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All Types Why does the US government refuse to investigate the allegations made by the USS Questions Asked Liberty Veterans Association that are contained in their War Crimes Report when the Questions Followed DOD Law of War Program demands that such an investigation be conducted? Asked Sun Answers Posts Your answer to Did really "steal" land from the Palestinians? Wasn't Israel formed the same way many other nations were formed? (Treaties, migration, etc.)? By Topic Added Fri

All Topics Your answer to When Israel was created in 1948 and given the land, what happened Search for a topic to the people who had been living there? Added May 12 By Year Your answer to What are Israelis’ privileges? All Time Added May 12 2019 2018 Your answer to Why does the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in June of 1967 get no 2017 coverage? 2016 Added Apr 27 2015 2014 Your answer to What are some ugly truths about Israel? 2013 Added Apr 9 2012 2011 Your answer to Is it true that Pres. Lyndon Johnson cared more about Israel than the lives of American sailors aboard USS Liberty? Is that why Admiral Geis was told that the president did not care if USS Liberty was sunk to the bottom of the sea compared Sort Order to Israel? Added Mar 9 Newest First Oldest First In the post-WWII era, how many Medals of Honor have been awarded at a site other than the White House and by someone other than the President? Who were the recipients and why were the MOH’s presented outside the White House/not by the President? Asked Dec 25

What are the requirements for joining the IDF and How do you join the IDF? Followed Nov 7, 2018

Your answer to Is it true that "USS LIBERTY" Navy , was attacked on purpose in 1967 by ? Added Oct 21, 2018

Your answer to How did the USS Liberty stay afloat? Added Oct 19, 2018

Your answer to Is the story of the USS Liberty Hamas propaganda? Added Aug 12, 2018

Your answer to Is it true that Israeli in their boats machine gunned US sailors after torpedoing a US naval vessel? Added Aug 10, 2018

Your answer to Is it true that the USS Liberty managed to evade 4 torpedoes launched by Israeli ships? Added Aug 10,3 2018 Home Answer Spaces Notifications Search Quora Add Question or Link

Your answer to On May 14, 2018, 58 Palestinians were killed at Israeli borders, with no Israeli casualties, and Palestinian were the ones labeled terrorists. How does this work? Why does everyone fear offending Israel? Added May 19, 2018

Your answer to How should I compare the reasoning behind the USS Liberty incident and the Iran Air Flight 655 incident? Added Feb 25, 2018

Your answer to Why has Israel attacked USS Liberty's lifeboats? Added Jan 14, 2018

How do you customize a Navy SEAL combat glove? Followed Nov 22, 2017

How are Navy SEAL combat gloves manufactured? Followed Nov 22, 2017

How does the US navy plan to resupply carrier battle groups at sea once it retires the remaining supply class fast combat support ships? Followed Nov 19, 2017