Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 401-411, 1996 Gradient analysis and disturbance history of temperate rain forests of the coast range summit plateau, Valdivia, Chile

Analisis de gradientes e historia de perturbaci6n de bosques de las cimas de la Cordillera de la Costa, Valdivia, Chile


Departamcnto de Ciencias Biol6gicas. Universidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca, Chile. E-mail: clusk


Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of overstorey floristics was used to examine relationships between environmental and compositional gradients in rainforest communities on the summit plateau of the coastal ranges south of Valdivia, Chile. Edaphic, topographic and stand history data were gathered at each site, to examine the relative importance of site and successional influences on stand composition. Variation in overstorey composition of mature forest stands on the summit plateau was associated primarily with collinear gradients of soil drainage and nitrogen status. Edaphic and floristic gradients were rather weakly linked to topographic position, reflecting the influences of spatial variation in parent material on soil development. The abundance of even-aged stands on the coastal range tops, and evidence of both fire and stand blowdown, indicates that local pre-Hispanic disturbance regimes may have differed appreciably from those prevailing at lower altitudes in the same range. There was also evidence of spatial variation in disturbance regimes within the study area. Although minimum stand age did not vary systematically in relation to edaphic gradients, the evidence points to fire as the dominant agent of stand initiation on low fertility sites. whereas stand blowdown appeared to be more common on higher fertility sites. Key words: disturbance regime, cupressoides, Nothofagus, edaphic gradients, succession.


En comunidades boscosas de !as cimas de la Cordillera de la Costa, Valdivia, Chile, se estudiaron !as relaciones entre Ios gradientes ambientales y floristicos, aplicando el analisis de correspondencia con correcci6n de tendencia (DCA) a datos de especies del dose! arb6reo. Datos edaficos, topográficos y de edad de Ios rodales fueron obtenidos de cada parcela, para examinar !as influencias relativas del sitio y de sucesi6n sobre la composici6n del dose!. Se determin6 que la variaci6n en la composici6n de Ios rodales maduros está asociada, principalmente, con gradientes colineales de drenaje y contenido de nitr6geno del suelo. Los gradientes edáficos y floristicos están debilmente vinculados con la posici6n topográfica, reflejando una influencia de variaci6n espacial de la roca madre en el desarrollo del suelo. La abundancia de rodales coetaneos, y !as evidencias de disturbios por vientos e incendios, sugieren que Ios regimenes de perturbaci6n en !as cimas antes del comienzo de la explotaci6n de Ios bosques eran marcadamente diferentes de aquellos que prevalecieron en bosques de elevaciones menores en la misma Cordillera. No obstante, tambien se encontr6 evidencia de variaci6n de Ios regimenes de pe1turbaci6n dentro del área de estudio. Aunque no se detect6 variaci6n sistematica en la edad de Ios rodales en relaci6n a Ios gradientes edáficos, se observ6 evidencia de incendios principalrnente en Ios sitios poco fertiles, mientras evidencias de destrucci6n de rodales por tormentas de viento eran comunes en sitios de fertilidad alta y mediana. Palabras clave: Fitzroya cupressoides, gradiente edáfico, Notlwfagus, regimen de perturbaci6n, sucesi6n.

INTRODUCTION as a result, if disturbance history varies throughout the area studied, gradient studies Landscape-level vegetation patterns are com- based only on site factors may have limited monly interpreted in relation to complex gra- explanatory power (Harmon et al. 1983, dients of climatic, topographic and edaphic Alien & Peet 1990). Disentangling the rela- factors (Whittaker 1956, Peet 1981 ). How- tive influences of site and successional ever, in most forest biomes, succession pro- effects on stand structure and composition is duces temporal shifts in composition; facilitated by stand history data, which in

(Received 26 March 1996; accepted 4 July 1996; managed by Juan J. Armesto) 402 LUSK

