Master’s Degree in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems

Class: LM-49 - Planning and Management of Tourism Systems

Website: http://www.unibg.it/struttura/en_struttura.asp?cerca=en_LS-PGST

The University of Bergamo, which boasts over 10 years of academic teaching and research in the field of tourism, offering a Master Course in Progettazione e Gestione dei Sistemi Turistici, is launching a new MA completely taught in English and characterized by strong multidisciplinary perspective. Professors with a high scientific profile internationally recognized come from European and American Universities and Research Centres of excellence and guarantee extensive cultural perspectives and innovative didactic approaches in a Course which will be held in Bergamo, one of the most beautiful art town in .

Coordinator: Prof. Emanuela Casti E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +39 035 2052 409

Emanuela Casti Professor of Geography - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo

In the field of complex communicative systems, she has formalised the semiotic cartographic theory which analyses the relationship between representation and space. She experiments this approach within the Diathesis Cartographic Laboratory of which she is director. She has conducted many researches in Italian and African context about Geography of movement, applying participatory methodologies for intercultural dialogue. Her studies are published in many national and international volumes.


™ Lessons located in heritage buildings in the heart of the historic city of Bergamo (Città Alta) ™ Guided visits to near/around areas of interest: presentation and discussion of case studies and professional narratives related to tourist places and venues ™ A richly equipped University Library within walking distance (Sant’Agostino) ™ 3 University Research Centres related to Tourism (CST, Cestit, Diathesis Cartographic Lab) ™ Italian Language Studies for Foreigners at different level - Centro Italiano per Stranieri (CIS) ™ Mobility programmes for international trainings (LLP Erasmus, Leonardo and Cariplo)


- Location


Fonte: Google Earth

- University Network

Breda University Université Laval Reinwart Academie Cardiff University

University of Munster

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Université Sion

Université Paris VII PMTS Université Jean Monet Université Lausanne

- Professors’ Provenance

Canada Gran Bretagna Olanda Germania Belgio

Svizzera Francia Slovenia PMTS


Andreas Blödorn Full Professor of Literature, Media and Film Studies at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Member of Deutsche Schillergesellschaft Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Semiotik Member of Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft Member of Deutsche Thomas Mann-Gesellschaft Member of IVG – Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik e-mail [email protected]

Rossana Bonadei Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo. Faculty responsible for Erasmus LLP Placement Programme She was Director of a Master in Tourism Management and Cultural Mediation at the University of Bergamo (UE funded). Founder and former Coordinator of the MB Course of PGST (Progettazione e Gestione dei Sistemi turistici) Expert in Travel Theory and Heritage Studies Member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English). Member of the Directing Board of SISTUR (Società Italiana di Studi del Turismo) Member of CeSTIT- Bergamo University (Centro Studi sul Turismo e l'Interpretazione del Territorio) Editor of the Series "Scienze del Turismo" (Hoepli, Milan) e-mail [email protected]

Caroline Desbiens Professeure agrégée et Chaire de recherche du Canada en géographie historique du Nord, Departement of Geography, Université Laval, Québec Member of Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIÉQ) Member of Institut Hydro Québec en environnement, développement et société (IHQEDS) Member of Dialog – Réseau québécois d’échange sur les questions autochtones, INRS Urbanisation, culture et société Member of Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) e-mail [email protected]

Stefano Ghislotti Senior Lecturer of History of Cinema - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo. Ph. D. at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France) Co-author with Stefano Rosso of Vietnam e ritorno (1996) Co-author with Benvenuto Cuminetti of Il cinema nella scrittura (2000). In 2003 he published Riflessi interiori. Il film nella mente dello spettatore In 2008 he published Repetita iuvant. Mnemotecniche del film narrativo.

