The weather Mostly cloudy, rain tonight, early Sunday. Thanks. High today and Sunday in 60s, lows tonight in Give the United Way 50s. lianrl|fBtfr lEiipmtm HpralJi MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 10 Manchester—A City of Village Charm f o u r t e e n p a g e s p l u s w e e k e n d PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS’

% News In new Lebanese cease-fire Summary Moslems, Christians ; . 4 State BRIDGEPORT - The NAACP tear down barricades has called for a school boycott next week because the Board of Educa­ BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) — Army com­ ning, but sniper fire could still be heard in last Wednesday would finally take hold. tion voted to hire a white school of­ mandos tore down street barricades in the Sin El Fil and Nabaah areas, two other Their optimism was bouyed by promises ficial from Westport to head Beirut today and warring Moslems and festering troublespots. from Syrian President Hafaz Assad and Bridgeport schools. Minority Christians put aside their guns, raising Fighting between Christians and Palestinian Liberation Organization students comprise 45 per cent of the hopes for an effective cease-fire after Moslems during the last three weeks left leader Yasser Arafat to use their con­ enrollment. three weeks of fierce fighting. nearly 500 persons dead and more than 1,- siderable influence to help end the Internal security forces moved into the 000 wounded. fighting. MERIDEN — Fire engulfed the ; area of the bloodiest fighting — the area Radio Beirut said security forces had The clashes died down briefly after Laguna Furniture Store and a \ between the Moslem stronghold of Chiah moved in to silence the sources of fire and Arafat arrived in Beirut to confer with warehouse on West Main St. early ; and the adjoining Christian suburb of Ain “the situation is tilting towards im­ Moslem leaders. But the calls for peace today. Officials said all available | Rummaneh — and began dismantling provement.” soon evaporated in a hail of rocket, mortar equipment has been dispatched to S barricades. Th^ radio also reported an improved and machine gun fire. the fire which damaged several i Neither side fired back, and for the first situation in Tripoli, Lebanon's second As the fighting continued, Karami adjacent stores also. I time since the fighting began, the govern­ largest city. cabled Lebanon’s approval of a call by ment established a definite buffer zone In Beirut, Premier Rashid Karami and \ Kurwait for the foreign ministers of the between the warring factions. Interior Minister Camille Chamoun met 20-member Arab League to meet in Regional | Shooting in other areas of Beirut, which Friday with militia leaders and later said emergency session next Wednesday to dis­ went on overnight, died down this mor­ they were hopeful the cease-fire declared cuss the crisis. BOSTON — Massachusetts is | losing about $36 million a year in ] cigarette tax revenues to New j Hampshire, according to Robert i School districts hit by strikes, unrest Spector, chairman of the legislative j committee for the state Automatic j By United Press International Merchandising Council. He es- \ in contract disputes and Ansonia High minor injuries after fighting broke out Three Connecticut school districts beset School was closed about noon after among about 25 students at Ansonia High timates Bay State residents buy 15 J by teacher strikes and student unrest were million packs of cigarettes in New fighting broke out among black and white School. Students were sent home about trying to sort out their problems as the Hampshire annually. ^ students. two hours early and today’s football game Columbus Day holiday Monday gave them Danbury High School, which this week with West Haven was canceied. / a three-day weekend. The Bristol teachers’ strike was in its ORONO, Maine — Aging crooner 5 eased back to a normal routine after Schools in Cromwell and Bristol were serious racial troubles last week, was third day Friday, Rudy Vallee, whose megaphone and closed early Friday as teachers stayed out Schools opened Friday after being nasal voice skyrocketed him to fame closed Friday for the Danbury State Fair, And in West Hartford, teachers working closed for two days by the strike, but in the 1920’s, will be honored by his attendance was down, officials said. al^ma mater today during rites com­ without a contract voted to stage an un­ L specified “job action” Tuesday, They said Teachers said they plan to continue their memorating the University of walkout in spite of a court injunction and Maine’s 100th homecoming. Tall Cedars’ the action would not disrupt ciasses or Painting Globe Hollow building other school activities. the threat of heavy fines. parade today Some 114 members of the Cromwell The Bristol Federation of Teachers fk BOSTON — Boycotts, suspensions Education Association struck unexpected­ strike began Wednesday after negotiations Today members of the John Mather Chapter, Order of DeMolay, painted the and arrests continue to plague South ly Friday after voting to reject a pay offer broke down in spite of mediation efforts by pool house at Globe Hollow as a community service project. Charles Nead, Nutmeg Forest 116, Tall Cedars of Boston and Charlestown high by the Board of Education. Many students Superior Court Judge Harold Mulvey. front, was the chairman and working with him is Mike Steeves, master coun­ Lebanon of North America, will hold their schools, with latest attendance arrived at schools to find teachers cilor. (Herald photo by Dunn) annual Fall Ceremonial and Parade today figures at South Boston High at a picketing. in Manchester, regardless of the light school-year low. Citywide atten­ “ We had no w a rn in g ,’’ School rain, said William Blatchley, Grand Tall dance was recorded at 71 per cent. Superintendent Edward L. White said. Cedar. Cromwell has 1,850 students enrolled in The events start at 1:30 p.m. at the three schools, an elementary, a middle Jai alai probe reportedly Masonic Temple and the parade starts at and a high school. National 4:30 p.m. from School and Wells St. The The teachers want an 8 per cent raise parade route will go up Main St., turn , WASHINGTON — An emergency with increments, but the board offered 6.5 right on Center, pass the reviewing stand centered on two ex-officials federal arbitration board has per cent without increments. on Cente" St., and end at the Masonic HARTFORD (UPI) — A former deputy recommended compromises in a Nine students and a policeman suffered The two former officials are Eckhardt director, L.V. Henzuulli ot Fairtield, was sharply fought labor dispute that ^ Temple. state deputy environmental commissioner C. Beck, a Republican-appointee who was seen twice with John “Buster" Ardito of threatens a nationwide railroad and a former municipal building official Connecticut’s deputy commissioner of en­ New York. Ardito has been identifid by strike next month over work rule are under investigation in a Bridgeport jai vironmental protection, and John D. U.S. Senate investigators as a top-level issues. Under the Railway Labor alai gambling scandal. United Press Inter­ Greggos, recent former head of figure III r/ie irputcd crime family of the Act if no settlement is reached national has learned. Bridgeport’s budding department, UPI late Vito Genovese. within 30 days — by Nov. 9 — the un­ British seal off border State police organized crime in­ has learned. UPI learned that Beck gave jai alai ions are free to call out their 70,000 vestigators today were trying to deter­ Beck recently left Connecticut for backers an exemption to an “indirect members on strike. mine whether the two helped b^pkers of Washington to become an official with the sources (auto emissions)" permit on Feb. the $14 million gambling place get around U.S. Departm ent of Environmental 14, 1975, on the force of a Feb. 7 letter in crackdown on IRA a new law. That statute is designed to Protection. Greggos was recently MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Gov. from Greggos. saying that Bridgeport had reduce pollution from motor vehicles that replaced in his job. George C. Wallace begins a two- BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) — revenge attacks on security outposts and issued building prmits for the facility would bring patrons to the 22-acre facility Investigators earlier this week said the week tour of Western Europe Hundreds of British troops, using armor patrols. before Oct. 1 — the deadline for exemp­ in Bridgeport, president of the facility, David Friend of tonight, urging continued vigilance and helicopters, sealed off the Irish The exercise followed explosions in the tions. The law requires owners to pay the en­ Hollywood, Fla., told them he gave $200,- against Communism and hoping to Republic border today in a major area Thursday and Friday that killed one Bridgeport, however, had not issued the hoe tire cost of road modifications needed to 000 cash to a “political official” for his crackdown against the outlawed Irish British soldier and injured four others. permit before the fall deadline. Fronton improve his chances to win the eiiminate pollution-generating traffic Republican Army, help in getting a state license for the bet­ backers Initially obtained a demolition Democratic nomination. His first The provisional IRA claimed respon­ jams that would occur at the fronton, ting facility. The individual was not inden- The troops moved into the hilly south sibility for both attacks and issued its permit allowing them to tear down an stop is London where he will meet where the fast-paced latin game is played. tified. Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Armagh region, long an IRA stronghold, routine justification that the incidents abandoned building, Dyna-Trucking, but irast-plated The jai alai backers, Connecticut Sports They also said the facility's executive had no building permit until February. igonal eyelets following two booby-trap ambushes were in retaliation for alleged harassment Conservative Party Leader Enterprises Inc., also have failed to apply against army patrols that killed one of the population by the army and the un­ Margaret Thatcher. for a State Traffic Commission (STC) per­ soldier. necessary closure of border roads. Jaguar 333 mit required before construction may top-grain The army declined to disclose details of love leather, HOUSTON — Police hope dental The army replied with an uncom­ begin on commercial facilities abuting Manafort asks Gov. Grasso the crackdown but it was expected to put specially records will confirm that two es- promising statement announcing tougher state highways. oil treated. the IRA’s flimsy cease-fire in jeopardy. caped convicts were the men who security on a permanent basis. STC Secretary Wiiliam Stoeckert told At least 25 soldiers have been killed in to name implicated official killed a policeman Friday and died ^ UPI the agency has twice requested fron­ the area, about 50 miles southwest of A Protestant worker became the latest in a fiery two-hour shootout with •& ton backers to apply for the permit. He All-weather Belfast, in the six-year IRA-British Army fatality in the continuing round of sec­ Revenue disclosed earlier this week that ' Slormwelt more than 100 officers. ^ tarian murders in Belfast. Two youths said it is a violation of state law to begin NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - A a former all around confrontation since August, 1969. David Friend of Hollywood. Fla., told in­ the shoe. construction without one. The gaming public works commissioner has asked Similar army moves in the region in the shot the man at point-blank range as he WASHINGTON-The Agriculture | facility is supposed to open in November. Gov. Ella T. Grasso to make public the vestigators he made the payment to what past have been followed by a rash of IRA walked to work. was described as a political official. hion-crepe Department says record U.S. corn S name of the political official accused of and heel. and wheat crops will be enough to Ifi accepting a $200,000 payoff for a jai alai He said he paid the money in order to get an exemption from a required en­ meet domestic needs and increase ffl permit. exports. As of Oct. 1, the USDA « Paul J. Manafort, who served under vironmental permit. forecast the corn crop at 5.737 S former Gov. Thomas J. Meskill, a Authorities say payment of a sum of Gov. Carey seeks $5 billion money to a political official, such as a par­ billion bushels and the wheat crops g Republican, said Friday, his name is being ty state chairman or town chairman or a at 2.138 bushels — both records. ■ bandied about as the possible recipient of state central committee member, would the payment which the head of Bridgeport not in itself constitute a bribe. Jai Alai says he made. J inner- HONOLULU - The Emperor of | NYC Mrs. Grasso has refused to identify the loan guarantee for Manafort, who is running for mayor of ant Job- Japan today tours the Hawaiian individual involved but has said the person New Britain, said he wants the name and oil island where his planes attacked is not now in state government. The made public so his name can be cleared of Dmfort • nearly 34 years ago to bring the WASHINGTON (UPI) - New York Gov. would lead to default by New York State in Government officials are divided on application for the Bridgeport facility was any possible wrongdoing. DSHA • United States into Wprld War II. He Hugh Carey says federal troops and the spring. that. Treasury Secretary William E. made in 1973 during the term of Meskill, federal money will have to run New York The Connecticut Commission on Special arrived Friday night and the final But President Ford reiterated at a Simon minimizes the impact of default; who is now a federal judge. leg of his historic U.S. goodwill tour. City if the government fails to prevent the Detroit news conference Friday that he Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur F. 1.95 He will leave for Japan Monday. city’s default. does not think it is the role of the federal Burns says it could be severe. Moreover, he says, default by the city government to pay the bills of ailing cities. Republican Sen. John G. Tower of Texas this winter — “the most costly mistake in “If we start managing 10,000 cities told Carey, “You’re perfectly willing to the history of this nation” — probably throughout the country, that’s a wrong spend yourself into these problems — Chilean exiles en route International role and responsibility for the federal you’re not willing to tax yourself out of LISBON, Portugal — Rival government,” Ford said. them.” but Carey said the state has lost OP political factions battled with guns, Carey appeared Friday before the 387,000 jobs in six years and higher taxes to asylum in Algeria grenades and firebombs in the Electric boat Senate Banking Committee to seek a $5 in the heaviest taxed state would drive billion loan guarantee to enable New York northern city of Porto today, leaving more employers away. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UPI) - A was apparently an empty one. City to borrow money to meet its debts. scores injured and party offices in talks resume group of Chilean exiles headed for tem­ The drama began Wednesday when the flames. In Lisbon, the He tried to answer a puzzling question porary asylum in Algeria today, leaving exiles burst into the offices of Robert Revolutionary Council gave full sup­ in Washington about default: What happens in New York behind five freed hostages, unharmed Mueller, the U.N. Hgh Commissioner on — and the country — if the city does port to Prime Minister Jose ARC blood center after a 56-hour seige at a U.N. office. Refugees for Latin America, and seized 14 Pinheiro de Azevedo and his anti­ become insolvent? The exiles — 11 Chileans, one Brazilian hostages. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Negotiators for Carey and accompanying experts said anarchy campaign. workers threaten and five of their relatives — left Buenos Electric Boat division of General responsibility for the vital services for a Dynamics in Groton, and 10,000 striking Aires Friday night aboard an Alitalia TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel has city of eight million would be thrown on may go on strike flight to Rome with stops in Dakar, workers were to resume today and were Washington for a time. “Inevitably, in Inside today turned over the Ras Sudar oil fields expected to continue through the three- FARMINGTON (UPI) - Red Cross Senegal, and Milan. They were expected on the Gulf of Suez to three order to maintain vital life services, you’d Blood Center drivers, nurses and to' transfer to another plane this afternoon day weekend. have to put in federal money or federal Bicentennial ,4 Ellington ...... 2-3 Americans representing Egypt, the Talks between the two parties and laboratory technicians have threatened to at Rome for the connecting flight to Bolton...... 2 Hebron...... 10 first step in the interim withdrawal troops,” when the city is unable to meet strike Tuesday unless the center agrees to Algiers. federal mediators recessed Friday mor­ its payroll, he said. Churches ... .6 Obituaries ...... 14 agreement between the two nations. ning to give management officials a a new contract. The five hostages voluntarily accom­ Classified ... ■12 Senior Citizens ,,.2 Because of investor distrust of any The center employs 24 drivers, 35 nurses panied the refugees to the airport as a chance to examine a proposal made by the security labeled “New York,” the state 13 Ciiff Simpson .,,,4 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Metal Trades Council, on strike since July and 30 lab technicians, collecting blood in guarantee of their safety. .3 Sports ...... 8-9 also would not be able to refinance the Farmington and with mobile units The group had effectively freed the President Isabel Peron will end a 1. debts of its agencies, throwing the state 13 V ernon...... 10-14 throughout Connecticut, said Owen Flynn hostages when they handed over their month-long leave of absence and The union offer reportedly involved a into the first state default in U.S. history, Editorial .. .4 Week in Review .4 formally resume power next week counter-proposal to a management plan of Local 1303, American Federation of eight pistols as they left the U.N. offices in Carey said. State, County and Municipal Employes. downtown Buenos Aires for the 15-mile Special advertisements^ featuring in time for celebrations honoring for changes in work that would allow As for the national ripple effect — The Red Cross is scheduled to start soon ride to the airport. Manchester's Columbus Day Sales are pn her late husband, Juan Person. members of one craft to xo some work another question mark — Carey warned of There had been rumors he would ex­ a three-day blood collection at Pratt & They left behind the remains of Pages 6 and 7. now done by other crafts. “unforeseeable national consequences of tend her leave of absence because of Whitney Aircraft Corp. in East Hartford, sandwiches and cake eaten during the Today's Herald includes Weeknd Negotiators have refused to talk to such an adverse and sizeable nature that mounting guerrilla violence. which in the past has amounted to 2,000 un­ siege but no explosives. Their threat to magazine, the Saturday supplement newsmen since talks resumed in earnest we have no choice but to prevent them.” about three weeks ago. its of blood, Flynn said Friday. blow up the building if attacked by police featuring the arts and television. r. % PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 11. 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 - PAGE THREE Bolton church Weekend theater schedule Change of address Testimonial set Oet. 18 Tsr siets program If you are already a registered voter in Bible Saturday “Tommy, ’ 7:00-9:15 Sunday tain,” 2:15 Registrars need Manchester and have recently moved within the for Ellington's Girardini c : Rockville Showplace 2 — U.A. East 1 — “My Side of the Manchester Drive-In — town, please fill in this form and send it to the Speaks about renewal U.A. East 1 - “My Side of the “Tommy,” 4:45-7:00-9:15 by Mountain,” 2:00; “Hard “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death,” Registrars of Voters, Municipal Building, Joseph Girardini of Ellington, 1934; and is still on the Conser­ will be the master of 7:15; “Beyond the Door,” 8:45; Mountain,” 2:00; “Hard Manchester Drive-In — ceremonies. Eugene Times,” 4:00-5:50-7:40-9:30 Times,” 4:00-5:50-7:40-9:30 address changes Manchester, Conn. You may also telephone the in­ long active in civic and political vation Commission, to which he “The Possession of Joel “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death,” Tickets may be obtained from Brewer DONNA HOLLAND U.A. Elast 2 — “Master Gun- U.A. East 2 — “Master Gun- formation to the registrars at 649-2758 or 649-5281, affairs in town, will be honored was appointed in 1972. 646-0375 fighter,” 2:30-4:50-7:00-9:15 Delaney,” 10:30 7:00; “Beyond the Door,” 8:30; at a testimonial dinner Oct. 18 Girardini was a charter any member of the committee. Vernon Cine 1 — “Return of fighter,” 2:30-4:50-7:00-9:15 “Possession of Joel Delaney,” ext. 254. Table reservations may be A parish renewal program will be con­ U.A. East 3 — “Jaws,” 7:20- Manchester’s registrars of The Herald has provided the at Ellington Ridge Country member of the Ellington the Pink Panther,” 2:00-7:00- U.A. East 3 - “Jaws,” 2:00- 10:15 made by calling Mrs. Vaughn, ducted at Bolton’s St. Maurice Church by 9:40 voters are updating and correc­ form, right, which can be com­ D ate...... Club. Volunteer Fire Department Recently a friend and I were 9:15 5:00-7:20-9:40 Vernon Cine 1 — “Return of Main St. or any other member the Rev. Robert Carson from Oct. 12 Burnside 1 — “Benji,” 2:00- ting theiiNprinted lists of eligi­ pleted and mailed to the Heading the committee which was formed in 1928 and discussing a tragedy which Vernon Cine 2 — Cartoons and Burnside 1 — “Benji,” 2:00- the Pink Panther,” 1:15-3:20- Old address...... of the committee. Reservations thfough 16. 4:00-7:00-9:00 ble voters, organized by voting registrars. The change of ad­ making arrangements for the he was an active member had just occurred — the death “My Side of the Mountain,” 4:00-6:00-8:00 5:20-7:30-9:30 should be made by Oct. 14. Burnside 2 — “Return of the district. dress information may also be dinner are Postmaster Earl through 1948. He served as chief of a young man by his own Jhere will be a daily mass at 9 a.m. 1:00-3:00; “Once is not Burnside 2 — “Return of the Vernon Cine 2 — Cartoons and Pink Panther,” 2:00-4:00-7:20- Manchester resideiits who telephoned to the registrars at Hathaway and former First from 1943 to 1948. hand. As we talked, the in­ Each mass will be followed by coffee, Enough,” 7:15-9:00 Pink Panther,” 2:10-4:10-6:10- “My Side of the Mountain,” 9:20 have moved within the town the Municipal Building, 649-2758 Selectman Francis Prichard. He also served on every evitable question arose; doughnuts and discussion at the parish Showcase 1— “Whiffs,” 1:45- 8:10 1:00-3:00; “Once is not New address...... ; ...... South Windsor Showplace — since the last election must or 649-5281, ext. 254. Girardini served as a select­ school building committee with “Why?” Why, with two-thirds 3:45-5:45-7:45-9:45 South Windsor Showplace — Enough,” 5:00-7:15-9:30 cejiter. “Benji,” 2:00-7:00; “Groove report their address change so man from 1935 through 1940 and the exception of the most re­ of his expected life span Showcase 2 — “Undercovers “Benji,” 2:00-7:00; “Groove Showcase 1— “Whiffs,” 1:45- The registrars say the Tube,” 8:30; “Flesh Gordon,” their names will be on the deadline for reporting change in 1953 and 1954. He served on cent one, which is planning before him, would he value There will be conferences each evening Hero,” 1:45-3:35-5:25-7:20-9:20 Tube,” 8:30; “Flesh Gordon,” 3:45-5:45-7:45-9:45 9:50 proper list when they vote Nov. of local address is at the end of Signature...... the Board of Finance from 1959 several school addition BULLETIN: that life so low? at; 7:30. Showcase 3 — “Cornbread 9:50 Showcase 2 — “Undercovers Rockville Showplace 1 — 4. next week. through the current year and projects. Those he served on Earl & Me,” 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 fath er Carson joined the Norbertine “Benji,” 2:00-7:15-9:00 Rockville Showplace 1 — Hero,” 1:45-3:35-5:25-7:20-9:20 Signature ...... was chairman for the last 10 were Center, Longview, Crystal Now You Can Get Your In the most prosperous, best Showcase 4 — “ Monty Showcase 3 — “Cornbread years. Lake, Ellington High School, educated, and most advanced Fathers in 1941 and was ordained in 1946. Rockville Showplace 2— “My “ Benji,” 2:00-3:50-5:30-7:15- Signature...... Donuts Wholesale! We Invite Since 1966 he has been engaged in a full- Side of the Mountain,” 2:15; Python,” 2:00-3:50-5:40-7:35- Earl & Me,” '2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 He was also on the Board of Windermere, Center School ad­ society in human history, why 9:35 9:00; “My Side of the Moun- The Following To Get Our tiftie preaching, mainly at retreats for Showcase 4 — “ Monty Education from 1949 through dition, and the school ad­ is the suicide rate reaching priests, religious and laity. Python,” 2:00-3:50-5:40-7:35- 1955 and served as chairman ministration building. Wholesale Prices: Clubs, near record proportions 9:35 from 1952 to 1955. Other members of the com­ Organizations, Restaurants, Many facets of the problem In 1973 he participated in the Institute He served on the Planning mittee planning the testimonial Religious Organizations, might be suggested, but basic for Continuing Theological Education at u Flops in new TV season and Zoning Commission from are: Marjorie Brady, Sally to all of them is the absence Manchester Evening Herald Nature walk set in Coventry Scouts, Private Parties, the Graduate Division on the North 1955 through 1963 and was chair­ Vaughn, Rodney Midford, from people’s lives of a viable American College in Rome. Published every evening except The Coventry Conservation Commission Coventry Jaycees. man from 1957 to 1963. Richard Northrop, David Birthdays, Halloween, etc. raison d’etre for being. Bereft ^ receive walking papers Sundays and holidays. Entered at of a reasonable aim, an eter­ the Manchester, Conn., Post Office will hold a Nature Walk Sunday at 2 p.m. The purpose of the walk is twofold: To First prize for adults will be $25, and $25 He also served on: The Board Cohen, and Clifford Niemann They’re Cheaper By The At the present time he is stationed at St. as Second Class Mail Matter. nal hope (Heb. 6: 19), by per (rain date Oct. 19) at the Laidlaw Recrea­ acquaint area residents with the for juniors (under 16 years of age). of Tax Review from 1955 to who is acting as treasurer. Norbert Abbey in DePere. Wis. By JOAN HANAIJER week in November, “Police “Ellery” has not been im­ Dozen, 15 to 25% Discount vasive irreligion and Suggested Carrier Rates tion Area off Goosle Lane. recreational area, and to spur interest in Second prize will be a $10 gift certificate 1959; as town auditor, 1932 to The Rev. Maurice Sullivan of Woman” will air Tuesday, 9-10 pressive in the ratings but An­ In Dozen Lots or More! For materialism, they react to NEW YORK (UPI) - “The Payable in Advance The walk will be held in conjunction the Nature Photography Contest, which for adults from the Camera Center and a St. Luke’s Church, Ellington, 6 A dynamic speaker. Father Carson has p.m.. Eastern time, switching tonowsky believes there’s a Single copy...... 15c problems much differently with the Nature Photography Contest the commission plans to make an annual $10 gift certificate for juniors from the Big Eddy jnformation. Please Call • conducted many parish renewals a Invisible Man” is going to with “Police Story,” which will place for whodunits on televi­ Weekly...... 90c true Biblical faith would help One month...... $3.90 which the commission is sponsoring. Snap Shack. The Sargasso Sea may be the number of which were in Connecticut. vanish completely from NBC in take over the “Woman” spot on sion and still hopes this will be event. to turn this trend around. Three months ...... $11.70 The trail at the Laidlaw property, Third prize will be $5 for adults and a world’s biggest eddy, an oval­ January, joining NBC’s “ Fami­ Fridays, 10-11. Six months...... $23.40 The contest, which closes Nov. 1,1975, is ELA STIC MR. DONUT \ the one. Kodak Instamatic camera for juniors. shaped whirl two million He will speak at all the weekend masses ly Holvak” and CBS’ “ Kate In one of those weird twists of From then on through Dec. 7 One ye ar...... $46.80 named for one of Coventry’s outstanding open to all area residents. 255 West Middle Tpke. CHURCH OF Mail Rates Upon Request citizens, the late James Laidlaw, who was All winning photographs will be dis­ square miles. Almost per­ STCCKIN GS Oct. 11 and 12. The opening conference McShane” as three more shows television, CBS has been NBC will while away that 60 All phtographs must be taken in Coven­ Manchester • 046-9277 CHRIST Subscribers who fail to receive a member of the first Conservation Com­ try, with a nature related theme or played at the town hall following the awar­ manently becalmed, it revolves WHEEL CHAIRS will be held Sunday at 7 p.m. failed to make it into the winter looking at the unaired episodes minutes by expanding Disney to their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. Lydall and Vernon Streets season. mission and an ardent nature demonstrate a conservation need or prac­ ding of prizes at the commission’s regular slowly between the Gulf Stream of “Fay,” the situation comedy two hours, except for Nov. 23 should telephone the circulation ARTHUR DRUG Phone: 646-2903 In addition to these three department. 647-9946. photographer, was recently cleared by the tice. meeting Nov. 12. and other powerful mid-ocean Parents to meet starring with Lee Grant that when the network will air currents. There will be a meeting for parents Five generations definite dropouts, no one at CBS NBC has already canceled from “ Willie Wonka and the having children in the Bolton Cooperative is betting that “Big Eddie” will its Thursday night schedule. Chocolate Factory.” Dec. 14 Nursery School Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Five generations are represented at the annual picnic-reunion of the^alon live to celebrate its first To take the shows in the order will be all-specials night on ^JACQUELINE SUSANN'S (Rj> birthday, and that network’s Coventry PZC considers Bolton Congregational Church education family held recently in Vernon. Mrs. Frances Balon, 86, of Manchester is they are scheduled to go, NBC. ‘‘ONCE IS NOT building. seated at right with her son, Benjamin Balon, also of Manchester, behind “Three for the Road” also is “Holvak” goes off the air after her. Standing at left is David Bolan of Rockville, Mrs. Balon’s grandson, rumored to hit the road. “Doc” this Sunday. ENOUGH” is called “soft,” new zone in lake area After a short business meeting there with great-granddaughter Mrs. Laurie Lewis of Rockville holding her On Oct. 19, NBC will put a 7:15 9:30 At ABC, “Mobile One” and will be a talk by John Eagles, principal of special “Ellery Queen” into 5 PM 7: / daughter, Stephanie, nine months old, Mrs. Balon heads a family of seven “Barbary Coast’’ are the The Coventry Planning and lot for building on the western welfare from overdevelopment Bolton Elementary School and ^Iton that slot. children, 16 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and one great-great- weakest links. Currently the Zoning Commission has con­ portion of the lake. in the lake basin and to prevent Center School. “We want to see how Ellery granddaughter. network is experimenting with RIARD T 1 M 1 $ « _ ducted a public hearing on the The new zone met with little further environmental and Queen works on Sunday night at ; X»M L*UCIIUl| I THESE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES-MANY MORE BEAUTIFUL SELECTED GROUPS TO CHOOSE FROM-ALL DEPTS. switching their time slots on 8,” Marvin Antonowsky, NBC proposal to change the western resistance at the Wednesday ecological deterioration of WLS, the ABC owned and vice president, programs, said. portion of the lake basin from hearing, but residents asked Coventry Lake and its drainage HELD OVER - PETER SELLER: operated station in Chicago, “It played very well twice its current R-15 zone to an LZ-40 that some revisions be made to area. putting “Barbary Coast” on before for us at nine.” He was “THE RETURN OF THE \ zone. clarify the new zone and to Lots in the proposed zone that News for senior citizens Friday from 8-9 p.m.. Eastern referring to the pilot, which PINKPANTHiR” (G) The R-15 zone allows the con­ assure that it be extended to in­ have good soil and could sup­ time, and “Mobile One” on was aired in the 9 p.m. Sunday 7KH) 9:15 BAT. MAT. 2 P.M. struction of a house on 15,(KX) clude all of the lake basin. port a septic system on a By WALLY FORTIN who work in our kitchen preparing and find there is a sufficient number of Monday in the same time slot. slot twice before. SUN. 1:15 3:20 S:20 7fl0 fc30 square feet of land and the new The zone has been proposed smaller-sized lot may apply for Director serving food to our members. members interested, we will put the The network hopes one of the ‘“Ellery Queen’ could be MANCHESTER \ ALL MATINEES iW ' zone would require a one-acre to protect the public health and a special exception from the Another reminder that the Manchester classes together. So it is your move. If you shows will catch fire at a DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 & 44A SAT.-SUN. et* AT Zoning Board of Appeals for Here we go again, and the first bit of shifted if it works out,” he said. Public Health Nurses will be assisting Dr. are interested, give us a call. different time, a magical 1 P.M. - 3 P.M. construction of a home. news is to tell you all that we will be FRI.-SAT.-SUN. Tureck in giving flu shots here at the It's a little early yet, but before you switch which worked for them "MY SIDE OF MOONTAr Homes now in the area would LADIES’ & TEENS’ LADIES’ & TEENS’ LADIES’ & TEENS’ BIG & LITTLE GIRLS’ closed this coming .Monday as everyone 3 Super Shockerall PLUS CARTOONS Center on Thursday, Oct. 23, starting at know it we will be talking about our third in the past with “Baretta.” Two become nonconforming if the celebrates Columbus Day. Activities will PHONE 649-9333 HI FASHION PRINT & SCREEN 10:30 in the morning. The fee is $1 per per­ annual Variety Show. Arrangements have or three weeks should tell the “ Beyond The Door” zone is approved, but PANTSUITS DRESSES-SUITS start on Tuesday next week, with the tale. COSMETICS regulations have been written T-O-P-S son. been made for us to use the East Catholic WE CARRY ALL ABOUT TOWN exception of the ceramic class. There will “ Let’s Scare Jessica to allow for the reconstruction BLOUSES-SWEATERS Thursday popped in, and during the mor­ Auditorium again this year, and the date In another switch story, NBC THE TOP LINES PANTSUITS be no ceramic class because it is Gloria’s is reshuffling “Police Woman” TKS of any home that is destroyed, SLACKS-PANTS day off. ning things were a little quiet with to remember is April 2 and 3. Marci and BLOUSES-SHIRTS members happy to sit around and chat, and “Police Story. " The first To Death” Atty. and Mrs. Robert sored by Cricket magazine. providing there is no more than 2 PC. BLOUSE SETS Speaking of Tuesday, this is what Roger Negro are already making plans, ARTHUR DRUG SKIRTS RIOP. COORDINATES while others played cards and and coming up with ideas. I mention this “ Possession of Bletchman of Manchester will 90 per cent of the replacement SWEATERS-POLOS CASUAL & HOODED JACKETS happened last week. Things started off serve as host and hostess Sun­ The Junior Women’s Club of value to be rebuilt and POLYESTERS-SATEENS with ceramic and oil painting classes in shuffleboard. After a delicious “Italian” to you. so you can start putting your things dinner the action moved upstairs. We had soimtimosoi-suunu m . h 4-33» day from 2 to 5 p.m. at Lutz East Hartford will have an in­ providing that the building is the morning. In the afternoon it was our together, and getting it ready for the try­ Joel Delaney TURTLENECKS a short meeting and then sat back to enjoy SAT.-SUN.-MON. 2:00 7:00 Junior Museum. stallation ceremony for new reconstructed with the same CORDUROYS-WOOLS Senior Bowling League at the Parkade outs. We are expecting to have many of SKIRT' some colored slides shown and explained 86 EXIT 91-FOlLOW BURNSIDE SICNS members Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. amount of living area. Lanes with the following results: In the our regulars back with us, but are really CARDIGANS by our good friend Nils Carlson. looking forward to many new faces. We Phebe Circle of Emanuel at South Congregational The commission now has to FASHION ^ SETS A women's CTass A group, Mary Bolis made BURNSIDE Lutheran Church will meet Church, Forbes St,, East Hart­ vote on the new zone to make it SLIPOVERS 4 DENIMS the high triple with a 411, and Mary Picaut By the way, tickets are now available know there’s a lot of talent we haven’t a for our first big social dance of the season. heard from yet, and we hope you'll come IS S O IlHtnSIOt AVL, i. HTFD. • S26-333 Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Luther ford. part of the zoning regulations. NOVELTY ^ DRESSY-CASUAL- i JUMPERS 9 won the high single with 154, In the Class B Hall of the church for a work HOODED a AND MORE group Sue Purnell won the high triple with We will be celebrating our Halloween a lit­ on out and join us. We'll keep you posted. SOUTH mWSOI-SUUJVUIVE.S KNITS & MORE NOVELTIES ^ tle early because of the large number that NOW ... aHerm "B E N jr,3 , HE (W im SHOW NKKIU IT tJI night session. Hostesses are a 380, and Marion Gouin won the high 7:00 - 9:00 SHIRTS REG. TO 15““ will be going to Brown's that week. We Mrs. Ann Scott, Mrs. Ellen single with a 131. ADULTS $1.50 WS } WHEN IT COMES TO SUNDAY MORNIMC... ! REG. TO 12°“ REG. TO 16°“ will have Lou Joubert and his band, plus a Menus /r^rru-~\rW2r7> j Carlson and Mrs. Elvira In the men's Class A group, Andy exclusively tor CHILD 99C & MORE costume parade with prizes. There will be Monday, we will be closed due to the Daniels. Lamoureaux won both the high triple with PETER SELLERS ? i S i AND ^5.00 goodies to munch on prepared and served Columbus Day holiday. ea^sy h o m e land you find you forgot something, NO PROBLEM — I REG. TO 9'" a 573, and the high single with a 193. In the Wednesday, Cream of spinach soup and “RETURN OF THE The home life and youth com­ by Marion Keegan and some of the PINK PANTHER” R0CKVIUE4ISTIUINST.IT3'98M Iwe are open here at 302 Main every Sunday from 8 I WHILE THEY LAST WHILE THEY LAST WHILE THEY LAST Class B group, Joseph Schauster won the crackers, hot dog and sauerkrat, c a re ! SHOWk IT 290 790 MS mittee of Manchester Junior WHILE THEY LAST students. The evening will end with our G 7:20 - 9:20 A.M. til 2 P.M. I high triple with a 427, and Harding Carrier homemade brownies, and a beverage. usual large number of prizes. You can pick Women’s Club will conduct a I Tomorrow we will be very busy selling hundreds J won the high single with a 172. Thursday, Seafood Newburg, baked tour of the Porter dairy farm M EN 'S & T E E N S ’ MEN’S & TEENS’ SHOE DEPARTMENT CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Meanwhile our big bus was busy taking up your ticket any time now at our office. B EN JI M AT. I of 64-oz. bottles o1 Coca-Cola, which are on sale at a | Here is some more interesting news, a rice, green garden vegetables Diplomat Sat, Sun., Mon. 2:00-4:00 T o m m y Monday. Club members and LADIES’-TEENS’-CHILDREN’S members to and from shopping. salad, roll and butter, Jello with whipped their children will meet at 2:30 |sav/ng of 764 a bottle. | SPORT-DRESS-KNIT date to jot down. On Sunday, Nov. 2, the LONG HAIfl EXTRA ALL SEATS 994 SLACKS-PANTS GIRLS’ & BOYSD’ .Activities Manchester Civic Orchestra and Chorale topping and a beverage. H M Cim iE-FIST MUST. SI2'9S0) p.m. at Bennet Junior High CASUALS-SANDALS On Wednesday morning we had 33 Friday, Julie’s Special Casserole (a WE g u a r a n t e e THAT THIS School, Main St. SHIRTS & SPORT TOPS will put on a concert at the Bailey PERM WILL ACTUALIY IMfROVF PINK PANTHER MAT. 200 7:15 900 JEANS-DENIMS TOPS & PANTS players for pinochle games, and the lucky Auditorium, at the Manchester High delectable combination of sweet sausage, THE CONDITION OF YOUR HAIR. winners were: Thomas Shensie, 616; John sauce, pasta and vegetables) Vegetable Sat., Sun., Mon 2:00-4:00 Heather Johnson of 15 Vic­ SLIP0NS-CL06S School, starting at 7:30 p.m. All you need COKE SWEATERS TURTLENECKS-POLOS DRESS & SPORT SH O ES-ALL OCCASIONS SWEATERS-JEANS Derby, 577; Wesley Frost, 577; Robina sticks, roll and butter, homemade ALL SEATS 994 toria Rd. won an honorable to do is show your senior citizens Gold OUR OWN ACID SPECIAL I AND MANY MORE— REG. TO 8.00 Carroll, 570; Marge Kayser, 564; Harvey Card at the door to get that reduced price. chocolate chip cookies. mention certificate in a NOVELTY Barrette, 557; Helena Gavello, 540, and BLENDED WAVE CM STYLED j BLOUSES . On Saturday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 in the •W national drawing contest spon- KNITS Martha LaBate, 530. evening, this same group will be featured Schedule for the week 4 SHIRTS It was also our crewel embroidery class clip FILM RATING GUIDE I on Channel 3 as part of the program “Land Monday, Building is closed due to 6 4 0 Z . V 0 4 I SLIPOVERS ^ POLYESTERS KNITS “ day with another fine turnout. In the after­ For Parents and Their Children SHIRTS A of the 3." Columbus Day holiday. &M0RE AND MORE CORDUROYS & MORE noon it was bridge games upstairs with the t t a Pinochle inquiry Tuesday, 9 a m., square dance lessons, shampoo & set CatUl Ilonas U IM te d Church sets b o tt le m E I following lucky prize winners: Irene I REG. TO 12“ REG. TO 8““ REG. TO 8““ We have been getting some inquiries 9:30 a.m. bus for shopping. 10 a.m., or even more when you buy a I Foisy, 4,770; Jack Owen, 4,660; Irene or blow waving p u n r il c u e u a SUCOFSTEI S«m Mateml Mt) M le SutaUt For Fre-Teoiijm instruction about the possibility of having a refresher ceramic and oil painting class. 1 p.m. case of 6 64-oz. bottles at 774 a bottle. | WHILE THEY LAST Walsh, 4,380; Vivian Lesperance, 4,330, il WITH THIS COUPONcmipnw WHILE THEY LAST WHILE THEY LAST WHILE THEY LAST course in both pinochle and setback, so return trips from shopping, and also I monHiv thru vMdntsdiy K S m C IU IM n IT m inim Ktonpannw Pamt or UuH bi»diM f o r s c o u ts LINEN & DOMESTICS DEPT. and Mary McClain, 3,580. Gloria and 1 have decided that we will Senior Bowling League at the Parkade LINEN AND DOMESTICSDEPT.I Along with that our arts and crafts class [_OCT. 13 to OCT. 15 jWhen it comes to MEAT... l soon make arrangements for these Lanes. Ml OK IW n 17 IM IT T a ( I I I Onit mi)i rary in n rtiin ir u s | An orientation and registra­ BEDSHEETS was busy putting the final touches to the classes. What we need is for you who Wednesday, 10 a.m., pinochle games and ?8‘.i cHiogtO' • • 39 ...... tion for all Boy Scouts and HAND TOWELS 2 FOR 2.67 3.67 new aprons being made for our students {. HARTFf kM. VY ..C’H SM It I i v e have the d e s t / j would like to learn, or speed up your card crewel embroidery classes. Noon to 12:30 .T .a 8374 '.I Ai tOf.MliHV Explorers and their parents in­ TIER ' 43 .'5! / (.1 3 GT9 \ KITCHEN TOWELS 2 FOR games to give us a call at 643-5310. If we p.m., lunch is served. 12:45 p.m. bridge terested in Catholic religious CURTAINS n .7 7 [ SUNDAY...BUY MEATS...FRESH BAKERY... ! WASH CLOTHS 4 FOR games. 1 p.m. advanced ceramics and arts awards programs will take SAVINGS DECORATOR I MILK...GR0CERIESat [ and crafts classes. Bus pickup at 8:30 place Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at St. DISH CLOTHS 4 FOR BEAUTIFUL SELECTED GROUPS-THESE ARE JUST A FEW PILLOW 2 * 3 Bridget Church, Main St. The candidates speak a.m., return trips at 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. pre-winter SALE TERRY ELLINGTON Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon, open card The religious awards are PINEHURST GROCERY INC. EXAMPLES Finance set the tax rate that Mrs. Janet fAXAHoiOT fio u E S p x ts o is A RO BERT B. RAD N I12 pso m o kw I I Famous Maker Terry TOWELS 2 4 John Clapp of Ellington, Republican Batt, Democratic first selectman, es­ playing, visiting, outdoor shuffleboard YOUR NEW FIREPLACE Pope Pius XII and Ad Altare 1302 MAIN...... Near The Armory | games. Noon to 12:45 p.m.. Hot meals and Dei. The Ad Altare Dei classes BATH TOWELS DECORATOR candidate for re-election to the Board of timated the surplus would be $20,000. indUMtct iK / eUuy zJifySideofthe U P 7 C O / Finance, has called for a change of ad­ “Had I known the surplus would be ap­ meals-on-wheels. 1 p.m. Fun-Day will be conducted by AND M A TS DRAPES *5.97 ministration for the office of first select­ proximately $85,000, it would have been featuring paper games and horse racing. fgUomtain seminarians from Holy Apostle TO t o /O STARTING DECORATOR man. obvious that the two-mill increase would Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, kitchen social Complete Unit Price from M'99. Seminary, Cromwell. BEDSPREADS *5 bingo games, one can of canned goods A boy conquers the Those wishing more informa­ ALL PURPOSE RUGS S He said, “Better control over the not have been necessary,m Clapp said. LUXURIOUS amount of the fiscal surplus could have needed. Noon to 12:30 p.m. lunch is wil(derness with just tion may contact William Cur­ He added, “This lack of attention to OPEN AREA RUGS & M O R E ^ BLANKETS resulted in a smaller tax rate increase for detail by the first selectman’s office, in­ served. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. setback games. a raccoon ancJ a falcon! tis, 643-0261, after 6 p.m. the town. ' dicates a change of administration is in Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., return trips at ALL DAY SUNDAY SHOWER 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. He noted that when the Board of order.” TEDDY ECCLES MANCHESTER WHILE THEY LAST CURTAINS *3 »dTHE0D0REBIKELs’.s». m® _W H ILE THEY LAST Pre-schoolers story hour P.\NAVtSH»<*-TCCHNlCOlOlt* APAXAMOISTPICTIRF HOSPITAL CELEBRATE THE BICENTENNIAL Sunday TOY DEPARTMENT Members of the Manchester s a t u r d AV The Whiton Memorial NOTES OVER 3000 14x16 BULLETIN BOARDS ALUMINUM FOIL 4 for Library will have the second Junior Women’s Club and Mrs. and Q2;\THEATRES EAST SUNDAY AND INFLATABLE TV CHARACTERS PER STORE Built-In Fireplaces are ■'lODLF TPk< VfihCMESTlR SH P iR P iO f...'; Gordon Moores, librarian in the Enjoy a gourmet traditional dinner MONDAY (No School) ASSORTED METAL PHOTO FRAMES lOOO-HOUR LIGHT BULBS 6 for session of a seven week series easily installed in one day in Discharged Thursday: Elmo of “Stories For Pre-Schoolers” Children’s Room, will read SHOWim AT 2:00 PM RAGGEDY ANN PUPPETS CORNING GLASS TUMBLER 4 for AT THE HISTORIC any room. These pre­ Gianantoni, Stafford Springs; TWO-TIER TURNTABLES on Tuesday. All children stories and demonstrate some All stATS ju s t 99< engineered fireplaces are Carla Robinson, Rt. 87, Colum­ RAGGEDY ANDY PUPPETS TOYS-GAMES- LAUNDRY BASKETS ASST COFFEE MUGS 4 for between the ages of 3 to 5 are crafts during the seven-week designed for maximum heat bia; Keith Peterson, 21 invited to attend. The sessions program. DUST PAN-BRUSH SET DECORATIVE ADHESIVE 9 f. .u GENERAL LYON INN output and will reduce your Plymouth Lane, Bolton; Susan E-Z MATH PUZZLES PUZZLES-BOOKS- will be held every Tuesday mor­ The stories and crafts for the EST. SIN CE 1776 BOWL BRUSH-HOLDER SET ASSORTED FLASHLIGHTS heat bill. StiOWCASe CINEMA/ 1234 Prisk, Glastonbury; Cecilia HOG WILD GAMES, etc., etc. ning from 10:30 to 11 a.m. in the second session will be under the ROUTE 198 - EASTFORD, CONN. - TEL. 974-1380 Fields, Willimantic; Susan AUTOMOBILE SPONGES 3 for Units are code approved 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. ALL FUN SETS-PUPPETS 24x13‘/2x11 s t o r a g e CHESTS Children’s Room of the Whiton guidance of Mrs. Clifford Scor- DAILY SPECIALTIES: Honwmade Soups 6 HomsBaksd Breads. Yankee Burns, East Hartford; Teri TOGGLE FIREMEN, POSTMEN, etc. and guaranteed for 25 • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 Dur Staff Is Here TWIN SINK DISH DRAINER ASST KITCHEN TOOLS 3 for Memorial Library, 85 N. Main so and Mrs. Gregory Mlod- Pot Roast A Roast Lamb • FREE LIGHTED PARKING- We Honor MASTER CHARGE Skoog, 151 Parker St,; Armand MEDICINAJL SMOKE zinski. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIA LTIES: Roast Beet W/Yorkshlre Pudding years, and are easily in­ St. Acelin, 42M Bluefield Dr.; Nan­ 7 Days A W e e k - IRON BOARD PAD & COVER SET 6” SALAD BOWLS 3 for Lobster NewBurg stalled by yourself or our SERVICES tMilHYMORE 4 Our Own Stuffed Rounder W/NewBurg Sauce trained crew. No present cy Seager, 5 S. Elm St. PAINT PAN & ROLLER SET WOVEN BREAD BASKETS 2 for Also, Karen Goldstein, 218 Tc Serve Ycur Family! AVAILABLE. SUNDAY SPECIALTIES: chimney necessary . We FOR HOUSEHOLD CORN BROOMS V/i" SPIRAL CANDLES 2 for T«SnTKHmilEIICE,W ITIUFREESIIMniFOII Roast Beef 6 Roast Turkey have an installed working amlbUdl Mountaih Rd.; John Roberts, 35 FOR IhatlwAl Tunxis Trail, Bolton; Otto ELECTRIC PANTS STEAMER 9x12 ft. PLASTIC TARPS 2 for fireplace in oUr showroom... EmonGouD Em 706M I: HElirOK OF om FKSH, PUffi swm , AW HOURS: Luncheon - Tues. - Sat. 12:00-2:00 p,M. Balchunas, 79 Autumn St.; Over TEFION COATED SKILLET SCRUB BRUSHES for DINNER - Tues. - Sat. 6:00-8:00 P.M. Visit US to see how perfectly EDOEMM UMDIinaL SillSmCMt: WESTOWN 2 IHTHIAL Am i doa at 206409-700 i SUNDAY DINNER: - 12:00-2:30 P.M. am MM US tot 1 Im M . 1; Chang Ong, 569 Hilliard St.; 25 WHILE THEY LAST WHILE THEY LAST this fireplace operates and ..Ilni.lWiHiN 70S-MS'.. tJO Gordon Fraser, 282 Kennedy PHARMACY RATES FOR A COMPLETE DINNER: Appetizer 6 Breads, Salad, Entree, to discuss your requirements Rd. Years FERRANDO’S ORCHARDS Dessert A Beverege 455 HARTFORD RD. BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD LUNCHEON - 63.50 6 Tax lbt.atl.4S ‘UNIIERIWVEIiS of (3 Miles Beyond Vito's Restaurant Qlastonbury) UtilbrTHiNi MANCHESTER MANY, MANY MORE DINNERS Weekdays $4.50 6 Tax; Friday 64.50-65.50 6 Tax tire -glew disf. , 70S-US HEITiro) A record 43 million Americans Continuous Sm Th« Cidtf Mill In Op*r*Uon ThI* WMkcndl Saturday 6 Sunday 65.50 6 66.50 6 Tax iSKIfaiM "YOUR COMMUNITY Routi 13, Vernon (2 miles'North of Vernon Girelo) Peter Sellerc spent $270 million on state hunt­ Service! JIANCHESTER PARKADE 2063065.40 WHILE THEY LAST! Crisp, Juicy Orchard Fresh: MclNTOSH, CORTLAND GUESTS MAY B.Y.O.B. e RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED (NEXT TO L&M EQUIPMENT) _206k3$ ing and fishing licenses last year, HEALTH SERVICE STORi’ AMD MACOUN APPU8I CLOSED MONDAYS according to the U.S. Fish and MON-THURS 10-6, FR ID A Y 10-8 Wildlife &rvice. OPEN S A T U R D A Y 9-4, S U N D A Y 12-2:30 872-9988