temperate forests can often be obtained from Veblen & Ashton 1982). It is clear that mas- -ring studies (e.g. Lorimer 1985). Alter- sive disturbance of the summit plateau forests natively, size-class ordination can be used to also occurred before this period, although the identify succesional relationships between causes are unclear. For example, Philippi vegetation mosaic units (Goff & Zedler ( 1865) described large areas of dead standing 1972, Franklin et al. 1993). F. cupressoides and vigorous regeneration on In the Mediterranean-climate region of the range summit in the mid-19th century, central Chile, as in other semi-arid and sub- without being able to ascertain the causes or humid regions of the world (Alien & Peet date of the implied disturbance. Even-aged 1990), relief and exposition have been shown stands are widespread in the present summit to be major determinants of local vegeta- plateau forests, and some of these clearly tion patterns, through their effects on site predate the definitive establishment of His- moisture balance and evapo-transpiration panic control over southern Chile, a phase (Armesto & Martfnez 1978, Rundel 1981 ). of expansion which began ea. 1750 and cul- However, there has been little quantitative minated in the clearing of large areas of study of the environmental correlates of fine- forest in the mid-19th century (Guarda scale vegetation patterns in the temperate 1973). Therefore, coarse-scale disturbances rainforest region of southern Chile. Fine- may have had an important role in shaping scale compositional variation is also often forest pattern on the summit plateau even tightly linked to topography in humid tem- before Hispanic exploitation of the area. perate regions throughout the world (Whit- The main questions to be addressed in this taker 1956, Gagnon & Bradfield 1987, Burns paper are: (1) how does stand composition at & Leathwick 1996), reflecting topographic a given age vary in relation to geomorphic control of soil physical and chemical proper- and edaphic factors? (2) What role has ties (Jenny 1980) and/or disturbance regimes spatial variation in pre-Hispanic disturbance (Harmon et al. 1983). history played in shaping the present forest In this paper I explore the influences of pattern? This second question is important to topographic, edaphic and historic parameters the understanding of the vegetation mosaic, on composition of rainforest communities as topographic variation in disturbance on the summit plateau of the coastal ranges regimes is a potentially important influence south of Valdivia (Cordillera Pelada). The on floristic composition (Peet 1981, Harmon choice of this area was motivated by the et al. 1983). diversity of the mosaic of vegetation types found within a narrow altitudinal belt on the range summits. The environmental correlates STUDY AREA of the vegetation mosaic have not been examined by quantitative analyses, although The range summit consists of an undulating Veblen & Ashton (1982) suggested that the plateau at 800-1050 m asl, formed from Fitzroya cupressoides (Mol.) Johnst. Paleozoic micaschists with a variable quartz (Cupressaceae) is associated mainly with content (Oyarzun 1985). Soils vary consid- shallow podzol soils, and that except at the erably over short distances in depth, texture, highest altitudes, more fertile brown earths horizon development, and drainage, ranging are generally occupied by mixed evergreen from well-drained brown loams up to 60 cm forest dominated by Nothofagus nitida (Phi!.) deep, to shallow gley podzols. In addition to Krasser (Fagaceae), Saxegothaea conspicua bog communities and Nothofagus antarctica Lindl. () and Laureliopsis phi­ (G. Forster) Oerst. woodlands, the upper lippiana (Looser) Schodde (Monimiaceae). altitude vegetation of the range includes Large areas of forest on the range summit forest stands dominated variously by Fitzro­ were destroyed or damaged by human-set ya cupressoides, Nothofagus nitida, Weinma­ fires in the 19th and 20th centuries, and dur- nnia trichosperma Cav. (Cunionaceae), Sa­ ing the same period Fitzroya cupressoides xegothaea conspicua and Laureliopsis has been widely exploited for its highly- philippiana. Other common canopy and prized timber (Ramirez & Riveros 1975, understorey tree species include Amomyrtus GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF COAST RANGE FORESTS 403

