IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX 1 Deterministic Multiuser Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink Zhongren Cao, Student Member, IEEE, Ufuk Tureli, Member, IEEE, Yu-Dong Yao, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— In orthogonal frequency division multiple access orthogonality of subcarriers guarantees that there is no inter- (OFDMA), closely spaced multiple subcarriers are assigned to carrier interference (ICI), which prevents MAI among users in different users for parallel signal transmission. An interleaved OFDMA systems. subcarrier assignment scheme is preferred because it provides maximum frequency diversity and increases the capacity in fre- OFDMA inherits from OFDM the weakness of being sensi- quency selective channels. The subcarriers are overlapping tive to inaccurate frequency references [7]. Carrier frequency but orthogonal to each other such that there is no inter-carrier offset (CFO) between the and the receiver causes interference. Carrier frequency offsets between the transmitter the loss of orthogonality among subcarriers and introduces and the receiver destroy the orthogonality and introduces inter- ICI. In OFDMA, CFO will further cause MAI, which degrades carrier interference resulting in multiple access interference. This paper exploits the inner structure of the signals for carrier the system performance [8]. CFO estimation for OFDM has frequency offsets estimation in the uplink of interleaved OFDMA been extensively studied in recent years [9]–[14]. In OFDMA, systems. A new uplink signal model is presented and an esti- CFO estimation is relatively simple in the broadcast link mation algorithm based on the signal structure is proposed for (downlink), where different users’ signals are multiplexed estimating the carrier frequency offsets of all users using only one by the same transmitter, and the orthogonality among all OFDMA block. Diversity schemes are also presented to improve the estimation performance. Simulation results illustrate the high subcarriers is maintained. Each user can perform the frequency accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. synchronization by estimating a single CFO, which is the one between itself and the transmitter, and compensate accord- Index Terms— Orthogonal frequency division multiplex ingly. Many CFO estimation algorithms proposed for OFDM (OFDM), multiple access, carrier frequency offset (CFO), pa- are applicable for the OFDMA downlink. The real challenge rameter estimation, matrix decomposition. exists in the uplink of OFDMA, where a number of users share the total number of subcarriers and each user has its own CFO. CFO estimation in this case becomes a multiple- I.INTRODUCTION parameter estimation problem. CFO estimation in the OFDMA uplink is closely related Orthogonal frequency division (OFDM) [1] to the subcarrier assignment scheme adopted by the system. has been selected as the physical layer technology for a There are two major subcarrier assignment schemes [8], sub- number of wireless applications, such as digital audio broad- band based and interleaved. The former, sub-band based casting (DAB) [2] and terrestrial digital video broadcasting subcarrier assignment, divides the whole bandwidth into small (DVB) [3]. It has also been adopted by IEEE 802.11a [4] continuous sub-bands and each user is assigned to one or and HIPERLAN/2 [5] for high data rate wireless packet several sub-bands similar to traditional FDMA. In the latter, transmissions. In OFDM, a set of equally spaced subcarriers interleaved subcarrier assignment, subcarriers assigned to dif- are used for parallel data transmissions. To increase the ferent users are interleaved over the whole bandwidth. frequency efficiency, these subcarriers are overlapping in the CFO estimation in the uplink of sub-band based OFDMA frequency domain but orthogonal to each other such that systems has been investigated and reported recently in [15]– there is no inter-carrier interference (ICI). The most important [17], where a frequency guard band was used between sub- feature of OFDM is the capability of mitigating frequency- bands so that signals from different users can be separated dependent distortion across the channel band and simplifying by filter banks. Existing CFO estimation algorithms that were the equalization in a multipath fading environment. proposed for OFDM are applied on each single user after its Recently, orthogonal frequency division multiple access signal is isolated. (OFDMA) was proposed for broadband wireless multiple Sub-band based OFDMA systems are vulnerable to fre- access systems in IEEE 802.16a [6]. In OFDMA, closely quency selective fading. In channels with a large coherent spaced and overlapped subcarriers are divided into groups bandwidth, several consecutive subcarriers may be subject to and assigned to multiple user for simultaneous transmissions. deep fading at the same time and the data transmitted over Unlike traditional frequency division multiple access (FDMA), a whole sub-band may not be recovered even with coding where any overlapping of the frequency spectrum of differ- and interleaving. On the contrary, the interleaved subcarrier ent users introduces multiple access interference (MAI), the assignment scheme provides maximum separation among the subcarriers assigned to the same user, which maximizes the The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, 07030 USA (email: frequency diversity for each user. However, the interleaved [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). scheme complicates CFO estimation in the OFDMA uplink, 2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX since it minimizes the distances between subcarriers assigned Cyclic to different users. When there are frequency synchronization Prefix (k ) S ( k ) errors, the signals from different users are overlapping in the X g , 0 g ,0 time domain by the nature of OFDMA and interfering each S ( k ) X (k ) g ,1 other in the frequency domain due to the loss of orthogonality. g , 1 S ( k ) In order to separate multiple users’ signals and suppress MAI, g ,2 x( k ) ( t ) advanced signal processing algorithms have to be applied at the uplink receiver, as shown in [18]. These techniques rely on the correct estimation of each user’s CFO. Therefore, CFO (k ) Parellel to Serial X ( k) −Point IFFT estimation is a major task in designing OFDMA receivers. g,P −2 ( k ) S g , N −2 N CFO estimation in the interleaved uplink of OFDMA was (k ) Subcarrier Map X ( k) S ( k ) studied and a statistics based CFO estimation algorithm was g,P −1 g , N −1 proposed for the OFDMA, which is applicable to both sub- band based uplink and interleaved uplink [19]. However, the Fig. 1. Uplink OFDMA transmitter structure. algorithm in [19] requires collecting signal samples of many OFDMA blocks to compute unknown parameters on the order of the number of subcarriers and results in a biased estimator. IFFT. For pilot subcarriers, the modulation symbols are pilot When the number of subcarriers is large, such as 2048 as in symbols or training symbols for estimating the channels. IEEE 802.16, the algorithm is computationally prohibitive. Fig. 1 illustrates the signal generation and transmission of The originality of this paper is that it investigates the CFO the kth user. The P (k) modulation symbols are first mapped estimation in the interleaved uplink of OFDMA based on (k) into a set of N modulation symbols, Sg,i , i = 0, 1, ··· ,N −1, the deterministic structure of the signals. In an interleaved according to OFDMA system, signal from each user has a special periodic ½ (k) (k) structure within an OFDMA block, which can be exploited by (k) X , if i = c ; S = g,p p (1) arranging the received signals into a matrix form to reduce g,i 0, otherwise. the number of unknown frequencies to the number of users. (k) (k) N−1 A high resolution signal processing technique [20] is used for p = 0, 1,...,P − 1. The N symbols, {Sg,i }i=0 , to estimate the CFO’s of all involving users deterministically are modulated onto the N subcarriers via an N-point IFFT. using only one OFDMA block instead of a large number of The CP is also added to avoid inter-block interference (IBI) blocks as in [19]. Since the number of unknown parameters caused by multipath fading. As a result, the baseband signal equals the number of users, the algorithm is practical for transmitted from the kth user can be represented as OFDMA systems with large number of subcarriers. ∞ N−1 This paper is organized as follows. The signal model of X X x(k)(t) = S(k)F (t) OFDMA is presented in Section II. The periodic signal struc- g,i g,i g=−∞ i=0 ture of the interleaved OFDMA uplink is introduced in Section (k) (2) X∞ PX−1 III. In Section IV, the CFO estimation problem is stated and the (k) = X F (k) (t). g,p g,cp proposed estimation algorithm is derived. Simulation results g=−∞ p=0 are reported in Section V and conclusions are drawn in Section VI. Note Fg,i(t) is given by ½ j2π(i∆f)(t−Tcp−gT ) II.OFDM-BASED MULTIPLE ACCESS –OFDMA e b , gTb≤t<(g + 1)Tb; Fg,i(t) = In this section, we introduce the uplink signal model of 0, otherwise, OFDMA. Consider an OFDMA system consisting of N sub- (3) carriers and K users. The N subcarriers include all available where ∆f is the subcarrier spacing, Tcp is the length of CP subcarriers and virtual subcarriers in the guard band [21]. and Tb = T + Tcp is the duration of one OFDMA block, All subcarriers are sequentially indexed with {n}, n = T = 1/∆f. 0, 1,...,N − 1. Among the N subcarriers, the kth user is The signals are transmitted through slowly time-variant mul- assigned to a subset of P (k) subcarriers with the index set tipath fading channels, i.e. fading coefficients are assumed to (k) (k) (k) (k) be constant during one OFDMA block. The channel between {c0 , c1 , . . . , cP (k)−1}. The superscript (·) denotes the kth user. the kth user and the uplink receiver is characterized by An OFDMA block is the signal generated by one inverse (k) LX fast fourier transform (IFFT) operation including the cyclic h(k)(τ, t) = α(k)(t)δ(τ − τ (k)), (4) (k) (k) (k) (k) l l prefix (CP). Let [Xg,0 ,Xg,1 ,...,Xg,P (k)−1] be the P l=1 modulation symbols the kth user will transmit during the gth (k) (k) (k) OFDMA block. For data bearing subcarriers, the modulation where L is the total number of paths, αl and τl are the symbols are data symbols, such as phase shift keying (PSK) or complex gain and time delay of the lth path. quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). For virtual subcar- At the uplink receiver, the signal of one OFDMA block is riers, the modulation symbols are effectively padded zeros in the superposition of signals from all K involved users. Assume CAO et al.: DETERMINISTIC MULTIUSER CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION FOR INTERLEAVED OFDMA UPLINK 3 all K users are synchronized in time, the received sampled removal of CP, the received N signal samples of the OFDMA signal in the absence of noise can be written as block from the kth user can be written as PX−1 K L(k) (k) (k) j 2π (pQ+q+ξ(k))n X X (k) N (k) (k) (k) Υ (n) = Hp Xp e Υ(nTs) = αl (nTs)x (nTs − τl ), (5) p=0 k=1 l=1 P −1 (10) 2π (k) X 2π j N (q+ξ )n (k) (k) j P pn = e Hp Xp e , where Ts = T/N is the sampling interval. As we will focus on p=0 the signal of one OFDMA block, the index g in the following (k) where n = 0, 1,...,N − 1. It is important to note that is neglected for convenience. Let Hp denote the channel (k) (k) j2π(q+ξ(k))/Q (k) frequency response on the cp th subcarrier of the kth user’s Υ (n + P ) = e Υ (n). (11) channel during one OFDMA block. We have Furthermore, we have (k) LX (k) j2πν(q+ξ(k))/Q (k) (k) (k) (k) Υ (n + νP ) = e Υ (n), (12) (k) −j2πcp ∆fτl Hp = αl e . (6) l=1 where ν is an integer. Eq. (11) and (12) indicate that the received N signal samples of one OFDMA block from the From (2)-(6), after the removal of CP, the remaining N signal kth user, {Υ(k)(n)}N−1, have a special periodic structure with samples of one OFDMA block at the uplink receiver are given n=0 every P samples. Let R denote the number of periods within by the N signal samples. We have R = N/P = Q. The number (k) N−1 K−1 P (k)−1 of periods is the number of sub-channels. {Υ (n)}n=0 can X X (k) (k) (k) j2π(cp ∆f)nTs thus be arranged into a R×P matrix Υ(n) = Hp Xp e  (k) (k)  k=0 p=0 (7) Υ (0) ... Υ (P − 1) KX−1 PX(k)−1  (k) (k)  (k) (k) j(2π/N)nc(k)  Υ (P ) ... Υ (2P − 1)  = H X e p , A(k) =   (13) p p . .. . k=0 p=0  . . .  Υ(k)(N − P ) ... Υ(k)(N − 1) where n = 0, 1,...,N − 1. R×P. Let ∆f (k) denote the CFO between the kth user and the And (10) can be expressed concisely as uplink receiver. For practical purposes, the absolute value of A(k) = v(k){u(k) ¯ (b(k)W)}. (14) ∆f (k) is assumed to be less than the half of OFDMA sub- (k) K In (14), ¯ represents Schur product [22], or element by carrier spacing. Following [14], the presence of {∆f }k=1 changes the signal model of (7) to element product. W is a P ×P IFFT matrix given as  

(k) 1 1 ... 1 XK PX−1  2π 2π(P −1)  (k) (k) j P j P (k) (k) j(2π/N)n(cp +ξ )  1 e . . . e  Υ(n) = Hp Xp e , (8)   W =  . . . .  k=1 p=0  . . .. .  j 2π(P −1) j 2π(P −1)(P −1) where ξ(k) ∈ (−0.5, 0.5) is given by 1 e P . . . e P and ∆f (k) ξ(k) = (9) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) ∆f b = [H1 X1 H2 X2 ...HP XP ]. Also, and it is defined as the normalized CFO of the kth user. (k) (k) v(k) = [1 ej2πθ . . . ej2π(Q−1)θ ]T and III.SIGNAL STRUCTUREINTHE UPLINKOF INTERLEAVED (k) (k) u(k) = [1 ej2πθ /P . . . ej2π(P −1)θ /P ], OFDMASYSTEM where the superscript (·)T denotes transpose and θ(k) is In this section, the signal structure at the interleaved q + ξ(k) OFDMA uplink is presented, which will be utilized for CFO θ(k) = . (15) estimation later. Suppose the N subcarriers are divided into Q Q sub-channels and each sub-channel has P = N/Q subcarriers. We further define θ(k) as effective CFO of the kth user. As will For interleaved subcarrier assignment, sub-channel {q} is be shown later, the proposed algorithm estimates the effective composed of subcarriers with index set {q, Q+q, . . . , (P − CFO rather than the normalized CFO directly. 1)Q + q}, q = 0, 1,...,Q − 1. Effective CFO has one important property. Different users have distinct effective CFO’s. From its definition, we can show that if one user occupies sub-channel {q}, the range of its A. Single User Signal Structure and Effective CFO q−0.5 q+0.5 (k) effective CFO is ( Q , Q ), since the range of ξ is For the purpose of derivation, consider the system has only (−0.5, 0.5). Because different users occupy different sub- one user, k, which is assigned to sub-channel {q}. After the channels, their effective CFO’s fall in non-overlapping ranges. 4 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX

B. Multiple User Signal Structure where ∆fˆ(k), ξˆ(k) and θˆ(k) are the estimates of ∆f (k), ξ(k) (k) From (8), at the uplink receiver, the remaining N super- and θ , respectively. In the following, we propose a structure posed signal samples of one OFDMA block after the removal based blind algorithm to estimate the effective CFO’s of all of CP are given by K involved users simultaneously.

XK PX(k)−1 (k) (k) j(2π/N)(pQ+q(k)+ξ(k))n A. A Structure Based Estimation Algorithm Υ(n) = Hp Xp e , (16) k=1 p=0 A matrix form representation of an OFDMA block observed in noise is given by where the kth user is assigned to sub-channel {q(k)}. In (16), we assume signals from different users are synchronized in Y = A + Z = VS + Z (20) time at the uplink receiver. The issue of time offsets among where Z is a R×P additive white Gaussian noise matrix. Each different users will be discussed in Section V(C). N−1 element of Z is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean {Υ(n)}n=0 can also be arranged into a R×P matrix, A, and variance σ2. in the same fashion as (13). From (14) and (16), the following Let y , sl and zl denote the lth column of Y, S and Z, relationship holds l l = 1, 2,...,P . We have yl = Vsl + zl. The covariance XK matrix of yl is given by A = A(k) = VS = V{U ¯ (BW)}, (17) Ψ = E[y yH] = VΦVH + σ2I (21) k=1 l l H where S = U ¯ (BW). W is the same as in (14), where (·) represents hermitian operation and E[·] means the H expectation value. In (21), Φ = E[slsl ] is the covariance  (1)   (1)  u b matrix of sl and I is a R×R identity matrix.  (2)   (2)   u   b  From the definition, Ψ is a Hermitian matrix so that its U =  .  and B =  .  eigenvalues are all positive real numbers [22]. Let λ ≥ λ ≥  .   .  1 2 · · · ≥ λR denote the R eigenvalues of Ψ in descending u(K) b(K) K×P K×P. order. Let K < R, we thus have λK+1 = λK+2 = ··· = λ = σ2 (see R5 of the Appendix in [20]). Singular value V = [v(1), v(2),..., v(K)] is a Vandermonde matrix with R decomposition (SVD) of Ψ is the following format · ¸ · ¸ £ ¤ H   Σs 0 U s 1 1 ... 1 Ψ = U s U z H (22) 0 Σz U  j2πθ(1) j2πθ(2) j2πθ(K)  z  e e ··· e   . . . .  where Σs = Diag[λ1, . . . , λK ] and Σz =  . . .. .  Diag[λK+1, . . . , λR]. U s is a R × K matrix composed of j2π(R−1)θ(1) j2π(R−1)θ(2) j2π(R−1)θ(K) e e ··· e R×K. K eigenvectors corresponding to λ1, λ2, . . . , λK and U z (18) is a R × (R − K) matrix composed of R − K eigenvectors Finally, S is a K×P matrix and its kth row is corresponding to λK+1, . . . , λR. [Υ(k)(0), Υ(k)(1),..., Υ(k)(P − 1)]. H Since U s and U z are both unitary matrices, U sU s = H U zU z = I. Let S denote the subspace spanned by U s IV. CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION (S = span(U s)) and Z denote the subspace spanned by U z ALGORITHM (Z = span(U z)). S is the signal subspace of Ψ and Z is the noise subspace. S and Z are orthogonal to each other and In this section, we estimate the CFO’s of all involved users H U sU = 0. From (22), we have from the received signal samples of one OFDMA block based z H 2 H on (17). There are two requirements in determining the CFO Ψ = U sΣsU s + σ U zU z . (23) for each user: U (k) (k) Multiplying (21) and (23) by z, respectively, • Find K estimates ∆fˆ , k = 1, 2,...,K, for ∆f (k) H 2 • Match each ∆fˆ with the user it belongs to ΨU z = VΦV U z + σ U z, 2 (24) Due to the property of effective CFO, if sub-channel {q} is ΨU z = σ U z, occupied by one user, there will be one and only one effective we find VΦVHU = 0. Vandermonde matrix V is full q−0.5 q+0.5 z CFO which falls into the range of ( Q , Q ). It is thus a rank [20]. We assume users are independent and signals are simple mapping to match the estimated effective CFO’s with generated independently so that covariance matrix Φ is also their corresponding users. We assume that the uplink receiver H full rank. Hence, VΦ is full rank and V U z = 0. For knows the number of users, K, and how the sub-channels are each column of V, vk, where k = 1,...,K, we have distributed among all users. Based on (15), the estimate of H (k) K U z vk = 0 and thus {θ }k=1 correspond to the largest K the CFO between the uplink receiver and the user assigned to local maximum of sub-channel {q} is derived by 1 (25) ˆ(k) ˆ(k) ˆ(k) H H 2 ∆f = ξ ∆f = (Qθ − q)∆f, (19) ka (θ)U zU z a(θ)k, CAO et al.: DETERMINISTIC MULTIUSER CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION FOR INTERLEAVED OFDMA UPLINK 5 where a(θ) = [1, ej2πθ, . . . , ej2π(R−1)θ]T . algebraic structure of interleaved OFDMA signals in one In (20), Y is a R×P matrix, where P is the number of OFDMA block, i.e., the periodic property of each user’s subcarriers in one sub channel. In an OFDMA system with signal, such that it only estimates one CFO for each user 2048 subcarriers, if there are 16 sub-channels, P = 128; if regardless the number of subcarriers one user occupies. It there are 32 sub-channels, P = 64. In Section IV(B), diversity is computationally efficient for OFDMA systems with large schemes will be introduced where the number of columns in subcarrier size. Secondly, it is applicable to the environment Y is the multiples of P . With a large