18 Congregational Leadership: 22 A New Whose Job Is It? Era in 38 A Confession to Celebrate Missions May 2013 | www.thebanner.org May

32 The Power of Pentecost

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for yourself! 1.866.triN.4.me Volume 148 | Number 05 | 2013

Features Congregational Leadership: Whose Job Is It? STUDy QUESTiONS ONliNE 18 Both congregations and pastors have a role to play. by Duane Kelderman The Power of Pentecost 32 Remembering the story and the hope. by Julius Medenblik

Departments Editorial: Let’s Get Picky About How We Choose by Bob De Moor 6 We can learn from our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters.

Catch Your Breath: Wonderful by Joyce Kane 7 You never know what the future holds.

IMHO: Yes, Virginia, There Is a Holy Spirit by Jay Knochenhauer 8 Without the Holy Spirit, there’d be no gospel to proclaim.

Letters to the Editor 8

News: Something Old, Something New in Structure Task Force Report 10

Frequently Asked Questions 17 Baptism is a congregational event.

On the Journey: Night Shift by Dennis Royman 21 After my daughter was born, I started hearing God’s voice again.

Just for Kids: Birds of a Feather by Sandy Swartzentruber 30 Find out more about our fine feathered friends.

Tuned In: Worship Planning 2.0 by Randall Engle 34 Internet inspiration for worship.

Reformed Matters: A Confession to Celebrate by Bob Rozema 36 STUDy QUESTiONS ONliNE Reading the Heidelberg Catechism can initiate a holy conversation with God.

NEXT: The Millennial Challenge by Kory Plockmeyer 38 Understanding who “they” are is harder than you might think.

Punch Lines 47

Together doing moRe Nigeria: A New Era in Missions by Sarah Lin 22 CRCN trains local believers for evangelism and discipleship.

The View from Here: He Is Counting on Us by Joel Boot 26

Cover photo by istockphoto

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 5 Editorial

The Magazine of the Let’s Get Picky About Christian Reformed Church www.thebanner.org How We Choose

The voice over the public address system droned on as the votes were counted in Bob De Moor Editor loco: “Meyer” . . . “Meyer” . . . “De Moor” . . . “Meyer” . . . “Meyer” . . . “Meyer” . . . “De Moor” . . Judith Claire Hardy . Associate Editor Time: Synod 1989 (synod is the denomination’s annual leadership convention made up of Gayla R. Postma News Editor delegates from across the continent). Henry Hess Editor, Place: Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. Together Doing More Occasion: Election of a new Banner editor. Kristy Quist Tuned In Editor Runaway winner: Galen Meyer. Hiding under his chair: Yours truly. Karen DeVries Copy Editor Misery loves company. At that synod several other pretenders to denominational positions Joyce Kane Editorial Assistant

sought me out to voice their condolences. They too had endured an hour-long synodical Dean R. Heetderks Art Director interview punctuated by that publicly-tallied communal response. Synods were more fun then—except for those in my shoes. But we knew the gig and got over Pete Euwema Graphic Design it well enough. Frank Gutbrod Graphic Design Today our denomination uses a selection process that’s Teasier on the applicants’ egos but, I fear, not so good for the Hiding church. under his Contact Us What got me thinking about this was the election of Pope 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue SE Francis—an event scrutinized around the world, at least until Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560 Msgr. Marini yelled “Extra omnes” (“Everybody out”) and the chair: yours Address Changes and Subscriptions doors to the proceedings fell shut. It had to have integrity. truly. 800-777-7270 or visit our website at Francis was chosen by the many. www.thebanner.org Those who did the choosing were readily known to all. Classified Advertising Those who chose had many to choose from and were not presented with a virtual fait 616-224-0725 [email protected] accompli. Display Advertising Granted, our denominational leaders carry nothing like the responsibility a pope is burdened www.thebanner.org with. But they still need our collective confidence, as does the process by which we choose them. 616-224-5882 [email protected] These days, for most senior positions in our denomination, synod doesn’t do the choosing Editorial anymore. Delegates get to vote on just a single nomination—a person already approved by the 616-224-0785 [email protected] Board of Trustees, which also receives only a single nomination from a search committee News appointed, no doubt, by good folks—but they are folks not known to the vast majority of the 613-330-3145 [email protected] Christian Reformed faithful. And the search committee itself is “advised” by a top denomina- tional functionary who has much at stake and lots of say (though no vote). The problem with this process is that trustees and synodical delegates are understandably Published monthly (12 issues per year). Periodicals postage paid at Grand Rapids, reticent to vote down a single name. Doing so would show disrespect to those vetting the Mich. Postmaster, send address changes candidate and require a whole other year to go through the process yet again. to: The Banner, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Not gonna happen. Grand Rapids, MI 49560. Canadian So a few people, known only to a few, actually choose our denominational leaders. And only publications mail agreement #40063614. those few know, and will ever get to know, the reasons why capable folks were screened out of Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: The Banner, 3475 Mainway, PO Box the process. 5070, STN LCD 1, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8. The public drubbing I took at Synod 1989 wasn’t fun, but it was actually quite good for my soul. And if that process gives our churches more say and better ownership of the proceedings, Copyright 2013, Faith Alive Christian Resources, a ministry of the Christian then that’s worth an emotional lump or two. Bob De Moor is editor Reformed Church. Printed in U.S.A. We believe we have important stuff to teach our of The Banner and pastor The Banner (ISSN0005-5557). Vol. 148, Roman Catholic sisters and brothers about church lead- of preaching and No. 04, 2013. ership. Maybe so. But we have a lot to learn from them administration for West End Member of Associated Church Press and as well. n CRC, Edmonton, Alberta. Evangelical Press Association.

6 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Catch your breath


took a French language charming and likable enough—or I am increasingly convinced that I am class last year. That’s “normal” enough. living in love despite my failures because because in my wildest I’ve tried for many years to be wonder- God “has loved me into existence.” I still dreams I see myself spend- ful but I just can’t seem to get the hang don’t consider myself charming or suc- ing a week in Paris eating of it. So when I read the book The Awak- cessful, but I am now more at peace with I croissants at a little neigh- ened Heart by Gerald May I was consoled. my own life, more accepting. And borhood café and awkwardly practicing May says, “Functional people are orga- gratitude is growing inside of me like my French as I greet shopkeepers: “Bon- nized and disciplined, and able to get what some kind of wild bush planted in rich jour, madame! Bonjour, monsieur!” This they want out of life. . . . I’m so dysfunc- soil. I feel like I’m in good company with is probably a pipe dream, but I thought tional, I can’t even figure out how to other “dysfunctional” people like Jacob, I’d try to prepare myself just in case. become functional. And it is alright.” Sarah, Jonah, and the woman Jesus met My French teacher told me that music All right?? May goes on to say, “It has at the well—people without an ounce is a great tool for learning language, so I been more my failures than my successes of efficiency to bail themselves out of bought two French CDs, one of them of that have opened me to love. . . . Grace is terrible spots but who ended up on their children’s songs. I laughed out loud at love happening, love in action, and I have knees, bowing before the great love that many of the songs but was particularly seen so much grace in the midst of so engulfed them. drawn to one called “Wonderful.” It sur- much brokenness in myself and others So now I roll down the windows in prised me because it was sung in a light, that I know we are all in love. We are in the car and practice my French by singing lyrical way but dealt with such a complex love, within love, as fish are in the sea and with gusto, “Je voudrais être extraordi- subject. The singer sings, “I wish I were clouds are in the sky.” naire pour qu’enfin tu me considères.” wonderful . . . so that you may finally By focusing on what I thought my You never know what the future holds. appreciate me.” Ah, I said to myself, I can culture expected of me—a “successful” But I’m sure that no matter where I find relate to that! life—I concluded that there was nothing myself, love holds me. n If you’re anything like me, you may I could do to make things whole or healed Joyce Kane is editorial suffer from some insecurity and feel, at but to do my best, be honest about my assistant for The Banner. times, that others don’t value you. Perhaps failures, practice forgiveness and tender- you feel that you’re not good enough ness toward myself and others, and yield or smart enough or successful enough or to divine providence.

We are put on earth a little space,

That we may learn to bear the beams of love.

—William Blake

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 7 In My Humble Opinion

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Holy Spirit

Without the Spirit brooding over the deep, there wouldn’t even be a lifeless corpse in the garden waiting for God’s breath. In fact, everything we do in church depends on the Holy Spirit. In the Nicene Creed, we testify that the Spirit is “the Lord, the giver of life. He proceeds from the Father and the Son, and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and Are we a church that glorified. He spoke through the prophets.” Obviously we need to consider these has mislaid the Holy words more often. But when we do we must be cautious. Valentine’s Embrace IMHO Spirit? Because when the Spirit is active, then John Lee’s article “A Valentine’s Embrace” Christ—not the Spirit—is exalted. Theo- (February 2013) tells about his love for Within our denomination there logian Dale Bruner calls the Spirit “the his friend Matt that allowed Matt to seems to be considerable confusion about shy member of the Trinity.” The Holy express his secret. The difficult conversa- the Holy Spirit. In fact, at the CRC’s first- Spirit leads us to Christ. He teaches us tion, however, is the one that follows, ever Prayer Summit held last April, I the words and works and desires and which the church needs to address. heard a church leader stand at the podium goals of Jesus. The Spirit applies the It is clear from reading the Bible that and make a disturbing claim: “The Chris- redemption Christ accomplished. When- homosexual activity is a perversion. We tian Reformed Church has historically ever there is a focus on the Holy Spirit, as a church need to tell the truth about not made much room for the work of we must question whether the Holy Spirit this perversion (“They exchanged the truth the Holy Spirit.” Or has not been known is truly active. Jesus was clear about the about God for a lie”) with consequences for the Holy Spirit. Or something to that Christocentric ministry of the Spirit: “He both temporal and eternal for those who effect. will glorify me because it is from me that actively embrace the lifestyle to which they Come again? Are we a church that has he will receive what he will make known are drawn. We need to support those who mislaid the Holy Spirit? Have we to you” (John 16:14). strive to live without expressing their neglected the Holy Spirit? Is the CRC So yes, Virginia, there is a Holy Spirit. unnatural feelings. In so doing we will somehow remiss and in need of redirect- The Spirit is here . . . and has been all show God’s love evidenced by a Savior ing? No. Without the Spirit of Christ along. n who came “to seek and to save the lost,” actively working in our midst, there as Lee says in his article. would be no church to complain about! —Lynne Postma No room for the Holy Spirit? Then Grand Rapids, Mich. there would be no gospel to proclaim. The idea that Jesus loves everyone uncon- There would be no preacher to preach it. ditionally and that we should just give No ear to hear. There would be no Ref- everyone a hug no matter their sexual ormation because there’d be no “holy orientation (“A Valentine’s Embrace”) catholic and apostolic church.” Christ remains incomplete as a biblical response would not have been raised. There would to openly sinful lifestyle choices. Yes, Jesus be no incarnation. No God-breathed loves us despite our sinful nature, but he Jay Knochenhauer is pastor Scripture. No calling of Moses. No beau- of Third Christian Reformed lovingly tells us to leave that life of sin tiful tabernacle in the wilderness. No law Church, Zeeland, Mich. (John 8:11). of God. No calling of Abraham. No Eve. —Willem De Vries No Adam. Brantford, Ontario

8 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org “A Valentine’s Embrace” speaks of helping It would have been good for the author GMO Food people drawn to homosexuality to know to have read “I Think the Pastor . . .” prior “How Should We Then Eat?” (January that God still loves them and that we love to writing his own so the proper sources 2013) caught my attention. Interested in them too. Those are definitely proper could have been cited. food, I purchased Demystifying Food biblical sentiments that ought to be —Kirk Oosting from Farm to Fork and read eagerly. expressed and encouraged. But there is Hudsonville, Mich. Author Maurice Mladik ranges easily and no mention of the equally proper (and widely across the farm and food scene. absolutely essential) duty of Reformed The article “I Think the Pastor Stole That He includes several references to Genet- believers to help people who are tempted Sermon” saddens me because it further ically Modified Organism (GMO) crops by homosexuality to resist that tempta- fractures the community. It arms critical and their cost-effective production of tion, recognize the sinfulness of homo- people and may deny others something food. sexual behavior, and submit to God’s they need to hear. If I believe that my I write to offer a caution to the author’s righteousness. pastor’s job in the pulpit is to equip me endorsement of GMO foods. A synoptic Where are the articles about the proper to live this life, then I do not care if he history of the approval of GMOs is avail- biblical view of homosexual behavior? borrows another’s work. able online at “Seeds of Deception” from Let’s have a serious conversation based Neither Jesus nor Paul cared that the the Institute for Responsible Technology. on the Word of God, not one catering to message was being brought by unbeliev- If we are to eat healthfully we must the whims of society or popular scientific ers; they apparently celebrated that the know how crops and livestock are grown, “knowledge.” message was being brought. How about and we must be confident that land and —Dan Winiarski a balancing article on how few of our facilities are uncompromised. Jenison, Mich. —Garth Cubitt ideas are our own, how the words and New Lowell, Ontario Calvin Football? the phrasing we use are pretty much all Reflecting on Lloyd Rang’s “Pain Versus borrowed from our interactions with Hell or High Water? Gain” (February 2013), I hope the expres- others, and how we are advised that we I am not happy with the editorial “Cast sion “Calvin football” becomes an oxy- are to use these to build up the body and Your Bread upon the Waters” (January moron. not destroy it? 2013). The editor says “Immanuel will The glorified mayhem exhibited in —Tim Jasperse walk with us come hell or high water.” professional football often leads to Hudsonville, Mich. These words were not necessary in a debilitating injury, including brain dam- Christian magazine. Couldn’t he have age. Any possible financial benefit to Church Order said “Immanuel will walk with us no Calvin College gained from adding this I respectfully disagree with Larry Van matter what happens”? Doesn’t anyone sport should be anathema. Rather let Essen’s IMHO “Do We Need to Change read these things before they go to print? them continue to strive for “a sound mind the Church Order?” (February 2013). For —Wilma Dodde in a sound body.” starters, the main purpose of Sunday Howard City, Mich. —Tom Posthumus worship is not evangelism, but the wor- London, Ontario World Renew ship of God. Second, sermons should We have no problem with deleting the “Stealing” Sermons focus on God’s Word with the purpose word “Reformed” from CRWRC, but to I really enjoyed the thought-provoking of teaching believers, reproving, correct- take out “Christian” is going a step too article “I Think the Pastor Stole That ing, and training them in righteousness far. Is it politically incorrect to use the Sermon” (February 2013). I didn’t realize (2 Tim. 3:16) for the work of ministry— word “Christian” because we might hurt how applicable it was until I read “The including evangelism. That evangelism the feelings of other religions? View from Here” article “Always Keep On to the lost happens in the world outside The name World Renew is as secular Praying.” The story about the standard the fellowship of believers on Sunday. as the Red Cross. Sad! railroad gauge is the same story I read —Maurice Harting —Peter and Jennie Vermeulen some time ago in a technical magazine. Burnaby, British Columbia Bowmanville, Ontario

