
MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 325: 59–71, 2006 Published November 7 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Pelagic photosymbiosis: rDNA assessment of diversity and evolution of symbionts and planktonic foraminiferal hosts

Yonathan Shaked1, Colomban de Vargas1, 2,*

1Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA 2Station Biologique de Roscoff, Equipe ‘Evolution du Plancton et Paleoceans’, UMR 7144, CNRS, Place George Teissier, Roscoff 29682, France

ABSTRACT: We present large subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA based phylogenies of symbiotic retrieved from single-cell planktonic foraminifera collected around the world. All modern foraminiferal species involved in such symbiosis are included in our analyses. The pelagic symbiotic dinoflagellates form a monophyletic group sister to the Symbio- dinium species complex found in coastal-benthic environments. The pelagic symbionts are des- cendants of free-living species and, together with the coastal-benthic spp., they originated from the early Mesozoic suessiacean family represented by the extant Polarella glacialis. Out of hundreds of single planktonic foraminifera examined, 21 unique pelagic symbiont ribotypes were recognized, which could be divided into 2 main clades and 4 genetic subgroups. We observed an absence of specificity between the symbiont genetic types and the host genetic and morphologi- cal species. A few foraminifera even harbored dinoflagellates of more than one genetic subgroup. This genetic flexibility may be constrained by the fast cycles of pelagic single-cell hosts, which acquire symbionts de novo from the ambient water at each generation. The obligatory transitional free-living stage of pelagic symbionts prior to acquisition by foraminiferal hosts may also explain their significantly lower rates of DNA substitution in comparison to their coastal-benthic relatives. We propose that the open ocean ecosystem has maintained photosymbioses involving a relatively low genetic diversity, but an extreme flexibility in the relationships between both partners, which also preserved their ancestral ability for independent life.

KEY WORDS: Symbiosis · Planktonic foraminifer · Dinoflagellate · Open ocean · Suessiales

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INTRODUCTION photosymbiosis is not confined to coastal reef environ- ments. Symbiosis between pelagic foraminifera and Marine symbiosis involving heterotrophic hosts and dinoflagellates is abundant in surface waters of the photosynthesizing dinoflagellate (often referred world ocean, and plays a prominent role in oligo- to as ) results in a holosymbiont unit with trophic open ocean ecology. In this study, we assess advantages of both strategies (Rowan 1998, Budde- phylogenetic relationships among pelagic foramini- meier et al. 2004). Photosymbiosis is especially impor- feran symbionts, and examine host-symbiont speci- tant in oligotrophic oceans, and zooxanthellae are ficity, flexibility and co-evolution. hosted by a variety of marine invertebrates including Dinoflagellate endosymbiosis has probably affected (among others) , , and foraminifera (Car- marine ecology since at least the Early Mesozoic. los et al. 1999, LaJeunesse 2001, Pochon et al. 2001, Dinoflagellates underwent a radiation at that time, and Baker 2003, Santos et al. 2003). Symbiosis is key to the most of the morphological features found in modern success of reefs over geological times, and may dinoflagellates already existed by the early be a major mechanism that enables corals to survive (Fensome et al. 1996). Co-evolution with scleractinian varying climate conditions (Stanley & Swart 1995, Bud- corals, whose modern symbiotic dinoflagellates of the demeier et al. 2004). However, dinoflagellate based genus Symbiodinium resemble the Late genus

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2006 · www.int-res.com 60 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 325: 59–71, 2006

