VOLUME 11 (1969)

Ronald S. Wilkinson, Editor

Double number 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1969) was mailed on 1 1 December 1969. Double number 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1969) was mailed on 19 June 1970.

Published by THE MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY c/o Department of Entomology Michigan State University East Lansing, Mich'igan 48823, U.S.A. THE MICHIGAN ENTOMOLOGIST

VOLUME I1 (NOS. 1-4, 1969)


Edited by George C. Heator~


Beatty, G. F. and A. F. Beatty, United States Records of Williamsoniafletdzeri (Odonata: Corduliidae), 13.

Bixler, David E., The TarantulaAtypus mllberti in Michigan (Araneae: Atypidae), 29-30.

Evans, David A. and Bruce R. Miller. A Note on Adult Overwintering of Dasymutilla nignpes in Michigan (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), 74.

Johnson, Keith R., A New Species of Xiphosomella (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), 27-28.

Lemke, Armond E. and Vincent R. Mattson, An Emergence Trap for Aquatic , 19-2 1.

Manley, Gary A,: A Pictorial Key and Annotated List of Michigan Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida), 2-1 3.

Mignot, Edward C. and John 0. Sillings, Winter Occurrence of Zorotypus hubbardi (Zoraptera) in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, 72-73.

Ries, Mary Davis, Odonata New to the State List, 22-27.

Shiffer, Clark N., Occurrence and Habits of Sornatochlora incurvata. New for (Odonata: Corduliinae), 75-76.

Tigner, Timothy C., Three New Species and a Key for the Callidora (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), 3 6-3 9.

Townes, Henry, Tendipes plumosus (Diptera: Tendipedidae) at Solberg Lake, Wisconsin, 82.

Uetz, George W. and Dean G. Dillery, A Study of Spiders on Trees, 31-36.

Voss. Edward G., of the Douglas Lake Region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties). Michigan: I. -Ctenuchidae (), 48-54.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., Colloquia Entomologica 11: A Remarkable Sale of Victorian Entoniological Jewelry, 77-8 1.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., The Oldest Extant Specimens of North American Lepidoptera, 46-47.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., Seven Illustrations from Maurice Sand's Le Monde des Papillons (1867), 83.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., Townend Glover (1818-83) and the First Entomological Light Trap, 55-62.

Wilson, Louis F., The Capability of Some Butterflies as Carriers of Milkweed Pollen, 40-42. Wilson, Louis F., Shoreline Aggregation Behavior of Adults of a Midge, Chironomus sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae) at Solberg Lake, Wisconsin, 14-19.

Witter, J. A. and H. M. Kulnian, Estimating the Number of Eggs per Egg Mass of the Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), 63-71.


Advances iiz Phy.iiology, Vol. 5, brief notice by R. S. Wilkinson, 88.

Aizizual Review of Entomologj~,Vol. 14, brief notice by R. S. Wilkinson, 88

Cicindela. Vol. 1: No. 1 (1969), review by L. F. Wilson, 87-88.

Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L., Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Mites, brief notice by J. P. Donahue, 44.

Curwen's Aurelian Calendar (1970), review by R. S. Wilkinson, 85.

Darlington, Arnold, The Pocket Encj~clopediaof Plant Galls, review by L. F. Wilson, 42-43.

Donahue, Julian P., review ofMelanderia. Vol. 1 (1969), 85.

Donahue, Julian P., brief notice of Spiders and their Kin by Herbert W. Levi and Lorna R. Levi, 44.

Donahue, Julian P., brief notice of Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Mites by J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson, 44.

Levi, Herbert W. and Lorna R. Levi, Spiders and their Kin, brief notice by J. P. Donahue, 44.

Melanderia, Vol. 1 (1 9 69), review by J. P. Donahue, 85

Nelson, Sigurd,Jr., review of The Biology of Pseudoscorpions by Peter Weygoldt, 86.

Nelson, Sigurd,Jr., review of Introduction to Zoology by T. H. Savory, 43-44.

Rolston, L. H. and C. E. McCoy, Introduction to Applied Entomology, review by L. F. Wilson. 86-87.

Savory, T. H.. Introduction to Zoology, review by S. Nelson, Jr., 43-44.

Schmid. Michael and Bradford If. Endicott, ilfariposas de Venezuela, review by R. S. Wilkinson, 87.

Villiard, Paul, Moths and How to Rear Them, review by R. S. Wilkinson and J. P. Donahue, 84.

Weygoldt, Peter, The Biology of Pseudoscorpzons, review by S. Nelson, Jr., 86.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., review of Cunven's Aurelian Calendar (1970), 85

Wilkinson, Ronald S., review of Mariposas de Ve~zezuelaby Michael Schmid and Bradford M. Endicott, 87.

