Places in &

September 2007

Produced by the Policy, Research and Information Group, Chief Executive’s Department, County Council

Contact Details

Nicole Rickard Donna Mackay Policy Team Leader Senior Policy Officer

Policy Research & Information Group Policy Research & Information Group Leicestershire County Council Leicestershire County Council County Hall County Hall Glenfield Glenfield LE3 8RA LE3 8RA

T 0116 305 6977 T 0116 305 8137 E [email protected] E [email protected]

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data contained in this report, the County Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.

2 Places in Leicestershire September 2007


Introduction 5 Map 1 - Oadby & Wigston Borough 6 Map 2 - Community Forums 7

1. Wigston Community Forum 10 1.1 Main Towns 10 1.1.1 Wigston 10 1.2 Priority Neighbourhoods 10 1.2.1 Wigston 10 Map 3 - Wigston Community Forum 11

2. Oadby Community Forum 13 2.1 Main Towns 13 2.1.1 Oadby 13 Map 4 - Oadby Community Forum 14

3. Community Forum 16 3.1 Main Towns 16 3.1.1 South Wigston 16 3.2 Priority Neighbourhoods 16 3.2.1 South Wigston 16 Map 5 - South Wigston Community Forum 17

Appendix 18 List of Community Forum Areas and LSOAs 18 Map 6 - Output Area Classification 19 Further Information 20

3 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

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4 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Places in Leicestershire - Oadby & Wigston Rural/Service Centres – these are smaller service centres, identified through the Leicestershire Rural Partnership, that provide a range of fa- The map on page 6 shows Oadby & Wigston Borough, including the cilities for the surrounding rural villages and hamlets. They vary in size, main towns and the key rural service centres. but they are all a focal point for a cluster of smaller settlements

Introduction Rural Areas – this section of each chapter covers the rural parts of each Forum area and identifies the priorities, based on aspects of depri- The purpose of this “Places in Leicestershire” report is to highlight the vation identified through the Indices of Deprivation, poor access to ser- priorities for individual places in Leicestershire. This will enable us to vices (Access to Services report) or specific needs identified through a identify place based priority outcomes for inclusion in the Leicestershire Parish Plan (see below). Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement. A list of each type of settlement in Oadby & Wigston is shown below: The seven reports covering Leicestershire are divided into chapters structured around the key places in each District, arranged by the 27 Main Towns Community Forums currently being established around the County. • Wigston • Oadby The map on page 7 shows the location of the 27 Community Forums in • South Wigston Leicestershire. There are 3 Community Forums in Oadby & Wigston Borough. Priority Neighbourhoods • Wigston Types of Places • South Wigston

The key places are divided into:

Main Towns – these 17 settlements are identified in the Local Area Agreement as key large service centres which provide health services, employment, education, leisure and shopping facilities for the surround- ing population

Priority Neighbourhoods – identified in the Local Area Agreement 2006-09, these 19 neighbourhoods are small areas of the county with bigger than average problems, usually in relation to a number of aspects of deprivation (see Indices of Deprivation below)

5 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 1 - Oadby & Wigston Borough

6 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 2 - Leicestershire Community Forums and Oadby & Wigston Borough (highlighted)

7 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Information Sources Ten most deprived LSOAs in Leicestershire: Index of Multiple Deprivation A range of information sources have been used to develop these sec- tions, a short description of each is below: LSOA IMD National Ward District Code Score Rank Indices of Deprivation 2004 - The Indices are produced by the Office E01025699 Hastings Charnwood 44.78 3,344 of the Deputy Prime Minister with the aim of measuring deprivation in a E01025934 Greenhill NW Leicestershire 43.69 3,594 consistent way across . The indices include measures relating to Income Deprivation, Employment Deprivation, Health Deprivation and E01025932 Greenhill NW Leicestershire 41.96 4,037 Disability, Education, Skills and Training Deprivation, Barriers to Housing E01025725 Loughborough Storer Charnwood 38.51 5,056 and Services, Living Environment Deprivation and Crime. Leicestershire E01025717 Loughborough Shelthorpe Charnwood 37.99 5,232 is ranked 135 out of the 149 county/unitary authorities in England E01025700 Loughborough Hastings Charnwood 31.81 7,402 (where 149 = least deprived). E01025949 Measham NW Leicestershire 30.32 8,011

Find Out More: E01025844 & Bosworth 29.75 8,230 http://website/index/your_council/about_leicestershire/statistics/indices_ E01025718 Loughborough Southfields Charnwood 28.83 8,657 of_deprivation_2004.htm E01025930 NW Leicestershire 28.76 8,683

(Rank: 1=most deprived in England, 32,482=least deprived in England)

Super Output Areas

Super Output Area (SOA) lower level is a new national geography cre- ated by the Office for National Statistics. These areas are created by combining a number of Output Areas (created for the 2001 Census). LSOAs are areas of broadly consistent population size across the coun- try - approximately 1,500 people. They are often referred to in the text as LSOAs.

If a LSOA is described as experiencing moderate levels of deprivation, this means that it is in the bottom 20% of LSOAs in Leicestershire. Where a LSOA is described as experiencing significant deprivation, it is in the bottom 10% in Leicestershire.

8 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Town and Village Centres Survey - This work was carried out by Social Capital Survey – The Social Capital Survey (2006) targeted 20 BMG Research on behalf of Leicestershire County Council and Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) across the County. These were Shire Economic Partnership in 2006. The research was based upon a cus- identified by the District Local Strategic Partnerships and covered tomer satisfaction survey of visitors and users in the 17 Main Towns “deprived”, “average” and “rural” communities. The survey work was identified above. A main report is accompanied by a shorter report for conducted mainly by volunteers who surveyed 10% of the adult popula- each individual town or village centre. tion in each area.

Find out more: Find Out More: ge%20Survey%20Final%20Report.pdf

Parish Plans – a parish plan is led by a cross-section of local people and focussed around the outcomes of a questionnaire survey, which are ana- lysed and used to produce a summary report and action plan. More than 25% of parishes in Leicestershire have conducted a Parish Plan - this re- port focuses on Parish Plans completed over the last 3 years.

Find Out More:

Access to Services report – this research by the Leicestershire Rural Partnership identifies the number of service outlets and the diversity of the service types within each Leicestershire parish under 5,000 popula- tion. Five groups of parishes have been identified, based on a similarity in their service coverage and diversity.

Group 1: No services or skeletal service provision Group 2: Minimal service provision Group 3: Medium service provision Group 4: Good service provision Group 5: Very good service provision

This report highlights parishes with no, skeletal or minimal service provi- sion.

9 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

1. Wigston Community Forum Wigston Town Centre Area Action Plan (Issues and Options Report)

The map overleaf (Map 3) shows the Wigston Community Forum with The report was completed in June 2007. A number of key findings in- LSOAs and Neighbourhood Priority Area. clude:

The Forum consists of the main town of Wigston, including a priority • The town has very little office accommodation neighbourhood, • The public realm is poor in terms of; quality, performance, func- tionality and the appearance is generally poor 1.1 Main Towns • There are pockets of poor quality housing in the area covered by the study 1.1.1 Wigston • Public transport infrastructure is in poor condition • The town suffers from congestion partly because of distribution of Indices of multiple deprivation car parking space • The pedestrian environment is poor as are cycling facilities This will be completed once the Neighbourhood Profile is available. 1.2 Priority Neighbourhoods Leicestershire Town and Village Centre Survey 1.2.1 Wigston Overall, respondents had mixed views about the environment and facili- ties in and around the centre. Neighbourhood Profile

Having a greater range of shops, personal safety and the cleanliness and The Wigston Neighbourhood Profile will be published in Autumn/ Win- tidiness of the centre were seen as the areas that needed the most at- ter 2007. tention. Social Capital Survey People not treating each other with respect and consideration, groups of people hanging around the street and people dealing drugs were seen as The Social Capital Survey was undertaken in College and the most significant problems in Wigston. Wigston Police Station LSOA (E01025992)

Nearly three-fifths of respondents said policing in Wigston was insuffi- Compared to the average for all areas surveyed, Wigston was not as cient and should be increased strong in terms of perceptions of neighbourliness. Fewer people thought Wigston was a good, friendly place to live and fewer thought that it was an area where people from different backgrounds got on well together.

