Dear friends of the -China Youth Dialogue (ACYD),

This report chronicles our further progress in nurturing aspirational exchanges between emerging and current youth leaders from Australia and Greater China. The ACYD Board and Management Team worked energetically over the year to bring together another outstanding group to explore future directions, challenges and possibilities at the eighth ACYD, held in from 15-18 September 2017.

Again, 30 Australian and Chinese citizens aged 25-40, comprising a multi-disciplinary community of men and women, were brought together by the ACYD Board and its Management Team, drawing on our Global Alumni Network, our Partners, our Leadership Council and many friends. The delegates were distinguished by an identifiable sense of creative leadership, community consciousness and intellectual energy, apparent in their professional, academic, entrepreneurial and other achievements.

This year’s delegates add to the 210 ACYD alumni and further extend the group’s influence and leadership across the wide range of dynamic Australia-Greater China cooperation and interaction. The growth of the ACYD alumni network has achieved a depth, breadth, and scale of delegates, organisers, and speakers that can be co-ordinated to build a growing range of collaboration, creativity and constructive networking.

The ACYD Board and its Executive Team believes that their talented and highly qualified community of ACYD alumni comprises a unique potential capable of energetic and creative identification and development of initiatives. These can enrich, deepen and advance shared Australian and Chinese visions, initiatives and achievements in future years. This privileged sense of future invention informs ACYD activities and their focus in enhancing Australia-Greater China relations.

The ACYD Board and its Executive Team expresses our deep appreciation for the continuing support of our Partners, our Leadership Council and our Global Alumni Network. With their collective ongoing support, we look forward to planning, preparing and realizing the ninth ACYD in 2018 that will be held in , Australia.

We trust you enjoy this Summary Report.

Natalie Cope Jade Little Chair Executive Director WHAT IS THE ACYD 5












Page 3


The Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD) is the preeminent inter-disciplinary early career leaders dialogue between Australia and Greater China. Every year 30 outstanding Australian and Greater Chinese citizens between 25-40 years of age participate in ACYD: a powerful platform that identifies, then meaningfully connects, high- potential leaders in Australia-Greater China affairs. ACYD advances the Australia-Greater China relationship by promoting frequent and meaningful dialogue between young leaders from the two regions.

ACYD’s core objectives are to: • Develop a community of Australian and Greater Chinese young leaders from a range of backgrounds to create long-term, mutually beneficial relationships; • Position young influential leaders to be active, visible and constructive figures in Australia and Greater China affairs; and • Leverage ACYD’s community to promote awareness and understanding of culture and society in the public interest.


Australia and China have Australia and China Invest in talented and cultures, languages and have a relationship that committed Australian and thought and value systems continues to grow in Chinese emerging leaders, that are fundamentally importance - trade and nurture a growing different (resources, agriculture, bond between these education), diplomacy (as people China grows in regional and global influence), and even culture

Page 5 ABOUT US BOARD OF DIRECTORS LEADERSHIP COUNCIL ACYD represents young professionals bridging the ACYD’s Leadership Council consists of prominent, Australia-China gap which is exemplified through well-respected, forward thinking individuals who are the diversity of our Board of Directors’ experience recognised as leaders in the Australia-China Space. studying and working internationally. The Leadership Council includes: The Board of Directors includes: • Hon. Jan Adams • Natalie Cope • Henry Makeham • Hon. Professor Bob Carr • Cindy Gottinger • Michael Power • John W.H. Denton • Benjamin Leigh • Elizabeth Reside • Hon. Kevin Rudd • Jade Little • Michael Ting • Hon. Warwick L. Smith

Over 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年 对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳 青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年 对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳 青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 160中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年+ 对话 中澳青年对话 中澳青年对话 中澳 years experience

1 Board Member studied/worked 2-3 Board Members studied/worked 6+ Board Members studied/worked PARTNERS MANAGEMENT TEAM ACYD attracts an exclusive network of valuable ACYD’s Management Team draws on the global partners to support the dialogue on annual or three- talents of a experts across range of industries. The yearly sponsorships. Management Team includes: • Mert Erkul • Amy Pan As a not-for-profit, ACYD values the connections • Cindy Gottinger • James Tang with all of partners, and connects with a range of • Vincent Hu • Joel Wing-Lun Australian and Chinese coporates, academic and • Karim Issa • Willliam Zhao non-government organisations. • Manelle Issa • Ted Zhou • Jade Little

Government 3

Corporate 4

Education 5

Not-for-profit 6

ACYD’S HISTORY GLOBAL ALUMNI NETWORK The ACYD Global Alumni Network consists of more 2010 Beijing than 240 emerging leaders. 2011 Sydney/Canberra

2012 Beijing/Chengdu

2013 Melbourne/Canberra

2014 Beijing

2015 Brisbane

2016 Hong Kong/Shenzhen



I truly enjoyed ACYD 2017, which is a fantastic forum for thinking minds, with speakers, delegates, organisers and alumni contributing different views of current bilateral relations in trade, education, research, health and environmental issues, enlightening in embracing a broad vision and big picture of future Australia-China relationships.


As Australia and China celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations, it was inspiring to meet leaders in their respective fields participate in the Australia- China Youth Dialogue. The diversity, energy and dynamism of the delegates and speakers reflect the future of our strong, complementary and growing bilateral relationship.


The ACYD is a very meaningful program, providing a fantastic platform for Chinese and Australian outstanding youth to exchange. Abundant topics and diverse experiences in the past 4 days really inspired a lot of spark, which might affect people for whole lifetime in some circumstances. PRIME MINISTER



Dear Delegate,

Congratulations on your selection for the 2017 Australia-China Youth Dialogue in Beijing.

As an event for youth, by youth, the Dialogue is a terrific opportunity for young people to discuss ideas for building the Australia-China relationship and to challenge yourselves to think ‘outside of the box’.

I hope you can learn from these four days, and forge new friendships and professional relationships that will endure for many years.

This year’s Dialogue coincides with the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and China. Both countries face opportunities as well as challenges as we navigate the intricacies of a dynamic and evolving bilateral relationship in an increasingly complex region.

In March this year, I welcomed Premier Li Keqiang to Australia. During his visit, both Premier Li and I underscored the importance of strengthening our trade and investment, institutional and people-to-people links at a national, state and provincial level.

Efforts to forge greater understanding of each other’s culture, society and political economies will be critical in order to take our partnership forward. Thank you for your commitment to building the Australia-China relationship and for the innovation and energy that you bring to the task.

I trust that you will enjoy the 2017 Australia-China Youth Dialogue, and that your discussions are not only productive, but strengthen your idealism and faith in the value of friendship and cooperation between our peoples.

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP Prime Minister of Australia

24 August 2017



The first day of ACYD2017 was hosted at King & Wood Mallesons and officially opened by Deputy Head of Mission to China from the Australian Embassy in Beijing, Mr Gerald Thomson and the Director-General of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, Mr Zhong Weiyun.

After offering initial thoughts on the Australia-China relationships, Mr Thomson highlighted the different experiences that each delegate would bring to the ACYD and that everyone would be at different stages in their respective Australia-China journeys. Reflecting on his own journey within the Australia-China relationship, he emphasised how his early experiences as a young diplomat in China in the early 1990’s had shaped his career today and that ACYD delegates were positioning themselves well to tap into such a unique and multidimensional relationship.

Director-General Zhong welcomed the ACYD to Beijing, noting that the 8th Dialogue came at a special time during the 45th year of diplomatic relations between Australia and China. Visits to Australia by senior Chinese officials such as Premier Li in 2017 and President Xi in 2014 demonstrated the strength of the relationship, especially in the context of the comprehensive strategic partnership, increasing trade and stronger people to people links. However, Director-General Zhong said there was still more work to do, especially in the areas of institutionalised mechanisms to enhance the relationship. He highlighted the significant work done by ACYD [as one of these mechanisms] over the past 8 years to discuss new ideas.

Both Mr Thomson and Director-General Zhang’s opening remarks gave delegates an ideal platform for discussion and debate during the first ACYD session on the transformation of global politics. SESSION 1: TRANSFORMATION OF GLOBAL POLITICS Session chair: Edwina Kwan, Senior Associate, King & Wood Mallesons, 2015 Alumnus

Panelists – David Kelly (Director of Research, China Policy), Jen Mason (Political Counsellor, Australian Embassy Beijing) and Jonathan Milton (Assistant Defence Attaché, Australian Embassy Beijing) – opened the session with a discussion on the US-China relationship through the prism of the Tump-Xi nexus, and how to understand the personal dynamic of the two leaders in the context of foreign policy developments. President Trump’s protectionist policies were noted as a potential ongoing irritant for broader global trade relations, however the anticipated ‘trade war’ has not yet materialised. Many delegates from mainland China were impressed by Trump’s business success, however the recent US election was cited as a bruising encounter that has found candidates often going against long held party lines to secure populist support. On the China side, some delegates and panellists considered that Xi’s recent speech in Davos was a positive signal of the direction of growth in China. The situation in North Korea was considered next, with the panellists noting that although many assumed that the China-North Korea relationship was strong, in reality the two countries were often on very different pages. While China is North Korea’s economic lifeblood, its ability to influence North Korean behaviour is often overstated. Questions from the delegates also focused on the prominence of [Western] values in the debate about progress . Going forward, people to people relationships through education and defence cooperation were highlighted as having the potential to offer stability for the relationship and in some cases, circumvent other intractable issues.


The ACYD was privileged to hold its Annual Gala dinner at the one and only Capital M, just days before it closed its doors indefinitely. Harold Weldon, Director of the Australia China Council and accomplished writer and filmmaker, delivered a keynote speech which drew on his rich experiences in China producing works including The Long March (1985) and The Great Wall of Iron (1987-1989).


Day 2 was hosted a 5LMeet, a thriving incubator nestled among the Dongsi Hutongs. It was an ideal venue to explore growth and transformation opportunities in the bilateral trade and investment relationship.

SESSION 1: CHINA SHAPING FUTURE GLOBAL COMMERCIAL CULTURE Session Chair: Philip Wen, Beijing-based correspondent with Thompson Reuters, ACYD 2012 Alumnus

This session brought together Jason Yatsen Li, Chairman of Vantage Asia Holdings, Dr Xiaoqin Li, senior economist with Teck Resources, and Edwin Maher, former nightly news anchor with CCTV. The session explored the future of China’s economy and Chinese investment in countries including Australia. The panel addressed the policy priorities of the Chinese government as it strives to achieve stable and sustainable economic growth, as well as differences in corporate or commercial culture that can effect foreign investments and acquisitions across national and cultural boundaries.

The panel also considered domestic media reports and debate in Australia about Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, the influence of the Chinese Communist Party and Australians of Chinese descent in the spheres of media and politics. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has described Australia’s relationship with China as driven by “fear and greed,” and the panellists discussed whether negative media coverage of Chinese investment and political donations by Australians of Chinese descent sounded a justifiable note of caution or was alarmist scaremongering.

Australia is substantially more open to Foreign Direct Investment than China, where there are strong safeguards in place protecting national and strategic interests. Better communications and gestures of good will, as well as a more informed public discourse may help to build trust between governments and corporations, as well as the Chinese and Australian public. SESSION 2: PARTNERSHIPS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Session chair: Matt Baker, MBL Node for Single Molecule Science University of New South Wales, 2015 Alumnus

The Partnerships in Research and Innovation session drew on three panellists spanning government, academia, and private sectors at the Australia-China interface. While these three areas were drawn together to offer different perspectives, in fact it was the commonality across all three sectors that shone through in this session.

Representing the government perspective, but drawing on her years of experience inside academia, Lisa Renkin, Deputy Commissioner from to China, emphasised the key to successful partnerships is legwork on the ground. Any relationship will contain an element of risk on both sides. To make a fair and balanced assessment of any potential partner it is critical to gather, correlate and corroborate information from multiple sources.

From an academic perspective, Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Peng Xi of Peking University emphasised the need for very precise frameworks for industrial collaboration. Without specific objectives an academic researcher can be inclined, naturally, to pursue their own research objectives above the industrial linkage. It was further emphasised that Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a field undergoing significant investment in China, particularly with strategic linkage between Universities and the private sector.