Suessia, likely contributed to Early Mesozoic dino- phylotypes (Tchernov et al. 2004) have been indi- radiation (Fensome et al. 1996). This is cated, the biological and ecological significance of the supported by geochemical evidence that at least some present rDNA-based taxonomic division is yet unclear Triassic corals were symbiont-bearing (Stanley & (Savage et al. 2002). The considerable and confusing Swart 1995). In planktonic foraminifera, the earliest biodiversity of Symbiodinium spp., coupled with the record of photosymbiosis comes from the stable isotope complex nature of reef ecology and the wide diversity composition of tests from the and taxonomic ambiguities of scleractinian corals (Ro- (Houston & Huber 1998, Houston et al. 1999). A rapid mano & Palumbi 1996, Romano & Cairns 2000, Stanley radiation of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera species & Fautin 2001, Stanley 2003, Fukami et al. 2004), occurred in the and was followed by step- hinders clear understanding of flexibility, specificity, wise extinction of the group in the (Kelly et and evolution of this symbiosis. al. 1996, Norris 1996, Wade 2004). According to δ18O Many of the difficulties encountered in studies of and δ13C measurements in planktonic foraminiferal reef symbioses are absent from the poorly studied shells, the proliferation of modern pelagic symbioses pelagic foraminifera-dinoflagellate symbiosis. In the (mainly within the genus and Orbu- immense and moving pelagic fields of tropical and lina) occurred only in the Early (Norris 1996). subtropical surface waters, many fewer host species The dinoflagellate fossil record comprises organic- are present and both symbiotic partners are single- walled cysts produced by some members of the group. celled. The life cycle of symbiont-bearing planktonic Discovery of Polarella glacialis (Buck et al. 1992, foraminifera (Fig. 1) dictates that juvenile foraminifers Montresor et al. 1999), a free-living cyst-forming dino- acquire their dinoflagellate symbiont(s) from the ambi- flagellate resembling the fossil Suessia spp. thought to ent water shortly after fusion at each gen- be extinct since the Mesozoic, underlines limitations of eration, i.e. approximately once every 2 wk or once a the fossil record in reconstructing the evolution of month (Hemleben et al. 1989, Bijma et al. 1990). There- dinoflagellate symbiosis. fore, symbiosis is perpetually reset, and partners must In modern oceans, the most intensively studied find each other among the billions of cells dwelling in photosymbioses are those found in coral reefs. In these the water column. This differs from the complex acqui- coastal and mostly benthic ecosystems, the endo- sition modes in coral reef systems, where both vertical symbiotic Symbiodinium spp. enhances coral metabo- and horizontal transmission modes (Loh et al. 2001) lism and eventually by providing fixed and multiple symbiont acquisition events during the carbon through , while corals provide long ontogeny of a coral colony (Baker 2003) introduce protection and vital inorganic nutrients to their sym- greater symbiotic genetic complexity. bionts. In coral reefs, molecular methods uncovered an Pelagic symbiosis holds an important position in astounding diversity of Symbiodinium spp. phylotypes ocean ecology and has featured in numerous oceano- (LaJeunesse 2001, Pawlowski et al. 2001, Santos et al. graphic and geologic investigations (Emiliani 1954, 2002, Baker 2003, Rodriguez-Lanetty 2003, Pochon et Imbrie et al. 1973, Shackleton & Opdyke 1973, Hughen al. 2006). This diversity may assist corals in acclimation et al. 1998). The success and proliferation of many to changing conditions (Buddemeier & Fautin 1993, planktonic foraminifer taxa has been fueled by acqui- Rowan et al. 1997, Baker 2001, Baker et al. 2004, sition of symbiotic algae (Norris 1996). Over the past Rowan 2004). Corals of the same species in different few , molecular investigations demonstrated the geographic locations and under different physical existence of several genetic types within all classical conditions may harbor different Symbiodinium spp. planktonic foraminifer ‘species’ defined using morpho- phylotypes, and even within a single coral colony logical criteria (Huber et al. 1997, de Vargas et al. 1999, different symbiont phylotypes may be found in line de Vargas et al. 2002, Wade & Darling 2002). Thus, a with micro-ecological gradients (Rowan 1998, Baker molecular phylogenetic approach seems appropriate 2003). Furthermore, the symbiont community in a coral to start investigation of symbiosis within the planktonic colony may undergo significant population changes foraminifera. Until now, morphological (Spero 1987) following events of exposure to extreme temperatures and small subunit (SSU) rDNA-based investigations or light intensity (Trench 1993, Baker et al. 2004, Little (Gast & Caron 1996) of the dinoflagellates associated et al. 2004). with planktonic foraminifera both described a single Based on rDNA phylogenies and RFLP patterns, the species, Gymnodinium beii. Here we analyze faster Symbiodinium species complex is often divided into evolving large subunit and internal transcribed spacer ‘clades’ comprising many phylotypes (Rowan 1998, (LSU and ITS respectively) rDNA from hundreds Pawlowski et al. 2001, Baker 2003, Pochon et al. 2006). of individual hosts collected on a global scale, and While differences in physiology among Symbiodinium achieve a higher resolution in addressing questions of spp. clades (Fabricius et al. 2004, Rowan 2004) and symbiosis in this pelagic realm. Shaked & de Vargas: Diversity and evolution of pelagic photosymbiosis 61

brush, so that total DNA extraction targeted principally the genome of the host foraminifer and the hundreds of genomes of its endosymbiotic algae. Storage and DNA extraction of individual foraminiferal samples were performed as previously described in de Vargas et al. (2002). 4 Amplification and identification of DNA. Ribosomal DNA was amplified from hundreds of samples using standard PCR protocols and primers specific for for- aminifers or dinoflagellates. Foraminiferal DNA ampli- 5 fication, sequencing, and genotyping methods are described in de Vargas et al. (2002). For dinoflagellates, 3 we targeted regions of the rDNA covering the ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-2 and the D1 and D2 regions of the LSU. We used the specific forward primers S-Dino 5’-CGCTC- CCGATTGAGTGA-3’ located at the 3’ end of the 6 SSU rDNA and L-Din6 (5’-MCCCGCTGAATTTAAG- 2 CATA-3’) at the beginning of the LSU and the reverse primer L-Din1 (5’-AACGATTTGCACGTCAGTAC- 1 CGC-3’) in the LSU. Partial dinoflagellate LSU rDNA were directly sequenced from 189 individual planktonic foraminifera using an ABI 3100 Avant automatic sequencer as described in Tchernov et al. (2004). Longer fragments including the ITSs region (1.7 kb) were completed for 61 samples, priming the sequencing reac- tion with the internal primer 5.8S6 (5’-GCACCYDT- GAAGGGCGCAGCG-3’), located in the 5.8S gene. Fig. 1. Life cycle in modern symbiotic planktonic foraminifera. With this primer, in addition to S-Dino and L-Din1, an (1) Fusion of 2 foraminiferal gametes. (2) The juvenile fora- overlap of more than 400 bases was achieved between minifer grows by secreting successive chambers, each pair of consecutive strands. Shorter fragments and rapidly (as early as the 3-chambered stage) acquires photosymbionts from the ambient water into specialized cyto- spanning the LSU or ITS regions were sequenced using plasmic vacuoles. (3) multiply and colonize a single primer read. Based on genetic diversity obtained the growing foraminifer that begins to develop spines. (4) As in our large LSU rDNA sequence alignments, we de- an adult, the foraminifer spreads its symbionts along its spines veloped 2 additional methods for rapid detection of the to photosynthesize during the day, and brings them back into main genetic types within the symbiotic algae. the shell at night. (5) Before , the foraminifer consumes some of its symbionts and expels others; all First, an RFLP protocol was designed using the resources are focused toward production. (6) The restriction endonucleases Hpy 99 I, Mfe I, and Cla I foraminifer releases its gametes into the water and dies, the that target different sites within the region D2 of the carbonate shell sinking to the sea floor where it comprises LSU rDNA, and together allow the recognition of 4 much of the marine sediments in vast oceanic regions main genetic subgroups (see ‘Results’). The restrictions were performed at 37°C overnight in a total volume of 12 µl, containing 10 µl PCR product, 0.7 µl enzyme mix MATERIALS AND METHODS (Hpy 99 I: 0.5 µl; Cla I: 0.2 µl; Mfe I: 0.1 µl), and 1.2 µl of appropriate buffer. Restriction fragments patterns Sample collection and DNA extraction. Foramini- were visualized on 3% high-resolution agarose gels. fera samples were collected in situ using nets Second, genotype-specific primers were designed for (100 µm mesh size) from a ~200 m deep layer of surface use in multiplex PCR reactions. The reverse primers waters during transoceanic cruises in the Atlantic, YDG1.1 (5’-AGTRACTCCGCAGAGAAACGT-3’) with- Pacific, Indian, and Southern oceans, and at some off- in the LSU rDNA, and YDG1.2 (5’-ACACAACCRGCA- shore stations in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, GATGCACAG-3’), YDG2.1 (5’-CTGTGCAGGAGTT Sargasso, and Indonesian (Fig. 2). Planktonic fora- GGCRCAAT-3’), and YDG2.2 (5’-GGATCAAGAGAT- minifera were sorted and individually picked accord- CAAGAAGAC-3’) within the ITS-2 rDNA were used in ing to morphological species using a dissecting micro- combination with the dinoflagellate forward primer scope on board the vessels. Each foraminifer was 5.8S6 to produce specific products of different size and carefully cleaned in filtered seawater using a micro- identify the same 4 main dinoflagellate genotypes. 62 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 325: 59–71, 2006

