Оригинален научен труд Original Scientific Article


Mitko KARADELEV1, Katerina RUSEVSKA1 & Kristina STOJKOSKA2

1Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, P.O. Box 162, Arhimedova 5, 1000 Skopje, the Repub- lic of Macedonia 2Macedonian mycological society, Mycological laboratory, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Arhimedova 5, P.O.Box 162, 1000 Skopje, the Republic of Macedonia


Караделев М., Русевска К. и Стојкоска К. (2008): Први податоци за микодиверзитетот на планината Јабланица. Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 06- 09.10.2007, Струга. Посебни изданија на Македонското еколошко друштво, Кн. 8, Скопје. Во овој труд за првпат се дава преглед на микодиверзитетот на планината Јабланица. Со досегашните истражувања регистрирани се 178 вида габи. Видовите macrosporus, caesarea, Boletus aer- eus и Boletus satanas се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија, како видови загрозени од преголема експлоатација. Дваесет и осум вида се нови за Македонија.

Клучни зборови: габи, распространување, екологија, Јабланица


Karadelev M., Rusevska K. & Stojkoska K. (2008): First data of mycodiversity on Jablanica mountain. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06- 09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 8, Skopje. A list of mycodiversity on Jablanica Mountain is given in this article. A total of 178 fungi species are reg- istered with investigations till now. Four species: Agaricus macrosporus, , Boletus aereus and Boletus satanas are part of the Preliminary red list of the macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia, as endan- gered species due to excessive exploitation. Twenty eight species are new for the mycobiota for the Republic of Macedonia.

Key words: fungi, distribution, ecology, Jablanica Mt.

Introduction delev et al. 2007 ( pelletieri, Suillus lu- teus, Xerocomus badius and X. chrysenteron). The Republic of Macedonia is mycological- ly still not sufficiently studied. There has been lit- Materials and methods tle systematic fungi research, and it is only lately that a clear picture of mycobiota in certain regions The sources of this paper ha�ve been exsic�- of the country (Pelister Mt., Jakupica Mt., Galicica cates deposited in the National Collection of Fungi Mt., Kozh�����������������u�������f������ Mt., �S�������������������������har Planina Mt., Juzno Po�v���ard-� (FUNGI MACEDONICI) at the Institute of Biolo- arie, etc.) has been produced. gy, Faculty of Natural Science, Ss Cyril and Metho- Systematic research on mycodiversity on dius University in Skopje, papers published and re- Jablanica Mt. has not been conducted up till now, search notes of the present authors. A data input and there are relatively few mycological papers con- were made in specially prepared database software cerned only with individual species of this moun- called MACFUNGI. tain. There are two publications making reference to The following localities were visited: Janko- twelve species: Karadelev et al. 2006 (Boletus aer- vi Lazi, Kalishka Krasta, Kokalo, Krstec, Malo Sed- eus, B. edulis, B. erythropus, B. luridus, B. pseudor- lo, Skala Go Mori and vicinity of villages Gorna Be- egius, B. queletii, B. rhodopurpureus, B. satanas, lica, Vevchani, Vishni, Piskupshtina, Drenok etc. For Xerocomus badius and X. chrysenteron); and Kara- the purpose of achieving greater diversity of species,

175 Mitko KARADELEV et al. research was conducted on different substrates and and substrate are given. It should be mentioned that associations. The determination of the species was certain species need further laboratory analyses. performed during the field research and in the My- cological Laboratory within the Institute of Biology, Investigated area Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Sko- pje. The Mountain Jablanica is situated in the For identification of species standard meth- Southwestern part of Macedonia, and besides the ods were used, implying microscoping, application Mountain Shar Planina it is the longest mountain of reagents (Melzer reagents, Sulpho­vanilin, Cotton massif in the Western Macedonia (34 km). The re- blue, KOH, etc.) and use of special books for iden- lief of this Mountain is more complex than the geo- tification. The following keys and monographs were logical structure, because through the evolution var- used as resources for determination of the collected ious influences had been present, and they left their fungi: Eriksson & Ryvarden (1975); Eriksson, Hjort- own trails on the complex morphology of this re- stam, Ryvarden (1978, 1981); Breitenbach & Krän- gion. From a geo-morphological point of view, the zlin (1981, 1986, 1991, 1995, 2000); Moser (1983); Mountain Jablanica belongs to the Central Dinaric Jülich (1984); Alessio (1985); Jahn (1990); Hansen Alps but, from a tectonic aspect, as a separate moun- & Knudsen (1992, 1997, 2000); Ryvarden & Gilb- tain block it is included in the Western-Macedonian ertson (1993); Ferdinandez (1997); Krieglsteiner Zone. (2000, 2001, 2003); Dähncke (2001); Horak (2005); The richness and diversity of species present Kränzlin (2005). In a few cases, the names of the on this mountain come as a result of specific geo- species have been modified according to Index Fun- graphic position, climate, geology, geomorpholo- gorum 2005 and http://www.mycobank.org/Myco- gy, hydrography, pedology and other characteristics, Taxo.aspx. The species are reported alphabetical- such as the changes which occurred during the past ly. For each fungal species data of forest association geological periods.