10 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 3 - Wigston Community Forum and Neighbourhood Priority Areas

Above: Oadby & Wigston Priority Area

11 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

The networks - who people like to mix with and socialise with were gen- erally comparable with the average for all areas surveyed. However, fewer people were happy living among of different lifestyles.

People in this neighbourhood were less likely to trust people generally, and in their own neighbourhood, than the average for all areas.

More people than average in Wigston gave unpaid help to friends and neighbours (informal volunteering), and formal volunteering was around the same as the average.

Fewer people than average in Wigston participated in local groups, cam- paigns and meetings and fewer people felt they could influence decisions affecting their area.

12 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

2. Oadby Community Forum

The map overleaf (Map 4) shows the Oadby Community Forum with LSOAs and Neighbourhood Priority Area.

The Community Forum consists of the main town of Oadby. Income affecting Income children affecting Income people older Employment Education Crime Health Living Environment to Barriers Services Oadby BUPA Hospital LSOA 2.1 Main Towns ------M (E01025973)

Oadby Industrial Estate 2.1.1 Oadby LSOA S M M S - M S - (E01025976) Indices of multiple deprivation Oadby London Road LSOA M - - M - - - - M Oadby is covered by 15 LSOAs. (E01025656) Oadby Woodland Grange Primary School One area, Oadby Industrial Estate LSOA (E01025976) exhibits moderate - - M ------multiple deprivation LSOA (E01025634)

Parts of the area exhibit significant and moderate levels of deprivation in “S” = Significant deprivation and within the 10% most deprived in Leices- relation to specific issues. These are summarised in the table opposite. tershire “M” = Moderate deprivation and within the 20% most deprived in Leicestershire “-” = Not within the 20% most deprived LSOAs in Leicestershire

Leicestershire Town and Village Centre Survey

Respondents held mixed views about the environment and facilities in and around the centre.

Having a greater range of shops, more parking and more specialist shops were seen as the areas that needed the most attention in Oadby.

13 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 4 - Oadby Community Forum

14 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Oadby Town Centre Area Action Plan (Issues and Options Report) People in Oadby were more likely to vote in the general election than the average of all other areas but they were less likely to engage with The report was completed in June 2007. A number of key findings in- local groups or contact elected members. clude: Fewer people (49%) than for the survey as a whole (71%) were satisfied • The town is relatively static in retail terms and suffers from a lack with the delivery of public services. of modern units • Public and community facilities in the town are limited • Much of the building fabric outside the conservation area is rela- tively poor • The A6 dissects the town • There are limited pedestrian circuits n the town and poor pedes- trian linkages to car parking • There are minimal cycling facilities • Paving in the town is in poor condition

Social Capital Survey

The social capital survey was carried out in Oadby Industrial Estate (LSOA E01025976)

In general we found that Oadby was not as strong as the rest of the sur- veyed areas in perceptions of neighbourliness.

People were less likely to socialise at all but when they did it would tend to be with individuals of similar a background and grouping.

Residents of Oadby were less likely than average to say that people could be trusted and would help each other. Although people in Oadby tend to say that it is less important to contribute to their community, the actual number of individuals giving unpaid help is comparable to the average of all other areas surveyed.

15 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

3. South Wigston Community Forum • The view along several streets is currently disfigured by spider's webs of wires running from telegraph poles. Burying the wires 3.1 Main Towns would be a major improvement to the appearance of the streets. • There are several key buildings on the streets of South Wigston The map overleaf (Map 5) shows the South Wigston Community Forum which are in poor condition, vacant or underused. Conversion of with LSOAs and Neighbourhood Priority Area. these buildings, retaining their appearance and reinstating lost fea- tures will be encouraged. The area forum consists of the main town of South Wigston and a prior- ity neighbourhood. Leicestershire Town and Village Centre Survey