150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150°

60° 60° Fig. 2. Sampling locations. Vf '97–'00 The occurrence of 4 O. universa morphospecies (Orbulina G. sacculifer 30° 30° universa, Globigerinoides G. ruber Eilat '98 sacculifer, G. ruber, G. G. conglobatus Sampling station conglobatus) of planktonic ° ° foraminifer that have es- 0 0 tablished symbiosis with AMT-8 '99 dinoflagellates is indicated Revelle '01 Melville '03 at each station. All mor- 30° 30° phospecies except G. con- globatus were almost uni- AMT-5 '97 versally collected at each Oiso '00 tropical-subtropical station 60° 60° between ~40°N and 40°S, independent of season. Cruise names and are 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° indicated

Each multiplex PCR targeted 2 dinoflagellate types in a option that allows the program to estimate model para- single amplification step (YDG1.1 + YDG2.1 + 5.8S6; meters. Multiple phylogenetic analyses were per- YDG1.2 + YDG2.2 + 5.8S6). The reactions were opti- formed for both the long and shorter rDNA fragments. mized and ultimately set as follows: annealing temper- Comparison of substitution rates between symbiotic ature 58°C, extension temperature 68°C, addition of dinoflagellate groups were performed with the RRTree

0.5 ml MgCl2 (25 mM) per reaction tube, common for- program (Robinson-Rechavi & Huchon 2000), using ward primer in a 2:1 concentration ratio compared to Karenia and Prorocentrum spp. as outgroups. Mean ge- each specific primer. PCR products were visualized netic distances (Tajima & Nei 1984) between groups after migration on 2% agarose gel. A total of 592 fora- were calculated using Mega software (Kumar et al. 2004). miniferal extractions were genotyped using the re- striction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and multiplex PCR approaches. Foraminifer host geno- RESULTS typing was performed for each DNA extraction, where dinoflagellates were identified as described in de Evolutionary history of dinoflagellates symbionts Vargas et al. (1999). All new sequences produced in of planktonic foraminifera this study are available in GenBank, accession numbers DQ195278 to DQ195376 and DQ198020 to DQ198077. We first analyzed all unique dinoflagellate LSU Phylogenetic analysis. Sequences were automati- rDNA phylotypes obtained from single planktonic cally aligned with Clustal X software (Thompson et al. foraminiferal cells of the morphospecies Orbulina 1997), and alignments were visually examined and universa, Globigerinoides ruber, G. sacculifer, and G. adjusted using the GDE program (Smith et al. 1994). conglobatus collected worldwide. The LSU rDNA Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed using the sequences were aligned with orthologous genes from maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor joining (NJ) free-living dinoflagellates of the Prorocentrum spp. approach implemented in PAUP* software (Swofford and Karenia spp. groups (chosen as outgroups follow- 1998). For maximum likelihood computations, the type ing a basic local alignment search tool [BLAST] search) of nucleotide substitution model and the use and shape and crude phylogenetic analysis of all dinoflagellate of the gamma-distribution were estimated through LSU rDNA available in GenBank. Closely related likelihood ratio tests based on our data and using the sequences of free-living Gymnodinium simplex and G. Modeltest program (Posada & Crandall 1998). The corii, and the only living member of the family Suessi- same parameters were used for Bayesian statistics aceae, Polarella glacialis (Montresor et al. 1999), were analyses, in which 4 Monte Carlo Markov Chains were also included in the analyses. All phylogenetic ana- run in parallel for 1000000 generations using MrBayes lyses reveal that the pelagic symbionts form a mono- (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001). For large data sets phyletic group, sister to the coastal-benthic Symbio- maximum likelihood phylogenies were generated with dinium species complex (Fig. 3). Maximum likelihood PHYML software (Guindon & Gascuel 2003), using the and bayesian statistics suggested that the free-living Shaked & de Vargas: Diversity and evolution of pelagic photosymbiosis 63