Member of the SCSMI, Society for the Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image e-mail: [email protected]

Peter Keller Professor of Tourism Management – Faculty of Business and of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) President of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST) Member of Strategic Group and Experts of the UN World Tourism Organization OEDC Policy Adviser. Member of the Executive Board of Directors of Switzerland’s National Tourism Office e-mail [email protected]

Stefania Maci Senior Lecturer of English Language - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Member of CERLIS (Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes) Currently involved in national and international research projects (http://dinamico.unibg.it/cerlis/page.aspx?p=209), with particular regard to ESP and Tourism (promotional and specialised traits in English for tourism; the web language of tourism) e-mail [email protected]

André Ourednik Chercheur à l'Institut de Géographie de l'Université de Lausanne. PhD in Science (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Formerly Assistant in cartography (Institute of Geography, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment; Universite de Lausanne Formerly Supervisor of OCDE-PISA data quantification Editor of Flowthru (http://ourednik.info/urbanization_mc/) Editorial assistant of EspacesTemps.net, EPFL. e-mail [email protected]

Cosimo Professor at EMUNI University (Slovenia) Notarstefano Director of Euromediterranean Master in Cultures and Tourism Coordinator of “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence” and delegate of CMU/UNESCO He teaches European Union , Tourism Law and Juridical, Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of European Union Law. e-mail [email protected]

Roberto Peretta Temporary Lecturer of IT for Tourism managers – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo. Content provider at Touring Club Italiano - Touring Editore Director of CiaoMilano Member of CeSTIT- Bergamo University (Centro Studi sul Turismo e l'Interpretazione del Territorio) e-mail [email protected]

Noel B. Salazar Senior Researcher of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), IMMRC - , Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Leuven (Belgium) Visiting Research Associate, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) Postdoctoral Researcher, Foreign Policy, Tourism & Recreation Advice Centre, Flemish Government (Belgium) Research Fellow at University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences e-mail [email protected]

Frans Schouten Professor at Breda University NHTV (Institute for Tourism and Transport). Consultant for the management of cultural heritage at the UNESCO/UNDP projects for the integrated strategic development of cultural tourism (Indonesia, South Pacific, China, Central Asian Republics) Chair in Unesco courses on heritage tourism Member of the editorial board of the magazine “Levend Erfgoed” (Living Heritage) Member of the board of “Best of Heritage” at Zagreb e-mail [email protected]

Terry Stevens Formerly Professor of Tourism Management at Swansea Metropolitan University Visiting Professor at three universities in the Uk Managing Director of Stevens & Associates, International Tourism Consultants Member of American Leisure Academy; Member Royal Society of Arts Member of Tourism Society. Clients include: UNWTO, ILO, UNESCO, national tourist boards and private sector clients Consultancy work in 40 countries Former Vice Chair Wales National Tourist Board e-mail [email protected]

Mathis Stock Professor of Tourism Geography, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Sion, Switzerland Member of the Steering committee of the Commission “Cultural approach in geography” of the International Geographical Union (president: Benno Werlen) (www.cultural-approach.net) Referee for the French National Research Agency (ANR) Founding member of the journal Mondes du tourisme (Paris, Editions Touristiques Européennes) Member of the Editorial board of Dialogues in Human Geography (dir. Rob Kitchin) Member of the Editorial board of Social Geography (dir. Benno Werlen & Anthony Giddens) Reviewer of Espacestemps.net (dir. Jacques Lévy) e-mail [email protected]

Simon Taylor Senior Lecturer in Law, University Paris Diderot, Paris 7 Reporter for the British Institute of International and Comparative Law Responsible for the law option for the Applied Languages degree at University Paris Diderot e-mail [email protected]

Jean-Michel Master Professor at Amiens University, Angers University, Tobelem CELSA (Sorbonne U.), École du Louvre, Paris 1 University IREST, Paris 1 University DESUP, Paris 3, Saint-Étienne University Director of OPTION CULTURE, France Responsible for: a) Studies for the ministry of culture, the ministry of tourism, local authorities, NGO, and corporations; b) Participation to the NEMUS project (creation of jobs in the museum sector, European Commission) Member of ICOM and former member of the board of the INTERCOM (management) committee of ICOM (International council of museums). Director of the series “Gestion de la culture” at l’Harmattan Member of the editorial board of the international Journal Museum Management & Curatorship e-mail [email protected]

Davide Torsello Professor of Social Anthropology – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, MA in cultural anthropology at the Hirosaki University (Japan), Research interests: post-socialism, trust, social networks, social transformation in rural societies, corruption and value orientations, through field research in Japan and Europe e-mail [email protected]