- 4 • PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Sat., Oct. 11. 1975 — PAGE FIVE Firehouse dispute boils and erupts After simmering on the back burner for Thompson as one possibility in a tax several months, the Buckland Firehouse reform package, he is proposing. dispute came to a boil this week and MANCHESTER WEEK iN REVIEW About 150 people turned out for the erupted, with developments tumbling out debate and witnessed tries by Thompson in rapid succession. Mulvey, and also on behalf of Larry Bridge, leaf pickup to insert local issues and refusals by Chronologically, the events were as Noone, directing them to appear Oct. 16 In other developments this week, the Wilson to discuss anything else but the follows: (next Thursday). They are instructed to Board of Directors authorized continua­ state income tax. show reasons why the court shouldn’t Monday night —Eighth District Counsel tion of the leaf pickup program and Nobody won and nobody lost and neither John LaBelle validates a new petition issue a temporary injunction to stop the replacement of the Bidwell St. Bridge and candidate appeared to change the opinions construction —pending disposition of the from Buckland area property owners indicated it will honor promises by town held by any in the audience,. Nov. 18 court action (which could take MAMCHESTER seeking expansion of District lines into employes to defer sanitary sewer With the municipal elections less than months to settle and possibly much longer, their area. He tells the district board it assessments against property owners on three weeks away, things were beginning may call another special meeting of dis­ depending on appeals). Erie St., Garden Grove Rd. and a part of to heat up aiso on the poiitical scene, with 725 EAST trict electors to consider the expansion Wednesday morning —Town Manager statements and counter statements issued Business-Directory Guide For COUNTR' Keeney Sy. Robert Weiss and an official of Fred 284BIWA0ST.MANCHUTER| and advises that the special meeting The leaf pickup program is scheduled to daily, with appearances scheduled on should be after the Nov. 4 municipal elec­ Brunoli & Sons of Avon sign a $233,000 con­ Merchants In Early Amerlcai. start Oct. 20 and end the first week in Cable TV, with preparations for a “Meet MIDDLE TURNPIKE tion. struction contract which contains a codicil Furniture Reproductions December, weather permitting. The the Candidates” forum by the League of permitting the town to terminate the con­ Manchester and Surrounding Bidwell St. Bridge is estimated to cost Women Voters, with a dispute over CLOCKS • LAMPS • FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS and Tuesday night —Town of Manchester tract on seven., days notice, in the event of $30,000 to $40,000. A contract for the con­ poiitical signs brewing and with fund­ MANCHESTER • NAUTICAL PABAPHERNALU and Eighth District officials are served adverse court action. The contractor Mun a with papers in an action brought by Larry struction is being negotiated with the An­ raising events taxing the pocketbooks and OPEN TUES., WED., SAT. 10 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. promises to hold back on expenditures, patience of party loyals. Vicinity ...... THURSDAY A FRIDAY, 10 A.M. - 0 P.M. drew Ansaldi Co. of Manchester. The Noone, a leader of the petition drive. pending a decision on the Oct. 16 “show SUNDAY 12 NOON - 5 P.M. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Returnable Nov. 18 in Hartford County cause” order. culvert sections will be supplied by the Also being taxed... WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Superior Court, it seeks a determination of Leonard Concrete Pipe co., which has Aiso being taxed was the patience of who has jurisdiction for fire service in the offered a favorable price because it has those iooking forward to eariy construc­ AIR (MlNDITIONINIi, featuring this week... Buckland area —the Town of Manchester Wednesday morning —A petition signed eight sections available. tion of the 1-84 connector to the Wiibur or the Eighth District. by 15 Eighth District electors is given the The great debate Cross Highway. REFRIGERATION and HEATING Wednesday morning —Town officials district board —requesting an early A highlight of the week in politics was State Sen. George Hannon, D-3rd IVe A/so Do Sheet M etal W ork sign temporary notes totaling $295,000 for special meeting for considering the “The Debate” Monday night between District, came away from a meeting with New England Mechanical Services, Inc. the construction cost and othpr costs of the Buckland petition from Buckland property Edward Wilson, GOP candidate for the state officiais with some discouraging R O U TE #83, P.o. BOX 3147 MANCHESTER PARKAOE Buckland Firehouse. The notes are to be owners. Board of Directors, and Mayor John news —that the construction is anywhere TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. (06066) purchased by the United Bank & Trust Wednesday afternoon —Employes of from two to five or seven years away. The Your Complete Thompson, Democrat seeking his third ______643-2738 • 643-2189 Co., low bidder^ at 4.8 per cent interest. Fred Brunloli & Sons start clearing the term on the board. hoidup, he expiained, is an environmental Appliance Store Wednesday morning —Town officials firehouse site — at Tolland Tpke. and N. The debate was on a challenge by Wilson impact study of all 1-84 connectors, from Main St. CAMPING EQUIPMENT are served with a “show cause’’ order and was on the subject, “The State Income East Hartford tO the Rhode Island line FAMOUS BRAND issued by Superior Court Judge Harold Saturday afternoon —“To be continued.” Tax,” opposed by Wilson and presented by -required under federal regulations. TENTS, COTS, SLEEPING SAGS, AIR MAHRESSES, STOVES, LANTERNS TELEVISION - APPLIANCES MANrHCSTFt Wings of evening: Jesus smashes the computer FARR’S HOW HPMffiWXT THE EVERYTHING STORE A jingle runs through my mind that CAMP-BIKE-SPORT 2 MAIN STREET f 649-°3589 comes from my childhood: A gift suggestion and pains — they are increasing, and OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M. J. FARR • 643-7111 CLIFF SIMPSON a p p lia n c e TV <• “When you get there, No doubt you have already received my love of rehearsing them becomes I sweeter as the years go by. God will say. numerous catalogues with Servicing your home in a VOLKSWAGEN REPAIR Where’s that book you suggestions for Christian gifts. They Teach me the glorious lesson that time when home services, Stole that day? munion Sunday, a traditional obser­ seem to come earlier every year. I occasionally it is possible that I may by factory trained apeclallsta rUi.SOML THE are practically nonexistant, Personalized Fun and Sportswear This portrayed to me the Great vance in Protestant, Anglican, and can remember the days when Christ­ be mistaken. Phil Pete tAAGGIf the newspaper carrier Orthodox Churches around the world. mas planning waited until after Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not Locicero and Zidek 3 DONE WHILE YOU WAIT performs the task of keeping Scorekeeper in the sky, writing down This year for the first time Roman Thanksgiving — at least as far as want to be a saint — some of them are Great Gifts For Any Occasion you informed. Bringing you every deed, both good and bad, and 6 4 3 -5 0 3 6 Catholics in our area took part in it of­ shopping was concerned. Those who so hard to live with — but a sour old 35 Oak St., Manchester national, regional and local from time to time balancing the ac­ ARCO Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 ficially. have always valued the handmade woman is one of the crowning works P&P AUTO REPAIR <> news, as well as counts. Sometirnes, in a severe storm, Thurs. til 8:30 A suggested “Prayer of the presents, whether from a small of the devil. 706 Main St. • “Arco Charge” • Manchester advertising to inform you of I wondered if one of the thunderbolts 646-3339 might be a warning especially Faithful” was prepared by the grandchild or a friend skilled in Make me thoughtful, but not ways to invest your money, Archdiocese of Hartford as they t h e twentieth century directed to me for some misdeed. crafts. A few years ago we received a moody; helpful, but not bossy. With joined with some 600 million tradition of home delivery Terms expressing this “balancing unique present which was “hand my vast store of wisdom it seems a ^onneetieut ' '^oin ^ 0 . Christians of other traditions in this MERCURY goes on. International of the books” were frequently used in selected and assembled’” if not strict­ pity not to use it all, but Thou special commemoration of the Lord’s 533 Main St. 6 4 3 -6 2 9 5 Newspaper Carrier Day has the sermons at the Puritan church I ly “hand-made.” We have derived so knowest. Lord, that I want a few Manchester Supper. Here is a part of that prayer: much pleasure from it that the idea Phone 646-2756 been set for October 11 th, attended in Boston, causing uneasy, friends at the end.” METAL DETECTOna Buy - Sell “Let us Pray: That the wounds in may appeal to some of you who are and we would like you to furtive questions in our backyard In a lighter vein she included by While's Appraise the visible unity of the Body of Christ searching for just the right gift. COINS NO SESVICl CHARGE join our salute to our carriers. playground. Even today on occasion I several verses from “The Cheerful Collections Wanted which yet compel us to gather for the This friend compiled her favorite Edwin E. Blow hear worn out phrases like “winning Cherub” by Rebecca McCann. One is Reservations for • Hotels • Airlines • Steamships sacrament of life at separate tables OUR 12th YEAR IN MANCHESTER Brownie points,” “getting credit in poems, and quotes of various kinds called “Pickles” : 627 Main Street Manchester will be healed by our obedience to the from the light to the serious. Put heaven,” “entrances in the heavenly “Though life has bitter little times biddings of the Holy Spirit.” together in an illustrated folder they Manchester Pet Center at 9 Maple Street in Downtown ledger” “wiping out black marks.” A They’re not a total loss I feel FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies made an attractive and thoughtful 875-3252 iManrlrpatpr iEurning M rralii modern version of this idea speaks of This act of unity was the first in the For mixed with joys they play the 646-0228 Manchester is your Headquarters for Pets and Supplies! “the celestial computer,” events which prepares the way for the gift. Among her “Favorites” was this part. A COMPLETE LINE OF WILTON CAKE DECORATIONS IMPORTED Who can win salvation? Who can do prayer: Meet (left to right) Ben, Daisy and Greg at your “Family Pet Shop,” at 9 Maple Street, around the corner International Eucharistic Congress Of sour pickles at a meal.” .V- 70 UNION ST. Founded Oct. 1, 1881 enough good deeds to offset the evil 191 CENTER ST. from Main Street. Over 20 years’ experience under the same ownership satisfying our clientele. Always next August in Philadelphia. Other ac­ As this collection was for her MANCHESTER, CONN. ROCKVILLE. CONN. CAR PARTS Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. United Press International willing to help with your pet problems. Please phone 649-4273. Complete departments for all your pets, plus a ones? We assume that God desires us tivities during the year which will Mon. - Sat. 10-S Mon. - Sat. 10-S “On growing older” friends she begun it with quotes about FrI. 10-9 NEW A T Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, to be “good” all the time. Yet all of us give opportunity for common witness Thura., 10-9 large selection of dog and cat collars to fit the smallest to the largest breeds. Healthy Tropical and Goldfish, “Lord,, Thou knowest better than I friendship: Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. “fall short,” doing those things that will be the Week of Prayer for Chris­ plus Aquariums and all accessories. Guaranteed Conn, bred healthy Baby Parakeets, Mixed Breed Puppies, know myself that I am growing older, Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The only Wedding Cakes A Specialty Gerbils, Teddy Bear Hamsters, plus our own special blends of small animal and bird foods, as well as major MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS we ought not do and leaving undone tian Unity, various Lenten emphases, 270 BROAD STREET PHONE 649-4528 Raymond F. Robinson, Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkington, Managing Editor and will some day be old. way to have a friend is to be one.” brands . . , the things that we ought to do. and on Pentecost Sunday. Keep me from getting talkative, Henry David Thoreau: “We do not • r - EVERYTHING IN Wf CAN'T HIDE BEHIND , How can we ever balance it to wipe wish for friends to feed and clothe our .1.^1 ------OUR PRODUCT -Cl' BETTY JANE TURNER The ecumenical committee and particularly from the fatal habit out the evil? Impossible! But our bodies — neighbors are kind enough j9 |K f • ODS .i__ Opinion preparing for the Congress has of thinking I must say something on • '..'•>‘'1 fnONIS' • llAUtTUO E’.LL’.iOkt, School of Dance situation is not hopeless. Jesus broke for that — but to do the like office for observed that, “in extending this in­ every subject and on every occasion. 40 OAK STREET MANCHESTER the computer. He shows us that God is our spirits.” vitation to other Christians, Catholics , Release me from craving to try to Ballet - Tap - Jazz love, that God forgives, wiping out our Dante: “Friendship does not spring M . WHITE GLASS CO., Inc. ^ remember with gratitude the invita­ straighten out everybody’s affairs. ;\ A salute to The Herald’s sins and allowing us to start over up and grow great and become perfect y FURNITURE runniiunc TOPSi\jro PICTURE WINDOWS Acrobatic & Baton tion they received in the past decade again. We can drop our burden at the Keep my mind free from the recital all at once, but requires time and REGISTRATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED to participate in significant events I , Manchester 6 4 9 “7 3 2 2 31BleiellSI. Cross, like Christian in “Pilgrim’s of endless'details — give me wings to nourishment of thoughts.” newspaper earriers sponsored by other Christian com­ ■- MANCHESTER OVER 21 YEARS EXPERIENCE Progress,” and go on our way free, get to the point. Anyone who takes the time and 649-0256 munions.” It is true that there are unburdened and rejoicing. I ask for grace enough to listen to thought to compile each a list of 763 Today is Newspaper Carrier Day, a approximately 196 man-hours a week still differences, “wounds in the visi­ the tales of others’ pains. Help me to “favorites” as a gift will certainly MAIN ST. day which serves a dual role. It marks A “ F irs t” ble unity,” but the “hunger for unity” by our motor route drivers and more endure them with patience. find as much enrichment as the ones Specializing In Last Sunday was World Wide Com- is deepening. We rejoice in this 643-1191 DON WILLIS the end of National Newspaper Week. than 2,000 man-hours a week by our But seal my lips on my own aches to whom it is given. BRAKE SERVICE 191 ; ly It fittingly climaxes the observance carriers. It is estimated that in < GARAGE Front End Alignment MAIN ST, 18 Main SL, Td. 649-4531 of this week on the carrier boy or girl delivering The Herald, an average of W' MANCHESTER General Repair Work who i.s the final link in the chain ‘Yankee Doodle’ story 720 miles a day is walked, bicycled or 643-1900 between those on The Herald who write driven by the carrier force or more Band ot Music.” At that timedhe British and edit the news, solicit and layout than 4,300 miles a week. By Dr. Francis G. Walett were taunting the Americans with their the advertising, compose and print it We cite these basic statistics only to Worcester Slate College own music when they came in with troops MANCHESTER SAFE & LOCK CO Copyright 1975 to overawe unruly Bostonians. Kitchens of Distinction and The Herald’s readers. give you a small insight into the NEED A NEW KITCHEN? COME TO THE EXPERTS American Antiquarian Society The tune of Yankee Doodle was not ^ r Oui- carriers are important to us overall scale of the effort involved Sing Yankee Doodle, that fine tune printed in Europe before the American 453 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • 643-6922 Americans delight in. because they deliver our daily each day in delivering The Herald to Revolution so far as has been learned. Its 0UCiuiU Aurmoti-IUSIKSS Alarms, Locks & •■C lUSTOM |#ITCHEN It suits for peace, it suits for fun. first publication as a music sheet with ■ Safes, Combination Changes. . attempt to bring our readers up-to- your home. It suits as well for fighting. words was in London by Thomas Skillern Sales & Service • Bonded. ^Most I keys in stock. Repairs of all kinds. 'ENTER IV 649-7544 date on what is happening in We hope it will enhance your ap­ in 1775; it bore the title Yankee Doodle, or Also We Make Keys. Scissors & With these words the Columbian (as now christened by the Saints of New Pinking Shears Sharpened. 385 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER Manchester, its surrounding com­ preciation of their efforts as it has for Songster of 1799 printed our first patriotic England) The Lexington March. This also The YANKEY’* r-t.-a from CAMP. munities, the state, the nation and the those of us whose responsibility for song. Under the title, the “American made mention of Cape Cod, Nantucket, CUSTOM MADE Spirit,” Yankee Doodle appeared with all .ATHER and 1 went down to camp. And ftuck a crooked flabbing iron / SEE US FOR: world. the paper ends when the carriers take and Lynn, indicating that its probably CANVAS AVVNINGS its lilting appeal. From the Revolutionary source was Massachusetts. There was Along with Captain Gooding, Upon the little end on’t. • Alwiinum Roll Up FThere we.iee the ntci^aiid boya, Tankey (J-v\dIe, &e. Awningi We too often take for granted this over. War to the present, Americans, young and considerable pro-American propaganda in • Door Canopies i i x / t t A nd there I fee a piiirn UUi ...ell OSTRINSKY old, have delighted in the words (with As chick as pudding. • Storm Doora chore which is performed so faithfully We thank our carriers for their loyal England at this time, and the publication TankeV-wodle keep it up, AS big ai irAiihci 's bafon, SCRAP METAL endless rhyming versions) and tune of this of Yankee Doodle in this form would seem • Combination Windows throughout the year in all kinds of Cborui. TxncT doodle, dandy. ADdev’ey sitne they touch’d it off. DEALER IN WASTE and PAPER service and especially appreciate song. to have been part of it. They fcampnt’d like the nation. MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Mind the muCc and the (lep, 731 PARKER ST. weather by 14 motor route drivers and those who, according to many of our The tune was widely known in the Regardless of origins the song appealed .Andwr’ th<- "irl; be|-^-^ Tankey doodle, S:e. 195 WEST CENTER ST. MATERIALS colonies before the American Revolution I fee a little barrel too, Talaphona 649-3091 Tel. 643-5735 or 643-5879 the more than 320 boys and girls who readers, are the best goodwill am­ so much to Patriots that it was played and And there we fie ^ tboufand men,' and even the British used it. At times it sung everywhere. Thomas Auburey, a Al rich as ’Sqsi

------■ '■ PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975- PAGE SEVEN LOCAL CHURCHES

ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH, UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, CHURCH OF CHRIST, Lydall and CENTER CONGREGATIONAL E. Middle Tpke. Rev. Philip Hussey, 185 Woodbridge St. Rev. Robert Baker, Vernon Sts. Eugene Brewer, minister. CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF pastor. pastor. 9 a.m., Bible Classes; 10 a.m. and 6 CHRIST, 11 Center St. Rev. Newell Curtis Saturday Mass at 5 p.m .; Sunday 10 a.m., Sunday School; 6:30 p.m., p.m.. Worship. Jr., Rev. Wlnthrop Nelson Jr., pastors. Masses at 8:30, 10:15 and 11:30 a.nn. “ Sound of His Coming’’ radio program on 9 to 10 a.m.. Lighthouse Group, Adult Bi­ GOSPEL HALL, 415 Center St. WINE; 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. ble Study, Robbins Room, Karl and Karen TRINITY COVENANT CHURCH, 302 10 a.m., Breaking bread; 11:45 a.m., Prewo, leaders; 9 a.m.. Worship Service, Hackmatack St. Rev. Norman E. Sunday School; 7 p.m., Gospel meeting. Federation Room; 10 a.m.. Worship Ser­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 43 Spruce Swensen, pastor. vice, Sanctuary; 10 to 11 a.m.. Confirma­ St. Rev. Mack Weiford, pastor. ST. BRIDGET CHURCH, 70 Main St. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School classes for all tion A.M., Federation Room; 4 to 7 p.m.. 9:15 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. Rev. John J. Delaney, pastor. Rev. ages three through adult, Infant-Nursery; Grade 9 (^nfirmands. Federation Room. William J. Stack, Rev. William J. Killeen. Worship, Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. Infor­ 10:50 a.m.. Worship Service with the Rev. Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m., mal Worship, study and fellowship. Mr. Swensen preaching on “ To Be or Not NORTH UNITED METHODIST school auditorium; Sunday Masses at 7:30, To Be,” Trinity Tots for those one-year- CHURCH, 300 Parker St. Rev. Earle R. 9 and 10:30, in church; 10:30 a.m. and noon CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH, old through Kindergarten, Children’s Custer, pastor. Church for Grades 1 through 3, Infant- in school auditorium. 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Burton D. Strand, Rev. 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service, ser­ Nursery; 7 p.m., "God’s Plan for THE SALVATION ARMY, 661 Main St. David W. Rinas, pastors. mon: “ A New Ceiling/A New Sound,” History,” presented by the pastor. Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson, corps of­ 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, Nursery coffee fellowship between services; 9 I Columbus Day’’ ' ficers. care for small children; 10 a.m.. Holy a.m.. Church School, Nursery Grades 3 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:45 a.m.. Communion, Church School through through 6; 10:30 a.m.. Church School, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Holiness Meeting; 6 p.m., Open-Air Grade 6. Nursery care for small children. Nursery 3 and 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, and Meeting; 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. SCIENTIST, 447 N. Main St. Grade 1 and 2. 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sunday School CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF ST. JAMES CHURCH, Msgr. Edward for pupils up to the age of 20, care for very I SOUTH UNITED METHODIST J. Reardon, pastor; Rev. Bernard Killeen, LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Woodside St. & young children, subject of the lesson- CHURCH, Rev. George W. Webb, Rev. Youth Specialty Shop Rev. Louis Cremonie. Hillstown Rd. D. Clark Brown, bishop. sermon: “ Are Sin, Disease and Death Laurence M. Hill, Rev. Robert W. Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m., Sun­ 8:30 a.m.. Priesthood; 9:30 a.m.. Real?” Golden Text from Psalms: “ God Eldridge Jr., pastors. i 757 Main Street day Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., noon, Seminary; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School; 5 is my king of old, working salvation in the 9 to 10:15 a.m.. Church School, Nursery in Downtown Manchester ^ ^ ^ and 5 p.m. p.m.. Sacrament Service. midst of the earth.” The Christian Science through 5 year olds; 9 to 9:15 a.m.. Church 2 DAYS ONLY! SAT. OC FULL GOSPEL INTERDENOMI­ Reading Room, 968 Main St., is open to the School, Grades 1 through 6 will attend (Formerly Magic Mirror Beauty Salon) O C T ^ ll*& MON^ ' public Mondays through Fridays from 10 church; 9:15 to 10:30 a.m., Church School, NATIONAL CHURCH, 745 Main St. Rev. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST a.m. through 3 p.m. and the first and third Classes for Grades 1 through 6; 10:45 to Boys & Girls Philip Saunders, minister. SOCIETY, Community Y, 79 N. Main St. Large Group of „ . Thursday evenings from 7 to 9, a free len­ noon; Church School, Nursery through 5 Reduced 10:30 a.m., Praise, Worship Service and Rev. Arnold F. Westwood, minister. '4 SNOW SUITS, ding library is also maintained. year olds and Grades 7 through 12; 9 and BOYS SLACKS Bible study for all ages; 7 p.m.. 10:30 a.m.. The Rev. Mr. Westwood ^ 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service, Laymen’s I COATS and Deliverance Service. opens a three-part series on “ Religious Sizes 4-7 & 8-14 Sunday, Ambrose Dudley, speaker; 10:15 20% 40 Consciousness Raising,’’ This week’s i JACKETS Regulars and Slims FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, Orange CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 236 a.m., C^offee hour in Reception Hall; 7 topic: “ Dichotomies: 'True & False,’’ Hall 72 E. Center St. Rev. James Beliasov, Main St. p.m.. Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p.m ^“ Nursery and Church School. Coffee hour pastor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School classes for all and Teaching Service. Group of Boys 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. after service. ages, open house for all parents of Group of Savings Up To NOVELTY r e d j c e d I Worship Service; 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Primary Department children, “ roll call” GIRLS DRESSES c/\n/ DENIM UNLINED 10 CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION, - an attempt to reach everyone that is af­ COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH, O U / 0 Adams St. at Thompson Rd. Rev. Edward EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, filiated with the Sunday School; 10:45 AN AMERICAN BAlfriST CHURCH, Sizes 2-4, 4-6X, 7-14 JACKETS CUAR! S. Pepin, pastor; Rev. Paul Trinque. Church and Chestnut Sts. Rev. C. Henry a.m.. Morning Worship, message by the 585 E. Center St. Revj Ondon P. Stairs, Sizes 2-4, 4-14 Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Anderson and Rev. Ronald J. Fournier, Rev. Neale McLain, “ Everyone Who minister; Rev. Frederick Lanz, director '.••••••v.v.vXssv Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 11:45 pastors; Michel D. Clark, intern. Asks, Receives,” Children’s Church and of Christian educatibn.f a.m. 8:30 and 11 a.m., 'The Service, Chapel Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. Evening Ser­ 9:15 a.m.. Church School for all ages. service for children following the prin­ vice, message by the Rev. Mr. McLain, Kindergarten through/Grade 4 continuing ST. JOHN’S POLISH NATIONAL cipal hymn; 9:45, Church School and adult Nursery provided. during the service/ Adult Discussion CATHOLIC CHURCH, 23 Golway St. study hours. Nursery for infants. Group; 9:30 a.m.. Adult Bible Study Class; Rev. Walter A. Hyszko, pastor. e v im Go., 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worship, message: D e v i n e ^ 9 a.m.. Mass in English; 10:30 a.m., ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, “ The World’s Greatest Layman,” Nursery Mass in Polish and English. Church and Park Sts. Rev. Stephen K. provided; 6 p.m.. Youth Fellowships will Lebanon Ava. Coldwnir, CALVARY CHURCH (ASSEMBLIES SECOND CONGREGATIONAL Jacobson, rector; Rev. Bruce W. Jacques, meet. 537-2373 Com ' OF GOD), 647 East Middle Tpke. Kenneth CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF assistant to the pastor; Rev. Ronald E. CHRIST, 385 N. Main St. Rev. Dr. Felix L. Gustafson, pastor. Haldeman, assistant to the rector. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN M. Davis, minister. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School classes for 7:30 a.m.. Holy Eucharist; 9 a.m.. Mor­ CHURCH (MISSOURI SYNOD), Cooper Laity Sunday, 10 a.m., Morning adults and children. Nursery facility for ning Prayer, Book of Common Prayer, and High Sts. Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, Worship, Nursery through Church School the little ones; 10:50 a.m.. Service of with sermon by Father Jacobson, Church pastor. Grade 12, sermon by Roderick Wright, Worship and Bible preaching. Special School, Crib Class, followed by coffee 9 a.m.. Divine Worship; 10:15 a.m., Sun­ YOUR FACTORY OUTLET deacon, “ A Theology of Christian FRANKLIN FIREPLACE SALE program for children; 7 p.m., Evening hours; 11 a.m.. Holy Eucharist, Book of day School and Youth Forum; 10:10 to Worship,” with assistant Herbert Cran­ Gospel Service. Hymnsing, music, and Bi­ Common Prayer, with sermon by Father 11:35 a.m., First and Second Year Youth dall, deacon. ble message. Jacobson; 5 p.m.. Holy Eucharist. Instruction; 7 p.m.. Youth meeting. FOR SAVINGS ON Save ^30-HO on All Cast-Iron • COATS • SPORTSWEAR • PANTSI Franklin Fireplace AREA CHURCHES • BLOUSES • SWEATERS Misses, Womens, and Juniors Sizes TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Rt. UNION CONGREGATIONAL MESSIAH EVANGELICAL S T . FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 673 W as 179.95 30 and Meadowlark Rd., Vernon. Rev. CHURCH, Rockville. Rev. Paul J. Bow­ LUTHERAN CHURCH, (Wisconsin Ellington Rd., South Windsor. Rev. John n in Fall ’ 75 Donald J. McClean, pastor. man, minister; Rev. David B. Eusden, Synod), 300 Buckland Rd., South Windsor. C. Gay, pastor. Rev. Eugene M. Kibride. • FAMOUS BRANDS - QUALITY WORKMA IHIR Genl. Cat. 8 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service; 9:15 associate minister. 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m.. Worship Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m .; Sunday a.m., Sunday School. Service. Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. 9:15 a.m.. Adult Bible Class; 10:30 a.m.. • INTRODUCING MEN’S COAT DEPARTMENI 42 (4 in. wide FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Church School, infants, kindergarten ST. MARY’S CHURCH, Rt. 31, Coven­ #21017 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF through age 5; 10:45 a.m.. Family Sunday, try. Rev. F. Bernard Miller, pastor. Rev. Fireplace Rt. 30, Vernon. Rev. Robert H. Wellner, CHRIST, Andover. Rev. David J. Reese sermon topic: “ We never Saw Anything Paul F. Ramen. Stort liu rii rector. Was 209.95 in III, pastor. Like This” ; 11:45 a.m.. Coffee Hour in the Saturday Mass at 5:15 p.m.; Sunday OPEN COLUMBUS DAY Mon.-Frt . .. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m.. Fall ’75 9:45 a.m.. Church School, kindergarten Social Room; 2 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Family Service and Church School. Alaoil rhy^ Catalog through Grade 6; 11 a.m.. Worship Ser­ Fellowship will meet at the church, an Join The Crowd and Save! CRYSTAL LAKE COMMUNITY vice; 6 p.m.. Junior High Pilgrim afternoon of bowling at Rockville Lanes; 6 S T . BERNARD’S CHURCH, AMPLE FREE PARKiNG AVAILABLE Sunday -4:3ff Now 169.88* UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Fellowship. p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship will meet Rockville. Rev. John J. White, pastor. Ellington. at the church. Rev. Joseph M. Bartok. ROCKVILLE UNITED METHODIST Morning worship at Crystal Lake Com­ Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m .; Sunday CHURCH, 142 Grove St., Rockville. Rev. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL munity United Methodist Church will be at *Plui freight Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. John W. Mortimer, pastor; Mrs. Thomas CHURCH OF VERNON. Rev. John A. 11 beginning Sunday. Sunday School will Columbus Day” SPECUU Lacy, minister; Rev. Edwin W. Dorman, director of music. ROCKVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, 69 also be at 11. Anyone wishing to join the Wood burning fireplace offers warm comfort, holds fuel Bartholomew, assistant minister. 9:30 a.m.. Church School, nursery Union St. Rev. Robert L. LaCounte, coffee hour is invited to do so at 10:15 a.m. bills down! It’s made of solid cast iron for better heat 9:55 a.m.. Church School; 10 a.m.. through adults; 10:45 a.m.. Worship Ser­ pastor. ^ 0 0 ^ radiation, longer service. Burns, logs, coal, or charcoal, Famous Maker Shoes Worship, Laity Sunday, Vonda Leonard ------_ vice. Nursery through Grade 2. 9 a.m.. Worship Service; 10:15 a.m., AVERY ST. CHRISTIAN adapts easily for gas or electric logs. Vent through top or will preach, members of the con­ Sunday School; 7 p.m.. Evening service. REFORMED CHURCH, 661 Avery St., back. Hidden damper. 371^ in. wide, 31 in. high. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL gregational will take part. CHURCH, Coventry. Rev. Robert K. South Windsor. Rev. Peter Mans, ONE STOP . . . ONE CALL . . . DOES IT ALL . . . GILEAD CONGREGATIONAL O U R SAVIOR LUTHERAN minister. Bechtold, minister. SHOP WARDS CATALOG 'V Morning Prayer, second and fourth Sun­ heyday of social activism during the civil MASTER CHARGE days. (Church school. 10 a.m., C3iurch School, Nursery through “ liberation theology.” Grade 12; 10:30 a.m.. Coffee and Conver­ rights struggle and the antiwar conflict of Primarily Latin American and Roman BANK AMERICARD sation; 10:45 a.m.. Family Worship, adult the 1960’s and early 1970’s Catholic in origin, the theology of libera­ VERNON ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, 51 ladies’ sermon: “ In Everything Give Thanks,” Respected magazines like the tion is beginning to have its impact on plHs’ Old Town Rd. children’s sermon: “ Letters and ecumenical “ The Christian Century” and North American religious thought. pull-on proportional 9:45 a.m., Sunday School for all ages; 11 Newspapers.” the United Church of CSirist’s “ Journal of A combination of Marxist economic a.m., Morning Worship; 7 p.m.. Evening Ski Jackets REBAL MEN'S 5HBP Current Social Issues” are raising analysis with the ethical vision of the Old slacks CONNECTICUT S LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE MEN S STORE Evangelistic. WAPPING COMMUNITY CHURCH, questions about the American economic and New Testament, the theology presents 1790 Ellington Rd., South Windsor. Rev. system and some writers in those a vision of Jesus as a liber^or of the poor UNITED CONGREGATIONAL Harold W. Richardson, minister. magazines are suggesting the exploration and oppressed from “ colonial” industrial 8.88 903 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Service and *1 On88 reg. 13.90^': of socialism as alternative that is com­ capitalism. rag. 12.00 open daily till 5:30 P.M., Thursday till 9 P.M. open daily till 9 P.M , Saturday till 5:30 P.M. CHRIST, Tolland. Rev. Donald G. Miller, Nylon taffeta quilt lining with f?ke ' Church School. patible with the Biblical faith. While such a vision works in the poor minister. Polyester, pull-on waist, flare legs, chevron hood. Elastic waist with zipper front and b w Several impulses seem to be at work in and developing nations, it faces dif­ pattern fabric. Petite 10-16, average 12-18 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Service and ST. MAURICE’ S CHURCH, Bolton. zip pockets. In blue, red and navy, d im s 7- the current mood, but the primary one ficulties in the United States where it Church School; 7 to 8:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Rev. Robert W. Cronin, pastor. Black, navy, berry, hunter colors. seems to be the very practical problem strait-jackets most Christians into the role 14. Fellowship. Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; that the economic system does not seem to of oppressor Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9:15 and 11 a.m. be capable of solving the social problems SACRED HEART CHURCH, Rt. 30, This has led many, who accept some of of hunger and poverty on either a domestic Vernon. Rev. Ralph Kelley, pastor. Rev. ST. MATTHEW’ S CHURCH, Tolland. the basic premises of liberation theology, or global level. 945 Main Street • Manchester Edward Konopka. Rev. Francis J. O’Keefe, pastor. to begin the task of seeing if there are l^ e group that found a basic contradic­ Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday resources in the American religious and Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sun­ tion between capitalism and Biblical Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. day Masses at 8:30, 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. political tradition — some of the ideas of faith for example, was brought together the early 20th century Social Gospel move­ ST. MARGARET MARY’S CHURCH, VERNON UNITED METHODIST under the auspices of the National Council ment, for example — that might provide a Wapping. Rev. William McGrath and Rev. CHURCH, Rt. 30. Rev. F ran ces of Churches to struggle with the food framework for the a uniquely North Joseph Schick, co-pastors. Schwartz, Rev. James Schwartz, pastors. crisis. American version of the theology that Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday 9:15 a.m.. Worship Hour and Church “ To end hunger,” they concluded, would be true to most church people’s Masses at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. School. ‘ .means to work for radical change in the experience.