number of columns in where system parameters or channel conditions are changing Y, the covariance matrix Ψ can be estimated by from block to block in which the statistics based algorithm is not feasible. In Section V, we will show the accuracy of 1 1 XP Ψb = YYH = y yH. (26) the structure based algorithm is also better than that of the P P l l l=1 statistics based algorithm in [19]. And the estimation of U and U , Ub and Ub can be derived s z s z B. Estimation with Diversity by introducing SVD to Ψb . In summary, the CFO’s of all K users are estimated using In the above, only one OFDMA block is used in the the signal samples of one OFDMA block as following: structure based algorithm. Under moderate or high signal- Step 1:Formulate the received signal samples into matrix to-noise ratio (SNR), the signal samples of one OFDMA form Y block are sufficient for accurate CFO estimation as will be H shown later in simulation results. However, due to the limited Step 2:Introduce SVD to Ψb = YY /P to find Ub z Step 3:Find the largest K peaks of (25) to estimate samples, the covariance matrix of the sampled noise is not (k) K ideally diagonal. Under low SNR conditions, this will degrade {θ }k=1 Step 4:Calculate ∆f (k) using (19) the performance of the proposed estimation algorithm. Diversity schemes can be applied to increase the amount Neither the channel knowledge nor the transmitted training of signal samples as well as the amount of noise samples symbols are required in the proposed structure based algo- for estimation purposes. If the is selected rithm. In this sense, the proposed algorithm is a blind method such that all noise samples are uncorrelated, the effect of for the estimation problem in concern. the noise is more close to that of ideal white noise and the From (25), the rank of the noise subspace Z is required to performance of the structure based estimation algorithm is be at least 1. In other words, we assume R > K. There are two thus improved. Estimation using multiple OFDMA blocks [27] methods for satisfying this requirement. In the first method, the and multiple receive antennas [28] are two feasible diversity maximum number of supported users in one OFDMA block, schemes. Oversampling is not appropriate since it samples K , is set to be K = Q−1 < Q. For an OFDMA system max max the received signals using a rate higher than the Nyquist rate with Q sub-channels, R equals Q. Hence, R > K is satisfied. and introduces correlation among noise samples. This leads to In the second method , we let K = Q and extend the length max colored noise. In fact, subspace based methods perform poorly of CP to N + µP , where µ is a positive integer. The first cp when the noise is not white [20]. Ncp samples are the original CP and used to accommodate M Let {m}m=1 denotes the index of received OFDMA blocks. both channel delay spreads and timing offsets among multiple In the multiple OFDMA block diversity scheme, {Y }M µP m m=1 users [23]. The following samples are not contaminated are the consecutive OFDMA blocks received by the uplink by inter-block interference (IBI) from previous OFDMA block receiver. In the multiple receive diversity scheme, Ym and used by the structure based algorithm with the remaining denotes the signal matrix of the OFDMA block received from N R = (N + µP )/P = samples for estimation such that the mth antenna. We have Q + µ > Kmax. In terms of the subspace based analysis, the proposed Ym = VSm + Zm, (27) algorithm is similar to the methods used in multiple signal where S is the same as the S defined in (17), except that the classification (MUSIC) [24] and estimation of signal parame- m subscript (·) is the index of the OFDMA block, and Z is ters by rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) [25]. In [19], m m the noise matrix sampled in the mth OFDMA block. Define MUSIC and ESPRIT were used in a statistics based algorithm Ye = [Y Y ... Y ] . We have to estimate the CFO’s in the uplink of OFDMA in which 1 2 M the number of unknown parameters is equal to the number Ye = VSe + Ze, (28) of subcarriers in the system. Therefore, its application is where Se = [S S ... S ] and Ze = [Z Z ... Z ]. confined to OFDMA with a limited number of subcarriers. 1 2 M 1 2 M Let Ψe = Ye Ye H/P . Applying the proposed algorithm to Ψe , Furthermore, since one user occupies a set of subcarriers, the we will show the improvement of the estimation performance statistics based algorithm will give an estimate of its CFO per through simulation in Section V. subcarrier. Combining of the estimates from the subcarriers is inevitable for each user to give the final estimation and the optimal combining method requires additional knowledge such C. Estimation in the Presence of Time Offset as channel information or modulation symbols [26]. In the above we assume that all users are time synchronized. Unlike the statistics based algorithm, the structure based In practical wireless environment, OFDMA blocks from dis- algorithm proposed in this paper takes advantage of the inner tinct users are offset with each other when they arrive at the 6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX

−3 N cp 0 N 10 CRB Q=16

−4 MSE Q=16 10 CRB Q=32 MSE Q=32 −5 10 CRB Q=32 4×Diversity MSE Q=32 4×Diversity FFT Window −6 10

N N −7 ch toff 10

Fig. 2. Cyclic prefix and uplink receiver FFT window. −8 10

−9 10 MSE of Effective CFO Estimation uplink receiver due to their different propagation delays. The −10 10 time offsets among users will introduce IBI and degrade the

−11 performance of OFDMA. 10 −18 −12 −6 0 6 12 18 24 30 A common way to compensate for the time offsets among SNR (dB) users is to select the length of the CP to accommodate both the maximum channel delay spread and the maximum time Fig. 3. The mean square error performance of effective CFO estimation offset [23]. This is shown in Fig. 2. The CP is composed of compared with the Cramer-Rao´ bound. two parts, as Ncp = Nch + Ntoff , where Nch is the portion of the CP for accommodating channel delay spreads, while the additional Ntoff samples are intended for accommodating A. System Scenario and Channel Model different time offsets among users. The vertical line on the left of Fig. 2 is the starting point of an OFDMA block at the The transmission parameters of the OFDMA system in our uplink receiver. OFDMA blocks from distinct users arrive at simulation are selected from IEEE 802.16a [6]. The uplink the receiver with different delays. If Ntoff is selected to be bandwidth (BW) is 20 MHz and the FFT size is N = 2048. the maximum possible delay among all users and the uplink The sampling frequency Fs is determined by Fs = BW · 8/7, receiver FFT demodulation window starts from 0 position as hence the subcarrier spacing, ∆f, is 11.16 KHz and T = in Fig. 2, the N superposed signal samples that in the window 89.6µs. Within the 2048 subcarriers, there are 176 virtual are immune to IBI. An approach in which Ntoff is shorter than subcarriers on the left side band and 175 on the right. The the maximum time delay was introduced in [29] to increase length of a period within one OFDMA block is determined the efficiency and minimize the residual interference. by the configuration of sub-channels. If the 2048 subcarriers Based on the aforementioned technique, we assume that the are divided into 16 sub-channels, the length of a period is 5.6 N superposed signal samples that the uplink receiver used for µs; for 32 sub-channels, it is 2.8 µs. The CP is composed of N−1 256 samples, where the first 128 samples are the original CP FFT demodulation, {Υ(n)}n=0 , are not contaminated by IBI. Let d(k) denote the delay time between the kth user and the portion for mitigating the channel delay spreads and the time uplink receiver in terms of the number of signal samples and offsets among users. The remaining 128 samples are used by 0 (k) N−1 the proposed CFO estimation algorithm such that R > Kmax {Υ (n)}n=0 denote the N signal samples from the kth user N−1 and Kmax = Q in the following simulations. that contribute to {Υ(n)}n=0 . We have The time-varying multipath channel in the simulation is P −1 described in (4). The probability distribution for the delay lags 0 X 2π (k) 2π (k) (k) (k) (k) j N (pQ+q)(n−d ) j N ξ n Υ (n) = Hp Xp e e is ½ p=0 1/D, if τi ∈ [0,D]; (k) (k) f(τi) = = ej(2π/N)ξ d Υ(k)(n − d(k)) 0, otherwise, (29) where D is the maximum path delay in terms of sample where n = 0, 1,...,N − 1 and Υ(k)(n) is defined intervals and τ can be a non-integer value. The power-delay in (10). Similar to (11) and (12), through simple derivations i 0 (k) 0 profile of α is [30] we have Υ (k)(n + νP ) = ej2πνθ Υ (k)(n), which means i 0(k) N−1 the periodic structure still exists in {Υ (n)} . Therefore, −τ/τrms n=0 ητ = Ce , the proposed structure based algorithm is applicable when signals from different users arrive at the uplink receiver where C is the average power of the first path. asynchronously. In the simulations, the maximum number of fading paths for each user is 6. In each Monte Carlo test, L(k) is a randomly generated integer between [1, 6] for each user. C is set to be V. SIMULATION RESULTS 1 and τrms is 1.4 µs. The simulated channels also included the effect of the pulse shaping filters at both the transmitter In this section, we provide the simulation results of the and the receiver, which are square root raised cosine filters. proposed structure based estimation algorithm. The combination of the maximum channel length and the CAO et al.: DETERMINISTIC MULTIUSER CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION FOR INTERLEAVED OFDMA UPLINK 7 maximum time offset among users is no longer than 128 sample intervals.

B. Algorithm Performance The performance of the effective CFO estimation deter- mines the accuracy of the CFO estimation. In Fig. 3, we show the mean square error (MSE) performance of the effective CFO estimation in three different cases, and compare them to the corresponding Cramer-Rao´ bounds (CRB). The multiuser CRB of the estimation algorithm is given in ( [31], Eq. 4.6). Each user’s CRB depends on its CFO and sub-channel alloca- tion, the total number of users and the CFO of its neighboring users. For illustration purpose, we assume the systems are fully loaded (K = Q) in all three cases shown in Fig. 3 and each user has the same amount of CFO, which is set as ξ = 0.2. Thus, the CRB of each user are the same. The MSE of the effective CFO estimation is determined by (a) 1 XΠ XK h i2 θˆ(k) − θ(k) , (30) KΠ ρ ρ=1 k=1 (k) where θˆρ is the estimation of effective CFO of the kth user at the ρth Monte Carlo simulation and Π is the total number of Monte Carlo tests. From the figure, when Q = 16, the estimation is optimal even without diversity schemes; while for Q = 32, 4 times diversity case outperforms the no diversity case since its MSE curve is much closer to the CRB. For all three cases, the MSE curves of the effective CFO estimation approach their best performance for SNR greater than −6 dB. To quantify the performance of the CFO estimation, the normalized root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimates is used and it is defined as v u u 1 XΠ XK h i2 Normalized RMSE = t ξˆ(k) − ξ(k) , (31) KΠ ρ ρ ρ=1 k=1 (b) where K is the number of users, Π is the total number (k) (k) Fig. 4. The normalized RMSE vs. SNR when different number of users of Monte Carlo tests and ξˆρ is the estimate of ξρ . The present in one OFDMA block. (a) 16 sub-channels, each sub-channel has 128 subcarriers. (b) 32 sub-channels, each sub-channel has 64 subcarriers. subscript (·)ρ denotes the index of the Monte Carlo test. In each Monte Carlo test, we randomly generate a CFO and a multipath channel for each user. The normalized RMSE is computed after averaging over all participated users for 400 independent Monte Carlo tests. All user data symbols were block increases. If the OFDMA system is operating in mod- erate or high SNR (10 dB or higher), the normalized RMSE independent QPSK symbols.£ The¤ SNR of the kth user is defined as SNR(k) = E |Υ(k)(n)|2 /σ2. of the proposed algorithm is less than 1% of the subcarrier Example 1 spacing. If the uplink receiver SNR is low such as 3 dB, In this example, we applied the proposed structure based the normalized RMSE is only around 2% of the subcarrier algorithm using the signal samples of one OFDMA block. spacing. The sensitivity of the OFDMA system to CFO All SNR(k), k = 1, 2,...,K, are assumed to be same depends on SNR. The system performance degradation is more at the uplink receiver and each user only occupies one sub- serious under high SNR than low SNR when the same amount channel in one OFDMA block. First, we divided the 2048 of normalized CFO is presented [8] [14]. In fact, when the subcarriers into 16 sub-channels and calculated the normalized receiver SNR of the OFDMA system is lower than 10 dB, the RMSE of the estimation algorithm for K = 4, 8, 12, system degradation caused by CFO smaller than 5% is less respectively. The results are presented in Fig. 4(a). In Fig. 4(b), than 1 dB in output SNR [8]. the 2048 subcarriers were divided into 32 sub-channels and the The estimation error for a single user, ²(k) = ξˆ(k) − ξ(k), normalized RMSE is plotted for K = 16, 20, 24, respectively. in each simulation test is also recorded and its distribution in We observe that the normalized RMSE of the proposed different cases are presented in Fig. 5. It is possible that, in algorithm increases when the number of users in one OFDMA one simulation test, the estimates for a few users may have 8 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX


Q, K Mismatch Probability No Diversity SNR=3 dB SNR=6 dB SNR=9 dB Q = 16 K = 8 0.67% 0.27% 0.16% K = 12 1.27% 0.92% 0.32% Q = 32 K = 20 4.86% 4.31% 0.91% K = 24 6.66% 4.48% 3.37%

With Diversity (SNR=3 dB) No diversity 2× diversity 4× diversity Q = 16 K = 12 1.27% 0.63% 0.42% Q = 32 K = 24 6.66% 1.92% 0.96%

ratio of the number of concurrent active users in one OFDMA block versus the maximum number of users supported by one block. In this simulation, it is given by η = K/Kmax and expressed in percentage values. From Fig. 7, the normalized RMSE is a monotonically increasing function of η, hence the Fig. 5. The distribution of ²(k) = ξˆ(k) − ξ(k). Upper: 16 sub-channels and less the number of users in one OFDMA block, the better 12 users; lower: 32 sub-channels and 24 users. the performance. The slope of the curves illustrate how fast the performance is decreasing with the increasing of system load. It is observed from Fig. 7 that the normalized RMSE large errors such as 10% of the subcarrier spacing while the performance of the system with Q = 16 declines faster than estimation errors for the other users in the same OFDMA block the system with Q = 32. are less than 1% of the subcarrier spacing. From Fig. 5, we Example 4 observed that when the receiver SNR increases, the distribution In this example, we illustrate the usefulness of the esti- of estimation error, ², is more centralized. mation algorithm in terms of the receiver BER performance Particularly, the estimated effective CFO of a user at sub- improvement. Based on the estimated CFO, we adopted the q−0.5 q+0.5 minimum mean square error (MMSE) synchronization algo- channel {q} may exceed the range of ( Q , Q ] under low SNR. This kind of estimation error is defined as mismatch. In rithm proposed in [18] to restore the orthogonality among all Table I, we collected the probability of mismatch observed users. The simulation results are given in Fig. 8. In order to from the simulation. Notice that, when 24 users are simul- show the performance improvement solely resulted from the taneously transmitting signals in an OFDMA system with 32 CFO estimation and the frequency synchronization, we select sub-channels, the mismatch probability is relatively high if the the uncoded BER as the measurement. The channel knowledge SNR is low. This can be alleviated by incorporating diversity is assumed to be perfectly known. For comparison purpose, we schemes as shown below. also plotted the uncoded BER if there is no synchronization Example 2 effort. It is shown that, without synchronization effort, the In this example, we investigate the performance of the uncoded BER has an error floor bounded around 0.2. With proposed algorithm when diversity schemes are deployed at the MMSE synchronization algorithm based on the estimation the uplink receiver. Multiple receive antennas are applied. The of CFO, the BER curves manifest a significant improvement. estimations are carried out using 2 receive antennas (4096 Applying diversity schemes to get more accurate estimates signal samples, diversity order 2) and 4 receiver antennas of CFO, the BER performance is superior than that without (8192 signal samples, diversity order 4). The normalized diversity schemes, as expected. RMSE are plotted in Fig. 6(a) for 12 users in a 16 sub-channels setup and in Fig. 6(b) for 24 users in a 32 sub-channels setup. C. Comparison The normalized RMSE without diversity scheme (2048 signal In this part, we compare the performance of the proposed samples) are also plotted in each case for comparison. structure based estimation algorithm with that of the statistics As expected, the mismatch probability of the proposed based algorithm proposed in [19] in an AWGN environment. algorithm decreases when diversity schemes are adopted and The simulated OFDMA system has 64 subcarriers and 8 the results are also listed in Table I. Note that in the case of 32 users. Each user occupies 8 subcarriers in an interleaved sub-channels and 24 users the mismatch probability decreases fashion. CP is 24, in which the first 16 samples are intended to 0.96% when 4-branch diversity is adopted under 3 dB SNR. for eliminating the effect of channel delay spread. The last 8 This indicates that the proposed algorithm is applicable for low signal samples of CP and the remaining 64 signal samples of SNR. the OFDMA compose a 9×8 signal matrix for the structure Example 3 based algorithm. In Fig. 7, we show the change of the normalized RMSE The statistics required by the algorithm in [19] are calcu- performance of the CFO estimation according to the variation lated over 32 consecutive OFDMA blocks including CP. We of the system load. The system load is defined here as the simulate the structure based algorithm by using the first 8, CAO et al.: DETERMINISTIC MULTIUSER CARRIER FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION FOR INTERLEAVED OFDMA UPLINK 9