The industrial perspective, represented by Mathew Benjamin of AsiaRecon, spoke on the role of seed and angel investment and that different tiers of investors in China have different approaches to and expectations from startup investment. One effective strategy can be to develop a strong individual relationship with the funder first and then use that connection to attract startup and research innovators.

All the panellists agreed there is no quick method to ‘fast track’ a productive relationship in research between Australia and China. The best recipe for success is genuine, long term investments of time to build strong personal relationships founded on transparency and honesty.


SESSION 3: LEADERSHIP IN ACTION Session chair: Cindy Gottinger, Industry Lead Google, 2013 Alumna

Leadership in Action was a new session introduced in 2017, which explored the importance of leadership as a soft skill that will shape the relationship between Australia and China.

The delegation was joined by three distinguished leaders in the Australia-China space: Dr Geoff Raby (former Australian Ambassador to China), Trista Brohier (Vice President of Coal, Mitsubishi Development Ltd) and Kee Wong (Founder, e-Centric Innovation and Chair of the AIIA Board).

The session explored three key areas that leaders faced in today’s modernizing world: how to drive the adoption of emerging technology, how to foster greater collaboration across departments, industries and countries, and how to implement diversity & inclusion in the workplace.

During the discussion the panel kept returning back to one important hygiene factor- company culture and the responsibility of leaders to shape company culture through their behaviour. Additionally, the panel’s parting advice to the delegates – do not be afraid of failure.

After the panel discussion the delegates turned inwards and thought about their individual aspirations and challenges as emerging leaders of the Australia China relationship. The delegates agreed that leadership is not necessarily C-level position leading a large team in an organisation but also individual experts, thought leader and influencers. Regardless of the type of leader they were, delegates agreed that the best leaders respect diversity of thought and are able to adapt to different working environments and cultures. In their journey as leaders, the ACYD Alumni community will be an important source of insight, support and inspiration. SESSION 3: SYDNEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA

Following a tasty Chinese dinner, the delegation continued to the National Centre of Performing Arts (also known as the Egg) for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s final performance of their 2017 China tour. After the Conductor’s 15th and final encore, we joined Jan Adams, Australian Ambassador to China, and other distinguished guests for drinks, canapés and photo opportunities at an exclusive reception.


The Australian Chamber of Commerce kindly hosted the delegation for Day 3 of the dialogue.

SESSION 1: SOCIAL MOBILITY AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE Session Chair: Lisa Qin, Education & Child Development at UNICEF China, 2013 Alumna

The challenges and trends of ‘Learning in a Globalized World’ was the topic for ACYD’s inaugural session on education. This is a vital topic for Australia-China relations in the context of where China is going through massive education reforms and Australia’s third largest export is projected to grow from $21 billion to $33 billion by 2025.

Panellists – Amanda Barry, founding Director of the Australian National University’s China Liaison Office, Craig Boyce, Head of the KaiWen Academy, an international school in Beijing, and Mingyan “Ophelia” Ma, an independent education consultant and former cDirector of Curriculum at Beijing No. 4 High School – helped delegates identify their values underpinning education and reflect on their own cross-cultural education experiences, as well as understand and discuss general themes, challenges, and trends across global education particularly in the Australia China space.

Panellists discussed the East and West educational dichotomy and perceptions of educational culture in China, Australia and in other countries where they had studied abroad. The Dialogue was also lucky enough to hear from two Beijing high school students, Zhang Yuxin and Tan Ziwen, on competition in education and their study abroad experiences.

While the session focused on secondary and tertiary global education, delegates were also reminded of the scale and importance of vocational training and of the importance of creating educational opportunities for students from rural and disadvantaged backgrounds. SESSION 2: THE ROLE TOURISM PLAYS IN SHAPING PERCEPTIONS Session Chair: Natalie Cope, CEO at NSW Australia China Business Council, ACYD Chair & Founding Member

Tourism was also an inaugural subject discussed at ACYD, partially due to it being the China-Australia Year of Tourism.

The delegation was joined by four panellists – Maree Ringland (Counselor for Public Affairs and Culture at the Australian Embassy in Beijing), Li Kuanghan (China Director of the Global Heritage Fund), Mark Tanner (Founder and Managing Director, China Skinny), and Hu Dan (Assistant Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University).

It was discussed that China has become a major source of economic growth for the Australian tourism industry (and globally). In 2016, China was Australia’s second largest inbound market for visitor arrivals and the largest market for total expenditure and visit nights. In the same year, visitors from China to Australia generated $9.2 billion in total expenditure, and this figure has the potential to increase to $20 billion by 2020. Domestic tourism in China is also on an exponential increase.

The contemporary Chinese tourist has also led to shifting market trends in the tourism industry. The advent and increase of the “Free and independent traveller” has led to an increase in preferences for tailor-made tour products and a growing level of awareness about the impact that they leave on the destinations visited.

This has meant that the ultimate economic footprint of Chinese tourism both domestically and in Australia is vastly broader than the trips themselves. In China tourism is leading a renewed investment in the preservation of heritage sites which in turn has a significant impact on the local communities. In the case of Australia, non-tourism markets including education, migration, property and the export of Australian products into China are impacted as much as the direct tourism industry players themselves.

In light of the importance of tourism to both countries, this session saw the delegates together with the speakers consider how local culture and communities are facilitating and impacted by tourism; to understand trends arising from increasing Chinese tourism on non-direct tourism sectors including and in particular education, property, and consumer products; the role that tourism plays in shaping perceptions and importantly what institutions, communities and individuals should do to protect and help shape and influence positive perceptions.



After a morning of focussed discussion on cultural exchange and social mobility, delegates let their hair down and took part in a team scavenger hunt around Houhai. There were six teams and the goal – reach as many checkpoints and complete as many challenges as possible within the set time period. The hunt led teams through the Hutongs of old Beijing, testing their selfie skills, dance moves and knowledge of Chinese language, history and culture, along the way. It gave delegates the opportunity to get to know one another in an informal setting and ultimately first hand experience of “cultural exchange and social mobility”!


The evening event, which celebrated the ACYD’s 8th anniversary, was graciously hosted by the Australian Embassy. Delegates and alumni met in the Embassy’s rose garden for drinks and to witness the art of Chinese face masking changing. Following dinner, Maree Ringland, Counsellor, Public Affairs and Culture at Australian Embassy Beijing, formally welcomed the 70 guests. Video messages from past delegates were also highlighted the value of the ACYD alumni network and illustrated how the ACYD has transformed the career pathways of many former delegates.

The evening concluded in traditional ACYD style with KTV in Sunlitun. Page 19 DAY 4 POLICY CHANGES: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL

SESSION 1: AGING ACROSS CULTURES Session chair: Elva Zhang, Corporate Counsel at ANL Container Line, 2014 Alumna

Delegates were invited to consider the multifaceted issue of ageing population in the Australia-China context. In order to appreciate the human elements of this complex issue, the discussions started with a simulated session that assigned the delegates with three “real-life” scenarios on various aspects of ageing population. The delegates, especially those who were born under the generation of China’s one-child policy, shared their personal challenges in looking after their parents who often live in different cities or even countries.

In addition to the human dimension of the topic, both Australia and China are presented with policy challenges as a result of their respective fast-growing ageing population. For Australia, 22% of its 24 million population will be over 60 years of age in 2017. For China, 248 million of its population are expected to be aged 60 years and over in 2020. However, unlike Australia, currently China’s aged care sector is still in its infancy, is not supported by adequate infrastructure and professional staff, and also lacks a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework. Culturally, the development of the aged care sector challenges the traditional Chinese family cultures, as children are expected to personally care for their aging parents.

Against this backdrop, the delegates were joined in the second half of the session by a panel of three experts from the aged care sector in both Australia and China: Carol Allen, CEO of Sapphire International Holdings from Melbourne; Shanzhen Luo, Business Development Manager of CHJ Care from Beijing; Shupei Chen, Business Development Manager of Austrade from Beijing.

The panellists shared their cross-cultural experiences and perspectives with the delegates, and reminded everyone that the challenges posed by the ageing population also represent an abundance of emerging opportunities of cooperation between Chinese businesses and Australian businesses. There will be more rapid exchanges of expertise, knowledge and investment between China and Australia, which will further help China to advance in this field. Nevertheless, it is equally crucial for the Chinese government and businesses to ensure the aged care sector is created and developed with “Chinese elements”, taking into account unique Chinese cultural and traditional values.

The panel discussions concluded on a positive note, as the panellists remained optimistic that China’s aged care sector will develop and mature at an accelerated rate in the next decade. SESSION 2: ENVIRONMENTAL FUTURES Session chair: Joel Wing-Lun, PhD Candidate in History and East Asian Languages at Harvard University

In the Environmental Futures session, delegates discussed their perceptions of environmental issues in the context of their own professional and personal lives. Delegates revealed that environmental issues impacted their work across sectors ranging from banking and energy, to diplomacy, agriculture, and medicine. Awareness of environmental issues was especially acute for delegates raising young families and contending with air pollution in Beijing.

The delegates heard from three Beijing-based experts on climate and environment policy: Ma Tianjie, Managing Editor at China Dialogue, presented on shifting narratives of environmental issues in China; Guo Hongyu, Program Manager at Greenovation Hub, on Chinese NGO’s engagement in climate governance; and Huw Slater, Research Manager at China Carbon Forum, on the China-Australia energy and climate change relationship.

A major trend with implications for the China-Australia trade relationship is the continuing decline in coal consumption and imports in China since 2014. Since at least 2012, China has made concerted efforts to transition to renewable energy and tackle air pollution. These changes have come as China is expanding its economic involvement in the region through the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the US is withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord.

However, delegates were reminded that China’s renewable energy policies could result in the export of polluting industries to neighbouring countries. Moreover, the government’s recent focus on air quality and renewable energy has come at the expense of problems such as soil and groundwater pollution, which mainly effect China’s rural population.

With China’s economy and energy industry in transition, the delegates were left with the question: what role for Australia? Will Australia be part of this transition, or will it be left out of a developing regional infrastructure that, at least on paper, emphasizes emissions reduction and renewable energy?

CLOSE Justin Howden (Global Head of Government Affairs and Industry Development, H&H Group) delivered a powerful closing address, where he fittingly, for ACYD’s 8th anniversary, touched on eight closing points. He highlighted the importance of cross-border dialogues and the positive influence ACYD is likely to have on the career pathways and lives of delegates, and strongly encourage follow-up among the delegates to cement the people-to-people connections created at ACYD2017.