Peter van Mensch Professor of Cultural Heritage, Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam (Netherlands) Lecturer International School of Museology, Celje (Slovenia) Former president of the ICOM International Committee for Museology and for Collecting Member of the editorial board of Museums & Society (Leicester) Member of the editorial board of The Problems of Museology (St Petersburg) e-mail [email protected]


Giuliano Bernini Professor of General Linguistics - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Vice-Chancellor for International Relations of the University of Bergamo Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures from 2001 to 2008 President of AItLA (Italian Association of Applied Linguistics) for the years 2010-2013 Main areas of research: a) Second language acquisition, b) Language typology , c) Language teaching, d) Dialectology and sociolinguistics Coordinator of the group on “Pragmatic Organization of Discourse” within the EUROTYP Project National coordinator in interuniversitary research projects on second language acquisition of Italian Member of LANE (Language Acquisition Network of Europe) e-mail [email protected]

Rossana Bonadei Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Faculty responsible for Erasmus LLP Placement Programme She was Director of a Master in Tourism Management and Cultural Mediation at the University of Bergamo (UE funded) Founder and former Coordinator of the MB Course of PGST (Progettazione e Gestione dei Sistemi turistici) Expert in Travel Theory and Heritage Studies Member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English). Member of the Directing Board of SISTUR (Società Italiana di Studi del Turismo) Member of CeSTIT- Bergamo University (Centro Studi sul Turismo e l'Interpretazione del Territorio) Editor of the Series "Scienze del Turismo" (Hoepli, Milan) e-mail [email protected]

Federica Burini Senior Lecturer of Human Geography – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Member of the group on Governance of Natural Resources, Equity and Rights (TGER) of the Commission on environment, economy and social policy of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Member of the Italian Geographical Society (SGI) Member of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI) Member of the Italian Association of Cartography (AIC)

e-mail [email protected]

Raul Calzoni Senior Lecturer of German Studies – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Delegate for Internationalization of the Master’s Degree Programme on Planning and Management of Tourism Systems Partner of the “ACUME-European Thematic Network under the Socrates Programme on Cultural Memory: an Interdisciplinary Approach” (2004-2006) and "ACUME2-European Thematic Network under The Socrates Programme on Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities" (2006-2009) Member of Kempowski Gesellschaft Member of A.I.G. – Italian German Studies Association

Member of IVG – Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik e-mail [email protected]

Emanuela Casti Professor of Geography - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Coordinator of the Master’s Degree on Planning and Management of Tourism Systems Member of the Italian Geographic Society (SGI) Member of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI) Member of the Italian Association of Cartography (AIC) Member of the International Geographic Union (UGI) Member of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) e-mail [email protected]

Roberta Garibaldi Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Marketing for Tourism - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Currently involved in national and international research projects for Institutions, local Administrations and private enterprises. Research interests: tourism labour market, marketing strategies for museums. Member of SISTUR (Società Italiana di Studi del Turismo) Member of CeSTIT- Bergamo University (Centro Studi sul Turismo e l'Interpretazione del Territorio)

e-mail [email protected]

Stefano Ghislotti Senior Lecturer of History of Cinema - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Ph. D. at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France) Co-author with Stefano Rosso of Vietnam e ritorno (1996); Co- author with Benvenuto Cuminetti of Il cinema nella scrittura (2000); In 2003 he published Riflessi interiori. Il film nella mente dello spettatore; In 2008 he published Repetita iuvant. Mnemotecniche del film narrativo Member of the SCSMI, Society for the Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image

e-mail [email protected]

Andrea Macchiavelli Senior Lecturer of Tourism Economics - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo Director of CeSTIT (Tourism Centre of the University of Bergamo). Formerly Director of a Master in Tourism Management and Cultural Mediation (University of Bergamo) Currently involved in national and international research projects for Institutions, local Administrations and private enterprises Member of AIEST (Association International d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme) Member of Scientific Board of the Turistica, quarterly of Tourism Management. He is expert in Mountain Tourism e-mail [email protected]