is ® ::: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat,, Oct. 11, 1975- PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 Improved performance The Baseball or billiards at Fenway? m SPORTS y1 r yj BRIEFS Herald Angie BOSTON (U PI)-^ Wall” and its many in­ reminded that Washington, regular season and handled right-handed pull hitter, Baseball or billiards? tangibles. in his inexperience with the Pittsburgh Pirates with wasn’t so sure. “I’m not in High soccer victory By Earl Yost That, it would seem, is “The Wall,” made a couple relative ease in game one of going to try and do anything got to back me up out with senior right winger Two near Steeler records Sports Editor what the 1975 of costly mistakes that led to the different.” said the Cincin- there,” the 27-year old left- By LEN AUSTER netminder Bud Governale of the finest soccer played between the Boston victories in the playoffs. A seemingly fielder said. “If the ball Herald Sportswriter John Paquette heading who was out of position. here in a long time. East PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Quarterback Terry Bradshaw home' a cross from left and the American League playoffs “pressure-proof” 24-year bounces off the concrete Improved play in many The Indians closed out the Hartford didn’t have much and running back Franco Harris should place their names winger Tony Barrett. which open^ today has been last week. “If I knew how old, he is still, however, un­ part of the wall, it’s likely areas highlighted scoring halfway through the of an offense but has a good in the Pittsburgh Steelers’ records book Sunday when the With 42 seconds left in the reduced to—the common the ball was going to react, I tested under “wall ball” gonna go right over my head M anchester High’s 3-0 final canto with senior half­ defense. Super Bowl champions try for their first victory over the stanza, Paquette scored his Tiant, Red Sox first day picks denominator being the could be more aggressive. conditions. and back to ‘deep’ shorstop. soccer win over East Hart­ back Bill Donovan putting “We didn’t stand around Denver Broncos. Pick here is for Luis Tiant to get Boston off to a flying famed 37-foot high Fenway But as long as I don’t. I’ve Tiant, a 34-year old right­ So on and on it goes— ford High in CCIL action second of the game and a booming shot home from in the second half and 1 Bradshaw needs 29 passing yards to reach the 8,000-yard “I’d be out there with a season with Barrett start today in the World Series opener against Cincinnati Park wall. just got to be cautious. hander, was 18-14 during the everyone espousing his own yesterday at Metnorial about 20 yards with an assist thought our short passing mark and join Bobby Layne and Jim Finks as the only fine-tooth comb if I were Field. assisting on this play also. from Ballard. game got going today. We at Fenway with another superb pitching performance. The For despite the presence “It’s got to be even more season and likewise won the theory about how “ The Steeler quarterbacks to reach that level. playing it,” said Cincinnati With the triumph, the Silk The tally originated back in In the second half, just cannot play kick and run Harris is only 22 yards from joining John Henry Johnson, Redlegs will square the series Sunday against the likes of of sluggers like Johnny of a nightmare for first game of the playoffs. Wall” and its many caroms, third baseman . nati catcher who had 28 Towners now stand 5-2-2 in the Indian end with fullback Manchester had 21 shots soccer. When you play short Bill Lee according to the crystal ball...NBA front office is Bench, Tony Perez and Joe .” But more significantly (as corners and crevices can Dick Hoak and Fran Rogel as the only Steelers to reach for , the man homers with 110 RBIs this the league to stay within Bill Meier sending a long compared to East Hart­ pass a lot of people get a 3,000 yards. pleased with the use of three officials for exhibition Morgan of the Reds, Carl Perhaps so-especially for would befit a right-hander), make such adifference. As who will be playing it for the year. “They say the line striking distance of league lead pass upfield. Barrett ford’s two on Brian Beggs. chance to score and you saw When Harris reaches that mark, he will have done it games. A decision will be made later this month whether Yastrzemski, Carlton Fisk left-handers who are most he was 13-5 at Fenway. Oakland found out last week, Reds, was equally as ap­ drives off the wall can take leader Wethersfield High chipped it towards the net “That third and fourth ^hat today. And we were sooner than the others did in their careers. or not to use the third man in regular season play...Tickets and Fred Lynn of the Red often victimized by right- “The temptation for right- though, it does make a are still available for tonight’s opening WHA game in prehensive about the legen­ an extra base hit away from difference—and Sparky which is 7-0-2. East Hartford with Bruce Ballard and Bill period we put it all playing tight on our men and Sox plus a dandy first game dary “green monster’’ handed power hitters teeing handed hitters is to pull the Hartford between the Whalers and Gordie Howe’s Houston you, but that doesn’t worry Anderson had his man-first fell to 1-7 with the setback. Moran missing chances on together,” Tribe Coach Dick when you do that you force pitching matchup of Cincin­ which has devoured many a off on “The Wall” which ball down that leftfield Aeros...The Zamboni ice machine, use for hockey games me. I was never that fast base coach George After a scoreless first it. Paquette alertly pounced Danielson stated, “It’s just mistakes. We weren’t doing nati’s versus leftfielder—the most recent stands just 315 feet from line,” Foster said. “That’s at the Hartford Civic Center, scapes up 100 cubic yards of anyway.” Scherger— teaching “wall half, Manchester scored on the ball and booted a too bad we didn’t play like that earlier.” Boston’s Luis Tiant, nearly one being Claudell home plate. Nevertheless, what we’ve got to guard ‘snow’ left over after one hockey period. After the Foster, meanwhile, billiards” well into the early 1:05 into the third stanza short grounder past Hornet that earlier. That was some everyone agreed the out­ Washington of the now- Reds’ Manager Sparky against. You only hinder Abramowicz happy snow is removed, water at 180 degrees is spread over the pointed out the importance evening Friday. come of the series would dethroned Oakland A’s. Anderson is going with his yourself not trying to hit surface to fill in the ruts and cracks...Under the new five- the shortstop must play in “We’re gonna devote all ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (UPI) — Wide receiver Danny likely hinge on which team “I’ve just got to play it ace—Gullett—who just straight away with all that year agreement between players and NHL owners, each handling “The Wall.” day to that wall and how to '• Abramowicz, happy to be back in pro football and playing could cope best with “The safe,” said Foster, when happens to be a lefty. room out in left-center.” will receive $23 daily meal money while on the road. Under Gullett was 15-4 during the Bench, the Reds’ best “The shortstop knows he’s play it,” said Scherger. Grid tilts for a team with a winning record for the first time in his Packers eight-year career, has been signed by the Buffalo Bills. the new plan, a 10-year NHL veteran when he reaches the Veterans with Whalers East X-Country age of 55 will receive a pension of $14,000 annually...Chris One team - Manchester “I’ve never been on a winning pro team and that’s why I left New Orleans. I’m not a loser,” said the 30-year-old Saunders, former Manchester High athlete, has won a Veterans Tom Webster and Fred O’Donnell will be in High ■ hits the road today NFL veteran after he was signed to a one-year contract starting halfback spot with the Harvard varsity soccer ‘Green Monster^ the lineup of the New England Whalers tonight in the streak at five a n d another - East anxious squad this fall. opening WHA game against Houston and Gordie Howe Catholic - plays home Friday. The Bills also signed rookie free agent running back at the Hartford Civic Center. Tickets are still available tonight. seen big factor Full share Steve Schnarr to a one-year pact. Waived to make room on World Cup tennis dates for the 7:30 start. Running its winning streak to five yesterday was the T h e Indians face to win East Catholic cross country team with a twin victory at the roster for the new additions were second-year running Perhaps the best expert on voted Doyle Conard High in West Hart­ NEW YORK (UPI) - The World Cup tennis dates at the Hartford Civic Center next Bristol’s Page Park. The Eagle harriers downed host St. backs Clint Haslerig and Don Calhoun. year will be March 4-7 with Aetna again backing the play BOSTON (UPI) - The “the wall” is Red Sox left- ford at 1:30 in a CCIL “New Start With Bart” that Paul, 16-48, and South Catholic, 20-35, in HCC action. which features the finest players from the United Staes first thing George Foster did fielder Carl Yastrzemski, a meeting while tonight at was promised when Bart Starr by Red Sox South’s Skip Riordan took pitted against Australia’s best. There’s a good chance upon arriving at Fenway 15-year veteran of its many Midget football activity 7:30 at Mt. Neho, the took over in Green Bay this Park Friday was run out to individual honors with a Eagles entertain St. Ber­ season hasn’t exactly Jimmy Connors will honor Aetna with his presence in challenges. behind the front runners but leftfield and introduce 13:28 clocking but the next nard in a HCC meeting. materialized but the former March...Two springs ago, Darrell Johnson, in his maiden “I’ve seen a lot of guys BOSTON (UPI) - In a yesterday took seventh Still lose again himself to “the wall.” four finishers were from Packer star could finally get his season as manager of the Boston Red Sox, sent veteran have no problem adjusting generous open-handed place only 20 seconds behind first National Football League SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (UPI) - Bethel quarterback Bill “I can see I’m gonna have East with Luke O’Connor and popular shortstop Luis Aparcio on his way in favor of at all and others, like gesture, showing their ap­ the winner. East now stands coaching victory Sunday. He Wholihan scored on a two-yard run and tossed a 25-yard to play it safe,” he said. “If Eagles continue showing the way. Steve Rick Burleson. Orlando Cepeda, a big RBI (runs batted in) Washington, get awed by it. preciation for how much he 6-2 for the season after a couldn’t ask for a better touchdown pass to Dwight Morris Friday night, but the I knew how the ball was gon­ Colbert, Joe Stamp and Eric man for Boston, was also handed his walking papers Either way, you never really did for them in little more slow start. chance. Bees still lost their i8th straight high school football game, na react when it hits, I could Lecko followed. because of the presence of one Jimmy Rice on the Boston master all of it. There’s still than 90 days, the Boston Red Results: 1. Riordan (SC) Top college Starr’s Packers take on the 27-13 to Northwestern. be more agressive, but un­ undefeated pace An encouraging sign to New Orleans Saints, a club that scene. Johnson wanted to go with younger players in places the ball hits out there Sox have voted former 13:28, 2. O’Connor (EC), 3. The Bees managed 10 first downs, 96 rushing yards and less you know this wall, East Coach Dave Kelley is has scored only one touchdown rebuilding the Red Sox. The injury to Carlton Fisk killed where you have no idea California Angels’ second Colbert (EC), 4. Stamp clubs meet 88 yards in the air. you’ve got to be cautious.” the steady improvement of and 10 points in losing all three whatever hopes Boston had of winning the American where it’s going to go.” baseman Denny Doyle a full Action in the Midget Football League last night saw the (EC), 5. Lecko (EC), 6. Northwestern cam e up with 12 first downs, 210 rushing Amid all the talk about the senior Joe Burinskas who of its games. League Eastern Division but Johnson was patient, Foster said one of the World Series’ share. Jets (1-1-1) play to a 0-0 tie with the Chargers (0-2-1) while Perrault (St.P), 7. NEW YORK (UPI) - It’s like yards and 57 yards passing. Quarterback Jeff Birt scored famous 37-foot high wall missed the first three weeks But despite the Saints' dismal although a lot of fans were not. One year later, Johnson foremost adjustments he’ll Since only those players the Eagles remained unbeaten after four starts with a 20-0 Burinskas (EC), 8. Hallsey the Army-Navy games of old, three touchdowns on a one yard run and a pair of two yard that has “eaten up” so many of the campaign with a record, Starr isn't taking guided the club into the World Series and the brick have to make is a much with the ball club through win over the 0-3 Giants. (SC), 9. Stubbs (SC), W. two of the nation’s most anything for granted. runs. right-handed pull hitters and broken foot. Burinskas in his throwers are now back slappers. closer working arrangment the full season are per­ Scoring chances were at a behind fine line blocking Mascolo (SC). talented teams locked in a “1 don’t think many people Both teams had six turnovers. inexperienced leftfielders, it first start finished way with his shortstop, Dave mitted to vote on the divi­ minimum in the first half three minutes into play. blood-boiling rivalry. realize just how tough the “Last week really helped us out,” said Bethel Coach is Foster upon whom much Concepcion. sion of the shares, the 31- between the Jets and Of course, the game in ques­ Saints are in New Orleans,” Larry Giangulio, whose team scored last week for the first Teammates in Army days (UPI Photo) McCluskey later in the tion is today’s battle between of the defensive onus fall for “The shortstop knows he’s Chargers. The Chargers had said the man who quarter- time in 17 games. “Now we’re working toward a win in­ Ed Kenney, director of minor league clubs for the Red year-old Doyle wasn’t pre­ period darted 36 yards for a Oklahoma and Texas ... or West the Cincinnati Reds — es­ got to back me up,” Foster sent during the meeting. the ball on the Jets 18 after a backed Vince Lombardi’s great stead of trying to score. Sox, with Nick Jackston of Manchester were baseball takes close look at ^Green Monster’ score with a nice sidestep Virginia and Penn State ... or clubs in the early 1960s. “They pecially after what said. “If the ball hits off the Some of his teammates later bad snap from center but New England grid roundup "We’re still not a good football team,” he said. “We’re teammates with the Fort Devens nine during World War move paving the way. A Bob Michigan and Michigan State. have a phenomenal record at happened to Claudell concrete part, it can go right Cincinnati catcher hit 28 home runs during regular season they couldn’t gain any still looking for that win. With the exception of two or told him how they had voted, Gentile to Drew Flavell two- Not only are top 10 rankings home so we’re going to have to II...Frank Gifford was far from impressive in appearance Washington of the Oakland over my head and end up in ground. The rest of the first as the principal speaker at a new athletic complex in New though. point aerial made the count at stake, but the Oklahoma- be ready to take them on. I'm three breakdowns, I felt we played good football.” A’s here last week. “deep” shortstop.” half was played between the Texas and West Virginia-Penn London last week when he showed up in dungarees, an open “I’m very pleased,” said 14-0. not worried about our record. Washington, it will be About the only comparison 30-yard lines. State games are recruiting con­ shirt and sandals...Winston Hill, a perennial all-pro selec­ the Red Sox’ wiry little se­ In the second guarter, a Yale at Brown At times, we played as well recalled, made a couple of of “the wall” and its temp­ Best for the Jets were Bob tests. tion as a tackle with the New York Jets in the NFL, was a Position by position cond baseman. “I think it Gentile to Flavell 25-yard offensively against Miami last costly mistakes in leftfield ting 315-foot target from Berdat, Jim Garner, Shawn It’s hard to believe Penn week as we have all season. But Texas high school tennis champion. That was before he was a helluva thing they did. pass play put the ball on the for the A’s and the Boston home plate the Reds could It gives me a super feeling.” Spears, John Dubois, York State and West Virginia can be there are some things we have First time meeting stretched up to six feet, four inches and grew into 280- midfield stripe and on the termed a fierce rivalry when Red Sox immediately point to was their old home Doyle came to the Red Sox Whitaker, Rudy Perisco and enusing play. Tom in Ivy feature to do defensively.” pounder... Strange as it may seem, Waterbury’s Carl Bar- capitalized. the Mountaineers have not Five teams remain unbeaten BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (UPI) — Quarterbacks Fran Crosley Field. But as Foster from the Angels last June Mike Doyon. Best for the McCluskey dashed 50 yards zilauskas, who was named the NFL’s top rookie The Reds, a defensive- beaten the Nittany Lions since after three weeks and all five Tarkenton of the Minnesota Vikings and Joe Namath of the explained, there are marked Reds have advantage 13, only two days before the Chargers were Bill Herlth, for the tally. defenseman last year, didn’t even make an all-Big Ten minded team which won BOSTON (UPI) — One never knows what to expect when 1955. But llth-ranked West are favored to win Sunday. New York Jets, two of the top passers in National Football differences between the two bothered by torn muscles in trading deadline. Dave Young, Larry Duff, Standouts for the Giants Virginia, off to a 4-0 start, is team while at Indiana. The reason, he says, is because the many of its 108 games BOSTON (UPI) - No fairly good range. Cecil Boston University comes to town. Minnesota plays the New York League history, tangle for the first time in regular season leftfields. his shoulder, is still among Installed at second base Dave Green and Mike were Wayne Webb, Bruce feeling tough. Hoosiers were not big winners, winding up just 10 times through their own game is ever won on paper, Cooper, who will be starting Jets with two of the top passers play Sunday, “For one thing, at Crosley the best clutch hitters in the by manager Darrell John­ Sauidakis. Baltovick, Pat Shaw and And today, it will be the un­ The ninth-rated Lions, 4-1, in NFL history, Fran Tarkenton with the top score in his three varsity seasons. capitalizing, are well aware with the possible exception for the Red S6x at first, The unbeaten Vikings meet the once-beaten Jets in Met Field you had that ‘terrace’ game and plays Fenway son, he contributed mightily The Eagles took little time defeated University of Boston College, looking for its have lost only to top-rated Ohio A the Vikings and Joe Namath of tic-tac-toe, yet when played there only inter- Jim Paggioli. Jim Grout, Stadium with Minnesota an S'^point favorite. of the perils of “the wall.” as they called it, leading up Park’s leftfield wall better toward Boston’s pennant in scoring against the Giants Massachusetts Minutemen who second straight win, hosts State, 17-9. of the Jets, tangling. Buffalo, drawing statistical com­ nittently during the season, Scott Schoembs and Dave Between them, Tarkenton and Namath have 26 years of Runner-ups doing better That’s why they spent hours to the fence which made it than anyone. push both offensively and with Paul McCluskey going find out if the good or the bad Tulane in a Saturday night Michigan and Michigan State with O.J. Simpson already parisons between the Cincin­ being used mostly as a Dalessandro played well for Terriers will be in Yankee pro experience. Tarkenton started in 1961 and Namath in While three former winners of the Heisman Trophy are practicing with its many even more complicated Edge—Yastrzemski. defensively, batting .310 for over from two yards out game. The Green Wave holds a are battling for life in the Big better than halfway to the 1,000- nati Reds and the Boston designated hitter. He hit .311 the Eagles. Conference play in Amherst. Ten race. The 16th-ranked Spar­ 1965. They’ve met in pre-season play, but this will be the starting in the NFL this season six others who came out se­ angles, corners and caroms. trying to play the ball,” he Center field—Boston the Red Sox in 89 games to 4-3 series advantage but the yard mark with 538, is at Red Sox the National with 14 homers and is tans, 3-1, lost their season first regular season battle between the two. cond best in the annual balloting as the second best college “It’s probably even more said. “Here at least the rookie Fred Lynn is the best finish the season with a .298 Eagles trounced Tulane, 27-3, Baltimore and Cincinnati, League champions would regarded as a pretty good Boston University is 2-2, after last season. Both teams are 2-2. opener to Ohio State, while the featuring the league’s leading It will be only the second time the two teams have met in football player in the country have won starting status in of a n ig h tm a re fo r ground is level and the ball first-year player to come figure. Along the way, the 5- seem to have a decided ad­ fielder despite his lack of losing a pair of games in the eight-ranked Wolverines are 2- passer in Ken Anderson, who regular season play. The Jets won the earlier game 20-10 in the pros. Dallas quarterback Roger Staubach (Navy, pitchers,” Foster said. should take true hops.” along in many years. He had foot-10, 165-pound Ken­ Dartmouth, 1-1, plays its first vantage. experience at the position. final minute, The Terriers, who Ivy League game this weekend, 0-2 after ties with Baylor and has hit nearly 70 per cent, plays New York in 1970. In pre-season play this year, the Vikings 1964), Buffalo’s premier runner O.J. Simpson (USC, 1969) a sensational year at the tuckian hit safely in 22 con­ The Reds are a team of Edge—Perez. rebounded last week with a facing winless Penn in Stanford. winless New England. Oakland, beat the Jets 20-15 in Phoenix, and New England quarterback Jim Plunkett (Stanford, Second base—The Reds’ plate (.331, 21 hrs, 105 rbi’s) secutive contests before Cheney blanked last-minute win over Harvard, Hanover, N.H., while Harvard, Elsewhere in the top 10, Ohio with Ken Stabler expected to be Minnesota’s attack centers around Tarkenton, mixing veteran All-Stars, with such State hosts Iowa, third-ranked 1971) were Heisman picks who are NFL regulars...The list Third basemen live longer is perhaps and in the outfield his grace being stopped by are out to avenge a 21-14 loss to hoping to rebound from last 100 per cent at quarterback short passes and some long bombs to John Gilliam, and the standout performers as Pete the Minutemen last year. Southern California entertains of Heisman runnerups who have proved their ability with baseball’s best all-around and throwing arm have Baltimore’s Jim Palmer. week’s loss to Boston Universi­ after playing with a sprained running of Chuck Foreman, Brent McClanahan and Ed Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe on soccer field Washington State, No. 4 knee last week, is at Kansas Ci­ the pros are Howard Willey (Tulsa, 1966) with Miami, player. He can hit (.327, 17 reminded many old-timers Doyle may have some Massachusetts Coach Dick ty, hosts Columbia. Marinaro. Morgan, Dave Concepcion Nebraska is at home to Kansas, ty, also without a win, and teammate Bob Griese (Purdue, 1967), Cleveland’s Mike homers, 94 rbi’s), run (67 of Joe DiMaggio. The Reds’ hard feeling’s toward the MacPherson is wary of the and Tony Perez, while the Maine, winner of its last two, sixth-ranked Texas A&M is at Dallas faces the New York For the Jets, Namath passes to 6-foot-5 Richard Caster Phipps (Purdue, 1970) and Browns’ teammate Greg Pruitt Rose satisfied stolen bases) and is a good Cesar Geronimo is a fine Angels for dealing him away Terriers. “We’ve had one game Red Sox are basically a For the third straight game the Cheney Tech soccer team will be at home against im­ Texas Tech, No. 7 Alabama Giants. and 6-foot-4 Jerome Barkum. John Riggins and Carl (Oklahoma, 1973), Ed Marinaro of Minnesota (Cornell, outfielder with a powerful so they could give 23-year- (against Northeastern) where young club whose best defensive second baseman. didn’t score and yesterday wound up on the short end of a 4-0 ver­ pressive New Hampshire, 3-1, hosts Washington. Elsewhere, Denver is at Garrett are an inside-outside running threat. 1972) , New York Giants’ John Hicks (Ohio State, we moved the ball and scored The Red Sox split the posi­ arm, but slumped at the old Jerry Remy a chance to dict to Bacon Academy in Charter Oak Conference action at the in a Yankee Conference con­ North Carolina State travels Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at player this season was a some points,’’ said 1974.)...Ice Capades will be at the Springfield Civic Center playing infield tion between Denny Doyle plate this year. Edge—Lynn. take over the regular second Beavers’ field. test. Connecticut, 0-3, plays at to Maryland in a crucial game Miami, Los Angeles at San rookie, Fred Lynn. Massachusetts Coach Dick Tuesday through Saturday...Have a nice weekend. (.298) and Doug Griffin Right field—The Red Sox base job, but he doesn’t like The set was Cheney’s seventh tally to finish out the scoring. Delaware, which two weeks ago in the Atlantic Coast Diego, Houston at Cleveland, Position-by-position MacPherson. “We know we’ve BOSTON (UPI) — Want to live longer? Just play third (.240). Doyle contributed probably will platoon to voice them publicly. in a row and left Its mark for Bacon outshot Cheney, 21-12, handed New Hampshire its only Conference race. Chicago at Detroit and Atlanta among the eight starters, got to get points on the board, Dwight Evans and Bernie “I’m not bitter,” he says. the season at 2-7. with Beaver netminder Brue loss. Rhode Island is at home at San Francisco. St. Louis is at base for a team. the Reds would seem to many clutch hits for the Red especially against a high- Negotiations finalized Carbo. Evans is a fine out­ “It was unfortunate for me Three first quarter scores Beebe called on to make 14 against C.W. Post and AIC, 3-0, Washington for Monday night’s A recent survey by Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­ overshadow the Red Sox Sox in the halfseason he was powered team like Boston DENVER (UPI) - The Denver Boxing Club Friday said fielder who was the club’s that at 311 had to sit on the, showed the way for the visiting saves. Freshman Ben Hennigan hosts Northeastern, 2-2. game. pany showed baseball players have a significantly lower tremendously. Yet when it with them and is the better Bobcats. Ron Wotus, John University. They try to destroy Placed on waivers negotiations were being finalized with a New York hottest hitter over the final bench and watch a youth played an outstanding game at Alanta banking mortality rate than the general population. It further comes to the pitching staff defensive player of the two. Wotus and Scott Martingano center fullback Cheney Coach your offensive continuity.” Holy Cross, which as BOSTON (UPI) - The Boston promoter for a 12 round heavyweight fight between fourth month of the season. Carbo movement. Harry Dalton revealed that third basemen live longer than their team­ there is a much greater Edge—Morgan. found the range with Ron Wotus Manny Goncalves noted. In the Ivy League, pre-season managed just one touchdown in Celtics have put third-year man ranked Ron Lyle and third-ranked George Foreman. can hit (15 homers) but is (Angels’ executive vice favorite Brown hosts defending mates. balance between the two Shortstop — Dave Concep­ coming back with a third stanza each of its three losses, enter­ Phil Hankinson on waivers, “Everything looks good,” said Mike Hayes, vice presi­ on fiery Bristol Informed of the statistic, not very strong defensively. president and general co-champion Yale in a duel of outfield you run around squads. cion of the Reds is a rare tains Colgate. reducing the squad to 15 dent of the DBC. “We've been negotiating for several Cincinnati Reds third Ken Griffey of the Reds had manager) told me this is one undefeated teams. more. I started out as a se­ Here’s a capsule look at find among shortstops, an players. weeks and it’s all left up to Lyle to review the contract.” baseman Pete Rose said, a solid year at bat (.305) and deal he made ‘for a Yale, 8-1 last season, comes In the college division, un­ The action Friday came after ATLANTA (UPI) — The Atlanta Braves’ campaign to cond baseman and I know each position: excellent fielder who can hit Hayes said Lyle would fly to New York Monday to meet “Thank you Sparky/ is among the league’s ballplayer’ and I assume he into the game with a 2-0 record. defeated Ithaca visits General Manager Red Auer­ SPORTS change their lackluster image appears to have taken a that second basemen and First base—Tony Perez of with power and run (33 with Jerry Perenshio, and an announcement about the referring to Man-dger fastest runners (38 infield meant for my good. He told Brown, 5-4, in 1974, also is 2-0. Springfield, Bowdoin travels to bach jumped on the veterans giant step with the hiring of fiery manager Dave Bristol. shortstops take more wear the Reds is one of baseball’s stolen bases). Concepcion “Its too early in the year to call Amherst, Worcester Tech SLATE match would be made Monday. Perenshio promoted the ’s decision hits and 16 stolen bases). me himself he felt I was too Rangers gain first win for their pre-season record thus Bristol, signed early and tear on their body than most consistent run has exceptional range on any game the key to the title journeys to Maine to face Bates first Muhammad Ali-Joe Fraizer closed circuit match and this season to switch his star Defensively, he’s improved good a ballplayer to sit on far. Friday at a Newton, Mass., third basemen,” said Rose producers. This season he defense and possesses a NEW YORK (UPI) - The ahead, things would have been but it is the major game of the and Boston State slips out of the The Celtics were whipped by Sntiirilay also the Bobby Riggs-Billy Jean King tennis battle. outfielder to the “hot cor­ considerably. the bench. Look, Remy is a motel, is akin to New York whose team is in town knocked in over 100 runs for superb arm. Rick Burleson New York Rangers picked up better.” season thus far,” said Yale New England Football the New York Knicks 109-97 FOOTBALL Hayes said terms of the contract were not yet known but some good players, but ner.” Edge—Griffey. kid 22 or 23 with good speed Yankees Manager Billy playing the Boston Red Sox the third straight year and of the Red Sox also is a their first win of the season Veterans Rod Gilbert and Coach Carm Cozza. Conference for a week to play Thursday night in New York for Miinchcslcr at Conard l:.'U) the fight probably would be held sometime between Nov. 1 there’s no question they Rose, 34, played 162 Catcher—Johnny Bench of and good hands. 1 can see Yale is expected to test Martin. He may not be able in the World Series. walloped at least 20 horners smooth fielder and hits well with a 2-1 victory over the Jean Ratelle each scored a goal at Colby. their fourth straight defeat. St. Bernard at Last Calliolic and Dec. 15, probably at Las Vegas. need more enthusiasm,” games this season, most of the Reds and Carlton Fisk of Brown’s pass defense with to transform the floundering Rico Petrocelli, Boston’s for the seventh consecutive with men on base (62 runs their point of view. Atlanta Flames in the only for the Rangers. 7:30 Lyle, who is now 31-3-1, took over the No. 5 following his said Bristol. “That will be them at third, and said he 32year-old third baseman, batted in). Edge—Concep­ the Red Sox may be the two “Dick Williams decided to National Hockey League game Atlanta began the game with junior Stone Phillips aiming for Two football games are Korkville at (ilaNlonbiiry Braves into a winner, but it season. Defensively, he’s no split end Gary Fencik. The Sept. 13 6th round knockout over Earnie Shavers. my main job.” did not lose a pound. Yet, first laughed at the statistic, cion. best all-around catchers in go with young kids that will of the night. It was Ron a bang, outshooting New York scheduled in Vermont — ’Tufts Roberts out Blooinfirld at South Vi indwor won’t be for the lack of George Scott, but he made Bruins’ top threats are 6-foot-5 at Norwich and Williams at The victory was Lyle’s first since his May 16 loss to Ali when he played the outfield, then said, “That’s great the game. Bench has power be around for a couple of Stewart’s first victory as the 13-8 in the first period but HARTFORD (UPI) - The trying. The Braves plan a lot only nine errors and has Third base—The Reds’ quarterback Bob Bateman and Middlebury. In Conmecticut, SOCCER in a nationally televised bout at Las Vegas. he used to lose weight. (28 homers and 110 rbi’s) years. I guess he didn’t think Ranchers’ coach. Gilbert’s goal at 12:36 gave the New England Whalers say The 42-year-old Bristol, more image changing on the news. I’m glad to hear it.” Pete Rose is one of place kicker Jose Violante, who Coast Guard plays at Wesleyan, Post Jr. (iollegf at MCC I 1 Hayes said terms for a televised match between Lyle “Maybe it’s because in the and boasts the best throwing I'd be around for a couple of Atlanta Coach Fred Rangers a 1-0 lead. Ratelle hit teenage star Gordie Roberts former manager at Cincin­ mart this winter. baseball’s fiercest com­ booted two field goals in 1973 RPI is at Trinity and Montclair a. 11 1. and Foreman were being considered. -■"H, > arm among big league years.” Creighton feels that the out­ his goal at 12:20 of the second will not be in the lineup tonight nati (1966-69) and petitors and most ac­ when Brown rebounded from a State meets Central Connec­ Bolton at Porfland 10 “ We’re pretty well receivers. He also can run a come of the game might have period. when the Whalers host Houston Milwaukee (1970-72), was complished bitters (.317 this That’s as close as Doyle turned out different had the Atianta finaily found the 17-0 first period lead to trip ticut. prepared to make a deal little (11 stolen bases in only in their World Hockey Associa­ signed to a one-year con­ season.). Primarily an out­ ever comes to hitting back Flames .been able to get one of range in the first minute of the Yale, 34-24. anytime,” said Robinson. 11 attempts). Fisk can also tion opener. Bennet eleven tract by Braves’ General fielder for the last eight at the Angels for letting him their early shots past goaltender final priod as Bill Flett scored hit (.331 and 10 homers in Generai Manager Howard Manager Eddie Robinson “Sometimes you have to years, the Reds became a go after he put in one season John Davidson, making his first to close the gap to 2-1 but the take the deals as they come. only 79 games) and is a Baldwin, who had vowed to play gains shutout who called him “the best complete club because of his with them. About to play in start for the Rangers. Rangers bore down and outshot Roberts, 18, despite WHA No, I have no untouchables, skilled receiver with a the Flames 15-7 in the closing Victorious yesterday was the Bennet High runners man I could get.” successful transition to third his first World Series star­ The Flames outshot the charges the Whalers’ “raided” no one I would not trade. strong and accurate arm. Rangers in the first period but minutes. Tech runners defeated Bennet Junior High football Bristol, fired three times base at the beginning of the ting here Saturday against amateur ranks in drafting him, Edge-Bench. it was New York which In the World Hockey Associa­ team, 28-0, over J.F. Kennedy notch twin triumphs in the past six years, wasn’t But, for some, it would have season. Rico Petrocelli of the Cincinnati Reds, Doyle said a “seemingly minor to be a good deal.” Pitching—The Red Sox’ is too happy now to be angry emerged with a 1-0 lead. tion, Minnesota whippd Edmon­ clocking over the 2.75-mile problem” would keep Roberts of Enfield. concerned about the length the Red Sox is probably a “ We’ve certainly got ton 4-1, Indianapolis ripped Missing top harrier Andy Quarterback John Wilson starters of Luis Tiant, Bill at anything or anybody. course. Sophomore Ed West out of the lineup. Victories were garnered by competitors were given. of the contract. Robinson said that Atlan­ better fielder than Rose and ourselves in a difficult Denver 7-1 and Phoenix topped West, out with a kidney infec­ pitched for three TDs to tight Lee and Rick Wise are took second place for Cheney the Bennet Junior High boys’ Boys Results: 1. Lemieux (I) “If I do the job, there’ll be has more power, but he is position,” said Creighton. “If San Diego 6-5. tion, the Cheney Tech cross end Dave Tyo to pace the ta’s No. 1 trade priority is a probably more reliable than with teammate Tim Martin and girls’ cross country teams 9:28, 2. Telgener (B), 3. another one,” he said. not the fearsome hitter he we had scored in that first country team dropped a close Bears’ attack. Fullback Brian shortstop. running a strong third. The yesterday. The boys upped their Woykqvsky (B), 4. Flosdorf (I), the Reds’ contingent of Don period, I feel possibly things 28-29 verdict to Rocky Hill Daigle accounted for the other Atlanta finished fifth in Bristol, a native of Macon, once was as evidenced by his Terriers took fourth through mark to 4-0 with a 26-32 victory 5. Lloyd (I), 6. LaChance (B), 7. Gullett, Jack Billingharh would have been a little yesterday in Charter Oak score. the National League West, Ga., spent his 11-year .239 batting average. Edge- Girls in tie sixth positions to secure the over crosstown Illing an the C. Gallant (B), 8. R. Gallant and . However, different. I was very happy with Conference action at Wickham Outstanding on defense for 4OV2 games out. Robinson playing career in the Rose. win. girls downed their Illing (B),'9. Ivalde (B), 10. Timbrell the Reds^ bullpen crew of Playing to a 1-1 tie yesterday the way we piayed in the first Lee Elder leads Park. Bennet were Paul Croteau, Ken and the two men who Left field—George Foster Results: 1. Newton (RH) counterparts 6-28 to improve (I). Girls results: 1. tie Taylor minors, reaching the majors , Pedro Borbon, vyas the Manchester High girls’ period. The Beavers now stand 1-5 for B O ^ V L I N G DeDomicas, Ray Diana and INZAIMACHI, Japan (UPI) 16:16, 2. West (CT), 3. Martin their docket to 3-0. (B), Cheney (B), Kelly (B), managed the Braves in 1975, for the first time in 1966 as of the Reds had a superb field hockey team with South “We had a great 20 minutes the season while the Terriers Doug Hanley. Rawly Eastwick and Will — Lee Elder fired a brilliant six (CT), 4. Whitman (RH), 5. Illing’s Ed Lemieux won the Tilden (B), Stoker (B), 6.' Clyde King and his manager at Cincinnati. year at the plate (.300 and 25 Windsor. and had more scoring chances won their first after seven set- The touchdown passes to Tyo McEnaney has it over the under par 65 Saturday to take a 'Tanguey (RH), 6. Peterson COP WOMEN - June boys’ race with a 9:28 clocking Hennessy (I), 7. Caouette (B), successor Connie Ryan, Bristol is the eighth homers) and is considered Terry Donovan with an assist than they did, but we came out bdcks. (RH), 7. Sherwood (CT), 8. covered 40, 30 and 30 yards and (UPI Photo) Red Sox’ contingent of Dick one-stroke lead in the third Michaud 181-470, Dianne Eib while five Bennet girls shared 8. Woodhouse (B), 9. Burnham complained about the manager the Braves have an above average outfielder. from Nancy Donadio got the trailing. Maybe if we had gotten Rocky Hill’s Andy Newton Lajoie (CT), 9. Pitts (CT), 10. the run by Daigle was good for Drago, Reggie Cleveland, round of the $300,000 Taiheiyo 177, Grayce Shea 462. first place. No first names of (I), 10. Bride (B). Braves’ lack of enthusiasm. But, Boston’s Carl knotting score. out of that one either tied or took first place wiUi a 16:16 20 yards. had since moving from Couple of sharp dressers at Fenway Park Roger Moret and Dick Pole. Club Masters Golf Tournament. Reed (RH). Yastrzemski, even though “I think the Braves have Milwaukee in 1966. Pete Rose and Clay Carroll of Reds await practice session Edge—Even, .K A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975- PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 r Homat For Solo 23 Homes For Sale ' 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 2 3 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sole 23 Homes For Sale 23 Help Wanted 13 $27,300. ATTRACTIVE 5 room MANCHESTER - five very at­ COLONIAL - seven rooms, 11/2 Vernon youth program eyed Ranch, fireplace, baseboard MANCHESTER tractive rooms, garage, two baths, three bedrooms, heating, stove, refrigerator. baths, nice yard and as it previously had been funded to Oct. 3. Hockanum Valley Community Council; •37,900 OPEN HOUSE breezeway, garage, swimming A Youth Services Evaluation Com­ Hutchins Agency 646-3166. neighborhood, .6 1/2% assum- pool, redfwcjM deck, wooded mittee has been appointed by Vernon \ Originally Ellington and Tolland were John O’Dell, senior probation officer', M ons Drntio prie* rtducUon on Ihit lour mable mortgage, with abqut yard. $42,500. Philbrick Agency, ;!!!![ MMICHESIER iMAS Mayor Frank McCoy to examine the ac­ involved with the bureau but both towns third district, juvenile court; and Stanley ^2,900 - ATTRACTIVE 5 1/2 bodrooM full-dornwrod Cipo on S9 $20(000 down, or conventional, SUNDAY* OCT. 12,1-5 Realtors, 646-4200. have dropped out leaving Vernon alone. room Ranch, garage, DIono Drlvo. Two bilho, firit floor CHFA financing available. $36,- tivities, programs, costs, and benefits of Roesler, director of administration. SHOP-RITE fimlly room, ownor Myt, “Soil now." QPENJIQU8L8IINDAY 1D-J2^7S The new committee, headed by Coun- Mrs. Mason said that possibly one or two baseboard heat, manicured 900, Odegard Realty, 643-4365. the Youth Services Bureau. RAISED RANCH - seven 1 to 4 The bureau, headed by James Young, cilwoman Gretchen Mason will have on it townspeople will be added to the com­ SUPERMARKET shaded lot, Hutchins Agency, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Realtors; 646-3166. MANCHESTER - Seven room rooms, beamed cathedral has been authorized and funded through the following persons; Donald Eden and mittee. 214 Spencer St. ceiling in living room with Thomas Dooley, council members; Lt. Cape with fireplace, aluminum Dec. 31 at an annual cost of $18,000 in She said the committee will take an Manchester, Ct. MANCHESTER - Large newer WARREN E. si(fmg, plaster walls, large lot, fieldstone fireplace, eat-in Martin Kincman of the Vernon Police direct charges and some $2,000 in ad­ objective, indepth look at the bureau and hat Immediate opaninga duplex three room apartment. 2-car garage, quiet kitchen, formal dining room, ditional rent and miscellaneous charges. Department; Mrs. Beverly Corcoran, provide the council with its findings and PHONE 643-2711 Immaculate condition HOWLAND neighborhood convenient to 15x21 family room with Rockville High School; Mrs. Jean Long, possible recommendations. FQR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD for fireplace, woocied acre lot with Last week the Town Council voted to ap­ DELICATESSEN CLERKS throughout. Priced right. R. R ealtors 643-1108 schools. $37,900. Odegard Real­ propriate $5,000 to keep the bureau going Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, 646- ty, 6434365. p^rivacy, garage, $44,900, Philbrick Agency Realtors, 646- • Part-time openings on Help Wanted 13 RANCH - three bedrooms, EAST HARTFORD - four room 4200. morning shift, should be NEW HOMES - Ranches, fireplaced living room, dining Ranch, full basement, on acre ADVERTISING ADVERTISING MINI-FARM on West side, i.i' . PRE-SCHOOL Teacher - able to work from 7 Capes, Colonials, and Raised room, garage with porch, nice lot, sliding glass doors to DEADLINE experience necessary, two a.m. to 3 p.m. Ranches, fireplaced family treed lot. Merritt Agency, 646- enclose living porch, Tongren seven room home in excellent Church women RATES classes, morning sssions. Send • Part-time opaninga on rooms, aluminum siding, dou­ 1180. Real Estate, 633-8633, 289-8802. condition, new siding etc., gar­ ' \v ' > r; 12:00 noon the day before age, large lot with garden and publication. 1 day ...... 9c word per day resume to Columbia afternoon ahltt, should ba ble garages. Your plans or ours Cooperative Nursery School, MANCHESTER - New modern fruit trees, shed, $42,000. will observe Deadline ,for Saturday and 3 d a y s ...... 8c word per day abla lo work from 1 p.m. to ... Merritt Agency, 646-1180. VALUES 6 days ...... 7c word per day P.O. Box 38, Columbia, Conn. kitchen and fireplaced living Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Monday Is 12:00 Noon Friday. 6 p.m. Immaculate 3 bedroom Condo 646-4200. y>-y-'?- 26 d a y s ...... 6c word per day 06237. VERNON... commercial zoned room enhances this attractive If you are looking for a spacious 7-room Split Lsvtl In love­ 15 WORD MINIMUM • Part-time opaninga on with family room, kitchen World Day . 4 & 3 two family on a 84x120 lot six room Cape situated on a appliances, air-conditioning, ly “Rockledge," please visit 92 Arnott Rd. PLEASE READ Happy Ads ...... $2.00 inch DIETARY SE^RVICE - part evening shift, should ba large well treed lot. $36,900. F. selling for only $36,900. T. J. fully carpeted. $35,500. DIREGTIONS: East Middle Turnpike to right on Arnott, time, mature person for dis­ abla lo work from 4 p.m. or Crockett Realtors, 643-1577. J. Spilecki, Realtor, 643-2121. DPEN HDUSE VERNON lifc , f A. YOUR AD hwashing, four or five nights a 5 p.m. to midnight. Call about our new homes in 14 TUNXIS TRAIL, BOLTON SUNDAY • 2-5 across from Shop-Rlta Food Store. Signs posted. Classified ads are taken over week, 4-7:30 p.m., must also MANCHESTER - Redwood Forrest Hills. Prices start at The Greater Rockville Area Church the phone as a convenience. STRANT STREET- An , oldie 717 CENTER STREET help on tray line at supper. Con­ but goodie ... vacant seven Farms, by owner, eight room $46,990. Large 7-room Ansaldi built Raised Ranch, tile baths, Women United will observe World Com­ The Herald Is responsible for tact Mrs. Burdick, Meadows BAKERY CLERKS Lovely aluminum sided six- munity Day, Nov. 7 at St. John’s Episcopal only one Incorrect Insertion and room Colonial with aluminum Dutch Colonial, large dining built-ins, carpeting, two fireplaces, large family room, room Cape, "Move-In con then only to the size of the Convalescent Home, 333 room, 2 1/2 baths, king size REALE’S CORNER siding, IVz baths. Was in the FIRST HARTFORD REALTY two-car garage, plaster walls, one acre lot with extra dltlon." Swim In your 32x16 Church, Rt. 30 from 10;30 a.m. to 2 p.m. original Insertion. Errors which Bidwell St., Manchester. 647- • Full-time opening, should master bedroom, first floor 175 MAIN STREET PHONE 646-4525 Mrs. Hope Roberts will be in charge of mid 40’s., but owner wants ac­ 646-6555 building suitable for storage or horse. Mid 50’s. In-ground pool while your do not lessen the value of the 9194, Ext, 58. be able to work days and tion. T.J. Crockett, Realtors, family room, new in-ground advertisement will nol be cor­ After hours and weekends DIRECTIONS; Rt. 84 to Bolton-Colchester exit. Cross steak Is cooking on your the program and women attending are to two nights per weak. 643-1577. pool, 2-car garage, fantastic bring a bag lunch. Dessert and beverage rected by an additional Inser­ DIETARY SERVICE - full 646-5080 over Bolton Center Rd., to Iriquols Trail. Then bear left stone fireplace. This house tion. • Part-time openings on view of Hartford. Moving out of will be served. Baby sitting service will be time, mature person responsi­ morning shift, should be state, must sacrifice at $62,500. onto Tunxis Trail. contains six large rooms. Lots-Land For Sale 24 Services Ottered 31 ble for sanitation program, in $31,900 - Essex Street, anxious available. able to work from 7 a.m. owner wants out before heating Principals only. 647-9332. NORTH COVENTRY - new Eat-In kitchen with bullt-lns; CUSTOM DRAPERIES - made kitchen, Monday through fireplaced living room; three HOW MANY two family The World Community project this year Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily, to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. season starts. Six-room listing. Seven room Raised DUBALDO LESPERANCE AGENCY building lots are there available very reasonable, work will be school bags and supplies to be con­ Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 contact Mrs. Burdick, Meadows • Part-time openings on carpeted Cape, vacant, trades Ranch, fireplace, two car gar­ 646-0505 bedrooms: bath; finished in Manchester? We have one! guaranteed, call anytime, 649- tributed by local church women. Convalescent Home, 333 morning shift, for dork to considered. T.J. Crockett, age. Beautiful treed acre lot. breezeway; two car garage. Call Tongren Real Estate, 633- 4266. Realtors, 643-1577. NEW LISTING Those attending may bring supplies for Bidwell St., Manchester, 647- make donuts, should ba LARGE SEVEN ROOM An- Only $39,900 Pasek Realtors, Many more extras. Half acre 8633, 289-8802. the bags as follows: two or three new un­ 9194, Ext. 58. able to work from 7 a.m. to 289-7475, 742-8243. lot. TIRED OF waiting in line? Call $29,900- Five room Ranch with saldi built Raped Ranch, tile the Car Doctor. We tune your sharpened pencils with erasers; one com­ 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. baths, built-ins, carpeting, MANCHESTER EXECUTIVE L Ranch - nine DIRECTIONS: Exit 92 off 1-86 EAST CONCORD, VT. - 10 OIL BURNER SERVICE HOUSEHOLD HELP - one mor­ partial basement in good condi­ WEST CENTER ST. area. rooms, 22x28 Master bedroom, acres of woodland. Water, car at your home. 19 years position tablet or note book; one metric tion, and a big lot also. T.J. two fireplaces, large family Must sell. Beautiful 8-room east on Center, signs. experience. For appointment ruler; colored pencils, one eraser and a ning a week, laundry, general Newer two family. Aluminum Colonial. Featuring; family room, game room, den, lights, view. Price $3,500. Three TECHNICIAN housework, some childcare, IMPORTED CHEESE CLERKS Crockett, Realtors, 643-1577. room, two-car garage, one siding, w/w carpeting. Country private yard, on dead end street other small parcels. George call 649-4824 or 646-5826. hand pencil sharpener. .own transportation, references, acre lot, with extra buildings kitchen. Owners must sell. Only • Four Bedrooms in prime neighborhood, for ALDA Brew, Miles Pond, North Con­ Money can also be contributed so that Due to expansion of our Service Department, we call 646-6788. • Part-time openings, should MANCHESTER - newly suitable for storage or horse. $54,900, Pasek Realtors, 289- • Family Room with Fireplace further details call Philbrick ALDA REALH, WINDSOR, cord, Vt. Tel: 1-802-695-8804. DRIVEWAYS - Residential and commericial, installed these supplies can be purchased. All require an experienced Oil Burner Service Techni* be available to work eve­ carpeted three bedroom home, Mid 50’s. Bolton area. 7475. e Formal Dining Room Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. CT. women of the community are invited to at­ large living room, large anywhere in Connecticut. No clan. Knowledge of heating essential. This Is a full­ LEGAL SECRETARY - for ning shift, from 4 p.m. to Convenient to 1-84. e Living Room with Fireplace MLS Realtors 688-7271 tend this meeting. Manchester office, central kitchen, with large dining area, VERNON - large eight room GARRISON COLONIAL - four COVENTRY job too small, or too large. 688- time, year round position. We offer an excellent 12 midnight and be avail­ refrigerator and stove, e Applianced Kitchen 0863, out of town call collect. benefit program including Sick Pay, Free Hospital- location, excellent opportunity able to work day shift DUBALDO-LESPERANCE Cape, two full baths, fireplace, years old, fieldstone fireplace, APPRGVED RLDG. LOT for qualified applicant, call 649- beautiful back yard, fruit trees rec room, den, king size Master, • First Floor Family Room beam ceiling, wall-to-wall Tri-Town players Tuesday or Wednesday. 646-U5C5 MANCHESTER - Fantastic buy SItuat* your homa on thia lovaly SNOW BLOWER repairing, Medical Plan, Unifqrms, Pension and Profit 2865. and grapevines, quiet bedroom, owner leaving state. • Two-Car Garage carpeting, family room, sliding' The Tri-Town Players will meet Oct. 14 neighborhood, enclosed front - three bedroom Colonial, with woodad acra In aatabllahad chain saw and lawn mower. Sharing Plans. Offers accepted, $35,900, • 2>/> Baths glass doors to large deck, gar­ neighborhood. Call Mra. McQlona, and rear porch, $34,900, charm galore. Fireplaced front- sharpening and repairing, pick at 8 p.m. in the Lottie Fisk Building, Excellent starting rates, with MANCHESTER - new listing, Shorey Realty, 872-8578. All this on acre lot. Asking age, mint condition, $51,700. to-back living room, eat-in 649-5306. Henry Park, Rockville. Call bewteen 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday thru FrI. AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM7 evenings call 649-5125, mor­ and delivery, Ellington one ot the best wage five room older home, central $54,900. All reasonable offers Philbrick Agency, Realtors, kitchen, spiffy dining room, rec EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY There will be a progress report given on Mayb« you can prova Ifa potalblal nings, 289-8251. 646-4200. zquipment Center, Route 83, You may It you art; A rallnad, schedules In tha Industry. location, small barn $29,900, considered. room for the children, over­ Ellington Industrial Center, the upcoming production of the players, Hayes Corp., 646-0131. MANGHESTER BARROWS & WALLACE BANTLY OIL CO. aomawhat matura, conaclantloua, Complete program ot liberal FRECHEHE & MARTIN sized 2-car garage, in-ground Manchatlar Naw Haven Hartford 875-5018,8-6 p.m. daily Saturday ■‘Lion in Winter.” This will be presented 331 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 alart, atabla typa ot peraon of high In Iringe benellts. MANCHESTER SIX ROOM COLONIAL MANCHESTER pool on manicure(flot. Priced in 649-5306 397-1515 728-6615 8-4. on Nov. 7 and 8 and Nov. 14 and 15 at the tagrity; abla to davota tima to yoiir A p p ly: PORTER ST. - Circa 1825, Three bedrooms, formal Realtors______646-4144 the 40’s. B/W Realty, 647-1419. TELEPHONE 649-4595 dutlaa with a minimum of abaanca THE CAPTAIN'S HOUSE delightful old homestead, lovely Vernon Center Middle School. Quaint older seven-room Oilonial with dining room, living room with SUPER KITCHEN WINDOW CLEANING - bacauaa ot tamlly and olhar com- yard with huge towering trees, CENTRALLY located Ranch. Those attending the meeting are auUientlc pine paneled and fireplaced fireplace, also enclosed sun- HEBRON - Squeaky clean, residential and commercial, in­ mltmanla; abla to ataumt ratpon- family room. Nicely shaded lot, two- and an oval drive. Wide floor­ This lovely seven room Business Property 26 reminded that it is time to pay dues. alblllty and taka a rtal Intaraat In your Mons Beautiful wooded lot, city three or four bedroom Cape, 15 cluding initial cleaning for con­ car garage, owner has retired to the porch, attached garage, patio. Colonial has been completely dutlaa (and nol juat pay day); a good boards, a Dutch oven and utilities, bus line. Only $28,500. minutes from Main Street, tractors or developers, fully in­ Help Wanted 13 Cape, and is very anxious to sell. Price Finished rec room, good loca­ remodeled inside and outside. typlat; abla lo taka ahorthand (wt SHOP-RITE rduced at $38,9(10. Offers wanted. numerous other features, two Immediate occupancy. Owners large lot, in country setting. A MANCHESTER - Unique op­ sured, free estimates. Call Pinochle winners □ N O TIC ES hopa); a good panman with baalc Must be sold. car garage with storage space. tion. $43,900. anxious. Pasek Realtors, MLS, Three huge bedrooms, first best buy for $34,900. B/W Real­ portunity - modern one floor Quality Maintenance, 647-9498. Tuesday winners in the Vernon Senior JOBSEEKERS Employment knowltdga ot bookkteping and SUPERMARKET Two extra buildings including 289-7475. floor family room, IVz baths, ty, 647-1419. building with 2300 square feet, Service - open 8 a.m.-8 p.m., racord ktaping; an "on-tha-bair par- the slave hiding headquarters. U&R REALTY CO., INC. three acres, ideal for office, Citizen Pinochle Club were: Bert Edwards 214 Spencer St. 643-2692 new refrigertor, stove dis­ ODD JOBS - You name it, we do Lost and Found with full and part time oppor­ ton but with wladom anough to know Priced in mid 60’s. Call for an MANCHESTER - New three MANCHESTER - Mrs. Clean club, or organization. Below it. Cleaning top-to-bottom. Free 661; Mike Desimone 649; Lu Denley 649; tunities available now. East tha valua and Imporlanct of Manchester Robert D. Murdock, Realtor hwasher. New cabinets, appointment. Keith Real bedroom Ranch, dining room, aluminum siding, vacant. lives here, large for the money, replacement at $49,900. Hayes estimates. 643-2097. Doris Stiebitz 646; Joe Kincman 644; Ed Hartford, 568-1070. adharing to toma of tha ao-callad An squal opportunity smploysr. REAL ESTATE CENTER Estate, 649-1922, 646-4126. kitchen with built-ins, Corporation, 646-0131. LOST - Light brown femaie pug. “old-taihlonad” Idaaa and Idtala. Owner reduced price to $41, four bedroom, three bath, split Quinn 627. dog with Pekinese face. Vicini­ 640-4144 aluminum siding, baseboard level. Spiffy kitchen, great DIvaralfled dutlaa. (A tanaa ot humor 500 for quick sale. Excellent Thursday tournament winners were; ty West Middle Tpke. Call 643- PHONE FROM home to ser­ would ba an aaaat to go with tha nSCHETn&MMtTIN, INC., Realtors MANCHESTER - 59-61 Norman MANCHESTER - Northfield heat, $42,500. Wolverton Agen­ family room, on lovely lot. MANCHESTER - doctors, ^ ASSORTED ”i Julius May 659; Bob Richards 644; Albert 5255. vice our custom ers in the dignity ot tha position). St., immaculate three bedroom Gr.een, seven room Colonial cy, Realtors, 649-2813. value on today’s market. Priced in the 40’s. B/W Realty, lawyers, and professionals take ' nnuiiT uni co EDUCATIONAL Sales - a 263 Main Street Handiestef Watson 630; Ann Young 619. Manchester area, flexible It you hava all or moat of Ihtaa two family, two hot water fur­ style Condominium, three 647-1419. note, eight room Colonial, high I U U IIU I n l l L t a High individual scorer to date is John LOST - male, yellow and white hours, super earnings, 249-7773. qualifications and would Ilka lo tall Marshall Field family owned naces, two driveways. We bedrooms, two full and two half MANCHESTER - Four traffic area, parking for 30 I OQ< 11117 i publishing organization, is con­ Poggie 687 and high total scorer to date is altered male, tiger cat, crys ua about lham, you might ba tha ona MANCHESTER - newly believe it to be the nicest in baths, paneled family room, bedrooms and family room on MANCHESTER - Two family cars, ideal for office and home I o I lU iL a ' EXECUTIVE Secretary - ducting a nationwide expansion Ed Quinn 6914. New hats and aprons loudly. Talcottville. 647-1083. to become an aaslatanl to a busy carpeted three bedroom home, ^ n c h e ste r for sale! Only^, $53,- central air conditioning, wall- first floor, applianced kitchen, 2 REAL ESTATE CENTER home, great way to start or apartment situation, many I with this ad — Limit 2 Dozen, Mature personable individual woman axacutlya In a taal growing program. We are interested in 500, Lawrence F. Fi' lano to-wall carpeting, lots of full baths, finished basement. building for a home of your possibilities, G&R Realty, 289- I Good Sunday thru' There will be no pinochle next Tueday. aaaoclatlon of nian and woman. On a hiring 10 individuals in this area large living room, large 646-4144 Senior citizens, Annie Rouhan, left, and Toni Pouech outfit Paul Sullivan and LOST - Orange male cat, child’s for 25 hour work week, 10 to 3 kitchen, with large dining area, Realtors, 649-5371. storage, carport, tennis courts, A ttached garage. $45,900, own. Five-Five with separate 6885. I Wednesday only at ! Games have been played at the Lottie Fisk p.m. daily or as arranged, in part-tima baala at least lor tha pra- to do outside sales interviewing Wolverton Agency, Realtors, FRECHEHEi MARTIN, INC., Realtors Sue Gorden with new red and white striped aprons and hats made by the arts pet, vicinity Woodland Street. tanl. Plaaaant, homallka al- refrigerator, and stove, and swimmtng pool. Must see to heating systems, in A-1 condi­ Building, Henry Park but the new senior White flea collar. Call 649-6905. downtown Manchester starting October 16. $500 appreciate, $37,500. Call 646- 649-2813. 263 Main Street Manchester tion. Priced low 40’s. E, W Real­ j MISTER DONUT citizen center on Park Place is now ready and crafts class at the Senior Citizens Center. The young people are clients architectural office. Good moaphara, central location. Hourt minimum for 100 interviews. beautiiul back yard, fruit trees J 255 West Mlddl« Tpk*. , and aalary nagotlabla. Please tend and grapevines, quiet 5451. ty, 647-1419. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Manchester, Conn. ■ so the games started Thursday at that of Manchester Sheltered Workshop and help serve meals at the Senior LOST - young black male, Gor­ typing and shorthancr required. ralarencea and raauma to Box E, For appointment call Mr. Cut­ BOLTON - near Manchester Real Estate Wanted 28 1------1 ting, at 644-9949. neighborhtMxi, enclosed front FIRST OFFERING location. Citizens Center. (Herald photo by Pinto). don setter vicinity Hartford Please send resume to Box AA, Manchaatar Herald. VERNON - exciting seven room line, new Custom built Raised CAPE - Six rooms, treed lot, Manchester Herald. and rear porch, $34,900, Martin School, Dartmouth Next Thursday the group will meet at Road and Keeney Street. evenings call 649-5125, mor­ Raised Ranch, two full baths, Ranches, secluded acre plus city utilities, handy location, SOMERS ALL CASH for your property PaIntIng-PaperIng 32 Answers to Samson, has choke PART TIME Cleaners needed, Heights, large seven-room wooded lots, call builder, 646- $31,500. Philbrick Agency, within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, ------1:30 p.m. and following the games, a 4-9 p.m. Five days per week. nings 289-8251. fireplace, lovely rec room, two collar and flea collar. 646-4281, LICENSED PLUMBER - call HELP - MALE - FEMALE, Raised Ranch, plaster walls, car garage, large private treed 5353. Realtors, 646-4200. PRICE REDUCED instant service. Hayes Corpora- PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. dinner will be served. 644-1317. East Hartford and Manchester 531 Hartford Road. Three days - $60. Publishers of HEBRON - BOLTON line. Open tile baths, large closets, built- lot. Asking $43,900, Shorey M INI HORSE RANCH tion, 646-0131. F ive y e a rs ex p e rie n c e . Bicentennial group asks area. Own transportation. Call ins, carpeting, two fireplaces, CIRCA 1830 well maintained Mid-term reports the World Book Encyclopedia, 649-5334. House Sunday, 1-5,80 Daly Rd., Realty, 872-8578. MANCHESTER Four stall barn accompanies ------Excellent references. Pete, 742- WOULD THE Person or per­ AVON-Trim your Christmas large family room, two-car nine room Antique Colonial, SELLING your house? Call us 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. Mid-term reports were issued Friday to an equal opportunity employer, three bedroom Raised Ranch Immaculate eight-room sons who removed a pocketbook tree with the extra $$ you make has three openings for men or garage, city utilities, MANCHESTER - Aluminum SIX-FIVE DUPLEX four fireplaces, four bedrooms, first and we'll make you a cash ------all Rockville High School students. These representing the world’s with built-ins, on one acre. aluminum sided Colonial set for reports from others from a lower Main Street store women, to give sales LOOKIND Owner, 643-9480. excellent condition. Priced to sided beauty, three bedroom Extra nice. Half acre plus, treed lot, study, one full and two 1/2 baths offer. One dav service. T, J. INSIDE - Outside painting. reports include all subject areas and the Tuesday, piease call 643-5270, largest cosmetics and toiletries separate furnaces, garage. (51,9(X). plus attached five room un­ on 2 acres, with more land Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. fe c ia l rates for people over 65. Concert Series demonstrations three days per FOR EXTRA INC0ME7 sell! Raised Ranch with 2 baths, ful­ reports are to be brought home to parents. HEBRON no questions asked. Very sen­ company. Show and sell week - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ly applianced kitchen, 2 finished carriage shed, poten­ available. Paneled raised ------Fully insured. Estimates given. beautiful gifts, cosmetics, MANCHESTER - Price WARREN E. The Hebron Bicentennial Commission A concert series has been announced by timental value. Previous sales experience not FHl M PUT-TM. Sim m Hnq-lhU« Um reduced $3,000 on this im­ CHARLES LESPERANCE fireplaces, 2-car garage. $53,- tial for studio, etc., two story hearth fireplaced living IMMEDIATE CASH for your Call 649-7863. has requested that all organizations Hebron’s First Congregational Church. jewelry etc. in your spare time. of Ciltodan, Proootioinl Myortitini aU Sfti B49-762D ____ barn, well treed lot, $54,000, property. Let us explain our — ------Anniversary dance required. Position pays $60. maculate seven-room Cape. 500. Wolverton Agency, room, paneled dining room working on projects for 1976 send a Starting Sunday, Oct. 19, at 4 p.m. with LOST - Savings passbook, 022-0- Set your own hours-pick your weekly guarantee for 6 sales lo local ksiiKU Hnn. No limstnent, coloc- Realtors, 649-2813. HOWLAND Philbrick Agency, Realtors, and parlor room, kitchen, fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, WALLPAPER Hanging - $3.00 The Vernon Square Dance Club, Inc. will own work days. Interested? Nom or dutrici niu{oa Mani promUon to Custom kitchen, three or four representative to their next meeting in John Bell, baritone, the series will be held 24294-5, Hartford National Bank demonstrations with potential bedrooms, rec room, oversized Realtors 643-1108 646-4200. four bedrooms, bath, two-car 647-1413, per roll. Ei^erinced celebrate its 20th anniversary with a Call 523-9401. Mil too (Ot tUrtei ProoW. IrM, unlct STAFFORD SPRINQ8 November with an outline and definite on a monthly basis until next May. and Trust Co., First weekly income of $130. Call 666- xitli M tea oM finii. ritcd «U-1. WeeU, co» garage. Secluded yard etc. UNUSUAL eight room L garage. Small cottage. Many ------tradesman. Call R. dance on Oct. 19 at the Vernon Center Mid­ dates of their respective proposals. In addition to singers there will be har­ Manchester Office. Application 5666 collect for personal inter­ imsiom aU Gberal bona. Write John MdlNr, Priced to sell. $37,900. R. Ranch, fireplaced living room, OPEN FOR INSPECTION NEW RANCH - Extra large extras. $56,500. MAY WE BUY your home? starkweather, 644-3194. dle School, Rt. 30. made for payment. FLOOR EMPLOYE - Over 18 ■M. 2114 NEWTON MFt CO, NEWTON, MW* 1 1/2 baths, kitchen with SUNOAY 2*5 modern kitchen, two baths, Quick, fair, all cash and no ------——------The calendar has to be firmed up pist and organ recitals. only. Apply in person to view. L212. Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, 646- To celebrate the affair there will be 50201 adjoining family room, and 38-40 CONVERSE ST. COVENTRY - North - Three fireplace, 2-car garage, problems. Call Warren E. PAINTING - interior and before the end of the year. At this week’s manager, UA Theatre East, 1980 bedroom Ranch, large country three callers, Red Bates, Frannie Heintz, Meeting set FOUND - Male Alaskan COLLECTION Supervisor, able screened patio and pool, also Directions: Route 84, to Stafford aluminum siding and windows, ALDA Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. e x te rio r, p a p e rh a n g in g , commission meeting progress reports Malamute. Call Dog Warden, Manchester Parkade. adjoining mother-in-law apart­ kitchen, deck, approximately large deck, picture window in and Earl Johnston. The committee studying the possibility to handle customer accounts in­ Exit to Route 32, north to center to Alda Realty, Windsor, Ct. ------excellent work. References. were made on all the activities, including 646-4555. ment, with kitchen, bath and Converse. seven acres, $42,000. Call There will be a raffle and door prizes cluding credit control, past due Business Opportunity 14 MARTIN SCHOOL SNUQLY basement with walk-out to INSTANT cash for your home. Free estimates. Fully insured. the ball to be held on Colonial Days of deregionalization of grades 7 and 8 from living area, many extras, $49,- TWO FAMILY - Exceptionally love­ weekdays, after 6, or weekends patio. $47,900. Philbrick Agen­ MLS Realtors 688-7271 Call Dan Reale, at Reale’s Martin Mattson, 649-4431. and refreshments. Soft-soled shoes are “ATTENTION - Work with the collections and accounts Weekend scheduled for mid-June. Rham High School back to the towns of LOST - Savings Passbook 046-0- receivable adjusting. 289-7964, BRANDY SNIFTER 900, 646-6993. ly five rooms each side. This country all day. 742-8993. Principals on­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. Corner Realtors, 646-4525. ------—------required. All club level dancers are in­ oldest Toy & Gift Party Plan in STRENGTHEN FREE Enter­ home completely renovated, top to In addition to the main projects spon­ Hebron, Andover and Marlborough, will 02118-1 Hartford National Bank Barbara. prise - “Start Your Own From the wet bar, warmth ly;______------PAPER HANGING Expert. vited to attend. Dancing will be from 7 conduct is biweekly open meeting at and Trust Co., Manchester Of­ the country - our 28th year! 20% from the Franklyn stove, COVENTRY - three bedroom bottom. Oil heat, garage, large lot, WE WILL buy your home. Your average paper, in average sored by the commission, some 30 other commission plus bonus. No Business” Seminar. For reser­ city sewer, water, most convenient. p.m. to 10 p.m. guidance room at 7:30 p.m. Monday fice. Appiication made for pay­ FULL TIME Driver and stock chestnuts roasted from the Ranch, all hardwood floors, MANCHESTER - Two family, a Quick efficient professional room, $25. Mr. Richman, 646- organizations in the town have Bicenten­ collecting, no delivering, no in­ vations, call 742-9087. High 30’s. Look at your leisure. “must see,’’ completely ment. clerk, apply in person at Arthur patio. Glowing applianced fireplace, full basement, gar­ Further information, call service, call us first. W. J. Bar- 3864. nial plans under way. Offices closed vestment; Car necessary. Call redecorated, move in condition, Spaghetti supper Drug, 942 Main St., CELEBRATE fhe Bicentennial kitchen, master bedroom for den, one acre plus, $33,000, ’Ted- comb Realtor, 644-8000. ------The commissidn is also looking for host The Town Office Building will be closed FOUND - one black, white, tan, today l-6’73-3455, or write San­ ford Real Estate, 647-9914. DONALD S. GALE three large bedrooms, eat-in DPEN HDUSE R. HEBERT & Son Vernon Boy Scout Troop 11 will sponsor Manenester. by starting your own part time families for English guests under the Monday for Columbus Day. ta’s Parties, Avon, Conn. 06001. the queen, many more Reslty Co. 289-7938 - 646-3790 kitchen, 2-car garage, treed lot. a fund-raising spaghetti supper, Oct. 18, at mixed male, call Dog Warden, business in Strengthen the paperhanging, painting, com­ Greater Hartford Bicentennial Advisory 646-4555. Also booking parties.” features...LOW , LOW MANCHESTER - Beautifully $520 monthly income. Fiano mercial an(T residential, free the Talcottville Congregational Church DENTAL ASSISTANT - American Dream “your Committee’s program, “Operation Red­ experience preferred, call 633- FORTIES. maintained 6 room Cape, three FOR SALE - four room Cape, Real Estate, 646-5200. Sunday 1 to 4 P.M...... * estimates, 644-0642. from 5 to 7:30 p.m. dream”. Free enterprise two fireplaces, single car gar­ coat,” slated for mid-1976. INVITATION LOST - black and white kitten, COOK - person with restaurant 3965 between 10-1, Monday seminar, Barris Motor Inn, bedrooms, custom built vicinity of Liberty and Hemlock experience, interested in lear­ through Friday. MGHARDS & KEHMNA kitchen, formal dining room, age, in center of town. NEW HOMES □ IVIISC. SERVICES Building-Contracting 33 Sunday, October 12th, for reser­ Telephone 646-8350 for appoint- TO BID Sts., call 643-2575. ning home style cooking. vations call 742-9068. Realtors 528*9546 full basement with family Sealed bids will be received Ordering and kitchen manage­ LICENSED Practical nurse, room. Garage. Lovely terraced mentit. No agents. By J. A. M cCa r t h y ...... NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - in the Office of The Director of ment responsibilities. Call 875- 3:30-11 p.m. Saturdays and Sun­ yard. Low 40’s. Tecife ' " OPEN HOUSE Services OHared 31 Remodeling, repairing, ad- Housing checks listed Situation Wanted 15 MANCHESTER - Exceptional General Services, 41 Center •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0944 or apply in person. Rein’s days for small facility for the OLDER HOME - 3 or 4 Estate, 647-9914. TOMORROW, SUNDAY MANCHESTER WEST — 5 models nearing completion. ------ditions, rec rooms, porches and New York Style Deli and eldferly in Manchester. Contact bedrooms, needs a little atten­ buy on three bedroom Colonial, REWEAVING burns, holes, roofing. No job too small. Call VERNON „ Street, Manchester, Connec- Announcements 3 CHILD CARE - infant through with 1 1/2 baths, den, living 2 -5 P.M. Stop out for a leisure Inspection, If you don’t see your from previous months. total of 78 leaving outstandmg 23, 1975 at „nto Restaurant, Route 30, Vernon. Sister Mary Therese, 647-9908. pre-schooler, $4.00 per day, tion, large lot, $28,500. Century WEST SIDE - Six room Cape, Zippers, umbrellas repaired. 649-3144. During the month of The violations for September violations at the end of the ,,.n o a m for thP fnllnwinp- WANTED - your vote on 21, Jackston Agency, 646-1316 or dishwasher, carpeting, rec room and faniily kitchen, only 37 ELLEN LANE home, let us know. We will build It for you. Window shades, Venetian ------private home, playmates, $32,500. Wolverton Agency, September Housing Code included; Electrical 4; heating month at 249. a / ; * d ‘ N ovem ber 4, for P h y llis 646-5461. room, 2-car garage. $35,000. One of Forest Hill’s Flnestl DIRECTIONS: blinds. Keys. TV for rent. CARPENTRY - Repairs, spacious yard, convenient for Realtors, 649-2813. Inspector John Darcey in­ 1; plumbing 2; stru ctu ral; and He said of the 54 structures Jackston, Democrat for &ard commuters. 644-9000. Call 646-6812. Immaculate 7-room Ranch. McKee St. to Keeney St. to right on Briarwood Dr. to Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 649-5221. remodeling, additions, garages, spected 54 structures and 70 sanitary 3. insnpctpd 40 were first insnec- Directors, Committee to MANCHESTER - Full Several “Must See” (eaturea. models on left. ------roofing, call David Patria, 644- EXPERIENCED dormered six room Cape, three BOLTON - newer Raised Ranch MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. 1796. dwelling units and cited 17 During the month violations tionsZs ofot si’neleTar^iWsingle tamiiy oweiimgs ^ ^ j ^ Treasurer. Jackston. Vic- WILL BABYSIT in my home with 27’ kitchen and dining Dead end cul-de-sac Street. corrected included: Electrical half or full days, weekdays. bedrooms - (2 extra large, will COVENTRY $38,900 Removal, pruning, lot c le a rin g ,------— violations of the housing code. and the remaining 24 were OIL BURNER TECHNICIAN hold king size furniture). 1 1/2 area, Large living joom , three DIRECTIONS: Vqrnon St. to Rich­ PINEWOOO — 3 models available or will build your home spraying. Fufly insurea. BUILDING - Remodeling, 39; heating 1; plumbing 5; Have three year eld, would like CONVEMEKT LOCATION! mond Drive. North oil Richmond In his report he noted that 310 rednspections. forms, plans and baths, formal dining room, bedrooms, fireplaced family on one ot the % acre wooded lots with gorgeous views. Licensetf. Free estim ates, roofing, rec rooms, additions. 1 • Blue Grots - CMS - Major Medical • Excellent Wages playmates. Reliable mother. Plus 4 bcdrnit., 1 'A bifht, llv. * din. Drive. violations were carried over structural 26; and sanitary 7, a He placed one caveat on verifications are available at ' . ASSORTED I fireplaced living room, kitchen room, 21/2 baths, 2-car garage. DIRECTIONS: Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. garages. All kinds, carpentry • Paid Holldaya • Ratlraniant Plan • Good Working Con- Reasonable. Green School area. rnw., eat-ln kit. ft 2 playrooma at un- $54,500. Wolverton Agency, property and released four; 1 ' DONUT HOLES | 646-8166. with built-ins. Walk to Buckley baatabla prica. 649-5306. Rt. 30 north to Taylor St. (across from Acadia — ------—------work. For estimates call 649- dltlone • No Traveling to Hartford School. Owner relocating. $39,- Realtors, 649-2813. BELHORE AGENCY sent out 9 housing code notices ^ ^ ^ Manchester, O A * p n i l T R ealtors 647-1413 Restaurant) to third right, Hamilton Rd. to left and models. TWO HANDYMEN will clean, H42. and 67 miscellaneous letters; Connecticut 9 U U i . CHILD CARE - Playmates, 900. Call 649-8192. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY rake, lime, fertilize, mow, ------CALL..M0IUARTY BROTHERS, INC. MANCHESTER - Two family, maintenance of lawn seasonal. WES ROBBINS carpentry investigated 16 complaints and Manchester, th i. ad Limit 2 Dozen, fenced yard, excellent care. BARROWS & WALLACE 5-5, two car garage, convenient FOREST HILLS — Contemporary L-Ranch available on 643-5135 Oakland Street area. Monday - REDUCED FOR quick sale r Cellars and attics cleaned, remodeling specialist. Ad- filed four applications for Connecticut Good Sunday thru two family, 30 Locust Street, no Manchailar Naw Havan Hulford location, 643-8498 or 684-4192. Gfissom Rd. with $2,000 tax credit available which may Reasonable prices. 643-5305. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, Maurice Morlarty or Harry Jensen Saturday. 649-8292. 649-9306 397-1919 729-6619 [fexaTl"""Pharmacy t"c- arrest warrants. Robert B. Weiss, Wednesday only at • agents. 645-2426, 9-5. Owner-agent. MANCHESTER - Newer three be used as part of your down payment. Other lots available ------built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, or four bedroom Ranch, con­ I ) 230 NO. MAIN ST. TEL 646-4510 MANSHCSTER. CONN, General Manager i MISTER DONUT I to build your plans or ours. AVAILABLE supervised day 649-3446. i - RICHARD D. FARLEY. B. S., R. Ph„ Mpr. I 2SS WmI Mlddlt Tpkt. I MANCHESTER - Ansaldi built venient location, good condi­ DIRECTIONS: care with meals for your elder- —------—------^ Minchattcr, Conn. j □ REAL ESTATE Ranch located on nice tion, $35,900. Paul W. Dougan Kennedy Rd. to Hamilton Dr. to left on Grissom Rd. to ly relative, while you go to LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - landscaped lot, two fireplaces, Realtor, 643-4535. work, shopping, visit a friend, new homes custom built, large paneled family room, eat- model. Cali 649-2358 for information. rem odeled, additions, rec Homes For Sale 23 in Kitchen, garage. Priced in SUNDAY 1 - 4 TOLLAND - Two bedroom ------—------rooitirST' garages, kitchens the 40's, Zinsser Agency, 646- house, granite fireplace, 15 COLONIAL WOODS — East Hartford. 2-Famlly homes being ODD JOBS - trucking, home remodeletf, bath tile, cement NOTICE MUNICIPAL BUILDING " acres, $25,900. Red Carpet _ □ FINANCIAL BODY SHOP 7.8 ACRES - pond, custom built 1511. , HIghwood Dr., Manchester built. 2 and 3 bedroom, 4 models to choose from star­ repairs, serving Manchester for work. Steps, dormers. Residen- Colonial, 2Vz baths, family Realtors, 872-8304. ting at $49,900. Good financing plus 5% tax credit available. five years, free estimate.)!, 643- tial or commercial. Call 649- room, fireplaces, garages. MANCHESTER - new listing, Visit this ioveiy seven-room custom designed Cape 0304. 4291. WORKING FOREMAN CAPE COD - two years old, 24’ DIRECTIONS: e i J H Bonds-Stocks-Mortfiages 8 Must be able to write estimates and con­ Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. South Farms is the location of buiit by U&R Construction Co., known for their fine Burnside Ave. to School St. to Chesslee Dr. (4th left) to this seven room Dutch Colonial living I roona, first floor family LIGHT TRUCKING - attic and TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY OPEN trol 3 man shop. Salary plus com­ quaiity and design. You wiii enjoy the sunken ijving room with fireplace and Ellda Ct.-and models. nni IIIUIRIIC IIAY I MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ $36,900 - Duplex, 6-3, cabinet situated on almost one acre. room with hugh rustic stone firepiace and iarge for­ cellars cleaned, for free es- Carpentry and general contrac- l f ULUITIDUO UHI ■ cond, third. All kinds. Realty kitchens, fir^Iace, carpeting, Three good sized bedrooms, beamed ceilings. Eat-in timate phone 647-9610. ting. Residential and commer- missions, Blue Cross, CMS. mat dining room, with paneted Redwood watt and kitchen, formal dining room, If you don’t see your home let us know,. We will sit U ililllA V APTflDED 14 1 0 4 R H statewide. Credit rating un- tile baths, $435 monthly income. fireplaced living room, family down and design one for you. Any home may be purchased ------dal. Whether it be a small Call Gary Bergeron tor appointment. Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. king sized Master bedroom, IHUIlllflYy U v IUDEII s O f l 9 f v H necessary. Reasonable. Con­ room, large formal dining many other features onty found in a U&R home. contingent upon the sale of your present home... ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP $10 repair job, a custom built home ALL DAY fidential, quick arrangements. room, Zinsser Agency. 646-1511. DIRECTIONS: East Center St., to Porter St., Hlghtweod Dr. aluminum siding, two car gar­ plus parts. Brakes, shocks, or anything in between, call 646- age, treed lot, mint condition, _ Alvin Lundy Agency* 527-7971. RANCH-CONDOMINIUM 5Mi right turn at intersection of Wyllys St. See Sign. lube, bearings, etc. 1379, rooms. Two or three bedrooms. $53,200, Philbrick Agency, Guaranteed. Call anytime, 646------— EMERGENCY TELEPHOHE NUMBERS | REDWOOD FARMS - Custom Realtors, 646-4200. SUNDAY Completely automatic kitchen, seven room Raised Ranch, 2065. TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service Highway 649-5070 _ S&SBUICK central air-conditioning. Nice ______;------Remodeling, repairs, ad- three bedrooms, 18x24’ U&R REALTY CO., INC. BOLTON - RANCH, 5 rooms, 3 M E R R in D A f n s a R dQ if t f l f i H ' MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd rear patio. Professional fireplaced family room, double MASONRY REPAIRS -'new ditions, custom buiWing. No job noiuso OHjy- i ooo h niortgages — interim financing landscaping. Very, very, very, bedrooms, garage, large Realtors 646-1180 "New England'! Fastest Growing Buick-Opel Dealer" garage, acre wooded lot with 8 4 3 -2 6 0 2 wooded lot $36,000. Philbrick work, brick block, stone, call too small. Free estimates. Over Sanitary Water & Sewer/ 649-9697 ■ — expeditious and confidential low 30's and in our opinion, |w^eous view. Merritt Agency ^^^RobertC^M urdock^^ 643-9508 25 years experience. 643-5769. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. “ service, J.D. Real Estate 81 ADAMS ST.. MANCHESTER (Oimmi Eves.) 649-4571 worth more. Mr. Hurwitz, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Assoc. 646-1980. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413.

