You, Too Can Protect From the Flu;

A Simple Homeopathic Method for the Treatment of the Flu

©2009 copyrighted by Federal Publications

A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Other Works by Joette Calabrese

Cure Yourself and Family With ; Empowering Mothers and Others to Bring Healing Back to the Home (A text-workbook)

Perform in the Storm; How to Use Homeopathy For First Aid (A CD) Cell Salts; The Easy Homeopathy (A CD)

Homeopathy For Pregnancy (A CD)

Secret Spoonfuls Confessions of a Sneaky Mom; How to Get Nutritious Food Into Kids Without Getting Caught (A CD and recipe booklet)

Fizzy Lizzy; Homeopathy Stories and Simple Explanation of Homeopathy (A FREE CD)

Available at in paper, digital downloads, CD’s

Table of Contents

2 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Preface 5 About Joette Calabrese 6 Who’s The Custodian of Your Health? 8 What You Need To Know 11 Is it a Cold or Flu? 14 Be Prepared 16 Care and Handling 17 How to Take Your Remedy 18 Size and Dosage 20 Homeopathy in Epidemics 22 The Influence 27 Materia Medica 31 A Homeopathic Story 43 What Else Can We Do? 45 Where to Order Remedies 47 References 48 Further Reading and Study 49 Resources 48


3 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

“Homeopathy is the most refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.” Ghandi

Almost every day brings me evidence confirming the Father of Homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann’s revelation that infectious disease is not as much a matter of contagion from micro organisms but the landscape upon which they fall. And that the stimulation from the correct homeopathic rouses the natural ability of that terrain in a most commanding way. I’m increasing impressed as I work with clients from around the world that health is maintained in the details. That attention to detail via the polite and sophisticated medical method of homeopathy is a solution worthy of our full attention. In the assemblage of this report, I don’t pride myself that I’ve furthered any homeopathic literature. Instead, I present what I’ve learned from my esteemed teachers and from my personal experience as an educator, homeopath and mother. For those with whom I influence, I’ve depended wholly and enthusiastically on homeopathy and my faith.

My hope is that by using this guide, it will whet your appetite for the use of this graceful and rewarding discipline; for it has brought comfort, healing and peace to human suffering for the last two centuries.

There are many books on the subject of homeopathy and I encourage you to own some. I can predict your health in the next decade by what you read today. For what we read and hear; we become. Each source of homeopathic information will flesh out your understanding of this vital discipline. Homeopathy is an all- encompassing study that can become a life long journey of learning and commitment well worth every hour of study. My earnest hope is that you and your family will gain reliable, robust health through your efforts of study and implementation. I welcome suggestions and additions to this work at About Joette Calabrese

4 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Joette Calabrese,HMC,CCH, RSHom(NA) has practiced as a full time classical homeopathic consultant since 1997. She began formal studies in classical homeopathy in 1986 and was awarded her three year post graduate degree as a North American Master Clinician followed by her two year degree with the Dynamis School of Advanced Homeopathy in Toronto. She has studied with world class homeopaths including Lou Kline (Vancouver), Jeremy Sherr (London), Jan Scholten (Netherlands), Andre Saine (Montreal) Richard Moskowitz, MD (California) and Dr. Ramakrishnan (India).

Ms. Calabrese is nationally certified by the North American (NASH) and the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC), accrediting organizations that are dedicated to maintaining high standards of homeopathy in North America. She is an official spokesperson for the non-profit nutrition organization, Weston A. Price Foundation, Washington, D.C. and is a sought after radio guest in many cities in the U.S. In addition to regular radio engagements, Ms. Calabrese is published in Homeopathy Today, Treatment Options and is a regular contributor to numerous health publications. Her column, The Homeopathy Corner is featured in Wise Traditions.

She is on staff at Daemen College, Amherst, New York, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York and the British Institute of Homeopathy. Ms. Calabrese also studied at the University of London, England.

Before turning to the field of homeopathy Ms. Calabrese was an account executive at an NBC affiliate, a trustee on the board of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, president of Friends of the Philharmonic and a director for Professional Communicators of WNY. She has also served as an arbitrator for the Buffalo Better Business Bureau.

Ms. Calabrese has been a vocal advocate for homeopathic and natural healthcare since before she and her husband, Perry began raising their three boys. She and her family live in the ski hills outside Buffalo, New York. 5 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

I dedicate this to my family for patiently waiting until I could find just the right remedy for each of them during the flu of 1985. They had confidence in me even before I had formal training or practical experience.

Who’s the Custodian of Your Health?

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23 6 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

If you seek to prevent the flu or handle it at home through alternative methods then you've completed your first step towards independence in your health care. Learning to take full responsibility for your and your family’s health is empowering, safe and cost efficient. For thousands of years, women (and other family caregivers) have been the nurturers, birth attendants and healers. It’s only in the last century or so that the "business" of health has been turned over to a member outside the family. This did not happen by accident.

Homeopathy is a method of healthcare that has been embraced by families the world over for over two centuries. The practice of self treatment for simple acute illnesses via homeopathy has sidled right alongside the professional practices of homeopathic physicians. Unlike their conventional medical counterparts, homeopathic physicians welcomed this practice. This is only one distinguishing factor between homeopathic doctors and their conventional counterparts. These two medical factions have been at odds from the early 1800s because their philosophies are significantly dissimilar. As a result, there has been political infighting within the world of that most of the public has been unaware of. Once we understand this controversy, it becomes more evident why homeopathy no longer has a foothold on the American medical scene.

Both conventional and homeopathic medical factions had associations that were formed to represent the interests of their members. The difference between the two divisions is that the one representing modern medical practitioners was formed with a sole purpose to discredit the opposing view. The reason for this is that they were particularly troubled by the fact that the homeopathic physicians openly warned the public and their patients that the new “miracle drugs” would prove to be a danger for their patients as well as to forthcoming generations. It was inevitable that trouble would brew back then, in the 1940’s. Consequently, in an effort to halt this assault on drugs of commerce, the AMA organized and purposefully calculated to

7 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu crush the practice of homeopathy in the U.S. This well funded “ campaign” was backed by the then, newly emerging drug industry. The movement was a colossal success and is still under way. This occurred in the U.S. and Canada only. During this time including the present, homeopathy thrives in all of free Europe, South America and India. In many of those countries, nearly forty percent of the doctors remain either homeopathic or refer their patients to homeopaths. Homeopathic hospitals and clinics there are common. In these pages you’ll find the fascinating and revealing methodology of homeopathy that had virtually died in the U.S. because of political and financial concerns until its revival in the last 30 years. The revival has come about as a result mostly by mothers because many instinctively know that there must be a better way. And indeed there is.

One of the major health issues most Americans face is our passivity. It is the belief that someone else is taking care of us; the government (the FDA, USDA and State Health Departments), doctors, and even the AMA. We've wrongly assumed that "they wouldn't allow us to be harmed,” or "he/she knows best,” or worse yet, “it's their job to provide”. We can and must assume responsibility for our own health and the health of our children. If we do not, the decisions will be made in favor of those who are making the decisions, rather than for us. And who is “us”? We are the mothers, fathers, grandparents, daughters, sons and friends who are the ultimate caretakers of the unwell and needy in our family and circle.

If you have experienced a prolonged illness or stayed in a hospital, you've probably learned that the medical professional’s job encompasses much more than our particular "case". Expediency and the fallowing of long-standing procedures are often the motivating factors that contribute to decisions regarding our healthcare. In reality, we are all individuals with quite different illnesses, presentations and needs. These two paradigms often clash, with the patient in a losing position. This is not to say that doctors don’t have a conscience, nor are they uncaring; rather, they are trained for methods that are drug or surgically laden. Their bag of tricks is generally a combination of nostrums that are 8 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu not only dangerous on their own but synergistically. If you are uncomfortable with these methods, then homeopathy will likely suit you.

