Section Editor Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD, MS

Paul R. Lee, MD, PhD Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is a severe manifestation of DISCUSSION The differential diagnosis of the hypo- Gerald V. Raymond, MD within the spectrum of biogenesis tonicdysmorphicnewbornwith poor feeding includes disorders that includes neonatal adrenoleukodystro- ZS, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Prader-Willi syn- phy, infantile , and rhizomelic chon- drome, and congenital neuromuscular (e.g., spi- Correspondence to droplasia punctata. Patients with ZS present in the nal muscular atrophy, congenital myotonic dystrophy Dr. Lee: type 1, X-linked myotubular myopathy, multiminicore [email protected] neonatal period with a characteristic phenotype of dis- tinctive facial stigmata, pronounced , poor myopathies). Patient appearance and physical examina- feeding, hepatic dysfunction, and often seizures and tion can reveal some salient features that suggest ZS boney abnormalities. In patients with ZS, a mutation rather than other congenital conditions (figure, table).1,2 in one of the PEX genes coding for a (a per- Patients presenting outside the newborn period may be oxisome assembly protein) creates functionally incom- evaluatedforUshersyndrometypesIorII,Lebercon- petent organelles causing an accumulation of very long genital amaurosis, , or congenital chain fatty acids (VLCFA), among other complica- (Krabbe disease, metachromatic leuko- tions. Despite an absence of treatment options, prompt dystrophy). Later age at presentation indicates one of the diagnosis of ZS is important for providing appropriate less severe forms of peroxisomal disorders, e.g., neonatal symptomatic care, definitive genetic testing, and coun- or . seling regarding family planning. The worldwide prevalence of ZS is estimated between 1:50,000 and 1:100,000, with reports of CLINICAL CASE: PART I A male infant was born at higher incidence of ZS in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean term and weighed 2,948 g (,25th percentile). A fetal region of Quebec and a lower incidence in Japan.1,3,4 ultrasound at 28 weeks revealed oligohydramnios, The initial published description of ZS described ventriculomegaly, and club feet. Labor and delivery several members of a single family with multiple con- were uncomplicated. After birth, he was noted to be genital anomalies involving the brain, liver, and kidneys; floppy and had Apgar scores of 5 and 7. He required the authors aptly described this as a “cerebrohepatore- oxygen supplementation and was transferred to the nal” syndrome.5 While today more is known about the neonatal intensive care unit. of ZS, the clinical phenotype remains as initially In the unit, he was persistently hypotonic with pe- described and is exemplified by the example case (fig- riods of apnea. He was noted to have a large anterior ure). Reflecting the ubiquity of , infants fontanelle, large forehead, and broad nasal bridge. His with ZS have multiple congenital abnormalities evident irides had concentric speckles (Brushfield spots); oph- atbirthinvolvingtheeyes,bone,liver,kidneys,endo- thalmologic examination was otherwise unremark- crine glands, and brain (table). Hypotonia is marked; able. He had transverse palmar creases and bilateral feeding and respiratory issues continue throughout life. club feet. Liver was palpable 2 cm below the costal ZS patients make little developmental progress. ZS is margin. He exhibited minimal spontaneous move- fatal in early life. ment. He withdrew to painful stimuli. He was are- ZS is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of flexic. He required a nasogastric tube for feeding. the peroxisome, an intracellular organelle composed Laboratory studies revealed hyperbilirubinemia of a single membrane containing a matrix embedded with a mild elevation in liver transaminases. Skeletal ra- with over 50 enzymes for metabolism of fatty acids.6 diographs demonstrated punctate calcifications in the The proper assembly of a peroxisome requires a long bones. Head ultrasound revealed mild dilation unique set of proteins termed “.” Peroxins of the lateral ventricles with a small germinal matrix help incorporate enzymes into the forming peroxi- hemorrhage. CT scan of the brain confirmed ventricu- some’s matrix. A mutation in a peroxin, or “PEX,” lomegaly and a small right caudate hemorrhage. gene yields a reduced or nonfunctioning peroxin. A

From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (P.R.L.), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda; and the Division of Neurogenetics (G.V.R.), Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.