Wilkinson, Ronald S., brief notice of Advarzcrs in Insect Physiology,Vol. 5, 88 Wilkinson, Ronald S., brief notice of Annual Review of Entomology,Vol. 14, 88.

Wilkinson, Ronald S. and Julian P. Donahue, review of MothsandHow to Rear Them by Paul Villiard, 84.

Wilson, Louis F., review of Cicindela, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 969), 87-88.

Wilson, Louis F., review of Introduction to Applied Entomology by L. H. Rolston and C. E. McCoy, 86-87.

Wilson, Louis F., review of The Pocket Encyclopedia ofPlant Galls by A. Darlington, 42-43.


A analis, Campoplex, 36, 38. Abbot, John, 47. Anisoptera, 22. Acer, i I, 3 1-36; negundo, spiders on, Anisota rubicunda, in the Douglas Lake 31-32, 34; nigrum, spiders on region, 50; virginiensis, in the 3 1-32, 34; platanoides, spiders on, Douglas Lake region, 50. 31-32, 34-35; rubrum, 11, 31-32, annellata, Callidora, 38. 34; rubrum, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34; Anomalagrion hastatum, in Wisconsin, 24. saccharinum, spiders on, 3 1-32, Antheraea polyphemus, in the Douglas 34; saccharum, spiders on, 31-32, Lake region, 5 1. 34. Ants, 18; velvet, 74. Achaearanea tepidariorum, on maple Apamea americana, 84. trees, 32-34. Apantesis arge, in the Douglas Lake achemon, Pholus, in the Douglas Lake region, 53; nais, in the Douglas region, 50. Lake region, 53; parthenice, in the acrea, Estigmene, in the Douglas Lake Douglas Lake region, 53; phyllira, region, 52. in Douglas Lake region, 53; virgo, Actias luna, in the Douglas Lake region, in the Douglas Lake region, 53; 51. virguncula, in the Douglas Lake Acuminochernes sp., 3, 10-11, 12; region, 53. distribution in Michigan, 10-11. Aphidae, 3 1, 35. Agaristidae, of the Douglas Lake region, Aphlds, 31, 35. 51. aphrodite, Speyerza, as a carrier of albata, Clemensia, in the Douglas Lake milkweed pollen, 40-42. region, 53-54. Arachnida, 2-13, 29-30, 31-36, 77. alba, Melilotus, 54. Araneae, 29-30, 3 1-36. albidum,, 5 1. Araniella displicata, on maple trees, albovincta, Callidora, 36-38 ; Limneria, 38. 31-33. Alder. 75. Arctia caja americana, in the Douglas Allochironomus crassiforceps, 18. Lake region, 53. Alypra langtonii, in the Douglas Lake Arctiidae, 48, 5 1-53; of the Douglas Lake region, 5 1; octomaculata, in the region, 5 1-53. Douglas Lake region, 5 1. Areolopristomerus smithi, 28. Amatidae, of the Douglas Lake region, 54. arge, Apantesis, in the Douglas Lake americana, Apamea, 84; Arctia caja, in the region, 53. Douglas Lake region, 53; Argiophidae, on maple trees. 3 1-33. Malacosoma, 84. Asclepias sp., 50; syriaca, 40-42, 50; American Trap, 57-60. syriaca, pollen carried by Ampeloeca myron, in the Douglas Lake butterflies, 40-42. region, 50. Ash, green, 5 1 ; white, 5 1. .&phion nessus, in the Douglas Lake Asilidae, 18. region, 50. Aspen, bigtooth. 49 amyntor, Ceratomia, in the Douglas Lake aspersum, Enallagma, in Wisconsin, 25-26. region, 49. aspersus,,. ,. Ophiogomphus, in Wisconsin, Callosamia promethea. in the Douglas LL. Lake region, 5 1. assirnilans, Phragmatobia, in the Douglas terminale, 54. Lake region, 52. callus, Paisochelifer, 3, 9-1 0, 12; atrognatha, Callidora, a new species, distribution in Michigan, 10. 36-38. Cambarus, 18. Atypidae, 29-30. Campoplex analis, 36, 38. Atypus milherti, in Michigan, 29-30; violet, 50. nlger, 29. canadensis, Sphinx, in the Douglas Lake aurantiaca, Eubaphe, in the Douglas Lake region, 49; Viola, 50. region, 5 1-52; Holomelina, in the cancroides, Chelifer, 3, 9, 12; distribution Douglas Lake region, 5 1-52; in Michgan, 9. immaculata, Holomelina, 52. Carabidae, 18, 87. aurantiacum, Hieracium, 50. Caraboidea, 18, 27. aureola pacifica, Dasymutilla, 74. Carex pensylvanica, 6. Automeris io, in the Douglas Lake region, Carya, 5 1. 