Highlights on the Deterioration of Rock Art at Unfinished Quarry in - Abd El-Hakim A. El- Badry1, Mona F.Ali2, Nasser G.Abd El-Ghafour3

1 Ministry of Antiquities, Luxor, Egypt 2 Department of Conservation, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, 3 Department of Raw Building Materials & their processing, HBRC, Cairo, Egypt Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Abstract: 1. The unfinished obelisk quarry in Aswan is one of the most important archeological sites in Egypt. This site contains very important rock art panels (paintings and inscriptions) which give the site further importance and are concerned with the activities of the quarry. Rock art panels at this site are subject to different kinds of physical, chemical and biological deterioration as a consequence of their exposure to the direct action of aggressive atmospheric agents (extreme temperature, wind, chemical weathering ,salts pressure and the rising water table from the canal at the site) and anthropogenic deterioration factors so; they suffer from different deterioration phenomena such as exfoliation, granular disintegration, detachment, salt crystallization, aesthetic disfigurement and chemical alterations. For this purpose, the chemical, physical and structural characterization were performed by means of Polarizing Microscope (PM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) attached with EDX, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Infrared analysis (I.R) and microbiological study. The results have shown that these panels suffer from many crystallized salts such as sodium chloride and calcium sulfate (anhydrite or gypsum) and alteration of feldspars to clay minerals. Key words:

Rock art, rock inscription, unfinished obelisk, Aswan, granite, deterioration, vandalism, physical enhancement.

1. Introduction Rock art is a term normally applied to (paintings and inscriptions) which give the paintings and engravings on natural rock site further importance and are concerned surfaces (1). The unfinished obelisk lies in with the activities of the quarry and had a the northern granite quarries at Aswan direct relationship to the life in the quarry in (Fig.1a,b,c) and this quarry is a site of the ancient times. The results of the tremendous importance, being one of the excavations carried out by the Supreme most impressive quarries in the world and a Council of Antiquities, Aswan office in 2002 monument over ancient Egyptian technology, provide that, many new discoveries such as yet not completely understood (2). It derives quarry tools, different techniques of stone its name from the fact that a colossal obelisk extraction, unfinished objects and the most (dating to the eighteen dynasty, the reign of famous is discovering rock art panels, all or Thutmose III) was abandoned these rock art panels located above granitic at an advanced stage in the process of bedrock face extends for about 45 meters. extraction due to faults or cracks in the stone (4,5) divided rock art in the site generally to (3).This site not only supplied the Ancient the follow images; A group of dolphins or Egyptians with raw materials to erect their fishes? In different sizes (Fig.2 (b)) although temples, tombs, colossi and most Egyptologists identified that figures (Fig.2(a)) all over the history but also represent dolphins. Hawss; considered them contains very important rock art panels kind of fish called Thamus, well known and 2 still to be found in Lake Nasser. A group of of calculating daily excavation and related to ostriches, standing persons holding sticks the ancient Egyptian calendar. In addition to (Fig.2(c,d)) obelisks and boats; the standing the previous rock paintings, the quarry obelisks in different levels and sizes while contains rock engravings represented in the some of these boats appear to be carrying inscription of Thutmose III, which containing obelisks or large blocks of granite ,Bes (the the royal decree to cutting obelisks from the dwarf deity) depicted to protect and entertain quarry in year 25 of Thutmose's reign, and the workers during the hard work in the scratch marks are related to the ancient quarry, geometric figures, group of work Egyptian calendar. level lines and hieratic dates; both are method

Fig.1(a) Map of Aswan area (b) Satellite image from Google (c) Unfinished obelisk quarry and unfinished obelisk quarry. Earth of granite quarries at Aswan. from Google Earth.

a b

c d

Fig. 2 (a) View of unfinished obelisk quarry at Aswan. (b) Dolphins or fishes with black pigment. (c) A group of ostriches with red pigment. (d) A standing persons holding sticks with red pigment. 3

1.1. Conservation State:

Rock art panels at unfinished inappropriate treatment with a solution of obelisk had been exposed to either burial, Paraloid B 72 for consolidation the support aerial (exogentic) environments and of rock art (wetted granite) directly after its endogenetic factors, whereas endogenetic discovery from burial environment (7). related to the physical, mechanical, and All the previous conditions lead to a chemical properties of the rock itself, and lot of deterioration forms of rock art at exogentic factors include environmental unfinished obelisk quarry in Aswan (Fig.4 agents such as wind, sunlight, temperature, (a-d)) such as exfoliation, granular moisture, rain vegetation, biotic, human disintegration, detachment, salt being agents, in addition to the rising crystallization, aesthetic disfigurement and ground water table from the canal at the site chemical alterations. Aesthetic (Fig.3 (a-f)) which helps the water and disfigurement through deposit minerals on moisture to penetrate along the vertical, the surface that may cover the art and horizontal fractures and cracks in granitic appearance of white and grey or black areas bedrock and caused severe damage for rock or rain channels on rock art panels due to art such as; Salt efflorescence, growing the rains or runoff water (8) which also vegetation and higher plants, furthermore dissolves soluble pigments, causing anthropogenic deterioration factors play an paintings to fade (9) more than that this important role in the deterioration of rock water can also dissolve minerals and art through application of some substances precipitate salts on or near the surface (10). to increase photographic contrast between These salts contribute to the weathering of the scenes and rock substrate (surface) rock art through thermal expansion, during the documentation process, which is hydration and crystallization pressures (11) called the physical enhancement (6) some in the form of detachment scales of of these materials include the use of water superficial stratum of rock art as a result of and chalk, both of them have been used for sub florescence, that is the most dangerous documenting the rock art at unfinished kind of salt crystallizations (12) salts could obelisk quarry and they caused a serious be lead to loss of some rock paintings damage, fading the rock surfaces and details due to quick evaporation of saline destroying the radiocarbon dating. solutions with aid of sand-blasting by wind. Another factor of anthropogenic Granite has a low thermal deterioration is that, quick discovery and conductivity (13). Barton, 1916 noted that sudden exposure for rock art panels during the temperature of the granite surface in excavations from burial to aerial Aswan reached near to 80º C during the environment, both have a different summer (14), that led to weathering conditions and caused the deterioration processes through thermal shock and resulted in environmental shock. The quick thermal stress fatigue, through repetition on discovery caused quick dryness for panels a diurnal or seasonal scale, this caused the from moisture and its water content, granular disintegration or the production of causing the fading of the paintings and salt new fractures in the support of rock art crystallization forms such as (15,16). efflorescence...etc. The third anthropogenic deterioration factor represented in using


a b c

d e f

Fig.3 Deterioration factors affecting rock art at unfinished obelisk quarry: (a) Rising of ground water table. (b) Vertical and horizontal fracture in the panels. (c) Salts efflorescence. (d) The vegetation and higher plants. (e) Wrong documentation using chalk. (f) Inappropriate treatment using Paraloid B 72.

a b

c d

Fig.4 Deterioration forms of rock art at unfinished obelisk quarry at Aswan: (a) White and black areas due to rains. ( b) Detachment of thin outer layer of rock art support. (c ) Loss of some rock paintings details. (d) Granular disintegration and aesthetic disfigurement.. 2. Materials and Methods Some weathered samples of granite and (XRD) to identifying their mineralogical, paintings flakes from rock art surfaces at chemical components, alteration features unfinished obelisk quarry were studied by and deteioration products, in addation to scientific methods; Polarizing Microscope deteriming the painting media. (PM) Scanning Electron Microscope Biodeterioration study also carried out to attached with Energy dispersive X-ray define microorganisms classes found in the analysis (SEM-EDX), X-ray diffraction samples.


3. Results :

3.1. Polarizing Microscope (PM) Study:

Petrographic study for some a result of chemical solutions has been weathered samples of rock art support observed in some of the quartz grains. revealed that, the granite rock is granular Sometimes the biotite altered to sericite, texture and consists of quartz, potash while albite crystals contained many cracks feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, with minor (Fig.5 (d)). Some of accessory minerals like amounts of biotite, hornblende and (iron allanite present in some samples, feldspars oxides). Biotite and hornblende represent are represented by plagioclase, microcline the coloured minerals in the rock; they and microcline perthite. The plagioclase is occur as minor constituents of the rock. highly weathered to clay minerals and Biotite occurs as subhedral to anhedral largely replaced by very fine particles of flakes and show wavy extinction (Fig.5(a)), sericite appearing pale grey (Fig.5 (e)). and the alteration of some biotite to iron Potash feldspar is represented by oxide (hematite) which stained the rock microcline, which occurs as fine to coarse with brownish colour, the samples subhedral to anhedral crystals; contained both zircon and hornblende characterized by cross hatching twinning, crystals (Fig.5(b)).The samples exhibit sometimes occurs as elongated crystals as a alteration of the biotite to clay minerals result of mechanical strain or stress, with (green chlorite) (Fig.5(c)). Quartz occurs as marginal corrosion (Fig.5(f)).Large grain fine to coarse (0.4-1.5 mm diameters) and of microcline is strongly altered to kaolinite forms interlocking anhedral crystals filling as a result of chemical weathering the interstices between feldspars. It is (Fig.5(g)). Microcline perthite occurs as mostly fresh; however, some of the quartz subhedral to anhedral crystals, mostly grains contained wide fractures as a result cracked (Fig.5(h)). of mechanical stress. Marginal corrosion as

3.2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) investigation:

Scanning Electron Microscope become permeable and accelerate the rate (SEM) examination of some weathered of deterioration (Fig.6 (b)). A widespread sample of granite has revealed that; the coating of different salts is the major major deterioration for rock art represented weathering feature such as halite and varied in abundance of soluble salts in addition to phases of gypsum. Halite crystal usually a high degree of weathering for the rock as occurs in cubic form, produce a kind of follows; different microcracks which have vuggy pockets (Fig.6(c)), while gypsum long and narrow sharp ended cracks, in phases occur in cluster and distributed in addition to transgranular and intergranular the cavities and vugs and penetrate towards fractures which caused the disintegration inside (Fig.6 (d)). Extensive penetration of and decohesion among the mineral grains fungal hyphae inside the stone structure, (Fig.6 (a)). Cavities and vugs are very large which caused pitting or alveolar weathering and deep inside stone structure and lead to inside feldspars and biotite grains (Fig.6 (e- increasing the porosity causing the granite f)).


a b c

e f d

g h

Fig. 5 The examination of granite samples under polarizing microscope: (a) Wavy extinction in biotite crystal.(b) Hornblende, zircon and biotite grain altered to iron oxide. (c) Biotite altered to iron oxide and chlorite. (d) Biotite altered to sericite and albite contains crack. (e) Allanite and plagioclase altered to sericite. (f) Quartz, microcline and biotite grain altered to sericite. (g) Microcline cross hatching twining altered to kaolinite. (h) Microcline perthite contains crack.

a b c

d e f

Fig.6 The SEM micrographs of weathered granite samples from rock art support: (a) Disintegration and decoheshionof granite grains. (b) Large, deep cavities inside stone structure. (c) Cubic crystal of sodium chloride. (d) Crystals of anhydrite and gypsum. (e) Fungal hyphate inside stone structure. (f ) Weathered feldspars with clay minerals. 7

3.3. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD):

X-ray diffraction results of granite feldspars(albite,NaAlSi3O8) and microcline, samples (Fig.7 (a-d) &Table.(1)) have KAlSi3O8)biotite,K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2, identified, the presence of quartz SiO2 as Anhydrite,CaSO4, calcite, CaCO3 and halite major mineral in most of the samples, while (NaCl) were represented in weathered the minor minerals are represented by samples.

3.4. Energy dispersive X- ray analysis (EDX):

The results of EDX analysis of granite calcium (Ca), high sulfate (S), a presence of samples (Fig. 8(a-d) and Table(2)) have Na and Cl, In addition to the high amount indicated that, the granite samples contain of potassium (K) and Aluminum (Al) and high iron (Fe), high concentration of low ratio of Ti.

a b




c d ]

A B A A B A Figure. 7 XRD patterns of granite samples from unfinished obelisk quarry.

Table.1 XRD patterns of granite samples from rock art at unfinished obelisk quarry.


a b


c d


Fig.8 EDX patterns of granite samples from unfinished obelisk quarry. Table.2 EDX patterns of granite samples from unfinished obelisk quarry.

3.5. Infra red analysis (I.R):

I.R spectra of black and red pigments egg-yellow and Arabic gum I.R. stander from the rock art on granitic bedrock at shows that, the medium which was used in unfinished obelisk quarry show absorption studied rock art was Arabic gum. According bands at the following wave numbers: λ3546, to (Ahmed, S.A. &Abbas, H.K., 2011) the 3409,3200,1625, 1618,1384, 1381,1092,1030 previous pigments consisted of hematite and 1024 as shown in (Fig.(9) and table(3)). (Fe2O3) as red pigment and carbon (c), as By comparison study with, glue albumen, black pigment. 9

Fig.9 I.R spectra of black and red pigments from rock art at unfinished obelisk quarry.

Table 3 FTIR results of rock art pigments medium from unfinished obelisk quarry.