© 2013 American Academy of Neurology e207 ª"NFSJDBO"DBEFNZPG/FVSPMPHZ6OBVUIPSJ[FESFQSPEVDUJPOPGUIJTBSUJDMFJTQSPIJCJUFE Figure Abnormal facial features associated Table Abnormal clinical features associated with Zellweger syndrome with Zellweger syndrome1,2

Head and neck

High forehead

Large fontanelles, wide suturesa

Flat occiput

Redundant neck skin folds

Eyes, ears, nose, mouth



Cataract/corneal clouding

Brushfield spots

An example of a patient displaying stigmata found in Zell- Optic disk pallor

weger syndrome. Note the high forehead, widely spaced Retinitis pigmetosa eyes, broad nasal bridge, and mildly upturned nose. Photo- graph used with permission from Shannon Butalla, The Glaucoma Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders. Abnormal retinal pigmentationa

Shallow orbital ridgesa

defective peroxin means peroxisomes may not form or, External ear deformity if they assemble, have lower or undetectable levels of key Low/broad nasal bridgea internal enzymes. Incomplete peroxisomes fail to per- Anteverted naresa form their metabolic duties including the b-oxidation of fatty acids with a chain length of more than 22 carbons, Micrognathia the a-oxidation of and similar com- High arched palate pounds, pipecolic acid oxidation, and early Cardiac 6 synthesis. The intracellular accumulation of VLCFA Ventricular septal defects

damages developing organs (e.g. liver, bone, kidneys) Aortic abnormalities and is especially deleterious to the organizing brain. Endocrine There is a characteristic neuronal migration defect of cortical neurons failing to reach their destinations within Impaired adrenal function/adrenal insufficiency the uppermost layers of the neocortex.7 Macroscopically Fibrotic pancreas and on neuroimaging, the consequences on brain mor- Islet cell hyperplasia phology can include cortical gyral abnormalities (lissen- Gastrointestinal/hepatic

cephaly, pachygyria, polymicrogyria), generalized or Pyloric hypertrophy/stenosis focal leukoencephalopathy, and brain atrophy.7 Hepatomegalya There are 16 known human PEX genes, and disease- Jaundice associated mutations have been identified in 13 of these genes.6 ZS is most commonly caused by mutations Genitalia in the genes PEX1 (two-thirds of cases) and PEX66; Male: cryptorchidism, hypospadias PEX5 was the most common mutation in a Middle Female: clitoromegaly 8 ’ East cohort. A patient s specific PEX mutation cannot Musculoskeletal

be predicted from serum biochemical abnormalities. Metatarsus adductus While certain mutations may correlate with known Chrondroplasia punctataa phenotypes, variability occurs and only characterization a of peroxisomal performance in patient-derived tissue Shortened proximal limbs culture can definitively establish the biochemical con- Delayed bone age sequences of a given genetic mutation in vivo.6,7 Transverse palmar creases

While mitochondrial fatty acid disorders are in- Ulnar deviation

cluded in newborn screening, peroxisomal disorders Talipes equinovarus are not. The appropriate screening test for an infant Rockerbottom feet with suspected ZS is a measurement of plasma VLCFA levels. Elevated plasma concentrations of the following Myopathy VLCFAs—hexacosanoic acid (designated C26:0 for a Continued

e208 Neurology 80 May 14, 2013 ª"NFSJDBO"DBEFNZPG/FVSPMPHZ6OBVUIPSJ[FESFQSPEVDUJPOPGUIJTBSUJDMFJTQSPIJCJUFE ZS. Specific gene testing was declined. At home, the Table Continued patient continued to have issues with hypotonia and

Neurologic feeding. A gastrostomy tube was placed. At 2 months of age, he developed seizures that were poorly controlled. Encephalopathya His parents felt that he had visual attention, though he Developmental delay/arresta would not track consistently and had fine nystagmus. a Areactivity/abnormal Moro response He developed a smile and some head control, but re- Severe hypotoniaa mained profoundly hypotonic. Testing revealed sensori- Hyporeflexia/areflexia neural hearing loss, and he received hearing aids. At 11

Poor sucking/gavage feeding months of age, he became progressively apneic and died.