The old adage, “If you want it done right; do it yourself”, is powerful and often true in regard to our own heath. Surprisingly, we can learn plenty in order to take care of ourselves and families. Most of what you will learn in this guide will be useable in short order; perhaps even today you can begin your adventure into homeopathy. Don’t be discouraged by homeopathy’s vastness. It is indeed a remarkably voluminous study well worth a lifetime educational pursuit, yet the treatment of the flu as presented in here is easily mastered when the laws and principles are adhered to. Once you discover the elegance, purity and incredible power that homeopathy provides, you will never want to turn back to conventional medicine’s archaic and dangerous manner of the last half century.

What You Need to Know About Homeopathy

“I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living” Psalm 116

9 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Recent years have seen a profound shift in thinking about health and medicine. The public is clamoring for medicine that makes sense. Intelligent people are asking, “If orthodox medicine is effective, why are antibiotics, the mainstay of modern medicine now considered so dangerous?” And, “Why are there false reports yearly of doomsday illnesses that never seem to come to fruition?” Arising from such concerns is a trend toward a more holistic viewpoint. The underlining concept in holism is that we are each an integrated whole. We’re not fragmented into separate parts falling into different specific illnesses or diagnostic categories.

Over two centuries ago, homeopaths recognized the importance of the totality of symptoms; a key principle in holist health. Yet homeopathy isn’t synonymous with holistic, and it doesn’t mean home remedy, as some people think. Instead, it’s a strict discipline supported by proven, scientific principles inspired the greatest medical minds of the last 200 years.

The word homeopathy is base on the Greek words “homios” for similar and “pathos” for disease. Its underlying principal is known as the “Law of Similars” which states that any substance that can cause symptoms when given to healthy people can also heal those same symptoms in people who are not well. The “Law of Similars” is not a new concept. In the fourth century BC, Hippocrates wrote, “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like, it is cured.”

Holding fast to this aphorism homeopathy has earned its revered position as a curative modality. The Royal Family of England would attest to this, as they have used homeopathic physicians since before the turn of the last century. So have numerous popes and millions in Europe. In fact, one of my favorite figures in history, Mother Teresa employed homeopathy in her care of the poor in Calcutta. She and the Sisters of Charity studied it under the guide of homeopathic physicians in India. If it’s good enough for Mother Teresa; it’s good enough for me!

Traditional medicine often calls homeopathy placebo, since the remedies are so highly diluted. The procedure is as follows: One drop of tincture is diluted in nine drops of alcohol. This is shaken 10 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu one hundred times. Then, a drop of this solution is diluted in another phial and shaken. This procedure is repeated 30 times to make 30x. Understandably, not a single molecule remains of the original mixture, yet the remedy’s strength is in the “blue print” obtained from it. Contrary to our material thinking, the more the substance is shaken and diluted, the more potent it becomes. Yet it isn’t magic; nor is the thinking surrounding it. It’s instead based on biophysical and chemical pharmacological principles and follows strict procedures regulated by the FDA . Dr. used this fascinating phenomenon as basis for his theory. After years of work and countless experiments, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann established his hypothesis to be factual. Thus, the “Law of Similars” is not a theory. It’s shown to be a resounding law of nature or a biological law that can be proven again and again without failure. Homeopathy has been repetitively revealed to be effective on animals. In fact, there are thousands of homeopathic veterinarians the world over. And it’s used for babies and unconscious people; so it can hardly be reduced to the placebo effect.

Of particular interest, is that homeopathy is safe and gentle with no side effects. None. Zilch. Nada. Even if a child inadvertently swallowed an entire bottle of these pills, there would be no concern.

Homeopathy is also effective as a therapeutic method because it individualizes care. Let us take for example two children with ear infections with common signs of illness: fever, eruptions, crying and coughing. Each will express illness in an individualized way. They may or may not be thirsty; they may perspire or have dry skin, they may be anxious or clinging, or sensitive to hot or cold. Since each of these varied behaviors represents individual expressions of health, they must be treated in accordance with this in mind. Thus, in order to treat effectively, a homeopath must use different remedies for different people; according to the specific symptoms that person is experiencing including the disposition. This is so even if the illness appears the same at first glance. In order to discern the truth, all facts of the case must be revealed. This is why it takes time and well-developed observational skills to gain full competence in homeopathy. 11 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Although homeopathic remedies work well on animals, they are tested on people. “Provers” as they’re called, take a substance that provokes particular symptoms. They take detailed notes of their physical and emotional reactions and this is logged in compilations called Materia medica. These remedies can then be given to people who experience the same symptoms that the provers got from taking the test substances.

Allium cepa is a good example. Allium cepa is made from the common onion and it is effective for maladies that show onion- like symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose and upper lip excoriation. So, homeopathic onion might be given not only for allergies to foods that cause these symptoms, but also for colds, the onset of the flu and other maladies with similar symptoms.

Provings done in the early 1800s are still used by homeopaths today. In what field of medicine would a book written in the 1800s hold accurate and valuable information applicable today? Homeopathy has no fads. What worked for the royal family’s influenzas and colds in 1901 remains the same method of treatment today.

Homeopathy views the person as a whole. This combines their mental state including prevailing thoughts, their emotions such as moods, their physicals such as headaches, and their general symtomology, such as their temperature. Success in terms of health must include all these areas or else freedom from ill health will not be achieved. In most cases, the completion will not follow unless we adhere to this fundamental rule of classical homeopathy. Can you think of another medical method that can boast all of this?

Is it a Cold or is it the Flu?

A bad cold may seem like the flu and so might a stomach bug, but there is a distinction worthy of clarification. The reason this feature matters is that the information presented here is specially denoted

12 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu for influenza. Homeopathy certainly has a standing in the world of colds, and other acute infections but, it makes it markedly easier to discriminate between the two for the sake of your success in treating influenza.

The CDC tells us: “The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. The flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations.” For the sake of further amplification, the following symptoms of influenza may help.

1) The incubation period of influenza is about 48 hours. Some folks succumb within 24 hours, or more infrequently, as long as a week. This means if you’ve been exposed to someone who knowingly has the flu, you have a day or so in which to leap into action. That means getting your homeopathy kit and dietary arsenals in order. 2) Most cases of influenza come on suddenly. That is, you might feel well on waking but by noon the illness is in full swing. The swine flu pandemic of 1918 was known to overcome people within a day. There are stories of men going off to work in the morning and dying that night. My intent is not to frighten, but to entreat you to make the extra effort to prepare and protect yourself and family . 3) The initial symptoms include that uh-oh,- I- think- I- have -the flu-feeling that we’re all familiar with. This is usually ushered in with a headache, exhaustion, fever and chills. 4) It doesn’t take long before a fever comes on. This usually occurs inside of a few hours. Achy back, arms and legs or joints are always present. There may be nasal discharge but not nearly as watery and profuse as with a cold. The throat may be sore with pain in and behind the eyes. Occasionally, gastro- intestinal issues such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may present. 5) The length and intensity of influenza can depend on the overall health of the person. However, this was not the case during the flu pandemic of 1918/19 when it struck mostly healthy teens, young adults and the middle aged. So we must be aware of this

13 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

potential in the future. Without the care of either homeopathic treatment or interference from conventional drugs, the flu’s course runs between three to five days in the first stage. Analgesics, nasal sprays and other conventional drugs have a reputation for prolonging a case of the flu while homeopathics shorten and resolve it. Fever lasts between one day and a week and then can make a return appearance at a lower level. The length can run anywhere between a few days to fourteen. More often than not, it runs its course in ten days. 6) Complications of influenza can include viral and bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis, depression, Reye’s syndrome, encephalitis and myocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart). Learning how to treat this is valuable indeed.