luma (Mol.) Legr. et Kaus. (Myrtaceae), coastal range tops, which includes many flat Drimys winteri J.R. et G. Forster (Winter- or near-flat sites, but few sites that could be aceae), Myrceugenia chrysocarpa (Berg) described as valley bottoms or ridgetops. Kausel (Myrtaceae), Notlwfagus betuloides Most sites therefore fitted into one of four (Mirb.) Oerst., Podocarpus nubigena Lindl. topographic categories: concave slope, (Podocarpaceae), and Pseudopanax laetevi­ midslope, convex slope, flat or near-flat. rens (Gay) Franchet (Araliaceae). These categories were used as a four-point The coastal ranges are characterized by a topographic scale later in the interpretation maritime, superhumid temperate climate. of ordination axes (1 = concave slope, 4 = Mean annual precipitation on the summits flat). A five-point index of exposure was has been estimated at around 4000 mm, in- derived from distance to opposite slope, cluding occasional snowfalls between May estimated from the topographic map ( 1 = < and October, with a marked summer mini- 50 m; 2 = 50-200 m; 3 = 200-800 m; 4 = mum (Almeyda & Saez 1958). No tempera- 800-3000 m; 5 = > 3000 m). ture records were available for the range A soil auger was used to measure total soil summit. depth to bedrock at 4 points evenly-spaced along the long (cross-slope) axis of each plot. At the same 4 points, samples of the upper- METHODS most I 0-15 cm of mineral soil were extract- ed, after removing the organic horizons. The Vegetation sampling homogenized mineral soil samples from each site were analysed for several physical and A compact area of about 6 km2 was sampled, chemical parameters at the Laboratorio de comprising the Piedra del India summit Amilisis Foliar y de Suelos, Universidad de (40° 12' S, 73° 26' E) and the upper reaches Talca: pH, % organic matter, total C, total N, of the Lafiinagual Stream. Vegetation was C: N ratio, extractable P, extactable K, Mg & sampled on 43 0.1 ha plots in this area, all Ca, and% sand, silt & clay. within a narrow altitudinal belt (800-940 m Soil drainage was assessed subjectively as!). Plots were sited systematically using using a 3-point scale. Gleyed soils indicative a 250 m x 250 m grid on a 1: 50,000 scale of chronic waterlogging were scored as I. topographic map. Only stands showing min- Soils with mottling indicative of intermittent imal evidence of logging or fire within the waterlogging were scored as 2, and those last 100 years were sampled, which meant without appreciable mottling were scored that over 70% of potential plot sites within as 3 (well-drained). the study area were rejected. Only tall, clos- ed forest communities were sampled, exclud- Stand age data ing bogs, and Nothofagus antarctica wood- land on valley bottoms strongly affected by Ages of 5-8 canopy or emergent at cold air ponding. Within each plot, the each site were estimated from ring-counts on diameters of all woody stems > 2 m tall were increment cores, as an approximation of time measured at breast height. Nomenclature elapsed since stand-destroying disturbance. follows Marticorena & Quezada (1985). Cores were extracted as close to the ground as possible (usually below 50 cm), and no Geomorphic and edaphic variables correction was made for time to grow to sampling height. Procedures described in Altitude of each plot was determined from a N orton et al. (1987) and Dun can (1989) were topographic map, and slope angle and aspect used to estimate the number of missing rings were measured in the field. A I to 5 scale has for cores that did not include the chronolog- sometimes been used in gradient studies to ical centre of the tree. Only cores including quantify topographic position (1 = valley at least 70% of the geometric radius were bottom, 5 = ridgetop) (e.g. Allen & Peet used for age estimates. 1990). However, this scale proved difficult Minimum stand age was usually defined to apply to the peneplain landscape of the as the greatest tree age determined from ring 404 LUSK counts. However, in stands which contained 770 yrs old. a few trees that were appreciably older than The first two DCA axes were interpreted the main cohort, stand age was expressed as by examining correlations of plot scores the age of the oldest tree found in the main with topographic, edaphic and stand age cohort. In regions where the intervals be- parameters. As several of the site parameters tween stand-destroying disturbances often were non-normally distributed, and as two exceed the lifespan of the longest-lived tree (drainage and exposure indices) were rank species, under-estimates of stand age are pro- variables, non-parametric correlations were bable in old, uneven-aged stands, due to used. As north-south differences in exposi- extinction of the cohort established after the tion usually have much greater relevance to previous coarse-scale disturbance event. vegetation patterns than east-west differen- However, this seems an unlikely scenario in ces, eastern and western deviations from the the present study, due to the widespread polar axis were both collapsed into the same presence of long-lived species such as Fitz­ scale of 0 (north) to 180 (south), in order to roya cupressoides and Saxegothaea conspi­ permit direct correlation of aspect with cua, and the evidence for frequent stand- ordination axes. destroying disturbances. In stands that appeared to be old and uneven-aged, age data Disturbance history were obtained preferentially from these species, in an attempt to minimize under- Non-parametric correlations were used to de- estimates. termine if minimum stand age (and hence, disturbance history) varied systematically in Environmental and floristic gradients relation to topographic and edaphic gradients. As the interest was primarily in disturbance Overstorey compositional variation was regimes prevailing before Hispanic settle- examined by detrended correspondence ment and exploitation of the area, these analysis (DCA), a widely-used multivariate analyses were applied only to stands >200 technique that extracts dominant composi- years old (35 stands). Loss of information tional gradients from a species-by-site matrix resulting from recent human modifications of abundance data (Hill & Gauch 1980). of the vegetation mosaic is probably an im- Numbers of overstorey stems (i.e. ~ 10 cm portant source of error inestimation of pre- dbh) of each species on each plot were used Hispanic disturbance frequencies. In particu- for the analysis, which was run with default lar, timber exploitation has selectively remo- options. Species represented on less than 5 ved or damaged older stands of F. cupressoi­ plots were omitted. des, possibly resulting in under-estimates of In gradient studies it is often desirable to return times for stand-destroying distur- distinguish between site and successional bances in F. cupressoides forests. influences on stand composition. To this end, Franklin et al. ( 1993) examined site-vegeta- tion relationships by ordinating only stands RESULTS "in compositional equilibrium", as determin- ed by concordance of overstorey and under- Axis interpretation: environmental and storey composition. Using this criterion, very compositional gradients few stands on the Cordillera Pelada summits could be considered to be in compositional The first two DCA axes accounted for 36% equilibrium. Instead, I attempted to minimize and 12% of the total variance of overstorey the effects of stand age on site-vegetation composition (Table 1). relationships by running DCA only with Four poorly-defined clusters of plots are stands between 200 and 400 years old (30 apparent when sites are ordinated on the first stands). This procedure gave markedly dif- two DCA axes (Fig. 1). Stands in the first ferent species and site ordinations from cluster from the left (low scores on both earlier trials run with the full data set of 43 axes) were characterized by scattered to den- plots, including stands ranging from 130 to se Nothofagus nitida over a subcanopy of GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF COAST RANGE FORESTS 405