3.1.1 South Wigston Overall, respondents had mixed views about the environment and facili- ties in and around the centre. Indices of multiple deprivation Having a greater range of shops, more specialist shops and the cleanli- The South Wigston Neighbourhood Profile will include information on ness and tidiness of the centre were seen as the areas that needed the the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. The report will be published in Au- most attention in South Wigston. tumn/ Winter 2007. Rubbish and litter lying around, dirty pavements and chewing gum and South Wigston Conservation Area Assessment June 2006 personal theft (or pick pocketing) were seen as the most significant The report identifies a range of specific improvements to the Conserva- problems in South Wigston. tion area. More general comments are included below. 3.2 Priority Neighbourhoods • Re-instatement of boundary walls (in front of terraced housing) would significantly improve the townscape quality 3.2.1 South Wigston • Encouragement should be given to the owners of shops with inap- propriate frontages and signage to replace them with more suitable Neighbourhood Profile and traditional designs. • Adopting a consistent surfacing material for both roads and pave- The Neighbourhood Profile will be produced in Au- ments, and ensuring that reinstatement works are carried out in tumn/ Winter 2007. matching materials would enhance the appearance of the Conser- vation Area • Several streets have accumulated a range of street furniture, some of which is dated, in poor condition.

16 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 5 - South Wigston Community Forum and Neighbourhood Priority Areas

Above: Oadby & Wigston Priority Area

17 Places in Leicestershire September 2007


List of Community Forums and LSOAs

Community Forum LSOA Code Name E01025970 Oadby E01025971 Oadby Fairstone Hill E01025972 Brocks Hill Environment Centre E01025973 Oadby Bupa Hospital E01025974 Oadby Stoughton Drive E01025975 Oadby Stoughton Road E01025976 Oadby Industrial Estate Oadby E01025977 Oadby The Parade & Leicester Racecourse E01025978 Oadby London Road E01025979 Oadby Uplands Road E01025980 Oadby Manor High School E01025981 Oadby Windrush Drive E01025982 Oadby Woodland Grange Primary School E01025983 Oadby Hunters Way E01025984 Oadby Glen Road E01025985 South Wigston Cornwall Business Centre E01025986 South Wigston Kenilworth Road South Wigston E01025987 South Wigston Blaby Road & Saffron Road E01025988 South Wigston Canal Street & Road E01025989 South Wigston Countesthorpe Road E01025990 Wigston Little Hill Primary School E01025991 Wigston Thythorn Primary School & Killy Bridge E01025992 Guthlaxton College & Wigston Police Station E01025993 Wigston Horsewell Lane E01025994 Chartwell Drive Industrial Estate E01025995 Wigston Water Leys Primary School E01025996 South Wigston Burleigh Avenue E01025997 Wigston Rolleston Road Wigston E01025998 Wigston Harcourt E01025999 Wigston Meadow Primary School E01026000 Wigston Meadow Way E01026001 Wigston Newton Lane E01026002 Wigston Leicester Road E01026003 Wigston Centre E01026004 Wigston Glenmere Primary School E01026005 Wigston Willow Park Drive

18 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Map 6 - Output Area Classification

Output Area Classifications were developed by ONS in collaboration with Leeds University. It is based on a number key variables derived from the 2001 Census. The information is based on residents/households and is therefore an accurate reflection of the community that live in that area.

19 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

Further Information

Oadby & Wigston Borough Council Leicestershire Economic Partnership

Leicestershire County Council Leicester Shire Intelligence

Leicestershire County Council Research & Information Team Association of Parish and Local Councils

Leicestershire Online Research Atlas (LSORA) Leicestershire Villages

Leicestershire Together Leicestershire Rural Partnership

Rural Community Council Office of National Statistics

20 Places in Leicestershire September 2007

21 Contact us for:

Information in this publication can be made available in large print, Braille or in tape format. Telephone 0116 305 6977 for further details.

If you would like any of this information in another language please ask and English-speaking person to telephone 0116 305 6977 for more details.


Policy, Research & information Group Chief Executive’s Department Leicestershire County Council County Hall Glenfield Leicestershire LE3 8RA