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 9 nNews Correspoendents ws Something Old, Something New For correspondents’ email addresses, see www.thebanner.org. Gayla R. Postma News Editor in Structure Task Force Report Email: [email protected] Anita Brinkman he Task Force for Reviewing This imagery is borrowed from The task force pointed to a Classes Chatham, Huron Structure and Culture the Evangelical Covenant Church’s number of ongoing structural 519-354-9126 Gregory Chandler (TFRSC) has released its “Five Smooth Stones” and includes challenges that have been previ- Classes Georgetown, Grandville T 616-392-8434 report to Synod 2013 (the annual a mechanism called a “collabora- ously addressed but that will need Shashi DeHaan leadership meeting of the Chris- tion table” intended “to connect fresh answers: Classes Arizona, Red Mesa 623-418-6705 tian Reformed Church). Along with departments, agencies, and insti- • A denominational structure Monica deRegt Classes Hamilton, Niagara, Toronto some new ideas, the report offers tutions to advance the cohesive that is made up of a loose amal- 905-385-6697 much that has been seen before. development of each of the five gam of agencies and institu- Callie Feyen Classes Atlantic NE, Hackensack, Hudson What’s new this time around ministry priorities.” tions created over the last 150 240-422-1171 is the emphasis on faith formation, The report dedicated signifi- years to meet a variety of needs Janet A. Greidanus Classes Alberta North, Alberta South/ building on the six years’ worth of cant space to revisiting the issue but lacks appropriate integra- Saskatchewan 780-484-3370 work of the denomination’s Faith of binationality—being one tion. Melissa Holtrop Formation Committee. church in two nations. That discus- • The continued need to support Classes Central Plains, Chicago South, Northern Illinois Also new is the imagery guid- sion is timely given that the direc- local churches, becoming their 708-217-7197 ing this latest round of structure tor of Canadian ministries “partner of choice” for missions Kyle Hoogendoorn Classes Heartland, Iakota, talks. Called “Five Streams,” each resigned last summer and the role and resources. Northcentral Iowa 712-476-5955 stream denotes one of five min- of that office is currently under • Finding a workable way to Jonathan J. Kim istry priorities the task force is review. cluster together a number of Classis Pacific Hanmi 626-616-0411 asking synod to endorse: The task force called for specialized ministries. Daina Kraai • Faith Formation “heightened awareness and inten- Classes Muskegon, Northern Michigan The task force also echoed 616-490-6997 • Servant Leadership tionality to engage with our previous calls for more commu- Noah Kruis • Global Missions respective contexts and foster Classes Grand Rapids East, Grand Rapids nication and collaboration—espe- North • Loving Mercy; Doing Justice gracious space for differentiated 616-558-8166 cially among staff—in the wake Jessica Oosterhouse • Gospel Proclamation and Worship approaches.” Classes Lake Superior, Minnkota, Wisconsin of resignations of the denomina- 920-382-1532 tion’s two top executives in 2011 Ron Rupke Classes Eastern Canada, Quinte Ontario Man Named Top College and reports of low staff morale. 905-349-2336 Ryan Struyk Finally, the task force is asking Classes Grand Rapids South, Thornapple Volleyball Coach in Canada synod to authorize the Board of Valley The Canadian Collegiate Athletics Association recently named 616-550-6723 Trustees to approve senior leader- Wayne Harris Coach of the Year, placing him as the top men’s Amy Toornstra ship job descriptions that the task Classes Columbia, Pacific Northwest volleyball coach in Canadian college sports. 503-399-9165 force will create in consultation Susan Vanden Berg Harris coaches men’s volleyball at Redeemer University College Classes Holland, Zeeland with a new executive director who in Ancaster, Ontario. 616-212-7281 will be appointed by this year’s Roxanne Van Farowe The award marks the finish to an out- Classes Illiana, Southeast U.S. synod. Nominees for such posi- 919-477-2084 standing career. Harris plans to step down tions will be presented to Synod Heidi Wicker as head coach at the end of this year. Over Classes California South, Central California, 2014. Greater L.A. the past 30 years, he has been one of the 209-599-3799 Synod 2013 will meet in Grand Tracey Yan most successful coaches in Redeemer’s his- Rapids, Mich., June 7-14. The Classes B.C. North-West, B.C. South-East tory. His teams have earned three provincial 604-420-3030 Agenda for Synod, which contains Louis Tamminga medals in five seasons. In Memoriam articles this report, is available at crcna. more online 616-949-4539 org. Printed copies are also sent If your region is not listed here, please —Monica deRegt contact the news editor. to each congregation. —Gayla R. Postma Redeemer’s Wayne Harris is Coach of the Year.

10 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org In Memoriam Helping Hands for Haiti For a group of women in Iowa, prayers for Haiti are accompa- nied by the works of their hands. That’s why they spend time sewing and making school uni- Rev. Martin Toonstra forms, nametags, dresses, and 1932 – 2012 quilts. Rev. Martin Toonstra, 80, was a Their work is part of Mission godly, humble, sensitive, soft- Haiti, an organization that runs spoken, and wise pastor who an orphanage in Haiti and sup- touched the lives of many. He had ports a school for younger a heart for missions and reached children. out to people of diverse cultures. A young Haitian holds a soccer ball with Bible verses written in Alma Kooistra, a member of After serving in the U.S. mili- the Creole language. Rock Valley’s Trinity Christian tary during the Korean War, Toon- Reformed Church, went on one shoes, and story Bibles written the people and be a blessing to stra was ordained into ministry in of the Mission Haiti trips. “Each in the Creole language. them, they actually bless us too the Christian Reformed Church in of us was allowed to check a When it was time to leave, in return.” more online 1961. 50-pound bag for our flight, and participants were eager to go —Kyle Hoogendoorn He served congregations in each of us gave that space for back to Haiti. Kelci Kooima, 14, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wiscon- items for the mission,” she said. said, “I would definitely go back sin, retiring in 1998. Those items included clothes, . . . even though we try to help Toonstra will be remembered for his humble, dedicated service to the Lord. Both in preaching and Iowa Churches Celebrate 450th Anniversary teaching it was evident that he was a student of the Word. His of the Heidelberg Catechism compassion for the sick and suf- “What is your only comfort in life focusing on the Heidelberg Cat- fering made him a wonderful and death?” echism. counselor. He played football with The first question of the Hei- Vande Zande believes the neighborhood kids on Saturday delberg Catechism holds special Heidelberg Catechism should afternoons. He also loved music. meaning for three Orange City continue to hold a significant role His ministerial colleagues Christian Reformed churches that in the Christian community today. remember him as the regional commemorated and celebrated “In a world where there is so much pastor who had a sympathetic the 450th anniversary of the Hei- uncertainty and chaos, the Hei- understanding for their problems. delberg Catechism. delberg Catechism, which sum- Toonstra is survived by his wife, “What a celebration such as marizes Scripture, gives us some Joyce, four children and their this says is that we are connected guidance, help, and strength in a spouses, 14 grandchildren, and historically to the past. That past personal way as we go through two great-grandchildren. has helped shape us and given us those uncertainties and that more online some identity, “ said Mark Vande chaos,” he said. more online —Louis M. Tamminga Zande, pastor of First CRC. “It —Kyle Hoogendoorn Further information on recently unites us together in the present encourages us to stay together as deceased ministers is available each as a denomination where there the future unfolds.” year in the front pages of the Chris- are many different styles of wor- First CRC, Calvary CRC, Living tian Reformed Church’s annual ship and many different things Water CRC, and Immanuel CRC all Yearbook. that could divide us. And it also participated in a six-week series

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 11 nIn Memorieam ws Christian School Support Program Under Tax Scrunity

he Canada Revenue “secular” education they provide, fees paid by parents as a chari- Agency, enforcer of Cana- which CRA regards as ineligible table donation. Tda’s Income Tax Act, has for charitable receipts. The remain- According to Jules DeJager, challenged the charitable status ing school fees—considered to executive director of the Ontario Rev. John B. Hulst of CEAF, a school support program pay the costs of “religious” educa- Alliance of Christian Schools, 43 1929 – 2013 used by many Christian Schools tion—are eligible for a charitable of its 69 member schools partici- Rev. John B. Hulst, 83, the second in Ontario. donation receipt. pate in CEAF. president of Dordt College, was a CEAF (Christian Economic Assis- Under CEAF, families donate A story recently published on visionary for the kingdom. Tactful tance Foundation) voluntarily sus- that charitable amount to the the front page of the National Post but firm, modest but energetic, pended the program after receiving foundation. The foundation then asserted that the Canada Revenue he died from a sudden onset of a CRA notice indicating concerns redistributes the money to par- Agency recently informed CEAF metastatic brain cancer. with the structure of the program. ticipating schools based on annual donors that “it is the CRA’s opinion Hulst served Christian Reformed Most Christian schools in grant applications. School treasur- that the intention of the School congregations in Iowa and Michigan Ontario charge a single fee per ers use that money to defray the Support Program is merely a tax before devoting the rest of his career family. To satisfy tax regulations, “secular” education cost of the scheme to artificially maximize to Dordt College in Sioux Center, Christian schools each year deter- school, allowing them to desig- charitable donation receipts Iowa. There he served as professor mine the per-pupil cost of the nate a larger percentage of tuition received by parents for private of theology, campus pastor, dean school tuition fees by improperly of students, and, from 1982 to 1996, Faith Chests Nurture characterizing tuition payments as president. by parents as grants.” Hulst was a gifted speaker, Faith Formation at Home Asked to comment on the preacher, and writer. He embodied Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church in Leduc, Alberta, has found issue, CEAF chairman Adrian Gul- many wonderful gifts: integrity, a tangible way of helping families mark their children’s faith walk demond issued the following scholarship, vitality, prudence, at home. statement: “The CEAF Board engaging winsomeness, and a The church presents every baptized infant with a Faith Chest regrets the misleading headline deep love for kingdom and church. to use as a repository for articles significant to the child’s walk in the Post. The Canada Revenue He was a cofounder of what is with Christ throughout his or her life. Families can fill the Faith Agency (CRA) has audited the now called the Center for Public Chest with photos, symbols, books, and other reminders of the program three times in the past Justice based in Washington, D.C. milestones and events in the child’s faith journey. “We saw the two decades and found no com- Other organizations that profited importance of treasuring faith memories as the child grew, giving pliance issues. The CEAF Board did from his leadership include the parents an opportunity to explain why certain things were in their receive a letter in January of 2013 Institute for Christian Studies in Faith Chest,” explained pastor Peter Tuininga. indicating that there are compli- Toronto, the Reformed Ecumenical In the nearly two years since the program started, 26 Faith Chests ance issues now . . . as the result Council, and the International have been presented at Ebenezer. more online —Janet A. Greidanus of an audit in 2012. Association for the Promotion of “The CEAF Board has sus- Christian Higher Education. Pastor Peter Tuininga pended the program pending But Hulst will be remembered presents a Faith Chest. discussions with CRA auditors. The most for his Christ-like demeanor public controversy which led to and as an encourager of the the Post article was caused by the people around him. issuance of 1,000 questionnaires He is survived by his wife, to donors of the 2009 tax year Louise, three children and their from a CRA regional office. The spouses, and seven grandchildren. board is confident that the mat- more online ters of disagreement can be —Louis M. Tamminga resolved in the near future.” more online — Ron Rupke

12 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Disability Awareness Crosses Language Lines For the first time, Korean and Anglo congregations came Translation devices together for a Disability Concerns helped remove conference that involved Christian barriers of In Memoriam Reformed congregations as well communication at as churches from the Reformed this inclusive Church in America (RCA). event. At Anaheim (Calif.) Christian Reformed Church, keynote speaker Jeff McNair challenged the audience to see this not as an event but as a beginning. Rev. Riemer Praamsma Steve Nyhuis, regional dis- 1939 – 2013 ability advocate for Classis and generosity toward one Anaheim CRC’s Friendship Rev. Riemer Praamsma, 73, a life- Greater Los Angeles (a regional another in ways that are per- class of adults with cognitive long student of the Word, was group of churches), said the sonal and helpful without draw- disabilities led the opening wor- wonderfully outgoing, humbly conference presented “a clear ing attention or making a ship with their praise team, and thankful to his Sender, and always message that engaging people scene.” there was simultaneous transla- good-humored. He died as a result with disabilities in church life Attendees were challenged tion for Korean attendees, of an accident. knows no denominational (or to think about the day-to-day according to Jonathan Kim, Praamsma served Christian language) barriers.” obstacles faced by people with regional disability advocate for Reformed congregations in Taking down barriers was an disabilities and then “to imagine Classis Pacific Hanmi. Ontario and Michigan. important part of the confer- that when they come into the “I sense that many churches The pastoral office was for him ence. Terry DeYoung, coordina- church community they find just are hungering for practical assis- a gift of God’s grace that never tor of Disability Concerns in the the opposite: love, warmth, tance and resources so they can ceased to fill him with wonder. He RCA, said, “It’s heartening to value, opportunities to serve, welcome and include people was very much a people person, observe people with and with- and belonging,” said Mark Ste- with disabilities more effectively,” a listener, an encourager. He was out disabilities naturally nego- phenson, director of Disability said DeYoung. more online drawn to those on the fringes of tiate acts of service, hospitality, Concerns for the CRC. —Heidi Wicker life; the down-and-out always found a welcome in the Praamsma parsonage. Florida Is More Than Vacation for Retired Pastor He loved to discuss the art of preaching with friends and col- leagues. The legacy of his faith was a blessing to his wife and children. He was a fine runner, and a favor- ite hobby was playing chess. Following their retirement, the Praamsmas served as interim pas- tor in several churches. Praamsma is survived by his Rev. Gerald Van Oyen (center, with clerical collar) wife, Joyce, three children and poses with a ship’s crew and fellow volunteers. their spouses, and 13 grandchil- On a typical winter’s day, Rev. Florida, most recently near “Ninety-seven percent of the dren. more online Gerald Van Oyen might share a Tampa. [seafarers] we talk to are glad to —Louis M. Tamminga Bible with a Chinese sea captain Often, members of a ship’s talk to us,” said Van Oyen. “At the or join in a Skype conversation crew must stay on board because end of their visit, they almost between a Russian seafarer and they don’t have visas. So Van Oyen, always write us a note, saying, his wife. 80, seeks permission to board the ‘Man, we’ve never been treated Van Oyen, a retired Christian ship to lead a worship service and so well.’” more online Reformed pastor, has spent the distribute Bibles. He follows up —Roxanne Van Farowe past eight years volunteering as personal conversations with a a chaplain at port ministries in Bible study that he sends by email.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 13 nIn Memorieam ws Highlights from 2013 Winter Classis Meetings wo or three times each Sarah Albers, Andrew Aukema, Trent Walker were released from year, Christian Reformed Michael Boerkoel, Benjamin CRC ministry. Tchurches send representa- Browneye, Bryan Dick, Jeff Kroon- River Walk CRC, Battle Creek, tives to meetings of their classis, dyk, Kurt Monroe, George Lub- Mich., and First CRC, Highland, Ind., a regional grouping of churches. bers, and David Ten Clay. will both form union churches They review and make decisions Transferred to the CRC from with congregations from the Rev. Jacob Boonstra about their shared ministries and other denominations were Jong Reformed Church in America. 1927 – 2013 practice mutual accountability for Bam (Tiger) Oh and Jim Halstead. The Way (Lockport, Ill.), Dun- Rev. Jacob (Jake) P. Boonstra, 86, their congregations’ individual Wayne DeYoung, Joy Engels- woody Christian Fellowship a U.S. Navy veteran and a compas- ministries. Here are highlights man, Todd Grotenhuis, Ladan (Atlanta, Ga.), Pine Grove Com- sionate, well-read pastor, passed from the most recent classis meet- Jennings, David Nederhood, Frank munity CRC (Pinellas Park, Fla.), away on February 27 after a stroke. ings: Guter, and Dae Won Shin were The Well (Bothell, Wash.), Walling- He served Christian Reformed Several people were wel- released from their congrega- ford Neighborhood Church congregations in Michigan, Illi- comed into ministry in the tions. (Seattle, Wash.), and Square Inch nois, and Colorado. Christian Reformed Church, Bobbyjon Bauman, John Ger- Church (Lacey, Wash.) were Boonstra’s ministry followed including seminary graduates rits, Seong Soo (Bob) Kim, and closed. the pattern set by CRC pastors for generations: he preached twice each week, taught catechism Wisconsin Church Runs Motel Ministry classes, led Bible study groups, For the congregation of Cove- conducted funerals, and faithfully nant Christian Reformed Church visited members in the congrega- in Appleton, Wisc., a local motel tions he served. has become the heart of minis- Among his colleagues he was try. known and appreciated for his When pastor Mark Pluimer helpfulness and friendship. He was and council leaders of the delegated to the CRC’s annual church challenged the congre- synod several times. gation to envision new ways of Boonstra loved people. He doing local ministry, the invita- recognized their gifts and services tion was met with a passionate and had a way of making them plea from members Mike and feel valued. He was also a wonder- Cheryl Watson. They have served ful family man who enjoyed many the poverty-stricken community camping trips with his family. at Northern Inn for the past Boonstra was predeceased in 13-plus years. “We thought it’d Northern Inn, Room 16, is home base for ministry in Appleton, 2009 by Angelina, his first wife, be wonderful to have church Wisc. with whom he shared 60 years of interactions out there and for marriage. people to catch the vision that this is where Christ would be and would stay.” He is survived by his second What began as a once-a-month outdoor food gathering eventually prompted the congregation wife, Virginia Visser. He is also to develop the Northern Inn Ministry, providing funding for the permanent renting and renovation survived by five children and of Room 16 as a home base for ministry, including weekly meals, Bible studies, support programs, their spouses, 13 grandchildren, and recently a memorial service for one of the deceased motel residents. and 19 great-grandchildren. Recently, the ministry helped a mother and her five children move out of a tiny room at the motel more online into more stable transitional housing. —Louis M. Tamminga Real-life stories of both beauty and sorrow continue to flow from the ministry. It always comes down to the intervention of Christ—“That’s the only thing that will change us,” said Cheryl. more online —Jessica Oosterhouse

14 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org In Memoriam

All the Canadian classes held conversations on the future of CRC ministry in Canada.