(a) Fig. 7. The normalized RMSE performance versus the system load (SNR=5 dB). The system load is defined as the ratio of the current active users in one OFDMA block and the maximum number of supported users in a block.

(b) Fig. 6. The normalized RMSE vs. SNR when diversity schemes are adopted at the uplink receiver. No diversity, 2× diversity and 4× diversity are compared. (a) 16 sub-channels and 12 users. (b) 32 sub-channels and 24 users. Fig. 8. The uncoded bit error rate performance versus the per-bit signal-to- noise ratio. Q = 32 and K = 24. 16, 24 and all 32 OFDMA blocks, respectively. The resulted normalized RMSE are shown in Fig. 9. Due to the presence of bias, the normalized RMSE resulted systems with the interleaved subcarrier assignment. The inner from the statistics based algorithm is around 3 and more or less algebraic structure of the signals at the uplink receiver is ex- independent of SNR. Note that the simulation results presented ploited for CFO estimation. The algorithm is computationally in [19] is the mean square error (MSE) of the estimated efficient in that it only requires signal samples of one OFDMA CFO. For fair comparison, we presented the normalized RMSE block. Simulation results indicate that it preforms well even for both algorithms, which is the square root of the MSE under low SNR with diversity schemes. The algorithm pre- multiplying the number of subcarriers N. From Fig. 9, the sented here shows great potential for OFDMA systems using structure based algorithm proposed in this paper outperforms the interleaved subcarrier assignment in the uplink to reap the statistics based algorithm. diversity gains in frequency selective fading channels.

VI.CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A signal structure based deterministic estimation algorithm is proposed in this paper for estimating the carrier frequency The authors would like to thank the reviewers and the paper offsets of all users simultaneously in the uplink of OFDMA editor for their valuable comments and suggestions. 10 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL.XX, NO.X, XXXX XXXX

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Ufuk Tureli (S’97-M’01) received the B.S. degree Yu-Dong Yao (S’88-M’88-SM’94) received the in 1994 from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from Nanjing University and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1998 and 2000 of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China, respectively from the University of Virginia, Char- in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree lottesville all in electrical engineering. from Southeast University, Nanjing, in 1988, all in Dr. Tureli is currently an assistant professor at electrical engineering. Between 1989 and 1990, he the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- was at Carleton University, Ottawa, as a research neering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, associate working on mobile radio communications. New Jersey. His research interests include diversity He was with Spar Aerospace Ltd., Montreal, and multiplexing for MIMO systems, multiuser com- between 1990 and 1994, where he was involved munications and synchronization. He has published in research on satellite communications. He was numerous journal and conference articles for scalable, adaptive and robust with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, from 1994 to 2000, where he participated broadband wireless communications applications. in research and development in wireless CDMA systems. Dr. Yao joined Dr. Tureli’s activities for the IEEE include reviewer duties for the IEEE Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, in 2000. He is an Transactions on Communications and numerous other IEEE journals and associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering conferences. He has served as a chair or on the organizing and technical and a director of Wireless Information Systems Engineering Laboratory committees for numerous international conferences. He is a member of the (WISELAB). IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Yao holds one Chinese patent and seven U.S. patents. He is an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and an editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is a guest editor for a special issue on wireless networks for International Journal of Communication Systems. His research interests include wireless communications and networks, spread spectrum and CDMA, and DSP for wireless systems.