50. caryae, Halysidota, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. casta, , in the Douglas Lake banksiana, Pinus, 50. region, 5 3. Bees, 40, 87-88. Caterpillar, forest tent, estimating the , Carabidae, 18 ; beetles, 18, 54, 57, number of eggs per egg mass of, 77, 87. 63-71 ; tent, 84. bella, Nannothemis, in Wisconsin, 24: cecropia, Hyalophora, in the Douglas Utetheisa, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 5 1; Platysamia, in the region, 53; Utetheisa ornatrix, in Douglas Lake region, 5 1; Samia, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 3. the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. benzoin, Lindera, 5 1. Celerio gallii intermedia, in the Douglas Bergamot. wild, 49. Lake region, 50; lineata, in the Betula papyrifera, 5 1. Douglas Lake region, 50. bicolor, Lexis, in the Douglas Lake region, Ceramb ycidae. 72. 53; Tigrioides, in the Douglas Lake Ceratomia an~yntor,in the Douglas Lake region, 5 3. region, 49; undulosa, in the Bigtooth aspen, 49. Douglas Lake region, 49. Birch, paper, 5 1. cerisyi, Smerinthus, in the Douglas Lake Black cherry, 5 1. region, 49. Black maple, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34. Chela1 hand, taxonomic characters on Blueberry, 75. chela1 hand of pseudoscorpions, 4. bombycoides, , in the Douglas Chelicera, taxonomic characters on Lake region, 49. chelicera of pseudoscorpions, 4. Boxelder, spiders on, 31-32, 34. Chelifer cancroides, 3, 9, 12; distribution Brooches, insect, 77. in Michigan, 9. Browne, D. J., 56. Cheliferidae, 3, 12. brunneum, Microbisium, 3-4, 6-7, 1 1; Cheliferinae, 12. distribution in Michigan, 4, 6-7. Chehferoidea, 12. Bufo, 18. Chernetidae, 3. Bush honeysuckle, 50. Chernetinae, 3, 12. Butterflies, as carriers of milkweed pollen, Cherry, black, 5 1 ; pin, 5 1. 40-42. chersis, Sphinx, in the Douglas Lake Byrnes, Sarah, 55. region, 49. Chiracanthium inclusum, on maple trees, 32-33. caja americana, Arctia, in the Douglas Chironomidae. 14-19. 82. Lake region, 53. ~hironomusplumosus, 14-15, 18, 82; at Callidora albovzncta, 36-38; annellata, 38; Solberg Lake, 82; sp., shoreline atrognatha. n. sp., 36-38; key to aggregation behavior of, 14-19; species of, 37; surata, n. sp., 36-39; staegeri, 14. tegularis, n. sp., 36-39. choerilis, Darapsa, in the Douglas Lake Calliphoridae, 42. region, 50. Chokecherry, 5 1. cyathigeruin, Enallagma, in Wisconsin, Christy's moth trap, 60. 25-26. Chthoniidae, 3, 1 1. Cycnia tenera, in the Douglas Lake region, Chthonius tetrachelatus, 3, 6, 1 1; 51. distribution in Michigan, 6. Cicindela, 87. D Cicindelidae, 87. Dactylochelifer copiosus, 3-4, 9, 12; Cirsium muticum, 49. distribution in Michigan, 4, 9. Cisseps fulvicollis, in the Douglas Lake Danazis plexippus, 46-47. region, 54. Dandelion, 50. Citheroniidae, 48, 50; of the Douglas Darapsa choerilis, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 50. region, 50; myron, in the Douglas Clemensia albata, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 50; pholus, in the region, 53-54. Douglas Lake region, 50. Clubionidae, on maple trees, 32-33. Dasymzitilla aureola pacifica, 74; nigripes, Coenagrion interrogatum, in Wisconsin, overwintering of, 74; sackenii, 74. 24-25; resolutum, 25. Dendrochernes morosus, 3, 8-9, 12; Coleoptera, 18, 54,57, 77, 87. distribution in Michigan, 8-9. Colias eurytheine, as a carrier of milkweed Diacrisia latipcnnis, in the Douglas Lake pollen, 40-42; interior, as a carrier region, 52; virginica, in the of milkweed pollen, 40-42. Douglas Lake region, 5 2. colona reversa, , 53. Dictyna sublata, on maple trees, 32-33. colunlbia, Hyalophora, 5 1. Dictynidae, on maple trees, 32-33. Common milkweed, 40-42, 50: Diervilla lonicera, 50. pollination of, 40; structure of diffinis, Haemorrhagia, in the Douglas flower, 40-41. Lake region, 50; Hemaris, in the confusa, Haploa, in the Douglas Lake Douglas Lake region, 50. region, 53. Dinocheirus pallidus. 