Synod 2013 Rev. Stephen Kendall of the PCC and Rev. William Koopmans Classis Alberta South/Saskatch- of the CRC holding specially designed coffee mugs portraying ewan requested that Synod 2013 each other’s denominational logo. Rev. John Medendorp adopt all recommendations in the 1926 – 2013 Diakonia Remixed report. Classis Classis Niagara Rev. John Calvin Medendorp, 86, Alberta North sent a communica- one of four generations of John tion endorsing the report. Classis Meets with Local Presbytery Medendorps in Christian Hudson requested that Synod The first-ever joint meeting between a Christian Reformed classis Reformed ministry, was a gifted 2013 not adopt several of the sug- (regional group of churches) and a Presbyterian Church in Canada preacher, teacher, counselor, and gested Church Order changes and presbytery was held in February in Welland, Ontario. pastor. He passed away on Febru- retain the language of the current The event celebrated the Affirmation of Relationship between ary 23 from complications of Form for Ordination. the two denominations that was adopted in 2009 by the PCC pneumonia. Classis Zeeland requested that General Assembly and in 2010 by the Synod of the CRC. Medendorp served Christian Synod 2013 not adopt recom- more online —Monica deRegt Reformed congregations in Iowa mendations of the Diversity in and Michigan. He retired in 1991 Leadership Planning Group II, Washington Youth Group but remained active in ministry in including hiring a person to imple- Michigan and Florida. ment the diversity recommenda- Cares for Chinese Exchange Student Medendorp was well-known tions. For many Chinese high school exchange and well-loved. He was deeply Classis British Columbia North- students, learning English is a challenge. committed to the Reformed faith west and Classis Grand Rapids East Lee Sue Deng, a 10th grade student and loved the Christian Reformed requested changes to the Min- who attends youth group at First Chris- denomination. Though sermon ister’s Pension Plan. tian Reformed Church in Lynden, Wash., preparation and pastoral calling Classis Grand Rapids North and faced a different obstacle. were his priority, he found time Classis Kalamazoo requested Only a few weeks after arriving in to read, study, and keep up with Synod 2013 authorize the creation the United States to attend Lynden current events. He was a frequent of a new classis for churches that Christian High School, she was diag- delegate to synod and served the exclude women from serving as nosed with stage 4A Hodgkin’s lym- boards of both Calvin College and officebearers. (See p. 16.) phoma. Calvin Theological Seminary as a Classis Pacific Northwest Dan Houston A doctor at Seattle Children’s Hos- Lee Sue lost most of her hair member and as president. requested pastoral advice from pital obtained an emergency visa allow- as a result of chemotherapy. Medendorp was deeply Synod 2013 on the issue of gay ing Huang Qyn, Lee Sue’s mother, to fly The First CRC of Lynden devoted to his family. He was marriage. Classis Zeeland would in from China. youth group brought wigs preceded in death by his wife, like a study committee to expand Youth group members sold prayer on a visit so Lee Sue would Christine, in 2009, and by two on the 1973 report on homo- bracelets to encourage others to not be the only one wearing daughters. sexuality. remember Lee Sue and financially sup- one. Medendorp is survived by two All materials regarding Synod port her medical treatments. Youth children and their spouses, nine 2013 are available in the Agenda pastor Dan Houston also took a group of students to Seattle during grandchildren, and six great- for Synod 2013, posted online at the Chinese New Year in February to visit Lee Sue. grandchildren. more online crcna.org and sent in print to every “I believe the church is like a tribe and takes care of the ones that —Louis M. Tamminga church. more online God has brought to us, just like we would any of our family,” said —Gayla R. Postma Houston. “When a situation like this presents itself, it puts everything in perspective.” more online —Amy Toornstra

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 15 Synod 2013 Asked to Consider an Affinity Classis wo classes (regional Some churches, such as Sec- as excluding women as dele- groups of churches) in ond CRC in Kalamazoo, Mich., gates to classis. However, Synod TWest Michigan have chose to abstain from attending 2010 denied the request for the asked Synod 2013 to allow the classis meetings, believing that transfer, noting that classes are nIn Memorieam formationw of a new classiss for attending under protest would meant to be “neighboring congregations that exclude soon become a mere formality. churches” and suggested instead women from holding ordained Indeed, the Christian Reformed that the churches find a classis office. Synod is the annual lead- church in Medicine Hat, Alberta, nearer by. However, the churches ership meeting of the Christian requested at the most recent have not been able to find a Reformed Church. meeting of Classis Alberta South/ nearby classis to call home. In recent meetings, both Saskatchewan that the following Thus the request for creation Classes Kalamazoo and Grand statement be read and recorded of a new classis. “After much Rev. Sung Soo Kim Rapid North adopted overtures in the minutes: “The council of prayer and collective wisdom 1964 – 2013 (requests) for the new classis. Medicine Hat protests the seating from church leaders . . . we Rev. Sung Kim, 49, a radical fol- Classis Zeeland declined to sup- of women elders and ministers at believe that God is leading to a lower of Jesus Christ’s gospel, port a similar overture from one classis as we believe it is in viola- better option of starting a new passed away from a sudden heart of its churches. Classis Minnkota tion to the Word of God.” After classis in Michigan,” the overture attack following a struggle with sent a communication to synod some discussion, the classis reads. “This classis will be for colorectal cancer in Korea. supporting the idea. decided that in future the state- churches who have deep convic- Kim joined the Christian “Please understand that ment would no longer be read to tions about the Bible’s qualifica- Reformed Church in 2006 and these churches, in keeping with the delegates but that the con- tions for leadership in the home served Smyrna CRC in Los Angeles, their biblical convictions, do not gregation could continue to have and in the church, and who wish Calif. He had recently returned to wish to continuously protest or it recorded in the classis minutes. to keep devoted male and Seoul, South Korea, to start a new cause discomfort for those who Since 2007, as many as 11 female members, families, and Smyrna Church. believe differently than they do churches in Michigan have dis- churches from leaving the CRC.” Prior to entering gospel min- on these matters,” reads one of cussed starting a new classis. Synod 2013 will meet in istry, he worked as a singer and the overtures. In 2010, Second CRC, along Grand Rapids, Mich., June 7-14. received an award in the College Synod 2007 opened all the with Trinity CRC in Sparta, Mich., The Agenda for Synod, which of Music festival. He also served offices to women, and most of sought instead to join Classis contains these overtures, is avail- as secretary to Korea’s president. the 47 regional classes also Minnkota despite the geographical able at crcna.org. Printed copies Kim will be remembered for allow women to be delegated separation between Michigan and are also sent to each congrega- his Christ-like manner and life. He at their assemblies. Minnesota. That classis is on record tion. —Gayla R. Postma loved music and the gospel; he was often called a singer/pastor. Kim is survived by his wife, Alberta Youth Conference Explores What It Means to Be Reformed Sherry. “How do we help students under- —Jonathan Kim stand what it is to be Reformed in this world, and what does it look like?” That question guided the organizers of a February youth conference in Edmonton, Alberta, for 140 high school students, some of whom traveled hundreds of kilometers to attend. The Inspire Conference was Youth from around Alberta gather for the Inspire Conference. billed as “a new retreat experience the community, to reflect the dam, a member of Edmonton’s for high school students looking hands and feet of Christ through Bethel CRC. “As an added bonus, to go deeper into who they are their words and actions. we met other youth from around and what they believe.” “The conference was amazing. the province, which is not some- Organizers also wanted the . . . It was inspiring to see how thing we get to do very often.” weekend to focus on service and small acts of kindness brought —Janet A. Greidanus discipleship, providing students smiles to peoples’ faces,” said opportunities to be of service in 17-year-old Emanuelle Dubbel-

16 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org FAQs Faith Formation What better way to honor the first Our congregation has question of the Heidelberg Catechism! Q many young families, and we baptize one or two Outreach Justice newborns a month. This is Our church says it wants to shine the What comes first: security or justice? Qlight of the gospel in our neighbor- Q a huge blessing, but I’ve hood. Yet we never seem to venture out We live in a culture of fear. That leads to into it. Instead we sit around in committees noticed that some mem- an obsession with security of all kinds— debating whether the Belhar Confession is A bers find all the baptisms physical, economic, and social. Fear starts with Reformed enough or whether the vacation a real problem, but it easily can take over and irritating. Any ideas? Bible school curriculum is too evangelical, be manipulated by fearmongers who benefit or asking if the pastor quoted the catechism from a fearful society. Too much fear harms It’s easy for a baptism to become a family enough in his sermon. I understand caring people, erodes community, and wastes money event with spectators like a hockey game: A about theological concerns, but what about on more weaponry that does not bring peace. family members are the players on the ice and actually doing something? Fear is a reflex emotion. Justice and com- the church members are the fans in the stands. passion require more thought. While fear alerts Some denominations treat infant baptisms like Theological concerns certainly have their us to danger, our response needs to be guided weddings: an event for family and friends that place. After all, they help us frame what A by justice and compassion. That’s what the we should be doing and why. So we definitely occurs outside of Sunday worship. Bible says. And it holds out a promise for our should not leave those concerns behind. But in the Reformed tradition we consider culture of fear: do justice and things will go However, you’re right to question the balance baptism a congregational event, and it’s help- well in the land. of energy spent on debating orthodoxy at the ful to cultivate practices that highlight this One good gift churches can give to current more clearly. Recently a couple in our church expense of actually bearing witness to what debates about guns and the war on terrorism asked if they could each give a testimony in one believes! is to depose the culture of fear and reframe response to the questions parents are asked A friend noted anecdotally that there seems public discussion to focus on justice and care in baptism. Reading a letter to his infant son, to be a divide between sound theology and for others. What better way to honor the first the father promised, “We will listen for God’s being relevant to the world. Her experience question of the Heidelberg Catechism! It says voice together. We will learn together, pray is that a church that pays little attention to our security is in Christ, not in weapons or maintaining strict orthodoxy does much in together, make mistakes together. And your bank accounts. Christ knew fear, but he spoke the way of city involvement and bringing mother and I will be here for you every step of and acted in love. shalom to brokenness, while some of the the way.” The mother, who had herself been A first step reasserts core principles, start- churches that spend more time maintaining baptized in our congregation as an infant, read ing with respect for the dignity and worth of their theological borders seem to ignore the a letter to all of us. She thanked us for fulfilling every person as created and loved by God. real concerns around them. the congregational vow we had made with her Then we can’t demonize others. Second is It doesn’t have to be either/or. The impor- baptism, and concluded, “Thank you for being cultivating the ability to see the world through tant thing is seeking honestly to be disciples the eyes of others. That opens the door to our family, for loving us, and for raising our son of Jesus. Try this: pass your personal and church solutions other than revenge and violence. up in your prayers even before he was born.” activities through a lens asking, “Is this what If we keep fear in its place as a warning, but Irritating? Absolutely not. Deeply affirm- Jesus would have us spending time on?” I find act on justice and compassion, greater security ing, celebrative, and formative for the entire clarity for my own life and ministry when I will be the result. The Bible tells me so. body—this is congregational worship at its allow this filter to shed light on what I’m doing. —Kathy Vandergrift teaches public ethics to best. I trust it may do the same for you. university students and advocates for the rights —Syd Hielema is a professor of religion and —Bryan Berghoef is a church planter starting of children. n theology at Redeemer University College in a new faith community in Washington, D.C., Ancaster, Ontario, and a member of the CRC’s and is the author of Pub Theology: Beer, Con- Synodical Faith Formation Study Committee. versation, and God.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 17 by Duane Kelderman

Congregational Leadership: Whose Job Is It?

hose job it is to give congregational Congregations, on the other hand, are crying out for help. leadership? That’s a question many pastors They know they need a deeply shared congregational vision and and congregations are struggling with these direction, and they want more help from the pastor than they’re days. The struggles vary depending upon the getting. Many are in a period of malaise—they’re losing members congregation and pastor, but in many cases, and finding themselves avoiding the difficult conversations each thinks that the other is ultimately respon- around sensitive issues that are necessary to move forward. sible for congregational leadership. Congregations expect their pastor to take the lead, and pastors expect the congre- Reciprocal Leadership gation to do so. At one level, this dilemma is not as difficult as it may seem. If In situations like this, pastors usually argue that the council we were to rephrase the question as “Who will help our con- or elders must take responsibility for the congregation’s vision gregation be what God calls it to be?” (a fairly simple and and direction. For many pastors, it’s a matter of theological biblical way to define leadership) most pastors and congrega- conviction about the nature of pastoral ministry and Reformed tions would agree that both have crucial roles. Pastors hope polity. Pastors, they say, must perform pastoral functions— that everything they do helps their congregation to be what preach God’s Word, shepherd God’s people, conduct weddings God calls it to be. And congregations understand that they and funerals, evangelize, teach, and model Christian living. can’t shove off on the pastor the responsibility for the church They firmly believe that setting the congregation’s vision and being the church. It’s really not that complicated. In the con- implementing congregational goals that come out of that vision gregational context, both the pastor and the congregation share are the responsibility of the council, elders, or other designated responsibility for helping the church to be what God calls it to leaders—not the pastor. be. Together they should be able to say, “This is our project.”

18 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org When it comes to leadership style and gifts, pastors are wired differently.

The New Testament and Reformed church polity are pretty It’s possible to quibble over Cousins’ percentages and even clear about the mutual, reciprocal nature of ministry and lead- over his exegesis of Romans 12:8, but his overall point seems ership. The New Testament image of the church as a body with fairly obvious: when it comes to leadership style and gifts, pastors many parts (1 Corinthians 12) and the teaching that God has are wired differently and are not helped by trying to be something given gifts to all the members so that the body of Christ may they are not. If every pastor tries to be an organization builder, be built up (see especially Ephesians 4) argue strongly for a Cousins maintains, the vast majority will be frustrated because “both/and” answer to the question of who leads. Christ is the that’s not who they are. Their congregations will also be frustrated head of the body—not the pastor and not the congregation. because the pastor isn’t effective, and the people within those All members of the body are organically united with Christ congregations who actually do have the spiritual gift of leadership and have responsibility to serve, lead, and follow Christ. will be displaced or under-utilized. Most pastors who resist the In this reciprocal understanding of leadership, pastors, idea of being a leader are really resisting the expectation that council, and elders all have particular and strategic leadership they be an organization builder. So pastors need to discern their roles to play in helping a congregation to be everything God own spiritual gifts and lead from those gifts. intends it to be. The Christian Reformed Church Order fleshes Third, accept the fact that you are a leader. To put it another out some of those roles. When understood not simply as a book way, you have responsibility for helping the congregation you of rules, but as a book of wisdom, the Church Order actually serve to find its way. You may not be an organization builder, offers a pretty brilliant blueprint for reciprocal leadership. but your calling as pastor still entails helping the congregation Unfortunately, both pastors and congregations can agree you serve to be the church God calls it to be. The New Testament on all of this and still hold firm in their opinion that the other doesn’t separate pastoral functions from the tasks of leading is not doing the job. Here are some suggestions for each. and equipping the body of Christ. Indeed, everything pastors (and all the members) do is “so that the body of Christ may be A Word to Pastors built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowl- Congregational Leadership: Three things can help pastors as they try to figure out their edge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the leadership responsibility in a congregation. whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:12-13). First, get rid of the distinction between “congregational lead- This is difficult because pastors are trained mostly to perform Whose Job Is It? ership” and “pastoral functions.” The fact is that pastors lead particular pastoral functions. They’re trained to think about what their congregations in everything they do. Leadership is not some they do in terms of the sermons they write, the people they visit, optional organizational function tacked onto the pastor’s oth- the neighbors they reach out to, and the meetings they run. Even erwise spiritual job. If congregational leadership means helping the form for ordination used in the Christian Reformed Church the church be the church, then every minute of the pastor’s work is task-oriented. As a result, many pastors are uncertain about is congregational leadership. In his book 360-Degree Leadership: what congregational leadership from the pastor actually entails. Preaching to Transform Congregations, Michael Quicke argues Add to that uncertainty the fact that many congregations eloquently that preaching is where the pastor most centrally are highly resistant even to effective leadership, and it’s under- exercises leadership responsibility. In the same way, pastors give standable that pastors want to stay out of the crossfire and just critical congregational leadership in their worship leadership, fulfill certain clearly defined pastoral functions. But leadership pastoral care, discipling, and evangelizing. simply is not optional for pastors. In reality, central to the Second, don’t confuse being a leader with being an organi- pastor’s calling is helping a particular congregation to flourish. zation builder. Don Cousins argues that every pastor is a leader, but not every pastor is an organization builder. In his book A Word to Congregations Experiencing LeaderShift: Letting Go of Leadership Heresies, Three things can help congregations as they try to work cre- Cousins writes that only 8 percent of pastors have the spiritual atively with their pastor in being the church: gift of leadership referred to in Romans 12:8. Cousins calls First, don’t expect the pastor to be an organization builder if people with this gift “organization builders” and defines the she is not one. A leader? Yes. But not every pastor has the more gift as “the divine enablement to cast vision, motivate, and specialized gift of building organizations. If the congregation direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of tries to make the pastor into a Bill Hybels, everyone loses. God.” Organization builders have the special abilities to pres- Instead, believe that within the congregation as a whole are the ent a big picture that has organizational traction, motivate gifts needed to be a healthy body. How often have congregations others, and align an organization’s vision, values, and ministries. over-relied on pastors only to be frustrated by their pastor’s

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 19 poor performance—a pastor, by the way, who was probably Digging Deeper trying to serve outside of his or her area of giftedness—and in the process underused the gifts of others in the congregation? Don Cousins, Experiencing LeaderShift: Letting Go of Leadership The greatest shift in the North American church over the last Heresies, David C. Cook, 2008. 50 years has been moving from what Jackson Carroll has called This book exposes the “heresy” that all pastors are equally a clerical orientation to an ecclesial orientation. A congregation gifted in leadership; it proposes biblical approaches to spiritual used to describe its ministry primarily in terms of what the gifts and shared congregational leadership that guide and encour- pastor did. Today, the focus is not on clerical functions—worship, age pastors and congregations. sacraments, weddings, funerals, catechesis—but on the gifts and ministries of the body as a whole. Flourishing congregations are Bill Hybels, Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, Zondervan, 2008. embracing this shift. Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12 require Hybels distills into 67 axioms the wisdom he has gained through it. Your pastor needs to be a leader for this shift to take place, but 30 years of leadership at Willow Creek Church. Each axiom is both you can’t assume that your pastor is an organization builder. practical and deep. Hybels is honest and vulnerable in sharing Second, realize the important role of the congregation in his own leadership failures. Together the axioms communicate a healthy leadership. Sometimes pastors are not resisting their biblical understanding of the essential nature of the church and leadership responsibility but are simply holding a congregation of shared leadership. accountable for its leadership responsibility and for addressing Tod E. Bolsinger, It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the the dysfunctions that may exist in the congregation. Dysfunctional Community of God Transforms Lives, Brazos Press, 2004. congregational culture is extremely difficult to change. Congre- Questions about leadership always engage Christians in the gations have a way of refusing to confront dysfunctional behav- deeper question “What is the church?” Bolsinger offers a deep iors in powerful members or deal with long-standing personnel but accessible vision of the church, an ecclesiology rooted in the problems or make crucial decisions. Congregations often blame triune God that is biblical, beautiful, and compelling as Christians the pastor for not giving strong-enough leadership when the seek to embody the life of the triune God in their local church. issue isn’t primarily pastoral leadership at all. The congregation simply refuses to take responsibility for its own life and to make Effective Leadership in the Church, Sustaining Pastoral Excellence some hard decisions. Staying in old dysfunctional ruts is easier. in the Christian Reformed Church of North America, 2005. Third, don’t quickly link your congregation’s health or lack This booklet, created by collaboration among CRC leaders of health to your pastor. Blessed is the congregation that can talk nearly 10 years ago, addresses the difficult questions of who leads a long time about its strengths and weaknesses without referring the church and articulates a reciprocal, adaptive understanding to its pastor. Mature congregations realize that, of course, their of leadership and change. This booklet is an excellent resource pastor has strengths and weaknesses, but those are distinct from and study guide for congregational leaders seeking to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the congregation. Mature con- together about their roles. gregations focus more on things the congregation must work Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, Leadership from Inside Out: on than on things the pastor has to work on. Spirituality and Organizational Change, Crossroad, 2004. This former leader of the Reformed Church of America offers We’re in This Together a vision of leadership interwoven with Christian spirituality and This article addresses one particular leadership challenge—the argues that significant leadership reflection invariably drives us challenge of pastors and congregations who think that the other to deep questions about God, personal identity, values, and the has ultimate leadership responsibility for the congregation. larger purposes our leadership serves. The opposite challenge is pastors and congregations who think they themselves—not the other—have ultimate leadership Leadership Journal: Real Ministry in a Complex World, responsibility. But the answer to both of these situations is the christianitytoday.com/le same: We’re in this together! This online journal produced by Christianity Today offers a mix Congregations and other organizations that are effective of practical and theological articles on leadership. Divided into and healthy have usually succeeded, to some degree, in helping three major categories—Soul, Skills, and Culture—the journal people discover and work from their areas of strength and includes resources for pastors and laypersons who seek to build giftedness—and that applies to church members, leaders, and biblically grounded and healthy congregations. pastors. It’s hard to capture this truth more eloquently than Paul does in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. The good news is that this is exactly what God wants for churches and pastors, Duane Kelderman is one of the interim ministers of so efforts in this direction are likely to succeed as the Holy preaching at LaGrave Avenue CRC and an adjunct Spirit leads the church. n faculty member at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich.


20 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org On the Journey

Night Shift

don’t live a normal life. I work as a paramedic on week- end nights and see a part of society I want to stop being on the bench as a that few know of except for the “fan” of Christ and start being a “follower.” horror stories they hear. Lights and sirens are my anthem as I’m rushing to the person who dialed 911: the rich executive with abdominal pain; the alco- holic drinking mouthwash; the victims of car accidents, stabbings, overdoses, and heart attacks. For many years I lived this life as a struggling member of secular society, trying to be part of the “in” crowd. Hav- ing grown up in the Roman Catholic Church, I’d had many lessons about Christ through my schooling but didn’t take them to heart. I left the church because I didn’t agree with the dogma. Then my daughter was born, and that’s when I heard God’s voice again. I was picking up on whispers before then, when she would kick in my wife’s womb, but it wasn’t until I actually saw her that sit back and try to sift my way through shunned. To know that I will never again God’s voice was audible. At first I didn’t the Bible. Then I find out my own broken- set foot in the society to which I tried for listen. But while voting in the 2008 elec- ness and unworthiness before God; so long to belong was both comforting tion at Fellowship Christian Reformed sometimes I cry at how shallow and and scary. Church, the voting place for my district, undeserving I am of God’s love. This is what I learned: that our home I found God. I’d been there a few times The night shift is rough. Sundays are in Christ is a haven, one that few under- before, but that day the place seemed the hardest, when I try to reset to the day stand but all seek. I now know that I will different—perhaps because my daughter schedule. Often I just want to call in sick be apart from society. And I’m happy was crawling on the floor, pulling books and try to get more than three or four with that, for Christ has already shown off a shelf. I began inquiring and quickly hours of sleep instead of going to church. me his love and his power to provide. I realized that God had been calling me to But every week I find the strength to get thank God daily for bringing me back to this church. up and hear God’s Word. And every week him and pray that I continue to try to The hardest part of my life is wanting I feel my relationship with God growing. follow his commands. I thank God for to be more involved in the church, but Family and friends, coworkers and forgiving me when I fail him. Mostly I always finding conflicts: Bible study is on strangers ridiculed me for becoming a thank God for loving us so much that he Wednesday nights, and I’m at work. The Christian again. They didn’t understand saved us through Christ, our Lord and fellowship time after church is right when why I had gone back to church and Savior. n our daughter is ready for her nap—and mocked me for believing in God. a nap for me wouldn’t hurt either. I want Then my pastor preached on Luke to stop being on the bench as a “fan” of 12:51-53. Jesus said he was here not to Dennis Royman is a paramedic with Sandoval Christ and start being a “follower.” It just bring peace, but division. He told us how Regional Medical Center seems as if my life isn’t playing along. we as Christians are set apart from soci- and a member of Fellowship But sometimes I get these moments ety by our belief in Christ, and how we Christian Reformed at work when no one is calling and I can need to be prepared for ridicule and being Church, Albuquerque, N.M.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 21 togetherChrisdoingtian Reformed Worldmore Missions Nigeria: A New Era in Missions by Sarah Lin

Pilot Ray Browneye helped transport critically ill patients to CRWM’s hospitals.

arba Umar, 49, had planned (CRCN). He is also the coordinator of grows, so does the CRCN’s vision for to be a lawyer. the CRCN’s evangelism program in reaching people with the gospel. But shortly after finishing Abuja, Nigeria. For 15 years, he and his In the fall, Umar led a three-day evan- his legal training, he realized wife, Helen, have shared the gospel with gelism training event in Kabusa for about that the nudging on his heart people in the Abuja suburb of Kabusa. 70 people. He offered strategies, tips, and to become a pastor was grow- As the Kabusa church expanded, the tools for effectively reaching out to ing.G So in 1997, at the urging of then- Umars began building up local believers people and then sent the participants out Christian Reformed World Missions for evangelism and discipleship. In the to apply what they had learned. (CRWM) missionaries Bob and Ineke spring of 2012, the Umars moved to Kuje, They fanned out through five neigh- Lodewyk, Umar became a church planter another suburb of Abuja, to begin build- boring villages, starting conversations in Nigeria. ing a church all over again. with people on the streets and making Today Umar is an evangelist with the Abuja and its suburbs are home to records for follow-up with the people Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria more than 3 million people. As Abuja they met.

22 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org togetherdoingmore God had worked through their witness that day to bring 45 people to himself. Some, including Umar, went to a vil- in Jos, Mkar, Takum, and other villages lage known for its drugs, alcohol, and and began building relationships in the wild parties. They held an outdoor service communities. They opened schools and in the middle of the village’s open-air medical clinics, taught in Bible colleges bars, telling people how Jesus had brought and seminaries, planted churches, and them hope and forgiveness. Nine villag- joined Nigerian evangelists in telling ers committed their lives to Christ. people about Jesus. Later the participants gathered to share Thousands of Nigerians put their trust their experiences. God had worked in Jesus. By the 1970s, three Nigerian through their witness that day to bring Reformed denominations, including the Evangelist Garba Umar with his wife, Helen, 45 people to himself. CRCN, had formed as a result of the work and their children, Miracle and Victor. “People realized [that God used] ‘ordi- of CRWM and its partners. Since 2010, CRWM and the CRCN nary’ members for extraordinary work,” Today, CRWM missionaries work in have also worked together to do ministry said Umar. “People understood evange- partnership with these denominations. in Sierra Leone. lism is a way of life.” The events of the Missionaries are still involved in ministry The years when Nigeria was simply a day led seven people to commit them- to Muslims, teaching, and other evange- missionary-receiving nation have passed. selves fully to being evangelists. listic roles, but the focus has shifted to Now, Nigerian Christians are sharing the The CRCN’s ministry through Umar strengthening the Nigerian church for gospel they once received with those who ministry in Nigeria and beyond. and other evangelists marks a new era for have yet to hear it. n Christian Reformed World Missions’ work “Increasingly CRWM works as a part- Sarah Lin is a staff writer in Nigeria. ner in ministries that are owned, gov- with Christian Reformed When CRWM adopted Nigeria as a erned, and sustained by Nigerian coun- World Missions. mission field over 70 years ago, the mis- terparts,” said CRWM missionary Albert sionaries largely focused on sharing the Strydhorst. CRWM missionaries mentor gospel. and train Nigerian leaders, support out- Many people in central Nigeria in the reach efforts, and encourage Nigerian 1940s were following Islam or African churches and believers to apply their faith CRWM at 125 traditional religions. Missionaries settled to every societal sphere. Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM) is celebrating 125 years of helping Christian Reformed churches to fulfill the Great Commission. What began as a mission to share the gospel with Native Americans has expanded to ministry in more than 50 countries. During these years, many CRWM alumnus people and churches have faithfully Dave Dykgraaf partnered with CRWM to extend Jesus’ explains a point to message of hope worldwide. Bible school Please join us as we celebrate God’s students. work through our partnership together. Visit crwm.org/125 to learn about anniversary events being held near you.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 23 togetherChrisdoingtian Reformed Worldmore Missions Nicaragua: The Church Transformed n the 1970s, political insta- He also has helped his church bility forced Christian form gifts-based teams for wor- Reformed World Missions ship and administration. People (CRWM) to stop planting no longer are doing something churches in Nicaragua. simply because it’s their turn, When CRWM returned but because they’re skilled in it. Iin 1996, it realized that Nicara- The church’s music ministry has gua’s Protestant evangelical improved, and administrative churches had the real potential tasks are completed accurately to transform the nation. One and on time. thing, however, was holding them The church also has started back. reaching out to the community. “Their impact on society and Some members offer counseling culture was limited by a dualistic services to church and commu- worldview,” said CRWM mission- nity members. Others minister ary Joel Huyser. Nicaraguan Christians pray together. to inmates, showing them Jesus’ Evangelical Christians separated their love through their care. Youth have started faith from the rest of their life. Churches their communities. What happened in inviting non-Christian friends to study shared the gospel but did little else in church largely stayed in church. the Bible with them. So CRWM and local and international The church’s outreach has drawn many Church @ Prayer organizations began challenging Nicara- newcomers. Around 20 people have either guan Christians to embrace a more fully returned to church, committed them- • Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue biblical worldview. They formed the selves to Christ, or are close to putting to guide CRWM about when, where, Nehemiah Center and began training their trust in Jesus. and how to engage in ministry. people to integrate faith into life. Cienfuegos has shared the training • Pray for missionaries to encourage and One of the center’s offerings is the with other churches in his denomination walk alongside their ministry partners Healthy Church Initiative, which trains too. While some people are unhappy with wisely and humbly. church leaders in healthy relationships, the changes, most are eager to see how • Pray that God will work through local word-and-deed outreach, accountability, God might work through them. evangelists to bring people to himself. God-centered worship, gifts-based min- “In the past [churches] maybe knew • Pray for the gospel to make inroads in istry, expository preaching, servant lead- of a need or problem, in or out of the Japan. ership, and strategic planning. church, but they didn’t know how to • Thank God for the hundreds of former Denis Cienfuegos, a pastor in Leon, respond,” said Henry Cruz Sandoval, and current CRWM missionaries and Nicaragua, is part of the Healthy Church facilitator of the Healthy Church Initia- volunteers. Initiative. He’s been involved in several tive. “Now they have the tools to respond.” • Thank God for Christian Reformed Nehemiah Center training events over With thankfulness to God for his work, churches, donors, and prayer warriors the years. Each one gives him more tools CRWM missionaries continue encourag- who have been partners in missions for helping his church worship and follow ing believers to live out their faith, dream- with CRWM. God. Since participating in the Healthy ing of how God may use the believers to Sign up for CRWM’s ePray at crwm.org/ Church Initiative, he’s made some sig- expand his kingdom in Nicaragua. n membership to receive a weekly email of nificant changes. —Sarah Lin prayer requests. Cienfuegos now writes Scripture-based sermons and trains others to do the same.