Tab. 1. List of registered species on Jablanica Mt. Таб. 1. Листа на регистрирани видови на планината Јабланица -

Species (177) (20) (106) tions (49) other (20) other pasture (8) pasture meadow (7) forest Beech forest Oak associa plantings 1. cAgaricus macrosporus (F.H. Møller & Jul. soil Schäff.)Pilát 2. cAmanita caesarea (Scop.: Fr.) Pers. soil 3. Amanita crocea (Quél.) Singer soil 4. Amanita magnivolvata Aalto soil 5. Amanita mairei Foley soil 6. (Fr.: Fr.) Link soil 7. cAmanita rubescens Pers.: Fr. soil soil 8. cAmanita vaginata (Bull.: Fr.) Quél. soil 9. cArmillaria mellea (Vah.: Fr.) P. Kumm. (s.str.) F 10. Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan soil soil soil 11. Auriscalpium vulgare Gray cones 12. Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S.E. Carp. F Q, dec 13. Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst. F 14. cBoletus aereus Bull. soil 15. cBoletus aestivalis Paulet: Fr. soil 16. Boletus dupainii Boud. soil 17. cBoletus edulis Bull.: Fr. (s.l.) soil 18. Boletus erythropus Fr. soil 19. Boletus luridus Schaeff.: Fr. soil soil 20. rBoletus pseudoregius Huber ex Estabes soil 21. Boletus queletii Schulzer soil 22. rBoletus rhodhopurpureus Smotl. (s.l.) soil 23. rBoletus satanas Lenz soil soil 24. rBovista nigrescens Pers. soil

176 Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите од Македонија First data of mycodiversity on Jablanica mountain -

Species (177) (20) (106) tions (49) other (20) other pasture (8) pasture meadow (7) Beech forest Beech forest Oak associa Pine plantings 25. Bovista plumbea Pers.: Pers. soil 26. Calocera cornea (Batsch) Fr. F 27. Calocybe onychina (Fr.) Donk soil 28. cCalvatia utriformis (Bull.: Pers.) Jaap soil soil 29. cCantharellus cibarius Fr. soil soil 30. *Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (O.F. Müll.) T. Macbr. F 31. Cerrena unicolor (Bull.) Murrill F Acer 32. Chroogomphus rutilus (Schaeff.: Fr.) O. K. Mill. soil 33. Clitocybe costata Kühner & Romagn. soil 34. Clitocybe odora (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 35. rClitopilus hobsonii (Berk. & Broomeo) P.D. Or- Cor ton 36. Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil soil 37. *Coprinus cf. ephemerus (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. moss 38. Coprinus cf. micaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. leaves 39. r*Cortinarius (Tel.) bulliardii (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. soil 40. Cortinarius (Lepr.) venetus (Fr.) Fr. soil 41. *Cortinarius (Lepr.) cotoneus Fr. soil 42. r*Cortinarius (Phleg.) caesiogriseus Jul. Schäff. soil 43. Cortinarius (Phleg.) infractus (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. soil 44. Crepidotus mollis (Schaeff.: Fr.) Staude F 45. Crustomyces subabruptus (Bourdot & Galzin) F Jülich 46. Cyathus olla Batsch: Pers. soil 47. Cyathus striatus (Huds.: Pers.) Willd.: Pers. dec 48. Cystoderma granulosum (Batsch: Fr.) Fayod soil 49. Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers. Q 50. Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) J. Schröt. Salix 51. rDentipellis fragilis (Fr.) Donk F 52. *Dermocybe cinnabarina (Fr.) Wünsche soil 53. cDiatrype disciformis (Hoffm.) Fr. F 54. Dichomitus campestris (Quél.) Domański & Orlicz Pr, Cor 55. *Entoloma sericeum (Bull.) Fr. soil 56. Exidia truncata Fr. Q 57. rFlavoscypha cantharella (Fr.) Harmaja leaves 58. cFomes fomentarius (L.) J.J. Kickx F, ? Juglans 59. cFomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst. F 60. Fuligo septica (L.) F.H. Wigg. F 61. Galerina cf. marginata (Batsch) Kühner soil 62. *Gloeocystidiellum convolvens (P. Karst.) Donk constr 63. Gloeocystidiellum luridum (Bres.) Boidin constr 64. *Gymnopus alkalivirens (Singer) Halling F 65. cGymnopus dryophilus (Bull.: Fr.) Murrill soil 66. *Gymnopus hariolorum (Bull.) Antonín leaves 67. Gyroporus cyanescens (Bull.: Fr.) Quél. soil 68. Hapalopilus rutilans (Pers.) P. Karst. Q 69. cHebeloma sinapizans (Paulet: Fr.) Gillet soil soil 70. Humaria hemisphaerica (F.H. Wigg.) Fuckel constr 71. Hydnum repandum L. soil 72. Hygrocybe conica (Scop.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 73. Hygrophorus camarophyllus (A. & S.: Fr.) Fr. soil 74. Hygrophorus chrysodon (Batsch: Fr.) Fr. soil 75. Hygrophorus eburneus (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. soil 76. Hygrophorus pustulatus (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. needles 77. Hyphodontia aspera (Fr.) J. Erikss. constr 78. Hypholoma lateritium (Schaeff.: Fr.) J. Schröter soil 79. Inonotus nodulosus (Fr.) P. Karst. Q

Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 177 Mitko KARADELEV et al. -

Species (177) (20) (106) tions (49) other (20) other pasture (8) pasture meadow (7) Beech forest Beech forest Oak associa Pine plantings 80. Laccaria amethystina (Huds.) Cooke soil 81. Laccaria laccata (Scop.: Fr.) Berk. & Broome (s.l.) soil 82. Lachnum bicolor (Bull.) P. Karst. F 83. Lachnum virgineum (Batsch) P. Karst. Cor 84. Lacrimaria lacrymabunda (Bull.: Fr.) Pat. soil 85. * acerrimus Britzelm. soil soil 86. *Lactarius acris (Bolton: Fr.) Gray soil 87. Lactarius blennius Fr. soil 88. cLactarius deliciosus (L.: Fr.) Gray soil 89. rLactarius pallidus Pers.: Fr. soil 90. cLactarius piperatus (L.: Fr.) Pers. soil soil 91. Lactarius vellereus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. soil 92. Lactarius zonarius Fr. soil 93. Lenzites betulina (L : Fr.) Fr. F 94. Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers. soil 95. cLepista nebularis (Fr.) Harmaja soil 96. Leucocortinarius bulbiger (A. & S.: Fr.) Singer soil 97. cLycogala epidendrum (J. C. Buxb. ex L.) Fr. F Q, dec 98. Lycoperdon echinatum Pers.: Pers. soil 99. cLycoperdon perlatum Pers.: Pers. soil soil 100. cMarasmius oreades (Bolton: Fr.) Fr. soil soil 101. Marasmius rotula (Scop.: Fr.) Fr. F 102. Marasmius torquescens Quél. soil 103. Marasmius cf. wynnei Berk. & Broomeo soil 104. Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) P. Karst. F 105. * arcangeliana Bres. leaves 106. Mycena crocata (Schrad.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 107. cMycena epipterygia (Scop.: Fr.) Gray needles 108. Mycena filopes (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil P 109. *Mycena cf. hiemalis (Osbeck) Quél. F 110. r* (Fr.) P. Kumm. needles 111. rMycena niveipes (Murrill) Murrill F dec 112. cMycena pura (Pers.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil soil 113. Mycena renatii Quél. F 114. Mycena rosea (Bull.) Gramberg soil 115. cOmphalotus olearius (DC: Fr.) Singer Q 116. r*Pachyella celtica (Boud.) Häffner soil 117. rPanaeolus acuminatus (Schaeff.) Quél. dung 118. Panaeolus papilionaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Quél. dung 119. Panellus stypticus (Bull.: Fr.) P. Karst F 120. Peniophora incarnata (Pers.) P. Karst. constr 121. Peniophora quercina (Pers.) Cooke Q 122. r*Peziza repanda Kurok. soil 123. r*Phanerochaete filamentosa (Berk.&M.A.Curtis) constr Burds. 124. Phanerochaete laevis (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden constr 125. Phellinus igniarius (L.) Quél. Salix 126. cPhellinus pomaceus (Pers.) Maire Pr 127. rPhylloporus pelletieri (Lév.) Quél. soil 128. Polyporus arcularius (Batsch) Fr. constr 129. cPolyporus varius (Pers.) Fr. F 130. c*Porpoloma pes-caprae (Fr.) Singer soil soil 131. Propolis farinosa (Pers.) Fr. F Carpinus constr 132. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire soil 133. *Psathyrella ochracea (Romagn.) M.M. Moser soil 134. Psilocybe rhombispora (Britzelm.) Sacc. F leaves 135. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) Fr. F