TABLE 1 total nitrogen (-0.72), soil organic matter ( -0.56), and depth (-0.55). The very strong Eigenvalues and gradient lengths for principal axes of DCA ordination correlation with drainage must be interpreted with caution, in view of the subjective nature Eigenvectores, y longitud de gradientes, para Ios ejes principales del ordenamiento DCA of the assessment of this parameter. There were also weaker but statistically significant Axis Eigenvalue % of total Cumulative Gradient relationships with topographic position (r = % variance of total length (sd) 0.52), aspect (-0.43), and C:N ratio (-0.44). I 0.543 35.8 35.8 2.65 Low-scoring stands on axis 1 were therefore 2 0.180 11.8 47.6 2.19 most frequently found on south-facing, concave slopes, and that high-scoring stands Laurelia philippiana and Saxegothaea cons­ tended to occur on flat sites or on north-fac- picua. A small group of plots with fairly low ing, convex slopes. scores on axis 1 and high scores on axis 2 In the species ordination (Fig. 2), low were characterized by Weinmannia trichos­ first axis scores for Amomyrtus luma and perma and N. nitida over S. conspicua. A especially Laureliopsis philippiana indicated dense cluster of plots with intermediate scores that they were associated with well-drained, on both axes were characterized by N. nitida nitrogen-rich, deep soils, which were most over S. conspicua and Podocarpus nubigena, commonly found on concave slopes. In con- and a group of plots with high scores on axis trast, the high scores of Fitzroya cupressoi­ 1 were dominated by Fitzroya cupressoides. des, Nothofagus betuloides and Drimys win­ Compositional variation along the first teri on DCA axis 1 identify them as species ordination axis was associated with soil tolerant of infertile, poorly-drained and fertility factors, which in turn appeared to be shallow soils, which were most frequently rather loosely linked to topography. DCA found on upper slopes and flat sites. N. axis 1 was highly negatively correlated with nitida, with an intermediate score on axis 1, several soil parameters (Table 2), most was found throughout the complete range of notably with with soil drainage (r = -0.82), site conditions sampled in this study.



o+o----~-.------.------.------.2------.------~3 DCA axis 1 (s.d.) Fig. 1: DCA ordination of 30 stands (200-400 yrs old) from the Cordillera Pelada summit plateau. Ordenamiento DCA de 30 rodales (200-400 aiios de edad) de !as cimas de la Cordillera Pelada. 406 LUSK