TING BIE Chinese delegate SI CHEN Chinese delegate CHEN YUE Swisse Fellow Chinese delegate Ting is a practitioner of Si is a Senior Strategy Manager international education based in at Tencent, one of the leading Yue, also known as Moon, is a Beijing, with expertise and interest internet and technology Senior PR Specialist at the H&H ranging from mathematics companies in China. She leads Group. Founded in 1999 and education to college counselling, strategy, business development listed in HK Stock Exchange, the from language testing to teacher and operations for Tencent H&H Group is a global leader in training. Building on his initial Artificial Intelligence Lab across premium nutrition and wellness teacher education, he completed their two locations in Shenzhen, with 4 internationally renowned his master’s degree in statistics China and Seattle, USA. Tencent brands: Swisse (from Australia), at Uppsala University, Sweden AI Lab was established in Healthy Times (from USA), in 2013 on the EU’s Erasmus 2016 and focuses on both the Biostime and Dodie (from France). Mundus scholarship. Prior to development of AI applications that, he also pursued two-year as well as the advancement of Born and raised in Guangzhou, postgraduate study in English fundamental research in the she graduated from Sun Yet- Literature at Sichuan University, areas of Computer Vision, Speech Sen University with a master China. Recognition, NLP and Machine in biology. In the H&H Group, Learning. Si is passionate about Moon is responsible for the H&H Ting’s teaching experience has technology, artificial intelligence, Group’s media communication involved delivery of multiple and the innovative applications of and public relations. Moon is international qualifications, these new technologies. passionate about advancing namely Advanced Placement (AP), Australia-China relations through International Baccalaureate (IB), Prior to joining Tencent, Si was her day to day involvements Cambridge International A Level a Senior Strategy and M&A with the Swisse brand, the Sino- and Swedish National Curriculum. Manager at Telstra, where she led Australia economic tie and people Over the past decade, he worked a number of international strategy to people engagement. at secondary schools in Chengdu, and projects across Australia, Stockholm and Beijing, always at China and North Asia. She also Moon has strong understanding the forefront of global educational worked at L.E.K. Consulting in and insights of the health reform and innovation. He is Australia and the UK, delivering industry and cross border trade currently at the final stage strategy and implementation and investment between the two of becoming an Accredited projects across sectors such nations. She speaks Mandarin, Cambridge trainer. as retail, finance, healthcare, Cantonese and English. building products and private equity. ALLEN CLAYTON-GREENE TRACY JIN CUI Chinese delegate GEORGINA DOWNER Monash Australian delegate University Fellow Australian Born and raised in the most delegate Allen Clayton-Greene received ancient Chinese capital city his LLM degree from New York Xi’an, Tracy travelled to Australia Georgina Downer is an Adjunct University School of Law in on a full scholarship to study Fellow at the Institute of Public 2014, and his combined BA/ Geographic Information Science Affairs. Georgina has extensive LLB (Hons) degree from The at the University of New South experience in foreign policy, most University of Melbourne in Wales. After spending 8 years in recently as the Director of Asialink 2007. After graduation from the Australia, most recently working Diplomacy at the University of University of Melbourne, Allen as National Training Manager at Melbourne. Previously, she was worked as a litigation attorney NGIS, a top tier GIS consulting a diplomat at the Australian with Australian law firm, Allens company, Tracy is currently Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, and Arthur Robinson. In 2012, Allen pursuing a Master’s degree at occupied various positions at the was awarded an Australian the University of Oxford seeking Department of Foreign Affairs Government Endeavor Executive solutions to the future of low and Trade in Canberra. Georgina Award fellowship, through which carbon development for smart and has also worked as a corporate he undertook field work in China resilient cities. lawyer at Minter Ellison Lawyers with Walmart, and research with in Melbourne, and as a researcher consulting firm China Policy. Upon At NGIS, Tracy was the first for US Senator Chuck Hagel and graduation from NYU School of female training manager in the the Baroness Howe of Idlicote in Law, Allen was a visiting scholar company’s history. She has led the House of Lords, UK. with the U.S.-Asia Law Institute international capacity building and worked as China Law Officer programs to the Maldives and Georgina regularly appears on with the NGO Human Rights in Greenland and has won together television, radio and in print as China. Allen currently works as with the NGIS team, an UN award a commentator on Australian a Research Scholar at the U.S.- for mapping in the Pacific Islands. politics and foreign policy. She is Asia Law Institute at New York a member of the Victorian Liberal University School of Law with In 2012, Tracy established the Party’s Administrative Committee Professors Jerome Cohen and Ira Western Australia chapter and a director of the Indigenous Belkin. Allen is fluent in Mandarin of the Australia-China Young arts project, The Torch. and his research interests Professionals Initiative, working include Chinese criminal law closely with WA governments, Georgina has degrees in and procedure, digital and cyber- businesses and think tanks on Commerce and Law from the security, constitutional law and important exchanges of the University of Melbourne. international human rights law. Australia-China relationship.


MARGARET FORREST Australian SARAH GUO Chinese delegate FERGUS HUNTER Australian delegate delegate Sarah is a Chinese national who Margaret is a barrister in Level currently live in Sydney, Australia. Fergus Hunter is a political Twenty Seven Chambers in Sarah was educated in the top reporter for The Sydney Morning Brisbane and has previously universities in Beijing, Hong Herald, The Age and other worked in the office of the Kong and the U.S. and has been Fairfax Media titles. Based in Commonwealth Attorney-General, practising law in the international the press gallery at Parliament Senator the Hon George Brandis business market for the last House, Canberra, Fergus has QC. Margaret holds a Bachelor eight years. She is currently a reported on politics and policy of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts senior attorney at an international across foreign affairs, national (Chinese) from the University of company in Australia covering security, the environment, Queensland. She holds a Master the company’s commercial education, Indigenous affairs and of Philosophy in Criminology from transactions in Australia and immigration. the University of Cambridge where APAC. she wrote her dissertation on the Fergus’ professional interests topic, ‘Radicalisation via social Sarah is fluent in three languages, include the strategic and media and terrorism’. including English, Mandarine and economic impacts of climate Cantonese. She is passionate change, Australia’s navigation After completing her Arts about promoting China-Australia of its relationships with China degree in Mandarin Chinese national relationships. and the United States, American and undertaking several trips to politics, Middle East politics, China, Margaret has developed reconciliation between Australia’s an appreciation of and affection Indigenous and non-Indigenous for the language and culture of people, and the effects of the China. She maintains her interest internet and social media on in Australia-China affairs through political and social discourse. her membership of the Brisbane Branch of the Australia China He was highly commended for Young Professionals Initiative. breaking news coverage in the Melbourne Press Club’s 2016 She is currently a member of Quill Awards. In 2014, he toured the LNP’s Foreign Affairs Policy the US as a fellow of the State Committee and the Law and Department’s Edward R Murrow Justice Policy Committee and is Program for Journalists. the Chair of LNP Brisbane City. LIAM KEARNEY New Colombo YAN LI Chinese delegate ANNA LIN ACFEA Fellow Plan Fellow Australian delegate Australian delegate Ms Yan Li is a Senior Project Liam is the Australian Officer for the China Health Anna is currently Consul Government’s 2017 New Colombo Program (CHP), at La Trobe (Commercial) and Trade Plan Fellow (China) based in University (LTU). Her passion and Commissioner at the Australian Shanghai. The New Colombo commitment is for developing Consulate-General in Guangzhou. Plan is the government’s and enhancing inter-cultural In this role she leads a team of signature initiative to deepen strategy through Australia-China business development managers Australia’s engagement in the partnerships. Her role at CHP is assisting business from Australia Indo-Pacific through supporting to build strong partnerships and and China to achieve commercial undergraduates to undertake networks with LTU and Chinese outcomes. study and internships in the high-profile institutions through region. Each host-location’s top organizing China-related research Anna is a specialist in trade and ranked scholar recognised as a projects, teaching collaboration investment facilitation and has fellow. and Healthcare reform workshops assisted Australian companies which bringing together key health across multiple sectors in Liam is passionate about the care professionals and managers international market selection, Chinese economy and financial from China and Australia to share business development and sector, especially in the context experiences and solutions. marketing strategies. of e-commerce for development, and plans to undertake research The La Trobe Partnership Strategy A key part of her current in the area at Shanghai Jiaotong focuses strongly on improving responsibilities is developing Antai School of Economics and connections between the increased collaboration between Management, assisted by the university and Chinese universities China and Australia in the health New Colombo Plan. He hopes at every level: creating new and medical sectors and leading that lessons from China’s digital relationships and strengthening work to identify opportunities for financial services and cashless their capability to engage greater cooperation in film and explosion can serve as a guide effectively. These connections associated digital technologies. to developing countries in will not only enrich LTU’s cultural modernising their own financial fabric, but they are a necessary Prior to her posting in China, systems. foundation for realizing the Anna served as Consul and Trade potential teaching and research Commissioner in Dubai, United Liam has previously lived in benefits of the partnership Arab Emirates. Beijing (2011), Hangzhou (2015) and Shanghai (2017).


RENAE LIANG Australian delegate FAYE LU Chinese delegate ERIK MARR Australian delegate

Renae works on policy and Faye Lu is currently running Erik is an experienced teacher and external affairs at Jemena, an the international business global educator passionate about Australian energy company development center for New Hope promoting Asia literacy in schools. majority owned by China’s State Group, one of the largest family Based in Hobart, Erik is founding Grid. Prior to this she worked at owned private company in China. Head of Chinese at the Hutchins the Australian Competition and She is responsible on setting School, one of Australia’s oldest Consumer Commission and at the up and managing international and most prestigious schools Treasury, including in its China offices for the group around the for boys. In this role, he has led Policy Unit and the secretariat to world, including Australia. Under a range of curriculum initiatives the Foreign Investment Review the strategy of going global by tailored to enhance students’ Board. She advised ministers being local, Faye’s work is also intercultural competencies and and senior government officials about bridging the cultural and global citizenship, with a focus on on a range of policy, economic, business gaps. China and the Chinese-speaking trade and investment issues— world. including the China-Australia Free Prior to her experience with New Trade Agreement. She is also a Hope, she was working in Africa Erik started his teaching career co-founder of Gradvantage, an on a development aid Project on on the remote Christmas Island employment services startup. the financial system of Mauritania. where his passion for providing a globally oriented education to Born in Guangxi Zhuang She obtained 3 master degrees children in regional Australia Autonomous Region, she during 2010-2013 in Financial sprang up. Since then he has has spent considerable time Management, International taught and inspired hundreds of studying, teaching English and Business and Development students from non-metropolitan travelling in Greater China. In Economics, respectively in China, schools. He is now working both a professional and personal Germany and France.Faye is also closely with the Hobart City capacity, she has an interest considered to be an interpreter, a Council on reciprocal educational in seeing the Australia-China teacher, and more importantly, a exchanges with two of Hobart’s relationship further develop story teller. She is using her free sister cities, Fuzhou and Xi’an. and strengthen. She takes a time to collect stories of people As a teacherpreneur who leads particular interest in potential related to certain social issues or and innovates whilst staying in opportunities for collaboration from a dying culture to give these the classroom, Erik co-founded between Australia and Greater issues a more humanistic touch. TasMandarin, a social enterprise China on common opportunities aiming to promote and facilitate and challenges language education. CAITIN MULLINS University of DEREK NG Macquiarie Fellow CURT SHI Chinese delegate Queensland Fellow Australian Chinese delegate delegate A veteran in the telecom, media Derek is a Vice President from and technology space, as well as Caitlin is a lawyer whose career to Macquarie Capital, specialising in the action sports sector, Curt date has taken her from Brisbane in the Asia real estate sector. He Shi is an experienced early stage to Beijing and Hong Kong, and, joined Macquarie Capital in 2010 investor and VC fund manager, currently, Copenhagen. She as an Analyst and has a strong focusing on the complex but advises primarily on banking understanding of Macquarie massive opportunities in China. and finance and corporate Capital capabilities. Derek is One of his recent successful transactions, having acted actively involved in the principal cross-border investments is for multiple large financial investment activities in the Catapult Sports which was listed institutions, including those based Greater China Real Estate sector, on the ASX (CAT) Dec 2014 (20X in both Australia and in China. his primary roles include platform return in 18 months). Currently While working for King & Wood establishment, capital raising and Curt is the founding partner of Mallesons in Hong Kong, acquisitions. He has also executed two VC funds: Imprint Capital a range of public and private Partners in Beijing and Follow Caitlin’s interest in China started transactions in the region. [The] Seed in Sydney. Through at the age of 12 in a humid these two venture capital vehicles, Queensland classroom. That Prior to joining Macquarie, Derek Curt’s main focus is to support its initial interest deepened with worked at Morgan Stanley Real Australia partners and portfolios her discovery of dumplings and Estate Investment in Shanghai. find suitable Chinese partners, jianbing, and, following her first build their businesses and achieve visit to China in 2004, she has Derek received a Bsc. Economics financial market exits through IPO been back at least once a year degree from University College and M&A. since to work, study, and spend London. Derek was born in Hong time volunteering at several Kong, he had his secondary For his professional performance, orphanages around China. education in the HK, and now Curt was the 2016 winner of “CPA During each trip to China, she spends more than half of his time Australia - Australia China Alumni traveled widely, interacted with travelling in China. Award for Banking and Finance” a variety of people, during one by Australia China Alumni particularly memorable Chinese Association and a finalist for the New Year celebration ate over “Innovation and Entrepreneurship 100 dumplings, and improved her Alumni Award” by Western Sydney Chinese language skills along the University for 2017. way.