24 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Misato RCJ church in the early years. togetherdoingmore

Japan: Small Church, Big Vision wenty-five years ago, Misato “Many missionaries planted and area to monthly gatherings and Bible Reformed Church in Japan was watered Misato RCJ diligently,” said Lee. studies. They hope the gatherings will a small church plant in the “Now I see the fruits of their labor. Misato encourage believers and attract others to middle of rice fields outside of RCJ wants to reach out, even if it means the gospel message. Tokyo. Today it is a light for going out of its way to do it.” “Rev. Mochida and his congregation Christ in an ever-growing city. Misato RCJ draws people in by offer- are on fire, evangelizing to their neighbors TRev. Hiortsugu Mochida, a pastor with ing concerts, cooking classes, Korean and beyond,” said Lee. “My wife, Jeannie, the Reformed Church in Japan (RCJ), lessons, social events, and other activities. and I came to Japan to expand God’s started Misato RCJ with two Christian It has also offered Bible studies and kingdom. Misato Church’s enthusiasm Reformed World Missions (CRWM) mis- courses like Alpha. While none of their sionary couples, Mike and Trudy DeBerdt recent visitors has embraced the gospel and Richard and Sandy Sytsma. yet, the church is becoming known as a Initially the church had nine people, welcoming place. five of whom were children. Missionaries Church members are also trying to preached, taught, and did some evange- start more intentional conversations. lism. Mochida led the church’s evangelism About a year ago, many of them partici- activities and handled culturally sensitive pated in a CRWM-led “Friendship Evan- tasks. Over time, Misato became an orga- gelism” workshop. People shared ques- nized church of over 40 people. tions, fears, and uncertainties about Sharing the gospel in Japan has never reaching out. Then they did some role- been easy. Even after hundreds of years playing to practice moving conversations of missions, fewer than 1 percent of beyond surface dialogue. The experience Japan’s people believe in Christ. Yet gave people new courage for sharing the Japanese Christians and missionaries gospel. Ken and Jeannie Lee help Misato RCJ reach refuse to be discouraged. Instead they “Manpower is a big hindrance to out to its community with food. continually search for new outreach evangelism in Japan,” noted Lee. “Japanese opportunities. churches are small, and many of their for his kingdom expansion encourages CRWM missionary Ken Lee has been members are elderly.” Despite these chal- and motivates us to take part in it more working with Misato RCJ for three years. lenges, the people of Misato RCJ are diligently.” Along with mentoring young adults, he committed to telling others about Jesus. The rice fields around Misato RCJ have offers the church ideas and encourage- Some of the church’s young adults are been replaced by tall buildings. But the ment on reaching out. His work reflects helping to lead the way. A young married church’s passion for reaching the com- CRWM’s shift from planting churches in couple moved farther into Tokyo to have munity has not disappeared—it’s only Japan to strengthening existing churches a shorter work commute. Since then they grown stronger. n for outreach. have been inviting young adults in the —Sarah Lin

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 25 togetherdoingThe moreView from Here He Is Counting on Us

first read this story long ago. It was first told Very near the end of this still longer ago. It is fiction, and yet it is amazing letter to Rome, true: Paul expresses the pur- When Jesus ascended into heaven, pose of God’s mission one of the angels said to him, “You to the world and to must have suffered terribly down the frail, often less- I there.” than-dependable likes “I did,” Jesus replied. of us: “so that all the “Do they all know what you did Gentiles might come for them?” the angel asked. Have you to the obedience that “No.” Jesus answered. “Not yet. comes from faith” (v. Only a few know so far.” 26). “Then what have you done so that On pages 710-715 all can know?” asked the angel. in the 2012 CRC Year- “I asked Peter and James and John heard? book are recorded and a few others to make it their even more names than business to tell others, and the oth- the ones Paul knew— ers still others, until all the world hundreds of names of should know,” Jesus responded. men and women who “Yes,” said the angel dubiously, “but serve as missionaries and what if Peter and James and John and mobilizers, staff and teach- the others forget or fail? What if they tire of ers, veterans and novices in Africa and telling? What if, way ahead in the 21st century, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean, Europe, and people fail to tell the story of your love?” in Russia. All of them, only a small portion of the army Back came Jesus’ answer: “I’m counting on them.” currently covering the globe, are living and working and tes- Jesus is not dependent on us, but he is counting on us. Us! tifying and teaching “so that all nations might believe and obey Think of it. Jesus is counting on us to get the Word out. him.” Take a look at Romans 16 sometime soon. The first 16 verses You and I are part of that group, supporting and praying refer to more than two dozen saints in Rome who were involved for their work because Jesus is also counting on us. This is a in getting the Word out, people on whom Jesus was count- mission that will never end as long as there is time. This is a ing—men and women serving as teachers and hosts, mes- cause that can never be oversubscribed as long as people are sengers and mentors, ministers and martyrs, servants and willing to be sent. This is a prayer that will never be finished dignitaries, witnesses and workers. until the Amen returns to take us home. Because of folks like these, the Christian church, begun just William Tyndale concludes his prologue to the Epistle to a few decades earlier with a few dozen people, grew to tens of the Romans with these words: “Now go to, reader, according thousands and spread from a locked room in Jerusalem to to the order of Paul’s writing, even so do thou.” much of the known world. Now go to, reader. Jesus is counting on the likes of us. He We do not know their stories. We can guess at some, but always has, always will. And by his grace and with his blessing, most remain a mystery. What is evident is that God used them the nations will believe and obey him. and the likes of Peter, James, and John—flaws, failures, and Now “to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus all—to communicate the Word throughout the world. Christ! Amen” (Rom. 16:27). n

Jesus is counting on Rev. Joel Boot is executive director of the the likes of us. He always Christian Reformed Church in North America. has, always will.

26 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org out and about

CTS Students Take Time for Retreat n February first-year students at Cal- vin Theological Seminary headed to Camp Geneva on the icy shores of Lake Michigan to spend 24 hours in retreatI discerning their calls to ministry. They spent time in small group con- versations about personal stories of calls, gifts for ministry, and deeper motivations for ministry practice. Students said that the small group conversations were rich and engaging as they wondered about how God might use them in ministry. Sometimes at these retreats students do in fact discern that they are not called Calvin Theological Seminary students and facilitators at the 2013 Pastoral Identity Retreat. to pastoral ministry, and in that learning they are blessed as well. Retreat as part of the core curriculum of in a more relaxed setting, I always sense Students also worshiped as a com- the course “Foundations for Pastoral the movement of God’s spirit in the lives munity among the sand dunes of Lake Care.” of our students,” said Nydam. “I love it.” Michigan. “Each year I look forward to our n Rev. Ron Nydam, professor of pastoral retreat because, as we gather in commu- —Calvin Theological Seminary care, facilitated the 2013 Pastoral Identity nity off-campus and engage each other

Tribal Languages Reach More People with the Gospel upri was excited to hear Although the BTGMI Back to God Ministries Indonesian ministry team International’s (BTGMI) focuses on the major tribal radio programs Ren- languages, Rev. Untung says Scana Ogung (Majestic Plan) they “have a dream to pro- and Kutak Andau (Today’s duce tribal radio programs Word) in his tribal language. in the common languages Like many people in that are used by Muslim Indonesia, he is much more people.” comfortable using his tribal A family in the Since beginning a partner- dialect—in this case, Dyak village. ship in 2011 with Words of Dayaknese—instead of the Hope, the media ministry national language. Rev. Untung Ongkowi- Part of the challenge of associated with the Reformed “I’ve never before heard djaya, ministry leader for sharing the gospel in Indo- Church in America, BTGMI’s Christian teachings in Day- BTGMI’s outreach in Indo- nesia is the number of tribal Indonesian ministry has aknese,” said Supri, who lives nesia, said that the ministry languages spoken across its expanded its programming in Central Borneo. “When I has expanded its broadcasts 6,000 inhabited islands. to more efficiently reach its hear these programs, I feel to include 10 programs in Also, nearly 90 percent of audience. n that the Christian faith is seven tribal languages in the population is Muslim, —Brian Clark, Back to close to me, not just a strange addition to six programs in and many also practice tribal God Ministries International Western religion.” the national language. ancestral religions.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 27 togetherdoingmore Pair of Student Athletes Hedge Fund Manager Share Rare Honor Turns from the Money “ ustin,” a hedge fund manager weary of the financial alvin College seniors During her senior season, treadmill, is about to jump into the unknown and Carissa Verkaik and Kamp led Calvin’s volleyball into God’s hands. Lizzie Kamp have taken team to a 33-3 record and a He is part of City Grace Church in New York City. the school’s athletic runner-up finish in the NCAA J“Our mission is sharing the ‘life’ that is truly life,” says Cprogram to new heights dur- Division III tournament. She Pastor Ben Spalink. “New Yorkers find their sense of value ing the 2012-2013 academic was a part of Calvin’s national in making lots of money.” year. championship team in 2010. Begun five years ago to reach the East Village’s educated An elementary education professionals, City Grace, a Home Missions-supported major with a 3.76 GPA, partner, has 90 congregants who meet in a movie theater Verkaik was named the Mich- on Sunday mornings. igan Interscholastic Athletic “There were lots of churches around here, but not Association’s (MIAA) MVP in gospel-believing ones,” says Spalink. basketball for four straight Six small community groups span at least three boroughs years. during the week. City Grace is young—the median age is She completed her career 25—and its popula- as Calvin’s all-time leader in tion ranges from points, rebounds, and blocked students to upwardly mobile lawyers and white-collar profes- sionals in the finan- cial world such as Lizzie Kamp Justin. “We have recent The College Sports Infor- converts, those who mation Directors of America became Christians (CoSIDA) named Verkaik and through campus Kamp the Capital One Aca- ministries, and those demic All-American of the who grew up nomi- Year in their respective sports. nal or unchurched,” “This is a phenomenal Spalink says. occurrence,” said Nancy Several people Meyer, director of women’s have come to saving athletics. “It’s a huge honor for faith in Jesus Christ us to have two student athletes Carissa Verkaik has won top Ben and Christy Spalink are building through City Grace; of that caliber competing for awards for her basketball skills City Life church in New York City. Justin is one of them. Calvin for four years.” at Calvin College. After coming to Both have won other hon- church for a while, he realized that money was an empty ors as well. shots, and she ranks third all- god to follow. An accounting major with time in Division III for “He realized he was being led to take a big risk, to quit a 3.69 GPA, Kamp followed in blocked shots. She helped his job, and to see what God has in store,” says Spalink. her older sister Rebecca’s foot- Calvin reach the NCAA III “The gospel gave him the courage to walk away.”n steps, being named the 2012 Tournament for four straight —Lorilee Craker, Division III National Player of years. n Christian Reformed Home Missions the Year by the American Vol- ­—Matt Kucinski, leyball Coaches Association Calvin College (AVCA).

28 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org togetherdoingmore Land Rights Improve Lives in Tanzania n the District of Sengerema on the southwest coast of Lake Victoria, farmers can’t use their land as col- lateral or benefit from the work they doI to improve it. As in many other districts in Tanzania, the land is owned by the government, and the local farmers lack titles to it. They are also at risk of being evicted from the land without compensation if the government, an agribusiness, or other farmers wish to use the land. In 2010, World Renew began to work with its local Christian partner, the Sen- gerema Informal Sector Association (SISA), to address this issue. While Tanzanian citizens have been allowed to apply for land rights since 1999, an estimated 98 percent of farmers in Sengerema continue to lack legal title to their land, primarily because they don’t understand the process. SISA worked with the local govern- ment to educate farmers about land rights and the application process. Women do most of the agricultural work in the country, but men control land ownership. With this in mind, World Renew and SISA paid special attention to widows, families headed by women, those caring for AIDS orphans, and families caring for people who live with HIV. “God has called us to speak out on all over the world about the land rights A farmer in Sengerema, Tanzania, demon- behalf of the poor and pursue justice. program and the improved agriculture strates the difference that applying home- This program has enabled us to do just practices being taught. made bio-fertilizer made to his maize. that,” said Chris Enns, World Renew To assist these external organizations Tanzania staff member. and spread the word to all communities becoming a prominent food producer As farmers in surrounding communi- in the area, SISA has begun working with and processor in the district. ties became aware of the project, the its partners to create two manuals. “With World Renew and SISA,” she demand increased, expanding to 10 new The greatest impact, however, is felt said, “you will never be disappointed.” n communities. by the farmers and landowners them- —Kristen deRoo Vanderberg, In September 2012, the Prime Minis- selves. World Renew ter of Tanzania visited Sengerema and Through the project, Angelina Hobbas praised the project. has gone from being a peasant farmer Joseph Shigulu, the program coordina- who could not afford to eat three meals tor, says he has been getting email from a day to owning a five-acre farm and

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 29 just for kids Birds of a Feather Birds are everywhere in the Bible! Accord- scared and hungry, God told some ravens ing to Genesis 1, God created birds even to bring him food. And the Holy Spirit before other animals and people. Later, appeared in the form of a dove. Don’t you Noah sent out a raven and a dove to see wonder why God chose a dove and not if the floodwaters were going down. After another animal or bird? the Israelites left Egypt, God sent them Birds live in every country on earth— quail in the desert to keep them from even in Antarctica. Read on to find out starving. When the prophet Elijah was more about our fine feathered friends!

Eat Like a Bird? ott H olladay When people say “You eat like a bird,” they usually mean that you don’t eat much. But if you really ate like a bird, you’d have to eat hundreds and hundreds of times a n by Sc I llustratio day. The amount of food some birds eat in a day is equal to their own weight! Weigh yourself and imagine eating that much food every single day. You’d have to spend almost all your time eat- ing, as birds do. Just like you, birds have their favorite foods. Yellow warblers like caterpillars. American goldfinches love thistle seed. And if you’ve ever watched robins after a rain, you know they go nuts for worms.