3, 10-1 1, 12; confusum, Microbisium, 3-4, 6-7, 1 1; distribution in Michigan, 10-1 1; distribution in Michigan, 4, 6. sp., 3, 11, 12; species, distribution congener, Lestes, in Wisconsin, 24, 26. in Michigan, 1 1. congnta, Estigmene, in the Douglas Lake Diplosphyronida, 6, 11. region, 52; Spilosoma, in the Diptera. 14-19, 31, 34, 42, 57, 82, 85, 88; Douglas r.ake region, 52. Tendipes plumosus at Solberg contigzia, Haploa, in the Douglas Lake Lake, 82. region. 53. dispar, Portherria. 84. copiosus, Dactylochelifer, 34, 9, 12; displicata, Araniella, on maple trees, distribution in Michigan, 4, 9. 31-33. Cordulegaster maculata, in Wisconsin, 22. disstria, Malacosoina, estimating the Cordulia shurrleffi, in Wisconsin, 22-23, number of eggs per egg mass of, 26. 63-7 1. Corduliidae, 13. Dolichopodidae, 85. Corduliinae, occurrence and habits of Drosophilidae, 3 1. 34. Somatochlora incurvata, 75-76. drupiferarum, Sphinx, in the Douglas Crambidia casta, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 49. region, 52; pallida, in the Douglas dzibia,Pristomeridia, 28; Xiphosomella, Lake region, 53. 27-28. Crayfish, 18. E crassiforceps, Allochironomus. 18. Cressonia juglandis, in the Douglas Lake imperialis pini, in the Douglas Lake region, 49. region. Cricotopus silvestris, 18. Eggs, counting forest tent caterpillar eggs, Ctenucha virginica,in the Douglas Lake 63-7 1. reglon, 54. egle, Euchaetias, in the Douglas Lake Ctenuchidae, of the Douglas Lake region, region, 5 1. 48, 54. Elder. box, spiders on, 31-32, 34. tcunea, Hyphantria, in the Douglas Lake Emergence trap, for aquatic insects, region, 52-53. 19-21. Enallagma aspersum, in Wisconsin, 25-26; cyatlzigerum, in Wisconsin, 25-26; glacialis, Leucorrhinia, 23. hageni, 25. glauca, Picea, 50. Estigmene prima, in the Douglas Lake Glover's moth trap, 56-60. region, 52; acrea, in the Douglas Glover, Townend, and first entomological Lake region, 52; congrua, in the light trap, 55-62. Douglas Lake region, 52. gordiuu, Sphinx, in the Douglas Lake Eubaphe aurantiaca, in the Douglas Lake region, 49. region, 51-52; ferruginosa, in the gracilis, Hemarss, 50. Douglas Lake region, 52, laeta, in grandidentata. ,49. the Douglas Lake region, 51; Green ash, 5 1. lame, in the Douglas Lake region, Gypsy moth, 84. 52. Euchaelias oregonensis. in the Douglas H Lake region, 51 ; egle, in the Haemorrhagia diffinis, in the Douglas Douglas Lake region, 5 1. Lake region, 50; thysbe, in the Euchromiidae, of the Douglas Lake Douglas Lake region, 49. region, 54. hageni, Enallagma, 25. eurytlzeme, Colias, as a carrier of Halysidota caryae, in the Douglas Lake milkweed pollen, 4042. region, 5 1; maculata, in the Evening-primrose, 50. Douglas Lake region, 5 1; excaecatus, , in the Douglas Lake ressellaris, in the Douglas Lake region, 49. region, 5 1. F reversa, 53; confusa, in the Douglas Lake region, 53;contsgua, Feaelloidea, 7, 12. in the Douglas Lake region, 53; Ferns, 75. lecontei, 53; militaris, 53. ferruginosa, Eubaphe. in the Douglas Lake hastatum, Anomalagrion, in Wisconsin, region, 52; Holomelina, in the 24. Douglas Lake region, 52. Hawkweed, orange, 50. fistulosa, Monarda,49. Hedge-nettle, 54. fletcheri, Williamsonia, United States Hemaris diffinis, in the Douglas Lake records of, 13. region, 50; gracilis, 50; thysbe, in Flies, flower, 3 1, 34; robber, 18; vinegar, the Douglas Lake region, 49. 31, 34. Hemerocampa leucostigma, 84. Flower flies, 3 1,34. Hemileuca lucina, 50; maia, 50, 84. forcipata, Somatochlora, 23, 75-76; in hesperus, Pseudogarypus, 3, 7 12; Wisconsin, 23. distribution in Michigan, 7. Forest tent caterpillar, estimating the Heteroptera, 57. number of eggs per egg mass of, Heterosphyonida, 6, 1 1. 