MICHAEL SU Australian delegate MARTIN SYMONDS Australian CATHERINE TEO Corrs Chamber delegate Westgarth Fellow Australian Michael is a senior strategy delegate manager at Tencent, responsible Martin is passionate about for devising and executing improving the world through Catherine is a corporate lawyer strategic initiatives for Tencent’s government policies that are with over 9 years’ experience Online Media business group, forward-looking, sustainable and working in the corporate advisory including, but not limited to, equitable. His strong interest practice group at Australian law content and IP strategy, product in Sino-Australian relations firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth. strategy and internationalisation. has been fostered by China’s Prior to joining Tencent, Michael fascinating culture and history, As an active member of the was a Project Director at Pingan and strategic role in our region. Corrs China Business Group, backed real estate services Catherine’s practice focuses on platform start-up Haofang, based Martin has almost 15 years of advising clients in relation to in Shanghai, where he lead the international policy expertise in Australian legal corporate matters Rental Properties BU and the the public and private sectors. including Chinese investment Overseas Properties BU. As Assistant Director Regional into Australia through cross- Strategy in the Australian border mergers and acquisitions Michael was born in Beijing and Department of Defence, he is and initial public offerings. This later immigrated to Australia responsible for providing policy international experience was where he completed his studies advice on strategic challenges, further strengthened during a and joined global management focused on the Indo-Pacific one year secondment in New York consulting firm McKinsey & region. He is also leading the working at international law firm Company, during which he review and update to the classified Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher travelled extensively across Defence White Paper. & Flom LLP in the mergers and Asia, Europe and Africa, and acquisitions practice group. worked across a whole range of Martin was the international industries ranging from traditional policy adviser to the Chief of With over ten years studying manufacturing and resources, to Joint Operations in 2016, and Mandarin at the Sydney Chinese TMT and high-tech. immediately prior he was posted School, Catherine is keen to to China for Mandarin language strengthen her ties to China Michael is passionate about how training. Martin holds a Master of through developing a deeper China will contribute to the region Arts: Strategic Studies and Master understanding of the economic, and to the world. of Diplomacy from ANU, has cultural and political ties that exist studied at Georgetown University between Australia and China. and the University ofNSW. YEN TAN Chinese delegate RACHEL WALTERS Australian WANG DUOXIAO Victorian delegate Government Fellow China Fellow Yen is an Executive Director Australian delegate at Goldman Sachs Investment Rachel combines expertise in Banking Division. She provides entrepreneurship, business Mr Wang Duoxiao, also known bespoke research and market management and strategy as Terry Wang, is the Education driven ideas to deal teams, with with a strong drive to build a Services Manager at Victoria a focus on natural resources smarter, kinder, more innovative Government Business Office and financial institutions. Yen relationship between Australia (VGBO) in Chengdu. He took this was a participant of Women’s and the world. position since July 2014, soon Career Strategies Initiatives, after the establishment of the a 6-month cross-divisional Her passion for China was 5th VGBO in China. For the past career management programme ignited during an exchange in three years, Terry was actively designed to promote development Kunming in China’s South West, involved in the profiling and for a selective group of women in where she completed a Masters promoting the Study Melbourne the firm. degree in International Studies brand and leveraging high level with a China Major. She was government relations to strength Yen was born and raised in Hong awarded a scholarship to study people to people exchange Kong. Her strong ties to Australia the MBA program at Tsinghua between Victoria and China. With started when she travelled University in Beijing in 2007, and the joint efforts between Sichuan around the country on a working is an Asialink Leaders Alumnus. Provincial Government and holiday visa at the age of 20. Rachel has always sought to grow State Government of Victoria, a She went back to Hong Kong to her connection with China. Her milestone sister-state relationship complete a Bachelor of Business work has involved managing the was established in September Administration with double majors multi-million dollar relationship 2016. Terry contributed to this in Finance and Marketing at the between UTS:INSEARCH and strategic relationship by linking a University of Hong Kong. Yen its Chinese education agencies. number of Victoria organizations then started her career as an She Co-Founded the China with Sichuan University, Chengdu M&A banker at Morgan Stanley. Australia Millennial Project, a Museum, Chengdu Panda The role offered extensive cross- major bilateral business incubator Breeding Centre, Tennis School broader transactional experience for young leaders from both program,etc, which makes in China and Southeast Asia, but countries. As CAMP’s Director him very proud of. Terry is also her heart was never far from of Partnerships and General passionate about the educational Australia. Yen decided to bring her Manager, she raised the seed exchange between Victoria and skills to Australia and migrated in funding to make CAMP a reality China and lead on many students 2012. mobility program.


ALEX WESTCOMBE Australian TIANHONG WU Australian STANLEY YU ANZ Fellow Chinese delegate delegate delegate

Alex is the Second Secretary Hong is a doctor at the Royal tanley is currently working as (Political) at the Australian Melbourne Hospital who is Director of Institutional banking in Embassy in Beijing. He arrived in specialising in adult internal Australia & New Zealand Banking Beijing in January 2015 and after medicine, with aspirations in Group (“ANZ). He joined ANZ as completing intensive Mandarin gastroenterology. She is an a Management Trainee and has language training began a three active advocate for clinical served the bank for more than 8 year posting in the Australian leadership, governance, education years. He is a senior relationship Embassy’s Political Section. and trainees well-being and manager based in Beijing covering Alex has worked on a broad is a trainee representative major Utility & Infrastructure range of issues in the Australia- on several committees of the and High-Tech clients. Stanley China bilateral relationship Royal Australasian College of has led several key cross border and on China’s external foreign Physicians. Her passion in global transactions (including Merger & policy focusing on China’s role and public health has led to Acquisition, Bond issuance, and as a global security actor and medical volunteering in rural Loan Syndication) with a number approach to multilateral fora. Alex and remote Nepal and leading of ANZ network countries, i.e. also leads on the Australia-China a WHO-appointed Emergency Australia, New Zealand, Hong High Level Dialogue in Beijing Medical Team during the 2015 Kong, Singapore, Europe and and contributes to the Embassy’s Nepal earthquake. She is Pacific Countries. He is an youth engagement agenda. Since currently pursuing a Masters experienced banker with a deep starting at Australia’s Department degree in Clinical Epidemiology in understanding of the business of Foreign Affairs and Trade addition to working full time and dynamics between China and in 2012, he has also worked in undertaking Physician Training. Australia. Ministerial Liaison and Cyber Originally a Beijing native, she is Policy. proficient in Mandarin Chinese, As ANZ’s Senior Relationship English and Spanish. She is Manager for State Grid Alex studied International involved in the Melbourne China Corporation of China (“State Relations and International Exchange program at Melbourne Grid”), the state-owned electric Business at the Australian Medical School, and has ongoing utility monopoly in China and one National University and recently interests in advancing medical of the largest utility companies completed further study through training and practice in both China in the world, Stanley has led the London School of Economics and Australia through open- several major acquisition finance and Peking University Summer mindedness, collaboration and transactions in Australia and School. innovation. Europe for the client. BAOYU ZHANG Chinese delegate LIN ZHANG University of ZHANG TIANZE Chinese delegate Melbourne Fellow Chinese Baoyu is a journalist with China delegate Mr Zhang Tianze is a candidate Youth Daily in Beijing. She pursing his Master degree in specializes in living conditions of Dr. Lin Zhang, Ph.D. candidate at Public Law in the University Chinese youth, new media and Melbourne School of Population College London.He received his technology for social innovations. and Global Health, University of Bachelor of Law and Bachelor Her latest research project was Melbourne(UoM), is currently of Economics at Shenzhen on Chinese youth who are starting conducting his Ph.D. research University. He also studied in a business as we know mass in colorectal cancer screening Helderberg University as well entrepreneurship and innovation. strategy in Asian countries. as Munich University (LMU) in Lin is passionate in developing German Law, European Law Baoyu holds a Bachelor of law healthcare collaboration between and Public International Law. from the Sichuan University, and Australia and China, and keen Before joining UCL, he worked completed exchange semesters to promote colorectal cancer as a lawyer in an international at Taiwan University. At that time, prevention strategy in China with law firm, with expertise in the she led a team of volunteers to his experience acquired from IDR (International Dispute develop psychological counseling Australian cancer prevention. Resolution) and ADR (Alternative service in 2008 Wenchuan Dispute Resolution). He also earthquake stricken area. Prior to University of Melbourne, worked for UNESCO for half a Additionally, she volunteered Lin was working in Peking year. In 2015, he was selected as with some NGOs in Beijing, such Union Medical College Hospital a finalist for Rhodes Scholarship. as Beijing Hongdandan Visual (PUMCH), a top tertiary hospital in In 2016, he participated the Rehabilitation Center where she China, for 7 years (2009-2016). Lin NATO Riga Conference as a tell about a movie story to the completed his clinical residency Youth Delegate. His professional blind. in Internal Medicine (2009-2011) interest focuses on International and Pathology (2011-2013) before relationship. Initiated forming She takes a particular interest specialized in chemical pathology many diplomatic societies, he in potential opportunities for (2014-2016). During this period, worked as a coordinator and held collaboration between Australia Lin published 31 peer-reviewed many diplomatic forums/lectures and Greater China on education. papers, 3 books in academic in Berlin and London presented by She hopes to gain deeper insights medical research along with his embassadors and professionals. into the importance and influence colleagues, and being the main Besides Public International of the bilateral ties through author of a medical history book Law, his academic interests also getting more involved in the “Western Medicine in a Chinese include comparative civil law and people-to-people exchanges. Palace”. law and economics.


JAN ADAMS AO PSM Ambassador CAROL ALLEN CEO, Sapphire AMANDA BARRY Founding to China International Holdinds Director, Australian National University’s China Liaison Office Ms Adams is Australia’s Carol joined the Sapphire Group Ambassador to the People’s Board in 2003 and in 2015 Dr Amanda Barry is the founding Republic of China and took up her became the CEO of Sapphire Director of the Australian National appointment in February 2016. International Holdings to oversee University’s China Liaison the international strategy and Office, and is responsible for Ms Adams is a senior career operation. Carol has also been a deepening and strengthening officer with the Department of director of the BlueCross Board the ANU’s China engagement Foreign Affairs and Trade. She since 2005 until 2016. From 2006 across research, teaching and was appointed Deputy Secretary to 2015, Carol was BlueCross’ learning and student exchange. in April 2013 with responsibility CEO and Executive Director. Amanda was previously Director for trade and economic issues. In She was responsible for the of Academics at The Beijing this role she was chief negotiator operations of Residential and Center, a research, education and overseeing conclusion of Free Care at Home services, marketing study abroad program at Beijing’s Trade Agreements with China, and human resources. With more University of International Korea and Japan. Previously, than 30 years’ experience in the Business and Economics. Ms Adams was First Assistant community sector Carol’s passion Secretary, Free Trade Agreement is to change the way aged care is Amanda holds an award-winning Division. delivered; She has now formed Ph.D. in Indigenous history from a team of highly committed and the University of Melbourne and Ms Adams served as Ambassador experienced managers who share has published, presented and for the Environment and her vision and are working with taught internationally. Since Ambassador for Climate Change her to take this vision into China. moving to Beijing in 2005 she between 2005 and 2008, and as has worked in higher education, Minister Counsellor (Trade) in On 16 May 2017 Sapphire Holdings cultural diplomacy, business Washington from 2000 to 2004. Group and Sungin, a subsidiary consulting and the arts including company of the Fosun Group, at the Australian Embassy, Peking Raised in Wodonga, Victoria, she signed a JV agreement at the University, the Foundation for holds Bachelor of Economics Shanghai Bund Financial Centre Australian Studies in China and (Hons) and Bachelor of Law on 16 May 2017. Carols holds The Beijing Center. Amanda has (Hons) degrees from Monash a Bachelor of Education and a a particular interest in the career University, and is married with Graduate Diploma in Research development and mentoring of one child. and Development. young people and is active in women’s mentoring in Beijing MATHEW BENJAMIN CEO & Co- CRAIG BOYCE Head of School, TRISTA BROHIER Vice President founder, AsiaRecon KaiWen Academy Chaoyang Coal, Mitsubishi Development Ltd Beijing Mathew is CEO and Co-founder Trista has 23 years Executive of AsiaRecon. Mathew works with Bilingual Australian/New Management experience in a technology backed companies Zealand international educator diverse range of industries, to help them secure capital, with over 30 years experience including mining, manufacturing customers and strategic partners and four masters degrees. After and pharmaceutical. across India, Indonesia, China, beginning my work life as an Singapore, Hong Kong and engineer, then a time studying As well as other qualifications, Taiwan. theology, I travelled to Beijing Trista is a Certified Practicing China to learn Chinese. Following Accountant; she holds a Master Before this, Mathew worked in the explorations in the diplomatic of Commercial Law, and a Senior real estate funds management field and journalism, I decided to Executive Master of Business industry for five years, working make a career in education. This Administration from the University across the areas of research, began in Beijing, was significantly of Melbourne. portfolio management, and developed in Hong Kong, and now strategy. He has also held roles takes place back in Beijing where Completing her career at Ford with the University of Sydney I am deeply involved in exploring Australia as the Program Business School, the Australia how a bilingual education in Controller of Production China Business Council, the Lowy Chinese and English can find Development, Trista joined Sigma Institute for International Policy, meaningful expression for both Pharmaceuticals as Commercial and National Australia Bank Asia. Chinese nationals and ‘foreign’ Manager and then Divisional CFO. Mathew is interested in unlocking students. As head of a school cross-border opportunities this involves the need to, as the In early 2009 she entered the between Australia & Asia across Delphic maxim simply states, mining industry with Leighton the TMT and high tech space. “know thyself,” then to understand Contractors as Group Commercial and respect others, and cultivate Director. Trista moved to the appreciation for the multifaceted Minerals and Metals Group (MMG) nature and influence of context as Project Director, GM Strategy, and culture. and then GM Commercial. Trista joined BHP Billiton Mitsubishi in 2014, and recently been appointed as the Vice President Coal at Mitsubishi Development Ltd.