- i 1 PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 PAGE THIRTEEN WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI Answer to Previous Puzzle Apartments For fient 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Derby State Born Loser — Art Sansom Jh Io i s i e i NOW, M Y F=RIEND^ YOU DIPNVOa'AE MANCHESTER - available MANCHESTER - five room H E R E T O S E ACROSS DOWN H YOn DION^ CO^E November 1st, five room apartment, in renovated Man­ 1 "------Grass 1 Blister D H E R E T O ^ HARANkSOER. duplex, near hospital, eat-in sion, walk to shopping and bus. El D ear A b b y State" 2 Girl's name B c a n n LECTUREPTO R ia H T ? kitchen, stove and refrigerator, includes heat, appliances, and 5 "My Old ONWS/I 3 Poisonous canra R IG H T ? ____ no pets, utilities not included. electricity, $270 per month. Kentucky E l □ plant ncica kj E l CQ Parking one car. $210 plus Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 646- 4 Natural fat Q s a a -L a a security. 649-8220. By Abigail Van Buren 9 Cannonade 5 Pronoun M 1 L ------in and 6 Egg case (M B B R O [Q A n | won the 1974 MANCHESTER - November 1st 7 Arachnid B S A T N E l AVAIL ABLE October 1, three Kentucky 8 Choose S T H X occupancy, brand new three room heated apartment, $130 Derby 9 News la n u iH c a E S S E bedroom duplexes in residential monthly, married couple ^ straight to the point of my 12 Trims off gatherers 28 Former Thai 46 Defect problem. W hat does a married woman do when her husband 13 Wicked o * neighborhood. Starting at $275 preferred, security deposit, no 10 Sandarac tree coin 47 Cry of rapes her—which happened to me? 14 Epoch 11 Snoozes 30 Whale (Latin) -O-II per month. Includes appliances children and no peets, call after bacchanals iJUvd and carpeting. Heat not in­ After my assault, I ran to a neighbor’s house and called 15 Elastic mineral 16 Absconder 31 Solar disk 48 Honky-tonk 5, 649r2795. i.A^ r WQfe ^ resin 20 Cup (Fr.) 33 Move sidewise 50 County in C ii» br i««. Inc. T.» m. HI on. (S cluded. Security deposit and the pohee. After they .arrived and asked the customary • vvl*' ' /o-ll 17 Pulp 22 Weight 35 Average Florida references required. No pets. O 1B7S by NEA. Inc, T M. R*g U 5 Pit Off questions, they told me it was impossible for a husband to 18 Swiss canton 40 Tosser Call 647-9936 or 649-2003. deductions 51 Japanese VILtiGER APARTMENTS rape his wife! They also told me I must have a screw loose 19 Military 24 Mamm oth------43 English outcasts locations RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 Articles lor Sale 41 Dogs-BIrda-Peta 43 Apartments For Rent 53 ^Ive-room tbwnhouse apart- to call the pohee for such a complaint, but I didn’t know 25 Presage novelist 52 Take five Mickey Finn — Morris Weiss MANCHESTER - spacious 21 Rosier 26 Chastising 45 Permit 55 Boy's name ;^ent, 1’/4 tiled baths, 2 alr- what else to do after having been repeatedly raped for 23 Pilch three bedroom apartment, in hours. 2 3 WELL— IN THE FIRST GAME SEASONED cord wood - cord SHELTIE Collie and Siberian ondltloriers, wall-to-wall 24 Arm of the law 1 4 5 6 7 5“ 10 11 a n d in t h e DRESSING ROOM, \ DAVE BIDWELL Home Improvement new two family, carpeting, air THIS SEASON, MY ROOMMATE Co. Expert installation of and 1/2 cord loads, delivered, husky mixed breed. Best offer APARTMENT [(jiarpeting.,. full basement, The definition of rape is forcibly having sexual 27 Covenant I COULD GO ON AND ON COACH BATES ROLLED CHRIS ) HAVE conditioning, dishwasher and 29 Greek portico |2 13 14 HAD A PINCHED NERVE IN HIS OFF THE S T R E T C H E R -A N D / YOU aluminum siding, gutters and E. Yeomans, 742-8907. over $10. Call 646-3467. intercourse with a girl or woman without her consent. It ABOUT COACH B A T E S — BUT NECK, AND A BROKEN RIB. RENTAL OFFICE separate driveways, $260 per eat, hot water, appliances. 32 Entertainer I GUESS IT W OULD MAKE SAID HE WAS DOGGING IT/ < TOLD trims. Roofing installation and says nothing about her being married or single. Now IS 16 17 HE WAS CARRIED OFF THE — THAT'S WHEN I SOCKED ) THIS TO Open 8:30-5 weekdays, other month, security, call 646-1379 0 pets. 34 Put in ME SOUND LIKE A CRVBAB'/U FIELD IN A STRETCHER repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. GE range, avocado, continuous Livestock 44 because of the way the police sided with my husband he THE COACH/ PHIL? times by appointment. after 6 p.m. 36 Jury panel 18 20 cleaning, 1 1/2 years old. 649-7620 thinks that I am crazy. ’ 37 Constrain 19 We have a large variety of feeUttg] Excellent condition, $225. Call ■ HORACE Tetrault — Siding, WHY TRAVEL miles to enjoy MANCHESTER - newer three pnjywvuuuww First, I want you to know that in the 10 years of our .38 Geraint's wile 21 22 23 643-9262. your horse? Box stalls, Olympic deluxe one ’& two bedroom S9 Cicatrix roofing, storm windows, aw­ bedroom Duplex, half of two marriage, I have never refused my husband’s advances If Townhouse and Garden type '4 1 ------Antonio. 24 is 27 29 30 31 nings. Quality workmanship, size ring, and miles of trails family, full basement, includes Homes tor Rent 54 anything, he has been the one with the bedtime 9 HORSE Tractor, snow available in Manchester. Call units throughout Manchester. Texas ■ yVJ, ' free estimates. Fully insured. appliances and carpeting, 11/2 "headaches. I thoroughly enjoyed our sex Ufe. As a matter 42 Crafty 32 33 34 35 thrower, also mower, good con­ 643-0355. 872-9187, 649-3417. DAMATO ENTERPRISES baths, $280 per month, Paul MANCHESTER - four-room of fact, I didn t even understand the complete meaning of 44 Dancing girl dition. Asking $300. 643-4644. SHIFT 46 Decapitates 36 37 house, immaculate condition, Boats-Accessorlea 45 240 New State Rd. W.Dougan Realtor, 646-1021, sex until I me, this man. To me, it was the most beautiful ROOFING - Specializing 643-4535. fireplace, fully furnished, 49 Shrub ONE DOUBLE porceline sink, 646-1021 way to express the ultimate in mutual love and 53 Egg (comb.) 38 39 40 repairing roofs, new roofs, private yard, garage, no pets, understanding. white, one automatic Sears gar­ start hare... form) gutter work, chimneys, cleaned 18’ CRUISER LINE, 125 h.p. no children, $275 monthly, 42 43 44 age door opener, one 32” pre Now, since this rape, I can’t bring myself to feel as I 54 Tantalize and repaired. 30 years Evinrude with trailer. Call 875- Hayes Corp. 646-0131. hung outside door, three lite, Before you go roaming formerly did. However, I ’m sticking with him, hoping I ’ll be 56 Actor Chaney 46 47 49 50 61 52 experience. Free estimates. 8119. THE CHARLES 57 At all limes one 24” x 6'8” pre hung flush MANCHESTER- Deluxe 2 able to forgive and forget. Priscilla’s Pop — Al Vermeer Howley, 643-5361. VERNON - six room Ranch, 1 58 Harem rooms door, two 30” x 6'8” pre hung bedroom Townhouse, I'/z baths, around lots looking for Can you understand my feelings? Or am I really crazy? 53 54 55 1964 E V IN R U D E , 18 H P, APARTMENTS 1/2 baths, family room, in­ 59 Second-year flush door, one 18” x 6’8” pre full basement, private en­ I'D BETTER CAL l NI ROOFING - Installation and excellent condition, $200 or best CHARLES DRIVE cludes appliances, one car gar­ GOLD-BANDED RAPEE sheep 56 57 58 A FIRE DEPARTMENT hung flush door, one trumpet trances and patio, includes your next car, roam 60 Pathological repairs, gutters, storm win­ offer, call 875-1841. FORMERLY OUR VOLUNTEER heat, appliances, carpeting, age, $350 a month, Paul W. fluids 59 WITH AN U N L IST E D dows. doors. Experienced with case, call 742-6724. 173-183 E. MIDDLE TPKE. DEAR RAPEE: You most certainly are not crazy, and I 60 61 FIRE DEPARTMENTS pool, air-conditioning, $290 per Dougan Realtor, 646-1021, 643-. 61 Direction 11 -—(^NUMBER!! quality workmanship. Fully in­ 45HP CHRYSLER 1963 engine, through our Want Ads. It m onth. Paul W. Dougan, Luxury Apartment*, eoma feature 4535. can understand your feelings. The legal definition of rape is sured. Free estimates. CHAIN SAW -12 inch blade, un­ needs some repair although fireplace, 1 or 2 car garage, patio “the illicit carnal knowledge of a woman without her der warranty, $80, 649-6466. Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. could save you all sorts I.NKWSPAPKK E:NTKHPmSK.'\SSN ' Reasonable prices. Rick many new motor parts, $150 or heat a hot water Included. Quiet M cKEE ST. - seven room older consent.” This makes it LEGALLY impossible for a man to Burnett, 646-3005. best offer call 875-1841. location, not on a through street. MANCHESTER- Large newer house, large lot, $250 and of things. Time, Temper, rape his wife, but it is still morally wrong for a husband THE BARGAIN HUNTER duplex three bedroom apart­ Rent at $260, New security, telephone, 646-1189. to force himself physically upon his wife. And let’s hope D&A ROOFING. Roofs, siding, that archaic law changes soon. 56 Cooper Street ment. Immaculate condition buildings start at $275. Fatigue, Cash. The selec­ gutters, and leaders. Free es­ Antiques 45 MANCHESTER - Six room Win at Bridge throughout. Priced right. R. timates. Fully insured. 249- has a full line of Fall and Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate 646- OPEN FOR INSPECTION single partially furnished older tion is great; the answer D EA R A B B Y : My wife has good taste a s ' far as 0205. Winter Clothes for men, WANTED Antique furniture, 1980. DAILY 2 p.m. UNTIL DARK house, two bedrooms, WOMEN’S clothes go, but she doesn’t understand the first women and children. Recently glass, pewter, oil paintings, or Second hand high tears it OR BY APPOINTMENT redecorated, spacious grounds, could be automatic. One thing about MEN’S clothes. remodeled. Everything from other antique items. R. VERNON - Town House no pets. Write Box V, 646-0800 or 646-1540 I never interfere with her choice of clothing, but she is The 10 of diamonds wasn't A-z, including holiday gifts. Harrison, 643-8709. Gardens, a beautifully Manchester Herald. NORTH Heating-Plumbing 35 thing is certain, you’re constantly interfering with mine. If I put on the blue suit, really needed, but the other two Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10-4, Tl]urs. landscaped apartment com­ A J1098 she says, "Why don’t you wear the brown one?” And if I were. He won the club queen and Fri. nights 6-9. ANTIQUES Wanted - American munity of unusual architectural V 943 SEWERLINES, sink lines, FOUR ROOM Duplex, two the winner when you put on the brown suit, she says, “Why don’t you wear the Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence furniture, oriental rugs, pain­ design, featuring private en­ Business tor Rent 55 ♦ K943 lead with dummy’s king and cleaned with electric cutters, tings, pewter. Windsor chairs, bedrooms, range included, blue one?” counted eight easy winners: trances, private patio with A K7 ITG TRACKS a r e ’ GROUND'S GETTING LOOKS LIKE IT by professionals, McKinney crocks, jugs, Ron Dionne, 643- security deposit and references This really bugs me, and it’s now gotten to the point MMJ BARK sliding glass door, wall-to-wall 1,000 SQUARE Feet space on WEST Four diamonds; two clubs; and CLEAR ENOUGH HARPER. e a s y :..,hchv WAS HEADING o o f Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ FIREWOOD for sale - Seasoned EAST ; 1691. carpeting, range, refrigerator, required. Available November Broad Street behind Dairy where 1 will deliberately wear exactly the opposite of what the major suit aces. Where was a l o n g h e r e ; DO WE READ SIGN ON FOR. THAT pany, 643-5308. hardwooood, split and A K3 A Q7642 disposal, master TV antenna, 1, call 643-8996 after 5. Queen, ideal for any small ser­ she wants me to just to show her who’s boss. But even that th e ninth one to come t h a t BIGFOOT WITH h o l l o w ; delivered, $25 per half cord. V K62 V Q875 NO MORE PRINTS FURNITURE - rugs, paintings, traverse rods; storage and vice or retail business. $325 READ THE doesn’t seem to sink in. from? Hearts, of course! All NO JOB too small, toilet Call F. Schillinger, 871-0737 ♦ 82 ♦ A7 T' FOLLOW? pewter, dolls, crocks, lamps, laundry facilities in basement. FOUR ROOM apartment with monthly. 649-6544. How can I get the message across to her that a man has he had to do would be to find repairs, plugged drains, kitchen after 5 weekdays, all day « Q J 9 6 5 3 ♦ Q 4 2 etc. Now accepting con­ Total electric, no pets. One and garage, middle-age couple the right to look the way he wants to? East with one heart honor. So at faucets replaced, repaired, rec weekends. signments, for November auc­ preferred, no pets, no children, SOUTH (Dl rooms, bathroom remodeling, two bedroom partments im­ If you print this, it might help. Thanks, pal. A A5 trick two he played dummy’s tion, 644-8962. mediately available through call 643-5797. DFFICE SPACE heat modernization, etc. Free TAG SALE - miscellaneous, WANTADS! FRED V AJIO three of hearts. November 1, starting at $165 FDR RENT estimates gladly given. M & M jewelry, furniture, odds and ♦ QJ1065 East had one heart honor, but Wanted to Buy 49 per month. Call 872-0528 Mon­ WEST CENTER ST. - efficien­ Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. ends, Saturday and Sunday 10-4, 25Q .square feet, center of DEAR FRED: If I print it, it might help H ER-not « A108 he knew what to do with it. He day through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 cy unit, tile bath, kitchen and 14 Bowers St. Manchester, air conditioninp YOU. When she wants you to wear the blue suit, she’ll ask played it right away! OLD DOLLS - Paying top prices p.m. for appointment. living room combination, two East-West vulnerable FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing for your old dolls, $65. and up bedrooms, $175 and security, and parking. Call 643-9551. you to wear the brown one. South put on his ace and - Repairs and remodeling, TAG SALE - Sunday, October for China and bisque dolls. $100 telephone, 646-1189. West North East South decided, as anyone would, that \NERE THE Jlk* sewer lines cleaned electrical­ 12, 10-5, miscellaneous and up for Bye’lo. Never give or ROCKVILLE 3C 1 M Big u S Li k e ?" ■ w a s k im p a c u t e '." cies. 643-7024. clothing, etc., 13 Centerfield offer. Call locally, 875-7356. ROCKLAND TERRACE Mount Vernon Apartments, Pass 2A Pass 2 ♦ so he shifted to diamonds. East Pass 2 N T Pass 3 N.T. Alley Oop — Dave Graue St., Manchester. Large and beautiful one bedropm Vernon, available December took his ace and cleared the BOTTI HEATING and Plum­ YOUNG WOMAN with irif_ant Got something to sell? Got a mes­ t h e r e 's J u s t o n e DO YA FEEL ANY Pass Pass Pass ANTIQUES, lamps, dolls, apartments, heat, hot water, all 15th, 872-8922, wants four rooms Keated, clubs for his partner. South bing - All heating and plumbing FOR SALE - Butternuts, $3. per MORE QUESTION ON THIS RESENTMENT / Opening lead—QA WE'D GIVEN WE WERE STUCK IN j WHAT IT WAS clocks, guns, oil paintings, appliances. Including dishwasher, Manchester, November 1st, ap­ sage you want thousands to see? Put never got to make his second repairs plus remodeling. Call bushel. Call 649-1649. disposal, carpeting, pool and your SURVEY I'M TAKIN' YOU -TWO UP ANOTHER DIMEN­ /HAPPEN­ w r e c k e d , statues, toys, post cards, com­ THIRD FLOOR apartment, WHEN PEOPLE ^ heart trick. FOR LOST.' 643-1496. own private terrace In a country set­ proximately $180. 649-3358, 644- your message in the Want Ads. SION, OSCAR... ED TO THE MARKO.' ics, crank phonographs, oak four rooms, two enclosed PETUNIA/ REFER r YA AS WHERE'VE ‘ SOMEPLACE ting. $185. No pets. 2773, LU R C H -^ WE HAD PORCELAIN finished cast iron furniture. 646-2690, 646-1882. porches, married couple only. WELL, HURRY By Oswald & Jam es Jacoby YOU B E E N ? CALLED NEER' MOBILE?, t ' l e Av e it PLUMBING and Heating kitchen stove, kerosene and gas ...... y ...... No children or pets. Security Af/sc. for Rent 58 UP, I'M c h u b b y "? BEHIND.' repairs, remodeling a speciali­ convertible to wood, $100. Call 872-4223 872-3976 529-6586 North was a trifle weak for WANTED - older high four deposit required. $140. Utilities his Stayman two club response, A Kansas reader wants to ty. Otto Lorentzen, Contractor. 647-9037. poster bed frame with bureau and appliances not included. Call to 8:30 a.m. and 6-7 p.m., FOR RENT, barn, on Spencer but he had fallen in love with his know what we open with: and mirror, $50. Call 649-9649. 643-6927. St., shown only by appointment, 649-4056. TAG SALE - Furniture, and all UNUSUAL Deluxe one spade sequence. He might well A A2 V A2 ♦ KJ876 4. AJ54. call 649-7757. have passed at two diamonds, kinds of things. Saturday and 22 CALIBER pistol wanted, bedroom Townhouse, private She H e ra ld The answer is that we open entrances and patio, full base­ but North believed in bidding. Sunday, 10-5. 115 Sycamore reasonable, call anytime, 646- one diamond. We consider the Lane. 3148. ment, includes, heat, PRESIDENTIAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING South had no problem about opening notrump should be pic­ Flooring 36 appliances, carpeting, and pool. VILLAGE APTS. going to game. He only held 16 ture bid and part of the picture $245 per month. Paul W. □ AUTOMOTIVE TAG and PLANT Sale - Four MANCHESTER high-card points, but his three is the distribution which should FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, families, pool table, household Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or PHONE 643-2711 10s appeared to be worth their be 4-3-3-3; 4-4-3-2 or S-3-3-2 and floors like new, no waxing, 643-4535. items, clothes, toys, furniture ^utos For Sale 61 FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD weight in gold. never 5-4-2-2. (specializing in older floors). and (lishes, Brighton Road, □ RENTALS One and two bedrooms. I GUESS THAT , Ceilings and inside painting. Hebron. (Just over Bolton Line 4 1/2 ROOMS, heat, hot water, Near schools, churches NEED CAR? Credit bad? MEANS "YES'!. Out Our Way — Negley Cochran Mr. Abernathy — Jones and Ridgeway John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- Route 85.) Follow signs off garage, central, no children or and shopping center, on Bankrupt? Repossessed? S / 6 H / 2 2 2 2 . Daly Road. Saturday and Sun­ Rooms for Rent 52 pets. Call 649-7128. Honest Douglas accepts lowest g1 Motorcyclea-BIcyclea 64 ANYTHIN6 I CAWPOFOR.VOU,AAAPy? IF 'YOU'LL SHOW 1 TI bus line. Cali anytime Autos For Sale ME HOW TO RUM TH' WASHER I'LL DO TH' L AUMPRy.' HI THERE! I'/VTTHE WOULP YOU MIND day, October 11th, 12th, 9-5. Call down, smallest payments. HOW ABOUT A GAME OF TWO-HAMPEP PIMOCHLE WHEM ) AAAM ON THE eT R E E Ity t e l l in g o u r 646-6349. THOMPSON House,, furnished MANCHESTER Gardens - ef­ 1963 CHEVY Nova, two door six Douglas Motors, 345 Main. TRIUMPH in excellent condi­ YOU'RE FIMISHEP THERE.? ARE YOU GOIM'SHOPPIMG VIEW ER © WHAT rooms, centrally located. ficiency and two bedroom 646-2623 cylinder, running condition, tion. Reasonable. Call 643-4534. ' TOPAY? SAY, HOWA&OUTMETRYIM'MYHAMPAT FixiM' p im m e r t o m ig h t -- a m ' t h e m aaaybe w e yOUR fiAVORITE Kitchen privileges. Parking. apartments, available in TOYOTA - See us for reliable $150 or best offer, 872-8174. V I------1 COULP eOTOA MOVIE... _ THINS ON TV IS ? n MISC. FOR SALE ASSORTED I Reasonable rates. Phone 649- beautiful country setting. Walk used Toyotas with our 60-day 1970 HONDA, SL 350, excellent DONUT HOLES | 2358. to everything. Rent includes 100% warranty. We also buy 1975 CHRYSLER Cordova, un­ running condition. $450. Call 1- heat, hot water, appliances, and MANCHESTER - newer one used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, der 15,000 miles, like new, fully 537-1627. Articles for Sale 41 ESSEX MOTOR Inn - weekly parking. Superintendent, 646- bedroom Townhouse, full base­ 345 Center Street, Manchester, equipped, many extras, 646- 29< I DOZ. I rooms. Single $56, double $69, 0090. Equal Housing. ment, private entrances and 646-4321. • 4035. H-D SPORTSTER-1973, 5,000 e*i/u with this ad — Limit 2 D ozen.! H eturm ALUMINUM sheets used as plus tax, continental breakfast, patio, includes heat, miles, new engine-30 over, air conditioning, color TV, call printing plates, .007 thick, Good Sunday thru FIVE ROOM Duplex, three appliances, carpeting, $230 per WE PAY $15 for complete junk VOLKSWAGErer- We buy, sell, many extras. Immaculate. 646-2300. 23x32''. 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Wednesday only at bedrooms, large kitchen, living month, Paul W. Dougan cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto repair, 1969 Station wagon, $1,- Jerry 643-6411. Phone 643-2711. MISTER DONUT room, washer and dryer Realtor, 646-1021, 643-4535. Body, 528-1990. 295. 1969 Kombi station wagon 255 West Middle Tpke. 238 CHARTER OAK Street- hookups, garage and yard. $190. camper, $1,195; 1965 Kombi KAWASAKI - 1973, Enduro Room with private entrance, CLEAN USED refrigerators, Manchester, Conn. Mature singles welcome. No VERNON - Brand new, 5 1/2 FORD Mustang II, 1974, white, ideal for camper, $595; 1969 bike, 125cc, low mileage, Astro-graph suitable for older working per­ ranges, automatic washers, pets, security deposit. Call 649- room Duplex, three bedrooms, four cylinder, manual transmis­ Volkswagen bug, automatic, excellent condition, $350. 649- son. $20. weekly. Security. 649- with guarantees. B. D. Pearl's 1156 after 6. 1 1/2 b a th s, c o m p le te ly sion, very economical, owner, rebuilt engine, $1,195; 1969 VW 2813 or 643-4548. By BERNICE BEDE OSOL Mutt & Jeff — Al Smith 1746. Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- FIREWOOD - for sale, $35, a applianced country kitchen, 644-0466. bug, 4-speed, real clean, $1,095; you KNOW I OH, DON'T WORRY I SAID, MRS.MUTT 2171 truck load, 16” and under. $45, MANCHESTER - new unusual excellent residential 1966 VW $695, Tim Moriarty Campera-Trallers HOME, IN FRONT OF MY WIFE CENTRAL LOCATION - Free YOU HAD TO ASK/MUTT, DID MUTT/LATER I , _ I HOPEI DIDN'T X custom cut. All wood split. Call one bedroom Townhouses now neighborhood, lease, security. 1968 YELLOW automatic VW Silktown Motors, 270 Hartford Mobile Homes 65 DON'T WANT MY parking, kitchen privileges, YOU HAVE ^ REALIZED W H A 'T V c -^ MISLEAD YOU - Gary or Dennis, 873-8357. renting at Independence $275 monthly. 872-2044. convertible, good second car, Road, Manchester, 643-6217. For Sunday, Oct. 12, 1975 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You WIFE TO KNOW I references requirea. 643-2693 MILLIE ISf^'T A M pV OUTDOOR Village, an adult community. call 875-1897 after 5. may try to impress people by ANY LUCK BET ON HORSES.' I SAID SO I 1975 MOTOR HOME Eldorado ARIES (March 21-April 19) HORSE,you know ,C,H TAG SALE - October 11, 12, 13, after 5 p.m. for appointment on­ Full basements, private en­ 1973 HORNET Hatchback, V-8, being a free-wheeling big- FIXED IT/ FLEA MARKET FIVE ROOMS, appliances, with Ford chassis, 4,000 miles Don't paint the town with peo­ SHE'S A ly- trances and patio, includes automatic, X Package, air- spender. All you'll gain is a MlLLIE?V^Sy^ B ^ R - U -. AND TAG SALE 10-4, 159 Olcott St., variety of carpeting, $185. no pets, securi­ MERCEDES BENZ, 230, 1966. and full warranty, power ple who want to m ake a late items. heat, appliances, carpeting, air ty, parking, garage, newly Very clean, very good condi­ conditioning, radials, call 646- thinner wallet. No one will real­ FURNISHED ROOM for rent, steering, power brakes, air con­ night of it. Tomorrow's a work Every Sunday conditioner. Close to shopping, redecorated, Cml 643-4740. tion. Excellent buy. Call 522- 1230 days, or 646-3087 nights. ly fake notice. aOLONal g Ra m Pa w linens provided, close to ditioning AM-FM radio, 8 track day. Maybe they can sleep late 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. TAG SALE - Sunday, October church and bus. Model open 9800 days, or 247-9031. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) If - SECOMP WEEK OF RETIREMEMT- everything. Call 646-3109. system, TV antennae, shag but you can't. BROAD ST. COMMON, 12, 10-4 , 895 Center St. 11:30 till 8 p.m., daily. Henry CONVERTIBLE - 1966, Chevy there is something that bothers FIRST FLOOR - four large carpet, roof rack, sleeps six, TAURUS (April 20-May 20) MANCHESTER St. off Main St., Manchester. 1973 PLYMOUTH gold duster, 6 Impala power steering, you today, don’t take it out on Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick MANCHESTER - clean, semi- rooms and yard, privacy, no priced very reasonable, leaving You’ll be very easy to get along TAG SALE - Saturday and Sun­ Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 646- cylinder, automatic, air- automatic, $350, or best offer. the family. They don't deserve Behind Dairy Queen on Broad Street. furnished room for' working dogs, $135. 646-2378. country, call between 9 a.m. with early In the day. As thg day, October 11 & 12, 11-4, 270 1021, 643-4535, 649-3940. conditioning, Chorches Motors, 646- 8840. the-mental anguish and it won't 10-11 Indoor space available for dealers person, busline, parking, $20 and 9 p.m., 646-4163. evening v/ears on you’ll have a MY EXPERIMENTS WHAt A I CAN'T EITHER WAV and craftspersons. West Center St., flea market 643-2791. help you. type items including barrels. per week, Mr. Blanchard, 646- tendency to snap at others. a s t o u n p e p the b e c a m e ^FIGURE OUT THE MAJOR 1973 ROADRUNNER, power READY TO live in and priced SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. NEW DEALERS WEEKLY! 2482. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) agricultural W HETHER TOYOTA CELICA - 1972, steering, power brakes, right. $6,995, front kitchen, two 21) You have little patience HAS WORSE For Information, call DEHAVILAND and Lenox NOW RENTING! Procrastination Is your big WPRLP.'-BAK-KAFF.' PEW EY IS excellent condition, 47,000 automatic, $2800 or best offer, bedroom, won’t last! Brand with people whose ideas are PROSPECTS china, crystal glasses, dia­ FURNISHED ROOM - working problem today. It will rob you of The Flintstones — Hanna-Barbera Productions ______649-6544 miles, air conditioned, 20 MPG, 872-2538 after 5. new, front kitchen, in Deluxe too fixed or stodgy. Others will 1 WAS TBE FIRST t o o SLOW THAN A mond, silverware, good condi­ adult. Parking, on bus line, valuable tim e and you'll in-' INDEPENDENCE overall. Make offer. Days, 646- Early American wall-to-wall quickly discover what a short t o USE HEATING t o C A tC K tra m po lin e tion, 643-0895. references. Cali 649-6526. 15” WHEEL rims for 1969 -1972 convenience others to cover CABLE ON MAPLE ON O R t o o SCREENED LOAM - driveway 5384, evenings, 649-2062. carpeting, matching fuse you have today. SALES/HAN C Ford. $6. each or 3 for $15. Call your sins of omission. TREES To COOK F A S T T O gravel, processed gravel, sanci, ATTRACTIVE Sleeping room, appliances, $9,995. Trades CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. IN A TAG SALE - Sunday 10-4, An­ 647- 9037. CANCER (June 21-July 22) £>/_ ^ stone and fill. George H. Grif- VILLAGE 1970 PONTIAC LeMans, low welcome, large selection of 19) Protect your possession THE SYRUP RIGHT^ PIN ■D?a il e r tiques, books, bottles, clothing, shower, bath, private entrance, Others will make heavy ATTNi fing, Andover, 742-7886. mileage, recent tune-up and homes to choose from. Look very carefully today. There is a IN THE POWN! PARK fabric, fur, furniture, ski equip­ free parking. Apply 195 Spruce demands on you today, social­ . I SA> Manchester valve job,' $1500 firm, call 649- 1968 MERCURY station wagon, into 14’ wide living. Parts chance you could suffer the TRUNKi SPOILED ment. Miscellaneous. 14 St. ly and financially. If you try to DARK RICH loam, five yards Dir. from Route 6 & 44A 7850. good running condition, needs supplies, and accessories, full loss of something you prize /I ROTTEN Stephen Street. keep up with every request, minor work, $100, call after 3 time service department. Plaza very highly. A "1^4 // $28. plus tax, pool patio sand, ROOMMATES Wanted - share North on Rt. 83 (Main St.) you’ll lose your cool and cash. r V O L K S W A G E N - 1972, p.m., 643-7218. Homes, 1348 Wilbur Cross gravel, and stone 643-9504. SNOWBLOWER for sale, 7 h.p., three bedroom apartment, call to Henry. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) excellent condition, $1,800. Call Highway, Berlin Turnpike, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Once 26” with electric start. Used 643-6288 after 5 p.m. Your mate may be a bit testy " i . ALUMINUM SIDING - Unusual one bedroom Townhouses in 649-8760. 1972 PONTIAC Lemans wagon, Berlin Conn., 1-828-0369. you m ake up your mind, you're very little. $300. Call 643-5846. air-conditioned, vinyl roof, today. To keep harmony, steer Warehouse clearance. ROOMMATE TO share nine a park-like setting, quiet neighborhood, the type who sticks to his guns. cleafv of anything that even 1971 VW Sup g, very good excellent condition. Private Today, however, you’re ex­ Sacrifice! Will sell and com­ TAG SALE - French Rd., room house, Manchester, call MUST SELL - No reasonable resembles a potential don- close to shopping, church, bus, pool and condition, $1395, call■■ 872^543■■2-75" owner, $2,200. 644-0044. tremely indecisive and tend to pletely install heavy guage Bolton, 10-4, Sunday, household 646-2124. offer refused, 1973 Concord 20’ nybrook. aluminum siding on average tennis. Featuring: for more information. Motorhome on Chevy Chassis. be wishy-washy. goods, and miscellaneous ATTENTION - Old car buffs, PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) If house 1000 square feet for $788. items. Apartments For Rent 53 • Massive Bedroom • Walk-in Closet Fully self-contained, like new, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) you have problems today, Full financing available. VOLVO - 1973, 144, fuel injec­ 1953 Chevrolet, 4-door sedan, many extras. Can be seen in Don't assign yourself too many • Full Basement • Laundry Hook-Ups they'll be of your own making. Guaranteed. Call Carl collect tion, five steel radials, 81,000 original miles, $995. Call Willimantic. Call 456-2511 tasks today. Get out and enjoy Dogs-BIrda-Peta 43 WE HAVE customers waiting • Private Entrances and Patios 643-9343 after 6 p.m. They can be averted if you 525-9135. for the rental of your apartment excellent. 644-0282. between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. the sun, indulge in some relax­ think first and then decide on • Air Conditioner • Color Co-ordinated Decor weekdays. ation and go to bed early. Buz Sawyer — Roy Crane DOG-CAT BOARDING reser­ or home. J.D. Real Estate the wisest course of action. J QUILTS - bedspreads, pillows Associates, Inc, 646-1980. 1970 DODGE Challenger, ^WHO'S THER6?\~7t H1S 15 JOHN 5 . ^ OH, YOU'RE THAT GUY WHO t h e n ^ s T so W H A T 'T STRANGE... vations. Combined inside/out- includes heat EWEY is n 't b u y in g = to match. $20. up. Call 649-5459. autom atic, good tires, good BANK REPOSSESSION - 1973 GAVE RICO YESTERDAY. GOTTA EAT, DON'T DON'T I HEAR side runs, partitioned privacy, g) l97SBybt* Me TU M q US OH fO ’ l l shape, $900, or best offer. 649- Trucks tor Sale 62 Holiday 29’ Travel Trailer, rear germicidal lighting. Canine LOOKING for anything in real I ? AND IF YOU'RE HIM PLAYING 1798. bedroom, fully self contained Short Ribs — Frank Hill BASEMENT water pump $40, Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, estate rental - apartments, We have a large variety of 1 & 2-bedroom LOOKIN' FO R UPSTAIRS? 1972 Cadillac carburetor, $M, homes, multiple dwellings, no apartments and townhouses throughout the 1974 CHEVROLET Van, G-20, and designed for all winter use. RICO, HE AIN'T Manchester, 646-59 71. 1969 CH RYSLER Town and ® 1976 by NEA. Inc . t.M fieg. U S Pall J YI KNOW JN ADDITION TO KUNG F U , two motorized forklifts, capaci­ fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Town of Manchester. 3/4 ton, heavy duty suspension, (i.e skis-snowmobile lodge) ^ H E R E . Country Wagon, new transmis­ many extras, low mileage, Available with or without tow LAV A HAND WHAT YOU I'/M TAKING MIND- ty 3,000 lbs. $1200 each, please PRIVATE riding instructions, Associates, Inc. 646-1980. sion, brakes, differential, excellent mechanically. Must vehicle. Call Willimantic for in­ ON Y O U /} W E R E READING LESSON^ call 643-9508. English and Western, $5.00 per Raymond F. Damato excellent engine, good tires, sell, $3,195. 875-7670. spection, 456-2511 between 8 THINKING. hour, call 633-5571, anytime. NEWER Three-bedroom C./ E L E C T R IC G UITAR - and Duplex - Vk baths, carpeting, Owner Developer $700, call 643-9463. a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. 1973 CHEVY pick-up, 3/4 ton amplifier, $60, call 875-1841. BASSET HOUND - AKC all appliances. $275 monthly. Designed With GTO 1967, body and parts, 646- truck, $2,500. 40,000 miles. MOBILE HOME - Set up, nice registered, male, eight months, Frechette & Martin, Inc., You in Mind 1148. Camper for two people also location, Bolton, 60x12, oil heat, FIREPLA CE WOOD - save fuel $150, 742-9394. Realtors, 646-4144. Modal Open 11:3 0 til 8 P.M. Dally money, seasoned hardwood. available. Call 649-4938 after 4. wall-to-wall carpeting, porch, Cut, split and delivered. $22 Paul W. Dougan, Realtor 1970 STANDARD shift 8x21, closed in, combination ENGLISH SETTER puppies, THREE ROOM furnished Maverick, good running condi­ 1966 CHEVY step van, ideal for windows, aluminum awning, half-cord. Stovewood, $27 half­ /St thoroughbred, no papers, $35. apartment, ail utilities, 272 649-3940 • 646-1021 • 643-4535 tion, needs body work, $ ^ . camper, $300, Call after 5 p.m., stove.^ refrigerator, like new, cord. 228-0619. 742-9347. Main St. ^► ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeeeeeeeeeeeoeooeeeeee^ee Call 644-9205. 228-3990. low price,' 646-1784.

% PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 11, 1975 Raymond E. Smith Raymond E. Smith, 79, of 70 Ridge St. died Friday at, Manchester police report OBITUARIES Manchester Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of Mrs. Constance Saccoccia Mrs. Mildred Kroll Smith. Miss Mary R. Leonard Mrs. Itria L. Grimaldi Arrests charged with possession of alcoholic branch. Court is Nov. 3. Mrs. 'Constance Maselek Sac­ Mr. Smith was born Nov. 23, TOLLAND — Miss Mary R. BOLTON — Mrs. Itria Leone .Vlanchester beverages on public property Friday night • Adeline V. Taylor, 46, of East Hart­ coccia, 44, of 30 Laurel St. died 1895 in Talcottville and had Leonard! 91, of Tolland Stage Grimaldi, 86, of 24 Watrous Rd. • Gregory A. Fazzina, 20, of East Hart­ on the Northview Ski Slope off Garden Dr. ford, fourth-degree larceny (shoplifting) Friday at Hartford Hospital. lived in Manchester for 53 Route died Friday afternoon at died this morning at Manchester ford, trespassing on public lands Friday in Court is Oct. 20. Friday at 10:45 a.m. at Mott’s Shop-Rite Born in Wilson, Mrs. Saccoc­ years. A retired electrician, he her home. Memorial Hospital. She was the Center Springs Park. • William C. Pillard, 16, of 16 Lodge on Spencer St. Court is Nov. 3. cia had lived in the greater formerly belonged to the Inter­ widow of John Grimaldi. Fazzina allegedly drove a car up the Dr., fourth-degree larceny Friday on a • Police arrested two Manchester boys Hartford area all her life. She Miss Leonard was born Oct. national Brotherhood of Elec­ bank at the north side of the parking lot off court warrant. The charge stems from the aged 10 and 11 Friday and charged them was employed at the Travelers 1,1884 in Tolland and had lived, Mrs. Grimaldi was born Aug. trical Workers and served as of Lodge Dr. The car dug up the bank and theft of a wallet at an E. Center St. home. both with third-degree criminal mischief. Insurance Cos., Hartford. here all her life. She was a 10, 1889 in Palazzolo Acreide, one of its officers. He was an damaged several trees. Court is Nov. 2. The charges stem from the breaking of Survivors are two sons, Bruce teacher at Noah Webster Province of Siracusa, Italy, and Army veteran of World War I The car was left stuck about 30 feet from • Sherman C. Smith, 50, of Hartford, many windows at the South School Oct. 5. Saccoccia and Rudy Saccoccia, School, Hartford, for many lived in Italy until coming to and a member of the Army and the top. Anderson Bros. Wrecker crew third-degree larceny, third-degree The 11-year-old was also charged with both of East Hartford; a years before her retirement. Bolton four years ago. She was Navy Club and Manchester worked for an hour to free the car. They forgery, and crim inal impersonation giving police a false statement. daughter, Robin Saccoccia of She was a member of the a communicant of St. Maurice’s Chapter, Disabled American avoided cutting any trees, police said. Friday on a court warrant. The charge They were referred to Juvenile Court East Hartford; six brothers, United Congregational Church Church. Veterans. He also was a The Park Department estimated stems from a bad check passed recently at and released to their parents. Stanley Maselek of Vernon, of Tolland and the Tolland member of the Manchester Survivors are three sons, damage to the park at about $100. Food Mart in the Parkade. Thefts Joseph Maselek of Plainville, Library Association. She also Lodge of Masons. Joseph Grimaldi of Bolton, with Court date is Oct. 28. Smith, now serving time in the state cor­ Manchester and Larry Maselek, Frank was a life member of the Other survivors are four whom she made her home, • Robert C. Godfrey, 22, of 358 Adams rectional system on unrelated charges, • A Beacon Hill apartment off W. Mid­ Maselek, Raymond Maselek Tolland Historical Society. nephews and a niece. Albert Grimaldi of Sicily and St., disorderly conduct, assault on a police appeared in court in E ast Hartford dle Tpke. was broken into and ransacked and Richard Maselek, all of Survivors are a niece, Mrs. The Holmes Funeral Home, Vincent Grimaldi of Venezuela; officer, and interfering with an officer Friday. The charges were nolled (not Friday night. Missing are $150 in cash, a East Hartford; five sisters, Louis Bach of Tolland; five 400 Main St., is in charge of three sisters, Mrs. Salvatore Thursday night. The charges stem from a prosecuted). He was returned to prison. lamp, and jewelry valued at nearly $2,000. Mrs. Ann Selinsk of Windsor grandnephews and three grand­ arrangements, which are in­ Tine of East Hartford and Mrs. domestic disturbance at his home. He was • Ronald C. Blessing, 29, of Hartford, • A Meekville Rd. home was broken into Locks, Mrs. Emily Caivino, nieces. complete. Josephine Fazzino and Mrs. released on $1,000 surety bond for court third-degree forgery and third-degree Friday during the day. Missing are a color Mrs. Lillian Stevens, Mrs. Jeni A memorial service will be Mary Carllli, both of Italy; 10 Mary Anne Rogue Nov. 3. larceny Friday on a court warrant. The TV, a camera, and liquor all valued at Granato and Mrs. Irene Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the grandchildren and a great- • David R. Nadeau, 16, and Michael S. charges stem from a forged check passed $680. VanOstrand, all of East Hart­ HEBRON — .Mary Anne United Congregational Church granddaughter. Reddy, 16, both of East Hartford, were recentiv at a Connecticut Bank & Trust ford. Bogue, 10-day-old infant of Tolland. Burial will be at the daughter of Irving R. and The funeral is Monday at 8:15 The funeral is Monday at 9 convenience of the family. Carolyn Liebler Bogue of 1 W. a.m. from the D’Esopo Funeral a.m. from Holmes Funeral The Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Main St., died Friday at her Chapel, 30 Carter St., East Home, 400 Main St., Ellington Ave., Rockville is in home. Hartford, with a Mass at St. Manchester, with a Mass at St. Author alleges JFK coverup charge of arrangments. She was born Sept. 30 in Hart­ Christopher Church, East Hart­ Maurice’s Church at 10. Burial ford. ford, at 9. Burial will be in Mt. There are no calling hours. will be in Bolton Center WEST HARTFORD (UPI) - J. Edgar Jam es Hosty, an FB I agent, told Dallas Kennedy’s assassination. Other survivors are three St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ The family suggest that any Cemetery. Hoover suppressed a report that the FBI police lieutenant Jack Revill within two Warren never made the letter public or brothers, William Bogue, David field. memorial gifts may be made to knew Lee Harvey Oswald was in Dallas hours after Kennedy was shot that the FBI included it in the commission’s report. Bogue and Edward Bogue, all Friends may call at the the Charles H. Leonard Friends may call at the just before President Kennedy was had known Oswald was in Dallas and Lane said. of Hebron; a sister, Karlene funeral home Sunday from 2 to Scholarship Fund in care of the funeral home Sunday from 2 to murdered but never told police, according capable of killing the president, according “Warren never even answered the Bogue of Hebron; her paternal 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Savings Bank of Tolland. 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. to a newly disclosed document. to Currys letter. letter, and the commission never in­ grandmother, Mrs. Francis L. The document, a letter from Dallas Soon after Curry had relayed Revill’s vestigated that aspect of the Bogue of Stafford Springs; and police chief Jesse Curry to Chief Justice statement to reporters on the same day, assassination,” Lane said. hermaternal grandparents, Mr. Earl Warren, contains Curry’s account Nov. 22,1963, Hoover ordered FBI Special Author of “Rush to Judgment” and and Mrs. William Liebler of that Hoover pressured him to retract a Agent J. Gordon Shanklin to get Curry to executive director of the Citizens Com­ Ford eases grain sale ban; Hebron. statement of FBI knowledge of Oswald in make a retraction, which Curry did mission of Inquiry, Lane gave the account The private funeral is Mon­ Dallas. without delay. Lane said. before an estimated 1,100 persons at the day at St. Paul’s Church, Author Mark Lane used the letter Lane said Curry’s reason for making the opening of the three-day conference at the Glastonbury. Burial will be in Friday night at a conference on the 1963 retraction was not revealed to anyone un­ University of Hartford. blasts ‘do-nothing’ Congress Gilead Cemetery. assassination to support his assertion that til May 28, 1964, when Curry wrote to Lane said he was given the letter by The Glastonbury Funeral the U.S. intelligence community was “in Warren, who headed the commission former Texas Attorney General Waggoner in 1976 and the GOP will make “substan­ Home, 450 New London Tpke., WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford on the coverup from the beginning.” President Johnson named to investigate Carr, who along with Curry and Revill tial gains” in both the Senate and House. Glastonbury, is in charge of could confirm its contents. has lifted the ban on grain sales to Poland — Renewed his insistance that what he arrangements. Revill, a member of the Dallas Police and says he expects to do the same for calls the “do-nothing” Congress balance There are no calling hours. Department’s criminal intelligence sec­ Russia soon. the budget and cut government spending Suburbs get hearing tion, made an affidavit of what Hosty told Ford made the announcement Friday when it cuts taxes. Years of “big spen­ Dodd sets trip him. Lane said. during a seven-hour visit to his home state ding,” he said, have produced a “ federal In his presentation. Lane left un­ of Michigan, to raise funds for monstrosity.” to Coventry on Hartford lawsuit challenged only one conclusion arrived at Republicans and boost his political future. — Declared that “I strongly, vehement­ in the Warren Commission Report. Back in Washington today. Ford hoped ly disagree with court decisions” which The mobile office of Rep. Hartford’s suit said strings attahed to HARTFORD (UPI) - Seven Hartford “The one Warren Commission conclu­ to get in some golf and will go to his moun­ ordered school busing to achieve racial Christopher Dodd, 2nd District, the community development grants suburbs have won a court hearing next sion supported by the known evidence is tain retreat at Camp David, Md., this balance. Ford called it “a deplorable, will be in Coventry Monday required recipients to use some of the Friday to defend themselves from a Hart­ that Jack Ruby shot Oswald,” Lane said. evening \yith his wife Betty and daughter wrong answer.” from 9 a.m. to noon. A Dodd funds for the benefit of low and middle in­ ford suit which is holding up $4.4 million in Lane said about 20 per cent of the data Susan. — Said he isn’t concerned about com­ case worker will be there to dis­ federal grants to the suburbs. come families. concerning the assassination is “still In Detroit Friday, during a news con­ petition for the presidency from former cuss problems and concerns of The suburbs involved are East Hartford, constituents. The suburbs say they will argue before hidden away by the FB I and the CIA,” ference and a $50-a-plate dinner attended California Gov. Ronald Reagan: “I ’m not U.S. District Court Judge M. Joseph West Hartford, Enfield, Farmington, even after the amended Freedom of Infor­ by 4,000 cheering Republicans, Ford: worried about any Democrat or Town hall closed Blumenfeld that Hartford had no right to Glastonbury, Vernon and Windsor Locks. mation Act took effect. — Predicted he will win the presidency Republican. Coventry Town Hall will block the funds because the Capitol City Atty. Walter Twatchman, of Glaston­ "I think it is an obscenity to celebrate be closed Oct. 13, Columbus bury, representing the surburbs, said doesn't stand to gain any extra federal the Bicentennial of this country if we do Day. funds for itself. Hartford would not benefit if the $4.4 not know who killed President Kennedy million is blocked, since the funds would Hartford alleged in a suit against the and why the government has lied to us be returned to HUD, which could then re­ Fire calls suburbs and the U.S. Housing and Urban about this tragic event,” Lane said, Announcement. . . Development Department that the sub­ allocate them any way it wished. The General Lyon Inn in historic Eastford, Ct., is referring to “a decade of deceit.” Manchester ABOUT urbs were not using community develop­ In a motion for a hearing filed late Lane’s harshest attacks on the Warren Thursday, 6:03 p.m. — Dryer now owned and operated by John H. and Dorothy K. ment grants to build housing for low- Thursday, Twatchman said Blumenfeld TOWN Commission conclusions concerned fire at 20 Milford Rd. (Town) Bowen. Mrs. Bowen is an Herbalist and has lectured in income families. should lift the temporary injunction he ballistics, wounds of Kennedy and Gov. Friday, 10:41 a.m. — Shrubs the Hartford area. She has also been published in The The suit said the poor families therefore issued blocking the $4.4 million in grants. John B. Connally of Texas and the com­ on fire at 67 Bissell St. (Town) American Home Magazine. were being forced to live in Hartford, and He also asked Blumenfeld to require Manchester Assembly, Order mission’s failure to tie Ruby to organized Friday, 2:01 p.m. — False Commencing October 15, 1975, herb lectures and the central city was burdened with per­ Hartford to post bond to cover whatever of Rainbow for Girls, will have crime and the intelligence community. alarm from Princeton and sons who could not pay for municipal ser­ funds the suburbs may lose if Hartford a business meeting Monday at luncheons will be offered at the inn. This will be by Henry Sts. (Eighth District) vices in the way of property taxes. doesn’t win the suit. 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Tem­ reservation only. Clubs or groups with 15 or more can Friday, 3:52 p.m. — un­ ple. contact the Inn for information. Telephone 974-1380. founded report garbage fire at This can be an informative and entertaining 35 South St. (Eighth District) experience with a discussion of herb cookery served in Friday, 5 p.m. — Rescue call^ St. Bridget Rosary Society an 18th century setting. to Capitol Equipment Co. on will meet Monday for a Rosary City tries to stop other grants Main St. due to broken ankle. review. There will be a Mass Lectures will include the practical aspects of her- (Eighth District) beginning at 7:30 p.m. followed balogy, the lore, and historical facts. HARTFORD (UPI) - Two Hartford their percentage in the local labor market. including only four black women and two Friday, 7:59 p.m. — Gas by the meeting in the cafeteria. The first Herb Lecture Luncheon will be on groups have asked the federal government The Revitalization Corps, headed by black men. All 22 persons hired by the washdown at 31 Andor Rd. Wednesday, Oct, 15th, at 1:00 P.M. In celebration of to stop revenue-sharing grants to Edward Coll, carried on a campaign department during fiscal year 1974 were (Town) The Ben Ezra Chaper of B ’nai Columbus Day, a gourmet Italian meal will be served Greenwich, Conn., because the town does against the wealthy Fairfield County town white. Friday, 8:17 p.m. — Youths lit B ’rith Women will have a tag followed by a lecture on the herbs used. Reservations not employ enough women and minorities. this summer, charging residency restric­ The fire epartment has 67 employes, in­ a campfire at the Northview Si sale Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 must be in by Saturday, October 11th. Price is $5.00 The Revitalization Corps and Education- tions on Greenwich-owned beeches dis­ cluding two women and no blacks, the Slope off Garden Grove. p.m. at the Manchester plus tax per person. Instruccion Inc. Friday wrote a letter to criminated against poor persons. —Advertisement groups said. (Town) Parkade in front of Food Mart. the U.S. Revenue Sharing Office stating The complaint Friday said the Stamford The town’s schools employ 1,090 per­ Tolland County Greenwich has some 1,450 employes, of labor market, to which Greenwich sons, only 23 of them black. All 92 persons Friday, 2:39 p.m. — Grass which only 29 are black and a small prcen- belongs, is 10.7 per cent minority and 37.8 hired in fiscal 1974 were white, the com­ fire on center strip of 1-86 tage are women. per cent female, but Greenwich’s plaint said. between Exits 98 and 99. FOR They said Greenwich got $1,278,000 in municipal employes do not reflect that Greenwich’s health department has 47 (Tolland Fire Department) revenue-sharing grants during fiscal 1974. mix. employes, all of them white. All five per­ Today, 12:18 a.m. — 'PRESCRIPTIONS' The grants require recipients to hire The police department has 214 full- and sons hired in fiscal 1974 were white, the Newspaper box filled with numbers of women and minority equal to part-time employes, the complaint said. groups said. leaves on fire at Ridgewood and HI Grandview Sts. (Rockville Fire Department) TODAY’S THOUGHT w “We Save You Money" Over 40 Years of Unexcellod Service at the Parkade And even to your age 1 am He, and belief in God the Savior. The young with Alone and not alone! That’s where we O pen 24 Hours Dally even to white hairs will I carry you. I have plenty of life and zest do inspire the old; find ourselves throughout life in its MANCHESTER PARKADE made, and I will bear; even I will carry life is worth living. But there are times boredom and its more exhilarating times. FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE and will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4 when the old resume their ways when the Alone in old age and not alone either. For Paul Tournier, in Learn To Grow Old children have gone home. Or there are God our Savior promises: “I will never says, “In the West at the present time ap­ aged ones who have no family nor home leave you nor forsake you.” He’s the One M obil m, proximately one person in six is over sixty and live with others in a convalescent that causes our joy even when we may feel HEATING OILS years old, and this proportion is constantly home. We have such good homes available alone. OIL BURNER & increasing.” (p.2) in Manchester. We along with those living 0 Father in heaven, favor Thy people All this is happening while most in such homes are grateful for their being especially in their old age. Do what Thou HEATING INSTALLATION everything caters toward the young. But here. However, to the aged, take comfort hast said, “carry and deliver.” Bless we 643-5135 without the old what shall the young be? in more than warm place be it ever so im­ who are young to be respectful of grand­ 315 Center St. M anchester That’s a question worth probing. How portant, your recent retirement party or mother and all the older. For through faith shall the old be without the young? That’s gift of service. Take Hope that Your in Christ, we are Your own. Amen. another. names are written in the book of life; this We contend young and old need each is God’s Word. Take Comfort in the Lord other — the old with their experience in who says, “even when your hair is white, I Rev. C. W. Kuhl living — their willingsness to articulate will carry you.” Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church BULLETIN: Now You Can Get Your Area police report Donuts Wholesale! We Invite NOTICE The Following To Get Our Vernon rolled over on Hale St. Ext., Wholesale Prices: Clubs, Arrests Rockville. No injuries were MANCHESTER WATER DEPT Organizations, Restaurants, Two juveniles were ap­ reported. Court date is Oct. 29. Veronica C. McCartan, 28, of will begin flushing the water mains of the former Religious Organizations, prehended inside the Goodwill Manchester Water Company In the North End of town Scouts, Private Parties, WE GUARANTEE store on West St., Rockville, 79 Brooklyn St., Rockville was • High Quaiity Drugs shortly after 3 a.m. today, Ver­ charged with operating an un­ on Monday, October 6,1975 and will continue Mon­ Birthdays, Halioween, etc. • Vitimins Remain • Laboratory non Police reported. Thy are to registered motor vehicle after day thru Friday until completed. They’re Cheaper By The • Low Prices Good For 5 Years tested appear in juvenile court. the car she was backing struck Should you experience rusty water It may get Into Dozen, IS to 25% Discount Police said one was returned a parked vehicle on Hilltop Dr., your hot water tank, if It does, after the water returns to the Long Lane School in police said. Court, Nov. 5. to normal, clear the settled material by drawing off In 6 Dozen Lots or Morel For THOUSANDS COMPARE Middletown for violation of the water from the faucet at the bottom of the tank. Information, Please Call ■ OF ITEMS WITH NATIONAL BRANDS curfew. The other was released Should you have a load of wash stained or muddled to his parents. LIQUORS-WINES by this disturbance, after the water returns to normal, MR. DONUT Acriilents CORDIALS wash the load with your regular soap and 4 ounces of 255 West Middle Tpke. Wayne T. Miller, 21, of RFD Minimum Prlcns cream of tartar. This shOutd clean the wash satisfac­ Manchester • 646-0277 4, Rockville was charged with torily. failure to drive in the proper SUNDAY ARTHUR DRUG DAY lane after his car skidded and

1 : iviiiiicnesier ors are four iece. ’uneral Home, ; in charge of which are in- ogue Mary Anne y-old infant rving R. and Bogue of 1 W. Supplement to The Manchester Evening Herald Friday at her The Herald ept. 30 in Hart-

)rs are three 1 Bogue, David ard Bogue, all ister, Karlene i; her paternal rs. Francis L. d Springs; and adparents, Mr. Oct. 11, 1975 im Liebler of ineral is Mon- ul’s Church, rial will be in lury Funeral London Tpke., in charge of ailing hours. ;t8 trip ntry ffice of Rep. 1, 2nd District, mtry Monday noon. A Dodd be there to dis- id concerns of sed (m . wn Hall will 13, Columbus

ford, Ct., is Dorothy K. lectured in shed in The

;ctures and will be by ir more can le 974-1380. tertaining ■y served in

Bcts of her­ ein be on ebration of 1 be served jservations ice is $5.00 -Advertisement

1 r 1

^ 1 t-i

, ’ 1 f.

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4 s M t i ' V v ' mi fe k

! “ h - ' ’ ‘Doors of Mystery' U i ' January Eckert is one of the

I- -1 creepy characters to

1 *4. emerge from behind the '4 r K # * ^ “Doors of Mystery.” a 'jm television adaptation of a

1 4 children’s play by the Long , 1% Wharf Theatre of New Haven. “Doors of Mystery” airs on Connecticut Public T elevision (C hannel 24, 1 , 5 1 Hartford) Sunday at 6 p.m.