Seizures There is no curative treatment for ZS. Treatment should be focused on optimizing quality of life and Nystagmus congruent with the amount of intervention desired a Impaired vision/abnormal electroretinogram by the family.1 Children with ZS often require spe- Impaired hearing/abnormal brainstem auditory cialized services or testing at pediatric rehabilitation evoked reflexa centers or institutions with large genetic/metabolic Renal clinics. ZS affects multiple organs (table) but com- Hyperoxaluria/nephrolithiasis mon complications are discussed below. Renal cysts Patients with ZS will have special dietary needs and

a Clinical features noted in .50% of patients with ZS and oral feeding difficulties. While theoretical concerns when present together are clinical criteria highly sugges- about accumulation of dietary-derived phytanic acid tive of a diagnosis of a .2 exist, this has never been demonstrated to be signifi- cant in ZS as it is in Refsum disease. Therefore, breast fully saturated 26 carbon chain), the monounsaturated milk feeding (recommended given its known health hexacosenoic acid (C26:1), and tetracosenoic acid benefits) or commercial formulas can be provided de- (C24:0)—in addition to elevated ratios of C26:0 to spite containing measurable amounts of phytanic acid. docosanoic acid (C22:0) and C24:0 to C22:0 are con- Providing diets depleted of VLCFA precursors have no 9 sistent with peroxisomal disease. These findings do not benefit in ZS due to endogenous VLCFA production. implicate a specific biochemical abnormality or gene Patients with ZS experience lipid malabsorption (ele- mutation. An abnormal value in VLCFA mandates mental formulas may be better tolerated) and supple- further testing, including repeat VLCFA measurement mentation of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K is and analysis of other peroxisomal markers such as recommended. Many patients with ZS will need gas- plasma phytanic acid, , , trostomy tube placement, and surgical anesthesia can 1,10 plasma or urine pipecolic acid, and plasma or urine be managed safely despite hypotonia. bile acids. Some laboratories routinely perform ZS is associated with cholestasis and hepatic injury VLCFA testing concurrently with these other param- that can be ameliorated by oral bile acid replace- 1,7 eters, obviating the need for supplemental evaluation. ment. Patients with ZS over age 12 months should The VLCFA profile of a patient with ZS will often be be monitored for oxaluria and resultant nephrolithi- 7 dramatically abnormal, but it is important to note the asis, which can lead to renal failure. Adrenal insuffi- limitations of these assays. A ketogenic diet will elevate ciency and consequential rapid deterioration may 7 VLFCA levels. Phytanic and pristanic acid accumulate occur with physiologic stress. with dietary consumption and are normal in the new- Early life intervention services should be provided born. Plasmalogen levels may be normal in infants with the expectation that any developmental progress older than 20 weeks. Therefore, a skin biopsy should will be minimal. Infants with ZS will have sensory im- be obtained from any suspected ZS patient to establish pairments attributable to deficient myelination. In one a cell line for future investigations. study, three-quarters of patients with ZS had impaired 2 Genetic testing for family planning purposes should hearing, so hearing aids can be considered. Electro- be considered in potential carriers prior to pregnancy retinograms performed on patients with ZS typically and in instances where a parent or first-degree relative demonstrate no response to stimulation; the routine is a known carrier or there is a sibling or relative with use of electroretinograms is not recommended. At least a peroxisomal biogenesis disorder. Preimplantation ge- one-third of patients with ZS will have seizures, which netic diagnosis is possible, as is prenatal diagnosis using can be managed with any currently available anticon- 1,7 cultured cells derived from amniotic or placental cells.7 vulsants. Though liver transaminases are elevated in ZS, in our experience the use of anticonvulsants with CLINICAL CASE: PART II A plasma assay noted eleva- primary hepatic clearance like phenobarbital is safe and tions in multiple VLCFA parameters consistent with effective.