63-7 1. Hickory, 49,5 1. Formicidae. 18. Hieracium aurantiacurn, 50. frigida, Leucorrhinia, in Wisconsin, 23, Holomelina, 48; aurantiaca, in the 26. Douglas Lake region, 5 1-52; Frogs, 18. aurantiaca ~mmaculata, 52; fucosa, Hypoprepia, in the Douglas Lake ferruginosa, in the Douglas Lake region, 54. region, 52; beta, in the Douglas fuliginosa rubricosa, Phragmatobia, in the Lake region, 51; lamae, in the Douglas Lake region, 52. Douglas Lake region, 52; opella fulvicollis, Scepsis, in the Douglas Lake nigrscans, 52. region, 54; Cisseps, in the Douglas Homoptera, 31, 35, 37. Lake region, 54. Honeysuckle, bush, 50. hubbardi, Zorotypus, winter occurrence G of, 72-73. gale, Myrica, 49. Hyalophora cecropia, in the Douglas Lake gallii intermedia, Celerio, in the Douglas region, 51; columbsa, 5 1; Lake region, 50. promethea, in the Douglas Lake Gedney, James, 56. region, 5 1. geminatus, Smerinthus, , in the Douglas Hymenoptera, 18, 27-28, 36-39, 40, 57, Lake region, 49. 74, 87-88; a new specles of Xiphosomella, 27-28; lame, Eubaphe, in the Bouglas Lake ovenvintering of Dasymutilla region, 52: Holomelina, in the nigripes, 74; three new species of Douglas Lake region, 52. Callidora, 36-39. Lamprochernes minor, 3-5, 7-8, 12; hyperboreus, Tendipes, 82. distribution in Michigan, 4-5, 8; Hyphantria cunea, in the Douglas Lake oblongus, 34, 7-8, 12; oblongus, region, 52-53; textor, 53. distribution in Michigan, 4, 7-8. Hyphoraia parthenos, in the Douglas Lake Lamprochernetinae, 3, 12. region, 53. langtonii, Alypia, in the Douglas Lake Hypoprepia fucosa, il~the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. region, 54; miniata, in the Douglas Lapara bombycoides, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 54. region, 49. I Lasiocampidae, forest tent caterpillar, 63-7 1. Ichneurnonidae, 27-28, 36-39, 85; a new latzpennis, Diacrisia, in the Douglas Lake species of Xiphosornella, 27-28;, region, 52; Spilosoma, in the three new species of Callidora, Douglas Lake region, 52. 36-39. Leatherleaf, 75. Zdiochelifer nigripalpus, 3-5, 9-10, 12; lecontei, Haploa, 53. distribution in Michigan, 9-10. Lepidoptera, 46-54, 56-57, 63-7 1, 83-85, imrnaculata. Holomelina aurantiaca, 52. 87; butterflies as carriers of imperialis pini, Eacles, in the Douglas common milkweed pollen, 40-42; Lake region, 50. forest tent caterpillar, 63-7 1. inclusurn, Chiracanthium, on maple trees, Leucorrhinia frigida, 23, 26; 32-33. glacialis, 23; proxima, in incurvata, Somatochlora, occurrence and Wisconsin, 23, 26. habits of, 75-76. leucostigma, Hemerocampa, 84. Insect brooch, 77; jewelry, 77. Lexis bicolor, in the Douglas Lake region, interior, Colias, as a carrier of milkweed 53. pollen, 40-42. Light trap, first entomological light intermedia, Celerio gallii, in the Douglas 55-62. Lake region, 50. Lilac>50. interrogatum, Coenagrion, in Wisconsin, Limneria albovincta. 38. 24-25. , 5 1. io, Automeris, in the Douglas Lake region, lineata, Celerio, in the Douglas Lake 50. region, 50. isabella, Isia, in the Douglas Lake region, lintneri, Williamsonia, 13. 52; Pyrrharctia, in the Douglas Linyphiidae, on maple trees, 32-33. Lake region, 52. Liparidae, 84. Isia isabella, in the Douglas Lake region, Lithosiidae, of the Douglas Lake region, C 1 J L. 53-54. J lonicera, Diervilla, 50. Jack , SO. lucina, Hemileuca, 50. jamicensis, Smerinthus, in the Douglas luna, Actias, in the Douglas Lake region, Lake region, 49. 5 1; Tropaea, in the Douglas Lake Jewelry, Victorian insect, 77. region, 5 1. juglandis, Cressonla, in the Douglas Lake luscitiosa, Sphinx, in the Douglas Lake region. 