SHUPEI CHEN Manager, GUO HONGYU Program Manager, JUSTIN HOWDEN Global Head of Australian Trade and Investment Greenovation Hub Government Affairs and Industry Commission Development, H&H Group Greenovation Hub (GHUB) is Shupei is currently working an environmental Think-Do Over the last 5 years Justin as a Business Development organization with a global outlook. has built and led Swisse’s Manager for the Australian Trade GUO Hongyu works with GHUB Government Affairs and Industry and Investment Commission as program manager. She is Development team and now (Austrade) in Beijing. As a mainly responsible for running leads this portfolio in H&H member of the Austrade China the climate communications Group. This includes global and Health and Services Team, project, to promote positive local public policy contribution Shupei uses her extensive narratives of climate action and on health, trade, innovation, knowledge of local markets to energy transition. She used to advanced manufacturing policies help Australian companies in be an employee communications and the development of the the health and aged care sectors specialist in Intel China Ltd., strategic science program of export their products and services before which she worked full validation and clinical trials with to the Middle Kingdom. Shupei time in China-Europa Forum as CSIRO, SWINBURNE and Peking focuses her work on identifying a Workshop Coordinator. She Universities. The team also opportunities in Chinese markets received her MA degree in English leads the groups’ sustainability for Australian companies, and American Literatures from program, and the Celebrate Life maintaining relationships with Beijing Foreign Studies University. Foundation, the community arm of central government, municipal Swisse. Justin entered marketing government and key industry at FMCG leader Kraft Foods, then bodies, and facilitating Australia- State Manager Meadow Lea, China partnerships in China. National Marketing Manager for Bonlac/Fonterra ultimately Shupei has played a lead role as Regional Manager Asia for in organising Australian aged Fonterra. As an ‘intrapreneur’ care business missions to China, he revived and established new including the inaugural Australia- business divisions and has led China International Aged Care teams across emerging markets Summit in 2015 - the largest ever such as China, ASEAN and the health and aged care mission to Middle East. China. DAN HU Assistant Professor, KUANGHAN LI Director, Global XIAOQIN LI Senior Economist, Beijing Foreign Studies University Heritage Fund Teck Resources (BFSU) Kuanghan Li joined Global Dr. Xiaoqin Li is a Senior Ms. HU Dan teaches “Australian Heritage Fund in 2008 and Economist with Teck Resources, Economy and Its Economic currently serves as the Canada’s largest diversified Relations with China”, “Legal Director of the China Heritage mining company. She regularly Translation”, “Interpretation” Program, managing all of GHF’s advises the company’s board and other BA and MA courses conservation Projects in China of directors and senior at the School of English and where she works closely with management on Chinese and International Studies. Her public and private partners Indian macroeconomic issues, course “Australian Economy and the local communities on providing insights in formulating and Its Economic Relations with planning, conservation and the company’s strategic decision China”, the only course in China development issues. Before making processes. featuring Australian economy, joining GHF, Han has worked compares Australian and Chinese as a consultant to the Getty Prior to joining Teck Resources, economies and regulatory Conservation Institute’s China Dr. Li was China Economist systems and examines key issues Principles Project, and has with Wood Mackenzie’s in bilateral economic relations extensive experience with various Macroeconomics Team. Utilizing like trade, investment and FTA. architectural design and historic her over a decade of experience She has been doing research preservation projects in the US, in macroeconomic research on China-Australia relations, India, France, Morocco, and China. and analysis, she provided especially on the economic front. Han holds a BA in architectural leading corporate clients with Her PhD thesis examines China’s studies from the National unique insights in public policy, investment in Australia during the University of Singapore, a Masters macroeconomic environment and Labor government and the latter’s degree in historic preservation their business implications. Dr. FDI policy and approach towards and an Advanced Certificate Li also worked at the Conference China. in Architectural Conservation Board China Center. There, and Site Management from the she was the resident expert on Ms. Hu was delegate to the 2015 University of Pennsylvania, and long-term economic growth and China Australia Millennial Project is currently a Ph. D. candidate productivity performance. (CAMP) ChAFTA Thinktank, at Peking University in cultural exploring opportunities and heritage conservation. Xiaoqin holds a PhD in challenges faced by businesses Management & Economics from with the signing of Free Trade Beihang University. Agreement.


JASON YAT-SEN LI Chairman, SHANZHEN LUO Director, CHJ MINGYAN MA Independent Vantage Asia Holdings Care Consultant

Jason has over 20 years Shanzhen is from CHJ Care, Mingyan “Ophelia” Ma is an experience in law, corporate one of the leading senior living independent consultant focused finance and general management investment and operation on international education in Australia, the US and China. He management company in Beijing. innovation. Born and raised in is currently Chairman of Vantage Shanghai, she has lived in the Asia Holdings, a commercial Shanzhen is now leading an United States as well as Israel, group with interests in resources, innovative project called LEZHI and has worked for schools, financial services and technology for CHJ, who concentrates on policy research organizations businesses in Asia. building a person-centered, full- and non-profits, most recently ranged and integrated care model as the Director of Curriculum Jason is a Director of the George for the people suffering from Development at Beijing No.4 Institute for Global Health and a a variety of neurodegenerative High School. Her passion is to member of the Sydney Committee diseases including Alzheimer’s develop global citizens through of the Australian Chamber disease and Parkinson’s disease teaching, curriculum design and Orchestra, as well as an advisory etc. LEZHI is determined to be a cross-sectoral innovation. Ophelia panel member of the Australian one-stop-shop solution provider holds a B.A. Asian Studies from Turf Club. He was previously for the people with dementia and Pomona College and an M.Ed. Vice Chair of the Australia- Parkinson’s disease in China in in International Education Policy China Chamber of Commerce in the soon future, from the Harvard Graduate School Beijing, a Governing Member of of Education. the Smith Family and a Director Shanzhen holds 11 years’ of the Sydney Institute and the experience in senior living and National Centre for Volunteering. witnessed the rapid growth In 2009, Jason was named a and enormous changes in this Young Global Leader of the World industry. She is passionate about Economic Forum in Davos, and transforming the traditional currently serves on the World senior living model into the new Economic Forum’s Global Agenda social care model, not limited in Council for China. Jason was also physical, also including social, Australia’s Eisenhower Fellow in psychological, and spiritual. 2002. Shanzhen is also a columnist for the Paper ( MA TIANJIE Managing Editor, EDWIN MAHER Former News JEN MASON Political Counsellor, China Dialogue Anchor, CCTV Australian Embassy Beijing

Ma Tianjie is China Dialogue A quirk of fate brought Edwin Jen Mason has served as Political managing editor in Beijing. Before Maher to China in 2003 and within Counsellor at the Australian joining China Dialogue in 2015, nine months he had made history, Embassy Beijing since June he was Greenpeace’s Program becoming the first non-Asian 2016, covering the Australia- Director for Mainland China. face to read prime-time news on China bilateral relationship and Chinese state TV. China’s foreign policy. She is While at Greenpeace, he was a a career foreign service officer regular commentator on China’s A broadcast journalist for most with previous postings in the environmental challenges of his working life, Maher was political team in Seoul, covering contributing to a range of media a highly recognised personality the DPRK and ROK foreign policy organizations. across networks of the Australian and domestic politics from 2006 to Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 2010, and the public affairs team He holds a master’s degree in Melbourne for more than 20 in Beijing from 2013 to 2015. in environmental policy from years. His unique presentation of American University, Washington the weather added to his fame. Ms Mason has previously held D.C. a range of roles in Canberra, including as foreign policy adviser to former Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd in 2011-12, covering North Asia, the Pacific, regional architecture and climate change. She served in Australia’s climate change negotiating team at the Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in Cancun in 2010, and wrote the strategy for Australia’s UN Security Council term in 2012. Ms Mason holds a double degree in law and Asian studies from the Australian National University. She speaks Mandarin and Korean.


JONATHAN MILTON Assistant DR. GEOFF RABY Chairman & LISA RENKIN Deputy Defence Attaché, Australian CEO, Geoff Raby & Associates Commissioner, Victoria State Embassy Beijing Government Dr. Geoff Raby was Australia’s Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Ambassador to China from 2007 Lisa Renkin took up her Milton joined the Navy in 2003, to 2011. Following completion of appointment as the Deputy serving in a variety of positions as his Ambassadorial term, after Commissioner for Victoria in a Maritime Warfare Officer. 27 years in the public service, China in April 2017. Based in mostly with DFAT, he resigned Chengdu, Lisa supports the Lieutenant Commander Milton to establish Geoff Raby and Commissioner and represents has served as Weapons Officer Associates Ltd. Victoria’s interests in China, Hong HMAS Gascoyne, Navigator Kong and Taiwan. Hunter Two, a Mine-Hunter Dr. Raby also holds a number rotational crew and as Executive of non-executive, independent Lisa has worked in strategic and Officer Assail 2, an Armidale director positions with ASX-listed technical leadership roles in China Class Patrol Boat rotational crew. companies, i.e. OceanaGold , since 2003, managing teams and In 2009 Lieutenant Commander Yancoal and iSentia. Dr. Raby establishing commercial and Milton posted to Headquarters was appointed to the Investment program structures in both the Northern Command as a Current Attraction South Australia mainland and in Hong Kong SAR. Operations (J33) desk officer Advisory Board on 29 March, before moving to the role of Staff 2016. In China, Dr. Raby serves Before taking up this role with Officer to Commander Northern as Co-Chair of Corrs Chambers the Victorian Government, Lisa Command. In 2012, Lieutenant Westgarth’s China practice. was Manager of International Commander Milton posted to Initiatives and Head of the China Headquarters Joint Operations He is head of Trade Policy at the program for the Burnet Institute, Command as a Global Operations London-based think-tank Policy leading the development and Planning (J35G) desk officer with Exchange. implementation of an integrated a primary role of managing ADF public health and biotech initiative commitment to UN operations. Dr. Raby is a member of the non- with an emphasis upon Western for-profit Advance Global Advisory China. Lieutenant Commander Milton is Board, University of Sydney’s married to Ashleigh. Their hobbies China Studies Center Advisory Lisa was also Vice President of the include various outdoor pursuits Board, La Trobe University Victorian branch of the Australia and motorsport. Asia Advisory Board, and the China Business Council (ACBC) Foundation of the National Gallery and chair of its Health & Medical of Victoria. Research working group. MAREE RINGLAND Public HUW SLATER Research Manager, MARK TANNER Founder and Affairs and Culture Counsellor, China Carbon Forum Managing Director of China Skinny Australian Embassy Beijing Huw Slater is China Carbon Mark Tanner is the founder and Ms Maree Ringland took up her Forum’s Research Manager. managing director of Shanghai- role as Counsellor, Public Affairs He is the co-author of the 2015 based China Skinny. Through his and Culture, at the Australian and 2017 China Carbon Pricing agency he has worked with over Embassy in Beijing in February, Surveys, as well as publications 100 international brands on their 2016. This is her second time focusing on China’s carbon China marketing strategy and living and working in China. She emissions targets, carbon execution. His views on the China first came to Beijing in 1999 as market development, coal power market have been quoted by more a language trainee preparing to overcapacity, the ‘war on pollution’ than 200 international media work on energy and resources and climate change adaptation outlets and he regularly provides issues in the Economic Section policy. He has spoken on behalf commentary in publications at the Australian Embassy as the of CCF at forums around China, such as Bloomberg, Reuters Second Secretary (2000-2004). as well as recently in Delhi, India. and Forbes. Mark was selected In addition, he manages CCF’s by Alibaba to anchor their In her 12 years in between stints regular expert panel discussions promotional video introducing in China, she worked on bilateral on low-carbon topics. Huw has Single’s Day in 2016. He authors trade negotiations with China been based in Beijing since the most read newsletter about (2005-2008), served as Deputy 2011, first working with Chinese marketing to China and is a Head of Mission at the Australian NGO Institute for Environment regular keynote speaker in both Embassy in Chile (2009-2012), and Development, and then China and internationally from edited the Department of Foreign conducting Masters research on Helsinki to Hong Kong and Affairs and Trade Annual Report carbon markets and the power Shanghai to Sydney and many (2013) and worked on more sector. Previously he worked with places in between. trade negotiations, this time with an Australian National University the Regional Comprehensive (ANU) research team, reporting Mark also brings an international Economic Partnership Agreement on Climate Change and Fiscal perspective to his views on the (RCEP) (2013-2015). Policy as part of the APEC Finance China market having lived and Ministers’ Policy Initiatives of worked in five continents. She has a Masters in International 2008. Huw has a Master of Asia Relations from Monash University Pacific Studies and a Master of and a Combined Asian Studies/ Climate Change from Australian Law Degree (with honours) from National University. the Australian National University.


