Ocean Explorers Past and Present

Assignment: In a group of 1 or 2 students and using your iPads prepare a class presentation on a past explorer and present marine exploration. You will be giving a 5-10 min presentation describing both: (1) The historic explorer you’ve chosen and, (2) a current exploration project. You have a choice of a wide variety of iPad apps to choose from. If you wish to do a traditional PowerPoint style presentation you can use Keynote, Haiku Deck, Prezi, PowerPoint, or other presentation applications. There are a wide variety of possible apps that basically all do the same thing. Alternatively you can use iMovie or other video app to create a short movie that contains the same content. If you wish to create an iMovie, speak to Mr. Lind about modifying the assignment requirements for video format.

Use the following outline to create your presentation:

A. Introduction  Slide 1: Title page with subject title and student names.

B. Information about past explorer:  Slide 2: Name of explorer, vessel, or expedition, and dates this person was alive or exploration occurred.  Slide 3: The main reason(s) they are important to marine science (what did they do or discover?)  Slide 4: Technology they created or used for the research including type of vessel used for exploration  Slide 5: What were the beginning goals of their expeditions and were these goals met?  Slide 6: Land or area they explored

C. Information about current ocean exploration:  Slide 7: Brief description of the current research (what is their research question?)  Slide 8: Who is conducting this research and where is it being done?  Slide 9: Describe the technology they utilize for their research and/or type of vessel used to do their work  Slide 10: What are the general conclusions of this research?

D. Conclusion and References  Slide 11: Summary of the discoveries of both the past and present research (contributions made to science)  Slide 12: References (names and URLs of web sites used)

Past Ocean Explorers (Pick one from this list that another student or group has not selected or any other historic ocean explorer approved by Mr. Lind)

Ferdinand Magellan Captain Charles Wilkes William Beebe Wyville Thompson Jacques Piccard Matthew Maury Fridtjof Nansen Jacques Cousteau Baron Roald Amundsen Robert Ballard Ernest Shackleton Sylvia Earle Antoine Risso Robert Peary James Cameron Edward Forbes Spencer Fullerton Baird Edmund Halley Alexander Agassiz Georg Wilhelm Steller Sir John Ross Sir John Murray J-B de Lamarck Richard Byrd Johannes Muller Richard Fleming

Current Ocean Explorations

The following website contains current and recent NOAA explorations. Choose one of the research explorations from 2005 or later for your group’s present explorer. http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/explorations.html Grading: Your grade will worth 2 lab grades and be based on the following rubric.

Effective use of class time 25 pts. Made effective use 15 pts. Made ineffective 0 pts. Made ineffective use (25%) of class time with no class use of class time (had to be of class time and disrupted disruptions or goofing off reminded repeatedly to class and/or disturbed stay on task) but was not other students disruptive Content (25%) 25 pts. All required 20 pts. Some required 15 pts. Some required content is included and content is missing or some content is missing and there are no factual errors information is clearly some information is clearly flawed or inaccurate flawed or inaccurate. Spelling and grammar (10% 10 pts. Presentation has 7 pts. Presentation has 1-2 5 pts. Presentation has no misspellings or misspellings but no more than 2 misspellings grammatical errors grammatical errors and/or grammatical errors. Format (10%) 10 pts. Background and 7 pts. Background 5 pts. Both background font choices/colors are distracting or does not fit and fonts are distracting well planned to enhance project or fonts difficult to and difficult to read readability and content 10 see or read. pts. Use of graphics 10% 10 pts. Effective use of 7 pts. Graphics are 5 pts. Graphics are missing graphics. All graphics are attractive but some do not or are inappropriate and attractive and support the support the theme/content detract from the theme/content of the of the presentation theme/content of the presentation presentation Presentation 20% 20 pts. Students presented 15 pts. Students had 10 pts. Students were the material effectively and difficulty presenting the unable to complete the with confidence material before the class presentation of the material before the class Total grade: