quinas A C s o a l College Newsletter m l




h e T Spring 2019

Volume 47, Issue 1 1971

Branching Out Accreditation Secured, Faculty Assembled, Sophomores Committed for New England Campus

n late January, the WASC Senior Col- followed by informal receptions. Addi- Ilege and Commission tionally, the College will replicate its pop- granted its final approval to Thomas ular High School Program and Summer Aquinas College’s plan to launch a second Seminar Weekends in New England. campus in Northfield, . Meanwhile, a date has been set for With accreditation now secured, Thomas Convocation, marking the formal start of Aquinas College, New England, is one the first academic year on the new cam- step closer to opening its doors this fall. pus: August 24, 2019. The Most Rev. “We have been in the process of Mitchell T. Rozanski, Bishop of Spring- extending our accreditation field, Massachusetts, will offer the open- to New England since October, when we ing Mass of the Holy Spirit and preside at received the authorization of the Mas- the Matriculation ceremony. sachusetts Board of Higher Education to “We are excited to be moving forward, establish the second campus,” explains and we are gratified at how warmly we Admissions Director Jon Daly. “Now that have been welcomed to the region,” says we have WASC’s approval, we can for- Dr. McLean. Among those who have mally admit the first freshmen to Thomas one recent graduate to serve as the first Work is under way to prepare the offered kind words is Bishop Rozanski Aquinas College, New England — the resident assistants in New England. “Our campus for the 2019–20 academic year. himself. In December His Excellency East Coast members of the Class of 2023.” goal is to create a sense of continuity “Thanks to the generosity of the College’s endorsed the College’s eastward expan- between the two campuses,” says Presi- loyal benefactors, we have raised the funds sion on a local television program. “The The People dent Michael F. McLean. “In time, I am to prepare our initial classroom building Catholic faith really pervades the campus. When those new students arrive, sure, New England will develop its own as well as our first men’s and women’s resi- It pervades the campus in the life that they will not be alone. “We have a group customs, but the two campuses will be dence halls,” says Vice President Paul J. will be there, in the studies that will hap- of 34 eager freshmen here in California united in faith, in spirit, and, of course, in O’Reilly. “We have also been blessed with pen,” he said. “Franklin County will have who have signed up to transfer to Mas- .” a $1 million gift that will allow us to adapt a wonderful educational presence for not sachusetts for their sophomore year,” says the chapel for Catholic worship, and we only the people of Franklin County, but Mr. Daly. “They will serve as mentors The Place have hired contractors to renovate the really, well beyond.” and guides for the new freshmen and, by In May 2017 the National Christian gymnasium and indoor pool.” God’s grace, they will go on to become Foundation gave the College the beautiful the first graduating class of the New Eng- former campus of a preparatory school in Looking Forward More: land campus.” Northfield that had been shuttered since Beyond the renovations, these next Dr. McLean on the new campus...p.2 Joining the students will be a team of 2005. The historic property, located near few months will make for a busy time in Meet the New England faculty...... p.5 eight tutors who have committed to relo- the Connecticut River, consists of some Northfield. “We have two Admissions cating to the new campus, plus an as-yet 100 acres of land and includes residence counselors on site who are available to Our pioneering students...... p.6 undetermined number of administra- halls, a library, a chapel, a gymnasium, give tours and to answer questions,” says First administrators and RAs...... p.8 tors. The College has also tapped three and ample classroom and administrative Mr. Daly. The campus chapel is now Summer events on both coasts.....p.9 members of this year’s Senior Class and space. hosting Mass each Saturday morning,

Commencement 2019 Bishop Barron to Serve as College’s Speaker

he Most Rev. , Auxiliary Bishop of essays, and articles on professor at the University of Notre Dame (2002) and TLos Angeles, has accepted President Michael F. and the spiritual the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (2007), McLean’s invitation to serve as Thomas Aquinas Col- life, he has produced and as well as Scholar in Residence at the Pontifical North lege’s 2019 Commencement Speaker. hosted several award-win- American College (2007 and 2010). “We are grateful that Bishop Barron, who has been ning documentary series, “As a priest, bishop, and leader in the U.S. episco- a faithful friend and champion of the College ever since including Catholicism, The pacy, Bishop Barron has been a tireless voice of the New he became our regional bishop in 2015, has agreed to Mass, and Catholicism: The Evangelization, bringing the salvific word of Christ to join us for our 45th Commencement exercises,” says Dr. Pivotal Players. In light of audiences that might otherwise never encounter it,” says McLean. “We are honored that he will be part of this his success as a teacher of President McLean. “We all look forward to hearing the important day in the life of the College and for the mem- the Faith, his brother bish- words of wisdom he has to share with our graduates and bers of the Class of 2019.” ops elected him in 2017 to their families.” As the Episcopal Vicar of the Santa Barbara Pastoral chair the U.S. Conference At Commencement, His Excellency will serve as the Region, His Excellency is responsible for overseeing the of Catholic Bishops’ Com- principal celebrant and homilist at the morning’s Bacca- portion of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles that includes mittee on Evangelization and Catechesis. laureate Mass, then deliver the Commencement Address the College’s California campus. In that capacity, he has A devoted disciple of St. Thomas Aquinas, Bishop at the graduation ceremony for the members of the Class visited the campus several times, notably serving as the Barron received a master’s degree in philosophy from the of 2019, who hail from across the United States and College’s 2016 Convocation Speaker. “It is always a joy Catholic University of America in 1982. After his ordi- abroad. Having completed the College’s rigorous, four- to come here,” he said during that visit, calling Thomas nation to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Chicago year curriculum — which includes mathematics, natural Aquinas College “one of the premier liberal arts colleges in 1986, he served for three years as associate pastor at science, language, literature, philosophy, and theology — in the country and the pride and joy of the Santa Barbara St. Paul of the Cross Parish in Park Ridge, Illinois. In each graduate will receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Region.” 1992 he earned a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the liberal arts. These new alumni will go on to a wide variety Bishop Barron is best known as the founder of the Institut Catholique de Paris. He then joined the theologi- of pursuits, including law, medicine, business, military Word on Fire media ministry, which has produced hun- cal faculty of Mundelein Seminary, where he served as service, education, public policy, and journalism, as well dreds of YouTube videos, garnering some 35 million views rector from 2012 until his appointment to the episco- as the priesthood and religious life. worldwide. In addition to publishing numerous books, pacy in 2015. His Excellency has also served as a visiting From the Desk of the President The Long and Winding Road to New England

he establishment of a second cam- to apply for admission to our California Liberal Education. The campus will be Tpus marks a milestone in the history campus. governed by the same polity and bylaws of Thomas Aquinas College and is the Now that we have received approval that govern Thomas Aquinas College in result of much work by the College’s fac- from the Massachusetts Board of Higher California. ulty, staff, and Board of Governors, as well Education, and the WASC Senior College In its initial phase, the campus will be as gifts from many generous benefactors. and University Commission has extended administered by an associate dean respon- As you know, the College was founded our accreditation to the New England sible for academics and a senior tutor to guide students to the truth through campus, we plan to begin operations in responsible for student affairs. Both of reading and rigorous discussion of the August of 2019. these officers have been appointed from conducted under the light One of the most rewarding aspects, for among the faculty of the California cam- of the Catholic faith and in discipleship convinced us that it is in generally good me, about this project so far is the enthu- pus. The senior tutor will report to the to our patron, St. Thomas Aquinas. Our condition and well suited to our purposes, siasm I see in the 34 freshmen currently associate dean, who, in turn, will report program requires students to take an even though much of it is a century old. enrolled on our California campus who to the dean, and ultimately the president, active role in their own education, and We know we will have to do some reno- are slated to transfer to the New England at the California campus. A chaplain will it provides as guides the authors of the vations to the buildings — always with campus as sophomores. They are very be appointed who will also report to the Great Books: men and women who have great respect for their heritage — to pre- excited to be a part of the pioneering associate dean. thought deeply about life’s fundamen- pare them to welcome the first students of group of TAC students. Their commit- The second phase will be marked by tal questions, and whose answers have Thomas Aquinas College, New England. ment to our eastward expansion has been the appointment of a president and dean shaped our civilization. The acquisition of the New England especially gratifying because it has come of the second campus in accordance with The College is small by design, in campus will allow us, in time, to double well before we have actually launched our the provisions of the Polity and whose order to ensure that every student’s voice our enrollment. In keeping with the program on the campus and because these duties will be those outlined in that docu- is heard in the classroom and to encour- evangelical nature of our vocation as are students who — absent the existence ment. This phase will occur when there age a close community life. For quite Catholics, we want as many students as of our New England campus — would are enough experienced faculty on the some time we have had many more appli- possible to be able to receive the forma- not have had the opportunity to benefit second campus from which to choose cants than we can accept, and we have dis- tion that we offer. Beyond that, we hope from our unique Great Books curriculum. these officers and when the campus has cussed ways in which we can help more and expect that the campus will become We have also recruited eight very reached a size requiring their leadership students benefit from our program with- a focal point for the East Coast, offering qualified faculty members who will move and this level of organization. Through- out diluting the elements that make it so intellectual and spiritual resources to help to Northfield before August, and we are out this phase, the two campuses will be successful in the first place. those wishing to strengthen and spread presently putting together the staff that part of the California corporation. The the Catholic faith. The Most Rev. Mitch- will help to manage the campus and serve dean of the second campus will report to ell T. Rozanski, Bishop of Springfield, the the students. We are also recruiting 35 the president of the second campus who, diocese in which the New England cam- additional students who will matriculate in turn, will report to the president of the pus is located, is eager to welcome us to as freshmen in New England in August. California campus and to the Board of the region, as are the Most Rev. Robert J. Judging from the interest we are already Governors of the California corporation. McManus, Bishop of Worcester, and His seeing, I am confident that in the next We will gain a great deal of evidence Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Arch- eight to ten years we will grow to our full in the next few years to judge how the bishop of Boston. enrollment of between 350 and 400 stu- two campuses will best work together. No dents. To this end, we are planning to hold definite decision about the ultimate rela- The State of Affairs our first New England two-week high tion of the two campuses can take place A Second Home After a lengthy and rigorous process, school program late in July. This program until the second campus has the human Not wanting to undertake the devel- last October the Massachusetts Board has been a very important part of our stu- and financial resources it needs. At that opment of a second campus from scratch, of Higher Education gave unanimous dent recruitment effort in California. time, and in light of the experience of and not wanting to spend a large amount approval for Thomas Aquinas College to Thomas Aquinas College as one college of money purchasing a second campus, open and grant degrees on the New Eng- and two campuses, the Board of Gover- the College looked for opportunities land campus. This process was not with- “We hope and expect that nors, in consultation with the faculty of to acquire a campus at minimal cost. In out the challenges posed by the political the campus will become both campuses, will determine how the 2017 the National Christian Foundation climate in the state of Massachusetts. a focal point for the East corporation will be organized. gave us a unique opportunity to expand To secure the religious liberty pro- Coast, offering intellectual when it gifted us with most of a campus tections provided by Massachusetts and spiritual resources The Unfolding Story that once belonged to the Northfield statute and legal precedent, we will be to help those wishing to These are exciting and promising Mount Hermon School in Northfield, limiting our enrollment in Massachusetts strengthen and spread the times for Thomas Aquinas College and, Massachusetts. to Catholic students only. This represents Catholic faith.” we hope, for the town of Northfield and The Foundation reviewed more than a departure from our practice in Cali- the broader New England area. We hope 100 applications for the property, and fornia and was not agreed to until it was our presence in the area will draw interest in selecting Thomas Aquinas College carefully considered by our faculty and Looking Ahead from a broad range of Catholic students praised our “commitment to academic Board of Governors. We are confident Many people have asked about the on the East Coast and so be of potential excellence” and our “strong leadership.” that many Catholic students will apply for official relationship between the two benefit to our friends at Northeast Cath- What made the gift even more attractive admission, and we intend to offer them campuses. Our intention is to establish olic College and Thomas More College was the NCF’s matching gift pledge of the same acclaimed a second campus, the purpose of which as well. Each of our colleges occupies its $5 million over five years to help us pre- that we have been successfully providing will be identical to that of our California own niche, and I am confident that there pare the campus and begin operations in California for nearly 50 years — and campus — viz. to provide Catholic liberal are more than enough students to go there. Thanks to the generosity of our that, thanks to our alumni, has served the education in accordance with the Col- around. Board of Governors and other donors, we country and the Church so well. Non- lege’s founding and governing document, It has been a long and winding road to are close to having already matched the Catholic students will still be welcome A Proposal for the Fulfillment of Catholic this point for Thomas Aquinas College, $5 million in cash and pledges. but this is because there are many mov- The Northfield Seminary for Young ing parts to a project of this magnitude. Ladies (which later merged with the Together with our friends at the Moody Mount Hermon School for Boys) was Center, we are grateful for the opportu- founded on the site in 1879 by the noted nity to occupy the New England campus Protestant evangelist Dwight Lyman and return it to its educational purpose. It Moody, who was born in Northfield. His is truly a campus of great beauty and tra- gravesite is on the portion of the campus dition, which many of us at the College that will be occupied by the Moody Cen- have grown to love — a campus which ter, a Christian nonprofit dedicated to many students, faculty, and staff will grow preserving his legacy. to love as well as the story of Thomas Numerous visits to the campus have Aquinas College, New England, unfolds.

– 2 – Campus Update St. Vincent de Paul Recent Events and Happenings Lecture and Concert Series

Tech Entrepreneur Offers Career Advice later, the Choir participated in the first-ever Gold Coast Endowed by Barbara and Paul Henkels oftware entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Christian College Fest, held on the College’s California SOrtner visited Thomas Aquinas College on January campus, where it sang “Adoro Te Devote” and “The Shep- Highlights from the Last Quarter 28, presenting a talk entitled, “How to Connect Your Lib- herd” alongside its counterpart from Westmont College. eral Arts Education with IT Software & Business.” • On October 26 Dr. Richard F. Hassing, research The founder and former CEO of Capterra, an award- associate professor of philosophy at The Catho- winning technology firm, Mr. Ortner assured students lic University of America, spoke on the subject, that a liberal arts “Aristotelian Intelligible Form and Cartesian education is good Imageable Quantity: Phys. 2.1 vs Rule 14.” preparation for the business world. “I • The Thomas Aquinas College Choir and did not go to college Orchestra performed Handel’s Messiah at their here, but I am a huge fall concert on November 16. fan of the College,” he began. “I learned • Mr. Dana Gioia, the Judge Widney Professor of more in each month on my first job than I did in my entire Poetry and Public Culture at the University of four years as a business major. So, to me, if you’re going to Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public spend four years studying something, study something Policy, presented a November 30 lecture titled, like this, what you guys are doing.” “On Poetry and Liberal Education.” Among his current endeavors, Mr. Ortner is chairman of Cana Academy, a nationwide organization that sup- Walking for Life • The first lecture of the new semester, “Science: ports classical educators at all levels with resources and Members of the Thomas Aquinas College commu- From Plato to Aristotle to Us,” was presented by training. “The beautiful thing about the liberal arts is it nity — students, faculty, alumni, and Regents alike — Dr. R. Edward Houser, a professor of philosophy feeds into a couple of huge skills that are greatly needed, came together at pro-life events throughout the country at the University of St. Thomas, on January 18. particularly in the business world, particularly in the tech in January to mourn the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and world,” said Mr. Ortner. “The more you can understand to witness to the Culture of Life. • This year’s St. Thomas Day lecturer, theMost the nature of humanity, that is only going to help you in On January 18 the Washington, D.C., Board of Rev. Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville, building products that better serve man.” Regents led a spirited group of alumni at the March Texas, spoke on the subject, “Prophets and Kings Mr. Ortner’s visit was sponsored by the Thomas for Life in the nation’s capital. The next day, dozens of Longed to See what you See: St. Thomas on the Aquinas College Business Club. “You’re a thinker when Thomas Aquinas College students traveled to Down- Prophetic Character of the Scriptural Revela- you’re here at school,” he told the group. “Now you have town Los Angeles for OneLife LA — the Archdiocese tion.” to convert yourself into a doer, being a person of action. of Los Angeles’ annual event to promote the beauty and To me, the ideal person of action is also a person who is dignity of all human life — where they helped the event’s • One Friday night each semester, the student a good thinker.” organizers form the front of the walk and maintain order body and teaching faculty gather for the All- along the route. Then, on January 22, students drove to College Seminar — simultaneous meetings of The Thomas Aquinas College Choir Ventura for the local walk for life, marching from the small groups (about 20 students, drawn from all Although the primary work of the Thomas Aquinas county government center to a nearby Planned Parent- classes, and two tutors) to discuss a pre-selected College Choir is done on Sun- hood, praying all the way. reading. The text for this spring’s February 8 day mornings in Our Lady of Finally, on January 25, some 230 students made their seminar was the College’s founding and govern- the Most Holy Trinity Cha- annual, 375-mile trek to San Francisco for the next day’s ing document, A Proposal for the Fulfillment of pel, last semester the Choir Walk for Life West Coast. At the request of the Walk’s Catholic Liberal Education, in honor of the 50th additionally had two notable organizers, the College’s students once again took on anniversary of its publication. performances: The first came volunteer positions, directing traffic and crowds, as they on the afternoon of Sunday, helped lead the way through the city’s streets. Clad in • For the 2019 President’s Day Lecture, tutor October 14, when St. Ceci- their red sweatshirts, they all prayed, sang, and peacefully Dr. Richard Ferrier presented “Socrates in Peo- lia Hall hosted a concert fea- called for an end to abortion alongside more than 50,000 ria: Lincoln’s Rhetoric and Plato’s ‘Gorgias.’” turing Italian tenor Luciano fellow walkers. The National Catholic Register later fea- Lamonarca, whom the choir tured their participation in a story under the headline: Text and audio from select lectures and concerts are joined onstage for his final two “College Students Lend Joyful Witness to Walk for Life available at thomasaquinas.edu/lectures. numbers. Then, two weeks West Coast.”

Faith, Scholarship & Affordability

• The American Council of College Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) has released its • College Factual, a statistics- annual report on the curricular strength of American institutions of higher learning, based guide that aims to “help and, once again, Thomas Aquinas College is students find and get great deals at the very top of the list. For the tenth time on the best-fit colleges for them,” in as many years, ACTA has given Thomas has ranked Thomas Aquinas College as No. 8 on its list of the 1,510 “Best Colleges Aquinas College a grade of “A,” placing it for the Money.” For academics, the guide describes the College as “one of the best among the top 2 percent of American col- in the country when it comes to freshman retention.” As for affordability, it calls the leges and . Moreover, the Col- College “an excellent value,” placing it within the top 1 percent on the guide’s “Best lege is one of only four schools, or the top 0.4 percent nationwide, to earn a perfect for the Money” (overall) and “Best for the Money Without Aid” lists, as well as the score for the strength of its curriculum. top 5 percent for “Best for the Money with Aid.”

• TheNational Catholic Register has selected Thomas Aquinas College as one of only • College Consensus, a new online aggregator of college-review guides, has ranked 38 faithfully Catholic colleges and universities included in its “Catholic Identity Thomas Aquinas College No. 18 on its list of 50 “underrated” colleges “doing great College Guide 2018.” The guide is based on the schools’ responses to 10 questions things” — schools whose methods “are worth imitat- which, the Register explains, are ing, emulating, and spreading far and wide.” The Col- designed such that “a ‘YES’ answer lege is the only Catholic institution to be included reflects essential elements of the on the list. “While other schools seek recognition renewal of Catholic identity called as the most innovative colleges in America, Thomas for by Pope St. John Paul II’s 1990 Aquinas innovates by looking to tradition,” the guide apostolic constitution on higher education, (Out of the Heart observes. “A fully integrated approach makes Thomas of the Church), its 2000 ‘Application to the United States,’ canon law, and other Aquinas one of the best hands-on learning colleges relevant Church documents.” in the U.S.”

– 3 – Senior Reflections From TAC to the DOJ

By Sophia Dufau (’19) Since I have been at the College, I have found pur- “Looking back now, I see that the pose, and I have witnessed others find purpose, too. We, reason I got the offer was because Note: The following essay is adapted from remarks made to the students of Thomas Aquinas College, are incredibly of my education at Thomas Aquinas the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Governors at its fall blessed to live the lives we do, in and out of the class- College. The required skills listed in the 2018 retreat. room. In class, we are allowed the opportunity to dis- application mirror almost exactly what cuss the greatest works ever written and to come up with TAC promises to develop in its students, adies and gentlemen various opinions about the biggest questions ever asked. including analytical thinking, attention of the Board of Gov- We are given assignments for which we are to prepare by L to detail, critical thought, interpersonal ernors, I want to begin by closely reading and annotating, but most importantly, skills, and problem solving.” thanking you for includ- by wondering about. When we come to class, we are ing me today. It is truly an prompted by our tutors and we delve deep into the text, honor to be surrounded digging and searching for the truth in the words we see was because of my education at Thomas Aquinas College. by such kind and intelli- written on the page. The required skills listed in the application mirror almost gent people. Each and every class, each and every section, comes exactly what TAC promises to develop in its students, My journey to Thomas up with something wonderful, and the beauty isn’t just including analytical thinking, attention to detail, criti- Aquinas College has been contained in the classroom. Because we all read the same cal thought, interpersonal skills, and problem solving. I entirely providential. The works and take the same classes, the conversations don’t am now in the hiring process to come on as a full-time summer after my junior cease when we leave the large wooden tables or black- employee after graduation, working any job in any city year of high school, my boards. They transfer to our dorms, the Commons, even the Department of Justice sees fit. My TAC education mother mentioned to me off campus. Some of the best talks I have had, with the made me an attractive applicant to the DOJ; they need the possibility of attending the High School Summer best friends, have begun with someone bringing up a people who are good at finding the truth, something you Program. I had heard of the College before, but I had problem encountered in Philosophy class, or an aha may have heard the College also likes. never considered the possibility of going to school there, moment that occurred during Theology. It is truly an Now, armed with logic and rhetoric and my new abil- or even to a two-week summer program. But I decided amazing life to live, and though some days I cannot wait ity to think, I am ready to step out into the world and to take a chance, and I enrolled in the program for the for graduation, I know that these four years will be some represent our community well. My fellow students and summer of 2014. of the best of my life. I will not disappoint; we are ready to seize the truth and I cannot put into words the way I felt at the High So where do I go now? I have been fortunate enough bring discussion and goodness to all that we do. School Great Books Summer Program. It was as if my to have participated in an internship at the Depart- We are all deeply indebted to Thomas Aquinas Col- eyes were opened to a world I never knew existed. Read- ment of Justice this past summer, continuing currently lege and you, the Board of Governors. There is no way ing and analyzing various texts really did produce won- throughout the school year. When I got the internship, we can repay what you have done for us. The best I can der in me, and in my peers, as the Summer Program I was shocked. I had applied knowing how competitive promise is that I, and the other graduates of the Class of intends. I left the program with a passionate desire to it was, so I didn’t expect to receive a job offer. However, I 2019, will not put away our Aristotle and Euclid on our read and discuss everything and anything, just to seize was contacted by the internship coordinator and, after an shelves, but we will continue to actively search for the the truth about things. Within a few months it became extensive background process, including a polygraph and Truth in every way possible. clear to me that this was God’s plan for me. I was meant to several interviews, I received a job offer. go to Thomas Aquinas College. Looking back now, I see that the reason I got the offer Miss Dufau is from Camarillo, California.

Inspired by Reverence, Grounded in Intellectual Humility By Isaac Cross (’19) This reverence is one of the greatest gifts that Thomas Aquinas College has given to us, not just in itself, but “Whether we are studying Euclid’s Note: The following essay is adapted from remarks made to because among its fruits is intellectual humility. A virtue propositions early in the morning or the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Governors at its fall required outside as well as inside class, intellectual humil- fighting to complete long seminar 2018 retreat. ity stems from the reverence we have acquired for West- readings before class, amidst all the toils ern tradition. For by understanding our insignificance of our academics, we have been bound rom as early as I can in the face of Western thought, we have come to realize to recognize with reverence the treasure Fremember, my mother that when we rely on our own ideas, we are often wrong. of knowledge that God has allowed and father were adamant Moreover, in the classroom we have learned to submit mankind to attain.“ about the importance of our ideas to the censure of others, which has taught us family dinnertime. Every that we can only make progress with the help of others. night, with all my siblings Something in particular that has struck me is that this social commentator. gathered around the table, help can come from anybody. Often it is the case that the During high school, my father strongly encouraged my parents would foster person whom you helped through math is the person me to consider Thomas Aquinas College, and since then, philosophical and theo- who helps you get through philosophy class. And some- when I have asked him why, he has told me that, in the logical discussions, with times the smartest person in the class can be corrected by face of a declining culture, there is no better place to a healthy dose of football the most timid student with a simple objection. receive the principles of Western tradition than at this and politics as well. From Sharing our academic struggles with humility has school. Having experienced the education here, I now an early age I found joy in struggling with philosophical helped each of us progress further in our intellectual see what he meant and recognize all the more the impor- questions, and this disposition attracted me to Thomas formation, but it has also taught us something impor- tance of spreading the truth to a society that desperately Aquinas College. tant about the contemplation of the truth: that it is a needs it. Looking back, I was perhaps too confident when I common good, meant for every man, and that the joy of Though my particular career choice may change, I started as a freshman. My father was a member of the understanding is all the more great when it is shared with have this greater purpose of spreading the truth that will College’s first graduating class, and I had attended a clas- others and not just kept to oneself. inform my life. I am thankful to you all here because it sical high school, so I thought I knew what was coming. Our reverence for Western tradition has also helped has been through your guidance and support that my But as I dove further into the curriculum, I realized how us to realize that so great a good should not be kept in education has helped me to this realization. And it is not my initial expectations were grossly inaccurate. the shadows. It is with this in mind that my fellow class- just I, but also all of my classmates — we are indebted Over the past four years, my fellow classmates and I mates and I prepare to move beyond college and lead to you for your generosity. You have graciously given of have studied the essential ideas and traditions of Western independent lives. Our vocations and professions will be yourselves for the purpose of our intellectual formation, civilization, spanning more than 2,000 years. The scope diverse, but in all cases it will be our desire and our duty, and in honor of the faith that you have placed in us, we is astonishing. Whether we are studying Euclid’s propo- blessed by God with this education, to share its fruits will endeavor, inspired by reverence and grounded in sitions early in the morning or fighting to complete long with whomever He puts in our lives. intellectual humility, to support the growth of the truth seminar readings before class, amidst all the toils of our I have always been rather patriotic, and this has given in others, just as you have done for us. Thank you, and academics, we have been bound to recognize with rev- me the desire to spread the goods of my education to the God bless. erence the treasure of knowledge that God has allowed American public at large. I will be pursuing this goal as a mankind to attain. journalist and hope eventually to become a political or Mr. Cross is from Leominster, Massachusetts.

– 4 – “A Calling and a Privilege” Meet the Eight Tutors who will Establish Thomas Aquinas College, New England

Dr. Thomas J. Kaiser Dr. Cunningham and his wife, Joanna, to bring their fam- Fordham University, where eading the team on the ily back to the East Coast, where he resumed his legal she taught undergraduate LNew England cam- career. “Thankfully she got through the crisis,” he says, philosophy, and then served pus will be the associate and with the College opening a campus closer to home, for six years on the faculty dean, Dr. Thomas J. Kaiser, he is now able to return to teaching. “Being a tutor at the of the College of Mount a 37-year member of the College was a calling and a privilege, to which I am very Saint Vincent in New York. teaching faculty who over- happy to be able to return.” She joined the College’s fac- saw the College’s natural ulty last fall and has spent science laboratories for 20 Dr. Josef C. Froula the last year teaching on years and served for eight “As a student, the spiritual and intellectual richness the California campus in years as assistant dean. A of the College completely transformed my life,” reflects preparation for her move to member of the College’s Dr. Josef C. Froula. “I looked forward to attending every Massachusetts. first graduating class, Dr. Kaiser earned his doctorate in class, and I never had a sin- “I am especially looking forward to being able to share biology at the University of California, Los Angeles. He gle bad experience” — well, aspects of what I love about New England with my stu- holds the distinction of being the first member of the fac- save for one: “I remember dents,” she says. “These include the wonderful museums ulty to have taught all 23 courses in the College’s classical my graduation was a very and concerts there, as well as the New England woods, curriculum. sad day for me,” he contin- which, because I grew up around them, seem to me the “As a member of the first class on our original cam- ues. “I didn’t want to leave.” most beautiful in the world.” pus, I know what it will be like for our first students in Yet leave he did, making New England, and that should be helpful in getting us the most of the subsequent Dr. Paul K. Shields off to a good start,” says Dr. Kaiser. “I think it will be an 26 years before return- “When I finished my graduate studies at Ave Maria adventure and a challenge. It’s going to be a sacrifice for ing to his alma mater as a University in 2013, I felt something of a missionary my wife, Paula, and me to be away from our 11 children tutor in 2018. Dr. Froula spirit,” recalls Dr. Paul K. Shields. “I made a commit- and 26 grandchildren, who mostly live here in California, married classmate Hélène ment that I would be will- but I think it will be exciting to be among the founding (Augros ’92), and the couple has welcomed 10 children. ing to teach anywhere God faculty of the new campus.” He earned master’s degrees in dogmatic theology at wished to send me — so Holy Apostles College and Seminary and humanities at I was pleasantly surprised Dr. Michael A. Augros California State University, Dominguez Hills, as well as to wind up here.” Six years A New England native, a doctorate in educational leadership at Southern Con- later, when the College was Dr. Michael A. Augros is necticut State University. looking for volunteers to go a graduate of the College “The New England location will allow the College to to New England, he says, “I who earned his master’s offer more students the intellectual and spiritual life that felt that missionary spirit and doctoral degrees in phi- characterizes the West Coast campus,” Dr. Froula says. “I revive within me.” losophy at Boston College. am excited to be a part of this effort and inspired by the A Thomas Aquinas Col- “My wife, Amy, and I both zeal and commitment of the faculty, students, and bene- lege graduate, Dr. Shields grew up in Merrimack, New factors who are making it happen.” is married to a classmate, Hampshire, about an hour’s Mary (Coughlin ’07), whose father, Dr. Glen Cough- drive away, and our parents Dr. Patrick M. Gardner lin, is a senior member of the teaching faculty. Dr. and still live there,” Dr. Augros Like several other members of the New England- Mrs. Shields anticipate that their life in Massachusetts — reflects. “That’s part of why I bound faculty, Dr. Patrick M. Gardner has ties to the and that of their five children — will be much like Mrs. volunteered to go — but only part. I also want to contrib- region, having earned his undergraduate degree at Har- Shields’ childhood as a member of a tutor family during ute what I can to help make this new venture a success.” vard University before obtaining his master’s and Ph.D. the College’s formative years. Dr. Augros taught at Thomas Aquinas College from in medieval studies at the University of Notre Dame. It “Frankly that is part of what made New England 1995 to 1998, then moved back east to teach for 11 years is the example of the Col- attractive to us,” Dr. Shields says. “We look forward to at the North American campus of the Pontifical Univer- lege’s founders and early experiencing an extra sense of camaraderie with all the sity Regina Apostolorum, before returning to the Cali- students, he says, that has students, staff, tutors, and families who are undertaking fornia campus in 2009. He is the author of two books, inspired him and his wife, this adventure together.” Who Designed the Designer: A Rediscovered Path to God’s Kate, to move across the Existence (2015) and The Immortal in You: How Human country, along with their six Stephen F. Shivone Nature is More Than Science Can Say (2017). He and Mrs. young sons. Prior to coming to Thomas Aquinas College, Ste- Augros are the parents of three children: one a graduate “We had it easy in our phen F. Shivone taught, over the course of 15 years, in at the College, the other two, students, the younger of own journey to Thomas Alaska, Texas, Arizona, and whom — Ben (’21) — is a fellow pioneer who will be Aquinas College,” Dr. Gard- North Carolina. Yet when transferring to the New England campus with them. ner reflects. “We didn’t have the opportunity to become to make the tremendous a TAC tutor presented itself, Dr. Sean B. Cunningham leap of faith that, in the early years of the College, both he decided that it would be This fall Dr. Sean B. tutors and students had to make. We came later, when worth the burden of another Cunningham will leave a the goodness and greatness of the founders’ vision and move — or even two. successful law practice to God’s blessings were already manifest. This fact has ever In 2017 he joined the become a tutor at Thomas deepened our gratitude for the pioneers of the College, faculty in California with Aquinas College — again. as our love for this community and this education has the intention of transfer- A graduate of the Uni- grown. So when the New England opportunity arose, ring to New England when versity of Virginia, Dr. Cun- and the prospect opened — both exhilarating and a bit the new campus was ready. ningham holds a master’s frightening — of being, in a very secondary way, a pio- With that moment at hand, Dr. Shivone now finds him- degree and a doctorate in neer myself, I thought, ‘How could I refuse?’” self thinking of a favorite quotation from Bl. John Henry philosophy from The Cath- Cardinal Newman: “Therein lies the nobility of the Faith, olic University of America Dr. Margaret I. Hughes that we have the heart to venture something.” As Dr. Shi- as well as a juris doctor from “I grew up in Connecticut, and so feel very much at vone describes it, “This is a venture of faith on the part the University of Texas School of Law. In 2013 a long- home in New England,” says Dr. Margaret I. Hughes. “It of the College. It is undertaking something bold and dif- standing passion for philosophy, coupled with a yearning is a great privilege for me to be able to be part of bringing ficult, and we feel blessed to be part of it.” to teach, inspired him to leave his position as a partner at Thomas Aquinas College to my home. It is the meeting Dr. Shivone earned his undergraduate degree at the an 800-attorney law firm in Washington, D.C., and join of a place and an institution which are both very dear to erstwhile College of St. Thomas More in Fort Worth, the College’s teaching faculty. me.” Texas, and his master’s and doctoral degrees in literature Two years later, however, one of his four young A graduate of the University of Chicago, Dr. Hughes at the . He and his wife, Mary Ann daughters faced a dire medical condition that required earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in philosophy at (Hastings ’03), are the parents of five children.

– 5 – First Class Meet some of the 34 California Freshmen who plan to Transfer to New England in the Fall

Nathanael Cassidy that what make this school special are the Sean Callaghan “I think going to New England will stretch Norfolk, England Discussion Method and the Great Books, Lake Zurich, Illinois me in the sense that not everything is set in see transferring to the new campus and that is ultimately why I chose to One evening last fall, encouraged by a stone,” says Sean. “We are going to have a big “Iand being part of its first graduating come.” friend, Sean Callaghan attended a meet- responsibility: How can we lay the foundation class as a God-given opportunity to hand Still, there was a sense of reluc- ing that College officials were offering for for the freshmen, and for the future classes? on something that we have been given tance. Living in Cazenovia, New York, freshmen who were interested in trans- For me, personally, I think that the experience and are blessed to have,” says Nathanael the thought of leaving her parents ferring to the New will help me to become a better man over these Cassidy. “So I decided to take the oppor- and four younger siblings 3,000 miles England campus. “It next three years.” tunity, because it behind was daunting. “We would always was a rough sketch seemed like it was the say, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if a TAC East of what life would Mary O’Reilly best thing to do, even would open up?’” she remarks. “But I be like there and Santa Paula, California if it wasn’t the easiest never thought it would happen in my life- what the campus When she first began to consider transfer- decision.” time. I was so very glad when it actually is like,” he remem- ring to Thomas Aquinas College, New Eng- Having moved did!” bers. “It gave me a land, Mary O’Reilly sought the advice of her many times before As Clotilde neared the end of high more in-depth idea freshman Natural Science — he had lived with school, the College acquired the Massa- of what to expect: the small community, tutor, Dr. Thomas J. Kaiser his family in Austria, chusetts campus but was still obtaining closeness with our tutors and their fami- (’75), the associate dean Northern Ireland, and England before state approval to begin operations there. lies, and growing the culture of the new for the East Coast cam- coming to California last fall — Nathanael So, after she applied and was accepted, school.” pus and a member of the is unfazed by the prospect of one more she delayed her admission for a year, then He thought and prayed about all that College’s first graduating relocation. “I have a couple of good enrolled on the California campus with he had learned. “For the next four to class. “Dr. Kaiser said that friends whom I will be leaving behind, plans to transfer after freshman year. She five days, I had a hard time trying to stay the school needs energetic and that will be hard,” he admits. “But now will reduce the distance from col- focused on academics,” he says, because people to get out there, go having friends who are of the same faith lege to home by 95 percent — and her his mind kept wandering to Northfield, out into the town, tell people about what we are helps, as you can always be with them in younger brother, a high school junior, Massachusetts. After letting the idea sit all about, and start the traditions that will sus- the Eucharist, sharing the Body of Christ; hopes to join her on the New England for a few days, he went to the dean’s office tain us for generations,” she recalls. “That was that is a great comfort.” campus in 2020. and signed the transfer papers. eye-opening for me.” As the year comes to an end, and the time to say goodbye draws near, Nathanael remains steadfast. “I haven’t wavered,” he says. “Ever since I said ‘yes,’ I have dedicated myself to this, because I firmly believe that it is God’s will. Even though it will be hard to tear ourselves from our classmates here, this a great opportunity to grow in maturity and virtue.”

Clotilde Cecchi Cazenovia, New York The daughter of two alumni, Clotilde Cecchi always figured she would come to Thomas Aquinas College. “But as I grew older, I real- ized that I should not choose a college just because my par- ents went there,” she says. “I came to learn The reasons she had for remaining in Cali- paperwork. A few weeks later, he enrolled bers of the teaching faculty — all of whom doesn’t come along very often,” he says. “I fornia — being close to her family’s home, as a member of the Class of 2022. will live, with their families, on campus — decided I had to be part of it.” just a few miles from campus, and staying with “It has been fantastic,” he says of his appealing. “The lineup of tutors who are Being a resident of Northern Califor- friends — “were all for me,” she realized. Head- freshman year. “It has surpassed all my going was huge for me because I love all of nia, going to school in Northfield, Massa- ing east, on the other hand, “would be for the expectations. Every day I am amazed at them,” she says. “The thought of living in chusetts, requires traveling much farther school,” to which, after less than a year, she how wonderful it is to be living here and a small, close-knit community with these than he does now, but Jeff regards the already considers herself profoundly indebted. studying here. I am so happy I made this families sounded like a wonderful way to tradeoff as worthwhile. “I’ve lived in Cali- “I decided to go because the school needs peo- choice. It is the best thing I have ever spend the next three years.” fornia for 19 years and I’ve only been out ple out there.” done.” The hard part, of course, will be saying of state a few weeks total,” he says. “Going Of course Mary can cite some personal rea- As for New England, “It might not be goodbye to so many other beloved friends out to the East Coast for the next few sons for going, too, including the seasons, the as good there as it is here, but it also might and tutors in California. “It’s hard to leave years will allow me to experience a differ- campus’ many tennis courts, and the honor of be better,” says Jean. “I’m just taking a risk, something so good, even if it’s for some- ent part of the country. I look forward to being a member of the first graduating class. All as I did when I left my country, my fam- thing else so good,” Anna observes. “It’s that.” of these, however, are secondary. “I’m looking ily, my friends, and came here. Every life the same thing, only different, and I’m He also hopes to continue his student- forward to snow and pine trees and skiing,” she worth living requires taking some risk.” excited to see what the differences are.” scholarship job — part-time librarian says. “Mostly, though, I’m looking forward to — on the New England campus. “We’re making the campus a success.” Anna Santine Jeff Healey prepared to do all we can to get that Macomb, Michigan Napa, California library running and up to speed.” Jean Guerreiro When Anna Santine first learned Jeff Healey first began thinking about Santa Catarina, Brazil about the New England campus at the New England when Sophie Steigerwald For Jean Guerreiro, coming to Thomas High School Summer Program, she knew he attended the Col- Elm Grove, Wisconsin Aquinas College meant traveling more than it was not for her. “I remember thinking, lege’s High School Like many of her fellow pioneers, 5,000 miles and leaving it looks really pretty — but no way,” she Summer Program. Sophie Steigerwald cites familiar reasons behind all he knew in his says. “I wanted to go somewhere familiar, “There was a presen- for her decision to venture eastward — homeland of Brazil. Com- somewhere established.” tation about the new affection for the faculty members, chang- pared to that, what’s a mere Then she started campus, with lots of ing seasons, shaping the culture of a new cross-country trek with hearing from friends gorgeous photos of campus. Paramount in her consideration, some friends? who were planning the buildings and facilities,” he recalls. however, were beauty and community. Jean first learned of the to make the move, “The idea of being the first class seemed “I guess I really like how beautiful it is College three years before and her resolve began like an awesome opportunity.” out there; it is such a beautiful campus,” he enrolled, but assumed he could never attend to weaken. “I didn’t For Jeff, it was a best-of-both-worlds she says, noting the 100-year-old build- because he was not proficient in English. Upon want to consider it, proposition. “To get a school with an ings settled among the rolling green hills, learning the language, however, he came north but once I did, I knew established curriculum, one that has evincing an old-world sensibility. for the High School Summer Program. Less I would regret it if I didn’t go.” Beyond the already proven to be successful and trust- Amid this bucolic landscape abides a than a week after the program, he submitted thrill of being part of the first class, Anna worthy, while at the same time starting a deep-rooted community, one that Sophie his application and completed his financial aid found the prospect of being close to mem- new campus — that’s an opportunity that is eager to come to know. “The local com- munity seems to be very warm and wel- coming. It’s a small community, and I have heard that they are excited to have us, to have students on campus once again, because the property had been vacant for so many years.” Then there is gratitude. “We recently had a dinner for all the faculty and stu- dents who are going to Northfield, and President McLean spoke about how many years the College has been working on this project — getting the campus, getting it approved, getting it ready — and how much work all have put into it,” she says. “They have set up this opportunity for us, and I’m grateful for that. It’s an honor to be able to go.” “Upperclassmen” … Without Homework Four Recent Graduates to Serve as Resident Assistants on New Campus

or the first year at Thomas Aquinas College, New back East: “I am excited to play a part in building up the FEngland, there will be no upperclassmen, as the stu- spirit, the life, and the vibrancy of the new campus.” dents will all be freshmen and sophomores. There will, however, be some young mentors to guide the first two Mary Catherine Froula (’19) classes on the new campus: four resident assistants, who “We will be filling the role of upperclassmen,” says will play a vital role in the College’s expansion. Mary Catherine Froula of the New England RAs, serving “Because we will, at first, have no upperclassmen on as proof that working hard is worth the effort. “Except we the new campus, we perceived a need to fill the roles that, won’t have homework, so we’ll have more time to help in California, are largely covered by student prefects with them with their studies and share in their intellectual life.” the help of student activity and athletics directors, plus That, however, is only one element of what she calls one fulltime resident assistant,” says Dean John J. Goy- the RAs’ “jack of all trades” position. In addition to work- Thomas Moore (’19), Isaac Cross (’19), and Mary ette. “So, for the first year in New England, we have hired ing part-time in the library, she is “ready to do anything Catherine Froula (’19); not pictured: Barbara O’Brien four resident assistants. They will live in the residence that’s needed,” whether that’s “maintaining morale, orga- (’18) halls and aid the assistant dean in fostering a vibrant cam- nizing student activities, or shoveling snow.” pus culture. They will also work part-time in the College’s Raised in Waterbury, Connecticut, Mary Catherine is dining hall with his unflagging can-do spirit. “We need to various administrative departments.” returning to a familiar part of the country, with familiar roll with the punches,” he says. “And if and when some- The four RAs — three members of this year’s graduat- people. Her father, Dr. Josef Froula, is a new member of thing goes wrong, we’re just going to have to fix it, do it ing class and one member of the Class of 2018 — have all the teaching faculty, who spent the last year on the Cali- joyfully, and make it happen.” served as prefects on the California campus. All are eager fornia campus. With the rest of the family, he, too, will be to take part in this adventure. heading eastward this fall. Says Mary Catherine, “I feel Barbara O’Brien (’18) like I’m coming home.” A member of last year’s graduating class, Barbara Isaac Cross (’19) O’Brien has worked for the last year in the South Bronx In helping to establish the College’s second campus, Thomas Moore (’19) as a teaching assistant and catechist for Seton Education Isaac Cross is walking in the footsteps of his father, Rick Thomas Moore plans to spend part of this summer Partners. “I love it,” she says of her yearlong position. “It’s (’75). “My dad was a member of the College’s first class,” re-reading The Iliad and The Aeneid — the first works very hard, but it’s one of the most joyful things I have he says. “It’s meaningful for me to do in Massachusetts that Thomas Aquinas College freshmen and sophomores ever done.” what he did in California.” study in their respective seminars. Nonetheless, as a farm girl from Wisconsin, she Adding to the appeal is the new campus’ location, less “When I was an underclassman, it was great having yearns for a more pastoral setting. “I am very attached to than an hour from Isaac’s hometown. “It will be useful to upperclassmen there to show us how beautiful the pro- my students, the teachers I work with, and the people I know the area,” he says, especially in his work with the gram is,” he says. “I want to do that for our New England live with in community,” she says. “But I’m ready once Development Office as it cultivates new benefactors in students. Having someone who has done it before, some- again for open spaces and a clear skyline!” the region. “It will be special to bring back home the edu- one who can help you with that Euclid prop, or explain In New England Barbara will assist the Admissions cation that I have received here.” something from Ptolemy, or can help you decline a noun Department, working on the High School Summer Pro- Isaac was the student athletics director on the Cali- in Latin, is invaluable.” gram and recruitment. “I am happy to have the opportu- fornia campus last year, organizing intramural games and When he’s not assisting students with their classwork, nity to bring more students to the College,” she says, “so tournaments — a duty he looks forward to taking up he will be supervising student-scholarship workers in the they, too, can experience this education.”

Paving the Way Kimberly Begg, Jim Link Join Development Team for New England

Kimberly Begg perfect for a faithfully Catholic college. Concerned about imberly Begg was eight months pregnant with her the rise of secularism in the region, Mr. Link thought Kfifth child when she was asked to serve on Thomas such a college could help re-Christianize New England. Aquinas College’s Washington, D.C., Board of Regents. Little did he know he would become deeply involved in As a wife, mother, and vice president and general counsel the project. for Young America’s Foundation, she considered herself Mr. Link spent three decades raising funds for schools “too busy” for any more volunteer opportunities. Yet she and colleges in the Northeast. He served as assistant enthusiastically agreed. headmaster at Iona Preparatory, regional director of “Thomas Aquinas College was different,” Mrs. Begg major gifts at Dartmouth, vice president for advance- explains. “I felt compelled to help young people pur- ment at Iona College, and president of the Coast Guard sue the College’s authentically Catholic, Great Books Academy Foundation. education.” After attending a Summer Seminar and reading the The experience, she found, was transformative. “I college students at Young America’s Foundation, I saw College’s founding documents, he was hooked. “The loved getting to know alumni of the College and their all too clearly how administrators and faculty at most more I learned about Thomas Aquinas College, the more families,” she says. “What impressed me most is their schools — including many Catholic colleges and univer- impressed I became,” he says. “I realized that the College shared sense that they have received a truly unique edu- sities — are hostile to Catholic teaching. The need for the was more successful than any school I knew. Students cation — one that has deepened their Catholic faith, nur- faithful, grounded sort of education that the College has pursue truth, beauty, and wisdom in a community that tured their intellects, and set them on a path to grow in to offer has never been greater.” embraces Catholic thought in all its richness. In the pro- virtue throughout their lives.” Mrs. Begg, her husband, Ian, and their five children cess, they grow in virtue and holiness.” When Mrs. Begg learned about the College’s plans live in Great Falls, Virginia, where she works from her A member of the Washington, D.C., Board of Regents, for a New England campus, she knew it was a “game home office. “We are blessed to have Kimberly join Mr. Link serves as director of East Coast development. changer” for Catholic education — and for herself. our team,” says Vice President for Development Paul J. “Jim has been a tremendous asset to the College,” says Throughout her tenure at Young America’s Founda- O’Reilly. “She has legal acumen, an expertise in planned Dr. O’Reilly. “He has introduced us to many of the most tion, she served as the director of planned giving and a giving, and an understanding of higher education that are active and generous Catholics in the Northeast, includ- major gifts officer. She helped build the Foundation’s invaluable. I think friends of the College will enjoy get- ing a couple that has made the largest individual gift planned-giving program, which today is a significant ting to know her and working with her to support our toward the New England campus.” source of support to help college students across the program of Catholic liberal education to the East Coast.” For his part, Mr. Link reports that he is honored to country attend YAF’s educational programs. She now help advance the College’s mission. “My best hope of sees her new role — as the East Coast director of gift Jim Link attaining salvation lies in associating with the finest planning for Thomas Aquinas College — as a natural When Jim Link learned that the founders of Hobby Christians I’ve ever known — the alumni, parents, fac- next step in her life and career. Lobby had purchased the former campus of a boarding ulty, staff, students, and benefactors of Thomas Aquinas “I cannot help but think it has always been God’s school in Northfield, Massachusetts — and that they College,” he says. “It’s a privilege to help renew the Faith will to use my experience to help the College’s students wanted to give it to a Christian ministry to use for educa- by preparing saints and scholars in what has become mis- and benefactors,” she reflects. “In working on behalf of tional purposes — he immediately thought it would be sion territory.”

– 8 – Summer of Learning — East and West College to Offer Summer Seminars, High School Program on Both Coasts

or more than 20 years, summers at The group will occasionally venture FThomas Aquinas College have been off-campus as well, taking in the best of highlighted by two events on the Cali- Southern California’s cultural attractions. fornia campus: Summer Seminars for There will be an outing to the J.P. Getty friends and benefactors, and the High Museum, a concert by the L.A. Philhar- School Program for prospective students. monic at the Hollywood Bowl, a day trip This summer the events will be offered, to the beach, a hike in the Santa Monica as usual, in California, but also — for the Mountains, and an evening in the mission first time — at the College’s new campus city of Santa Barbara. in Northfield, Massachusetts. This year’s inaugural New England “Our primary reason for establishing Summer Program will run from July 28 to a second campus is to make our program August 10. It will employ the same curric- of Catholic liberal education available ulum as the California program and fea- to more people,” says President Michael ture comparable extracurricular activities, F. McLean. “So it follows that our New Attendees enjoy dinner and student entertainment at a Summer Seminar weekend. such as swing-dance classes, an open-mic England campus should offer the same night, and socials in the residence halls. summer events that, for years, have so “Although open to everyone, the Summer abroad will join members of the teaching For sports, the campus boasts two ponds, successfully introduced newcomers to the Seminars are largely attended by mem- faculty on both campuses for spirited con- athletic fields, and a full gymnasium, work of the College in California.” bers of our President’s Council,” says versation, engaging firsthand some of the complete with a swimming pool, climb- Vice President for Development Paul J. best works of the past 2,500 years. They ing wall, and basketball court. Summer Seminars O’Reilly. “As such, we wanted to let these will read and discuss texts selected from Where the New England program Summer Seminar weekends allow benefactors be among the first to experi- the masters of the Western intellectual will noticeably differ from California’s, attendees to get a firsthand experience ence the life of the new campus that they tradition, such as Plato, Euclid, Kierkeg- of course, will be in its off-campus excur- of the day-to-day life of Thomas Aqui- are making possible — to walk its lawns, aard, Tolstoy and, of course, St. Thomas sions. Students will visit Boston, with nas College students — the intellectual to eat in its dining hall, to discuss the Aquinas. They will forge new friendships, sightseeing along the Freedom Trail and life, the spiritual life, and the friendships Great Books in its century-old, red-brick delight in the give and take of rational trips to the Museum of Fine Arts and rooted in a shared experience of the true, classroom buildings.” argument, and pursue truth — which Faneuil Hall. They will also attend a con- the good, and the beautiful. Participants Over the course of the three-day civilizes, ennobles, and liberates. cert with the Boston Symphony Orches- read passages from the Great Books of weekend, participants will attend a series tra, hike on New Hampshire’s Mount Western civilization, then discuss those of discussions led by Dr. McLean, Dr. Monadnock, and take a canoe trip on the readings in seminars led by senior mem- O’Reilly, and the associate dean for the Connecticut River. bers of the teaching faculty. Together New England campus, Dr. Thomas J. Kai- At both programs, Mass will be offered they work to understand the meaning of ser. With the New England residence halls daily, and a chaplain will be available on the texts and to discern the truths these still under renovation, guests will stay in campus at all times. In order to receive works contain. Between seminars, guests a nearby hotel, but they will spend their the full extent of religious-liberty protec- also enjoy delicious meals served both days and take most of their meals on cam- tions under Massachusetts law, the Col - indoors and outdoors, as well as daily pus. The price, including lodging, din- lege may admit only Catholic students to Mass and confession offered by the Col- ing, seminars, and readings, is $1,200 per the New England Summer Program. Reli- lege’s chaplains. person or $1,800 per couple (discount At this summer’s California High gious devotions, however, are voluntary, The theme for this year’s weekends will for President’s Council members: $950/ School Great Books program, to be held and the California program remains, as be “The Search for Happiness.” Attendees single and $1,450/couple). July 15 to 27, students will also take full always, open to students of all faiths. will discuss Gustav Flaubert’s “A Simple The second Summer Seminar will be advantage of all the natural beauty that The programs are limited to students Heart,” Epictetus’ Enchiridion, and St. held on the California campus, nestled in the region has to offer: There will be daily between their junior and senior years of Thomas Aquinas’ consideration “Of the foothills of the Los Padres National sports on the athletic fields, plus beach high school. Cost is $975, which includes Those Things in Which Happiness Con- Forest, just outside of Santa Paula, from volleyball on the College’s sand court, tuition, housing, meals, books, and orga- sists” from the Summa Theologiae. “What July 12-14. Dr. McLean and Dr. O’Reilly swimming in the spring-fed ponds, and nized activities. “The high school program does it mean to be happy, and how is hap- will be on hand to guide the seminars, as hikes along the hillside trails surround- is our most effective recruiting tool,” says piness attained? These are questions that will the College’s dean, Dr. John J. Goy- ing campus. Among the other on-campus Admissions Director Jon Daly. “After two men have posed throughout history,” says ette. Guests, per usual, will stay in the activities will be skits, musical perfor- weeks at the College, most of the students Dr. McLean. “There is a great tradition campus residence halls. The all-inclusive mances, movies, and a dance. want nothing more than to come back!” in the Western canon that points toward price is $1,000 per person or $1,600 per answers to these questions, helping to couple (discount for President’s Coun- Summer Seminar Weekends lead man to true joy. We will explore that cil members: $750/single and $1,250/ Theme: “The Search for Happiness” tradition at this year’s weekends, which I couple). “With seminars on both coasts, New England: June 21–23 expect to be deeply rewarding for every- we look forward to welcoming friends old California: July 12–14 one involved.” and new,” says Dr. McLean. thomasaquinas.edu/summerseminars The first of this year’s two weekends, taking place from June 21-23, will also High School Program High School Summer Program be the first ever held on the New Eng- Over the course of two two-week California: July 15–27 land campus, set in Western Massachu- sessions this summer, rising high school New England: July 28–August 10 setts’ historic Connecticut River Valley. seniors from around the country and thomasaquinas.edu/summerprogram

Help shape the future with a legacy gift today. Please contact Tom Susanka, Director of Gift Planning The [email protected] 805–421–5928 Collected Works of Marcus R. Berquist Thomas Aquinas College Co-Founder


– 9 – In Memoriam Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord

Frances Scheller Morehart, 1924–2018 the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1981, and Pope An accomplished attorney of more than 60 years in longtime friend of Thomas Aquinas College, Fran- St. John Paul II made him Bishop of Helena, Montana, in Ventura County — 19 of which he spent as the attorney Aces Scheller Morehart passed away on November 1999, where he served until his appointment as Bishop for the city of Fillmore — Mr. Kern lent his expertise to 13, one week short of her 94th birthday. of Madison in 2003. the service of the College by serving as its general coun- Mrs. Morehart was the stepdaughter of the late Fritz “When I look around our country — and honestly, sel, pro bono. “He was very helpful to us in getting the B. Burns, whose epony- when I look around the Church — I am not comforted California campus established in the early 1970s,” says mous foundation has by what I see,” His Excellency admitted during his hom- Thomas Aquinas College co-founder Peter L. DeLuca. provided the funds for ily at the College’s 2018 Baccalaureate Mass. Noting his “He helped us to manage the necessary approvals and several buildings on own mortality, he urged the graduates, as the future of permits that we needed, drawing on his deep knowledge the College’s California the Church, to remain hopeful, however trying the cir- of local government. He was a wonderful man and a very campus, including, most cumstances. “I don’t know if I will live to see it, but the important figure in the history of the College.” recently, the St. Gladys Holy Spirit, in virtue of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ In his published obituary, Mr. Kern’s family observed classroom building and from the dead, is going to pull the Church out of the dol- that it “was the privilege of his life, he said, to have been the St. Cecilia Lecture drums in which She lives. And the Holy Spirit is going to involved in supporting Thomas Aquinas College.” His and Concert Hall. She show forth in the Church the greatness of His power,” he support continued well past his children’s graduations was also a generous added. “You are part of the solution.” and his tenure as general counsel. For years he and his benefactor to the Col- wife, Lynda, have been faithful members of the Presi- lege in her own right as Norm Goyette, Jr., 1932–2018 dent’s Council, which provides the backbone of the Col- a 15-year member of the President’s Council. A regu- Norm Goyette, Jr., the father of Thomas Aquinas lege’s Annual Fund. lar participant in the College’s Summer Seminars, Mrs. College Dean John Goyette, died on December 7 due Mr. and Mrs. Kern are the parents of four alumni: Morehart had many friends among the College’s faculty to complications arising Hannah (Tulberg ’77), Paul (’80), Mary (Orellana and administrators, and was especially close with fellow from pneumonia. “Norm ’81), and Charlie (’85). They are also the grandparents nonagenarian and chaplain Rev. Cornelius Buckley, S.J. and his wife, Marian, have of seven alumni: Dorothy (Berndt ’11), Sam (’11), and “She was a wonderful woman,” says Fr. Buckley, “very long been loyal friends of Henry (’16) Tulberg; and Rafael (’07), Gabriel (’08), thoughtful, very generous, and a lot of fun to be around.” the College,” says Presi- Helena (’11), and Regina (’16) Orellana. Mrs. Morehart was born in Los Angeles in 1924. Her dent Michael F. McLean. father died when she was four, and when she was fifteen, “They have also been Duane Berquist, 1936–2019 her mother married Mr. Burns, who became a cherished among our most generous Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and raised in St. stepfather and wonderful role model. Around that time, benefactors over the past Paul, Dr. Duane Ber- she also met the love of her life, Jack Morehart, whom 40 years.” quist was the young- she married four years later. The couple lived for many Raised in Massachu- est of three sons, all of years in the Pacific Palisades, raising nine children before setts, Mr. Goyette earned a bachelor’s degree in physics whom became teach- relocating to Carpinteria in 1974. from the College of the Holy Cross and a master’s from ers of philosophy. One Over the next four decades Mrs. Morehart was pro- Tufts University. Upon moving to Southern California of those brothers was foundly dedicated to the pro-life movement, volunteering in the mid-1950s, he met Marian and began a career in the late Marcus R. for Holy Family Adoption Service, St. Anne’s Maternity the aerospace industry. In the early days he worked on Berquist, a founder of Home, the Santa Barbara Pregnancy Counseling Center, Pioneer 10, the first space probe to travel to Jupiter and Thomas Aquinas Col- and Villa Majella. She was also honored to belong to the to achieve sufficient velocity to escape the solar system. lege. Owing to that Knights of St. Gregory and the Knights of Malta, making Most of his subsequent career was dedicated to work on a relationship, Duane a number of pilgrimages to Lourdes, France, to care for missile-detection system for the Department of Defense. became a longtime the sick and dying. “Her Catholic faith was the corner- “My dad never served in the military, but he worked friend of the College, stone of her personal strength,” writes her family in her with the military and, in many ways, he had the soul of a a mentor to its faculty, published obituary, “and her faith never wavered.” military man,” said Dr. Goyette at the reception following and the father of an alumna, Maria (Caughron ’93). Fol- his father’s funeral Mass in Our Lady of the Most Holy lowing a courageous bout with cancer, Dr. Berquist died The Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, 1946–2018 Trinity Chapel. “He loved his job, yet even more impor- peacefully on January 22. The Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madi- tant to him was his family and his faith.” “Duane Berquist, like his brother Mark, was a teacher son, Wisconsin, died November 24, three days after suf- Mr. Goyette’s death came suddenly: Only days before of teachers,” reflects President Michael F. McLean. fering a cardiac event. “We are deeply saddened by the falling ill, he was still riding his bicycle to work daily. “If “Several of our tutors studied with him while in gradu- loss of Bishop Morlino, who, just last spring, served as he could have picked a way to go, I don’t think he could ate school, and Duane taught courses for faculty in our our Commencement Speaker and received our highest have chosen better,” said Dr. Goyette. “He died with his tutor summer program on a number of occasions.” He honor, the Saint Thomas Aquinas Medallion, in recog- boots on, a fitting way to go for a man of action.” also lectured on campus numerous times over the years, nition of his lifelong fidelity to the magisterium,” says Mr. Goyette was the father of four graduates: Patty most recently giving the St. Thomas Day Lecture in 2014. President Michael F. McLean. “He was, on that day — as (Hierro ’86), John (’90), Rev. Michael (’94), and Joseph “Duane was a renowned lecturer,” adds Dr. McLean. he was throughout his 44 years as a priest and bishop — (’95). He was also the grandfather of two graduates, Eliz- “He was known for his ability to illustrate philosophical courageous in proclaiming the truth.” abeth (’15) and Cecilia (’17), and five current students, points with apt quotations from Shakespeare and other A native of Northeastern Pennsylvania and a gradu- Robert (’19), Maria (’21), William (’21), Peter (’22), literary giants.” ate of the Jesuit-run Scranton Preparatory High School, and Therese (’22). Dr. Berquist earned his bachelor’s degree at the Bishop Morlino was ordained to the priesthood for the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul and received his Licen- Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus on June 1, Joseph P.D. Kern, 1933–2018 tiate and Doctorate at Université Laval in Quebec, Can- 1974. He held degrees from Fordham University, the On December 11, ada. He taught for three years at Saint Mary’s College in University of Notre Dame, the Weston School of Theol- Joseph Phillip Donald Moraga, California, before spending 45 years as a mem- ogy, and the Gregorian University. He became a priest of Kern passed away at his ber of the Philosophy Department at Assumption Col- home in Fillmore, Cali- lege in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was additionally a fornia, at the age of 85, founding member and former vice president of the Soci- following a prolonged ety of Aristotelian-Thomistic Studies. illness. Mr. Kern was a “Unlike many scholars in academia, Duane was a sapi- longstanding supporter ential thinker,” says Dean John Goyette. “Throughout his of Thomas Aquinas Col- life he remained interested in all branches of learning, lege, entrusting to it the especially in philosophy and theology. He also had a great education of four of his love for poetry and could recite from memory countless seven children, the eldest passages from the works of Shakespeare.” of whom enrolled in Dr. Berquist leaves behind his loving wife of 50 years, 1973, the College’s third year of existence, when it was Rosalie, three children, and 19 grandchildren. “He was very much still in its nascent stage. Yet in time the Col- a true disciple of Aristotle and St. Thomas, as well as a lege would come to thrive, in no small part because of devout Catholic,” says Dr. McLean. “He will be missed by Mr. Kern’s efforts. the Thomas Aquinas College community.”

– 10 – “A Mark of Transition” Board of Governors Honors College Founder Peter L. DeLuca

t their annual retreat last November, members of the Thomas Aquinas College ABoard of Governors took time to honor the Board’s longest-serving member, Peter L. DeLuca. “Peter, of course, is not only a founder of Thomas Aquinas College, he was the Col- lege’s first employee,” said President Michael F. McLean during a dinnertime presenta- tion. “Over the years, he has worn almost every hat in the administration, in charge at various times of the College’s business affairs, finances, fundraising, and development. He served as vice president for finance and administration, the position he recently relinquished, for 22 years, and served nobly and admirably, with the best interest of the College at heart in every decision, consideration, meeting, and conversation.” 1 2 After nearly 50 years of service to the College, Mr. DeLuca stepped down as an administrator last summer, turning his energies more fully to the classroom, where he continues to teach in the College’s program of Catholic liberal education. Yet he still serves as a member of the Board of Governors, a position he has held since the Board’s founding a half century ago. “I was there for the original meeting. I was one of the origi- nal incorporators, and I think I have been at every meeting since,” he said. “I probably have, because of that, the best view of the importance of this Board of Governors to the institution as it has existed and extended through time. At so many critical points it has made the necessary decisions or provided the necessary wherewithal to make the Col- lege successful.” On behalf of the Board, President McLean thanked Mr. DeLuca and his wife, Kay, 3 4 presenting them with an album of photographs that chronicle, as Dr. McLean described it, “the career and the life of a servant” of Thomas Aquinas College. “This is not a retire- ment ceremony,” the president added. “This is just a mark of transition, the transition of one of the men who is the most important in the history of the College.” Taking the podium, Mr. DeLuca thanked his colleagues on the Board, both past and present, living and deceased. “I believe in what we are doing, and I believe in it even more now that I am teaching two sections of Freshman Theology again,” he continued. “I see that it’s changing students’ souls. It’s re-orienting them in a way that is absolutely and fundamentally important if we are going to have any kind of Christian civilization. …This is what the Church and the country need. This is the kind of thing that builds a civilization — and re-builds a civilization.” 5 6

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Peter DeLuca’s long legacy at Thomas Aquinas College:1. Mr. DeLuca lunches with John Damiani (’84) during the College’s early years. 2. Mr. DeLuca (third row, left), poses with members of the College’s first graduating class, the Class of 1975.3. Mr. DeLuca and other college officials break ground on the College’s first permanent building, St. Joseph Commons. 4. Mr. DeLuca has overseen the construction of most buildings on the California campus, most notably Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel. 5. Mr. DeLuca greets the College’s founding president, Dr. Ronald P. McArthur, at the Chapel’s dedication in 2009 … 6. … and lights the sanctuary lamp after the Blessed Sacrament is reposed, for the very first time, in the Chapel’s tabernacle. 7. Mr. DeLuca shares a laugh with his good friend, the late president Dr. Thomas E. Dillon.8. Mr. DeLuca takes the oath of office, becoming the College’s third president, after Dr. Dillon died in a car accident in April 2009.9. The College awards Mr. DeLuca its highest honor, the Saint Thomas Aquinas Medallion, at Commencement 2012.

In Memoriam

Carmen Amador Joan Phan Ann Walsh February 2, 2018 November 2, 2018 January 23, 2019 Grandmother of tutor Dr. John Baer Mother of Sean Phan (’17) Mother of John (’75), Thomas (’78), Ruth (Godde and Catherine Baer (’13) ’80), Patrick (’86), and Michael (’86); grandmother of Raffaella Maria Stroik Margaret (’15), Michaela (’16), and Cecelia (’21) Joan Raftery November 14, 2018 February 23, 2018 Daughter of Duncan Stroik, architect for Helena Letteney Benefactor, aunt of Head Chaplain Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel February 8, 2019 Rev. Paul Raftery, O.P. Mother of Michael (’88); grandmother of Phil Wilmeth Anastasia (Blain ’13), Anthony (’14), and Teresa (’16) Thomas J. Smith January 11, 2019 May 22, 2018 Father of Br. Augustine (Philip ’13) Andrew Baird (’04) Legacy Society member and John Parker (’15) February 11, 2019 Alumnus, brother of Megan (’02) Thomas J. Ashcraft Weston Roseberry (’18) September 25, 2018 January 18, 2019 Charles I. Kratz Legacy Society member Alumnus February 23, 2019 Father of Rolfe (’97)

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Life 2


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1. Some 230 Thomas Aquinas College students celebrate after completing January’s Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco.2. Rev. Thomas Kocik elevates the Host at the first regularly scheduled Mass in the College’s New England chapel, at which the Blessed Sacrament was reserved for the first time in the chapel’s tabernacle.3. Head Chaplain Rev. Paul Raftery, O.P. (right), leads a group of 10 freshmen on a backpacking trip to Topatopa Peak in the Los Padres National Forest.4. At the mid-semester Open-Mic Night, students perform Irish music in St. Joseph’s Commons 5. Students shoot hoops on the California basketball courts, with St. Gladys Hall in the background. 6. Celebrating Mardi Gras, students dance in St. Cecilia Hall.

This Spring Honor Thy Father & Mother with a Novena of Masses

Beginning on Mother’s Day (May 12) and Father’s Day (June 16), the chaplains of Thomas Aquinas College will offer a novena of Masses for mothers and fathers, respectively. Each parent included in the novena will receive a beautiful, personalized card from the College.

Cost: $5 per card for shipping and handling. Mother’s Day names must be received by May 10; Father’s Day by June 14. Thomas Aquinas College Aquinas Thomas 10,000 Ojai Road CA 93060-9622 Paula, Santa REQUESTED A DDRESS SERVICE

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u 1 thomasaquinas.edu/novenas





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