3.6. Isolation and identification microorganisms:

Microbiological analyses revealed Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, the presence of bacteria and fungi at Alternaria alternate, Paecilomyces carneus, average contamination levels (Fig.10 (a-h) and Cladosporum uredinicola, Also Gram and Table (4)). For the isolation of fungi, positive- sporing form of Bacillus sp., plate count method was used, the plates Bacillus insolitus, Bacillus alcalophilus, contained Czapek’s agar medium (17).The bacteria were identified. same method was used for the isolation of bacteria,by using nutrient agar medium a (NA) (18).The Isolated fungi were identified at least to the genus level depending on their morphological characteristics using light microscopes according to (19). The fungal strains isolated from the weathered granite belong to the genera; Fig.10 (a) Petrie dishes of bio-colonization.


b c

Aspergillus niger Aspergillus flavus

d e f

Paecilomyces carneus Alternaria alternate Cladosporium uredinicola Fig.10 (b-f) Fungi isolated from rock art panels at unfinished obelisk quarry.

g h

Bacillus insolitus Bacillus alcalophilus Fig.10 (g-h) Bacteria isolated from rock art panels at unfinished

obelisk quarry.

Table 4 Microorganisms species isolated from rock art supports from unfinished obelisk quarry.

4. Discussion:

The famous unfinished obelisk quarry in previous techniques (paintings and engravings Aswan is one of the most important or inscriptions). The rock paintings made of archeological sites, in it was a two natural pigments red and black with source for supplying ancient Egyptian with the paintings media (Arabic gum). raw materials of granite for the establishment The rock art at unfinished obelisk quarry their civilization. Rock art at unfinished obelisk suffers from several deterioration factors; quarry carried out on granite surfaces by two physical, chemical ,biological and 11 anthropogenic. Anthropogenic deterioration pollution that, threaten the rock art in situ. The factors include the preparation method of granite deterioration phenomena of rock art at surfaces (polishing or smoothing with a" unfinished obelisk quarry in Aswan are varied grinding stone" which leads to variation and such as; exfoliation, granular disintegration, difference in its physical properties such as the scaling, cracks, fractures, salt crystallization perceived texture, color and gloss (20) and also (efflorescence, sub-florescence), discoloration, generates structural stresses in the rock(21), in in addition to fading, flaking and loss of the same manner, the nature, the mineral paintings. composition, the binder and the method of Petrographic Studies have revealed application of the pigments, all have an impact that; the deterioration of granite was subject to upon pigment response to deterioration factors both physical and chemical weathering as in the ambient environment. follows; both orthoclase and microcline are Liquid pigments are able to penetrate slightly or strongly altered to kaolinite and deeper inside the rock, hence they are more sericite. This feature is cleared by the fissures and cracks that are invading the rock, most of resistant to deterioration if compared with dry pigments and those applied as a paste easily biotite and quartz grains make the wavy peeled off (22), in addition to application the extinction clear as a result of mechanical physical enhancement process on rock stress. Some biotite altered to chlorite or iron inscriptions using water and chalk. oxides as a result of chemical solutions and the liberation of iron oxides which stained the Before the previous mentioned factors; the rock with a brownish color. Moreover some quick discovery during excavations and sudden quartz grains contained cracks may be due to exposure of rock art panels from burial to aerial the preparation process of rock art surfaces by environment caused immediate destruction or grinding stones. deterioration after the discovery due to environmental shock and consolidation of rock SEM Studies have revealed that; the art later by inappropriate treatment with a deterioration of granite showed that the collapse solution of Paraloid B 72 in acetone solvent, all of the internal structure of the stone disintegration and decoheshion between grains the previous measures caused deterioration aspects of rock art such as; fading, peeled off as a result of many crystallized salts especially paintings and salt crystallization forms. halite, gypsum and anhydrite which exhibit macro and microcracks, fissures and pits inside Generally, the soil of Aswan area is the internal structure of rock, furthermore known to be saline this suggests that, rock art alteration of feldspars to clay minerals and the panels buried for thousands of years will growth hayphae of biodeterioration within the eventually become salinized through salt- stone’s pores. transporting ground water since the construction of the first dam on the Nile and the High Dam XRD Studies have revealed that; the near Aswan .The ancient canal at unfinished granitic support of rock art consists of quartz, quarry represents the main factor of microcline, albite, biotite as main components in deterioration rock art in the site, as a source of addition to calcite as secondary mineral, some water and saline solutions which lead to the samples also contained anhydrite and halite destruction of rock art panels and motivate salts. Feldspars minerals and biotite are main growing vegetation and higher plants (23, 24, components in granite rocks; anhydrite is 25) that also could cause some accelerated assumed to be the result of transformation of the weathering to rock art in situ. Inhabitants gypsum, which caused the surface layer (population) mass around the site promoted the detachment. Also in this case, both of anhydrite quantity and variety of observable stone and gypsum mostly may have been associated deterioration; seepage and leakage water, rising with seepage water from ancient canal or air ground water table, visual disfigurement, air pollution. Some authors have specifically postulated that these crusts are formed by 12

combination of sulfates from air pollution the decrease of silica (Si) content in granite and Ca from feldspars (26,27 ). X-ray samples and this loss is due to alteration diffraction patterns also revealed that weathered process. In addition to the high amount of granite samples contained a high mount of potassium (K) and Aluminum (Al) respectively aggressive salt, sodium chloride NaCl due to attributed to feldspars content of the rock and soluble salts from soil in consequence of direct the presence of titanium (Ti) and potassium (K) contact and adjacency between granitic bedrock correlated with the content of alumina or (rock art support) and the water from the ancient alteration processes. canal recently discovered at site and the ancient Bio-deterioration Studies have revealed egyptian used it to facilitate the transportation that; the isolated fungi and bacteria from the granite blocks from the quarry to the Nile (28). granitic rock art were of these species: Fungi such as; Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus flavus, EDX Studies have revealed that; the Alternaria alternata, Paecilomyces carneus and support is highly weathered by deterioration Cladosporium uredinicola, bacteria such as; factors as follow; high iron (Fe) content due to Bacillus alcalophilus and Bacillus insolitus. alteration process of iron oxides; convert these genera of microorganisms were cleared by ferrous-iron to ferric iron (29) which cause SEM, and their growing correlated with coloration of granite with brown, beige to red environmental factors and presence of feldspars colors. A high concentration of calcium (Ca) in granite as a source of nutrients for them (30) may be attributed to calcite, originated from also they play aggressive role in physical and decomposition of feldspars. The relatively high chemical weathering of rock art through they sulfate (S) and (Ca) contents in the samples may contribute to acid dissolution, oxidation, be attributed to the crystallization of calcium chelation by organic acids or other substances sulphate salts (anhydrite and gypsum). (Na) ions produced by the fungi (31) and physical perhaps attributed to sodic or plagioclase fracturing induced by root hyphae. feldspars components in granite, furthermore the high concentration of chlorine (Cl) and sodium FTIR Studies have revealed that; the (Na) in the samples suggested that the medium which was used in rock paintings on the degradation of granite was also due to the granitic bedrock at the unfinished obelisk quarry crystallization of sodium chloride NaCl. On the was Arabic gum. other hand the results of EDX also revealed that

5. Suggestions and Recommendations:

• Re-design development schemes for • Legislation should forbid the population mass adjacent to the inappropriate methods in unfinished obelisk site to minimize archaeological documentation of their impact upon the archaeological rock art by application physical site or move it away. enhancement process using water, • Completion the archaeological chalk and other substances. excavations in the site via • Recording methodologies should systematic methods. use non-destructive techniques • Re-habitation of rock art site which don't cause damage to rock through design site management art being recorded. contains foot paths or walkways, • Before conservation procedures of (boardwalks), guidance signs, rock art sites, it's necessary to assess informative signs, low fencing to the current condition, the risks from guide visitors over a site and humans, natural causes, the barriers around the panels as environmental pollution and the protective procedures. adjacent setting. 13

• First, before the conservation works microorganisms growth in the begin, it is necessary to prevent the future. contact with groundwater from the • Monitoring the site to observe any ancient canal and keeping water out re-colonization, if this occurs in any of the rock art through change the substantial way, then repetition of waterway in the canal or design a treatment may be required. pipeline system or using covered • Applying water diversion system drainage. through opening natural drainage • Removing and cleaning vegetation lines or drainage channels using and higher plants in the site sand, cement and the rock on the mechanically and chemically by roof of granitic bedrock for allowing using chemical pesticides. the water to run off far away from • Consolidation the weak granitic the panels. panels with ethyl silicate; Estel 1000 • Applying dripline technique using 15% in white sprit by suitable mean appropriate silicone water repellent pipette, brushing or Injection (32). on vertical panels to prevent them • Removal soluble salts by suitable from direct water erosion (flow) by poultices cleaning with protective rains effects. layer of long fiber tissue paper • Redirecting water emanating from (Japanese or hemp) for protecting cracks or fissures through using water sensitive pigments in rock silicone building sealant to fill paintings. narrow cracks or fissures, while • Dry biological colonization's must large ones must be filled with be removed from the rock support Schlarge foam product then silicone by dry brushing then applying sealant applying (33). chemical treatment with suitable pesticides to forbid the References:

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