Be Prepared With Your Remedies It is prudent to keep remedies available at home or with you on vacations. It can be most frustrating when a loved one gets ill and you don’t have the remedy with you. I only cover eleven remedies because for the beginner it can be quite confusing to differentiate between 14 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu nearly 20 common and 150 more uncommon ones for the flu. Instead, I recommend you contact a homeopath if you’ve worked within this group and have still not found relief.

Baptisia Bapt Bryonia alba Bry Eupatorium perfolatum Eup

Drosera Dros

Dulcamara Dulc Gelsemium sempervirens Gels Influenzinum Influ Oscill Pyrogen Pyrog Rhus tox Rhus-t Sulphur Sulph

The use of Latin names in homeopathy is because Latin represents the universal language of medicine and scholars in Samuel Hahnemann’s day used it. It allows for no mistaken identity from language to language and country to country. Since homeopathic preparation is a precise science, not a folk medicine, common names which vary regionally, are not utilized.

Care and Handling of Your Homeopathic Remedies

15 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Homeopathic remedies have a stale date written on them as a requirement by the FDA. However if they are handled properly, they will last indefinitely. Remedies made twenty years ago are just as efficacious as those made today!

The car is a convenient place to keep a kit; however, it is better not to make this a practice in the hot summer months. High heat (as found in a closed car left in the hot summer sun) can antidote your kit. Antidoting a remedy means that it is rendered useless.

Keep your remedies from electro-magnetic fields, as they can be antidoted by strong energy fields. This means that they should be stored away from microwaves, computers and VCR’s etc. Remedies are also antidoted by strong odors, so if you have essential oils or strong smelling chemicals, store them away from the remedies. A fitting storage area is a linen closet – far from antidoting substances and close at hand when there’s a call for aid in the middle of the night.

When you open your remedy bottle, be aware of strong odors that may affect the value of the contents. A room that has been freshly painted with strong smelling paint or one that’s just been scrubbed with Spic and Span can cause antidoting. The worst offenders of antidoting are the following essential oils: mint, camphor, eucalyptus, tiger balm, and tea tree oil. These substances will antidote not only a bottle of a remedy, but also the action of the remedy after taken. Take care not to use them after ingestion of your remedy.

How to Take Your Remedy

16 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

To take a remedy, pour a small amount of the contents into the cap and count out four pills. Regardless of their size, four pills equal one dose. Try pouring without touching them; if possible. The concern here is that perfumed hand soap or another strong odor may be present on your hands and could antidote the remedy. Additionally, holding remedies in one’s hand can release their ability, so if the remedy is intended for you then holding it could be of value.

If a pill falls on the floor, don’t return it to the bottle. Instead, discard it or use it immediately if the floor is clean enough. After the number of pills has been counted simply drop them directly from the cap into your mouth and let them dissolve.

I urge my students not to give an entire bottle of a remedy away when someone else is in need. Our remedies are precious and are often needed just after lending the bottle to someone. Instead, put the needed dose in a clean envelope and label it. It will last for some time in paper, but not indefinitely. Glass is the only sure way to store for long periods of time.

Don’t transfer remedies into bottles that have held other remedies unless you boil the bottle for at least ten minutes.

17 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu Size and Dosage

Many homeopathic pharmacies make different sizes and densities of their pills. Some are made in milk sugar (lactose) tablets and others are made of cane sugar (sucrose). Generally lactose tablets are softer so they dissolve more easily; hence they are easier to administer to infants and animals. Sucrose pellets take a little longer to dissolve in the mouth or water, and are smaller. They come in a variety of sizes but essentially four pills comprise one dose regardless of the age or size of the person. Keep in mind that if a child were to accidently take 30 pills; it would do no harm. Isn’t it lovely to know that there are neither side effects nor dangers associated with your homeopathic remedies? The only good reason to give fewer pills is for the sake of frugality. Lactose tablets that are the size of poppy seeds are most often manufactured by Hahnemann Pharmacy, which does not suggest a number to be administered on their label. Instead they suggest that the entire contents be administered as one dose. This is not necessary. Instead, being careful not to drop any pellets, pour some of the contents into the bottom of the cap and line it with the tiny pellets. It will count out approximately twenty pills. This will equal one dose for an adult. For a child or infant, you can use the amount. Having said this, I might also add that the number of pills is not really important since homeopathy is energy medicine. It is not subject to material laws.

Most people have no problems taking lactose or sucrose pills, even if they are lactose intolerant. There are rare instances however, in which even the minutest amount of milk sugar can cause reactions. This reaction can often be removed through thorough case taking by a seasoned homeopath. Until that time, remedies can be obtained directly from a homeopathic pharmacy in alcohol form.

The aqueous solution method is another option for dispensing to those who are ultra-sensitive or when treating large numbers of people. The aqueous method was used by Samuel Hahnemann and homeopathic doctors in hospitals. It entails placing one dose (four pills) of a remedy in a clean glass of 2 to 4 ounces of purified water (actually, any decent drinking water) and allowing it to dissolve. After stirring gently one time, one teaspoon becomes one dose. This dilutes the process one more time and greatly

18 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu minimizes the amount of milk sugar. It is also a frugal method of dispensing and one that is prudent to utilize in an epidemic setting.

19 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu Homeopathy in Epidemics

Years ago when our family moved to the country it seemed a natural decision to raise chickens. Up to that point I’d never treated an animal so when one of our chickens became ill one afternoon I knew it was time to open that door. One morning our sons noticed that one of the chickens was walking “funny”. Her gait had rigidity to it. Next, we observed violent diarrhea and vomiting and she was taking frequent sips of water from the trough. These symptoms began at about 1:00 in the afternoon. By 3:00 she was laying on the ground trembling and salivating; by 4:00 she was dead. The first thought I had was poisoning such as mouse poisoning since our flock is free ranging and has been known to go off our property to a neighbor’s barn. It appeared to be an isolated incident so we buried her and kept the flock closer to home. However two days later another chicken began acting the same way. This one appeared cold from the onset and still assuming it may have been poisoned by perhaps arsenic, I gave her 30c but with no response. She died so quickly (less than 3 hours) that I didn’t have time to repertorize. I phoned a veterinary friend to see if she had any ideas. She thought it sounded like foul cholera. Now I realized I needed to take quick action. I looked up foul cholera in my Chicken Health Handbook, a veterinary farming book, and sure enough the symptoms matched. It said that one should expect a 45-55% mortality rate from foul cholera in a flock even with the use of the recommended antibiotics. Additionally, those birds that survived would often be left with debilitating chronic cholera that would result in the inability to lay eggs. I’ve prided myself on the health of our chickens giving them organic homemade mash including flaxseeds and plenty of worms. I certainly didn’t want half a flock of dead chickens and the remaining half chronically ill; not to mention that our hens were not only our egg sources but much loved pets. By the time I was off the phone with my friend, our 11year and 6-year-old sons came in the house with two more sick hens… their two favorites, Gloria and Gladys! Gloria was lying on her side salivating with slight tremors. I knew that meant she could have less than 1 hour left. Gladys was still at the thirsty, diarrhea, vomiting stage. Quickly I looked under rectum; cholera in my repertory hoping to find that foul cholera was enough like human cholera to indicate the same remedies. Cuprum, Veratrum album, and Camphor were the leading remedies. I didn’t bother with reading the differentials at that moment, as I knew Cuprum metallicum covered stiffness of the extremities, which would explain the odd little gait they displayed. I ran to my remedy stock and found 20 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Cuprum first and promptly opened Gloria’s little beak and inserted 2 pellets. It was good enough for the moment. I thought I’d differentiate after I’d gotten something in her mouth. Gladys got the same. With a little sense of relief I began to look for other clues when I noticed that Gloria was sitting up (in approximately 3 minutes). Gladys no longer had diarrhea and vomiting, so the boys and I just watched. Gloria began to tremor again and go down on her side. I gave her another dose and within 5 minutes she was walking. Gladys needed another dose shortly after and it revived her to pecking the floor (a good sign for chickens). Gloria received her third dose approximately 2 hours later when she appeared to be weakening again. This revived her to full chicken activity by the end of the day! Later I gave Cuprum metallicum 30c to the entire flock as a prophylactic measure. One of my sons brought chickens to me one by one to give them each a dose of Cuprum metallicum 30c. In hindsight I realize I could have put a dose into their water, but it felt good to take part in dispensing. We watched carefully for the next two days. There were no relapses and no new victims. Since this was an epidemic I viewed each chicken as part of the whole community and assumed that they had all contracted cholera since we have only one watering trough. We scrubbed down the coup and in doing so found the source of the infection; a dead wild bird was under the hay pile. Foul cholera usually strikes chickens that have contact with an infected wild bird.