AJ291517 AJ291515 DINO13 Fig. 3. LSU rDNA phylogeny of suessiacean dinoflagellates that AJ311944 support most photosymbioses in modern oceans. Scheme is best DINO11asse AJ291516 reconstruction based on maximum likelihood (General Time AJ291514 AY186546 Reversible) and bayesian statistics. Time constraints (grey bars) AY186549 based on fossil evidence (Middle Triassic) and analyses of SSU AY186553 AJ308887 rDNA molecular clocks (Tchernov et al. 2004, Pochon et al. 2006). AY258901 Statistical supports given at each internal node in the following AJ311941 C AJ278599 order: maximum likelihood bootstrap/MrBayes probability. The 39/- AJ308890 geographic origin of each new sequence presented in this paper AJ278603 AJ278602 (Figs. 3 & 4) is given by the following: DE = Eilat; DT8 = AMT-8; AJ311943 DT5 = AMT-5; DMe = Melville; DRe = Revelle; DOi = Oiso; DVf = AF349552 AF349550 Villefranche. Sequences’ names starting with a letter other than D 100/100 21D1R&D2C were extracted from GenBank. Capital letters indicate clades AF353176 14LDIN1 20LDIN1 AF353174 AF353175 AF349545 AF349543 100/100 AF349542 H complex) 60/74 AF349544 AJ291529

AJ291535 pp.

AJ291533 s AJ291534 AJ308898 Maximum Likelihood AJ291531 AJ291512 109 sequences, 563 characters AF427462 AJ308895 F AJ308897 100/100 AJ308896 50/79 AJ291520 10% substitution/site AJ291521 AJ291528 AJ311949

AJ291527 (Symbiodinium AJ291526 AF427460 s 57/77 AF427457 AF427459 AF170144 U63484 B 100/99 AY684267

AY68426 ymbiont AF170140 s 100/100 AJ291539 Early 100/100 AJ291538 AJ291537 G AJ291536 AJ308899 97/100 98/100 AF396626 AJ308901 AJ308902 D tal-benthic

AF349547 s AF349546 AJ308900

100/100 AY684264 Coa AF427453 E AY684261 Middle AF427454 AJ311946 Triassic AF427455 AY68426 A 100/100 AY684262 AF170128 AF170152 AJ308903 83/100 AF427456 DE_33 DT8_32 DT8_170 93/100 DOi_211 DT5_174 P1 G.beii DT8_801 96/100 DT5_311 Pelagic symbionts DE_32 DT8_33 DT5_240 DT8_36 P2 49/59 100/100 DVf_13 Symbiotic DT8_299 DT5_292 100/100 Gymnodinium corii Gymnodinium simplex 100/98 Free-living Polarella glacialis AY266329K. 100/100 AY355458K. AY355457K. AY355459K. Karenia 100/100 AY355460K. AF318224K. AF260379P. 96/100 AF042813P. AF042816P. Prorocentrum AF042814P. AF042815P. 64 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 325: 59–71, 2006

Gymnodiniales are basal to the group of pelagic suggesting much lower rates of molecular evolution symbionts, while Polarella glacialis appeared as an (Fig. 3). Genetic distances from the ancestor Polarella ancestor of both pelagic and coastal-benthic sym- glacialis are, as a mean value, 3.42 times larger for the bionts, confirming their taxonomic classification within coastal-benthic symbionts compared to the pelagic the order of the Suessiales (Fensome et al. 1993, 1996, symbionts (Table 1). This calculation treats the Sym- Montresor et al. 1999). biodinium spp. as a single group; however, all Symbio- Perhaps the most striking feature of the symbiotic dinium clades except A evolved at a much faster rate, dinoflagellate tree is the huge differences in substitu- ~6 times faster than the pelagic symbionts. tion rates between the coastal-benthic and the pelagic Relative rate tests were performed to confirm that species. In the LSU rDNA phylogenies, the pelagic the benthic-coastal Symbiodinium species complex symbionts display significantly shorter branch lengths, evolved significantly faster than the pelagic symbionts

