It rRANC19 P CLARK U(UORIAL L IBRARY ( U~IV Of NOlR[ DAU(" ~ Most ~L·;,~1·~~---d-~George J. Bisk~p ncimed . as coadjutor to Archbishop Paul C. Schulte Worcester Des Moi~es Ordin·aiy has · '-- r' will support the right of ~uccession_ new housing ly FRED W. FRIES Bishop George J . Biskup WORCESTER, Mau.-DlshqJ> or Des Moines, lo., has llernard J , Flanagan of Worrts• been n o m e d coodjulor ler has lhrown his moral i upeort orchblsh.op wilh. lhl! right and lhe economic help of the or succession to Archbishop dlore,r hehlnd a new Worcrslcr venturr lo secure adequate hous­ ' Schulte. The announcement lnR for the poor and oppressed or lhc appointment by ope In the community. ___ Paul VI was made thi past -w e-d n e s d a y b}l Msgr, In a leller lo area priests last Franco Brombil , charge week. lhe hl,hop urged that each d'aHolrcs or t apostolic parish buy fi\'c shares or the delegation in ··woshlnglon, stock or ~llcah Corporation and D.C. · that " e,·ery ramily which can afford II" buy 11 least one share.

' . Al Crllcrlnn press time Thu rs day mornln~ there wu no lnd i, cation as to wh1•n lhe new Co­ adjutor Archhishop or tndlanap.' oils, who Is 55, ' would arri,·c to lake o,·cr hi; new post. ------'------AT A FORMAL pr,ss ron!er- __VOL.__ VII,___ NO. 41 _ .....,I___ NDIANAP,OLIS_ ..;______, IND., JULY 2~.a... ,' __1''7 encr on Wedn~sday 11 lhe Chan, crry Ofllce, Archbishop Schulle stated that the new Coadjutor's New pastors announced appointment wu elfrrtl,·e with the announcement Crom Rome and 1h11 no formal lnslallatlon ceremo_ny will be held. _lie did by the Chancery· Office 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Thr Chancery Olllce this week dlanapoli's whu SIUdlcd II s~ announ~rd the appointment ol )lrlnrad Seminary, f'or six " In some Instances,'' the, cor• Definition two pislori and the r1rs1 assign­ irars PJ••·lous lo his norkl'llle poratlon said, "additional work A coadjutor trchblahop with mrr1 or a nr"•ly,ordalnrd prlrsl. P••toratc F a I h c r Gardner on the . dwelling by the family the right of 1ucct11lon 11 • SCrl'l'd 3S J¥SIOr ,or SI. An, anliclpatlnR occupancy may' be f'ather llrnry J , Gardner. ~I. thon)"s, Chlnt This Is f'alher lllular arc~blahop who eul,ts pastor the past to years 11 SI. \ I • II contributed and credlled toward lht rt1ldtnll1I, archbhhop In a down payment," J olc1>b'• parish. llorkvlllr. was . oran s rst pasloratr. lht 1dmlnl1lrotlon of lht arch, n•mrd pastor or SI, llrrnadelle's t'ath rr Charles Uurkhar( who MICAH IN Worcester has al• dlocut and In lht txtrclat of parish. Ind ia napolis. lie will returned this monlh lrom' lhc, lht dutlu ultlng from lht ready· sold some 1.375 shares o( surreed r ather Wlillam O'Urlcn, ·010~)" studlrs In llome, wlll be­ common voting stock with a $20 tplacopal rink. "With right of who died sc,·crel wcrks ago, rome assistanl paslor or SI. An- par value, for a total of S27,500. 1ucctulon" mt1n1 that ht II was Incorporated under the will 1ucc1ed lht rtaldtnllal Succerding lo the llork\•lllc drcw·s parish, Richmond. ( Continued on paae 7l 1rchbl1hop whtn the l1lltr pas1ora1e Is Father La"•rrncc J, All three appolnlments will be 1ot1 out of office, In lht u, Moran, 40, who has been •ssis- cllrctll'e on Augu, t 2. • trclu of rtaponslblllty, the lanl pastor or SI. Andrew's par­ The Chancery Olllce also con, cotdlutor Is 1uldtd by hl1 ltl• l'h, Rlthmond, since 1959. lie will also ler\'c as admin1s1ra1or llrmed the appointment or Fa• Offieial ler of appolnlmtnl(,from lht lhcr llrrman Briggeman as Holy Set tnd by lht dlrtcllona or lmmarul11~ Conception par, I&~ •• ~lonlrzuma . !oundin~ pastor or the nc"·I>·· IRICTION OF of lftt rtaldtntltl 1rchbl1Mp. 1•rcc1ed S1. Thomas ~lore parish, SAINT THOMAS MORI Brookville native 1111111111111111111111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111u Bolh Falhrr Gardner and t'a, )loorravlllc. I Sec Olllclal this PARISH, MOORESVILLE, lher Moran arc nallvu 'of la, pace.) lndlcalc, however, that I public will celebrate recepllon will be srhrdulrd We Mreby cenonlcelly eatab, , hurlly alter Cuadjulor. Arch, llah a new pariah In the tewn EPHESUS, Turkey - Pope' Council of Ephesus WIS held In hlshop Dlskup;s arrll'II. of Moomvllle under the 1111• First Mass Sunday Paul Vi's second day In Turkey 431, 11 which the dogma that In ' a rcrerencc to Archbishop of ind dtdlceted to Saini was spent In I pllsrlmage of Mary wu truly the mother of Schultc's practice or using 1 Thomu More. The par)ah t· ather Charles Uurkharl, who faith to some of Christianity's God w11 upheld against Ncs, bMindarlu will a.. 11 fellew11 was ordained In Rome last De• torlus. slnRlc adjustable gq)f club In h1s flrsl beg_lnnlngs. regular golr games on lndlanap, ltglnnlftl 1 1 ,.,. lnltrseclltn cembcr 17, will oiler his First I I THE POPI prayed amid the olis' public links, • reporter of the Putnim•M•ri•n Ceunly Solemn Mus In his home par- The papa Pane landed at ruins of the apse In which a ATl,ANTA, Ga.- Arrhhlshop commented durlna the pi-cu 1:lnt and lnltralelt RHd 70- ish, St. Michael's, al Urook,•llle, Izmir, modern name or Smyrna, cross WIS specially crecteH. l'aul J. llalllnan of Allanla hn cunferenrc that he has heard ult tn'lhteratate Rea,I 70 Suhday, July 30, at 3 p,m. lie 11 11 and Pope Paul prayed brieny WIS the hlah ;nl or) lhe hrcomc the lhlrd member or the that the new 'coadjutor uses " I Flynn,Trotter Rud-Mutt, .., • Is lhe ,on or Mr. and MrsS Rob- at the Latin-rite cathedral or Ephesus ,•hit. sin 11 ,ynlhe- U.S. Catholic hierarcliy to sign run bag ol clubs.'' " In 1h11 ' Flynn,Trelltr RHd te Ceunty ert Durkhart, Urookvllle, Saint John In Izmir. Then he sized the Pope's often-pro• •. "NeGotlatlon Now" petition case," Archbishop Sc h u I t e Line RHd-tut .., Ceunty Mlnlslers of the Mass will i n, was driven more than SO miles claimed devotion 10 Mary, his asking the U.S. government to quipped, " he \ol'III have to gl\'t Lin• Road le Mer11n,John1tn elude: Very Rev. George Saum, through the orchards and truck concern 'tor upholding tradl• stop the homhlng of North Viet• me strokes," County Line • RHd-Mulh tn V.F., SI, Michael's pulor. arch­ gardens or the Anatolian plain tlonal Church teachings, and his nam and take sleps loward a . Mor1an,John1M Ceunty Lina priest; Father Kenny t. Sween­ to the ruin city or Ephesus, h truce f'ollowinR Is lhe text of the closely associated with the 1pprecl1tlon for I e dcclvons or · formal stalcmcnt of welcome Read le Whtie Rl••r-th• ey, deacon; and Father- Carl Dlcssed Virgin, SI. John and St. ·ecumenical councils. ~ Earlier, Bishop Vlrtor J. Reed wut .., 'White River le the Shumaker, subdeacon. The lu ucd by Archbishop Schulte to Paul. · Leavlna the ruined basilica, or Oklahoma City-Tulsa and the press: County RHd lxtenaltn ef In• homily will be given by f"athcr th p t t d th I Auxiliary Ulshop John J . Dough, dlana Hl1hw1r 142-wut .., Saum. Leaving his car, Pope, Paul h ope nex ourc e runs ..rty or Newark. president of 0 r'1 th " We are pl;as,d to extend 1 the Ceunty RHd laltnaltn ef walked up to the council ba, e Roman uter In front or Scion llall Unlversily, agreed to hcarly wc)come to Archbishop lndlant Hllhw•r 142 and In• A reception will be held In the sillra. or double church, the wlllch SI. Paul tried to preach he listed among tlfc drl\'e's spon, parish school auditorium from George Biskup, who todty has dlana Hl1hwtJ 142 and Ind• first church In the _,~orld dedl• ChrhtlanllY and was shouted been appointed coadjutor arch• Jana Hllhway 142 uttncMd 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. rated to Mary. Tffe colossal down by devotees or the goddesr sors, blshoJ>, with the rlaht ~s~~•:•· WIii le the Mer11n•Puln1m 1 f'alher Ourkhut wu gradu• ruins marked the site where the. Diana or Ephesus. Among the 01her sponsors slon, in lhe Archdloces n, Ceunty Ll-rth .., the ated from St. Melnrad's College Pope r.aul's next stop WIS are Dr. Martin Luther Kini:, dlanapolls, ,ATHH OAlllDNIII FATHH MOUN Mer11n•Putn1m c-iy Lin• and recch•ed his theological ll1drl1n'1 temple, considered theologian llelnhold Niebuhr. ,. lnleraltl• RHd n. Unlfll preparation 11 the North Amer!, Peru bishops ask the most beautiful or all. build• aulhor William I,, Shirer, and IIIIUIIIIIIUlllllllilllllllllDIIIUlllllllllllllllllllAOUORIIUWUl11111UlllllllllllffllllllllllllllttlllllUllillllllllUIIIUIIOlllllU-llllll U olMrwlse neted, 11,e boundary can Collea• In Rome. Ina• that survive In Ephd'us ,to, ,•1lltor Norman Cousins. • lints are In the middle ef . 1trHl1 er rHds, sweeping .reforms· day. Pope Paul 1110 walked to •-.'[brpetltlon has three main the library.of Celius and to the 1,olnts: I) support or United Na, Pope Paul: The 'Church is not a' ghetto Henctferlh, all Calhellu llv, •aora or market P!•ct. lions Secrelary Ge n er a I U LIMA, Peru - Sweepln& re• VATICAN CITY-Thouah mentlslly I sell, ln1 within theM .._....,111 RITURNING lo his car, the Thant's call for negotiations world, II Is o~ lht• thrtad of lhh rcl1tlon1hlp forms In Peru's economy and sulficlcn,I Institution, Pope Paul VI \ aid, "The ~ ' will IMk le the Plllff ef II, Pope WIS driven up I nearby amoni: all parties to the war; that the (,'hurch will wu,•• lls llrsl labrlr wllh 'Mer• perlah fer their public 1dmlnl1tr1Uon have been <;hurch Is not a &hello or • closed 1oclc1y ... ™"'11 ur,ed by the nation's bishops 11 mountain covered by I rclores• ~, an uncondltlonal end to the the ~·orld. 1plrllutl 1uld1nce end needs. tatlon project, known II the bombing or North Vietnam by "The Church Is In · the \ol'orld-not or the lhelr annual n11lon1I meetln& The ptrlah church, ef II. Vlrsln llary Forest Planlatlon, the U.S. and • U.S. lnlllatl\'e to, world but for the world." " II wlll nevtr be 1nll,socl1I, 1ntl,111tt, antl­ Them11 Mere Is leuled et here. to a 1ln11l shrine, said to be the ward • truce; 3) Soulh Viet• cullural, nor, we ms)' add, anll•modern. Tbe 1200 Herth Indiana ltnet, "The present ,11u1tlon In Peru tut house In which Mary lived namcsc cooperation In these The Pontlll WIS conllnulna at his re1ular MMtenllle. demands Joint action,'' the prel• before her death, After praying steps. · weekly audience (July 19) the Second Vatican Churcli' wlll ncvtr be • stran1er irhtrt It hu Council theme he has develo~d ollrn In re, We hereby reMrwe lhe rlahl 11u told' their countrymen. brteny In a tiny two-room put out Its rools, because the· Church 1prln11 le divide 11,e pariah ef It. They held up Pope Paul Vl'a chapel, the Pope also visited Defead• mecbocl cent wceks-!he Church's relallonshlp with lhe lrom mankind. II h mankind ltaell railtd to a Them11 Mete whtn and where recent encyclical "On the De, the nearby convent di French modern world. su11trlor crade of new Ille. ,•elopment or Peoples" 11 a Sisters or Charity of St. Vincent ST. LOUIS-A, aroup of 33 SI. In eur lud• ment we deem • .ti• l.ouls area laymen slaned a VIIIM 1dvl1tlile, 1ulde to Immediate activity In de Paul before returnln1 to "The Ch~rib does not pruclnd from 1h11 "This dots not mun 1h11 lhe Church Is social reform. Ephesus aaaln to visit the b•· petition ddendln& the preient fulldamcntal f1ct-tll1t II la Immersed In hu, revolullonuy: reformln1, YH,-'snd renewln1, Given at the Chancery 0,. silica of St. John. 1y1tem or nlectlna•members or man society which 1peakln1 ulltenllally, pre- Pr01re11 toward a belier Ure lhe hierarchy. The petition took -bul ne1·er capable of hatlna and kllllnc. II Is flee, lndltna,-111, 11111 22IMI . cedes ii, condlllons It and nourishes It,'' he a cu, appl)'lna to this lnbom relationship day ef Julr, 1"7. for Peruvians ttqulres " bold Standlna In the partially-re• Issue with a request made Ur• or • tr1aaform1tloaa and profound cons\ructed ruins or the •~•lent lier by a aroup of 37 ukln1 that uld. "This conJUt11tes, Ir we alve aome lhoualll th, words or the Apollle: 'no one· ever haled lllaovallons,1 ' the blabops de• church, the Pope prayed before the laity be 1lven a voice In the to the mailer, a moat worthy and most frul~ hi, •own lltsh' ( Eph, 5, 29), Thus the Church .,A,.~ ~,tl,.~.·<-k , clared. They conlfnded 111•1 a apot marked II the Apostles' selection or I successor to the lul relationship between the Church and the In relation "'Ith lhe world," PATH•- IUIICHAIT such ch1n1u, must be belUD tomb, then returned to llmlr late , Cardinal , Archlilahett ef IIIOll1n1,ell1 without delay. and flew back to Rome. archbishop of..St. Lout,. .. ' i I I I I' 11 ii I I 11 I I I - ":tr· \ ' . .. .~· .

,- _,.....,..., lll•N.11 • point In ui. Uf• of Ille ~ ~ ban to wait - . &Ulor'• N~ •cAf,.' Brow,1, profeuar of'r,llf',tl and 117 to clarify It. From,thll 117 to en-,.,. tW blbllcal ~ ·Ille Protlltut _fur tut ,- _ ef -• cji';~ thtl Ir lnYlllDtrable blllldred yun to •N It Ill hlro- at SIIJtaford V111Nrrifw, I, pi;pbabh1 IM btil kR010II Prottilnt point of 'fllWI all wa:,1 of •ptU• lallll from wbat nlormtn felt Cathollcl•m c-t alplflcull:, Q. to ..,...,..._.. 1pect, but mu11 117 alw1:,1 to 1/uotooicffl ltl tM t111Utd s1a111• 11, "41 bent urrn11•lr ottlN Int and thlllkln1 are In a 11me wen tbe encru•tatloaa •114 •ddl· en111e In reform ~ ..~V ~• -• Dr. a,...._ I wlll - 1M dMne Judi 1menrtt:lnnam1n•l'•.. -~•t brin1 • frt1h appraual of the . In IM ,cu111ntleol "_,. and "41 btnt a colu11111ut fc,r "up for 1rab1." Uon, that late mtdleYII pbilo- what YIU1ted b:, .,. a u tw1II "ecvtMN•-" In • Mr• • man • • ce • po ...... er I to be b t I •opblcal tbourbl bad put upon Council, we can betlll to look at ...... ~ .-clflcally certain coDdltloDI, CID lptlk ID IOlpt Ir on W I I DOW COIIIIIIOll~tol 1'IGQCrille mice Jl10J, TIit lnlfflMtO IOIIJI ~- POil Tffl ClthoUc, J tbourbt IL m•a:, of tbtM problem lo- nd ta ,,...... Cethalle ••· Iba untainted acctnt• of Ille Holy belnl uld • done. BTOIOII _, COlldl&Cltd bv 114W Rrlalld, a cloumot, of ~. BrotOII unlll recenU:,, the arena of So J tlllnk ·that here, our In• 1etber. Tbe tbaolo,tcal 111ter• ...... WhM MIi IIMlf what Gbo1t, be:,ond the poulblllt:, of Q. T• what alltent • yav at U11loll TMCiloglcal Sn11111Mv. Afln """"" fc,r 13 ffft'I a• maneuverabWt:, ben wu much tent u nr:, much Iba ume. (Continued OD p11• t) clrcv.•t-N 11W yw RNt 'bum•n enor, beyood the need "''• the war1l ef Vatican II on Epl,copol mltllltn, Jlr. Rrland and 1111 famllr IDfft rtcriod leu than that for tba Prote•tant. i.c-. actlftly "'"'"41 In for a tllld of te1cbln1 that II to •nd 111 aflwrin•"' la litl,lnt ltlto 1l1t Colllollc Cllurcll ill JP43. I'm not ao. aure about that an:,0 ~...... _.._,, In - ,nMnt be reformed, or that c•n be aub• ., will 11e1, ta •ntwar more, 11 I aee the ••r:, creaUve There 1111r1 1-nh In a JUSTUS A,artnMnt' ..._ - ef the ..,.. ,, ject to I fre•b lnltrpret1IJon of Nale ,,...... nt crltlcl11nt •••••••••••11t1111111tIIWll!jlll•1111!1!11111••••••- •• 'WIYI In which man:,-111rtlcu- '-rt MODIL Olt•N DAILY & SUN, N00tU P.M, . a Catholic kJDd f I Ith an be espnued ID our her lrreferinaltle •, ar- larly European-Catholic theo- A... , Introduction to th• ' ,. A. I think thl• II I ver:, rood c ..,1"' "'81 If NCtrlM •• In, , 1o111n• are flndln1 D... m\l(IH ,,. wbole- CatboUc,Pnteatant di•• You mentlo,~ed the Pf'C!IH• point, and I think we 1hould tlmu. ,.1111,i., Nian rtfenn ...'"' of eirpreulon. Then b a ·,real NEW tant principle. 11111 h • phrue qualify all that bu been said r d I r bW ,._ lope actually 1rew out of po U• that Profuror Tillich bu made far In the llrbt of'tblt. Tbe Q. Lut ,.., In - ef Y9Uf' lin,eulltle, New wa ... •- u o maneuvera t:, ,, tlc•I IDYolnmenl when I wu vel')' popular ID Protestant •14ltuatlon for Proteatant• vi•·• · caluinna, yav ,n...... _.. • trylnt ta reateta her taachlttft not Jn the •enae of deeryln1 or tuchlllf at llacaleater Colle1e thou1bt. By this be muns, I v'· th• luue of Infallibility la ,.,., , ..111lttN In - ef In waya wfllch dep1rUn1 from the ancl111t faith, Crestwood Village blnk h t I t b th .. · clearly ta avr•Ill -w. .,..k. .,..,.Sup, but of llberallal the andent ID llllllluota. Durln1 the 1952 1 • w 1 1 mean 1 e certainly • different 1ltu1tlon yaur cluH1 at •••~ Yau- ,._. far the in-ant wa call faith from ancient wa11 of de- I th campalin J becime Involved In biblical •tatement quoted: •t than II wu ' before Vatican II. 11Id 1t11 t • •-•n Calhallc ...I, .,.....__in• af ..ina ." In 1crlblnl It 1h11 finally con•lrlct South . jud1ment muat . besln al the Vatican J aeemed to u, fln11ly m .,.,_ c•mpalfllln1 for the. re-election houat of God. Profeuor Tillich and Irrevocably lo clo•e Uie atu4ant ,h•d ':!~~ v•tlctha 1til1 aenH ef the terrn, ,,... the full appropriation of IL Thu APARTMENTS of-a )'OIIDI .co111reum1n n!med la urlnl that the Protestant door Here wu • definitive IM,ne, A'TIII•---• a •_i: ••l•ntt•in alH refer1n1 lh •WU certainly· the concern of the 1 A TOTAL ELECTRIC COMMUNITY Eusene McCarthy. In the coune must lnal• t that ultimate .all~ atatiment that there wu I kind ~~•,_:_-. nt ..,...._p..a..-a..i..-; dat111u. lut IMre 11 a fur• tlxteenth • cenlul')' refo~en; of thll c•mpal,n J became 1l111ce c•n oner be r iven to of lrreformablllly of Catholic .... ,,..•• 1 a ...... ,.... ther 111uHIIM1 ._, ltrata•• not lo Invent - ..nLW faith out to by Ju1tu1 CODlractln1 Company really acquainted for the flnl that which 11 lt11 than ultimate. way• of ataUnl the Christian Did.:,a n."1'r" r a = t1ntl11n referm lh ..lftll Iii Where Llf; Begins. at 45 time lnm:, llfe with a l!O~P ol-1te h HYlnl that II 11 always faith. Tbe- Vatlc•n 1-llelemen :•h1 d ~!! A yw i:'"itlii~•..:.:, It :-'ta~ -Roman Catholic l•JlllleD. '."lound our temptation to bke • finite made It •eem that there would ,a_ __. u - =~ 'ASKREN Becau.•e oftlie tiimendoua 1ucce11 and 1re1t demand of that J bad much more In com- object and make II the object of never 111111 be occulon to c•U A J thlDk be made a ver:, ;:-"~'r;'h ~:.U~ ct:: MONUM• NT CO. INC. Crestwood V11111e Eut - the Justus Company now pre• mon with tbem-at leut 011 the an ulUmate allerJance. a council; that the way-111 up rood c•lt. ru, point, In the Martrtra - MN.1nem'1 HDII · Cre•twood Vllla1e South - nclualvely for tboM poUUcal front-than l had ever We aee' this bappenln1 vtl')' In 1170 wu the final definitive llrbt of our earlier connnaUon, ~,::t:=,a:t,.•~ ~.=.~, llllco lffl 15 year• youn1 and put and their adult 11e partnen. thou1ht before In my many often In the life of the ,tale; wiy ID which Christian truth· h a vel')' 1lmple one: the Vall- Ch h tvlht te lie tedt f1r1 •• Walll. It, PL 7.70, Model open or Phone 8a-0440 for free broc~ure. · 111n a• • Protutant In New 'men rive their 01th of. au~ would be undentood. Now we can Council wa• an attempt on urc ant• York City and In M1111chuaett• • stance to the •tale. When •ome, aee thu· Interpretation 11 an the part of the ,Roman Catholic A. Let me uy flr•t that J STUDIO-APARTMENTS $95.00 After thi campal,n wu over, one 1111, "MJ count!')', rl1ht or over•almpllflc1llon; It'• an over• Church to en111e In • radical think It II clear that reform of ONE-BEDROOM UNIT $120.00 the McCarthy• took my wife and wron1" lbl1 II an act ol Idol•• 1lmpll!lc•llon that Catholics ·look at Itself with an ,:,1 to re• do1m1 II 1oln1 on In Roman ,,/' ' . 11\ 1111 myaelf up• to St. John'• Abbey In try Jn: which the •tale becomu made u well a, Protut1n11. formatloo. II w11 an acknowl- Catbollcllm. Many CalboUc lndlvldual Alr.C:andltl-rt In lach A;1rt111111t Colle1evllle, Mlllneaota. Tbert God, •o to speak. Or It can Some of the thln11 one read• ed1ement that pa•t way• of HY• theolo1lan1 almoal · appear to 'II.• :td, ,. ' All Utllltlt1 It aid - G. Appl11nct1 • I •. for the flnt time In my llfe I In term, of a belief about a cul· about lnfalllblllly tb•t came out tnl tbln11 are not the onl:,, final 1ay, "lrreformable do1m11 are (' Model Fumllhed by House of Twlnbrook really met • creative kind of tural pattern; for enmple, that belore lNO are clearly now to way• of uyln1 thln11; theae relorm•ble." A1 Pope John Roman C1thoU~l1m lbat w11 white men are bett,r than oth- be aeen u quite Inadequate. lhla11 can be 11ld In D.,.. wa71. uld, thoueh lhe Inner nature ol Exclusive Beauty Sbqp Servin& C~utw~ Re•ldent• different from all the Protulant ,,.. It c•n happen alao In the In 11 Jeut two way• 1 think II wu a new look at the mun• the truth ii not ch1n1ed, all the 1tereot7pe1 I bad picked up In cue of a church or an lmtltu- Vatican Council II ha; racuaed ln1 of papal lnfalUblllly. II wu way1 al glvlna upreulon to the 8800 MADISON AVENUE tbe coune of a Protutant edu- Uon. Men can alve an ln1tltu, this problem I new way. First, a new look a.I the place o~ Mary truth can ch1n1e. I would like cation. lion the ultimate 11Je1lance tb• t the council ll1tl! la clearly an In the whole economy of Chris• to feel that this II the way In Write ., lt1-.~""'441L------PrH- lrechure- 1----1 _ ___ _1 t_w11_1be 11ocl1tlo111 lhat lhe Prote•t1nt feel, flnall can mtrum'enL of refotl!LlncL.r . tlan theology..,____ II Introduced which for the Protestants he _ /,' I ·. I .. frew out ol the vlllt lo the 01111 lie I v,n lo O . newal. Tbe ·~ callln& of the many new concepli7alolliell e w o c not on of " Protutant Benedlctlnu and 1ett1n1 to khow 1berefore everythlnl bH 10 council w11 l' way of uylnl of C1thollcl1m: for enmple,.prlnclple" 11 carried out; name• people Uke lhe McCarthy, that' be'-•een 11 ',tandlnr under God that aU wu not well In the the very Important •tep forward ly, that we are never lnextrlca• forced me to be&ln a rather EverythlDI can be 1 · veblcl; , at leHI not In In the decree On lcu1n111l1m. bly wedded to certain waya of radlc•I revlalon ol the plctur11 Uvouih which men •peak the II fine ,h•pe u II could have In put Catholic hulol')' the d~criblDI Chrl•tlan faith. th•1 up to th•t· time· 1 had of 101pel, but tbeae tbln11 al:;o been. Tbe Intent here w11 C•lbollc Church ha• acknowl• Our h•rfl•UP h11 often been Roman Catbollclam • nd par- c•n be vehicle• which corrupt clearly to en111e ID reform•· edacd th11 1ndlvldualt who were that we have felt we bad to llcularl1 of American Rom•~ the me1111e men are tryln1 to lion, 1nlarnamanta, brln1ln1 ouulde the CalboUc Cburcb expreu the faith ID 1lsteenth• C1tbolld1m. And from then on, tranamlf. Within the Church II up,to-d•te. Thia 11 • •Ip, there- could be the recipient• of 1race. century terms. U you departed 11 ju•t ,nowballed. well ap within the •late, then, fore, that there are alway• bet• Now the decree On • cuin:;::;:. from the way Luther •aid JI, Q. y 141, han written eftffl the Prote1tant principle would ter w1y1 In which Iba divine :"h~~u ~•~arc-=•~rutlan you become 1u1pect II a Lu, altaut Nia ,,_,.in ef autharlt, • 111 that one c•~t rJve un- truth c•n be expreued for men; bodies who are outalde the tberan. Or If you •trayed too 11 Iha kay acufflllllcal luua. qualified alle1Jance to the teach• that formul11 that are appro- Roman Catholic Church Tbat•• far from the temlnolo11 of Cal• Let - alk Rnt altavt hew wa IDI offlce, to the •tructure ol the prlate at on, period In hl1tol')' 1 · 1 vln'• ln1tltvte1, you were a can ,ra,Ualllr dluu11 C•thallc Church, at any point that' theae may need to be stated In I dlf• ~hi::r:. fre'"::~nti~P or [:; naupty Presbyterian. ljut In teachlni an' lnfalllltl(lt,. It'• thln11 1eem to come \Jlto con, ferent wily In • new period of Church Other enm lea of this all c11u, think, there u a .., linpreulen "'8t au, ,11 1• met with the wlll ol God. Now, history. Many of the 1loomy could be slven Tb~ point 11 kind of conver1ence ·here. Our letua • thl• , ..lacf 1, c-• there a" a 'lot of allcky prob• prediction• that came out of the · f h concern 11 to try to find way• ,11cated 1ty au, dlffennt war• lem1 there for Prote•tant•, but aftermath of VaUc•n I therefore ~=~tb!rem~:; :re~~• of1!::i;; to eipreu leu lnadequa(ely ef a,,,..chlnt the tuun, The I think lbat'• wqere_ the u1ue have to be 1reaUy qualified. thlnklnl which before the coun, that which c•n never finally Cathallc defMIH ef ,a,al In- for u• becomu focuued. TH• HCOND point 1, that ell one would hue tbourbt were fully be exprei•ed . In bunran fallllllllly anllnarlly 1"'111 Q. A,. yav 11rlnt be- the promul11tlon ID the council cloaed off from further ducu•• term•• The 1oapel 1• not • H · flnt ef • 11 .. hlatary and urt,, cauaa ef Illa Cathallc Church'• of the doctrine of coUe1l11lty' of alon, further elaboration. rlt1 of ldeu; the • fO•pel 1• 1 TWIN ART ~ PUSIIIACl ' GIANT acns Of twe. I thlllk YIV'n llean try, I ! Inf llllllllt, the the buhope made • ver:, lmpor- . • , deed: It l• an action of G(!d. AUDITORIUMS * GALLERY 1" ·son . * SCREEN * flU PmlNG Int te tell v•, In urlav• w1y1, ~:_::,,~nt ..,: Cathell~ ~ch tant advance In term• of Cltho- • Q, In """ ,aat, p,.tas, All that our do,maa 111111 Aoc· ~ "'8t willla ltratastanh • ,.. ... net ta Mlact her- lie teacblnl, Vatican' 1 ' 1eavu t:.:•=nt:.:•.:.:h:.:•.:.••.:.:·.:.".:."":.:.''.:.:l.:.:lld:.::.:.•.:.-:.::.:.•:..fw..:....:....:tr.:.:l.::.11e.:.:•..:...c•.:.:n.:....:d.::.o_u_po:_ln_t;__to_th_1_1.;__• ______=------ltct ,a,al lnf•lllltlllt, far 111.. •NH ,_,i.tely te the ward the lmpreulon that all authority tarlcal • 1111 acra,tural. reaHftt, which GM .,.•k• te hert IJ lnveated aolely In the blahop thtlr Rrst Mltctie., 11 !fMa- of Rome, that he c•D act unl• latlcal. Par ltratastant,, the A. Well, at leut thu u alway• laterally, and that everythln1 tlactrlnt ef ,a,al lnfallllllllty the temptation. Tbe Church which bappem wlll happen from ,11... an luua af ldal•lry. la which u c•Ued upon to be the the top down. Vatican II, while ¥ear-End·Model C:lear~nce Sale! that carrectP If .., WMI ._, vehicle throurb which the word JI bed1e• the treatment of the the "ltratastant ,,1nc1,C." ol God .come• lo· -men cu In colle1lallly of the bi.bops with hne ta 11y at 1h11 ,llntt principle, at leut,. Intrude be· a rood deal of ver:, cautionary Special ~is!!ount & Trade-In Allowance A. 1bl•, of cour•e, 11 an Im• tween that word of God and lan,uaie, II clearl:, uyln1 now men•el:, dltncult luue to deal man. It c•n let Ill own Judi· that teacblnl authoril:, ID the You mow your lawn, clear away snow, with In • few word•• The de· menl1, conditioned by • par• Catholic Church IJ vealed In 11\, Save time on dozens of jobs every Season of the year. doze high spots-off gravel lanes, spray fen•e of papal lnfalllblllty II tlcular blatorlc•I period or par• whole epucopate. • tlcular need, come to be equated weeds, vacuum leaves, till and plant :,ou 11:,, appeals to hutory-to with lbe pure word of God 1 'Ibe Pope, or cour•e, 7 1 head .. the· butor:,-esperlence of the think tbere are· many IDilances of the ·coUe(e of bi.bop•, but your garden with new ease, speed, Church. J am not 1ure J 1,e of thll In ber butor:,, In Prol• when he act•, be act• not aolely and comfort. Equip .a John Deere to cltarl:, where It appeal• to e•tant hlatol')', In Catholic bu- In hi• own name bu~ In Iba •crlpture. Tbls, J lblnk, b11 tol')' 111 the whole hutol')' of the name of all bu fellow blahops. - , . be you! chore· boy and save a lot of been ona of the problem• for Chu;cb I think that ver:, often Vatican JI 1ee1 the Pope not hard work every 'season of the year. Proteatant•: In tl')'IDI to find the when bne look• back In retro- •Imply II an Individual, but 11 ... heart of ftlth within the frame ,peel those thlnp which were the bead of the colle1e. Tbe You'll even find yourself driving It jus"-. of .•crlpture, Proteatant• do not olfer~ u I pure •,talement of bi.bop•, when the:, •peak, •peat for fun. find thu area of lnfalllbWty the word of God are ,een to be corporately, In the name of Iba ¢l11rl:, spelled• out there. Tb• very conditioned very time- coUe1e of wlilch the Pope, 11 Catholic appeal 11 more on the bound, nr:, o~e-,lded, very bl1hop of • Rome, l• all!)lher b11l1 of tradition and bl1tor:, parochial, and therefore per- member, albeit the 1upremt and the teacbln1 of Iba Church, bap, very mWeadiDI member. rather lban on llndlnl • •ecure • So at leut the •peeler of tbt biblical baM for It. AD enmple would be tba WIY one-man rule, of the monolllhlc Tbe whole matter l• bard to In wblcb Iba Church bu accept• ,tructiare, In principle la clearly 1tate without aoundln1 banh and ed barti•ric praetlc11 of, war, du~yed Now II wW ba a Judlmtntal, but to 1/iEle11HI, 1eamln1 to five a total bl1uln1 while before In practical tel'llll tbt Ylr•e Ill Finl P er ver:, to what w11 belnf dona In tbt thla baa ,eaped don Into the Important: Jud1m1n u•t •I• name of men 1l1upteri111 one way Jn which Iba Cathollc we:,1 be11D at tht boUla of God. another. 1bl1 kind of lhlnl Church u oraalllled. It 1111 1Nmed, until nlbtr n • make• tht Prolaltant alway• Tbe meeUnr of Iba ,enaia of ~. at an:, rate, that tba want to ln•l•t that whatner,tbt 1/ubop• tbl• 1,n will ba nr:, Calbollc YI.., of tba t11chla1 Church claim• 11 rdlaclinl the crucial ID determlllln1 how far autborit:, of tbt Cburch tlltmpt• will of God muat alwa:,, ba l1lb- the principle can ba tranalatad tht tuchlll1 autborit:, from the ject to cloM •crulln:,. '1'1111 m111t Into reallly. It 11 • new •11111· authortt:, of •crlpture. Tben la ba part of wbat comprlMa Iba tlOD and • certain defJ'N of tbt Judlmtat Ill mu:, plaeea, but oa-lOIDI Illa of 1111 CltilllN. OM ,11ni. ao to ,peak, of tbt lmple, muteUon of Iba DOtioll of ID, falllbWt:, la overcome, allhoup 1111 ldH of ID:, ,roup aptulq la Ila UDquallfled wa:, Ill tbt uma of God la atlll • problem .... Proleatut•• Olla tbilll further. J wD1 bl war:, much aurprlaed If tbt Pope or tba Pope ud coacll toplllar ntr aplD laYOb tbt PQWtr of .. lnlalllblt atet,maat. la tba Dot of wbat Jjaa up. ,-cl dlla lffl, WI power la DOl llbb' to Ila uad apla. T11anw11Na..i,_...., Illa of It, wlll4II WU tbt doJl!I& of tbt Auumpllaa of tu Vlrjlll la me. 'l'llat, apla. 1w bNa I pnblem IO l'latatntl, OI .ID tbt do,mu of tbt Catlloll, Illa- do,- of tbt » · Room/nn,, lltbtoaatul._. . Wfmtllaltfl'Oa tbt...., lllam.tllllproelau• It la 111o tbt ..i, F• 1Y~ New Tractor Wanaaq Ternis t1 n1c1a lt 1a alltolutab' .. c11ar tut n 1a Up To 36 Months lllalllllle aUeruea nlcla all of tbt attertL I a, wlll lot Ill,...,_ Ulat ldld HERIIRI I. DIUM • .=:-:.r.:r~w:...... wlllllllllllll'IIIA- W.Diere J C:O., INt ... =~=~-=--: ...... , ...... ·fil•dlg lll&Wlllllu.,-.• 650 VIRGINIA AVE. INDPLS. 634-2825 ;;.w.J.. .,...... a.tiilllil

Cf_' ). ;, ' \ " • t THI C!llT.a1ti~, JULY·21, 1"7 110 PERSONS ON STAFF \ ' . . . ~Michigaq Catholic COn£eren¢e_ has poste1 enviable record

LANSING, Mlch.-011 June t r.le ef C1thellc i1ymt11 In lfM mtn!N the Mlch1t1n llllhe,1' support lo many bills whlcb the 170 penon1 who staff the ,-.1,Vatlun II 1r1, _ le.,.lnt ,.11cr 1j11t111tflf 1114 become 1t1te laws. While COD• Mlchl11n Cathollc-·.Conftrence ,,..,."' an cMI rlthlt, which fereace offlclab decline to tall• moved Into I new three-1tory • The le1al dapirtment ad- ullttl fH 1IN111 utlen In the full crtdlt for the enactment of ., bulldln& here Ju1t a few blocks vllu on le1lllat1on, Judlelal 1rta ef human rtl1tlen1 1114 thut laws, the followln1 1t&t• from the ,tat~ capitol. procee'dln1 and a myriad of 1n1 utln 1u,,-rt t. um• ute1 have become law la lllcbl• le1al quutlon1 facla1 the con- ,altn• ,., .,.,.,.._.Int, 1111 since the lnc1pUon of ll11 The conference came Into ference. . _ · conference· nl beln& In February, 1983, at a • The public Information de, lo keepla1 with Ill commit• · • ·t e· time when the Second Vatican partmtnl brlns• the conference'• ment to 10elal justice, the con- • School Bui La~4i1 wblcb Council w11 dllcu11ln1 the role prosram 10 public atlentlon via fere11ce'1 community allalrs de• provldt1 an t1tlm1ted IS,000 . of the Church In the modem the 11111,1 Hcular and Catholic partme11t hu Juit completed a no11,publlc school 1tudent1 with world. Four yura la!er, there newspapers, maaulau, radio yur-lon1, 1tilewlde research m111datory lran1portatlon to II widespread 11reement that and TV and development project la the lhtlr 1choob. slate Catholic conference, 11kt • areu of employment, education, • A law which provldea 1,000 Mlchl1an•1 have httn the 1ln1le • The retirement depart,menl health, hou1ln1, Income.._ alld colle1e 1cholanillp1 to qualified moil potent force for putt1n1 admlnlilen lbe conference I rt• poverty, Mlchl1111 hl1h achool 1radu1t11 . th, Church where the action II. ctntly lnlUattd retirement pro- . lo attend the colle1e of their 1nm, which covtn more than II hu . recommeaatd the h O1 Here'• the 1ttup of Mlchl1an'1 e ooo lay employu of the ul1bll1hmenl · ol a community c ct. conference: • Church In Mlchl1an. 11f1ln department In uch dlo• • Mlc~l11n Auxiliary ~hool ·~ cu1 Servlcu Act, provldln1 nine THI· STATl'S five Catholic ONI o, THI Mlchl11n Calh• ' health and weUare service• bhhop1 and lhrtt laymen com• ollc Conference•, most 111rtlla1 IN•THI RIALM of C1thollc 1uch 11 1peech therapy · and prise the board of dlrectora. 1uccu111 bu come from the 1choob, tht conference hu dt• remedial re1dln1, to public and Chairman of the board II Arch• )ob tralnlnl pro1r1m1 In Mount veloped pro1ram1 and macbla• non-public school ,tudtnl1 on 111 bishop John F. Durden of Dt• Pleuant (for Chippewa lndlan1) try to t111ure maximum partlcl- equal b a I I a at non-public' troll. • and In L1n1ln1. Ovtr 500 pt{• pal1011 of all non-public school 1choob, Under the board are seven 10111 were trained In the pro- children In the Elementary and • A law that requlrea llll department, and three commit• 1ram which U.S. Secretary of Secondary Education Act of ilalt hl&hway departmtnl to teu. They art: Labor WIiiard Wlrll ulltd 11115, and the MlcblllD Au1Ul1ry certify that persons Uvilll Ill the · • The community affalra de• "lhe most 1uctt111ul Job t.~•ln• Strvlc11 Atl. The education de- path of new blshwayi are re• partmtnl which coordinates ln1 dtmon1tr1tlon project In partment hu pubU1btd , two located In iultablt bousln& ht• . . • • poverty •proirams urban lift the count!')'. m1nual1 on thh subject which fore bids are takell on the civil rl ht J b • h '. Tht conference II now wlndln1 have received naUoaal dl1tribu• project and their homu de• ~ s , ,, I •• 0 1ra 1 n 1n 1 • ou,. up a two-yur: 1tatewldt ml• tlon. uroytd. • :· ... 1.' 'I. •• In& and other 10clal action pro iranl proiram sponsored jointly · ~~~~ -~- ~ - • ~-, ~ , 1_r1m1. . with J.he Mlthlaan Council of Projects undertaken by the . • The Releued Time Law , ·-~;- ,f..:.."-:_ •• :(_ ••• ::, • , • The tducallon department, Churthfl under I ll.S •million educ1ll?11·.dep1rtmeal tbl1 yur 1uthorlzln1 1tudtnll In p~bllc . , , . · • ,., .• ,.. :.':'i ,{J.f1, , • ,, which -conduct, 1ludlt1 and In- irant from lht Olllce ol Eco• Include• schools to rec~lve up to two '- . i.:~

I Ille• when 11'1 flnlthod," MARIAN COLLEGE GRAD l'ht tlmtlablt for rt1loratlon wlll depend upon Marian'• friends and htntf1ctor1 who 1h1re the collt&t'I e11lhu1l11m for makln& a small part of Jap, anue culture 11,·e In lndlanap, 0111.,.. Curia reform · seen· in chang~s ly IIRNl(.J O'CONNOR Mary Jane Scheidler 11 a Cath• ollc colle1e 1radualt who In ilx weeks will enter a Proteata11t lhtolo1lcal seminary and In a few 1J1onth1 will marry a future Preabyterlan mlnhler. Tht 1997 Marian Collt1e honor 1radu1te from St. Mary:, parish In Oreen1burr, h11 received a 1chol1rahlp .to Protutant, non­ denominational Chlca&o Theo­ lo1lcal Seminary where 1ht! wlll 1tudy for a muter'• de1ree In Christian education. She la ht• llevtd lo be the flnt Catholic woman ever tci enroll at the world•rtnow11ed Chlca10 Se!III• nary,, Nut summer, Mary Jane will be married to David Elliott, a native of Pltt1bur1b, Pa. and a mlnl1lerlal student at the ume seminary. They plan lo 1pead their honeymoon year In Wut BerUn where Da~e wlll lnlem In a· church renewal prorram and Mary Jane will be bl1 anlltant. At the end of the one,year In• tem1hlp, they wlll return to Chl­ u10 for the wind-up of Dave•• 1tmln1ry atudlea and hl1 ordlna• tlon.

St. Florian would approve BONN-A lo111•1talldllll told . bttwHD dvlt offle_lab WI; H ...... ,.. II .,., • o • aad p111ant1 Ill Pol1ad'1 Kltlct dl1trlct drew lo a peaceful that's lht anlr ••r .....,.. clo11 wbtll otnclah Hltr lo put Usbllllnl rods on fannlloun It, Thi ,..._ are afraW le roof• and pe11111t1 easer to retain llll tradlllollll roof10p eroue• •••le,.,.._,., Ytu 1111 11reed to put Uf crou-shaped llpllliJII rods, ...... Ilia atretft,., lllocka .... Mt ... 1111)' ..,. ., CommtDIIIII In Zycla Go1podarr1t,, I Polllb jourllalllt Prt• .., ,....,u dieted that tllla mllbt 111 a patb for flltuN eotllilllllCI bttwHD acltnct alld reUslon. "Certalllly," tbl autbor added, "It II ID But WHI Btrlln WU a dlffu. t ' uample of cooperation wblch ahould pma aatllfactory botb tlll llol')'. Of all tbl clU.. Ill au NIW OPTIONAL Afflll IIOlt HOTHIU •,..., DMIIII• INdt, C~C., .._Wt,·• to llll nre department and to 11. rtorl111." Iba COUlltrlff abt rillltd, WHI ci,ol ef c.thN,el H1111 lchMI; ,,.....,..,,, _,. the - tlilrt 1114 '"' ...... , •ttlfe ,.. , Berlin II btr f1Yorltt-bec11111 ctntt, a""'"94 11r the ,...... i.1 Cha,tt,, ef the Mlnelt ,....,111ca ef the lrttlltn ef Heir (St. Florllll II llll '!'art7r-1alat re11rdtd Ill ctnlral lurope of Ill people, Ill pact, Ill YI• en.a. The tra41t1Mel ault eM •-an cellar 11 ..,.. a., lrelhar laflll4 Drl1nll, c.1.c., (ts llatun. 11 a protector from fin,) , • 111111. wtille II II wlll make I a.. place for aMwe rlallt, lrelhar •-w i:aL.eMe, c.1.c., wtars lhl a,i1t cellar, llMwll ltil I bolltJIIIOOL u1,..._,,, cellar,u t v PAO• l'OUR TH• CRIT• RION, JULY 21, IH7

th'at historic rupture, Henry VIII and St. Thome, More. Out ·or the comml11lon'1 meeting· came a "proll'am • for dialogue" which ha• been submitted to the Pope Past and future Meeting recently In Vare1e, Italy, 1n the belief thal and the Archbilhop for further action. : l;omment history need not repeal lllelf but instead can heal It• • . By a felicitous coincidence, a 1uperb new movie self. were 10 Catholic and 11 Anglican , and theo- A member of the Vatican'• Chriltlan Unltf Sec- The ...W- elqlt'9111H In ttie.. etllterlal celumna just beginning to be seen In Indiana theaten served as loglans. They comprised a joint preparatory commls• retarlat said just before the gatherlnf, "There will be ,.,._, a Cethellc wlewpelnt-Mt necuurlly THI dramatic background to recent Arigllcan-Cethollc church slon designated to set up a 1tudy of the i11ues that divide not so much a lookln1 back *the pas , io full of hatred Catheflc wlewpelnt. They ••• eflerh ef the Niten the two faiths. end argument, a,·a looking forward to the future." te nne ,-lie eplnlen within tt,e Church anol within unity talks. Iha Natleft. "A Man for All Seasons," Oscar award winner and Not since the Church of England and the Church But for those viewing the movie-and we hope they critically acclaimed as the finest movie of last year or or Rome were separated by the Act of Supremacy In will be leglon-:-11 will l1e a looking beck that should be any other year for that matter, Is a knowledgeable ex­ 1559 had there been anything like thl1 commlsalon, en an lmpreulve reminder that man's wilful humanity Is European hishops position of the break between England and Rome and outgrowth of the encounter In March, 1966, between an.Inescapable determinant of his spiritual destiny, for a penetrating analysis of tw~ Jee~!ng performers t,1 Pope Paul end the Archbishop of Canterbury. · gOOd or evll. With bitterness almost equal that of General de Gaulle's stance against 'England's entry Into the Euro­ . pean Common M~rket, the Influential Italian press hos • YOUR WORLD AND MINE expressed grave misgivings about the now-historic Euro­ For Mideast Peace pean bishops' synod, held early this month In The Nether­ lands. The press sees something sinister (anti-Italian) In the choice of location. Rome Universities need some updating

Reasons for ri~ting are found at home Rahhi Davis


Ttie Criterion 0/lldol Nno,popn of tM Arcluflocuc of lftdla110polu 114 w. 174 IMlana~~=··· ,.o...... e------·..._.., .... Edllor, BL l\eY, llaJIIIIOll4 T. ,Bollub.Jolla , A.t:C:i~N • dUor,ll&UI• 1111 Edllor, Pnd W. rrta: Ntwl Editor" Paul G. Fos; Adn=• ua.. r, .Jamea T. Bra , ,rte...... a,..,. ,.....,..wae111r1._ Laat WNII In DicNlller, ~ ..

, • I d ' ' , .


0 • THE YARDSTICK . e'WHAT OF THE DAY -What can religio·n _do The Welfare -prograin ·

a, RIV. JOHN DOIIAN lion of his pay to the l1111 which When Saint Paul made hla fam­ go to pay the ro111 of thla re• ous 1l1tement. " If • man won't II wu rather Ironic of U.I. lief. News encl Werld ltepert (July work. let him not eat," he show­ about VietnaIIl crisis? 17, 1987 ) to bealn Ill lenethy di•• On• of the'obvlou1 Indications ed himself a &ood paycholopt cuulon on the whole Relief prob­ or the br,akdown In the human ~pirlt wh ich ruulta from relief In the underatandln& of the hu• a, MSGlt. GIOltGI HIGGINS elation Pren, Behrman Hou1t, bodlu, to resolve the Vle!nam lem by quotlna President Roose• man need to be productive, but velt In a 1935 Is the "falherleu family" In nd rd nd which the mother living alone he also showed himself a ter­ The July 10 luue of New•• ~ He er • ,. Her~er, New er~~- Brown la cartful to point sncuage to Con• rible polltlclan. week m11Jllne wu 1lven over York). For preient p~rpo•u, 1. out that rell1lou1 leadera do not greu, The Prts• Reis pregnant every year and thus lncrcuu the aid to depen• entirely to I dl1cu11lon of the am particularly lnteruted In h1ve-1nd should not pretend to ldent nld: "The Federal Govern­ dent children allotment. One VACATION TltlP? Impact of tbe Vietnam war on • Dr. Brown'• provocative esuy h1ve-1 poUOcal expertlae de, county In Maryland found that Call variety of ln1tltutlon1 In Amerl• In this Joint "appeal ol moral nled to politicians. He 1110 ment must and can life, lnclud- w1m1 hla readers · that "our · shall quit 1h11 over elrven hundred llleRlllmate M. J. TIMME In& the church ur1ency" rallyln1 Calhollu, fbk II not to 1111,n blame for buslneu of re• children were being added to ffl-llll - '24-4661 and the 1yn1• Protestants and Jews 10 Join In the put but to accept rt1pon- lief . . . Conlin• lhelr relief roles each yearl The "lolN Totl•t" 10 th 1 ucd dependence New York Times recently point• 1oirue. The atc• [l;,o_._.. bold alepi tnd e conntct ?. 1lbUII)' for the future; not to ed out that three out ol e\'ery lion de 1 11 n I Vietnam. cut the atone of condemnation, upon relief In• ~ Hooalar Motor 1 four children on the ADC roles ~ Club with or11nl1ed • but to offer the helpln1 hand of duces 1plrll• in New York were lllegltlmate. re 11 I Ion ad- In seneral, J share Dr. reconclllatlon: not to proceed ual and moral disintegration, fundamentally de1trucllve to the I still hne the quaint notion dreued Itself lo Brown's deep-felt conviction self-rl&hteoualy and vlndlctlvely, lhal Ir people would work for I he followln1 that the Vietnam war repruenll but to •· walk humbly and re, national fiber. To dole out re• m.-o,(l...J_ lief In this way Is to administer their relief money. even II this que.1Uon1: What I serious "crlsh of conscience" oentantly." \ work had to be manufactured. can rell1lon HJ not only for lndlvldual Chrl•· So far, 10 aood. ,OIi hand, a narcotic. a subtle destroyer. ol they would profit by lhls very l» about • the war llan, and Jews, but 1110 for the however, I find It rather dllfl, the human spirit." helonging to the human lamlly _ 1.w1•111• ln·Vletnam? Should the church• church and the ayn1101ue u cult lo reconcile this ~ery ·sen1l• I uy this was an Ironic 'be­ lo which work is normal. and 100-SlD.JI es condemn U.S. policies? Can corporate or ln1tltutlonal rell• ble advice with Dr. Drown'• un­ that they would show much Mlalet ... \.UII ginning of the report, for it WIS Al-.M ... Mw.,__,.. they offer 11lem1llvu? And &lous bodies. Moreover I 11ree, quallfled espousal-In the name said by the fnan who created more Interest In getting orr the a..~.s.-,... who, after 111, wlll listen to In substance with many of hi• of rell1lon--0f certain very 1pe• this monster of federal relief relief roles. In New York City ... , ...... them? 1pecUlc reco'mmend1tlon1 11 lo clflc 1olullon1 to the Vietnam with which no knl~ht errant or It was found that families head• _ ••,_ ~liq c..,aa, Tht1e and a number _of rt• what Chrlsl11n1 and Jew, ou1~1 crl1l1 and hla nit 111ertlon.th1t- the polltlcal world has yet been cd by ablc•bodlod adultsr make nu L 01AN01 n . 11111. ,.,.,,, l1ted qut1Uon1 are aho raised to be doln& In the face of 1h11 "the churches and 1yn11ogut1 f~und to tussle. up hall or more or all recipients very pointedly In I new booklet crisis. On the other h.and, ho,w- IJ!UII mobilize enouah support . or welfare. II even a portion of entitled "Vietnam: Crl1l1 ol ever, I am not 1ure that he hu for (these) next 1tep1 10 that . Litu,:gy and Life II Is • · true and reasonable lhc!e people were put to clean- Conscience" written by tliree fully thouaht throuah 111 of the our policymakers will be forced thin~ that rcoplc must not be al• Ing up that city and parolllng Its REMEMBRANCE Of' THE DEPAl!Tf:D . .. l!rmcinber. also. well-known Catholic, Protestant lmpllcatlons of his overall •P· (sic) to move In new dlrec• lowrd lo ·starn, In a nation or parks, 1hey would bcrome use• 9· :;::.• · .: .~ :.: .. and Jewish scholars-Michael proach to the very complicated lions." 0 Lord, ~our servants w/10 have oonc lirforc 111 wirl, 1l,c sign plenty such u ours Is. This h ful citizens all.fin. and the )"hole - - ~- of faith, and ru t in the , r,ep of pracc. To 111 cm. 0 r,ord, and - - Novak. Rabbi Abraham J . lits· problem ol what the thurches In view of his above.quoted obvious: hut lhls must be stated city would benefit by their ac• chel. and Dr. Robert McAfee and 1yna1oirut1 themselves warnln& 11alnll vindictive and to all who rel! ht Christ. ,oe cn1rca1 vou to grant a place because some or m1· rea•ters and tll'ltles. · Brown ,.C co•publlshed by Auo• ou1ht to be dolnl, 11 corporate sell•rlRhleous condemnation. ol of comfort, of light and peace. some or my na,llrc friend, [I> So• -----'------"...--­ clal l''ork will lmmcdialely ac• - ln~lvlduah, I am even _cusc_m c...of "'anting lo take-the -- - AsphalL Drlv9llfaY..!_ ___ lllllllllllllllllll confused by Dr. Brown'• very formula bottle out or the mouths ----IP------.,..-:-=-::---:=-:-:-=-::J severe and hl1hly p'enonat·cr1tla- Parking Lot, le e or babes. · Concrele-Seal CHll1111 vocations are U8( lnlftl clam ol President Johnson. Vice The~blem Is not whether to European "! President Humphrey. and Sec• o Ll JN rONS SCHAFER eat o~ol lo cal. hut whether b f SI t • retary Rusk. and by hla user• our welfare program Is bene­ CONSTRUCTION CO. AMSTERDAM. The Netherlands-The num er o s era lion that the churches and ayna• The big .P• rade - - especially for the Fulbright stu• IL M7N1 fL Ullt1 fL 7.c711 vocatlonJ In Wtstern Europe Is decllnln1, accordlni to a 1tatl1II• gorues ahGUld itend aupport lo • dents. f'ulbrlght Is almost a ficial to 1hr. recipients and to the ,lth-llt hed 19 .. nation. or whe ther It Is not. cal survey published by Pro Muncil Vita, an lnternati<>nal Church those cltlrena who. like hlmselt, To the Editor: magic word O\'cr here. They There Is a further problem. too: I I • f I h h • ha1•e really thrown out the red Information serv ce. are com ng-to ee I at "not Ing I was greatly surprised and .carprt. There are about 475 en• c1·en if we know that the welfare Opf'n All On"'• S•t u ,d.1 'f So serious Is the decline In this country, the survey atates, short 01 the threat of defeat In disappointed In your editorial rolled In the lntcrnollonal progr•rn Is more harmful than 19611 "that If the decreue conltriuu at the nme pace, then one Is will persuade the present last week criticizing the "Back achool for the .summer. 1 had uood. 111111 anr polillclan or na• KR IEGS Administration lo change Its th B I VI t N " d forced to conclude that the active rell1lou1 Ille of Sisters In the policy.'' If this means anything e oys n · e am para e. lunch today with a teacher lrom tlonol slalurc Cl'Cr ha1•c the Netherlands wlll eventually diaappear.'' t 11 I h h h h You are entitled 10 your views Israel. She has been In rour courage lo say so. and to try Indiana Church • • • I means I at I e c urc . on the worth of the parade. but wars and In the last crisis her to sol1•c 1hr problem? With reaard to France, the survey quotes Bishop Ge~ard ti and iyna1o1ues, In- Dr. your lack of logic Is lncomprc We find at the present that. Huyghe or Arras: "Unleu a complete. reversal takes place In Brown'a judgment, i ho'uld •COr• hcnslblc. What has the fact tha; school was hombed. • th"dugh we are In • national Su pply the present 11tuatlon, half the convent, of• Rell1ious which now porately get Involved In the next a person may have· or ma>• have Japan is • 1·cri• lntcreslln~ boom or sorls and Johs ·arc being Ptesldenllal campal1n. at least not heard the rumble of artll· cou~try. , Evcrythin~ recms , to he~I hack from lack of wo rkers. exist will ha ve ·disappeared by 1980.'' to the extent of supporting those lcry fire do with an outward be m miniature. They arc. or we arc still seeing the ,i•rlforc :.,.. .s :...:-- 107 S P r rn 9 10 1,~1 \'I" i • • ~ - '.' I , •I • • lnd1•n•,1ol1\l )l i-: l / In Denmark since 1939, the· survey notes, most of tbo1e who dharuntled citizens who want to expression 10 our fighting men ~cou~••· 1•ny crowded. They program grow greater and more ha\'e remained In rel11iou1 Ille alter enttrlne .c~nvents have "throw the rascals out." In Viet Nam that the \'ast ma• don I take Interest in the out• expensll•e. In the last ten years 2401 W. Wull. Ml 7-UJS lLOER HUNS In my judamept, he hu raised rained for the first five or six For Spots end. Stain, almost a,.many questions II he p days. II Is the end of the mon• CABLES ARE ILL •• • OUR ORPHANS, ALL SAFE, CAN'T hu answered .concerning the soon season. w e ha~cn't had any FORD DEALERS 110011 SPofttt wllh du",


NO OBLIOATION TO IUY __: lllNT l'Olt 14-4 MONTHS ., ..... , ... , ...... n. ,..,. " , ...... ft ...,... . ,,,...,, """ CALL NOW OR STOP •IN AT

!HE WuRLffzER CO.' 114 NO, PINN. ,, Aile About Our Bond l111ln1mrnl Rrnlol Plan

We Welcome Your Listings! "The Festival That's CYONOTES Tops in Food" W. T. RAY REALTY CO. i.:;s.~--11;11:1-=lll"Jl., Wtllm 8141. Audlllons for the annual Jun• Thurs., -fri., Sat. lor CYO T• leal Show have btca uhtdultd 11 7 p.m. Wrdnuday, DAISY R. LLOYD AuJ. t. at SI. Mlch1tl'1 parlab. Joly 27-28~29 6pecl1l11ill1 In Resldentl•I Property The show wlll be held Sunday, Call 632-4691 AuJ. 20, In 01rlleld Park. Fun - .Games - Rides - Food - Drinks ' • • FISH FRY ell thrH d4ys-Sarvlng 1tert1 et 5 P.M• • The cv9,QI/Ice lblJ week ,a. ·FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS SATURDAY ONLYI ..______, 1ummernounced splrlt111Ithat the aclbolly J11nlor wouldCYO

be he)d AUJUII ~I II our ST a CHRISTOPHER CHURCH Lldy• ol• Fallma Co11ncU and Holy Family Council, Knl&hla of 5335 Wet~ l~th StrHt ,,. Ille BrHdlcrlnc trodillOll ..• Columbus. l1111lar l,...._ay lu1 Service le P11llnl Oreuncl1' s.. 11 •• alter · Qur, lady of Grace ~ca~emy BANGKOK, Tb1ll1nd-C11ho­ Uc1 numbered U0,31S 1mo111 ·MENU-rhursday Academic • Fin• Arts • General Thalland'1 ullmaltd 1111 popu• Petite Salad.. . 20~ Ceffff ...... 10c P•rk l1rllacue Uc lallon or II mlWoa, 1ccordla1 81kttl l11n1... Uc lcttl Tu...... lOc H1111 an lun... JSc Five 1nd Sevtn•D•y Ruldcnl Pl1n1 - Day Studtllll to the INT Calhollc Dlr•etor, · MIik ...... lie Moderate Rites - Re1lltr•tlon Underway ol Thailand. Cele llaw ...... 2tc Pith Sandwich Uc Our Own He111e, lllcttl C--, 1111da Chlll ... JSc 1402 leuthem An, IHch Or,vt, 11141. Ta11111ff1 ... U H!:=lch . . .. Mc Ice Cr11111 ... ..1oc Cam an Cell ..• Uc l • ndwlch 2t He111e M•• JAMES H. DREW Plcl&lacl INII .. lie Turll,r · ·.. c Paean "•·· . . Jee IWIM MIIT DOUILI WINNIRS-Tha fin y-., ....,.. alone l'l•cN ffnt In twe IYenll .,,.. l •uct . . . 11 Sandwich ....Uc All Other Pl11 tsc each llvrlnt the Ncent 14th 1nm,1I ArclwllecH•ll Junler CYO lwl111 MNt et IN•d 11,,te Corporation . PNI. Shewn fN111 left arei Pat o•c.... r, el Our Lady ef Leur••• leya• Open ,.._meltr I MENU-Friday Ham•urg (Ind.) Church Picnic l •clnlNb, IM leya' O,.n 1... 111eter 8NHlllreh1 Cln,ly Cherry, ef Our Lady ef Lturtlt1, 'Olrl1' Nnlce 11•14 Sf.111eter 8•cklti'eke (Nft, R•cenll, ,n,1 Olrl1' Ne,tca 1'•14 Sf.111eter ,,... ,et•te l •lad.. . 2tc lauc1... 10c Het Dat 1t,le1 lkWtle lullltr,_ef It. Chrht-,her'a. Olrh' Nevlu 1J an,I Over Sf.111ete, Butterfly, •M l •kHI 111111 . .•1Sc lieC H ...... 10c l • ndwlch ... :nc Olrla' Ne,tce 11 •"" Over st-111eter flrff1tyl•1 Ta111 O,l1111n, ef It. G1llrl1l'1, lays' Open 110· Cele 11,w 20c lcttl Tu ...... lie P•rll l1rllac111 He · Su_nday, July 30, 1967 lllctd .. .. • . MIik .. · ··· .. ••.lie H1111 an lun ... JSc ..,.r Butterfly, and leya• o,en 1... 111eter PrH1t,la !New lec..-tll, an,I o.. ,,1n1 Herrick. Ttlllalffs Uc flllh l • nclwlch JSc Our Own tte1111• St. Ann•'• Church al If, Chrl,..,._,,a, Glrta• o,en 1...... -Bvtterfly (New R•canll, an,I Olrl1' Open 1t••111•ter · · · Cl!MY 1111,lt Chlll JJc - Ster ·•eute 0.....,., 11141. 471U CNlw ll--.11," l'lcklN INII . . 10c lendwlch . . .. >Oc lea CN1111 •. : ::10c (Telle 1•74 le 81111,(Ue, fellew 111arkan te HH1llurtl Cem an Cell ... 1Sc vllttl •n1 ...10c He1111 Mada l •kttl M1e1renl urtt•r · Pecan Pie ,tc c~L~T~¢'1Jl\ CHICKEN DINNER IM CheaN ... 2tc lallllwlch ... . Uc All Other Pin ·»c Modem Dlnln1 H• U - Coavenltnl P1rkla1 Dbwien wlll lie MnHI • t 11 1.111., U-. 1 ,.111, at1111,.111. (Clncl-11 Tl111el MENU-Saturday Multi ti.St - Children 11114er 111 7Sc ~ •· 0111111 1nd A111uM111enla All Aft•- 11141 IY~ flRIID ~HICKIN DINNH-\11 Prle4 Chicken Chelce ef •ltn, lylnater'J. lleelllke-,heM (l11flvUlel • Tch"i•.1 Vltlf•lli.1, l1l1d, Drink, Butter, ltella. Adult• $ Our new permanent Plcale l>ata II Ille Ital llalld•1 11111. ,. la"lnt 7H, lxt,• MIik 10c. • He.ep,M .. ,... .._ All Other "•• ...•..•.. Uc K ft ,...... - I lea Cru111 ...... 1tc Ve1etaltlea 1•1M1• l •kHI Uc AH The ~BIC;KEN Yo1 Cu. Eat M•.&io'•a... rny ... SJ ~-o..-an..... Cell• .. 11,1 1Sc ·•~n• ••· Set on the table, Country Style-:-Help ~nelf Sala.. IIICltl I CaN llaw•. . •.. 20c, ANle lauce 1tc T-•lffa ... Uc PlcklN ...,a . . 10c ,el•ta l•l•ll:::21c Adults •1.2.1 ~~~~ C;hlldreo "l~e ...... ~.... Plah Sandwich "'I Het Oat1· , ~ Perle l • rllacut u. C-, H!:."".: t,.;::: u Our Own Ham• landwlch ....Mc T~':l.t . 111.. Chill . ..Uc Sun., July ·30 ...... ch . ... u Carry Out Service All ThrM Nlthtt et 41M P.M, ,..... ,!.., ~ ... ,...... , ...... 11 AJA. t:t :l: Sc...... Dining Room Shtlter-ShlClt-Pltntr of Frtt P1rlclnt e?a.Ill llaw = .....: ::..:::::....::...::::. . ..::::...... :::::::::::. .. \ti ::==,t.-• ,e, Entertal11111111t Rides Enloy ·the L1k~ Comfort --n·tm.·_.·ai'i.·········· ··Uc "-·-• ... ~ii.¥::::::::::::::::::::::~.~.~::-:-.,~ Rocle Lib P1~ ..,. ., a.i.ii i,· c.;;y ·o;,;· .illiiiii -.;: :id: ...... _ ..,,,...... , ...... ':"" ~ IOOM IHVICI IIOI.. I P.M...... D=_IC IQ IHYICI lltlNI I P.M.. Open. All Eventna • ·several to key ppsitioris J':lnior CY(!.~rs ~'mak~ ~ estjf)~t BISCH OROVS. lad. - .'A,- ,._ _..... la l<er lhrJ I ,olntmnll to' fOlltlou la a.race· Oardaer, laraw • ltlJ Ir PAU'L 0 , POX !Wl, AllO leaYllll arei Palher , .... P, 'Kra• tbe Btllldlctiae C.C.Yllll ol Our parlor of It. P1al'1 -­ 111er, to st. i,n'auu mp Bchool, aaica,o; Lad)' ol Oran bert wen an- Tell at,. ' "We eouldll't bn~ mlllll&td wltbout tbem'' Palher Pttff D. Pft, to COUllltllinl atudle1 at aounctd 1h11 wttk bJ llotlltr .,POtNTID ~tor ot are tbe worda,nnnl adult.I u1td to d11crlbe Geor11towa Un1Ytnl11, Wallllnstoe; Pather MarJ PbWp Bellt, aewb'• leeted It .. tal Bvmltqt. 'Aftlidloee. the contrlbuUon of Metr lp!rlt CYO member• o-.e Wutat, to ta,ola Ualnnlty, aalc1111; eoaYat 111P1rior. - ~ r!uremlllt boa. oa to tbe lndlaiii,iolli' · parbb'• .recent summer lchelaatle Jada Caeldey, to Bellarmlae Bcllool Hamtd 111bprlore11 (Hl~I tbe COIIYIIIC ,round,, ... 8lalff Ft1UnL ot Theoloa, Horth Anrora, JIL; 'and Schei•" nperlor) for tbe t:ommunlty llo11mary Braun. SM prttJoa,. On I 11,tctly Yohantary bull, CYO'tn did tic.,....,.. D, , ...... to MWorcl NoYlt);<, waa..Bllter M. Cecllt Dtbn, for• b' atntd oa tbe mualc fmaltJ X.P. dut1 for lbt nlabU, dlnnen, 1taUtd 1hi Milford, o. Replacem1111.1 wm lllclude: Pather mer•tnnnactor at Cllatard 1lllb at Our Lad)' of Grace AcadtmJ · Richan! I, Kelly {111lltanl principal), Pa ..r kJ!ooL Slater Marietta Laun and tbe LaUn kbooL 11M will bootbl of their own {ft1b pond, rlna to11, etc,) w11 reumtd to tbe posltloa of conUnua part Um• at tbe Latlll m1Med the popcorn and plua 1tandl, ran a H.,rr lerten. ,ather Patricia J; O'Hallara11, procurator, Appointed Here• Bcbool. putt,putt 111lf 11me, belped 111 up tbe outdoor Pather HareW J, ..__ and lchllaatlca taq,lrt1111rtr WII Blaltr Mary Benral DtW )ocal COIIHIII 111• tablea and dllpla71 and cleaned up tbe arta HeMy L. ...._ ltllert J, laue,t,ny1 Wllllem ludltb Howe, formerly of Cha• perlon and elementary achoo) nlabl1J,tl!t•ld11 runnlJI& errand, and carr,ln1 , ltMI and Ca•lllvt - WahWI. tlrd. prlnclp1ll were allllOUDced. flit 1uppU11 ior adult worten. 1cbool1 Include: ~~ HIil• ANO...TH•ll-=,A fa.nrtlut\tffll!!ll .. 8l1ter Carlene Eckert, former principal of St. Bim1b11 Bcliiiol Oirllt-the Xln1, lndlan1polla, Abo DI HolJ SplrltCYO memben helped of'Arcbdlotttan plenlc•111tn II tbe quUt booth 8l1ter Collltance Kleeman; It. • • make the fntlval elicit-and 1ner1I volun, at tbe It, Paul'• pariah plenlc, Sellenbur1, to In Jndl1napoll1 wa,1 namtd novice ml1tre11, whllt the new Bam1baa, lndlanapolll, Sliter teerel\ tpr;~ utra "tum" wben tht)' 11w belp be held Sunday at Rock Lake Part ntar there, Mary OrelOr)' Get1tlfln1er; Al• • WH n•e¥: . , , CMtllutw Ar~.. 0-.. llaln,p II • 1umptlon, lndl1naP.flll, Blatar NAMII IN THI NIW~Travelins abroad appropriate!)' namtd, "Bllkup" In bla anct1• • k Mary IJnua War1el, St, Colum• ba, Columba1, Sl~ter Raebel 1h11 weelt are: Piiher aelMrt Minten, pt1tor tral Bobemla meam "blalaop," • , • "Tbt 0 IS Ah -B up Be1t; St, Jo11ph Hill, Clart of ,amllr ,arlah, Richmond, In Europe; Bl1clt Wahitt," wttk-end coffee house located P M11r, J--,h o. l...adla,., rector-of the Latin In the ba11ment of Cbrl1t Churcb Eplacopal (Continued from P•I• 1)- _ C!>UJIIJ, Blater _Anlt•~ Zlnltan; lei-I, and M1tr, brlMIIII T. ltiler, pt1tor Cathedral on lndlanapol11' Monument Circle dalned In Rome on March 11 81. Paul, Tell City, Sliter Mar, 1 11137 ' Lola Hobl; 81. Michael, Cannel· of Little ,1ewer tiiarlah, both In Japan, , • , will future the fo1Jowln1. for entertalnmelll · ton, Sliter Amelia Banet; BL Recently retumtd r from • round of conven- Friday and Saturda1 nlpll: Asntda and Gree CIRIMONIAL IWOIID-A Mt ef, ceremenlal .-111 w11 ~••*•"'the C1ui,t1lna' He made po1t-ordlnatlon ,tud, Plu1, Troy, Sliter Gilberta tlon1 Jn the Weal 11 ,,ttie, Jehn H. Wllllemi, Hildebrand (follt and topical mu1lc), "Birth of Office et Fart lenlemlrl H1rrl1on for u11 In t.rm'\l mlllta,j WNtllnta- LNltlne ever - ef lea at the Unlvenlty of In Trible; St. Anthony, Clarltlvllle, I .J., development director at ,,.._.,. Prep. a Nation" film (In two part.I), Charlie Chaplin the ,_nl, 1bev1· ere, left I• right: Faihe, Paul ICosllcewslcl, whe. helll1 the rank •f Lieu, 1939 and ~ o. and tausht at Slater Gertrud!, ltleael. 7 He atlendtd me~lnll of the NaUonal Auocla• abort film,, 1palbelll dlnnen, coffee and 10ft ftflant Col-I, end 11 P11t Ch1pl11n1 Colene! I , .1 . Lyle, Deputy PMt Cemm1ndtr1 and ~:.• i~~ef:.:~: ~~• Acid• NAMID Al principal and ~t,:·" lion of Retail Grocen {? ), Jt1ult Alumni Ad· drlnltl.•. . Merlan Cel.... b11 already re• Ll,utena_nt c,1-1 I, M. Amm.,,m,n, 111lsl1nl P11t Ch1pl1ln. (Army phete lly Percy Harden) perlor of. Tran1fl,uratlon parllb mlnl1tutou and the American Aluml Council. celved ,everal un101lclted often by laymen lie aerved Ill parlabu In Du• 1clAlol In Florrtunt, Mo., wblcb But wllhea to Mr. anti Mn, ••rt w. Reth, lntere1ted In 111um1n1 the pre1ldenc7 there buque, Walfor,S and Key Wut, the community will atalf 1h11 mtmben of It. Antlrtw'a pariah, lndluapoU,, followln1 the colle1e'1 recent announcement AREA ALREADY INTEGRATED · Iowa, and wa, called to Rome fill, w11 Slater MIidred Waane­ to aerve In tht of!lce of the muehltr. .She formerly ""td on the occ11loll of their 25th Weddlnl Annlvtr• , that • qualified layman would .. be 1elected. Sarred Con1re1atlon for the .. ,•,'. One 1enUem1n tore a ,mall new, Item from 0 H Juilrer mlltreu. 1111 • Oriental Church from 19'1 to · ,tht. Brookl)'ll Tablet and 1crlbbled around the · Two v e t e r 111 elementary ~ ------TA,ILCHANGlll.AT- aR• IIUII-Twe>-alory:-!!l-lhlnlt- l!m- lhe-man- )'ou!re.-looltln11 ores • anor. nelP h b• or. h o_od 111$1, He wi, chancellor of the 1chool teacbtn were · retired t Mc 0 archdloceae of Dubuque In lJSl from active dulle•. Sliter Do­ / Juult teachen who have been 111l111td to for." (The pre1ldenU1l-flndln1 committee -;-----=----..:•!!!nd~ 1"2~ ---~ 'mltllla Donahue and Slater Mary Brebeuf Prep 1l11ce the openln1 of the aec- make-up h11. not yet been aMounced. J • • •• 111, appointment -..mwar Anaelm- Kreb,, who have eaeb ondary 1chool In 19SZ have been rea11l111td. Criterion •l•lfen thl1 week received an un• • · d • t • - ,pent 50 yean Ill ilie"cl111room, as s OUSlnP coon 1na lOn bllbopll!Heinerla 1ndau11ll1ry .,alhtr lllchenl J, Mlclclfflderf wlll teach nnl usual "thank you" note from the two ' Indian k h o ol Dubuque WH IM0unced on have tHehed mandatory reUre­ yur at St. l1n1tlu1 Hl&h School, Chlc110, and nun, recenUy written up. The note w11 hand• &larch 20, lj.57, and he wu con• menl ase · HI by the Archdio­ ,,ttier Gre,ery P. ,Nie II In Oalt Parlt, Ill., romely penned In ele11nt Mal111am 1crlpt­ By BERNICE O'CONNOR public housing unit, arc being ti already boasts a paid mem• ,cerated on April 24, or that cese. Slater Amelm will re1lde awaltln1 • new aulanment. Auhtant prlncl• the native dialect of the nun,. It w11 quite built 11 30th and B1ltlmore, and berahlp ef U2 and Is ahaollng ume year. at Auumptlon pariah In Indian•, Forest Manor la I pleuanl for 500 mamllers lly the time apol11, ,while Sliter Domllllla pal Palhtr ltlwanl I . Smith h11 been named undecipherable, but appreciated nonetheleu. arc being proposed 11 three He w11 elected idmlnl1tntor will Uve 11 St. John the B1ptlll prlnclp1l of St. Xavier m,h. Sc~l, Clncln• A aampllns appeara below. tree-llned\n_elghborhood In north• other loeatlons-28th and Rural, schools.,.,.. or the archdloceae · of Dubuque eaal lndh1111pol11 that Is fi&hl• 301h and RIiier, and 30th and pariah, Starllsht: A con1ult1nt to the Indiana In 1982, when the See wu tem• The Benedictine convent 1llfU Ing to remain Integrated. But 1 Arlington. porarlly vacant. When the combln11lon ol high-pressure All ol these projects-pro• Civil Rl&ht1 Commlulon, Mn. 19 elementary, three 1tcond1ry c; .J,, , ,?.: • Julia Fanameler, l1 coordlnal• Alost Rev. Janiu J. Byrne w11 1chooll and • retirement home __ real nt1te operators, p1nlclt1 posed, planned or under con• named archblah'Lp of Dubuque home owners, low-rent public In& a Forn.t Manor neighbor• In · addltloll to a par!1b center 1tructlon- arc clustered In an hood 1urvey to learn the extent later that year, Bl1hop Bl11tup In Call, Colombia. hou1lng developments and elvlc aru five miles wide and one w11 named vicar seneral. Inertia may tum It Into 11111 an• mile deep. of-lntearatlon 1lnee 11164 and to other Negro ghetto. make a record of the rul eatate Not, however, If thl!"whlte and·• The ,..ed t.r 110tqu1te lew• tranuctlon,, by company, that l ••• ra• ee Negro homeowners who make rent public housing In lndlen• have occurred. An 1uocl1tlon ROME-By act•of parliament, up the Forest Manor Neighbor, 1pol11 11 crlllcal, exports point new1letter spell1 It out: llall1n law now extends health u.; "We Intend to demonstrate hood A11ocl11lon hive their out. About 2,000 ftmlllts are lnsuranee to Catholic dloceaan MONUMINT CO., INC. way. Auocl1non founder and lleln1 dliplactd lty highway beyond any re11on1ble doubt IISI N. MarWIM w,- Mm that the plannln& for extensive prlull and mlnllten of other president Edward L. Sh1ugh, construction and lly the e•• rell1l0111, neuy, Jr., a member of St:-AD· paneled lndlana. Unl'tthlt-, public housln& In or clon to drew'• pariah, 11td at a nelah,'-Mtdlcal Canta, on 'the near Fol'eal Manor will not promote borhood meetln1 lut week: w11t side, M11t ef the 1111• 1t1blllty but will cause racial ne Kai.... el St. Peter aaver are ee•• "Many people claim 11'1 too late placed whe need public beu•· Imbalance and deterioration. In mld•Au1u11, when our ,urvey l1 ••etl• I a •rl\le fer • ew •e•hn.' Me• to uve Forut Manor 11 111 ln~e- Int fecllltlM art J'ttrMS, • ·•• ire l tereslell I• J•l• l•I die Kai.... crated community. We'rt tey. .. , completed, we wlll preaent It to • the Metropolitan Plan Colilml1• ef St. Peter Cl• Yer .... eeauaet '"llr. In& to prove they are wron1.'~•.. 'if• are not jµ1t ftshtlns to la,, ...... , , li1 .. "' • .-"':-1 ... . Comprbln1 -.boat .,. ...d P~~~ullns out of .l)r• 1lon, the Marlon County Council l•:,C C. Bay, Sr., 21SI C.1• ... - ...... , blocltl Foreat Manor 11 bou · Manor, Sh1u1hneuy el• and the Indl1napoll1 llou1ln1 n H after I p.a., er llr. Oiaalel . ·" ed by38th ,treet 011 the no , • 1- "What we want 11 1ome Authority. Then they can under• .re• et1, 1a1.1:au. 32nd ,treet on the ,otith Parlter iiuurance from the School 1tand our 11tuallon." 1ml on the weal and H~wthome Board that there wlll be enouah Lane on the e•1t. 11 Include• clauroom r1cllltlu for all the CITES DETROl:r - two public ,chool districts- children or the ncl1hborhood­ Number 1 and Numbe~ 11• those already here and those Ne&ro home buyers began mov• '!'ovln1 In. Both public 1choob H. ln1 Into the about three now have cl1uroom lo!ds of 40 lle:rrmann, area 0. years 1ao, and the nelahborhood lo 45 pupils, far over the recom• Father Strange pens letter 1cemed on Ill way to becoming mended maximum,. Funn-al Homes a 1t1blllzcd, Integrated commu- " We need to know what, If nit)'. any, pl1nround and recrea• 1505 ~lith East Stratl 5141 ·•·Isl•,,.. tlonal bcllltle1 · arc planned by THIN SEVERAL things hap• the Park1 Department . .. how IIE2-Hl8. . ST 1-1211 on CaL1tses of potential riot pened.'" A vae1nl lot at 32nd and much public tran1port1tlon wlll Emerson wu ioned by the be expanded and 1treet1 main• - 11 ..... Dear Fellow Cltllen1: Edi1or'1 Nole: Falh,r Bnn• Other Doae1 of Prevention: Marlon County Council for a talned. An lntearated commu• -·I)·- DOES INDIANAPOLIS FID, 0rd L. Slronge, lollg•llme po,, 1) Polle'! noldlnl brutallty 164,unlt low-rent publle hou1lng nlty hu to have a plan." . .. 1 project. Construction la due to Forest Minor resident, won• - DLE WHILE DETRO IT lor " Ille Negro Jfortindale and bad Jµdament. To date our orro of l11dia114poll1, hat pre• II In ·,ad start In September. Al :Wlh and der aloud why the Aletropolll1n BURNS? One hundred fifty mil• portd the followlllg open lel• po Cl I lan1polla have done Hawthorne, • 11te waa ione.d Plan Commlulon and the In­ lion dollar1 dam11e I When will 1,,. 10 lndlall4poli, rtlidenl,. an ucellenl Job 1ccordln1 to lor • 250-unlt project. allhough dl1n1pol11 llousln& Authority do lndlanapoll1' hour be? Tomor• ••••1t111••111t1111t111n- my contacll. " the lndl1napoµs Housing Au• not 1p1ce public hou1ln1 eqult1• (OW? Two weeb? 18118? II 11111• 1• 1•• 1111,..._ 2) Avoldln1 mallclou1 11 e 1 thorlty h11 delayed conslr!lcllon-- bly throughout the ell)' and ..... When the t1plo1lon hits It b 1ra1M, Create lalts-job1 ior about abuae-perpetrated by the temporarily, county-ln1tead ol concentral• too late. Tbe hour of prevention mon. "enemy" (the pollce). TheJle Adjacent to Foreat Manor, Ing It jn certain arc11. Sh1u1h• b •new, Where'• the money cbmlnl 1pre1cb llltt wildfire and II be· neuy1111: " The community at Havln1 lived at 111th and Mar• from7 No one wants tax In• lleved by the un1u1pecUn1 and lar1e mu1t seclt thoae person, Have You tlodale for sz year• baa 1lven creaau. What bualneu man lnnocenl, wbo n,re with rlab· displaced. All area, or the city me much lime for lhou1bt on would not be slad to live SIO.O0 teou1 lndl1natlon and Jolq the Housing and county mu1t be Involved thl1 mailer, and I bave • plan or szs.oo • weelt to 1h11 fund II criminal mob. Cf. Pblladelph11, and none 1hould be considered I am convinced wlll work. a aood bualneH Investment? etc. l1w1 of M1111ebuaett1 1111 De• 11cro11nct." Let'• create Job• for every Other• thlnlt there II plenty of SJ No tolerance of ouUlde cember 1. Bl1hop Fl1n1111n pur• unemployed man a1e JS to 30 or free money In foundatlom, etc. asltaton. If there I• a ,tale tContlnued trom p111e ll MIANWHILI, "For Sale" Reserved .I S5 In the Inner city. "ldleneu But the bumlnl question 1,: . anti-riot Jaw, Invoke It awlftly chued In the name of the dlo• 1lgn1 are 1hootln1 up like weed, ; In Forest Manor. In the School ll·th• devil'• worltlhop." Many Shall we apend sz mlWon and with item juiUce. Shadow the cctt 25 of the first 1huea ol people la 1h11 city are hunsry have It circulate back Into the Imported asltaton. If needed,. the private eorporatlon alter 71 dlltrlct, 1115 homca are l11ted ' and ra11ed. Many othen live economy, or ahall we ate l50 p anU•rlQl city ordinance. they were put on the mullet. for 11le. The ,tor, h about the 111 111 ume near School 1. Home• In Ivory towen and do not ltnow mlll~ ln lndlanapoll1 reductd 4) Or11nlle and . train tarse I hi I ti th I I th thl._ It II I queaUon of the h I 'I •~- h be f N f n I e er I o e pr es I c ownen 1pe1lc bitterly ol real "H " d th "H N .,_ to II uT I I one or ..... ot er. num n o e1ro men rom bllbop uld. "The houalna prob• estate u lcamen who compound Space 01 1 ave• an • •~•· · Why lhould we believe lndlanap. amoa1 our up1tandln1 Ne&l'9 lem1 In our ·community are com• the panic by rlnclng doorbell• The Indlanapolll Star• Clean• oil, 11 Immune? Development cltlitnr)' 11 minute men to help I d led F Ill Ith Up C1mp1l1n hll provldtd I I lndl II b t f trol -'•In Tb 'II p n an var , am u w or malling notices to realdent1 IMI Let' 11· 1n1po • 11 a ire• U• con an up,!° I, ey many children find moil apart• that "we have • buyer for your rf be I 1 pe eel I f nhs. bo I ve ture unleu ~eared by riot.I. aerve proud!)' aaia well to help menti clo1td lo them. eolored home and you had better act every man o 1 e • ve ••• • protect their city and their · I b d II ' I , In Job cleanlna up the city with Why looll ~ r forel111 marltell homu and the llve, of their peop e are arre • ent Y, ye, qulekly." sood pay (A dole desradn all~ !'hen our Nesro community a f Tb ., bite " t 1ur1ly, from many of our nel&h• II W The nelghllerhood IIHCII• human ~Ina.> or1anlu . Piib.'"llreat market for. ever)' Amer!• ~::It "~uld '1ie ~m%vedre•~~ borhood,. In • word, acar.e&•· tlen Is not w11tln1 Its time In llclle Job openlnaa: Job, for the can produc,n II h11 10 many wbite iuce have never rotect• tlon by number of children ·and , recrlmlnallens, hewtVtr, Or• unsltllled. For example: Clean need,. Let• alve It purch11ln1 ed Nesro cltliem fromp Ne ro by color 11 ~ fact, not fiction, In 11nl1ed enly twe month, ..., tbe atreell. Repair curb,. Cut power. The Ne1ro doe1 not hoodlum, I our mldU. 1th lnnual weed1. Te,r down condemned hoard bla money. lie hll 10 The Irony of race riot• j1 that 11,, housea. Keep the autom1tloa many other lhlns, he needl Ne1roe1 {tbe very people who machinery out, whlcb h11 put wone than money. lie bll been have been the vlcUm1 of race For Real Service ,In 10 many unallllled out of worlt. robbed for 250 yeabnll. tloLel uaof prejudice) now 1uffer the moil (We have had • very 1tron1 In• bt1ln our moral O •• n from race riot.I nllll of unsltllled labor Into the re1tltutlon. A1 to the or11nll• · llEAL ESTATE Aichdiocesan city ) Paint all houae1 In bllsbl• 1111 and Implementation of 1h11 td ire11 for a nominal price, pro1ram·, there II wide l,nt- College fo offer As A Buyer or Seller Call Pat Fitzgerald HJ ,'50,00. Put plenty men meat that Indlanapolll ll bl111td , - carlna for city part1, etc. with abundant talent In 1h11 b f Or1anlle plenty foremen, lnM- field. Cr88 program Or Directory teacher training T /"r ... .. fiuk,·7 I Prlsonen aid·chapel fwicl LOUISVILLE, Ky,-Catberlne ' CD GI Spaldlnl Coll• It bere b11 STILLWATER, Mlnn,-lnmalll at tbe MlnnelOla Stall Prllon Jauncbtd a 11t1r prosram that II bere liave contributed SDI In the put three monthl toward • will t111ble coU.11 1raduata1 who did not major In tducatloa Pat ,11qe,.w propolld ecumenical cbapel at tbe prllon. i~ to um a M11t1r ol Art• de,ret '11ala ll no mtan fut Hid Father Francia J. IIIUer, Catholic In lllcblnl In about a )'llr. - .. Buyers Gui•e? ~ebaplalll becauae the l00 prtlOlltn are paid 20 cent.I to St • day.• llucCQlfla1 ,raduataa of tbe North Side Office - 1110 II. 62nd St. "Ila;., ol them com• (rom relllloua bom11," be Hid. coune would be tllalb)t to be 1tate-certlfltd tucbtn. ''TIie cbapel bu bltll a tbouabl DD. 1111 mind all tbe Jun Dr. lllcblrd Wallll, proltaaor F. C. Tucker Co. Pat Fitzgerald J bnt been bert," 111d Fathtr MIiler, wbo bu Nl'Hd at tbo of tducatloo at tbe•colltp, dt­ Realton Broker prllN alnce ta Be cndlttd tbt prtaoatn ua1 Jobll T. Mc• acrlbtd tbe pro,ram u aa Call Now! -. 635-4531 ' J>oaou1b. probate Judae Ill ltlllwater ud • member ol t111 effort "to tap 1111 ,.,, ruenolr UM221 251-9092 .. . l(IDMIDtl Parole Board, wltb c1n7lq OIi\ Illa cuptl ldta. el tlacblnl taltllt amoaa ,radu· I Ith wbo UYI dtcidtcl tbq would lJu to teacb." ,. .., ' ' PAO• IIOHT ' TH• ,~RITBRION, JULY 21, 1H7 ' l'ARMBR'l ,VIIW Peace Corpa, f,Xvt.A, VISTA, • FAMILY CLINIC ::==, ete. are dolht. We Just need to FESTIVAL do loll more of It. · You don't have to be • PhD Extend-Ext~~ (you don't even have to have a CALENDAR I. c0lle1e dep-tt) to help., All )'OU Amons the man1 free forcet 1tad to bear echoed the ar need la wlllln1neu. and 1ood lying contrlbutln& to America'• ,reat- we've ahouted fot' 10 very, very practical experience. Fann peo­ JlajOf' 1111mmff ffllfflol11, neu la our marnlalll Jand,rant Ions.) BJ the latter he meana pie .... needed m01t of all. !Milli of Arcl1dloc1,a11 par, coll t nal t Extenalon, rnarketln1 and aup­ u•u art lut,d btloto fOf' tlle ese ex e on •11 em--eape- pl)' cooperatives, credit unlona,. btfltfO of worlctr1 and pa, clal17 the count)' farm and home rural eltctrlc and telephone co­ Brookville troftl. w, l11olt1 tll, pa,10f'1 · acent.-wh,o ao efflclentl7 n- opa. to male« tllu lut compl1t1 tend technolo1lcal advance from "Asrlculture la In the mldat source of coiicetn · to1t,t~11ti::;allot1 ab011t thrir the unlvenlt)' to'" the farm field. of • technoloalcal°revolution ... pa P · Genl111 of the 11,tem wu and Ill our production la enonnoua,tt Ptpal 1 · July 21, 21, 2t _ st. Chrl•to• d u 11)'1 Paarlber&, addlnc practice, By JOHN J , KA'}I, Ph.D. you ducrlbe In your lelter. · very patl_~nt with 1uch 10un1• emonatra ona: ae-lt worul pro eel I I b t d t 1 Pour, • . · But· one hu to make certain 1trn because lhl• type of •tale- pber'• " Topi In Food" FeaUval, 1 . 1 v n • ora ory • n es Why cla ....,1, 1117 f,IY nalth• sll1tlnctlons about what you call ment m•y reve·•• severe lonell• lndl1n1pol11. ~ A thouch huncry 11•ll0n• need P ou are yet unused even on It Onl ber wllhln, Iha ahert llm! 1'0 lies. Some people live In • nu1 and Insecurity. The be1l July •-St. P•ul'1, Sellen• American food export• now American11 farma. Thia require•, llod hare hu , 1•en mt tht world ol l•ntuy. It may be the thing to do ls to consult a ehUd bur&, at Rock Laite · Park- uya Don Paarlberc. Purdue u' appean, •l!Jl..creater use of hlstery tf 1lm11t •••l"f- Sht b b .. • ·• o.ur own Incomparable extension hu n • h n · resu1 t o 1 ra In Injury ut they psych0lo11 11, aocl•I worker or TO CINCINNATI-P.-.W 1._ Chicken Dinner. In the lone, run, they need •)'Item. and extendlnll It to de- .-- d 1 I 1 • en~•gr In behavior technlf•IIY some o th e r · profeulonally wanl 1. Smith, I.J., ••ll•tant July "-St. Anne'1, Hambura American farm technoloo, edu• velopln& n•tlona. He aald Amerl• g::,. te •~ called "c0nl•bul1tlon." . trained person. Generally apetlt• principal •I Brebevf ,,.,.,.. ( Franltlln Counly), cational ldeu, research and •crl· can-type farm technical asil•• Connersville ·tt,a •nYd The1e people are not rully ln1. this phue In. • child'• life tery lclMol, Indiana,.,,., fer July "-St. M1ry'1, Dl•mond cultural lnatltution•." (We're lance •hould be multiplied.many hn=• dl:c:vertdI telling l•lsehoods. Their mem- will pau. . • the put thrH yura, h•a bNn -Homecoming. Chicken or beef ------tlmea to these n•tlona In the Gray thtt wh•t sh• ory 11 Impaired, and they try But to come to crlp1 with lhe appolnttd prlllclpal et St. dinner from noon to 5 p.m. •next two decadea. · IIYI 11 u t to lill In events which they. can- queallon that you propos~. Thi• Xnltr Hlth SchMI In Cln- , August '-St. Aucu1t I n e • ., College, seminary Rl&bt Iler WWII somebody I I • ltln Sht not remember lrom their Im• &· woman 11 more than ' a mere clM•tl. He will be •ucceeclad , - 1~ "'-I k d B f DI · 1 Id lb b t fl h Id Sales Company P-• fr•m1111· - lnallon. I rather doubt this Is goulp qr common •cold. II you o,a,po __,,. c en an ee n- • • ea way to I l wor · . h h h d lb d h by Father Richard I. Kelly, nen, 2 to 7 11.m. · · •t f CSMC wide communl•m and want Plymouth - Valiant te •nothar ,.. Ih e cue wit t e woman ) 'OU ave ercr e er accur•teI Y, S.J ., a former U. S. Army •ffl• Autust ~ - John the Bap- UDI S O · would be to •end 3,000 Amerl• Sales and Service peatlnw th mentioned, but I •m cltln& It 1he 11 1ullty ol detracllon, that and teacher •t the Clrt- tilt, Dover can eoµnty 11ent• to Europe and 1 11 q,r 600 Wallam Ave, 115-41'1 stories perhaps to show ) "OU that such things It, lellln1 lalaehood1 •bout other clM•tl 11conclary ulMol. l , l A 25 27 Aala tnn ~beut· m,. "'"" •PM! ~1st. II this &hould be the real people. Thia 11· 1 very serious ------Autuat , - St. Cecilla, Oak O mee ug. • In· 1 way, th•i-. what the 11 wtrrlu mt What can do? reason, th~n. ol course, medical matter mor•lly, •nd lncldent•l· Forest. ' • I help Is lndlcat,d. ly, may be le1•lly. ll·wenilc HolyPlncesloclcea- Au1u1H-St Bernard-'•, CINCINNATI - Colleae and Motives for lying Sally arc • out the poulblllty of 1omr.·e Frenchtown - Chicken Dinner, seminary •tudent• alflllated Barton E. Barker q~lte diverse and wlit var/lrom Young children are sometimes physlolo1lc•l bul1 for It; I thin 11 • ,m. to 3 p .m. with the C•thollc Studenll' Mli- Thompson's R•al E1tat• SalH one lndlvlduai to •nother and gi,·en to-wh•l 1dult1 m•Y con- It c•n be described quite pro • because of abuses August 1J--St. P•ul'1, New Al- 1lon Crusade will lake part In Quality "Chekd" and Appral1tl1 lrom one allu•llon to •nolher. sider lies. They mtY live In • ably to lhe woman's desire to be· · nee. concurrent conventions Au1111t ICE CREAM l11111rance , We would h•ve dlsllneubh world or fantasy and •t limes lmoptrant, to saln recognition. J ERUSALtM -The Francia- August 11-12 - Utile Flower, 25 to 27 at M•r)-Wood Colleae, 10 and Im Or•ncl Avt, Ph,J."•'211 betwren the so called white lie evtn talk ol lm11ln•ry com- You told me nothln1 of the can Custody ol the Jloly Land ' nd~• ~•polla. Dinnen ilt J p .m. S<:ranton, P a. Dairy PNHl• eta which does no one •ny harm p•nlons wh~ do not exist outside elrcumstances of this woman'• has ln1tructcd the 1uperlon ol bo! •Y\,-s M ,I Sep•rate groups of 1pe•ken and II used u I pretext to avoid ol the child• mind. lire, but I would have to 1ueu a•cred shrines and ch•pela In III uguat t. ary Lanes- will lead dl1cu11lona on the mectlnc persons who·• re selling Again this Is not lying or tell- •he Is I r•lher lonely and In• Its care here a t Bethlehem and v Ae. t 21-St M1 , 1 N ··God la Dead" wrlten for the 1ood1, who •re •nnoyln&, or Ptr• Ing I lalsehood In the true sense seture lndlvldu•I. She probably In other plac~s on the weal 'bank 111 ~gua_ · r Y ' •· collegians and on "Pastoral For- h•P• persons 1ucb u lhe lady ol lhe term. Jlarents should be hu nothln11 ol which 1he can be ol the Jordan Rlver'to lock them v'Ae on. 1 u 26 A U matlon In Minion Conscious- Rushville particularly proud. She like-- except during the celebration ua ' Fl h u;mp on, neu" for the aemlnarl1n1, CSMC I 11 1 1 1nd wise must have • areat deal of of M•11 and other service•. Fn • n•po - ry hcadquarten here announced. Y.our f "ami,11 Shot StOf'e • ....-. • ..-.""",.. Idle time on her h•nds. To !(eep est1 va1 · , M A R L E Y ' S herseU occupied •nd to g•ln The regulation wu_ l11ued to Auguat 27;5.!,_Martln 1, ·York• Speakers ' at the convention attenllon, she e~&• &es in con- pre,·ent • recurrence of abuses ville. r- of college • fflllates will Include M A R K E T · JV.#' • 1l• nt goulp Al )'OU point out that h•vc taken place with the August 27 - Centennl•I. St. Father David Bowman, S.J ., U · ' !ht s,.. . l htl c...... T,11 Their e s In your lelier, ahc_eoes , ;om _recent Influx of thouaand• ol J ohn'•• Osgood - Lay Celcbra• soclate director of the Dcp•rt• - ,,1...,, A.,._, • 11 one home to the other reRe•tlng vlsllors, iome- oLwhom_are_ un- lion. _ ment of Faith and Order, Na- Road S2 m-lMI · these stories Obvlouslil;- this lam Illar with rellglouf customs Aug uat 2t - Centennial, St.a Uon•I · council •of- -Churches- of- -- w1 . 1111v11. u11r-A1&. ur- kit"- .,_ _ 111 9 - M,h "' 11,.-.,., must ketP:,he0r very, ver/busy. • nd the rcstfect due the holy John's, 01good-<:ler1y Cclebr•· Christ; Dr. Carlyle A,,lams, •tat• o,.. h ld,y ' "• St1o,.. , • P.M. 'NUIN ,upp1u" It 1i10 11lves her 1ome feeling places. lion. ed clerk of the Albany (N.Y.) ------2U N Main St Ph ffl-lSII or Importance, September l - St. J ~ h n ' •· Presbytery or the United Prea• TAF. f'S · · · Dut lo lhe dehe•te question ounch•es up, we tear someone Enochlburc. byterlan Church; Msgr, Edward that J mull ralac II this: would else down.or at leul wallow In Sept•";'"' 4 (Laber D•y)-St. T. O'Meara, national director of SPECIAL DIAL "ror Tho,e Who Care" , t'o• r t'lae Loe• tloa1 To Ser'l'e Yo.- II be poulble for this woman stories •bout how the other per, Anthony 1, Morris. the Society for the Prop111tion on , to carry on her habit of gossip 10n tore ~lmaclf or henclf down: Stptember t - St. Plus, T_roy of the Faith, and Brother Steph­ Frigidaire Rtfrlgtr•ton t 4 HI US flaST Dusing Cleaners • GrNnfleld • Crawforclsvllle •nd detracllon unleu she had For the future, however, , I -Volkile• • p.m. en Sullivan, F.S.C., academic tn-4SII •n audience? You apparently would like to m•k• the followln& September 17 - St. L O u I •• vice president of Manhattan Col- Free Pick-Up-Free Delivery • Bedford . • Greensbµrg provided 11 leut one member suggesllon1. Finl, If tbl1 wom• D~e~~e· 27 21-0 L d ol lege, New York. m w. lrd St. Ph. ffl-3011 of thla • udfence for a consider- an docs visit you and be&ln1 to Lou~du 'Jndlanapo~r1 • Y Spe•ker1 at llie 1emlniry ses• Ftr } II Lln~t ;! lnaur•nc• Ope• - 2 m.t24' 62t W, fhll. Awe. SU,IJ4t Oretnwted, Ind. 111-tm - ~~s Stores (Acrou from ,St. Andrno'1) ~Ill-• '#(Hf Tarr• Haute WEDDINGS Weleo•e CatboUc Rell1lou1 Articles ~ -.U C...ull Owr l '91U,y fe, IIIOOING Gllll To Gree11•••r1•a John Moore tAIIW II , ... If L,wlon) Ht I. Sth It. "2-tN1 1. IUttl .....t \.. Ml-tal Brownsburg 1NO Main It, Ph, "6-2112 l:,m:.:,;' =,~M!t~,C"~ PFEIFER & The Golden Rule, RAMBLER ...... Wallpaper · Distributing_Co., Inc. . ~ CULLIGAN BROWNSBURG DR. R. J. TIMMERMAN Paint & Suppllt1 · Inc • IJlt W•baah HARDWARI! AND Debolt Concrete & Dr. Dorla Timmerman ,. Diltributor, of , Wahr Conditioning C. H. OLIGER - ...... 1 MonHI Deckard APPLIANCI! CO. onOMITRIIT Budwelaer, Mlcnelol>, Co., Inc. & SONS 1126 Wabaah :.... ,, llM tf W11e, hft...,. 1M Lou, ... .-·- 7 t ,h. HJ.fflS Smith 'Monument Blatz, Falla City Been nn ...... Ca.,brW.. Clty-Wlncl,e1ter N. llth I • JII I, l11t It, ,h. 662-4141 Tl~RI HAUT 152.5»4 BrNMllu,.- C:Mller #tKttl Nitti ,..... ,...... _ Works • Old Crown Ale 16 leuth o,- ...,,lne Rlch!MIIII, 11111, i.- ,,_ an-uo ~IMIIII M•rbrt Ph. 232-9503 1114 Crawfe,,. m-tnc Latterlntl ·--·- SHEL SMITH Oflk• c-"'"llltf "" 0..,11, V, Mlle "· _, No lob Too Blc, For TV-a.•I• 8en'lee JI Yaara ef le"lcal RIALTO• '6WW (ltr llrolto to N. ltNdwtr- Ot-s D.u.B'I TV Cutter Agencies Harrington-Hoch REAL ESTATI! ...... ,..,i!':t •-ttht Loy's RHdy Mix :~ . of EVERY TYPE Ill w. ,..,~-...-11 Bowen-Oldsmobile G.M.C. Inc. Concrete Corp. 1.,.1tA1l-•lolltlMttiTY...... Inc. Inc. •-, , "'=' Color TY "Whtrt IM 'Actloll 1..- ,tate Tax Con,ultant CALL llocllll ._ •naur-•-•aal • tnauranc-0-ral and Ufe w-.. °""'• NaYICI N. It. Ph. 112' Main It, "2""'2 ~ BIii's Furniture m.em IINS71 - ,ialnfl.W IAlll .... U llthtt "'4D 1• w•a11 •- _,_., ___ CALL UU17' TODAY ...... -t OLDSIIOBILZ-.0 .11.C. "TRUCKS Store ABRELL· Tha Store Whore a iiona; l!IIJlirt Pelntlnt KEYSTONE BJVERAGE CO., INC. , B1171 a Dollar'a Worpa Patronue 'Int OHIN ITHIT Photo__ Service _ • Pabst Blue Ribbon • and Body Ropalr ,h..a.... ,...... Dllltrlbutor Ill • C•rllng Black Label • Al '"°' - ... ,_ Our CANDID WEDDINGS WOLPI BODY SHOP ...... PATRONIZI THI . ~., Carllal aJaek ..... - l'abtall Color or Black and Whl\a ADVBRTIHRI ,._ Adderliaen ..__... Ca• Ale TID lltOWN - PIIIMIUM IALU, INC...... ,...... 0- -­...... ,. / -·- ... aw...... :,--

I : ... ·. r .,,_ - "\ ...

"'-• I P,AO• NIN• Ferdlnand Benedictines­ Terr~ Haute KC C , , I O • ... the orl1ln1l bulldln1 erected on p.m. the Centennial Pa1eant, "A . ,,. , , . M9unt Tabor eut of Ferdinand. Century of Service," wlll be pre• . AACHEN, Germany-A sum , .. llllil VISITORS WILL then b~ 1uld· aented . ...The Pa&nnt wlll be n• of $70,000 hu been earmarked ed throu1h each addition to the pealed Jn outdoor performances by MIJereor, German Calhollc Au1usl0 4 and 5. orl1ln1l quadranale. The Con­ uveneu aid acency, for I hos­ vent Chapel, built throuih the Benedictines of the Ferdinand pital In North Vietnam. s,~1htrn /ndit.nay Oldut , · years 1915,1924, will be shown In community 11111 1choola at St. ~ The donation, part of the $14 Dtalrr •• 1 detail. Tours wlll aho Include Melnrad and Fulda, In the In• CMTIIII - PUIIOUtl - 1'Ullll1 • ~ CAITLI ON THI HIL&.-,eur ,._., leMdlctlne nun,.f,_ 'It. Walllufl•'a Ce!IYfflt Cev• ,mllllon collected In lhe 1967 UIIUI - IUU(Ull the entire five-story r~onvent dlanapolls Archdiocese. hi I • • Lumber ln1ten, Ky., arrlvtd 100 yHra , .. lttls menth 'In ,enllnand Ind. to found the- Cen-t nt , _ t.enle!!_c•mpalcu f Mlsereor, bulldln1 erected In 1938 but • ' ' • e will eo toward equipment for --SMITH-·-.- closed to th6 public since that the lmm•_cul1le Conception there, The cent1nnl1I will be marked with wttk•lon1 ctrtmonlu the hospital. It will be aevoted AUTO CO., INC. • • Mlllw1rtc time. St. l:lenedlct Colle1e· now In Au1ust. Nt•rlr SOO Sl1t1ra are member• 1f the ,e,dlnand cenvtnl. mainly to treatment ol children, 517 Slat, St, Ph. '45-4674 occupies the around floor of the CLERGY obstetric• and w~wen'1 dl1easea. bulldln1. Carltu lntern1lian1lls, world, 15th & lhellty II. WH ~57 On both Sundays, • full-scale NECROLOGY wide Catholic charities agency, "Centennial Fesli\•al" will be Funeral is held Pre-Cana course and Protestant and iecular Visit Us In Our held. lncludln1 chicken dinners, 1t "All thtu are burled in O groups are also COOPfntlne to "klddyland" rides, 11mu, and pme, and the memorJI of for ldenburg nun set in Richmond support the hospital at the re­ N~w Home booths. The Holy Name·· Band them live, on and 011." quest of the North Vietnamese of Louisville, Ky;, wlll 1tve two -Sir. zllv, 14 OLDENBURG, lnd.-Funeral RICflMOll'D - A t,am. ol Red Cron. • Julr H, 1'51- services for Sister John .Berch• priests, a tuthcr;n minister, 1 .,;;;=;::;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:::=;::;;;;;::::::;. STEIN'S Bedford Rtv, Daniel O'Cennell, S.J, mans Kamp, O.S.t'., were held doctor and lay persons will lead Clarksville July 31, 1'57- •. at the motherhouse of the Sis• panel discussions !or th• semi• Shoe Store Pay 'n Paklt Father Wllll1m Heuur ters of St. Francis here Friday, 11111.. ,.lll 1111 annual Pre-Cana Conlerencu Au1i11I, 1147- July 21. She died (July 18) In , ,.m.-s!~'::J' H~~~•h~ ...... starting Sunda)', Aug. 6, at the & PURL and MAIN 1 30 1 1 Bill Lou's IGA Market · Father Jeseph Mtlaler Margaret-Mary Community llos• 10,00, m.-C~•"•••• ...... I,! Second Na Ilona I Dank C0ll\/flU· 1 (Formerly Scars) IUHCH- 27'4 Ch•rfHtri'n l '- Quality Muta-lHr· &-'#IM Au,ust 1, ns,- ·--pltal In DatcavlUe, ______1l:gg ::::::r;~':'':.' f~h ·::,·::·.::::~,:1 nlty Room, 2909 E. Main St. Package Liquors IIOTPI lN0II IIAIICH___ , _____, ~ Father Geor1• Pohl - - - h 'free Delivery-Open Sun. A nath·e of Covington, Ky.. s..,,, 1,,1o T e iculonr wlll bc' held caeh 01"tft-llll ... htfft ,,m,.. Au1u1t 1, lnS- M s • ""'' ...... w!s•t Sunday evening through Seplem, ll&NI NIW U20 Sitt. SI. Ill S.,121 Father Thomu McLou1hlln Sister John Dcrchmans entered :.:::::~J.1!: ~::)"~.::::::::i:~ ber 17 lrom 7 to.9 p.m.1 There MUSTANG 1::rs Auiuit 1, 1'41 the convent In 1910. She served 0,,s •·'"·-"""j,1~~ s,i,:i!"'" , ...' NIIM will be no mcetlne ~plcmbcr 3. K-MART PLAZA $2177.57 Diamonds Rev. Cherin M-..llnler, S.J. as a housekeeper during her 50 , ,oo ,.m.- ~... , ...... WIMS Topics !or the weekly conler• 'trim ll'l0 o.m.-1.,1 Mttlt Hour •••• , •• WGLM SALES & SERVICE prln In the lutur~ Is going to be SAUM AIU ICII l . MIi, ·All-American l111t4ty ltl\e Lawrencebuig ctumcnlcal theolon, rather 9 ,)C) • +n -Hout ot St, •11nc.h ••••WU '-' Appliance Center 1ha n ,tm,1,: htt t .• • ,,, ,WlHI Jeffress Motors Inc. 7130 t ol tht Cruclfitd , ,WITZ 24 //our A111bula11cr Srrulct SHOP Stier & Williams sage of tarlu Clirisrianitu 011 9 130 ,.m.-••· M,rlt Kl'NI ...... , WlfZ ,,,,,.... '" 1711111" II, KRAFT. which all Clirl11ians todau ca11 1111$ , .m.-"°'-tl of St. Jr,ncf, .... WIU 301 Third St. Phone 4 11111 MAUii HIA Funeral Home uarre. lie al, o talks about o ..... , ....,, .... l.~1 U, lie Of Scrvlrr To You · FUNERAL HQME Flower, For All Occa1ions conlrou,rsial l, rter he ·wrorc 11130 • m.-Church In th• 310 Fourth St. Tilt, ti Art•Ctrwed Dlimonds OON , ho CHAI\Olfl H.AS11NOS to A11oerlca11 bisltops, d1iding Modtrn wo, ld ••••• • WIHI-TY 70I I. SPRING Since 1156 NIW ALIANY, IND.I tltcm for their stand on rite 91)0 u n.- h(w.~:~o .~1i:tcl . ,. ,. , l! OJ Home Furniture & Longlnts•Wlllnauer W1lcht1 war h, V ietnam. 914S 1.m.- a,1191011 , , •• , , •• , ••••• 'A'IHI CONNIISYIUI AHA • Ro,bert L. Lows , " Southeastern 1 Appliance Co. Inc. ·. JOE CHRISMAN Radio 11lalloa 12.00 p.m.-s":::''J.,~:•.•...... WPiCf Bevera4Je ·1nc. IYINIWllll Ull 20 E. Ctnltr St, Phont '10 Jeweler -Clothier- Oittriburor, of LIMA-A new radio station IH41r h lf, ldt• U~,1, nut,. lllt, • ,,, .. Jeffersonville - named alter the late Pope J ohn 1l~ )O •.m,-(hfl:•r.~:::., .:. ,..... ,... 171 t AURORA, INDIANA Wltdtmann's - Stroh• XXIII Is ' being launched here 4rlS p.m... (rtdo .... , ...... , .(14) 11'.e Tradr A11u1l1h1g Aurora 462 Easu T~r111s-Da11k_~i11ondng K , \. under Roman Cithollc auspices 'tulO •.m.-Atts.,:::,, •.::,~ ., ..... ',WIPS ~AVE TIME SAFELY The Clark County for the broadcast of religious, 110 • .m.-Hour of St, f"Mh • •~ .W[OA 1130 p ln.-( 1lhOl k Kovr ••• , ••• , . WCIF Blue· Skies a1ser ,Motors, Inc. educational.. and cultural pro­ ...... , , FINE UJED CARS State' Bank Savage Appliances Patronize grams. Station John XXIII was S,00 p.m lout (,iholic Pro911,n , WGlf Dial BUtler·3-6688 established through , the assli­ MltllON Alll Mobile Home u.s. so · Phool• "° Your Gentral tance of West German C1thollc1 ....., .... Salty& Service "WMll(Y" UISII _..,n1c Our 7,U ,.m.-Hou, tf SI. h•nch . ... WOU "Duu From "\Vhitt1( ' And 1100 TAXI, Inc. W lfllet It, Electric Dtaltr who contributed In the annual NOUN YIINOI 1111 ••. H hit h•n••••-'·· tu "Advenlat" camp1l1n before ...,., ..... II, J1 Wut NlfllM• Plrl. l)4.1311 Don't Be Blut" <" Advertisers Iii)() 1..m,-ltl,11lovt H1w1 ••••••••W OCH m w. Ceurt Avt. 21' Main II, Ph, "' Chrlatmu. r I 1,0 p.m.- S.utd. Hur• ••••••••••WO( .. JtfftrHnYllll, Ind, Paul Speth

Over ~, Years CoGtlnuous Insurance Agency Serl'lct Auto, Fire, Homeownera, Columbus Madison Life, Boat. Accident Seymour and Health ' PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS ...... IIWAIUIIY ASHCRAFTS ' Jack DunfH HATHAWAY Dalton· & Payne - HA~l>ER'S Gans Funeral 7U.IW la4116 IUIIITUII OM A,,1111(11 Chtvroltt-Oldsmoblle, l'NNer•I BoMe RE XALL Inc: Inc. Home, Inc. ''""'"' ... c,,,-t Ambulance Service The Storr for Jim . " In Ott Hurt I f St'ilMUI" li:;~"~ ~:•,~"•.~,c~~~r. PhoM 379-44" DRUG STORE 112 W, S.ctnd SI. Jefferson-ville 116-111, 1"4 It, 1022 PHrl St,­ Downtown 376~1' MadlMn, Indiana • Tlpten and Carter Slrfftl I ulbroolr Conte, 37,.,142 522-2072 S.ymeur • Stt,UN C1lumbu1, Indian• 224 I . Mtln SI. ffl,UJ1 ••• HARLEY-DAVIDSON Check ·Wlltt U1 ,., 2 BIG LOCATIONS f:veri1hln11 For The Porter Paints , Acr11 ef Parlrln1 Plaza Shop Sportnnon • Columbus Center & SPI/IIS '°"'""" lf'ldlt ne't h !ttll h d/n 1M aieb.dar · Jones Paint State & Mapleton ~ (hlld11ft'I btd l llr Sho, 1 or •v•H-t• .STEWART'S O.K. TIRE CO. Clifty Pl111 Shoppln1 Conte, l301Utd Gu Dlatrlbutor & Wallpaper Store IIJ.IUII ill°Jl"J,'w!ii, Sl, A• tlle• y'a , • , Sportln1 Goods Headquarters N7 It, lNlo V ffl•I ns 2nd st. 37'-4606 St. P1ut:1,-Chicken Dinner, Julr ,o, at 12t Jeff, An, . .Ph, 522-3436 " Htllt St. tit.,, •t\tk1" Reck L1:;.llt;;.:•~---- W1 lpwt aomt Good Ll1tln91 Sl, i\afull• e'a , , , Compl••• Line of but w1 need more I H & ii Mobile CYO Seftloall THm la 1penserlnt • car w11h le par for unlferma, Satvrdar, B & G Market MENS WEAR For the Oest In· Real 'E1tj1tel Homes Julr H. ______o,,n • It • - • Otrt • Wttk FRESH FRUITS, - Hema ·western Realty Co'111))/ele Sale, and Strvlce 8aeretl Bean • . ·, VEGETABLES Vetter' S lnt1rtalnment THURNALL'I Richarts Men's Conte, 244t Lanltr Drlvt CYO De•Mry Gell Teurnamont and Coolr, FLOWERS, PLANTS and ffl Lafayell1 372-l201 HARLIY,DAVIDSON SALIS eut, A111u1t 3rd, Twllltht G.!f c;eu,.. , POTTERY Aru Ctde 112-Ph1 21J.J230 Ill W•I It, en H,lthw.•_.Y.,6.,2_.___ _ 71' W, Tlpten Shop U23 Central ~ Ill hckl"fl Prevl•e• ee • • • Seclal, S1tvrday Nlthh. The Fln,11 Quatltu Homo ::::· •-.-c..,.-,, .,. ,...... 1..w. . 11--., &Nf'fltl ,. ._,.,,,:.r:-.:.:t'tr IU ,...,_,, Nt ,.. wtftt FISHER'S SMALL BROWN In Southern ~ndlana D1Lua~!f2i~ Wheel L1luae Seat aelta, Wheel Tell City ENGINES BEVERAGES, Inc. * Kropf * Marlette C.Ylr• Retail Price ...... su,t.47 SALES & SERVICE 1 211 I. Second It, S22,UU * R.. ent T,ELL CITY 1 Discount ...... 231.47 The Eger Stwlio We Pay.-;. 4½% ••• f men which l!7; Funcl•c1n1 of the Poor. !WI. ~~ ~•:••:::,~,::, ~~=:,.,~,••b~:·,,,_:,t<~# of 1111. l ton 'ti¥, 1 001. of h u e Hewt,, tlvu and friend, wlll be held In It. R1t1•1 Soclel at 8:30 p.m. (ltttt'IC t A"'" tnd litftn,.-.•t Sttt". ,,.11du 111 of Mt, • "4 MIi, lelNt l , w,tth, and lay volunleen In lorelan •upply over !IO prluta uch to Lay w tunteen from the U.S. of ,.,,. "'"''' · the Roth home II 4012 Arthlng• In the parilh ball, 19th and Ar• l1rid1 throuahout the world, Latin America: M1rylcnoll Fath· hall from to different organlu• ton Boulevird. No lnvll1tlons •e nll. ll,389 labor I~ Latin America. en, 324; Juulll, 253; Redemp- tlon,. accordln1 to the report. t :!t!",~: '°.:,~,-•.,.,. ,!!;_.~~:· ~ '':i f JONN D. O'MAUlf 74, St. ,,trk~'I have been luued. JOf\t1 C. t l'ld lltflf M. Jol'l,.t0111 tirotl'ltt of 11 SATURDAY, JULY 2' Almoat 46% of theae are II torl•t•, 238; Franciscan,, 2DI; It U )'I the principal contrlbu, w,,~. Mtr'-, Clrdt t !Wt 0o ul Joti1ruo 11. b, ~ ;~~-~~!~ f: ,h,~•!;e~,.~7.~::,'w:=• of ( ll'l( IM,tl, 0,J M,,. 'H,rold Wtvll, ., The Roth, have four children: work In only three pl1cu-Peru Oblate• of Mary Immaculate. tlon 11 made by the organlutlon St. lrld91t•1 Soclel be1ln1 at Brazil and Puerto Rico. Ov~ -134; Bene~lctlne• Urom 5 ab• under the Bl1hop1' Committee t,,,. "'"" ' M,1. h ylftOftd lttrnmt hkk, Jame•, Barban, Mary i nd 8:30 p.m. In the •chool hall, 115 ! '"" ,.,.. o'"'""· ,, .. •' ,...... •••· DIVILO,MINT DIRICTOR Kathleen. 42% aerve In nine other localu bey•), 121 • Capuchin,. 88, Socl• ror Latin America (PAVLA)­ N. Wert St. th 1 L&WIINO - . • ,·onnel sde~ornlt~a~e~ ~at!~!r~~: knoll Slltcn, 270; Slst~n . or and the College Lay Apostolate C s ( r ei, olhlf ol .Y,t hH I • I'd ,,.,,, ,.,_, . ~,,: ' c:.~~:~u,0:~:;~ ; , ~ 0!:'~:;: !;,.',t! c11• a,01 end 1uperlOr of tho Two Card Part111 futurlna ly that our contribution 10 th Mercy,- 176; Franciscan, of Al· of the New England Juulll, 20. Gln1,,. M.,, M(l't" f h, M•,v••·· O'Gtlt ' "' :O'.'~ ~:•';~:~;!u~;dM~ ;~, ~:1•;"s,c~~• ~, ordlr'a r11lon1I he1dqu1rtor1 NEW YORK-Federal ald for lr,d9t l (1,11'111111911, m, 11 Euchre and.other aoclal 11mea Church In Latin America~ le1~eny, N.Y., 134; School SIi· Some 55 1ddltlon1l lay workers '"''"" "" ,,.,. 1,111, .,,, . , ,, 0 ,,, .... ther•• He 11 tho ion of . Mr. p chl1l and private achools 11 2 p.m. and T p.m. In Auump• nation, tinorea their nt ed, rel•· ten of Notre ·Dame, 123; Doml• urve under the 1u1plcea of t JONN I , McUOCAN, 2 1, St, S,mon'1 "' , ,,,w ot w ,11+, m M"'" · of Ju,i,,, end Mn• . Huth It. Sullivan, h • been tndoued by the Lu• '""'".h, '"''" ,, c,1.,,, Cfffl,,.,,. Son 1 m1mtt.r1 Llttl• tlon parish hall. IIOS S. Blaine live to the million, who mu,t'bc nlc1n1 (!f Amltyvllle. N.Y., 116; •even other ,roup1. ol 1'1 • 11d W,, Willi•"' J, McGtot, 111 ~!~~:~ 1~t 0~s ,~'. ~:'4J~~~~•J, s;;,'.'.' .~. of Flower p~r• t eran hurch-Ml1tourl aynod. bfothe, of JoAM • nd W1ll,, in #1,C,0O11, 1,,, ""'· ,1 '"• " · • ~ l1h. lncll1n1pol11. w h u been hult1nt about Ave. aernd," uy1 the third biennial M•t t ( , 'fou119 , 11d 0oM, M, l;ollffltt, oin, 1ccept1n1 1uch aid 1(1 the put. report on U.S. Church penon• WEDNISDAY, AUG. 2 eUn Latin America, published - r ,':v•~t'',v,!'~luus',. ',;-;p~'(;.!~!!;~ t !w~!",,.uvn,- 71, SI, ,.t.t., ..· 1 Clwrth, ~~~r•-•nd Albtft to1eM09, bolh- of - 1n- l - reso1utlon adopted by The Card ,arty n Sf.7>hlllp 1 here by the U.S. 8hhop1' Com• . ,,, 01 s.,,,,,., l'MI'"'' ot " ""' ,,.,,,.._ IICMMOND delegates to 1he 1ynod 1 41th Neri school auditorium, 550 N. mlttee lor Latin America. ':i'fO:~!~":,.•,.": t"~:~• Vt ntwu : ,,u,, t MAICUllltl A. IUVINI, 11. St. ~An• t WILLIAM &. DONlltT, II, St, M,ry' I re&ular convention here, l)'nOd Rural St., 1tart1 11 8 p.m. 1-BEST-UOME-DUYS 1 • ,iur NAUtl mo~':..~·•,,ct-r-:,_,,~~· /,wi!tt~!· ~;~:. •~f (~~,~;~ "':tl~;,::,o!!tr,'~~~hc~=~~~:~;, •;::~; olficlals were asked to ~oordl• THE RIPORT II hued on 1 0 1 THURSDAY, AUG. 2 t IUSII I!!, 1tlllf, 14, St, M, ,9,1t1 " llt t h t,it, J. Sltw,111, ol l lch,noftd1 C.,I 0ohHly, ol Nt• ,.,f,, O, nate ettorts Of the 1ynod I dis• •urvey conducted at the requut •'nao.11,£~~·~- M,,,·, chl'?ct1, , ..,, ., 11. c, 1.. .,, Ctme• 1 s, .., ,,,. 01 h ton, 0 11 , h,., •• Mu. tricts end Institutions to obtain St. C•thertno•i Social 11 8:30 ol the Holy See 1n,d presented t w1u, ANN um, '"''"'· 11. ,..,, ., federal lund1, p.m. In the parilh hall. to Pope Paul VI by Archblthop ,------. OUR '5th YIAR 1-e''::C:':X;,,'~", ~i1 f,•.~~n','1~11•,' :.1r;.:,~ The resolution ,aid there was John f;. Durden ol Detroit, SI . FIUS X 1 SATURDAY.' AUG. 12 , We Hive Buyer, :~~• ,.,~,'.' l:1~ '*considerable merit•• In a pro• pruldent 'of the National Con• Train Quickly ~ A Bu1ln•11 CarHr !~•~~•~·~~•',,::i. ~rl1~t~ Rumm111 Sal•· from 9 1.m. to Waiting I moqii. pout from claht Detroit area lerence ol Catholic Bl1hop1 . Day or Evening CIHHI . .... 3 p.m. In St, Philip Neri School W1 IIM4 U,t.... I• To.. P•ltlll NEW LISTING • congregations to ut1bllsh lull· The rcpo:t 11y1 there hu 4 ltd1m1., 2\,'J Nths, btlck, 2•ttory ! 11.U1un Sh'IHT, 76• 1t· .,,;, ., time executives who1e job It auditorium, 535 N, Eutern Ave. W. T. RA'(f) with 1.,,, ftffllly room wllh fht,ilKtJ t',\LI, TERM ; •• SEPT. 11 1 been a gain ol 2,964 U.S. Church co{ built•'" " "' '· ditpc,ul; dl1hwuhtt, ,.,'~r:..,.~~1,,:,~· l~~;~h ofe7::;,~:.PO:;: ; would be to Inform district end worken- both ·Rell&loua and REALTY 2 u, tlttchtd tt11ge ll..f). 0,,1 ( 111ft, .. Beginning positions In business olfer &ood aalarles, 1 Institution, about the poulblll• CoU t,h, a. l11yl, ISU&tl 2l l•l091, study employment, regular hours, and a good chance ·•~ ''""' 1•.,.,. • a,,.,....,. ·• Nametl dlreeter lay-In Latin America over the advance. . · · t tolllNl(O UL& II, It. ,..,,., c,.... tlu of aid. DAYTON. Ohlci - F I I her put seven yun. , Manh-Matthew1 Each subject studied and skill mastered will lud 1 lulftrt 2Jl.f114 1e:~:• e~~ ,J':'t~,e~':,Ji'~1 :r:=.,,:! · Several participant• .. noted George 8 . Barrett. S.M., vice It ldentlflu the live . COUD• 11.4MA:ULATE HEA'IT toward a definite career aoal. · . .,., •., ,, ""' c,,,, ,, 11, .....-4 , A.,..;, with approval the hcl that Lu• 1 president of the Unlvenlty of trlea receiving the poorest at• _ _ ,:.o_arr•!!I~ C!"na• llng, pluH contact tfl• Re9l1tr• r, Mr. " '•· 01 ,,,uon. ....,u ., "'"' c.,,, " u,i,. theran con1rcaatlon1_ln. the- D·• C, R. Gant. bolwHnl:OO -ind-4t,O-d1lf\,and-tltt, 1H1r on­ Dayton, hu be~ecPdlr,ec• tentlon from U.S. Catholics 11 HCLY NAME ·, ANNA MA I~\'. l mod Hull troll area had joined with 6325 CENTRAL Saturd1rl-434.UJ7. •w~:r Uruguay, Ar,entlna, A\11,1;;h,, h mllf room. llal4, 2 u, Tho report notes that the·lcey MI SC ELLAN EO U S S PE C IAL N C TI C E S tll• c.htd '"'"· Cornt,, '""· $.t7,7791. .UN 2-2295 TROUBLE? UO CASH f11 your thurth, dub, o, "out dloceaea ,i, the movement have ""''· S.11 M. N tt lH w , 1un, dowblt been the archdiocese• of BOiton tlrtftflh Uftilll , 6)1.()714, Franklin RHlty, Rltr. WANTtD TO IUV-A11lleun t N e ld '""''' and St. Lout,. While the late Call GRANT'S! '"" • Aho O,lt nl1I rvet. t'U-2011. Joaeph Cardinal Ritter limited 012 N, ,,... lie II, S T CAHlERl~E ~" B Can Good• and U11bl1 p1rtlclp1tlon In hl1 project to Men'• Cloth11 1lway1 WOULD YOU BELIEVE St. Louil, Richard Cardinal welcome at T • I b o t fht hr Chnt off,,. mo,e fflOl'ley, mo,• ALD C111hln1 of Bolton hu ut1bl11h• BY OWNER HouH, 1424 Central, Ph. fwri defflofl1trttint IOJI, ~ l J OA N O F A R C w, • Ill ,,.,,., ,...,,, Ne '"""""" '· col• AMIULANCI ed a formal 1oclety of dlocepn 635-1192. IKll"t Of dell" ' ' • ~.,.. · 111-1111 INDIANAPOLIS clerl)', the Ml11lon1ry S~ etyl.------. DtS,ATCH. INC. of St. J1mu. with SCI Bo1ton BRICK DOUBLE_: TIUPHOHI prle1tl' Joined • b )' dloceun ~h clerl)' from over • 1core of TWO STORY Jl6-30n 925-3555 TERMITES! W A N !£.") ID BUf '-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-'I other dlocuu here and abroad. ~1~(0:i1 l~.''"c,i't ,!·~ t~r,:c-•~:;: rt'------' ROACHES, RATS. MICE or the 77 U.S. dloceau COD• szn, '°' d,1111, : f1tt IIIUIU IIOft trlbutln&, alx provide 10 or more American E1tatH Co. LI 5-1275 Waitresses CAR D O F T H A N KS prleall, while elaht provide be· lffl N. (1llott Ul...c" 24 Hr. Service tween live and 10. 'fheae 14 1up­ BY OWNER 40,S Mlll1r1vllle Rd. Immediate lull time open• ln11 av1ll1ble f~r neat 1p. ply 148 prleat, and another 63 Ill I'll IIW V-4 purln1, rcU1ble women. dloceae1 auppl)' 130. Oeo1r1phl• ST S I -.4 0 N Cttlleld P.,k ere,, I ''°"" tOftrtft­ ltnl,. .lo 1Chool1 I nd 1ho,ol"9. : ,IUIOf'I .. • u,\~"".u~.::::J ~~~·· Muat be dependable, honest call)' the contrlbutln1 dloceae1 r-----..-'----­ .. Wt NIH C.-,lttt YW= ..,...., _, Petti and want lull Ume employ• lnclude alx from New En&l1nd. EAST \ 717-G533 Contln1nt1I Import, meal. Our bendll1 Include Ill from the Atlantic 111111, 48 fAll IT o,11111 •. • CLIP Tlf IS and MAit W1ah. It. , 1roup ln1ur1nce, plua major from the Middle Weit and aeven 221J I . 612-sM medical covenfe, paid v1c• • 0 ltdtOM, tlttthtd f!."11~ flfflilr from the Weal. ' ""'• l ~ td beck Ti"'• ~ 1111 ,... BUY - SELL - TB,'DE lion, and llber1 merch1ndllt'' 1 =~.Owfttr •II 11 IMfll 2NI S I MAR K dl1count1 from the HOOK "On M KClllon In the hll• f O H 5 A L E DRUG CO. twy llf the Church In tho 191-6359 Apply In peraon to one of the United 111111 have H m1nr tiEAR ST. MARK CRITERION CLASSIFIED AD! followln1 loc1U?D1: , blahlp1 en their ewn lnltl1tln 2 l ..111. lwkk, flftlUf ""•• 4'nl"I '"'­ flrt,iltu t NI w/ w w ..., .. Ii.Ifft 11111 and llllnela undort1k1t1 ti Clfllrllluto auch H '.l L Y TR NI TY 111 I Ll• et1 - I Tl•e Fer Oaly ,a.H • 1111t1t1ntl1l numlaor llf their ~T··.~ ';tt~~ ~.!"".!;.- !;',:; "" Hth and llllnela ~lock ••• .,.,.,.,,.,-. .... u.u.•· VI r•c hr 11ch addltloftll line -S -nl• each line) dlec111n por-1 te . 11rv1 Ir------...-. »th end P11t RHd C. W. G1ly1n Rlty., Inc. MRS. ~OUSEWIFE . O.l1w1re •!Ill W1ah'""9n 1132 North Wlnfl1ld 1114171 QM Herth c.11... 19'6 _, ZIG-ZAG MWl"t NDa&II • ...... '11ft ..w - io t:, '""' " J:i to mention. BY OWNER ' - #:.::.:,_~ill. ..."=, !1 Fried chlcllen dl11111n wW bl 121 N. OlblOII (NOii E11t) FOR LEASE ff~ T 11•-,-, - 116 N, '-'1-2 - • • II..,_ - CITY ••...•.. .'...... ; ...... 1 - 'w111 " .. T., 1-~-::J• ,_. " ft1tured Saturday nlpt· only. I I . ... 2 ...... •,,_ •-" lor11 u...._ Location - 64th and College .;"I:, """ -~- ...... SenlD& ID the dln1n& room ol ::. "',~,~~n:::,-;-::: ~lolot •-•,....,,-;-·I..,,.. , - ... IN -llle!y IO C...... 2, oh ••'--1 nd '-'-•• ..•.a ·- - ,o,cll W ·- .... .:::itr:-~ fi,ii,i tOff. ii, Mk, PBONS ...... , .. • . .. • .. .. • a Cbeck a Cub ~.. ~--,.,..,.. ,MN....,_,_, a 11nac...... , ,.,,. , ..... -..-. _ PhoN 293-1070 For Information ~·~ ':-:,: :u~.!: :!_t:i,T,~,!~aoC.: __11_1..,.oa6 ____ m-u__ 1_0_ .,__ 0w___ ne_r_.,._. ___,1_-J 11

------~ . J -. ' f d ' PAO• '•l,OD Te~ching Brothers ask self study of' i~ wµtutions

NOTJU!l DAME, bid. - The brln1 to1eth1r the preient II• •~ recommlllded that anidJ. Pro,IDclal Chapter of the Mid• plr1ncy, novtt11te •ad achol11U• Uon, ol employment in tea wtat Province ol the Brothen tale pb11es ol 1plrlt111l 1ad 1tbooll he CODduclH lo !ly - or Holy ero11 bu' been slven ae• demlc development teuhera lntere,ted .In c,.,..r perml11lon !or experimentation Each ln1tltutlon within tbe 0 f';°rtunJUes, lnclll!1inl I atudy 0 · • Olf the attire ol Ill member•• province w11 d!rected to con- uure. . Ir l AMII W, AINOI.D ,oa11wlf, (IIM ...... ), a - an t1ae wll... -ie •i., w1c1r, npe1maa laui.mlnablt ao tbt cuta may So B the will rdl duct • atudy ol lt1 1po1tollc C1tbednl lli1h School In Ill• ~ a.. O NfflUn ,ouq bulband (Rob, NCVIU.., Joli• about UM apart• bert Sdelmlll) and emi UM be htlpf I, :._. II I h me ro n wear • utue • ad tbe 1blUty of tbe pro- dlan1poll1 and Glbault School ID II 11111 be lb•t no comedy hu trt Redford), an ablurdl)' non- meat, Iba wllt'I elforta to pair Ht are boldOftfl from Broad• u ea,-,I J I nee IUC, Dary white 1hlrta and ties, while vlncl1l 1utborlU11 to 1dequ1te- Tene Haute are CODducted or IODI '° far OD IO UtUt 11111- luDCUonal city apartment. tad oll lier widowed Momma with WI)' • painful blta u Shelly Wlntm others will experiment wltb tbe ly meet tbe peraoMel and lln1n- 1t1Ued by tbe Brothen of Roly :.!t ~t!°'utta~ ~ 1 wild collection of bobeml1n an •ecentrlc aalsbbor (Charin ll~ Fonda amU1lo1, but lepei: and John Wayn1'1 ctn• split "Brother'• collar." clal commllmuta. Tbe chapter Cron. ~~~. 11 II of reltnnee 11111 be part ol Ill ntlshbon ~o play off 11alnll Boytr), ,a rldlculoua newtr- very much In a run u a mini• turlon are 1mon1 the uclalona. In a decbton res•rdlnl tbe re- ch•rm. The film tbe couple• pualed middle- wed quane~ and the h111band • iklrted non~nlormlat. Stver•I Abo trued are the entire 40 U1lou1 community Ille ol tbe venlon, lllie tbt clua pannll. Jbe mall!, dllltr• I~ID•bHt-lllltlJ•U-YOU IND- 1equ1ncu t1lit adnnt111 of ber Day, In the Wllderneu, with province•, memben, tbe Broth• 1 th ' Shelbyville pl11 1oea rlsht !~t ~!n !~~ 11 ':::_ ~r!redlcllbly par for e wlllln1neu to appear In the the controvtnlal Interpretation tfl wlll be required to attend on convullln1 lollllfJ 1ID TY and m•J not · near-buff, upedally 1n openln1 ol the Temptation by the Devil dally ll1u.1nd recite tbe Divine ~ . . au d le n ctt; II lftm very fun~y to people UD• Sine. everythlnt ID the pl11 (added for the film) d11mbln1 (played an old hermit by Pfllct 11 1roup 1plrlluat 1ctlv- lh1t la not the d i• occurred In ooe HI, the film the honeymoon 11 lbt Plu• , II lty. Other rtllpoua practices, be1t tnt ol er .. , · to1lc11ly open, up the 1ctlon•.Hotel, 1n eplaode which nllu Donald Pleuence); the scenes while not abandoned, were rele• Harold Ash Dodge quality;· It la ctr- Slmon'1 1ucceu han11 on hla a bit: the char1cteri now 11111 mainly on ledlou1 newlywed In which Mary anolnll Je1u1 11ttd to "prlnte devotion,." talnly a noled,ablllty lo write hllulOUI on the 1lllra and itreet, and humor. · with oil and lnvolvln1 the "Sul• · An lnte1rated formation pro- Sales dlalo1; unlike Jun Kerr'a llnu, Redford sell • chance to w1lll "Barefoot" II In color but fer the little children" p11111e· :1r• m wu 1110 explored by pro, • however, Ibey don't quote well. bareloot In the park. But 11lde maku little Ille of Ill poul• and Tell SIY lal' "Wh b vlncl1l iuthorltlu which would C_omplttt · Solt1 and Stnrlc• for the recOfd, The yuk depends not only on from brief blll on • · ferry and bllltlt1. In addition. whether .. >' a 1I 21'_ I. llrHdw• r ffl-2141 II one of tbe earlier hill of Ntll character and context but the In I crowded Alb1nl1n resllur• the fault II In malitup camera truth? apeecti II Pont1111 PIiate. • Ap.. l • t~ Simon, the 40-year-old n•TY way they are 11ld, which may ant. end the fact that ctoseu111 or laboratory proceuins M~ For • 1tD1ltlve director like 111 writer with the curreitlty mean tbat MIii Kerr 11 a wrlttr make funny Hpreulona funnier, Fonda loolil 111 Wllhed out Stevena, who h11 fo~aht 'lo 'S HERTOGENBOSCH, The hot pl1ywrltln1 touch (''The while Simon la I playwrl1hL lhe 1how hardly qu11lllt1 11 about u attractive u a road 1trenou1ly to 11ve hla ' A Plice Netlierland11-A Catholic layman 'Tippecanoe Odd Couple,• "Star•Sp1n1led The comic heart of "Bart- cinematic. "Barefoot" II tuen• company tryout for the bride of In the Sun" lrol!I the r1va1n of hu been appointed director ol ONE HOUR Girl"). Simon h11 even tried foot" la the ilroke of ilmple tlally a photosrephed play. Dracula ,elevlllpn, all thla mu,t be taken the Dutch Planned Parenthood Dry C.. anlnt and Laundry Stationers one orl1lnal film script, "After ,ntw· whereby eech of the Director Gene Saki 1 sifted · 11 IA admlaslon of artistic de. Society and I Catholic prlut 1 1 1 Nalionallv Franchlat d w, 11, ef the Fo11," which · wu Imperfect many entr1nct1 10 mechanically comic actor (he wu the • path• fut. . h11 been appointed an editor of Tod•\,i;,~'J~U c.,, but quite funny. The play ol bulc to· thla kind ol comedy 11 etlc TV comedian In "A Thou- Gtorse Slevens' two.year-old (lhtlntt A-i-m.,elly untl>- the or11anlutlon'1 monthly m1111• ....,. 1H11, Office ...... ' "Barefoot" Jwt clDHd on Broad, made hy1terlc1l; Jwt to set Into 11nd Clown•"), but In hla llnl J:'he ~~·~:~ )eclltnebla ,.lt,~dults.) line, R11pon1lble ~arenthood. Koretizing Cleaners ...... ~;z::~ l::~·~ m s. Harrl,on ffl-3450 w•J- •fter- 1500,odd_ perform• the 111, everybody h11 to climb film ht hu Hperlmented little. II ,till ,lowly maklns ttie round, lltltlra Shopping Center •nett, the 11th lon1nt run In 1l1 nt1hll of 1t1ln, and the run• There are no lmporllnl chan111 at both dowl\town and ntl&hbor• CURRENT RECOMMENDED New York hlatory. n1D1 1a1- pleb up momentum lrom the play, even In comic hood theeten. But It 1, not FILMS Franklin It la bulcally youna•m•rrledJ· with each new victim. Another builnw; luckily, aome of that' quite the ume film critics, my- • For Qtntral audltncti: A . Hoosier Plumbing cum-mother-ln,law 1ltuatlon com, unique 11111 la th• 1portln1 la visual, e.11., Miu Fonda try- 11u Included rrttted luke• Man For All Sta,on,, Grand Hu'esman's Garage edy, and h11 lnaplred 11ver1l chu1cter of tbe mother-ln•llw In& to 1t1rt • fire by holdln& • )"armly ' Pru. Franklin Bank & Heating Co. eq1111lyfrotb7TYlmltatlona. The (warmly pllyed by Mildred Net• match to the end of I loc. Much Varie'tv'reporta that about 85 For connolmuri: 'A Man AND TR~ST. COt,IPANY GINIRAL AUTO \Vattr S1111tm, prime ln,redl~nll an I kookle wick). Otherwll! all we really of the cul (Redford, Miu Nat, minutes_ 1 truly prodl&loUI and a Woman, Gtorgv Girl. RIPAIRING Plumbir.g ln,wllqtion1 1mount-hu been clipped ·from Btlltr than Up tht , r.o. IOI ffl 1 1 moll: • ' I 11 ' 1' '1 '1 ,1 Ill orlalnal 226-mlnute tenath. Down Slaimui , llombrt, Di• Franklin! Incl. 4'U1 lllue Ride• -Rd. IX 1-4212 ua 1; Jtckaon IX 2-Ulf The film had been criticized u vorct American Stvlt. B~shop Sheen has generation gap formula ~llllllltttllltltltlttlllllllttllltlltttttlllltlltllttlltttallllllll~lllllnlU~JlltlltlJlffllltllllltllnllllllUltlllnl11111111111111UllnlllllllllUllllltllllllllhllllUUIIUIIIIUIUIIIIUIIIIUlllllllltllllWUIUlWI UIUIUIDIIIIUIUlUWWIUIUIUIUIUIIIIUIUIUIIINIIII - CAMBRIDGE, M111:-- ·Unlltd Stlttl and that'we havn klpped I coupleo f run,a- lnlhe ' t •n,dlan culd1nce counselon heard Bl1hop ladder of evolution, ""he uld. 'Fu.lton J. Sheen of Rochester, N.Y., sin hb lie attributed tbb suit to tbe failure of adults to provide "what everyone need, far ·Illdian:apolis ParjSh Shopping List pre1crlptlon lor brldslnl the sap between happlnu1-an opportunity to be of 11rvlce and . ~ youths ol today and their tlden. !eel useful." - "Give the kid, a chance to serve humanity "Let tbue youna people &et tbelr feet wet ~-111111m1a1a1111111111at111t11tt1111ttt1111rmsut'1111111111t1tt1111111tt111at1;a1ma11111uuma111wa1111111111111111a1n1n1u11111111a1111111111u1u1111a1n1111111ma1111a111111uti'iitlam1uuu•ttultUUlll8i! -~ sense of mlulon," Bishop Sheen told the In the 1trvlce of humanity, rive tbem • 11111 annual Institute of ,uldance coun1tlo11 at tht ol worklna amon11 the poor, tbe dellnquenll AS5UMPTICN IMMACULATE HEART ST BERNADETTE ST . JUC' E ST. P11LIP NERI Harvard Unlver1lty'1 anduate school of edu, and the troubled mothers wlltln1 for Ju1Ucc cation. In our courtJ and \hey'II be 111 rl1bt," the Brown'• Service St1tlon "lhJWN fM QUAUTY" ROSS PHARMACY HEIDENREICH , "Thert'1 auch a crav1D1 amon1 youn1 peo- prtlate declared. BO.KA FLORIST 3809 English Ave. ' I HI llllrHONI 110111!" HASSE'S BAKERY ·pie for I place to serve and to be ol Ult. Thal The bishop added: '"{here will be nothln11 m flOWIII, r\iltn w, Phone flt•tt• Anphtft Hit 1: 1• It. Ill 1-1 11111. 111,~n. nou, AIUNIIMlm 357-1200 ,no ..,.,.. ,. au. 111-1141 • 111Tau ca111 e upl1ln1 the 1ucct11 ol the Puce Corp,," the to brldae-the 11p ~,tween 1eneratlon1 will u,- MIi N, CL t,IJD .._.. It. M• ( e WININ C&III e bishop u ld. v1nl1h-ll only we alve the youn11 • chance to Ct- IIOT -Ull e,1t r .M. ORME'S 0pt111 ~ thn., h t. ((101141 S-.) "The void belwtin the prt1tnt and earlier Identify with their lellow,man and help "meet l«flC•. AHHNrltt, •ea, McKEAND DRUG liTORE Cerpfta and lnltrlora 1enentlon1 mark, the fl~t time In history bb tremendous needs." ..... 1,..r ,-.k, "'l'tuf PMlth Shepplr,t . Ctt"tff'' lttloUUII-IIAIIWAII-TIU fJ ,11SUIIIIONI\ l tCk' 1 0(,M NIIDI CUllOII 11001 tllt.. 7 l.ffl. ti 10 , ,ffl, 1 DeJI I W~ eto'PeiiAiel COWIIIU, 10 I, ,11111Np CAIDI UH I , M•lllta It, 11 6-101 :JOHANTGEN'S tuS ...,..... tn '"• fL ""'71 ' RURAL PHARMACY KEYSTONE nu ~- ~~~ ST CATHEPINE TV SERVICE DIIIVIIY ------IC ,,._ 111 t~Nt Our Specialty •t,.t,.:~ ------1• • . ,__ ....=.11.:ie .:, .. ,=.., . .ws • ,,nult tlont • ...... "' .. ,__ llt'I Gtt Ac:Cf!lnted "RCA Color TV" r. FOOD 's'ifo;t°s· STOREY'S ll•------• ,., , •~••pragu•,.... '• Marketfu-tOOI ht1y; a, t f'd h 1tvtt ,,.. ,.Where Ytu C,t1 AffNd Qv111ty.. • "' 4-'111'""' '"''''· ,. tt...... ,. LADY 0~ LOURDES STAN'S .Wolfe Shell Service Station IIU I , IIICIIIIAII ST CHR I STOPHER Shell Service I r,,. l w'- - Tlrt-a4Uery .... , .------PEACHER$ DRUGS 1 Sto. - w.·,h - SIINftb t MULHERN'$ STANDARD " PIIICllll!OH S,l(IAIIIII" 1111 * IIIVICI CAlU 11r . SERVICE ~.. I. WHhl•tl.. s,. , ROSNER PHARMACY ••a:t::Aln. .:: ::~•,::.t•,~~~ • Ill 7-.S 357-1195 )Hf IIWl OIUG IIOII nlll IAWICI ELECTRICAL WORK RENT ind SAVEi Flntat Expert Carpet I WIii MIio ·-··· loL C>,...... & ••,_ It - Ill •-m~·n. "" ... PMONf H4fltt AJ, T"' llflt NtM A 1..i ,., A s,,cr.1 ,.., ----..,...------1 c...n1e111i,.,':Y:U"· 'r.'''' and Furniture Cl,anlng ....., 1.-.1u11.. e Th PARKWAY PIZZA llll PIIICIIPIION DIIIVUY NEW ANO OlD-GUAIANTHO W0U Wttr tuy t ~ It Al 111 Y~N ~fj•l;r.,,. • J': .~: a.,,.,. '!..30% • •Mt4 ~ ''!;:'J"•kt Dtlltttf t1 SIMII (hattt ST . LAWRENCE UI..W UI.WU A to I R,nt•I c,nter IOH'I CllAIIIN ...~Kl .!'th , ..uttt PIIU hHI'' II ... hd - ....HU ltr l,01, 1/otr, .... • • '""" 5114 E. Michigan St, ST FRANCIS JORDAN ..,,. , ...... a.,,a., c.•er IJ Yn. h,, Wtf- W11111tttd ' Joe Lepper'• BECKER FENCE CHRIST THE Kl'IG FL 7-1516 "l'rN E1tlm1t11 EIK!rlc1l Wiring Cook'• 01111 & Mirror Co, luft. ft\tV 1~11, 4 II IJ t.111. Pell & SuppljH attl • • !~- U MIii GWI 10,S-AII A R T , s D R u G s S,,ppll .. ,., AU '"'· ,,.. .., l hh, - II.. ; (.!:;, t.:~~t;:VJ ~f • AITMUl •J, IJIUNIU .,. 1 111h and P\IPPIH Funeral .Home All Types MIUOll-Mt• 1M l1flfthhN • ..., TIit Int 111 l~I• e ,'!~ S & A CONCRETE Alt C":t It.... , D:M' O.fl•hj Woll '""'• Any llM GIUI I ..IICNI _., "Your Reull Druggist" .,. ""''"" "" .....,., AUTO GIAU Ut• It. it lltUN It U "41" • (Art•Wff' Ctnle,J ••!tOffit et re11tf'1I h rvkt* CONSTRUCTION CO. aa!.~l'l.t0-J-...MJ~ ;:c:,.. 1711 w. -II CII .-, Richard, Market uk1t .__ ,. c.iumic UM I, 1W 11. If loyt- ~t.et6.I LITTLE FLOWER - Pr11crlptlon1 - 1411 I , It" It. ... Mt. JM '"'"--·-·-.,.TN Sffi.111 rrtt hflfNtn· l k .• ftN ht. 111...... PAINTING 51 MARK "4len Jotdan, Ow"•' Ill MIii 353-1112 ..... Ptklfi.t-1.. .,.., .....,.,.., SEWER TROUBLES? AIM -•I .... . 'DELBO DRUGS ST JAME~ COOMER ROOFING c{. CAil Ml • , • 1 11 El1on'1 Qu11lty Food, " ~.~/:M~1~ •' U.S. Choic1 '::111tom Cut Mufi 1521 N, Emerson Marl"l•n MHI Market e IOOII ... ~ IIPA• lt e / 11llf IMvtN-U YH? h ,, C. R. WESNER 546-9195 547-1151 llllH llUIIS t rwl VIGIIAlll: FL f-1265 INDIANA CENTQAL Bl•Rlt• Food, "::...!r!!i ,'!JJ,':.' INI ""'' C...... U"21tl flllClllltOHI 11.. I , Mtt\41H NI..,.. 634-"4f ht I V1I,_NU f tt M,self PAINTING Atcuuttlr IIIIN PHARMACY lt1tlfl0t and hltrlOI I. C. NUii Woodcraft Ph1rm1cy UNITED SERVICES 1 14 JIINI w,tt, I. Ph., '""'' w,11, I. Ph. PAIIICl M~IIAlTY, 0.Mr YAID _, SHERMAN FURNITUR '"' "Henry""''" -'"'"' Grayw .. -• Keystone MHI Market J99J Shelby 784-2431 IMI IIHtlO• n 4-7112 1 JACK MATHEWS & SON e 111111 PIIIClllllOH lllVtCI 1... -.... rem,,.. ''""'· l1ttltnet WI :-i:n~;r':: WHOIIIAll :MIii e Q'J AIIIT DIUGI Mtwtf 1"4 t,actw ..,.it h Akt CHOICI 1111111 MUii ' * H , IHIO, Ml-II a 111110 IIIYKI * : tit"T:,i!:''::.t c,1en MtlthM ____C_A_R_P_E_T ___ _ S+dfl Cut aM W,.P,td Wt lffl YH 0111111 ., f&aftf 111d lttltf •2n4 I. Mlchlgen 6)4,201$ 1111 •- ·.... - - 01, i. (l1tl" Jttrr ~•~,., S."kt 51. JOAN OF AR: ~~'i .. * IHIO IIUAICMII * R11dr For Your .CONCRETE WORK :t,:u,_w~,;~• • 11 ,!:... .::. ';~_,, »tmk, l.t.T.A. ' Ptrmentnt Wava? ltltt-lottt11o!IN-l°"•lot fl MIii 111t I. '"' II .-1 , TIAII o, u,i,irnc1 ,_ 111, ... MWIII::..~~", 14WIU ,_ C'°"lat)... A. J, L1kur 1r.d Son, FrNm1n Uphol1t1ry WALSH PHARMACY · Hurst T.. 1co No 01u ppolntrntn,, We lnow How I - ,I. 11111,MlcMtM - "1111 ,11sa1mo• IIIIYIIT" T. LIIH ,_,..... Mtri,&uetMttilt. • -' ()ptttlOfl to St1wt Yeu Service Bruno TV 51111 & Service WA 3-1553 WA 3-1554 .o,.. ,,,. n.,.. •.••., ,,1. h•. A B C PLUMBING -UITI..... BECKER ROOFING a.C.A. - UIIIM ...... ' ,,., , ,.,.,;u - lHd Str•k• ~•~k~U~~ ~~:"'1,:.•lt If NIii -- & SIDING CO, 1,.._~u,.._ N lt1r IW. " ..... JIM GIIUN, 1,1ft, MIDWUI Wat CIIAIGI I------luWk1tle111 - f ht1 - h fltrln FL 7-3114- FL 7°7565 MMIM..,,... Hlll. 6.IN CLI- 11H I , 11111 It, TOWNSEND PLUMBING 627 Mua, Ave, 636-0666 Ray Ron ENCO Service ST PIUS X AND HEATING, INC, 31th & College 11 VtnL ILIP COVIii lflh ,:1.t~:\,!I! ,-.k, 111W 11,a,1 - hMf1t• 11N1 Sltf1W ....., PIUMIIIIGw sum111 , ., Yeut furt1ltvft-CrntM1 MMe e e e f 1N htlMIIH e All Wlfk. Mattfltl SACRED HEART Shell Suvlce ..... ,.i...... a.a.--, l klOIM - - - ,_ ,. G,ve,ptfN H OLY ANGELS ,..,.,..,.... a... n ..-a SCHMIDT PHARMACY All - GUAWf!IID lffl I , - It, a. 1-ltlt 616-UI! 1111 ...., ICMtll PAUL DAVIS •ONUS TOP VALUI STAMPS .. "the """' •• c...tla" ~1141 BRAUN & SCHOTT MILLER'S httrdlf With • All G11tllftt .'"ftN'tN IUnlMI atelCU HOii 1111 NflCIIPfllNI NUYUY REGAL MARKET S~hwlnn Blcycl11 MARKET The S..thll.. 1111<1 1900" • - s.,,"'9 PAINTING BY RAY IIMW. -II. Wl.-a ..t he WOfld'• rl~t.. Ttrrace 1t Madison Ave. ST JOHN PRESTON'S I IITIIIIN - UTIIIN Fine MHh '"''' w. °""'""· ,,.. . , ~•Illy* frvlt1 Ml v... , .....* IHI I. •• l&NllilM ti 1,w SUPER MARKET SPIVEY 114-n-. Rt 1t•lll 11A11a lo MIAH _, ,a-. UM .u• °"It CM! ,, '-'""'-"C-,...... JOHNSON LUGGAGE ... IOil N. ,.,._ .. .. ,_ Cl J4IIOI _,_ •-al,1111 ---- ""-" NIii fH,,mAfltr4--­ l'.M. Construction, In~. & PURSE REPAIR ,,... H C LY NAME TEETER'$ Repair All M1k11 ""-- e llrAII AU 1a COATS, M1 I, TllOY AVI, }~\'i"11 :00'• * JA\11 .... , 11nKI * South Sid, Pharmacy tt,I ....., u,, awt. ,., 6.11- ll•tt• ... ICAr' ST RllA AtUca Flnbhed GO GOOD GULF "fAMtl, NIAIIN su,m (111111" Raconsmended New Room, Added . _, It IN fto W1Y) ul1 TV Post' Ten Hardware It. Termlt11, Guttara - Plumbln1 Nichols Gulf S1rvlce HGI S. lut '22.UU 5T JOSCPti ••fo, lht l•I 111 IHf ...... Oar1111 - Furn1c11 1n1 lllllt 11, - - 7-11 .______, Iv . u.-n.. , 1-~ 1.lllh&l'ttlH -...,,. SHORTY'S FAIRWAY Roaches, 0.- IIJIMI Delly, IIM _, Complete Job .. JERRY WHB -·"· - MARKET Wat,rbugs, Star Hardware AUTO UPHOL:STERY ' ST MI C ti AE.L Gv•,:=u,S;Jl•i:~1: • llt. ~7 HOLY SPIRI T s r A'IDRE.V Mice, Etc. I, 2111 A lltter UMMI Cwtllffl lntH5en -~wt'11'-lt 1•- JNt WI TAil ,000 SIAMIS ST. WI NUYII 0,.0 U Del.!,, f.1 -., ------cJ::"i~' u:::r.,tr,;·_,=-:.:r~1 .. Safewey Quality F"oocla .....,,.. P1lnt,1._G)111L ~la, SuPDlle1, 1/otr, .~ Ult a-• tN, 7IM6f7 • • 4-lMl K,lly Furnltura 0111,ry !!I~':..t.~ltf:.111, :.i.~ TIIIJ an. ., wanm D. - ~ ,utar DOflet1er 81'11 '"'"!of Detr.,. ., CMlu ..,,..,. ew, ...... ,. PIILD PIIT CONTROL vW .~•l:I ::.,1,HIIO .., I•-.;~ HIIVICI 5 T JU Ut: S T A )C --i ..... 11111 ST M O N l.:A ~ l ANN ,O,IN-1 A.IL TO IIIOltlGIIT ,. SAVE MONEY frl. w S.t, 'l~t I ~ Loclcar Muta a SNc:lalty' ... TIXACO FUIL OIL eClfflM m 111&n·• --- DAY OIi NIGHT ':'1"JIIII,..... _ MARVl11!'5 'ffilrd Bue I~ PJA. 0.- IIMt a UL to f ,.._ -- ttww frW.,~~ 0,,. I I& II I ,.a. ,., Otw ,.,,, ,..,... , WAL TIR'S PHARMACY Liquor Store Mr. Albert', Pl. OI ,_,ttG IPACI Irvington Ice & Fuel Co. B Quality Foocl1 Rooflnl 8binsl11, as lb. \cbolce of color) ...... Sci . ...12 Cl!.... 01.- a4. .. ·-- - 't"'J!.'I.C' IUNICI ID111G:fM.. tlN Heir Styllng Salon ~ bt SludJ, Pre~t 10 12.. ', Speclll ...... , ...... Ea . l5C! • I, llii• A,o. ' fl MIii ''"' ,... CONTINENTAL Pll1t1rbo1rdii fl." ••~:'I." : ...... e 13u'F.~'Ica'\ffli?.,,f,, a HEATH'S * COIIIIUTI IUffl AnKI * --- .. EI.J.21 ~ ~l NUTINI A P111ttlllt, 4' 'J'rt•FUUIDIG Nut wood , ...... Ea. .JO 1 _.-.= :::. ... Screen Doon, illil"dl" wltla Aluminum Wire ...... Ea·. .- LA OROTTE S SUPER MARKET ~ T T ti O t-.,1 A J All COMDITICININO °"' s-r.11,. • °"" w.c . n.,,,. • "'· ...... , - · lall Sbt1tbln1 Board, ltD . .... , ...... Hd. .15 VIII... SUNr Mlrktt 5 1 OA fHH OAS -I f_O!JO ~l UU COili .... 1" 0111 rtoorlnl No. I 15" AYI- ...... , ...... Hd . .15 " If ,., CM IIM f,_ Pr-• It It 4K1. MaclllOII Ava. ~ .,.... m - • r ...... ai•la Llalr Fenc,1 41" IO' Roll •...... • .. • .. • .. .. • O.IO -":'t=",.... 784-7111 ~ T f' H I L I P N ( r,; I PAT DOLL• N'I 14 .... lenlee 011•· Rooflnl, h•" Corrup1Uon, · ••m" ...... El, 1· 01 ,. Rooflnj 114'' Corru11Uon, ii"dl" ...... El. .Tl Jlhnaon and Son SIMia Plumbing Co, :~""'n:"'c!':.~ •::. Hellanll PrNUCtl Barb Wire, llllt O1u11 4 Pl. IO Rd. loll •. •••.•. •. Ea. 45 .._,_ __..Li• M-..IL t"!L-'lt,, "r,!=-= (11 - , C L l ~ Shell Service --~,!".::,....- JA~., fff7 N. Penn. , WA 1-25" lntematllnll PnNluctt • 11 '::! Ml, ...... Sutlaerlancl lullNI' Co. •AST 11D• IIKI STORI °""' ' --~. c..- .,...,-=-~ ~t~rC:.::" - , ·&• Wo i,«IIIIH lo ltltll ,,_., 1t ltL ~a.-,t'~W - - - PATRONIZI TH• ma•. f.a:"" -=r~_, - e AIM ..., Pr1tl1"1 ,-.1n e 11 r,. • .,..._ ... ---• 1111 WI TdT1I nun ADVIRTIHRI -• • • • flMIII Nlt-&11, 111- 141 W.., -•1 -•-al ..._..1,11&