It’s been many years since this incident and I see only healthy contented chickens. There have been no additional deaths and no chronic illness following this incident. Gloria and Gladys each happily lay 1 egg daily nearly all year, as does the entire flock. What a powerful reminder of homeopathy’s sterling reputation in an epidemic!

21 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu If it’s a Simple Fever

Fever is not always a cause for a remedy. In fact it has often been shown that it is better left to complete itself because it is a valuable cure. Fever, like other symptoms are signs; not the disease. In fact, the word symptom in Latin means sign. If we remove the sign, it does nothing to aid us in eradicating the pathology. This is akin to disconnecting a smoke alarm while allowing the fire to burn. The signal is not the culprit; the fire is. So we want the fever to do the work it was intended to do. Fever “cooks off” a viral or bacterial infection more effectively than any external means. When we reduce a fever via medications it keeps the body from healing properly. Then the body has the additional burden of processing the unnatural drug. Although advised by medical doctors for years, aspirin is a particularly dangerous drug when given during fever. It is only recently that modern medicine has shied away from this practice. Now Ibuprofen is prescribed, and again we’re learning of the toll this practice takes on our families. Throughout history, homeopathy has maintained the same position: let a fever run its course, augment the nutrition and fluids and make the person comfortable. This is a rather sweeping statement and circumstances will determine the strength of this guideline.

Yet there are occasions when it may be valuable to treat the person who has a fever. This is much different than treating the symptom. Instead, we stimulate the person’s ability to find the best way to resolve the fever and all of its components. This is the way with homeopathy. We assume the body has a God given ability to find equilibrium. We just gently and safely stimulate that mechanism.

When a high fever, of approximately 103-105 ° continues for days without interruptions the concern generally is not for fever but for dehydration. To minimize dehydration, coat the palms of the hands and bottoms of feet with olive oil and insist on fluids. Homemade popsicles are considered fluids and are more accepted by children. Dehydration can be dangerous, and may require immediate hospitalization for treatment with an IV if allowed to progress. Be aware that in a small child, and even adults, this can happen quickly without notice. So be keenly aware of dehydration symptoms such as weakness, palpitations, confusion, dizziness, too little thirst,

22 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu sluggishness, inability to sweat, decreased urine output or a concentrated color to the urine. One of the tests is called the recoil skin turgor test. If on gently pulling the skin on the back of the wrist the skin doesn’t’ recoil in less than 2 seconds there is likely to be dehydration. In small children and especially babies, we don’t want to see eyes, temples or fontanels that look sunken. This is indeed an urgent indication for the need of hospital treatment. In any case, long lasting high fevers as well as painful or spasmodic coughs with accompanying fevers are best left to the expertise of a professional homeopath.

When moving to the auxiliary remedies the following method ought to be adhered to; Firstly, once the correct remedy has been determined, give it in a 30 potency: that is 30x or 30c. Four pills (one dose) should be administered anywhere from every 2 to 5 hours. The more severe the case; the more closely together the dosages should be administered. Provide up to 4 doses of the same remedy to determine if it’s correct. You might see immediate results soon after the first dosage and then again, you might see results not until the fourth one. If by the 4th dose, there is no improvement, move on to the next remedy that most closely matches the symptoms at hand. Meanwhile, you can still use Oscillococcinum inter-currently. That is; on hour 1 administer your best chosen remedy, on hour 2, Oscillococcinum, then back to the best chosen remedy on hour 4 and return to Oscillococcinum and so on. Once you’ve decided that the remedy is correct, continue administering it into the next day. Then reassess. Change remedies only if it it’s clear that the last remedy is no longer doing a good job. As the person improves, administer the remedy less frequently until finally the person is on his own. Remember, homeopathy stimulates the person’s ability to heal himself. It is not only unnecessary to repeat the remedy when the person is well or improving; it’s unadvisable. We only want to gently nudge the vital force, not thrash it.

If you give the best chosen remedy and the patient falls asleep, consider this a good sign. The best healing is done during sleep. If in the morning there is improvement, you’ll know you’ve chosen the correct remedy. At this point, you may not need to go any further as long as the symptoms don’t return. If the same symptoms return however, repeat the same remedy. Watch for changes. A useful sign is to see vitality returned to a languid sufferer and peace restored to an agitated one.

23 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

When a crying child who is clinging and feverish stops crying yet the fever and clinging remain, consider this a move in the right direction.

24 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu The In-flu-ence

If I could give folks one piece of sound advice in relation to the flu, it’s that one must take notice of the danger signals at the onset and stay in bed.

The word influenza is a Latin word meaning influence. And influence us it does. Not only is it capable of effecting entire populations, but it is the subject of much controversy with regards to how it ought to be handled legally, publically and socially. The H1N1 that’s presently making headlines (2009/10) is emerging around the world, and outside the usual fall and winter flu season. This makes us prick up our ears. But it doesn’t mean that we should be frightened; just educated and organized. Using the remedies properly can have a profound weight on whether it becomes a substantial incident in your and your family’s life or barely an event at all.

Influenza is, of course highly contagious. The incubation period is one to three days and is most communicable in the early stage where there is a good deal of sneezing and sniffing. Although most folks call just about any cold the flu, this is incorrect. Influenza has the potential of being a far more serious event than a cold. It’s often accompanied by exhaustion, depression, weariness and has the ability to stick around for weeks. If I could give folks one piece of sound advice in relation to the flu, it’s that one must take notice of the danger signals at the onset and stay in bed. Five days is minimal; 14 days optimal. This is not a time to take chances flirting with the potential of broncho-pneumonia and even sudden death. These are very real threats associated with certain influenzas.

Homeopathy has a history of effective treatment for any flu. The homeopathic hospitals that treated victims of the 1918 flu pandemic had a mortality rate of less than 1% while the conventional hospitals' mortality rate was 30-60%! The most frequently used remedies during that time were Gelsemium and Bryonia. Remember these two remedies and look to the Materia medica sectionof this report for 25 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu further study. The same remedies are likely to serve us for forthcoming epidemics.

I urge all of my students and clients to own the most complete homeopathy kit they can afford. If you’re interested in a kit, feel free to contact us at and we’ll direct you to the most complete and affordable ones. Regardless of what you choose to purchase, at least own Influenzinum 30 and Oscillococcinum. These two remedies are not found in homeopathy kits, so they must be ordered from any of the locations on the Where to Find the Remedies towards the end of these pages. Sometimes local health food stores carry them. If not, they will often order them, if you ask them to.

The First Step; Prophylactic Protocol

Any time there is a threat of influenza we can use the modus operandi that homeopaths the world over have used. This can be employed regardless of the type of flu that’s going around.