178 Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите од Македонија First data of mycodiversity on Jablanica mountain -

Species (177) (20) (106) tions (49) other (20) other pasture (8) pasture meadow (7) Beech forest Beech forest Oak associa Pine plantings 136. cRhodocollybia butyracea (Bull.: Fr.) Lennox soil 137. Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fr. Acer 138. Russula chloroides (Krombh.) Bres. soil 139. cRussula cyanoxantha Schaeff.: Fr. soil soil 140. *Russula flavispora (J. Blum) Romagn. soil 141. Russula foetens (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. soil 142. *Russula cf. rutila Romagn. soil 143. Russula subfoetens W.G. Sm. soil 144. Russula virescens Schaeff.: Fr. soil 145. *Sawadaea bicornis (Wallr.) Homma Acer 146. Schizophyllum commune Fr. F 147. cSchizopora paradoxa (Schrad.) Donk F 148. *Scleroderma bovista Fr. soil 149. Scutellinia scutellata (L.) Lambotte F,soil 150. Stemonitis fusca Roth F Q, Fraxi- 151. cStereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers. F nus 152. cStereum rugosum Pers. F 153. Stropharia semiglobata (Batsch: Fr.) Quél. dung 154. rStropharia squamosa (Pers.: Fr.) Quél. leaves soil 155. Suillus luteus (L.: Fr.) Roussel soil 156. Tapesia cf. fusca (Pers.) Fuckel F 157. *Thelephora palmata (Scop.) Fr. soil 158. Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. soil 159. cTrametes hirsuta (Wulfen) Pilát F dec 160. Trametes cf. ochracea (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden F Salix 161. cTrametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd F Q 162. rTricholoma album (Schaeff.: Fr.) Quél. soil 163. rTricholoma atrosquamosum (Chev.) Sacc. soil 164. Tricholoma orirubens Quél. soil 165. Tricholoma sulphureum (Bull.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 166. cTricholoma terreum (Schaeff.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 167. r*Tricholoma ustale (Fr.: Fr.) P. Kumm. soil 168. r*Tricholoma ustaloides Romagn. soil soil 169. *Tricholoma cf. viridifucatum Bon soil 170. Tyromyces subcaesius A. David F 171. Vascellum pratense (Pers.: Pers.) Kreisel soil 172. cVuilleminia comedens (Nees) Maire Q 173. Vuilleminia cystidiata Parmasto Crataegus 174. Xenasmatella vaga (Fr.) Stalpers F 175. Xerocomus badius (Fr.: Fr.) E.J. Gilbert soil 176. Xerocomus chrysenteron (Bull.) Quél. soil soil 177. Xerula radicata (Relhan: Fr.) Dörfelt soil 178. Xylaria hypoxylon (L.) Grev. F

Corylus = Cor; Fagus = F; Quercus = Q; deciduous wood used in construction = constr; Pinus = P; ? = unknown substrate; c = common species; r = rare species; * = new species for the Republic of Macedonia

Discussion and conclusions the rest of them are represented with smaller num- ber of species. The best investigated are beech for- A total of 178 species are registered, with ests, where 106 species are registered, 49 are found main accent of (158), Ascomycota in oak associations, 20 in pine plantings, while 15 (16) and Myxomycota (4). The majority of species species are in meadow and pastures. Of the fungi belongs to the following families: Tricholomataceae species registered 124 are terricolous and 93 ligni- (39), and (15), Polyporace- colous. Whereas beech forests are represented with ae (12), Cortinariaceae (10), (6), while the biggest number, the most of lignicolous spe-

Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 179 Mitko KARADELEV et al. cies are found on stumps, fallen branches and rot- their financial help in organizing field trips for col- ten wood of Fagus. The other substrates for ligni- lection of scientific material on Jablanica Mountain. colous species are followings: Quercus (10) wood used in construction (9), pine (5), Corylus (Dichomi- References tus campestris, Clitopilus hobsonii and Lachnum virgineum), Acer (Cerrena unicolor, Rhytisma aceri- Alesio, C. L. (1985). Boletus Dill. ex. L. sensu lato. num and Sawadaea bicornis) and Prunus (Dichomi- Fungi Europaei. Libreria editrice Biella Gio- tus campestris and Phellinus pomaceus), Carpinus vanna, Saronno, pp. 712. (Propolis farinosa), Crataegus (Vuilleminia cystidi- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1981). Fungi of Swit- ata) and (Stereum hirsutum). �S�����������ixteen ecto-� zerland 1. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, pp mycorrhizal genera are registered, where the genera 313. Boletus (10), Tricholoma (8), Lactarius (8), Amani- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1986). Fungi of Swit- ta (7) and Russula (7),������������������������������ are present with a larger num-� zerland 2. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, pp ber of species, while the others are present with a 412. smaller number of species Cortinarius (5), Hygro- Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1991). Fungi of Swit- phorus (4), Laccaria and Xerocomus (2), Chroog- zerland 3. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, pp omphus, Entoloma, Hebeloma, Hypholoma, Leuco- 361. cortinarius, Phylloporus and Suilus (1). Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (1995). Fungi of Swit- The most frequent and abundant species in zerland 4. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, pp beech forest are: Amanita rubescens, Armillaria mel- 368. lea, Boletus edulis, Cantharellus cibarius, Diatrype Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (2000). Fungi of Swit- disciformis, Gymnopus dryophilus, Hebeloma sinapi- zerland 5. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, pp zans, Lepista nebularis, Polyporus varius, Schizopo- 338. ra paradoxa, Stereum hirsutum, S. rugosum, Tram- Dähcnke, R. M. (2001). 1200 Pilze. AT Verlag / az etes hirsuta and T. versicolor; in oak forests: Amani- Fachverlage, Aarau, Schweiz. pp 1178. ta caesarea, Boletus aereus, Boletus aestivalis Boletus Eriksson, J. Ryvarden, L. (1975). The Corticiaceae queletii Omphalotus ollearius, Peniophora quercina, of North Europe 3. Fungiflora, Oslo. pp 288- Stereum hirsutum, T. versicolor and Vuilleminia co- 546. medens; in pinie plantings: Mycena epipterigia, Suil- Eriksson, J., Hjortstam, K., Ryvarden, L. (1978). lus luteus, Tricholoma terrreum; in meadows and pas- The Corticiaceae of North Europe 5. Fungi- tures: Bovista plumbea, Calvatia utriformis, Maras- flora, Oslo. pp 889-1047. mius oreades and Porpoloma pes-caprae. Eriksson, J., Hjortstam, K., Ryvarden, L. (1978). Following species can be underlined as par- The Corticiaceae of North Europe 6. Fungi�����-� asites: Rhytisma acerinum, Sawadaea bicornis (Ac- flora, Oslo. pp 1051-1276. er), Armillaria mellea, Fomes fomentarius, Fomitop- Ferdinandez, J. M. R. (1997). Orden en sis pinicola (Fagus), Daedaleopsis confragosa, Phel- España (Boletus Dill. Ex Lin., Gomphidius linus igniarius (Salix), Daedalea quercina (Quercus) Fr., Paxillus Fr.) – Guia Micologica. Tomo and Phellinus pomaceus (Prunus). N01. Servisistem-Euskoprinter. pp 294. A total of 35 species may be highlighted as Hansen, L. & Knudsen, H. (eds.) 1992, Nordic ma- frequent and 23 as rare (see Tab. 1). cromycetes. 2. Polyporales, Boletales, Agari- Ten species are economically important Aga- cales, . Nordswamp, Copenhagen, ricus macrosporus, Amanita caesarea, Armillaria pp 474. mellea, Boletus aereus, B. aestivalis, B. edulis, Can- Hansen, L. & Knudsen, H. (eds.) 1997, Nordic ma- tharellus cibarius, Hydnum repandum, Lactarius de- cromycetes. 3. Heterobasidioid, Aphyllopho- liciosus and Marasmius oreades. roid and Gasteromycetoid Basidiomycetes. Four species: Agaricus macrosporus, Amani- Nordswamp, Copenhagen, pp 444. ta caesarea, Boletus aereus and Boletus satanas are Hansen, L. & Knudsen, H. (eds.) 2000, Nordic mac- put in the Preliminary Red List of the Macromycet- romycetes. 1. Heterobasidioid, aphyllopho- es in the Republic of Macedonia (Karadelev 2000), roid and gasteromycetoid basidiomycetes. in the category of endangered species due to exces- Nordswamp, Copenhagen, pp 309. sive exploitation. Horak, E. (2005). Rörhlinge und Blätterpilze in Eu- Twenty eight species are new for the mycobi- ropa. Kleine Kriptogramenflora, Band 2. Teil ota for the Republic of Macedonia (see Tab. 1). b2. Ed. 2. Spektrum Akad. Verlag, München, pp. 555. Acknowledgements http://www.mycobank.org/MycoTaxo.aspx 2005 We are indebted to Macedonian Ecological Jahn, H. (1990). Pilze an Bäume. Patzer Verlag. Ber- Society and Biology Students’ Research Society for lin. 272 pp.

