 µm.

Željko Jurjević, EMSL Analytical, Inc., 200 Route 130 North, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 USA; e-mail: [email protected] Vit Hubka, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Benátská 2, 128 01 Prague 2, Czech Republic, and Laboratory of Fungal Genetics and Metabolism, Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v.v.i, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected]

© 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute