THE GAZETTF, NOVEMBER 23, 1883. 5641

In Parliament—Session 1884. Tramway (No. 3) will be a single line, except and East Dulvvich Tramways. at the following places, where it will be a double "ine:— (Power to Peckham and East Duhvich Tram- In Lordship-lane.—From a point 0'90 drains ways Company to construct: new tramways in from the north-east abutment of the Crystal the Counties of and Kent; Gauge; Palace High Level Railway Bridge, for* a, . -Use of Hallidie's System of Cable Tramways, distance of 3 chains, measuring in an &c.; Provisions as to User, Repair, &&, of easterly direction. Streets; Tolls; Additional Capital; Agreements In London-road.—From a point 40 links from with Local and Road Authorities; Working the south-west corner of -road, and other Agreements with the London Tram- for a distance of 3 chains, measuring in an ways Company Limited; Amendment of Acts.) easterly direction. "TVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is From a point 3*50 chains north-west of JL ^ , intended to be made to Parliament in the Ihe termination of Tramway (No. 3), for ensuing session for leave to bring in a Bill for a distance of 3 chains, measuring in a south- effecting the purposes, or some of the purposes easterly direction. following (that is to say):— Tramway (No. 4), wholly in the of . To enable the Peckham and , commencing by a junction with Tramways Company (in this Notice called " the Tramway (No. 3), at its termination as herein- Company") to construct and maintain the follow- before described, thence passing in a northerly ing street tramways, in the of St. Giles, direction along London-road, Devonshire-road, , in the county of Surrey, and Lewis- Waldram-road, Stanstead-road, New-road, Stan- ham, iu the county of Kent, or some or one of stead-road, -hill, Rushey-green, and them, or some part or parts thereof respectively Lewisham-road, and terminating at a point in (that is to say) :— the centre of Lewisham-road opposite the flag- • Tramway (No. 1), wholly in the parish of St. staff at the Black Horse Inn. Giles, Camberwell, commencing in Lyndhurst- Tramway (No. 4) will be a single line, except at road at a point iu the centre of that road at the following places where it will be a double its junction with Peckham-road, thence passing line:— in a southerly direction along that road and In Waldram-road.—From a point O35 chains Chadwick- road, and Victoria-road, and terminat- east of the north-east abutment of the ing at a point in the centre of Victoria-road, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway at its junction with Choumert-road. Bridge for a distance of 3 chains, measuring Tramway (No. 1) will be a single line, except in an easterly direction. in the following places, where it will be a double In New-road.—From a point 5'30 chains from line:— the north-west corner of said road, for a In Lyndhurst-road.—Prom a point opposite the distance of 3 chains, measuring in a north- north-east corner of Lyndhurst-square, for a easterly direction. ' distance of 3 chains, measuring in a southerly In Stanstead-road.—From a point 1-20 chains direction. . west of the junction of Stanstead-road with From a point .opposite the south-east Granston-road for a distance of 3 chains, .corner of 'Lyndhurst-grqve, for a distance of ' measuring in an easterly direction. 8 chains, measuring in a southerly direction. From a point 1 chain east of the south- From a point 3 chains to the north of the east corner of Blythehill-lane for a distance junction of Lyndhurst-road with Chadwick- of 3 chains, measuring in an easterly direc- road, for a distance of 3 chains, measuring tion. in a southerly direction. From a point 2 30 chains from the north- Tramway (No. 2), wholly in the said parish of west corner of The Crescent for a distance St. Giles, Camberwell, commencing by a junction of 3 chains, measuring iu an easterly direc- with the authorised tramway of the Company at tion. its termination in Lordship-lane, opposite the In Catford Hill.—From a point 2 chains south- south-west corner of the Plough Inn, thence west of the south-west corner of the road passing in a southerly direction along that lane, leading to Ravensbourne Park for a distance and terminating in that lane opposite the flag- of 3 chains, measuring in a north-easterly staff at the Grove Tavern. direction. Tramway (No. 2) will be a single line, except In Rushey Green.—From a point 1 chain west at the following places, where it Avill be a clouble of the south-west corner of the boundary line:— Avail of the Almshouse of Ilatcliffs Charity, In-Lordship-lane.—From a .point 1-80 chains for a distance of 3 chains, measuring in aii from the south-west corner of the Plough easterly direction. Inn, for a distance of 3 chains, measuring Tramway (No. 5), wholly in the parish of • in a southerly direction. St. Giles, Camberwell, commencing at a point From a point at the junction of Lordship- in the centre of the road opposite the south- lane with Dulwich Court-road, for a dis- east corner of the King's Arms, public-housr, • tance of 3 chains, measuring in a south- and there forming a junction with the authorised easterly direction. tramways of the Company, thence passing in a From a point.3-50 chains, measured in a south-easterly direction along Peckham-rye and north-westerly direction from the termina- Forest Hill-road, Westhall-road, Wood-vale, and tion of Tramway (No. 2), for a distance of Lordship-lane, and terminating in the centre of 3 chains, measuring in a south-easterly that lane at a point 16 yards or thereabouts north- direction. west of the north-west side of the London, Tramway (No. 3), in the parishes of St. Giles, Chatham, and Dover Railway bridge, carrying Camberwoll, and Lewisham, commencing in Lord- that Company's lines over Lord?hip-lane. ship-lane at the termination of Tramway (No. 2) Tramway (No. 5) will be a single line, except thence passing along that lane in a south-easterly at the following places, where it will be a double direction, and along London-road, and terminat- line, viz.:— ing at a point in the centre of . London-road Peckham-rye.—From a point in Ihe centre of opposite the south-east corner of llavolock- the roacl known as Peckham-rye at the junc- terrace. • . tion of the B.arry-road with' thaf- road, for % No, 25290. D