180 Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите од Македонија First data of mycodiversity on Jablanica mountain

Jülich,W. (1984). Die Nichtblaterpilze, Gallertpil- Krieglsteiner, G. J. (2000). Die Großpilze Baden- ze und Bauchpilze. Kleine Kryptogamenflora Wurttembergs. Band 2, Stuttgart: Eugen Ul- Bd.II, b/1. Stuttgart. pp 628. mer GmbH & Co. pp 620. Karadelev, M. (2000). Preliminary Red List of Mac- Krieglsteiner, G. J. (2000). Die Groβpilze Baden- rofungi in the Republic of Macedonia. Eu- Württembergs. Band 1. Verlag Eugen Ulmer ropean Council of Conservation of Fungi, GmbH & Co. Stuttgard, pp 512. Newsletter, 10: 7-11. Krieglsteiner, G. J. (2001). Die Groβpilze Baden- Karadelev, M., Rusevska, K. & Spasikova S. (2006). Württembergs. Band 3. Verlag Eugen Ulmer Ecology and Distribution of the Genus Bo- GmbH & Co. Stuttgard, pp 634. letus L. (Boletaceae) in the Republic of Mac- Krieglsteiner, G. J. (2003). Die Groβpilze Baden- edonia. Mycol. Monten., IX: 7-23. Württembergs. Band 4. Verlag Eugen Ulmer Karadelev, M., Rusevska, K. & Spasikova S. (2007). GmbH & Co. Stuttgard, pp 467. The Boletaceae s.l. (Excluding Boletus) in Moser, M. (1983). Die Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze the Republic of Macedonia. Turk J Bot. No. (Polyporales, Boletales, , Russula- 6 (Vol. 31): 539-550. les). – Kleine Kriptogamenflora II/b-2. Stut- Kränzlin, F. (2005). Fungi of Switzerland 6. Edition gard – New York Gustav Fischer. pp 533. Mycologia, Lucern. pp. 319.


Митко КАРАДЕЛЕВ1, Катерина РУСЕВСКА1 и Кристина СТОЈКОСКА2

1Институт за биологија, Природно-математички факултет, П.Фах 162, Архимедова 5, 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија 2Македонско миколошко друштво, Миколошка лабораторија, Природно-математички факултет, Архимедова 5, П.Фах 162, 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија


Во овој труд за првпат се дава преглед на микодиверзитетот на планината Јабланица. Истражу- вањата се вршени главно во пролетниот, летниот и есенскиот период 2005-2007 година, во околината на селата Горна Белица, Вишни, Вевчани, Дренок во букови и дабови шуми, борови насади, ливади и па- сишта. Со досегашните истражувања регистрирани се 178 вида габи (териколни се 124, лигниколни 93), главно од типовите Basidiomy­cota (158), од кои 10 припаѓаат на гастеромицетите, Ascomycota (16) и Myxomycота (4). Со најголем број претставници се редовите: Agaricales, Tricholomatales, Russulales, Aphyllophorales и Poriales. Во букови шуми регистрирани се најголем број видови (106), додека остана- тите истражувани заедници се застапени со помал број на видови: дабови (49), борови насади (21), ли- вади и пасишта (20). Видовите Agaricus macrosporus, Amanita caesarea, Boletus aereus и Boletus satanas се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија, како видови загрозени од преголема експлоатација. Дваесет и осум вида се нови за микобиотата на Македонија.

Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 181