TABLE 2 were scarce (Fig. 3). 40% of all stands (17 I 43) were between 275 and 324 years old, Spearman rank correlations of plot scores on DCA axes I & 2 with edaphic, topographic suggesting that much of the study area was and stand history parameters (n = 30). affected by coarse-scale disturbance around Critical value (2-tail, 0.05) = +1- 0.37 300 years ago. . Correlaciones no parametricas de Spearman para Ios Minimum stand age was not significantly eJes 1 y 2 del DCA, con panimetros edaficos, topognificos y correlated with soil total nitrogen, which was de historia del rodal (n = 30). Valor crftico = +1- 0,37 used as an index of site fertility (r = 0.159), Parameter Eigenvector 1 Eigenvector 2 or with topographic position (r = -0.133). As these analyses were applied only to stands > Altitude -0.01 -0.33 200 years old, results suggest that stand- Topographic position 0.52 0.38 Exposure 0.29 -0.01 initiating events in the centuries preceding Slope aspect -0.43 -0.26 Hispanic settlement occurred at broadly si- Slope angle -0.42 0.01 milar frequencies on sites of differing topo- Soil depth -0.55 -0.44 Drainage -0.82 -0.27 graphic position and soil fertility. %sand 0.29 -0.15 %silt -0.28 0.21 %clay -0.26 0.04 DISCUSSION % organic matter -0.56 -0.14 Total N -0.72 -0.13 Determinants of stand composition C:N 0.44 0.06 Extractable P 0.02 0.18 " " K -0.26 0.00 Variation in the species composition of .. " Mg -0.36 0.20 mature stands in the summit plateau forests " " Ca 0.25 -0.21 of the Cordillera Pelada is associated pri- pH -0.08 0.01 marily with gradients of soil fertility and Minimum stand age -0.32 -0.17 drainage, which in turn are at least partially controlled by topography. DCA axis 2 did not correlate as strongly In humid temperate mountainous regions as axis 1 with any one of the measured site throughout the world, soil depth and fertility parameters (Table 2), but circumstantial generally increase along topographic evidence suggests that local climatic varia- gradients from ridgetop to gully (Jenny tion (e.g. in minimum temperatures) could be 1980), and vegetation studies show parallel involved. High-scoiing plots tended to be compositional gradients (e.g. Whittaker located in the interior of the range, where 1956, Gagnon & Brad field 1987, Burns & cold air ponding is likely. Low-scoring plots Leathwick 1996). Edaphic and compositional tended to be close to the margin of the sum- gradients are rather weakly linked to topo- mit plateau, where there are fewer topo- graphy on the summit plateau, as demonstrat- graphic barriers to downslope cold air drain- ed by the stronger correlation of DCA axis 1 age. Several of the low-scoring species on with soil drainage, N-content and depth than axis 2 (e.g. Myrceugenia chrysocarpa, with the topographic index (Table 2). This Amomyrtus luma, Podocarpus nubigena) are probably reflects the influences of spatial strongly associated with maritime climates, variation in parent material (mica-schists vs which is consistent with a possible sorting on quartzite) on soil development (Veblen & axis 2 by minimum temperatures. However, Ashton 1982), resulting in considerable given the lack of quantitative evidence, and variation of soil parameters within topo- the relatively low proportion of the total graphic classes. variance explained by this axis, its interpreta- The main compositional gradient also tion was not pursued in depth. showed a weaker correlation with slope aspect, species associated with low soil Distribution of stand ages, and fertility tending to occur more frequently on disturbance history north-facing slopes. Perez et al. (1991) described a similar pattern on the tops of the Minimum stand age ranged from 130 to c. coastal ranges further south, on Isla Grande 770 years, although stands > 400 yrs old de Chiloe. The effect of slope orientation on GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF COAST RANGE FORESTS 407

3 • W. trichosperma

• P. /aetev/rens

2 F. cupressoldes ~ • S. consplcua ... .!d. C\1 Ill ·~ < • D. winter/ 8 • N. nltlda • A luma • P. nub/gena • N. betulo/des 0 • M. chrysocarpa • L. phillppia (18

-1 -1 0 2 3 DCA axis 1 (s.d.)

Fig. 2: Species scores on first two DCA axes, Cordillera Pelada summit plateau, using data from stands 200-400 yrs old. Species are Amomyrtus luma, Drimys winteri, Fitzroya cupressoides, Laureliopsis philippiana, Myrceugenia chrysocar­ pa, Nothofagus betuloides, Nothofagus nitida, Podocarpus nubigena, Pseudo­ panax laetevirens, Saxegothaea conspicua, Weinmannia trichosperma. Ordenamiento DCA de ll especies arb6reas de las cimas de Cordillera Pelada, usando datos de rodales de 200-400 afios de edad.