49. region, 49. Lycid , 54. pholus, in the Douglas Lake kalmiae, Sphir~x, in the Douglas Lake region, 54. region, 49. kennedyi, Sornatocl~lora, in Wisconsin, M - - maculata, Cordulegaster, in Wisconsin, 22; Halysidota, in the Douglas Lake L region, 5 1. laeta, Eubaphe, in the Douglas Lake maia, Hemileuca, 50, 84. region, 5 1 ; Holomelina, in the Malacosom arnericana, 84; disstria, Douglas Lake region. 5 1. estimating the number of eggs per egg mass of, 63-7 1. mandibulata, Melanderiu, 85. nais, Apantesis, in the Douglas Lake Maple, black, spiders on, 31-32, 34; region, 53. Norway, spiders on, 31-32, 34-35; Nunnorhemis bella, in Wisconsin, 24. red, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34; silver, Napoleon. Louis, emperor, 56. spiders on, 31-32, 34; sugar, negundo, Acer, spiders on, 31-32, 34. spiders on, 3 1-32, 34; trees, 1 1, Neobisiidae, 1 1. 31-36; trees. spiders on, 31-36. Neobisiinae, 1 1. Megachilidae, 85. Neobisioidea, 1 1. Melanderia mandibulata, 85. nessus, Amphion, in the Douglas Lake Melilotus alba, 54. region, 50. Mrrmithid worm, 82. Neuroptera, 21, 57. Microbisizrm brunneum, 3-4, 6-7, 11; niger. Atypus. 29. distribution in Michigan, 4, 6-7; nigripalpzrs, Idiochelifer, 3-5, 9-1 0, 12 ; confusum, 3-4, 6-7, 11; confusum, distribution in Michigan, 9-1 0. distribution in Michigan, 4, 6. nigripes, Dasymutilla, overwintering of, Micro clternes, 3. 74. Midge, Chironomus sp., shoreline nigricans, Holomelina opella, 52. aggregation behavior of, 14-19. nigrum, Acer, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34. milberti, Atypus, in Michigan, 29-30. Noctuidae, 48, 84. militaris, Haploa, 53. Norway maple, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34-35. Milkweed, common, 40-42, 50; flower Nymphalidae, as carriers of milkweed structure of common milkweed, pollen, 40-42. 40-41; pollen carried by butterflies, 40-42; pollination of 0 common milkweed, 40; species, , white, 72. 50. oblongus, Lamprochernes, 3-4, 7-8, 12; miniata, Hypoprepia, in the Douglas Lake distribution in Michigan, 4, 7-8. region. 54. octomaculata, Alypiu, in the Douglas minor. Lamprochernes, 3-5, 7-8, 12; Lake region, 5 1. distribution in Michigan, 4-5, 8. Odonata, 13, 22-27, 75-76; new to Mites, 88. Wisconsin, 21-27; occurrence and modesta, Pachysphinx, in the Douglas habits of Somatochlora incurvata, Lake region, 49. 75-76. Monarda fistulosa, 49. Oenothera, 50. Monosphyronida. 7. 12. opella iligricans, Holomelina, 52. morusus, Dendrochernes, 3, 8-9, 12; Ophiogomphus aspersus, in Wisconsin, 22. distribution in Michigan, 8-9. Orange hawkweed, 50; scale, 56. Moss, sphagnum, 75. oregonensis. Euchaetius, in the Douglas Moth, gypsy, 84. Lake regon. 5 1. Moths, 59, 84; of the Douglas Lake ornatrix bella, Utetheisa, in the Douglas region, 48-54; trap, American, Lake region, 53. 57-60; trap, Christy's, 60; trap, Orthoptera, 5 6-57. Glover's, 5 7-60; trap. Studd's. 6@61. murarium, Theridiotr, on maple trees. Pachysphznx modesta, in the Douglas .\;-" 32-33. Lake regon, 49. mu ticum, Cirsium,49. pacifica, Dasyn~utillaaureola, 74. Mutillidae, overwintering of Dasymutilla Paisoclzelifer callus, 3, 9-1 0, 12; nigripes, 74. distribution in Michigan, 10. Mygalomorphae, 29-30. pallida, Crambidia, in the Douglas Lake myops, Paonias, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 3. region, 49. pallidus, Dinocheinrs, 3, 10-1 1, 12; Myrica gale, 49. distribution in Michigan, 10-1 1. myron, Ampeloeca, in the Douglas Lake palustris, Stachys, 54. region, 50; Darapsa, in the Douglas Paonias excaecatus, in the Douglas Lake Lake region: 50. region, 49; myops, in the Douglas Myzus persicae, 88. Lake region, 49. Paper birch, 5 1. papyrifera, Betula, 5 1. Popultis grandidentata, 