·, I \ 1.. \ / •· --1 (' ' PAO• TWILVI - THI CRITIRION, JULY 2t, 1N7 ------DOCTORAL STUDENT 81:irotlay •·eek Lay.society is forfl!,ed HARRISBURG, Pa.-Pennayl­ vanla has a new law which per• mlta a busineuman lo keep his establishment open on Sunday• Sister's per£or man Ce provldln& he closes another day by Glenma,y Si~t~~s of. the week. CINCINNATI-The Glenmary wllh· the Criterion, Sls,ler Mary Sister, have announrtd that "1 Catherine Rumschlag acknowl• 1l,nlflr1nt number" or their edeed that Indlanapolla la "one 1nllt{OS­ in IU opera hailed members plan to move Into "a ol the arus" In which the new new lorm o! Ille and work." Federation ts Interested In work• They are uklnc for· a dlspensa- Inc. She added, however, that lly HI NUl:TTA THORNTON ·•d lust 11 1noth1r singer-no lems lor 1he 11111. She ii conl• S~~ • distinction mide b1tw11n mi plclely norm1I In 1h• .worldly lion lrom their rellcious \'ows no definite arnnaemenls have lo work 11 • lay, Church-aflll- been firmed up In this area. DLOO~IINGT0 :-1 , lnd.- Wh•n.. ind lh• other' performin. world ol 1he !healer." lated orcanlullon. · Benjamin Britten, the Engll~h . ·' ..A, Mrs. Jlerrlna. Sister (Glenmary SI It c r Rosalie compos.~r. wrote _his .. r?m•r --1 lerl 1h11 11 1 teacher a nd Theresa adapted her sln1in1 and Sister Ml.CY Catherine Rum- Love, 1 former member ol A•· opera Albert llcmng. "hl_r~ performrr ii Is 1mporlanl tha l arling slyle very well to suit the · 1thla1, society superior and a aumpllon pariah In lndlanapolls, pokes fun it pulled-up moral,t> no dislinrtion be made . If Sis- biller and frustrated n,ture of member of ihe croup that wlll ts 1tudyln1 this summer al Mar• and the srlf-rlghtrous t harar• ler, arc leaching a performlnK this character whose sole In luve, uld the ne,., lay or111n- quelte University, Jhc superior lers who atlem,pt 10 • cnlorcc Its art. we should .be cmerscd In tc rest In Albert t, mercenary," lutlon wlll be known u the uld She declined to state All P.arochlal code, he dldn I think that • ,•,·ery farc l ol it." · wrote a local critic. "Federallon ol Communities In wheiher Sister Rosalie or any Textbooks Catholic nun wo~ld be sln_glng Shr 03mc 10 the Uni.-crslty Service." Member~ wlll live In of the three Glcnmary Sisters one ol lhc leadln( roles an • lasl Scple mbcr to hcgin her doc- SET IN LOXFORD, 1 small community and wlll be "com• worklne In tndlanapolls this Now In Stock produr llon of lhc opera. lorol progrom and will be here market town In East Suffolk, mltttd to service ,for human de- summer on an tnnQl!l'ily project HowC\·cr, that Is what hap- for sc.-rral more years. " I sc• during the year 1900, " Albert velopment wllh • focus on rell11• ror SI. Mary's parish and Cath• prned at Indiana Uni,·ersity thl, leclrd lndlona Unl.-crsity, com- Herring" concerns the vain II• lous and social needs," and 11 ollc Social Sen•lccs, were mem• summer. .In lhc lour -pcrlorm- Ing all 1hr way from California , tempi on the part of a commit• lout lor lhe present wlll con- bcrs ol the group requesting onces of lhe opera. which has a beeausc (It hu lhc largest and tee lo find ' • suitable elrl lo tlnue lo, serve P.artlcularly the dispensation from vows.) llbretlo by Eric Crozier, by lhc hcsl known School ol Music In reign II May Queen. The com- people ol Appalac~la, she utd. Unh·rrslt>•'s Opera Thcaler, Sis- 1hr world.'' she said. miltcc lurns In desperation IQ Those remalnlne 11 .Glenmary Irr . Theresa di llorra. an Im- lhc sclerlion ol • May Kln11 and Sisters, It was announced, "de­ We wlll deliver C.O.D. marulate Hearl ol ~lary nun. .BEFORE ENTERING lhc con• the title !alls lo Albert llerrln1, sire lo continue In the ruril Wm. Weber & Sons . hone ordera promptly. lrom- Los ,lngrlcs, Calif.. sang ,·cnl. Sisler Theresa was gradu- the son of the village grocer who , mission ,areas to which they "Purvt~ora of Fine Mtal•" rMlnllnum C.O.D. and dell\'ery charge. ) the role of ~lrs. Herring, molher •_t •d fro'!' the 1mmac~lalc 1,lcarl hu always been tied lo his rommllltd themsel\'es, with the Bttch Grovei I~~• ·01 Albert. College an Los /\ngclcs, walh a mother's apron strings. • . prospect ol renewal In the re• U~-34" - '11-3417 hachclor degree In music. Aller Aller tasllng a glass ol run\• , llelous Ille u called for by the Dreaded }Tl~J:uons For , Allhough Sisler Thrrru, con- Joining lhc com·cnl, she com- laced lemonade al the May Fes• · Second Valican Council." Fish Fries lralto, a tlocloral sludrnt In the 1,1r1ed work !or lhe master. de- 11 ,·al, Albert decides that he has IN I.U. OPIAA--Slshr· Thereu di Rocca (11ft) ef Lt1 An, I. U. School of ~luslc. hu sung grcc In music al the colle~c. missed I lot In his Ille and sch 11111, C1III., had I leading role In llrltt1n's "Albert H1rrln1," WHITHIR THI members ol )lrofculonally many limes, lhls where shl! h now a member ol out 10 remedy "the •ltuatlon. produud this summer by 1h1. tndlan, Unl¥tr1lly Opera the new lay organlutlon wlll ' was her first opcrallc a ppear- 111,e faculty. She h3s studlc.d The llhrctlo Is adapted lrom Theater, Shown wllh Sister Th1r111 In 1 1ctn1 from lh1 wear 1 1pccl1I garb or unllorm I • anrc. Due 10 lhc high praise she w11h Lottie. l;ehm:nn In Santa shorl story, " Le. Rosier de Ma- comic opera are Suunne Roy, Oshkosh, Wh., end Jo Elyn Is undecided, It was reporled. TERMITE rcrcln•d for her singing ol the lhrh3ra. Cah!. . · hyllls Curlin dam<' Husson," b)' Guy de Mau- .., McGow1n, Omtha, Nib. All are gr1du1t1 11udsnh In the Llf1tlmt GuarentH Pl1n I The change Is experled lo IH(l(H( U 1 (,thollc 11,lldlritt roh1:~,.'rhc .:1arhr• rol ntgh_cng0apdedr~,. ~• the llrrksharc )lu~lc Center passanl. . l,U, Opera Theater. lake place by lhe end or Au~usl, 1Novfh:O!ilt lndl•~ T '" • 1" 1 • 51 1 an )lassarhusc lls. which Is lhc · tional opcralic roles In luture ,ummt•r home of the lloslon al which time new olllcers for both croups are lo be cleclcd. FREE productions at lhc Unh·rrslty. Symphony Orcheslra, and with 111,"tk• ·,., hWJ Tr,t Pttf CANDIDATES ARE ABUNDANT A spokesman too the pro­ We are a n ll IOU I to SHE IS STUDYING ,·oire un, the . hushan,d and wi~c lcachin~ posed lay org1nlutlon , aid "we A-1 •TM'rnlt• Control Ser. •erve you II quickly der Frank s1. Leger , formerly tram . of TIiiie and F rltz Swelg v • expert lo be working in several JO( M· Orcheslra In a perform• a "crash" program to cstabllah Catholic la)·mcp could be re• among Curslllo leaders and · · ant(• of 1hr Alto Rhapsod)• b'S- (In a telephone Interview FREE- the permanent d I a c O n a I c crultcd almost Immediately lo members, Scn;a_Club members, Book Con rs ln earl)' Augus( Sister Thcr• Urahms. In which the Cal Tech lhroughout the Is land will be begin training as dcuons. Knights or Columbus and from eu wlll gt,·e the llrsl ol he r lour ~l cn'sA,Glcc Club also partlcl• recita ls required of docloral stu- pated:-' During . the spring ol proposed shortly by the Puerto During 1 ,topo\'er here ,nroutc olhcr sources. dents . Iler program will Include 1966 ' Sister Thcren toured In lllcan hierarchy. • to Arecibo, Bishop Mendez said If approved by Puerto Rico's Mutu-al recognition compositions '-' Brahms, Faure. the ~llddlc West ~l\'lng recitals lllshop Allred Mendez, c .s .c .. during an Interview that In hla conference ol bishops, Bishop Purcell, Mozart and Rorcm. and eondurtlng ,·olce workshops. lor more than two years r e- diocese alone " some 30 or 40 )lcndcz cn,•lslons 1 !raining pro­ of Baptism held pcaicdly hu advocated the mar- ·!armer seminarians, now mar- ~ram of only I lcw months lor Shl1r Th1r1u uld 1lngln1 One of the fln11t young art• ried deacon apostolale is an r lcd, most or'whom got II far as married deacons to receive In b ' D l h J J the .,..,. was 1reat fun, "Thi 1111 w1 h1V1 on the 1.U. um• answer to the priest shortage In philosophy and iomc o4- whom structions t,g, gh•e Communion, Y U C C lUrC lCS role wu m1rnlou1 ind It 111 pu, h lht way H1n1 Busch, Lalin America. r ea ched theology In their stud- hapllzc, w 11',l,.c 1 1 marriages,. was • great up1rl1nce for 11191 director for thJ "Albert ------'-'------hrlng Vlallcum to the dyln1, 1nd \Witt.CUT, The Nether• mi," 1h• c o m m • n t • d. ' Moll o,...,_ ,,.;;;,.ty fllW­ Herring" ch1r1ct1rl11d Sht1r · \ lo bury the dead. lands-Mutual recoanltlon of AU 1% IN. ltlot IH .: "Throughout the r1hearul1 Th1rt11, "Shi has I beautiful ' 'WI IPICIAllll II UIYICI" •d t • · Baptism In the Catholic and Now J Locetlon1 and perform•~~•• I wu tr11t• voice ind her hhtrlonlc abll• ees CO n sO 1 a l On -llnu the molu prtprlt Sa, Dutch Reformed• Churches WII lty Is unu1u1I," ht uld, "My S l f crum Dlu1n1tu1 Ordlnem olllclally announced (July 21) To Serve You IPlltwU-

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