Sonia Maffei Professor of History of Art Criticism - Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Bergamo Director, along with Lina Bolzoni, of the "imagines Agentes" Series issued by the publisher "La stanza delle scritture," dedicated to Sixteenth-century texts. Research interests: ekphrasis and the lexicon of sixteenth- century art; Iconography XVI-XVII centuries; XML database for sources and text; computer methods for cultural heritage Member of the board of scientific consultants of the LARTTE Center under the direction of S. Settis at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa Member of the teaching staff of the PhD Course in Entertainment Arts and Multimedia Technologies, University of Genova e-mail [email protected]

Davide Torsello Professor of Social Anthropology – Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bergamo PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology MA in cultural anthropology from the Hirosaki University (Japan) Research interests: post-socialism, trust, social networks, social transformation in rural societies, corruption and value orientations, through field research in Japan and Europe e-mail [email protected]


The course on Planning and Management of Tourism Systems has different objectives: • To reach high level competence that allows graduate students to work in the tourism and hospitality industries and services, as well as in the promotion and development of tourism and of cultural events. • To offer skills, as well as digital and cartographic tools, for planning and co-ordination of cultural and environmental tourism projects within the public administration. • To give graduate students the ability to analyse tourism in terms of multiscale territorial processes and in the context of contemporary mobility. • To understand the methodology of research for planning regional and touristic development and value major theoretical concepts relevant to business. • To offer the ability of defining the anthropo-geographical features and cultural venues of touristic sites, in order to promote sustainability through the principles of participation and social empowerment. • To teach the basic skills for the development, management and promotion of cultural products relevant to travel and tourism representations (cinema, theatre, concerts, video- clips, TV scripts and so on).


Students holding a foreign Bachelor Degree (first level) can apply to the Master Course after recognition of their certifications according to Ministry and University criteria. If necessary, certifications will be evaluated during individual interviews. A good knowledge of the English language is required (B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).


1st ACADEMIC YEAR (2011-2012)

Reference sector: POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Course name: Geography of Environment and Tourism CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course shows the relationship between environment and tourism in a geographical context. Taking up the concept of sustainability, the course deals with the three aspects of environmental and tourism policies: a) the role of the territory in tourism; b) environment as a resource in identity construction; c) social empowerment on global and local scales. Professor: Mathis Stock, University of Sion (CH) Tutor: Emanuela Casti

Reference sector: HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Course name: Intercultural Geography CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course explores the issue of the encounter/clash of cultures in a geographical context. Territory is considered as landscape and cartography- as primary representations through which evaluate its cultural value. The main objective is to give some methodological tools useful to promote cultural dialogue. Professor: Camille Schmoll, Université Paris VII (FR) Tutor: Emanuela Casti

Reference sector: GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF TOURISM INDUSTRY Course name: Marketing Management CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course focuses on the relationship between companies and market in strategic and tactical perspectives within the context of the tourism system. Professor: Peter Keller, University of Lausanne (CH) Tutor: Roberta Garibaldi

Reference sector: GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF TOURISM INDUSTRY Course name: Tourism Marketing Management CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course focuses on the tourism marketing process, with particular regard to internal and external analysis, and to the strategies of tourism industry, including marketing mix strategies. Professor: Terry Stevens, Swansea University (UK) Tutor: Roberta Garibaldi

Reference sector: CINEMA, PHOTOGRAPHY AND TELEVISION Course name: Filmology CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course offers an understanding of methodological, aesthetic and psychological questions involved in the viewing and the producing of film or media products, related to the representation of tourism and the promotion of the territory. Professor: Andreas Blödorn, Universität Munster (D) Tutor: Raul Calzoni, Stefano Ghislotti

Reference sector: MUSEOLOGY AND CRITICS OF ART AND RESTORATION Course name: History and Culture of Museums CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course presents the historical and social specificities of museums in Europe and North America; their role in shaping cultural identity (national, collective, minor groups,...), and their importance in tourist practices. Professor: Piter Van Mensch, Reinwardt Academie (NL) Tutor: Sonia Maffei