The practice is to use Influenzinum 30 one day weekly over the course of one month, then one day monthly over the course of the influenza months. Hence, it’s taken four times for one day spread out over the day: Once in the morning, again at around noon, then at five or so and once more before bed. This is procedure is repeated once weekly. That is; one day each week for one month. Sundays are a good day to choose because family members are at home, so it’s easier to remember and administer. After a month of Sundays, then this same procedure of four times in one day is followed for one day each month until the flu season is over. For preventative purposes, don’t use these remedies more than as directed above.

26 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu The Second Step; Using the Unpronounceable Remedy

For most folks including babies and the elderly, the prophylactic protocol has a high rate of efficacy. Yet if a fever comes on or a scratchy sensation in the throat develops regardless of your efforts or even if you happened to skip the first step, the most celebrated method is to take action immediately with a second remedy. That remedy is Oscillococcinum, pronounced oh- sill- oh- cock- sign -um. This is done by taking Oscillococcinum every four hours for two to three days. The Third Step; Incorporating a Remedy That’s Specific to You

In researching this information, I found 98 homeopathic remedies listed in the Synthesis, Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum by Dr. Frederik Schroyens. This book is the mainstay of every homeopathic practitioner. In Sandra Perkos’ in depth book The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, she names over 130. Don’t be confused by the numbers. In homeopathy we don’t use a hodgepodge of remedies; instead we choose one or two preventively and then one best suited remedy should we need to abandon the preventatives. It’s worth emphasizing that most cases of the flu won’t require this step if the prophylactics are employed early enough.

Homeopathy necessitates the art of observation and hones skills of interpretation. To choose the best remedy, you must match the symptoms the person is suffering to the remedy. They needn’t include every symptom presented in the remedy picture. Instead, the most outstanding symptoms are the ones you want to match. This is particularly so in taking a flu case because nearly every flu case has achy bones, exhaustion, fever and sore throat. So we must always look to the most outstanding symptoms to aid in differentiating one remedy from another. Watch for the most profound discomforts and pains as well as the modalities. Modalities are what make the person feel better or worse. For example, drinking cool water might make one person vomit, while another might be comforted by it. These are the idiosyncrasies that are our valuable tools in discerning one remedy from another. 27 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Indeed, in these pages I’ve made every effort to facilitate the process for you particularly by including the prophylactic method. In using this system you will in most cases not require any further effort. But for those few who don’t find the results to be satisfactory, I’ve included the most common influenza remedies.

So how do we know which one to choose? In my experience as well as the homeopathic medical doctors’ books I reviewed, we can generally distill most cases down to those listed in the Materia medica I describe below. There are certainly cases that won’t fit the symptoms I gathered here but they’re likely to be rare. For the sake of allowing the beginner to treat with confidence and ease, I chose those that have been found to address a large percentage of flu cases.

If you choose to go to this step, it’s because you’ve found no relief from Oscillococcinum, so cease taking Oscillococcinum and instead alternate Influenzinum every few hours with the best matched remedy below. This can be repeated throughout the day and into the next. Always be persistent in observing and assessing. If the symptoms are not as severe as others around you or you see a noteworthy improvement on any level, then you can be assured you’ve made a good choice. In this case, don’t abandon the procedure you’ve established. Continue it for another day. The following day assess again, and so on. Always choose one remedy only to alternate with Influenzinum. Find the most prominent symptoms in your case and match it to the appropriate remedy. It’s rare that influenza isn’t accompanied by aches and pains, but if the pains are not downright excruciating, then don’t consider this symptom important. If however, the sufferer is consistently quite thirsty and every drink brings on nausea so that this issue becomes an ordeal, then the most likely remedy to consider is Baptisia. That is, if you determine that Baptisia is the correct remedy based on this prevailing and prominent symptom, then the procedure is to use Baptisia 30 at say 7AM, Influenzinum at 9AM, Baptisia 30 at 11 AM and back to Influenzinum at 1PM and so on. Hence, they can be rotated. We’ve learned that the prophylactic method is often protective and the rotating method, if needed produces consistent results. This can be learned and implemented with increasing confidence by using this guide. Simply break down the components. Below are the 28 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu remedies most frequently used in alternation with Influenzinum. Make note of the differentials that are based on the keynotes and other symptom traits.

If you care to learn other remedies, you’ll open a door into a fascinating discipline of great depth and history. I wish you and your family health and well being and hours of satisfying self mastery. Materia Medica; Learning the Remedies

“Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” Psalm 121

Each homeopath has remedies he finds to be useful in his corner of the world. For example, in cold wet weather Dr. Dorothy Shepherd of London in the 1930’s advocated Bryonia, Dulcamara, Allium cepa and Pulsatilla. In a mild, warm spell, she recommended Eupatorium, Gelsemium and Pyrogen. Dr. Shepherd considered Arsenicum when a watery, catarrhal influenza ensued and in cold, dry, windy weather Aconite, Causitcum, Hepar sulph, and Nux vomica. My personal favorite for colds in the North East of the U.S. is Dulcamara. I mention these for the sake of interest. In epidemics and pandemics, the remedies chosen by seasoned homeopaths are generally the same ones the world over. Here are the remedies you might try. They’re listed roughly in the order of most common use in influenza. Remember, choose one.

Gelsemium 30

This is the quintessential flu remedy. It’s the one most homeopaths think of first when the phone calls come flying in. It’s also the remedy that was independently employed by homeopaths from around the world during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918/1919. By simply taking cases for a few days, each homeopathic physician found that most of their patients responded to Gelsemium in short order. This was done without knowledge of other cases taken independently in far away 29 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu cities. Their conclusion was uniform. Gelsemium was so broadly successful that in 1921 a medical conference of homeopathic physicians gathered in Washington, D.C. specifically to present their Gelsemium flu cases. The data was staggering. Tens of thousands of successful cases in the hands of these esteemed physicians were recorded at that meeting. And Gelsemium was the most consistently effective remedy. Records indicated that those under the care of homeopaths had survival rates that greatly exceeded those under the care of doctors who had nothing to aid their patients with.

Imagine the typical flu. It often develops over a period of 6-12 hours. This is a rather slow development compared to other remedy pictures. Often the sufferer feels a bit out of sorts the previous day followed by intense weariness. When the flu comes on with extreme exhaustion as the main symptom, we must at least consider Gelsemium. Dullness, a slightly flushed face, the lips a dusky color and the face often shadowy are important characteristics to watch for. There is often a hot and sticky sensation and appearance of the face that’s countered by cold chills. The face looks heavy-eyed and sleepy. In fact so lethargic and overwhelmed by weariness is this person, he just wants to be left alone. Tremulousness is nearly always apparent particularly in their shaky hands. On lifting a glass to the lips, the hands show weak unsteadiness. A strange feeling of falling can be experienced and occur in bed when asleep so that the sensation may wake the sufferer out of slumber or near-sleep. A jerk often snaps him out of this into wakefulness. Cold draughts can bring on shivers and movement is resented.

Gelsemium flu is always accompanied by a headache, often severe and the sufferer is made more comfortable by the head being propped up by many pillows. Nothing relives the ruthless pain that feels like a tight band around the head just above the ears. One rather peculiar concomitant to these headaches is that they’re eased after passing a large amount of urine. The overall body pains are most frequently experienced in the muscles. This is an important differential between Gelsemium and others that may need to be considered. The eyes are an influencing factor in choosing Gelsemium because the patient wants to be left alone in a darkened room. They’re sensitive to light, and look dull, droopy and watery. Sometimes, however there is a contradiction to the light sensitivity in a Gelsemium case. Instead, the person might become fearful in the dark and crave light to overcome this.