8 :>, u· r::: Q) 6 :::::1 C'" ....Q) u... 4


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Minimum Stand Age (Yrs)

Fig. 3: Distribution of minimum stand ages for 43 sites on Cordillera Pelada summit plateau. Distribuci6n de edades mfnimas para 43 rodales de las cimas de Cordillera Pelada. 408 LUSK

site water balance and evapo-transpiration The relative frequencies of fire and blow- would be expected to have less bearing on down therefore probably do vary in relation survival and growth in the very humid to site quality in the study area, and this is of climate of Cordillera Pelada than in the interest in that these two disturbance agents Mediterranean region of central Chile. How- may have different consequences for vegeta- ever, aspect could operate in species sorting tion dynamics (see Veblen et al. 1989). How- during extreme weather events such as ever, any spatial variation in disturbance droughts, or through effects on soil develop- regimes that does occur on the summit ment (Alien & Peet 1990). plateau seems likely to be at least partially There was little evidence of variation in controlled by inherent characteristics of the stand age in relation to major environmental vegetation itself (differences in flammability gradients, suggesting prima facie that spatial and windfirmness), which in turn is deter- variation in disturbance frequency was not mined mainly by site quality (Table 2) - con- important in determining the vegetation sistent with the conclusion that soil drainage, mosaic. However, there was some evidence N-content and depth are the key controls on of variation in the dominant agents of distur- vegetation composition. bance in relation to site quality. During soil sampling, charcoal fragments were found in Species' site requirements the mineral soil beneath three Fitzroya cu­ pressoides stands on low fertility sites, and According to Binkley & Vitousek (1989), also on one intermediate fertility site domi- although soil total nitrogen is often a poor nated by Weinmannia trichosperma, Notho­ index of nitrogen availability over small fagus nitida and Saxegothaea conspicua. All gradients and where recent site disturbance is four of these stands belonged to the modal important, it is likely to be a good indicator age class (275-300 years old). In contrast, no for comparisons of undisturbed stands across charcoal was found on high fertility sites. a large N gradient, as is the case in the Although the possibility of poorer charcoal present study. Species' scores on DCA axis 1 preservation on the fertile sites (due to better therefore provide a basis for broad compa- drainage and greater biological activity in the risons of their relative nitrogen requirements. soil) cannot be ruled out, there is therefore In a nutrient gradient experiment with some evidence for higher fire frequency on seedlings of nine tree species of the coast the low fertility sites. This may be related to range forests, Laureliopsis philippiana the frequent location of low fertility sites on showed higher tissue nitrogen content than upper slopes and plateaux, and also to the any other species, and low nutrient availa- flammability of the dominant species (the bility impaired growth of L. philippiana conifer F. cupressoides) which is apparent more than that of any of its associates (Lusk from the destructiveness of 19th and 20th et al. in press). This result is consistent with century human-set fires (Veblen & Ashton L. philippiana's position at the upper end of 1982). the fertility gradient associated with DCA In contrast, stand blowdown is likely to be axis I, suggesting that it is the most nitrogen- more frequent on the higher fertility sites, as demanding of the 11 species. On the other the tallest-growing species there (N. nitida) hand, the association of Fitzroya cupressoi­ is much more susceptible to damage or des and Nothofagus betuloides with the snapping by storms than the very windfirm poorest soils of the study area is in agree- F. cupressoides. Three even-aged stands on ment with other studies which have reported high fertility sites, and two on sites of these species growing on shallow, poorly- moderate fertility, showed strong evidence drained and/or low-nitrogen soils. N. betu­ of a blow-down origin, in that most of the N. loides is one of the first woody to nitida trees appeared to have established on establish on recent glacial moraines in Pata- fallen logs and other elevated microsites (see gonia (Armesto et al. 1992), and both species also Lusk, 1996). No such evidence of stand are frequent colonizers of lava flows and turnover by blowdown was discernible m tephra deposits in the Andes of south-central Fitzroya stands on low fertility sites. Chile (Lara 1991). GRADIENT ANALYSIS OF COAST RANGE FORESTS 409