DT8_170 DE_33 DT8 170 DT8_34 A) DT8_3 P1b DT8_32 DT8_32 DE_32 G1 DMe_15 DE_34 DE_33 O. universa DE_32 DT8_690 DE_34 DT8_826 92 DT8_801 DRe_1734 DT8_943 DOi_136 DT8_423 DT5_304 DT5_124 DRe_1569 DOi_325 DT8_300 DT5_31 DT8_828 DT5_311 DRe_1771 DT8_82 DRe_2106 DT5_30 DOi_212 G. beii DT5_174 DT8_729 DT5_103 DT8_421 DRe_1852 G1 DT5_310 DT5_175 DOi_21 P1a DOi_213 DT5_144 DT5_311 DOi_135 DVf_34 95 DT8_35 O. universa DT8_646 DOi_21 DRe_1769 DT5_160 G. ruber DOi_211 DT5_17 DT8_802 DRe_185 G. sacculifer DT5_137 DT8_529 DT8_662 DT8_190 G. conglobatus DRe_1767 DOi_211 DT8_644 DT8_262 DT8_382 DT5_13 DT8_355 DT8_80 DT8_352 DT8_64 DRe_2104 DT5_10 DT8_160 DOi_1834 DT8_299 DT5_176 DRe_106 DT8_640 DOi_347 DRe_2105 DMe_100 DOi_1652 DMe_1458 DT5_314 DOi_345 DT8_362 DT5_353 2% substitution/site DT5_353 DT8_680 DT5_32 DT8_303 DT5_240 DRe_2103 DT8_13 DT8_302 DT8_191 DRe_1395 DT8_11 DT8_377– DVf_13 DT5_310– G2 DOi_346 DT8_689 DOi_2335 DT8_381– DMe_381 DT8_492– DMe_28 DT8_801– 99 DMe_49 DT5_308– DMe_13 P2b DT8_457– DMe_1579 DT8_645 DT8_36 DT5_104 DT8_12 O. universa DT8_824– DMe_58 DT8_827 DMe_1074 G. ruber DT8_679 DT8_33 DT5_307 DT5_394 G. sacculifer DT8_691 DMe_557 DT8_33 DMe_703 DT5_325 DMe_1050 DT5_240 DMe_832 DRe_1062 G2 DOi_489 DT8_299 DRe_918 DT8_36 DMe_70 DVf_13 DRe_156 DRe_1567 100 DRe_106 DT5_327 DRe_122 DRe_1571 DRe_121 DOi_139 DT5_125 P2a DRe_1065 DMe_568 DRe_1568 DT5_393 DRe_1219 DMe_833 O. universa DT5_251 DMe_568 DT5_292 DMe_330 G. ruber DOi_137 DT8_1000 DRe_1222 DMe_1000 G. sacculifer DRe_708 DT5_25 DRe_954 DMe_16 G. conglobatus DT8_35 DMe_14 DRe_952 DMe_33 DRe_1064 DMe_113 DRe_1397 DMe_54 DOi_135– DRe_5388 DT5_212– G. corii DMe_7338 DOi_138 DT5_292 P. glacialis G. corii LSU (including D1 + D2) P. glacialis 5.8 + ITS2 96 sequences, 390 characters 91 sequences, 394 characters

Fig. 4. (A) Comparison of maximum likelihood reconstructions using D1-D2 fragment of the LSU rDNA and ITS-2 gene. Trees demonstrate great redundancy in phylotypes sequenced from different hosts species and geographic locations. Note: data sets do not fully overlap. Arrow marks previously sequenced LSU rDNA of Gymnodinium beii (Wilcox 1998). (continued opposite) Shaked & de Vargas: Diversity and evolution of pelagic photosymbiosis 65

(Table 2). Most differences in rates of substitutions types were obtained from 189 individual foraminifer between the defined phylogenetic groups were statis- hosts analyzed in this study. In all analyses, which used tically significant (p < 0.005), ruling out the use of a LSU and ITS regions either independently or concate- simple absolute molecular clock to calibrate in time the nated, the rDNA diversity was split into 2 main clusters evolutionary history of marine dinoflagellate-based that we termed P1 and P2 (Figs. 3 & 4A). This main divi- photosymbiosis. sion may be comparable to the ‘clade’ level of separa- tion within the Symbiodinium species complex. Each of the main clusters P1 and P2 can be further divided into Genetic diversity and phylogeny within the pelagic 2 subgroups termed P1a-P1b and P2a-P2b (Fig. 4B). symbiotic dinoflagellates These subgroups are apparent when examining the D1-D2 region of the LSU and are supported by analyses The genetic diversity of the pelagic symbiotic dino- of our long rDNA fragments from the ITS1 to the is greater than anticipated from previous LSU (Fig. 4C). Note that our RFLP and multiplex PCR morphological and genetic studies, in which a single protocols were based on the LSU rDNA D1-D2 region species Gymnodinium beii was described (Spero 1987, and discriminated between these 4 genetic groups Gast & Caron 1996). In total, 21 dinoflagellate LSU ribo- (as presented in Fig. 4B,C).

B) DT8_32 DT8_32 C) 0.008 LSU 90/98/99 DE_33 21 phylotypes, ITS1-LSU 0.009 DE_33 P1b P1b 16 phylotypes, 525 characters DMe_157 57/85/56 1377 characters 0.012 DT8_170 DT8_170

DT8_801 DE_34 DE_32 0.004 98/95/99 DOi_325R P1a P1 DE_32 DT5_174

DOi_211 DT5_311 0.001 DMe_289 65/90/71 DT5_310 DVf_13 P1a DT8_36 0.004 DOi_211 DT5_240 P2b 84/55/100

0.5% DOi_3455 DT8_801

DT8_33 DT5_174 NJ distance 0.130 DMe_1458 100/100/100 DT8_36 DT8_299 0.001 DT5_292 49/82/63 DVf_13 DMe_832R P2a 0.003 53/90/64 DOi_489R P2b DT5_240 DT5_394R 0.005 70/76/– DT8_33 1% P2 branch length DT8_299 ML bootstrap/MrBayes consensus/ P2a NJ bootstrap 0.018 DT5_292

(Fig. 4 continued) (B) Details of partial LSU phylogeny using 21 unique phylotypes recognized in this study. (C) Phylogeny of 16 of the 21 unique symbiont phylotypes (all from Orbulina universa hosts) based on a long (1377 ) fragment of rDNA spanning ITS-1 to LSU. Globigerinoides species include G. sacculifer, G. ruber and G. conglobalus 66 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 325: 59–71, 2006

Table 1. Mean genetic distances (Tajima & Nei 1984) between free-living Gymnodiniales (corii-simplex), pelagic symbionts, coastal-benthic Symbiodinium spp., Polarella glacialis, and the Karenia-Prorocentrum spp. outgroup. Distances were calculated from the alignment used to generate the phylogeny of Fig. 3 using Mega software (Kumar et al. 2004). Genetic distances of pelagic and coastal-benthic clusters from their ancestor P. glacialis in bold. SD provided for each genetic distance (in parentheses)

Outgroup P. glacialis G. corii-simplex Pelagic symbionts Symbiodinium spp.