L lY WEEKEND — Oct. 11, 1975 — Page 8 Papre 2 - WEEKEND - Oct. 11, 1975 Organ recital Dr. William Osborne, organist and Forum of the arts Hartford Stage offers authority on early American organ music. wiU present an organ recital By June Tompkins ■“Five New England Gteitlemen” Sunday at 3 p.m. at the First Church of Christ in a sensitive, human play Hartford on Main and Gold Sts. president of volunteers who assist in the One of Dr. Oshome’s special concerns By JUNE TOMPKINS club's operation. Olivia de Havilland Marin, aptly fills the descriptive line in is the compositions of the most dis­ the play that he trails after his wife “like tinguished American composers from Ifl begins the series Oct. 20. Tickets are available on a series basis Watching Clifford Odets’ “Awake an old shoe.” the periods between the Civil War and and Sing!” is like watching a family World War 1, focusing on a group he has only with general admission seating. In­ Richard Lieberman is the very come to caU his “Five New England formation is available at 527-3123. through a kalaidescope — a family frustrated and inhibited son, Ralph. If only Gentlemen.” He wiU play works by Dinner theaters related by interchanging forces and he could get out from under the home Arthur Foote, Daniel Gregory Mason, desires as well as by blood. spell, if only he dared! Horatio Parker, George Whitefield Coachlight Dinner Theatre in East Windsor is showing “Oklahoma!” The play, which opened on Broadway Elaine Bromka as Hennie, the daughter, Chadwick, and John Knowles Paine. back in the post-depression era of 1935, is, is saved from disgracing the fcimily by a The concert is the concluding event of through Nov. 4. At Chateau de Ville in East Windsor, in many ways, as timely now as it was hastily arranged marriage with Sam Founders Day, an annual celebration then. Feinschreiber, a “nice Jewish boy.” which commemorates the original foun­ “Spice on Ice,” a family type show, is ding 0/ Hartford by Thomas Hooker in billed through Nov. 2. Written about a Jewish family in the Although Larry Ross is on stage a 1636 Jazz events Bronx, the play describes not a plot, but a relatively short time as Sam, his is a This is an official Greater Hartford situation in the life of the Berger family memorable cameo role. The insecurity he The Hartford Jazz Society features Bicentennial Civic and Arts Festival a* which is impoverished by the depression. shows in his stature of hunched shallow event. Randy Weston, pianist-composer and shoulders, his soft voice, and his tendency exponent of African rhythms, and his The family seems to revolve around the to withdraw is sharply defined. quartet Sunday at 8 p.m. at Sheraton mother, who desperately tries to keep Award given Tobacco Valley Inn., Windsor (Exit 305 each member in line but who gives the im­ It is the old man, Jacob, played by Will Paul Weidner and the Hartford Stage on Interstate 291). Tickets are available pression she is fighting a losing battle. For Lee (familiar to television audiences as Mr. Hooper in “Sesame Street” ), whose Company were presented with the an­ at the door. subtly the play’s members, as by some nual Margo Jones Award recently. X. The Trevor Richards Trio, a group of magical centrifugal force, go off eventual­ death finally shatters the Berger family Weidner is producing director of the \ young British jazz musicians, will play ly in his or her own direction, all affected situation into independent fragments. stage company. at Holiday Inn, Darien, tonight at 8:30. and unaffected by Bessie Berger, the Another colorful portrayal is Jerry The award has been given annually mother. Jarrett as Uncle Morty, Bessie’s since 1%1 to the theater and producer % Mark Twain Masquers Odets has a way of filling his plays with successful in business brother. His displaying the most initiative in Chesterfield coat, black Homburg hat and producing new pla3TS. The Mark Twain Masquers has begun cliches that, instead of cluttering the script, only embellish the everyday type of a cigar spell success. Weidner has discovered and produced its season with “Finishing Touches seven new plays including the award­ dialogue he uses. Played in a projected stage setting of a ______^ a playing its final performance tonight at 8 winning “My Sister, My Sister,” by Ray at the Roberts Theatre in Kingswood As Bessie Berger, Frances Chaney por­ typical mediocre apartment in the Bronx, Aranha, which went on to a successful Robert Horton, left, Kitty Keller and Robert “ School, 170 Kingswood Rd., West Hart­ trays a worried mother and housewife. Irene Lewis has directed a sensitive Broadway run in 1974. from Gilbert & Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance. The Sinpng Savoyards ford. One wonders if Bessie ever had a happy humem play. Aran h a is also the author of this will perform at the Evening of the Performing Arts next Saturday. (Herald “The Fantasticks” is the Masquers Elaine Bromka portrays Hennie, the daughter of a poor Jewish moment in her life, or if she remembers “Awake and Sing!” continues at the season’s premiere, ‘“nie Elstate,” a psy­ next show scheduled for Nov. 28, 29 and family, is Clifford Odets’ “Awake and Sing,” playing through Oct. any she may have had. chological portrait of Thomas Jefferson photo by Dunn) Hartford Stage Company through Oct. 26. Dec. 4, 5, and 6. 26 at the Hartford Stage Co. Her husband, Myron, played by Paul For reservations, call 525-4258. which will play Jan. 30 through March 7. For reservations, call 523-7345. The series will take place in Millard Haddam through Nov. 2. For reservations, call the box office at Music and drama Touring shows Auditorium with coffee time at 10 a.m. and the programs beginning at 10:30 873-8668. The University of Connecticut in The Hartford Stage Company Touring Storrs serves up a program of music and ■ All Buahnsll tickats arc Theatre has announced two of its three a.m. lavallaMa at BuahnalUtox Offlca The first program will be Diana Reed, Free concert drama this next week. I (246-6807). productions for 1975-76. ITie Touring soprano, accompanied by Maestro Sunday, Jerome Laszloffy conducts the Sculptors plan a garden Theatre has put on several performances The Southern Connecticut State To ofdar Uckata by mall, aand aaH-addraaaad atampad Eugene Cohen. inaugural concert of "the University LINCOLN, Neb. (UPI) - Ten project is the nation’s first in Sculpture Corp. for Manchester schools. College Chamber Orchestra, directed by Chamber Orchestra at 8:15 p.m. in Von envelope with check or money order payable to Buahnall “Squeeze-Play,” a chilling satire by For their first production of the Dr. George Jacobson, will present a free American sculptors will become statewide sculpture on a high­ Memorial to: Bushnell, Box O, Statkm A, Hartford, Conn. der Mehden Recital Hall. The event is artists-in-residence in Nebraska way. Slawomir Mrozek and “Way Back college season, the University Players, concert Thursday at 8 p.m. in Engleman The completed sculptures will ------When,” a colorful portrayal of colonial University of Hartford, will present a 122 on the college campus off Crescent free. communities to create a “455- Gov. J.J. Exon and members be unveiled in special The New Haven Opera ’Theatre, Inc. mile sculpture garden” along In­ lifemth words and music, wiU tour New group of young student actors in Edwin St., New Haven. of Nebraska art, education, and ceremonies next July 4 John W. Justus Mayer’s tragi-comedy, “Children (in residence) will present a symposium terstate-80 highway by July 4, business circles announced the Warner, administrator of the 2 ) a n e e I J i e England from October through May. on “The Marriage of Figaro” Monday at A third production will be added to the of Darkness.” 1976, in honor of the U.S. Bicen­ names of the 10 winners among American Revolution Bicenten­ It will be performed Wednesday Craft show-sale 2:30 p.m. The performance will be tennial. the 38 artists who submitted pro­ nial Administration, conferred B u A n e N repertoire in January. Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. Both presentations The Hartford Stage Company Touring through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Oct. 19 at The fourth annual Litchfield Arts and The monumental pieces of out­ posals in a nationwide competi­ national recognition on the proj­ "Ballet may have been the last of the lively arts to 3 p.m. Crafts Show-Sale is being held today and will be in Jorgensen Auditorium. door sculpture will be placed at tion sponsored by the Nebraska ect in a Lincoln, Neb., ceremony discover America but it has turned out to be the liveliest" Theatre is available to schools, com­ A children’s version of “ Hansel and — NEWSWEEK/MAY 1975. munity groups and organizations with a All performances will take place in Sunday at Litchfield Junior High 10 roadside park-rest areas. The Interstate-80 Bicentennial in March. Auerbach Auditorium. Tickets may be School in Litchlield from 10 a.m. to 5 Gretel” will be presented in two perfor­ THE DANCETHEATREOF HARLEM variety of offerings for all age groups. mances Wednesday at times to be an­ For information and availability, con­ secured at the door. For reservations, Fri., Oct. 17 p.m. nounced. For information, call 486-4226. tact Ellen Jones, director of educational call 243-4633. The event will include over 60 of the Thursday, the New Englartd String THE HARTFORD BALLET programs, at 52^5601. state’s craftsmen and women. with Lisa Bradley Evening of arts Proceeds of the show-sale will benefit Quartet will present a free program at The Singing Savoyards of the Gilbert the work of Child and Family Services 8:15 p.m. in Von der Mehden Recital Sat., Jan. 31 & Sat. May 8 Hartt College and Sullivan Workshop will be one of Northwest. Hall. 2 Complete and Seporote Programs William Metcalf, baritone, with several entertainment groups scheduled Saturday, a company of 65 making up At the Bushnell the Chinese Acrobats of Taiwan will per­ EDWARD VtLLELLA AND COMPANY Richard Foster at the piano, will per­ to appear at the Evening of Performing Mon., Feb. 16 form a prc^am of lieder by Franz Arts next Saturday in Bailey The Dance Theatre of Harlem opens form at 8:15 p.m. in Schubert in ^oint-faculty recited Sunday Auditorium, Manchester High School at the Dance at the Bushnell series at Auditorium. For information, call 48b- THE ROYAL WINNIPEG BALLET at 8 p.m. in Millard Auditorium, Fuller 8 p.m. Bushnell Memorial Hall in Hartford 4226. „ . Sun., March 21 Music Center on the University of Hart­ Sponsored by the Manchester Area Friday at 8 p.m. The musical “West Side Story will be ford Campus, 200 Bloomfield Ave., West Conference of Churches (MACC), the The group is one of the first classical featured Friday through Oct. 25 by the StJBSCRtBE AIVD SA VE! Hartford. The public is invited. program is presented to raise money for ballet companies in the world whose departiwnt of dramatic arts in the 20% OH Meeiis Yae Get 1 free Perfeneaece Cornell MacNeil, baritone, will open the many community programs which dancers, contributing artists and Harrier S. Jorgensen Theater nightly at Boxes and Lodges $50; Orchestra $30; 1st Bokony $30, $26; 2nd 6al. the new evening lecture-performance MACC operates — emergency pantry, choreographers are predominantly 8:15 except Sunday with matinees at 2 $20, $16. Tickets by mail and at Box Office (10 to 5 clady). p.m. Oct. 19 and 22. For reservations, 0 ^ series “Backstage at Millard” sponsored chaplaincy at the Manchester Memorial black. by the Hartt Opera-Theater Guild Mon­ Hospital, visitation to convalescent “Grease,” the rock ’n roll musical call 4864226. miDAY & SATURDAY day at 8 p.m. homes and shut-ins, human needs fund, satire billed as a “new 1950s musical” OCT. 17 & 18 AT 8 P.M. The “^ckstage at Millard” series is and honor court sponsorship. returns to the Bushnell for one perfor­ designed to provide for the conununity Other groups donating their time and mance Wednesday at 8 p.m. insights to the unique aspects of the per­ talents to the program are the For reservations on the above, call 246- DANCE THEATER formance world of opera viewed and Manchester Civic Chorale, Manchester 6807. demonstrated by experts. Civic Orchestra Strings, the combined The Bushnell Morning Lecture Club OF HARLEM MacNeil will discuss life style, the in­ dance choirs of Center Congregational has scheduled extensive shuttle bus ternational atmosphere and special in­ Church and South United Methodist routes from Manchester to accom­ The DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM QAiecfcctid a p i^ rs in Hartford for a one-half week sights to a major performing career, Churches, Silk City Chorus and the com­ modate members in the 1975-76 series. Weekend, an entertainment and residency under the tom s of the Dance sharing with the audience spectacular bined bell choirs of Emanuel Lutheran The buses will return after the 11 a.m. television supplement, is published Touring Program of the National moments in his own operatic career. and Center Congregational Churches. lectures and after the dis- Endowment for the Arts and with the each Saturday by The Manchester Tickets are available throu^ Hartt Tickets will be available at the door. cussion/luncheon which follows the lec­ support of the Connecticut Commission Evening Herald, Herald Square, on the Arts. College at 243-4421. tures. Buses will cost $1 round trip. He’s really a chatterbox “Musical Wednesdays” resumes at At Goodspeed The morning series also provides Manchester, Conn. 06040. Tickets new at Bex Office (10-5 Doily) or Hartt College Wednesday through Nov. babysitting and shuttle buses to down­ Publisher Raymond F. Robinson In white face, French mime artist Marcel Marceau thrills his legion of fans but candidly by mail. Prices: Orch. $7.50; 1st Bal. Jerome Kern’s musical, “Very Good $7.50, $6.50; 2nd Bal. $5, $4. 19 with “On Stage” as the theme to be town parking lots. Weekend Editor Doug Bevins admits some fans are disappointed when he appears in public sans white face and speaks Eddie,” is playing a return engagement developed in the sm es of six lecture^ Mrs. Michael IP, ’Adkins of . Vernon i^ , instead of gestures. He actually loves to talk. (NEA photo)'. , . - demodstniUdns.' • ' ' ‘ ' ’ a t tb’e* Gbddspeed Opera House in East Page 4 - WEEKEND - Oct. 11, 1975 Pop culture heroes WEEKEND — Oct. 11. 1975 - Page 5 in UCpnn photo show Jim Dale has name

“ Shooting Stars,” a photo had one-man shows at Rice you should remember exhibit of a wide assortment of University, the Universities of contemporary culture heroes Texas and Wisconsin, Hartwick HOLLYWOOD - (NEA) - by Gerard Malanga, is on dis­ College, and the National Jim Dale stood Los Angeles on play this month in the main lob­ Gallery of Australia. He has also written 20 books its head when he came here in by of the University of Connec­ the crazily funny “ Scapino.” If ticut’s Wilbur Cross Library. of poems, some of which were once described by W.H. Auden this had been the Hollywood of Malanga is a poet- 20 years ago, he would have as “ the best poems I have ever photographer whose subjects been scooped up and made an read of anyone under 25 writing range from the “ dark angels of instant star. rock,” Mick dagger and Alice in Amerca today.” But this is Hollywood 1975 and Cooper, to such literary figures The poet-photographer is also neither the town nor the people as Lawrence Durrell, Kenneth a film maker, and from 1963 to are the same. He says he's had Rexroth, Charles Olsen and 1970 worked with Andy Warhol some offers — but he hasn’t Isaac Bashevis Singer. as an actor and assistant direc­ taken any. Other subjects include tor in Warhol’s films, and on “ It would be easy to make a Robert Duncan, Lawrence many of Warhol’s pop paintings lot of money,” says the Ferlinghetti, William as a silk screen technician, and magnificently talented young Burroughs, Edward Dahlberg, editor of the monthly magazine Englishman, ‘‘but I’m not in it for the money. Rober Lowell and Duke “ Interview.” “ Early on, when we didn’t Ellington. Malanga will visit the Storrs This 18th Century Cape Cod home, featuring a center chimney, is one stop on “ Two Hun­ campus Oct. 29 for a 2 have the money for a tin of The show consists of 75 un­ beans, I had an offer for dred Years of Living,” the Bolton Bicentennial Committee house tour next Saturday. cropped portraits from Mr. showing of his film, “ April Diary,” at the library, after Stamps and Coins something 1 didn’t want to do. (Photo by Robert Lessard) Malanga’s collection of more So I told my wife and she said which he will speak on his JIM DALE: Not in it for the than 250. The collection began don’t do it, we’ll get by on the experiences as a photographer money. in 1969, when he first By Russ MacKendrick tin of beans. Some wives make photographed poet Charles and film maker. That evening their husbands take whatever Olsen in what he considers his he will read from his poems in -com es along for the money, but Tour of historic homes the Library Staff Lounge, first successful portrait. not Patricia. back from myself, while beginning at 8, and will talk in­ Malanga’s portraits have “ Now 1 can afford two tins of thousands of teen-agers formally with visitors. since been published in such Norwegian sloop beans.’ ’ screamed, and say, ‘Remember next Saturday in Bolton All events are free to the If you collect football Surprising find He says he likes to try varied journals as “ 'The Paris this — someday you’ll say it memorabilia, here is a gotta-git “ Restaurationen” on the left of Have just been helping a By DONNA HOLLAND Review,” “ Rolling Stone,” and public. everything, because he’s an ac­ never happened,’ but it did sterling silver piece. Pro foot­ the “ 10c USA” plus a compass friend check out a pot of coins Boston Post Rd. veniences of today. tor. In his years of work, he’s happen.” ) “ Two Hundred Years of “ The Village Voice.” He has symbol on the right. Another example of early Herbs, an important in­ ball teams throughout the na­ picked up at local parks via a tried a lot of things. He was a He's a writer, songwriter, Living,” a tour of historic The First Day ceremonies colonial architecture on the gredient in the cooking of any tion have used it for the first sophisticated “ sniffer” that disc jockey for several years singer, actor, comic. He loves it houses in Bolton, will be were planned to coincide with tour will be an 18th Century full era, and flowers for decorating flip of the season as a public avoids bottle caps (but not (“ not because I wanted to be a all. Excels in it all. Even he presented by the Bolton Dateline Hollywood the visit of Norway’s King Olav Cape Cod home with a center will be included on the tour. service gesture to help the those pesky pull-off rings). disc jockey, but because 1 isn’t sure where his ultimate Bicentennial Committee next Steven Spielberg’s first film V W' this area of early settle­ chimney. Those participating will be in­ Vic Morrow has been added cause of wildlife. It was also There were quite a few bucks wanted to know what it felt like fame lies, but you can be sure Saturday, Oct. 18. Representing the 19th Cen­ vited to walk through a careful­ to the cast of ‘"rhe Bad News since “ Jaws” will be “ Close used at the World Soccer finals ment. worth. The silver coins seem to to be a disc jockey.” ) He was a of one thing — Jim Dale is go­ Tickets for the tour will be on tury will be a restored center ly designed garden. Bears,” which stars Walter Encounter of the Third Kind,” a in West Germany. For rail buffs stand a sojourn in the ground pop singer for a while (“ and ing to be a household word in Stamp-and-railroad buffs very successful — I could stand sale the day of the tour at chimney colonial built around A look into the world of the Matthau and Tatum O’Neal. science-fiction thriller at It was the first of 72 gold and very well. The most surprising one field or another. should be aware of the recent Bolton’s United Methodist 1810. The house features a blacksmith and tinsmith of the France’s Marthe Keller will Columbia silver coins being issued by the item was a Panama half-Balboa set of four from Britain that Church, Rt. 44A, from 10 a.m. living room with exposed chest­ 1850s will complete the tour. make her Hollywood film debut Newcomer Kathleen Lloyd Royal Mint of Great Britain, in XF condition. starts with a picture of Stephen­ to 4 p.m. Tickets may be nut beams as Well as its original The bam that houses the two opposite Laurence Olivier and makes her film debut opposite via Spink & Son, numismatists, Big-league Paul son’s “ Locomotion” (on the purchased in advance by calling fireplace, paneling and mantel. shops was built in 1974. D u stin H o ffm a n in Marlon Brando and Jack of London. There are 24 coun­ Lindblad has one of these 1825 Stockton and Darlington Photo exhibit in Norwich the church any Tuesday, It was constructed of lumber It is an example of authentic Paramount’s “ Marathon Man.” Nicholson in “ The Missouri tries represented, showing gadgets and has been coin­ Wednesday or Thursday Railway). This was a sesqui cut from the property. mortise and tenon construction Federico Fellini signed Breaks” for United Artists. three wildlifers from each. This shooting all over the ballparks A photography exhibit en­ photographers, may be seen morning. issue coming out in August. A recently constructed (circa using pegs instead of nails to Margaret Clementi and Claret- Charles Burning and Hope one portrays the Javan tiger on his travels. He has a deep- titled “ Down the Road Around during regular museum hours: One of Bolton’s earliest 1974) eight-room Dutch colonial hold the framework together. ta Algranti for top roles with Lange will play Steven Douglas and the national crest of In­ dyed dislike for Astro-Turf, the Corner” is featured through Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. homes, a barn red colonial with log house is also on the tour. It 'The blacksmith and tinsmith Donald Sutherland in and his wife, Adele, in “ The donesia. even more so than outfielders, Oct. 26 at the Slater Memorial to 4 p.m .; Saturday and Sunday, foundations dating back to the Caught napping blends the charm of a primitive will be demonstrating their “ Casanova,” to be filmed in Rivalry,” a Hallmark Hall of The hoped-for net profit of the although for a different reason. Museum, Norwich. 2 to 5 p.m. late 1600s, will be included in The reg u la r colu m n in log cabin with the desired con­ crafts the day of the tour. Rome. Fame production. enterprise will be shared by the The show, by Connecticut the tour. Once called the Lilac World Wildlife Fund, the Inter­ “ Stamps” mag, the John Ross Tossed a bone Inn, it was a stopping place for national Union for the Conser­ Stamp Market Tips, notes that Numismatic people have HEIRLOOMS OF TOMORROW ARE AT ••irss:-- the stagecoaches traveling the vation of Nature and Natural Scott’s Catalogue has been finally been tossed a bone by !•>••• >• Resources, and the various caught napping on the airmail the Bicentennial Administra­ Cll, the “ Beacon on Rocky countries. tion. The ANA has been granted Ballet aids COUNTRYI >•« ••••« 254 BROAD ST. MANCHESTER Mountain.” It has been a $28,000 for the production of a SEE ■ OFT, trr.;:: Seafaring theme cheapie for years and they still comprehensive reference Merchants in Early American. y«**S«*« list it at $2.25 and 50 cents, all dancing ••••••• The first of a series of catalog describing related of­ Furniture Reproductions' whereas Harris is now asking ficial U.S. coins and medals. “ Performance is a vital part RENT-A-CAR Bicentennial envelopes will be $3.50 and 60 cents. Ross thinks The publication date is to be of a young dancer’s training, Ciocks • Lamps • Fireplace Furnishings released at Minneapolis Mon­ it is a very good buy for invest­ June 30, 1976. The book of 400 ALL X enabling him to develop the Gifts and Nautical Paraphernalia day. Seafaring will be the theme for this one. There will ment if it can be found well- pages is over early coins and skills of interpretation of story, OPEN TUE8., WED.. SAT. 10 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. !•<•**** 649-5173 centered. currency, centennial pieces, emotion, and line of design that THUR8. A FRI. 10 A.M. • 9 P.M. be a silhouette of the and all the recent emissions. will later be demanded by OPEN SUNDAY 12 - 5 P.M. The allotment seems modest ALL T 'choreographers,” ^ believes and the time tight, as they have Joyce Karpiej, director of the to track down the best-known Ballet Center in East Hartford. specimens from all over the Mrs. Karpiej, former co­ All Americans Fest country for photos. director of the Hartford Ballet Sunday thru Wednesday and former director- planned in Hartford Show in Meriden choreographer for the Hartford DRY SINKS At Meriden tomorrow that Junior Ballet Company, trains The Mayor’s Fourth Annual throughout Hartford. hardy perennial, the Second students exclusively in All Americans Festival at G. The festival will have an Sunday Stamp Show fostered by classical ballet. She feels and Reg. Fox & Co.’s Centinel Hill Hall, ethnic history booth for the first the Dunns of Shrub Oak, will works on the premise that a $ Hartford, has been scheduled time. The booth will serve as a 99.95 give a “ Salute to Australia” strong background in classical from Monday (Oct. 13) through collection point for ethnic ar- with a souvenir card honoring ballet technique is beneficial to next Saturday (Oct. 18). tifacs which may be of value in the presence of the Australian all dance forms and many com­ $ 7 A 9 S About 60 ethnic groups are the “ Our Roots” ethnic history Stamp Bureau at the show. It petitive sports. expected to participate in the project. will be held at the Holiday Inn, For the past two years, the festival, displaying native arts The Mayor’s All Americans 10 to 5. Admission and philatelic school has present^ perfor­ and crafts, dances, music and Council Cookbook, containing literature for free. mances opportunities for all 32” High cooking. The displays are in­ recipes for many foreign students enrolled, through tended to illustrate rich delicacies, will be sold at the Regular meeting productions of the Children’s 29V2” Wide cultural heritages found festival. Ballet Theatre. Presentations Our Manchester Philatelic including “ Pinocchio” and “ A 18” Deep Society will have its regular Christmas Carol — the Story of Speakers due at college business meeting night at Scrooge,” have been seen in Mott’s Community Hall, 7 to 10 During the Revolution,” East Hartford and will be FRAMED FINE ART CDLLECTIDNS Upoming lectures at p.m., on Tuesday the 14th. Claude-Anne Lopez, speaker; 8 presented this season Manchester Community Everyone welcome, circuit 2D%DFF RED. PRICE College’s Main Campus throughout the Greater Hart­ p.m. books available as usual. Plans ord, CATV, Inc. Gifi^martment Auditorium, open to the public ’Thursday, Oct. 15 —“ Small Is ford area. are afoot for the MANPHIL, Wrought Iron PLANTERS ...... $4.99 Beautiful: Economics as if Peo­ Mrs. Karpiej is certified by free of charge, include; . the annual hosting of the VaiiM to $7.50 • ple Malteced,”. F. the Royal Academy of Dancing Wednesday, .‘CfcL 15. ..rrVA... GonnecJicut- -Society . in Divided Family: The Franklins Schuniacher,' speaker; 8 p.m. in London. November. WF.F.KEND - Oct. 11. 1975 - Page 7

ft - WEEKEND - Oct. 11. 1975 This week’s movies television Planet” (1%5). Astronauts journey to 11:30 (3) “Mirage” (1965). Thriller the body. about an amnesia victim who discovers 3:00 (9) “House of Cards” tl968). Venus in 2000. Basil Rathbone, Faith V ' ^ Today he’s involved in murder. Gregory Peck, Escaping the ghetto American drifter in Paris sees a body Domerque. languages—French, Spanish, 1-00 (9) “ The Black Shield of Diane Baker. som ew here since she left- floating down the Seine. Orson Welles, 8:00 (9) “A Time to Love, a Time to Arabic, Italian and the African Falworth” (1954). Young knighthood Die” (1958). Two young people find love 11:30 (8) “Some Like It Hot” (1959). By MURRAY OLDERMAN Arkansas as an adolescent of George Peppard. Comedy in the Roaring Twenties. tongues of Fanti and Ga, trainee learns he is of noble blood. Tony 4:30 (3) “The Smugglers” (1968). In­ amid the rubble of a devastating war. SAN FRANCISCO (NEA)-The 13. besides her native English. She Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lem­ She is one of the most widely Curtis, Janet Leigh. trigue during a tourist’s visit to Europe. John Gavin, Lilo Pulver. nuances of the two words worked politically with the late 1:30 (5) “Flight to Mars” (1952). mon. read black authors in the world. m. Shirley Booth, Carol Lynley. 9:00 (20-22-30) “The Mechanic” (1972). brought tense lines to her Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Scientists and newspapermen set out for Hired killer teaches his trade to an am­ 11:30 ( 40) “Hardcase” (1972). Man coffee-colored forehead as she ■ She tells you that with candid was a confidant of the late 5:00 ( 20) “El traje de oro” (1960). pride and elaborates that more Mars. Cameron Mitchell, Marguerite bitious apprentice. Charles Bronson, tries to find his missing wife and money twirled the ice in her glass, Spanish. in Revolutionary Mexico. Clint Walker. than a million of her books are Malcolm X. Chapman. 6:00 (5) “Alias Nick Beal” (1949). Jan-Michael Vincent. slowly dissolving from the She wrote and produced a 10- 3:00 (3) “Tarzan and the Trappers 1:00 (5) “It! The Terror from Beyond in print. Honest D.A. is tricked into a deal to 10:00 ( 24) “Broken Blossoms” (1919). relentless chemistry of the part television series on (1958). Tarzan tries to stop the looting of Silent D.W. Griffith classic set on the Space” (1958). Survivor of trip to Mars scotch whiskey poured over it. “I want to be the American become governor. Ray Milland, Audrey Proust,” she says while reveal­ African traditions in American a lost city. Gordon Scott, Eve Brent. London waterfront. Richard finds monster on board for the ride Bitterness. life, wrote the screen play and Totter. home. Marshall Thompson. ing that the two books of her 3:00 (5) “Trouble Makers” (1948). The 6:30 (9) “Voyage to a Prehistoric Barthelmess, Lillian Gish. Anger. autobiographical remini­ musical score for a feature film Bowery Boys see a murder but can’t find Maya Angelou applied the (“Georgia, Georgia” ), and she word “bitterness” to one of her scences — most recent is 9:00 (8-40) ‘‘Cinderella Liberty” ‘‘G ath er T ogether in My keeps busy—Oh! how busy. She business to eliminate a rival. Van John­ show business friends and has just finished directing two doctor for his latest experiment. Peter (1973). Love story about a sailor and a Name”—will ultimately be Sunday Cushing, Francis Matthews. son, Ray Milland. prostitute. James Caan, Marsha Mason. frowned. She felt sorry for movies for television and com­ 4:00 (8) “ Follow That Dream” (1962). anyone so bitter. Maya had followed by three more to round 2:00 (8) “In Old California” (1942). 11.30 (30) ‘‘Honky Tonk” (1941). out the struggle of the former pleted a series of six interviews 7:30 (30) “Last Days of Pompeii” Story of a homesteading family and ef­ fretted on the edge of Boston pharmacist goes West in gold Boston girl tries to win a con man. Clark Marguerite Johnson of Stamps, for Bill Moyer’ Journal on (1935). Drama of a blacksmith’s rise to forts to evict them. Elvis Presley, bitterness—as a teen-aged Public Broadcasting Service. success. Preston Foster, Basil rush days. John Wayne, Binnie Barnes. Gable, Lana Turner. prostitute and madam on the Ark., for identity. She aspires m Arthur O’Connell. unabashedly to win a Pulitzer There was also, of course, Rathbone, Alan Hale. 2:00 (40) “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (1962). 11:40 ( 40) “Getting Away from It All fringe of the drug culture. Her that early life when she was a Elvis Presley goes to Hawaii. Stella 5:00 (9) “The Poppy Is Also a Flower (1972). Two New York couples move to Prize for literature. Noon (5) “Loose in London” (1953). (1966). U.N. agents face danger and own brother was strung out on teenage unwed mother, a Stevens, Jeremy Slate. the country. Larry Hagman, Barbara dope but she had never let it Her second book of poetry, The Bowery Boys go to England. death tracking down a narcotics ring. “O Pray My Wings Are Going Creole food chef, ran a “ house 1:00 (5) “The Purple Heart” (1944). 3:00 (5) “Cauldron of Blood” (1958). Feldon. . ,, consume her. Trevor Howard, Angie Dickinson, Yul to Fit Me Well,” will be of ill repute” in Los Angeles Yankee fliers are captured by the Japs Blind sculptor models his works on Midnight (9) “ Crime of Passion “I have been angry,” she said and did everything in the ghetto skeletons, and his wife gets the bodies. Brynner. . .. „ . ... (1957). Woman’s ambition for success published later this summer. and tried for murder. Dana Andrews, 6:00 (5) “Charge of the Light Brigade in those slowly measured, deep but turn on to hard drugs. Boris Karloff, Viveca Lindfors. leads her to commit murder. Barbara tones that come out almost But the torrent of her ex­ She walked into a dope party Farley Granger. (1936). Thrilling war adventure with periences show that she is 1:00 (9) “Revenge of Frankenstein 3:00 (9) “Company of Killers” (1%9). Stanwyck, Raymond Burr. regal, “Sure. And I still do feel of jazz musician friends in a Psychopathic killer is hired by big Errol Flynn and David Niven. anger. But it passes.” much more than a writer and San Francisco motel recently, (1958). The baron gets help from another Because, Maya believes, it poetess. chases outlaw brothers through Texas. and the head honcho said, find her husband’s killer. Kirk Douglas, would interfere with the in­ She has been a professional “Here comes the square. Send Monday James Stewart, Dean Martin. satiable curiosity she has and dancer who toured Europe and Sylva Koscina. 11:30 (5) “ The Story of Doctor the glory she feels for life. Africa. She has been an actress. out for a bottle of scotch.” 1:00 (5) “The Eternal Sea” (1954). Ad­ 4:30 (20) “Heart’s Desire” (1936). Wassell.” Story of Navy M.D. who “It’s a blessing,” mused She can't be weighed down by She has written for newspapers miral tries to stay on active duty after Singer loses his heart to a woman. rescued men from the Japs. Gary Maya as she recalled her early Richard Tauber, Leonora Corbett. the oppressiveness and in Cairo and in Ghana and was being crippled. Alexis Smith, Sterling Cooper, Laraine Day. on the faculty at the University days around musicians and ad­ 8:00 (9) “ Christopher Columbus” repressiveness of the formative Hayden. 12:30 (9) “Magnificent Obsession” years that to most would seem of Ghana. She has also taught at dicts. “My friend, Abby Lincoln (1949). True story of the seaman who (the singer), and I have asked Photo t)V Jill Kremenlz 1:00 (9) “The Day the Hot Line Got (1954). Wealthy playboy decides to ugly. Wichita State University, Wake changed history. Fredric March, Forest and Sacramento State. each other many times, ‘How Maya Angelou: “I still feel anger...but it passes.” Hot” (1969). Young man gets involved in become a doctor. Rock Hudson, Jane “ If you carry too much espionage when his luggage gets mixed Florence Eldridge. Wyman. baggage, she said succinctly, She has an honorary doctorate did we escape?’ ” 9:00 (20-22-30) “Charro!” (1969). Pals of letters from Mills College The pieces of Maya Angelou’s up at airport. Charles Boyer, Robert 2:35 (5) “Tombstone” (1942). The "you can't go anywhere.” of reformed outlaw won’t let him stay story of Wyatt Earp. Richard Dix, And Maya Angelou, an im­ and a Doctor of Letters from life are firmly together now. Taylor. 4:00 (9) “A Lovely Way to Die” (1968). straight. Elvis Presley, Ina Balin. Frances Gifford. posing six-foot woman in her Smith. She lives sedately in Sonoma, Two town libraries 11:30 (3) “ Bandolero!” (1968). Posse mid-40s, has certainly gone She speaks seven Calif., in the midst of the pic­ Ex-cop is hired by beautiful woman to turesque wine country. Her hus­ add many new books Doctor investigates disappearance of a out of the Civil War. James Stewart, band, Paul du Feu, is an key spy in Beirut. David Niven, Fran- Rosemary Forsythe. Here’s next schedule Englishman who renovates old New books at Manchester’s SzolnokI —Namath: My Son Joe Tuesday 11:30 (5) “Reap the Wild Wind” (1942). cottages (“He does everything Theroux —The Great Railway Bazaar coise Dorleac. Mary Cheney Library: Vineberg —How to Live with Your 4:30 (20) “Melody Club” (1949). Detec­ Adventure and romance in Florida in the but the electrical wiring” ) and 1:00 (5) “Dark Command” (1940). Fiction Heart , .. tive uses disguises to trap jewel thieves. 1860s. John Wayne, Susan Hayward. for town bookmobile has given her serenity. Weichmann —A True History of the Schoolteacher becomes a euerilla fiehter 12:30 (9) “Battle Hymn” (1957). Or­ Her son, now 30, got a univer­ Anderson —Death in the Thames Assassination of Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War. John Wayne, Claire Terry-Thomas, Len Lowe. Here’s next week’s schedule Coventry Sts. Ansle —Moment of Truth 9:00 (9) “Attack” (1956)..American of­ dained minister trains pilots in Korea. 2:10 p.m. —Woodland Manor sity degree in Egypt and is a Barnard —The Unwanted New books at Manchester’s Trevor. Rock Hudson, Martha Hyer. for the Manchester Public community consultant in Boardman —Captives ficers suspect their officer has betrayed Whiton Memorial Library: 1:00 (9) “Green Mansions” (1959). 2:10 (5) “ Aloma of the South Seas Library bookmobile; Apts. Stockton, Calif. Her mother, Boyar —World Class Young explorer finds beautiful girl in them in World War II. Jack Balance, Lee 2:50 p.m. —Strickland St. Buchwald —Irving's Delight Fiction James Caan stars in “Cinderella (1941). Native king sends son to America Monday amazingly, is an able-bodied Coxe —No Place for Murder South American jungle. Audrey Hep­ Marvin. to be educated. Dorothy Lamour, Jon Columbus Day; no service 3:30 p.m. —S. Hawthorne St. Merchant Marine who regular­ Emerson —A Week as .Andrea Clavell —Shogun Liberty,” an unusual love story on 11:30 (3) “ Shenandoah” (1965). 4:10 p.m. —Parkade Apts. Benstock Deal —Waiting to Hear from William ABC-TV’s Sunday Night Movie (9 burn, Anthony Perkins. Hall. scheduled. ly ships out to sea as a com­ FItzgIbbon —The Golden Age Driscoll —The White Lie Assignment 4:00 (9) “Where the Spies Are” (1966). Virginia farmer tries to keep his family Duncan —Dragons at the Gate Tuesday Wednesday munications operator. Fletcher —Eighty Dollars to Stam­ p.m., Channels 8 and 40). 10:20 a.m. —Lincoln Center. Her name is not an exotic ford Finch —Haulin’ sheep ranch owner tries to outwit her 10.20 a.m. —Clyde Rd, Freeman —The Marriage Machine Gilman —The Clairvoyant Countess World War III. Howard Duff, Linda 11 a.m. —Henry ST. 11:40 a.m. —E. Wadsworth turndown of her past. She is Gores -Ham m ett Grady —Shadow of the Condor father. Veronica Lake, Joel McCrea. called Maya because her Guthrie —The Last Valley Herzog —Earthsound Crystal. ,, 11:30 (40) “Haunts of the Very Rich” 11:40 a.m. —Charles Apts. St. Herlin —Commemorations Hibbert —Lord of the Far Island Wednesday 4:30 (20) “ Here Comes the Sun 1:30 p.m. —Horace St. brother stuttered and couldn’t Hobson —Consenting Adult 1:30 p.m. —Lockwood and Huie —In the Hours of Night (1946). Film extras cause trouble at the (1972). Seven people are invited to fulfill 2:10 p.m. —Wetherell St. spill out Marguerite—it came Kuhn —Ski Week Johnson —A Gathering of Lambs 1:00 (5) “The Secret Beyond the Door” their desires. Cloris Leachman, Lloyd Mason —Trumpets Sound No More studio. Bud Flanagan, Chesney Allen. 2:50 p.m. —Galaxy Dr. out Maya. She was once Lewis — lack Carter and the Law (1948). Girl marries editor and finds he List —Nobody Makes Me Cry Nash —Cry Macho 8:00 (9) “Horror Express” (1972). Bridges. 3:30 p.m. —Lower Redwood married, at 21, to a Greek man McCarthy —The Pied Piper of Ort —Off to See the Wizard has a murderous son. Joan Bennett, Prehistoric creature rides train across 12:30 (9) “Has Anybody Seen My Gal named Angelopoulos and Helfenstein Stout —A Family Affair Michael Redgrave. ,, (1952). Millionaire leaves his estate to Rd. MacDonald —The Deep Blue Good- Siberia. Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee. 4:10 p.m. —Squire Village retained the feminine form, Nonfiction l:f)0 (9) “Seven Hills of Roirie (1958). woman he almost married. Rock Hud­ Angelou, for her professional By Angler —Field Guide to Edible Wild 11-30 (3) “Firecreek” (1968). Part- Apts. Meyer —Paperback Thriller American singer follows fiancee to son, Piper Laurie. life. She was also once married North —River Rising Plsnts time sheriff defends his town against Court -Helping Your Diabetic Child Rome, then falls in love with an Italian 1:30 (5) “Beyond Glory” (1948). West Thursday to an African chief. Packer —Caro Flynn —Mister God This Is Anna five killers. James Stewart, Henry Fon­ 10:20 a.m. —Mayfair Apts., Sale —The White Buffalo Gies -L ife In a Medieval Castle girl. Mario Lanza, Peggie Castle Point cadet stands trial for his part in She is pragmatic as well as Sanders —The Tomorrow File Gilbert —What’s a Father For? 4:00 (9) “Panic in the City (1968). da N. Main St. esthetic. Working makes her Simenon —The House on Qual Notre war campaign. Alan Ladd, Donna Reed. Gray —The Pacific Crest Trail Federal agent tries to stop a plot to start 11:30 (5) “Ramrod” (1947). Female 11:40 a.m. —N. Elm St. Dame LIpman —American Folk Decoration money. Topperoff —The Democrat 1:30 p.m. —Nye St. “ Whatever the currency is,” Travis —Two Spruce Lane Morgan —The Total Woman Janet Leigh. Trevelyan —Oendragon, Late of National Geographic Society —The time on vacation. James Stewart, 2:10 p.m. —Ambassador Dr. she noted, “I want lots of it. Craftsman In America 4-30 (20) “The Night We Dropped a Prince Albert's Own Reuben -T h e Save-Your-Llle Diet Thursday Maureen O’Hara. 2:50 p.m. —Cushman Dr. There is nothing romantic Winslow -D eath of an Angel Clanger” (1959). World War II comedy in Sheppard —History of War and 11:30 (5) “Kiss of Death” (1947). Cap­ 3:30 p.m. —Avondale and about deprivation or poverty.” Yates —Disturbing the Peace 1:00 (5) “Flame of the Barbary Coast Weapons, 1660-1971 France and Africa. Cecil Parker. tured thief refuses to help the D.A. in Robin Rds. Her current plans are either Nonfiction Snow —A Death with Dignity (1945). Drama in San Francisco just 8 00 ( 9) “Pillow Talk” (1959). Two return for light sentence. Victor Mature, 4:10 p.m. —Loomis St. to direct a feature film in Beadle —A Nice Operation and the Magill —Masterplots: 1974 before the earthquake. John Wayne, Ann people sharing a party line become Hollywood or embark on her Hospital Where It Occurred Coleen Gray. Friday Bleler —Fighting Back Dvorak. , ^ enemies. Rock Hudson, Doris Day. 12:30 (9) “Bengal Brigade” (1954). 1:30 p.m. —McKee and third book. If the choice is the Brackman —The Last Emperor of 1:00 (9) “Flight of the Lost Balloon 9 00 (3) “They Only Kill Their latter, she already has a work China (1960). Explorer sets out across Africa in British office stand alone against Summer Sts. room set aside in a small hotel Cate —George Sand Masters” (1972). Small town cop in­ bloodthirsty natives in India. Rock Hud­ 2:10 p.m. —Northwood APTS. in Sonoma, with certain Cohen —Bets WIshs Doc INtlTM a hydrogen balloon. Marshall Thompson, vestigates murder. James Garner, 3 p.m. —Bryan and Cornwall Elwood —Continuum 4 son, Arlene Dahl. specifications. Friedman —There’s No Such Thing Mala Powers. , , , Katharine Ross. 1-.40 (5) “The Quiet Gun” (1957). as a Free Lunch 4:00 (9) “Safari” (1956). African game 11-30 (3) “ Mr. Hobbs Takes a Drs. ‘‘I want nothing on the Forrest Tucker, Cleo Moore. 3:50 p.m. —Rachel Rd. walls,” she said. “I bring along Galbraith —Money: Whence It Came, KMnr? hunter searches for the M a u Mau leader Vacation” (1962). Family man has tough Where It Went only a deck of cards and a Genfan —How to Start Your Own who killed his family. Victor Mature, crossword puzzle.” Craft Business „ Cameras and cam­ DEUCIOUS PIZZA •a A N T GRINDERS • PASTA HIrschorn —Gene Kelly, a Biography the_rugged Northwest. James Stewart, She does not worry that all Hoyt —Arab Science era supplies are a 11:30 (5) “ Unconquered” (194'7). this diversity of creative out­ Kaye —Yankee Weathervanes Arthur Kennedy. „ Western adventure and romance with put-film , TV, writing—dilutes Kent —Deadly Medicine snap to sell with a Friday 4:30 (20) “Living Dangerously (1936). M&M Kramer —Your Homemade Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard. her talents. Greenhouse and How to Build It Classified Ad. 1:00 (5) “ T h e Sound of Horror” (1965). Story of a man who kills a blackmailer. 12:30 (9) “A Very Special Favor “The dance discipline, though Lewis —Murder by Contract: The Otto Kruger, Leonora Corbett. People vs. "Tough Tony” Boyle Expedition to Greece uncovers (1965). French father begs young PIZZERIA I no longer dance,” she said, Nickerson —Accounting Handbook frightening monster eggs. Arturo Fer­ 9-00 (8-40) “The Thief Who Came to bachelor to make love to his daughter. 182 S. Main St., Manchaater “gave me one thing. I am im­ for Non-Accountants Dinner” (1973). Computer programmer Ryan O’Neal masquerades as a Palmer —Change Lobsters, and Rock Hudson, Leslie Caron. 0pp. Spring Straat mediate.” 1:00 (9) “Mogambo” (1954). White becomes a burglar. Ryan O’Neal, 2-35 (5) “Thundering Jets (1958). priest to steal a giant diamond in And she is secure, Dance Papanek —Out of the Fire hunter finds romance on African jungle Jacqueline Bisset. World War II flying instructor takes it “The Thief Who Came to Dinner, OPEN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS 11 AM-11 PM Richardson —Make Your Own Han­ 11:30 (3) “The Rare Breed (1966). “There is no bitterness,” she She Herald mission. Clark Gable, Ava Gardner out on his students. Rex Reason, Audrey an ABC-TV movie Friday at 9 p.m. SPECIALIZING IN TAKE-OUT ORDERS dicraft Gifts CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Western with James Stewart and said, ‘‘—but sometimes at Riou —The Island of My Life 4:00 (9) “Bend of the River (1952). Dalton. ' night, when I sleep, the demons Rosen —Voices of the Rainbow PHONE 643-2711 Wagon train steals provisions to cross Maureen O’Hara. TEL. 643-0031 Sullivan -Mama Doesn't Live Here fOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD are still there.” Anymore W EEKEND - Oct. 11, 1975 - Paee 9