49. firasernia parthenos, in the Douglas Lake Porizontinae, three new species of, 36-39. region, 5 3. Porthetria dispar, 84. parthenice, Apantesis, in the Douglas prima, Estigrnene, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 5 3. region, 52; Spilosorna, in the parthenos, Hyphoraia, in the Douglas Douglas Lake region, 52. Lake region, 53; Parasernia, in the Pristomeridia du bia, 28. Douglas Lake region, 53. Pristomerus, 27-28;smithi, 28. parvus, Pselaphochernes, 3-4, 8, 12; promethea, Callosarnia, in the Douglas distribution in Michigan, 4, 8. Lake region, 5 1 ; Hyalophora, in pensvlvanica, Carex, 6. the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. pernix, Philodromus. on maple trees, proxima, Leucorrhinia, in Wisconsin, 23, 32-33. 26. persicae, Myzus, 88. virginiana, 5 1. Petiver, James, 46-47. Psela~hochernesparvus, 3-4, 8, 12; Phidippus, 30. distribution in Michigan, 4, 8. Philodrornus pernix, on maple trees, Pseudogarvpidae, 12. 32-33; rufus, on maple trees, Pseudogarypus hesperus, 3, 7, 12; 32-33. distribution in Michigan, 7. Plilegethontius quinquemaculata, in the Pseudoscorpiona, 11, 86. Douglas Lake region, 49. Pseudoscorpionida, of Michigan, 2-1 3. Pliolus achemon, in the Douglas Lake Pseudoscorpions, 2-13, 86; annotated list region, 5 0. of Michigan species, 6- 1 1; of plzolus. Darapsa, in the Douglas Lake Michigan, 2-13; pictorial key to region, 50; Lycomorpha, in the Michigan species, 3. Douglas Lake region. 54. Purple vetch, 5 0. Phragmatobia assimilans, in the Douglas Pyrrharctia isabella, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 52: fuliginosa region, 5 2. rubricosa, in the Douglas Lake region, 52. Q phrygianus, Pityohyphantes, on maple quinquemculata. Phlegethontius, in the trees, 32-33. Douglas Lake region, 49. phyllira, Apantesis, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 3. R , 50. Rana, 18. Pieridae, as carriers of milkweed pollen, rapae, Pieris, as a carrier of milkweed 4042. pollen, 4042. Pieris rapae, as a carrier of milkweed Ray, John, 46. pollen. 40-42. Red maple, spiders on, 31-32, 34; pine, Pin cherry, 5 1. 50. Pine, jack, 50; red, 50; Scots, 50; white, resinosa, Pinus, 50. 50. 75. resolutum, Coenagrion, 25. pini, Eacles imperialis, in the Douglas reversa, Haploa colona, 53. Lake region, 50. Robber flies. 18. Pinus banksiana, 50; resinosa, 50; strobus, rubicunda, Anisota, in the Douglas Lake 50; sylvestris. 50. region, 5 0. Pityohyphantes phrygianus, on maple ru bricosa, Phragmatobia fuliginosa, in the trees, 32-33. Douglas Lake region, 52. platarzoides, Acer, spiders on, 3 1-32, rubrum, Acer, 11, 3 1-32, 34; spiders on 34-35. 3 1-32. 34. Phtysamzia cecropia, in the Douglas Lake rufus, Philodrornus, on maple trees, region, 5 1. 32-33. plexippus, Danaus, 46-47. S plumosus, Chirorlomus, 14-15. 18, 82; at saccharinum, Acer, spiders on, 31-32, 34; Solberg Lake, 82; Terzdipes, at spiders on, 3 1-32, 34. Solberg Lake, 82. sackenii, Dasymutrlla, 74. polyphemus, Antheraea, in the Douglas Samia cecropia, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 51; Telea, in the region, 5 1. Douglas Lake region, 5 1. Sand, Maurice, seven illustrations from his sublata, Dictyna, on maple trees, 32-33. Le Monde des Papillons, 83. Sugar maple, spiders on, 31-32, 34. , 5 1. surata, Callidora, a new species, 36-39. Sassafras albidttm, 5 1. sylvestris, Pmus, 50. , of the Douglas Lake region, Syntanidae, of the Douglas Lake region, 48, 50-5 1. 54. Scale, orange, 56. syriaca, Asclepias, 4042, 50; polleu Scepsis fulvicollk, in tlie Douglas Lake carried by butterflies, 40-42. region, 54. Syringa vulgaris, 5 0. Scots pine, 50. Syrphidae, 31, 34, 88. scudderi, Stylurus, in Wisconsin, 22. Swamp thistle, 49. Sedges, 75. Sweet-clover, white, 54. setoni, Xiphosomelb, a new species, Sweet gale, 49. 27-28. shurtleffi, Cordulia, in Wisconsin, 22-23. 26. Silver maple, spiders on, 3 1-32, 34. Tamarack, 75. silvestris, Cricotopus, 18. Tarantul3 in Michigan, 29-30. Smerinthus cerzsyi, in the Douglas Lake Tarmacurn sp., 50. region, 49; geminatus, in the tegularis, Callidora, a new species, 36-39. Douglas Lake region, 49; Telea polyphemus, in the Douglas Lake jamaicensis, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. region, 49. Tendipedidae, Tendipes plurnosus at smithi, AreoZopristomerzts, 28; Solberg Lake. 82. Pristomerus, 28. Tendipes hyperboreus, 82; plumosus, at Somatochlora forcipala, 23, 75-76; in Solberg Lake, 82. Wisconsin, 23; incurvata, tenera, Cycnia, in the Douglas Lake occurrence and habits of, 75-76; region, 5 1. kennedvi, in Wisconsin, 23; Tent caterpillar, 84; forest, estimating the wabhii. in Wisconsin, 23. number of eggs per egg mass of, Speyeria aphrodite, as a carrier of 63-71. milkweed pollen, 40-42. tepidariorum, Achaearanea, on maple Sphagnum moss, 75. trees. 32-34. Sphingidae, 48-50, 84; of the Douglas termmale, Calopteron. 54. Lake region, 48-50. tessellaris,Halysido ta, in the Douglas Lake Sphinx canadensis, in the Douglas Lake region, 5 1. region, 49; chersis, in the Douglas tetrachelatus, Chthonius, 3, 6, 1 1 ; Lake region, 49; drupiferarum, in distribution in Michigan, 6. the Douglas Lake region, 49; Tetragna tha viridis, on maple trees, 3 2-33. gordius, in the Douglas Lake Tetranychidae, 88. region, 49; hbniae, in the textor, Hyphantrin, 53. Douglas Lake region, 49; Theridiidae, on maple trees, 32-34. luscitiosa, in the Douglas Lake Theridion murariurn, on maple trees, region, 49. 32-33. Spicebush, 5 1. Thistle, swamp, 49. Spider brooch, 77. Tl~omididae,on maple trees, 32-33. Spiders, 29-30.31-36. thysbe, Haemorrhagia in the Douglas Spilosoma congrua, in the Douglas Lake Lake region, 49; Hemaris, in the region. 52; latipennis, in the Douglas Lake region. 49. Douglas Lake region, 52; prima, in Tigrioides bicolor, in the Douglas Lake tl~e Douglas Lake region, 52; region, 5 3. virginica, in tlie Douglas Lake Toads, 18. region, 52. Townend Glover, and first entomological Sprucc, white, 50. liglit trap. 5 5-62. ~tach~spalustris, 54. Traps, moth, 57-60; Christy's moth trap, staegeri, Chzronomus, 14. 60; emergence, for aquatic insects, strobus, Pinus, 50. 19-2 1 ; first entomological light Studd's moth trap, 60-6 1. trap, 55-62; Glover's moth trap; Styhrrus scudderi. in Wisconsin, 22. 57-60; Studd's moth trap, 60-61. Tropaea luna, in the Douglas lake region, 51. undulosa, Ceratomia, in the Douglas Lake region, 49. utetheisa bella, in the Douglas Lake region, 53; ornatrix belra, in the Douglas Lake region, 53. v Velvet ant, overwintering of Dasymutilla n igripes, 74. Vetch, purple, 50. Vicia sp., 50. Viola canadensis, 50. Violet, Canada, 50. Vinegar flies, 3 1, 34. virginica, Ctenucha, in the Douglas Lake region, 54; Diacrisia, in the Douglas Lake region, 52; Spilosoma, in the Douglas Lake region, 52. virginiensis, Anisota, in the Douglas Lake region, 50. virgo, Apantesis, in the Douglas Lake region, 53. virguncula, Apantesis, in the Douglas Lake region, 53. viridis, Tetragnatha, on maple trees, 32-33. vulgarb, Syringa, 50. W Walnut, 49. ~valshii,Somatochlora, in Wisconsin, 23. Wasps. 40. White ash, 51; oak, 72; pine, 50, 75; spruce, 50; sweet-clover, 54. Wild bergamot, 49. Williamsonia fletcheri. United States records of, 13; lintneri, 13. Worm, mermithid, 82. X Xiphosomelln, a new species of, 27-28; dubia, 27-28; key to two species of, 27-28; setoni, a new species, 27-28. z Zoraptera, winter occurrence of Zorotypus hubbardi, 72-73. Zorotypus hubbardi, winter occurrence of, 72-73. Zygoptera, 22.