Outgroup (0.022) (0.025) (0.025) (0.036) P. glacialis 0.234 (0.016) (0.015) (0.030) G. corii-simplex 0.265 0.099 (0.012) (0.027) Pelagic symbionts 0.269 0.097 0.096 (0.027) Symbiodinium spp. 0.447 0.332 0.310 0.314

Abundance of pelagic dinoflagellate subgroups as diverse as P1a, with up to 10 phylotypes of similar and phylotypes abundance (Fig. 5A).

We surveyed the relative abundance of pelagic sym- biont subgroups using rDNA sequencing, as well as Host specificity RFLP and multiplex PCR. A total of 592 symbiotic dino- flagellates were thus assigned to 1 of the 4 genetic Symbiosis in planktonic foraminifera is clearly not subgroups shown in Figs. 4B,C. Out of the 21 unique species-specific (Fig. 4A & 5B). Our study encom- phylotypes, 2 were vastly dominant and comprised passes the full diversity of modern planktonic forami- most of the P1a and P2a subgroups (Fig. 4A). The nifera that have established symbiosis with dinofla- remaining 19 phylotypes had a significantly lower gellates, with special emphasis on the morphological abundance, most of them having been found only species Orbulina universa, where 3 genetically and once. Dinoflagellates belonging to the genetic sub- ecologically distinct types were previously detected groups P1a and P2a were overwhelmingly abundant, worldwide (de Vargas et al. 1999, de Vargas et al. representing 51.3% and 28.5% respectively of our 2004). Symbiont types P1b were only found in associ- total planktonic foraminifer samples collected world- ation with O. universa, and were predominantly from wide (Fig. 5A). Both P1a and P2a subgroups had a genetic type III (Mediterranean-type in de Vargas et small internal diversity (10 and 4 phylotypes, respec- al. 1999) (Fig. 5B). However, the genetic subgroup tively), with the great abundance attributed to a single P1b is rare, and its absence from the Globigerinoides dominant phylotype. The genetic subgroup P1b is rare: species may simply be due to the relatively small sam- we only recognized 23 ind. of this type (5.4%), and ple size of these host species (n = 37). Members of the only 3 unique phylotypes were sequenced. Subgroup 3 more abundant subgroups were retrieved from all P2b comprised 16.2% of our samples (96 ind.) and is genetic and morphological species of planktonic for- aminifera, proving their ability to colo- nize divergent hosts. In addition, multi- Table 2. Relative rate (Robinson-Rechavi & Huchon 2000) of rDNA sub- plex PCR allowed us to detect the stitution (Kimura model) between groups included in the phylogeny of presence of different dinoflagellate ribo- Fig. 3, using Karenia and Prorocentrum spp. as outgroups. Symbiodinium clade A was treated as a separate group: it displays much shorter branches types within a single host. Although the than other Symbiodinium spp. clades. R: ratio between substitution rates large majority of individual foraminifers within a group compared to substitution rates within another group relative contained a single ribotype, 37 occur- to the outgroup; p: the exact probability associated with the test; *p < 0.005; rences (11%) of multiple genetic sub- × –6 **p < 5 10 . Smaller p values associated with larger differences in sub- groups within a single foraminifer were stitution rates between lineages. Comparisons between pelagic and coastal-benthic symbionts are highlighted in bold observed. Most of these samples con- tained 2 different symbiotic dinoflagel- late types and a few foraminifera en- Lineage1 Lineage2 R p closed even 3 genetic subgroups. The G. corii-simplex Pelagodinium –0.44783 0.65428 rare occurrence of multiple symbiont- G. corii-simplex Symbiodinium spp. A –3.15401 0.00162* types within a single host clearly reveals G. corii-simplex Symbiodinium spp. B-H –5.78816 1 × 10–7** its ability to associate with different Pelagic symbionts Symbiodinium spp. A –2.89003 0.00386* dinoflagellate phylotypes and further Pelagic symbionts Symbiodinium spp. B-H –5.65599 1 × 10–7** confirms the flexibility of this symbiosis Symbiodinium spp. A Symbiodinium spp. B-H –3.16338 0.00156* between 2 pelagic unicellular organisms. Shaked & de Vargas: Diversity and evolution of pelagic photosymbiosis 67

G. sacculifer: 15 P2a A) B) 16% 20% G. ruber: 22 P2a: 169 P1b: 23 55% 4% 27% O. universa 80% 41% 15% Type I: 122 P2b 60% 78% 46% O. universa O. universa 32% 40% 15% 59% Type III: 342 Type II: 45 P1a 20% 29% P2b: 96 P1a: 304 27% 27% 1% 2% 6% P1b Host genetic and Dinoflagellate genetic O. universa O. universa O. universa G. ruber G. sacculifer morpho-species (n = 546) subgroups (n = 592) Type I Type II Type III Fig. 5. (A) Proportion of host foraminiferal species and symbiotic dinoflagellate genetic subgroups among symbioses analyzed in this study (Orbulina universa, Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber). Larger number of characterized dinoflagellate symbionts compared with hosts is due to presence of multiple symbiotic ribotypes in 11% of hosts. Symbionts of G. conglobatus were not included due to very low occurrence. (B) Proportion of symbiotic dinoflagellate genetic subgroups in the planktonic foraminiferal genetic and morphological species