Watch a Chick Hatchndustry At the Museum of Science and I - in Chicago you can watch chicks break ing out of their shells at the Baby Chick Hatchery. Or you can watch a video from the museum at tinyurl.com/museum chicks. Chicks start to hatch about threet can weeks after the hen lays the egg. I take hours—sometimes even a whole day—for a chick to peck its way out of the shell. It’s hard work!

30 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Eggpops Try this fun and easy egg recipe. First, have an adult show you how to There are about 10,000 different species of hard-boil some eggs. Let them cool com- birds in the world. pletely and then peel them. Next use a sharp knife to cut a small “X” Most songbirds have between 1,500 and 3,000 in the bottom of each peeled egg. feathers. Carefully push a pretzel rod Male ostriches can weigh up to 287 pounds through the “X” about half- (130 kilograms). One ostrich egg weighs about way up into the egg. Dip each egg into ranch as much as two dozen chicken eggs! dressing and then dip it into According to Guinness World Records, the your favorite toppings like world’s oldest known chicken lived to be 16. Most bacon bits or finely chopped chickens live only between five and 10 years. carrots, celery, or tomato. Enjoy! —Original recipe from incredibleegg.org Why You Can’t Fly People have always wanted to soar through the air like birds. The great Leonardo da Vinci even tried to make mechanical wings for people to wear. But people just aren’t designed to fly. Here are some reasons why. 1. Birds have feathers to catch the air and push it down when they flap their wings. Humans just have a little bit of hair on their arms. 2. Birds have small, light bodies. Gravity doesn’t pull them down as much as it does humans. 3. Birds have hollow bones. Human bones are much heavier. 4. Birds have special air sacs in their bodies that put more oxygen into the bird’s body. That allows birds to fly without getting as tired as humans would. To see a short but amazing slow-motion video of birds taking off and landing, visit tinyurl.com/Bannerbirds.

Scrambled Birds Unscramble these bird names. If you’re stuck, check the answer key at the bottom of the page. WOL ______WRROAPS ______RBONI ______EBUL YJA ______OTSIRHC ______HRDIBUMMGNI ______ROWC ______LEAGE ______ALDINARC ______DEEHICACK ______

Sandy Swartzentruber is a freelance writer

and editor. She attends Sherman Street

eagle, cardinal, chickadee cardinal, eagle, Christian Reformed Church crow, hummingbird, ostrich,

owl, sparrow, robin, blue jay, jay, blue robin, sparrow, owl, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Her

Answers to “Scrambled Birds”: “Scrambled to Answers favorite bird is the chickadee. www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 31 by Julius Medenblik

The Power of Pentecost

small band of believ- their escape from the world but for their on the family home while they were all ers huddles in an upper protection in it (John 17:15). Conclud- at the service. room. They’re waiting. ing his prayer, Jesus prayed not only for Disunity rather than unity marks our Their numbers are this band of believers but for us—“those lives and mars our witness in the world. small but the chal- who will believe in me through their If we can’t get along with each other, why lenge they face is message, that all of them may be one, would the world want to hear the gospel? great. They are to Father, just as you are in me and I am To understand the task of unity, we be Jesus’ witnesses—not just in Jerusalem in you” (John 17:20-21). need to understand the gift that Jesus but in all Judea and Samaria, and even to 2013 is a time of turmoil. Issues like promises to send—the gift of the Holy the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). same-sex marriage, abortion, capital Spirit. “It is for your good that I am going But how could they be witnesses in punishment, gun control, and govern- away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will this world without Jesus? Jesus has been ment health care show the fracture lines not come to you; but if I go, I will send taken up into heaven, leaving the disciples of division in our society. him to you” (John 16:7). Do we really a puzzling message: they will receive Likewise, there’s division within believe the promise of how the Holy Spirit power when the Holy Spirit comes upon families and within the church. Worship will shape our lives and our churches to them. What’s that supposed to mean? styles sometimes divide generations. And make us one? What’s more, these disciples can still I once officiated at a funeral during which Jesus identifies the exchange that will hear the echoes of Jesus praying not for one side of the family changed the locks follow—his leaving and the Holy Spirit

32 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org coming—as a source of comfort. We live secretly comfort ourselves by saying, “At gossip. It can come in a fight over the in a world of grief. This week, I predict least we are not like them”—in that color of carpet in a church remodeling that each and every one of us will experi- moment dividing the world between “us” project. It can come in a congregational ence some level of loss, sorrow, and and “them.” The Christian story is cen- meeting where people argue about freez- brokenness. In that moment, where do tered on the righteousness that comes ing the pastor’s salary as a response to we turn? To whom do we turn? not from ourselves but from the pierced tight economic times. As a pastor, I have seen Satan use grief hands of Jesus Christ. Being the body of Christ does not just and sorrow to isolate believers from the Righteousness is opening ourselves up happen. It takes work, and we must exer- community of faith and even from God. to the gift of grace—not climbing a lad- cise constant vigilance. At the same time, I have seen parents drift apart from each der of good works or “success” to get the coming of the Holy Spirit reminds us other after the death of their child. I have closer to God. Grace is seeing that God that the foundation of the church is the seen men and women who lost their jobs came closer to be “one” with us as ongoing work of our triune God. When in the “Great Recession” drift away from prompted by his love, not our efforts. we are emptied of pride, self-righteousness, church because the offering time is a pain- and envy, we may be filled by the Spirit. ful reminder of their empty wallets. I have The Holy Spirit Guides Us in Truth David Kinnaman’s book You Lost Me: seen those who struggle with addiction The heart transformation that takes place Why Christians Are Leaving the Church . . . drift away from the body of Christ, believ- under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is and Rethinking Faith identifies various ing that no one understands them. In their constant. We will have good days; we will reasons for disillusionment. As we listen isolation there is loneliness, not “oneness.” have bad days. But every day can be one to these voices, we should know that During our times of sorrow, we need where we submit ourselves to the triune divisions and arguments between Chris- to be reminded—another work of the God. Our submission and our obedience tians are key factors of this decline in Holy Spirit—that we are not alone. The weave together to give us assurance of involvement in the church. The witness Holy Spirit testifies that God is still Immanuel—God with us and for us.

The Holy Spirit Convicts Our When the Spirit is at work, Heart of Sin Jesus testifies that he is the way and the people have tears in their eyes truth and the life (John 14:6). One of the key barriers to unity is that we hold onto and listening ears. our own perspective as the whole truth or the truth for all persons. Sinners who acknowledge the deceptiveness of their our salvation but also frame our contin- of Christians to the next generation, heart are sensitive to the promptings of ued sanctification as individuals within both inside and outside the church, is the Spirit. They are less judgmental, more a community of faith. muted by disunity. humble. When the Spirit is at work, I saw this process unfold, when, for Are we bruised? Yes. And yet we are still people have tears in their eyes and listen- example, a new believer told me that she’d the body of Christ. Jesus did not pray in ing ears. If we are going to see barriers be never realized the coarseness of the lan- vain. In the words of the contemporary overcome and love increase, we need to guage she’d used or the television she’d testimony Our World Belongs to God, “Jesus be willing to understand the gift that watched until now. That’s because the stays with us in the Spirit, who renews our comes when the Spirit convicts us of sin Holy Spirit had been changing her day hearts, moves us to faith, leads us in the or prompts our own guilty conscience. by day, sensitizing her to it. truth, stands by us in our need, and makes our obedience fresh and vibrant” (st. 31). The Holy Spirit Points Us to True The Holy Spirit Builds the Body May we live in that hope together! n Righteousness of Christ In John 16:8, Jesus speaks of the Counselor We should never forget that the Holy convicting the world of guilt in regard to Spirit came upon a band of believers— sin and righteousness. There is a righteous- not random individuals—at Pentecost. ness that comes from God and there is also The apostle Paul reminds us that the gifts Julius Medenblik is president a righteousness that we like to generate. of the Spirit are best dedicated to being of Calvin Theological “Self-righteousness” is our preferred part of a body—the body of Christ. Seminary, Grand Rapids, antidote to our sense of our own broken- Our unity as believers is easily bruised. Mich., and professor of church ness. We compare ourselves to others and That bruising can come in a whisper of planting and leadership.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 33 Tuned IN Worship Planning 2.0

Come and See by Dean R. Heetderks reviewed by Kristy Quist Is your church blessed with artistic people? Most churches Online worship planning resources Institute. A valuable partner to this site are! Yet sometimes congrega- are a technological gift for worship plan- is Calvin Theological Seminary’s Center tions have a difficult time ners, preachers, and musicians alike. Some for Excellence in Preaching (cep.calvin- knowing how to incorporate sites allow access by subscription only, seminary.edu), offering resources for the creative impulses of their but many others are available for free. preachers from the Bible or our confes- members. Come and See offers Here are just three online resources I find sions. 24 beautiful and practical invaluable for planning worship. While these websites frame the larger ideas for forming visuals for Textweek.com is “a virtual study desk theme and components of worship, for worship, including projects for students, teachers, and preachers.” I specific song choices go to hymnary.org. with fabric, paper, painting, add “and for bulletin editors, artists, This database catalogs thousands of songs drawing, and projection. creators of children’s bulletins, and deliv- searchable by title, composer, theme, These projects could serve as erers of children’s messages.” Organized meter, keyword, or Bible text. Once a song inspiration for worship com- by Bible text, the site provides links for is selected, the site displays musical mittees, youth group leaders, preachers (journal articles, scholarly arrangements for piano, instruments, Sunday school teachers, and research, and even a movie concordance!) handbells, organ, or choir. With some many others. The text offers and musicians (hymn and anthem sug- songs it is even possible to modulate the sage advice for those planning gestions) as well as those planning bul- music and print it in a new key. This is visuals; the accompanying CD letins (public domain images), children’s extremely helpful, for example, if a B-flat includes patterns, symbols, messages, and children’s bulletins. Most clarinet would like to play with the open- and other resources. (Faith of these inspirational suggestions come ing hymn. Alive) from the Catholic and Lutheran tradi- Of course this list of worship and tions. music planning websites is not exhaus- For Reformed resources, surf the web- tive. As you become aware of the talents site of the Calvin Institute of Christian and preferences of your particular Worship (worship.calvin.edu). The site worshiping community, you’ll discover offers helpful worship planning resources, other sites that are more useful to you. including model liturgies used by the That’s the work of the Spirit: taking all things—our planning, our thoughts, and our resources—and pointing them Online worship- to Christ. n planning resources are a Randall Engle is the pastor of North Hills Christian Reformed technological Church in Troy, Mich. gift.

34 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Noticing God Hands Around the by Richard Peace Library: Protecting The Lowdown reviewed by Sonya VanderVeen Feddema Egypt’s Treasured Books She’s Back. Amy Christians know that God’s by Susan L. Roth and Karen Leggett Grant returns with presence permeates the Abouraya a new studio world, yet so often we are reviewed by Jenny deGroot after more unaware of him because of Hands Around the Library than 10 years. How Mercy Looks our spiritual blindness. tells the story of how from Here releases this month. Richard Peace urges read- Egypt’s political unrest and (Sparrow) ers to actively pursue the violent protests in January “spiritual discipline of 2011 placed the present- And So Is He. Khaled noticing God.” He spells day Bibliotheca Alexandrina in danger of Hosseini, author of out ways in which that being damaged and possibly destroyed. The Kite Runner and happens—in mystical encounters, in ordinary Through collage illustrations, this book shows A Thousand Splendid events, in community, in creation, in culture, and tells how children, young people, and Suns, introduces his and in the church. The final chapter deals with adults circled the library and lined the streets latest title, And the Mountains discernment: “How do we know it is God?” The as a physical symbol of their desire to protect Echoed. (Riverhead) book concludes with a guide for personal reflec- the library. It’s a great way to introduce chil- tion and group discussion. (InterVarsity Press) dren to the history of one of the oldest librar- Odd Couple? ies in the world: the great Library of Alexan- The Housemaid’s Daughter dria. Ages 3 and up. (Dial) (yes, that one) and Edie Brick- by Barbara Mutch Need You Now ell (the former reviewed by Sonya VanderVeen Feddema by Plumb New Bohemian) have combined In 1930, Ada is born to the house- reviewed by Paul Delger their talents for an album called Love Has Come for You; other maid of South African Cathleen Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, better performers include siblings Sean Harrington. When Cathleen, a known as the artist Plumb, and Sara Watkins, formerly of capable pianist, realizes Ada’s musi- does not promote “pie-in-the- Nickel Creek. (Rounder) cal abilities, she tutors her, opening sky Christianity.” Her sixth up worlds of music as well as future studio album, Need You Now, High Hopes. avenues for employment and recog- is another bold, honest work. The music features Some big mov- nition. This epic novel, with subtle the singer’s distinctive voice with an edgy pop ies are coming commentary about the Dutch Reformed Church’s rock sound and that cry out to God in New out this month. support of apartheid, spans Ada’s lifetime, desperation and hope. Based on Lee’s high Releases Can they live up exploring the spiritual struggles and victories of school struggles with anxiety, the title cut “Need to the hype? The Great Gatsby a skilled black pianist as well as the pains of a You Now (How Many Times)” is a repeated (Warner Bros.), Star Trek Into nation laboring toward a hopeful future. (Head- plea for God’s intervention. (Curb Records) line Review Books) Darkness (Paramount), and Iron Man 3 (Disney) will appear at a Hellbound? theater near you. reviewed by Jenny deGroot Is hell a metaphor or an actual place? Canadian director and film- maker Kevin Miller boldly takes on the views of Christians in regard to hell. Miller carries us from footage and interviews with placard- carrying, hell-promising Christians taken at the 9/11 memorial to the more generous theologies that open the door for second chances and all-embracing salvation. Wherever you might find yourself theologically on this subject, this film encourages thoughtful reading of Scripture, consideration of how we land on our inter- pretations, and engagement of the generosity of God’s grace and salvation. On DVD at the end of the month. (Kevin Miller XI Productions) more Reviews online

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 35 Reformed Matters A Confession to Celebrate

Exactly 450 years ago, in 1563, the Heidelberg Cate- chism was first published in a small section of the Holy Roman This comfort . . . is a Empire as a way of instructing ordinary Christians in the basic truths of Scripture. Today we join millions of Reformed Chris- golden thread woven tians around the world in celebrating this anniversary of a much-loved confession. There’s no question that the catechism has been a gracious through the catechism gift of God to the church. No other confession spells out foun- dational biblical teachings—what we need to know about our from beginning to end. guilt, God’s grace, and our gratitude—with such clarity, order, and warmth as the Heidelberg. It has provided solid instruction in the Reformed faith for generations, guiding young and old through the Apostles’ Creed, the sacraments, the command- for our changing world, try Barnes’s Body and Soul, a six- ments, and the Lord’s Prayer in 129 carefully crafted questions chapter overview of the catechism in its latest ecumenical Eand answers. The Heidelberg is arguably still the best teacher format. of what it means to be a Reformed Christian in today’s world. The catechism that began so humbly now binds together A Devotional Reading some 20 million Reformed and Presbyterian Christians around The authors of the catechism let you know immediately that the world in close to 40 different language groups. It unites it’s addressed to you, personally and pastorally: “What is your contemporary believers to all those, present and past, who have only comfort in life and in death? That I am not my own but confessed that we are not our own, but belong to our faithful belong . . . to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ,” Q&A 1 famously Savior, Jesus Christ. “We recite the creeds and confessions as a says. Zacharias Ursinus, one of the authors of the catechism, way of proclaiming that we are part of a great faith that has once said that “he would not take a thousand worlds for the formed our lives,” says Craig Barnes in his new book Body and blessed assurance of being owned by Jesus Christ.” Soul: Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism. This comfort, this strength, this security in belonging to What distinguishes the Heidelberg from most of the other Christ, is a golden thread woven through the catechism from catechisms born of the Reformation is that it so compellingly beginning to end. Again and again the catechism assures us touches our hearts as well as engages our minds. It is a warm, that we are in good hands, that God is actually interested in living, personal confession of faith that provides a practical comforting us (Q&As 1, 2, 52, 57, 58), and that every action of guide to day-to-day Christian living. “Much of the catechism our loving Father is for our benefit (Q&As 36, 45, 49, 51). “If seems to have been written from bended knees,” wrote Corne- this comfort,” says Andrew Kuyvenhoven in Comfort and Joy, lius Plantinga, Jr. Perhaps we don’t often think of the catechism “this knowledge of belonging to Christ, has fully entered our as devotional, but it is exactly that. consciousness, we can endure all pain, fight every battle, and Whether the catechism is an old friend, a nodding acquain- be confident of the outcome.” tance, or a total stranger, consider honoring its 450th birthday with a thoughtful and prayerful devotional reading. Take it slow Who’s Asking? and read a Lord’s Day at a time, or get the big picture in a We probably don’t think much about who is asking the 129 single reading. If you want to go deeper, Andrew Kuyvenhoven’s questions of the catechism. But suppose, as Craig Barnes Comfort and Joy: A Study of the Heidelberg Catechism is a clas- suggests in Body and Soul, that none other than God is asking sic question-by-question guide. For a fresh look at the catechism us these questions: “What if the only one who can provide

36 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org true comfort has just grabbed you by the shoulders and asked, The catechism ends with a moving devotional treatment of ‘How are you?’ No one can offer a glib ‘Fine’ and keep mov- the Lord’s Prayer. Rather than merely explaining each petition, ing. Suddenly all of our hustling about to make life right is the authors of the catechism stunningly turn their explanations stopped dead in its tracks. We’re forced to tell God the truth. into powerful prayers that beg to be said on bended knee: This is the real function of . . . catechisms. . . . They begin an “Hallowed be your name means, Help us to really know you, to intimate, holy dialogue between us and our Comforter, bless, worship, and praise you for all your works and for all between us and our God.” that shines forth from them” (Q&A 122). Savor these prayerful As you read through the catechism, begin that holy conver- answers, pray them aloud, and find new meaning and depth sation with God. Picture God, if you will, asking you what your in the prayer you’ve said since you were a child. faith means to you (Q&A 21). Or imagine God, perhaps at a By God’s grace, the Heidelberg Catechism has survived for moment of crisis in your life, asking you how much you trust 450 years. Put it on your reading list and let this comforting confession of the church speak to your heart and mind—and him and what he is both able and willing to do for you (Q&A your everyday life. n 26). Or see yourself talking with Jesus about why you call him your Lord (Q&A 34) or why you claim the name “Christian” STUDy QUESTiONS ONliNE (Q&A 32). When you’ve stumbled into a familiar sin and suf- fer the pain of guilt, listen to God asking you to recall what you All-Church Celebration believe about the forgiveness of sins, and be reminded that none of your sins, because of Christ’s atonement, will ever be Join with your congregation in celebrating the 450th anniver- held against you (Q&A 56). sary of the Heidelberg Catechism. All the resources needed for an all-church six-week event are available from Faith Alive Living Our Gratitude (faithaliveresources.org). They include outlines of worship ser- Good devotional literature not only instructs and inspires, it vices, the book and DVD Body and Soul by Craig Barnes, and also affects how we live from day to day. Having shown us the small group discussion materials. way out of our misery through the saving work of Jesus Christ, the catechism offers us two ways to show our gratitude: through observing God’s law as expressed in the Ten Commandments and through prayer. God’s law, as explained by the catechism, isn’t just a legal- istic series of “Don’t do this!” and “By all means, don’t do that!” Instead, the catechism presents the law as a spiritual guide to joyful Christian living, giving the commandments broad and positive applications. So, for example, the sixth commandment not only warns us against murder and the roots of murder but also commands us to “protect [our neighbors] from harm as much as we can.” The eighth commandment not only prohib- its theft of all kinds but also urges us to “do whatever [we] can Bob Rozema, a retired Faith Alive editor, is a member of Ferrysburg (Mich.) Community for our neighbor’s good.” Moreover, we do these things not Church, a Christian Reformed congregation. because we have to but because we “delight to do every kind of good as God wants us to do” (Q&A 90).

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 37 set up the single set upthesingle accountant with who lives across Do you try to to Do you try that nice boy the street? 38 THE BANNER | May 2013|www.thebanner.org NEXT

says Todd Cioffi, professor congregational of streams of thought regarding thought Millennials. streams of one monolithic bloc. some may think, Millennials don’t thinkas path; others took ayear off. Despite what school as the next step logical in a career have children. uswent to grad Some of us haveSome of kids; others want never to are isa lot harder think. thanone might it’swhat it’s what for instead of against. wantthechurchThey to more known be for massivecollege with debt, unable to findjobs. church andnotcoming back. They’re leaving to subsume their existence. They’re leaving ers wantto understand them; Facebook wants them. Churches wantto reach them; market- getting ajob,getting andbuyingahouse. marrying, isdefined bythat adulthood such as things hood.” Underlying thisstatement istheidea noted adult - of call “Millennials andthatpesky find jobs, just don’t they LIKEthem,” andthen sentence from thearticle: “Our children CAN childrencollege grad jobs. get It quoted one which some parents go inorder to their help USA Today in an article aboutthelengths to Leadership Taskforce Facebook page linked to A poston the denominational Young Adult to to not to anadult by become ajob, getting itis adults. taskafter is The college graduation are frequent job changes and delayed marriage adulthood.” Such research suggests that oftental category referred to as “emerging maybe even their 30sare anew developmen- cal research arguing that people’s 20s and Millennials The Challenge Millennial (And, no, you don’t have to beordained!) (600 words) to [email protected]. in today’s world. Please sendmanuscripts your mindasitrelates to livingoutyour faith yourIn 20s or 30s? We want to hear what’s on be Recently Ihave noticed two distinct others usare are married; single. Some of The problem is, understanding who “they” - On theother sociologi side isemerging First there’s the “delayed adulthood” idea. defining characteristics of theseyoung of defining characteristics next N adult. anemerging Millennials today, EXT . Everyone’s talking about

bers of your congregation’sbers of life? and children) mem were- participating fully stages (aswellasteens all adults of What if has a tendency to exacerbate the problem. towardaimed them, notrealizing thatthis exodus young programming adults with of too many churches attempt to stem themass nuclear familiesor to thechurch family? Far Wednesday oriented to evening activities small groups” and “singles group”? Are well. Is there between adistinction “adult that thisperson isnotreally anadult. imply they ments incredibly if canbe hurtful mostwell-meaningcom ajob? The without - itmeansacouple more evenlege years if students continue who their studies after col- plantothey have you kids? Do encourage youthe street? Do asktheyoung couple when accountant thatnice boy with lives who across todo upthesingle youset you Do bring? try (double income, no kids), what assumptions college students, graduates, single or DINKs tations aboutadulthood. When you at look dichotomy? have they what to do. taught been studies atCalvinCollege, are doing exactly of programming for programming college grads. of profound anew round manner thanstarting acongregation inamuch morethe life of adults are emerging how to signal important things These people? andmarried by single tee for the next pastor? Are small groups led your church council or on thesearch commit- Ispositions? anyone 30on under the age of congregation? inmeaningful Are serving they your thelife of of arethe sense thatthey part Millennials.cerns of have 20-somethings Do to blessedby be diversity. their rich churches, we have thetremendous opportunity adults into rolesemerging meaningful inour respectful, healthy dialogue. When we welcome desire to understand and to more learn in Fellowship State at Michigan University. Plockmeyeristhepastor ofCampusKory Edge This extendsThis to church as programming First, we to need examine expec- ourown does the what churchSo this do with Many today’s of young adults have astrong Second, we to need give voice to thecon -

n Deadlines: June issue is 5/6/13; July issue is 6/3/13. Details online. Prices: Most ads are $0.33US per character (min. 150 characters including punctuation and spaces). A discounted rate of $0.26US per character applies to Anniversaries, Birthdays, Obituaries, Denomina­tional and Classical Announce­ ments, and Congregational Announce­ments. Photos are $22US extra. To Advertise: Place your classified ad online at www.thebanner.org/classifieds or email it to [email protected] or fax it to 616-224-0834. Questions? ADS Call 616-224-0725.

May 4, 2013 at the Baldoon Golf and Country Club, 7018 Dufferin Ave., Denominational and Classical Birthdays Wallaceburg, On. from 2 - 4 p.m. Calls Accepted 100th Birthday John TerMaat 18012 Kansas Court, Faith Community CRC (Wyckoff, NJ) rejoices in the acceptance of Inez Postma of Lakewood, OH, celebrated her 100th birthday on Orland Park, Ill. 60467 will celebrate his their call to Rev. KC Vande Streek of Jenison, MI to serve as their next March 27, 2013. We thank God for the love and the help she has given 90th Birthday on July 4th. Our family gives pastor. to so many generations of children, the members of her West Park thanks to Dad for his faith, devotion and CRC, her family, and the Lakewood community. love that he continues to share with us and Available for Call all who know him. Please join us and 95th Birthday The Council of All Nations CRC of Halifax, NS, declares Rev. celebrate God’s faithfulness in his life! Brad Close available for call to the churches. Marguerite (DeHaan) Mulder 2121 Raybrook St. SE #340, 85th Birthday Grand Rapids, MI 49546 will be celebrating her 95th birthday on June Meetings of Classis 8. Children: Jim (Ruth) Mulder, Ray (Linda) Mulder, Don Mulder and Al Vander Lugt (Mr. Van) of 3045 Maple Villa Dr SE, Grand Rapids, Call to Synod 2013 The council of Roosevelt Park CRC, Grand Bob (Sheryl) Mulder, 9 grand-children and 10 great-grand children. MI 49508, will celebrate his 85th birthday on May 26. His wife, children, Rapids, Michigan, calls all delegates to Synod 2013, elected by their We thank God for her love, faith and encouragement. grandchildren, and great-grandchildren thank God for his life of respective classes, to meet in the Covenant Fine Arts Center auditorium 90th Birthday faithfulness, service, and love. Happy birthday! We love you. of Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Friday, June 7, at 8:30 a.m. All area CRC members are invited to join the delegates in worship Ann (Gortsema) Bos of Grangeville, Anniversaries at the synodical Service of Prayer and Praise on Sunday morning, June Idaho will celebrate her 90th birthday on 9, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at Roosevelt Park CRC, 811 Chicago Drive SW, May 14. Her family honors her for her life 70th Anniversary of continued service to God and others. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Rev. Reginald Smith will deliver the message. Disselkoen Si & Margaret of Zeeland, MI. celebrated 70 years of

All CRC churches across the continent are requested to remember the marriage in April. Their 7 children, grandchildren and great grandchil- deliberations of synod in their intercessory prayers on Sunday, June dren thank God for their love and faithfulness throughout their lives. 2, and on Sunday, June 9. Rev. Willis De Boer 2111 Raybrook St. #3000 Grand Rapids, MI Council of Roosevelt Park CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 will celebrate his 90th birthday on April 18. His wife, Gertrude, Retirement 5 children and spouses, 5 grand children and spouses and 6 great grandchildren thank him for his love and care for us all these years. PASTOR GERALD ERFFMEYER of Orland Park CRC will be retiring this Thanks be to God for our many blessings. summer. To celebrate his 47 years in ministry, everyone is invited to a celebration at Di Nolfo’s Banquets in Mokena on Thursday evening, Nelly Dykhouse P. O. Box 347, 4416 St. Clair Parkway, Port Lamb- June 27. (Tickets will be available for $15.00.) Everyone is welcome ton, On., N0P 2BO will celebrate her 90th birthday on May 6, 2013. is seeking applications for the Sunday, June 30, between the services at 9:30 a.m., for a coffee and Her children Mike (and Carol), Gerrit (and Cori), Henk (and Pam), following positions: cake celebration. Contact Orland Park CRC for more details. Clarence (and Tina), Willemiena (and Courtney), 15 grand children, and 13 great grand children praise God for her full and loving life and • Senior Development Officer Congregational the blessing she is to them. An Open House will be held in Nelly’s honor • Director of Information Technology Church’s 100th Anniversary • Computer Support Ocheyedan, IA CRC invites all former pastors, members and friends Technician to join us as we celebrate 100 years of God’s blessings on June 23, Write for The Banner! 2013. Details can be found on our website www.ocheyedancrc.org The Banner is seeking news writers for For job details, please visit Church’s 75th Anniversary the Rocky Mountain/Yellowstone www.redeemer.ca Raymond CRC in Raymond, MN will celebrate 75 years on June 22 region, California, and lower Michigan. and 23. We invite all previous pastors, members and friends to join us If you like to write and have a passion Applicants are requested to email for a Saturday evening program and worship service and pot luck their application to for telling stories of how God is at work dinner on Sunday. For details contact the church at 320-967-4721 or [email protected] and include a in the Christian Reformed churches in [email protected] or the web site at www.raymondcrc.org statement that articulates their faith your area, we’d like to hear from you. Dorr CRC in Dorr, MI is celebrating their 75th Anniversary on May 3. perspective and its relation to the We’d especially welcome writers from A dinner will be held at Camp Beechpoint in Allegan, MI. Special music mission of Redeemer University will include the Post family and Steve Jansen. All former members, diverse ethnic backgrounds. Email College. pastors and friends are invited. Please RSVP by April 25 by contacting expressions of interest to news editor the church office (616-681-2104 or [email protected]). Gayla Postma at [email protected]. Only applicants selected for an Church’s 50th Anniversary Please include reume or letter interview will be contacted. Zion CRC in Oshawa, Ontario will celebrate its 50th Anniversary on outl­ining your news­writing experience June 22 and 23, 2013. We invite all friends and former members to and some recent samples of your work. celebrate and worship with us. Thanks be to God. Info. at 905-436-3255 or www.zioncrc.ca.