GERALD THOMSON Deputy head LEONIE VALENTINE Managing HAROLD WELDON Board of Mission to China (People’s Director, Sales & Operations, Member, Australia China Council Republic of) Google Hong Kong Harold has more than thirty Mr Thomson is a senior career Leonie Valentine is Managing years’ experience as a respected officer with the Department of Director, Sales & Operations independent strategic advisor and Foreign Affairs and Trade. He of Google Hong Kong. She has trusted China specialist, drawing commenced as Deputy Head over 20 years of experience in on a background of engagement of Mission at the Australian marketing and sales, and has across a deep network of Embassy in China on 8 November served as Director of Customer commercial, cultural, and political 2016. Previously, he served Experience for Asia Pacific at spectrums within China. as Australia’s Ambassador to Google for the past two years. Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Recently awarded the 2017 Latvia (Jan 2013 to Sept 2016), Prior to joining Google, Leonie Special Book Award of China. This Counsellor (Political/Economic) at was Executive Vice President, prestigious national-level award the Australian High Commission Customer Service & Operations recognises lifetime achievement in Papua New Guinea (2005- at CSL Limited. Earlier, she held for international writers and 2008) and as Third Secretary the position of Chief of Staff for publishers for the promotion of (subsequently First Secretary) at Telstra International Group, and cultural exchange between China the Australian Embassy in China was a member of the Executive and the world. Administered (1995-1999). In Canberra, he was Leadership Team charged with by the State Administration of most recently Assistant Secretary, managing Telstra Corp’s business Press Publication Radio Film and North East Asia Branch 2010- growth and assets outside of Television, the award is given by 2012). Mr Thomson joined the Australia and New Zealand. the Vice Premier of China in the Department of Foreign Affairs as a Great Hall of the People, Beijing. Graduate in 1993. Leonie holds an Executive Certificate in Business Current Board Member, Australia Mr Thomson holds a Graduate Administration from the China Council Department Diploma in Foreign Affairs Australian Graduate School of of Foreign Affairs and Trade. and Trade from the Australian Entrepreneurship of Swinburne Australian Government National University, and a Master University, a Master’s Degree in of Business Administration, and a Communication Management Founder/Chief Executive Weldon Bachelor of Economics from the from the University of Technology, Global (Hkg/Beijing) Consulting. University of Western Australia. Sydney, and a Bachelor of Science He speaks Mandarin and Swedish. from Melbourne University. KEE WONG Founder, e-Centric PENG XI Associate Professor, ZHONG WEIYUN Director- Innovations Peking University General, International Department of CPC Central Committee Kee Wong is the founder and the Dr. Peng Xi is an associate Managing Director of e-Centric professor in College of Mr. Zhong Weiyun, born in 1965. Innovations, a management and Engineering, Peking University, Served as Director-General of technology consulting company China. His current research Bureau for North American, that provides strategic advice interests are focused on research Oceanian and Nordic Affairs, and systems integration services and development of optical super- International Department of CPC in e-business and IT for large resolution microscopy techniques. Central Committee (IDCPC) since enterprises and government He has published over 50 scientific January 2017. He graduated from in Australia, New Zealand, the papers in peer-reviewed journals the Department of History, Peking United States and SE Asia. including Nature, and holds 10 University with a master’s degree. issued invention patents, including In 1990, he started to work at Kee is currently the Chairman of 2 US patents. He is elected as a Bureau for African Affairs, IDCPC the AIIA Board. He also sits on senior member of OSA since 2015. and from 1993 to 1997, he was the Board of Directors of Asialink, His research is sponsored by the posted to Chinese embassy in Australian Services Roundtable National Science Foundation of Ethiopia as third secretary. From (ASR), Melbourne Symphony China, and Ministry of Science April 1997, he served successively Orchestra (MSO) and the Advisory and Technology in China. He is as Deputy Division Director, Board of the Australia-Malaysia on the editorial board of 5 SCI- Division Director, Deputy Director- Institute (AMI). indexed journals: Light: Science General and Director-General of and Applications, Scientific Bureau for African Affairs. Reports, Microscopy Research and Techniques, Micron, and Chinese Optics Letters. He has been invited to give many invited talks in international conferences hosted by OSA and SPIE.

He has been collaborated with Australia researchers from University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, University of Adelaide, and RMIT.


NATALIE COPE Chair CINDY GOTTINGER Partnerships BENJAMIN LEIGH Director Director Natalie is the CEO of the Australia Benjamin Leigh is an investor China Business Council (NSW) Cindy Gottinger is the client and entrepreneur based in where she is responsible for lead at Google responsible for Shanghai and Hong Kong. He supporting member companies increasing marketing efficiency assists Chinese families to make in their trade, investment and and effectiveness of large and manage real estate, direct business engagement with MNC in China. Recognised by private equity and other portfolio China. She has spent her career the technology industry as a investments outside of China. He focused on enhancing Australia’s young leader in her field, Cindy is also an advisor to SowAsia, a relationship with China and the possesses an appetite to explore Hong Kong based social impact Region. Prior to her role with new markets and gain deeper investor and accelerator. ACBC, Natalie was the Manager insights into the evolving trends of of Partnerships and Development Chinese consumers. He previously worked with at Asialink Business, Australia’s Macquarie Group’s real estate leading centre for building Asia With over fifteen years investment banking team in capability, public understanding involvement in the Australia China Sydney and Hong Kong, and of Asia, and appreciation of community, Cindy continues in Shanghai he assisted in the Australia’s role in the Asian to be an active participant launch and initial growth of a region. both in Australia and China. domestic Chinese trust company She is currently the Executive joint venture between Macquarie Natalie was Australia’s 2015 Director of Australia China and two SOEs, the Sino- Top Emerging Leader and Young Professional Initiative Australian International Trade and MBA Scholar, receiving the (ACYPI) in Greater China where Investment Company. 2015 Emerging Leaders MBA she successfully established a Scholarship by the University platform for young professionals Benjamin quit banking in 2010 of Sydney Business School to engage in bilateral discussions to become an entrepreneur. He and The Australian Financial and exchange. started a small chain of fast Review’s BOSS Magazine. She is food restaurants serving Asian the Ambassador of the Westpac Before joining Google, Cindy was food in his hometown, Brisbane, Bi-Centennial Foundation, Asian a brand manager at Volkswagen together with Chinese partners, Exchange Program and is a Group China. Cindy graduated and has now handed over founding member and current from Monash University in operational responsibilities to new Chair of the Australia-China Youth Australia with a Bachelor of management. Dialogue. Commerce and Arts majoring in economics, Chinese and German. JADE LITTLE Executive Director HENRY F. MAKEHAM Founder MICHAEL POWER Company Secretary Jade’s work experience has Henry F. Makeham is the Founder been focused on the resources and former Chair of the Board of Michael is a lawyer at King & industries. She is currently Directors of the Australia-China Wood Mallesons in Sydney. employed by BHP as a Mine Youth Dialogue. His primary areas of practice Planning Superintendent. are cross-border mergers & Previously, work for McKinsey He also co-founded the Australia- acquisitions and equity capital & Company involved her in the China Youth Association and markets. Prior to joining KWM, transformation services for mining, the Australia-China Young Michael worked as a researcher oil & gas and construction around Professionals Initiative. for a Sydney barrister and Australia, while work in Beijing for volunteered at the Centre for RungePincockMinarco engaged Henry graduated with double Asian and Pacific Law at the her managing technical reviews First Class Honours degrees in University of Sydney. used for Chinese SOEs listing their Law and Asian Studies from the global mining assets on the Hong Australian National University Michael’s interest in Sino- Kong or Toronto Stock Exchanges. and holds a Master of Laws from Australian affairs began with a Prior to Jade’s move to China, she Harvard Law School. At Harvard high school exchange program worked in Queensland and New Henry served as a Managing to Beijing in 2006. He became South Wales as a mining engineer. Editor of the Harvard Business fascinated with Chinese language Law Review. and culture and has since Jade holds a Doctor of Philosophy returned for work and study in (Mining Engineering), a Bachelor Henry is resident in New York Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. of Engineering (Mining) and a and works as an M&A Associate Bachelor of Arts (Chinese) from with Linklaters LLP. He currently Michael holds a Bachelor of Laws the University of Queensland. She serves on the advisory board of and Bachelor of Commerce from also has a Master of Science in the University of Sydney’s China the University of Sydney. He is Global Finance jointly awarded by Studies Centre. a competitive tennis player and Hong Kong University of Science spent six months coaching at a and Technology and New York tennis academy in China while University’s Stern Business studying Mandarin at Beijing School. She is a member of UQ’s Language & Culture University. School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering Industry Advisory Board. She was awarded The Australian Financial Review BOSS Young Executive of the Year in 2017.