30 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

• Comes on slowly over a period of a day or two • Chills up the back, yet hot and sticky • Desire to be alone • Limbs heavy and achy, eyelids droop and eyes sensitive to light

Gelsemium, Bryonia and Baptisia are similar in some ways and since they are historically influenza specific, it’s prudent to be capable of differentiating between them.

Baptisia 30

Baptisia is a remedy we must consider when the flu is similar to Gelsemium. So let’s contrast them. It’s often thought of as a more severe Gelsemium where heaviness prevails. The facial appearance is puffy and although Gelsemium has dusky color, Baptisia’s color is richer. The demeanor of the Baptisia sufferer is much worse than Gelsemium in that the mind has lost its clarity. If Gelsemium is exhausted, Baptisia is downright confused with thoughts that their body parts are in the wrong place. There may be numbness in the arms and some folks report that their arms feel detached. This extends to the entire body in that the sufferer sometimes doesn’t know where they are, what they just said and who is speaking to them. The amount of mental distortion is key in choosing this remedy. Accompanying this is the immense achiness throughout the body with tenderness and joint pain that is made worse on every slight movement. The gastro intestinal tract is also disturbed so we find diarrhea that has a very light color. Batisia is not usually associated with a cough from the chest, but there can be difficulty breathing that’s made more comfortable in a propped up position.

The Baptisia sufferer is a thirsty one. This is in sharp contrast with Gelsemium which is uninterested in drinking. Baptisia thirst is nearly constant but if there are gastro intestinal issues, the person will experience nausea. The amount of water consumed comfortably is an 31 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu important keynote for this remedy. When the sufferer consumes a small amount, he won’t experience nausea, however, his thirst is difficult to quench. So drinking becomes an issue for them. This will be your telltale sign that Baptisia is correct and Gelsemium is not. • Exhaustion • Mental confusion • Constant thirst with nausea that comes with drinking

Bryonia 30

The easiest way to remember Bryonia is that it is always made worse from motion. For the purpose of memorization, “wild hops” (the plant from which it is made) would cause an aggravation. Other movements that cause discomfort or pain can be eye movement that worsens a headache and deep breathing that brings on coughing. The need to lie perfectly still regardless of the cause of suffering is reason enough to consider Bryonia. The necessity to remain perfectly still carries into the longing to be left alone. In children we find a similar need, but it is not as pronounced as in an adult. Restlessness, paradoxically accompanies a craving to remain still. This only increases their pains and discomfort, but they can’t help themselves. If the patient moves about and it comforts them to do so, it can’t be Bryonia. If they indeed find comfort in their restlessness, then instead look to Baptisia or Rhus tox. The tongue of a Bryonia sufferer is striking. It has a thickly coated white and if the illness progresses, it turns progressively more brown principally when there are respiratory symptoms.

Just like Gelsemium, the Bryonia flu comes on over a period of 6-12 hours and the appearance is similar. There is a dull, puffy and weighty look. Not unlike Gelsemium, there’s a keen desire to be left alone, but the difference is that when disturbed, the Bryonia patient is blatantly irritable. They can often be depressed and worried about their condition but they are always fractious. There is forehead pain in nearly every Bryonia case that’s intense and throbbing and as you can imagine, it’s made worse from movement. The nose often has a burning sensation. There are a few noteworthy gastro- intestinal discomforts such as loss of appetite and sometimes constipation can be a problem. The throat is often affected with a sensation of mucus 32 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu accompanied by burning that’s particularly irksome. There may also be a loss of voice or at least hoarseness. Firm but gentle pressure is relieving, or perhaps a little comforting. You’ll find this person with his back pressed up against the back of the couch to support and comfort muscular pain. Often the person appears dull and feels the need to go home, even if he’s already there. This is an excellent remedy for homesickness of an influenza stricken college student away from home, particularly if escorted by headaches or stomach aches.

Because eating is a motion of the mouth and internal organs, the Influenza victim who needs Bryonia undergoes a worsening of symptoms during or after eating. Thirst is present and the desire is for cold drinks. Oddly enough, Bryonia doesn’t like heat such as a warm room, the sun and the summer time, but warm drinks ameliorate. This may make the symptoms worse or bring on a bout of dizziness. Coolness is appreciated via cold applications or cold air.

Bryonia is dry. The skin as well as the mouth, throat and stools are dry. When the respiratory tract is dry, a cough may also be. Watch for this.

• Symptoms are made worse by motion; even slight • Restless, yet made worse from movement; even small movements

• Small amounts of liquid may cause vomiting • Pressure on abdomen, back or limbs help • Diarrhea is worse after waking • Very irritable and complaining


This is the first remedy we should think of to prevent influenza. It’s a favorite because it doesn’t take a great deal of study to know when to use it. The method of using this remedy is stated earlier. It can stand on its own or rotated with a more specific remedy. Utilizing this remedy is not based on the specific treatment of the person but rather the treatment of the disease. Normally this is antithetical to classical homeopathic practice but in the case of epidemics we veer slightly from 33 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu the usual procedure. Dr. Robin Murphy says: “ Influenzinum has with many practitioners taken the place of Baptisia as the routine remedy in epidemics. It may be given in the 12c or 30c potency.” It is reputed to abort cases of influenza during an attack when given four times in one day for a few days. Or better yet, as a defensive measure before contracting or after being exposed to the flu.


Oscillococcinum is sometimes called Flu-Solution, for obvious reasons, since it’s a specific remedy for influenza that takes hold in cold, wet weather. In homeopathy, we don’t often have remedies that are illness specific, but rather person specific. This is one of those lovely remedies that will pretty much antidote most cases of the flu. Its action is available only during the onset and within the first day or so of contracting the illness. Use it when there are fevers, chills, pain and body aches. This remedy is not found in homeopathy kits, but is available in bubble packs in natural food and occasionally in grocery stores. It’s a great place to start when colds and flu strike your home. If you wait too long before administering, you may find it to not be as effective; so it’s best to take within 48 hours. Yet it’s reputed to be nearly infallible when caught within the first day of symptoms. It’s particularly noteworthy that this remedy is made from the intestines and heart of a water fowl. Imagine a duck in the cold wetlands in autumn and you’ll more likely remember this remedy when that weather descends upon us. More significant is the association with water fowl and influenza, particularly swine flu. Fowl is the primary source of contamination and the swine flu is a mixture of human, swine and waterfowl. Oscillococcinum is one the fasted growing remedies in the world. In France, it’s the leading method of treatment for influenza. Conventional and homeopathic M.D.’s alike recommend it. And for good reason…it works! In this country it has recently gained the attention of many practitioners. I urge you to make this powerful and safe remedy a significant component of your household kit.

34 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Sulphur 30

The study and scope of the remedy Sulphur is vast in as much as Sulphur as a material substance is ubiquitous. It’s a remedy that’s frequently prescribed yet I caution against its overuse and suggest that there be a reasonable amount of certainty before prescribing.

Consider the common match with its tip made of sulphur. The sulphuric odor, the heat and the burning capabilities of the match are all qualities of Sulphur as a homeopathic remedy as well. Sulphur is one of the hottest remedy pictures in the Materia medica. The sufferer is much improved by cold air. An example of this is evidenced by children taking off their clothes regularly when everyone else is cool, or sticking their feet out of the covers at night.

Sulphur is known for odors. A sore throat accompanied by foul breath or diarrhea that is strong smelling are common occurrences. Additionally, this may reveal itself through the lack of interest in personal hygiene. The Sulphur child may scream in horror as the mother attempts to wipe his nose or shampoo his hair. Sulphur people often refuse to bathe and their enviornment and eating areas often exhibit their habits of messiness.

Any discharge from a Sulphur sufferer many have an odor. The discharges may cause burning sensations and redness such as an excoriated upper lip from a runny nose and red, burning skin especially around the orifices. The face is particularly red and raw and headaches that are accompanied by heat in the vertex. Burning sensations predominate. This may mean burning in the stomach, abdomen, nose, throat, eyes, skin, bottoms of feet, and rectally. And these burning sensations may be accompanied by itching.