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 39 Bill, Joan (Paul) Galinski, Susan (Mike) Flikkema, Jayne (Jim) Quist; 10 65th Anniversary Obituaries grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren Timmer Harold and Rosemary (Buenting) on April 3.. We thank God Boer LaVerne (Hollis) age 74, of Temecula, CA, went to her eternal Jezequel Phyllis (Meines), age 79; died on Feb. 8, 2013. Survived by for initiating, nurturing and providing a loving relationship for 65 home on March 7, 2013. She will be lovingly remembered by her her husband, Joseph; children - Doreen (Tim) Rinker, George (Jo) years. 4 children; Judith Bellot (Jim), David (Mary Beth), Sandra Smith husband, John of 51 years, children: Janet (Daniel) Johnson, Greg (Pat) Broekema; 7 grandchildren, 7 great grandbabies. She was preceded and Susan Cooper; 11 grandchildren; 13+ great-grandchildren. Retired Boer, Tracy (Paul) De Witt, Karen (Rick) Vogt, Michael (Jennifer) Boer, in death by her beloved son, Gary Broekema. Dennis Preston and 12 grandchildren. in Bradenton, Florida. Klein Cornelius (Neil), 86, of Palm Beach Gardens, FL died peacefully 60th Anniversary Breems Lorraine 83, January 31, 2013, preceded to glory by devoted on Feb 16, 2013. He will be dearly missed by his loving wife of 63 years, husband Gordon. Cherishing memories of a humble, loving woman Nell and children: Russ and Carol Baker, Dr. Tom Klein, Marty and Karen DEKKENGA Louie and Freda (Bosma) celebrated their 60th anniver- are children Brad, Helen, Marlin, Kerry, Lyle, and Sally Breems; grand- Klein, and Ron and Linda Klein; grandchildren: Meredith and Dan Best, sary on April 30, 2013. Their children, grandchildren and great children Christina, Kirk, Nick, Jenni, Kara, Tony, Daniel, Heather, Lindsey and Brian Maher, Allison and Walker Winchester; great grandchildren wish them God’s blessings and congratulations! PO Box Matthew, Melissa, Joel, Joanna, Luke, Adrian and Graeme; 12 great- grandchildren: Collin and Julia Best; sisters: Alice and Rev. Ken Slager, 97 Ocheyedan, IA 51354 grandchildren; brother Vernol (Bonnie) Wieberdink, sisters Beverly Grace Slager, brother-in-law: Dan Bratt. We thank God for your Chris- (Mel) Ryks and Sandra (Lowell) Slagter; sisters-in-law Dorothy Breems tian life dad. De Wit Floyd & Bea (Bosch) 1804 W. San Angelo St. Gilbert, AZ 85233 & Helena Swierenga; brothers-in-law Henry (Donna) and Martin Koning Margaret, aged 89; March 19, 2013; She was preceded in will celebrate 60 yrs of marriage on May 13, 2013. Their children, Breems; beloved nieces and nephews. death by her husband Stanley, son Dirk and daughter Joy. Surviving grandchildren and great-grandchildren are thankful for their love and De Jonge William (Bill) 89, of 834 OakCrest LN. Jenison Mich., Survived are her sister, Jane Thomassen; sons Gene (Marla), Lee (Bonnie), and God’s faithfulness for all these years by his beloved wife, Betty(Kingma) children: Kathy (Duaine)VanDer- Karl (Sue) Koning, and daughter Ann Koning; ten grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Church Position Announcements MELLEMA Rena was received into the arms of the Lord, her Shepherd on Mar. 2, 2013 at the age of 97, and has thus also joined her beloved Pastor Willoughby CRC is searching to grow into its calling of sympatico.ca. For more information on our church and a church Bert. She lived at Inland Home in Ontario, Ca. She will be remembered greater service to our community of Langley, British Columbia. We profile, please check us out at www.talbotstreetchurch.com. Job with love and appreciation by her children: Wilbur Mellema of Pismo are seeking a fulltime pastor with strengths in preaching, leadership description posted on website under About Us - Job Opportunities. Beach, Ca., Jack & Betty Mellema of Lynden, Wa., Dirk Mellema of and relational gifts to help us in that service. The pastor would Pastor Bethel CRC in Listowel, ON is seeking a second full time Walnut Creek, Ca., and Ruth & Ron Bode of Redding, Ca. She also leaves work in a team staffing model. For more information contact pastor to serve a vibrant, all-ages congregation of approx. 350 10 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and 3 great, great grand- [email protected]. members. For a job description, please email John Greydanus children. Lead Pastor Members of Ridgewood CRC in Jenison, MI are seek- [email protected] Petersen Rev. John A., 93, went to be with his Lord on January 29, ing a full-time ordained lead pastor who is enthusiastic, has a deep MINISTRY COORD. & YOUTH LEADER Palm Lane CRC Scottsdale 2013, joining his wife Suzanne who passed away Oct.16, 2006. Survived knowledge of the Bible, a passion for preaching God’s Word and AZ is searching for a p/t Ministry Coordinator for our ministry by his 3 children: Karl (Lisa), Phil (Eileen), Margaret (Ted), 6 grand- teaching messages with life applications. We desire a pastor who activities and a p/t Youth Leader to disciple our Jr. & Sr. High group. children, and 1 great-grandchild. Pastor John faithfully served 7 possesses spiritual discernment for directing and challenging One person for both positions, or two separate people possible. For churches during his ministry. members to cultivate a close relationship with God. This position more info and job descriptions go to www.palmlanecrc.org, or requires an individual with solid administrative and communication email:[email protected]. skills yet open to change. If you seek to lead others to be disciples Pastor Peoria CRC near Pella, Iowa, is seeking a full-time pastor of Jesus Christ, desire to promote bible learning for all ages, and to to shepherd our congregation as we worship, learn, and serve God be an encourager of missions and local outreach, please email Pas- together. If you have a strong gift for preaching and can relate to tor. [email protected] for additional information about persons of all ages in both an established church setting and in the this ministry opportunity. local community, we would like to hear from you. Contact Ken Full Time Pastor Grace Fellowship CRC of Pella, IA, a non-liturgical­ Fynaardt at [email protected]. congregation with a casual, contemporary style of worship is seek- Position Opening West Leonard CRC seeks Worship Director; ing a highly relational pastor to lead us. Send profiles to pastorsearch@ 8-10 hrs per week for blended worship services Contact: wleonard- gracepella.org. For more info contact interim Pastor Scherer at [email protected] or 616-456-1994. 641-628-1885 or [email protected]. Youth Pastor Crosspoint Community Church in Anchorage, AK, Pastor Saugatuck CRC is committed to “Growing, Caring, and is seeking a full time children and youth pastor. Visit crosspoint Sharing”. We are seeking a pastor with the passion and skills to lead community.com for job description, or phone (907) 868-5147. a small congregation as we live out our calling to: Grow in our knowledge of God and in our response of love and service; Care for Director of Youth Ministry An imperfect Christian Reformed each other and our neighbors; and effectively Share the Good News Church in Exeter, Ontario, Canada is looking for a director of youth to impact our diverse community. Please send inquiries, resume/ ministries to complement our imperfections. The role of this indi- ministry profile to JoAnn at [email protected]. vidual will be coordinating the various youth programs and support- ing our volunteers. If you think you may be a perfect fit for this Senior Pastor The congregation of River Park Church (CRC), position please contact Gerald Kodde for a complete job description located in Calgary, Alberta, is seeking to fill the position of Senior @[email protected]. Pastor to lead a staff ministry. All candidates should direct any inquires and resumes to Tony Bouma, Calling Committee Chair at 403-281-7292 NEERLANDIA CRC is a large, rural congregation located in Northern or [email protected]. Alberta. We are a well-established, active church enjoying a blended style of worship. Our Search Committee is looking for a full-time Pastor: Talbot Street CRC is an energetic, multi-generational pastor willing to assist us in becoming the church God expects us to congregation located downtown in the heart of London, ON, Canada. be. Interested applicants may contact Erna at [email protected] As a congregation, we seek to discover Christ and grow in Him through for more detailed information. solid Biblical teaching, strong leadership and visioning from our Pastor. We are a diverse faithful congregation with passion for worship, Plymouth Heights CRC in Grand Rapids, MI is looking to fill the service projects and actively living for Christ. With God leading us following part time positions: Youth Pastor: A 25 hour a week posi- forward, we seek a Pastor who is able to challenge us. Those interested tion focused on Middle School and High School students. Children’s with a priority of preaching and teaching, and excelling at leading a Pastor: A 15 hour a week position focused on children from Nursery multi-staff ministry as well as ministering to our downtown com- through 5th grade. All interested individuals should request a job munity, should send their inquiry to Harry De Jonge at harryde@ description from the church office at [email protected]

40 THE BANNER | May 2013 | www.thebanner.org Post Dick, of Lombard, went to be with his LORD, March 3rd, 2013, and work with integrity. Contact Heather at 616-243-7080 or heather@ 1S424 Chase Ave, Lombard, IL, 60148. Beloved husband of Jenny Post, vangels.com. www.vangels.com nee Leystra; loving father of Teresa (Michael) Hughes, Gert (Allen) TZ Country Director STEMM, a Christian, non-profit organization Heerema, and Gerald (Regina) Post; devoted grandfather of Traci based in Iowa is looking for a Country Director to oversee its operations (Justin) Hoogendoorn, Eric (Kristen) Heerema, Kelly (Matt) Day, Jamie in Tanzania. This includes an orphanage, farming, education and (Mark) Wolgemuth, and Maria (Mark Lecocq) Post; great-grandfather service trips. If you feel God leading you in this direction you can find of Taylor, Alexis, Trevor and Austin Hoogendoorn, Jackson, Carter, more information at www.stemm.org. Kamryn, and Ledger Day, Cole and Miles Heerema, Tucker Wolgemuth, and Rosanna Lecocq; preceded by 3 brothers; uncle of many nieces and nephews. Proud sergeant in the Royal Dutch Army. Memorials to Real Estate: Sales and Rentals Timothy Christian Schools, 188 W. Butterfield Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Want to Rent: Furnished house or apt in Long Beach CA area for 5 or All God’s Children, PO Box 5909, Villa Park, IL 60181. months—Nov 2013-Mar 2014. Contact [email protected] 515- SYNOD Uitvlugt Nella Marie (Hoogland) Executive Director of Friendship 554-2876 Ministries; March 21, 2013; 1149 Cadillac Dr. S. E., Grand Rapids, MI rental Recent Hope College graduate needs rental near Tampa/ 49506; She was preceded in death by their infant son Nathan, parents St. Petersburg for 2-years beginning in June. (616) 399-7907, or (616) Jacob and Dorothea Hoogland, brother Marvin Hoogland, sister-in-law 550-3791. Alma Hoogland, brother-in-law John Meulink and mother-in-law 2013 Donna Uitvlugt. She is survived by her husband Eric Uitvlugt; three Anna Maria Island, FL Condos pool, beach access, linens, fully children Andrea (Uitvlugt) Lautenbach and husband Michael, Kevin equipped. 1 and 2 bedrooms. $650-750/wk. D. Redeker, 941-778-1915. Uitvlugt, and Trevor Uitvlugt and fiancé Abigail Grimm; nine siblings redekercondos.com NEWS Helen Meulink, Ann Hoogland, John Hoogland, Bernard (Helen) Kissimmee Home for Rent Beautifull gated 6- bedroom, 4-bath Hoogland, Ruth (Bernard) DeHoog, Esther (James) Rehmus, William vacation home 3 miles from Disney. Private pool plus cluhouse with (Grace) Hoogland, Dorothy Verkerk, Mary (Edward) DeGroot, sister- rec. room, theater and pool with slide. floridavacahome.com 708-372- June 7-14 in-law Thelma Hoogland and brother-in-law Joost Verkerk. 2855 VISSER Simon, age 95, of Orland Park, IL; 5/12/1917-3/11/2013. Florida house for rent In The Villages. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with Calvin College Survived by his wife of almost 72 yrs Jennie(DeJong) and children: Sharlotte Smits, Mervin, Arlene Evenhouse, Janis Iwema,21 grand- pool. Photos, Rates, Dates at: www. OurHome4Rent.com ID: =3121 Grand Rapids, MI children(1 deceased),33 great grandchildren. Preceded in death by [email protected] 231-924-4764 his children: Simon, Alan, Carol Rozema. Bradenton, FL 3 bedroom, 2 bath home for rent July 2013 - June Weidenaar Grace E, (Van Dyke) 76, Byron Center, Mich, Went to be 2014. Call 941-747-9115 or cell 239-877-3582. Email Bioman45@ with her Lord on Jan 31, 2013. She graduated Chicago Christian High Verizon.net Visit School, Class of 54, Surviving are Calvin, her husband of 54 years, two WEEKLY RENTAL: Douglas/Saugatuck, MI: Newly built Lake Michigan www.crcna.org/Synod daughters, Valerie Taylor and Vicki (Mark) DeVries, 6 grandchildren and family guest house, 2br, loft w/ 2.5ba - sleeps 8. Lake Mi view & private 3 great grandchildren. Please visit www.stegengafuneralchapel.com beach. Call Ken @ 630-268-1531 or email [email protected] Vacation/Home on Swan Lake in Allegan, MI with beautiful Employment lakeside view fishing, boating, swimming. 14x70 remodeled-furnished, to sign up for: with 2 baths, 3 BR’s, 2 storage sheds-large deck to enjoy. $45,000 Caregivers Needed Are you interested in working for the best • news via email 708-339-0556 living assistance services company in West Michigan? Visiting Angels • news via Twitter is looking for people who can be excellent, not average; make a con- Cottage 4 Rent Hess Lake Newaygo, MI. Sleeps 12. $1,300/week nection with our clients; be perfectly dependable; practice compassion Call Lonnie 616-942-0048. cascade-properties.com • news via Facebook • synodical reports

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Invite Kids to Experience God’s Story at Every Age Our best offer Each of Faith Alive’s four curriculum options—Dwell, Kid is ending soon! Connection, Walk With Me, and WE—offers a Reformed perspective and unique teaching tools that help kids of all ages grow in their faith in the ways they learn best. To learn more, visit FaithAliveResources.org/Curriculum, call 800-245-7025 to speak with a curriculum expert, or call 800-333-8300 to place your order. Order early for the Fall 2013 – Spring 2014 year and SAVE!* Order before May 31, 2013, and save 20%. Or order June 1 to August 31, 2013, and save 10%. Tell the Story. Live the Story. * Offers expire August 31, 2013. Offer valid only on curriculum orders for the Fall 2013-Spring 2014 year. Discounts do not apply to previously placed orders. Excludes downloadable resources, God’s Big Story Cards, and all Dwell Story Symbol sets. HUMOR

Punch Lines

dissected worms in class. When I “But why?” she said. “I’m proud piped up, “Of course it’s a lady—if What has made you smile told him that in high school he of my faith.” Then she thought for it was a man it would be a ‘duddy.’” lately? Got a joke or funny would get to dissect frogs and a moment and said, “OK, I won’t —Ernie Voss incident you’d care to share pigs, he replied, “I thought I was start a conversation about it, but hen Bill came home from with your wider church family? going to a Christian high school!” if someone else brings it up, then church, his wife asked, Please send it to The Banner at —Mike Branderhorst I’ll put in my two cents’ worth.” W “How was church?” 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand “Fine,” I replied. hile vacationing in Florida, “Good.” Rapids, MI 49560; or email it The first person to speak to her my mother and I were “Did the minister have a good to [email protected]. W on the plane inquired about the waiting for my father at the ATM. sermon?” Thanks! seat next to her. “Excuse me, As we waited, my mother “ Yes.” ma’am, but is this seat saved?” explained to me my father’s bank- “What did he preach on?” urgeons who are invited to “Well,” she said, “I don’t know ing strategy: “I’m sure he’s taking “Sin.” dinner parties often are about the seat, but let me tell you S out the maximum withdrawal “Well, what did he have to say asked to carve the meat—or, about me!” today because it costs $3 per about it?” worse yet, to watch the host carve. —Kevin and Jacquie Bolen At one party, a surgeon was transgression.” “He was against it.” watching the carving while his —Kim Ellens hen our daughters were —Jacob Rook young, they enjoyed host, Harry, kept up a running y mom loves to talk about W o you know how we can tell going to the local museum, which commentary: “How am I doing, her faith. That’s fine, but that Santa Claus is a man M had an Egyptian mummy on dis- D doc? How do you like that tech- she talks to everybody. On a plane and not a woman? Because he play. On one occasion, our older nique? I’d make a pretty good trip we took together, I encour- wears the same suit as he did the daughter asked whether the surgeon, don’t you think?” aged her not to talk to everyone previous year. mummy was a man or a woman. When the slices of meat lay about it. —Greta Oord neatly on the serving platter, the At this the younger daughter surgeon spoke up. “Anyone can take them apart, Harry. Now let’s see you put them back together again.” —John Veltkamp

here did Sir Lancelot and W his friends study? At knight school. —Tom Posthumus

unning in last place, Joe was R being harassed by the per- son running second to last. “How does it feel to be running in last place?” he yelled at Joe. “Do you really want to know?” Joe replied. Then he dropped out of the race. —Dick Bylsma

ne day our son Jacob, 7, O came home from school and excitedly told us that he had “It’s quiet, fuel efficient, and easy to start. What more could I want in a riding mower?”

www.thebanner.org | May 2013 | THE BANNER 47 Generations FaithFul to his Call

The Christian Reformed Church in Global Missions www.crwm.org/125