ELIZABETH RESIDE Company MICHAEL TING Director Secretary Michael Ting is a corporate lawyer Elizabeth Reside is an Australian- based in New York. His primary qualified solicitor working for practice is in M&A and equity Herbert Smith Freehills LLP capital markets. Michael can’t (HSF) in London. Prior to joining sit still and prior to New York he HSF in 2014, she volunteered worked in Sydney for several years with the Aboriginal Legal Service and Hong Kong for years before (Canberra), and worked as a that. While he cannot predict paralegal at Jonathan Wong where he will work next, he is Lawyers in Melbourne. constant about his curiosity for China and connecting cultures. Elizabeth’s interest in the Australia-China relationship Born in Malaysia to Chinese began while studying Mandarin parents, Michael immigrated to at secondary school, where Australia before he was able to she received the International fully appreciate the diversity and Baccalaureate Prize for Mandarin. rich culture of his dual Chinese She continued to pursue her and Malaysian heritage. He interest in Mandarin and Chinese started to explore his mother culture at university, graduating language at university and he with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons)/ travelled to Beijing to further his Bachelor of Asia Pacific Studies studies. At Peking University, he (Chinese) from the Australian discovered people from all over National University in 2013. the world wanting to connect with China. In particular, a growing Elizabeth is a passionate community of Australians with supporter of the Essendon his same keen curiosity for the Football Club and, when she has Middle Kingdom. Since then, time, enjoys watching Chinese he has continued his fascination dramas, reading and baking apple with China, publishing work on pies. Chinese law and trade. MANAGEMENT TEAM

MERT ERKUL Alumni Manager HU YUZHOU VINCENT Delegate KARIM ISSA Logistics Manager Selection Manager Mert Erkul is a graduate from Karim is a lawyer working for an the University of Queensland, HU, Yuzhou (Vincent) graduated international firm in Beijing. His holding a degree in Bachelor of from Australian National practice focuses on representing Economics and Arts. University with a honours degree Chinese and foreign clients in Finance. He is now working in cross-border mergers and Mert has previously spent 12 at the Ford Motor Company Asia acquisitions and private equity months studying Mandarin Pacific Production Development transactions in the Asia region. on the Chinese Government Centre in Melbourne as a Finance His passion for China began and Australian Department of Graduate Analyst. when growing up in the Foreign Affairs Scholarship at Asian-centric suburb of Sunny- Peking University. During his Vincent has demonstrated bank, in Brisbane’s south. Sur- studies, Mert was responsible a strong academic record rounded by Chinese-speaking for helping the Australia China at ANU, as evidenced by the classmates from Hong Kong, Youth Association chapter in Terrell International Student Taiwan and the Mainland, Karim Beijing. Upon his return to Scholarships, which awards immersed himself in the linguistic Australia, Mert assisted with the top two international students and cultural world from which so successful launch of a careers university wide. His fine many of his friends came. Since function at the Brisbane chapter performance in finance courses this time, he has combined of ACYA. The committee secured also enables him to receive the his formal studies of Chinese job opportunities for some of our CFAI Student Scholarships. He Mandarin with his career pursuits, members through our sponsors. has a genuine interest in financial embedding his fascination with Mert has also received a Huayu markets. He started his personal Chinese history, culture and Enrichment Scholarship to further investment portfolio (equity) two traditions in his professional life. his Mandarin in Taiwan at National years ago. He has also completed Taiwan Normal University. two internships in the first and Karim holds a Bachelor of Laws second year of university, one with honours and a Bachelor of Mert is passionate about finance at the China Construction Bank Arts (Chinese) from the University and economics where he has (Shanghai) and the other at a of Queensland and a diploma in completed several internships in boutique accounting firm. Advanced Chinese Studies from Asia and Australia. He wishes to the Beijing Language and Culture one day use his experiences to He is the Event Partner at the University. further Australia’s interests in the ANU Management Consulting region. Association (AMCA) and actively involved in further student clubs.


MANELLE ISSA Communications AMY PAN Communications JAMES TANG Media Manager Manager (Australia) Manager (Greater China) James Tang is an engineering Manelle is the Marketing Amy Pan is an advisor within the professional currently undertaking Manager with the Chamber external affairs team of Rio Tinto an MBA (Finance) at the University of Commerce & Industry China, and currently assists with of Western Australia, where he Queensland. Her expertise the delivery of the company’s also completed his undergraduate lies in leadership, marketing China stakeholder engagement studies in Engineering (Mechani- strategy and implementation and strategy. She also contributes to cal) and Arts (Chinese). programatic automation. She the company’s messaging in its holds a Bachelor of Business/ China outreach programs. She The China-Australia relationship Creative Industries (with is skilled in multiple disciplines has always played an integral part distinction) majoring in Marketing within the extractives industry of his personal and professional and Media Communications including government and working life. Over the past 4 years, from the Queensland University corporate relations, policy and he worked in Beijing as an engi- of Technology. She is a mentor sustainable development, with neering consultant for Australian through the QUT Mentor Program special insights into the Australian mining advisory firm RungePin- providing support to Business and and Chinese market. She was cockMinarco. In this role, he de- Creative Industries students since heavily involved in multiple livered independent technical and 2014. Australia-China joint ventures due diligence studies for Asian and partnerships, working clients seeking to raise capital Her connection to China with an extensive network of or invest in large mining projects stemmed from being immersed Chinese business partners and around Asia and Australia. Prior to in the language and culture government bodies. this, he was a site based mechan- while growing up in the Asian- ical engineer for Rio Tinto Iron Ore centric suburb of Sunnybank in A firm believer in partnerships, in the Pilbara, working on im- Brisbane’s south and she’s always she is also an active promoter of proving the reliability of Chinese brushing up on language skills regional dialogues between the procured train wagons. since starting studies in 2005. Australia business and its major markets including China, Japan, In his spare time, he enjoys Manelle joined ACYD in 2016 South Korea, India and other practising photography and video keen to connect Australia-China ASEAN countries. production. James hopes to con- professionals whilst exploring the tinue bridging the cultural and opportunities for economic and Amy has a Master’s degree in language barriers between Aus- cultural collaboration on a greater Journalism and Communication tralian and Chinese businesses scale. from Tsinghua University. over the course of his career. JOEL WING-LUN Program WILLIAM ZHAO Treasurer TED ZHOU TIANYU IT Manager Manager William Zhao is a Mergers Ted currently works at BioBAY, Joel Wing-Lun is a PhD candidate and Acquisitions Analyst at a the leading incubator focused in History and East Asian boutique corporate advisory and on biotech start-ups in China Languages at Harvard University management consulting firm. as a specialist in business studying the social history of Based between Sydney and development. China’s southwest frontier during Beijing, he has cross-border the Ming and Qing dynasties. transaction experience that has Holding a Master degree in Born and raised in Sydney, he led to a deeper understanding of Structural Biology and Biophysics has worked as a policy analyst at business between Australia and from Swiss Federal Institute of China Policy, Beijing, a research China. Technology Zürich (ETH) and a associate at the Lowy Institute for Bachelor degree in Biological International Policy, Sydney, and His passion for Sino-Australian Sciences from Nanyang interned at the Peking University relations has also been fostered Technological University (NTU), he Australian Studies Center. In through his work at the Australia has been immersed in biomedical 2013-14, Joel was a senior visiting China Business Council NSW and life science research for half student in the Department of Chapter, the China Australia a decade. With the belief that Sociology and Anthropology at Millennial Project, and the realizing scientific discoveries Peking University. University of Sydney’s China into everyone’s life is as vital as Studies Centre, as well as through tackling the unknowns in the Joel previously served as his leadership roles as National laboratories, Ted decided to take Communications Director for the General Manager (Australia) of the a different path to contribute to Australia-China Youth Association Australia-China Youth Association the life science technologies, by and on the management team and committee member of helping scientists find the right of the Australia-China Youth the Australia-China Young commercial environment. Dialogue. He is excited to rejoin Professionals Initiative Sydney the ACYD team after completing Chapter. During his undergraduate studies the coursework component of his Ted spent one semester in PhD. Prior to this, William was elected Australia as an exchange student as the National Vice-President in University of Technology, Joel graduated from the University of the Council of International Sydney (UTS). Ted joined ACYD of Sydney in 2011 with a Bachelor Students Australia in 2013, the management team in October of Arts (Languages) and Class I national student peak body 2013, being in charge of the Honours. representing all international website operation and general IT students in Australia. support.


CHLOE DEMPSEY Partnerships YUSHAN LI Communications MICHAEL MCGREGOR Generalist Associate Associate Associate

Chloe is a 2016 New Colombo Yushan Li is a project manager Between 2014 and 2015 Michael Plan Scholar studying at Renmin at one of the Fortune Global worked at the Peking University University. She is pursuing a 500 corporations, China State Australian Studies Centre as Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Construction Engineering Research Coordinator, focusing Arts at the University of Western Corporation. She is a very on Australian cultural relations, Australia, alongside a Diploma of passionate professional who Australia-China academic Modern Languages in Mandarin. constantly seeks to maximize exchange, assisting the her full potential in eliminating organisation of the annual FASIC Chloe is the National Education the gap among different cultural Conference and managing the Director for the Australia China backgrounds using her expertise. internship program. Youth Association(ACYA) and current secretary of ACYA Yushan has worked both in He also studied Chinese at Beijing. Previously completing a Australia and China, and enjoys Renmin University in 2013 semester at Tsinghua University working with a diverse network and 2014. Between 2011 and under the Westpac Bicentennial of people in a multi-cultural 2013 Michael worked as a Foundation’s Asian Exchange context. She is an active promoter Policy Analyst at the Chamber Scholarship, Chloe has had of dialogues among Australia, of Commerce and Industry the opportunity to understand China, US and Europe, and has Queensland (CCIQ), working the importance that Australian been involved in different kinds of on state and federal economic business, government and cross-cultural projects. Examples development, fiscal and monetary community organisations place on of these include an academic policy and regulatory reform the Australia-China relationship. exchange with Hawaii University policy. He holds a Masters of and collaboration with Finland International Relations (East She has recently returned VTT. Asian Studies) and Bachelor from the Hansen Summer of Management from Griffith Institute where she completed Yushan has extensive experience University, receiving the Vice three-weeks of intensive in delivering results for a variety Chancellor’s Postgraduate Award learning on international of clients. Her team collaborates for Academic Excellence. He cooperation, leadership and with architects, researchers and is currently based in Canberra social entrepreneurship. Chloe economic experts to study the working on Australian foreign has experience with a number practice and exploration of new policy in the public service. of charitable organisations in urbanisation in China. Australia. DOMINIC MEAGHER Alumni JOSHUA PICKSTONE WAYNE WANG Partnerships Engagement Associate Communications Associate Associate

Dominic is the program manager Joshua currently works at the Wayne Wang is an outstanding and senior economist at China ridesharing app, Uber, as a young professional graduate of Matters, a one-of-a-kind policy Marketing and Partnerships Australia living and working in initiative focused exclusively professional for Queensland. Guangzhou. In the short time from a policy perspective on He has a communications and since graduating university in China’s rise and how it matters marketing background in a range Australia, Wayne has made to Australia. He is a multi- of industries such as non-profit, impressive contributions to both disciplinary political economist government and education Australia and China. Wayne with a background in institutional engaging current and prospective currently holds an executive economics and Chinese policy stakeholders. position as Director of External and economic analysis. Before Affairs at the Kingold Group. joining China Matters Dominic He has always had a passion Through his work at Kingold, was at the Fung Global Institute in for Australia-China relations Wayne has helped forge ties Hong Kong, researching China’s stemming from primary school between China and Australia, both institutional evolution and reform where he studied Mandarin all the socially and economically. His process. way through into tertiary studies. positions as Chief Representative Not only did this discover a love of the Australia China Friendship Dominic holds a PhD (economics) for Josh’s Chinese language but and Exchange Association from the Australian National also foregrounded the importance (ACFEA) in China and Liaison University where he was Rio of cultural relations between Officer at the Guangdong Foreign Tinto China Scholar, as well Australia and China. Affairs Office have also helped as degrees in International him play a meaningful role in the Development Economics, Politics Josh joined the ACYD team in development of the Australia- and International Relations and 2017 and continues to explore China relationship. History. that passion for Australia-China relations whilst he completes his Wayne has also been instrumental Bachelor of Business majoring in in facilitating connections between Marketing and Public Relations Australian educational institutions at the Queensland University of including UTS and University of Technology Sydney with Chinese counterparts.