DISCUSSION foraminifers with the letter ‘P’, for ‘pelagic symbionts’. However, a formal description of this new genus is in Our sampling most likely does not exhaust the progress. genetic diversity of dinoflagellate symbionts of plank- All genetic markers and analyses used herein in- tonic foraminifers. The 21 unique LSU types identified dicate that Polarella glacialis belongs to the ancestral here are a lower bound for the true diversity, and con- lineage that gave rise to all symbiotic dinoflagellates tinued investigation into more rapidly evolving regions (Fig. 3). In addition, our reconstructions suggest that of the genus will likely expand and refine this phylo- the free-living species Gymnodinium corii and G. genetic scheme. Nevertheless, the widespread sam- simplex are part of the Symbiodinium spp.-pelagic pling effort over different oceanic basins and seasons, symbionts cluster. They branch, with weak statistical together with the large number of redundant geno- support, at the base of the pelagic symbiont group types from ~600 individual foraminifers analyzed, (Figs. 3 & 6B). Our data can be interpreted as either 2 suggests that we unveiled most of the major phylo- independent endosymbiotic transitions from free- genetic features of this group of organisms. Note that living dinoflagellate lineages into coastal reef biota the biogeographic and seasonal distributions of both and pelagic foraminifera (Fig. 6B), or as a single symbi- host and symbiont genotypes will be discussed in otic event followed by a loss of symbiotic behavior in another study. the G. corii and G. simplex lineages (Fig. 6B). Given the impressive taxonomic range of hosts ‘infected’ by the Suessiaceae, a re-invention of symbiosis in the Evolutionary history of oceanic dinoflagellate-based pelagic realm would not be surprising (Rowan 1998). symbiosis The Suessiaceae have obviously ‘learned’ how to repeatedly colonize new forms of life, implying tran- The dinoflagellates that established photosymbiotic sient periods as free-living . Investigation of relationships with foraminifera in the planktonic realm other genes and additional free-living marine dinofla- form a monophyletic group directly related to the gellates, yet to be collected, may clarify the early evo- dinoflagellates of the Symbiodinium species complex lution of this major marine photosymbiosis. that are involved in benthic-coastal (mainly coral reef) symbioses. Thus, a family of genetically related dino- flagellates acquired the ability to form symbiosis with a Timing and rates of evolution of pelagic symbiotic wide range of protistan and metazoan hosts in sub- dinoflagellates tropical and tropical oceans. These dinoflagellates have invaded both benthic and pelagic marine Some constraints on the evolution of dinoflagellates domains, and sustained the survival of the majority of and their hosts are found in the fossil record, and modern marine calcifiers through photosymbiosis. thus provide additional information for further inter- Based on an absence of morphological characters, the pretation of our data (Fig. 6A). First, the extant first dinoflagellate symbiont of planktonic foraminifer Polarella glacialis, which roots all symbiotic dinofla- was classified into the highly polyphyletic genus gellates in our phylogenies, is linked to the Early Gymnodinium (Spero 1987). Here we labeled all fossil dinoflagellate Umbriadinium sp. (Pal- phylotypes of dinoflagellate symbionts of planktonic liani & Riding 2003), and more generally to the family 68 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 325: 59–71, 2006

A B C rella glacialis confirms interpretations of

mplex the fossil record and constrains the early spp. spp. onts evolutionary steps of dinoflagellate- based photosymbiosis in the early Meso- zoic (Fig. 6). Another time constraint

corii corii comes from recent and independent Polarella Polarella Pelagic Symbionts Symbiodinium Gymnodinium simplex PolarellaSymbiodinium Gymnodinium siPelagic Symbi COAST AL-BENTHIC & COAST AL-BENTHIC & molecular calibrations of the Symbio- 0 Plio. dinium species complex. The use of both Oligo. absolute (Tchernov et al. 2004) and re- Eoc. 50 laxed (Pochon et al. 2006) molecular Pal. clocks indicates that the origin of the modern Symbiodinium species complex 100 occurred after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, in the Paleocene or Early tonic

k . Finally, stable isotope measure- 150

Plan ments in the shells of planktonic fora- foraminifera

MESOZOIC CENOZOIC minifera indicate that some species Scleractinian Corals

Suessiaceae dinoflagellates established photosymbiosis in the late 200 Cretaceous and that major groups suc- cessfully diversified in the Paleocene

Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Jurassic Cretaceous Triassic Symbiotic thanks to photosymbiosis (Kelly et al. 250 Free-living 1996, Norris 1996, Berggren & Norris Time (Ma) 1997, Houston et al. 1999, Quillevere et Fig. 6. Macroevolution of suessiacean dinoflagellates. (A) Phylogenetic con- al. 2001). Stable isotope patterns suggest straints from fossil records of suessiacean dinoflagellates, scleractinian corals, and planktonic foraminifera (see text for detailed explanations and references). that these early photosymbioses For each group, the origin of the fossil record, its gaps, and its presence (abun- involved dinoflagellates (D’Hondt et al. dant or scarce) are schematically depicted. The asterisk indicates the presence 1994). The application of a crude, lin- of Polarella glacialis in modern plankton samples. This species does not fos- eage-specific molecular clock suggests silize but is firmly linked to triassic suessiacean based on morphological characteristics. (B,C) Two LSU rDNA-based macro-evolutionary scenarios that the origin of modern diversity in the leading to the rise of modern dinoflagellate-based marine photosymbioses. pelagic symbiotic cluster, or the first split Ma: million years ago between the clades P1 and P2, dates back to the Early Paleogene, and thus that early symbioses in planktonic fora- of the Suessiaceae. This family has been proposed to minifera involved dinoflagellates similar to today’s be the ancestor of the modern Symbiodinium spp. pelagic symbionts. (Fensome et al. 1996, MacRae et al. 1996), and a The time constraints imposed on our phylogeny great abundance of Suessiaceae cysts coincides with highlight the huge difference in rates of rDNA sub- the first appearance of scleractinian coral reefs in stitution between the pelagic and the coastal-benthic Middle Triassic times, 230 to 200 million years ago symbiotic dinoflagellates. In fact, it seems that there (Fensome et al. 1996, Fensome et al. 1999, Palliani & is an acceleration in evolutionary rates that starts Riding 2000, Stanley & Fautin 2001). In addition, with the slow-evolving Polarella glacialis, followed studies of ancient coral reefs together with stable iso- by the still slow pelagic symbionts, the Symbio- tope evidence from fossil coral skeletons suggest that dinium ancestral clade A with intermediate substitu- many of the early corals were photosymbiotic (Stan- tion-rates, and finally the fast-clock remainder of ley & Swart 1995, Stanley 2003). Symbiodium spp. Previously, accelerated rates of It appears that some suessiacean dinoflagellates mutation in parasitic and endosymbiotic established endosymbiotic relationships in coastal eco- compared to related free-living strains have been systems soon after their origination in the Triassic. As a noted (Lambert & Moran 1998). Two processes may result, they limited or even stopped the production of contribute to this phenomenon: (1) the small popula- diploid encysting forms, which are typically resistant tion size within a host, which generates recurrent stages for free-living organisms. Finding direct evi- bottlenecks at each host generation, causes increased dence to link the early photosymbionts with extant genetic drift and fixation rates, (2) the increased Symbiodinium spp. is thus hampered by the patchy na- reliance of the on its host leads to a ture of the fossil dinoflagellate record, based on cysts. relaxation of the purifying selection and possible However, the molecular phylogenetic position of Pola- damage to DNA-repair genes (Dufresne et al. 2005). Shaked & de Vargas: Diversity and evolution of pelagic photosymbiosis 69

These mechanisms may have affected the coastal- CONCLUSIONS benthic symbionts much more than the pelagic ones. Indeed, populations of the coastal-benthic Symbio- Foraminiferal symbiosis in the pelagic realm involves dinium spp. can be isolated in some large coral dinoflagellates genetically related to the coastal- colonies and vertically transmitted to the next host benthic Symbiodinium species complex. However, the generations. They can thus genetically drift in isola- pace and mode of evolution of the pelagic symbiosis ap- tion or relax their purifying selection for thousands of pears to be different. In open oceans, a lower diversity generations. On the contrary, pelagic symbionts are of symbionts with significantly lower rates of DNA sub- forced into a free-living stage every few weeks, at stitution, and obligatory free-living stages that occur each new host generation (Fig. 1), and thus con- every few weeks, sustains a seemingly highly flexible stantly re-seed the immense and worldwide genetic photosymbiosis. These may be necessary conditions pool of free-floating dinoflagellates available for new for survival in the plankton. The deep phylogenetic symbioses. branching of the pelagic symbionts species complex, the fossil evidence that Mesozoic and Paleogene plank- tonic foraminifera were photosymbiotic, and the Specificity in pelagic photosymbiosis marked absence of specificity observed in modern pho- tosymbioses, together suggest that these dinoflagel- The absence of patterns of co-evolution in our data lates were the major symbionts for the entire evolution- suggests that photosymbioses in the pelagic realm are ary history of pelagic foraminifera. Although the high sustained by a high flexibility in host-symbiont asso- flexibility involved in pelagic symbiosis apparently ciations. All dinoflagellate genetic subgroups were brings acclimation advantages over ecological time found in association with all foraminiferal morphologi- scales, the relative lack of biodiversity in the system cal and genetic species within the genus Globigeri- may threaten pelagic symbioses over longer, geological noides and Orbulina (Fig.5). At the level of the sym- time scales and lead to major extinction of the hosts. bionts’ LSU and ITS rDNA phylotypes, strictly identical sequences were harbored by different host species Acknowledgements. We warmly thank Swati Narayan-Yadav (Fig. 4A). In addition, although most of the foraminifer for technical support. Many thanks also to Roger Harris, Nico- cells analyzed herein contained a single pelagic sym- las Metzl, and Erica Goetze, who generously invited us to biont phylotype, 11% contained symbionts of different participate in trans-oceanic cruises in the Atlantic (AMT-5, genetic subgroups. AMT-8), Indian (Oiso), and Pacific (Revelle-2001, Melville- 2003) oceans. The Captains and the crews on board research This high flexibility between host and symbiont vessels ‘James Clark Ross’, ‘Marion-Dufresne’, ‘Revelle’, and species in the pelagial contrasts with the patterns of ‘Melville’ allowed data collection. Thanks finally to John specificity frequently observed in photosymbiotic asso- Dolan for his efficient editorial work, and to 3 anonymous ciations in coastal-benthic environments (Pochon et al. reviewers who provided constructive critiques on the original 2004). In coral reefs, the extremely long life of most manuscript. 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Editorial responsibility: John Dolan (Contributing Editor), Submitted: October 25, 2005; Accepted: December 16, 2005 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France Proofs received from author(s): October 9, 2006