However, the relatively low score of despite the established belief that fires of Weinmannia trichosperma on axis 1 requires non-anthropogenic origin have not been a some clarification. DCA scores reflect the major evolutionary or ecological influence centre of each species' distribution on the on Chilean vegetation (Rundel 1981), due to gradient, as determined by relative abun- the low frequency of electrical storms. dances of stems 2:: 10 cm db h. While most In looking for the causes of fire in the species presented more-or-less Gaussian Cordillera Pelada during the 17th century, abundance responses to the site quality three possibilities must be considered: (1) nat- gradient, W. trichospenna had a highly skew- ural ignition, (2) Mapuche Indians, and (3) ed response, attaining greatest abundance colonists based at the nearby town of Valdi- near the more fertile end of its range on this via, an isolated Spanish fortified outpost gradient. This resulted in a fairly low score within the Mapuche-controlled south of Chi- on DCA axis 1. Yet, in contrast to L. philip­ le during this period. The latter option seems piana and Amomyrtus luma, W. trichosperma the least likely, as there was apparently mini- was frequently present as a minor component mal Spanish penetration of the hinterland of Fitzroya-dominated stands on very in- around Valdivia before ea. 1750 (Guarda fertile sites. Thus, despite its moderate score 1973). Furthermore, Lara & Aravena (un- on DCA axis I, W. trichosperma is clearly published) have found dendrochronological physiologically tolerant of infertile, poorly- evidence of recurrent fires during the last drained soils. millenium on the Cordillera Pelada summits, Disturbance history on the coastal establishing an important pre-Hispanic role F. cupressoides range summits for fire in the dynamics of forest on the coast range. The Mapuche used In the contrast to the seismically- and volcan- fire as a weapon in wartime (Encina 1954). ically-active Andes, the Chilean coastal They also practised a system of shifting ranges have been considered to be infre- cultivation, and are believed to have used fire quently affected by coarse-scale disturbance both to open up land for cultivation and to (Veblen et al. 1981, Armesto & Fuentes destroy their dwellings before moving on to 1988). Several studies have indicated that establish new settlements (Dillehay 1990). fine-scale gap processes predominate in the The Cordillera Pelada summits seem highly low- to mid-altitude forests of the coastal unlikely sites for Mapuche settlement and ranges, with a consequent dominance by cultivation during this period, in view of the shade-tolerant tree species (Veblen et al. much more favourable climates and soils 1981, Armesto & Fuentes 1988, Lusk, 1996). to be found at lower altitudes in the central However, evidence produced in this paper valley of southern Chile. However, at present shows that pre-Hispanic disturbance regimes there appears to be no evidence that would on the summit plateau of the coastal ranges permit a distinction between natural and Ma- may have differed markedly from those puche-lit fires in this area. prevailing at lower elevations. The abundance The occurrence of extensive fires in such a of even-aged stands ea. 300 years old, and wet climate seems surprising, but is rendered evidence for stand blowdown on several more comprehensible by a consideration of sites, indicates that stand-destroying dis- the significant Mediterranean influence that turbances may have been frequent on the brings summer drought as far south as lati- summit plateau. tude 42° in Chile. Interpolations of rainfall Charcoal found beneath Fitzroya cupres­ maps in Almeya & Saez (1958) indicate that soides stands c. 300 yrs old suggests that fire on average less than 10% of total annual may have been an important cause of stand precipitation on the range summits falls dur- disturbance even before European settlement ing the summer months of December to and exploitation of the range summits. Ar- February. The widespread forest destruction mesto et al. (1995) speculated on a similar and damage caused by 19th and 20th century role of fire in the dynamics of F. cupres­ human-set fires on the range summits soides forests on the coast range summits no doubt that these forests will bum during further south, on Isla Grande de Chiloe, summer if a source of ignition is available. 410 LUSK

Even-aged stands were also present in BURNS BR & JR LEATHWICK (1996) Vegetation- environment relationships at Waipoua Forest, other forest types on more fertile sites. Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand Several of these showed evidence of origin Journal of Botany 34: 79-92. by blow-down (Lusk 1996), indicating that DILLEHA Y TD (1990) Araucanfa: Presente y Pas ado. Edi- torial Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile. 150 pp. wind may also be an important agent of stand DUNCAN RP (1989) An evaluation of errors in tree age replacement on the coastal range summits, estimates based on increment cores in kahikatea especially in Nothofagus nitida-dominant (Ducrycarpus dacrydioides). New Zealand Natural Sciences 1:31-37. forests. The importance of wind disturbances ENCJNA FA (1954) Resumen de la Historia de Chile. Vol. in the dynamics of Nothofagus forests in I. Zig-Zag, Santiago. other southern temperate regions has been FRANKLIN SB, PA ROBERTSON, JS FRALISH, & SM KETTLER. 1993. 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