Thirst is a prominent symptom and indigestion is common particularly with burning; yet warm drinks ameliorate. Itching is a common symptom which is sometimes improved by cool air, or at least leaving a hot stuffy room. This is an important remedy to think of after the sufferer has finished with the primary illness and there seems to be a lingering of some of the

35 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu symptoms weeks later. In this case, the practice is to give it 4 times in one day for 2-3 days. • Complete loss of, or excessive, appetite • Strong body odor • Food tastes too salty • Drinks much; eats little • Desire for sweets • Weak and faint about 11 AM • Abdomen sensitive to pressure • Internal feeling of rawness or soreness • Abdominal movements as of something alive • Morning diarrhea drives patient out of bed


One of the most profound remedies for use in whooping cough and bronchitis Drosera is a mainstay of homeopathic Materia medica. When a cough sounds extreme and harsh, it’s likely to be Drosera that's needed. As you can imagine, the cough emitted from someone in need of this remedy is spasmodic andoverwhelming. This is a common remedy for children, especially those with a propensity for respiratory issues. But Drosera is also of value for any age. The cough attending the influenza is usually much worse at night. Certainly, whooping cough and the like would best be attended by your healthcare provider. However, until you can get care Drosera has a reputation for squarely addressing these types of coughs that attend influenza. • Violent spasms in coughing fits • Cough is usually worse after midnight

Eupatorium 30

If you’ve ever experienced pain that feels like your bones would break, you know the pain associated with Eupatorium. The choice of this remedy is in the degree of pain suffered. It was the most alarming of all flues. It’s intense and is squarely located in the bones. It’s usually positioned in the back and legs and restlessness of these parts is apparent. To the sufferer the bed feels too hard; in fact no position feels comfortable. The pain can be everywhere including the eyeballs. The 36 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu larynx and the trachea are also dreadfully painful. Regardless of the heat that emanates from those who need this remedy, there is little or no perspiration. In other remedy choices, there might be body pain. When you see scanty perspiration in tandem with severe pain, think of Eupatorium. The tongue is often coated white like Bryonia, but not nearly as thickly. Remember this remedy by its restless pain. Not unlike Bryonia, Eupatorium experiences depression. It’s uniquely expressed in moaning and complaining about their condition while moving about in bed. The person who needs this flu remedy is always unpleasantly cold, particularly up the back. Intense headaches with soreness that is on the side they rest their head on is common. The nose feels barricaded with mucus that runs profusely and there is regular, fierce sneezing. The throat is often dry and burning with a sensation of being crowded with mucus. Icy-cold drinks are welcome as the person is thirsty. If too much of it is drunk however, vomiting may ensue. A wearisome cough with concentrated pain in the chest muscles that feels like it’s in the ribs is often experienced. The cough can be vicious and it hurts the person from the top of his head down to his toes. This in turn makes the head suffering more extreme so that he tries to control the coughing in an effort to minimize the soreness. This is the most dreadful of all influenzass • Pain as though the bones are breaking • Moaning and groaning in pain • Thirst for cold drinks

Pyrogen 30

An important sign indicating the need for Pyrogen, is the profound pain in the legs diffusing upwards in a slow but sure way. When someone is in need of Pyrogen, the case is quite a severe one. The illness can be alarming, but this remedy has a reputation for promoting a speedy response. Eupatorium and Pyrogen are easily confused remedies in that they share the tremendous aching of the bones. Pyrogen too, has a deep restlessness in search of a comfortable place in the bed, never to find it. Perspiration is copious and the person may find himself in a pool of dampness in the bed. Fever delirium is common. One of the more common hallucinations is the sufferer searching around the bed for his

37 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu body parts, only to be frustrated in not finding them! These folks are talkative. They’re especially so as night comes on and this may come in the form of confusion if the fever elevates enough. Whether the fever is high, or they simply feel hot, they resent a draught which makes them shiver. This can even bring about shaking that’s more central nervous system in nature. The perspiration often has a very strong, offensive odor. The pains in this picture are particularly sensitive to pressure and there is restlessness in an effort to move the painful part to a non- pressured position. The head pain is a violent one that is usually throbbing in the temples that is oddly enough, relieved by pressure. Sometimes the headaches are in the occipital area and very severe indeed. There are paroxysms of sneezing, always a dry mouth and great thirst for sips of water rather than long drinks. The breath is often odious and the person suffers from tenderness in the abdomen and profuse, violent, watery diarrhea that’s offensive. The nose obstructs and the ears ring horribly. There may also be pain behind the ears and a feeling as though the ear might explode; particularly the right ear. The forehead also has this sensation of bursting. Here the pain can also be throbbing which is increased every time the person coughs. The tonsils have a sickly appearance and the throat is raw and burning with mucus that sits there, unable to be expelled. • Overwhelming attacks of sneezing • Restlessness • Offensive discharges

Rhus tox 30

The hallmark of Rhus Tox has amelioration from movement. This can be related to skin, muscles and joints as well as disposition. Rest causes discomfort and pain and upon first movement is augmented, but as motion continues so does improvement. When restlessness prevails mentally and physically, Rhus tox must be strongly considered. With all this agitation comes a profound exhaustion. Sleep is often difficult because of a fidgety mind and or agitated feet so the nights for this person are the worst times. There are often laborious dreams of great exertion, anxieties of all sorts, uneasiness and noteworthy depression. This may begin in the evening and continue throughout the night.

38 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Weeping comes easily and often without cause. Perspiration is a profuse and has a distinct sour smell.

Muscle and joint pain from the flu is distinguished by the “rusty gate” idea of worse when still, creaking on first movement and better on continued movement. Rhus tox can also help when waking with a stiff neck. The intensity of the dryness of the mouth is an outstanding feature of this remedy as well as a craving for cold drinks, yet they often bring on symptoms. This is the remedy where you’ll find cold sores on the lips which usually begin on the lower lip and extend to the corners. This symptom usually ushers in the more intense symptoms within the first day of their affliction.

Aches, soreness and stiffness relieved by firm pressure and heat such as a hot bath or lying flat on the floor are Rhus Tox indicators. Cold applications or exposure can often bring on the pains. Hoarseness is a common feature of Rhus tox and the person feels as though mucus that’s caught in the throat is the cause. The eyes feel congested and there is a good amount of tearing. The headaches of this remedy are different from the other flu remedies in that they often begin or even remain in the neck; like a stiff neck. Vertigo often occurs when the sufferer tries to get out of bed or simply sits up. Burning is a common feature whether on the skin or inside and sometimes scattered hives appear. As you can imagine, this creates more anxiety and irritability.

Heat, often near scalding can relieve pains and accompanying intense itching that the Rhus Tox person suffers. The tip of the tongue often presents with a triangular red tip and/or an indented imprint of the teeth; but this is not necessary for a correct prescription. Dulcamara

I’m fond of this remedy because it suits the flu that comes on after a change of weather that was warm and then turns to cold. This is particularly effective when the weather is cold and wet. I say I’m fond of Dulcamara because, in New York, where I live our weather has a penchant for making a drastic change in short order. So, imagine enjoying a warm, sunny day of 70 degrees followed by a cold front within hours that drops a blanket of wet weather in the 40’s. What follows for some folks is a cold or a flu that sometimes doesn’t quite fit any of the other remedies. This is an

39 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu opportunity for the use of Dulcamara. Its specific to weather change particularly when chills ensue. Additionally, when the flu has taken hold the sufferer is befuddled and can have difficulty conjuring up the correct word. If a sore throat presents, is accompanied by hives and the weather had a drastic change, you have a dead ringer for the need for Dulcamara. Those in need of this remedy have icy feet along with general coldness all over the body and sometimes there are accompanying nose bleeds. It ‘s also been useful in any acute pathology whether the above symptoms present or not as long as the illness follows exposure from warm weather to cold, wet weather. This can include gastro- intestinal discomforts, headaches and colds.