MATT BAKER Session Chair EDWINA KWAN Session Chair LISA QIN Session Chair

Dr Matt Baker is a Lecturer in Edwina is a lawyer specialising Lisa Qin is an education officer the School of Biotechnology in China related cross-border in UNICEF China and has over a and Biomolecular Sciences and disputes. Currently Sydney-based, decade of experience spanning an Affiliated Biophysicist at the she has also practiced in Beijing, international development, EMBL Australia Node for Single Hong Kong and Perth. Edwina’s education and law. Her work Molecule Science at the University expertise involves all forms of supports schools in China’s rural of New South Wales, in Sydney, dispute resolution, commercial and western areas, particularly Australia. Matt was a Delegate at strategy & negotiations. Edwina with the most vulnerable ACYD in 2015 in Brisbane. was recognised in the 2018 children, to have improved quality and 2017 Who’s Who Legal as education. Born in Guizhou, Matt completed his DPhil at “Future Leader” in International China, Lisa grew up in Canberra, Oxford University as a John Arbitration and was one of 25 Australia and is passionate Monash Scholar studying the young leaders chosen for the about addressing educational bacterial flagellar motor that “Cultural Diversity and Leadership disadvantage and bringing people makes nearly all bacteria swim Fellowship” program conducted by together through cross-cultural and now investigates the origins Sydney University Business School engagement. She is a former and self assembly of complex & the Human Rights Commission. corporate lawyer and teacher, molecular machines, with active and holds master’s degrees research collaborations at both Edwina also has experience in in Teaching and International Peking and Tsinghua Universities. public law, representing the Education Policy from the Noongar people in a native title University of Melbourne and Matt has a strong love of radio case in WA, acting as advisor to the Harvard Graduate School of and follows the media closely: the Commonwealth Attorney- Education where she was a Frank he was formerly a Top 5 Under General’s Department on the Knox fellow. Lisa speaks in her 40 Scientist in Residence at status of Australian detainees in personal capacity. the Australian Broadcasting Guantanamo Bay and providing Corporation (ABC), and has legal advice to asylum seekers produced and presented content on Christmas Island. Edwina for Radio National including the co-founded the China Young Health Report, Science Show, Arbitration Group in Beijing Saturday Extra, and Earshot. and has lectured at Tsinghua Matt is the regular science University Master of Laws correspondent for ABC Nightlife Program and the University of broadcast. NSW. PHILIP WEN Session Chair ELVA ZHANG Session Chair

Philip Wen joined the Reuters Elva is a Legal Counsel at ANL news agency in February, where Container Line Pty Ltd, an he covers politics and general Australian-based global shipping news from Beijing. He started his line, working on a wide array reporting career on the business of legal affairs with a focus on and news desks of the Sydney maritime issues, cross-border Morning Herald and The Age, transactions and international before first being posted to Beijing dispute resolution. Currently Elva as China correspondent in 2012. is the co-chair of the Cultural As well as reporting widely from Diversity Committee at Victorian across mainland China, Phil has Women Lawyers, aiming to also reported from Japan, South promote cultural diversity in law Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong and to advocate access to justice Kong and the United States. for migrant women; having also For his coverage, Phil has been previously served as the co-chair nominated for Walkley Awards, of the multiple sections at the Melbourne Press Club Awards and Law Institute of Victoria, and as the Lowy Institute Media Award. the President of the Australian Federation of International Born in Melbourne to Taiwanese Students. parents, he spent his early school years in Singapore. He worked In addition to her legal career, for consulting firm KPMG before Elva Zhang is also the founder deciding to pursue a career in of Peace Lab, which was created journalism. to provide a new way to counter stress, cultivate well-being and build stronger connections through laughter yoga, imaginative play and creative meditation.

Elva holds a Master of Laws in International Law (specialising in International Economic Law).

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OURPARTNERS We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of our partners






Page 53 Zhou Kang | Zheng Yangping | Wang Zekai | Carol Zhao | Lu Yi | Zuo Tong | Ann Wang | Chen Sheng | Jade Little | Julian Gruin | Sarah Yuyan Shen | Liao Qiongyao | Zhou Jiamiao | Angus James Mellsop Nicholson | Zhang Lei | Ren Jie | Cindy So Wan Gottinger | Timothy James Coghlan | Andy Zhao | Katrina Yu | Miranda Couston | Rachel Mourad | Xiaozhou Ju | Lisa He Qin | Sarah Jane Webster Stewart | Lin Yang | Christian Jack | Misha Bryne | Jeffrey Sheehy | Aidan Lavin | Tim Heath | Patrick Mayoh | Helen Zhang | Kyle Fox | Russell Harwood | Amy King | Elizabeth Hoyt | Veronica Jane Walker | Yiyong Cai | Helen Dai | Kimberley Wilson | Tomas Mahoney | Alan Wu | Wong Sue-Lin | Edouard Cousins | Shenghao Feng | Catherine Hardie | Elva Zhang | Shen Ying | Jason Huang Rui | Will Mcallum | Hu Xiangyu | Wenqin Qiu | Ho Wai Kit | CHANG Yao-chung | Ben Leigh | Francis Yang | Mark Chan | Emma Moore | Clive Lee | Fergus Green | Peter Cai | Steph Wang | Sam Byfield | Scott Bulman | Huw Pohlner | Fiona Lawrie | Gareth Durant | Phil Kingston | Phil Wen | Wesa Chau | Yijia LI | Stephen Matthew Minas | Anne Kuleshova | Liu Tao | Isabelle Kingshott | Wang Zhe | Blainey Morgan | Jack Xia | Jean Dong | Mike Yang | Andrew Nicholls | Liu Suyu | Jacob Taylor | Mim Zhou | Tom Williams | Ken Shao | Neil Thomas | Christina Liang | Samantha Zhou | Ding Wang | Christopher Kong | Zhao Xu | Mimo Mi | Zoe Zhou | Elaine Zhao | Liu Sisi | Katrie Lowe | Andrea Myles | Carol Danmajyid | Chen Baicang | Lynn Morrison | Philipa Bryant | Liu Chen | Wang Zikai | Angelbaby Lau | Yun Liu | Samantha Jane Cook | Tao Lina | Cameron Jospeh Ferf Eren | Sally Sitou | Jing Zhao | Alex Grey | Crystal Li | Pete Anstee | Scott Flett | Ren Wanlin | David Howell | Alexandra Louise Phelan | Anna Wenkong | Fan Xinjiang | Guo Wenna | Joshua Grey | Kelly Gerrad | Sally Sitou | Zhang Guo | Zoe Jiang | Ben Xu | Emily D’Ath | Guo Chunmei | Kate Graham | Leng Ke | Peng Jingchao | Shuge Wei | Yang Yawei | Fan Yibo | Shuyin Tang | Yuan Feng | Li Yifan (Crystal) | Fang Qian | George Hua | Jin Han | Shupei Chen | Tsz Shu Li | Alastair Baxter | David Bennett | Jason Chai | Ye Chen | Emily Chew | Brittyn Clennett | Thomas Day | Chloe Dempsey | Dong Wei | Udo Doring | Will Ewing | Karim Issa | Tasharni Jamieson | Anna Kostenbauer | Yushan Li | Shuang Li | Jiaxing Liu | Miya Liu | Yi Qian | Patricia Saw | Yitong Shao | Kai Tan | Tan Weijie | Melissa Wolsley-Findlay | Xiong Xing | Jenny Yang | Zhixuan Yang | Dongyi Shang | William Shao | Aimee Zheng | Thomas | Christina Liang | Samantha Zhou | Ding Wang | Christopher Kong | Zhao Xu | Mimo Mi | Zoe Zhou | Elaine Zhao | Liu Sisi | Katrie Lowe | Andrea Myles | Carol Danmajyid | Chen Baicang | Lynn Morrison | Philipa Bryant | Liu Chen | Wang Zikai | Angelbaby Lau | Yun Liu | Samantha Jane Cook | Tao Lina | Cameron Jospeh Ferf Eren | Sally Sitou | Jing Zhao | Alex Grey | Crystal Li | Pete Anstee | Scott Flett | Ren Wanlin | David Howell | Alexandra Louise Phelan | Anna Wenkong | Fan Xinjiang | Guo Wenna | Joshua Grey | Kelly Gerrad | Sally Sitou | Zhang Guo | Zoe Jiang | Ben Xu | Emily D’Ath | Guo Chunmei | Kate Graham | Leng Ke | Peng Jingchao | Shuge Wei | Yang Yawei | Fan Yibo | Shuyin Tang | Yuan Feng | Li Yifan (Crystal) | Fang Qian | George Hua | Jin Han | Shupei Chen | Tsz Shu Li | Alastair Baxter | David Bennett | Jason Chai | Ye Chen | Emily Chew | Brittyn Clennett | Thomas Day | Chloe Dempsey | Dong Wei | Udo Doring | Will Ewing | Karim Issa | Tasharni Jamieson | Anna Kostenbauer | Yushan Li | Shuang Li | Jiaxing Liu | Miya Liu | Yi Qian | Patricia Saw | Yitong Shao | Kai Tan | Tan Weijie | Melissa Wolsley-Findlay | Xiong Xing | Jenny Yang | Zhixuan Yang | Dongyi Shang | Whilliam Shao | Aimee Zheng | Ting Bie | Si Chen | Chen Yue | Allen Clayton-Greene | Tracy Jin Cui | Georgina Downer | Margaret Forrest | Sarah Guo | Fergus Hunter | Lian Kearney | Yan Li | Anna Lin | Renae Liang | Faye Lu | Erik Marr | Caitlin Mullins | Derek Ng | Curt Shi | Michael Su | Martin Symonds | Catherine Teo | Yen Tan | Rachel Walters | Wang Duoxiao | Alex Westcombe | Tianhong Wu | Stanley Yu | Baoyu Zhang | Lin Zhang | Zhang Tianze |Zhou Kang | Zheng Yangping | Wang Zekai | Carol Zhao | Lu Yi | Zuo Tong | Ann Wang | Chen Sheng | Jade Little | Julian Gruin | Sarah Yuyan Shen | Liao Qiongyao | Zhou Jiamiao | Angus James Mellsop Nicholson | Zhang Lei | Ren Jie | Cindy So Wan Gottinger | Timothy James Coghlan | Andy Zhao | Katrina Yu | Miranda Couston | Rachel Mourad | Xiaozhou Ju | Lisa He Qin | Sarah Jane Webster Stewart | Lin Yang | Christian Jack | Misha Bryne | Jeffrey Sheehy | Aidan Lavin | Tim Heath | Patrick Mayoh | Helen Zhang | Kyle Fox | Russell Harwood | Amy King | Elizabeth Hoyt | Veronica Jane Walker | Yiyong Cai | Helen Dai | Kimberley Wilson | Tomas Mahoney | Alan Wu | Wong Sue-Lin | Edouard Cousins | Shenghao Feng | Catherine Hardie | Elva Zhang | Shen Ying | Jason Huang Rui | Will Mcallum | Hu Xiangyu | Wenqin Qiu | Ho Wai Kit | CHANG Yao-chung | Ben Leigh | Francis Yang | Mark Chan | Emma Moore | Clive Lee | Fergus Green | Peter Cai | Steph Wang | Sam Byfield | Scott Bulman | Huw Pohlner | Fiona Lawrie | Gareth Durant | Phil Kingston | Phil Wen | Wesa Chau | Yijia LI | Stephen Matthew Minas | Anne Kuleshova | Liu Tao | Isabelle Kingshott | Wang Zhe | Blainey Morgan | Jack Xia | Jean Dong | Mike Yang | Andrew Nicholls | Liu Suyu | Jacob Taylor | Mim Zhou | Tom Williams | Ken Shao | Neil Thomas | Christina Liang | Samantha Zhou | Ding Wang | Christopher Kong | Zhao Xu | Mimo Mi | Zoe Zhou | Elaine Zhao | Liu Sisi | Katrie Lowe | Andrea Myles | Carol Danmajyid | Chen Baicang | Lynn Morrison | Philipa Bryant | Liu Chen | Wang Zikai | Angelbaby Lau | Yun Liu | Samantha Jane Cook | Tao Lina | Cameron Jospeh Ferf Eren | Sally Sitou | Jing Zhao | Alex Grey | Crystal Li | Pete Anstee | Scott Flett | Ren Wanlin | David Howell | Alexandra Louise Phelan | Anna Wenkong | Fan Xinjiang | Guo Wenna | Joshua Grey | Kelly Gerrad | Sally Sitou | Zhang Guo | Zoe Jiang | Ben Xu | Emily D’Ath | Guo Chunmei | Kate Graham | Leng Ke | Peng Jingchao | Shuge Wei | Yang Yawei | Fan Yibo | Shuyin Tang | Yuan Feng | Li Yifan (Crystal) | Fang Qian | George Hua | Jin Han | Shupei Chen | Tsz Shu Li | Alastair Baxter | David Bennett | Jason Chai | Ye Chen | Emily [email protected]