NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 45: 231-232 , 1997

A Record of the Nominate Race of Flycatcher , n. narcissina , for Thailand

On 17 April 1995 ,a male Narcissus Fl ycatcher , Ficedula narcissina narcissina ,was netted netted and ringed at the Ban Sam Roi Yot of Substation Kh ao Sam Roi Yot National Park , Pr achuap Kh iri Kh an Pr ovince (1 2・13'N; 99 ・55'E). 百lis is the first record of the nominate race race of Narcissus Fl ycatcher for Thailand. 百le was caught in deciduous woodland along the foot of steep limestone mountains at at approximately 0730 hrs. It was immediately recognisable as a Narcissus 日ycatcher of the the nonlinate race by its combination of blackish uppe 中紅ts , yellow supercilium 佃 dorange- yellow yellow unde 中紅ts. Th e bird was exarnined and ringed , photographed and released within 30 nlinutes of capωre. It s description is presented below. Description: Description: A small flycatcher with black forecrown and nlid-crown; dull olive brown hindcrown and black mantle ,lores and e紅 coverts. A broad , yellow supercilium , broadest broadest behind the eye ,extending from above the lores to a point roughly halfway between the the hind m 紅 gin of the eye and the nape. Th roat ,breast and belly , lower back and rump yellow yellow wi 血 a 町 ong peachy-or; 叩 ge flush. Under tail coverts white. A solid , roundish white white patch in the wing formed by the mainly white inner greater coverts and some inner median median coverts. Tail entirely dark , with blackish upper tail coverts. Tertials all dark , the two innermost black; outermost tertial unmoulted and brown on both wings , with a narrow whitish-brown 創 nge to the outer edge.τbe alula ,prim 紅 ies ,secondaries ,位 rree left-hand innermost innermost and two right-hand innermost tail feathers , and two outermost greater coverts were were also old , unmoulted feathers. The combination of old ,brown ,app 紅 ently juvenile body ,covert ,tertial and tail feathers , and black adult feathers indicated 白紙 it was not adult , and was probably a first-year bird. Th e legs and bill were blackish. Biometrics: wing length (maximum chord) 77 mm; tail47 mm; tarsus 17.9 mm; weight 9 .4 g. 百le bird bird was very thin , with concave pectoral muscles (score 2) and a zero fat score (muscle and and fat scoring methodology following BAIRLEIN , 1995). Other Other observers who saw the bird were D. Kelly , A. M 紅 tin , T. Squire , Siripom τbong 紅白血d J. Willsher. The bird was still present in the area later the same day , perched in the woodland understorey ,仕 equently dropping to the ground to feed. It was not seen on the following day. day. Small numbers of both Mugimaki Fl ycatcher F. mugimaki and Yellow rumped Fl ycatcher F. zanthopygia were seen daily during 出is period ,indicat 泊ga pronounced , ongoing , spring passage migration. The green-backed race of Narcissus Fl ycatcher , F. n. elisae , which breeds in northem

China , and is an annual , but rare , winter visitor to lowland forests and m 佃 groves of pe 凶nsul 紅Th ailand and Malaysia (LEKAGUL & ROUND , 1991; MEDWAY & WELLS ,1976) , is is the only form of Narcissus Fl ycatcher previously recorded along this flyway.τbe nonlinate nonlinate race has a more easterly dis 住ibution ,breeding mai 叫y in Sakhalin and Jap 佃, and nligrating nligrating to winter in the Philippines and Bomeo. It has been recorded on passage in ,SE China ,including Hainan , and An nam (VAURIE , 1959). A third race ,

Received Received 14 July 1997; accepted 15 July 1997.

231 231 232 232 NOτ 宮S

F. F. n. owstoni , which has a dark olive-green back , breeds in Ryu 匂u Isl 阻 ds (V AURIE , op. cit.). cit.). Acknowledgments:τ 'h e authors ぽ e grateful to Dr. Schwann Tunhikom ,Director Wildlife Wildlife Research Di vision , and to 血 e superintendent and s旬貰 of Kh ao Sam Roi Yot National National Park for their collaboration and hospitality.


BAIRLE 悶, F. 1995. European-African Songbird Migration Network: Manual of Field Methods (revised edition). European Science Foundation , Wilhelmshaven. 25 pp. LE 臥 G 肌, B. AND P.D. ROUND. 199 1. A Guide to the ofThailand. Saha Karn Bhaet ,Bangkok. 458 pp. M 回 'WAY ,Lo RD AND D. R. W 阻止.5. 1976. Th e Birds of the Malay Peninsula ,Vol 5. Witherby and Penerbit Universiti Universiti Malaya ,Kuala Lumpur. xxxi + 448 pp. VAURIE , C. 1959. The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna: . Witherby ,Lo ndon. xii + 762 pp.

Philip Philip D. Round Kh ao Nor Chuchi Lowland Forest Pr oject Department Department of Biology Faculty Faculty of Science Mahidol Mahidol University Rama 6 Road , Bangkok 10400

Stephen Stephen Rumsey Th e Wetland Trust Elms Farm , Pett L 細胞 Ic klesham , Winchelsea East East Sussex τN364AH United United Ki ngdom