40 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu A Homeopathic Story

Last month, the Honan’s thirteen year old son, Joseph, got sick. They celebrated their parents’ wedding anniversary at their house and he couldn't join in. He suddenly felt weak, was tremulous and every breath he took was painful. His eyes were drawn and pale and he was also nauseous. This was one of those illnesses that could easily have turned into bronchitis or worse. His mom had suffered frequent bouts of influenza that turn into pneumonia as a child and his dad, too had similar bouts as a youngster.

But, there is something different in Joseph’s life than in many other children on Joseph’s block. His parents have chosen homeopathy as his method of healthcare. In fact, as a result of it, he has never had an aspirin, Tylenol or antibiotic in his thirteen years of life. He is a drug free kid. Had his parents adhered to the dictates of conventional medicine, Joseph would've been dragged to the doctor's office for an antibiotic, analgesic, inhaler and perhaps a steroid just as the party was gathering for the celebration at their home. Like dominoes, this illness treated with meds, might have eventually advanced to future pathology. Instead, his mom gave him the homeopathic remedy, Influenzinum 30 every two hours alternating with Oscillococcinum. Now, with the threat of the flu in her household, she is prepared by giving each member of the family a few doses of Influenzinum 30 as a prophylactic. Joseph’s mom knows that homeopathy has been shown to not only protect against flu in advance of its symptoms, but resolves the episode at hand, and even minimizes the chance of it recurring soon. If and when it indeed returns, it is with less gusto, doesn't last as long and her child will have profited by this method. That’s because she has noted in her children that there lies a developmental leap behind most illnesses. Last time it was when Joseph was struggling with math. After that well spent illness liberated by a few doses of the correct homeopathic remedy, he conquered his long division with aplomb. Smart mom. After two doses of Influenzinum 30 and only one of Oscillococcinum, Anthony slept 14 hours straight into the next day. When he woke, he reported an improvement of 50%. Great! Yet, she knows it's not done. More of the same remedy will be administered, but

41 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu now less frequently. Two days after this rather mild illness, he will be back to his thirteen year old antics.

Contrast this with Christopher down the road. His mother tells Joseph’s mom that Christopher has had bronchitis twice this winter and has been on a daily dose of antibiotics since two months ago. The doctor said it was from the flu that was going around. But now he has skin rashes, stomach aches and chronic constipation. He sees the doctor monthly for adjustments to his inhaler because it no longer works so well. And it appears Christopher has developed asthma. Not only has Christopher lost time in school, but his mom mentioned he was struggling with his reading of late. Why are these two boys so different? Both families have a family history of respiratory illness and both families live typical American lives yet how can one so quickly resolve the illnesses that come his way while the other struggles daily? Why, it's the method of care! Both boys started out the same. But health is not random. Joseph has an immune system that’s sturdy because his mother doesn't allow the introduction of drugs in her home.

Homeopathy celebrates staying away from the pharmacy. Each illness overcome without the use of medicine of commerce is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathy is rational, intelligent, with no side effects in the present or the far future and is profoundly curative. Two boys. Two families. Two different approaches to health. Which house would you choose?

What Else Can Be Done?

42 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu The Prevention Do’s

1) Use a large amount of traditional fats such as butter, cream, coconut oil and palm kernel oil. Enjoy them daily in cooking and as compliments to everyday fare. 2) Eat plenty of whole fresh and raw foods, especially fermented or live cultured vegetables such as kimchee, kombucha, sour kraut and fermented yogurt, kefir and whole cheese. 3) Include plenty of raw foods such as raw cheese, raw butter and most importantly, raw cow or goat milk from pasture fed animals. 4) Make loads of bone stocks from the bones of organic chicken, turkey, beef, pork, fish and venison. Use this stock as the base of soups and casseroles. 5) Get lots of sunshine without sunscreen. It’s free vitamin D. Go for walks or sit in the fresh air and sunshine even in cold months. 6) Take high quality cod liver oil daily. 7) Get the requisite amount of rest. Sleep is the place where most healing occurs. Especially during the flu season, a nap when tired and a longer night’s sleep can be an added protection. 8) Take care of each other. Families are the basis of our stronghold.

The Prevention Don’t

43 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

1) Eliminate the lure of panic around influenza…minimize exposure to T.V. and other media that requires fear and other emotions to market products. 2) Reconsider vaccines. The vaccine theory is replete with faulty science. Vaccines have a reputation for suppressing T-cell counts and contain Thimerosol and other immunosuppressive substances. They can even relay the very same illness that they’re meant to eliminate. 3) Avoid anti-viral drugs, antibiotics and other drugs of commerce as they are known to suppress the ability to withstand today’s illness as well as others down the pike. 4) Don’t eat denatured foods of commerce. That means make your food yourself from scratch. Eliminate stimulating and artificial foods, such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, soda, pastries, etc. 5) Don’t allow stress to enter your home. This almost sounds silly because the stresses of life are inevitable, however if we make a point of buffering our family and selves from outside influences and approach each other with consistent kindness, infectious illness can have less of a stronghold. This means include prayer time, meal time and recreation time together on a steady basis.

Where to Order Homeopathic Remedies 44 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

• Johnson’s Village Pharmacy 99 E. Chautauqua St. Mayville, NY 14757-1017 (716)753.3200

• Hyland’s Homeopathy 210 W. 131st Street , Los Angeles, CA 90061 (800)624-9659

• Hahnemann Laboratories, Inc. 1940 Fourth St. San Rafael, Ca 94901 (888)427-6422

• Washington Homeopathics 33 Fairfax Street Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 (800)336-1695

• Helios Homeopathy LTD. 89-97 Camden Road Tunbridge Wells Ken TN1 2QR England Main number ++44(0)1892536393

• Contact us at for further information


45 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

• The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, Sandra J. Perko, Ph.D., C.C.N.

• Synthesis Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum, Frederik Schroyens, M.D.

• Concordant Materia Medica, Frans Vermuelen, M.D.

• Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmation Symptoms, Roger Morrison, M.D.

• Highlights of Homeop-Practice, T.P. Chatterjee, M.D.

• Flu Alternative Treatments and Prevention, Randall Neustaedter, OMD

• Study of Homeopathic Remedies, Gibson,M.D.

• Homeopathic Drug Pictures, M. Tyler, M.D.

• Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica, James Kent, M.D.

Further Reading and Study

46 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

• Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, Ullman & Cummings, M.D.

• Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas • Organon of Medicine, Samuel Hahnemann, M.D.

• The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, Sandra J. Perko, Ph.D.,C.C.N

• Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases, Dorothy Shepherd, M.D.

• Who is Your Doctor and Why?, Alanzo Shadman, M.D.

• Flu; Alternative Treatment and Prevention, Randall Neustaedter, OMD

• Physician’s Posy, Dorothy Shepherd, M.D.


47 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

• Minimum Price Homeopathy Books, P.O. Box 2187, Blaine, WA 98231 (800)663.8272

• North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) P.O. Box 450039 (206) 720- 7000

• National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) 101 S. Whiting Street, Suite 16, Alexandria, VA 22304 (703) 548. 7790

48 A Special Report: A Homeopathic Alternative for Treatment of the Flu

Legal Disclaimer

The author and publisher have used their best effort in preparing this report. However, they make no representation or guarantees with respect to the accuracy, applicability or completeness of the contents. The information contained is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply the ideas and principles, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. As always, the advice of a competent health care practitioner should be sought in times of illness.