Page 8 - WEEKEND — Oct. 11, 1975 3 1 8 Francli X. Tarhuna, Ownar S u n d a y , Oct. 12 Today, Oct. 11 YALE I. i f t TYPEWRITER SERVICE 4:00 6-00 , Sesame Street...... 57 M o v ie ...... 20-22-30 NFL Football ...... 3 1:00 4:00 N ew s...... 8-20-22 TYPEWRITERS Christopher Closeup ...... ^ 10:30 Family at War ...... 24 ADDING MACHINES Movie ...... 8 . - f' ... Children’s Film F e s tiv a l---- 3 M o v ie ...... 3 Lawrence Welk...... 18 6:30 » Look Up and Live ...... 3 SALES • RENTALS NFL Football ...... 20-22-30 M o v ie ...... 9 Ascent of Man ...... 57 Firing Lin e ...... 24-57 9:30 Insight ...... I D evlin ...... 8 Dragnet ...... 40 ...... Dick Van D yke...... 20 5:00 Hee H a w ...... 30 Bob Newhart...... 3 a REPAIRS Mormon Conference ...... » Point of V iew ...... 9 OLIVETTI • UNDERWOOD • ADLER Star T re k ...... 22 Gunsmoke ...... 40 10:00 4:30 Mission Impossible ...... 5 ALL MAKES 7:00 Jewish Heritage ...:...... -40 ...... 3 Sesame Street...... 24 Wide World of Sports .... 8-40 7:30 Carol Burnett .... STANDARD & PORTABLE Camera Three ...... ^ 10:45 Bill Moyers Teach-In ...... 18 To Be Announced...... 30 ...... 5 Department S ...... 9 Land of the T h re e ...... 3 N ew s...... NEW a REPAIRED This Is the Life ...... Jewish L i f e ...... 30 Family at W a r ...... 24 1:30 This Week in the N F L ...... 18 Conn. Asks Congress...... 8 Matt H elm ...... 8-40 Over 20 Years Experience B aron ...... 40 DIAL MANCHESTER Lucy Show...... 11:00 M o v ie ...... 20 To Be Announced...... 20 M o v ie ...... 24 Bill Moyers Journal ...... 57 M o v ie ...... 5 Ring Around the World ... .40 Eye on Women...... 3 Call of the W est...... 20 Star T r e k ...... 22 As Schools Match W its...... 22 Soundstage ...... 57 649-4986 41 PURNELL PL., MANCHESTER Flintstones...... 5 5:00 Mister Rogers...... 24 2:00 8:00 10:00 Arthur and Company...... J These Are the Days ...... 8-40 Mission Impossible ...... 5 ...... 5 Soul T ra in ...... 3 5:30 Jeffersons ...... 3 N ew s...... Yogi B e a r ...... » Rex Humbard...... 9 M o v ie ...... 9 To Be Announced...... 20 TV Garden C lub...... 24 Special ...... 5 The Untouchables ...... 9 Worship For Shut-Ins...... 8 Notre Dame Highlights ... .22 5:30 Film ...... 22 Wall Street Week...... 57 Howard Cosell ...... 8-40 11:00 The Christophers ...... -9 Carrascolendas...... 30 Jimmy S w aggart...... 18 To Be Announced...... 24 M o v ie ...... 9 6:00 N ew s...... 3-8-22-30-40 Our SPEEDY Specialty I Dream of Jeannie...... 22 Electric Company...... 57 Antiques...... 24-57 Wilburn Brothers...... 18 N ew s...... 3-22 Best of Groucho ...... 5 M o vie...... ^0 11130 Wild Wild West ...... 40 Emergency ...... 20-22-30 ...... 20 TRULY DELICIOUS 2:30 M o v ie ...... 5 Dick Van Dyke ... 8:00 Face the N ation...... 3 6:00 ______Our S tory...... 24 Woman .24 Racing from Belmont...... 9 11:30 Make a W ish...... 8-40 M o v ie ...... 3 Three Musketeers ...... 18 AHL H ock ey...... 57 CHICKEN Flip Wilson stars in a CBS-TV special, “ Travels with 3:00 M o v ie s ...... 3-8-40 Brown in 6 Minutes Wonderama...... 3 Adelante...... 30 Happy Days...... 8 Week in Review ...... 24 8:30 Flip,” Monday at 9 p.m. on Channel 3. Rock Concert---- ...... 5 The world’s “ finest eatin’ Catholic S ervice...... » Noon Day of D iscovery...... 18 M o v ie s ...... 3-5-9 Open D o o r...... 57 D o c ...... 3 ...... 9 Doors of M ystery...... 24-57 l\ Harness Racing .. chicken” with incomparable Davey and Goliath...... 9 Face the State ...... 3 Speaking F r e e ly ...... 24 6:30 Journey to Adventure...... 18 Saturday Night ...... 20-22-30 taste. Word of Life Today...... 22 Movie ...... 5 6:30 N ew s...... 3-8-22-40 Harry Partch ...... 24 4:00 M id n ig h t CALL IN ORDER Sesame Street...... - 57 Connecticut S cen e...... 8 N ew s...... 8 Daytime programs Hitchcock Hour ...... 5 M o v ie ...... 9 9:00 W restling...... 9 Music for All A m erica ...... 18 Pick Up 10 Minutes Later Hour of P o w e r ...... 9 S ain t...... 8 Consumer Survival K i t ...... 24 Mary Tyler Moore...... 3 Superman...... 40 Noon 1:00 Sacred H eart...... ^9 - Meet the P ress...... 20-22-30 6:00 .3-8-9 Sesame Street...... 24 Down the R oad...... 57 F u g itiv e ...... 5 DECI’S DRIVE-IN N ew s...... M o v ie ...... 5 8:30 Flintstones...... 40 7:00 Summer Sem ester...... 3 The Magnificent Marble To Be Announced...... 30-40 7:00 S.W.A.T...... 8-40 My Neighbors R eligion ...... 3 N FL Game of the W eek...... 9 462 C E N TE R S T. 643-2660 12:15 N ew s...... 3 Speak for Yourself ...... 5 Machine ...... 20-22-30 Human Adaptation...... 57 Agronsky and Company...... 3 Jerry Falwell...... 18 Swiss Family Robinson .. 8-40 Risk of Marriage ...... 30 Insight ...... 3 Speaking for the Consumer . .8 6:15 Showoffs...... 40 Day of Discovery...... » American Documents...... 9 12:30 Davey and Goliath...... 8 Oral Roberts ...... 22 Gospel Singing Ju bilee...... 18 12:30 NFL Pre-Game Show ...... 3 6:30 Search for T om orrow ...... 3 Sports on Davey and G oliath...... 40 World of D isney...... 20-22-30 Dialogue...... '... .8 Public affairs ...... 3-8-30 All My Children...... 8-40 Victory Garden...... 24-57 Today 8:00 (9) Hockey; Islanders ^ g N j r H 9:00 Insight ...... 20 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 Journey to Adventure...... 9 12:45 (8-40) College Football: vs. Bruins. Barrio...... “ To Be Announced...... 22-30 7:30 7:00 Jackpot!...... 20-22-30 New D a y ...... “ What’s Happening ...... 3 Michigan vs. Michigan State. Monday Gilligan’s Island...... 40 N ew s...... 3 Oral Roberts...... Witness to Y esterd a y ...... 24 1:00 5:00 (8-40) Wide World of 7:00 (18) American Out- 1:00 Underdog...... 3 CHROMACOlOK Day of D iscovery...... 22 Lowell Thomas Remembers 57 Tattletales...... 3 Sports. doorsman. N FL Football ...... 3 Cartoon C arn ival...... 8 Christopher Closeup ...... 40 M o v ie s ...... 3-9 5:00 (18) This Week in the 9:00 (8-40) N FL Football: Movies ...... 3-9 8:00 Today Show...... 22-30 Ryan’s Hope ...... 8-40 BLACK & WHITE TV Mister R ogers...... 57 NFL. Cardinals vs. Redskins. Eigth Day ...... 8 Cher ...... 3 A.M. America...... 40 Know Your W orld ...... 20 6:00 (9) Racing from Belmont Lawrence W elk...... 5 12:30 ( 40) College Football 9:15 World S eries...... 20-22-30 7:30 S om erset...... 22-30 Park. 1975. STEREO - RADIO Davey and G o l^ th ...... ° Conversations W ith ...... 40 Six Million Dollar Man ... 8-40 Bugs Bunny...... 5 Electric Company...... 24 8:00 (57) AHL Hockey: H ockey...... ® Tuesday Sales & Service 9:30 1:30 New Zoo Revue ...... 8 1:30 Americans vs. Indians. Spring Street U S A ...... 18 7:30 (22) Ice Capades Challenge...... 3 Issues and- Answers...... 8-40 N ew s...... 0 As the World Turns...... 3 11:30 (9) Harness Racing. Captain Noah ...... ° Family Holvak ...... 20-22-30 Highlights. ALWAYS BEST 8:00 . Let’s Make a Deal...... 8-40 Midnight (9) Wrestling. The Percy Sutton Report — 9 2:00 Evening at Symphony ... 24-57 8:15 (20-22-30) World Series Captain Kangaroo ...... 3 Days of Our Lives .... 20-22-30 1:00 (9) N FL Game of the BUY AT To Be Announced...... 22 Movies ...... 8'^® 8:30 Baseball. Performance at Wolf Trap .57 The Flintstones ...... 5 2:00 Week. Let Us C elebrate...... 30 Challenge of Truth...... 18 11:00 (9) Notre Dame TURNPIKE TV A.M. A m erica...... 8 The Guiding L ig h t...... 3 Sunday Insight ...... Highlights. e Biggest Trades 5 9 9:00 Public a ffa ir s ...... 9 $10,000 P y ra m id ...... 8-40 11:00 (22) Notre Dame 10:00 K o ja k ...... 8 Wednesday Today Show...... 20 2:30 Highlights. e Free Home Trial Lamp Unto My F e e t ...... 3 Inside Outside...... 18 Special ...... ^3 7:00 (18) Notre Dame 8:30 The Edge of Night...... 3 1:00 (3) NFL Football: Cow­ M o v ie ...... 8-40 Highlights. e O N E Y E A R I Dream Of Jeannie...... ' .8 Mister Ed ...... 3 Rhyme and Reason ...... 8-40 boys vs. Giants. 1R Kathryn Kulhman ...... 18 8:15 (20-22-30) World Series M ass...... 3 Hour of P o w e r ...... Joe Franklin Show...... 9 The Doctors ...... 20-22-30 1:00 (20-22-30) World Series FREE SERVICE Colombo...... 20-22-30 Baseball. Catholic S ervice...... 22-30 Great Performances...... 24 Baseball. 9:00 3:00 Latino...... Masterpiece Theatre .... 24-57 4:00 (3) NFL Football: Friday New England Journal...... 3 The Match G a m e...... 3 e 'Satisfaction 9:30 Eagles vs. Dolphins. 8:00 (9) Hockey: Islanders Dennis the Menace ...... 5 Casper Cartoons...... 5 Oral Roberts...... 18 4.00 (20-22-30) N FL Football. vs. Atlanta Flames. Guaranteed Phil Donahue S h ow ...... 8 General Hospital ...... 8-40 10:00 or Money Kitty Today...... 22 Beverly Hillbillies...... 9 Bronk ...... “ Sesame Street...... 24 Another World ...... 20-22-30 .Refunded N ew s...... 3 Television channels Not for Women Only...... 30 3:30 Living Faith ...... 18 3 ...... WFSB, Hartford30...... WHNB, West Hartford Strum ‘n D rum m ers...... 40 Mickey Mouse C lub...... 3 Ascent of Man ...... 24 5 ...... WNEW, New York 40...... WHYN, Springfield 9:30 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 TURNPIKE TV Soundstage...... 37 8 ..WTNH, New Haven 57...... WGBY, Springfield Green Acres ...... 5 One Life to Live ...... 8-40 9 ...... WOR, New York 273 W. Middle Trnpke. 10:30 The Real McCoys ...... 9 The Lucy Show...... 9 18...... ;... WHCT, Hartford Subscribers to Greater Hart­ N .Y.P.D ...... 9 Not for Women Only . ^...... 22 Maggie and the Beautiful ford CATV will receive WHYN MANCHESTER 2 0 ...... WATR, Waterbury Bull in a China Closet .. 22-30 The Lucy Show...... 30 Machine ...... 37 on Cable Channel 4 and WGBY The Flintstones ...... 40 2 2 ...... WWLP, Springfield 14:00 4:00 on Cable Channel 7. N ew s...... 3-22-30 2 4 ...... WEDH, Hartford 649-3406 10:00 B ew itched...... G a b e ...... 3 Give-N-Take ...... 3 House of Frightenstein...... 5 The Untouchables ...... 9 The Flying Nun ...... 5 The Brady Bunch...... 8-22 Kup’s S h ow ...... 37 A.m . Connecticut...... — 8 M o v ie ...... 11:10 Romper Room ...... 9 S om erset...... ““ News 8-40 Celebrity Sweepstakes Sesame Street...... 34-5 Washington Redskins Quarterback Bill Kilmer (17) will ...... 20-22-30 11:15 Gomer Pyle, USMC...... 30 lead his team against the St. Louis Cardinals on ABC-TV’s N ew s...... 8 Electric Company ...... 24 Mike Douglas Show ...... 40 Monday Night Football (9 p.m., Channels 8 and 40). MUFFLERS W Leave It to Beaver ...... 40 11:30 4:30 Name of the G a m e ...... 3 10:30 Dinah! ...... ^ David siisskind ...... 5 The Price Is Right ...... 3 Bugs Bunny Cartoons • • ■ ■ • INSTALLED M o v ie ...... 30 Andy Griffith Show ... .^5 Merv Griffin Show ... •-8 Sports on radio Most Ford, Chevys Wheel of Fortune...... 20-22-30 Dick Van Dyke Show ...... 20 and Plymouths. It Takes A Thief ...... 8 I Love Lucy ...... 40 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 22 Today Redskins, 8:45 p.m., WINF. Comparable prices The Mod Squad...... M o v ie ...... 11:00 World Series Baseball, to be on all other Gambit — ...... -3 11:45 5:00 announced, WTIC. Tuesday Mufflers. Bewitched ...... 3 Sammy and Company...... 22 Mickey Mouse Club...... College Football: UConn at World Series Baseball, to be £ Showoffs...... 8 M o v ie ...... I GUARANTEEDV Free estimates - Master Charge - BankAmericard - Mobil M id n ig h t Delaware, 1:15 p.m., WTIC. announced, WTIC. 17.97 Straight T a lk ...... 9 The Big Valley ...... ^ High School Football: COAST M o v ie ...... 8 High R o lle rs ...... 20-22-30 Mister Rogers...... M uffler 12:40 Manchester at Conard, 1:45 Wednesday TO You Don’t Say ...... 40 5:15 8 24 p.m.; St. Bernards at East World Series Baseball, to be C OAST Center N ew s...... Slectric C om pany...... 57 Mister Rogers... Catholic, 7:15 p.m., WINF. announced, WTIC. 12:55 11:30 .8 5:30 - Speaking for the Consumer . Love of Life ...... 3 Hockey: Whalers vs. Houston Hockey: Whalers vs. Edmon­ We offer convenience aiong with a superior product The Flintstones ...... ^ Aeros, 7:05 p.m., WTIC. ton Oilers, to be announced, 1:00 / Midday L i v e ...... -S Hogan’s Heroes ...... ^ 40 Happy D ays...... 8 - « Sunday WTIC. N ew s...... N e w s ...... c.n Corner of Broad Hollywood Squares .... 20-22-30 World Series Baseball, to be Thursday Villa Alegre...... Sesame Street. • •^•57 announced, WTIC. World Series Baseball Jif and Center Street Mon.-Fri... 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday necessary), to be announced, Phone 646-2112 . Sat ...... 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. <•. / ■ C t N FL Football; Cardinals vs. WTIC. W EEKEND — Oct. 11, 1975 — Page 11 Page 10 — WEEKEND — Oct. 11, 1975 Thursday, Oct. 16 Monday, Oct. 13 SMART BJ^YERS KNOW Harry 0 ...... <...... 8-40 6:00 Public Affairs F oru m ...... 30 Ask Kleiner Country Music Aw ards...... 3 3-8-22-30 Garner Ted Armstrong...... 9 6:00 Friends of Man ...... 20 News...... Dragnet ...... 40 N ew s...... 5 ...... 5 Medical S to ry...... 20-22-30 New s...... 3-8-22-30 Hollywood Squares ...... 22 Bewitched...... 8:00 By Dick Kleiner New York Report ...... 9 The Untouchables ...... » 10:30 m Bewitched ...... 5 Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 Waltons ...... 3 Soundstage...... 2‘* Nashville on the Road ...... 18 Meet the M avors...... 9 The Untouchables ...... 9 Hollywood Squares ...... 30 NOW Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 Monty Python...... 57 Newsmakers...... -^O Bukowski R eads...... Bla k Buffalo’s Pow-Wow .. 18 Polka ...... 40 Barney M iller...... 8-40 10:30 IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY Carrascolendas...... 24-57 3ukowski ...... 24-57 Newsmakers...... 20 8:00 M o v ie ...... 9 DFAR DICK- Is it true that Karen Valentine is the worst- New Jersey Report...... 9 Bonanza...... 11:00 Villa A legre...... 24-57 R hoda...... 3 Sharing...... 18 dr^ssed person in Hollywood? - SHARON MARTIN. Lethbndge. Monty Python...... 57 N ew s...... 3-8-22-30-40 Bonanza...... 40 Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 6:30 The Montefuscos ...... 20-30 A SABRINA POOL Partridge F am ily; ...... h Best of Groucho...... 5 ^There^s no official designation of “ worst-dressed person in 6:30 Barbary Coast ...... 8-40 11:00 Space: 1999 ...... 22 News...... 8-20-22-30-40 N.Y.P.D ...... 9 Partridge Family...... 5 M o v ie ...... 9 N e w s ...... 3-22-30 Fourth E state...... 24 Hollywood." Worst-dressed, like beauty, is in the eye of the Here are 10 big reasons why! Dick Van D yke...... 20 behoWer. I always like the way Karen looks^My own Personal N ew s...... 8-20-22-30 Sharing...... 18 Best of Groucho...... 5 Real McCoys...... 18 Romantic Rebellion...... 57 Consumer Experience...... N ew s...... 24-57 vote for worst-dressed; on screen, Suzanne Pleshette and, off­ Real McCoys...... 18 Movin’O n ...... 20-22-30 Harness Racing ...... 9 8:30 1. Lowest Prices — makes best possible “end-of-season” deal novi screen, Cher, who generally looks like a neon sign. TV Garden Club...... 24 Situation Wanted Female . .. 24 Dick Van D yk e...... 20 on any size Sabrina Pool. Gettin’ Over ...... 57 Merv Griffin ...... 5 11:30 2. No problems of ground water conditions caused by Spring thaws M o v ie s ...... 3-5 Hodgepodge Lodge...... 57 Autobiography of Princess .. 57 The Way It Was...... 24-57 and showers. 7:00 On the Rocks ...... 8-40 DEAR DICK: Is it true that Cher Bono married Greg Allman? News...... 3-20-24-40-57 Mike Douglas ...... 8 7:00 8:30 11:30 3. Less chance of rain, mud and mess during installation. pgy ...... 20-30 — MISSY RITCHIE, Eight-Mile, Ala. 4. Fall Is best time to landscape around ready tor next The Untouchables ...... 9 Subject to change without notice, the Cher-Greg marriage is N ew s...... 3-20-40 Phyllis ...... 3 Movies ...... '...... 3-5 Summer. Andy Griffith ...... 5 Classic Theatre ...... 24-57 Truth or Consequences...... 8 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 over They were married, then after nine days, split. Then they Andy Griffith ...... 5 Merv Griffin ...... 5 The Untouchables ...... 9 6. Ground and backfill around pool has chance to settle firmly 9:00 Truth or Consequences...... 8 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 during Winter months. Ironside ...... 8 M annix...... 40 got togethL for four days, then split again. With them, it s a case 9:00 7. No problem of fitting your job into tight installation schedules Movie ...... 3 Wally’s Workshop ...... 18 12:30 of Cher today, gone tomorrow. Ironside ...... 9 Flip Wilson ...... 3 Midnight during Summer buying rush. J Sts. of San Fran cisco---- 8-40 American Outdoorsman----- 18 8. No mess or tie up of yard and patio during Summer outdor^ To Tell the Truth...... 30 M annix...... 8 DEAR DICK; In a recent column, you reported that Elton NFL Football ...... 8 N ew s...... -... 40 living season. Living Word ...... 18 M o v ie ...... 9 John’s first record was “ Levon” in 1971. But, before that Elton Theatre Preview ...... 24 Living Word ...... 18 12:30 9. Children are in school and out of way during installation. 7:30 Ellery Queen...... 20-22-30 10. Play equipment and patio furniture safely stored away during Longstreet...... 40 had five albums out, starting in 1969, with To Tell the Truth...... 30 . Mike D ou glas...... 8 To Be Announced...... 3-20 Classic Theatre ...... 24-57 Movies ...... 20-22-30 installation. had several hits including “ Border Song and Your Song. World Press ...... 57 M o v ie ...... 9 Adam-12...... 5 1:00 Romantic Rebellion...... ~2i 9:30 Please make this correction. — K Y LE ELROD, 7:30 Don Adams Screen T e s t...... 8 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 Isfahan of Shah’ Abbas...... 57 College Football...... 40 Medix ...... 18 Guiltv as charged. My defense is that I checked with MCA, Celebrity G o lf...... 18 Price Is Right ...... 3 9:30 1:00 10:00 1:40 John’s L c o rd company, and now they tell me they must have Adam-12...... 5 Hollywood Squares ...... 22 M o v ie ...... 5 Connecticut R e p o rt...... 18 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 N ew s...... 5 looked at the second page of his list of f [Jg Candid Cam era...... 8 BONUS Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 Realidades...... 57 2:30 first oaee when they gave me that misinformation. But me To Be Announced...... 18 10:00 M o v ie ...... 5 Your Sabrina Pool will be complete­ album you referred to", “ Empty Sky,’ ’ was an English release and ly Winterized. Friday, Oct. 17 was not issued here until 1975. DEAR DICK: Could you tell me about Michael Ontkean and why 10:00 Car and Track ...... 20 he is no longer in The Rookies? - JUDI McHUGH, LaJunta, Tuesday, Oct. 14 Let’s Make a D eal...... 22 Barnaby Jones ...... 3 New s...... 3-8-22-30 Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 N ew s...... 5 6:00 To Be Announced...... 20 Bewitched ...... 5 ^Ontkean believed that his work in The Rookies was not per­ 10:00 Hollywood Squares ...... 30 Police Woman ...... 20-22-30 N ew s...... 3-22-30 Let’s Make a D ea l...... 22 The Untouchables ...... 9 sonally satisfying so quit the show. Last heard from, he wa Beacon H ill...... 3 Room 222 ...... 40 Harlem Voices, Faces .. 24-57 Bewitched ...... 5 Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 Black Buffalo's Pow-Wow .. 18 working in theater in his native Canada. N ew s...... 5 f n n a 10:30 The Untouchables ...... 9 Treasure Hunt ...... 30 8:00 DEAR DICK: Why don’t they take Maude off the air and put Marcus Welby, M.D. ...:. 8-40 Newsm akers...... 20 Greatest Sports Legends ... .9 Room 222 ...... 40 Big Eddie ...... 3 Pop Goes the Country...... 18 Interface ...... 24 The most revolutionary concept in Villa A legre...... 24-57 something on that is funny? I think Newsm akers...... 20 8:00 Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 11:00 reruns are funnier than that. Is she really that good. To Be Announced...... 57 pool design since the Roman bath Bonanza...... N ew s...... 3-8-22-30-40 Carrascolendas...... 24-57 Mobile One ...... 8-40 Good Tim es...... 3 10:80 6:30 Bonanza...... 40 H ockey...... 9 Best of Groucho...... 5 ■■Turi ”Sfy “ phlsucaled TV, U s not Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 W om an...... 24-57 Partridge Fam ily ...... 5 Sharing...... 18 N.Y.P.D ...... 9 everybody's cup of TV. GilUian's Islaod was simpler slolf 6:30 Ironside ...... 9 News ...... 8-20-22-30-40 11:00 Sanford and Son...... 20-22-30 Dick Van D yk e...... 20 Partridge Family...... 5 Sharing...... is There’s room for both kinds of humor on TV, N ew s...... 3-8-22-30-40 Real McCoys...... 18 N ew s...... 8-20-22-30 Joe Garagiola...... 20-22-30 Week in R e v ie w ...... 24-57 11:30 DEAR DICK: Would like information on Max Von Sydow, who Best of Groucho...... 5 Guppies to Groupers...... 24 Real McCoys...... 18 Rivals of Sherlock ...... 24 M o v ie s ...... 8-5 ap?ea^ed in “ The Greatest Story Ever Told/’ He was magmf^ Notre Dame Football...... 9 Hodgepodge L od ge...... 57 Consumer Experience...... 24 Happy D ays...... 40 Mike Douglas...... 8 cent. Has he appeared in any other films? — MRS. CHARLOTT Dick Van D yk e...... 20 7:00 The Untouchables ...... 9 Gettin’ O ^ r ...... 57 Indian Summer...... 57 N ew s...... 3-20-22-40 MALMBERG, Marinette, Wis. N e w s ...... 24-57 8:30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 Von Sydow, a distinguished Swedish actor, has appeared 7:00 8:15 11:30 Andy Griffith ...... 5 MASH ...... 5 Wide World Special...... 40 many movies Mostly, however, Swedish films — he has been in N ew s...... 3-20-22-30 World Series ...... 20-22-40 Truth or Consequences...... 8 Chico and the Man .. 20-22-30 Movies ...... 3-5 12:30 S o r Ingmar Bergman’s works. He has done several Andy Griffith ...... 5 8:30 Wall Street Journal...... 24-57 Mike Douglas ...... 8 Ironside ...... Wide World Special...... 8 American ones, however, including Hawaii. Truth or Consequeences...... 8 Joe and Sons...... 3 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 9:00 The Commanders...... 9 M o v ie ...... 9 DEAR DICK: Can you tell me what happened to Faye Emer­ Merv Griffin ...... 5 Wide World M ystery...... 40 Aviation W eather...... 24-57 Hawaii Five-0 ...... 3 Mr. Chips...... 18 1:00 son? - GRACE B. DARDEN, Spartanburg, S.C. Welcome Back Kotter ... 8-40 To Tell the Truth...... 30 M o v ie s ...... 8-40 Realidades...... 24 Midnight Special ...... 20-22-30 She retired many years ago. Last I heard, she was living Consumer Survival K i t ...... 57 Living Word ...... 18 To Tell the Truth...... 30 Midnight Europe.^ 9:00 The revolutionary new Sabrina Steel Wall Pool is just what Rockford F ile s ...... 20-22-30 1:30 , DEAR DICK: Please settle an argument. Did Patty Duke ever Human Adaption ...... 57 Switch...... 3 N.Y.P.D ...... 9 you've been looking for! A steel pool that has so many PLUS 7:30 Wildlife Theatre...... 3 features. The Sabrina is a steel pool that is superior in Masterpiece Theatre---- 24-57 play on Bachelor Father? If not, who was the girl. - CLARA 7:30 Rookies ...... 8-40 12:30 design and ease of construc­ 2:35 Match Game P M ...... 3 9:30 TOWNSEND, Tacoma, Wash. Celebrity Sweepstakes ...... 3 M o v ie ...... 9 Movies ...... 8-9' tion.. .and yet is extremely LOW IN COST. The Sabrina is the M o v ie ...... ^ only pool on the market with amazing new UNI-LOK Adam-12...... 5 New Directions ...... 18 No, Patty was never on that show, at least not as a regular. Adam-12...... 5 Living Word ...... I8 1:00 modular panels, a fantastic breakthrough in steel pool To Be Announced...... 8 girl was played by Noreen Corcoran, Space ...... 8 Ascent of Man ...... 24-57 Tommorrow ...... 20-22-30 design and construction. Additional details on request. Celebrity T6nnis...... 18 9:30 2:15 Human Dimension...... 18 M o v ie ...... 5 EXCLUSIVE NEW Saturday, Oct. 18 OPEN SUNOAYS Creature Feature ...... UNI-LOK CONSTRUCTION 6:00 Street...... 84 PAT. PENDING Sesame Speed Buggy ...... Ag-USA...... 5 Wednesday, Oct. 15 Josie and the Pussycats COMPARE THESE FEATURES...YOU’LL Patterns for Living ...... 5 9:30 3 ...... 20-2 6:00 AGREE THE SABRINA IS TOPS! Scooby-Doo ...... Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 N.Y.P.D ...... 9 6:30 Mister Rogers...... News ... .•...... 3-8-22-30 Komedy Klassics...... -^5 When Things Were Rotten 8-40 Dick Van D yk e...... 20 • Heavier Gauge Steel Eye on Women...... 8 Candlepin B ow ling...... Bewitched ...... 5 Movie ...... '.9 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 Lost Saucer...... 11:30 • All Modular Sections 'H 12:30 biau 'The Untouchables ...... 9 1 Dream of Jeannic...... 8 Thriller Theater...... lurntlure stoies Sharing...... 18 Movies ...... 3-5 Black Buffalo’s Pow-Wow .. 18 • High Rate Jet Stream Filtration Pink Panther ...... 20-22-30 Fat A lb e rt...... Joe Garagiola...... 20-22-30 7:00 Newsm akers...... 20 Mike Douglas...... 8 • All Stainless Ladder and Deck Equipment American Bandstand...... Tribal E y e ...... 24-57 Ranger Station...... 3 Villa Alegre...... 24-57 The Untouchables ...... 9 • Complete Chemicals and Accessories „ Go-USA ...... 80-; 8:15 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 Underdog Cartoons ...... 5 10:00 Bonanza...... 40 • Oversize Automatic Skimmer Shazam'./Isis ...... - ^ Villa Alegre...... World S eries...... 20-22-30 M o v ie ...... 40 Cartoon C a rn iva l...... 8 6:30 • Extruded Aluminum Coping Adventures of Gilligan 8- 8:30 Consultation ...... -^O Partridge Family...... 5 12:30 Landmf the Lost ...... 80-22-30 Merv Griffin ...... 5 We also offer a complete line of 7:30 N ew s...... 8-20-22-30 Movies ...... 8-9 Electric Com pany...... That’s My M a m a ...... 8-40 O il above-ground & In-ground pools. Casper Cartoons...... 5 Real McCoys...... 18 1:00 O I BANK FINANCING ARRANGED N ew s...... -8 10*30 T t\ \ ft dO 1 WJ 00 Book B e a t ...... 24 9:00 T o m o rro w ...... 20-22-30 Uncle Croc’s Block ... ^^. 8-40 I ^ 00 Cannon...... 3 ' FOR FULL INFORMATION MAIL Beverly. Hillb illies...... 30 Hodgepodge Lodge...... 57 1:35 N8PI Run Joe, R u n ...... 80-22 30 SUPER B aretta...... 8-40 COUPON BELOW OR CALL COLLECT 8:00 7:00 M o v ie ...... 5 Carrascolendas...... ^ Living Word ...... 18 Porky Pig Cartoons...... 5 N ew s...... -...... 3-20-40 Great Performances .... 24-57 1-742-7308 M 649-9933 Hong Kong Phooey ...... 8-40 11:00 3 Andy Griffith ...... 5 Space Nuts ...... o o S ~ ^:30 Newark and Reality ...... 9 0 Ironside ...... 9 Soul T r a in ...... Metro Pulse ...... 18 CREATIVE Emergency Plus 4 .... 20-22-30 Notre Dame Highlights ____ 18 ...... Action Th eater...... Romagnolis’ Table...... 24 10:00 TALENT 8:30 SPECIAL J Route 44, Coventry, Conn. 06238 To Tell the Truth ...... 30 CBS R ep orts...... 3 ■ At no cost or obligation to mo, I would like to The Flintstones ...... 5 Return to the Planet of 20-22-30 Open D o o r...... 57 N ew s...... 5 Tom and Jerry'...... • 8-40 the Apes Instant ■ know more about owning a Sabrina Pool. 0 CO Starsky and Hutch...... 8-40 Connecticut Report ...... 9 Sesame Street...... 84 7:30 I Name: ...... Name That Tune ...... 3 The A ven gers...... 9 Interiors Sigmund and the Sea Consumer Sales Adam-12...... 5 Say Brother...... 24-58 I Address; ...... Monsters...... 20-22-30 11:30 3 Ghost Busters...... ^ o ?25,000 Pyramid ...... 8 10:30 Will Help You Get C it y :...... state: ...... 9:00 Manchester Parkade Wild Kingdom ...... 20-30 Monty Python...... 24 It Together T e le p h o n e :...... Zip: ...... Bullwinkle Cartoons ...... 3 Oddball Couple...... — 8-JO Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 People Helping P e o p le ...... 57 Bugs Bunny Cartoons...... 5 W estwind...... 80-22-30 King’s Section Pat B o o n e ...... 40 11:00 ...... TEL. 643-9958 MAIL COUPON TODAY Kathryn Kuhlman ...... 9 Noon '8:60 ’ • i.t News., -..;; .v3-8-2^2f3lnc. STORE H 20th Century TV M en. T m , Frt, 540 NEW STATE ROAD, Buckkand 643-5123 0:90 to S:90 p.m 176 BURNSIDE XVE. J h y n . S:M le S:9S EAST HARTFORD .1. 643-5123. 526^t554

7,00( week news I of ca news State i