Reference sector: ENGLISH LITERATURE Course name: Cultural Studies in Tourism CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course explores the historical and critical issues necessary to approach travel and tourism as cultural practices; comprehension of the “sense of place” as a semiotic activity related to narration and to “the tourist gaze”, explaining tourism in terms of cultural demand and cultural mediation. Professor: Rossana Bonadei, University of Bergamo (I)

Reference sector: ENGLISH LITERATURE CFU: 5 Course name: Heritage Studies Course objectives: The course offers the historical and critical tools necessary to understand the concept of heritage, in terms of conservation and interpretation of places, in the context of National and sovra-national politics related to natural, art and material/immaterial cultural belongings. Professor: Frans Schouten, Netherlands Institute of Tourism and Transport Studies at Breda (NL) Tutor: Rossana Bonadei

Reference sector: COMMERCIAL LAW Course name: European Tourism Law CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course aims to analyse the legal aspects of the tourist industry in the context of the developments and principles of legal regulations, legal experiences and contractual cases related to tourism governance and services. Professor: Cosimo Notarstefano, Emuni University (SLO)

Reference sector: APPLIED ECONOMICS Course name: Economics of Culture and Cultural Heritage CFU: 5 Course objectives: The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic instruments to understand the institutional, economic and managerial problems linked with artistic and cultural resources and institutions (such as museums, foundations, trusts, etc.) Professor: Jean-Michel Tobelem, Option Culture (FR) Tutor: Andrea Macchiavelli

Reference sector: ANTROPOLOGY Course name: Local Communities and Eco-museums CFU: 5 Course objectives: The aim of the course is to give critical and methodological tools to analyse local communities and eco-museum realities. It highlights the importance of ethnographic research and the strategic role of local communities, teaching how to give value to traditional cultures and local life. Professor: Noel D. Salazar, University of Leuven (NL) Tutor: Davide Torsello

Reference sector: EUROPEAN UNION LAW Course name: Cultural, Legal and Linguistic Aspects of the European Union CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course provides the students with tools to study and make enquires into the legal, cultural and linguistic aspects of European Union Law. Professor: Simon Taylor, Université Paris VII (FR) Tutor: Giuliano Bernini

During the first year students are also required to attend the following course:

Reference sector: ENGLISH LANGUAGE – LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION Course name: English for Tourism CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course aims to provide students with critical knowledge about the role of English in tourism communication, exploring the different registers in use in the tourism fields (equivalent to B2 plus level ability of the Common European Framework). Professor: Stefania Maci, University of Bergamo

Reference sector: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course name: IT for Tourism managers CFU : 5 Course objectives: The course provides students with the basis of advanced IT and computer science for tourism: hardware, software, nets, Internet services, web-design. Professor: Roberto Peretta, University of Bergamo

2nd ACADEMIC YEAR (2012-2013)

Reference sector: SOCIOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORY Course name: Sociology of Tourism CFU: 5 Course objectives: The aim of this course is to understand tourism from the perspective of multiscale mobility and its role in the relations between communities, individuals, places and space. Professor: André Ourednik, University of Lausanne (CH) Tutor: Federica Burini

Reference sector: SOCIOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORY Course name: Sociology of Tourism in Local Development CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course aims to combine theories and methodology in policy, planning and politics related to tourism and leisure activities applied to regional development. Tourism and the local environment are analysed according to the scale of complexity, of ambivalence and of conflict.

Reference sector: APPLIED ECONOMICS Course name: Tourism Economics (Basic) CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course explores the tourism market and the competition processes related to the tourism industry. This course is introductory to Advanced Tourism Economics.

Reference sector: APPLIED ECONOMICS Course name: Tourism Economics (Advanced) CFU: 5 Course objectives: The course focuses on some segments of the tourism market, devising specific features and problems of tourism destination management. Professor: Peter Keller, University of Lausanne (CH) Tutor: Andrea Macchiavelli


- One course (5 CFU) on a foreign language, at choice among English, French, German and Spanish according to one’s own individual linguistic competence.

- Two free choice courses (10 CFU), providing they meet the entry criteria for the courses concerned.

- One workshop (5 CFU).

- One Internship (5-10 CFU) at a national or international institution or enterprise.