Neurology 80 May 14, 2013 e209 ª"NFSJDBO"DBEFNZPG/FVSPMPHZ6OBVUIPSJ[FESFQSPEVDUJPOPGUIJTBSUJDMFJTQSPIJCJUFE ZS is a serious disorder with multiple congenital 2. Theil AC, Schutgens RB, Wanders RJ, Heymans HS. anomalies that is progressive and fatal. While affected Clinical recognition of patients affected by a peroxisomal children may survive only 2 to 3 months, with improved disorder: a retrospective study in 40 patients. Eur J Pediatr 1992;151:117–120. care and genetic–phenotypic variability, there are reports 3. Shimozawa N, Nagase T, Takemoto Y, Suzuki Y, Kondo N. of patients living up to 2 years; thus any estimated life- Genetic heterogeneity in Japanese patients with peroxisome span should take this longevity into account.7 Patients biogenesis disorders and evidence for a founder haplotype with ZS typically die from apnea, respiratory failure, or for the most common mutation in PEX10 gene. Adv Exp complications from infection.1,6,7 Med Biol 2003;544:71. 4. Levesque S, Morin C, Guay SP, et al. A founder mutation AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS in the PEX6 gene is responsible for increased incidence of Dr. Lee participated in the medical care of the patient discussed in the Zellweger syndrome in a French Canadian population. clinical vignette, proposed the review article, reviewed the relevant litera- BMC Med Genet 2012;13:72. ture on this topic, and drafted and revised the manuscript. Dr. Raymond 5. Bowen P, Lee CS, Zellweger H, Lindenberg R. A familial participated in the medical care of the patient discussed in the clinical syndrome of multiple congenital defects. Bull Johns Hop- vignette, drafted the clinical vignette, provided the source for the patient kins Hosp 1964;114:402–414. photograph, and reviewed and revised the manuscript. 6. Steinberg SJ, Dodt G, Raymond GV, Braverman NE, Moser AB, Moser HW. Peroxisome biogenesis disorders. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Biochim Biophys Acta 2006;1763:1733–1748. The authors thank Shannon Butalla of The Global Foundation for Perox- 7. Gould SJ, Raymond GV, Valle D. The peroxisome bio- isomal Disorders for providing the example patient photograph. genesis disorders. In: Scriver CD, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, STUDY FUNDING Valle D, eds. The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inher- ited Disease, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2001: Dr. Lee is supported by the intramural program of the National Institute – of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 3181 3218. 8. Shaheen R, Al-Dirbashi OY, Al-Hassnan ZN, et al. Clin- DISCLOSURE ical, biochemical and molecular characterization of perox- – P.R. Lee reports no disclosures. G.V. Raymond has served as a consultant for isomal diseases in Arabs. Clin Genet 2011;79:60 70. BlueBird Bio (Cambridge, MA). Go to for full disclosures. 9. Arai Y, Kitamura Y, Hayashi M, Oshida K, Shimizu T, Yamashiro Y. Effect of dietary Lorenzo’s oil and docosa- Received August 27, 2012. Accepted in final form January 29, 2013. hexaenoic acid treatment for Zellweger syndrome. Conge- nit Anom 2008;48:180–182. REFERENCES 10. PlatisCM,KachkoL,PeledE,KatzJ.Anesthesiaforthechild 1. Grayer J. Recognition of Zellweger syndrome in infancy. with Zellweger syndrome: a case report. Paediatr Anaesth Adv Neonatal Care 2005;5:5–13. 2006;16:361–362.

e210 Neurology 80 May 14, 2013 ª"NFSJDBO"DBEFNZPG/FVSPMPHZ6OBVUIPSJ[FESFQSPEVDUJPOPGUIJTBSUJDMFJTQSPIJCJUFE Child Neurology: Zellweger syndrome Paul R. Lee and Gerald V. Raymond Neurology 2013;80;e207-e210 DOI 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182929f8e

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